Jindřichův Hradec
Town and Region Guide
Statistic Data Number of inhabitants: 21 553 (as to 1 January 2015) Area:
74,27 sq. km
15˚ east longitude and 49˚ north latitude
478 m above sea level
Hamerský Stream and Nežárka River
Vajgar Pond:
49 ha
Town and Region Guide
Jindřichův Hradec History Sights Museums and Galleries Adventures and Relax Different Perspective Culture and Events Tips for Families with Children Czech Canada
Town Full of Adventures
Meet Hradec Interactive Guide to the Town with a Cross-Word Puzzle
The interactive guide tour will introduce the town to you from a different point of view every year and it will also bring you to five most interesting places of the town to gradually reveal the words of the cross-word puzzle. You can use the interactive guide in the form of mobile application for clever phones or you can use
the paper version picked up in the information centre. If solving the puzzle, you can participate in a draw for valuable prizes. More, each successful solver can get a small prize in the information centre.
History Walk through the centuries and meet the history of the Lords of Hradec.
10th century
16th century
The very beginnings of Jindřichův Hradec are connected to the existence of a Slavonian stronghold in a favourable location where the Nežárka River meets the Hamerský Stream, an important strategic point in the South of the Přemysl's country.
Under the rule of the last Lords of Hradec, the town reached the peak of its development. At that time, original Gothic houses were reconstructed and new Renaissance town houses were built in the squares and adjacent streets. So called New Town developed behind the northern ramparts. The town folk derived benefits from busy trading and handicraft activities, mainly from manufacture and sales of clothes.
12th century Vítek z Prčice received the South – East Bohemia region as an appanage, and he divided it among his sons, who became founders of important south-Bohemian aristocratic families with five-leaf roses in their shields: the lords of Landštejn, Stráž, Ústí, Rožmberk and the Lords of Hradec.
13th century he oldest preserved written record of Hradec dates back to 1220, the oldest preserved written record of Hradec dates back to 1220, when Jindřich I., the eldest son of Vítek z Prčice and founder of the family of Hradec Lords owned the landed estate of Jindřichův Hradec . He built a new Gothic castle in the location of a former stronghold, calling it New Castle or New House (Nova domus). In the mid of the 13th century, the original handicraft and trading village in its vicinity turned into a town and it got its name from Jindřich.
17th century The importance of the town increased thanks to economic results as well as thanks to the high positions taken by Vítek family of Hradec at the royal court and later by Vilém Slavata, who started to rule Hradec in 1604. In the end of the 30-years war, in 1654, Jindřichův Hradec with its 405 inhabited houses, took the second position among Czech towns, following Prague. But the town soon lost its exclusive political position. As from the end of the 17th century it stopped to be the headquarters of the Černín family, the new manor owners, and its economic importance also gradually decreased.
18 century th
A significant part of suburban houses and the castle was destroyed by a fire in 1773.
19th century During the anniversary markets in 1801, the whole town was hit by an extensive fire. There were destroyed 318 houses, the provost church, the town hospital, town hall and former Jesuit college. The people succeeded to protect the castle from further fire propagation. Consequent construction modifications added mainly new stonemason details and stucco decorations to house fronts. All the arcades of houses in the square were built-up. The Novoměstská and Rybniční gates were demolished. A part of ramparts was removed, the town moat was filled and so it was possible to found extensive orchards at the borders of old and new town. The steam railway, connecting Prague with Vienna in 1871 – 1887 sidetracked the town. There was an important breakpoint in the historical development of the town leading up to gradual loss of business and cultural importance. As late as in 1887, the town was connected to railway system through so called Czech – Moravian Transversal Railway from Veselí nad Lužnicí to Jihlava. Ten years later, the operation of narrow-gauge railway from Hradec to Nová Bystřice started. In 1887, the first tests of Křižík's electric lamps were held and Hradec was the first town in Austria – Hungary with established electric lighting of private houses.
20th century In 1910, Marie Hoppe Teinitzerová founded unique tapestry workshops in the town and they got well-known all over the world.
State Castle and Chateau The state castle and chateau in Jindřichův Hradec takes thanks to its area the third position in the Czech republic, following the Prague Castle and the Chateau in Český Krumlov. At the present time, the visitors may choose from three guided tours. Guided tour „A“ – Adam's house offers the portrait of Perchta of Rožmberk, the well-known White Lady of the chateau. The wall painting St-George's Legend, decorating one of the oldest rooms of the Gothic palace, is the work of art of exceptional importance. You can see it during the guided tour „B“ – the Gothic Castle, together with one of the best preserved castle kitchens in our country – the Black Kitchen, where well-known sweet pudding was prepared for the poor according to a legend.
Guided tour „C“ – Apartments of the 18th and 19th centuries – offers an astonishing spectacle thanks to the visit to the music pavilion Rondel, shining with rich plastic gilded decorations from the 16th century. Thanks to its unique atmosphere, the state castle and chateau is a popular location for various important cultural and social events. Main events in the chateau: Drama theatre of Jindřichův Hradec (July), Night guided tours of the castle and chateau with our While Lady (July, August), Chateau Opera (August), Advent and Christmas market in the chateau (December).
