Tourist Language Handbook

Page 1


Practical ways to help you communicate 日英䌚話筆談集



Welcome to Japan!

This handbook is designed to help you communicate

better with Japanese. To use it, look over the Table

of Contents first. You will find that each section has

useful examples of conversation for you.

When you need help, just show this page to

someone so she/he can understand how to use this handbook too.

Then point to your question

written both in English and in Japanese.

Or, you

can read aloud the questions written in Romanized

characters. The Japanese person you are talking to should then be able to answer your question.

Please remember that when you want to ask

someone for help, you should begin your question by saying “Su-mi-ma-sen” (Excuse me) as a polite way t o get the person's attention.

And it is

considered polite to say “A-ri-ga-tou” (Thank you) after your question has been answered.


sincerely hope that you will gain a better understanding of Japan and its people.

We look forward to welcoming you back! 私は旅行者です。

I am a traveler from abroad.


I am having trouble since I don't speak Japanese.

私の質問英語に察し、該圓する答え日本語を 指差しおください。

Please point to the appropriate answer in this booklet.

※この冊子により日本語ず英語の 䌚話・筆談が可胜です。

1. ON THE STREET 路䞊にお Q & A for getting to your destination 道順を尋ねる


2. AT A STATION, TERMINAL, TICKET WINDOW, and so on (TRANSPORTATION) 駅、タヌミナル、切 笊売り堎などにお 亀通機関 3 Q & A concerning transportation 乗り物に関しお尋ねる 3. AT A TRAVEL AGENCY 旅行䌚瀟のカりンタヌにお Q & A on making reservations and buying tickets 予玄・発刞に぀いお尋ねる


4. AT A RENT-A-CAR OFFICE レンタカヌ䌚瀟にお Q & A on procedures for car rental 車を借りるずきの手続きに぀いお


5. AT A RESTAURANT 飲食斜蚭にお Q & A on eating out 倖食するずきレストランで尋ねる Explanation of Japanese food 日本料理の説明


6. AT AN ACCOMMODATION FACILITY 宿泊斜蚭にお Q & A at a reception desk of an accommodation facility 宿泊斜蚭フロントでの問答 Q & A at a Ryokan (Japanese inn) 旅通での問答 7. AT A STORE, SHOPPING MALL, and so on ショッピング



8. AT A HOSPITAL, MEDICAL CLINIC, PHARMACY, and so on 医療斜蚭にお 19 《Patients 患者から》 《Doctor 医垫から》 《Receptionist & pharmacist 受付、 薬剀垫から》 9. USEFUL JAPANESE PHRASES 日本語の䟿利な衚珟




☆ Facilities 斜蚭

Q&A for getting to your destination


● Where am I now on this map? ●この地図で珟圚地はどこですか。 ・ 地図を指差しおここです。


・ たっすぐ右ぞ巊ぞ 分ほど歩けば右巊偎に ありたす。

・If you walk ( straight / to the right / to the left ) for minutes, you will find it on the ( right / left ) side.


・I will take you there. Please follow me. ・ バス電車地䞋鉄タクシヌで行かなければなりた せん。 運転手さん駅員さんに蚊いお䞋さい。

・You need to take a ( bus / train / subway / taxi )

to get there. Please ask (the driver / a station


・よくわからないので他の人に蚊いお䞋さい。 else.

botanical gardens 怍物園

Please ask someone

bank 銀行 bus stop バス停

coin lockers コむンロッカヌ downtown 繁華街 hotel ホテル

hospital 病院

movie theater 映画通

museum 博物通

Iaundromat コむンランドリヌ lavatory トむレ

police box (Koban) 亀番

● ぞはどう行けばよいですか。

・I'm sorry, I don't know.

ATM 

museum of art 矎術通

・You are here.

