TeamCity 2016

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TeamCity Get active... Get involved... Get competitive...

Bert Brailsford Sportsperson of the Year 2015/16 Florina Minzat (Fencing)


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02 Hello The 2016/17 sporting season

03 ... and welcome from the Vice-President of Activities and Development

04 What is TeamCity?

Equality, diversity and inclusion Rainbow laces campaign 2016

05 Important dates Welcome week and the sports year ahead

06 CityActive and representative sports CityActive

07 Sport at City – A student perspective 08 CityActive and representative sports Team sports Individual sports



11 British Universities & Colleges Sport London University Sports Leagues University of London Student Central 12 Sports membership card for representative students 13 Sports clubs 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

American Football • Badminton Basketball • Cheerleading Climbing • Cricket Fencing • Football Futsal • Hockey Netball • Rugby Squash • Table Tennis Tennis • Volleyball

21 University of London Sports Clubs 22 TeamCity Social Media

09 A captain’s view of team sport

23 Sports Awards Dinner 2014/15

10 Individual sport at City

24 CitySport

TeamCity 2016/17




It is a pleasure to welcome you to our 2016/17 sporting season. Over the past

few years City has seen phenomenal growth in participation and the scope of the teams and activities available to our students. This year promises an even wider range of opportunities and options and now we are members of the University of London there will be increased possibilities for both our representative students and our CityActive programmes. Our 2015/16 season saw several league promotions and an impressive haul of silverware, including a gold medal in Sabre at the BUCS Championships for Florina Minzat, 3rd year Aeronautical Engineering and Conference Cup wins for both Women’s Volleyball and Men’s Badminton 1sts. These and all of City’s sporting successes were celebrated in style at the Honourable Society of Gray’s Inn on 27th May and to whet your appetite you can see some of the evening’s pictures later in this magazine. We hope to see you all at this year’s event which will be open to all members of the University. We look forward to welcoming you into TeamCity and supporting you in your University life, no matter how much you participate in sport or physical activity. TeamCity is about a lot more than just joining teams. Feel free to pop in and find out more.

Bill Thompson

Head of Sport & Leisure Services

Bill Thompson Head of Sport & Leisure Services

“Our 2015/16 season saw several league promotions and an impressive haul of silverware, including a gold medal in Sabre at the BUCS Championships.”



.. and welcome TeamCity plays a fundamental role in enhancing the student community at City. From social sport opportunities at

CitySport to Sports Night every Wednesday at City Bar (an initiative run in conjunction with The Students’ Union & Sodexo), TeamCity creates a hub for students to relax from their studies and do something different. It is also crucial in establishing skills and for personal development outside the scope of studies, enabling students to develop the life skills which will inevitably assist them in their studies and careers. Thus, TeamCity and their sports teams are an essential partner to the Students’ Union and I look forward to working together, maintaining our positive relationship and continuing to provide students with as many opportunities as possible. The past year has seen many sporting successes, with teams and individuals winning in British Universities and Colleges Sport (BUCS) competition and our outstanding athletes providing City students with a feeling of pride. One of the many things I intend to do in my role as Vice-President of Activities and Development is to work closely with Jan Niyazi, the Students’ Union Sports Officer, to continue building on these successes and encourage more students to become involved in sport. My plans include having a sport information point at all City campuses and working with TeamCity during RAG week, amongst many other wonderful things. I wish all the sports teams the best of luck for this season and I cannot wait to be celebrating with you all at our annual Sports Awards Dinner. I’m also looking forward to competing with many of you at the CityActive social sports throughout the year. And finally, I would like to encourage all students, whether you play sport or not, to feel free to contact me to discuss any issues you may have. I promise I am very friendly and will do my best to help wherever possible.

Sheikh Hassan

Vice-President of Activities and Development City, University of London Students’ Union

Sheikh Hassan Vice-President of Activities and Development City, University of London Students’ Union

TeamCity 2016/17


What is TeamCity? Being part of TeamCity is about much more than representing City University London competitively. Whether you choose to volunteer at our events, help at practice sessions, coach or officiate for one of the representative teams or simply take part in CityActive, you will be part of TeamCity. Joining will not only add to your social network, it will provide great opportunities to develop skills for your future, benefitting your cv and adding to your prospects upon graduation.

Equality and diversity We welcome everyone from City University London’s diverse community to get involved in our sports programme. Our sports clubs, individual sport opportunities and CityActive sessions are open to all City students. The Sport & Leisure Services team at City are committed to promoting diversity, inclusion and equality and ensuring best practice is implemented at all times. All team captains, coaches and staff are encouraged to be welcoming and inclusive when engaging with students participating in sport.