Interesting fact: The monumental set of castle and chateau buildings in Jindřichův Hradec was declared a national cultural monument in 1996 and it may take pride in having the best house descriptive number in the town - 1/I. National Castle and Chateau J. Hradec Dobrovského 1/I 377 01 Jindřichův Hradec
+ 420 384 321 279 jindrichuvhradec@npu.cz www.zamek-jindrichuvhradec.eu
Holy Trinity Sculpture
The Holy Trinity Sculpture (Assumption of the Virgin) in náměstí Míru square dates back to 1764 – 1766. It was built by Matouš Strachovský, a sculptor of Dačice. The twenty-meter high column is a typical product of the Baroque era, one of many so called Marian (pest) columns, built with support of the Catholic church in squares of our towns.
Nežárecká Gate Originally also called Linecká, this is the only preserved gate of the original three gates, being a part of town ramparts. In 1879, the town clock manufactured by Martin Rezek, a watch-maker of Jindřichův Hradec, was installed in the gate. The interior of Nežárecká gate is not open to visitors, the premises are used by the Museum of Jindřichův Hradec Region.
Church of St. John the Baptist
The gothic church located in the place of an original Roman chapel was gradually built as from the beginning of the 13th century. St. Nicholas Chapel was built in the next century. Sometimes it is said to be a pearl of high Gothic in South Bohemia. The monastery construction started as well. The church, administrated by the Museum in Jindřichův Hradec, was recently open to the public and even the monastery buildings were reconstructed. The church is used as a concert hall, the south body off the church is used by the museum for exhibition purposes.
Thanks to interesting architecture, the whole complex is a rare sight of Central European importance. Next to the church you can see the buildings of former minor monastery and later built hospital
Church of the assumption of the Virgin
15th meridian of east longitude is marked on the edge of the church with its 68,3 m high tower dominating the whole old part of Jindřichův Hradec. The original Gothic church was built in the 2nd half of the 14th century, one hundred years later it was reconstructed and so called Špulířská chapel was added. After an extensive fire, only stone font from 1525 and relics of St. Hippolyte, patron of the town, were preserved. Nowadays, they are kept in a glass tumba below the tombstone of Jáchym of Hradec.
Tapestry House
Museums and galleries
Marie Hoppe Teinitzerová founded her workshops for tapestries weaving and renovation in 1910. After more than one hundred years, the unique handicraft technique obtained dignified background in the reconstructed object of former chateau brewery. The visitors can see the exposition of the Museum
of Jindřichův Hradec called Life and Work of Marie Hoppe Teinitzerová as well as live exposition where skilful weavers allow adults and children visitors to see the secrets of tapestry manufacture and renovation.
Interesting fact: Marie Teinitzerová was the founder of tapestry manufacture in workshops in Czechoslovakia. In 1925 she participated in the world exhibition of decorative arts in Paris where she won the Grand prix for her cycle of tapestries called „Crafts“ based on design of F. Kysela. The great success started her international popularity. Tapestry House Dobrovského 202/I 377 01 Jindřichův Hradec
+420 384 370 880 info@dumgobelinu.cz www.dumgobelinu.cz
Museum of Jindřichův Hradec Region
The Museum of Jindřichův Hradec Region can be found in two buildings – in Balbínovo Square and in Štítného street and its history dates back to 1882. Most of the exhibitions are located in the object of former Jesuit seminar at Balbínovo Square. The most popular exhibit of the Museum of Jindřichův Hradec Region is the largest folk mechanic crib in the world – Krýza's crib, for details see page 14. The Museum also offers e.g. exposition of painted sharp-shooter targets and target guns, a hall dedicated to the world-wide known
opera singer Ema Destinnová or exposition called Air battle above the Jindřichův Hradec Region, also a permanent exhibition presenting manufacture of Lada sewing machines, collection of high and late Gothic wood-carving, presentation of history of guilds and crafts and a unique collection of tokens of the most important out-of-Prague printing house of the 19th century – the Landfras's printing house.
Interesting fact: The Museum of Jindřichův Hradec Region keeps more than 50 thousand items in its collections, which represents more than 100 thousand collection objects of exceptional historical, art and documentation value. Museum of Jindřichův Hradec Region Balbínovo náměstí 19/I 377 01 Jindřichův Hradec
+420 384 363 660 muzeum@mjh.cz www.mjh.cz
Museum of Photography and Modern Imaging Media
The former Jesuit College underwent extensive reconstruction so as to meet the requirements of the museum and now it is a place of meetings of laic and expert public.
