2013 CJ Annual Report

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• We promote excellence in

• We value people of different

all subject areas. • We foster a love of learning that will last a lifetime. • We educate students for adaptation and change. SERVICE • We serve a wide range of people. • We inspire students to be people of service. • Our students serve the local, national and international communities. CATHOLIC TRADITION • Catholic Tradition forms our worship and informs our classroom instruction. • We foster spiritual growth in all of our students. • Catholic social teaching permeates our understanding of justice and peace.

socio-economic backgrounds. • We value people of different cultures and various faith traditions. • We value people of various learning styles and ability levels. COMMUNITY • We value relationships and collaborative efforts to educate our students. • We build community in the classroom and in extracurricular activities. • We advance our mission through consensus, collegiality and family spirit.

• We make prayer and retreats priorities in our school. RESPECT • We respect ourselves as children of God. • We respect the dignity and individuality of other people. • We promote an atmosphere of respect for rules and authority. HOLISTIC EDUCATION • We develop the whole person through a quality integral education. • We integrate faith with all academic, artistic, and athletic activities. • We emphasize a global perspective.

Chaminade serve as models of faith in action.

Catholic High School will in Catholic Education.

• The goodness of God inspires

• St. Julie and Blessed

Chaminade Julienne be a leader for excellence

FAITH all that we do.


OUR MISSION Chaminade Julienne Catholic High School is an educational community of faith. Inspired by the goodness of God, we commit to educating the whole person, working for justice, and developing family spirit. We offer a quality, integral learning experience to a culturally diverse student population. Grounded in the Gospel message of Jesus Christ as reflected in Catholic tradition and the charisms of the


As revised November 2012

Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur and the Society of Mary, we prepare young men and women to become life-long learners, contributing members of society and people of compassion, integrity, and service.


able of Contents

Message from the President

Summary of the Year

Year’s Highlights

Annual Fund — Eagle Council

Alumni by Class and Gift Level

Parent Community

Other Gifts

Faculty and Staff Credentials


Letter from the Chair of the Board of Trustees

2012-13 Board of Trustees

2 4 6 8 10 30 34 36 38 40 40









“Finally . . . whatever is

mother conveyed that the five of us were responsible

true, whatever is honor-

for our attitudes and our actions and would be

able, whatever is just,

accountable for the outcomes of our decisions.

whatever is pure, what-

It was also a way to remind us that we were required to eat the lima beans she served if we

ever is lovely, whatever is

wanted to have ice cream for dessert. No lima beans,

gracious, if there is any

no ice cream — but it would be our choice.

excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.”


HOW WONDERFUL IT IS THAT LIFE IS FULL OF CHOICES… WE CAN CHOOSE OUR RESPONSE TO THE SITUATIONS LIFE BRINGS US. We get to choose our response to the call of the Holy Spirit working in our lives. We can choose to return rudeness with a smile or a scowl, anger with frustration or calm, affliction with fortitude or desolation, acts of love with a hug or indifference, opportunity with engagement or apathy. We can choose, as St. Paul advises us, to think of things that are pure, lovely, gracious, and excellent and by doing so, find ourselves just a little closer to heaven. At Chaminade Julienne, we often talk about the choices young people make as they mature through adolescence. We praise their good choices. We ask them to discern the right lessons from poor ones. We ask them to choose “whatever is honorable, whatever is just” as they work to discover and develop the talents uniquely bestowed on them by God. We call them to become people of service, justice, and peace, and lifelong learners who have the ability to make today’s world — and the world they will inherit — a much better place. Our students do take advantage of the choices available to them. The pages of this Annual Report include stories about their academic, athletic, and musical accomplishments, service hours completed, mission trips attended, and their research and action for justice. Perhaps at no time in our long history is the vision of the Sisters and the Marianists more vibrant than in the imperfect and improving community of Chaminade Julienne today. Three years ago, our admissions and marketing team began reminding prospective CJ parents and their sons and daughters that “You Have Options.” The primary message, obviously, was to encourage them to explore all their choices for high school. While we continue to develop and enhance the number of ways parents and their children are able to learn more about the Chaminade Julienne community, we are heartened by the results so far: enrollment for the 2013-2014 school year is up for the third consecutive year. However, our message also represents the foundation of the Catholic educational experience at CJ — more than any other option — our teachers, coaches, administrators, and staff serve to help students discover all their great choices and focus on whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, and whatever is gracious. So many people in the Chaminade Julienne community have met opportunity with engagement by choosing to invest in our mission — exercising your “option” through philanthropic support, prayers, time, expertise, wisdom, and guidance. We are compelled to acknowledge your generosity and celebrate your commitment. You make great things possible for our students and, through gifts large and small, you honor many generations of sisters, priests, brothers, and lay people who chose to serve God through their dedication to the formation of young people. Thank you for choosing Chaminade Julienne. May God continue to bless you in great abundance.


Daniel J. Meixner ‘84


2013 Development Revenue Summary The 2013 Annual Fund includes gifts received during CJ’s 2013 fiscal year (July 1, 2012-June 30, 2013).

u mma ry

Annual Fund Continues to Grow

Annual Fund Range of Gifts – Dollars GIFT LEVEL ALUMNI





Eagle Council

$496,872 $155,175




It has been a remarkable year for Chaminade Julienne Catholic High School. Highlighted by a record breaking amount of support for the Annual Fund, and the largest building renovation in 50 years, the CJ community continues to demonstrate an amazing commitment to our students, faculty and staff.

Key Society






Blue & Green






Century Club

$106,327 $5,195










$761,458 $170,310




The 2013 Annual Fund marks the sixth consecutive year of significant growth in annual giving. As you can see, the primary driving force of this increase can be directly attributed to the dramatic rise in Eagle Council membership which has more than doubled during this period of time.

Annual Fund Range of Gifts – Number of Contributors

As we continue to look at ways to improve the learning environment for our students, we are encouraged to know that our alumni, parents and friends can be counted on to answer the call for support.







Eagle Council






Key Society






Blue & Green






Century Club


















Total Support A Special Thanks To 4

The 2013 Annual Fund Chairs Steve & Kathryn Huffman

Annual Fund


Designated Contributions





Eagle Council &



Alumni Giving


cre 45% In


Drives Growth



$200 $0







In Thousands Of Dollars
















nc 110% I

150 100


rease c n I % 48



$200 $100











rease c n I % 54




In Thousands Of Dollars











In Thousands Of Dollars * Adjustments made to reflect changes in annual fund accounting procedure effective 2012.

Leadership giving to the Annual Fund continues to be on the rise with an increase in membership of 110% over the past six years. Eagle Council contributors account for more than 75% of the total annual fund dollars given each year, and their impact is felt in all corners of the school. While the minimal requirement for membership in the Eagle Council is a gift of $1,000 a year, the average size of the gifts from this year’s Eagle Council membership was $2,732. In addition to the Eagle Council, our alumni have continued to increase their giving each year by a substantial amount. The 5 25% increase in participation combined with an increase in average gift size of nearly $40 per person has helped lead to the 54% increase in alumni dollars contributed over the past six years.


e a r ’s

Highlights The 2012-13 school year was another successful year both for our students and for the community at large. We are thankful for all of the opportunities that were made possible for our students and proud of their many accomplishments in the classroom, on the playing fields and stages, in our Dayton community and around the world. Whether you were with us in body or spirit, we know that it was all made possible through your generosity, prayers, and support.


amount this year, a contribution worth nearly $250,000 according to the Independent Sector.

Catholic Faith • The year began with an all school Mass at Emmanuel Church which celebrated its 175th anniversary in 2012. • More than 150 students, faculty and staff participated in Join Hands Miami Valley organized by United Way of Greater Dayton’s Volunteer Connection. • Inspired by this year’s fall play, A Piece of My Heart by Shirley Lauro, students wrote thank you notes to former U.S. service members residing at the Dayton VA Medical Center. • With a 90% student participation rate, Key Club’s “Spooktacular Gift of Life” drive raised $3,233.23 for Elizabeth’s New Life Center. • $2,973.05 and 2,515 non-perishable items were collected the week before Thanksgiving and donated to The Dayton Food Bank/ Holiday Aide, St. Vincent Hotel, Catholic Charities and Oxfam during “Hunger & Homelessness Awareness Week.” • Student Council’s “Karaoke for the Cure” helped raise a donation to the American

Cancer Society and a hefty contribution of canned goods to The Food Bank. • Sr. Nicole Trahan, FMI was named vocation coordinator of the Marianist Sisters, U.S. Province. She took her final vows this summer. • Guidance counselor and City Connects Coordinator Jama Badinghaus was chosen to serve as one of the founding co-chairs of the newly established Dayton Marianist Family Council, which will build relationships and collaboration among the lay and religious Marianists in Dayton. • Nearly 30 students and chaperones traveled with a group from Carroll High School to join with other pro-life advocates at the 40th annual March for Life in Washington, D.C. • English teacher Molly Bardine received the 2013 Spirit of Sr. Dorothy Stang Award, presented by the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. She is the fourth recipient of the award from the CJ community in as many years. • The student body completed 10,546 hours of community service above the required

• Student body president Clare Geraghty ‘13 was one of seven students named a 2013 Student of Integrity by the BBB Center for Business and Consumer Ethics. • Members of the Language Club gathered donations, purchased gifts and crafted hand-made piñatas for families celebrating the holidays with Dayton’s Hispanic Catholic Ministries. • For the third consecutive year, students, parents and staff hosted the St. Vincent de Paul Gettysburg Gateway Shelter Super Bowl party. • Student volunteers participated in a tree planting service project at Carriage Hill Metropark to honor Sr. Dorothy Stang, SNDdeN ‘49. Attendees included Stang family members Barb Richardson; Angela Richardson Mason ‘81; Cole Mason ’16; and Riley Mason ’18.

Excellent Academics • In May, education reporter Jay Mathews of The Wash-

ington Post ranked CJ among the top 6% (and first in the Dayton region) of all US high schools in terms of preparing students, across all levels, for college success in his 2012 High School Challenge Index. • 2013 graduates will attend 44 colleges and universities and were awarded more than $9 million in scholarships. The class contributed more than 11,300 service hours in their four years at CJ; three were recognized for their National Merit Scholarship accomplishments. • Six performing arts students were selected to participate in the 6th annual Tri-state Band Symposium. • Five English students earned recognition for their writing submissions in the 2013 Region-at-Large Scholastic Art & Writing Awards. • Social studies teacher Tony Ricciuto ‘74 was selected by the Dayton Council on World Affairs to be a member of a national contingent to Turkey last summer. The cultural immersion experience focused on history, art, education and faith life.

• Science teacher Maura Lemon was awarded a $1,500 ACS-Hach High School Chemistry Grant from the American Chemical Society. • CJ STEMM Coordinator Meg Draeger was awarded an Innovative Teaching Grant from the Archdiocese of Cincinnati’s Catholic Schools Office that will go toward a STEMM-focused ministry and service project assembling toy cars. • Science teacher and Project Lead The Way instructor Amanda Ooten was selected as the Montgomery County, Ohio winner of the national Make My LabWoRx contest for her innovative AP Biology video lesson on the nervous system. • Senior Sam Wittman ‘13 received the gold medal and summa cum laude certificate for a perfect score on the National Latin Exam. • Senior Annemarie Krug ‘13 scored a 39 out of 40 at the Ohio State Science Day in May and won 3rd place Behavioral Science Award sponsored by the Ohio Psychological Association.

partments to explore global issues and social justice topics. Students presented their projects during the Sr. Dorothy Stang Symposium.

Enriched Community • More than 170 runners and walkers participated in the Lucas Pfander Memorial Alumni Race with additional racers taking part via the Virtual Race. • Students hosted a luncheon for members of Generation Dayton, a program of the Dayton Chamber of Commerce, and reminded them to “Act Like a Teenager.” • Ceramics students received lessons and a behind-thescenes look at the life and work of local art legend Willis “Bing” Davis during visits to his studio. • Cityfolk CBC chose student artwork & creative writing for Dayton’s first annual Day of the Dead Community Ofrenda, an exhibit and parade recognizing the Mexican tradition known as el Día de los Muertos.

• Two entries in the Ohio Governor’s Youth Art Exhibition by Patrick Zopff ‘14 were selected by regional judges for inclusion in the state-wide competition.

• Chaminade Julienne was chosen as host site for the 2012 Dayton Regional Science Festival: Ignite Innovation, a three-day celebration highlighting the region’s rich STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) educational opportunities.

• Twelve students participated in piloting the Senior Capstone Project, a crosscurricular endeavor between the Religion and English de-

• For the 10th time, CJ was named a winner of the Harold A. Meyer Award and a recipient of the “Respect the Game Challenge” by

Ohio High School Athletic Association (OHSAA) Sportsmanship, Ethics and Integrity (SEI) Committee. • Members of CJ’s pop a cappella choirs were chosen to perform at the Kettering A Cappella Festival. The group released its first studio album, “Momentum.” A track from the album was selected by the Varsity Vocals to include as one of 20 songs on the national Best of High School A Cappella (BOHSA) 2012-13 hits list. After winning the Ohio Valley regional contest, Vega earned the right to compete in the International Championship of High School A Cappella (ICHSA) in New York City in April. • The CJ Blood Drive, cosponsored by the student council and the Community Blood Center, resulted in more than 100 participants and 74 pints of blood collected, saving 222 lives. • “Touchdown for Tots” PowderPuff Football Tournament raised $500 for the Dayton Children’s Medical Center. The event sponsored by student council involved teams from CJ, Carroll and Alter. The Eagles continued their record of success for the third consecutive year. • In partnership with the Dayton Hoopla’s celebration of the NCAA First Four games, CJ tipped off the “Madness” by hosting nearly 250 kids for a shooting competition.

• Thirty-eight Junior Council on World Affairs (JCOWA) students participated in the Dayton Council on World Affairs (DCOWA) International Quiz Bowl Competition with two 10 member teams finishing top five. • Jama Badinghaus, City Connects coordinator, and John Marshall ‘86, principal, were invited to testify before members of the Ohio Senate about the effectiveness of the school’s dynamic student support program, known as City Connects at CJ. In its third year, the program is made possible through partnerships with Boston College and the Mathile Family Foundation. • The City of Dayton recognized CJ in honor of Earth Day for some of the school’s green sustainable initiatives and community service. • Seventh graders and science teachers from six elementary schools participated in a CJ STEMM Energy Fair, getting hands-on with fun Ohio Energy Project games, with help from Procter & Gamble. • The Philanthropy Club gifted Dayton’s Daybreak and the Dakota Center, Inc. with grants totaling $1,500. The club is supported by Magnified Giving and is the first of its kind in the Miami Valley. • Nine students were recognized by the Montgomery County Solid Waste District for their entries in county-

wide contests aimed at raising awareness for recycling. • Four students received the Outstanding Student Award from the Dayton United Way. The organization’s Youth Changing the World Youth Council honored winners at the Global Youth Service Day Kick-Off Celebration. • Linebacker Darrien Howard ‘13 was selected to play for the East Team in the 2013 Semper Fidelis All-American Bowl which recognizes student athletes who embody the Marine Corps values of honor, courage and commitment. • Women’s golf, women’s basketball, men’s cross country and women’s track all made trips to the state championships in Columbus. • The women’s tennis doubles of Brooke Sandridge ‘13 and Natalie Allen ‘16 took third place in the OHSAA Division II state tournament. • Wrestler Lyle Plummer ‘14 made school history twice this season by earning his 100th career victory and by becoming the second Eagle to qualify for the state

tournament in three consecutive seasons. • Five women’s lacrosse players were named to the USLacrosse All-Academic First Team. • Five boats competed at the USRowing Youth National Championships resulting in a program best of two boats finishing in the top 10 of their events.

Campus • Plans for the construction of the CJ STEMM Center were officially announced January 9. The center will strengthen the full range of rigorous academic opportunities for all students and enhance the college-based, four-year curriculum for Project Lead the Way engineering and biomedical sciences. • After 57 years living on campus, the Washington Street Marianist Community moved out of their residence in June. The brothers and priests were recognized and thanked during a special Mass and luncheon on campus June 16.



agle Council The Eagle Council recognizes the generous support of those who make gifts at the leadership level of $1,000 or more. There are five levels within the Eagle Council and the average gift size of contributors at this level was $2,732 last year. Contributors are listed by the category in which they gave. The list additionally identifies the number of years in which that individual or organization has contributed at the Eagle Council level.




Drs. Sukirtharan and Kitren Sinnathamby (3) Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Wick (23) Mr. & Mrs. John M. York (23)

$10,000+ ALUMNI

Anonymous ’50 (18) Anonymous ’66 (12) Judith Achbach Bittner ’59 (23) Daniel A. Brockman ’64 (22) Gail Kuritar Brockman ’69 (22) Phillip D. Brockman ’95 (4) Roger S. Glass ’60 (23) Donald L. Grieshop ’59 (17) Jane Gosiger Haley ’48 (23) Dr. Dieter A. Krewedl ’61 (2) Sherry Stewart Kroger ’80 (21) Timothy M. Kroger ’78 (21) Michael J. Mathile ’87 (15) Paul Moosbrugger ’41 (1)† Jennifer Mathile Prikkel ’91 (12) Dr. Patrick M. Prikkel ’91 (12) Dr. Pamela Zell Rigg ’61 (6) Dr. Joseph A. Spinnato, II ’67 (16) CURRENT PARENTS / PARENTS OF ALUMNI

Mr. & Mrs. Clarence J. Bittner (23) Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Brockman (22) Mr. & Mrs. Peter G. Haley (10) Mr. & Mrs. Timothy M. Kroger (21) Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. MacLeod, Jr. (23) Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Mann (17) Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Mathile (15) Mr. & Mrs. Clayton L. Mathile (23) Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Moosbrugger (1)† Dr. & Mrs. Patrick M. Prikkel (12) Mr. & Mrs. John C. Riazzi (1) Mr. & Mrs. William L. Thaler (15) FRIENDS/FACULTY & STAFF


Cardinal Foundation Chris Shillito Legacy Fund Good Samaritan Hospital Kettering Family Foundation Kramer Foundation Kuntz Foundation Kurt E. & Lois Wallach Foundation Lois Mann (17) Marianist Province of the United States Mathile Family Foundation Roy and Patricia Begley Foundation Sisters of Notre Dame deNamur

Regent $5,000+ ALUMNI

Anonymous ’74 (3) Thomas J. Arquilla ’77 (12) John H. Bach ’41 (1)† Patricia Sherman Begley ’47 (18) Roy W. Begley, Jr. ’73 (12) Irita Domansky Black ’49 (20) Dr. Paul J. Campbell ’63 (12) Anthony M. Ciani ’49 (17) Robert T. Dunlevey, Jr. ’65 (1) Joseph M. Geraghty ’83 (5) Mary Sayer Geraghty ’82 (5) Steven R. Harlamert ’88 (6) Dr. Thomas A. Heck ’70 (22) Allen M. Hill ’63 (19) Thomas J. Laufersweiler ’49 (23) Lois P. Mescher ’75 (6) David C. Monaghan ’55 (11) Patricia Young Monaghan ’59 (11) Scott D. Monaghan ’87 (9) Amy Dudon O’Loughlin ’86 (6) Donald L. Raiff ’61 (16) Elizabeth Barstow Raiff ’63 (16) Sam L. Rinehart ‘69 (14) Joyce Wabler Sifferlen ’61 (7) Dr. Ned J. Sifferlen ’59 (7) Dr. Sukirtharan Sinnathamby ’81 (3) Christopher B. Sleight ’83 (3) Mary Ann Spearin ’43 (1) Rosa Lee M. Weinert ’46 (15) John M. York ’67 (23) David J. Young ’49 (15) Monica Burns Young ’54 (15) CURRENT PARENTS / PARENTS OF ALUMNI

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Arquilla (12) Mrs. Patricia Sherman Begley (18) Mr. & Mrs. Roy W. Begley, Jr. (12) Mrs. Annie M. Cassano (7) Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey T. Cox (6) Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Geraghty (5) Dr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Heck (22) Mr. Eric Joiner & Dr. Shelly Joiner (1) Mr. & Mrs. David C. Monaghan (11) Mr. & Mrs. Timothy M. O’Loughlin (6) Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Sheridan (9) Dr. & Mrs. Ned J. Sifferlen (7) Dr. Kuddythamby Sinnathamby (7)


Carl R. Scholz-Unibilt Industries Scholarship McGohan Brabender Monsignor Amann Foundation Amy Dudon O’Loughlin ’86 (6) Raiff Family Foundation

Distinguished $2,500+ ALUMNI

Russell L. Arnold ’45 (14) Dr. Barbara Moore Bennett ’64 (3) Joan Borchers Burkhardt ’67 (8) Thomas E. Burkhardt, Jr. ’66 (8) Tahirih Wheeler Cohee ’88 (4) Mary E. Cotterman ’86 (16) David M. Czapor ’77 (18) Mollie Schumacher Danis ‘67 (23) Thomas J. Danis, Sr. ’67 (23) Frank N. Dupps ’62 (18) John A. Dupps, Jr. ’60 (18) Dr. Paul D. Evans ’67 (17) Betty Frost Finke ’45 (15) James E. Goldschmidt ’60 (2) Sharon Powers Goldschmidt ’62 (2) Mary Alice Buerschen Harbrecht ’65 (11) Kenneth J. Hemmelgarn, Jr. ’76 (11) John R. Kenney ’56 (22) Lynn Gaston Kenney ’57 (22) Catherine Mathile Laden ’81 (17) Barbara Sacksteder Laufersweiler ’48 (15) John D. Laufersweiler ’46 (15) Johanna Rosenkranz Limberg ’66 (19) John V. Limberg ’65 (19) Marsha J. Loges ’63 (1) Daniel J. Meixner ’84 (18) Elaine Riegle Pickrel ’66 (23) Thomas R. Pickrel ’65 (23) R. James Place ’95 (10) Tarla Klepper Sattler ’87 (1) John L. Schaefer ’52 (21) Rita High Schaefer ’55 (21) Dr. Anne Beyer Schoen ’97 (4)

Elizabeth Mescher Schwendeman ’71 (10) Herbert J. Schwendeman ’71 (10) Kenneth A. Shigley ’65 (1) Thomas E. Spraley ’58 (7) Peter D. Thaler ’99 (3) A. William Wiggenhorn ’62 (5) Edward T. Williams ’57 (11) Patricia Beumer Williams ’59 (11) Michelle Webb Zant ’88 (9) CURRENT PARENTS / PARENTS OF ALUMNI

Mr. & Mrs. Vincent M. Corrado (21) Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Danis, Sr. (23) Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Finke (15) Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence K. Harrington (5) Dr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Huffman (3) Mrs. Mary Jane Johnson (7) Mr. & Mrs. James W. Kelleher (8) Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Meixner (18) Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Pickrel (23) Mr. & Mrs. Jason D. Sattler (1) Mr. & Mrs. Herbert J. Schwendeman (10) Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Trentman (23) Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Zehenny (7) FRIENDS / FACULTY & STAFF

Gina Harrington (5) Daniel J. Meixner ’84 (18) Pickrel Bros., Inc. Porter Wright Morris & Arthur LLP Kathleen Zehenny (7)

Laureate $1,500+ ALUMNI

Robert J. Barnwell, Sr. ’48 (15) Charles J. Bridgman, Jr. ’79 (4) Susan Reddington Bridgman ’79 (4) Dr. Lynn Swab Broderick ’79 (11) Dr. Lawrence G. Brun ’60 (2) Dr. James D. Cooper ’46 (14) Kathryn Corrado-Whistler ’90 (1) Thomas E. DeBrosse ’68 (1) Carolyn Schaefer Dodok ’78 (7) Dr. John P. Downer ’89 (4) Mary Jo Rathweg Downer ’99 (4) William H. Focke ’56 (12) The Honorable Patrick J. Foley ’50 (12) Lawrence T. Fox ’55 (4) William J. Furst ’56 (7)

In reports of this nature, mistakes can occur. If your name was omitted or improperly listed, please accept our apologies and contact the development office at 937.461.3740 x232, so that we can correct our records. † Deceased

LAUREATE $1,500+ SUSTAINING $1,000+ Michael P. Gallagher ’78 (1) Joseph M. George ’91 (13) Kay A. George ’50 (12) Mary Stoermer Glennon ’46 (21) Jude M. Gorman ’95 (2) Mathias H. Heck, Jr. ’65 (23) Melissa Schneider Kalt ’89 (8) Michael T. Kalt ’89 (8) Patricia Russell Kelly ’51 (15) Fred J. Kroger ’41 (23)† Marvin I. Larger ’72 (3) J. David Leff ’58 (2) Patricia George Leff ’59 (2) Antonette Lucente ’70 (2) John E. Lucid ’63 (1) Teresa Fox Marrinan ’79 (5) John C. Marshall ’86 (8) John J. McKeon ’63 (1) Kathleen Quinlan McKeon ’64 (1) Marlene Smart McLefresh ’52 (2) James C. Meixner ’58 (23) Dennis I. Meyer ’53 (12) George R. Oberer, Sr. ’45 (22) James L. O’Connell ’49 (6) Marilyn Baltes O’Connell ’51 (6) Barbara Faeta Parisi ’63 (23) Dr. James J. Patterson ’87 (2) Connie Horstman Reid ’60 (7) Richard D. Reid ’60 (7) Maureen Rathweg Rogero ’96 (2) Carl J. Sagasser ’88 (8) William F. Schottelkotte ’63 (4) Anne Kroger Shock ’69 (18) Joseph A. Shock ’67 (18) Justin H. Smith ’04 (2) Todd F. Spees ’79 (1) John M. Spinnato ’72 (3) Adam T. Stachler ’97 (1) Jennifer Turner Stachler ’97 (1) Robert G. Stachler ’47 (15) Greg E. Wenclewicz ’81 (4) Dr. Kathleen Long Wittberg ’72 (1) Carolyn Stueve Wittmann ’56 (19) Thomas J. Wittmann ’55 (19) CURRENT PARENTS / PARENTS OF ALUMNI

Mr. Paul J. Beyerle (2) Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Boland (20) Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Bridgman, Jr. (4) Mr. & Mrs. Brian G. Dannemiller (4) Mr. Edward J. Dowd and Ms. Maureen Pero Dowd (5)

The Honorable & Mrs. Patrick J. Foley (12) Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence T. Fox (4) Drs. Scott and Catherine Hadaway (3) Mr. & Mrs. Mathias H. Heck, Jr. (23) Dr. & Mrs. Steven M. Kleinhenz (14) Mr. & Mrs. Fred J. Kroger (23)† Dr. James T. & Sen. Peggy B. Lehner (13) Mr. & Mrs. Patrick D. Marrinan (5) Mr. & Mrs. John C. Marshall (8) Mrs. Marlene W. McLefresh (2) Mr. & Mrs. James C. Meixner (23) Mr. & Mrs. Gerald L. Parisi (23) Mr. & Mrs. R. James Place (12) Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Shock (18) Mr. Mark P. Smith (1) Mr. & Mrs. Todd F. Spees (1) Mr. & Mrs. Steven E. Wagoner (5) Mr. & Mrs. William R. Whistler (1) Mr. Thomas N. & Dr. Kathleen L. Wittberg (1) FRIENDS / FACULTY & STAFF

Class of 1963 Beth A. Marshall (8) John C. Marshall ’86 (8) Reverend Earl Simone (4) Tina Wagoner (5) Deacon Jim, Sr. & Kathleen Walworth (5)

