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This information provided is for the sole purpose of dealers advertising to present their wares to consumers. As such the publisher, Historical Publications LLC, makes no representations or warranties of any kind, expressed or implied, as to the information, content, materials, or products included as links from this directory. Historical Publications LLC, disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of the merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, to the full extent permissible by applicable law. Nor will Historical Publications LLC, be held liable for any damages of any kind arising from the use of this directory, including, but not limited to direct, indirect, incidental, punitive, and consequential damages. No arbitration or negotiation services between the dealers and consumers are offered by Historical Publications LLC. We reserve the right to refuse advertising for any reason.
Websites offering links to dealer sites abound on the Internet. Our purpose is to present you with a large selection of reputable relic dealers and match up the dealer with the collecting area in which you are particularly interested. Of course these dealers are hand picked to bring you the best available authentic merchandise on the Internet.
Historical Publications LLC
Jack W. Melton Jr.
2800 Scenic Drive
Suite 4 PMB 304
Blue Ridge, GA 30513
Phone: 800-777-1862
Ad Reservation Deadline: Nov. 15, 2025
Ad Material Deadline: Nov. 30, 2025
Printed once a year in December.
On the cover: . On the left is Pvt. Ed Landvoigt, Company I, 1st Confederate Cavalry, and on the right is Pvt. John H. Graham. The center soldier is unidentified. (Library of Congress)
Email: jack@jackmelton.com • CivilWarDealers.com
ACE Pyro & Fire Art – Black Powder
ACE Pyro
Saline, MI 48176
Phone: 877-223-3552
Website: https://www.acepyro.com
Fire Art
Munson, PA 16860
Phone: 814-765-5918
Website: https://www.fireartcorp.com
Master Distributors of Schuetzen/Wano Black Powder 1Fa, 2Fa, 3Fa, 4Fa, 7Fa, 1Fg, 2Fg, 3Fg, and 4Fg.
David S. LaSlavic
530 E. McDowell Rd.
Suite 107-160
Phoenix, AZ 85004
Phone: 602-245-4721
Email: DAVEL@azswords.com
Website: http://azswords.com
Dedicated to Civil War Edge Weapons! Swords – Sabers – D-Guards – Bowies – Muskets – Rifles – Pistols – Revolvers Best time to call: 9AM – 7PM – Arizona time.
Burnt Hickory Relics
David Baity & Jeff Cash
Dallas, GA (Atlanta area)
David’s Phone: 770-871-8753
Email: csa1864dab@comcast.net
Jeff’s Phone: 678-471-4014
Email: RelicDealer67@gmail.com
Looking to buy one piece or entire Civil War collections. Buy, sell and trade. Specializing in quality dug relics such as artillery, bullets, cartridges, Confederate and Union belt buckles, plates and buttons. Will travel to buy collections.
Carolina Trader Promotions
Richard Shields
PO Box 769
Monroe, NC 28111-0769
Phone: 704-254-6181
Email: richard@thecarolinatrader.com
Website: https://www.thecarolinatrader.com
Promoters of the Antique Gun & Military Collector Show in Atlanta and Raleigh. Shows Consisting of Antique Guns, U.S. and Foreign Military Arms, Civil War Collectibles, Books, and Military Collectibles of All Periods. Exhibited, Bought, Sold, and Traded!
Civil War Buttons
William Leigh PO Box 145
Hamilton, VA 20159
Phone: 703-777-8549
Email: wmleigh@msn.com
Website: http://www.civilwarbuttons.com
Collector & Purveyor of American Military Buttons. Our business is founded on the fundamental principle that our customers are our most important resource. Buy with confidence and be assured that the items you order are authentic & accurately represented. Also, interested in purchasing all types of buttons, uniforms, other historical & military items that you may have to offer.
A Visual Voyage Through the Past:
Picture yourself flipping through pages adorned with top-notch photographs that capture the essence of the Civil War period, allowing you to embark on a journey so vivid that it feels like stepping back in time.
The magazine’s high-quality pages provide a reading experience that’s both comfortable and immersive. The articulate and well-organized text, unconstrained by newspaper layouts, turns exploring historical tales into pure delight. As someone who subscribes, you’ll love how this magazine seamlessly combines style and readability.