The collections of the Museum of Photography and Modern Imaging Media contain works of leading national and foreign authors as well as unknown photographers. The topic-aimed photographic workshops are extremely popular mainly among the new generation of photographers. Interesting fact: In the course of reconstruction of former Jesuit College object there was found a ceiling painting of an autopsy under nearly fifty layers of paintings. That was a shocking surprise not only for the conservator Tomáš Švéda, but also for the employees of the historical institute and faculty of medicine. It was prohibited for Jesuits to handle a human body, so this is an absolute rarity of global importance. Museum of Photography and Modern Imaging Media Kostelní 20/I 377 01 Jindřichův Hradec +420 384 362 459 mfmom@mfmom.cz www.mfmom.cz
Old Town Hall The Old Town hall exhibition house in náměstí Míru square invites the visitors to discover various stories. One of the interactive halls offers a trip to the history and presence of Czech bedtime stories and artists working for children. Another part of the building is dedicated in a comprehensible and interesting way to the local rarity, the local railway of Jindřichův Hradec.
expositions or funny riddles on interactive boards.
Town Gallery
The premises of the town hall also present the history of Jindřichův Hradec through interesting
The Old Town Hall also includes a gallery that can be rented to new as well as renowned artists.
You can finish the visit to the reconstructed house by visiting the ceremonial hall of Jan Kotěra.
Interesting fact: It is probable for the town hall to be located in the same place as early as in the Medieval Ages – according to preserved late Gothic architectonic elements at the beginning of the 16th century at the latest. The original building was narrower, as there was an alley between the town hall and the neighbouring house No. 89 – there were bread selling shops in the alley and that is why the location is still called „Chlebnice“ (chléb = bread in Czech).
Old Town Hall Exhibition House Náměstí Míru 88/I 377 01 Jindřichův Hradec +420 384 390 977 stararadnice@jh.cz www.stararadnice.jh.cz
Museum of Czechoslovak Army 1938 The Museum is dedicated to the Czechoslovak army of September 1938 and you can find it in the state castle and chateau.
The small visitors have a chance to try a rifle, Bren gun, helmets, gas masks, to dress a uniform and make a photo in it.
Muzeum čs. armády 1938 Dobrovského 1/I 377 01 Jindřichův Hradec + 420 606 102 350 svitak.miloslav@seznam.cz www.bunkry-jh.cz
GALLERIES Gallery Inspirace
Exhibition and sales gallery in Langr's house rooms. There are also held some concerts and chamber theatre performances.
Gallery Špejchar Permanent exhibitions of paintings, collages and photographs with the possibility of a visit to the Chinese restaurant.
Gallery Magdalena A small private gallery close to the chateau – it offers exhibitions of works of various authors.
Gallery Inspirace Nám. Míru 138/I 377 01 Jindřichův Hradec +420 605 266 969 inspirace@esnet.cz www.langruv-dum.cz Gallery Špejchar Dolní Skrýchov 1154/II 377 01 Jindřichův Hradec +420 724 200 217 jodrle53@gmail.com www.josef-andrle.cz Gallery Magdalena Náměstí Míru 6/I 377 01 Jindřichův Hradec +420 605 752 368
15th meridian of east latitude
Experiences and relax
The 15th meridian is marked on the edge of the provost Church of the Assumption of the Virgin in the very centre of the town. Wit exaggeration it is possible to say that the inhabitants of Jindřichův Hradec do know the absolutely exact central European time.
Krýza's Crib The largest folk mechanic crib in the world one of the most visited expositions of the Museum. Tomáš Krýza, the stocking-weaver, worked on the imposing crib for over sixty years. The crib consists of 1398 figures of people and animals, 133 of them are movable.
You can get information on the 15th meridian and more in the Observatory of František Nušl. Interesting fact: The figures in Krýza's crib are made of bonded material or wood. Nowadays, the original manual drive of the crib mechanism has been replaced with an electro engine. Museum of Jindřichův Hradec Region Balbínovo náměstí 19/I 377 01 Jindřichův Hradec +420 384 363 660 muzeum@mjh.cz www.mjh.cz
Aqua Show St. Florian
Interesting fact: When crossing the 15th meridian in any place, the visitor should make a wish. According to a legend, his wish will come true in one year and one day. Observatory of František Nušl Hvězdná 51 377 01 Jindřichův Hradec + 420 384 322 564 jana.jirku@hvezdarnajh.cz www.hvezdarnajh.cz
Unique Light Show joining up the light effects, video projections and images made of falling water drops and impressive music tones. You can see the show in the passage of the Business and Medicine Centre - St. Florian every day at every whole hour from 9.00 a.m. to 9.00 p.m. You can also find stylish shops there, service shops, restaurants and coffee houses. Interesting fact: Aqua show in St. Florian's building was installed as the second of its kind in Europe. Business and Medicine Centre - St. Florian Růžová 41/II, 377 01 J. Hradec + 420 777 321 262 jana.blabolilova@rbbinvest.cz www.svflorian.cz
Swimming pool and Aquapark
The covered part of the swimming pool complex offers covered pools for children with attractions, 25 meters long swimming pool with relax section, where you can find a toboggan, back flow, massage nozzles and a steam box. The complex of services includes Finnish, herbal and infra sauna, fast food and a restaurant. The youngest visitors of the aquapark have available a wading pool, while the adults may use water attractions including back flow, waterspouts and an outdoor toboggan. The whole complex is completed with a beach volleyball court, attractions for children, and a large meadow for sunbathing with a view of the Vajgar pond and the old part of the town. Swimming pool and Aquapark Jáchymova 865/III 377 01 Jindřichův Hradec + 420 384 321 236 bazen@smjh.cz www.bazen.jh.cz
Municipal Swimming Pool at Vajgar The picturesque premises of the historical Municipal swimming pool offer platforms and grass for sunbathing, amenities and even a buffet in summer.