Sustaining $1,000+ ALUMNI

Anonymous ‘84 (6) Ann Bonanno Allen ’54 (1) Janice Dorsey Allen ’74 (2) MGen(ret) John D. Altenburg, Jr. ’62 (3) Jeanne Helmig Amann ’46 (5) Gloria Anticoli ’46 (1)† James G. Barlow ’66 (13) Laura M. Berger ’98 (1) Frederick J. Blesi ’55 (11) William L. Bombeck ’45 (16) Reverend James A. Bramlage ’56 (1) James G. Brandell ‘73 (1) Susanne Radominski Brandell ‘78 (1) Reverend David A. Brant ’53 (4) David L. Brinkman ’67 (6) Robert J. Brinkman, Jr. ’65 (17)

Virginia L. Brinkman ’44 (4) Stephen J. Brugger ’72 (1) Bryan J. Bucklew ’87 (4) Michael J. Budde ’97 (1) Stephen J. Budde ’69 (5) James L. Cahill ’77 (7) Lori Ballard Cahill ’79 (7) Steven J. Carson ’73 (2) Amy Hickey Castellano ’96 (3) Francis M. Castellano ’94 (3) Brett A. Chmiel ’02 (1) Helen Hook Clarke ’47 (15) Thomas J. Cotter ’67 (2) Mary Focke Cunningham ’61 (4) Robin M. Cunningham ’60 (4) Nancy Rost Curk ’57 (6) Ralph C. Deger ’61 (19) Jewelyn Middlebrook Dicello ’58 (17) Dr. Martha Downer-Assaf ’86 (4) Dr. Raymond J. Dysas ’69 (12) Dr. Rose Saluke Ebel ’86 (12) Dr. James R. Eifert ‘61 (4) Judith Rawers Eifert ‘63 (4) Lee C. Falke ’48 (15) Marilyn Humpert Fetters ’63 (12) Paul R. Finke ’38 (18) Jason D. Fisher ’97 (1) Lawrence E. Focke ’58 (3) Gary G. Garman ’79 (2) Mary Moeder Garman ’79 (2) Erica M. George ’97 (2) James E. Ghory, Jr. ’68 (5) J. Timothy Gorman ’65 (20) Douglas E. Grewe, Jr. ’70 (9) Joeann P. Haas-Young ’55 (2) Michael A. Hart ’70 (2) Mary Kroger Helldoerfer ’70 (18) Thomas J. Hentrick ’59 (3) Lawrence S. Huffman ’47 (1) Shirley Wyen Huffman ’47 (1) Richard L. Iannarino ’67 (3) William P. Jergens ’72 (9) Joseph A. Keyes, Jr. ’60 (3) John P. Kiley ’72 (9) Joseph R. Koesters ’82 (1) Joyce Gitzinger Koesters ’73 (1) Mary Lou Heider Kramer ’47 (1) William D. Kussman ’59 (4) Dennis M. Lee ’67 (1) Kathryn Beyer Lehner ’93 (2) Dr. Edward J. Leschansky ’46 (4)

Robert P. Lienesch ’64 (8) Theodore R. Lienesch ’44 (5) George V. Limbert ’66 (1) George E. Loney ’64 (16) Harriet Mader Loney ’64 (16) Philip L. Maughan ’65 (3) Michael A. McCall ’63 (10) Dr. Roderick J. McDavis ’66 (1) Claudia Klein Mechenbier ’60 (10) MGen(ret) Edward J. Mechenbier ’60 (10) George T. Menker ’55 (5) Stanley A. Mertzman ’63 (1) The Honorable Michael R. Merz ’63 (1) Fredrick M. Messina ’59 (6) Monica Hausfeld Meyer ’86 (8) Richard A. Meyer ’68 (5) Anthony W. Michael ’82 (7) Leroy E. Miller ’45 (3) Dennis A. Mitchell ’69 (16) Lynda Klosterman Muzechuk ’61 (5) Robert P. Muzechuk ’60 (5) Monsignor William R. Myers ’58 (3) Mary Lynn Naughton ’78 (1) Mary Jo Strozdas Nero ’66 (2) Donald H. Nooks ’69 (1) J. Michael O’Brien ’64 (2) James A. O’Connor ’77 (4) Joseph L. Parisi ’88 (8) Travis W. Pfander ’07 (1) William D. Pflaum ’57 (4) Aqua Y. Porter ’78 (2) Ruth Sutton Powers ’57 (3) William M. Powers, Jr. ’54 (3) Mary Klosterman Preotle ’33 (5)† Michael L. Quinttus ’72 (3) Dr. Richard C. Quinttus ’72 (19) Jerome E. Raiff ’55 (17) Mary Russo Raiff ’85 (13) Michael E. Raiff ’79 (13) Carolyn Bucklew Rathweg ’65 (23) Marguerite L. Regan ’73 (8) Antonio N. Ricciuto ’74 (11) David S. Richard ’81 (5) Denise Trentman Richard ’81 (5) Dr. Barrett K. Robinson ’95 (2) Dr. John M. Roll ’42 (12) Helen Brockman Root ’54 (2) Ann Shillito Rougier ’76 (6) Thomas A. Rouse ’71 (2) Dr. Ann M. Saluke ’72 (12)

Michael I. Schumacher ’73 (2) Dr. Michael J. Scianamblo ’65 (1) Linda Arvin Skuns ’59 (8) Dr. Carl B. Smith ’50 (6) Gregory H. Smith ’67 (2) Michael W. Smith ’79 (4) Stephen Smith ’68 (1) Dr. J. Michael Sproule ’67 (16) Joseph E. Staley ’72 (8) Matthew J. Staton ’71 (10) Jack T. Thein ’57 (9) M. Antonio Valdes ’74 (2) Dr. Ronald J. Versic ’60 (3) Barry E. Wabler ’78 (1) Matthew C. Walker ’95 (2) Roger C. Ward ’67 (2) Donald L. Weimert ’57 (1)† Charlene Carroll Wheeler ’65 (16) Stephen E. Whitehead ’67 (6) Hannah Carrigg Wilson ’04 (1) CURRENT PARENTS / PARENTS OF ALUMNI

Anonymous (3) Anonymous (6) Ms. Janice D. Allen (2) Dr. & Mrs. Barrett H. Bolton (16) Mr. James R. Brooks and Ms. Marguerite L. Regan (8) Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Budde (5) Mr. & Mrs. David J. Cronin (2) Ms. Michele L. Dickman (9) Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Emmerich (5) Mr. & Mrs. Gary G. Garman (2) Mr. & Mrs. James E. Ghory, Jr. (5) Mr. J. Timothy and The Honorable Barbara P. Gorman (20) Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Helldoerfer (18) Mr. & Mrs. John Hoeft (2) Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Holton (23) Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Iannarino (3) Mrs. Janet E. McDermott (9) The Honorable & Mrs. Michael R. Merz (1) Mr. & Mrs. Brian K. Meyer (8) Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Meyer (5) Mr. & Mrs. Anthony W. Michael (7) Mr. Donald H. Nooks (1) Mr. & Mrs. Gregory L. Pfander (3) Mr. & Mrs. William M. Powers, Jr. (3) Mrs. Mary K. Preotle (5)† Dr. & Mrs. Richard C. Quinttus (19)

Mr. Jerome E. Raiff (17) Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Raiff (13) Mrs. Carolyn B. Rathweg (23) Mr. & Mrs. Antonio N. Ricciuto (11) Mr. & Mrs. David S. Richard (5) Dr. John M. Roll (12) Mr. & Mrs. James F. Rougier (6) Mr. & Mrs. David V. Sipos (2) Mr. & Mrs. Morris F. Spees (22) Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Staley (8) Dr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Theil (2) Mr. & Mrs. Gregory A. Trimbach (6) Mr. Martin E. Walker (7) Mr. & Mrs. William Wheeler (16) FRIENDS / FACULTY & STAFF

James R. Brooks (8) Cynthia Budde (5) Brett A. Chmiel ’02 (1) Matthew O. Diggs (1) Diggs Family Foundation M. Jane Eaves (2) Karen Emmerich (5) Sandy Ervin (3) Kathleen D. Henderson (3) Michael E. Hosford (5) Richard Kidd (1) Janet O. Lasley (3) Michael B. Lehner (2) Main Line Supply Co. John P. Nauseef (4) Amanda Ooten (3) Marguerite L. Regan ’73 (8) Antonio N. Ricciuto ’74 (11) Joseph E. Staley ’72 (8) Jim & Tami Whalen, Jr. (2) Charlene Carroll Wheeler ’65 (16)




lumni By Class We cherish the rich history of Chaminade Julienne and our predecessor schools St. Mary’s, Notre Dame Academy, Chaminade, Julienne, and St. Joseph Commercial High Schools. The tradition of giving back to our current students can be traced back to our origins and we are so thankful for your support. Gifts in this listing are categorized in five levels and every gift is deeply appreciated.



1933-39 Amount $4,115

EAGLE COUNCIL Paul R. Finke ‘38 Mary Klosterman Preotle ’33† BLUE & GREEN CLUB Edward P. Agnew ‘39 Walter J. Woeste ‘38 CENTURY CLUB Robert L. Butler ’38† John Hoban ‘38 John J. Hoefler ‘38 George G. Kinzeler ‘38 John C. Kussman ‘39 Louis J. Leibold ‘33 Janet Meyer Pickrel ‘37 Dr. Edgar J. Reagan ‘38 Gerald C. Schramm ‘37 Caroline Kastl Velten ‘39 CONTRIBUTOR Anna Grebner Forsthoefel ‘39 Letitia Mastandrea Giambrone ‘33 Virginia Butler Gibbs-Pratt ‘36 Mary Louise Spraley Heiskell ‘38 Sylvia Weiher Hill ‘35 George R. Koverman ‘37 Julie Timmer Snyder ‘39 Mary Weigand Warnick ’39† Alice Gross Zimmerman ‘39 C L A S S



Amount $1,060 Participation 23% BLUE & GREEN CLUB Dr. George E. Thoma CENTURY CLUB James H. Finke Helen Toth Kovacs Betty Behringer Perkins Pauline Zink Westendorf Virginia R. Zahn


CONTRIBUTOR Martha Kuenle Burgess Michael J. Connair Rita Fortner Flohre Adele Unverferth Koehnen† Lucille Batter Neu Marie Taylor Price Robert C. Rotterman, Sr. Virginia Jefferson Stafford Rita M. Waker Virginia Sawaya Zaidain




Amount $10,350 Participation 17% EAGLE COUNCIL John H. Bach† Fred J. Kroger† Paul Moosbrugger† CENTURY CLUB Vera M. Schierloh F. Michael Toohey† CONTRIBUTOR William J. Greger Robert J. King Lois Stoecklein C L A S S



Amount $2,840 Participation 27% EAGLE COUNCIL Dr. John M. Roll KEY SOCIETY Charles P. Dorian BLUE & GREEN CLUB Raymond J. Mock Mary Louise Riley CENTURY CLUB Mary Alice Ritzert Eisenhauer Donald Hickey† John H. Thoma Fred W. Vescio Dr. William H. Zink CONTRIBUTOR Edward J. Biersack Charles J. DeSaro M. Anne Hagan Fitzgerald David J. Hartley† Janet Karl Michel† Urban L. Michel Virginia Holtmeier Moats Howard J. Neff, Sr.† Edward S. Stoermer C L A S S



Amount $5,765 Participation 21% EAGLE COUNCIL Mary Ann Spearin BLUE & GREEN CLUB Rita Dineen Hochwalt

CENTURY CLUB William P. Sayer Arnold C. Schaffer CONTRIBUTOR Patricia Kroger Black William R. Cooper Rita McGarry Duane Helen Watrin Klohe Thomas A. Smith Mary Fries Stocker Joan Roderer Vargo Victor C. Woeste C L A S S



Amount $11,629 Participation 22% EAGLE COUNCIL Virginia L. Brinkman Theodore R. Lienesch BLUE & GREEN CLUB Robert E. Cooper Helen Tarkany Higgs† CENTURY CLUB William F. Blanford Evelyn Zimmer Brinkman† Betty Strong Crompton William L. Crompton Robert T. Harnett Thomas J. Spitzig Mary Ann Tieman Tolle-Hemmelgarn Mary Ellen Sacksteder Wilson CONTRIBUTOR Marietta Ballmann Boltz Rosemary Wildenhaus Brun Rev. Stephen J. Emerick Eulonda Pohl Murino Mary Ellen Reinhard Madeleine Unger Riley Robert C. Roeckner, Sr. Robert D. Ruther Clement F. Spraley, Jr. Richard E. Wehner C L A S S



Amount $10,665 Participation 28% EAGLE COUNCIL Russell L. Arnold William L. Bombeck Betty Frost Finke Leroy E. Miller George R. Oberer, Sr.

BLUE & GREEN CLUB James H. Geile CENTURY CLUB Harlow Fleischman Rita Kernan Hickey Mary Julia Seiler Krautmann Marjorie Caporal Kuntz Thomas R. Leist Arlene Weber O’Connell William J. Porter, Jr. William W. Ralph Mary Nock Umina Georgetta V. Will CONTRIBUTOR Martha Rau Beall Mary Thill Cates Annette Madlinger Haller Helena Loney Keydoszius Miriam Watts Marshall Wilbur C. McCloskey Sr. Joanne F. Seiser, SND Marilou Wald Smith CDR(ret) Eugene G. Verrett James V. Walsh† Rita Hartshorn Walsh Thomas H. Weisman Thomas Zinck† C L A S S



Amount $16,565 Participation 30% EAGLE COUNCIL Jeanne Helmig Amann Gloria Anticoli† Dr. James D. Cooper Mary Stoermer Glennon John D. Laufersweiler Dr. Edward J. Leschansky Rosa Lee M. Weinert KEY SOCIETY Anna Marie Spatz Ruhl BLUE & GREEN CLUB Mary Eileen Reboulet CENTURY CLUB Mark E. Baltes Ralph W. Burger Dr. Thomas L. Connair Mary Heider Connaughton Patricia Kernan Davidson Alma Louise Culp Elworth Ralph E. Emerick Shirley Zimmerle Fleischman Dorothy Van Dyke Frysinger Doris Lehman Heckler

In reports of this nature, mistakes can occur. If your name was omitted or improperly listed, please accept our apologies and contact the development office at 937.461.3740 x232, so that we can correct our records. † Deceased

B R O . E D B R I N K , S .M. Marianist Leadership | Catholic Faith


he Marianist charism has always been a critical part of our tradition of education at Chaminade Julienne. That important work will continue even with the closing of our Marianist residence whose members were already retired or employed outside of school. Though brothers will no longer live on campus, we will continue to work directly with administrators and teachers in educating students in the Marianist tradition — just as we have for many years. Thomas M. Horning Peter H. Kuntz Jeanne Lyons Leist Raymond L. Lemming Walter L. McMahon Margaret Dolph Miley Rosella Lehman Miller Phyllis Axe Petty Joseph A. Scarpelli Jayne Nyhan Whalen Jack E. Zimmerman CONTRIBUTOR Joan Schneider Adams Phyllis Wilson Battigaglia Betty Werling Chadwell Rita Van Schaik Cook Sr. Michael Fox, O.C.D. Irene Weber Guerin Barbara Johnston Gummersall Jeanette M. Haire Mary Ann Grieshop Hickey John R. Huntsberger George J. Jackowski, Jr. Joan Logel Klar Marillyn Behrer Knight Fontina Malena McDaniel Lauretta Wolf Meleski Harry M. Miller Joan Breig Ritzert Mary Dannaher Rodriquez Dr. Richard E. Schimmoller Phyllis Brinkman Seibel Richard P. Strehle Sr. Teresa M. Trick, OSF Phyllis Bauer Weaver




Amount $15,365 Participation 22% EAGLE COUNCIL Patricia Sherman Begley Helen Hook Clarke Lawrence S. Huffman Shirley Wyen Huffman Mary Lou Heider Kramer Robert G. Stachler BLUE & GREEN CLUB John R. Elbert Edward P. Geraghty Caroline Madden Hall Mildred Kunk Osterfeld CENTURY CLUB Phyllis Schneider Hiefield Eugene A. Jablinski Phyllis Fischer White Julie Fecher Zink CONTRIBUTOR Margaret Scheidweiler Brennan† William G. Brennan William E. Drake John H. Draves Robert W. Gaeke Kathleen Simon Gepfrey Dr. Arthur H. Goldkamp† Sr. Damienne J. Grismer, SND Mary Stang Heil Robert B. Hoff Robert J. Hohl Catherine Corbett Koester Charles T. Locke Paul G. Melia Patricia Stonebarger Otten

Howard R. Otto Mary Lou Lienesch Schaefer Donald C. Tangeman Jeanne Schneider Uhlenbrock Alfred J. Volk Claire Boland Walter Mary Lou Brinkman Ware Sara Call Woodward Jacqueline Pohl Zinck C L A S S



Amount $34,901 Participation 27% EAGLE COUNCIL Robert J. Barnwell, Sr. Lee C. Falke Jane Gosiger Haley Barbara Sacksteder Laufersweiler KEY SOCIETY Ruth Ann Hohl Marcia Weis Monnier BLUE & GREEN CLUB Edward F. Jauch Richard B. Troxel Donald L. Watren CENTURY CLUB Virginia Junker Berardo Frank J. Caldwell Eugene L. Cordonnier Lucille O’Meara Cordonnier Robert J. Daniszewski Paul W. Fischer Thomas G. Girard Thomas L. Hampton Ronald C. Hoke Gerald T. Karl

Fifty years ago, there was a Marianist brother in every classroom. Our presence within the building has since transformed into a collaboration with lay educators — teachers, administrators and staff. These committed people understand our tradition of education. In fact, there is probably more discussion about Marianist charism now than there was when there was a brother in every classroom! For our part, Marianists take a comprehensive approach in helping lay educators learn and understand our charism and philosophy of education, which they in turn teach and emulate. This includes a four-year mission integration cycle during which the school puts forth goals of making the charism even stronger — Marianists assist in any way possible. Father Chaminade understood the need and beauty of working with lay people. Though the spirituality of a community is not dependent upon the actual presence of vowed religious, we have a visible presence at CJ through teacher Sr. Nicole Trahan, FMI, who professed her final vows as a Marianist sister in early August; Bro. Raymond Fitz who is serving as a member of the Board of Trustees, and Fr. Tom Schroer who is serving as a member of MEAC (Mission Effectiveness Advisory Council) and MIT (Mission Integration Team). In ways we have yet to discover, Marianists will always be involved in the continued success of the mission of Chaminade Julienne.


ALUMNI by Class & Gift level

EAGLE COUNCIL $1,000+ KEY SOCIETY $500+ BLUE & GREEN $250+ CENTURY CLUB $100+ CONTRIBUTOR $1-$99 Josephine Ballardini Keck Omer J. Korte Thomas A Lambre Thomas G. Schwieterman Robert J. Shroyer William D. Watson CONTRIBUTOR Joan Fries Ault Bernice Weghorst Axe Fr. William R. Behringer, S.M. Margaret L. Brun Lewis N. Cash Timothy J. Connair Thurston L. Egan Joan Batsche Enouen Patricia King Homan William J. Hovey Dolores Nartker Janning J. Farrell Johnston Raymond J. Koester Doris Sendelbach Krafka Carl W. Kremer Mary Kramer Leonard Rexford J. Link Lawrence Miller Florence Grefer Quigley Joyce Geiger Roberts† Noel F. Schwartz Rita Smith Tangeman Sr. Rita M. Vukovic, OSF Elizabeth Meyer Wagner Richard W. Wenclewicz, Sr.† Phyllis Parr Yingling Charles E. Zimmer John M. Zimmer C L A S S



Amount $23,480 Participation 23% EAGLE COUNCIL Irita Domansky Black Anthony M. Ciani Thomas J. Laufersweiler James L. O’Connell David J. Young


Fred E. Hussong Phillip M. Kapp Lawrence D. Keck Col.(ret) Robert E. Koepnick Fred J. Kronauge James J. Kronenberger Donald E. Kunka Charles E. Leboeuf Brother Donald E. Neff, S.M. Norman C. Neff Sue Schnabel Porter Paul J. Ryan Charles J. Schaefer† Shirley Moorman Schaefer Ann Utz Smith George F. Smolinski William Staley Lawrence J. Staub Donald F. Zimmerle CONTRIBUTOR Ralph B. Barhorst† William E. Barnett Mary Pfeiffer Csizma Thomas H. Dillhoff James B. Fisher William J. Fortener Marilyn Fackler Gaeke† Otto J. Geering William E. Irwin, Sr.† Martha Weckesser Kauflin Barbara Payne Koerner Elizabeth Poeppelmeier Lowry George W. Lowry Dolores Versic Lynn Edward P. Maloney Jean Williamson Maurer Mary Wells Moell Gerald W. Moorman Betty Ballmann Nash William J. Parker Martha Pytel Petersen Shirley Broadstone Portner Elizabeth Oldiges Quinter Walter C. Rathweg Rita Wiles Sonye Doris H. Speyer

BLUE & GREEN CLUB Roy T. Horvath



CENTURY CLUB Lavern R. Banford H. Jack Boesch, Jr. Cyril H. Buehler Marilyn Hauer Crotty Richard E. Fox Doris McCloskey Harleman

Amount $11,020 Participation 28%


EAGLE COUNCIL Anonymous The Honorable Patrick J. Foley Kay A. George Dr. Carl B. Smith

BLUE & GREEN CLUB Leonard H. Beck Patricia Hickey Horvath Robert J. Karl Mariann Link Paton William T. Paton, Jr. CENTURY CLUB C. John Angerer Norma Tangeman Blanford Mary Ann Brun Joan Chorazewitz Carolyn Baker Fillenwarth Patricia Knapke Gentile Mary K. Heigel Norman H. Knoth David L. Kuntz Joseph P. Matt Carolyn A. May Charles T. McCloskey Edmund M. Mershad Paul K. Sayer Gerald J. Schenking Anne Rauch Smolinski Thomas Spahn Rev. William V. Thomas Karl L. Zengel CONTRIBUTOR Irene Bakos Brohm-Golson James L. Bulcher John L. Carmody Virginia Schenking Catanzaro Susan Kramer Devlin Bona Placke Geering Juanita Steinbrunner Grimme Robert J. Heckman Carolyn Reich Hendley Patricia Froehle Hinders Mary Huesman Hovey Louis J. Illes Elizabeth Osweiler Martin James A. Meyring George A. Mischler† Elizabeth Umina Naughton Thomas D. O’Connell Joseph A. Ostendorf Donald E. Payne Dorothy Voelkl Pepper William A. Poeppelman Phyllis Hardin Schubert Charles A. Sendelbach James Sendelbach Marilyn Norris Spears John S. Speranza Anthony F. Staub Donald R. Walter Patricia Gregocewicz Wenclewicz

Richard G. Wiggenhorn Evelyn Stein Wirrig C L A S S



Amount $7,100 Participation 28% EAGLE COUNCIL Patricia Russell Kelly Marilyn Baltes O’Connell BLUE & GREEN CLUB Dorothy Foley Jauch Paula Dwyer LaMaina CENTURY CLUB Agnes Fortkamp Baldassarre Phyllis Hess Buchwalder Patricia White Cenci John F. Darcy Donald G. Dugan Vernon A. Fischer Kathleen A. Jardine Mr. Charles W. Klee, Jr. Greta Heckman Kramer Thomas E. Kronauge James R. Madden Thomas E. Monnig Margaret Liszak Neff Thomas C. Nyhan, Sr. Betty Weckesser O’Connell Dr. Robert A. Schmall Donald L. Speyer Col.(ret) Russell E. Sweetman, Sr. Dr. Thomas L. Volk Virginia Mauch Wade CONTRIBUTOR Anonymous Joan V. Barber Dr. Alan P. Berens Ann Lyons Blaeser Barbara Scheiner Blashock Thomas J. Bowles Robert E. Daley Rita Martin D’Angelo Carolyn Mergler Dartt Leon R. Deardorff Marilyn Lamm DiCenzo Constance Huffman Ecklar Robert J. Eilerman GayLee Smith Foley Brother Donald R. Geiger, S.M. Herman J. Grimme Dorothy Fecher Haughey Earla Cadem Hilinski C. Albert Horstman David W. Knapke

James N. Lohr Rose Kleismit Martin Carolyn Slater Melia Jane Smith Meyer Carolyn Leo Monnin Raymond E. Moorman Jane Michael Mueller Constance Green Nelson Ann Brinkman Oberer Nancy Serio Osterday Mary Lou Cook Palazzo Marilyn Moorman Roman Eugene I. Stemley Chester W. Trzeciak Victor C. Vallo E. Joan Jackowski Wallace Edward H. Wehner Ronald J. Wehner Mary Schmid Wiggenhorn Ruth Dierkers Wiles Joan Kuntz Wilkens C L A S S



Amount $11,200 Participation 28% EAGLE COUNCIL Marlene Smart McLefresh John L. Schaefer KEY SOCIETY Dorothy Michael Eisenhauer Charles E. Hilgeman, Jr. BLUE & GREEN CLUB Raymond J. Bataille, Jr. Larry C. Horwath Phillip J. McLaughlin CENTURY CLUB Patricia Doyle Athmer Dr. John R. Beck Robert W. Bettinger Kenneth G. Bohman Laverne Cosgrove Dunn E. Tod Egan Marjorie Schubert Fawcett Walter B. Federspiel Donald Ferdelman Marilyn Burris Fox John R. Kincade Robert A. Kleckner Lois McAnespie Kronauge James A. Kurz James B. Lawler Shirley Briggs Lawler Marvin A. Miller James R. Schubert

In reports of this nature, mistakes can occur. If your name was omitted or improperly listed, please accept our apologies and contact the development office at 937.461.3740 x232, so that we can correct our records. † Deceased

Barbara Nurrenbrock Spitzig Mary Lee Sherman Vitton Kenneth P. Werner Mary Ann Clarke Zimmer Patricia Kenney Zimmerman CONTRIBUTOR George F. Ambrose Mary Berner Baujan Anna May Emrick Blumenstock Donald E. Brinkman Alice V. Bruetsch Betty Herbon Butkus Frank J. Bysak† Mary Mazzone Fares Manley G. Farm James C. Fleischman Mary Vukovic Flinn Jeanne Voelkl Fox Sr. Elizabeth Grismer, SFCC Rose E. Gysbers Robert L. Harlett Marilyn Klingshirn Hart George F. Heeter Lois Jones Heeter William S. Hoff Ruth Bany Howard Olga Lorencz Illes Andrew W. Knisley, Jr. Maureen Kelly Koehler Anthony J. Krystofik Mary Weckesser Krystofik Robert M. Lally Jayne Barlow Lohr James W. Lynch Sarah Schommer Maruca† Robert A. Melia Edith Gnau Meyers Joseph C. Meyers, Jr. Carl R. Monnin James M. O’Reilly Beatrice Tapia Pitstick Sara J. Porter Patricia Hussey Richey John F. Russell Fred L. Sills John S. Spirk Bernard A. Staub, Sr. D. Julie Kuntz Swartztrauber Robert L. Tischer Nancy Frost Tsu Sr. Sue A. Vallo, OSF Marian Conner Volk Madonna Michaels Wehner Raymond M. Weizman Suzanne Kronauge Wells Eileen Sutter Whitsett

