TOWN Magazine - Apr. 2022

Page 25

On theTown CITY OF WOMEN M A RCH 4, 2022

Lauren Roach and Kim Fabian

In partnership with City of Women, Greenville Center for Creative Arts held a reception launching the Greenville City of Women Community Gallery Juried Exhibition, featuring pieces by area artists honoring, celebrating, and recognizing historic and contemporary women who made an impact on our community. The reception was held on First Friday, with juror selections on display through April 27.

Brian Woods and Denise Bruner

Scottie and Robert Hughes


Tarci Martin and Blair Knobel

Kerri Smith, Merissa Lewis and Hope Blackley

Susan Crooks and Susan Sharpe

Christine Velasquez and Meredith Green

Kim and Jared Mogan

Nickolas Poole, Ann Poole and Bill Poole

Nichelle Harrison and Manisha Shaubhag Patel

Denise Bruner and Shauna Galloway

Roxana Sinex, Carole Tinsley and Bill Roesel

Traci Martin, Susan Sharpe, Meredith Skinner, Diana Farfan and Philip Garcia

Henry Parr and Caroline Caldwell

Catherine Schumacher and Kelley Barnhardt A PR IL 2022 I


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