There is also a volleyball and tennis court, canoe shipyard, sandbox and wading pool for the youngest. The boat rent invites you for romantic trips on the Vajgar pond, mentioned for the first time as early as in 1399.
You can sail up to the centre of the pond, to an artificial island built on order of Jaromír Černín for his wife Karolína at the opportunity of 40th birthday in 1858 - 1860.
Discgolf Discgolf is one of the most widely practised sports with a flying disc. It is derived from classic golf, when the aim is – similarly to golf – to reach the hole with the lowest possible number of throws.
So a new possibility of unusual leisure time spending appeared in Jindřichův Hradec, in Mertovy Sady.
Information Centre of the Town of Jindřichův Hradec
Anyone can play discgolf and it is an ideal sports activity for the whole family.
You can get the discs for the game (sale or rent) in the Information Centre.
+420 384 363 546 info@jh.cz www.infocentrum.jh.cz
ul. Panská 136/I 377 01 Jindřichův Hradec
Different Perspective
Municipal Observation Tower The tower is 68,3 meter high. The visitors climbing up the 153 stairs will see the town from the height of 35,3 meters, being in the altitude of 513 metres above the sea level. Interesting fact: Hundreds of enthusiasts try to cope with the 153 stairs of the municipal observation tower in the shortest possible time. The competition is called „Run the Tower“ and it is regularly held in may at the opportunity of the International Museum Day. The public is always interested a lot. Municipal Observation Tower Kostelní 80/I, 377 01 Jindřichův Hradec + 420 384 363 660, muzeum@mjh.cz, www.mjh.cz
Black Tower, Dungeon The tower is one of the oldest buildings in the chateau object after 1220. It is 32 metres high, with its walls reaching as many as 3,5 metres in some points. While climbing up the tower, you can have a look at the interior of the oldest castle kitchen, discovered during recent repairs. There are 14p stairs leading to the walkway of the tower, offering a view of the whole town and its surroundings. The tower used to serve as a prison. Interesting fact: Zikmund of Vartenberk was put to jail in the tower in 1438 for betrayal of King Albrecht Habsburg and allegedly, he died of hunger there. That is why the tower is called a dungeon. National Castle and Chateau Jindřichův Hradec Dobrovského 1/I, 377 01 Jindřichův Hradec + 420 384 321 279 info@zamek-jindrichuvhradec.eu www.zamek-jindrichuvhradec.eu
Outlook Tower Rýdův kopec The outlook tower Rýdův kopec can be found close to the village of Děbolín, 6 km from Jindřichův Hradec. Its total height is 33 metres. The lookout tower can be found in the altitude of 551,5 meters above sea level, the lookout terrace is 24 metres high. It can be reached by visitors via the round steel staircase of 102 stairs or a wooden staircase with 128 stairs.
The architectonic and construction solution of the lookout tower is based on the idea of trigonometric points, measuring the free country from the point of view of its position and height description.
Information Centre of the Town of Jindřichův Hradec ul. Panská 136/I 377 01 Jindřichův Hradec +420 384 363 546 info@jh.cz www.infocentrum.jh.cz
Walk Trip in the Town The approximately three-kilometre walk will show you round the picturesque corners of the town. The trip starts in Masarykovo náměstí square, at the orientation tourist map. As from that map we walk through the Klášterská street to the Franciscan monastery and St. Catherine Church. Turn left in front of the monastery and enter a small park. Follow the footpaths on the left and get out in Husova street. You can see the building of Grammar school of Vítězslav Novák on the left. Go through the college complex opposite the grammar school and go past the Basic School of Arts to Husovy Sady.