M O L LY B A R DI N E English Teacher, Senior Capstone Coordinator, Recipient of the 2013 Sr. Dorothy Stang Award





Amount $9,445 Participation 29% EAGLE COUNCIL Reverend David A. Brant Dennis I. Meyer KEY SOCIETY Anonymous Robert H. Buechele BLUE & GREEN CLUB Charlene Miller Bataille Florence Kelble Beck Marilyn Sherman Hook Thomas L. Hopkins Robert A. McCarthy Herbert G. Weiler CENTURY CLUB Clarence V. Brown Norman M. Burgmeier Joanne Stueve Daley Gerard A. Faust, Jr. Albert A. Fryling Frederick P. Gillotti Thomas J. Goubeaux Kathleen Weigel Haslup Bernard J. Jacobs Thomas B. Kain Martha Higgins Klee Mary Pat Gavin Madden Nadine Schmid Nyhan Kathleen Kremer Pappas Malvin L. Schubert Lawrence G. Ulrich Norinne Smith Werner Margaret Mott Wilson

Robert L. Wolff Thecla Koesters Zech Anita Klenk Zengel George E. Zengel CONTRIBUTOR Joanne Heider Benasutti Lydia Powers Berens Richard L. Blommel Marcia Melampy Bowling Dolores F. Brune Eileen Allen Caupp Sally Saettel Chong Mary Ann Kuntz Cummins Shirley Wainscott Deger Barbara Miller Dillhoff Robert W. Dresher Catherine A. Ebert Dorothy J. Eifert Dorothy Trottman Eilerman Rita Seiser Fleischman Mary Jo Foley Griffin Judith Himes Guthrie John M. Hennessey Sharon West Herbert Rita Zella Holland Marilyn Carter Hull Lucille Grillot James Beverly Prestel Kenny Clara Sucher Knisley Mary Gail Hallerman Koerner Ronald L. Kress Carole Crosley Kunz Joyce Hagans Lane Sr. Jane B. Leo, SC Shirley Cable Leonard Emily Jacobson Luhn Patricia Thill Malloy

Suzanne Dahm Maloney John A. Mantia Margaret Butler McAvoy Rose Cron McKenna R. Anne Daley Murphy Beverly Limbert Nally Janet Talmage Pour Dr. Gerald L. Quatman Paul J. Rodgers Leroy F. Romer Sr. Patricia N. Sammons, SND Suzanne Finke Schiller Roberta Rihm Schlorman Virginia C. Tangeman Edwin A. Trzeciak Barbara Francis Upthegrove Barbara Kaes Vincke Carol Leskowski Webster Carol Norris Wildenhaus C L A S S



Amount $13,460 Participation 25% EAGLE COUNCIL Ann Bonanno Allen William M. Powers, Jr. Helen Brockman Root Monica Burns Young KEY SOCIETY Richard J. Shane BLUE & GREEN CLUB John A. Cable Patricia Ross Frericks Dr. Charles L. Weber CENTURY CLUB Thomas C. Agnew

uring junior year, students explore themes of poverty and equality in religion class and spend a minimum of 25 hours immersing themselves in real life social issues through serving agencies in the Dayton area. Passions for causes are kindled, and students finish the year wanting to do more. This past school year, we piloted the senior capstone project that answers the question, “What’s next?” You can never underestimate the impact one person — great or small — can have; Sr. Dorothy Stang ‘49 is one example. One of the main goals of the senior capstone is to actualize the characteristics of a Marianist education and the hallmarks of a Notre Dame education in our students. This is why CJ’s capstone is so unique. Students gain inspiration from not only the Catholic social teaching of the Church but from our founding orders as well. Students begin to move beyond the traditional service experiences into actual projects designed to impact even more lives. Students begin their senior capstone experience by engaging in research on an issue of their choosing, and then designing a project which will make an impact on the issue. Mentors, usually a faculty member or alumnus, offer feedback, act as a resource, and help keep students on track. Great learning happens when students are engaged with a subject that involves their passions! Through their work, students gain a deeper insight into the issues, transforming them into social justice advocates and compassionate leaders. It cultivates a global perspective within them and they answer in an act of faith. The CJ community can be proud that our school offers this unique experience of integrating the humanities in students’ lives in such a concrete way. CJ continues to pursue, model and define what it means to be a global citizen advocating and addressing social justice issues in our world today.


H E LE N ROOT ‘5 4 Alumni | Catholic Faith


hough I was a good student, my parents couldn’t afford to send me to Julienne and I didn’t want to go to a public school. One of the Sisters teaching me at St. James suggested I test for a scholarship to Julienne. I did and got it! Attending Julienne changed my life. Those nuns were fantastic! They taught me to think. I quickly realized that I could have success in school by applying myself. There wasn’t a class that I didn’t like. We had an amazing teacher who got me totally hooked on math. I received a math medal without ever taking the final exam! To this day I love math and just think it’s the neatest thing. My Julienne education gave me a lifelong love of learning and also taught me social graces, which I don’t think I had until then. Julienne is where I received my values, study habits, and love of education. I owe Julienne big time! Following high school, I attended Good Samaritan Nursing School and eventually earned a bachelor’s in liberal arts and a master’s in health services administration. I became a nurse administrator for the United States Department of Health and Human Services. If it weren’t for Sister encouraging me to pursue that scholarship, I would have taken the first job that came along, never accomplishing all that I have. There are two charities that I support — one is CJ and the other is the 14 Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. When I spend money there, I know exactly what I am supporting. Donations help open the door to success for students in the same way that it was opened for me. If young people have potential, they should have opportunity.

Robert L. Alig Edward F. Berk Sarah Miles Burgmeier James L. Davis Norma Petkwitz Doerfler Elizabeth A. Duell Thomas J. Ferdelman Marjorie Topp Fischer Laurence E. Lange Anna Biscan Lemons Dale Maschino Mary Eileen Daley McCloskey Ralph H. McEldowney Dale McIlvain Norman J. Monnig Michael E. Powers Edmund R. Scarpelli H. Robert Schoenberger Lena Suttman Scholle Herbert S. Wagner, Jr. CONTRIBUTOR Donald L. Allgyer Mary Lou Clemens Barga Richard L. Baumgardner Mary Monnin Borden Betty Smith Breitenstein Jerome E. Burger Carolyn Bickford Busse Patricia Walley Bysak Margaret Geraghty Carroll Sr. Caroline A. Castellini, O.P. William L. Clarke Nancy Marshall DeWald John J. Drerup Patricia Schuer Ducato Martin C. Dugan Jerome F. Dunnigan Emily Bruning Eisenlohr

Sue Spires Fecke Phillip W. Fischer Kenneth A. Goode Robert E. Goubeaux James F. Greger Sarah Blincoe Grentz Frank J. Guenther Carol E. Hecker John C. Hildebrand Nancy Sipos Hoff Kenneth E. Holliday Molly Moore Horstman David C. Huber Charles W. Janning Jody Zeitler Johnson Gloria Douglass Jorgensen Harry L. Kennedy Lydia Stockert Keys Judith Schmidt Kress Sally Powell Lingg Richard J. Luehrs Lois Dabbelt Lynch Jeanne Zimmerle Mauro Bernard S. Mehall, Jr. Harold G. Nielsen Mary Wilson Panstingel Rose Mary Herbon Paulus Leonard R. Pytel Mary Coyle Rodgers Dolores Bayus Scarpelli Walter J. Schneble Gail Schwieterman Tauscher William C. Treon Alvina Werling Trzeciak John H. Wolf, Jr. Mary Kirk Wolterman




Amount $32,180 Participation 51% EAGLE COUNCIL Frederick J. Blesi Lawrence T. Fox Joeann P. Haas-Young George T. Menker David C. Monaghan Jerome E. Raiff Rita High Schaefer Thomas J. Wittmann KEY SOCIETY Dr. Charles H. Kuntz James N. Mahle† Wanda Dabbelt Olivier Richard P. O’Reilly BLUE & GREEN CLUB Melvin C. Eifert Rose Foerch James Donald F. Meyer Thomas H. Roth Lt.Col. Gerald A. Wessels, USMC (Ret) CENTURY CLUB Myron H. Achbach Frank C. Allen Jerrilyn L. Bensman Dr. Omer G. Berger Dr. Jerome R. Bohse William J. Bramlage† Ronald J. Cottman Susan Hochwalt Craig John T. Dahm Katherine Kuntz Danyliw Dr. Thomas E. Doerfler Sue Seubert Dugan


CONTRIBUTOR Sr. Christina M. Bartsch, SND Joyce Soloy Basel Kathryn Treon Bedich Janet Wood Bettendorf Charles N. Bettinger John F. Blake Sharon Riley Blake Jacquelyn Morgan Blakesly Najla M. Bonahoom-Sluder Carol Peters Breen Frank H. Browne John W. Brunner Marlene Maurer Cashman Patricia Heid Cichanowicz

Joan Gavin Clark Daniel R. Cook Adele DeBrosse Cooley Emily Heider Crawford Barbara Olszewski Day Mary Faisst Dayspring Dr. John H. Dirckx Mark X. DiSalvo Carmelita Hausfeld Duckro Marianne King Dunson Franklin A. Farrell Rosalie Cosgrove Feldman R. Peter Finke David W. Fischer Margaret Hagan Fischer Carolyn Reid Foster Doris Gehret Geisler Donna Sullivan Gels Gerald L. Gillotti James F. Girardot Joan M. Gray Magdalena Habodasz Thomas W. Hackett Greta Muth Harlett Barbara Wyen Harting Thomas R. Heckman Patricia Green Henne Timothy W. Hennessey William L. Homan David L. Hopkins Robert J. Hoy Irene Borgert Jankowski Carole Stangle Janning Thomas A. Kaminski Thomas N. Kauflin Donna DeVoe Kelly Thomas C. Kennedy Alan L. King† Mary Regina Luehrs Knapke Edward J. Koehler Kathryn A. Koehler Edward Koogler Ronald J. Kuhbander Robert F. Lawrence Ronald G. Lee, Jr. John L. Leingang John D. Leitschuh Robert P. Lesko Catherine A. Leyes Norma Lancaster Longo Margaret Peters Lutz Carol Fugh Lystad Rosemary Spangenberger Malone Albert F. Mauro Pete A. Mauro Betty O’Meara McMahon David T. Mott

Robert E. Murphy, Jr. Jack E. Neal James C. Nellis James W. Nevius, Sr. Martha Becker Newman Stewart P. Nolan Sally Keyes Obach Paul J. Pazitney JoAnn Monnin Peebles David S. Raiff Charles J. Redman Barbara Seifert Reidy Nancy Wolverton Reif Deacon Milton W. Royer Ernst H. Ruf John R. Schons William H. Schwanekamp Eugene A. Schwieterman Martha Hoerner Sierschula Helen Mobley Sills Molly Ashbaugh Srode Jerome M. Staeuble Robert P. Steffen Donald L. Stelzer Johanna Dix Sweeney John P. Tarlano Nancy Spires Tarlano Mary Ann Reynolds Thistleton Nancy A. Todd Mary Conley Tracy Edward Tritschler Angeline Mazzone Waker Mary Lou Watson Walker Carol Brinkman Walker-Isgrig Barbara Bothen Webber Alice Jean Faulkner Wehner Mary Bogin Woodall Robert E. Zwiesler C L A S S



Amount $17,910 Participation 28% EAGLE COUNCIL Reverend James A. Bramlage William H. Focke William J. Furst John R. Kenney Carolyn Stueve Wittmann KEY SOCIETY Mark O. Mergler BLUE & GREEN CLUB Sally Bringman Eifert Kenneth R. Lurz Brenda Burns Meyer

Judith Grieshop Trick Janet Sherman White CENTURY CLUB Anonymous Thomas G. Agner Victor E. Bockrath Ruth Gattes Bohse John M. Delaney Dr. Roland C. Duell, Jr. Barbara Kurtz Fecher Molly Payne Fettig William J. Focke Thomas C. Geraghty Philip C. Gigliotti Joseph E. Greenwood† Robert H. Haines Joann High Heed Ronald C. Hill Eugene A. Janning Deacon David A. Klingshirn Joseph J. Knoth, Jr. Richard R. Kreusch William T. Krumm Charlene Hertz Lehman Joseph A. Lehmann Elizabeth Haley Lienesch Wilma Klenk Mantle Dorothy Stack Martin Paul E. Martin Nancy Miller McEldowney Mary Meranda McGowan David L. Mehall Donald J. Meyer Joan Hollencamp Murphy Adam J. Papanek Nancy DiChito Platt Thomas A. Poe Dr. Elmo E. Roach Mary Clark Schamel Carol Tullis Schneider Donald Sendelbach Barbara Bucklew Speyer Patricia Clark Thomas Dr. James S. Ungerleider Sondra Fella Wagner Constance Moorman Zengel CONTRIBUTOR Mary Kronauge Ackerman Walter E. Beatty Martha O’Meara Beemsterboer Patricia Redman Broeker Carl J. Bruggeman Betty Werts Buchanan Mary Scherer Corpstein James J. Cox Norbert J. Dahm

Constance Layman Dias Pauline Battaglia Drerup Marilyn Y. Duffy Barbara Hoff Farrell Patricia Dembski Farrell Ronald L. Filburn Lawrence D. Goldschmidt Mariann Zinck Goldstein Michael Greaney Judith Fletcher Hennessey Eleanor Thies Hevel Dorothy Porter Himes Patricia Boesenberg Holland Donna P. Judd McClure Thomas J. Keehn Betty Sweetman Kelley Lewis J. Kessler George A. Kibler Kenneth D. Krimm William J. Lehman Frederick A. Lounsberry Nancy S. Love Constance J. Lyons William H. MacBeth Daniel J. Mannix Thurman J. Mattingly, Jr. Barbara Tepin Miller Barbara Krapp Moran James F. Murray Eleanor Kleimeier Nartker Rita Bataille Orre Miriam Stangle Pytel James A. Reboulet Sharon Kelly Roth Margaret Poelking Russell Ronald A. Russo Jeanne T. Sachs Carol Fecher Sagasser George R. Schreck Eugene C. Schuder Sue Ann Romie Serwas Jack R. Smith Thomas A. Snyder Joan Gory Stemley Robert J. Suhr Donald Topp Judith Schrein Trageser Cecelia Hardesty Varden John R. Walley Barbara A. Wenzler Sara Bauer Winegar Ann Evans Wolf

In reports of this nature, mistakes can occur. If your name was omitted or improperly listed, please accept our apologies and contact the development office at 937.461.3740 x232, so that we can correct our records † Deceased




Amount $21,280 Participation 28% EAGLE COUNCIL Nancy Rost Curk Lynn Gaston Kenney William D. Pflaum Ruth Sutton Powers Jack T. Thein Donald L. Weimert† Edward T. Williams KEY SOCIETY Dr. Frederick R. Faust Paul E. Makley BLUE & GREEN CLUB Dr. Thomas S. Berger James E. Bernier Frederick J. Blackwell William E. Brockman David P. Deger Robert E. Hale Thomas K. Krapf Ruth Watts Marshall-Wilkinson Suzanne Geyer Reiling Dr. Walter A. Reiling, Jr. Barbara Steinmetz Roth Roberta Smith Sedlock Thomas A. Sedlock Dennis J. Seitz Eugene D. Sengl CENTURY CLUB Helen Shultz Alig Michael J. Barlow Richard F. Bataille Richard G. Beck Robert E. Begley Fred R. Brinkman Lee A. Buddendeck Sara Sommers Creamer Joseph P. Dalbey Janet Bechtol Delaney Ronald E. Earhart Marilyn Gross Ferdelman Dr. John J. Fortman Suzanne Neumann Geraghty Mary Ellen Romer Graham Maureen Fitzgerald Hunt Mary Ruschau Kapuscinski Michael T. Korte Judith Kuntz Kronenberger Jacqueline Kuhn Lawless Gerald M. Leik John A. Lins Mary Lou Westbrock Lubinski

ALUMNI by Class & Gift level

Patricia Smith Fecher Mary Anne Huber Federspiel Barbara Wessendorf Ferdelman Jerome X. Goldschmidt Leo Goubeaux† Theodore R. Hikel Bertha Beck Hilbing Charles R. Holtman Pauline Bauer Iiames Ronald L. Koesters Phyllis Schenking La Garde Terence H. Lang James H. Lienesch David A. Mantle, Sr. Phillip G. Masten Bernard A. Ostendorf Suzanne Wagner Payne Carolyn Link Placke David J. Placke Sandra Cooley Poynter William J. Raymann Richard J. Rentz Ann Fitzgerald Riazzi Helen O’Donnell Roder Mary Susan Vyszenski Sacksteder Donald C. Schamel Thomas J. Schultz Barbara Staub Smith Jay V. Smith Liz Fleming Sperandeo Norman T. Staub James E. Tangeman Martin J. Tarkany Dr. William R. Thomas Carleen Wolf Trares George E. Vergamini Nancy Dunham Vergamini Marla Bergedick Wagner Alan L. Winkeljohn Betty Stukey Wise R. James Wolf Katherine Dorsten Wolff


ALUMNI by Class & Gift level



Dr. James MacMahon Frank V. Mauro Helen Dugan McAllister Michael J. McDonald Brenda Nugent Mowery Mary Gnau Richard R. Craig Ritter Ronald Roth Jerome P. Schaaf A. Lee Scheidweiler James A. Schulker Dr. Cecil S. Sherk Gail Stickel Smith Caroline Marshall Staub Dorothe Jacobs Trick Timothy N. Trick Donald W. Walters Richard C. Watson Jerome I. Wysong CONTRIBUTOR Donald C. August Judith Lightner Baker Thomas A. Beck George L. Beemsterboer Ronald L. Beisel Carol Voelkl Belhorn Ray D. Blatz Hon. James A. Brogan Michael D. Burke Richard L. Cayton Stephen L. Chapman Stanley R. Cichanowicz Lora Harris Cook Thelma Strukamp Creaghe Charles O. Davis Dr. Grant E. Deger Roberta Klosterman Edwards Anthony L. Elsass Mary Probst Fenlon Judith Chambers French Sharon Bachman Grandfield Suzanne Aron Harmon Elaine Wallace Harsanyi Suzanne Truxel Hildebrand Judith Lang Huber Margaret Hand Joefreda Sr. Donna M. Jurick, SND Rose Boeke Kessler Ruth Rueth Kibler Victor C. King Carol Neumann Kramer Sr. Ruth Kuhn, SC Louise A. Laukhart Gloria L. Leigh Edward J. Leyes Robert G. Masten Terry D. McCormick

Judith Thomeczek Michael Clara Trottman Muzechuk James S. Newbauer Patricia Mahle Raiff Howard R. Reams Gordon E. Reefe Elizabeth Herbert Regan Robert J. Schirack Carl F. Schrader Barbara Sanderman Schwartz Barbara Dorsten Schwieterman Louise Sauer Vulgamore Arthur L. Woolery C L A S S



Amount $17,965 Participation 25% EAGLE COUNCIL Jewelyn Middlebrook Dicello Lawrence E. Focke J. David Leff James C. Meixner Monsignor William R. Myers Thomas E. Spraley KEY SOCIETY Rosemarie Brewster Kidd Marilyn Brun Kuntz BLUE & GREEN CLUB Michael E. Burns John P. Clark Charles W. Friend Joan Jackson Krapf George & Rita Satalia CENTURY CLUB Lynn Kelly Alejandrino Deacon Robert F. Allen Roger L. Aveyard Lawrence R. Baker, Sr. Mary Cassano Bockrath Agnes Reitz Brinkman John F. Carr, Jr. Reverend John R. Civille Barbara Reilly Fredette David L. Gantt Mark A. Goldschmidt† Frances Straukamp Hageman Mary Knopp Hardin Michael A. Hartnett Thomas L. Hemmelgarn Carolyn Duell Hickey Terry Taphorn Hobeika Jean Zimmerle Hobrock Dennis L. Hoke Mary Ireton Kasun Carol Burkhardt Keith

Marilyn Aman Koehler Matilda D. Lorenz Patricia Harris Lotker Sherman G. Miller Thomas A. Niekamp Thomas G. Rawers Edward Ruef Ruth Friemering Scheidweiler Richard L. Schenking Roger J. Schenking Mary Lou Schmid Thomas E. Sheridan Judith Schoenberger Sherk Dr. James J. Sherry Jeanette Frantz Steece Judith McCullom Steuer Daniel J. Stiers Col.(ret) Jerome C. Thies Ronald W. Thomas Lucille Lucente Walters CONTRIBUTOR Ann Marie Espy Aldrich Evelyn DeBrosse August Alice Reitz Bell Robert J. Brown Patricia Heindl Cahill Priscilla Ramos Cenedella Judith Miller Cheesman John L. Confer Carol Paul Dull Jerome J. Flaute Kathleen Franz Gallihar Patrick C. Greaney Thomas C. Grundish Thomas C. Hayes Carole D’Amico Hinton Mary Grice Jackowski Barbara Terrey Jirkans Helen Deitz Jones Mary Goecke Kennedy Blanche Asbury Kiefer Donald F. Koehler George H. Kramer Delight Routsong Krimm Suzanne Kennard Lucas Helen Daley Macbeth Mary Welsh McBride Judith Pumphrey McManus Paul F. Merrick Dolora Paull Michel Frances Wuerstl Mounier Betsy A. Nushawg Donald J. Phillips Marilyn Zugelder Reams Joy Felfoldi Reboulet Dan Rossetti Judith Heiser Sandman

Marian Reasor Sensenbaugh Judith Mosley Shuttleworth John R. Somsel William L. Steffen Regina Rado Waldron Joan D’Elia Walley Sr. Mary E. Wendeln, CPPS Barbara Kuntz Wherry Phyllis Van Marter Whitney Marcia Myers Wise Carol Hunsbarger Yospur C L A S S



Amount $43,058 Participation 26% EAGLE COUNCIL Judith Achbach Bittner Donald L. Grieshop Thomas J. Hentrick William D. Kussman Patricia George Leff Fredrick M. Messina Patricia Young Monaghan Dr. Ned J. Sifferlen Linda Arvin Skuns Patricia Beumer Williams BLUE & GREEN CLUB Louis H. Ahlers Gary L. Anderson Nancy Duell Blackwell Robert M. Greschl C. Thomas Lurz Mary Dillon Ratliff Marilyn Romie Rueth Dr. Thomas W. Rueth Thomas E. Scheper Fredric G. Schwieterman Kathryn Brant Seitz Dr. Louis E. Vassy Dr. Kenneth L. Walter CENTURY CLUB Patricia Maher Bell Katherine Ruemping Berger Joseph A. Berkemeier John M. Bistrek Dr. Lawrence P. Boesch John P. Boston John M. Brenner, III Charles L. Brinkman, Jr. Mara Wahl Curran Ronald T. Deger, Sr. Anna Marie Schlegel Deime James E. Deime Mark L. Fettig Judith Markoff Francis William D. Gerhard

Judith Nowak Hynes Vermilda Wessendorf Janning Mariann Lindeman Johnson Dr. Eugene P. Keferl W. Anthony Klepacz Daniel H. Kosak Dolores Thum Kroger Paul A. Lammert William E. Mayer James H. Niekamp Ryan Patterson, Sr. Helen Eisenhauer Poelking Witt Elizabeth Castellini Reiling Dr. Richard B. Reiling Howard E. Schlegel Louis J. Schnorr Kathleen Dunham Sincoff Ralph A. Skilken, Jr. David R. Smith Teresa Pier Staub John L. Swintek Martha Stauber Szczesny Barbara Haley Watt Robert J. Wittman, Sr. Janet Wendeln Woodall Carolyn A. Zaidain CONTRIBUTOR Jane Sullivan Alessie Glenn E. Alexander Boyd E. Alig Jane Hoersting Balquiedra Mary Schrantz Besanceney Patricia Mueller Bettinger Pauline Jacobson Blatz Marlene Berry Breitenstein Kathleen McIntosh Bunn Judith Stonebarger Cerar Thomas J. Cogan Sally Focht Conlon Arlene Burgulis Crawford Michael J. Cunningham David A. Dahm Virginia Schaaf Davis Thomas A. Dean James H. Deis Colleen Horrigan Donahue Elizabeth Fekete Donovan Jeanette Wist Drzymkowski James P. Ennis Dr. Lawrence A. Ens John H. Ferguson Robert L. Fiely Constance Heck Grantham Robert G. Hackenberg Diane Cwiok Huth John M. Kimble Stephen D. King, Jr.