Future training programmes are planned to heighten awareness of the need for inclusion and equality in sport and will feature techniques to address homophobic, transphobic, sexist, racist and other forms of discriminatory language and behaviour both on and off the playing field. TeamCity has signed up to the UK Government Equalities Office (GEO) Charter on homophobia, biphobia and transphobia in

sport, the aim of which is to make sport a welcoming environment for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people. The Charter outlines the importance of creating an environment where everyone is able to participate and enjoy sport, whoever they are and whatever their background. It also seeks to promote fairness, equality, respect and dignity. TeamCity shares the desire to address the issues that affect participation in sport and work to ensure that opportunities to participate are open to and supportive of everyone.

Rainbow Laces campaign 2016 For LGBT+ History Month 2016 several sports teams embellished themselves with rainbow-coloured laces as part of the nationwide #RainbowLaces campaign. The campaign seeks to raise awareness of homophobia, transphobia and biphobia in sport and encourage inclusive sporting environments for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons.


05 Welcome week: 19th to 23rd September 2016

Monday 19th September 2016

Mens Basketball taster session

Tuesday 20 September 2016

Dodgeball at CitySport

Tuesday 20th September 2016

Basketball 3v3 tournament at CitySport

Wednesday 21 September 2016

American Football Flag event

Wednesday 21 September 2016

Rugby Club taster session

Wednesday 21 September 2016

Badminton pop-up event, The Great Hall, Northampton Square

Thursday 22nd September 2016

Volleyball Club taster session

Thursday 22 September 2016

Badminton pop-up event in the Drysdale Garden, Northampton Square

Thursday 22nd September 2016

Last one standing

Thursday 22 September 2016

Badminton Club taster session

Friday 23rd September 2016

Basketball Club open session (men and women)

Tuesday 27th September 2016

Fresher’s Fair at the Barbican

Wednesday 28th September 2016

Netball Club taster session


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The sports year ahead Every Monday during term time

Pongathon at City Bar

Every Wednesday during term time Sports Night at City Bar Every Friday during term time

Sports card holders’ fitness sessions

Monday 19 September 2016

Pre-season fitness for sports teams at CitySport

From Monday 3 October 2016

Representative team training

Monday 26th September to Saturday 8th October 2016

Team trials

Monday 3rd October to Sunday 4th December 2016

CityActive term 1

Wednesday 12th October 2016

BUCS fixtures begin

Monday 23rd January to Sunday 16th April 2017

CityActive term 2

February 2017

BUCS Nationals

March 2017

End of team fixtures (except cricket)



Sports Awards 2017 Alumni Sports Day TeamCity 2016/17



Taking some time away from your studies is important and what better way to enhance your university experience than through sport. Getting involved in the CityActive social sports programme couldn’t be simpler. Just come along by yourself or with friends to one of the coached sessions and join in with everybody else there. You do not need to have played any of the sports before and with no weekly commitment you can come along to as many or as few sessions as you wish. CityActive aims to bring students together; helping you to meet new friends from different courses and helping you learn a new sport in a fun and friendly environment. To get involved all you need to do is turn up at CitySport during term time with your City student ID card, pay and play. And with each CityActive session costing £1.50 there are plenty of reasons to get involved.

“... what better way to enhance your university experience than through sport.”

CityActive sports take place in the Saddlers Sports Hall at CitySport at the following times: Badminton Basketball Fencing Volleyball

Fridays Thursdays Saturdays Sundays

8.15pm to 9.45pm 8.15pm to 9.45pm 10am to 11am 4pm to 5.30pm

The pongathon university challenge, a free weekly social ping pong party is coming to City. Face down the pongbot, a ping pong robot that takes on all-comers, have fun, socialise, play and compete in the end of term tournament to get to the national finals and represent City. Pongathon will take place every Monday during term time from 6pm to 9pm in City Bar.

Sport at City – A student perspective Mafalda Correa BA Journalism and Sociology

When the year started, I was a Journalism student returning from my year abroad to finish my degree at City. A lot of my friends had already graduated while I was abroad, so when I came back I didn’t know many people at university anymore. I decided to join CityActive to meet more people and it was the best decision I could have made. CityActive meant that not only did I become more active because I was playing sport, but it also “I decided to join CityActive gave me the opportunity to meet to meet more people and it a lot of other students, both at was the best decision I could the sports sessions and at the Sport Nights on Wednesdays. have made.” CityActive taught me a lot about people, because you can choose your friends, but you can’t choose your teammates; I had the opportunity to meet and become friends with a lot of people that were very different from my usual group of friends. This definitely improved my social skills and broadened my understanding of people from different nationalities and backgrounds. I think CityActive is a very valuable opportunity to have fun, meet new people and do some exercise all at the same time. So, come down to CitySport, go to the Sports Hall and get involved, you won’t regret it. Get involved!