In Husovy sady, turn right to the statue of Jan Hus. Go round the statue and down the stairs to the terrace under the ramparts. There is a nice view of the chateau complex. Go down the stairs between the ramparts and the Nežárka River. After some 100 m there is a staircase climbing up to the ramparts on the left – take the staircase and then Liliová alley to reach the provost church of the Assumption of the Lady. Just opposite the end of the alley, there is a plate on the church wall demarking the 15th meridian – it is marked on the pavement as well. On the right hand side you can see the buildings of former Jesuit college, being one of the oldest preserved colleges in Bohemia. The corner building is the Chapel of St. Maria Magdalena, the oldest town church dating back to the 13th century. Turn right at the chapel and go to Balbínovo Square. There is an interesting building in Imperial Style – the Landfras printing house. Just opposite, you can see the building
of the Museum of Jindřichův Hradec Region, the former Jesuit grammar school with its expositions including e.g. worldwide well-known movable Krýza's crib. Go round the museum and through the Nežárecká gate. Cross the bridge over the Nežárka River. Cross the bridge over the Nežárka River. Then take the first street to the left. There is a head shown at the corner of the house – the house is called „U Bradáče“. The stucco head allegedly shows the height of high
water or maybe it was a barbershop. The street goes up to the slope above the river. The next part of the way offers a wide view of the chateau complex. The beautiful building on the right hand side is the chateau Rondel, a pearl of European mannerism of the 16th century. Former tannery houses can be seen at the river below the chateau. In 1911, Marie Hoppe Teinitzerová purchased the oldest manor house and she established there the Textile Art Workshop there. Tapestries from the workshops are world-wide known and House of tapestry commemorates their glory. We will continue up to the first parting of roads. Keep left and then go through all the partings straight on. Go down the hill and the road turns left around the wall of the Landfras printing house and the garden belonging to Landfras's villa. The path joins a road – use it to cross the bridge over the Nežárka River and continue to the left to Mlýnská street, following the yellow tourist signs. Follow the street up and along a stone wall, offering another
and different view of the chateau complex. At the end of the stone wall, follow the yellow signs to the left and cross the bridge above the sluice-gate. Along the Malý Vajgar pond and the brewery millrace go up to the entry to the State Castle and Chateau. The chateau is one of the oldest manor houses in south Bohemia. The original castle was founded by the Vítkov Family in the 13th century. The first owners were the Lords of Hradec, who passed the chateau at the beginning of the 17th century to Slavata family and in the end of the 17th century to Černín family. The castle was nationalized in 1945. Follow the yellow tourist signs. There is an interesting corner house with an arch of Gothic origin in Dobrovského square – it is valuable mainly thanks to the corner arch from the beginning of the 16th century, being a sight of European importance. Then proceed up to náměstí Míru square. As far as the buildings on the square are concerned, the most interesting one is the exhibition house with
a gallery of the Old Town Hall and Langr's house decorated with sgraffito. Leave the yellow tourist signs and go round the Langr's house and the Zlatá husa (Golden Goose) restaurant. This is the place, where K. H. Borovský spent his last night on his journey to exile in 1851. Go through the Svatojánská alley up to the Church of St. John the Baptist, the most important early Gothic monument together with the chateau. On the right hand side of the staircase there is a nice view of the Vajgar pond. Go through the Štítného street and up to Panská street and then to the right, back to Masarykovo Square, where the town tour started.
Information Centre of the Town of Jindřichův Hradec ul. Panská 136/I 377 01 Jindřichův Hradec +420 384 363 546 info@jh.cz www.infocentrum.jh.cz
Culture and Events The Jindřichův Hradec region offers many opportunities of active and passive rest. Cultural, social and sports events usually have long.-term tradition and they provide inhabitants and visitors with purposeful and inspiring way of leisure time spending.
Tourist TOP week
Opera in Folk Rose the Chateau
Just in the mid of the season, at the turn of July and August, the visitors to Jindřichův Hradec may enjoy many unusual adventures in the course of the tourist TOP week. The event offers many cultural and social events – concerts, exhibitions, theatre performances, photographing in historical dresses and final traditional fair with attractions, called Porcinkule. The TOP week usually includes a trial to reach a record which opens the whole event.
Open air opera performance is regularly held in v Jindřichův Hradec in August. The third yard of the National Castle and Chateau hosts the members of the National Theatre from Prague, offering to visitors the most popular opera works.
Concertino Praga It is one of the most prestigious events in the Czech Republic. The international radio competition of Czech radio for young musicians all over the world is finished with June South Bohemian Festival of Winners and Laureates for as long as five decades already. The festival is hosted by Jindřichův Hradec – respectively by the Knight Hall of the National Castle and Chateau.
Day of the Town Municipal festivities are annually held in Jindřichův Hradec in June. These are held in the centre of the town and mainly in the premises of the National Castle and Chateau.
The several days lasting July festival became popular and beloved by folk music fans and the participants for the time of its existence. The participants offer their performances on the main scene at the 3rd Chateau yard, but also in other locations, like in the Chapel of St. Maria Magdalena or in the atrium of the Museum of the Jindřichův Hradec Region. Many accompanying events are held in the course of the festival.
Town for Children or farewell holiday. The town park hosts the event „Town for Children or Farewell Holiday” on the last August weekend.
Information centre
House of Culture Střelnice
ul. Panská 136/I 377 01 Jindřichův Hradec +420 384 363 546 info@jh.cz www.infocentrum.jh.cz
Masarykovo náměstí 107/I 377 01 Jindřichův Hradec
Theatre Hall and Cinema +420 384 497 474, +420 384 497 473 strelnice@jh.cz www.kino.jh.cz
Cross the Hill Advent in to Hradec the castle
Easter Feast
or Jindřichův Hradec Pedal The Jindřichův Hradec region is one of frequent aims of cycling tourists and that is why it is a tradition to start each new tourist season in Jindřichův Hradec by a mass cycling trip. Cycling tracks of various complexity offer funny events and drawing for the main prize – a bicycle. While the season starts in May, it is finished – also by a cycling trip – in October.
