Weekly events (term time)
The year ahead
Getting involved
Life at City
Monday 14:00 – 15:30 Financial support drop-in Tuesday 10:00 – 12:00 Financial support appointments 13:00 – 14:00 Employability Skills Programme (from 30th September to 25th November) 14:30 – 16:30 Visa advice drop-in 18:00 – 19:00 Employability Skills Programme (from 30th September to 25th November)
18:00 – 20:00 Bootstrap Business Seminar (CityStarters) Wednesday 10:00 – 13:00 Visa advice appointments Thursday 10:30 – 12:30 Visa advice drop-in 14:00 – 15:30 Financial support drop-in Friday 10:00 – 12:00 Financial support appointments 14:00 – 17:00 Visa advice appointments
Dates for your diary September 2014 27th Sports teams trials beginn 29 Autumn term teaching begins for undergraduate and taught postgraduate students th
October 2014 1st Banking, Finance & Consultancy Careers Fair 5th Final sports teams trials 7th City StartupFest: Student Enterprise Fair (CityStarters) Launch: CitySpark enterprise competition (CityStarters) 8th Engineering, Science & Technology Careers Fair 10th Application deadline: Professional Mentoring Scheme Application deadline: Widening Participation Ambassadors 15th Law Careers Fair 15th British Universities & Colleges Sport (BUCS) matches begin 20th – 24th Green City Week 22nd City Volunteering Fair 22th – 29th Week one of London Student Volunteering Fortnight
29th Application deadline: Volunteer Management Programme 30th Start-up surgery at The Hangout Founders' Thursday networking event (CityStarters) 31st Application deadline: Snapshot Scheme November 2014
25th Accommodation Fair 23rd – 27th Week one of Fairtrade Fortnight 27th – 29th BUCS Gatorade Nationals, Sheffield March 2015 2nd – 6th Week two of Fairtrade Fortnight
29th October – 5th November Week two of London Student Volunteering Fortnight
7th Application deadline: Become a CityBuddy
27th Start-up surgery at The Hangout Founders' Thursday networking event (CityStarters)
23rd – 28th Student Volunteering Week
December 2014 4th CitySpark Autumn Final and prizegiving (CityStarters) 12th Autumn term teaching finishes for undergraduate and taught postgraduate students January 2015 12th Assessment period for some undergraduate courses begins 23rd Assessment period ends 26th Spring term teaching begins for undergraduate and taught postgraduate students 26th January Graduation ceremonies begin February 2015 20th – 22nd BUCS Athletics Indoor Championships
The year ahead
24th – 25th BUCS Big Wednesday, Loughborough April 2015 10th Spring term teaching ends for undergraduate and taught postgraduate students May 2015 2nd – 4th Outdoor Athletics Championships 11th Summer term assessment begins for some undergraduate and taught postgraduate courses June 2015 5th Summer term assessment ends for some undergraduate and taught postgraduate courses July 2015 13th Graduation ceremonies begin
Life at City
International students City has a team of dedicated International Student Advisers who can assist students from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) with UK visa, passport and immigration issues. We can help at any stage: before you travel to the UK and begin your course; while you are in the UK and studying; and as you finish your degree, particularly if you hope to work in the UK after your studies.
How do I access City’s Visa Advice Service? There is a dedicated section of the City website for visa advice: this should be your first stop! To speak to an adviser face-to-face, you can attend drop-in sessions or book an appointment at the Student Centre: see page 3 for dates and times.
Does City need to check my passport and visa? Yes, the University is required to check your eligibility to study in the UK before you can commence your studies. This will occur at in-person registration. Please see www.city. ac.uk/new-students/registration for more information.
My visa says I need to register with the police. What should I do?
The Student Centre The Student Centre is your first point of contact for information about the University and the services it provides. We can help with accommodation, financial support, visa and immigration advice, payment of fees, replacement ID cards and general enquiries, including registration, exams and graduation. Location Level 2, University Building,
If your visa indicates that you are required to register with the police, this is a legal requirement of your stay in the UK and you must ensure that you do so. City University London has an arrangement with the Overseas Visitors Records Office to help our students with this process. Visit our visa advice webpages or call at the Student Centre to access the registration form and find out more about what you need to submit.
I have a Tier 4 Student Visa. What do I need to know about this? If you are in the UK on a Tier 4 Student Visa sponsored by City University London, it is essential that you are aware of your responsibilities and of the responsibilities that the University has in relation to being your Tier 4 sponsor. Be sure to visit our dedicated Tier 4 Student Visa webpages.
Am I entitled to work parttime while I’m studying at City? If you have a Tier 4 Student Visa, you may work up to 20 hours a week during term time and full-time during University vacations. Any work you undertake must be temporary: you may not fill a permanent full-time vacancy on a Tier 4 Student Visa. You can also undertake a full-time work placement during term time if it is an assessed part of your course. Visit our webpages for more information.
Location Level 2, University Building Opening hours 09:30–17:30 Monday to Friday (Thursdays 10:30–17:30) www.city.ac.uk/visaadvice
Opening hours
for general visa issues www.city.ac.uk/studentvisa
09:30–17:30 Monday to Friday (Thursdays 10:30–17:30)
for Tier 4 Student Visa issues. visaadvice@city.ac.uk +44 (0)20 7040 8831/8226/3262
Accommodation I have nowhere to live: what should I do?
