Chaminade High School Yearbook 1967

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The Story Of Chaminade.

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There is something special about Chaminade. You cannot see it, count it, or weigh it, but that something is there. It is more than a building, a few books, successful dances, win-loss records can account for. Maybe you could call it spirit or heart or even soul. Today Chaminade enjoys a tradition of forty years of greatness-greatness in academics, in athletics, and in people. The greatness that makes Chaminade something special, we think, is the greatness in its people-generous, friendly , competent. In the following pages, we salute the people who have made Chaminade something special with the theme: What are People?


People Who Need People




The Senior Class of 1967 has devoted mucl of its talent and ingenuity to the total develo{: ment of Chaminade High School. The leadershi: and responsibility exhibited by the Seniors, U conjunction with the. Student Council, has beel exemplary . This has not been a year withou crisis or controversy. It has been a year of de cision and prompt action, and the Senior Clas has proven itself capable of making those deci sions and living up to them. The contributions of the Senior Class in th realms of sports, academics, and extra curricula activities has also been outstanding. Chaminad. athletes proved themselves to be excellent sports men, although this has not been a year of ath letic dominance for Chaminade. Two N ationa Merit Scholars were recognized this year, an< there were several Honorable Mentions. Speaker. and debaters from Chaminade traversed tht length and breadth of our nation, winning man~ impressive victories and generously restockinl the trophy cases.

Patrick J. Agnew Green Backers 4; Honor RollI ; Intramurals 1路4; Class Officer 3; Spirit Comm. 4; FT A 4 Charlie P. Anzek Baseball 2,3; Intramurals 1路4; Class Officer 1

Patrick J . Agnew

Charlie P. Anzek

Edward P. Anzek Green Backers 3; Sodality 1-4; Basketball 1,2; Baseball 1; Intramurals 1-4; Class Officer 1-4; Football 1-4; Track 2-4; Executive Council 4; Prom 2-4, Publicity 4, Float 1-4, Social 4, Spirit 4, Intramural 1-3 Comm.

Edward P. Anzek

Stephen G. Aponyi Intramurals 2; Class Officer 3

Robert L. Baccus Track 2 Dennis R. Bach Band 1-4; CHS News 3; Language 3, Service 2 Clubs

Stephen G. Aponyi

Robert L. Baccus

Dennis路R. Bach

Joe B. BaUmann Green Backers 4; Sodality 1; Basketball 1-4; Service Club 1; Intramurals 1-3 Greg A. Ballweg James A. Ballweg Honor Roll 3; Prom Comm. 3

Joe B. Ballmann

Greg A. Ballweg

James A. Ballweg Bill E. Bannen Glee 1, Rifle 2,4 Clubs; Green Backers 3,4; Honor Roll 2; Sodality 3,4; Intramurals 1,2,4; Class Officer 1-3; Golf 3,4 Dave A. Baujan Green Backers 4; Honor Roll 1,2,4; Sodality 3,4; Basketball 1,2; Baseball 1-4; Intramurals 1-4; Class Officer 1-4

Bill E. Bannen

Dave A. Baujan

Ed W. Baumgartner Green Backers 4; Basketball 1; Baseball 1-4; Intramurals 1-4; Football 1

Ed W. Baumgartner

Frank Beach Green Backers 3,4; Sodality 1; Fencing 1-4; Service Club 1; Eagle Staff 3; Intramurals 1,2 Larry J. Becker Honor Roll 1-3; Sodality 1; Intram urals 1-4; Class Officer 1,2; Football 1-4; Track 2; Leadership Development Club 1,2

Frank Beach

Larry J. Becker

Thomas E. Beecroft Green Backers 4; Honor Roll 2; Cheerleaders 3; Intramurals 14; Prom Comm. 3; Class Officer 1,3; Football 1; Eagle Staff 4

Thomas E. Beecroft

Kenneth Bettinger Intramurals 1-4 John W. Bickham Fencing 2,3; Tennis 1; Intramurals 1-4 Jerry E. Biersack Green Backers 4; Language Club Club 1; Honor Roll 1-4; Sodality 1,4; Intramurals 1-4; Golf 4; Social 4, Spirit 4 Comm. Kenneth Bettinger

Jerry E . Biersack

John W. Bickham

Joseph E. Biersack Green Backers 4; Language Club 1; Honor Roll 1-4; Sodality 1; Intramurals 2-4 Mark H. Bohardt Honor Roll 1-4; Intramurals 1-4 Douglas C. Bollheimer Honor Roll 1; Sodality 1,2; Intramurals 1-3; Football 1; CHS News 3,4 Joseph E. Biersack

Mark H. Bohardt

Douglas C. Bollheimer

Patrick F. Boltz Honor Roll 1; Intramurals 1-4; Class Officer 1; Football 1,2; Spirit Comm. 4 William J. Bond Honor Roll 1-3; Intramurals 14

Douglas E. Bradley Drama 1; Honor Roll 1-4; Eagle Staff 4; Speech and Debate 1; Math Club 3; Festival Returns 3 Patrick F. Boltz

Willia m J. Bond

Douglas E. Bradley

• Steve C. Brandell

Charles E

John R. Brill

David L.

Spinnato to cheering fans: "Now, for my next trick ... "

Steve C. Brandell Intramurals 1·4; Cross·Country 3 Charles E. Brannon Sodality 1; FT A 3 David L. Broadstone

John R. Brill Honor Roll 1·4; Intramurals 1·4; Class Officer 2,4; Math Club 1

\ Gary


David L. Brinkman Glee Club 1; Sodality 1; Intramurals 1·4; Basketball 4 David L. BroadBtone

Gary C. Brown Glee Club 1; Stage Crew 1 John M. Budde Band 1·4; Honor Roll 3; JACOWA 3; Sodality 1; Intramurals 1-4; Eagle Staff 4; Social Comm. 4; Basketball 4 Don A. Burns Band 1-4; Intramurals 1,2,4; Service 1, Glee 2 Clubs John M. Budde

Don .

Joe Bush La~guage

Club 1; Intramurals


Bill Bush Band 1-4; Green Backers 4; HOllor Roll 1; Sodality 1; Intra urals 1-4

, C.

Joe Bush

Bill Bush


Carroll Honor Roll 1-4; Sodality 1-4; Intramurals 1-4; Class Officer . 1-4; NHS 2-4; Prom Comm. 3; Basketball 1; Track 1-4; CrosSCountry 2,3; Math Club 1

C. Patrick Carroll

Mike A. Carson Green Backers 4; Intramurals 1,2; Eagle Staff 3 Dennis C. Carter Intramurals 1-4; Eagle Staff 2, 3; 'frack 2 A1 N. Cascardo Sodality 1; Eagle Staff 3,4

Mike A. Carson

AI N. Cascardo

Dennis C. Carter Thon,as S. Charters Honor Roll 1,3; Intramurals 1 Robert H. Chodkowski Baseball 2; Basketball Mgr. 2, 3; Spirit Comm. 4; Intramurals 1-4

I Thomas S. Charters

Robert H. Chodkowski

Kendall R. Coffey Band 1; Glee Club 1-4; JACOW A 3; Sodality 1-4; Intramurals 1-4; NHS 3-4; Class Officer 3,4:; Football 1-4; Intramural 4, Prom 3, Social 3,4, Spirit 4 COPlm.; Graduation Usher 3; Honor Roll 1-4 Thomas G. Coffman Glee 3, Service 1 Clubs; Sodality 1,3,4; Speech and Debate 1; Eagle Staff 3; Track 2; Baseball I, Basketball 1-3 Mgr.

