May 20, 2018

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C. M. Sharma, Editor


Vol. 19 Issue 41 RNI No. 69862/98 WEEKLY 5 Pages MAY 20-26, 2018 M: 98154-29998 Page 2

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ICBSE priorites Sports

IBD Day Special

cityvibesindia Page 4 Help Birds in Summer

To Join Us Call 98154 29998



Page 5 Classifieds

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Govt at your Doorstep


LUDHIANA, MAY 22 (CITY VIBES): Wheelchairs, Tricycles, Hearing Aid, Speaking Devices, Continuing its relentArticial Limbs And Others To Be Given Free less efforts to aware LUDHIANA, MAY K o c h a r M a r k e t development depart- the general public to 20 (CITY VIBES): In (Ludhiana west), on ment is an executive use starchable compo order to extend help- June 7 in King Palace, a g e n c y o f t h e s e stable biodegradable carry bags in the place ing hand to the per- B a s t i J o d h e w a l camps. of plastic carry bags, Bittu also sons with disability in (Ludhiana Central), Punjab Pollution ConLudhiana, Member of on June 8 in Ludhiana added that under the P a r l i a m e n t ( M P ) North, on June 11 in assistance of special trol Board (PPCB) Ravneet Singh Bittu GLADA community abled persons for pur- along with Member of has come forward and c e n t r e ( L u d h i a n a chasing, fitting of P a r l i a m e n t ( M P ) announced to hold spe- East), on June 12 in a i d s , a p p l i a n c e s Ravneet Singh Bittu on Tuescial camps for them in Gill Gardren Resorts (ADIP) scheme of the day launched compo stable all legislative constit- (Gill Constituency), union government, bags in the presence of hunuencies of the district on June 13 in Dr. d i f f e r e n t l y - a b l e d dreds of plastic manufacturers Ambedkar Bhawan cards will also be and traders. from June 4 to 14. Holding a meeting In these spe- ( D a k h a C o n s t i t u- issued. M e a n w h i l e , with representatives of varicial camps, the wheel- ency) and the last chairs, tricycles, hear- camp will be held in he asked all MLAs, ous associations of plastic ing aid, speaking Vimal Muni Hall, Councillors, political manufacturers and traders in devices, artificial S a d a r M a r k e t , leaders, officials to Circuit House, PPCB Chief limbs and other things Jagraon on June 14 in embark on a special Environmental Engineer will be distributed Jagraon constituency. awareness campaign (CEE) Pradeep Gupta gave a MP Bittu said i n t h e d i s t r i c t t o detailed presentation about among them at free of that experts of Artifi- apprise the people the compostable bags and its cost. R e v e a l i n g cial Limbs Manufac- about this exercise so benefits. He appealed them to about the schedule of turing Corporation of that they could avail the camps, he said that India (ALIMCO) will the benefit of this shift towards compo stable bags as an environmentally on June 4, camp will come and prepare a drive. friendly appro ach keeping in Exhorting the be held at Gurdwara list of things after Guru Nanak Darbar assessing the extent people to take full ben- view harmful effects of plastic Sahib-Ward No-37 the need of differ- efit of this camp, on the environment. Gupta (Ludhiana South Con- ently-people who will Ravneet Singh Bittu told that the compostable bags stituency), on June 5 take part in the camps said that any person are found to be durable and in United Cycles Parts and all these things from the district could the strength of the bags is P a l a c e , G i l l r o a d will be given to them come to this camp for found to be good. The trial of (Atam Nagar constit- within three months. relief adding that this the bags was found to be sucM P s a i d would give much- cessful, he told. uency) on June 6 in He stated that at presModal Gram Com- Punjab's social secu- needed relief to the ent, five companies are manum u n i t y C e n t r e , rity, women and child needy people. facturing such compostable

bags in India and raw material is being imported as these bags are being made of corn starch, potato starch, and cane starch. The official also informed that an estimated 130-tonne Plastic Carry Bags are being used In Ludhiana daily and 225-tonne in Punjab daily. On the revelation by PPCB officials that there is 10-12 percent consumption of compostable bags in Punjab, MP Ravneet Singh Bittu called it appreciative change and lauded the role of Punjab government and PPCB. While addressing the media, Bittu told that with the intensive awareness drive is being carried out by PPCB throughout the state, the day will come soon when plastic bags will be completely disappeared. He said that the supply and use of the compostable bags could not be controlled

as there is a huge demand. He advised plastic carry bag manufacturers to shift towards manufacturing of compostable carry bags by using starch derived from maize and potatoes. MP added that same machines can be used to manufacture to produce these compost able carry bags. On being quizzed, MC Commissioner Jas kiran Singh told the media persons that MC is regularly issuing challans for the use of polythene bags. Later, Mayor Balkar Singh Sandhu also joined the meeting and assured fulsome support in creating awareness drive among people about compostable bags. On the occasion, Plastic Manufacturers and Traders Association Gurdeep Singh Batra hailed the effort of Punjab government and PPCB for excessively promoting compostable bags.