● How can I get to

◆ Examples of destinations行き先䟋◆

public bath 銭湯

park 公園

post office 郵䟿局

public telephone 公衆電話

rent-a-bike counter レンタサむクル rent-a-car counter レンタカヌ

ryokan (Japanese inn) 旅通 station 駅 taxi stand タクシヌ乗り堎

travel agency 旅行䌚瀟

tourist information office 芳光案内所

youth hostel ナヌスホステル zoo 動物園

☆ Stores 店舗

animation character goods shop アニメショップ bookstore 本屋

convenience store コンビニ゚ンス  ストア

department store デパヌト duty-free shop 免皎店 electric appliance shop 電気屋 100-yen shop 100 円ショップ stationery store 文房具屋 karaoke カラオケボックス

pharmacy 薬局

supermarket スヌパヌマヌケット

internet café むンタヌネットカフェ souvenir store 土産物屋 grocery store 食料品店

beauty parlor 矎容院


・I'm afraid there isn't one near here.


AT A S TAT I O N , T E R M I N A L , T I C K E T WINDOW, and so on (TRANSPORTATION) 駅、タヌミナル、切笊売り堎などにお亀通機関

Q&A concerning transportation


● Which ( bus / train ) do I take to go to


● に行くにはどのバス電車に乗ればいいです か。

・ 番乗り堎から乗っおください。 乗り堎番号を蚘入 しおください

・Get on at platform / bus stop number . ・ 番のバスに乗っおください。 バスの番号を蚘入しお ください

・Take the number


には止たらない電車バスの皮類をロヌマ字で蚘入しおく ださい

doesn't stop there.

● Where do I get off to go to

● に行くにはどこで降りればいいですか。



・Please get off at


・It takes hour minutes.

● How much is the fare to

● たでの料金はいくらですか。


・ 円です。 金額を蚘入しおください ・It's yen.

● What time does the next ( train / bus ) leave? ●次の電車バスは䜕時ですか

( 駅名をロヌマ字で蚘入しおください )

・Please change to the train for (

・It will leave at : . ● Where can I buy the ticket?

●切笊はどこで買えばいいですか。 ● Where can I buy a one-day pass?


・Please buy it at the vending machine. ・あちらにある切笊売り堎で買えたす。

・ で 行きに乗り換えおください。

・ 時間 分くらいです。 数字を蚘入しおください


・ で降りおください。 駅名をロヌマ字で蚘入し



● たで、時間はどれくらいかかりたすか。

・  です。 数字を蚘入しおください

・ は止たらないので泚意しおください。 その駅

・Please be careful, the

● How long does it take to

) at

・You can buy it at the ticket window over there. ・みどりの窓口でお求めください。

・Please buy it at the window named “Midori no madoguchi”.

● ( showing the pass ) I'd like to use this pass to get a reserved seat ticket.

●芋せながらこのパスを䜿っお指定刞が欲しいのですが。 ● No-smoking seat, please.


AT A TRAVEL AGENCY 旅行䌚瀟カりンタヌにお

Q&A on making reservations and

buying tickets 予玄・発刞に぀いお尋ねる


● I'd like to make a reservation for a place to stay

● May I have a route map?



● ( showing a ticket or pass ) Can I take this ( bus


● Is a room for of about (

person(s) within a price range

) yen available?

/ train) with this ( ticket / pass )?

● 1 泊 人で 円くらいの郚屋はありたすか。


● Is there accommodation ( near here / downtown


●この近く繁華街 の近くに宿泊斜蚭は


・Yes, you can.


・No. I'm afraid you can't use this ( ticket / pass ). ・乗れたすが、远加料金 円が必芁です。

・Yes, you can take this ( bus / train ) but an additional charge of yen is necessary.

● Does this ( bus / train ) go to ?

●このバス電車は に行きたすか ● How much does it cost to get to ?

/ near )? ありたすか。


・Accommodation in that price range is not available.

・はい、それならこういうずころはいかがでしょうか。 ・Yes. How about this place?

・予玄ができたした。宿泊斜蚭の名前は です。 ・Your reservation has been made. The name of your accommodation facility is .

● に行くには料金はいくらぐらいかかりたすか

● I'd like to take the cheapest way to get to

● How long does it take to get to ?

● たで、 できるだけ安い方法で行きたいのですが。

● ぞは、時間はどのくらいかかりたすか


● I'd like to take the quickest way to get to


● たで、 できるだけ速い方法で行きたいのですが。



Q&A on procedures for car rental


● I have a reservation. My name is


● Could I return the car somewhere else? ●乗り捚おはできたすか。


・Yes, you could but an extra charge is necessary.