Life at City
The Accommodation team is based in the Student Centre and handles all applications to City’s nominated Halls of Residence. It also assists students with sourcing private accommodation in London. The team is happy to help with any questions related to accommodation.
The University Halls are usually full at the start of the academic year but vacancies do arise throughout the year and you can apply for housing online through the City accommodation webpages. We consider the date of the application and whether you have a medical condition or disability when we prioritise applications.
Where can I get advice on finding private accommodation? On our webpages you will find information about private housing and a link to StudentPad, which is a database of private landlords. StudentPad has a message board on which you can leave your details and meet other students looking to share accommodation.
I’m not happy in my room in Halls of Residence: is there anything I can do? If your problem relates to maintenance or noise, the staff at the Hall reception can help. If you wish to change your room, they can also assist, subject to room availability. If you wish to move out of the Hall, please contact the Student Centre. Staff there can provide a Leaver’s Form for you to complete and they will begin to search for another student to fill your room. You will be financially liable for your room until a student replacement is found.
Location Level 2, University Building Opening hours 09:30–17:30 Monday to Friday (Thursdays 10:30–17:30) www.city.ac.uk/accommodation for general accommodation information www.citystudentpad.co.uk/ accommodation for a database of private landlords www.city.ac.uk/private-housing for guidance on finding private accommodation accomm@city.ac.uk +44 (0)20 7040 7040 5
Life at City
Finance The Financial Support team can help with all matters concerning the funding of your studies both before your course begins and while you are studying at City. The team can provide up-to-date information on student funding and finance.
When will I receive my undergraduate student finance? Once you have registered, City will confirm your enrolment to the Student Loans Company (SLC), which will then pay your student finance (e.g., maintenance loan) within three to five working days directly into the bank account that you specified in your application to them.
My student finance has not yet been confirmed: what help can I get from City? City can provide a limited shortterm loan if there is a significant delay in receiving your student finance. To be eligible for this loan, you will need to demonstrate that you have applied for student finance. If you require assistance, please attend a Financial Support drop-in session or book an appointment at the Student Centre: see page 3 for dates and times.
Location Level 2, University Building Opening hours 09:30–17:30 Monday to Friday (Thursdays 10:30–17:30) www.city.ac.uk/study/ undergraduate/ funding-and-financial-support for undergraduate information www.city.ac.uk/study/ postgraduate/funding-andfinancial-support for postgraduate information fundsservice@city.ac.uk +44 (0)20 7040 7040 6
Are there any scholarships and bursaries available? There are a range of scholarships and bursaries available to new undergraduate students. Some require an application and others are awarded automatically to eligible students. Visit our website for more information and for application deadlines. There are also scholarships and bursaries available for postgraduate students. Visit our website for more information or attend a meeting with a member of the Financial Support team, who can provide guidance on applying for funding.
What should I do if I run into financial difficulties during the year? If you are struggling to pay your rent or other living expenses, the University can help. There is a Hardship Fund for students facing unexpected financial difficulties. Book an appointment with a member of the Financial Support team, or attend one of the drop-in sessions, as soon as possible. To receive help from the Fund, you will need to complete an online form and provide evidence in support of your application.
Life at City
Life at City
2014/15 Students' Union Sabbatical Officers, from left to right: Issy Cooke, Rima Amin and Natalia Rajapakse.
Student Counselling and Mental Health Service The Student Counselling and Mental Health Service is accessible and free of charge for City students. Here you can talk about anything that is troubling you with a professional and experienced member of the team who is sensitive to the needs of all students.
How can I access the Service? The service is confidential. We provide lunchtime drop-in hours every weekday at 13:00 when you can come along for an initial consultation. After this session, you may be offered short-term individual counselling, longer-term group counselling, mentoring or mental health advice. If you cannot get to the lunchtime drop-in, you may contact us to make an appointment at another time.
What should I do if I need to speak to someone immediately? During term time, you can call London Nightline, a confidential listening, support and practical information service for students, run by trained student volunteers. Nightline is open between 18:00 and 08:00.The number is 020 7631 0101. The Samaritans is a charity that provides a listening ear to anyone in distress, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The number is 08457 909090.
Location Level 1, Drysdale Building, Northampton Square Opening hours 09:00–17:00 Monday to Friday www.city.ac.uk/counselling
Have you spent time in local authority care? If so, you may be entitled to additional support from City to help you while you are studying. A Designated Member of Staff (DMS), located in CityCareers, will be your first point of contact. Your DMS can advocate on your behalf, help you link up with your local authority or direct you to the most appropriate service for your needs. We recognise that the circumstances of every student are different, so the earlier you talk to your DMS, the sooner we can begin to support you. To let us know that you have spent time in care, please contact Rupa Lakhani using the contact details below. The support that we can offer includes: • A £2,500/year Care Leavers Bursary • Priority for student accommodation • A guaranteed CityBuddy, or peer mentor, to support you in your first year • For second and third year students, a guaranteed interview on the Professional Mentoring Scheme • Careers guidance • Mental health mentoring • Counselling • Disability support (subject to eligibility) • Financial support. Please note that some of these services are available subject to eligibility. Location Level 1, Drysdale Building Opening hours
09:00 - 17:00 Monday to Friday (Thursdays 10:30 - 17:00) www.city.ac.uk/care-leavers
+44 (0) 20 70408094
+44 (0)20 7040 4173
Support for care leavers
Learning Success
Academic Learning Support works with all students to help with the development of effective study skills including critical writing, revision techniques and understanding assignment guidelines. We provide one-toone support and workshops throughout the year.