Kendall R. Coffey

Patrick M. Connaughton Band 1,2,4

Thomas G. Coffman

Patrick M. Connaughton

Stephen D. Cooke Honor Roll 2-4; Sodality 2-4; Basketball 2-4; Baseball 2-4; Red Cross 3; Student Council 3,4; Service Club 2; NHS 3,4; Intramurals 2-4; Class Officer 3,4'; Graduation Usher 3; HomecOxPing King 4; Float 2-4, Prom 3, Social 3, Spirit 3,4 Comm.

Stephen D. Cooke

Tim J. Corley Sodality 1; Honor Roll 1-3; In路 tram urals 1-4; Class Officer 2 Spirit Comm. 4

Thomas J . Cotter Band 1,2; Intramurals 1-4 Class Officer 3,4; Honor Roll 3 Spirit Comm. 4 Michael R. Crabill Intramurals 1,2 Tim J. Corley

Thomas J . Cotter

Michael R. Crabill

Donald J. Crompton Band 1,2; Intramurals 1 Ronald E. Crompton Intramurals 1-4; Class Officer Andrew S. Csaky Sodality 1-4; FTA 3; Eagle Sta 1-4; Movies 2-4

Donald J . Crompton

Ronald E. Crompton

Andrew S. Csaky

Philip J. Dabney Honor Roll 2,3 ; Biology Ch 2-4 Tom J. D'Amico Intramurals 1,3,4 Thomas J . panis Honor Roll 1; Sodality 3,4; I tramurals 1-4; Class Officer NHS 3,4; Float 3,4, Prom 3 Social 4 Comm.

Philip J. Dabney

Tom J . D 'Amico

Thomas J . Danis

Andrew B. Davis Sodality 1,2; Intramurals 1 Football 1,2; Track 1 Frank C. Dav~8 Chess 1, Service 1,2 Clubs; tramurals 1-4; Spirit Comm Basketball Mgr. 2 Lawrence F. DeCarlo Band 1-4; Intramurals 2

Andrew B. Davis

Frank C. Davis

Lawrence F. DeCarlo


Bill L. Dedrick Tennis 3; Intramurals 1-4; Golf 4

Thomas J. Dembski Intramurals 1-3 C.letus M. Diener

Bill L. Dedrick

Thomas J . Dembski

Cletus M. Diener

Rod E. Dietz

Ron DiSalvo

Bob T. Dix

Michael J. Donovan

Joe A. Drummer

Larry D. Duckro

Dave A. Dudon

Michael W. Duffy

Daniel J. Dunham

Rod E. Dietz Intramurals 1,2,4 Ron DiSalvo Intramurals 1-4; Football 1,4; Spirit Comm. 4 Bob T. Dix Honor Roll 1,2; Sodality 1-4; Intramurals 1-4; Class Officer 1

Michael J. Donovan Sodality 1,3,4; Intramurals 1,2 Joe A. Drummer Baseball 2; Intramurals 1-4 Larry D. Duckro Honor Roll 1-3; JACOWA 3; Sodality 3,4; Intramurals 1,2; Math Club 1,2; JA 3,4 Dave A. Dudon S.C. Treasurer 4; Sodality 1-3; Basketball 1,2; Baseball 1-4; Football 1-4; Student Council 2-4; Intramurals 3,4; Class Officer 1-3; Float 1-3, Prom 2,3, Spirit 2,3 Comm. Michael W. Duffy Honor Roll 2; Senior Rep. 4; Sodality 1-4; Basketball 1-4; Intramurals 1-4; Class Officer 2-4; NHS 3,4; Golf 2-4 ; Float 1-4, Prom 3,4, Publicity 4, Social 3,4, Spirit 2-4 Comm. Daniel J. Dunham Green Backers 4; Honor Roll 1; Basketball 1; Intramurals 1-4; Float Comm. 2,4


Michael J. Dunning Band 1-4; Intramurals 1-3; Drama 2,4; Public Relations Comm. 4; Green Backers 4; Glee Club 4; Speech and Debate 1 Mike J. Ernst Photography 2, Glee 4 Clubs; Honor Roll 1-4; Sodality 4; Tennis 1.-3; Intramurals 3,4; Class Officer 2; NHS 4; CHS News 4; Prom 3, Public Relations 4, Float 3,4 Comm. Michael J. Dunning

Mike J. Ernst

Robert L. Esken Intramurals 1-3

Ro bert L. Esken

Gary L. Evans Honor Roll 1; Sodality 1; Intramurals 1-4; Spirit Comm. 4 Paul D. Evans Band 1,2; Honor Roll 1-4; S.C. Secretary 4; Sodality 1; NHS 24; Intramurals 1; Class Officer 1-3; Speech and Debate 1; CHS News 3,4; Student Council 1-4; F1oat 路Comm. 1,4

Gary L. Evans

Paul D. Evans

David E. Fettig Sodality 1,2; Intramurals 1,2; Football 1

David E. Fettig

Thomas C. Fink Class Officer 1-4; Football 1-4; Track 1

Thomas C. Fink

J. Richard Fitzharris Intramurals 1,2

Ksiezopolski: " .. . a green nose, blue lips, purple hair, oops, went out of the line .. ."

J. Richard Fitzharris

Kevin Fitzpatrick Honor Roll 1; Intramurals 1-4; Electoral 3, Spirit. 4 Comm.; Golf 4 Steve J. Flanagan Basketball 1,2; Intramurals 1-3 James P. Foley Sodality 1; Intramurals 1-4

Kevin Fitzpatrick

Steve J. Flanagan

James P. Foley

Thomas C. Frantz

Lou Q. Fries

Thomas M. Geglein

Richard J . Gibbs

Gregory A. Grant

Philip A. Gregory

Bob E. Frantz Intramurals 3; Bowling 3 Thomas C. Frantz Intramurals 3; Bowling 3 Lou Q. Fries Intramurals 2,3

Bob E. Frantz

Michael H. Froning Thomas M. Geglein Sodality 1,2; Intramurals 1-4; Honor Roll 2 . Richard J. Gibbs Honor Roll 2; Intramurals 2-4

Michael H. Froning

Bob A. Gunson Honor Roll 1,2; Sodality 1; Basketball 1,2; Baseball 1-4; Class Officer 1-4; Intramurals 3,4 Gregory A. Grant . Basketball 1,2; Service Club 1; Intramurals 1-4; Football 1 Philip A. Gregory Spanish Honor Society 4; Service Club 1,2; Green Backers 4 Bob A. Granson

Rick N. Gremling Intramurals 1-4 William L. Grilliot Intramurals 1-4 Don H. Guerrant Intramurals 1-4


Rick N. Gremling


William L. Grilliot

Bruce P. Hackett Green Backers 4; Rifle Club 1; Intramurals 1-4; Spirit Comm. 4; Drama 4

Don H. Guerrant

James P. Hall Intramurals 1-3; Speech and Debate 1; Spirit Comm. 4 Edward A. Hamman Green Backers 3; Drama 1; Honor RollI; Sodality 1-3; Service Club 1-4; Intramurals 3,4; Prom Comm. 3; Stage Crew 1-4; Tickets 3,4; Concession Stand 2,4

Bruce P. Hackett

Edward A. Hamman

James P. Hall

Patrick J. Hamman Service Club 1-4; Intramurals 1-4; Concession Stand 2,4 Thomas J . Hand Rifle Club 4; Library Staff 1; FTA 3,4; 路Intramurals 1-4; CHS News 3; Class Officer 4 John T. Harris Intramurals 1-4; Track 2