TeamCity 2016/17




Team sports

There are many opportunities to represent City in competitive team sports. Whether you are a complete beginner, have represented your school or college or even played at county or national level, you can get involved in one or more of our 26 teams. Many of our teams compete in either the British Universities & Colleges Sport (BUCS) leagues or the London Universities Sports Leagues (LUSL) against teams from other universities across the South East of England on Wednesday afternoons. Team trials take place between Monday 26th September and Saturday 8th October 2016. Find the date and time for your specific sports team trials during Welcome Week or by emailing

Individual sports

If your interest is in individual sports and you would like to represent City as an individual or on an elite stage, the Sport & Leisure Services Team can offer support with competition entry, travel costs and possible coaching advice. You will need to present any qualifications, competition records and relevant UK or international rankings (if applicable). To find out more about the individual sport opportunities available at University level through BUCS see the sports page at If you would like to represent City in your sport contact to discuss how we can support you.


A captain’s view of team sport Since joining the Cheerleading Team three years ago I couldn’t wait for the opportunity to be involved in the committee and have my say in running the team. In my second year I became the Fundraising Secretary and took over the Captaincy in my third year. Being part of any sports team is such a rewarding part of university life; it’s fun, challenging, a great social environment and an important addition to any graduate cv. But being part of a sports team’s committee, particularly as Captain, gives you so much responsibility and an even more rewarding experience. With 30 members the cheerleading competition squad is one of the biggest at City, so it’s a big job which can be a bit daunting at times. But with so many people there to help there’s never a need to panic – that’s what Vice-Captains are for. The role of captain is a combination of administration, assisting the coach at training, leading decision making, keeping up team morale and confidence and managing a successful committee, who in turn manage a successful team. In addition to all that the committee is responsible for finances (fundraising), social media, marketing, social events and any other activities the team may like to be involved in, such as charity work. Being a management student, taking a leadership role was a great fit for me, really helping with my degree, although a management degree is in no way a requirement for the job. If you’re already in a team you should definitely consider being part of the committee. It’s a great way to learn new skills and improve those you already have. For me the

big three are: communication, interpersonal and organisational skills and being on a team shows a high level of commitment, dedication and the ability to work with others. From my experience, demonstrating you have these transferable skills and can work as part of a team is a big tick for an employer. Joining any sports team is a great way to meet new people throughout your university journey and the people who make up TeamCity really are a great group. Not only have I made so many friends within cheerleading but I have met so many incredible, hard-working and determined people through the sports programme, the Students’ Union and the other sports teams. Being Captain has helped make my final year the best yet. I’ve had such a great time and I’ve learnt so much. University without cheerleading would have been very different and pretty dull. I’m so happy I went along to the try outs three years ago, even though at the time I was very hesitant. I never thought I would even join the team, let alone be Captain, or win Captain of the Year at this year’s Sports Awards Dinner. It’s been a great journey for me as I’m sure it’s been for my fellow captains. I really couldn’t recommend joining TeamCity enough… through any of the available sports, there are loads, not all compete and many have social teams so anyone can get involved. Being part of a team isn’t just about turning up to training each week, it’s about being part of the whole sports programme, supporting the other teams, making friends and socialising with everyone, across all Schools. It really is about having fun and belonging to the whole sporting community. You’ll regret it if you don’t. (And if you’re reading this considering cheerleading but you think it’s not for you because it’s all tiny girls doing cringey chants with pom poms – it’s not. Go along to the try outs, it’s such a fun and crazy sport and you’ll have a great time with a great group of people.) Harriet Morris BSc Management TeamCity 2016/17


Individual sport at City I started fencing when I was nine, so have fenced for more than half my life. I’ve had a couple of time outs but have always come back as fencing is literally part of my life and it always gives me a boost of self-assurance. I really love this sport as you compete both as an individual and as part of a team, differentiating it from other sports. Fencing, and sport in general, have shaped my personality and I’m so grateful for the chances I’ve been given. I joined City’s Fencing Team in 2012 and it was definitely one of the best decisions I made as a student. I was the only first year at advanced training and everyone was so welcoming and encouraging and believed in me, which made me feel I had known them for years. My English was not great but everyone was so friendly and chatty and this really helped me gain more self-confidence. Being part of the team had so many benefits but the most important one was meeting amazing people who have taught me loads and are now some of my best friends. The last four years have been a very unique and wonderful experience that I will never forget. Our coach, Mark, is amazing and I’m very grateful for his support and having the patience to teach me foil, which for a sabreur is not easy. Having been a professional individual fencer I was fascinated by the different perspective being part of the City team gave me. It made me focus on the whole team rather than just myself, helped me be more versatile as I was training with people from different cultures and helped me learn how to support my teammates through imparting my spirit and ambition to them; always fighting to the end and never giving up. During my first year, the University Sports Centre had been knocked down and we were training in a basement with no changing rooms. With the new CitySport facility the University has really focused on what we as athletes need; an amazing sports hall, loads of studios where the teams can train properly and a great gym with modern equipment. The University provided all the equipment we needed and supported the team members to compete in