DO YOU HAVE IT IN YOU? Do you feel bad after seeing the bad aspects of society? Do you wish to do anything good for your locality, community, city, state or country? Do you feel that waiting for others to do something for the society is a mere wastage of time? Do you feel lonely at such times and wish to join some organization?



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City VIBES MAY 20-26, 2018


CBSE Gives Sports Equal Priority, Allows 6 Vaccination camp held at Everest School, Ludhiana Champion Students to Write Exams Later! This move should be applauded as a step in the right direction towards encouraging students to take up sports seriously. The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has granted six students permission to appear for their Grade X and XII examination separately. The reason for this exception was that they were representing India in various international sports championships i n c l u d i n g t h e Commonwealth Games. This move should be applauded as a step in the right direction towards encouraging students to take up sports seriously. It is often found that parents encourage children in pursuing sports till the student reaches Class X, at which point academics become the priority. But some perse-

vere, and they shine. Like Anish, who bagged the gold medal in the Rapid Fire Pistol event in men’s 25-metre category at the Commonwealth Games held in Gold Coast, Australia and K Venkatadri, who bagged three silver medals at the South Asian Archery Championship at Dhaka, Bangladesh. Sehejpreet brought home a gold medal after winning an International Tat Dhaka as a member of the Women’s Recurve team, and Rekha


did us all proud by winning the Wheelchair Basketball Champions hip at the Para Asian Games held at Bangkok, Thailand. Clas s 12 students Amolika Singh and M a n a v Thakkar also represented India in many international competitions. “The special drive of CBSE to promote talent in sports led to a departure

from (the) set practice of following the fixed exam schedule this year. There were six students who were to represent India at various sports events while other class 10 and 12 students were busy writing CBSE board exams,” a senior CBSE official told media. Until now, while most parents encouraged their child to take up a sport, in all likelihood, they would have the child appear for an exam if it clashed with a sporting event.

However, henceforth, the school principal can inform the regional CBSE office about a student’s participation in a sporting event, and the board will allow the student to write exams for corresponding subjects later after a verification. Earlier this month, CBSE decided that one period every day will be earmarked for health and physical education from grade 9 onwards in about 19,000 of its affiliated schools. Master Blaster Sachin Tendulkar came out in support of this move and said, “I have been advocating integration of sports education in the curriculum since a long time. The news that CBSE has made it mandatory in order to promote health and fitness from an early age is indeed a welcome move,” as reported in The New Indian Express. We welcome this move and hope that the education board implements many such studentfriendly policies.

“ H e a l t h I s We a l t h ” keeping this thought in mind Everest Pb. Sec. School, Moti Nagar, Ludhiana organized Measles & Rubella Vaccination conducted by the Health department in the school premises. Students and parents actively participated in this process. A team from

Govt. Health Department visits the school campus to give vaccinations to the students. All students were enthusiastic about the vaccination. The vaccination process went for maxi mum three hours and more than 50% students undergone in this process. Finally in completed after giving injections and

motivation to the students and their parents. They were also motivated in the orientation programs. Rajinder Sharma, Director, Everest Group of schools, on behalf of all the students and management thanked the Health Department Team Member for the efforts done by the govt for the welfare of the students.