Celebration of spring and Easter arrival in the centre of the town, with procession and Easter traditions, art workshops, music and traditional fair.
Run the Tower! A sport and fun event organized by the Museum of Jindřichův Hradec Region, held as from 1998 at the opportunity of the International Museum day in May. Dozens of competitors annually try to cope with 153 stairs of the town lookout tower as quickly as possible.
In the course of the summer season, the State Castle and Chateau in Jindřichův Hradec is the aim of thousands of tourist mainly due to its beauty, extent and undoubted cultural and historic treasures, while in the advent period it attracts the visitors by festive atmosphere, strengthened with the agitated historical events. In the course of one December weekend, the visitors may taste the period food and drinks, they may see live nativity or the operations of the popular Black Kitchen.
Live Hradec A multi-genre music festival, celebrating the arrival of summer and summer solstice.
Street Arts Festival One week in the mid of August belong to street artists occupying busy locations in the centre of Jindřichův Hradec – musicians, theatre and art performers and others, performing for hat money.
Evening Wandering in Mythic Hradec Non-traditional trips to the history of Jindřichův Hradec, focused on legends and interesting events
Night Tours with the White Lady A mystique theatre fairy tale performance for children and adults in the State Castle and Chateau in Jindřichův Hradec.
Region of Jindřichův Hradec
Czech Canada Czech Canada is the area approximately demarcated by the towns of Kunžak, Dačice, Slavonice, Nová Bystřice and Jindřichův Hradec, with the area of nearly 300 km2. There is an area defined by resolution of the South Bohemia Regional Authority with higher degree of protection – the Natural Park Czech Canada with an area of 18 700 ha, with several natural reserves. It is said for the name to be based on natural character of the landscape, characterised by numerous water areas, extensive forest complexes with large stones and quite chilly weather, lower average temperatures and high rainfall rates, so even on the basis of similarity of local landscape to the landscape in Canada. The character of the countryside is ideal for walks and cycling trips, visits of historical monuments as well as for quiet wandering in nature. The large numbers of local ponds are frequently used for swimming, fishing and water sports. There are also great snow conditions in Czech Canada thanks to its chilly weather and higher altitude. The area offers many cross-country skiing tracks and even two ski lifts.
Jindřichův Hradec Narrow – Gauge Railway For more than a century, the colouring of Czech Canada is connected with two local railways with narrow gauges – only 760 mm wide, but with an estimable length of 79 km. Both tracks of the local railway in Jindřichův Hradec - Jindřichův Hradec - Nová Bystřice and Jindřichův Hradec – Obrataň – still meet their original purpose, i.e. daily passenger and cargo transport.
But they are an important technical sight and one of the most frequently visited tourist attractions of the region. A trip by a one-hundred-year-old historical steam train into beautiful locations of Czech Canada is a unique trip to the past as a great experience that you simply cannot miss.
Jindřichohradecké místní dráhy, a.s. Nádražní 203/II 377 01 Jindřichův Hradec + 420 384 361 165 office@jhmd.cz www.jhmd.cz
Interesting fact: Both of the tracks are surrounded by picturesque railway stations and train stops, with a dense network of tourist and cycling routes. Undoubtedly, the most attractive railway station is Kaproun on the route to Nová Bystřice. Jára Cimrman, a Czech visionary legend, was kicked out of the train as a dead head in this location. A monument has been built there in honour of that event.
Landštejn The Czech Canada region is dominated by the Landštejn Castle, a crossroad of tourist routes, cycling tracks, a popular place for visitors of the Jindřichův Hradec region. The castle was built at the beginning of the 13th century probably by the Moravian Přemysl family as a strongpoint at the borders of Bohemia, Moravia and Austria. Its two towers are interconnected by a palace and that is a really unique complex of its kind in Bohemia. It is one of three preserved Roman ca-
stles in our country and it is also one of the most important Roman sights in central Europe. The upper part of the higher tower serves as a lookout tower and it offers views of the deep forests of Czech Canada. In the course of the high season, Landštejnské feasts are held there.
State Castle Landštejn 378 81 Slavonice +420 384 498 580 landstejn@npu.cz www.hrad-landstejn.eu
Interesting fact: In their times, Landštejn and Hradec has equal chances to become the centre of power in South – east bohemia. But changed trade route and bad destinies of the castle lords caused one of them to reach a great Renaissance form, while the other is just a well-kept ruin.
Rock Formation Devil's Ass This aggregation of stones looks like buttocks and it is considered to be the best known and most characteristic rock formation of the natural park Czech Canada. It is located in a forest close to the observation tower U Jakuba, in the triangle of villages Terezín, Nový Svět and Valtínov..