In reports of this nature, mistakes can occur. If your name was omitted or improperly listed, please accept our apologies and contact the development office at 937.461.3740 x232, so that we can correct our records † Deceased

Phyllis Romie Kitchen Julia Roth Kneller John M. Koerner Robert J. Kushman Sharon Monnin Lokai Lawrence G. Mangan Lawrence McNerney Edwina Cibulka Merrick Clare Goubeaux Mikula James L. Mikula Kathryn Bereda Monnin Mary Anne Mitchell Moreno Judith Baudendistel Mott Kathleen Hale O’Brien Mary Frey Pizza Barbara Wood Polak Lois Thomeczek Pond Paul J. Rado, Jr. Phyllis J. Reinhard Norman J. Schaeff Jerome E. Schmitz James H. Setser Joseph N. Shelby Geraldine Zimmerman Slattery Jeannette Donisi Smith Marcia Travis Steffen John E. Stelzer Thomas R. Stewart, Jr. Judith A. Streiff Nancy Makley Subler Karen Staas Thesing James A. Vanden Bosch Thomas R. Westbrock Linda Sobieski York Gerald L. Zimmerman C L A S S



Amount $30,929 Participation 24% EAGLE COUNCIL Dr. Lawrence G. Brun Robin M. Cunningham John A. Dupps, Jr. Roger S. Glass James E. Goldschmidt Joseph A. Keyes, Jr. Claudia Klein Mechenbier MGen(ret) Edward J. Mechenbier Robert P. Muzechuk Connie Horstman Reid Richard D. Reid Dr. Ronald J. Versic KEY SOCIETY James R. Fenelon David C. Hockaday

PA U L C A M P B EL L ‘ 6 3 Alumnus | Academic Excellence

BLUE & GREEN CLUB Carol Aufderheide Ahlers John A. Bucklew James P. Lurz Albert G. Siewe, Jr. Janet Boehmer Sweeney Jeffrey A. Wade CENTURY CLUB Professor Daniel J. Aneshansley John E. Aveyard Judith E. Baker Michael J. Bodary Annette Dix Casella James R. Charters George T. Eilerman Mary Ehrensberger Giachino William A. Gilmore Marilyn Trame Good Martha Alexander Greenwood John M. Haemmerle Mary Englert Haines Mary Ann Miller Hausfeld Benjamin J. Hill Bernadette Endres Hull Joyce Olszewski Hussion George A. Kochmar Jerome E. Kroger Thomas J. Leen Charles A. Meyer David J. Moses Mary Ann Wenzel Musselman Diane Buechle Reke Richard H. Rismiller Edward A. Ruetschle Thomas E. Russell Dr. Edward W. Sachs, III

Sandra Weaver Schaaf James R. Schierloh James A. Schmid Dr. David F. Schrage Father Thomas Schroer, S.M. Dale J. Staudter Maricarol Payne Temple John W. Wabler Patricia Fiely Watson Rise E. White Sue Schroeder Wintersteen David P. Wittman James J. Wolf The Honorable William H. Wolff, Jr. Gary L. Woodall Katherine Roberts Woodward Anthony M. Ziehler Thomas J. Zobrist CONTRIBUTOR Anonymous Marianne Bramlage Balent Judy Dean Berberich Robert C. Besanceney Rose Marlene Sparaco Bostick Elizabeth O’Leary Brigante Jere Charles Brown Luann Lochtefeld Burke Sue Schwieterman Cordonnier Margaret Saaler Crisler Dennis M. Dancer Margaret Neltner DeVaro Sr. Colette Didier, SND Suzanne Thompson Dunaway Robert J. Finnegan Col.(ret) Adrian J. Gravelle David J. Hartnagel Barbara Redman Hein

William S. Henning Ronald G. Hill Carol Bender Hillenbrand Patricia Goodwin Holden Paul L. Horstman Regina Williams Hunt Sue O’Rourke Kaminski Dr. Walter W. Keyes Suzanne Tischer King Sharon Romer Kline Nancy Nolan Knoth Sr. Constance C. Kramer, SP Kathryn Wack Kramer Janet Claude Letner Carolyn M. Leyes G. Michael Luhn Judy Baker Macklin Barbara Kroger Mattingly Eugenie Vogel Maus Kathleen Keane McLaughlin Kay Zeitler Moore Cecilia Schiml Mushenheim Kathryn Ohm Musselman Clarence R. Must Joyce Kleismit Noland Mary Ann Kenzik O’Kobrick Mary Dwyer Pearson Anthony R. Pflum Cecelia Kramer Phelan Caroline Spatz Pultz Mary Stueve Rabe Cynthia Foster Rado Phyllis Heiligenberg Rafferty Sharon Behringer Ramage Patricia Chmiel Russo M. Jean Ryan Ruth Stang Safreed


n 1967, classmate Richard Portune and I were excited to be among Dayton Sister City Committee’s first delegation to travel to Augsburg, Germany. Though I had lived out of the country before, this particular trip changed my life. My father was in the U.S. Air Force and we had lived in England for three years. My brother Gregory ’66 and I went to a British school, and my sister Elizabeth Snyder ’73 was born there. We eventually moved to Dayton in 1956. European culture continued to play a role in my life. In 1997, my employer, Beloit College in Wisconsin, granted me a year sabbatical. My wife Melanie (with her German heritage) and I decided to give our two boys an experience abroad. Thirty years after the sister city visit and accompanied by my family, I went to live in Augsburg. Over the next 10 years, we spent about a quarter of our time there. Our younger son, now in college, is majoring in psychology and… German! This year, my wife and I had the fulfilling experience of greeting this year’s contingent from the Dayton Sister Cities Committee including 17 students from CJ and teacher Tony Ricciuto ’74 (pictured above with my wife and his wife Brenda). Meeting them in the Rathaus in Augsburg freshened memories of me stepping into a new culture for the first time. I admire their courage in taking on such an experience. I am immensely happy that CJ continues to offer this important opportunity to students through the extraordinary efforts of Tony and his work with the Sister Cities program. As my life shows—and as theirs will, too—even a short cultural experience can have lasting effects that ripple far beyond oneself.


M AR SHA LOGE S ‘ 6 3 Alumni | Catholic Faith


he Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, the Society of Mary, and the Sisters of Charity provided a strong foundation of faith and education for my entire family. These devoted religious men and women shaped generations of my family, who attended Our Lady of the Rosary Parish, Holy Rosary School, and a CJ predecessor school. St. Mary’s Prep, Notre Dame Academy, Chaminade, Julienne, and St. Joseph’s Commercial — we attended them all! I was pleased to learn that CJ acquired the magnificent stained-glass windows that once graced Villa Julienne Chapel, within Julienne High School. Those stunning works of art are a treasure – not only for their inspirational beauty, but also for the history and tradition they represent. As CJ modernizes the campus, planners look for opportunities to include these windows, and the construction of the CJ STEMM Center provided a perfect setting. The placement of this window symbolically connects past to present — and to future; it is a personal privilege to help provide a new permanent home for it. My father, G. Edward Loges, taught math at Chaminade, and two of my aunts, Sr. Francis Marie, SNDdeN and Sr. Martha, SNDdeN, taught science and math at Julienne. It is fitting that this window enhances the new Center, where students will learn, imagine, apply their knowledge, and someday be instrumental in building a new future. In gratitude for what we have received, I believe my generation has a responsibility to help make a strong Catholic education available to our young people. I 18 would not be who I am today if it were not for the influence of my parents and the Sisters, who instilled within me faith, character, integrity, and personal responsibility. It is an honor and a duty to support a mission that teaches students how to be Christ-centered leaders and contributing citizens of the world.

Thomas J. Scarpelli Kenneth E. Schafer Barbara Wenzel Schmitz Margaret Fleischmann Schulz Dale H. Schutte Gerald S. Sharkey Roberta Boesch Sherk Paulyne Sullivan Sinder Sr. Marie J. Smith, SND Constance Keogh Spivey Dr. Earl R. Staddon Robert L. Stevens Stephen M. Stiglicz Marily Prather Strauthers Sr. Rita M. Sturwold, SNDdeN Charles Trimbach Gail Nolan Turner J. Kemper Will Thomas W. Yahle C L A S S



Amount $29,940 Participation 20% EAGLE COUNCIL Mary Focke Cunningham Ralph C. Deger Dr. James R. Eifert Dr. Dieter A. Krewedl Lynda Klosterman Muzechuk Donald L. Raiff Dr. Pamela Zell Rigg Joyce Wabler Sifferlen

KEY SOCIETY Cicily Barlow Brogan William J. Brogan Konrad Kuczak The Honorable Benjamin H. Logan, II BLUE & GREEN CLUB Col.(ret) Harry T. Cerha Dr. Earl D. Eifert Charles F. Jergens Lawrence G. Koci Robert J. Kosins John H. Lienesch Joseph A. Logan Patricia Ivory Metzger Robert A. Metzger Col.(ret) Lawrence S. Sagan CENTURY CLUB Robert L. Banford Susan Huber Blust Andrew C. Brinkley Richard A. Cochran Richard R. Danis, Sr. Dr. Robert J. Deger, Jr. Kathleen Sims Driesen Louise Jacobson Ehrensberger William E. Ehrensberger Darrel J. Francis J. Michael Gorman Mary Wieland Gromosiak James A. Hale Janice Cushman Hale Michael J. Hartke Lawrence W. Henke, III Christel Hasenbring Ilg

Paul E. Keferl Esther Metzger Lloyd Mary Lou Herbert McNee Stephen J. Messaros Paul R. Messina John C. Mott Shirley Gayman Newport Carol Meyring Prikkel Robert H. Rehling Jerome R. Scheper Elaine Rudzinski Sendelbach Paul J. Sendelbach† Patricia Stout Skilken Timothy J. Stueve Deacon Norbert A. Wethington Patricia Kaiser Zobrist CONTRIBUTOR Susan Focke Alexander Sandra Meadows Bachman Marion G. Barga John A. Barstow Albert L. Bennett, Jr. Joseph H. Bennett Donald A. Bernard Carol Fahy Bernhardt Frances Little Booth John W. Braunschweiger Jane Raiff Bruno Sr. Anne M. Bucher, O.P. Barbara Etter Burdg Richard L. Burlew Florence Kleismit Cobey Sharon Hughes Cruea

Joanne Krul Cunningham Beverly Crawford Dabbelt Sharon Wiles Davell John E. Davis Dennis J. DeBrosse Richard A. Dillon Inga Herschbach Donohue Mr. John E. Dorsten Nelson A. Dworack Mary Ann Eismann A. Leontine Butler Ens Mary Schlegel Faust Mary Hafner Fritz Sr. Carol A. Gaeke, O.P. James J. Ginn Lynn M. Gitzinger Ruth Wittman Goosman Janice Tangeman Graham David K. Hanauer Susan Shipley Hapner Maclyn F. Harrison Helen Rado Henning Rita Mastbaum Hughes Margaret Bernhold Jones Karen Alexander Kemper Michael P. Kendig Joyce Johnson Kirsch Rita M. Kroger Judith Shumard Kuntz Marilyn Saaler Lehman Sandra Deger Ley Malcolm W. MacLeod Barbara McKale Mangan Mary Jane Veres Masten Patricia Harrington Mastropaolo Dennis J. McCarthy Joyce Schneble McKale Dina Donnellan O’Hara Donald W. Peter Mary Kushman Poeppelmeier Mary Ann Hoffman Quigley James E. Reboulet Lawrence D. Reinhard Kenneth J. Ruzick Therese Piekutowski Santo Dennis J. Schaedler Charles L. Schafer Mildred Schneider Robert E. Schutte Regina Trick Seubert Robert D. Seubert Robert W. Sherk Ann Metz Sieffert C. L. Snyder Karen Kindle Snyder Mollie Kinney Stanford Sally Lehman Stevens

Gary N. Szucs Sue Seeger Thompson George R. Wolff Barbara Stout Wooten

Marjorie Tepe Weldie Anita Loges Wherry Frederick Wirth, Jr. Judith Suttmiller Wolfe


CONTRIBUTOR Ronald Aron Michael E. Bellert Barbara Borchers Bernath Robert Beutel Sr. Nancy H. Bramlage, SC Barbara Harris Brandt Marilyn Hyle Brinkman Susan Bruggeman Brock James J. Brokamp Shirley Stewart Brown Michael C. Browne Kathleen McCrate Collins James M. Connell Arlene Stafford Cooke Mary Reich Corcoran Kathleen A. Dahm Victoria Richardson Downs Joyce Suchy Fallacara Rosemary Seibert Fitzgibbon Daniel J. Foley James F. Foley Jean K. Foley Kathryn Metz Gleason Thomas J. Gottschall Judith Buechele Goubeaux Colonel Robert M. Gravelle Brother Joseph P. Haley, OFM Carol Riepenhoff Hartley Nancy Buehrle Hayes Michael L. Henke Robert C. Herbst Mary Enneking Hery Paul J. Hileman, Jr. Cler DeChatelet Hudgins James L. Huelsman Alice Altick Kermeen Barbara Shearer Krempa John A. Kronenberger Stephen W. Krznarich, Jr. James J. Makley Dennis B. McTaggart Marcy Hamer Nangle Judith Volmer Osterday Martha Evans Osterday Barbara A. Oxley Thomas G. Petkewitz Catherine Becker Reynolds Judith Franz Rueth Robert A. Rueth Patricia Hoyer Sark Dr. John K. Scheidt



Amount $18,678 Participation 18% EAGLE COUNCIL MGen(ret) John D. Altenburg, Jr. Frank N. Dupps Sharon Powers Goldschmidt A. William Wiggenhorn KEY SOCIETY Stephen M. O’Bryan F. Beaven Smith Joseph W. Smith BLUE & GREEN CLUB Raymond J. Bruns Patrick R. Fleming Col.(ret) Joseph L. Graves, Jr. Brian A. Hausfeld Barbara Bickle Koci Edward L. Meosky Leslie Walters Pierce Charles B. Prather, II Donald P. Zimmer CENTURY CLUB Frank W. Armstrong, III Dr. Robert K. Boeckman, Jr. Michael R. Buschor James F. Caulfield Mary Finnegan Charters James J. Corwin James C. Dowling David P. Eisenhauer Robert E. Fahrendorf Harold R. Fecher Michael W. Freeman H. Kenneth Gerritzen Diane Horstman Haemmerle Donald F. Harker, III Freddie Wellmeier Houston William Howe Forest E. Hyland Albert J. Klein Joan Bishop Klepacz Michael J. Lozan Kathleen Drummer Menker Gertrude Gombert O’Rourke Thomas A. Schirack Michael D. Schneider Dr. Jerome C. Servaites Nicholas O. Sharkey Marilyn Beumer Stancombe

Maureen Falvey Schutte Thelma Sobieski Sens Patricia Clemens Setser Thomas R. Stanley Ellen Didier Stephan Linda Laux Storey Dr. Thomas J. Trey John U. Weckesser Judith Voit Weckesser Paul M. Ziehler C L A S S



Amount $45,703 Participation 21% EAGLE COUNCIL Dr. Paul J. Campbell Judith Rawers Eifert Marilyn Humpert Fetters Allen M. Hill Marsha J. Loges John E. Lucid Michael A. McCall John J. McKeon Stanley A. Mertzman The Honorable Michael R. Merz Barbara Faeta Parisi Elizabeth Barstow Raiff William F. Schottelkotte KEY SOCIETY Anonymous John F. Andrews Dr. Joan M. Claffey John N. DiPucci Patricia Froehly Koziar Raymond M. Smith BLUE & GREEN CLUB Louis W. Clark, III Barbara Sakosky Fitzpatrick Karen Sobieski Fleming The Honorable Robert L. Moore Mark A. Stelzer Dennis J. Turner CENTURY CLUB Albert Andzik, Jr. Michael H. Barga Gail White Beale Nicholas E. Besch John H. Bigger James R. Bramlage Leo A. Burkardt Deacon John K. Carlin Bonita Weber Doepker Teresa Dugan Frecker Mary Logan Gitzinger John J. Hemmert

Carolyn Wieland Kerr Marilyn Krimm Kohler Dr. Katherine Miller Kula Jane Elliott Marcoe Frederick J. Naas Mark E. Nemecek Christine Deger O’Brien Eileen Moore Pape Thomas L. Poeppelmeier Joan Burdzinski Ruetschle Beverly Schlater Scheper Ralph J. Schultz, Jr. William C. Shearer Thomas F. Steiner Robert P. Thien† Ann Raterman Vendely Margaret Rankin Weckesser Thomas J. Weckesser LtCol(ret) Gerald M. Wenner, Jr. CONTRIBUTOR William B. Aicher Thomas R. Alexander Barbara Stafford Amos Barbara Kinzig Armstrong William H. Armstrong Patricia Holton Beutel Jane Roth Bodem Pamela Clark Bradfield Richard J. Brewer Mary Anne Long Burless Georgia Hackenberg Cali Barbara Meyer Cogliano Terry S. Comer Lynn Stone Crawford Michael L. Crompton Mary McCrabb Cupples Joseph A. Dierkers Janet Ruff Duckro Dorothy Muth Dupont Frances C. Eden Geneva Heid Freeman A. Dennis Geglein Mary Allgyer Geiger Mary Daly Ginn Patricia Flanagan Graham Richard D. Green Jean Roberts Hardy Barbara White Hausknecht Sharon McCloskey Herbert Sue Stephan Hoffman Richard B. Hoke James E. Ivory Joanne James Jones Geraldine Gaeke Jones-Foster Donald J. Koepnick Anne Krieger Kraska Dennis E. Kriegbaum

In reports of this nature, mistakes can occur. If your name was omitted or improperly listed, please accept our apologies and contact the development office at 937.461.3740 x232, so that we can correct our records. † Deceased

Steve E. LaFlame Dorothy Burkhardt Leik Michael E. Madden Joyce Klenk McCarthy Dennis J. McGee, Sr. Thomas E. McLaughlin Bonita Munchel Mercuri Joseph P. Mitchell Jack A. Murnahan Thomas M. Osterday M. Patricia Gorman Paiser Virginia Becker Paquette Thomas A. Payne Gerald M. Pohl Sharon Altendorf Rankin Janet Thomas Rollins Joyce Hausfeld Schafer Thomas C. Schramm Carole Grilliot Simmons William R. Slinger Thomas J. Smith James E. Sparks Kathleen Shultz Speece Mary Catherine Helldoerfer Steiner Karen Boehmer Steinmetz Carolyn Gibbs Strausburg Elizabeth Sachs Topping Timothy E. Vogel Mary Jean Brinkman Walter Victoria Fran Concannon West Edward R. Wildenhaus Suzanne DeBord Yahle Donald M. Zerkel Sandra Ventura Zerkel C L A S S

ALUMNI by Class & Gift level




Amount $20,106 Participation 19% EAGLE COUNCIL Dr. Barbara Moore Bennett Daniel A. Brockman Robert P. Lienesch George E. Loney Harriet Mader Loney Kathleen Quinlan McKeon J. Michael O’Brien KEY SOCIETY Kathleen Grieshop Baier Garrett T. Gall Joseph E. Mahlmeister William U. Michel Thomas E. Suttmiller BLUE & GREEN CLUB Dr. Albert E. Becker Sarah Wenzel Clark


ALUMNI by Class & Gift level



Col.(ret) Theodore J. Fink Gary W. Gottschlich Thomas F. Loges Dr. Gary L. Snyder John A. Ventura CENTURY CLUB Nancy Reichert Anderson Carol Budde Askins Dale G. Banford Gerald P. Belle Michael J. Brown James D. Bujarski Robert E. Burkhardt Dr. Michael D. Caporal Susan Janning Collett Capt.(ret) Thomas C. Davis James J. Dell Richard A. Dineen Patrick J. Feldman Allan S. Fenelon Ronald M. Frazier Charlene Martin Frey Albert R. Giambrone Margaret Gottschall Good Carolyn Zimmerman Grossman Angela Bush Hellwig Jayne A. Helmig Mary Ann Dineen Hemmert Robert L. Hoersting Kathleen M. Keefe Capt.(ret) William L. Koerner Blaise S. Konicki, Jr. David J. Kramer Paula Moorman Kreusch Dorothy Gebhart Lackey Joan Slayback Langston Thomas M. Mahle James J. McGarvey Michael P. McManus David F. Meyer Joseph P. Moore Sarah Clements O’Neal James R. Petrie Joan Wurst Power John H. Sachs, Jr. Mary Ann Leibold Schoen Kenneth B. Scott Judy Lindeman Stelzer Charles L. Vehorn Ted B. Wendeln Betty Ann Heyne Wernet E. Jane Ryder Wiseman CONTRIBUTOR Anonymous Mary Rosenbeck Addi-Layton Jeffrey G. Ballmann Thomas R. Bishop

Linda Stroup Blackburn Patricia A. Brinkman Jane Uhrig Brockman John M. Brockman Mary E. Burns Margaret White Butts Mary Beth Fenelon Celebrezze Sharon Couvion Sharon Hess Elston Louis W. Feldmann, III Joan E. Follick Carolyn A. Fortman Elizabeth Staub Gallagher M. Barbara Wise Gibson Joseph F. Githens J. Michael Gitzinger Karen Hall Gochoel R. Bruce Graham Norbert J. Green, Jr. George M. Hale Richard A. Hamer Mary Janning Harris Michael J. Herbert Michael R. Higgins Michael Hughes Michael J. Keyes Dr. Thomas W. Keyes Lynn Holly Locke Judith Haley Mann Michael B. Manning Luann Slouffman Massey Francis J. Miller Dr. Michael A. Moskewicz Theodore T. Motsch Christine Dutzy Murlin Carolyn Frey Murphy Mary Klohe Murray Jonathan M. Newcome Sue Zimmerman Noreikas Linda Cox Novak Constance Eifert O’Neill Donald A. Perry, Jr. Daniel H. Pfeiffer Mary Mastbaum Pfeiffer Marjorie L. Reinhard William N. Reyer Patricia Cooper Rimkus Patricia Brogan Samson Donna Gentile Scheu Judith Fussner Schneider William V. Schraml Barbara D. Shock Nancy King Speaker Fred C. Thomas, III Ronald J. Tobe Carol Steinke Vance Richard J. Veres

Ralph K. Wead Colleen Keogh Wildenhaus Mary Lou Kleismit Williams Carol Saettel Ziehler Barbara A. Zimmerman William R. Zimmerman C L A S S



Amount $31,225 Participation 19% EAGLE COUNCIL Robert J. Brinkman, Jr. Robert T. Dunlevey, Jr. J. Timothy Gorman Mary Alice Buerschen Harbrecht Mathias H. Heck, Jr. John V. Limberg Philip L. Maughan Thomas R. Pickrel Carolyn Bucklew Rathweg Dr. Michael J. Scianamblo Kenneth A. Shigley Charlene Carroll Wheeler KEY SOCIETY Dr. Joseph J. Chmiel Michael B. Clark† Kathleen M. Shay BLUE & GREEN CLUB Joseph W. Bleicher Carla Silbereis Bleil Nancy Butler Bruck Christopher J. Dunsky Richard C. Garlock Robert L. Guehl Dr. Alfred T. Lane Donald J. Overman Timothy J. Raab Eugene A. Rotterman Josie Thacker Russo Dr. Thomas A. Schweller Mary McCabe Shortal Phillip T. Wabler Dr. Thomas O. Williams William Woodall CENTURY CLUB George M. Belme Cary T. Borgert Jane Backscheider Borgert Nancy Brademeyer Bramlage Robert J. Bruggeman Dave L. Bunn J. Michael Caplinger Yvonne Ruschau Carranza Dr. Margaret West Cavanaugh Karen Berry Corwin

M. James Eardly Lloyd B. Fisher, Jr. Larry D. Gibson Mary Pat Halpin Golden Beverly Allen Jones Thomas C. Kavanaugh William Kuntz Joseph G. Kuritar John J. Limbert Paul A. Lucus Walter A. Massie Edward J. McCloskey Eric E. Muceus Robert J. Oberlander Kathleen M. Perkins Deborah Minham Pfliegel Thomas Rose Gary T. Scarpelli James E. Schoenberger Martha Leibold Schumann Robert H. Sherwell Gary Staas James R. Thieman CONTRIBUTOR Julia Strozdas Ballmann Doris Kammer Berning Thomas A. Birkbeck Dolores Krewedl Brooks Mark H. Buddendeck Joseph A. Butler Judith Weckesser Chapman David A. Corcoran Connie Mantia Crompton Barbara Beard Dierkers Dr. J. Eric Farfsing James R. Farkas Carol Loney Fellows MaryAnn Burns Fitzsimmons Margaret Huber Foley Donna Harris Green James C. Hall Patricia King Harvey Raymond Heil Kathleen Schroeder Heisel Stephen J. Hemmelgarn Ann Westendorf Hirt Paula Ivory Hoeffer Thomas E. Hoefler Joseph P. Hoffman Elaine Powers Hoke Barbara Fortener Johnson Marilyn A. Keane Lois Winter Keil Catherine Nemecek Kelly Joseph R. Kiacz Patricia L. Kirk Virginia Keyes Kubek

Carol Asztalos Latina William J. Lauber Ann Acton Leever Rose Spang Lischke Michael J. Malesko Margaret Phillips Manning Barbara J. Markus Joyce Ksiezopolski Moloney Patricia Rettich Moonan Dr. Barbara L. Musselman Dr. Kathleen A. O’Connell Margaret Wendeln O’Neil Linda Zwiesler Payne Diane Prestel Phillips Linda Nick Pritchard Thomas J. Reaster Edward F. Rimkus Janis Loomis Romond Robert K. Russell Fred M. Ruzick Marsha Ruf Sell Loretta Thien Stauffer Maribeth McCray Stump Ann Dahlinghaus Taylor Marlea Vandame Taylor Robert L. Trimbach Patricia Brodbeck Tule Aldona Masilionis Valaitis Charles E. Waker Michael K. Wheeler Rosemarie Malogorski Whigham Thomas W. White Roland Winburn Michelle McDonald Zechar Gerald M. Zennie Tomala Ryan Zent Ralene Sprauer Zimmerman C L A S S



Amount $28,985 Participation 15% EAGLE COUNCIL Anonymous James G. Barlow Thomas E. Burkhardt, Jr. Johanna Rosenkranz Limberg George V. Limbert Dr. Roderick J. McDavis Mary Jo Strozdas Nero Elaine Riegle Pickrel KEY SOCIETY Mary Anne Weaver Dudon Mary Ann McGuire Hoehl Susan Hoffman Logsdon Shirley Wessels McGrady

In reports of this nature, mistakes can occur. If your name was omitted or improperly listed, please accept our apologies and contact the development office at 937.461.3740 x232, so that we can correct our records † Deceased

BLUE & GREEN CLUB Charles A. Adkinson Paul T. Deis, Jr. Dr. Ronald L. Fletcher Dr. Jerome L. Gottschall Emmett C. Orr Stephen C. Zimmer CENTURY CLUB Thomas W. Aldridge Michael H. Bochenek, Sr. Victoria Koester Bruggeman Dr. Gregory P. Campbell Edward R. Donovan Mary Susan Fortunato Barbara J. Germano Mary Jane Walters Gorman William D. Gorman Joseph L. Hochdoerfer Michele Marko Howard James H. Klingshirn Judy Grilliot Lumby Lawrence J. Mahle James A. Makley Ruth Fisher Meyers Patrick D. Quinn Marianne Flynn Rosenkranz Thomas E. Seifert Charles G. Simon Edward M. Smith Dr. John M. Stachler LtCol(ret) John A. Wening CONTRIBUTOR Carla A. Amato Cecilia Thomas Bosticco Robert & Kathleen Brown Mary Laforsch Carey Shirley Ann Carlin Antonio J. Desando Herbert G. Duffley Robert R. Fischer, Jr. Frederick M. Garman Sue Schliesser Guntzelman Julia R. Hansen William C. Hansen Dianne Neu Harvey Beverly Tobe Hemmelgarn Thomas C. Henehan Bonnie Ernst Holzinger J. Thomas Horrigan Pauline Magrath Koplin Mary T. Lehmann John F. Mayer Donald C. McCready Jo Ann Kiss McGlone Michael E. Meyer Michael E. Moore

Participation Totals by Class 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

23% 13% 27% 21% 22% 28% 30% 20% 27% 23% 28% 28% 28% 29% 25% 51% 28% 28% 25% 26% 24% 20% 18% 21% 19% 19% 15% 14% 19% 15% 16% 16% 15% 12% 14% 11% 9% 10% 15% 13% 10% 12% 13% 15% 10% 9% 18% 12% 8% 6% 11% 11% 9% 8% 5% 10% 8% 13% 6% 7% 12% 6% 6% 5% 7% 6% 4% 5% 8% 4% 13% 24% 32%

D E B I S C H U TT Director of Performing Arts S C OT T P I E RCE Athletic Director Student Involvement


Alumni Participation By Class TOP 10 CLASSES CLASS


1963 ......... $45,703 1959 ......... $43,058 1987......... $36,533 1948......... $34,901 1967......... $33,462 1955 ......... $32,180 1965 ......... $31,225 1960......... $30,929 1961 ......... $29,940 1966......... $28,985







his year, nearly 95 percent of our students participated in a co-curricular activity involving performing arts or athletics — sometimes both. This was on top of taking challenging academic classes and performing community service. For some, these commitments were in addition to having jobs. The energy behind our growing performing arts department is our students! They have taken ownership of the program and are excelling in so many ways. Because of them, we’ve expanded in number and offerings. At our spring banquet, we acknowledged 125 students who were active in some form of performing arts including concert and pep bands, choirs and theater. They are enjoying themselves and are proud of what they are doing. They are our biggest advocates! When students see their peers get excited about the performing arts, it’s a big draw. Approximately 75 percent of our students play at least one sport. Through athletics, students meet and interact with others they may not see in the classroom. As a team, they learn about character building, working as a unit, positively influencing others, and sportsmanship. These students have a great awareness that what they are doing is larger than the athletic event. They have respect for the history of the school and do their best to honor that. They take great pride in how they conduct themselves on and off the field. People from other schools and communities have21 commented on how well our players represent us, and that we should be proud. All of our students work so hard. They come in with interests and skills, and we do our best to provide outlets for them steeped in Eagle tradition. These kids are out there doing everything — they are giving it their all!