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City VIBES MAY 20-26, 2018


Progressive Loosening Of Stool May Be The First Symptom Of A Serious Gastrointestinal Disease – Dr Nitin Shanker Behl th

Ludhiana, 18 May, 2018: Under the supervision of Dr. Nitin Shanker Behl, head of gastroenterology department Fortis Hospital, Ludhiana organised an awareness program on World IBD Day. 50 patients and their relatives attended the programme. The event was inaugurated by Mr Vivan Singh Gill, Facility Director, Fortis Hospital, Ludhiana. ‘Live Fearless Campaign’ to make people aware of the disease and break stigmata associated with it was launched during the event. Giving information about the disease Dr. Nitin said, “Do not dismiss diarrhoea. Progressive loosening of stool may be the first symptom of a serious gastrointestinal disease long plaguing westerners but now increasingly observed among Indians especially

IBD every day. We have recently started a dedicated OPD service - IBD clinic - to deal with the disease burden," The disease strikes a person in the prime of life between the ages of 20 to 40 years. Suffering from IBD for 10 or more year's leads to a high risk of malignancy. According to Dr. Behl, community awareness of ulcerative colitis and crohns has to grow over the next decade. The stigma associated with these illnesses remains high. As a result, many people are too embarrassed or ashamed to speak about them, to seek help, and some don't receive the treatment that they need.

Punjabis with alarming rates. IBD, stands for inflamma tory bowel disease (includ ing Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis) is a com bination of two serious chronic digestive diseases that affect five million peo ple worldwide. There is no definitive cure, no known single cause, and little pub lic understanding of the pain and chronic suffering with which IBD patients courageously cope every day of their lives. “Patients suffering from Inflammatory Bowel Disease, characterized by abdominal cramps, diarrhea and sometimes blood in the stool,” Dr. Nitin Behl said, “we get three to four cases of

Dr. Behl added “Living with IBD is much more common than you might expect: 1 in 250 Punjabis are currently burdened with a constant, often hidden, struggle that affects a sufferer's personal, social and work life.” “People recently diagnosed or living with IBD are often afraid — they're generally confused by the diagnosis, worried that IBD will severely affect their day-to-day lives and put their dreams out of reach. With IBD patients stigmatized and often misunderstood by others, they can be embarrassed to discuss their illness with family and friends” Dr. Behl said many

patients get treated for tuberculosis or haemorrhoids as the symptoms are similar. "If a patient passes blood in the stool, he or she m u s t v i s i t a gastroenterologi st immediately. Early detection and treatment is key to good recovery, M r. Vi v a n Singh Gill elaborated that “The most important thing for IBD patients to remember is that IBD doesn't have to stop them living their life, or chasing their dreams. Fortis hospital provides a whole range of tools, reliable information and support services, including access to an inspiring, engaged community of people in exactly the same position.” “With the support of Fortis hospital, community and support services, IBD patients can live the life they always dreamt of—they just need to embrace their 'new normal' and live fearlessly,” said Dr. behl. On eve of world IBD d a y, F o r t i s H o s p i t a l Ludhiana also launched Can't Wait Initiative to help patients who have been formally diagnosed with Crohn's or colitis (IBD), gain access to Dr. Behl and his team at top most priority.

New treatment for Thalassaemia! Goat blood is injected into a patient’s body through the rectum. This does not let the haemoglobin level in the patient drop.

Following the successful experience of 4 years at Govt. hospital in Ahmedabad the Central govt has rele ased Rs 35 lakh and the state Rs 13 lakh for the treatment of thalassaemia patients in Punjab with goat blood. The treatment — descri bed in Ayurveda as ‘raktabasti’ — is expected to be started at Government Ayurvedic Hospital in Model Gram, Ludhiana, by

istered four times to bring the haemoglobin level up, the next time it would be three, thereafter tapering off gradually till the patient is completely cured.” According to Dr Hemant, Dr Atul Bar kar first started the treat ment in Ahmedabad, where the “project is b e i n g r u n s u c c e s sfully”. A few doctors from Punjab, including Dr Hemant and Dr Shevali Arora, went to

‘thalassaemia’, but the condition for which goat blood is recommended in Ayurveda is very similar to thalassaemia,” Dr Sharma says. Dr Gauhar Vatsayayan, an Ayurveda expert not connected with the hospital, says this is a 5,000-year old method, but nobody was practising it in modern times till Dr Atul Barkar tried it successfully. However, Dr

September. According to Dr Hemant Kumar, Medical Officer at the hospital. According to him, the only other such programme is being run successfully at Akhand anand Ayur vedic Hosp ital in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, since 1984. In this treatment, goat blood is injected into the patient’s body as enema, i.e., through the rectum. Dr Hemant says: “This does not let the haemoglobin level in the patient drop, and over a period the need for blood transfusion goes. If initially goat blood has to be admin-

Ahme dabad for training. The goat blood will be procured from the municipal slaughter house and tested for infection before use. Dr Rakesh Sha rma, Director, Ayur veda, Punjab, says at present many children are being taken to Ahmedabad for the treatment by parents; now the treatment will be available in Punjab. “Funds have arrived, now the only issue left is procurement of machines. Ayurveda books don’t mention the term

Aikaj Jindal, Assistant Professor in Transfu sion Medicine at CMC, Ludhiana, says there is no substantial proof in the form of a “randomised control trial (RCT)”. Whenever there is any new treatment, an RCT is conducted. “If those who are practising it are so sure, then they should publish the same in international journals. Wi t h o u t s c i e n t i fi c proof, it is not possible to comment on the treatment,” Dr Jindal, the allopathic practitioner says.


