Illinois State Executive Board - Leap Into Finer: Polishing Your Pearls Retreat

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Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated Valerie Hollingsworth Baker, International Centennial Grand Basileus 1734 New Hampshire Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20009 202.387.3103

February 2020

Greetings Sorors of Illinois: What an exciting time to be a Zeta! We are still riding high from an epic Centennial celebration in Washington D.C., and I am absolutely thrilled to learn of your inaugural retreat. I am sorry I can not be with you, but I am excited about the opportunity you will have together, and look forward to hearing about the wonderful outcomes. Your theme “Leap Into Finer: Polishing Your Pearls” could not be truer. Our Five Triumphant Founders paved an ambitious path for us that we continue to follow to this day. Thank you, for taking time to retreat, refresh and reenergize. I applaud you for creating a space where leadership and Sorors can exchange ideas, network and do the business of Zeta! However, as I said at the end of our Centennial celebration in D.C., the work is not done. The work great chapters like you have done to get us to 100 successful years of service is wonderful, but I encourage you to continue to let your Zeta light shine and polish your Pearls. Your voice, activism, and support are needed! Congratulations! I know you’re proud of all of your accomplishments, and I share your enthusiasm. May God continue to bless you as you continue moving forward as OneZeta…Unified…MobiliZed…ZetariZed! Sisterly in Service,

Valerie Hollingsworth Baker International Centennial Grand Basileus Scholarship | Service | Sisterhood | Finer Womanhood


THEME: LEAP INTO FINER: Polishing Your Pearls” SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 2020 10:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.


11:00 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.

Devotional Rev. W. Ann Bilbrew Greetings

11:15 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

Recognition Introduction of State Board Question Box Review of Schedule of the Day

11:30 a.m. - 11:40 a.m.

“Amicae Update”

11:40 a.m. - 12:10 p.m.

“Rebuilding the Bond-Renewing the Sisterhood”

Friend Nikki Sanders, The State of Illinois Amicae President Soror/Friend Elouise Jones, State Amicae Coordinator Soror/Friend Janette E. Bishop, Illinois State Representative Soror/Friend Chauntine J. Kendricks, Chair of the Illinois State Executive Board

Sisterhood | Definition of Sisterhood by Merriam-Webster 1a: the state of being a sister. b: sisterly relationship. 2: a community or society of sisters especially: a society of women in a religious order. 3: the solidarity of women based on shared conditions, experiences, or concerns. As one of the founding tenets of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated, Sisterhood is important. But why? Do we really have it and are we expressing it correctly? This presentation will give examples and answer those questions in an interactive and fun way.

Soror Janette E. Bishop became a member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated through the Epsilon Theta Chapter on the campus of Mississippi State University in 1987. Since her 2012 reclamation with Eta Chi Zeta (HXZ), Soror Bishop has served Zeta on every level. Locally, she has been a Service Chair, First Anti-Basileus/Membership Chair and currently the Second Anti Basileus/Chair of Committee Chairs. On the State level, Soror Bishop has been the Graduate Member-at-Large and currently the Illinois State Representative-at Large. Regionally, she has served as the Great Lakes Region Necrology & Rededication Chair and the Illinois State Representative-at-Large. Nationally, Soror Bishop has been the Security/Escort for Past Grand Jylla Moore Tearte since 2016 and a member of the Centennial Commission. She is a Circle of Pearls Visionary Donor and a member of the Myrtle and Viola Tyler National Legacy Club. Currently, Soror Bishop is a member of the National Investigation Team. Professionally, Soror Bishop is a Deputy with the Will County Sheriff’s Department and the only woman on the department’s SWAT Team. Soror Chauntine J. Kendricks-Dorame was initiated into the sisterhood in 2001 through the Zeta Zeta Chapter located in Dolton, IL. In 2005, Soror KendricksDorame and thirteen (13) other reclaimed Sorors reactivated the Eta Chi Zeta Chapter in Joliet, IL. Since 2005, Soror Dorame has served on all four levels of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated. Locally, she has been the Chair of numerous committees and has held almost every chapter executive board position, including three (3) terms as a Chapter Basileus. Currently, she is the Zeta Zeta (ZZ) Chapter’s Website Administrator. On the state level, Soror Kendricks-Dorame has been the Illinois State Social Action Chair, Illinois State Graduate Member-at-Large, the Illinois State Representative-at-Large and currently serves as the Chair of the Illinois State Executive Board. On the regional level, she has contributed as the Illinois State Representative-at-Large and the "Great Lakes Gazette" Newsletter Editor. On the national level, Soror Kendricks-Dorame is a member of both the Centennial Commission’s Communications and Publications Teams. Soror Kendricks-Dorame is a legacy and a Centennial Visionary Donor. She has been ZOL certified twice and is a 2018 Basilei Institute Graduate. Professionally, Soror Kendricks-Dorame is the Customer Service Account Manager of American Flexible Conduit (AFC) Cable Systems, Inc. at Atkore International. Personally, she is the mother of two (2) children, Brenda (da girl) and Michael (da boy). 12: 15 - 12:45 p.m.