College Hill Arsenal
Tim Prince PO Box 178204
Nashville, TN 37217
Phone: 615-972-2418
Email: tim@collegehillarsenal.com
Website: https://www.collegehillarsenal.com Specializing
Visual Voyage Through the Past:
Picture yourself flipping through pages adorned with top-notch photographs that capture the essence of the Civil War period, allowing you to embark on a journey so vivid that it feels like stepping back in time.
The magazine’s high-quality pages provide a reading experience that’s both comfortable and immersive. The articulate and well-organized text, unconstrained by newspaper layouts, turns exploring historical tales into pure delight. As someone who subscribes, you’ll love how this magazine seamlessly combines style and readability.
Larry Hicklen
3511 Old Nashville Hwy.
Murfreesboro, TN 37129
Phone: 615-893-3470
Email: larryhicklen@comcast.net
Website: http://www.midtenrelics.com
Since 1977! Our specialty is museum quality Civil War artifacts for sale, both Union and Confederate items including artillery, swords, rifles, muskets, belt buckles, buttons, currency, images, and documents. Visit us online, at shows and by appointment only.
North MS Civil War Relics
Tony & Lydia Moore
248 Hwy. 72 E, PO Box 83
Burnsville, MS 38833
Phone: 662-802-0041, 662-665-2290
Email: Tony@nmsrelics.com
Website: https://www.nmsrelics.com
We offer a wide range of Civil War relics – always having plenty of excavated items. We are always looking to purchase “New” items. Come by our shop or call/email us and be sure to look for us at most major shows.
Regimental Headquarters
Nick Harris & Karen Eubanks
PO Box 5257
Falmouth, VA 22403
Phone: 540-455-7610
Alt Phone: 540-455-7691
Email: regimentalhq@cox.net
Ebay User Id: Regimentalheadquarters
Authentic American Civil War Artifacts. Dug & non-dug. Specializing in Buttons and ID tags. We setup at many shows and also sell on eBay. Over 40+ years experience. Contact us if there is something you are looking for.
Rick Burton’s Civil War Antiques
931-B S. Main St. #110
Kernersville , NC 27284
Phone: 336-830-1203
Email: ccrelics@ccrelics.com
Website: https://www.ccrelics.com
Authentic Civil War Military Items with emphasis on Confederate. Revolvers, muskets, carbines, swords, knives, pistols, buttons, bullets, belt plates, cannon and artillery projectiles. We sell both non-dug and dug relics, Union and Confederate. We also offer military objects from the American Revolution, War of 1812, Mexican War, Indian War, World War I and World War II.
Share the history of Gettysburg with the next generations.
Gettysburg’s enduring impact on the story of America, its historical importance and its relevance today are built on individual connections to the 1863 battle and the legacy and leadership of our 34th U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower. You are invited to make Gettysburg connections during your visit. Then connect with us as a Friends of Gettysburg member.
Our Friends are the heart of the Gettysburg Foundation— volunteering, fundraising and helping to drive our mission of preservation and education.
When you support the National Park Service through the Gettysburg Foundation, you join a community of Friends and donors from across the country who have close ties or made special connections to Gettysburg. All support education and the preservation of Gettysburg National Military Park, Eisenhower National Historic Site and Gettysburg National Cemetery.
Your help is needed to ensure the lands, structures, artifacts, stories and lessons of Gettysburg are passed on for generations to come.
Scan to learn more and join the Friends of Gettysburg today, or visit GettysburgFoundation.org/Friends.
• Reputation - Continuation of the sterling reputation for honest, straight forward business relationship with both buyers and sellers alike that catapulted the Poulin & Julia family to the forefront of the firearms auction industry.
• The
- The Poulin & Julia family provides the most competitive commission rates in the industry. Including 0% or better seller’s commission on expensive items and valuable collections. In many cases our consignors have netted thousands, and in some cases hundreds of thousands of dollars more than what they would have achieved if they had gone with other auctioneers’ standard rates.
• Finest Expertise - We utilize over 250 years of combined professional consultant experience and an additional three-generations of marketing expertise of nearly $1 BILLION in combined total sales experience by the Poulin & Julia Family. This benefits both the buyers and sellers as it ensures the sellers get the maximum return for their goods and the buyers can trust the descriptions to be accurate and honest.