J O HN SPINNATO ‘ 7 2 Alumni | Student Activities


amaraderie, team spirit and self-confidence, that’s what I saw when I spent time with students who were in town to perform at a national a cappella event. I was very impressed! They weren’t shy and were willing to put themselves on the line to compete at the highest level. The fact that they put the group together a few years ago and were now invited to sing in New York City demonstrated their dedication and hard work. Meeting them and watching them perform took me to back to my experience with the school’s performing arts program. My participation in the arts made me more willing to engage with others in the wider community and provided broader exposure to such things as history and culture. The confidence and public speaking skills I developed have served me well as an attorney and in my current position as Vice President, North America Corporate Social Responsibility for Sanofi, U.S. Chaminade also provided an ethical component. We were always encouraged to do volunteer work. It taught me to be an independent learner and made me aware that I needed to take responsibility for my education. We were able to take risks and do amazing things. During junior year, I taught a course in theater at a local arts center. These opportunities helped me understand and sort out what was ultimately important to me and what I wanted personally and professionally. CJ continues to build kids up. Providing performance activities like band, theater, and athletics does that. It’s great to see that CJ is providing even more 22 channels to help students develop that creative side of the brain and engage in collaborative efforts — all great skills to have regardless of the careers they ultimately choose.

Rebecca S. Morgann Douglas J. Orf Robert L. Overman William J. Reynolds Mary Williamson Scheidt Cynthia E. Sipes Stephen M. Skapik Susan Wolff Steinbicker Stephen J. Steiner Arthur T. Sullivan Anne Magato Tant Michael J. Topp Gerald H. Wildenhaus Cynthia Paull Willer Dr. Mark T. Williams Monica Platt Yane Douglas J. Zobrist C L A S S



Amount $33,462 Participation 14% EAGLE COUNCIL David L. Brinkman Joan Borchers Burkhardt Thomas J. Cotter Mollie Schumacher Danis Thomas J. Danis, Sr. Dr. Paul D. Evans Richard L. Iannarino Dennis M. Lee Joseph A. Shock Gregory H. Smith Dr. Joseph A. Spinnato, II Dr. J. Michael Sproule Roger C. Ward Stephen E. Whitehead John M. York KEY SOCIETY David A. Dudon Joseph D. Kern BLUE & GREEN CLUB Sylvia Hairston Orr Patrick C. Will CENTURY CLUB Teresa Wartinger Aldridge J. Lawrence Becker Kathryn Budenz Blais Timothy J. Corley LCDR(ret) Philip J. Dabney Michael W. Duffy Peggy Hampel Eardly Jennifer Monroe Garwood Robert A. Granson Steven W. Himes Janet L. Longman

Laurel D. Page William J. Ravestein William J. Saluke LtCol(ret) John M. Schriml Timothy Stammen Barbara E. Stevens Robert C. Wabler James R. Weckesser Paula Sears Weckesser Phyllis J. Winters


CONTRIBUTOR Patrick J. Agnew Barbara Browning Bach Dennis R. Bach Beverly Lozan Bassett Kathleen Share Bidwell John R. Brill Mary Chmiel Burling Sylvia Desando Crum Thomas J. D’Amico Teresa Nevius Deger Michael J. Donovan Louis Q. Fries, Jr. Mary Ballmann Fulwiler Richard J. Fulwiler Thomas M. Geglein Richard Gibbs Mary Fitzgerald Horning Anna Carone Hous Martha Scheper Huss Carol Noreikas Huttinger Raymond A. Jergens Diane Quinlivan Keating-Weiss Madelon Eifert Kinzig Carolyn Ziehler Klohe Dr. Mark E. Koehler John M. Lurz John C. Mahrt, III Christopher J. Mann Thomas G. Martin Darrell Schmidt May Jane Schmidt McBride Julia Griffin Newcome William R. Newlin Rita M. Ruef Marcia Sweigart Russo Catherine Harsacky Schramm Michael A. Seitz Rita Blatz Sheets John C. Siehl Gregory J. Steele Mark A. Thomas David P. Timpone

BLUE & GREEN CLUB Patrick Maloney Judith Brinkman Moehl Dr. Alexis A. Nelson David W. Rawers Mary Ann Wuebben Zell Linda Casey Zimmer



Amount $12,720 Participation 19% EAGLE COUNCIL Thomas E. DeBrosse James E. Ghory, Jr. Richard A. Meyer Stephen Smith

CENTURY CLUB Curtis L. Blais James M. Boehm Marie Perree Bontempo George F. Brun, Jr. Jane Boston Brun Debra Harmuth Caporal John G. Caporal Susan M. Cochran James J. Dineen Louisa Scarpelli Dreety Gary A. Evans Herbert M. Finke Thomas P. Fontana Margaret Bachey Gottschlich Peter M. Klosterman Jill Baker Loscko Ann Spinnato Luckoski Mary Hilton Menke Mary Jo Magrath Mercier Michael W. Mueller Mary Schwendeman Naas James P. O’Donnell Richard C. Parent Michael K. Quinn Susan Bonfig Ringleman Victor W. Rowan Stephen C. Schwab Linda King Sheehan John A. Stickel Thomas J. Swindling Peter P. Thiel David G. Thomas Mary Pat DeAloia Thomas Mary Zimmerman Titus Judith Brennan Tudor Ann Skelton Vogel Raymond C. Wabler Jerome J. Walling Dr. Michael T. Westendorf

Joseph E. Woerner Jill Trimmer Wolf John A. Zaidain CONTRIBUTOR Jennifer M. Agnew William H. Albers Joan Baker Andersen Lois Brinkman Brill Martha Boesch Callihan Dr. Guy Capaldo Margaret Kaucher Capps Frank H. Clark Charles W. Danis, Jr. Constance Lehman Falcone Rebecca S. Florea Jane Stautzenbach Glaser Eugene B. Goubeaux Richard L. Gudorf David A. Guehl Deborah Meyer Guehl Stanley C. Harting Kathleen A. Hempelman Carolyn Spang Howick Mary Ann Issenmann Christina Stafford Johnson Linda Coffey Jordan Anne Roalef Kantor Douglas J. Karl Maria Lauricella Kaskocsak Martha Mescher Kimble Mark R. Koors Charles E. Kraft Vickie Eppler Leyes Barbara Jobe Lundy Evelyn Perree Mahrt Donald R. Markus Michael E. McGlone Eugene H. Menker James H. Mulligan, Jr. Cynthia Bayham Newlin Teresa Buedel O’Brien Stephen R. Pfander Rosemary Raterman Karen Claude Richardson Cynthia L. Rogerson Thomas R. Rose Kathryn Hoffman Ruggeri John B. Seibert Marirose S. Sindoni Richard J. Smith Patricia Smith-Overman Jane Schmitz Stickel Albert A. Stoermer Nancy Lucente Strassel Pamela Jacobson Tatone Joyce Brown Tiley Diane Frieberger Venturella

John W. Weber Jayne Kaufhold White John A. White Thomas W. Wurst C L A S S



Amount $27,950 Participation 15% EAGLE COUNCIL Gail Kuritar Brockman Stephen J. Budde Dr. Raymond J. Dysas Dennis A. Mitchell Donald H. Nooks Sam L. Rinehart Anne Kroger Shock KEY SOCIETY William F. Bahret BLUE & GREEN CLUB William M. Yahle CENTURY CLUB Mary Jane Lehman Anderson Thomas M. Bogner J. Paul Burkhardt Barbara Szabo Canham John M. Carroll C. Michael Dabney Constance Whitehead Davis Robert E. Davis Carman Stroud Dent Mark L. Duffy William J. Ghory C. Terrence Gorman Mark D. Gudorf David R. Hairston, Jr. Michael J. Lachey Terrance A. McCartan Barbara Wendling Monckton Daniel F. O’Connor, Jr. Dr. Kathleen E. O’Hearn Richard D. Powers David R. Riegle Paulette Gauthier Riley James L. Rohl Mr. John E. Saluke Gregory F. Singer Donald A. Smith James W. Sprowl Anthony F. Stoeve Dr. Michael J. Timpone Dennis W. Verrett Stephen M. Walsh James F. Wendling Gayle Klawonn Westendorf

Jean M. Williamson Lawrence & Mary Woeste CONTRIBUTOR Kenneth J. Bole Manuel P. Cheek Linda Hartke Chenoweth Peggy Locke Cornwell Dorothy Borchers Creech Joan Fleck Eagen William E. Fischer Amelia Sheets Gray Robert A. Haller Gene Hogan Frank J. Horvat Katherine Schwendeman Horvat Gerald R. Landis Pamela Schmitz Long Janet Mescher Marrinan Michael C. Mergler Suzanne Dietsch O’Rear James T. Pachin Mary Jo Peck-Patrick Bruce P. Pilgrim Lois Bertke Requarth Michael J. Schaefer Joseph W. Siehl Ann Sayer Sisk Helen Pomuti Sloan John R. Sloan Stephen J. Sobieski James R. Tatol Colleen Carr Thompson David P. Thorne Douglas P. Trick Deborah Brodnick Trimbach Roberta Kroger Watts Patricia Green Weaver Charlene Ballmann Wenning Gerald S. Woeste Robert C. Wolf Brigitte Kuzujanakis Yarbrough C L A S S



Amount $11,823 Participation 16% EAGLE COUNCIL Douglas E. Grewe, Jr. Michael A. Hart Dr. Thomas A. Heck Mary Kroger Helldoerfer Antonette Lucente KEY SOCIETY Dr. Stephen R. Grant BLUE & GREEN CLUB Anonymous

Scott A. Bruns Father James S. Duell William H. Frapwell Richard P. Makley Steven E. O’Hearn Louis J. Schirack Richard Wenclewicz William E. Wimsatt CENTURY CLUB Nancy L. Belme David P. Boehm James C. Corbett, Sr. Victoria Bochenek Graf John H. Grismer, III Col. Christopher J. Gunther, USMC (RET) Phyllis Mescher Hewitt Jo Ellen Green Kavanaugh Steven W. Knapschaefer Mary Jo Berg Leopard Donald E. McBride Kevin J. Rapp Kathleen Plassenthal Ravestein Louis Michael Ross-Spang F. Charles Sweigart Jill M. Tatem Lt.Col. W. Timothy Titus Thomas J. Wagner Michael L. Will Robert M. Wilson CONTRIBUTOR Anna Marie Brinkman Bowers Robert F. Brinkman Charlene Wolff Cain James L. Carter Mary Menker Catrow John W. Clark Wilhelmena Ravestein Clark Joanna Colosimo Danzl Mary Maloney Elliott Dale R. Goubeaux Stephen Hagemeyer Kathleen Voelkl Hall Linda Kozuh Harting Frank E. Herzog Rosemary Stoermer Herzog Carol Cochran Houdieshell Jeanne M. Issenmann Mary Beth Condron Jones Kevin C. Kavanaugh Dr. William J. Kessler George A. Kloos Ann Koors David L. Krebs Dale L. Krohn Joanna Malagrida Patricia Loomis Marshall James M. Martinson

Kenneth J. Mauch Constance Borger McLain Peter Miklos Druann Williams Miller James S. Naber Timothy W. Nartker Cathy Schroeder Obringer Donald E. Obringer Henry P. Olszewski Herbert A. Peasant Virginia M. Platt Thomas A. Reichert Christopher Robers Janet Kunnen Rogers Edward J. Ruf Paul J. Sabrack Patricia J. Schug Barbara SchwabKlaco Patsy Molnar Sitzman Anne E. Somsel Ann Seibert Sortman Richard Sparaco Major Donald R. Sprude Sara Drummer Stachler Thomas H. Stachler Jane Venditti Thies Patricia A. Tolle Sylvia Scarpelli White C L A S S



Amount $15,435 Participation 16% EAGLE COUNCIL Thomas A. Rouse Elizabeth Mescher Schwendeman Herbert J. Schwendeman Matthew J. Staton KEY SOCIETY David S. Butt BLUE & GREEN CLUB David G. Grusenmeyer Thomas J. Hickey Lynne Maloney Laski Stanley J. Muckenthaler Kevin P. Mulligan Deborah Busher Schirack CENTURY CLUB Christine Staddon Bernard Thomas E. Borchers, Sr. Carol Dunkleman Burton Joseph A. Cancila, Jr. Susan Kreusch Corbett Patricia A. Deschaine Julia Solomon Eddy Carol Buddendeck Fox

In reports of this nature, mistakes can occur. If your name was omitted or improperly listed, please accept our apologies and contact the development office at 937.461.3740 x232, so that we can correct our records † Deceased

John D. Gower Stephen C. Grismer Mark T. Haemmerle Sharon Orr Hairston Julie Leist Harris Michael R. Hayslip, Jr. Lieneke Van Der Sluijs Keihl John W. Kessler, Jr. Johanna Campbell Krogol Gary J. Leppla Gary S. Miller Donald L. Neff Maureen Barlow Neff Terry Quinn-Thomas Michael J. Schultz Mary Ellen Singer Jeffrey M. Smith Mary Schommer Sprowl Milton T. Sprowl David P. Trainor Alexandra Pomuti Wendling Barbara Buerschen Yingling CONTRIBUTOR Linda Drury Abbott Edward M. Bannen Sandra Goubeaux Brinkman Maureen Carroll Brustkern Trudy Haley Bulat Kim M. Christensen John A. Churan Mary Tesno Drakesmith Kathleen Ballmann Evers Anna Walsh Fricker Ann Vogel Gladura Mary Ann Wellmeier Hart Mark E. Hemmelgarn Wanda Siwecki Hollinger Rodney Huey Timothy M. Kracus Christine Hanauer Landis Walter A. Langen, Jr. Theresa M. Leibold-Williams Adele J. Malagrida-Bond Mary Walling Manning Edward L. Marrinan, III Suzanne Sepesy McCown Dr. Joseph S. McCracken Mary L. Menker-Loose Linda Schmidt Miller Marie Habil Nye Thomas V. O’Brien Kevin M. O’Hearn Robert L. Romie Joseph P. Schmitz LuAnn Price Scott Krista L. Sears Rebecca M. Seitz

ALUMNI by Class & Gift level



ALUMNI by Class & Gift level

EAGLE COUNCIL $1,000+ KEY SOCIETY $500+ BLUE & GREEN $250+ CENTURY CLUB $100+ CONTRIBUTOR $1-$99 Donna Knipper Smith Mary Meyers Sokolnicki Diane Swaney Thomas Diane M. Tokarsky Edwin K. Walter Monique Jackson Washington Deacon Mark J. Westendorf Catherine Beall Wymer C L A S S



Amount $18,296 Participation 15% EAGLE COUNCIL Stephen J. Brugger William P. Jergens John P. Kiley Marvin I. Larger Michael L. Quinttus Dr. Richard C. Quinttus Dr. Ann M. Saluke John M. Spinnato Joseph E. Staley Dr. Kathleen Long Wittberg KEY SOCIETY Lawrence R. Bach BLUE & GREEN CLUB Barbara Brun Bruns Ronald W. Finke Edward C. Hempelman Bridget Gorman Melanson Ann Moore Szabo Charles J. Szabo Carolyn Vore Theret Father Mark T. Watkins


CENTURY CLUB William M. Andrews Michael J. Bare Antoinette Caulfield Charles J. Eckstein Barbara Kaucher Etter Karen Alexander Florkey Steven Grogean Paul Harris Christopher P. Horn Janice Venditti Kessler Barbara Kronenberger LeMaster Edward L. Long Maureen Heaney Michaels Veronica S. Phillips Mary Ruf Douglas Schwieterman Colonel Mark A. Vaitkus Yvonne M. Webb Dr. Christopher J. Zahn

CONTRIBUTOR Susan Marcheski Adkins Lisa R. Axt Joseph C. Bachmann Joseph G. Boston Kathleen Etter Bougine Ann K. Buedel Rosemarie Ballmann Buschur Carol D. Deuer-Reese Sr. Karen M. Elliott, CPPS Mary J. Fontana Michael T. Fries Christopher W. Harman James R. Hatton Douglas J. Iannarino Constance D. Jackowski Robert R. Janowiecki Kathleen S. Keeley Michael Kreitzer Daniel C. Landis Deborah Stanley Lawsage Susan Makiewicz Lemon Susan M. Martin Michael P. Meyer William P. Miller Mary Melia Miltenberger Diane Black Noonan Frances McKeon Obringer Victoria Weisman Powell Syrena Irvin Robinson Anthony J. Schwendeman Jennifer M. Shillito-Fries Donald R. Spang Herbert G. Stachler Richard J. Strader Robert Trautman Margaret Carroll Wehner Mark S. Whisman C L A S S



Amount $17,491 Participation 12% EAGLE COUNCIL Roy W. Begley, Jr. James G. Brandell Steven J. Carson Joyce Gitzinger Koesters Marguerite L. Regan Michael I. Schumacher KEY SOCIETY Dr. Mark J. Heitbrink BLUE & GREEN CLUB Jill M. Adam Frederick J. Caspar Dr. Charles W. Richard, III

CENTURY CLUB Joseph E. Black, II Lora Mechenbier Black Dr. Richard C. Christensen Bonnie Tobe Evans Joseph V. Fisher Louann Walling Geel Timothy G. Kambitsch Frank L. Luhn Lauretta C. Moell-Mellon Paula Drummer Potterf David H. Rose Rebecca Smith Shaffer David Siewe Theodore J. Staton Anthony J. Wenclewicz, Sr. CDR(ret) Clark E. Whitman Joan Westendorf Will Thomas M. Woerner CONTRIBUTOR Mary Glaser Butts Patricia Rindler Delaney David J. Diemunsch Christine Zimmerman Durr Brenda Eifert Timothy E. Evans Maria Bole Fitzpatrick Theresa Mobley Gabringer Janet Hudson Geiger Therese Carnes Hatch Ronald S. Higginbotham Debra Burger Imel Ann Jette Jette-Ridenour Elizabeth Westendorf Krebs Robert A. Makley Ann T. Moore James J. Polakowski Charles J. Pytel Robert B. Rice Denise Quinn Schweizer Mark A. Seitz Timothy J. Smith Sharon Goubeaux Steinmetz Mary Tom Trouy Westendorf Michael H. Witmer C L A S S



Amount $13,678 Participation 14% EAGLE COUNCIL Anonymous Janice Dorsey Allen Antonio N. Ricciuto M. Antonio Valdes

BLUE & GREEN CLUB Betty Ruschau Beaty Leslie Burgess Meyring Edward J. Plaspohl, Jr. CENTURY CLUB Phyllis Shock Bills Brian J. Duffy Joseph I. Early Kevin R. Fenelon Thomas A. Grady Karen M. Hemmelgarn-Early Dr. Joyce Dorsey Kenner Dr. James F. Kronauge, Jr. Diane Menker Kurpiel Thomas S. Kurpiel Kathleen Moeder-Christensen Eugene Noonan Mary Ann Rindler Pera Richard J. Reindl David M. Schwendeman Mark W. Thoma Dr. A. Margarita Torres Carl J. Vehorn CONTRIBUTOR Kyle S. Aughe Rebecca Nevius Bauer Philip J. Deger Gary L. Gepfrey Teresa M. Grimme Karen Boyer Kastelic Mary Martin Virginia Lehmann Matis Adam W. Ravestein Deborah Koenig Ravestein Peter J. Roll Alfred J. Scarpelli Michael L. Trick Sally Fisher Walker Susan Woeste Westendorf Thomas J. Westendorf Penney Schmitz Wimsatt Robert L. Wimsatt James L. Wysinski Suzanne Hager Zahn C L A S S


BLUE & GREEN CLUB Mary Broom Dateo Rachel M. Smith CENTURY CLUB Mary A. Beach Julie T. Beall Karen T. Borchers Katherine M. Borchers Karla Reichert Brun Ann Mader Detmer Frank C. Detmer, Jr. Susan Incze Hill William J. Leibold Dr. Michelle Sampson-Spencer Ava N. Webb-Sharpless CONTRIBUTOR Kimberly Ballweg Battes Bo Bauer Kristen M. Bergman Willard C. Clark, III Jane Moeder Higginbotham Mary E. Huels John E. Issenmann Charles Long Timothy L. Magoto Christine A. Merta Susan Lehmkuhle Miller George F. Moell, Jr. Daniel R. Nevels Diana Mescher Norman Rita C. Reichert Paula Smith Sideras Mary Kay Thomas Jeanne M. Weis C L A S S



Amount $6,051 Participation 9% EAGLE COUNCIL Kenneth J. Hemmelgarn, Jr. Ann Shillito Rougier KEY SOCIETY Ronald L. Hess


BLUE & GREEN CLUB Steven L. Balazs Theodore T. Golba Kathleen Sendelbach Williamson


CENTURY CLUB Dr. Christopher J. Bolton Ann M. Schenking Peter M. Steiner

Amount $8,115 Participation 11%

KEY SOCIETY Laure Staton Borgerding

CONTRIBUTOR William G. Brinkman Thomas J. Corcoran

In reports of this nature, mistakes can occur. If your name was omitted or improperly listed, please accept our apologies and contact the development office at 937.461.3740 x232, so that we can correct our records † Deceased

Clinton M. Corwin J. Chris Jackson Patrick G. Kroger Ann E. Meyers Karen Shearer Moody Paul F. Nevius Mark J. Porter Mary Ann Welsh Stone Rita Harlett Ward Cynthia Moeder Westgerdes C L A S S



Amount $11,341 Participation 10% EAGLE COUNCIL Thomas J. Arquilla James L. Cahill David M. Czapor James A. O’Connor CENTURY CLUB Gretchen Karl Beers Prentis Dishman Jeffrey W. Gaier Rosemary Rindler Prier George F. Spitzig CONTRIBUTOR Marianne Swab Belcke Dr. Thomas M. Bohman James J. Boyer Madonna Nartker Corwin Daniel E. Grimme Thomas M. Hickey Gregory Hull Teresa Luthman Korff Charles A. Kulhanek Ronald A. Long Teresa Schwab Magill Kenneth McSherry Martha Porter Mendez Victoria Gelhaus Mumma Geraldine Wendling Nevius Jane Westendorf O’Hearn William G. Schulz C L A S S



Amount $17,337 Participation 15% EAGLE COUNCIL Susanne Radominski Brandell Carolyn Schaefer Dodok Michael P. Gallagher Timothy M. Kroger Mary Lynn Naughton

Aqua Y. Porter Barry E. Wabler

Michael W. Smith Todd F. Spees

Julie M. Raiff Anita L. Suttmiller

T I M ‘78 & S H ERRY ‘ 8 0 KROGER

KEY SOCIETY Linda Parenti Berning Jerome E. Raiff, Jr.

KEY SOCIETY Teresa A. Pazitney

CONTRIBUTOR Bridget Donovan Casey Catherine Gaier Dreyer Margaret Geraghty Foster Kathryn A. Hodapp Kelley Malone Landis George A. Mikalauskas Marian Behringer Mikalauskas Richard J. Olszewski Amy M. Quigley John A. Shay Stephanie Knapp Skapik Ann Raterman Szittai Teressa A. Vidoni

Alumni | CJ Parent | Community Spirit

BLUE & GREEN CLUB Paul J. Boeckman Steven L. Bowman Dr. Donna E. Connors Janet Trentman Dorman Donna Black Gerbstadt John A. Kavanaugh James J. Kurpiel David M. Plaspohl Catherine Wimsatt Sayer Timothy P. Sayer CENTURY CLUB Jeanne Gaier Cregan Timothy W. Heitbrink Lynn M. Herbert Brenda Krug Krug-Wabler John McCarthy Lynn Stang Oswald Deacon Michael F. Prier CONTRIBUTOR Jennie Donatelli Adae Mary J. DeWinter Moira Foley Dressel Robert E. Eifert Cheryl Bashore Jones Bryan T. Korff Gerard C. Kronenberger Joseph E. Luther Leona Zimmerman Manzo Robert L. Mauch Theresa Tamme Perez Dr. Lawrence J. Satkowiak Margaret Habib Scolaro Thomas A. Smith Renee Brown Thomas Clayton Turner Patricia J. Wilkins C L A S S



Amount $13,010 Participation 16% EAGLE COUNCIL Charles J. Bridgman, Jr. Susan Reddington Bridgman Dr. Lynn Swab Broderick Lori Ballard Cahill Gary G. Garman Mary Moeder Garman Teresa Fox Marrinan Michael E. Raiff

BLUE & GREEN CLUB Paul R. Ballman Dr. Xochiquetzal J. Geiger Jane Meyers Hovey Rebecca Snider Silvestri CENTURY CLUB Cecile M. Boeckman Thomas J. Brennan Anne Schwendeman Duffy John D. Heaney Kathleen M. Hines Dr. Lourdes Quintana Maurice Stacey Sampson McKinney Angela C. Mescher Gwendolyn Miller Richardson Maureen Brodbeck Saygers Christopher E. Schaefer Nancy Jette Striebich Amy S. Wiedeman CONTRIBUTOR Edward A. Bettinger Loraine A. Brzozowski-Tyma Elizabeth A. Campbell Elizabeth Rayburg Cornish Margaret O’Connor Froechtenigt David F. Green Joseph A. Honingford Philip R. Lamantia Mary Keeley Moberg Tamara Rentz Powers Marjorie Sayer Smith Joann E. Trick Denise Koenig Williams Mary Orr Zachary C L A S S



Amount $7,929 Participation 10% EAGLE COUNCIL Sherry Stewart Kroger KEY SOCIETY Anonymous BLUE & GREEN CLUB Robert E. Montavon, Jr. CENTURY CLUB Richard D. Botham Cecilia Glaser Ewers Mark P. Hess John C. Honingford David G. Neff




Amount $8,174 Participation 12% EAGLE COUNCIL Catherine Mathile Laden David S. Richard Denise Trentman Richard Dr. Sukirtharan Sinnathamby Greg E. Wenclewicz BLUE & GREEN CLUB Stephen J. Hicks CENTURY CLUB Rosemary Schaefer Baumann Dr. Eileen C. Bolton Glenn D. Brack Joseph R. Daum Joan Gilmore-Oglesby Carol Foley Honingford Dr. Michael A. Moell Barbara Tunney Rose Dr. Paula Marcheski Termuhlen CONTRIBUTOR David A. Bruns Kellie Gaston Dixon Sara Dinneen Hallstein Michelle Lewis Angela Richardson Mason Matthew M. Money Joyce Frierott Proffit Gregory A. Rowlands Peter M. Schubert Stephen A. Siwecki Susan Brun Soto Agnes Reichert Spoelker Lawrence M. Weizman


henever we think of CJ, the first thing that comes to mind is the greater family community to which we, and all alumni, belong. We all gain by our membership and choose to give back, be it time, talent or treasure, to carry forward generations of school tradition and success. Our daughter Anna, graduated last year. She couldn’t have asked for a better experience and we couldn’t have found a better place for all of our children. As CJ parents, we can tell you that the school is strong and growing. Affirmation is in the current updating of the school’s buildings and campus to enhance today’s style of learning. The product the school puts out is superior. Instructors, teachers and guidance counselors carry out the Marianist and Notre Dame charisms and school’s mission. Through this foundation, the school continues to wonderfully shape the lives of students. CJ has provided each generation of our family its own unique brand of education. Excellent academics enabled each of us to go on and become successful in college and in life. Our grandchildren will absolutely go to CJ, and our children would like nothing more! They want their children to experience the same Catholic faith and education they did. Because of what they gained as students, our children will be inspired to contribute to CJ in their own way. This tradition of giving has held special meaning for our 25 family as it has for other alumni who understand its value and impact. For a Catholic school to thrive, it must have the backing of its alumni. One feeds off the other. We may graduate from CJ, but it’s always home. It’s always our community. What better place to support?