“The Fiduciary Responsibilities of an Executive Board” Soror/Friend Felicia R. Bohanon, Ed.D., State of Illinois Tamias

A fiduciary is someone acting on the behalf of another based on an expectation of trust. As a member of the Executive Board there is an expectation that one will act in the best interest of the organization. Often the Executive Board is responsible for decision making when the body is not in session. According to the Midwest Center for Nonprofit Leadership, a nonprofit board and its members individually have three fundamental fiduciary duties: a

duty of care, a duty of loyalty, and a duty of obedience. This session will discuss what these terms mean and the implications they have for members of an Executive Board. Dr. Felicia R. Bohanon became a member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Rho Upsilon Chapter in 2004. She began working at Northern Illinois University (NIU) in 1995, and currently serves as Director of the Office of Precollegiate Programs. She is also Executive Director of Bohanon Education, Evaluation ad Grant Writing Services. Soror Bohanon has served as a member and officer of a number of Executive Boards including the Illinois College Personnel Association (ICPA), NIU’s Presidential Commission on the Status of Minorities (PCSM) and Supportive Staff Council, the American Evaluation Association, the American College Personnel Association Foundation Board, the Illinois Committee on Black Concerns in Higher Education (ICBCHE) and the American Association of Blacks in Higher Education(AABHE). Soror Bohanon is a Diamond Life Member. Soror Bohanon currently serves as the State of Illinois as Tamias, served two years as the Chairman of the State of Illinois Executive Board and four years as the State of Illinois Tamias. She is her chapter’s current 2nd Anti Basileus and Immediate Past Basileus and served 8 years as the chapter’s Tamias Grammateus. She has served in several positions at the state including: Newsletter Editor-in-Chief, Voice of Illinois State Choir Coordinator, State Photographer, Evaluations Committee Chair, Public Relations Committee Chair. She has also served as 2020 Centennial Photographer and Z-NEF Internal Audit Team. She is a Circle of Pearls Visionary Donor. 12: 50 - 1:20 p.m.

“Putting on a Successful and Spectacular Event”

Soror/Friend Tiffany S. Clemmons, Graduate Member at Large Event planning is not just planning a birthday lunch at work for a co-worker. Let’s talk. This is a discussion on defining goals and outcomes of the event that you want to have. There will be a brief discussion on research, planning, promoting, event coordinating and evaluation. These are five major key components to ensure a successful and spectacular event. Soror Tiffany S. Clemmons became a member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. in the spring of 1988, through Sigma Beta Chapter at Alabama A & M University. She has been a member of Xi Mu Zeta Chapter since 2013. Soror Clemmons has been employed with Illinois Department of Children and Family Services since 1994 and currently serves as a Public Service Administrator since 2003. Soror Clemmons has served as Tamias on the undergraduate level. On the Graduate level Soror Clemmons has served as the Anti Grammateus and currently the Chair of Journey 2020/CSR at the local level. On the Regional level Soror Clemmons has served as the Regional Protocol Coordinator, Regional Special Project Coordinator and currently Chief of Staff to the Regional Chair of the Executive Board. She is a Zeta Legacy and Circle of Pearls Visionary Donor.

1: 25 - 1:55 p.m.

“Grammateus: Being Effective On and Off the Record” Soror/ Friend Kimberley Titsworth, CSR, State of Illinois Grammateus

Grammateus is often the overlooked position. This presentation will highlight the duties and responsibilities (more than just taking minutes) that are part of the position and how the Grammateus is one of the behind-the-scenes leaders of executive boards. Tips will be given to Sorors/Friends currently serving as Secretary on producing accurate minutes and organization tools to benefit you and your chapter. If you’re looking to gain executive board experience, Grammateus is the perfect position to start out in and deserves a second look. Soror Kimberley M. Titsworth became a member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. in 1995 through Nu Delta Chapter, at the University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign. She has been a member of Xi Mu Zeta Chapter since 2014. Soror Titsworth has served in the role of Grammateus on the undergraduate, graduate and now state levels and was Basileus on the undergraduate level. She is also currently serving as one of the Amicae Sponsors for her chapter. Soror Titsworth has worked as a Certified Shorthand Reporter since 2008. She has been employed with the State of Illinois as an Official Court Reporter for the past three years and worked as a Freelance Court Reporter for nine years. She is a Zeta Legacy and Circle of Pearls Visionary Donor. 1:55 - 2:30 p.m.


2:35 - 3:05 p.m.

“Parliamentary Procedures” Soror/Friend Mersaydes Young, State of Illinois Phylacter

This session is designed to educate and equip Sorors/Friends with the tools necessary to run and participate in an effective meeting. It will help to eliminate the intimidation of Robert Rules of Order and replace it with parliamentary knowledge that will make Sorors/Friends comfortable speaking in meetings, making motions and using parliamentary procedure as a resource for productivity. An effective savvy leader with an exceptional ability to motivate and steer while retaining focus on big picture goals and keeping Sisterhood always at the forefront of her agenda. Soror Mersaydes Young isn’t one to mince words and is always willing to put in work. Polarizing in personality, loving in spirit and no task is too big for her to take on. Currently serving as the Basileus of Tau Alpha Zeta Chapter making sure Finer is always our standard and TAZStyle isn’t just a hashtag but a FINER movement! Her interest in parliamentary procedure began while serving as Chief of Staff to a Cook County Commissioner. Having a front row seat at our government at work was intriguing and she had to learn all she could about Robert Rules of order and the importance of utilizing parliamentary procedure correctly, it is truly the staple to any successful meeting.