Patrick J . Hamman

John T . Harris

Thomas J. Hand

Bob E. Harris Band 1,2; Intramurals 1-3; Chess 1,2, Service 1,2 Clubs Thomas M. Harrow Honor Roll 1,3; Sodality 2-4; Intramurals 1; Track 1-4; CrossCountry 1-4 David M. Harsha Sodality 1; Baseball Mgr. 1; Intramurals 1-4; CHS News 3

\ Bob E. Harris

Thomas M. Harrow

David M. Harsha

Dan Hartke Chess Club 1,2; Intramurals 1-4; Spirit Comm. 1,2 Edward J. Hatton Glee Club 2-4 ; Drama 1; Sodality 1-4; Intramurals 3,4; Speech and Debate 2; Concession Stand 4 Michael L. Hayden Intramurals 3 Dan Hartke

Edward J . Hatton

Michael L . Hayden

Reggie L. Hayes Honor Roll 1,2; Sodality 1,2; Intramurals 1-4; Class Officer 1-4; Football 1-4; Track 1-4 Jim R. Heiser Intramurals 1-4; Prom Comm. 3 Thomas F. Heiser Baseball 3; Intramurals 1-4; Class Officer 1

I Reggie L. Hayes

Jim R. Heiser

Thomas F. Heiser

Bill Heitbrink Chess 4, Language 1,2, Science 3,4 Clubs; Tennis 3

Nick I. Herzog Band 1,2; Sodality 1 John M. Hess Sodality 1; Baseball 2; Football 1; Intramurals 1,2

Bill Heitbrink

Nick 1. Herzog

John M. Hess

John E. Hickey Intramurals 1-4; Class Officer 13; Football 1; Track 1,2 Michael J. Himes Steven W. Himes Band 1-4; Sodality 1; Intramurals 3,4; Electoral Comm. 3

John E. Hickey

Michael J . Himes

Steven W. Himes


Mark S. Holtman Band 1路4; Honor Roll 1,2; Fenc路 ing 1; CHS News 3,4 Francis J . Holtzhauer Rifle Club 1,2,4; Intrarourals 2路4 Patrick M. Howes Sodality 1; Intrarourals 1-4; Spirit Corom. 4

Mark S. Holtman

Francis J . Holtzhauer

Patrick M. Howes

Ronald L. Irwin

James E. Jenkins

Stephen F. Jewett

Jim M. Kain

Michael R. Kaylor

Gerald J . Keating

Richard L. Iannarino Green Backers 4; Honor Roll 1, 3; Sodality 1,2; Intramurals 1-4; Eagle Staff 4 Ronald L. Irwin Intramurals 1-4; Spirit Comm. 4 James E. Jenkins Intrarourals 1-3

Richard L. Iannarino

Raymond A. Jergens Intramurals 1-4; Cross-Country 2,3 Stephen F. Jewett Honor Roll 3 Jim M. Kain Green Backers 4; Honor Roll 3; Intramurals 1-4; CHS News 4; Football 1

Raymond A. Jergens

Stanley J. Kavy Rifle Club 1,2,4; Intramurals 1-4 Michael R. Kaylor Sodality 1-3; Student Council 2, 2; Intramurals 1-4; Class Officer 1-4; Football 1-4; Track 1-3; Prom 3, Social 2,3 Comm. Gerald J. Keating Basketball 1,2; Baseball 1; Intramurals 1-4; Class Officer 3,4

Stanley J . Kavy







Michael J. Keily Baseball 2; Intramurals 1,2,4; Class Officer 2; Bowling 4

Michael J . Keily

Thomas J. Kelly Intramurals 2,4

Corley: "Be careful, even Brother can't stand to look!" Thomas J . Kelly Andrew J. Kender Sodality 1; Intramurals 1-4; Math Club 1; Football 1,2; Track 1; Bowling 1; Prom 3, Spirit 4 Comm. Steven J. Kerkhoff Green Backers 4; Intramurals 1-4; Bowling 1; Social Comm. 4 Joseph D. Kern Honor Roll 1-3 ; Fencing 3,4; Science Club 4; Intramurals 1-4; Class Officer 1; Golf 3

Andrew J . Kender

Joseph D. Kern

Steven J. Kerkhoff

Joseph A. Kertesz Glee Club 2-4; Sodality 1; Fencing 3,4; Intramurals 2; Football 1

Christopher G. Keyes Intramurals 1,3,4; Class Officer 1; Leadership Development Club 1,2 Edward W. Keyes Intramurals 3,4; Class Officer 1

Joseph A. Kertesz

Christopher G. Keyes

Edward W. Keyes

Daniel T. Kiacz Rifle Club 1,2,4; Red Cross 2; Intramurals 2 Paul M. Kiefer David L. King Sodality 1; JA 3,4; Class Officer 4; IntramuraIs 1-4

Daniel T. Kiacz

Paul M. Kiefer

David L. King

Jim L. King Band 1-3 ; Sodality 1; Intramu'r als 1,2,4 Richard J. Klopf Michael B. Knapke

\ Jim L. King

Richard J. Klopf

Michael B. Knapke

Mark E. Koehler

Joseph A. Koenig, Jr.

Jack P . Koerner

Ronald E. Koerner

Pete M. Kondrath

Michael J. Konicki

Mark E. Koehler Chess Club 4 Joseph A. Koenig, Jr. Honor Roll 3; Intramurals 1-4; Class Officer 1-3; Bowling 1; Prom 3, Spirit 4 Comm. Jack P. Koerner Honor Roll 1,2 ; Red Cross 3; Intramurals 1-3; Class Officer 1

Ronald E. Koerner • Sodality 1; Basketball 1; Intramurals 1-4; Football 1-4 Pete M. Kondrath Michael J. Konicki Glee Club 1


Lawrence D. Koslick Honor Roll 1,2; Tennis 2-4; Red Cross 2-4; Intramurals 1,3,4; Prom Comm. 3 Paul F. Kramer Band 1-4; Sodality 1,2; Science Club 4 Richard A. Krimm

\ Lawrence D. Koslick

Paul F. Kramer

Richard A. Krimm

Joseph J . Ksiezopolski

Dennis C. Kuntz

Michael E. Kuntz

Michael T. Lafferty

Greg LaFlame

Dave Lammers

Gregory P . Laney

Charles W. Lang

Kevin C. Lawson

Joseph J. Ksiezopolski Band 1-4; Green Backers 4; Honor Roll 1; Intramurals 1-4; Class Officer 1,2; Stage Crew 4; Variety Show 3 Dennis C. Kuntz Sodality 1; Intramurals 1-4; Class Officer 1-4; Football 1-4; Track 1 Michael E. Kuntz Intramurals 3; Bowling 3

Michael T. Lafferty Honor Roll 1; Intramurals 1-4; Class Officer 3; Electoral 3, Spirit 4 Comm. Greg LaFlame Intramurals 1-4; Football 1; Electoral Comm. 3 Dave Lammers Band 1; Sodality 1,2; Intramurals 1-4; Class Officer 1; Speech and Debate 1-4; Golf 3,4

Gregory P. Laney Honor Roll 1,2; Server 2; Intramurals 1-4; Football 1; Track 2-4 Charles W. Lang Drama 2; Intramurals 1,2; CCC 3 Kevin C. Lawson Sodality 1; Intramurals 1-4; Class Officer 3; Cross-Country 1; Prom 3, Spirit 4 Comm.


Rick lannarino just before he defected in the War of the Sexes.