Chairman, NCAA First Four Local Organizing Committee | Community Spirit


ll of us who live in the Dayton Region understand the magnitude of economic transition we have endured. The changes have impacted all corners of our community, in particular, within the City of Dayton. While the transition has brought challenges, the community has responded in a way which reveals its core values of service, innovation and optimism. The origin of these values is open to debate, but undoubtedly, significant influence began with Father Chaminade himself and the Marianist order, who have educated so many of our community leaders. Their influence has impacted the way in which we come together as a community to respond to the important issues we are facing. Father Chaminade would be pleased at the critical role Catholic education has played in Dayton through the development of generations of servant leaders needed to address these complex challenges. There is no better example of this type of servant leadership than Chaminade Julienne Catholic High School. Located in the city, CJ has not only survived through the challenges, but thrived while managing to play an ever stronger leadership role in the broader regional transformation. CJ’s leadership was evident last year as the community pursued creative ways to expand the impact of the NCAA First Four tournament games hosted at UD Arena. CJ leaders did not hesitate and stepped up in a big way. The ideal community partner, CJ brought staff, facilities and student resources to bear on the success of the endeavor. CJ’s facilities and students were on display to thousands of participants during the event and local TV viewers on Selection Sunday. Overall, the Dayton community effort generated nearly $20M of economic impact the last two years, created 10 straight sellout games and drove millions of dollars worth of rare, positive national 26 media attention for Dayton. On behalf of the committee, we cannot thank the CJ community enough for demonstrating Catholic values by doing, serving and leading — the school continues to make a huge difference in this community and in the world.




Amount $10,159 Participation 13% EAGLE COUNCIL Mary Sayer Geraghty Joseph R. Koesters Anthony W. Michael KEY SOCIETY Janice McCloskey Eisenhauer Robert L. Perry BLUE & GREEN CLUB George M. Noeth William P. Whitely CENTURY CLUB Katherine Sifferlen Greene Jill Hudepohl Greider Rita Meyers Hess Clare M. Mikula Kevin J. Moeder Christine Campbell Nevius James M. Nevius Rebecca Marshall Parker Holly Elder Sellers CONTRIBUTOR Margaret Richardson Baber Melissa Florea Boynton Gregory T. Coffey Karl E. Erling Johnnie J. Hamilton Colleen Noonan Lamantia Lisa Shade Menker Robert M. Menker Sheriff Philip G. Plummer, Jr. Amy Ksycewski Regan Michael K. Sargent C L A S S



Amount $12,363 Participation 15% EAGLE COUNCIL Joseph M. Geraghty Christopher B. Sleight KEY SOCIETY Rosemarie O’Connor Corrado Commissioner Daniel K. Foley C. Casey Skapik BLUE & GREEN CLUB Reverend Luke R. Ballman Ralph A. McEldowney Dr. Alexis Parks Myton Jennifer Ruddle Paulk Dr. Jennifer B. Richard Adam E. Rolinski Edward P. Whitely

CENTURY CLUB Matthew H. Bolton Kenneth J. Detmer Richard J. Lamantia, Jr. Elena Mikalauskas Shawn M. Reynolds Thomas A. Scarpelli Anita Russo Stritenberger CONTRIBUTOR Mary Healy Beach Robert M. Bertke John C. Durdines Renee Gepfrey Ghiloni Marie Schaefer Gruebmeyer Krista Krafka Kaiser Gary M. Long Mark Lucas Matthew Miller Thomas J. Montavon Clara Magoto Naples Elaine M. Shuga Marilyn A. Stein Lynn Larger Wasserman C L A S S



Amount $4,420 Participation 10% EAGLE COUNCIL Anonymous Daniel J. Meixner KEY SOCIETY Martin V. Corrado Peter J. Healy CENTURY CLUB Sharon Papp Harness Edward L. McGarry Suzanne Sedlock Segal CONTRIBUTOR Tracy Madlinger Aukerman Kimberly Shoemaker Bertke Karen Lofty Clift Tara Yates Green Theresa Jansen Grieshop Kathryn Mitchell Heeter Leisyl Smith Jackson Sharon L. Liebherr Gregg A. Liggett Jacqueline Noonan McCoy Keith E. Neargarder Sonya Martin Olszewski Cynthia Mikula Plummer Donna Whiteman Shampton Amy S. Strutton Theodore D. Thompson




Amount $3,010 Participation 9% EAGLE COUNCIL Mary Russo Raiff BLUE & GREEN CLUB Gregory T. Powers Sherry Hix Powers Michael J. Roderer CENTURY CLUB Lt.Col. John E. Black Mark A. DeCarlo Alan J. Schirtzinger Elizabeth Rigot Turner Barbara Perry Worley Matthew E. Worley CONTRIBUTOR Michael L. Anticoli Kathleen Paton Barrett Jodi Graham Collins Douglas M. Eifert Jeanne Richardson Erling Kathleen Becker Gilkey Suzanne Lally Ketner Christopher A. Marx Teresa Martin Ostendorf Janice Ballard Sipe Edmund A. Trick C L A S S



Amount $10,960 Participation 18% EAGLE COUNCIL Mary E. Cotterman Dr. Martha Downer-Assaf Dr. Rose Saluke Ebel John C. Marshall Monica Hausfeld Meyer Amy Dudon O’Loughlin KEY SOCIETY Lisa A. Jenkins BLUE & GREEN CLUB Christine Brockman Evans Dr. Stephanie Fronista-Ward Maria Gitzinger Reymann Paul W. Schneider CENTURY CLUB Anthony P. Bouquot Lisa A. Hoffman-Borchers Beth Staddon Martin John W. Masten Anita Lopez Robinson Charles Rodgers

Scott E. Smuzok Anthony J. Stritenberger Thomas U. Weckesser Dr. Timothy N. Wourms CONTRIBUTOR Andrew J. Bernier Cecilia A. Castellano Brian W. Daly Christopher G. Eckerle Cheryl McEldowney Farnum Gina O’Brien Finnegan Amy Buehrle Light James P. Montavon Kathleen Lynch O’Mahoney Christine Marinelli Ouellette Elaine Wendling Ribas Paul T. Saunders Jeffrey M. Schindler Robert J. Schons Sheila Denny Seyfang Kandis Lewis Thomas C L A S S



Amount $36,533 Participation 12% EAGLE COUNCIL Bryan J. Bucklew Michael J. Mathile Scott D. Monaghan Dr. James J. Patterson Tarla Klepper Sattler BLUE & GREEN CLUB Michael C. DeAloia Brian M. Dean Lynne Peterson Flint John A. Geraghty Lynette Kremer Larsen Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Muhl James G. Mullins Ronald Settich Robert J. Wittman, Jr. Robin Mikula Wittman CENTURY CLUB Dr. Susan A. Benysh Joel A. Borchers David R. Hoendorf Martin P. Kelly Cameron Kirby Killian Michael G. Leik Theresa Russo-Peck Craig R. Vaughn David S. Weckesser

Kelly Poelking Weckesser Katherine A. Wiedeman CONTRIBUTOR Robert J. Bosticco Alana A. Campion Randy J. Eifert Patrick S. McCoy Mary K. Retter Amy C. Sauer Elizabeth Corrado Weizman C L A S S



Amount $14,656 Participation 8% EAGLE COUNCIL Tahirih Wheeler Cohee Steven R. Harlamert Joseph L. Parisi Carl J. Sagasser Michelle Webb Zant KEY SOCIETY Brenda G. Clawson-Flannagan Brian T. Trentman BLUE & GREEN CLUB Carlton A. Preston, Jr. CENTURY CLUB James J. Campion, III Joseph R. Castellano Jill Swintek Flynn Nina T. Harawa CONTRIBUTOR Sharon Thorndike Bird Amy Mercuri Homan Lisa Ward Kojis Tami Davis Manfreda Stephanie Schneider Pontis Shannon Farrell Santella Kelly Tangeman Sarmir Emily Lelak Turner C L A S S



Amount $6,325 Participation 6% EAGLE COUNCIL Dr. John P. Downer Melissa Schneider Kalt Michael T. Kalt KEY SOCIETY M. Jennifer Meixner Creter BLUE & GREEN CLUB Todd A. Mobley Michael J. Ruff

CENTURY CLUB Anthony T. Greene Leslie Davidson Neff Henry M. Richardson Jane Weckesser Stefan Peter J. Stefan CONTRIBUTOR Jawn D. Chasteen Alisa A. D’Agostino Sherry Kleismit Emerine Theresa M. Lehmann Mark Parker Tonya Harris Thompson C L A S S



Amount $3,385 Participation 11% EAGLE COUNCIL Kathryn Corrado-Whistler KEY SOCIETY Melanie Webb Perhacs BLUE & GREEN CLUB John S. Barry CENTURY CLUB Jennifer E. Evans Sean A. Falkowski Jason E. Kauflin Joel K. Kelly Jeffrey L. Pate, Jr. Tricia Cox Richardson Karrie A. Szuch CONTRIBUTOR Jennifer Jones Baird Julie Becker Buck Rebecca Meyers Gonter-Dray Michael A. LaBriola Allen R. Metzger Bridget Farrell Moorehead Nicole V. Nooks Matthew P. Pietrzak Elaine Sagasser Ruble Kathleen Crosby Stanaford Cynthia Pizza Wilson Thomas M. Wolfe, III C L A S S



Amount $23,270 Participation 11% EAGLE COUNCIL Joseph M. George Jennifer Mathile Prikkel Dr. Patrick M. Prikkel

BLUE & GREEN CLUB R. Andrew Gitzinger Annejanette Heckman Pickens CENTURY CLUB Denise Platfoot Lacey Kevin J. Sullivan David O. Trimmer Heather L. Wade CONTRIBUTOR Michelle Michel Baldwin Matthew J. Brooks Cara Graham Grunenwald Teresa Scarpelli Hester Karen Meyers Lackey Stephen B. Mann Melanie Batey Parent Renee L. Reid Andrew Thomas Elizabeth A. Weng-Painter C L A S S



Amount $3,260 Participation 9% KEY SOCIETY Jason G. Doerflein Sarah P. Miller Philip A. Rathweg, Jr. BLUE & GREEN CLUB Jacques A. Brose Jessica Myers Gitzinger

Daniel A. Duffley Trevor Helwig Eric S. Howard Anne Bauer Peytavin Kevin D. Weckesser CONTRIBUTOR Brian J. Fisher Jessica Lake Hanchak Aminda A. Heckman Megan Borchers Monahan Georganne Wolfe Erin Stouder Wolking Amanda Brown Zimmer C L A S S



Amount $1,785 Participation 5% EAGLE COUNCIL Francis M. Castellano CENTURY CLUB Peter J. Bardonaro Sarah McDonald Burkart Michael J. Iannarino Carrie Wise McNew Stephen C. O’Neill CONTRIBUTOR Dara C. Goecke-Jenkins Julie Stachler Neff Kevin E. Pflum Theresa M. Prikkel

CENTURY CLUB Michael A. Bardonaro Jessica Humble Booth Kimberly Dehner Davis Erin Gallagher Gallagher Thurnau Marc C. Nelson William M. Reichert Monica Moell Schneider Scott J. Schneider Colleen Fike Sheridan Todd B. Sullivan


CONTRIBUTOR Jill K. Gorman Dominic A. Iannarino Amy Sloan Neeb

KEY SOCIETY Angeline Carruth Petrovic




Amount $1,845 Participation 8% EAGLE COUNCIL Kathryn Beyer Lehner CENTURY CLUB Melanie Weckesser DeBrosse



Amount $12,820 Participation 10% EAGLE COUNCIL Phillip D. Brockman Jude M. Gorman R. James Place Dr. Barrett K. Robinson Matthew C. Walker

BLUE & GREEN CLUB Thomas E. Borchers, Jr. H. Matthew Schwendeman CENTURY CLUB Sarah A. Adams Armando Monzon Shannon Waggoner Stone Paul M. Viviano CONTRIBUTOR Joan E. Bosticco

In reports of this nature, mistakes can occur. If your name was omitted or improperly listed, please accept our apologies and contact the development office at 937.461.3740 x232, so that we can correct our records. † Deceased

Lisa Gutendorf Burke Jennifer Baugh Crawford Christopher L. Grittani Karen E. Hill Eric J. Nieport Sarah Gallagher Palermo Sandra V. Saluke Sherri L. Swathwood Sean M. Turner Laura Hess Vaughan Todd A. Walker C L A S S



Amount $4,305 Participation 8% EAGLE COUNCIL Amy Hickey Castellano Maureen Rathweg Rogero BLUE & GREEN CLUB Christopher W. Kinzig Gregory T. Pickrel Daniel A. Vogel

ALUMNI by Class & Gift level


CENTURY CLUB Laura Keefe Breetz Gretchen Lorenz Courtad Matthew S. Himes Andrew M. Shock CONTRIBUTOR Angela Michel Barnes Colleen Klohe Browne Meghan Farrell Kelley Alison Wade Kennedy Demond A. Kennedy Anthony D. Krebs Alicia Howard Niebauer C L A S S



Amount $10,415 Participation 13% EAGLE COUNCIL Michael J. Budde Jason D. Fisher Erica M. George Dr. Anne Beyer Schoen Adam T. Stachler Jennifer Turner Stachler KEY SOCIETY Molly Kleinhenz Wicklander BLUE & GREEN CLUB Margaret Place Butze CENTURY CLUB Amanda Shock Johnson Matthew N. Johnson


ALUMNI by Class & Gift level

EAGLE COUNCIL $1,000+ KEY SOCIETY $500+ BLUE & GREEN $250+ CENTURY CLUB $100+ CONTRIBUTOR $1-$99 Katherine M. Kelleher Christie Vecchio Meserve Julie Zwiesler Shott Andrew R. Sicnolf CONTRIBUTOR Eric S. Boston Kasey O’Neill Boston Tina L. Drake Stacy Noreikas Dues Matthew M. Flynn April M. Ghory Jewel J. Harden-Barrios Elizabeth M. Harter Angela M. Keyes Emily Heywood Miller Jessica L. Pietrzak Nicholas A. Rarick Danielle Sears Rayle Erin L. Waite Elizabeth Jentleson Wright C L A S S



Amount $2,405 Participation 6% EAGLE COUNCIL Laura M. Berger BLUE & GREEN CLUB Leah Shortal Pekarik Wednesday Forest Shipp Charles E. Szabo CENTURY CLUB Matthew J. Glass Susan Geel Sandhu Brennan M. Sullivan CONTRIBUTOR Timothy J. Beeghly Katlyn Wallace DeLong Caroline J. Deters Alicia J. Hayles Dr. Marcus MacNealy Megan S. Marrinan Julie Gorman McWilliams Anthony C. Wolters Nicole Soter Wolters C L A S S


1999 28

Amount $5,834 Participation 7% EAGLE COUNCIL Mary Rathweg Downer Peter D. Thaler

BLUE & GREEN CLUB Shannon Etter Capp Elise Ryder Myers CENTURY CLUB Eileen Beyer Aber William P. Burroughs, III Kristen Bucher O’Sullivan Maralena Updyke Schreel Paul T. Schreel Erin Ulliman Vasquez CONTRIBUTOR Lauren E. Doyle Kelli N. Jones Julia J. Martin Matthew D. Page Kelly L. Spiker Jason A. Trimbach C L A S S



Amount $3,265 Participation 12% KEY SOCIETY Gretchen Shock Farrell Michael L. Farrell




Amount $1,115 Participation 6% BLUE & GREEN CLUB Seth D. Thomas CENTURY CLUB Amanda McGregor Groh Bartholomew W. Hickey Micah Brooks Johnson Philip T. Johnson Eric D. Kaney Katherine M. Laufersweiler-Hanf Michelle Bensman Matheny CONTRIBUTOR Olumuyiwa Akerele Sarah A. Kelleher Regina T. Keough Joseph N. York C L A S S



Amount $3,555 Participation 6%

BLUE & GREEN CLUB Anna M. Schwendeman


CENTURY CLUB John P. Beyer Elizabeth Prier Boeing Thomas P. Doyle Erin Treadway Hazelbaker Brett A. McDaniel Catherine Zelnio McDaniel Matthew Palmer Alisha A. Roode Stephanie Roddy Wilson

KEY SOCIETY Megan M. Duffy John Paul Gregory

CONTRIBUTOR Shawnta Gray Beasley Haley Geel Brueggemann Laura J. Duffy Jane C. Krebs Jessica M. Maimone-Obiala Amanda L. Myers Catherine E. Nelson John S. Pallant Christopher A. Rank William D. Saluke Kathleen Cruea Seidel Benjamin D. Sicnolf John M. Szabo Caroline B. Turner Stephanie A. Wissel

BLUE & GREEN CLUB Jonathan R. Prier Mary Hickey Prier CENTURY CLUB Jessica I. Jenkins Anthony J. Malott David R. Prier Maria Mergler Prier Mark Romie Kasey Farrell Scully Ryan J. Shen CONTRIBUTOR Collin R. Brazie Jacob A. Kells Lisa C. Pickrel Natalie Geel Smith Robert J. Szabo C L A S S



Amount $1,695 Participation 5% KEY SOCIETY Joseph M. Schwendeman

BLUE & GREEN CLUB Justin R. Phillips Peter G. Shock CENTURY CLUB Christopher J. Branick Nathan M. Roddy Sarah Treadway Valentine CONTRIBUTOR Sarah E. Budd Hilary Neu Carvitti Ashley A. Goldsberry Michael R. Hoendorf Paul K. Lehner Cody J. Midlam Lauren Pauer Christopher C. Vangas C L A S S



Amount $3,015 Participation 7% EAGLE COUNCIL Justin H. Smith Hannah Carrigg Wilson CENTURY CLUB Anthony J. Schirack CONTRIBUTOR Lauren J. Gall Andrew J. Grant Alejandra L. Iberico Tara N. Jehn Gregory M. Lucking Sarah McMahon Lucking Colleen M. McCormick Morgan N. Mercer Timothy G. Schirmer Torin Donelle Shields David R. Yingling Rachael Koob Zilli C L A S S



Amount $893 Participation 6% CENTURY CLUB Maria A. Getty Charles F. Kroger Jordan Edgel Orr Matthew J. Wymer CONTRIBUTOR Sean J. Allen Claire M. Donnelly James N. Gaudion Mark A. Lauber Ashley Camp Moman

Teresa M. Perretta Taylor J. Robinson Jena R. Schafer Katherine A. Slayback Claire E. Sloss Michael A. Szabo C L A S S



Amount $255 Participation 4% CENTURY CLUB Sarah M. Woerner CONTRIBUTOR Philip A. Bach Patricia M. Bruns Sara M. Dorman Alison M. Hess Marcus C. Lambright Kevin T. McCormick Lauren M. Stayer C L A S S



Amount $1,055 Participation 5% EAGLE COUNCIL Travis W. Pfander KEY SOCIETY Aaron J. Scheid CENTURY CLUB Christina Genovesi Calderone Kyle W. Retzloff CONTRIBUTOR Bridget E. Bach Alexander C. Bonner Jessica A. Bruns Christopher D. Doyle Elliot P. Klosterman Michael S. Little Andrew W. Place, II Caitlin M. Shay C L A S S



Amount $586 Participation 8% CENTURY CLUB Ethan M. Kroger Patrick T. Meyer CONTRIBUTOR Aaron J. Adams, Jr. Elizabeth A. Belt Patrick K. Donnelly Jeffrey L. Dufresne

In reports of this nature, mistakes can occur. If your name was omitted or improperly listed, please accept our apologies and contact the development office at 937.461.3740 x232, so that we can correct our records. † Deceased

Francesca T. Genovesi Zachary J. Kauth Peter C. McCormick Patrick R. Munn Allison C. Richard Claire E. Schwab Molly C. Shanks Benjamin A. Stayer Joseph E. Szabo C L A S S



Amount $201 Participation 4% CONTRIBUTOR Jenna L. Dorman Zachary S. Hadaway Andrew T. Heck Kurt M. Hess Samuel D. Rose Rebecca A. Rougier Lindsey E. Ruff David M. Schwendeman C L A S S



Amount $509 Participation 13% CONTRIBUTOR David S. Baumgartner Jonathan B. Bonner Colleen D. Brooks Molly E. Bruggeman Christina M. Chabali Lauren E. Clark Micaela E. Cronin Connor J. Dowd Mallory K. Hall Rachael J. Jancauskas Andrew E. Jomantas Irere R. Kwihangana William W. McCormick Caroline M. Meadors Matthew R. Menker Emma E. Meyer Nicholas R. Michel Steffanie A. Minnifield Casey E. Munn Aaron M. Perkins Brooke C. Place Lauren T. Porter Nathaniel Z. Rosenbauer Gregory R. Schwab Sarah M. Shanks Kayla M. Shelley George M. Spitzig

J AS ON FI S H ER ‘ 9 7

Alumnus | Academic Excellence

A Joseph P. Staley Benjamin R. Trick Emylee E. Wetzel C L A S S



Amount $455 Participation 24% CONTRIBUTOR Michael J. Anderson Samuel G. Auricchio Crystal Barrett William A. Bishop Carmen M. Brooks John H. Buerschen Margaret E. Cleary Rebecca M. Coe Alyce N. Coles Rachel A. Collins Elizabeth M. Cromartie Riviére M. Duffy Joseph R. Ferneding Kyle P. Foley Raymmond K. Hall Robert M. Hankey Giles J. Hinders John Henry Hinders Lee A. Hollis, Jr. Sylvia R. Klosterman Joseph H. Ostendorf Catherine B. Peterson Anne C. Reuter Seanice N. Reynolds Lindsay N. Richard

Liam H. Rolfe Rachel M. Ruttle Maggie M. Ryan Kyle G. Shaw Matthew R. Smith Michael O. Stovall Timothy J. Szabo Elizabeth A. Wirrig Daniel L. Wolff, Jr. Cassandra N. Zehenny C L A S S



Amount $545 Participation 32% CONTRIBUTOR Mackenzie M. Aughe Daniel J. Barhorst Samuel A. Beach Katelyn A. Berberich Taveon L. Brown Jay W. Bryant Allison M. Cleaver Barbara M. Coffey Alexandria D. Coleman Cody P. Constable Emily V. Dannemiller Cameron M. Dickens Camille P. Dickens Kateri M. Dillon Travis S. Dwire Nicholas M. Flannery Shannon C. Gavin Dominic S. Genovesi Chandani D. Harjani Steven D. Jennison

De’Vante A. Johnson Mitchell E. Jones Holli M. Kossoudji Damion T. Lark Tremayne Leonard Adrianne C. Marx Madeline J. Marx Hannah N. Mayer Bridget C. McCormick Christine M. Meadors Catherine G. Meixner Christopher J. Menart Jonathan S. Meyer Samuel A. Mullins Alexa R. Owens Daniel L. Perez Sean L. Prentice Natalie C. Prince Sharon M. Reynolds Anna M. Roland Nathaniel W. Rose Zachary J. Rougier Edward C. Ruff, III Caroline R. Scheid Colleen N. Shelley Paul J. Stephens Daniel J. Striebich Emma C. Stumpf Margaret J. Switzer Sean F. Vahldiek Erin A. Warfield Nicole E. Weckesser Samantha J. Weckesser Lauren E. Wells Catherine R. Wirrig Jordan E. Yaney

CJ education continues to position students for future successes and better opportunities —just like it did for me! I received a solid education that gave me a great foundation for success in college and career. Teachers like Rory Korzan, Peg Regan ‘73, Don Weimert and Jim Davis had positive influences on me. By challenging and supporting me, they provided a framework of dedication that I carried into college. They gave me confidence and were engaged in my learning. They really wanted me and my classmates to succeed. We left CJ with strong academics, self-discipline, a sense of community involvement, lifelong friendships, and a religious and moral foundation. I remain in touch with many classmates and I am impressed by their accomplishments. Reflecting on how CJ influenced all of us, I am pleased to be one of the many alumni who are helping others access these same opportunities. I enjoy supporting organizations that I feel provide value to our communities. I believe that education is the key to our country’s future success. Like the University of Dayton, Miami Valley Hospital and other institutions that have cultivated Dayton and Daytonians for more than 100 years, Chaminade Julienne is a valued anchor, producing generations who have been instrumental in the development of our region and have served our world. The school’s progress on its master plan illustrates its continued leadership in the community. The investment in the STEMM (science, technology, engineering, math and medicine) program is tremendous. Nationally certified programs and outstanding faculty — 29 all facilitated in the new CJ STEMM Center, can only attract more students who seek an outstanding foundation for their futures. This kind of vision is what I am so proud to support.


a r e n t Community Like our student body, our parents come together from a diverse background with a singular focus to give their children the best education in the region. They sacrifice their time, talent and treasure to make each student’s experience special and with it they become integral members of our community. We are truly grateful for their support and from those that choose to continue to prioritize CJ in their annual giving as parents of alumni. Thank you for all of your efforts.