●予玄しおありたす。私の名前は です。


● I don't have a reservation but I'd like to hire a car

・I'm sorry you can't. Please return it to this office.



●予玄しおいたせんが、 日間車を借りたいです。 ● Do you have a car for

● 人甚の車はありたすか。


● May I see your passport and driver's license?



・このタむプは予玄でいっぱいです。他のタむプはいかがで すか。

・This type of car is fully booked today. about another type?

● How much is it?

●料金はいくらですか。 ・料金衚はこちらです。 ・Here is the tariff.

● Do you take credit cards?

●クレゞットカヌドは䜿えたすか。 ・このカヌドはご利甚いただけたせん。

・I'm afraid we can't accept this credit card.



● May I take a photocopy of your passport and driver's license?


● We are sorry but this driver's license is invalid in Japan.

● What kind of insurance is available? ●保険にはどのようなものがありたすか。


・Please read the attached sheets with regard to insurance.

・別玙をお読みいただき、同意しおいただけるならこちらに サむンしおください。

・Please read the attached sheets, and if you agree to all the terms and conditions of this rental, please sign here.


● Please return the car with a full tank of fuel.



alcoholic beverages アルコヌル飲料

Q&A on eating out


● Do you have no-smoking seats?

octopus たこ

you come with me?

●衚の食品サンプルで泚文したいので来おください。 ● I'd like what that person is eating.


egg 卵

Japanese sake 日本酒 milk 牛乳

pork 豚肉

peanuts ピヌナッツ prawn クルマ゚ビ

shellfish 甲殻類貝・゚ビ  カニ等 shrimp 小゚ビ

tea お茶玅茶 wine ワむン

soy bean 倧豆 wheat 小麊

◆ Explanation of Japanese food 日本料理の説明◆


■倩ぷら Tempura

Japanese-style crispy deep-fried vegetables, seafood and fish

■すき焌き Sukiyaki

● Do you have a vegetarian menu?

Stew with beef, bean curd, leeks and other



■しゃぶしゃぶ Shabushabu

● Could you show me how to eat this?

Do-it-yourself style dish with thin slices of meat


and vegetables dipped in boiling water and eaten with various sauces

● I'd like a (fork / spoon / knife) please.

●フォヌクスプヌンナむフをください。 ● I'm allergic to .

● に察しおアレルギヌがありたす。 for religious

●宗教䞊の理由で が食べられ 飲めたせん。

crab かに

clam 二枚貝アサリ等

monosodium glutamate 化孊調味料

● I'd like to order a dish displayed outside. Could

● I can't eat / drink

coffee コヌヒヌ

chicken 鶏肉

lobster ロブスタヌ


● を抜いおほしいのですが。

buckwheat そば

fish 魚

● Do you have an English menu?

● Could I have it without

beef 牛肉

cuttlefish / squid いか



◆ Examples of ingredients食材䟋◆

■ラヌメン Ramen

Chinese noodles in hot soup with slices of pork and vegetables

■おでん Oden

Japanese hotchpotch made primarily with fried fish cakes

■焌き鳥 Yakitori

Chicken or vegetable shish kebab dipped in sauces


■ずんか぀ Tonkatsu

Deep-fried, bread-crumbed pork cutlet served with shredded cabbage

■鍋物 Nabemono

Japanese stew, often containing fish or chicken

■お奜み焌き Okonomi yaki

A thin flat cake of unsweetened batter mixed with

seafood and vegetables and cooked on a hotplate.

■たこ焌き Tako yaki

Ball-shaped pancake containing a piece of octopus

■焌きそば Yaki soba

Fried noodles with meat and vegetables

■幕の内匁圓 Makunouchi bentou

A packed lunch with meat, fish, vegetables and boiled rice

■寿叞のいろいろ Various "Sushi"

・あおやぎ Aoyagi (round clam)

・たい Tai (sea bream) ・玉子 Tamago (egg)

・鉄火巻き Tekka-maki (tuna roll) ・ずり貝 Torigai (cockle)

・はたち Hamachi (young yellowtail) ・ひらめ Hirame (flatfish) ・ほたお Hotate (scallop)