Guillermo Leal Honor Roll 2; JACOWA 1; Sodality 1-4; FTA 1; Intramurals 1,2,4; NHS 2-4; Class Officer 2-4; Tickets 4; Executive Council 4; Chess 1, Math 2, Service 1-3 Clubs; Float 2-4; Prom 3,4; Public Relations 4, Social 3,4, Spirit 3,4, Ways and Means 4 Comm.

Guillermo Leal

Dennis M. Lee Honor Roll 1,2; Red Cross 2,3; lntramurals 2-4; Speech and Debate 2

Dennis M. Lee

Anthony D. Lehner

Michael P. Lewis

William W. Lincoln

Anthony D. Lehner Band 1,2; Glee Club 1-4; Honor Roll 1-4; NHS 2-4

Lawrence E. Leibold Band 1-4 Michael P. Lewis lntramurals 1,2,4

Lawrence E. Leibold

William W. Lincoln Honor Roll 1-4; Service Club 2; NHS 2-4; Speech and Debate 2; CHS News 3,4

Dan T. Lipinski Intramurals 4 Wally Lipp Cross-Country 1-3; Track 2,4; Sodality 1-4; Red Cross 2,3; Class Officer 3,4; Green Bac~ers 4; Spirit Comm. 4; Intramurals 1-4; Glee Club 1,2; Cheerleaders 3,4 Steven J. Locke Intramurals 4; Class Officer 4; Electoral Comm. 3 Dan T . Lipinski

Wally Lipp

Steven J . Locke

Charles A. Loomis

John M. Lurz

Larry J. Mader

Robert L. Mader

Louis R. Mahrt

Chris F. Mantz

Kenneth J. Long Intramurals 1-4; Track 2-4; Cross-Country 4 Charles A. Loomis Band 1; Honor Roll 1-4; Intra路 murals 1-4; NHS 3,4; Speech and Debate 1-3; Track 1-3; Cross-Country 2,3

Kenneth J . Long

John M. Lurz Basketball 1,2; Baseball 1-4; Spirit Comm. 4; Intramurals 1路 4; Football 1-4

Robert A. Maday Honor Roll 1,3; Intramurals 1-4 Larry J. Mader Honor Roll 1-3; Sodality 1; Intramurals 1-4 Robert L. Mader Honor Roll 1,2; Intramurals 1,2

Robert A. Maday

John C. Mahrt Sodality 2; Intramurals 1-4; Prom 3, Spirit 4 Co,nm. Louis R. Mahrt Band 1; Rifle Club 1,2; Intra路 murals 1-3 Chris F. Mantz Sodality 1路4; Basketball 1,2; Baseball 1-4; Intramurals 1-4; Class Officer 1,3 John C. Mahrt

Thomas S. Marcey Lit. Mag. 3; Tutor Corps 4; Chess Club 3; Speech and Debate 1,2; Eagle Staff 3,4; CHS News 3,4; Student Council 4 George A. Markus Green Backers 4; Drama 3; Sodality 1-4; Red Cross 2,3 ; Intramurals 1,2; Class Officer 1,3, 4; NHS 3,4; Footba111-4; Track 1,2; Float 1,2, Prom 3, Socail 24, Spirit 3,4 Comm. Thomas S. Marcey

Charles W. Martin Baseball 2-4; Intramurals 1-4; Class Officer 3; Football 3,4

George A. Markus

Charles W. Martin

Richard A. Martinson

Anthony Mastroianni

Thomas G. Martin Rifle Club 2; Intramurals 1,2; Class Offi cer 1 Richard A. Martinson Sodality 1; Tennis 3; Intramurals 1-4; CHS News 3,4 Anthony Mastroianni Football 1-3 ; Class Officer 1; Intramurals 1-3; spirit Comm. 2

Thomas G. Martin

Gregory G. Matray Language Club 3; Intramurals 1-4; CHS News 3,4; Spanish Honor Society 3 John R. McCabe Glee Club 1; Baseball 1-4; Intramurals 1-4 Martin E. McCann Rifle Club 1; Intramurals 2-4; Football Mgr. 3,4; Spirit 4, Public Relations 4 Comm. Gregory G. Matray

I John R. McCabe

Martin E. McCann

Robert G. McGraw

John P . McKale

Douglas R. McDermott Intramurals 1-4; Prom 3, Spirit 3,4 Comm. Robert G. McGraw Sodality 3,4; Tennis 2; Lit. Mag. 2,3; NHS 3,4; CHS News 3,4; Prom 3, Culture 4 Comm. John P. Me Kale Band 3; Glee Club 1-4; Sodality 1; Book Store 1-4; Library Staff 1,2 Douglas R. McDermott

Michael E. McLean Honor Roll 1,2; Sodality 2; Intramurals 1-3 Larry M. Menker Glee Club 2; Prom Comm . 3,4 Michael A. Mercuri Baseball 1,2; Intramurals 1,2; Football 1,2

Michael E. McLean

Larry M. Menker

Michael A. Mercuri

Robert J. Metzger

George L. Meyer

Jim L. Mobley

Robert A. Mobley

J . O. Morgan

James A. Moses

Stan K. Merris Honor RollI ; Sodality 1; Intramurals 1-3; Football 1 Robert J. Metzger Sodality 1; Service Club 1-4 George L. Meyer Band 1-4

Stan K. Merris

Thomas E. Meyer Cross-Country 1; Track 1; Intramurals 1-4; Phys. Ed. Team 2; Sodality 1-3; Student Council 3,4; Spirit Comm. 3 Jim L. Mobley Intramurals 1,2; Football 1,2 Robert A. Mobley Service Club 1-3; Intramurals 2

Tom Meyer

Martin J. Moosbrugger Sodality 1-3; FT A 2,3; Intramurals 1-4; Spirit Comm. 4 J. O. Morgan Sodality 2; Bowling 1; Service Club 1 James A. Moses Band 1-4; Intramurals 1-4; Class Officer 1,2; Track 4

Martin J . Moosbrugger

Greg Nartker

Ricky Neumann

Seniors concentrating on having a good time at Homecoming Dance Richard M. Newlin

William R. Newlin

Greg Nartker Ricky Neumann Intramurals 1-4; Golf 3,4

Richard M. Newlin Band 1; Intramurals 1-4; Football 2

David J. Nick

Steve C. Nickels

William R. Newlin Band 1; Intramurals 1-4; Stage Crew 1,2

David J. Nick Honor Roll 1,2; Intramurals 1; Golf 2-4 Steve C. Nickels Green Backers 4; Library Staff 1.2; Intramurals 4; Float Comm. 1 Biology 2, Electronics 2, Rifle 1,2, Science 1-3 Clubs

James G. Nooks Band 1,2; Sodality 1; Intramurals 1,2; Class Officer 1,4: Speech Debate 1-4; Football 1; Track 1

James G. Nooks

Raymond F. Oborne

Raymond F. Oborne Fencing 2,3; Intramurals 1-4; Prom Comm.4


Steve Ochs

Tim O'Keeffe

Norman C. Orf

Anthony V. Orr

Michael W. Pachin

Tony Page

Johnny E. Parker

Joseph G. Perree

Steve Ochs Intramurals 1,2,4; Golf 4

Tim O'Keeffe Intramurals 1-4

Norman C_ Orf Sodality 1,2; Intramurals 1-4; CHS News 3; Golf 3,4


v. Orr

Sodality 1-4; Library Staff 1; Intramurals 1,2; Glee 1, Language 3,4 Service 1 Clubs

Michael W. Pachin Green Backers 4; Honor Roll 1,2; Intramurals 2-4; Football 2-4; Spirit Comm.4

Tony Page Band 1; Intramurals 1-4; Tutor Corps 4; Spirit Comm. 4

Johnny E. Parker Green Backers 4; Sodality 2; Intramurals 1-4; Language 2, Service 3 Clubs

Joseph G. Perree Band 1; Intramurals 1-4; Class Officer 4; Spirit Comm. 4

Robert J. Petkewicz Honor Roll 1-3; Sodality 1-4; Intramurals 1-4; Class Officer 1,3,4; NHS 3,4; Football 1-4; Track 1-4; Phys. Ed Team 1,2 Russell V. Pettiford Band 1; Language Club 3; Intramurals 1-4; Class Officer 1-4; Track 1-4 Alan D. Pierce Honor Roll 1-3; Math Club 1; Intramurals 1,2; Class Officer 2,3; Speech and Debate 2 Robert J. Petkewicz

Russell V. Pettiford

Alan D. Pierce

Edward A. Pitman, Jr.