Am I obliged to disclose a disability to the University?
The Learning Success team at City provides services in three areas: dyslexia support, disability support, and academic learning support.
No, but if you register with Learning Success we can discuss adjustments which can help ensure that you are not disadvantaged while you are studying. We offer a confidential service and will only share information about you with your permission.
Am I entitled to any additional funding because of my disability? Home students with a disability, mental health condition or learning difficulty which affects their ability to study are entitled to apply for Disabled Students’ Allowances (DSAs) through Student Finance England (SFE) or the NHS. More information can be found at: www.direct.gov.uk/ studentfinance or www.nhsbsa.nhs/Students.aspx.
Are international students entitled to any support? While international students are not eligible to apply for DSAs, they are entitled to ‘reasonable adjustments’ to help them study. You should book an appointment with Learning Success for further advice. Location Student Centre, Level 2, University Building, Northampton Square Opening hours 09:30–17:30 Monday to Friday (Thursdays 10:30–17:30) www.city.ac.uk/studentcentre disability@city.ac.uk dyslexia@city.ac.uk academiclearningsupport @city.ac.uk +44 (0)20 7040 0246 11
Chaplaincy and Faith Advisory team The Chaplaincy and Faith Advisory team supports people of all faiths and those of no faith and it provides a service to all members of the University community. The team comprises a Chaplaincy Coordinator, Reverend Ian Worsfold, the University Imam, Sheikh Musa Admani and four Honorary Chaplains: Reverend David Allen, Reverend Andrew Baughen, Rabbi Gavin Broder and Father Gregory Wellington.
What does the team do? Our multi-faith team has a diverse role to play in the life of the University. Services provided include the following: • Faith support and advice to students and staff • Ceremonial duties • Information on local places of worship and local religious communities • Resources for interfaith dialogue • Bereavement advice.
Is support from the Chaplaincy team available to everyone? Yes, support is provided to people of all faiths and none. The Chaplaincy team provide general guidance for anyone in need and act as a “listening ear”. The chaplains are available to everyone and you can ask to talk to any of the team.
How does the University support my religious practice? The University provides rooms in the College Building for students and staff of all faiths to use for prayer and reflection during term time. Details of the rooms and times available can be found on the student intranet in the “Faith” section. Location Student Centre, Level 2, University Building, Northampton Square Opening hours 09:30–17:30 Monday to Friday (Thursdays 10:30 - 17:30) www.city.ac.uk/intranet-faith chaplaincy@city.ac.uk +44 (0)20 7040 4219 12
For Muslim students and staff, ablution facilities and additional rooms for Maghrib prayers are also available during the week. Friday prayers for Muslim students and staff are led by the University Imam at Tompion Hall, a twominute walk from the Northampton Square campus.
Student Health Service I am an international student: can I register for NHS Services?
Our Health Service, run by a nurse practitioner, can help with general health information, registering with a General Practitioner (GP), support with disabilities, minor illnesses or injuries, giving up smoking, contraception, meningitis and MMR vaccinations and rest room facilities.
As long as you are registered on a course at City for six months or more you are entitled to NHS care. You will need to register with a GP in the area where you are living. For information on how to do this, contact the Student Health Service or visit our intranet.
What immunisations are recommended in the UK? Adults should have the following vaccines: • Tetanus • Diphtheria • Polio • MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) • Meningitis C : this vaccine is strongly recommended if you are under 24 years of age.
What should I do if I am unwell? If you feel unwell or need urgent help or treatment you can: • Contact the Nurse Advisor at the Health Service during office hours • Contact NHS 111: Either dial 111 or visit the NHS Choices website: www.nhs.uk. • Visit a NHS Walk-in Centre. The nearest one to the Northampton Square campus is the Angel Medical Practice, 34 Ritchie Street, London N1 0DG. T: +44 (0)20 7837 1663. It is open Mon–Fri 08:00–20:00, Sat–Sun and Bank Holidays 09:00–18:00 • Contact your GP • In an emergency, visit the nearest hospital’s Accident and Emergency (A&E) department or call 999.
Location Level 1, Drysdale Building, Northampton Square Opening hours 09:00–17:00 Monday to Friday (Thursdays 10:30–17:00), Drop-in Clinic 13:00–15:00. Times may vary out of term time. www.city.ac.uk/student-health healthservice@city.ac.uk +44 (0)20 7040 5999 13
CityCareers CityCareers is here to support you from your first day. You will find yourself thinking about employability from the moment you start your course and our career consultants and academic staff work together to help you develop the skills and abilities you will need to stand out.
What does CityCareers do? We provide the following services to all students:
We also co-ordinate activities that will help you to develop personally and professionally.
• Careers information, advice and guidance • Daily one-to-one appointments for cv guidance, application checking, career coaching and tailored mock interviews • Access to hundreds of part-time jobs, internships, placements, graduate roles and volunteering opportunities. Register for parttime jobs on and off campus through our internal temping agency, Unitemps. • Exposure to a diverse range of employers on campus and industry specific events throughout each term • Snapshot: Insight into Industry Scheme consisting of tailored interactions with professionals and exciting development opportunities.
Whether you already know what you want to do or you are open to new ideas, come and visit us. Don't leave it until your final year!
How do I make appointments, view and sign up for events and browse vacancies?