The observation tower U Jakuba The observation tower U Jakuba at Havel's Hill close to the village of Valtínov offers a beautiful view of a large part of Czech Canada. The total height of the observation tower is 40,7 m (observation platform 33,3 m) and that means that this is one of the highest lookout towers made of glued wooden profiles in our country and simultaneously it is the highest wooden construction of this kind in the Czech Republic.
U Jakuba Obvservation Tower +420 602 791 166 ceskakanadazvysky@seznam.cz www.ceskakanadazvysky.cz
Family activities
Museum of Vintage Cars in Nová Bystřice
This is the first and the largest museum of pre-war American cars in Bohemia.
Muzeum Nová Bystřice Vídeňská 136, 378 33 Nová Bystřice
It is hard to find any more suitable premises for a history trip but the old industrial textile factory. The technical exhibits of the museum join the factory architecture and it is easy to join the era presented to you by the museum.
+420 777 004 699 info@muzeumveteranu.cz www.muzeumveteranu.cz
Regional Narrow-Gauge Museum The museum exposition shows the development of Jindřichův Hradec and Gmünd narrow-gauge railways, but you can also see here the printing machine for production of Edmondson's cardboard tickets Goebl from 1895. There are also exhibited the service caps of railway employees and lanterns of station dispatchers from the whole 20th century. There can also be seen typical cargo machines of local railways. The rear part of the right side of the heating plant houses a workshop, where general maintenance of machines and carriages was performed. The left section of the heating plant is just next to the water plant, serving for water supplies to steam machines. Exposition of railway signal devices can be seen on the ground floor. The visitors may also access the Diesel machine T 47 020. Railway Station Nová Bystřice +420 739 503 408 office@jhmd.cz www.jhmd.cz
Monastery at Nová Bystřice
Fortifications Museum Klášter
The monastery was built in 1501 - 1507 for the Paulan monks. The space concept of the church is really unique.
The fortifications were built to protect state borders in 1938. The renovated exposition object is equipped with period equipment, armaments and accessories of Czechoslovak soldiers. In the surroundings of the fortress you can see many other non-equipped objects and well-preserved trenches from the mobilisation era in 1938.
The front of the church houses one of the largest wooden altars in Central Europe. An allegedly healing spring and peat meadow can be found close to the church. Blue tourist sign will navigate you from Nová Bystřice to the monastery (distance: 5 km).
Muzeum čs. opevnění Klášter +420 606 102 350, 728 043 746 svitak.miloslav@seznam.cz www.bunkry-jh.cz
Castles and Chateaus of the Jindřichův Hradec region State Chateau Červená Lhota www.zamek-cervenalhota.eu
Černín's Hunting Chateau Jemčina www.jemcinazamek.cz
Castle and Chateau Stráž nad Nežárkou
State Chateau Dačice
Chateau Kamenice nad Lipou www.kamenicenl.cz
Rope Making Museum in Deštná The exposition of the local Rope-Making Museum of Karel Klik (the only one in Bohemia) represents the history and presence of rope making craft and families.
Rope-Making Museum of Karel Klik in Deštná Náměstí Míru 95, 378 25 Deštná +420 384 384 231, +420 723 518 377 provaznickemuzeum@destna.cz www.provaznickemuzeum.destna.cz
Museum of Motor Bicycles in Horní Radouň There are exhibited 71 motor bicycles mainly of pre-war production, together with countless numbers of objects connected with history of motorism. The collection also includes a unique set of more than thirty moto bicycles with engines of Sachs brand. There is a playroom and an outdoor playfield for children. There is a Huyer's trail going through the whole exposition and showing many inventions of the forgotten genius. Museum of Motor Bicycles in Horní Radouň Horní Radouň 91, 377 01 Jindřichův Hradec + 420 777 264 169 muzeumradoun@gmail.com, www.muzeumradoun.cz
Air Museum Deštná In Deštná, Jindřichův Hradec region, you can find the museum aimed at our pilots from the battles of WW II and the history of aviation in the south of Bohemia. The base of the exposition consists of collections of the Club of Aviation History, arranging complete exposition as well as presents and assets. The exposition is modified every year. Air Museum Deštná Náměstí Míru 61, 378 25 Deštná +420 384 384 231, +420 721 415 581 leteckemuzeum@destna.cz www.leteckemuzeum.destna.cz
Maříž Ceramics Painting
Art Workshop of Romana Hulíková
The company Maříž - autorská originální keramika s. r. o. Is the lifelong work of the academic painter Kryštof Trubáček, who founded a ceramic workshop in the picturesque village Maříž, located in the distance of 3 km from Slavonice, in 1991. The visitors have a chance to paint their own cup, bowl, teapot or a plate. The Maříž oasis includes even a style restaurant with nice outdoor place to sit, with a garden and background for children.