Bill T. Placke

Daniel C. Post

Larry P. Prier

Joseph L. Priske

Jerry E. Puterbaugh

Jim M. Pytel

William J . Ravestein

Joseph R. Redelberger

Edward A. Pitman, Jr. Intramurals 1-4; Football 1-4; Track 1-4 Bill T. Placke Sodality 1; Intramurals 1-4; Track 3,4; Prom 3, Spirit 4 Comm. Daniel C. Post Baseball 2-4; Intramurals 1-3

Larry P. Prier Honor Roll 1-3; Basketball 1,2, 4; Science Club 2-4; Intramurals 1-3; Class Officer 1-3; NHS 2; CHS News 3,4; Football 1,2; Lit. Mag. 2 Joseph L. Priske Intramurals 1-4; Class Officer 1; Track 2-4; Spirit Comm. 4 Jerry E. Puterbaugh Intramurals 4

Jim M. Pytel Band 1,2; Intramurals 1,2 William J. Ravestein Band 1-4; Sodality 1-4; Track 2; Prop Crew 2,4 Joseph R. Redelberger Sodality 2; Intramurals 2,3


Joseph J . Reichert Ronald P. Reid Thomas J . Reindl Band 1-4; Green Backers 4; Sodality 1; Scien ce Club 3,4

Joseph J . Reichert

Ronald P. Reid

Thomas J. Reindl

Thomas L. Reitz Language Club 1; Tennis 1-3; Intramurals 1-3 Ken R. Rentz Band 1,2; Intramurals 1-4 James D. Renwick Intramurals 1-4; Football 3

Thomas L. Reitz

Ken R. Rentz

James D. Renwick

Terrance J . RequarH. JACOWA 1,2; Speech and Debate 1-4; CHS News 3 Robert F. Rinaldo JACOWA 1,2; Tennis 3; Speech and Debate 1-4 Paul E. Rosenberger Honor Roll 1-3; Intramurals 14; Class Officer 2-4; Bowling 4

Terrance J. Requarth

Robert F. Rinaldo

Paul E. Rosenberger

Timothy A. Roth Speech and Debate 1-4; Eagle Staff 4; Prom Comm. 3 William L. Russell Honor R oll 2,3; Tennis 3,4; Chess Club 4 Barry R. Ryder Honor Roll 2; Sodality 1-4; Basketball 1-4; Intramurals 1-4; Server 1,4; Float 1,3,4; SociaJ.....4 Comm . Timothy A. Roth

William L. Russell

Barry R. Ryder


William J. Saluke Class Officer 2.4; Math Club 1; Intramurals 1-4; JACOWA 3; Baseball 3 Rick M. Sano Baseball 3,4; Intramurals 1-4; Spirit Comm. 4 Ralph P. Santa Maria Glee Club 1,2,4; Sodality 1,2,4; Baseball 4; Class Officer 2-4; Football 1-3; Golf 4; Prom 3, Pu blic Relations 4, Spirit 4, Ways and Means 4 Comm. William J . Saluke

Rick M. Sano

Ralph P. Santa Maria

Jack M. Sarmir Library Staff 1-4; Book Store 3,4 Stephen R. Sayer Chess 4, Science 1-4 Clubs; Honor Roll 1 David E. Schaefer Drama 1; Rifle Club 4; Intramurals 2,4

Jack M. Sarmir

David E. Schaefer

Stephen R. Sayer

Dave M. Scherer Sodality 1; Intramurals 1-4 Steven P. Schliesser Honor Roll 3; Rifle Club 4; Intramurals 3,4; Class Officer 2 Robert W. Schneble Honor Roll 1,2; Chess Club

Dave M. Scherer

Robert W. Schneble

Steven P. Schliesser

Robert H. Schneider Football 1,2; Track 1; Spirit Comm.4 John R. Schommer Glee Club 3,4; Speech and Debate 1 J. Michael Schriml Sodality 1; Intramurals 2,4; Rifle 2, Service 1,2 Clubs

Robert H. Schneider

John R. Schommer

J. Michael Schriml

Steven B. Schroeder

Jeff P. Schuster

Hayes to Markus: " .. . and then she says she'll hit me with a dump truck next time! " Michael F. Schwab

Peter P. Schwendeman

Steven B. Schroeder Glee 1-3, Rifle 2 Clubs Jeff P. Schuster Intramurals 1-4; Rifle Club 4

Michael F. Schwab Intramurals 4 Peter P. Schwendeman Sodality 1-3; Intramurals 1-4; Class Officer 4 Edward M. Sedlak

Daniel L. Sedlock

Edward M. Sedlak Band 1-4; Intramurals 2 Daniel L. Sedlock Honor Roll 1; Intramurals 1,2

John G. Seibert

John G. Seibert

Gary A. Seitz Sodality 1,2; Basketball 1-4; Intramurals 1-3; Track 2-4

Gary A. Seitz

Michael A. Seitz Honor Roll 3; Intramurals 3,4 Rick L. Seitz Intramurals 1-4 Stephen W. Sepeck Band 1-4; Intramurals 2

Michael A. Seitz

Rick L. Seitz

Stephen W. Sepeck

Robert G. Shearer

Charles M. Sheer

Michael D. Sharkey Band 1,2; Drama 1; Honor Roll 1-3; Sodality 1,3,4; Intramurals 1-4; Class Officer 2-4; NHS 3,4; Football 1; Track 3,4; CrossCountry 3,4 Robert G. Shearer Honor RollI; Intramurals 1-4; Class Officer 1; Language 3, Science 1,2 Clubs Charles M. Sheer Intramurals 1,2; Football 1-4 Michael D . Sharkey Mark W. Shillito Sodality 1,3; Intramurals 1-4; Track 2-4 ; Cross-Country 2-4 Joseph A. Shock Green Backers 4; Sodality 3,4; Rifle Club 1; Baseball 2-4; Intram urals 1-4 ; Prom 4, Social 4 Comm . Greg L. Shultz Green Backers 4; Baseball 2-4; Intramurals 1-4; Class Officer 1; Football 2; Tutor Corps 1; Prom Comm.4 Mark W. Shillito

1 Joseph A. Shock

Greg L. Shultz

John C. Siehl

Jorge J. Simon

Robert S. Sichman Rifle Club 1,2; Intramurals 4 John C. Siehl Green Backers 4; Service Club 1; Library Staff 2,3 Jorge J. Simon Tennis 2; Intramurals 3

Robert S. Sichman

Thomas L. Singer Honor Roll 2,3; Sodality 1-4; Intramurals 2-4 ; Track 2-4; Cross-Country 3,4


Gerald F. Sipes Honor Roll 1 Gregory H. Smith Honor Roll 1-3; S.C. Vice-President 4; Sodality 1-4; Intramurals 1-4; Class Officer 2,3; NHS 2-4; CHS News 3,4; Track 1,2; Cross-Country 1-3; Student Council 3,4; Homecoming Chairman 4; Graduation Usher 3; Float 2,3, Prom 3 Comm.