We work with employers from every sector, bringing them to City to meet you and helping you identify opportunities for part-time work, placements, work experience, internships and graduate roles.
Log into the City CareersHub using your City username and password: www.city.ac.uk/careers. Location Level 1, Drysdale Building, Northampton Square Opening hours 09:00–17:00 Monday to Friday (Thursdays 10:30–17:00) www.city.ac.uk/careers www.facebook.com/cityunicareers +44 (0)20 7040 8093 careers@city.ac.uk 14
How can I apply to participate in the Snapshot Scheme? Fill in the online application (available via our website). Applications open on 29th September and close on 31st October. If successful you will be invited to interview.
How do I register with Unitemps? Visit www.unitemps.com to register your details and search for part-time jobs on and off campus.
Why should I volunteer? You can meet people, make friends, have fun and build your confidence at the same time as developing relevant knowledge, skills and experience to demonstrate to future employers that you are a passionate and motivated person.
Student Development Student Development (part of CityCareers) is comprised of the Community Volunteering team, the Professional Mentoring team and the CityBuddies team. Student Development exists to help you find experiences that will contribute to your personal and professional development. The activities that we co-ordinate and facilitate will allow you to meet new people, make a difference to the lives of others, learn and grow. The wide range of activities at City can make it difficult to decide where you really want to dedicate your time and energy. Experience City (http://experience.city.ac.uk) is the place to go to find out about all activities available at City and in the Students’ Union, whether you’re looking to develop key skills for your future career or to simply find out how you can get involved during your time here. Through the site you can also learn how to reflect on the activities you’ve already taken part in and how they have contributed to your development. This can give you a head start when you are thinking about job applications. Location Level 1, Drysdale Building, Northampton Square Opening hours 09:00–17:00 Monday to Friday (Thursdays 10:30–17:00)
How much time will volunteering take? It depends. There are: • Micro-volunteering opportunities that can be completed in less than five minutes • One-off opportunities that do not require an ongoing commitment • Ongoing opportunities where you can commit for a period of time on a regular basis (e.g., two hours a week for a duration of three months) • Projects that you can establish and run yourself for a real sense of satisfaction and advanced employability skills. If you’ve never volunteered before but want to give it a go, we suggest trying a one-off opportunity.
How do I apply to volunteer? Have a look on the website. If you find an opportunity you would like to apply for, then you can register on the site in under 15 minutes. Follow the ‘Sign up and start volunteering’ link on the homepage and fill in your details. You can apply for opportunities online. To sign up for any of our oneoff taster volunteering projects please visit: http://cityvolunteering.eventbrite. co.uk.
Getting involved
Community volunteering
What volunteering opportunities are available? We promote over 100 opportunities to volunteer with various charities, organisations and community groups across London.
Location Level 1, Drysdale Building, Northampton Square Opening hours 09:00–17:00 Monday to Friday (Thursdays 10:30–17:00) http://volunteering.city.ac.uk volunteering@city.ac.uk +44 (0)20 7040 5002 15
Getting involved
Professional Mentoring
What is CityBuddies?
What is the Professional Mentoring Scheme?
CityBuddies is a peer-guidance scheme that matches current students as Buddies with incoming students. A CityBuddy will guide you around the University, show you all the activities that City has to offer and give you valuable insight into studying on your course. They will email you to answer any questions you may have and you can meet up with them and stay in contact for as long as you find helpful through your first year.
How can I get a CityBuddy? Students studying at The City Law School, Cass Business School and the School of Arts & Social Sciences are eligible to apply. Those studying for degrees in Optometry and Speech and Language Therapy within the School of Health Sciences may also apply. Applications to be matched to a CityBuddy are now open and close on Friday 10th October or when all available places are allocated. To find out more information and apply, please visit our website.
Professional Mentoring facilitates the professional and personal development of our student body through one-to-one mentoring engagements with designated professionals. These engagements can last between six and ten months and provide students with insight into the world of work and professional relationships. Professional Mentors commit themselves to supporting, advising and guiding their mentees to enhance their employability. Participants in the Scheme report enhanced confidence and determination and a greater ability to present themselves to future employers as advantages of having a mentor. Each year, approximately 80 per cent of mentees feel that they are more employable and have more career awareness as a result of their participation in the Scheme.
How can I become a CityBuddy? If you are interested in becoming a CityBuddy, applications open in February 2015.
Level 1, Drysdale Building, Northampton Square
Level 1, Drysdale Building, Northampton Square
Opening hours
Opening hours
09:00–17:00 Monday to Friday (Thursdays 10:30–17:00)
09:00–17:00 Monday to Friday (Thursdays 10:30–17:00)
+44 (0)20 7040 5001
+44 (0)20 7040 0288
Who can apply? Second, third and taught postgraduate students may apply. We especially encourage applications from students with non-academic backgrounds, including those who do not have professional contacts already. Please visit our website for more information.
When can I apply? For the first undergraduate wave, applications open on 29th August and close on 10th October. For the second wave, applications open on 4th December and close on 29th January 2015. For postgraduate students, applications open on 21st September and close on 9th October.
The CityOutreach team is responsible for a range of Widening Participation (WP) programmes. We can help you become a WP Student Ambassador, a role in which you will work with young people in London to promote higher education, help raise aspirations and attainment and contribute towards a fairer society. Our WP Student Ambassadors assist with a range of events, from one off visit days to week long university taster weeks. There is also the opportunity to tutor school pupils on a weekly basis.