“I joined City’s Fencing Team in 2012 and it was definitely one of the best decisions I made as a student.” individual competitions. I believe all the support has helped motivate us to achieve better results. Three years ago I won the silver medal at the BUCS Individual Championships. This year in February, I competed at BUCS in the women’s sabre. To my surprise I won through to the final again. I remember feeling so much pressure because I was so proud to be representing my university. The pressure got even worse as I realised there were very few people supporting me and how could I ignore the huge crowd of support cheering for my adversary from Imperial College. It was a very tough match, I remember struggling with my breath and my body just wouldn’t listen to me anymore. I was stunned and overjoyed when I scored the final hit and was awarded the Gold Medal. Representing the University at National competitions is such a great feeling. It makes you realise that all the hard work pays off and that you can compete and win. Looking back now, all the amazing experiences I’ve had at City have contributed to one of the best victories of my life and I’m very proud to have won gold, while representing City. I definitely encourage all students to get involved in sport while at University. It doesn’t just help you make friends but also develops your mind and body, gets you into a good routine, makes you more responsible and gives you more self-confidence. There is so much happening at City and if you do not get involved you will miss out on all the fun experiences and exciting events going on. My experiences have shown that dreams can come true if you work hard. Your success is in your own hands. Florina Minzat BEng Aeronautical Engineering


British Universities & Colleges Sport British Universities & Colleges Sport (BUCS) is the national governing body for higher education sport in the UK, whose vision is ‘to enhance the student experience through sport’. BUCS deliver more than 50 sports to over 160 universities, comprising a busy league programme of over 4800 teams and over 100 championships knockout competition events every year. They also host the BUCS nationals for individual sport athletes, the UK’s largest annual multi-sport event. BUCS are also responsible for managing and coordinating the Great Britain and Northern Ireland teams for the World University Summer and Winter Games and the World University Championships.

London University Sports Leagues London University Sports Leagues (LUSL) and knockout competitions are also organised by BUCS specifically for universities in the London region. Their rules are a more relaxed than BUCS competitions and they are targeted at less competitive teams or newly formed teams that are just starting out. The aim of LUSL is to create a more fun and relaxed arena to encourage wider participation in sport.

The majority of City’s sports teams compete in the BUCS leagues with a handful participating in LUSL competitions. Whether you are a member of a sports team or an individual athlete you will have the chance to travel around the UK to other university campuses and compete at international standard facilities and iconic venues. All travel costs to away matches are reimbursed by City, University of London.

TeamCity 2016/17


Sports membership card for representative students To represent City in your chosen sport you must first attend a trial or open practice. Once selected for a team you must purchase a sports membership card in order to train and play matches. Cards cost £35 for the academic year and cover you if you represent more than one team during the year. The benefits of the sports membership card include: • Reduced membership prices at CitySport • Free strength and conditioning classes with the CitySport fitness team • Free access to pre-season training sessions • Priority access to TeamCity social activities • Priority ticket booking for the annual Sports Awards Dinner • Access to “Team of the week” discounts at City Bar • Coaching and refereeing course opportunities • BUCS entry fees • Transport to away matches • Loan of representative team kit • Access to training venues • Qualified coached training sessions (where applicable) • Contribution to the cost of match officials. To purchase your card you just need to bring a passport sized photograph, your City ID card and your payment to the CitySport reception where you will be issued with your card. Once purchased, you can represent City throughout the 2016/17 season.

Sports teams American Football

President Nuridin Jan Niyazi Vice-President Shawn Kim 2015/16 awards and key achievements • Most Improved Club of the Year.

“If you’re wondering which sport to get involved in then look no further than the greatest and most upcoming sports team at City. We are the City Sentinels, the largest club at the University with 50+ rookies signing up each year. The 2015/16 season has been one of the best for the City Sentinels so far. We finished the season having won 7 games with only 1 defeat and although we didn’t manage to secure our place in the play-offs, we feel as though we improved on previous seasons and look to keep improving. The City Sentinels now have a platform from which they can further develop into an even greater force in the BUCS division.” The team competes in the BUCS leagues and plays matches at weekends.

Training Thursdays 6pm to 8pm at Drapers Field, E15 2DD Saturdays 10.30am to 12.30pm at Millwall Rugby Football Club, E14 3DN

2015/16 season statistics BUCS league – London 2A League position 2nd Wins 6 Losses 2 Draws 0


“Join the badminton club whether you’re just starting to play or are an advanced player. We have recreational sessions and team training covering all levels. The club is a great way to make new friends and improve your fitness and our Badminton England qualified coach is always available to provide coaching to social members wishing to improve their game. We are a friendly and sociable group, so why not pick up a racket and join us for a game of Badminton, the UK’s most popular played indoor sport.” Men’s and women’s teams both compete in the BUCS leagues and play matches on Wednesdays. 2015/16 awards and key achievements • Men’s team won gold in the BUCS South Eastern Conference Cup • Women’s team won their league and have been promoted. Training (men and women) Tuesdays 8.15pm to 10.15pm at CitySport, EC1V 7DP

Men’s Captain Stefan Roy Men’s Vice-Captain Kevin Liang Women’s Captain Inès Jeanne Women’s Vice-Captain Thi My Hanh Le Men’s 2015/16 season statistics BUCS league – South Eastern 2B League position 3rd Wins 6 Losses 2 Draws 2 Women’s 2015/16 season statistics BUCS league – South Eastern 3A League position 1st Wins 7 Losses 0 Draws 0 TeamCity 2016/17



“This year both the men’s and Women’s teams are playing in the 2nd division leagues and cup competitions, with the men’s goal to return to the 1st division. Our practices and games take place at CitySport and with the spectator seating why not come along and support us? Our teams love to have fun; our trips to Rotterdam have become an annual tradition and during the season we can be found in City Bar most Wednesday nights.”