City VIBES MAY 20-26, 2018


WEEKLY HOROSCOPE 9 things you can do to help wild birds this summer ARIES: Everything in your chart is starting to click & fall into place... There is a lot of abundance & prosperity indicated... With all that being said, you have to make sure you can handle the higher levels without turning into an ass... TAURUS: Your chart is trying to bring you into new uncharted territory... The opportunities for a much richer life experience (not just in wealth but overall satisfaction) ... But you need a clear head & heart to make the most of it. No free rides in this universe. GEMINI: You'll find your emotions are being superenergized this week... It's when you can be dangerously psychic or intuitive at times and totally clueless a few moments later...This can be a great time for your career/professional life if you can find a way to remain focused on the current task without getting distracted or sidetracked. CANCER: You can be a whining little cry-baby that is hopeless and pathetic... Or you can harness the incredible surge of emotion and power that can help raise you up to higher levels of life & love... This energy isn't for the weak and Cancer is "Cardinal" sign and definitely is not weak by nature...You're being asked to give in, release negativity & allow fate to happen. LEO: The more serious you get, the more predictable and boring you appear to others... (sorry to be blunt)... Your sign rules the 5th House of Love & Romance... Of imagination and creativity... You cannot allow yourself to get shackled down by Modern Life... That doesn't mean living in a dream-land, but more to use your creativity & imagination to rise above any problems so you can get back to what you do best... (Play & Create) VIRGO: The universe is trying to bring a natural state of inner peace & harmony to you. A big factor in this depends upon you being an active part in your personal relationships with others... It's about knowing when you need to take the lead, or when to allow others to "drive the bus". Just Focus!! Listen closely to what others are saying... LIBRA: In a way, this current chart is trying to tell you that whatever negativity, anger or aggression you may be feeling inside, you need to get over it so you can move ahead...t's clear the universe is bringing your inner strength & determination together to allow you to reach levels you never thought possible. The key is to do one thing at a time... To make a plan and then follow it... SCORPIO: The universe is trying to make you more aware of the "hidden truths" that others are trying so desperately to ignore or not accept... You need to reevaluate many of your own personal beliefs to be sure. ... Don't simply rely on what others are telling you. SAGITTARIUS: the universe is definitely trying to make you very aware of something... And with the Sun & the North Node aligned in your 1st House... It all has to do with being original and creative... It's very clear that the universe is trying to lift you to a higher position of leadership, honor & personal respect. CAPRICON: Communication is super important, but "taking action" is the key this week... It's knowing what needs to be done and doing it now and doing things right... The way they should be done. It's using your insights and looking ahead and making your plans to ensure your needs will be met in the future. AQUARIOUS: Everybody may have the right words, but the real question becomes can you rely upon them to follow through when you need them the most?... With Uranus on your 5th House cusp and going direct later this week, the universe is making sure you're not being naive... You must be prepared to take action. PISCES: Curtail your negativity. Do not undermine your confidence and self esteem as this week will be a bit demanding than the previous one. Things are sure to improve with your hard efforts. Also curtail your habit of believing every one... Your chances of success in a court case are more depending upon the effort you put in to turn the tide.

एिशयन लब ने जगतपुरी पुिलस चौक म भट कये पौधे व गमले एिशयन लब के एक दल ने एडवाइजर मनीषा कपूर के नेतृ व, फाउं डर & एम् डी योितष स ाट सुख मदर सह के िनदशन म जगतपुरी पुिलस चौक म जाकर वहां के इं चाज किपल शमा व उनक टीम को पौधे व गमले भट कये. ी शमा ने उनका ध यवाद कया.