Current Parents

EAGLE COUNCIL Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Roy W. Begley, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Bridgman, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey T. Cox Mr. & Mrs. David J. Cronin Mr. & Mrs. Brian G. Dannemiller Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Geraghty Drs. Scott and Catherine Hadaway Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence K. Harrington Mr. & Mrs. John Hoeft Dr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Huffman Mr. Eric Joiner & Dr. Shelly Joiner Mr. & Mrs. Timothy M. Kroger Mr. & Mrs. John C. Marshall Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Mathile Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Meixner Mr. & Mrs. Brian K. Meyer Mr. & Mrs. Timothy M. O’Loughlin Dr. & Mrs. Patrick M. Prikkel Dr. & Mrs. Richard C. Quinttus Mr. & Mrs. John C. Riazzi Mr. & Mrs. David S. Richard Mr. & Mrs. Jason D. Sattler Drs. Sukirtharan & Kitren Sinnathamby Mr. & Mrs. David V. Sipos Mr. & Mrs. Todd F. Spees Dr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Theil Mr. & Mrs. Steven E. Wagoner Mr. & Mrs. William R. Whistler KEY SOCIETY Mr. & Mrs. Robert Chabali Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Craighead Mrs. Janice M. Eisenhauer


BLUE & GREEN CLUB Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. David Byrd Mr. & Mrs. Bob Eichenauer Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Evans Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Hammerly Mrs. Jennifer Haralson Mr. & Mrs. Michael Harrison Dr. & Mrs. George J. Lisjak Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Livingston Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mochty

Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Muhl Mr. Richard and Dr. Alexis D. Myton Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Roderer Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Schwab Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Settich Mr. & Mrs. James Sparrow Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Stayer Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Wittman, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Steven E. Yeazel Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Zumwald, Jr. CENTURY CLUB Mr. & Mrs. Dino A. Bigbee Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Bridgman, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Douglas L. Bullock Mr. & Mrs. Philip G. Chick Mr. & Mrs. Rory C. Dahlinghaus Mr. & Mrs. Kendall D. Draeger Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. Duffy Mr. & Mrs. Mark L. Duffy Mr. Joseph Early and Mrs. Karen Hemmelgarn-Early Mr. & Mrs. John H. Grismer, III Mr. & Mrs. Mark P. Hess Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Hickey, Jr. Ms. BeTin T. Hogg Mr. & Ms. David J. Jennison Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Kearns Lt.Col. & Mrs. Lawrence E. Knight Mr. & Mrs. Kelvin McKinney Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Meyer Mr. & Mrs. James M. Nevius Mr. & Mrs. Steve Poock Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Retzloff Mr. & Mrs. David M. Schwendeman Ms. Angela Shaw Mr. & Mrs. Randall W. Shoup Mr. & Mrs. James P. Skinner Mr. & Mrs. Grant Stumpf Dr. & Mrs. Charles H. Ward Mr. & Mrs. David S. Weckesser Mr. & Mrs. Thomas U. Weckesser CONTRIBUTOR Mr. & Mrs. Ronald B. Albino Mr. & Mrs. Kyle S. Aughe Mr. & Mrs. Michael Auricchio Mr. & Mrs. Rodney A. Barrett Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Bertke

Mr. & Mrs. Phillippe Bizimana Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Brinkman Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Bruggeman Mr. & Mrs. William M. Casey Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Chapman Mr. & Mrs. Timothy E. Colbert Mr. & Mrs. Dale Crane Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Dranchak Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Dudon Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Dufresne Mr. & Mrs. Roger A. Erich Mr. Luis Estrada-Ruiz & Mrs. Patricia Sanchez-Axline Mr. & Mrs. John J. Feeney Mr. & Mrs. Aaron C. Foster Mr. & Mrs. Earl M. Guy Mr. & Mrs. Philip Handorf Mr. & Mrs. Jack M. Hill Mrs. Melissa Hix Ms. Kathryn A. Hodapp Mr. & Mrs. Howard Jordan Mr. & Mrs. Patrick V. Klosterman Mr. & Mrs. John W. Krug Mr. & Mrs. Gary J. LaBianco, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Philip R. Lamantia Ms. Tracy L. Lampkin Ms. Lora D. Lloyd Mr. & Mrs. Lonnie G. Mason Mr. & Mrs. Daniel M. Mayer Mr. & Mrs. Felix S. McGinnis, II Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Menker Ms. Dorothy Mensah-Aggrey Mr. & Mrs. Joseph N. Minnifield Mr. Matthew M. Money Ms. Cynthia L. Moon Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Neick Mr. & Mrs. Paul F. Nevius Mr. Richard J. Olszewski Mrs. Sonya M. Olszewski Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Ostendorf Sheriff & Mrs. Philip G. Plummer, Jr. Ms. Amy Radachi Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth A. Rosenbauer Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Saunders Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Seelig

Msgt. & Mrs. Glen T. Simon Mr. Paul M. Singleton Mr. & Mrs. Don M. Springman Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Stemple Ms. Judy A. Stoermer Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Szittai Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Teague Mr. Iskandar Terzian and Mrs. Anne Marie Depree-Terzian Mr. & Mrs. William F. Thie Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence M. Weizman Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Wolff

Parents of Alumni EAGLE COUNCIL Anonymous (2) Ms. Janice D. Allen Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Arquilla Mrs. Patricia Sherman Begley Mr. & Mrs. Roy W. Begley, Jr. Mr. Paul J. Beyerle Mr. & Mrs. Clarence J. Bittner Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Boland Dr. & Mrs. Barrett H. Bolton Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Bridgman, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Brockman Mr. James R. Brooks and Ms. Marguerite L. Regan Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Budde Mrs. Annie M. Cassano† Mr. & Mrs. Vincent M. Corrado Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey T. Cox Mr. & Mrs. David J. Cronin Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Danis, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Brian G. Dannemiller Ms. Michele L. Dickman Mr. Edward J. Dowd and Ms. Maureen Pero Dowd Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Emmerich Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Finke The Honorable & Mrs. Patrick J. Foley Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence T. Fox Mr. & Mrs. Gary G. Garman

Mr. & Mrs. Herbert J. Schwendeman Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Sheridan Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Shock Dr. & Mrs. Ned J. Sifferlen Dr. Kuddythamby Sinnathamby Mr. Mark P. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Morris F. Spees Mr. & Mrs. Todd F. Spees Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Staley Mr. & Mrs. William L. Thaler Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Trentman Mr. & Mrs. Gregory A. Trimbach Mr. Martin E. Walker Mr. & Mrs. William Wheeler Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Wick Mr. Thomas N. & Dr. Kathleen L. Wittberg Mr. & Mrs. John M. York Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Zehenny KEY SOCIETY Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Armanini Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Budd Mr. & Mrs. Robert Chabali Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Craighead Ms. Karen S. Dean Mr. & Mrs. David A. Dudon Mr. & Mrs. Garrett T. Gall The Honorable & Dr. Benjamin H. Logan, II Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Mahrer Mr. & Mrs. William U. Michel Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Wolfe BLUE & GREEN CLUB Mr. & Dr. James E. Bernier Mrs. Jeanette D. Bruns Mr. & Mrs. Scott A. Bruns Mr. & Mrs. John A. Bucklew Mr. & Mrs. David Byrd Mr. & Mrs. Francis M. Crouch Mr. David L. Dickman Mr. & Mrs. Timothy G. Dillon Mr. & Mrs. Larry L. Dorman Mrs. Ellen B. Downer Dr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Fletcher Mr. & Mrs. Edward P. Geraghty Mr. Robert E. Hale Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Hickey

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Hovey Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Loges Mrs. Ruth C. Marshall-Wilkinson Mrs. Julie Miller-Walling Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. McAtee Ms. Jana L. McCroskey Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Moorman Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Muhl Mr. Richard and Dr. Alexis D. Myton Mr. & Mrs. Emmett C. Orr Mr. & Mrs. Timothy H. Riordan Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Roddy Mr. Thomas A. Roderer Mr. & Mrs. George A. Satalia Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Sayer Mr. & Mrs. Louis J. Schirack Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Schwab Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Sedlock Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. Seitz Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Shortal Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Stayer Mr. & Mrs. James P. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Swab Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Sweeney Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Szabo Mrs. Judith L. Trick Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. Turner Mr. & Ms. Phillip T. Wabler Dr. & Mrs. Thomas O. Williams Mr. Walter J. Woeste Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Zumwald, Jr. Mr. E. Jerome Zwiesler and Dr. Mary Lou Zwiesler CENTURY CLUB Mr. & Mrs. D. Robert Askins Mr. & Mrs. James W. Baker, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. J. Lawrence Becker Mrs. Patricia A. Bell Mrs. Patricia A. Bernard Mr. & Mrs. William P. Beyer Mr. & Mrs. David B. Bills Mr. Jerome Bohman Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Borchers, Sr. Mr. Charles L. Brinkman, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Fred R. Brinkman

Mrs. Mary J. Brooks Mr. & Mrs. Dave L. Bunn Mr. & Mrs. Norman M. Burgmeier Mr. & Mrs. John R. Burke Dr. & Mrs. Calvert R. Busch Mr. & Mrs. Reynaldo Carranza Ms. Charlene E. Chattams-Wingard Mr. & Mrs. Philip G. Chick Mrs. Linda M. Colas Mr. & Mrs. William L. Crompton Commissioner & Mrs. Charles J. Curran Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. Duffy Mr. & Mrs. Mark L. Duffy Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Duffy Mrs. Aldona Dysas† Mr. Joseph Early and Mrs. Karen Hemmelgarn-Early Mr. & Mrs. Dane L. Edgel Mrs. Mary Alice Eisenhauer Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Etter Mr. & Mrs. Theodore G. Fecke Mr. & Mrs. John R. Ferneding Mr. & Mrs. Harlow J. Fleischman LtCol(ret) & Mrs. George E. Forest Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Fox Mr. & Mrs. Raymond E. Fredette Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Gaudion Mr. & Mrs. Randolph B. Geel Mrs. Patricia A. Gentile Mr. & Mrs. Victor L. Good Mr. & Mrs. J. Michael Gorman Mr. & Mrs. William D. Gorman Mr. Leo C. Goubeaux† Mr. & Mrs. Anthony T. Greene Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Grismer Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Haines Mr. & Mrs. David R. Hairston, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Kris R. Hall Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Harker, III Mrs. Mary Ann Hausfeld Mr. Joseph I. Early & Mrs. Karen Hemmelgarn-Early Mr. & Mrs. Mark P. Hess Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. Hewitt Mr. Steven W. Himes

In reports of this nature, mistakes can occur. If your name was omitted or improperly listed, please accept our apologies and contact the development office at 937.461.3740 x232, so that we can correct our records. † Deceased

Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Retzloff Mr. & Mrs. David K. Rose Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Ruff, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. J. David Ryan Mr. & Mrs. John E. Saluke Mr. & Mrs. William J. Saluke Mr. William P. Sayer Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Scarpelli Mr. & Mrs. Steven M. Scheid Mr. & Mrs. Ralph J. Schultz, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James A. Schumann Mr. & Mrs. David M. Schwendeman Mr. Robert A. Seaman Ms. Angela Shaw Mr. James A. Sicnolf Mrs. Ann E. Smith Mrs. Gail E. Smith Mrs. Dolores P. Staley Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Striebich Mr. & Mrs. Grant Stumpf Mr. & Mrs. John L. Swintek Mr. & Ms. Andrew N. Switzer Mr. & Mrs. David G. Thomas Lt.Col. W. Timothy Titus Mrs. Mary Ann Tolle-Hemmelgarn Mr. & Mrs. F. Michael Toohey† Mr. & Mrs. P. Jeffrey Ulliman Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Vendely Mrs. Ann C. Vogel Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Vogel Mr. & Mrs. Wayne E. Ward Mr. & Mrs. David S. Weckesser Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Weckesser Mr. & Mrs. Thomas U. Weckesser Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Wenclewicz, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. James F. Wendling Mrs. Pauline M. Westendorf Ms. Rise E. White Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Will Mrs. Mary Ellen Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Wittman, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Woerner Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Woeste Mr. & Mrs. David R. Yingling Mr. & Mrs. John A. Zaidain


Mr. & Mrs. James E. Ghory, Jr. Mr. J. Timothy and The Honorable Barbara P. Gorman Drs. Scott and Catherine Hadaway Mr. & Mrs. Peter G. Haley Mr. & Mrs. Mathias H. Heck, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Heck Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Helldoerfer Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Holton Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Iannarino Mrs. Mary Jane Johnson Mr. & Mrs. James W. Kelleher Dr. & Mrs. Steven M. Kleinhenz Mr. & Mrs. Fred J. Kroger† Mr. & Mrs. Timothy M. Kroger Dr. James T. & Sen. Peggy B. Lehner Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. MacLeod, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Mann Mr. & Mrs. Patrick D. Marrinan Mr. & Mrs. Clayton Mathile Mrs. Janet E. McDermott Mrs. Marlene W. McLefresh Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Meixner Mr. & Mrs. James C. Meixner The Honorable & Mrs. Michael R. Merz Mr. & Mrs. Brian K. Meyer Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Meyer Mr. & Mrs. Anthony W. Michael Mr. & Mrs. David C. Monaghan Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Moosbrugger† Mr. Donald H. Nooks Mr. & Mrs. Gerald L. Parisi Mr. & Mrs. Gregory L. Pfander Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Pickrel Mr. & Mrs. R. James Place Mr. & Mrs. William M. Powers, Jr. Mrs. Mary K. Preotle† Dr. & Mrs. Richard C. Quinttus Mr. Jerome E. Raiff Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Raiff Mrs. Carolyn B. Rathweg Mr. & Mrs. Antonio N. Ricciuto Mr. & Mrs. David S. Richard Dr. John M. Roll Mr. & Mrs. James F. Rougier

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Jackson Mr. & Ms. David J. Jennison Mrs. Beverly L. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Martin R. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Merrel V. Jones Mrs. Janice A. Kaskocsak Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Keihl Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Keough Mr. Jeffrey A. Klank and Ms. Jean Pegg Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Klohe Lt.Col. & Mrs. Lawrence E. Knight Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Koesters Mr. Daniel H. Kosak Mrs. Helen I. Kovacs Mr. Joseph G. Kuritar Mr. & Mrs. Joe A. Lambright Mr. & Mrs. James B. Lawler Mr. & Mrs. Louis J. Leibold Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Leist Mr. Thomas M. Mahle Mr. & Mrs. David A. Mantle, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. McCloskey The Honorable Alice O. McCollum Mr. & Mrs. Ralph H. McEldowney Mr. & Mrs. Kelvin McKinney Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. McManus Mrs. Kathleen M. Menker Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Meyer Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Mikos Mr. Norman C. Neff Mr. & Mrs. Al Newport Mr. & Mrs. Eugene H. Noonan Mr. & Mrs. Daniel F. O’Connor, Jr. Mrs. Gertrude L. O’Rourke Mr. & Mrs. Ryan R. Patterson, Sr. Ms. Mary Ann D. Pera Mr. & Ms. Robert J. Perkins Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Pleiman Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Potterf Ms. Neta Potts Deacon & Mrs. Michael F. Prier Mr. & Mrs. John Prikkel Mr. & Ms. William J. Ravestein Mr. & Mrs. Roger J. Rawe Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Rehling



CONTRIBUTOR Mr. & Mrs. Paul N. Andersen Mr. & Mrs. Kyle S. Aughe Mr. & Mrs. Michael Auricchio Mr. & Mrs. Dennis R. Bach Mr. & Mrs. Dale L. Baker Mr. & Mrs. Bo Bauer Ms. Barbara E. Bayliff Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Beall Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Bertke Mr. & Mrs. Claude P. Bettendorf Mr. & Mrs. Phillippe Bizimana Mrs. Patricia M. Black Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Bole Mrs. Marietta E. Boltz Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Bosticco Mr. & Mrs. Mark Boucher Mr. Thomas J. Bowles Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph Bowling Mr. & Mrs. George Brand Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Brinkman Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Brown Mr. Carl J. Bruggeman Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Bruggeman Mr. & Mrs. George F. Brun Mr. & Mrs. C. Leon Bryant Mr. & Mrs. James N. Buchanan Mr. & Mrs. James E. Buerschen, Jr. Mrs. Martha J. Burgess Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Burling Mr. & Mrs. James C. Carruth Mr. & Mrs. William M. Casey Mr. & Mrs. John W. Clark Mr. & Mrs. Harold Clemons Mr. & Mrs. Timothy E. Colbert Mr. & Mrs. Albert Colvard, Jr. Mrs. Agnes G. Cox Mr. & Mrs. Ward Cruea Ms. Mary E. Cupples Ms. Sheryl J. Curtis Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Davis Mr. & Mrs. John L. Davis, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Deger Dr. & Mrs. Gerard A. Dehner Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Dierkers Drs. Patrick G. and Brenda Donnelly Mr. & Mrs. John E. Dorsten Drs. Dennis M. and Patricia M. Doyle

Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Dufresne Mr. & Mrs. William B. Dull Mr. & Mrs. David M. Farmer Mr. & Mrs. John J. Feeney Mr. & Mrs. Freddie Fields Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Finnegan Mr. & Mrs. James C. Fleischman Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Foley Mr. Robert W. Gaeke Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Gallagher The Honorable Dan G. Gehres and Mrs. Virginia M. Platt Mrs. Kathleen M. Gepfrey Mrs. Letitia G. Giambrone Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Gibbs Mrs. Virginia E. Gibbs-Pratt Ms. Ann E. Gladura Ms. Pamela R. Gondek Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Gottschall Mr. & Mrs. Anthony D. Gray Mr. & Mrs. William J. Greger Mr. & Mrs. Edward Grimme Mr. & Mrs. Wessley K. Hall Mr. & Mrs. Philip Handorf Mr. & Mrs. William C. Hansen Ms. Greta C. Harlett Mrs. Patricia A. Harvey Mr. & Mrs. John B. Held, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Harold B. Henderson Mr. & Mrs. John A. Henninger Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Herbert Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Hicks Dr. & Mrs. William E. Hirt Mr. William S. Hoff Mr. & Mrs. Larry D. Hollinger Mr. Frank J. Horvat Ms. Katherine M. Horvat Ms. Elizabeth A. Houchens Mr. & Mrs. Steven C. Howard Mrs. Carol N. Huttinger Mr. & Mrs. James E. Ivory Mr. & Mrs. Irvin M. Keys Dr. & Mrs. Charles E. Kimble Mr. & Mrs. William C. Kinzig Mr. & Mrs. Patrick V. Klosterman Mr. & Mrs. Edward G. Koogler Mr. Mark R. Koors Mr. & Mrs. Timothy M. Kracus

Mr. & Mrs. David L. Krebs Ms. Mary L. Krueger Mr. & Mrs. John W. Krug Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Lally Mr. & Mrs. Gerald R. Landis Mr. & Mrs. William J. Lauber Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Leik Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Leonard Mrs. Sandra L. Ley Mr. & Mrs. Gerald E. Ligon, Sr. Mrs. Emily S. Luhn Mr. & Mrs. Paul F. Lutz Mr. & Mrs. William E. Lynch Mrs. Judy A. Macklin Mr. & Mrs. Norman J. Magoto Mr. & Mrs. Ralph M. Mantica Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Marrinan, III Mr. & Mrs. Christopher A. Marx Mr. & Mrs. Lonnie G. Mason Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Masten Mr. & Mrs. Michael M. Matis Mr. & Mrs. Daniel M. Mayer Mr. & Mrs. Patrick S. McCoy Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. McElroy Mr. & Mrs. Felix S. McGinnis, II Mr. Vincent J. McKelvey and Ms. Noreen J. Willhelm Mr. & Mrs. Craig McLaughlin Mr. & Mrs. Mathew L. Meadors Mr. & Mrs. Eugene H. Menker Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Menker Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Mergler Mr. Joseph C. Meyers, Jr. Mrs. Marietta B. Meyring Ms. Marsha L. Midlam Mr. & Mrs. James L. Mikula Mr. Francis Miller and Ms. Barbara Clifford Mr. & Mrs. William P. Miller Mr. & Mrs. John Miltenberger Mr. & Mrs. Joseph N. Minnifield Mr. & Mrs. George F. Moell Mrs. Carolyn J. Monnin Ms. Judith L. Mott

Mr. & Mrs. Richard K. Munn Mrs. Mary A. Murray Mr. & Mrs. Timothy W. Nartker Mr. Howard J. Neff, Sr.† Mrs. Lucille J. Neu Mr. & Mrs. William R. Newlin Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Noonan Mrs. Sue A. Noreikas Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Norman Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. O’Hearn Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Ostendorf Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Payne Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Payne Ms. Cynthia Pearson Mr. & Mrs. Moises Perez Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Peter Mr. & Mrs. Anthony R. Pflum Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Pizza Ms. Janet M. Place Sheriff & Mrs. Philip G. Plummer, Jr. Mrs. Shirley A. Portner Mrs. Caroline A. Pultz Mr. & Mrs. Gordon F. Quinn Mr. & Mrs. David S. Raiff Mr. & Mrs. Adam W. Ravestein Mr. & Mrs. James A. Reboulet Mr. James E. Reboulet Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence D. Reinhard Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Reuter Mrs. Patricia J. Richey Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth A. Rosenbauer Deacon & Mrs. Milton W. Royer Dr. & Mrs. Charles J. Russo Mr. Ronald A. Russo Mr. & Mrs. Herman J. Sagasser Mr. & Mrs. Alfred J. Scarpelli Mr. & Mrs. Arvie R. Schieltz Mr. & Mrs. Michael K. Schleich Mr. & Mrs. John R. Schons Mr. & Mrs. James F. Schreel Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Schubert Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Seitz Mrs. Anna K. Selvage Mr. & Mrs. James P. Sendelbach

Mr. & Mrs. John A. Shay Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Shelley Mr. & Mrs. Albert J. Sicree Ms. Cynthia E. Sipes Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Siwecki Mr. & Mrs. John R. Sloan Ms. Cherlyn V. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Henry R. Sokolnicki Mr. & Mrs. John A. Sortman Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Stachler Mrs. Virginia A. Stafford Ms. Janet D. Stanislawski Mr. & Mrs. Bernard A. Staub, Sr. Ms. Judy A. Stoermer Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Szittai Mr. & Mrs. James P. Thornberry Mr. & Mrs. Edmund A. Trick

Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Trimbach Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Upthegrove Mr. & Mrs. Victor C. Vallo Mr. & Mrs. Bruce E. VanDorpe Mr. Ralph K. Wead Mr. & Mrs. John U. Weckesser Mr. Thomas H. Weisman Mr. & Mrs. Raymond M. Weizman Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Wenclewicz, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence M. West Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Westcott Ms. Denise M. Williams Mr. & Mrs. Roland Winburn Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Wise Mr. Victor C. Woeste Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Wolff Mr. & Mrs. George J. Wymer Mrs. Virginia A. Zaidain

In reports of this nature, mistakes can occur. If your name was omitted or improperly listed, please accept our apologies and contact the development office at 937.461.3740 x232, so that we can correct our records. † Deceased

E R I C & S H E LLY JOI N ER Current Parents | Academic Excellence


n choosing a high school for our children, we wanted discipline and balance — an environment that develops students into well-rounded adults. The experience should build leadership skills in students, provide them with opportunities to serve, and prepare and motivate them to pursue further education. For us, family tradition, academics, technology, community and a focus on faith were essential. We found CJ! CJ enables our children to develop in a diverse community — exactly what they will face in college and beyond. Diversity is not just racial, it’s economic, social, faith, gender and geographic. Learning from others of varied backgrounds gives our kids a competitive advantage that they will need in this increasingly competitive world. In choosing CJ, we were surprised to learn of the kind of financial commitment the community makes in educating each and every student. There is a gap that exists in the cost of education versus what is charged as tuition. That gap is offset by contributions made to the Annual Fund. As parents, we believe it is our responsibility, first, to understand and appreciate this level of giving by others who financially support our child’s attendance at CJ, and then to participate in the Annual Fund ourselves. Yes… in addition to whatever tuition we might pay! Parental participation in the Annual Fund shows that we are fully vested in supporting the environment of excellence that we expect from the school. By committing to our child’s education in this way, we set even higher expectations 33 for them. It is a collaborative effort between parents and CJ, and a win-win for all. The return on our investment is that our sons and daughters will graduate ready to take on a world that will be made better through their leadership!


t h e r G i f t s We deeply appreciate the support of those who recognize the need for the kind of Catholic educational experience that helps shape the lives of young adults. They understand the value that the school’s mission brings to the Dayton community, and the gifts of leadership that students carry out into the world.




Maureen C. Baldock Col.(ret) & Mrs. Howard R. Boose, III Mary Ann Bray Deacon & Mrs. Brian M. Campos Cardinal Foundation Carl R. Scholz-Unibilt Industries Scholarship Class of 1946 Class of 1955 Class of 1963 Matthew O. Diggs Diggs Family Foundation Dorothy Lane Market Martha M. Duffy M. Jane Eaves Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund GE United Way David E. Glancy Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Glennon Global Gauge Corporation Reverend Joseph W. Goetz Good Samaritan Hospital Kathleen D. Henderson Holy Angels Catholic School Michael E. Hosford Kettering Family Foundation Richard Kidd Kramer Foundation Kuntz Foundation Kurt E. & Lois Wallach Foundation Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Lasley Main Line Supply Co. Marianist Province of the United States Mathile Family Foundation McGohan Brabender MG Car Club, SWOC Monsignor Amann Foundation Dr. & Mrs. Steven D. Mueller John P. Nauseef Florence Neff Shadonna North Mr. & Mrs. Walter S. Osborne Pickrel Bros., Inc. Porter Wright Morris & Arthur LLP Marilyn Raeth Raiff Family Foundation

Roy and Patricia Begley Foundation Reverend Earl Simone Kimberly A. Sims Sisters of Notre Dame deNamur St. Albert The Great St. Mark Bookshop Target Michael Uecker Mr. & Mrs. James Whalen, Jr.

Matching Gift Companies Abbott Laboratories Fund Alliance Data Amgen Foundation Baird Foundation, Inc. Ball Corporation Bank of America Boeing Company Brown-Forman Corporation DPL Foundation, Inc. Fifth Third Bank GE Foundation Goldman, Sachs & Company Grainger Hewlett Packard Company IBM Matching Grants Program Illinois Tool Works Foundation Intel Foundation Kuntz Foundation LexisNexis Macy’s, Inc. Monaghan & Associates, Inc. Northrop Grumman Northwestern Mutual Foundation Nuveen Investments, LLC Oracle Pfizer Foundation Pitney Bowes, Inc. PNC Foundation Raytheon Company Sanofi-Synthelabo, Inc. Scripps Howard Matching Gift The Duke Foundation The PepsiCo Foundation Tyco U.S. Bancorp Foundation Wells Fargo Foundation

MEMORIAL GIFTS Augustine R. Aufderheide ’50 John H. ‘41 & Valeta A. ‘44 Bach Don W. Bowman ’72 Jean G. Brinkman ’39 Angeline Browning ’49 Rita M. Crowell ’46 Marcella R. Heil ‘34 Thomas L. Johnson ’66 William F. Kissell ’46 Fred J. Kroger ’41 G. Edward Loges ’29 Mary Catherine Peters Loges ’29 Patrick A. Lowry ’50 Barry A. McClain ’68 Lucas R. Pfander ’09 Richard J. Roll ’44 Joseph S. Rose, Jr. ’60 Albert A. Scarpelli ’52 Christopher T. Shillito ’69 James J. Staley ’40 Louis L. Suttman ’46 John E. Trimbach ’69 Donald L. Weimert ’57 GIFTS IN HONOR OF James L. Mikula ’59 Thomas J. Wittmann ’55

Faculty & Staff Jama Badinghaus Molly S. Bardine James R. Brooks Cindy Budde Brett A. Chmiel ‘02 Linda M. Colas Lisa G. Colbert Marcus E. Colvin Judy A. Costa Caitlin P. Cronin Bennett Nancy A. Dever Timothy G. Dillon Ellen B. Downer Lori L. Dozer Meg Draeger

Stacy E. Noriekas Dues ’97 Susan Eichenauer Karen Emmerich Sandy Ervin Steve Fuchs Angela C. Hammerly Gina Harrington Michael R. Hoendorf ‘03 Emily A. Howard Martin P. Kelly ‘87 Janet O. Lasley Michael B. Lehner Lois Mann Beth A. Marshall John C. Marshall ‘86 Angela L. Richardson Mason ‘81 Daniel J. Meixner ’84 Ann E. Meyers ’76 Marsha L. Midlam Greg Mueller Kelly Muhl Amy Dudorn O’Loughlin ‘86 Amanda E. Ooten Jordan Edgel Orr ‘05 Scott Pierce Drew Reeder Marguerite L. Regan ‘73 Antonio N. Ricciuto ‘74 Angela M. Ruffolo Cherlyn V. Smith James Sparrow William P. Stachler Joseph E. Staley ‘72 Ann Moore Szabo ‘72 Charles E. Szabo ‘98 Tina Wagoner Deacon Jim Walworth, Sr. Charlene Carroll Wheeler ‘65 John A. Zaidain ‘68 Kathleen Zehenny

In reports of this nature, mistakes can occur. If your name was omitted or improperly listed, please accept our apologies and contact the development office at 937.461.3740 x232, so that we can correct our records.