What makes a good Student Ambassador? We look for students who enjoy working with young people and are organized, responsive and committed. The role requires you to be outgoing, friendly and approachable.
Getting involved
What is the rate of pay? A minimum of £7.96 per hour. Depending on which events you work on, you may receive a higher rate of pay.
How do I become a Student Ambassador? We will be looking to recruit new Ambassadors in the first term (the deadline for applications is 10th October 2014 at 5pm). Fill in the online application (available via our website) and return it to the team before the deadline. If successful you will be invited to interview.
Location Level 1, Drysdale Building, Northampton Square Opening hours 09:00–17:00 Monday to Friday (Thursdays 10:30–17:00) www.city.ac.uk/wideningparticipation wpteam@city.ac.uk +44 (0)20 7040 4242 17
Getting involved
CityStarters The CityStarters team supports the ‘can do’ culture of innovation and enterprise at City by educating and inspiring the next generation of student entrepreneurs. Whether you want to start the ‘next big thing’, meet successful entrepreneurs, find work experience with London's most exciting and dynamic start-up companies, or simply find out more about enterprise and entrepreneurship, we are here to help.
What do CityStarters do? We organise and run extracurricular enterprise events, seminars and competitions and offer support services for students, including: • Bootstrap Business Seminars: weekly seminars with expert practitioners covering key business topics (term one) • Founders' Thursdays: monthly events where you can meet and network with successful entrepreneurs • CitySpark: a business competition with a prize of £3,000 to help you launch your business • Business Design Workshops: weekly seminars for student entrepreneurs seeking to grow their business ideas • The Hangout: a free student co-working space in the heart of Tech City • Tier 1 Graduate Entrepreneur Visa: a scheme for entrepreneurial international students who want to stay in the UK after their studies.
How can I find out more, sign up for events and get started? Simple. Visit our dedicated student enterprise microsite: www.citystarters.co.uk.
Location Enterprise Office, Room K201, Myddelton Building, Goswell Road Opening hours 09:00–17:00 Monday to Friday www.citystarters.co.uk citystarters@city.ac.uk +44 (0)20 7040 8726 @CityStarters 18
Do I need to be a business student to get involved? Not at all! We work with entrepreneurial students from all Schools and backgrounds. If you're already studying business, then our hands-on seminars and competitions will help to supplement your learning. If not, they will give you the basic grounding you need to get your idea off the ground. We look for two things: good ideas and passion. We
provide the training you need to make the most of these. Visit www.citystarters.co.uk/ casestudies to find out more about some of the students we've helped.
How can I enter CitySpark? Visit www.citystarters.co.uk/ cityspark and fill in the online application form. Applications open on the 7th October and close on the 21st November. If successful you will be invited to take part in the Autumn Final and prizegiving event on the 4th December.
I can't wait! What can I do right now? Download our FREE e-book at www.citystarters.co.uk/e-book and start reading it!
The Environment team is responsible for the delivery of the University’s environmental objectives. We handle everything related to delivering a sustainable City, including energy and water management, green travel planning (such as cycling initiatives), student and staff engagement programmes for green activities, management of the City vegetable garden and biodiversity on campus.
How green is City? City is ranked as one of the greenest universities in the UK. We achieved a First Class Award in the People & Planet Green League 2013, the UK's only comprehensive and independent assessment and ranking of the environmental and ethical performance of all universities. City was ranked joint 23rd out of 143 universities and 3rd amongst London universities in the League, which is published annually by The Guardian. City has also been named as the most energy efficient university in the UK by The Carbon Reduction Commitment Energy Efficiency Scheme and is well on target to achieve its 43 per cent carbon reduction target by 2020.
I’m interested in making City even greener. Is there anything I can do to help?
Location Property & Facilities, Lower Ground Floor, College Building Opening hours 09:00 – 17:00 Monday to Friday
Absolutely! You can sign up to the Sustainability Leaders programme to get involved in the many sustainability initiatives taking place at City or even set up your own sustainability project. The Sustainability Leaders Programme is a great way to build your skills and experience in areas including environmental management or auditing, project management and leadership and communication, while gaining knowledge and insight into the sustainability sector.
Sustainability Leaders are involved in projects including: • Green Impact: A programme offered by the National Union of Students (NUS) and run by the Environment team at City. Students can volunteer as team leaders, project assistants or auditors to help improve City’s environmental performance by assisting departments or by running their own projects. • Green Dragons: A scheme funded by the NUS and run by City’s Students’ Union to help students become community builders and leaders of change. Students are encouraged to identify opportunities, big or small, to improve sustainability at the University or in the local community, create solutions and bring them to life. Funding is available for each project with support and skills training provided by experts from across the Students’ Union and the University. • Fairtrade Mentors: Work collaboratively with our local schools to help them deliver social impact through their curriculum, procurement and student engagement. • Events Officers: Plan and coordinate events and activities to raise awareness on various sustainability issues. • Media and Communications Officers: Produce creative, fun and engaging media campaigns and communication material. • City’s vegetable garden: Volunteers are always needed to help tend the garden.
Getting involved
Environment and Sustainability
www.city.ac.uk/environment www.green-dragons.co.uk environment@city.ac.uk +44 (0)20 7040 8053 19
Getting involved
CitySport Sport at City is an important part of the fabric of student life. The CitySport team help to ensure that all City students have the opportunity to participate in TeamCity, whether through representing the University in a sports team, trying a new sport for the first time, attending one of our many fitness classes, or simply getting involved to improve health and have fun. The CitySport team can help with enquires about sport, leisure, fitness and wellbeing issues. We can also organise your sports membership ID card.