Sports teams


Men’s and women’s teams both compete in the BUCS leagues and play matches on Wednesdays. 2015/16 awards and key achievements • Club of the Year • Women’s team reached the quarter-finals of the BUCS South Eastern Conference Cup • Men’s team finished 2nd in their league.

Men’s 2015/16 season statistics BUCS league – South Eastern 2B League position 2nd Wins 7 Losses 3 Draws 0 Women’s 2015/16 season statistics BUCS league – South Eastern 2B League position 3rd Wins 5 Losses 4 Draws 0

Training (men and women) Mondays 8.30pm-10.30pm at CitySport, EC1V 7DP

Women’s Captain Nina Sorensen Women’s Vice-Captain Pui Ni Wong Men’s Captain Vladas Kolesnik Men’s Vice-Captain Mihai Suta

Cheerleading “We are the Central City Allstars, City’s competitive cheerleading team. Cheerleading is the most incredible, fun and rewarding sport. We train and compete, with our routines being a combination of stunting (lifting people), tumbling (flips), jumps and dance. It’s hard work but absolutely worth it when performing with such a great group of friends. We really do recommend anyone and everyone to come to try-outs.” The teams compete at three national events per year.

Co-Captains Maddie Smith and Shuen Yee Training Fridays 6pm-8pm at CitySport, EC1V 7DP To get in touch, please email

2015/16 awards and key achievements • Inclusive Club of the Year • Charitable Club of the Year • The Level 1 All Girl team claimed the highest placement in City Cheer history at the Future Cheer Nationals • The team finished 1st in their division at the ICC Nationals, the team’s highest ever placing at this competition • Highest raw score in their division at the BCA Nationals.



2015/16 awards and key achievements • Our team finished 10th out of 35 teams in the London Universities Bouldering Event. Training Wednesdays from 3pm at Mile End Climbing Wall, E3 5BE

“City’s Cricket club is one of the oldest organised clubs at the University and have had some very strong players, both regionally and locally. All levels of players are welcome to try out for the team and we especially like to have fun. Feel free to contact us throughout the season for more information.”

“We are based at the Mile End Climbing Wall where we have training sessions every Tuesday evening. There are a large number of us who also climb recreationally as part of the Mountaineering Society, also at Mile End with socials every Wednesday. Its great fun so don’t be afraid to come and try it. We hope to see you soon.” This year we will be competing at all four rounds of the London University Bouldering Event (LUBE) and our top climbers will compete at the BUCS Nationals in Sheffield in March. Co-Captains Alexis Skitini and Ryan Chan


The team competes in the BUCS indoor league from October to March at weekends and in the BUCS outdoor league from April to June on Wednesdays. Captain Omar Khan Training Thursdays 6pm to 7.30pm at CitySport, EC1V 7DP 2015/16 indoor season statistics BUCS league – South Eastern A League position 3rd Wins 5 Losses 2 Draws 0 2015/16 outdoor season statistics BUCS league – South Eastern 3B League position 5th Wins 1 Losses 4 Draws 0 TeamCity 2016/17

“Why just watch Game of Thrones and wish you could hold a sword? Get involved yourself. Joining the Fencing Club is a great way to meet new people and release any frustrations that the University may throw your way. We welcome beginners to our introduction to fencing programme and if you are experienced, why not compete for the University? We fence in league competitions and send athletes to the Individual Championships where we’ve previously won medals.”

Sports teams


Men’s and women’s teams both compete in BUCS leagues and play matches on Wednesdays. Men’s Co-Captains David NG and Ludvig Flyborg Women’s captain Victoria Julseth

Training (men and women) Saturdays 11am to 1pm at CitySport, EC1V 7DP


2015/16 awards and key achievements • Women’s team finished 2nd in their league • Florina Minzat won gold in Sabre at the BUCS Nationals • Menna Kamal won gold in Sabre at the Invicta Open Fencing Competition.


Men’s 1st Team Captain Vishal Joshi Men’s 2nd Team Co-Captains Michael Sawyer-Stone and Gul Reza Khan-Tareen Men’s training Mondays 6pm to 8pm at Drapers Field, E15 2DD

Men: 2015/16 season statistics BUCS league – South Eastern 1A League position 5th Wins 4 Losses 6 Draws 0 Women: 2015/16 season statistics BUCS league – South Eastern 2A League position 2nd Wins 6 Losses 2 Draws 0

“We are looking for passionate players who would be proud to represent City both on and off the pitch. Players of all abilities are welcome to attend trials in September and we encourage anybody who enjoys playing to try out. With weekly socials it is a really fun and welcoming environment to meet people while keeping fit and providing an outlet for your competitive edge.” Both teams compete in the BUCS leagues and play matches on Wednesday afternoons.