T H E P FA ND E R FAMI LY Lucas Pfander Memorial Race Community Spirit


ucas clearly loved CJ. He was a standout student who played a sport each season, had perfect attendance, and took the Marianist and Notre Dame charism of service to others to heart. In his three years at CJ, he performed more than 150 hours of community service. Lucas lived life, and this is what we see in each senior who receives a scholarship from the Lucas Pfander Scholarship Fund. Bringing kids together was something that came natural to Lucas; he was a friend to everyone. After his death in the summer of 2008, we heard from many students who shared their memories of him and how he affected their lives and the school community. Community spirit and serving others is his legacy. It is important that it is kept alive and the race held each August does that. People gather in his memory and the funds raised each year help support the education of students who are so connected to living out the school’s mission. The race is a community event embraced by alumni, students and parents — and everyone is invited. Just like Lucas was open to everyone, so is the race. The growth of the race has meant so much to our family, especially as we get farther away from the time he died. People continue to share their memories of him, and will also approach us after the event when they see us wearing shirts for the race. We like to talk about him. It’s heartwarming to know that people continue to think about him and generously contribute to a scholarship in his name. The outpouring of support tells us that even though he’s our son, he was special to many people. VIVA LA VIDA!



aculty & Staff The faculty and staff of Chaminade Julienne have an unrivaled commitment to their students as well as a commitment to be life-long learners. Their expert and advanced credentials along with their spiritual leadership and passion for teaching create an environment where students feel challenged and encouraged to reach their full potential.

Administration Daniel J. Meixner ‘84 (14) President BA Government and International Studies, Univ. of Notre Dame; MS Ed, Educational Leadership, Univ. of Dayton

Cindy Budde (19) Assistant to the President Assoc. Business Administration Degree, Univ. of Dayton

John Marshall ‘86 (8) Principal BS Secondary Education (Social Studies), Miami Univ.;

Jacob Browning (5)

Ann Meyers ‘76 (32)

BS Industrial Management, Carnegie Mellon; MA Ed., Mt. Vernon Nazarene Univ.

BA Education (German), Bowling Green State Univ.

BS Education, Univ. of Dayton;

Cuvilly (Special Education)

BS Education, Univ. of Dayton;


Michelle Mize (2)

BS Special Ed/Elementary, Univ. of Dayton; MSE Education, Univ. of Dayton; National Board Certified

BA Education (French), Ohio State Univ.; MSE Foreign Language Education, Ohio State Univ.


Dani Remillard (1)

Stacy Noriekas Dues ‘97 (12)

Intervention Specialist


BA Microbiology, Miami Univ.;

BS Special Ed./Elementary Ed., Eastern Kentucky Univ.

BM Music, Univ. of Dayton;

MSE Education, Univ. of Dayton

MS Education (Music), Univ. of Dayton

Lois Mann (19) Assistant to the Principal

MSE, Educational Leadership, Univ. of Dayton

Steve Fuchs (17)

Jim Brooks (33)

Director of Curriculum & Instruction, Registrar

BS Education, Ohio Univ.;

MS Educational Leadership, Univ. of Dayton; Principal Licensure, Univ. of Dayton

Molly Bardine (17) Chair BA Education, Univ. of Dayton;

Life Skills

Joe Whatley ’04 (4)

Lori Dozer (12) BA Sports Medicine/Health Education, Otterbein College;

Project Lead the Way

MS Athletic Training/Physical Education, Ohio Univ.

Meg Draeger (5)

Mike Kelly ‘87 (8)

John Zaidain ‘68 (40)

BA History/English, Xavier Univ.; MA American History, Villanova Univ.

BS Industrial Engineering, Univ. of Illinois; MBA, Univ. of Dayton

MS Education, Miami Univ.

Erin Ketch (8)

BA Education, Univ. of Dayton;


Janet Lasley (15)

BA English/History, Indiana Univ.;

MA Teaching Math, Univ. of Cincinnati; National Board Certified

MAT English, Miami Univ.

Jordan Orr ‘05 (2)

Greg Mueller (7)

BS Education (Mathematics), Univ. of Dayton

Steve Fuchs (17)

Music Education, WSU

MA English; Univ. of Dayton

Beth Marshall (8)

Business & Technology

Chris Johnson (4) BM Music, Univ. of Dayton

BS Education (Art), Wright State Univ. BA Education (Art), Ohio State Univ.; MSE Interdisciplinary Education, Univ. of Dayton

Debi Schutt (11)

BS Education (Home Economics) Ohio State Univ.; MA Intervention Specialist (Reading) WSU

Nancy Dever (23)


BS Education (Math), Ohio State Univ.

Judy Costa (3)

BS Education (Adolescent & Young Adult); BA English, Univ. of Dayton

Diana Barr (27)

Jenny Secor (14)

Judi Jacobson MacLeod ‘88 (14)


BA Mathematics, Univ. of Dayton;

Linda Colas (29)

EdS, MSE, Educational Leadership, Univ. of Dayton; Master Teacher, Arch. of Cincinnati

MHum Humanities, Wright State Univ.

MA Educational Elementary/ Secondary Administration, Univ. of Cincinnati; Principal Licensure, Univ. of Cincinnati Superintendent Licensure, Xavier Univ.



Andy Helms (7)

BS Education (English), Univ. of Dayton; MS Ed, Educational Leadership, Univ. of Dayton Principal Licensure, Univ. of Dayton



BA Mathematics, Univ. of Dayton;

Peg Regan ‘73 (35)

MS Educational Leadership, Univ. of Dayton; Principal Licensure, Univ. of Dayton

Chair BA Education (Spanish), Miami Univ.; MHum. Humanities, Wright State Univ.

Chair BA Mathematics, Univ. of Dayton;

Laura Eloe (28) BS Education (Math/Religion), Univ. of Dayton; MA Theology, Univ. of Dayton

Angela Hammerly (5) BS Education (Mathematics), Univ. of Dayton; MA Mathematics, Ohio State Univ.

CJ STEMM Coordinator

Andy Helms (7) BS Industrial Management, Carnegie Mellon; MS Education, Mt. Vernon Nazarene Univ.

Brad Kassner (5) BA Physics, Wittenberg Univ.

Amy Dudon O’Loughlin ‘86 (7) Co-Chair BA Science and Psychology, Univ. of Notre Dame; MS Education, Univ. of Dayton

Amanda Ooten (5) Co-Chair BSA Microbiology, Ohio State Univ.; MS Education (Science), Univ. of Dayton

Religion Tim Dillon (29) Chair BA Psychology/Theology, Thomas More College; MA Theological Studies, Univ. of Dayton; MA Clinical Psychology, Xavier Univ.

Lisa Colbert (20) BA Religious Studies, Barry Univ.

Karen Emmerich (8) BS Education (English, Religion), Univ. of Dayton; MA Pastoral Ministry, Univ. of Dayton

Marilyn McCrate (15) BA Psychology, Univ. of Dayton; MEd Counseling, Bowling Green State Univ.

Mick Mominee II (14) BA Psychology/Sociology, Kenyon College; MA Theological Studies, Univ. of Dayton EdD-University of Cin. Urband Ed. Lead.

Fr. Matt Robben (1) BA History, Univ. of Cincinnati Masters of Divinity, Atheneaum of Ohio, Mt. St. Mary’s

Sr. Nicole Trahan, FMI (2) BS Biomedical Science, Texas A&M Univ.; MA Catholic School Leadership, St. Mary’s Univ.; MA Pastoral Ministry, St. Mary’s Univ.

Science Amy Dudon O’Loughlin ‘86 (7) Co-Chair BA Science and Psychology, Univ. of Notre Dame; MS Education, Univ. of Dayton

Amanda Ooten (5) Co-Chair BSA Microbiology, Ohio State Univ.; MS Education (Science), Univ. of Dayton

Jessica Hanley (1) BS Life Sciences, Univ. of Dayton

Lynzee Johnson (2) BS Education (Biology), Marist College

Brad Kassner (5) BA Physics, Wittenberg Univ.

Maura Lemon (2) BS Science, Univ. of Dayton

Bill Stachler (13) BA Education, BS Biology, Wilmington College; MSE Education, Univ. of Dayton

Eric Stoiber (1) BA Education (Mathematics), Univ. of Dayton

Andrea Varney (2) BA Business Administration, Univ. of Dayton

Admissions Brett Chmiel ’02 (6) Director BA Religious Studies, Univ. of Dayton

Jeanne Schultz Spitzig ‘75 (13) Administrative Assistant

Kelly Muhl (5)

Marilyn McCrate (15)

Administrative Assistant

Administrative Assistant

BS Business (Administration/ Marketing), Ohio State Univ.

Assistant Director

Susan Eichenauer (13)

BA Psychology, Univ. of Dayton;


BA Psychology, Univ. of Dayton;

Student Support Coordinator MA Counseling (Community), Univ. of Cincinnati

Fr. Matt Robben (1)

Tina Wagoner (5) Coordinator

Nicole Will (2)

BA History, Univ. of Cincinnati

Assistant Coordinator


BA Communications (Journalism), Ohio Univ.

Jama Badinghaus (3)


Student Support Coordinator


City Connects; BS Psychology, Univ. of Dayton; MA School Counselor, Univ. of Dayton

BS Biomedical Science, Texas A&M Univ.; MA Catholic School Leadership, St. Mary’s Univ.;

BS Accounting, Ohio State Univ.; MBA Finance, Univ. of Dayton; Certified Management Accountant; EPSO Stanford Univ.; MA Pastoral Ministry, Univ. of Dayton

Caitlin Cronin Bennett (3)

Ellen Downer (21) Chair

Emily Howard (1)

BA Social Studies, College of St. Rose; MHum Humanities, Wright State Univ.

Database Coordinator

Marcus Colvin (9)

Mike Lehner (6)

BS Education (History), Univ. of Dayton

Assistant Director of Development

Tony Ricciuto ‘74 (21)

BS (Education & Allied Professions), Univ. of Dayton

BA Business Management, Wright State Univ.

MBA, Univ. of Dayton

Drew Reeder (3)

Robert Young (22) Director BS Industrial Technology/Industrial Arts, Central State Univ.

Charlie Hollis (53) Jim McDermott (14)†

Finance & Accounting Sandra Ervin (6) Director BA Accounting, Otterbein College CPA Certified

Student Support Coordinator BA Psychology, Ohio Univ.; MA Education School Counseling, Wright State Univ.

Library Services Gina Harrington (9) Director BS Management/Accounting, Park Univ.; MA SISLT (Library Science), Univ. of Missouri-Columbia

Ministry & Service

BA Education/Sociology, Univ. of Cincinnati; MEd Administration, Xavier Univ. Principal Licensure, Xavier Univ. Superintendent Licensure, Xavier Univ.

Angela Richardson Mason ‘81 (9) Administrative Assistant School Nurse

BA Accounting, Univ. of Dayton

Jim Sparrow (9)

Ann Moore Szabo ‘72 (5)

Cheryl Smith (18)

Administrative Assistant

BA History, Hiram College;

Administrative Assistant

Tuition Coordinator

Mike Hoendorf ’03 (2)

BS Mathematics, Wright State Univ.

Assistant Principal

BS Education (English/ Religion), Univ. of Dayton; MS Education (Social Agency & School Counseling), Univ. of Dayton

Accounts Payable and Payroll Coordinator

MSE, Educational Leadership, Univ. of Dayton

Jason Unger (7)

Staff Accountant

BS Applied Health Science, Bowling Green StateUniv.


Student Services

Michele Trainer

Alumni Relations Coordinator

Scott Pierce (12)

MA Pastoral Ministry, St. Mary’s Univ.


BS Education (Secondary), Univ. of Dayton; EdS Educational Administration, Univ. of Dayton


Assistant Director, Academic

Sandra Bruns (1)

Beau Slater (1)

BS Social Work, Univ. of Dayton

Sr. Nicole Trahan, FMI (2)

Kelli Kinnear (21)

Angela Ruffolo (19)

BA Education, Wright State Univ.,

Masters of Divinity, Atheneaum of Ohio, Mt. St. Mary’s

Deacon Jim Walworth, Sr, (5)

BA Theatre, Univ. of Dayton

Joe Staley ‘72 (31)


Alumni & Development

Social Studies

MA History, Case Western Reserve Univ.; MA Theological Studies, Univ. of Dayton

MEd Counseling, Bowling Green State Univ.

BA Communications (Journalism), Univ. of Dayton

Development Events Coord. /Alumni Relations Coord.

BS Education (History/Business), Univ. of Dayton

Kathleen Zehenny (11)

Marsha Midlam (8)

Guidance Charlene Wheeler ‘65 (39) Director BS Education, Univ. of Dayton; MSE Education, Univ. of Dayton

Clara Davis (13)

BSN Nursing, Wright State Univ. MSE Education, Wright State Univ.

Charlie Szabo ‘98 (2) Administrative Assistant BA History, Ohio Wesleyan Univ.

Assistant Director BS Business Administration, Wright State Univ.



olunteers 2012-2013 Volunteers exemplify the charisms of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur and the Marianists. Our volunteers set a clear example for our students of the school’s focus on educating in family spirit and creating community among those with whom we work and serve. The school community thanks everyone who gave generously of their time and talent during the 2012-13 year.


Lee Alder Beth Allaire Deacon Bob Allen Janice Allen Derek Allen Jack Andrews Tom Arquilla Andy Badinghaus Jama Badinghaus Maureen Baldock Shelly Baldwin Mitchell Bane Alice Banks Molly Bardine Bill Barnett Kate Barrett Sr. Christina Bartsch, SNDdeN Ann Bateman Jenny Bauer Patty Bell Eric Benbow Mike Bennett Andie Bernhard Rob Bertke John Beyer Cecilia Bidigare Laura Bistrek Robyn Bittner Emily Bookwalter Sue Brandell Nick Brandell Donna Bretl Phil Brockman Becky Brown Eric Brown Joe Bruggeman Barbara Bruns Barbara Bruns Bryan Bucklew Cindy Budde Steve Budde Mike Budde Doug Bullock Heidi Bullock Beth Burke Jason Burks Donna Burroughs Brian Butler Bob Butts Pat Cahill Georgia Cali Faith Callif-Daley April Carpenter Hilary Carvitti Ken Chaffman Bill Chifala

Barbara Cogliano Teri Cohee Shawn Cokes Amanda Colvin Marcus Colvin Nicole Connors David Cordonnier Colleen Costello Brent Cox Jeff Cox Lori Craig Sheila Crane Bridget Crotty Dawn Cudney Ray Curtis Beth Dahlinghouse Rory Dahlinghouse Sr. Kim Dalgarn, SNDdeN Jennifer Dalton Brad Daniel Patricia Daniels Rosemary Dannin Lora Davenport Claire Davis Jim Davis Mike Davis Elyse Dean Melanie DeBrosse Ron Deger Jim Deime Ted Deis Michael Derringer Brenda Donnelly Clint Doolittle Lucius Dorise Lori Dozer Rob Drought Dave Dudon Brian Duffy Ann Duffy Carol Dull George Eaton Connie Ecklar Brian Edmundson Nathan Egnor Susan Eichenauer Jan Eisenhower Wyatt Elbin Shawn Emerson Roger Emery Karen Emmerich Jeanne Erling Bruce Ervin Bill Evans Christine Evans Dan Evans Lee Falke

Gretchen Farrell Mike Farrell Ted Fecke Kelly Fent Angie Ferrero Steve Ferrero Ron Finke Jason Fisher Bro. Ray Fitz, SM Kathy Fitzwater Dan Foley Jeanne Foley Ed Foster Bobby Frederick David Frederick Jason Freshwater Mike Fries Vicki Gaffney Mary Garman Adam Geaslen Diana Genovesi Bonnie George Gary Gepfrey Joe Geraghty Elisia Getts Jim GhoryRoger Glass Mike Glaze Mary Pat Golden Clyde Golden Brian Good Marvan Gordon Tony Gottschlich Amy Grady John Grady Felicia Graham Steve Grant Tony Greene John Grismer Bob Guehl Lorelei Hagans Jane Haley Beth Haley Joy Haley Pete Haley Dean Halter Angie Hammerly Richard Hammerly Nancy Hankey Jennifer Haralson Dave Harper Donna Harrison Beth Hart Donna Hartman Nitasha Hatcher Trishia Hauck Matt Hayden

Tom Heck Mary Helldoerfer Charlie Helldoerfer Andi Helms Andy Helms Kathleen Henderson Tim Hensworth Rita Hess Bob Hickey John Hochwalt Mike Hoendorf Don Hoendorf Deborah Hoffer Steve Holland Tom Holton Elizabeth Horner Kurt Horner Floyd Horton Darnell Hoskins Mike Houghton Eric Howard George Huang Kathryn Huffman Steve Huffman Rick Iannarino Alejandra Iberico Michelle Jackson Matt Jackson Bob Jackson Debbie Janis Jessica Jenkins Steven Jennison Ronald Johnson, Sr. Norma Jordan Brian Kadel Maria Kaskocsak Stephanie Kassman Zach Kauth Margie Kauth Lois Keil Jim Kellerher Joe Kelly Jenni Kershaw Ed Kimball Leslie King Keith Kinnear Kelli Kinnear Pete Kinney Larry Knight Lenise Knight Becky Knipper Mike Knipper Susan Knowles Karla Knox-Gordona Joyce Koesters Dan Kosak Dieter Krewedl

Dennis Kriegbaum Tim Kroger Sherry Kroger Carolyn Krug Melissa Krupa Paul Lammert Janet Lasley Lauren Leathers Kate Lehner Kim Lennon John Lesko Dawn Levandusky Tony Leyes ‘01 Sr. Carol Lichtenberg, SNDdeN George Lisjak Margy Lisjak Michael Little Jennifer Long Antonette Lucente Patty Lucking Ann Luckoski Emily Luhn Katie Lunne Mike Lynn Al Machuca Judi MacLeod Pat Madden Amy Magan Tom Mann John Marshall Beth Marshall Angela Mason Mickey McCabe Mike McCall Leneata McCoy Martha McFadden John McKeon Joe McLaughlin Nancy McSherry Dan Meixner Laura Meixner George Menker Bob Menker Marvin Mescher Sherry Mescher Monica Meyer Carrie Meyer Fr. Dan Meyer Joe Meyer Sr. Lois Ann Meyer, SNDdeN Fr. Bill Meyers Ann Meyers Karie Meyers Melinda Michael Marsha Midlarn Norm Miller Mike Miller

Scott Milligan Russ Milliron Karen Miltenberger Jim Moeder Pat Monaghan Don Moore Joe Moorefield Laura Moorefield Mike Muhl Kelly Muhl Jimmy Mullins Dan Mullins Karen Mumy Carol Murray Mandy Myers JP Nauseef Chris Nelson Chris Nevius Mary Noble Todd Noble George Noeth Don Nooks Amy O’Loughlin Jim Olson Mike Ooten Barry Oppy Dawn Oppy Maureen O’Rourke Emmett Orr Maggie Ossege Kristin O’Sullivan Misty Overholts Ryan Patrick Thomas Payne Jennifer Pechal Leah Pekarik Grace Pera Lorrainne Perna Rita Peterson Mark Peterson Greg Pfander Daisy Pfander Julietta Phillips Mike Piatt Sandy Piatt Scott Pierce Phil Plummer Cindy Plummer Linda Poock Pat Pribish Rick Quinttus Ellen Quinttus Mike Raiff Jerry Raiff, Sr. Carol Ramey Drew Reeder

Jeff Reis Mary Reddington Reis Dan Reynolds Brenda Ricciuto Dave Richardson John Richardson Dave Richey Mike Richey Michelle Ricia Chris Riner Kayla Ritte Alexandra Rivers Fr. Matt Robben Vickie Rogers Polly Roll Diana Rose Ken Rosenbauer Shelly Rosenkrantz Zach Rougier Ann Rougier Jim Rougier Ed Ruff Susan Ruff Vince Russell Marigrace Ryan Ann Saluke Leslie Sandhu Jason Sattler Nickie Sattler Tom Schaefer Kathleen Scheltens Tara Scheren Theresa Schmitt Scott Schneider Dave Schneider Fr. Tom Schroer Christine Schubert Kabban Catherine Schwab Joe Schwendeman Dave Schwendeman Joe Schwieterman Phil Seelig Brian Seitz Joan Servis Ron Settich Amy Settich

Kathleen Shanahan-Aughe Angie Shaw Kathy Shay Shawn Shehee Andrew Shepherd Libby Shillito Brad Shillito Jason Sikora Cathy Simon Adrienne Sims Kit Sinathamby Arthur Siwecki Chris Small Joe Solomon Susan Sparacino Jim Sparrow Jeanne Schultz Spitzig Ken Spitzig Jr. Jonathan Spowart Joe Staley Brenda Stampfli Janie Stefan Pete Stefan Sue Stein Tina Stemple Steve Stockelman Eric Stoiber Kris Strahorn Carolyn Strausburg Theresa Stumpf Amy Sugden Tim Szabo Ann Szabo Chuck Szabo Charlie Szabo Chris Tabor Jeff Teuscher Mary Beth Theil Tom Theil Sue Thie William Thie Bernie Thompson Erin Tolle Deb Trimbach Pat Tule Don Turner

Sean Turner Ken Turner Pat Ulrich Jeremy Valentine Rick Vice Jeff Vineyard Vicki Wade Shannon Wagner Steve Wagoner Tina Wagoner Bruce Wagoner Ed Wahdspurger Mary Jean Walter Laura Ward Cole Ward James Ward Cole Ward, Sr. Greg Weathers Tom Weckesser Kevin Weckesser Helen Weckesser Tom Weckesser Bill West Robert Weyraugh Charlene Wheeler Bill Wheeler Jeanne White Dick Wick Kim Williams Jane Wittmann Fr. Chris Wittmann, SM Larry Woeste Mary Beth Woeste Robert Wolff Erin Wolking Paul Wong Chris Woolley Carolyn Worthen Theresa York Joshua York Bob Young Curt Zahn Jim Zaidain Marilyn Zaidain Shelly Zant Joe Zehenny Kathleen Zehenny Carole Zimmerman Joe Zumwald Teresa Zumwald In reports of this nature, mistakes can occur. If your name was omitted or improperly listed, please accept our apologies and contact the development office at 937.461.3740 x232, so that we can correct our records. † Deceased

B R A N D ON PAYN E ‘ 13 Alumni | Catholic Faith


y experience at CJ taught me how to go into the world, bring God to people, and become a better person. That didn’t start clicking until junior retreat. How could I help others learn about Jesus? Opportunities came through football, government and drama. Sometimes you have to just listen. That new skill helped me become a leader, and also a learner. I really like where CJ is going! During my four years, we saw dramatic improvements take place. Moving football conditioning to the new Student Conditioning Center was huge. We were introduced to technology in a way that we would use in college. Faculty and staff encouraged us to be stronger people. I learned first-hand the depth of their commitment as they helped me through a particularly rough time this past year. I suffered a season-ending football injury during the first game of the year. This was senior year when colleges would watch me play. It took a lot out of me, and I questioned my faith. I was answered with teammates, coaches and classmates who were there for me. Teachers helped me through two weeks of missed work — I learned how much CJ moves you forward. Time away from football gave me the chance to enjoy other aspects of school like performing arts and working with the development office. I learned that I want to build a stronger life now for when my football career permanently ends. Because of all of this, I know that it will be important to me to give back to CJ just as many others do. It keeps your connection to the school strong. That connection enabled me to attend this great school, and that’s what I will want to do for others.




f rom



of Tr us t e e s





oard of Trustees

Ms. Janice Dorsey Allen ‘74 SECRETARY Treasurer, Trotwood Madison Schools Mr. Thomas J. Arquilla ‘77 Vice President, Mercy Health System Mrs. Maureen Baldock Dir. of Counseling, DePaul Cristo Rey High School Sr. Christina Bartsch, SNDdeN ‘55 SNDdeN Representative Mr. Jeffrey T. Cox, Esq. CHAIR Partner, Faruki Ireland & Cox, P.L.L.

Bro. Raymond Fitz, SM Ferree Professor of Social Justice, University of Dayton

Ms. Kathleen D. Henderson Director of First Year Experience, University of Dayton

Ms. Antonette Lucente ‘70 President, Blue Gill Consulting Group LLC

Mrs. Mary Moeder Garman ‘79 COO & Vice President of Operations, Dayton Heart and Vascular Hospital at Good Samaritan Hospital

Mr. Donald R. Hoendorf ‘72 Vice President of Operations, Innovative Controls Engineering, Inc.

Mr. Thomas R. Mann Firm Director, Deloitte & Touche LLP

Dr. Stephen R. Grant ‘70 VICE CHAIR Adjunct Professor, University of Dayton Mr. Peter G. Haley TREASURER Managing Director, Gosiger, Inc.

Ms. Jessica I. Jenkins ‘02 Chief Operating Officer, Miami Valley Housing Opportunities Mr. James W. Kelleher, Esq. Partner, Pickrel, Schaeffer & Ebeling Co., L.P.A. Mr. Timothy M. Kroger ‘78 President, Main Line Supply Co.

Rev. Daniel J. Meyer Pastor, St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church Emmett C. Orr ‘66 Community Volunteer Mr. Joseph A. Zehenny Director of Corporate Development, DRT Holdings, Inc.

The past school year will be remembered for a lot of things (see highlights of the year on pg. 6-7) but probably most memorable were the challenges overcome in the renovation of the second floor. Starting in December and lasting through August, students, faculty and staff were asked to share rooms, move office space, change lockers, and don hard hats in construction zones. Everyone responded with the type of spirit we have come to expect from our school community. When classes resumed for the 128th year on our property, our students, faculty and staff were rewarded for their resolve. The CJ STEMM Center project was opened in time for the start of the school year and has transformed this wing of the school into a leading edge learning center. It was imperative that we match the dynamic opportunities that the Project Lead the Way curriculum introduced six years earlier, to a classroom environment which will allow us to fully integrate those opportunities. This center has met the challenge and is certain to inspire and nurture students entering into hundreds of opportunities in STEMM-related fields. This center stands on a strong foundation built more than 60 years ago. The project has infused new life into portions of the building, but it has also enabled us to return elements of the building to their original design, and incorporate a significant treasure of our rich history. At the heart of the new center is a stained glass window from the Julienne High School campus. The window, depicting an image of Christ, can now be seen from anywhere in the second floor hallway. The beauty of this image paired with the dramatic new aesthetics acts as a daily reminder for our students of all that our predecessors have given them, and will act as a reminder to us all that Christ is at the center of our educational mission. On behalf of your Board of Trustees, we are excited to tell you that the school continues to be strengthened every day by the commitment, hard work and accomplishments of our faculty, staff, and volunteers, which allows us to increase the opportunities our students have today. It is a blessing and a privilege to serve as a steward of Chaminade Julienne. Please know that the Board of Trustees continues to eagerly look at how best to empower and enable all of our students to strive for academic excellence. We look forward to what is on the horizon and hope that we can count on you to share the journey with us. Thank you again for a great year and may God bless you and your families.

This fully-funded renovation project has transformed Jeffrey T. Cox, Esq. the second floor classrooms and laboratories into 2013 CHAIR

state-of-the-art learning spaces. The CJ STEMM Center, which represents the first major renovation to the main school building in 50 years, opened on the first day of the 2013-14 school year.


Chaminade Julienne High School 505 South Ludlow Street Dayton, Ohio 45402



Predecessor Schools St. Mary’s School (1850-1927) Notre Dame Academy (1886-1927) Julienne High School (1927-1973) Chaminade High School (1927-1973) St. Joseph Commercial High School (1945-1974)

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