Soror Mersaydes Young became a member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. in 1997, through Omicron Kappa Chapter. Soror Young has served as the Phylacter and Z-H.O.P.E. Chair and is currently the Fashion Show Coordinator in Tau Alpha Zeta Chapter in Richton Park, Il. 3:10 - 3:40 p.m.

“Illinois Zeta Youth Affiliates: Where We Grow Zetas!”–

Moderated by Illinois Youth Coordinators: Soror/Friend Camille Tunstall and Soror/Friend Duwania D. Clark-Turner, and International Co-Director of Youth Affiliates Soror/Friend JuTun Andrews-King General overview on the ABC's of Activating, Re-activating and Maintaining a successful youth affiliate group. Soror JuTun Andrews-King was initiated into the sisterhood of 2009 through Xi Mu Zeta Chapter in Markham, IL. Since 2009 Soror Andrews-King has served on all four governing levels of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated. Locally she has served as 1st Anti-Basileus, Membership Intake Coordinator, Amicette Advisors, and served on many committees and projects. On a State level, Soror Andrews-King has served as Illinois State Youth Coordinator, On the Regional level she has served as Past Great Lakes Region Youth Coordinator, Amenities Chair and First Responder Co-Chair. On the National level, Soror AndrewsKing was instrumental in steering our First Boule Responder team, she is currently serving as the International Co-Director of Youth Affiliates and Zeta Organizational Leadership Steering Committee Certification Chair. Professionally, Soror Andrews-King is a Professor of Nursing and Family Nurse Practitioner Soror Camille Tunstall was initiated into the sisterhood in 1993 through Xi Mu Zeta Chapter located in Markham, IL. Locally, she has been a Chair of many committees and currently, she is a Youth Advisor for Tau Psi Zeta Chapter, Alsip, IL. On the state level, Soror Tunstall currently serves in the role of Illinois Youth Affiliates Coordinator. Professionally, Soror Tunstall teaches Food & Nutrition at Community High School District 218: Alan B. Shepard High School.

Soror Duwania D. Clark-Turner was initiated into the sisterhood of professionals in 2002 through Alpha Gamma Zeta Chapter in New Orleans, LA. In 2004 she became a member of Theta Lambda Zeta Chapter in ChampaignUrbana, IL. Since 2002 Soror Clark-Turner has served on all four governing levels of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated. Locally she has served as committee chair and member on a host of committees and projects. In addition, she has served as Basileus, 2nd Anti-Basileus, 3rd Anti- Basileus (8 years), Chaplain, Undergraduate Advisor to Nu Delta Chapter and Lead Zeta Youth Affiliates Advisor.

On a State level, Soror Turner has served as Illinois State Youth Coordinator and is currently serving as Illinois State Coordinator. On the Regional level she currently serves as the Great Lakes Region Youth Coordinator and the Zeta Youth Affiliates Program Certification Trainer. On the National level, Soror Turner contributes to the National Zeta Youth Affiliates Program via her Regional Youth Coordinator position, and she is a certified Zeta Organizational Leadership (ZOL) Trainer. Professionally, Soror Turner is a College to Career Success Coach and Program Coordinator for the University Scholarship Program at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. 3:45 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Presidential Panel – Moderated by Chair of the Executive Board, Soror/Friend Chauntine J. Kendricks-Dorame Friend Nikki Sanders-Amica Waukegan (Sigma Phi Zeta Chapter), Soror/Friend Demetria Candler – Theta Lambda Zeta – Champaign, Soror/Friend Robbin Cooper – Xi Mu Zeta – Markham, Soror/Friend Teri Lewis – Tau Psi Zeta – Alsip, Soror/Friend Adrienne McDay – Past President of Zeta Tau Zeta (Chicago) & Zeta Zeta (Dolton), Soror/Friend Betty Peeples / Soror/Friend Lenita Sims-Spears – Sigma Phi Zeta – Waukegan, Soror/Friend Ashanti Pulphus – Past President of Nu Delta – University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Soror/Friend Mercedes Young – Tau Alpha Zeta – Richton Park

A roundtable dialogue with a collection of Illinois Chapter Presidents discussing the highs and lows of being “the First Lady” of a chapter. 4:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

“Support Your Foundation, All White” - State of Illinois Executive Board

Finer is Fierce! Finer is Fly! Finer is exuded through your fashion and flair but a Finer Fly look starts with the right foundation! Join us as we discuss what works for your body type, how to buy the proper foundation and offer suggestions on how to get properly prepped to represent at our June Centennial Celebration. Let’s get ready to WERK! 5: 00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.

Q&A - State of Illinois Executive Board

5: 30 p.m.


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