- We utilize honest, knowledgeable and detailed descriptions with the most comprehensive guarantee, building the highest level of confidence from bidders and generating the greatest return for consignors.
• Presentation
Building interest and enthusiasm from potential bidders is crucial for achieving the maximum value for our consignors. Utilizing the finest detailed photography, catalog design and state of the art auction facility generates the highest level of excitement from potential bidders & the best results for your collectibles.
- Our business model functions through our consignors’ interests. On only a rare occasion do we sell items that we own. Almost everything that we offer comes directly from consignors. This aligns all our interests with the consignors and focuses our attention on promoting and marketing their goods with their best interests in mind.
Fully insured, numerous bidding options available, complimentary consignment pick up for expensive items and valuable collections, massive client base of international and domestic clientele & extremely aggressive marketing campaign.
If you are interested in more information about consigning a single item or an entire collection, we would very much like to discuss with you the methods and strategies to generate you, the consignor, the greatest return.
or by email: Contact James Julia for a free consignment consultation at:
AVisual Voyage Through the Past: Picture yourself flipping through pages adorned with top-notch photographs that capture the essence of the Civil War period, allowing you to embark on a journey so vivid that it feels like stepping back in time. The magazine’s high-quality pages provide a reading experience that’s both comfortable and immersive. The articulate and well-organized text, unconstrained by newspaper layouts, turns exploring historical tales into pure delight. As someone who subscribes, you’ll love how this magazine seamlessly combines style and readability.
32nd Annual Artillery Show
Military Material From 1775 Through 1945 Saturday, May 3rd – Sunday, May 4th 2025
Sat. 9:00 – 5:00 | Sun. 9:00 – 3:00
Richland County Fairgrounds, Mansfield, Ohio
Location: US-30 and Trimble Road
900 Tables of Military Items, Books, Prints and More For Buy, Sell, Trade & Display
Cannon Firing & Infantry Demonstrations Civil War & WWII Encampments • Period Church Service WWII 801st Med Air Evac Educational Presentation • Sutler’s Row
Camp Chase Fife & Drum & 73rd OVI Regimental Band Gettysburg Address Presented by President Lincoln / Educational Talks Marlboro Volunteers Traveling Museum & Military Vehicles
• Afraid of buying a “nice” piece just to find out you were stuck with a fake?
• Tired of continuously checking a website and not finding anything new?
• Irritated when you can’t reach anyone on the phone or get an email answered?
• Frustrated by great “write-ups” but when you get your item, you feel cheated?
Authentic reproduction Civil War era eyeglasses to fit your lifestyle. Historically accurate, ophthalmic quality eyeglass frames suitable for reading, distance, bifocals, progressive lenses, sunglasses & nonprescription tinted lenses. Made for full time wear.
Slide Temple: 1835-80 Oblong Naugatuck Valley Tarnished Brass Also available in Leadville Tarnished Silver
Custom engraving available on our 1800s Metal Flip Top hard case. Fits all Slide Temple styles
1835-80 Octagon Virginia City Gold Dust. We can customize our 1800s Metal Flip-Top Case and our spectacles with a worn finish -call us for details!
1855-95 Blued Steel Oval
Available in Large & Small comes with black period correct 1800s slip in case and micro fiber cloth.
A glossy magazine printed in full color and dedicated to military antique collectibles from the Revolutionary War to World War II.
Unlike some popular periodicals that focus on metal detecting and dug relics, this publication is devoted to rare and exceptional artistry and craftsmanship of military arms, equipment, and weaponry.
Enjoy quality articles from only the most competent and highly qualified authors, along with high-resolution photography of extraordinary and historically significant military artifacts.
War Between The States specializes in Civil War autographs, bonds, books, currency, documents, newspapers, postal envelopes, stamps, patriotic covers, portraits and historical art, photography, presidential related material, soldier letters, G.A.R. & U.C.V. items, relics, and much other rare ephemera and historical memorabilia.
We have items that are suitable for the beginner collector, as well as for the advanced collector.
War Between The States is one of America’s premier sources for Civil War memorabilia with a superb reputation for authenticity, customer service, and excellent quality material.
Discover a Premier Destination for Military Collectibles!
The magazine’s high-quality pages provide a reading experience that’s both comfortable and immersive. The articulate and well-organized text, unconstrained by newspaper layouts, turns exploring historical tales into pure
As someone who subscribes, you’ll love how this magazine combines style and readability.