‘EK AAS - An NGO helping women’ chairperson Simmi Chopra Pashan helping women at Bhai Randhir singh Nagar understand the importance of keeping water bowls at roof tops during summer for birds. The weather is warm- w i t h i n t h e m i s ing up nicely here in replaced before it the northern hemi- starts to ferment (essphere, and chances t i m a t e 3 - 5 d a y s are that most of us are d e p e n d i n g o n spending as much sun/heat exposure). time outdoors as pos- 3. Keep Cats and sible. You've proba- D o g s Aw a y f r o m bly noticed a lot more Birds bird activity recently: Yes, your pet cat the warmer months undoubtedly likes to are critical for birds, wander around outas they need to raise s i d e , b u t f r e e their young and eat as r o a m i n g c a t s a r e much as they can in responsible for the o r d e r t o m i g r a t e deaths of billions of and avoid mowing herbicides labeled as can pretty up a space, safely back home, but birds each year, and l a r g e fi e l d s o r “safe” will hurt all the and if you really can't are your own actions the ones most vulner- roadsides until mid living things around go without a water helping or hindering able to their attacks A u g u s t : g r o u n d - t h e m , i n c l u d i n g balloon fight on a hot t h e i r w e l l b e i n g ? are fledglings, as they nesting birds as well birds. Consider the day, please ensure Songbird numbers spend a lot of time on as rabbits will be vul- circle of life: birds eat that you pick up all of have decreased dra- the ground and aren't nerable all through insects and seeds, so the broken bits and matically in recent strong enough (or July, so please let when you spray pes- discard them when years because of pes- fast enough) to fly them grow up safely. ticides and other poi- you've finished playticides and air/water away at the first sign 5. Be Kind to Your sons around, sure—a ing. contamination (not to of danger. Keep cats Neighbors whole bunch of bugs 8. Turn Off Your Outmention domestic indoors, and your Homeowners (and will drop dead… but door Lights and feral cats, wind dogs on leashes. If even tenants) often then they'll be feasted Not only do outdoor turbines, window you have to let your get frustrated when upon by birds and fed lights waste energy glass, and habitat cat out, then put a bell nests appear in eaves, t o n e s t l i n g s a n d when left on all night, loss), so the more we on its collar so birds porch lights, and fledglings, killing they also interfere can do to help the lit- get a warning before garages, and many entire generations of w i t h n i g h t - fl y i n g song- birds, especially durbirds. ing migration. The S t a y birds can become dist h e oriented, lose their h e l l w a y, a n d e n d u p away smacking into winf r o m dows and buildings. neoni Keep your outdoor cotin lights on motion seno i d s , sors if you're worried o r about prowlers or “neon bears, or else use blue i c s ” , or green LED lights a s that don't distract or tle winged ones, the g e t t i n g p o u n c e d people knock these confuse night birds. they're lethal to birds, nests down because better. Read on to find upon. out how you can help 4. Let Your Land Go a their little neighbors bees, and butterflies; It doesn't take a huge a r e c o n s i d e r e d even in tiny amounts. amount of effort to Little Wild them. 2 . P r o v i d e F r e s h Native plants can pro- “pests”. If a nest 7. Ditch the Balloons make a difference, vide great sources of appears somewhere Although balloons and most of the examFood and Water Although birds can food and shelter for around your home, are quite popular for p l e s a b o v e o n l y find a lot of food out birds throughout the consider that the all kinds of celebra- require a bit of extra in the wild during the summer and autumn, birds living in them tions, these bubbly conscientiousness s u m m e r, t h e y d o so feel free to neglect will be gone in just a decorations are lethal and responsibility. appreciate fresh seed part of your property few short weeks, and to birds. They can try Birds keep insect popscattered around, and in support of bird wel- while they're around, to eat deflated bal- ulations in check, a source of fresh fare. (It's also a great they'll eat hundreds loons and then starve help to pollinate fruit w a t e r i s s u p e r - excuse to avoid mow- of insects every day, to death from intesti- and vegetable plants, important too. If you i n g t h e e n t i r e including mosquitoes nal blockages, or get carry (and deposit) have a birdbath or l a w n … ) S e e d - that would otherwise tangled in/strangled seeds, thus maintainwater feature, please bearing indigenous be feasting on you. by the long, trailing ing biodiversity, and make sure to clean it plants in particular Once you're certain ribbons. Balloons many of their songs regularly, and keep it are of great benefit, as that the birds have can also break over can cheer even the fi l l e d w i t h f r e s h are those that attract g o n e , y o u c a n waterways and then heaviest heart. Let's water. If you have t h e p o l l i n a t i n g remove the nests to the detritus is swal- take a greater role as hummingbird feeders insects that many discourage parasites lowed by seabirds, stewards and make i n c l u d i n g e n d a n- sure that we take around your home, birds feast on. Try not and predators. gered species. There better care of these make sure that they're to trim your trees 6. Don't Poison Anyare so many decora- sweet, fragile beings. cleaned often and until fall so you don't one tions out there that that the sugar water disturb nesting birds, Even pesticides and