Thomas L. Singer

Gerald F. Sipes

Gregory H. Smith

William M. Snyder Honor Roll 2; Sodality 1-4; Intram urals 1-4; Class Officer 3, 4; NHS 3,4; Speech and Debate 3,4 Donald J. Soloy Green Backers 4; Rifle Club 4; JA 2,3 Glenn A. Sommers Intramurals 1-4; JA 2,3; Bowling 2-4 William M. Snyder

Donald J. Soloy

Glenn A. Sommers

Joseph A. Spin na to

William H. Springer

Paul Spolrich

J . Michael Sproule

John L. Stachler

Tim C. Stammen

Joseph A. Spinnato Band 1-4; Honor Roll 1; Intramurals 1-4; Class Officer 2-4; NHS 2-4 ; Speech and Debate 1,2; Eagle Staff 3; Pro m 2, Public Relations 4, Spirit 2,3 Comm. ; Language 3,4, Math 2 Clubs William H. Springer Honor Roll ~ ; Intramurals 3,4 Paul Spolrich Football 4

J. Michael Sproule Glee Club 1-4; Honor Roll 1-3; NHS 2-4; CHS News 3; Speech and Debate 1-4 John L. Staehler Prom Comm. 4 'Tim C. Stammen Intramurals 1-4; Spanish Honor Society 3; Bowling 1,2


Edward J . Stang

Heiser: "The straightest line between two points is a ruler, or something like that." Gregory J . Steele

Edward J . Stang Intramurals 3,4 Gregory J. Steele Green Backers 4; Library Staff 3 Jim S. Stefan Intramurals 1-3 J im S. Stefan

Joe A. Stefan

Thomas G. Steineman

Joe A. Stefan Intramurals 1-3 Thomas G. Steineman Michael L. Stockert Band 1-4 Terry E. Sullivan Intramurals 1-4; Class Officer 3,4 Thomas J . Sullivan Band 1,2; Glee Club 1; Drama 1,2; Honor Roll 1; Intramurals 1-4; Speech and Debate 1-3; CHS News 3,4

Michael L. Stockert

Terry E . Sullivan

Thomas J. Sullivan


Frank Sutton, Jr. Band 1,2 Michael A. Swank Glee Club 1,2; Sodality 1; Class 'Officer 1 William J. Swinderman Language Club 3; Honor Roll 2; Sodality 1; Intramurals 1-4 John A. Szanto Glee 2, Language 1 Club; Sodality 1; Bowling 2; Intramurals 1-4

Frank Sutton, Jr.

Michael A. Swank

William J . Swinderman

John A. Szanto

Craig M. Szucs

Paul M. Taylor

Craig M. Szucs Paul M. Taylor Thomas A. Terbay Glee Club 1; Green Backers 4; Fencing 1-4; Intramurals 1,2 Mark A. Thomas Glee Club 2-4; Sodality 1-4; Intramurals 1-4; CHS News 4

Dunning: "Would you believe he got mad and took his ball home."

Thomas A. Terbay

Mark A. Thomas

Mike F. Thompson Language Club 1; Intramurals 1-3

Francis X. Tiefert Glee Club 3,4; Honor Roll 1-4; Sodality 1-4; Intramurals 1; NHS 3,4; Speech and Debate 2 David P. Timpone Glee Club 1; Honor Roll 1-4; Intramurals 2,3; Speech and Debate 1-4; CHS News 4; JA 3,4 Mike F. Thompson

Francis X. Tiefert

David P. Timpone

Donald P. Tomczak Rifle Club 1,2; Intramurals 1, 2; Red Cross 2 Dennis E. Trick Honor Roll 2; Science Club 2,3; Intramurals 3; JA 3,4 Thomas D. Trimbach Intramurals 2-4; Spirit Comm. 4

Donald P. Tomczak

Dennis E. Trick

Thomas D. Trimbach

J. Steven Turner Intramurals 1,2; Eagle Staff 2-4; Speech and Debate 1 Alex J. Tuss Drama 4; Honor Roll 3; Sodality 4; Intramurals 2; Class Officer 3; NHS 3,4; CHS News 3, 4; Float ,,4, Prom 3, Spirit 4 Comm.

Ron D. Upham Band 1-4; Glee Club 2 J . Steven Turner

Ron D. Upham

Alex J. Tuss

Robert C. Wabler Honor Roll 1-4; Intramurals 14; NHS 4; CHS News 4; CrossCountry 1; Prom 3,4, Public Relations 4, Cultural 4 Comm. Edward M. Wagner Language Club 2; Intramurals 1,2; Football 3; Track 1 Joseph F. Waldron Basketball 1; Service Club 1,2; Intramurals 1-4; CHS News 4; Red Cross 4; Prom 3,4, Public Relations 4 Robert C. Wabler

Edward M. Wagner

Joseph F. Waldron


Roger C. Ward Glee Club 1; Honor Roll 1-4; Sodality 1-4; Baseball 1-4; NHS 2-4; Class Officer 1-3; Speech and Debate 1; Eagle Staff 3; CHS News 3,4 ; Football 1-4; Student Council 1-4; S.C. President 4; Prom King 4; Graduation Usher 3; Float 1-4, Prom 3,4, Spirit 2 Comm. (

I Roger C. Ward

Bruce Webendorfer

Bruce Webendorfer Language Club 3; Intram~rals 1,2; CHS News 3,4 Jim R. Weckesser Sodality 1, 2; Basketball 1,2; Intramurals 1-4; Class Officer 1, 2,4; Student Council 1-4; Intramural Comm. 4

Jim R. Weckesser

Robert E. Weiler Thomas R. Weitzel Language Club 3; Honor Roll 1; Sodality 1; Intramurals 2 Elton R. WeHmeier

Robert E. Weiler

Thomas R. Weitzel

Elton R. Wellmeier

John A. Wenning Band 1-3 John T. Wenzel Language Club 2,3; Intramurals 1-3; Eagle Staff 2; CHS News 3; JCABS 4 Jerome W. Wesbecher Glee 1-3, Science 1,2, Language 1 Clubs; JACOWA 1-3; Sodality 1-4; Intramurals 1-4; Class Officer 2-4; Float 2,3, Prom 3 Comm. John A. Wenning

John T . Wenzel

Jerome W. Wesbecher

James M. Weser Rick Westendorf Bowling 4 Stephen E. Whitehead Band 1-4; Honor Roll 1,2; Intramura]s 1-4; Class Officer 4

James M. Weser

Stephen E. Whitehead

Rick Westendorf


Johnnie J. Wilder, Jr. Glee 1-4, Service 1 Clubs; Drama 1,2; Honor Roll 4; FTA 3; Track 4; Stage Crew 2; Intramurals 1-4; Prom Comm. 3; Bowling 4 Pat C. Will Band 1-4; Glee Club 1,2; Green Backers 4; Sodality 1; Intramurals 1-4; .Cheerleaders 3,4; Class Officer 3

Johnnie J. Wilder, Jr.