Proprietor, Robert Jones, is the author of seven books on Civil War subjects: The Civil War Canteen, Civil War Artillery – A Pictorial Introduction, Children at the Battle of Gettysburg –Their Unforgettable Summer, The Civil War Canteen - Second Edition, Battle of Gettysburg –The Relics, Artifacts & Souvenirs, The Civil War Soldier – His Personal Items, and The Civil War Canteen – Third Edition. He has also written articles for North/South Trader Civil War magazine. Order his books online at http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/civilwarbooks
A glossy magazine printed in full color and dedicated to military antique collectibles from the Revolutionary War to World War II.
Unlike some popular periodicals that focus on metal detecting and dug relics, this publication is devoted to rare and exceptional artistry and craftsmanship of military arms, equipment, and weaponry.
Enjoy quality articles from only the most competent and highly qualified authors, along with high-resolution photography of extraordinary and historically significant military artifacts.
A hobby that allows people to connect with history, artistry, and technology breakthroughs is a fascinating pastime that can also be quite gratifying. Collecting antique firearms is one such activity. Due to the fact that antique firearms are replete with tales from the past and provide a one-of-a-kind look into times gone by, collectors from all over the world regard them as prized belongings. The fascination of antique firearms, the pleasures of collecting them, and the responsibilities that come along with maintaining historical artifacts are discussed in this article.
The ability to research different eras and cultures is one of the things that makes collecting antique firearms such an appealing hobby. Each firearm has a history that can be traced back to the historical period in which it was manufactured, the battles it may have participated in, and the owners it has been in over the years. Researching the background and historical context of these firearms not only helps one develop a more profound appreciation for them, but it also brings the human experiences that are associated with them to vivid
Antique firearms are not only tools of war or of self-defense; rather, they are wonderful displays of workmanship and artistry in their respective fields. Gunsmiths in days gone by poured their hearts and souls into the process of designing and making these firearms, and the results were frequently works of art that featured elaborate engravings, woodwork, and metalwork. Collectors can admire the level of skill and attention to detail that was put into these firearms, which elevates them to the status of beautiful things worthy of appreciation.
Even though a love of art and history is frequently the driving force behind antique firearm collecting, the fact that these collections can also have great worth as investments shouldn’t be overlooked. When establishing the value of an antique firearm, factors such as its lineage, condition, and historical significance are all very important considerations. As a consequence of this, collections that are kept in good condition have the potential to increase in value over time, which can draw serious investors in addition to devoted hobbyists.
The ownership of antique firearms comes with the obligation of maintaining their condition in addition to the pleasure. Since these items cannot be replicated, it is imperative that collectors take every precaution to ensure that they are preserved in their authentic state. Responsible ownership requires a number of behaviors, including careful handling, frequent maintenance, and proper storage and upkeep of the item. In addition, it is essential for collectors to be informed of the local laws, rules, and regulations pertaining to antique firearms, as the classification of these weapons might differ depending on their age, type, class, and functionality as well as the historical significance of the weapon.
Beginning a collection of antique weapons can be an interesting trip in and of itself. Collectors have the option of specializing in particular time periods, geographic areas, or categories of weapons based on their own personal preferences. These cherished items may frequently be found at antique shops, gun show, auctions, and specialty dealers, which are all great places to look for them. Establishing connections with other members of the collecting community can bring not only helpful insights but also opportunities to acquire one-of-akind objects.
Antique firearms have a value that extends beyond their monetary worth since they come with a history that may be passed down through the generations and told to future generations. It is common for collectors to take delight in relating the anecdotes surrounding the origins of their firearms, which can stimulate conversation and promote a sense of camaraderie among individuals who have similar interests.
The adventure of collecting antique firearms is one that brings together art, history, and a burning desire to learn. It provides a glimpse into the past by exhibiting the inventiveness and artistic skill of craftsmen who worked in times long since passed. The fact that these collectors care for and keep these ageless artifacts in good condition helps to ensure that the stories contained within the firearms history will continue to enthrall and motivate future generations. Antique firearms continue to be a captivating and longlasting pastime for those who are interested in the past for a variety of reasons, including investment potential, historical appreciation, and personal delight.