・たぐろ Maguro (tuna)

赀身 Akami (red-flesh fish)

䞭トロ Chuu-toro (fat-marbled tuna)

倧トロ Oo-toro (densely fat-marbled tuna)

・みる貝 Mirugai (surf clam)

■そば・うどん Soba and Udon (Japanese noodles)

Soba and udon are Japanese noodles. Soba is

made from buckwheat flour and udon is made

from wheat flour. Udon is thick and white while Soba is darker and thinner. ・もりそば Mori soba

・あなご Anago (steamed conger eel)

・ざるそば Zaru soba

・あわび Awabi (abalone)

・いか Ika (cuttlefish / squid) ・いくら Ikura (salmon roe) ・いわし Iwashi (sardine)

The name of the

soba or udon dish varies with the topping.

・赀貝 Akagai (ark shell)

・あじ Aji (pompano / horse mackerel / jack)

・たこ Tako (octopus)

(Noodles served cold and dipped in cold sauce) (Noodles served cold with strips of dry seaweed

and dipped in cold sauce with horse radish and chopped green onions)

・倩ざる Tenzaru

・うに Uni (raw sea urchin)

・うめ巻き Ume-maki (Japanese pickled plum roll)

(Zaru soba with deep-fried prawns and/or vegetables)

・えび Ebi (prawn / shrimp)

・ずろろそば Tororo soba

・か぀お Katsuo (bonito)

・かけそば / かけうどん Kakesoba/udon

・かに Kani (crab)

・倩ぷらそば / うどん Tempura soba/udon

・数の子 Kazunoko (salted herring roe) ・かっぱ巻き Kappa-maki (cucumber roll) ・かんぎょう巻き Kampyo-maki

(seasoned gourd-shavings roll) ・さけ Sake (salmon)

・さば Saba (mackerel)

・しんこ巻き Shinko-maki (pickled white radish roll) 11

(Mori soba served topped with grated yam) (soba/udon served in hot soup)

(Kakesoba/udon with fried prawns and/or vegetables)

・月芋そば / うどん Tsukimi soba/udon

(Kake soba/udon served topped with raw egg) 12

・き぀ねうどん Kitsune soba/udon

(Kakesoba/udon served topped with deep-fried bean curd)



・カレヌうどん Karee udon

Q&A at a reception desk of an accommodation

・ちからうどん Chikara udon

● My name is

(Noodles served in hot, curry-flavored soup) (Kakeudon with rice cakes)

■䞌もの Donburi-mono (rice and topping in a bowl)

Donburi-mono is a substantial dish with boiled white rice and various ingredients served in a

large bowl called a donburi. The name of this dish varies according to the ingredients. You can eat this dish at specialty shops and noodle shops.

・牛䞌 Gyuu don

(Boiled rice topped with beef and onions cooked

facility 宿泊斜蚭フロントでの問答

. I have a reservation.

●予玄しおありたすです。チェックむンを お願いしたす。

● Do you have no-smoking (floors / rooms) ? ●犁煙フロアルヌムはありたすか。 ● Can I see the room?


in sauce)

● Since I'd like to go out right now, please keep my

(Boiled rice topped with deep-fried, bread-


scrambled egg cooked in sauce)

● Is there a restaurant you can recommend around

(Boiled rice topped with chicken, onions and


・カツ䞌 Katsu don

crumbed pork cutlet, onions and softly ・芪子䞌 Oyako don

slightly scrambled egg cooked in sauce )

・倩䞌 Ten don

(Boiled rice topped with deep-fried vegetables and seafood with sauce )

・うな重 Unajuu

(Boiled rice topped with grilled eel dipped in a special sauce )



● I have no reservation tonight. But do you have a room for


●予玄しおないのですが、 今晩 人甚の郚屋はありたすか。 ・はい。䞀人 1 泊 玠泊たり朝食付き 円です。 ・Yes. It's

yen per person per night

(without meals / with breakfast).


・I'm sorry, but all the rooms are occupied tonight. ・本人確認のためパスポヌトを芋せおいただけたすか。 ・May I see your passport for identification? 13


● Please change the room because


● ので郚屋を倉えおください。 ◆ Examples of the reasons理由䟋◆

● Could you send my baggage to ( / my next destination )?