Pat C. Will

Ronald J. Wilson Intra murals 1-4; Sodality 1; Baseball 3; Basketball Mgr. 2, 3; Public Relations Comm. 2,3

Ronald J. Wilson

Denis R. Woeste Sodality 1-4; Basketball 1-2; Intramurals 1-4; Class Officer 2; Student Council 4; Float 2-4, Prom 3, Intramural 4 Comm. Lawrence M. Wolbers Sodality 1; Basketball 1; Intramurals 1-4; Class Officer 4; Football 1-4 John J. Wolski Intramurals 2 Denis R. Woeste

John J. Wolski

Lawrence M. Wolbers

Tony M. Woodall

Art Woodall Honor RollI; Intramurals 1-4 Richard E. Woods Intramurals 2; Spirit Comm. 4; Football Mgr. 1-4

Tony M. Woodall

Richard E. Woods

Art Woodall

Robert S. Wright Glee 1-4, Chess 4, Rifle 4, Math 1 Clubs; Sodality 1-4; Biostat 2 David B. Yackley Lit. Mag. 2,3 John M. York Language Club 3; Intramurals 1,2,4

Robert S. Wright

David B. Yackley

John M. York

Richard N. Zimmerman Chess 3,4, Science 1 Clubs; CHS News 4; Library Staff 1-4 Steve J. Zink Intramurals 1-4

Joseph R. Zwiesler Intramurals 1-4; Basketball Mgr.2,3

Richard N. Zimmerman

Steve J . Zink

Senior spirit, " High as always."


Joseph R. Zwiesler


The Juniors have contrib~ted a great deal to the spirit and reputation of Chaminade this year. Class officer elections always provoke controversy, and this year was no exception. The spirit and responsibility of the Junior class was expressed in the election of the new student leaders. New ideas concerning the Prom and other activities emerged from the Junior division, demonstrating their creativenesc;; and interest. The school spirit that the Juniors showed in poster-making, game attendance, and rallies was an encouragement and a challenge to the other divisions. Their enthusiasm sparked eagerness in the entire school to compete and win. The division's spirit of originality is a hopeful sign for success in the senior year.



3A-Row 1, I-r: D. Bayham, M. Bertke, T. Bach, D . Brenner, B. Albers, P. Brannon, S. Alfano, G. Capaldo, B. Brogan. Row 2: J . Boesch, C. Blais, A. Bir, J. Boehm, J. Caporal, E. Aneshansley, D. Brennan, T .

BaUmann, J . Anthony, L. Barkalow. Row 3: S. Bayer, S. Arndts, H. Becker, T . Buschur, A. Bertke, T. Burns, R. Bertheaud, M. Armstrong, S. Butler, D. Brun, J. Becker, C. Ballew.

3B-Row 1, I-r: R. Carson, R. Dibauda, S. Corley, G. Dunsky, J. Ewing, R. Dwyer, D. Dietsch, H . Finke, N. D'Amico. Row 2: C. Danis, T . Fisher, D. Doepker, D. DeAnthony, J. Dwyer, J. De Mange, F. Clark,

J. Doctor, D. Davis, T. Finke. Row 3: P. Eckstein, P. Eads, T. Fisk, K. Egan, G. Evans, T. Drerup, J. Daley, J . Dinee~, J . Egan, C. Carter,

3C-Row 1, I-r: T. Hemmelgarn, D. Heizer, L. Habil, J. Herbert, M. Frederick, T. Greaney, T . Fontana, C. Haemmerle, T. Hager, B. Green, M. Grundish, D. Gaylor. Row 2: T. Gallivan , J . Harris, C. Goldschmidt, R. Gudorf, J. Gevat, M. Flynn, R. Froehle, M. Hartings, T.

Gray, C. Foster, D . Guehl. Row 3: E. Goubeaux, A. Gaylor, S. Harting, J. Gannon, D . Herring, N. Gough, J . Flynn, J. Ghory, M. Goeke, J. Focke, B. Hill, J. Goode.

J. Dahm, T. DeBrosse.


Shay to Friends: " Now let's be reasonable, fellas. Vote for the right man, my candidate. "

3D- Row 1, I-r: J . Holtgreven, E. Hoar, J. Issenmanll, B. Kaskocsak, B. Knopp, T . Kiefer, J. Koepnick, B. Kosins, E . King, B. Kraft. Row 2: S. Karl, C. Hochdoerfer, B. Kaiser, R. Jergens, G. Keferl, T. Kehren,

F. Kavanaugh, M. Koverman, J. Kirchmer, A. Knoll. Row 3: D. Karl, B. Ivory, B. Krebs, M. Koors, D. Keyser, C. Jackson, C. Kleiner, P. Klosterman , P. Kerkhoff, L. Kanezo, S. Kroger.

3E- Row 1, I-r: S. Merz, M. Marker, M. Leopold, D. Moorman, P . Martin, F. Kuntz, F. Lehnert, C. MacKay, J. Maher, P. Lafferty, K. McCartan. Row 2: M. McGlone, D . McCarthy, P. Losh, R. Luthman, G. Moorman, B. McClain, J. Moore, D. Markus, J . Lengerich, M. Muel-

ler, E . Mathes. Row 3: T. Martin, D. Meranda, J. Lemke, R. Meyer, D. Leppla, T. Martin, E. Menker, B. Mancz, R. McBride, F. Lange, J. Mitchell, P. Maloney.


3F-Row 1, l-r: J. Plassenthal, P. Oborne, R. Rehling, G. Rau, D . Rawers, G. Peck, N. Over, E. Sabrack, T . Rose, M. Rihm. Row 2: V. Rowan, P. Pulley, S. Rike, S. Olekas, J. Petkus, W. Ruf, T. Plummer, J.

Mulligan, D . Roderer, D . Parenti, P . Neubauer. Row 3: J . O'Donnell, J. Rose, R. Parent, G. Palatas, T. Ruschau, C. Puthoff, S. Pfander, B. Pfeiffer, S. Scheper, E. Reiling, M. Parks.

3G- Row 1, l-r: N. Shumaker, C. Schroeder, S. Schwab, L. Steinke, A. St~ermer, D. Stitts, B. S'chlater, J. Thompson, J . Stachler, L. Steahley, J . Tesno. Row 2: G. Sullivan, B. Seibert, R. Schmitz, D. Sweet, R. Smith, C. Staton, J. Smolka, H. Schmitz, T . Tokarsky, D. Thomas, J.

Stickel, F . Titus. Row 3: V. Seifert, J . Seibert, F. Stover, S. Smith, P. Thiel, V. Shay, J. Suttmiller, J. Schroeder, B. Slater, V. Seifert, J. Steinenman, L. Tobe, E . Sears.

Jackson: "All right, you guys, let's sing. M-I-C-K -E -Y M -O-U-S-E . .. "

3H-Row 1, I-r: J. Zaidain, J. Zimmerman, J. Woerner, K. Zimmerle, M. Westendorf, C. Wening, J. Zimmerman, E. Wilder, J. Walling. Row 2: S. Wack, T . Vogel, B. Wourms, J. Vogl, J. White, T . Weidner, D.

Turner, J. Wehner, M. Wollenhaupt, C. Trego. Row 3: T. Wurst, R. Wabler, T . Walter, C. Van gas, J. Welsh, T. Zimmerman, T . Vales, T. VonBargen, E. Westendorf, J . Weber, G. West, V. Whisman.



The new class rings that were proposed last year have become a reality this year. Seeing a need for a change, the class of '68 put the proposal before last year's Student Council and it was passed. The new rings are the first basic change in rings since 1947.