The Art Workshop of Romana Hulíková with style boarding house Keramika in Děbolín, approximately 4 km from Jindřichův Hradec, that is an ideal tip for a great trip, mainly for families with children. You can try to make your own original utility and decorative products. You can try ceramics, silk and textile painting, pottery manufacture, manufacture of jewellery and many other activities. There are prepared more than 200 different semi-products which you can use for finalisation of your products according to your own fantasy.
Maříž, autorská originální keramika s.r.o. Ceramic workshop for the public Maříž 21, 378 81 Slavonice / +420 384 493 337 oazamariz@aokmariz.cz, www.keramika-mariz.cz
Boarding House with Ceramic Workshop Děbolín 26, 377 01 Jindřichův Hradec + 420 602 476 331 info@penzionkeramika.cz, www.penzionkeramika.cz
Mushroom Park and Fairies' Paradise The Mushroom Park and Fairies' Paradise is a small park with games, sceneries and competitions, where you can spend a funny day with the whole family.
Travelling in time across the park, you discover the charming world, in which you can fulfil many tasks. You can also visit the new open Botanicum, search for an original treasure or solve a detective task. In the Museum of Fossils you can see a chronologically organised unique collection of fossils.
Summer in Maize Children may try to go through a maze labyrinth and get prizes for solved tasks. They will enjoy a lot of fun in the playfield made of maize packages and there is also
Mushroom Park and Fairies' Paradise and Museum of Fossils Roseč 3, 378 46 Roseč + 420 604 247 389 info@houbovypark.cz www.houbovypark.cz
The first maize labyrinth in the picturesque country between Jindřichův Hradec and Třeboň.
a 7-meter pool with a sand beach. The youngest children may try Eton fives, like football, badminton, pétanque, volleyball, they can ride a car track or overcome the maize pyramid.
Roseč u Jindřichova Hradce +420 772 721 062 info@veverci-dvur.cz www.letovkukurici.cz
Bison Ranch Rožnov A small village Rožnov can be found in the wild countryside of Czech Canada. It is ideal for children as well as for their parents. A trip to bisons is a nonrecurring experience. Children may also use a trampoline, climbing frames, inflatable castle or skittles. Parent will undoubtedly appreciate interesting menu and a rest in a stylish restaurant.
They can choose some traditional dishes or local specialities, like bison steak, burger or sausage. Bison Ranch Rožnov Rožnov 1, 378 81 Český Rudolec +420 725 124 884, 724 937 113 info@bisonranch.cz www.bisonranch.cz
Rope and Outdoor Centre Landštejn You can find the Rope Park Landštejn in Czech Canada. Its unique location in unharmed nature promises a non-repeatable experience and enjoyment. All the brave visitors can try high rope hurdles, but even low hurdles for children aged 5+. There is also background for paintball.
The close cyclo camp offers more attractions: aqua zorbing, archery or bungee running.
Coody Outdoor, s. r. o. 378 82 Staré Město p. Landštejnem + 420 603 183 603 info@coody.cz, www.coody.cz
Alpaca Farm in Dobrá Voda You can see several alpacas, sheep, goats and mainly Irish cob horses in the far in teh course of the whole year. The beautiful, interesting hairy horses are – thanks to their friendly character and wide back – ideal for children, who feel safe to ride them.
Alpaca Farm Dobrá Voda 20, 378 33 Nová Bystřice +420 737 453 157, 602 115 120 tomasludvik@centrum.cz www.farmaalpaka.eu
Zoo Park Fairy-Tale Country Fabula Na Hrádečku
Luděk's Toy Club
The Fairy-Tale Country Fabula is a great place for a family trip with children. Children as well as adults can find a lot of fun here under any weather conditions. You can visit together the charming fairy tale world and you can enjoy unexpected adventures and fairy tales written by the fairy tale country and its inhabitants.
Luděk's Toy Club in Lodhéřov offers a permanent exhibition of exceptional author's wooden kit toys of Luděk Fiala, each of the toys being an original thanks to manual processing. The children have available the toys as well as covered sandbox.
The private zoo park with an area of 10 ha houses 8 species of claw monkeys, lemurs, camels, lamas, kangaroos, donkeys, 3 species of ostriches, nasuas, racoons, porcupines, lizards, crocodiles and others.
Fairy-Tale Country Fabula in Kamenice nad Lipou
Zoo Park Na Hrádečku in Horní Pěna
Masarykova 362, 394 70 Kamenice n. L. +420 608 601 500 info@skritek-fabula.cz www.pohadkova-rise.cz
Horní Pěna 51, 378 31 Horní Pěna +420 732 353 340 romanaliskova@seznam.cz www.zoonahradecku.cz
Luděk's Toy Club in Lodhéřov Lodhéřov 15, 378 26 Lodhéřov + 420 721 365 827 ludek-fiala@seznam.cz www.hrackyfiala.cz
Published by the town of Jindřichův Hradec in 2015 Information Centre Jindřichův Hradec ul. Panská 136/I, 377 01 Jindřichův Hradec +420 384 363 546 / info@jh.cz / www.infocentrum.jh.cz