Location Over the course of the autumn term, the Sports & Leisure team will be moving from its current home, Building J on the corner of Sebastian Street, to the University’s stunning new sports centre, CitySport, located on Goswell Road. Opening hours 09:00–18:00 Monday to Friday (Thursdays 10:30–18:00) www.city.ac.uk/sport for general information www.citysport.org.uk for information about CitySport, the University’s new sports facility www.facebook.com/sportatcity sports@city.ac.uk +44(0)20 7040 5619 20
What Sports are on offer at City?
How do I join a Sports Club?
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Joining a sports club is a great way to meet new people, maintain and improve your physical fitness and develop key transferable skills.
American Football Basketball Badminton Cricket Cheerleading Fencing Football Golf Hockey Judo Indoor climbing Netball Rugby Squash Table Tennis Tennis Volleyball All our team trials are inclusive and open to everyone.
There are three main ways to get involved in sport at City: • Representational sport: Teams and individuals compete in either the British Universities & Colleges Sport Leagues (BUCS) or the London University Sports League (LUSL), playing against teams from other universities on Wednesday afternoons. If you take part in a sport that is not currently offered at City and you wish to compete in national competitions, contact the CitySport team to find out about the support City can provide. • Intramural sport: Intramural sports teams take part in competitions across the City campus. The opening of the new Sports Centre will allow us to increase intramural sporting activity, so be sure to check our website regularly for more information. • Social sport: Social sport is just that! Events are about having fun, meeting new people and participating, regardless of your level. Social sport events in the past have included dodgeball, tag rugby, rounders and School Sports Days; and we are always open to new suggestions. During the autumn term, prior to the opening of the University’s new Sports facility, fitness and wellbeing classes will be available through the Campus Activity Programme: visit our webpages for more information.
CitySport is scheduled to open at the end of 2014, in partnership with Matrix Fitness. At the heart of the Centre, there is a Sports Englandstandard six court sports hall with spectator seating, suitable for a variety of indoor sports.
Getting involved
What facilities will be available at CitySport, the University’s new Sports Centre?
CitySport also has a 100+ station gym split over two floors with a spectacular choice of cardiovascular and resistance equipment, together with an extensive range of free weights to cater for all training requirements. There are four studio spaces to accommodate a comprehensive range of dynamic fitness, dance and wellbeing classes plus a designated indoor cycling studio for both virtual and instructor-led sessions.
Library Services The Library team provide a dedicated, professional and responsive library service across City University London’s four campuses. City currently holds around 300,000 books in its printed collections and over 25,000 electronic journal titles.
How can I use the library? Your City ID Card is also your library card. Don’t forget to bring it with you every time you come to the Library as you will need it to swipe in and to borrow books. It’s your passport to the library!
When can I use the library? Library buildings have long opening hours, including evenings and weekends during term-time: check our website for full details. Don’t forget that online resources can be accessed 24 hours a day.
How can I find the books I need? The Student Portal Everything you need, in one place. You can access the information and services you need quickly and conveniently through the Student Portal, which brings all your University systems and services into one place. The Portal is where City publishes key announcements that affect students. From the Portal homepage, you can: • Access your City webmail • Access your personal calendar • Log in to Moodle (see page 23 for more information) • Browse the Library catalogue • Access OneDrive, your personal online file storage • Request IT help and services through ServiceNow • View an A-Z of Services at City. • You can access the Portal from a computer or mobile device at https://portal.city.ac.uk and from the homepage of the City website. 22
It’s easy to find the books you need: just use our online library catalogue. You can type in any key word or author name and the catalogue will tell you where to find it in the library. Don’t forget to make a note of the shelf number if it’s a print book, or just click to log in for online resources.
Where is the library catalogue? You can access the catalogue over the web, wherever you are, or you can use one of the dedicated catalogue PCs in the library. We also have a mobile app if you want to check books and online resources while you’re on the go.
How many books can I borrow? You can have up to 15 books at any one time.
Where can I study? The Library has areas for silent study and separate areas where you can work together in small groups
Can I read books and journals online? Yes! We have thousands of online books and journals – you can see all of these through our Library catalogue.
How can I get help? We have a series of online guides. All new students should begin with our online guide to getting started in the library: libguides.city.ac.uk/ newstudents. Our online subject guides are available at libguides.city. ac.uk/home. Each School has a dedicated Subject Librarian who will be happy to help you, you can talk to any of the librarians at Service and Enquiry desks during our regular opening hours, or you can use our Online Chat service to contact us when you are not on campus.
The IT Service Desk operates a remote support service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. You can dial +44 (0)20 7040 8181 and an operator will be happy to assist you, or alternatively you can log a ticket using our self-service facility: www.city.ac.uk/itservicedesk.
How and where can I use computers on campus? Your university login ID was assigned during the online registration process. You will need this ID to access the computers in our labs. Our 24-hour labs can be found in EG03, EG04 and EG05 in the Drysdale Building. We also have labs in the University and College Buildings that are open during the day. These include a number of MAC only labs as well as Linux labs. A wide range of software is installed on these computers, which should meet your study needs, but if you wish to suggest new software for installation, there is a function on the desktop for you to tell us what you need. Students at City also benefit from access to cutting-edge Techno booths. Specifically designed for collaborative working, these are located on level 2 and 3 of the Northampton Square library.