Men’s 1st Team 2015/16 season statistics BUCS league – South Eastern 5D League position 2nd Wins 5 Losses 4 Draws 1 Men’s 2nd Team 2015/16 season statistics BUCS league – South Eastern 7B League position 3th Wins 1 Losses 6 Draws 2

To get in touch, please email

2015/16 awards and key achievements • Men’s 1sts finished 2nd in their league.

Futsal Co-Captains Bernardo Assis Teixeira and Ricardo Chadwick Ros

“Futsal is a fast-paced and challenging sport that incorporates a diverse number of players and styles. The Futsal team at City have built a family that trains and plays as a unit, developing our physical strength, stamina and teamwork. We are together on and off the pitch and that is what made it possible for us to reach 2nd place in our first season. We aspire to even greater achievements, so if you would like to be part of our amazing club, join us at the trials. Go City.” The team competes in the BUCS leagues and plays matches at weekends. 2015/16 awards and key achievements • The team finished 2nd in their league.

Training Thursdays 5.45pm to 7.45pm at CitySport, EC1V 7DP


“University is the time and place to meet new people and create life long memories. There is no better place to do this than at City Hockey Club. We welcome everyone; whether you wish to play competitively, pick up a new hobby or just get involved in the social life of a club. Both Men’s and Women’s teams compete in the LUSL leagues and train at the Olympic Park. For those of you who may not feel confident with the sport, be reassured, many new players join us each year and are taught from the very beginning, so no new player will be out of place. We look forward to you getting involved and creating a strong and positive 2016/17 season.”

2015/16 season statistics BUCS league – South Eastern 2B League position 2nd Wins 7 Losses 2 Draws 1

Both teams compete in the London Universities Sports Leagues (LUSL) and play matches at weekends. Men’s Captain Thomas Schmidt Men’s Vice-Captain Khush Barhey Women’s Co-Captains Tanzyla Khan Tareen and Sam Mather Women’s Vice-Captain Tanzyla Khan Tareen Training (men and women) Wednesdays 6.30pm to 8.15pm at Lee Valley Hockey & Tennis Centre, E20 3AD

2015/16 awards and key achievements • Women’s team won their league and have been promoted • Women’s team raised £222 and gave half the funds to the charity Parkinson’s UK.

Men: 2015/16 season statistics LUSL Division 2 League position 4st Wins 5 Losses 2 Draws 0 Women: 2015/16 season statistics LUSL Division 3 League position 1st Wins 9 Losses 0 Draws 1

TeamCity 2016/17




Sports teams

Co-Captains Courtney Eastman and Ellie Burston 2015/16 awards and key achievements • The team won their league and were promoted.

2015/16 season statistics BUCS league – South Eastern 8B League position 1st Wins 7 Losses 3 Draws 0

Training Tuesdays 6pm to 8pm at CitySport, EC1V 7DP

“We’re lucky to train and play our home games at CitySport, just five minutes walk from the main campus (and a five minute walk to City Bar after), with our brilliant coach Claire Shapland. This year we’re really excited to be fielding a second team to make netball bigger and better, giving more players the chance to play competitively each week. The social side of netball is just as important to us as the competitive side and with our new social secretary Anamiha we’re hoping to host even more socials. We look forward to meeting you all at the Freshers Fair and trials. Players of all levels are welcome to come to trials, training and socials to ensure we have a year as great as the last.” The team competes in the BUCS leagues and plays matches on Wednesdays.


“The City Rugby Club has made fantastic strides over the last three years, with the men’s team being undefeated at home and a new women’s team being established.

Although we are a highly competitive club, there are no trials; we accept students of all abilities, even if you’ve never played rugby before. We aim to be as inclusive as possible, and endeavour to make sure everyone who wants to play matches gets a game. Everyone is welcome to train with us, improve their fitness and contribute to the fantastic social life that revolves around the club.

Men’s training Mondays 6pm to 8pm at East London Rugby Football Club, E15 3BP Women’s training Wednesdays 2pm to 4pm at Regent’s Park, NW1 4NR Men’s Captain Tom O’Dell Women’s Captain Anouchka Harris

City Women’s Rugby participates in a collaborative team with other London universities, called the Lil Babas. As a new team, focus is on improvement and having fun. Following a great start last year the team train and play hard and look forward to welcoming newcomers to the squad.” The men’s team competes in the BUCS leagues, playing matches on Wednesdays and the women’s team competes in LUSL, playing matches at weekends. Men: 2015/16 season statistics BUCS league – South Eastern 4B League position 2nd Wins 7 Losses 2 Draws 1 Women: 2015/16 season statistics Won 2 out of 2 friendly matches

To get in touch, please email

2015/16 awards and key achievements • Men’s team finished 2nd in their league • Men’s team reached the semifinal of the BUCS South Eastern Conference Cup.