●私の荷物を 空枯次の宿泊先に送っおも らえたすか

・it is dirty 郚屋が汚れおいる ・it is too small 郚屋が狭い

・it is noisy ( outside / in the next room ) 倖隣 がうるさい

Q &A

at a Ryokan (Japanese inn) 旅通での問答

・there is no ( bathroom / toilet ) 郚屋にお颚呂

・it is ( hot / cold ) 郚屋が暑い寒い



・the view is not good 景色が良くない ● I'd like to cancel the reservation.

● Can I eat meals in my room?

● I'd like to buy a yukata (cotton kimono) as a souvenir.



● Can I stay

● Can I buy the sweet that was served in my room?

more night(s)?

●もう 泊延泊できたすか。



・Yes. Thank you very much. ・申し蚳ございたせん。 日が満宀ずなっおおりたす。 日付を蚘入しおください。 

・I'm sorry, it's full on


● Can I pay by credit card?

●クレゞットカヌドで支払えたすか。 ● Do you take travelers' checks?

●トラベラヌズチェックは䜿えたすか。 ● Could you call a taxi for me, please? ●タクシヌを呌んでもらえたすか。




AT A STORE, SHOPPING MALL,and so on ショッピング

Q&A on shopping 買い物するずきの問答 ● Is this made in Japan?


●ここで は売っおいたすか ◆ Examples of the items 商品䟋◆ antiques 骚董品

batteries 電池

clothes 衣類

cosmetics 化粧品

cameras カメラ

CD Players CD プレむダヌ

digital audio players デゞタルオヌディオプレむダヌ electrical appliances 電化補品 food 食品

Japanese swords 日本刀

kitchenware キッチン甚品

lacquer ware 挆噚

jewelry 宝食品 medicine 薬

pottery 陶噚

stationery 文房具

kimonos 着物

picture postcards 絵葉曞 shoes 靎

telephone cards テレフォンカヌド traditional crafts 䌝統工芞品 ukiyo-e 浮䞖絵

●これを詊着できたすか ● I want a

one. (color)

● 色のが欲しいです。

●これは日本補ですか ● Do you sell

● Can I try this on?

● Do you have a ( bigger / smaller ) one? ●もっず倧きい小さいのはありたすか

● Do you have the same one in a different ( color / design )?


◆ Examples of colors色の䟋◆ beige ベヌゞュ blue 青 gray グレヌ

khaki カヌキ pink ピンク red èµ€

yellow 黄

black 黒

brown 茶 green 緑

orange オレンゞ purple 玫 white 癜

● Do you have instructions in English? ●英語の説明曞はありたすか

● Could you send this overseas? ●これを海倖に送っおもらえたすか

● Could you gift-wrap this please?

●ギフト甚にラッピングしおもらえたすか ● Can I buy this duty-free? ●これは免皎で買えたすか

● Can I use this overseas?

●これは海倖でも䜿えたすか ● Can you make it a cheaper? ●たけおください。

● Could you change this for me please? ●取り替えおもらえたすか





《From patients 患者から》 ● I want to see a

.(medical doctor)

●私は に行きたいです。

◆ Examples of medical departments医療斜蚭䟋◆ dentist 歯科

dermatologist 皮膚科

ear, nose and throat doctor 耳錻咜喉科 obstetrician-gynecologist 産婊人科 ophthalmologist 県科 pediatrician 小児科 surgeon 倖科

physician 内科

● I have palpitations.

●動悞がしたす。 “Doki ga shimasu.” ● My ears are ringing.

●耳鳎りがしたす。 “Miminari ga shimasu.” ● I feel dizzy.

●めたいがしたす。 “Memai ga shimasu.” ● A rash has appeared.

●発疹がでおいたす。 “Hosshin ga dete imasu.” ● I have a fever.

●熱がありたす。 “Netsu ga arimasu.”

● I have a stomachache.

● I don't have an appetite.

● I feel sick.

● I fell down and hit my (

●おなかが痛いです。 “Onaka ga itai desu..”

●吐き気がしたす。 “Hakike ga shimasu.” ● I have diarrhea.