Where can I get my password? You will receive your password during the online registration process when you first arrive at City. It contains a combination of letters and numbers with at least one capital letter. If you have forgotten your password or would like to change it to something more memorable please visit www.city.ac.uk/ changepassword.
Location • E101, Level 1, Drysdale Building • 1st floor Library, Bunhill Row Opening hours 08:00 to 20:00 Monday to Friday
How can I access my University email? You can access your email online by visiting https://email.city.ac.uk. You can also use your mobile devices to receive your City University London emails. You can find information on this at our customer service points.
What is Moodle? Moodle is the University’s Online Learning Environment, providing access to module handouts, activities, online assignment submission and communication tools. Moodle is available online 24 hours a day, except for periods of maintenance between 07:00 and 09:00 on Tuesdays.
IT Services
How do I access Moodle? On campus, click on the Moodle desktop icon. Off campus, open a web browser (we recommend Firefox) and go to moodle.city.ac.uk. Login with your computing services username (e.g. ab123 or abcd123) and password.
Where do I go for Moodle support? For queries about module enrolments and administration problems speak to your course officer or administrator. For technical problems using Moodle or your computing services account or password, please contact the IT Service Desk.
Did you know? • After completing your course, you can keep your City University London email address for life • You can download Office 2013 for free on up to 5 of your own devices whilst you are a student • Wireless printing is available on printers throughout the University • You can access our Wi-Fi service, Eduroam, at all participating institutions worldwide.
www.city.ac.uk/itservicedesk +44 (0)207 040 8181 23
The Student Charter City University London is committed to providing an excellent education and experience for its undergraduate and postgraduate students. Our students are at the heart of our commitment to academic excellence for business and the professions and we seek to support the successful achievement of their academic and professional goals. Our University community relies on a partnership between students, our Students’ Union and staff. Our Charter has been developed with staff and student input and outlines our mutual responsibilities and aspirations; it is not a legally binding document.
What is the Student Charter? This Student Charter, approved annually, articulates our aspirations and exemplifies the partnership that exists at City University London between staff, students and the Students' Union. City University London provides a cosmopolitan learning environment that is professional, friendly and inclusive. Enhancing the student experience is key to our success. As a community we value and champion equality, diversity and inclusivity. All of our staff and students can expect to be treated with professionalism and respect and to have their welfare needs recognised and appropriately supported. To enhance the student experience and student employability we seek to support strong student and alumni networks and to participate in relevant industry and professional networks. The Student Charter outlines the commitments that staff, students and the Students' Union make to each other.
Opening paragraph of the Student Charter
To view the 2014/15 Student Charter in full, please visit www.city.ac.uk/studentadministration/we-are-city 24
We are stronger, and better, together. Our University community is built on the strong partnership between students, our Students’ Union and staff. Our Charter has been developed with staff and student input and outlines our mutual responsibilities and aspirations. As members of City University London we seek to act with consideration and uphold the principle of equality in our dealings with each other and externally. We engage with the local community in a positive manner and endeavour to create an atmosphere of mutual respect and appreciation at City and beyond.
Schools City University London has five Schools: the School of Arts & Social Sciences, Cass Business School, the School of Health Sciences, The City Law School and the School of Mathematics, Computer Science & Engineering. Each School is committed to providing undergraduate, postgraduate and professional degrees that are inspiring, challenging and relevant. On the following page you can find the telephone numbers and room numbers for Course Offices across the University. Course Officers provide support to students and academic staff and can help you with queries relating to your course.
www.city.ac.uk/arts-social-sciences socialsciences@city.ac.uk Dean: Professor Andrew Jones Social Sciences courses office (AG20, College Building) socialsciences@city.ac.uk Economics Undergraduate and postgraduate: +44(0)20 7040 0157 International Politics Undergraduate and postgraduate: +44(0)20 7040 4587 Psychology Undergraduate: +44(0)20 7040 8583 Postgraduate: +44(0)20 7040 8535 Sociology Undergraduate: +44(0)20 7040 8527 Postgraduate: +44(0)20 7040 8908 Arts courses office (A129, College Building) arts@city.ac.uk Creative Industries Undergraduate and postgraduate: +44(0)20 7040 8753 Journalism Undergraduate: +44(0)20 7040 3323 Postgraduate: +44(0)20 7040 8097 Music Undergraduate and postgraduate: +44(0)20 7040 3323 Cass Business School www.cass.city.ac.uk cassug@city.ac.uk Dean: Professor Steven Haberman Undergraduate course office (E325, Drysdale Building) Actuarial Science Undergraduate: +44(0)20 7040 8472 Accounting and Finance Undergraduate: +44(0)20 7040 3019 Banking & International Finance Undergraduate: +44(0)20 7040 8615