Men’s Captain Ben Vandervelde Women’s Captain Avina Trivedy

Squash “If you’re eager to perfect your drops, drives and boasts or to simply delve into a new sport that will give you a chance to improve your ball skills, speed and reflexes - squash is the sport for you. Our men’s and women’s teams train together and compete regularly against other universities and we also enjoy nights out together at City Bar after a match. Come over to our stand at the Freshers’ Fair- we’d love for you to join.” Men’s and women’s teams both compete in the BUCS leagues and play matches on Wednesdays. Training (men and women) Mondays 2pm to 4pm and Saturdays 12pm to 2pm at Finsbury Leisure Centre, EC1V 3PU

Men: 2015/16 season statistics BUCS league – South Eastern 4A League position 1st Wins 4 Losses 1 Draws 0 Women: 2015/16 season statistics BUCS league – South Eastern 2B League position 5th Wins 2 Losses 3 Draws 0

2015/16 awards and key achievements • Men’s team won their league and have been promoted • Women’s team reached the BUCS South Eastern Conference Cup semi-final.

Table Tennis “If you like speed and enjoy playing to the maximum of your ability you must join the Table Tennis Team at City. Table Tennis is a brilliant sport combining quick reflexes with nerve and with balls regularly hitting speeds in excessive of 40 mph you have to move fast. We play hard and we love to win, so if this sounds like something you’d enjoy come for a session and let’s see what you’ve got. We also welcome new players who want to learn the game.” The team competes in the BUCS leagues and plays matches on Wednesdays.

2015/16 season statistics BUCS league – South Eastern 3A League position 4th Wins 3 Losses 3 Draws 0

Captain Yew Lee Training Tuesdays 6pm to 8pm at CitySport, EC1V 7DP TeamCity 2016/17

Sports teams



“Hard hitting, baseline driving, aggressive tennis. That’s what our opponents say about us but we also enjoy social matches and partying. Our training is fun and while we do want players with experience (some of our team have played Davis Cup) we also know that sometimes it takes time to develop. Come and speak with us at Freshers Fair or email us to find out how to get involved.” Both teams compete in the BUCS leagues and play matches on Wednesdays.

Men’s Captain Ilya Melkumov Women’s Captain Uma Koshi Women’s Vice-Captain Christiane Carling Men: 2015/16 season statistics BUCS league – South Eastern 3A League position 1st Wins 8 Losses 0 Draws 2 Women: 2015/16 season statistics BUCS league – South Eastern 3A League position 1st Wins 9 Losses 0 Draws 0

2015/16 awards and key achievements • Women’s team won Team of the Year • Women’s team won their league and have been promoted • Men’s team won their league and have been promoted.

Men’s training Saturdays 5pm to 8pm at Lee Valley Hockey & Tennis Centre, E20 3AD Women’s training Sundays 1pm to 3pm at Westway Sports & Fitness Centre, W10 6RP


Training (men and women) Mondays 6pm to 8pm at CitySport, EC1V 7DP

Women: 2015/16 season statistics BUCS league – South Eastern 3B League position 1st Wins 5 Losses 0 Draws 0 Mixed: 2015/16 season statistics BUCS league – LUSL Premier League position 3rd Wins 5 Losses 2 Draws 0

“Last year was our first year of competition. The women’s team played their first year in the BUCS league and a mixed team played in the LUSL leagues, both exceeding expectations as brand new teams. This year, the women’s team will continue competing in BUCS after having won their league and we are entering a men’s team into BUCS for the first time. If you are an experienced player and are looking to play competitively, get in touch with our captains or come and find us at Freshers’ Fair for more information. If you are interested in learning how to play or just want to have a friendly volley with some other City students, CityActive social sessions take place every week at CitySport and are open to all levels.”

To get in touch, please email

Men’s Co-Captains Abdu Elmagdoub and Frazer Er Women’s Co-Captains Sofia Quaglia and Nurperi Yigit Both the men’s and women’s teams compete in the BUCS leagues and have matches on Wednesdays. 2015/16 awards and key achievements • Best Marketing & Public Relations Award • Women’s team finished 1st in BUCS South Eastern Division 3B • Women’s team won the BUCS South Eastern Conference Cup • Mixed team finished 3rd in the LUSL Premier League • Women’s team tied for 1st in the Volleyball England National Student Cup Qualifiers.