MAY 20-26- 2018




City VIBES requires Reporters, Marketing professionals

Under Government In Your Village Program, People To Get All Services At Their Doorsteps- MLA Gurkirat Singh Kotli

KHANNA, MAY 22 (CITY MATRIMONIALS VIBES): In a unique initiaIndia’s Best Matrimonial tive to provide benefits of varService for all castes ious government schemes to (High Status) people at their doorsteps, Specialist: K h a n n a M L A G u r k i r a t Punjab, Haryana, Singh Kotli has announced Delhi, Mumbai & to hold a special Suvidha all major cities camp of six villages in Bija all over India. at Ward level in all parts of (Estd. 1990) on May 24 under 'Government in Your Village Program'. MATRIMONIALS The camp will cover six villages including Bija, #439/8, Gobind Nagar, Madiala, Kot Sekhon, Kot Near Vishal Nagar, Panaich, Asgaripur and Pakhowal Road, Ludhiana Interested candidates can contact 4615088, 98155-23188, Raipur and will start at 9 am. MLA Kotli said that this 98156-23188 camp is being organized to at: facilitate the people in ATTENTION ENTREPRENEURS!!!! ting the benefits of governCareer in Register your matrimonial We Provide: r e q u i r e m e n t s F r e e a t ment schemes at their door1. Plant Heads CALL CENTERS 2. Production/QC/Maintenance Manager steps under a single roof. 3. Manager Accounts/Accountants/ A l s o a v a i l a b l e w e d d i n g He said that the basic idea We require CCE’s for Assistant Accountants planning, management and 4. Merchandisers/Asstt. Merchandisers Ludhiana & Chandigarh. 5. Manager Marketing administration services from behind holding the camp is to 6. Manager HR/CSO local as well as professionals ensure that the needy people Young Graduates and 7. Time Office Assistant/Computer of India repute. (27 words) can get the benefits of Operators/Receptionist undergraduates with Interested Candidates may send their Resumes. schemes of the government. Email: Suitable match for beautiful Good Spoken English Brahmin girl aged 27 years, He further stated that the working with Standard can get job Directly & PRIME CONSULTANCY Chartered Bank in Delhi. camp aims to achieve the M: 98886-97363 Ph: 4638363 Family Ludhiana based. objectives of holistic develothers after training. Girl’s hieght 4’8”. Contact: opment of all sections of the Salary: 8K-18K + Incentives. Sale/purchase 95010-15440 ( 24 words) society and will ensure social CONFIRM YOUR JOB TODAY! Suitable match for beautiful justice and equality by brahmin Amritsar base girl, improving the standard of liv-



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ing and quality of life in the rural area. Meanwhile, the officials departments including Health and Family Welfare, Social Security, Agriculture, Cooperative, Employment Generation and others will be available in to make this camp a huge success, he said and added they will make the

people aware about the various ongoing schemes of the state government and will also facilitate them to fulfill the formalities for availing the benefits of these schemes. Kotli urged NGOs and elected representatives to make the people aware about the camp.


Property To buy/ sell any property in areas surrounding J a l a n d h a r bye-pass, Noorwala Road, Kakowal Road , Bahadur k e , Rahon Road, Sunder Nagar, Bhattian, Jassian Road and other surrounding areas call 9 4 6 3 2 - 6 2 0 3 3 . Contact for properties in Chanigarh, Panchkula, Mohali, H.P., & Zirakpur and also Ludhiana. Best direct deals ensured. Call: 9815429998 (19 words)

EDITORIAL BOARD Publisher & Editor C. M. Sharma 98154 29998 Administration Aakash 94632 62033 Sub Editor Varinder Sandhu 98155 03105 Legal Advisor Adv. Yogesh Khanna RNI NO. : 69862/98 Published by C.M. Sharma from P-11, Basant Vihar, Noorwala road, Ludhiana and Printed at Swastik Printers Ludhiana.

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