School of Health Sciences www.city.ac.uk/health shshelpdesk@city.ac.uk Dean: Professor Stanton Newman Associate Dean, Director of Undergraduate Studies: Dr Martin Steggall Associate Dean, Director of Postgraduate Studies: Dr Victoria Joffe Student Help Desk: Myddleton Street Building +44(0)20 7040 5000 The City Law School www.city.ac.uk/law law@city.ac.uk Dean: Professor Carl Stychin Undergraduate and Postgraduate Academic Office (FG07, Innovation Centre) law@city.ac.uk +44(0)20 7040 3309 Postgraduate Professional Office: 4, Gray’s Inn Place csl-gip-school-office@city.ac.uk +44(0)20 7404 5787 School of Mathematics, Computer Science & Engineering Dean: Professor Roger Crouch Department of Civil Engineering www.city.ac.uk/departmentcivil-engineering
Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering www.city.ac.uk/departmentelectrical-electronic-engineering Undergraduate: ugeee@city.ac.uk +44(0)20 7040 6050 Postgraduate: pgenquire@city.ac.uk +44(0)20 7040 8108
School of Arts & Social Sciences
Department of Library & Information Science www.city.ac.uk/departmentlibrary-information-science Postgraduate: compsci-pg@city.ac.uk +44 (0)20 7040 8447 Department of Mathematics www.city.ac.uk/departmentmathematics Undergraduate: ug-maths@city.ac.uk +44(0)20 7040 6050 Postgraduate: pgenquire@city.ac.uk +44(0)20 7040 8108 Department of Mechanical Engineering & Aeronautics www.city.ac.uk/departmentmechanical-engineering-aeronautics Undergraduate: ug-mea@city.ac.uk +44(0)20 7040 6050 Postgraduate: pgenquire@city.ac.uk +44(0)20 7040 8112
Undergraduate: ug-civil@city.ac.uk +44 (0)20 7040 6050 Postgraduate: pgenquire@city.ac.uk +44 (0)20 7040 8108 Department of Computer Science www.city.ac.uk/departmentcomputer-science
Business Studies Undergraduate: +44(0)20 7040 4160
Undergraduate: ug-compsci@city.ac.uk +44 (0)20 7040 8406
Investment & Financial Risk Management Undergraduate: +44(0)20 7040 8612
Postgraduate: compsci-pg@city.ac.uk +44 (0)20 7040 0248
Management Undergraduate: +44(0)20 7040 8363 25
Living in London
Exploring City's neighbourhoods We asked members of staff and student ambassadors to recommend their favourite spots around campus. Here are 13 of their top picks. 1. The Lexington
8. Goswell Road Coffee
96-98 Pentonville Road, London N1 9JB
(160 – 164, Goswell Road, London, EC1V 7DU)
This pub also doubles up as a live music venue. It is a good place to see a band before they get famous!
A friendly 'proper' coffee shop with free wi-fi and plentiful sofas. They also offer a large selection of pastries, cakes and sandwiches.
2. Candid Arts Gallery and Café 3 Torrens Street, London, EC1V 1NQ A collection of arts studios, exhibitions and a café serving Mediterranean food.
3. Screen on the Green 83, Upper Street, London , N1 0NP A great cinema where you can watch a film from the comfort of a couch!
4. O2 Academy Angel N1 Centre, 16 Parkfield Street, Islington N1 0PS This venue hosts an array of live bands and themed club nights such as Indie Night Propaganda. Full listings can be found on their website.
5. The Eagle 2 Shepherdess Walk, London N1 7LB As well as being made famous by the nursery rhyme ‘Up and down the City Road, in and out The Eagle, that’s the way the money goes, Pop goes the weasel’, The Eagle also boasts a decent sized pub garden.
6. LSO St Lukes 161 Old Street, London, EC1V 9NG Home to the London Symphony Orchestra, this Grade One-listed 18th century church hosts concerts, workshops and sometime you can even watch the rehearsals.
(49 Old Street, London EC1V 9HX) A trendy coffee shop-come-cycling workshop, located just a ten minute walk from Northampton Square. Be sure to try the indulgent chocolate brownies.
10. Museum of London (150 London Wall, London EC2Y 5HN) From the Roman era through to modern day London, this museum contains everything you need to know about London’s history. It also contains the golden coach which the Lord Mayor (City’s Chancellor) rides in during the annual Lord Mayor's Show.
11. Exmouth Market (Clerkenwell, London EC1R 4QD) – This street, located just five minutes from campus, has an array of book shops, coffee shops, bars and restaurants . During the summer, grab a takeaway lunch from the food market and sit out in Spa Fields Park, just off Exmouth Market, for a picnic.
12. The Blacksmith and the Toffeemaker (292-294 St John Street, London EC1V 4PA)
7. Bunhill Fields Cemetery
Specialising in gin, this lovely pub is just a stone’s throw from University Building. There is a discount offered for City students.
38 City Rd, London EC1Y 1AU
13. Marks and Spencer
This cemetery, now a communal garden, holds the graves of historical literary figures such as William Blake, and Daniel Defoe, the author of Robinson Crusoe.
9. Look Mum No Hands
(5 Liverpool Road N1 0RR) Look out for the yellow reduced stickers as you can usually snag yourself a posh dinner bargain here. If not, then there is a branch of Sainsbury's just next door!
Living in London
13 3 4
6 8 9 10 7 27
Living in London 30
London Underground map The London Underground (commonly known as the Tube) opened in 1863 and each year, it carries over one billion passengers. This map will help you navigate the 402km that make up the network!
Living in London
Living in London
Travelling to City City is located close to Angel, Old Street, Farringdon and Barbican stations.
City University London entrance
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Finding your way around Welcome Week Map 2014
Gloucester Building
Abacus House
CityCareers, including Student Development, CityOutreach and Unitemps.
Saddlers Bar
(opens October)
Pure City Halls of Residence and CitySport
(from late 2014)