●䞋痢をしおいたす。 “Geri o shiteimasu.” ● I have a headache.

●頭が痛いです。 “Atama ga itai desu.” ● I have a sore throat.

●喉が痛いです。 “Nodo ga itai desu.” ● I have a runny nose.

●錻氎が出たす。 “Hanamizu ga demasu.” ● I have a cough.

●食欲がありたせん。 “Shokuyoku ga arimasen.” ).

●転倒しお を打ちたした。 “Tento shite ( ) o uchimashita..”

◆ Examples of physical parts郚䜍の䟋◆ ankle くるぶし “kurubushi” back 腰背䞭“senaka”

buttock お尻 “oshiri”

knee ひざ “hiza”

shoulder 肩 “kata”

elbow ひじ “hiji”

head 頭 “atama”

● I am allergic to ( antibiotic / aspirin / ). “( Koseibusshitsu / asupirin / ) ni arerugii ga arimasu.”

●抗生物質アスピリン にアレルギヌがあ りたす。

●咳が出たす。 “Seki ga demasu.”



● I have had a ( sharp / dull / throbbing / continuous ) pain since

days ago.

● 日前から激しく鈍くずきずき絶えず痛 みたす。

◆ Examples of medicine薬の䟋◆ Medicine for
 a cold 颚邪薬

diarrhea 䞋痢止め

fever 解熱剀

headache 頭痛薬

constipation 䟿秘薬 PMS-related pain 生理痛薬

stomachache 胃薬

relieving fatigue 疲劎回埩薬

《From doctors 医垫から》

an insect bite 虫刺され薬 disinfection 消毒薬


● Do you take any medication?

liquid medicine æ°Žè–¬

powdered medicine 粉薬


eye drops 点県薬

● Have you had any operations lately?

tablet(s) 錠剀

ointment 軟膏

hot / cold compress 湿垃薬

●明日明埌日 日埌もう䞀床きおください。

● Please come and see me again ( tomorrow / the day after tomorrow / days from now).

●少なくずも 日間は安静にしおいおください。 日 数を蚘入しおください

● Please try to rest for at least (

) days.

《From receptionists or pharmacists 受付、薬剀垫から》 ●この薬は 1 日 回、 食前食埌食間就寝前に 各 錠服甚しおください。

● This medicine should be taken

times a

day ( before meals / after meals / between meals / before sleep ). Take only ( one time.


) tablet(s) at




・Can I ask you a question?

Greetings あいさ぀ ・Good morning.

・Good afternoon.

おはようございたす。 Ohayo gozaimasu.


・Good evening. ・How do you do. ・My name is  .



お䌚いできお嬉しいです。 お元気ですか。

Ogenki desuka?





・Excuse me.

・I'm sorry.


ありがずうございたす。 Arigato gozaimasu.

どういたしたしお。 Doitashimashite.

すみたせん。 Sumimasen.

ごめんなさい。 Gomennasai.



Eigo o hanasu hito wa imasuka?

 wa doko desuka?

はどこですか はありたすか

・What is this/it/that?

 wa arimasuka?

これ / それ / あれは䜕ですか

Kore/sore/are wa nan desuka?

・How much does this cost?


Kore wa ikura desuka?

・Please say it slowly.


・Please say it again.


Yukkuri itte kudasai.

・Please write it down here.

Gratitude and apology 感謝ず謝眪

・You are welcome.

・Do you have  ?

・Good night.

Anata wa Eigo ga hanasemasuka?


Oai dekite ureshii desu.

・Thank you.

・Where is/are  ?

Watashi wa Nihongo ga wakarimasen.


Watashi wa  kara kimashita.



・Does anyone here speak English?

・How are you?


Watashi wa  to moshimasu.

・Nice to meet you.

Otazune shitai no desuga.

・I don't understand Japanese.

・Do you speak English?

・I'm from  .




Questions and requests 質問ずお願い

Moichido itte kudasai.


Sore o kokoni kaite kudasai.

 o misete kudasai.

・Show me  , please. ・Give me  , please.

・ , please.

を芋せおください。 をください。  o kudasai.


 o onegai shimasu.

Chotto matte kudasai

・Wait a moment, please. ちょっず埅っおください。


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