University of London sports clubs From February 2016 City students have been eligible to join University of London (UoL) sports clubs as a result of City joining the University of London. UoL offers many sports that City does not and they are a fantastic opportunity to get to know students from other London universities. Sports clubs include: • Archery • Athletics, Cross Country and Triathlon • Canoe Polo • Ice Hockey • Jiu jitsu • Judo • Karate • Lacrosse • Polo • Rifle • Rowing • Sailing • Scuba diving • Shaolin Kung Fu • Swimming To find out more email or visit the UoL Student Central website www.studentcentral. london/activities/clubsandsocs/sportssocs Joining fees for UoL sports clubs may differ from City sports clubs. In addition, each academic year students are required to choose whether to compete on behalf of either City or UoL in BUCS competitions. It is not possible to compete for both institutions in the same year due to BUCS regulations. TeamCity 2016/17


TeamCity social media For all City sports news and sports programme information follow us on cityuniversityoflondonsport You can also follow the individual sports teams on: Club American Football Badminton (men and women) Basketball (men and women) Cheerleading Climbing Cricket Fencing (men and women) Football Men (1st and 2nd teams) Football (women) Futsal Hockey (men and women) Netball Rugby men Rugby women Squash (men and women) Table Tennis (men and women) Table Tennis (men and women) Volleyball (men and women)


Twitter @CitySentinels

Instagram @City_Sentinels

@cityunibballteam @_CentralCity_ CUMCInfo citycricket CityUniversityFencing


@city_uni_football CityUniversityWomensFootballClub cityuniversitylondonfutsal CityUniversitySquash groups/1440840479497792 groups/1028503143848019


@city_unihockey @cityuninetball @cityunirugby @rugby_baba




To stay up to date with everything that is going on at CitySport follow them on


Sports honours 2015/16

Team of the Year Women’s Tennis Club of the Year Basketball Most Improved Club of the Year American Football Inclusive Club of the Year Cheerleading Charitable Club of the Year Cheerleading Captain of the Year Harriet Morris (Cheerleading) Bert Brailsford Sportsperson of the Year Florina Minzat (Fencing) Service to Sport Kiren Gaidhu (Women’s Volleyball) Newcomer of the Year Shuen Yee Hui (Cheerleading)

Photographs: Zoltán Mészáros

TeamCity 2016/17


CitySport CitySport is the largest student sports facility in central London and we opened the doors for the first time on 2nd February 2015. It is open to students, staff and alumni as well as the public. It was officially opened by Dani King MBE, Olympic Champion, threetime World Champion and World Record Holder in Women’s Team Pursuit cycling. As a University sports facility, CitySport is very different to commercial gym chains. We have the most up-to-date, high-tech equipment you’d expect from a new sports and fitness centre in London, with professional trainers, smart facilities and exceptional studio space. The 120+ station gym includes the latest cardiovascular and resistance equipment and an extensive range of free weights and functional training rigs.

CitySport is also home to four studios accommodating a comprehensive range of dynamic fitness, dance and wellbeing classes.

However CitySport offers more than that. At its heart is the Saddlers Sports Hall, providing Sport England standard courts fitted with fully sprung competition flooring and bespoke seating for up to 400 spectators. As well as being the hub for City’s representative teams and CityActive social sports the facilities provide the opportunity for a variety of team and individual sports. So if you want to come with friends or colleagues for a game of badminton or a 5-a-side football match, we have the space.

Fitness classes include: Bosu, Box Fusion, Fast Class (Circuit, Core, Move & Flex and Primal Movement), Free Style Pump, HIIT, Jamaican Dance Hall, Pad Workout, Power Sculpt, Step, Strength & Tone and Zumba.

“CitySport is the largest student sports facility in central London”

Wellbeing and dance classes include: Dynamic Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Pilates, Rocket Yoga and Vinyasa Flow Yoga.

External sports facilities City’s sports clubs also have access to a variety of Londonbased sports facilities.

CitySport offers flexible student membership fees CitySport also boasts a dedicated indoor cycling studio featuring the virtual Myride® system for taught classes and virtual instructed workouts on demand. One hour classes, half hour fast classes, 20 minute strength or endurance drills are all available.

These outstanding facilities for fitness, well-being and competitive sport mark a significant step forward in the University’s sports provision for students, staff and the local community. See what we have to offer at or contact us at

• Pay as you go


• Monthly


• 12 weeks


• Annual


The Cricket Club plays at the prestigious Academy Cricket Ground in Woolwich that was recently regenerated and is believed to be the oldest cricket pitch in England. The Tennis teams practice at the Lee Valley Tennis & Hockey Centre and play at the Islington Tennis Centre, one of the busiest tennis centres in the country. The Rugby Club train at the Memorial Grounds, the home of the East London Rugby Football Club and a former home ground of West Ham Football Club. The Hockey club train and play at the Lee Valley Hockey and Tennis Centre on the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. This high-quality venue hosted the European Hockey Championships in August last year and will host the Hockey Women’s World Cup in 2018.

TeamCity CitySport The Franklin Building 124 Goswell Road London EC1V 7DP

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Telephone enquiries +44 (0) 20 7040 5656

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City, University of London is an independent member institution of the University of London. Established by Royal Charter in 1836, the University of London consists of 18 independent member institutions withoutstanding global reputations and several prestigious central academic bodies and activities.

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