The Sophomores have emerged as a very spirited division, willing and able to accept the challenges from the other divisions. The class of 1969 is active in sports, their own intramural program, and other school activities. The spirit of the class has been demonstrated by their enthusiastic support of the teams which Chaminade has fielded. Their performance in the Spring Festival raffle ticket sales was commendable. More importantly, their spirit extended into the realms of study. The continued spirited interest in activities and academics has sparked a growth in leadership for their future years at Chaminade.



2A-Row 1, l-r: M. Beigel, J . Armstrong, T. Burger, P. Bramlage, F. Bucher, K. Alford, R. Boltz, B. Bahret. Row-2: P. Berry, P. Burkhardt, K. Bole, B. Baczenas, T. Beard, T. Baker, G. Carabin, M. Beecroft, T.

3G- Row 1, l-r: N. Shumaker, C. Schroeder, S. Schwab, L. Steinke, A. D. Stitts, B. Schlater, J . Thompson, J. Stachler, L. Steahly, J. Tesno. Row 2: G. Sullivan, B. Seibert, R. Schmitz, D. Sweet, R. Smith, C. Staton, J . Smolka, H. Schmitz, T . Tokarsky, D. Thomas, J.


Bogner. Row 3: M. Breen, R. Bauer, J. Baker, S. Budde, T . Buedel, D . Barker, K. Burgess, J. Buerschen, F. Amend.

Stickel, F. Titus. Row 3: V. Seifert, J. Seibert, F. Stover, S. Smith, P. Thiel, V. Shay, J. Suttmiller, J . Schroeder, B. Slater, V. Seifert, J. Steineman, L. Tobe, E . Sears.

The 2B Chaminade Philharmonic Woolly Pig Whistle Band.

" ... 5327 boxes of tissues, 2219 rolls of toilet paper, all t he pa per towels from the wash rooms, and 89 old rags."

2C-Row 1, lor : J . Hackenberg, D . Hemmelgarn, J. Fricke, M . Haley, J. Goode, B. Haller, P . Falkowski, P . Haley, T. Finke, D . Hairston. Row 2: D . Evans, S. Gordon, M . Guerra, K. Fletcher, T. Gremling, T.

Greene, J . Faulkner, W. Gudorf, J. Foley, W. Hand, C. Harris. Row 3: D. Garman, C. Giscombe, M. Gudorf, B. Heiser, P. Guilfoil, B. Ghory, T . Guess, M. Hawley, D. Hardin, B. Fischer, M . Fiedor, T. Gorman.

2D- Row 1, lor: G. Kiefer, J. John, G. Kulhanek, R. King, G. Landis, J. Keferl, W. Larger, M. Hill, J. Keller. Row 2: D . Kaylor, G. Koenig, M. Jackson, F. Horvat, R. Ivory, M. Jeckering, M. Lachey, J. Laforsch,

P . Keyes, S. Kozuh, G. Kaufhold. Row 3: D. Hobbs, A. Hinker, A. Hoying, G. Hoying, J. Jandel, D. Laukhart, D. Koverman, J . Koslick, L. Kelley, R. Kolhoff, Q. Kretschmer, G. Herbert.


"Get a Bugs Bunny in Outer Space and a Donald Duck at the World's Fair.

Brother will appreciate those."

2E-Row 1, I-r: F. McNeil, T. McCartan, A. Martin, P. Nevius, T. Mannix, M. Moosbrugger, T . Long, S.Lehmkuhle, J. McMillan, D. Noreikas, C. Maqsud. Row 2: J. Mahoney, D . Lehman, R. McCarthy, W. Nickel, S. Neumann, P . Mals, J. Lienesch, R. Mader, T . Lee, D.

O'Connor, J. McCann, A. Mader. Row 3: A. McBride, T. McCabe, M. Mergler, J. Musselman, Q. Moorman, D. Lee, M. Mobley, M. O'Connell, D . O'Connor, J . Lingg, D. Mitchell, M. McCrab-b.

2F- Row 1, I-r: J. Rohl, T. Phelps, J. Schmitz, G. Rau, S. Rinehart, R. Schiemann, C. Reindl, T. Schmid, M. Schaefer, R. Penny, G. Perry, P. Robinson. Row 2: T. Rogers, R. Powers, M. Plassenthal, W. Rogers, R. Roalef, M. Raab, D . Riegle, F. Schlleher, J. Saluke, J. Ruf, C.

Plassenthal, J . Pachin. Row 3: J. Page, J. Ruschau, J . Page, S. Schneider, T. Rettich, B. Pilgrim, M. Schlorman, T. Ruef, J. Sacksteder, N . Olt, L. Pevelich, M. Ralph, J . Pickrel.


2G-Row 1, l-r: R. Sloan, T. Steigerwald, M. Seitz, T . Senecal, T. Sliger, R. Snyder, B. Sherman, H . Sutton, S. Solomon, D . Sweeney. Row 2: J. Smith, M. 路 Stoff, T. Schommer, E. Sweigart, J. Strozdas, G.

2H-Row 1, l-r: J. Wendling, J. Thompson, M . Woerl, E. Tolle, J. Woeste, M. Welsh, J. Wimsatt, M. Timpone, E. Thompson, P. Weaver, T. Tinnerman. Row 2: D. Wysong, J . Trangenstein, J. Trupp, T. Zajovits, J. Will, J. Tiefert, M. Wilke, D. Trick, J. Trimbach, S. Walsh,

Singer, J. Sitzman, M. Smith, J. Sichman, S. Sobieski, V. Sullivan. Row 3: J. Sprowl, J . Staley, J . Servaites, L. Schulte, S. Schulkers, J. Siehl, R. Simon, C. Shillito, D. Scudder, D. Smith.

D. Zimmerman, R. Tolle. Row 3: J. Trautman, C. Wimmers, T. White, J. Tatol, D. Yeazell, J. Thomas, M. Walsh, D . Tolle, J . Wiedman, J . Tarlano, D. Verrett, L. Woeste, B. Thacker.

Strozdas and Friend: " We' re a one-toothpaste family again!"


The class of 1970 has exhibited great spirit during its Freshman year. The effort and work shown on the posters, the attendance at games, and the exuberance at rallies was proof enough of this. The Freshman football and basketball teams have shown great promise for the future. The sales percentage of the Freshman during the Spring Festival was excellent. Most of all, they have met and overcome the challenge of academics. In their first year the Freshman have shown the qualities of leadership and responsibility that earmark the Men of Chaminade.

lA-Row 1, I-r: G .. Bayer, W. Bowden, D. Brodbeck, C. Barson, J. Carter, J. Buchsolz, G. Anzek, J. Brown, T. Adam, C. Aliaga, M. Beatty, B. Bergedick. Row 2: M. Armocida, S. Behr, B. Case, L. Budich, K. Bachey, J . Burns, G. Bayley, B. Bir, K. Brun, L. Brown,B. Brinkman,

C. Bordenkircher. Row 3: T . Borek, D . Bowman, M. Barlow, D. Boehm, J. Barstow, B. Abell, J . Bruggeman, F. Barok, C. Caesar, J. Baker, B. Blalock, J . Brennan, F. Bucholz.

IB-Row 1, I-r: B. Devine, J. Corbett, T. Dorcas, S. Eckstein, D. Costa, G. Eyerman, S. Condy, J. DeBrosse, J. Donatelli, R. Dillingham, M. Desch, T. Couvion. Row 2: W. Coley, J . Clark, J. Condy, J. Conner, J. Curry, J . Dibauda, D . Dempsey , L. Earnhart, T. DeAnthony, M.

Dix, N. Caserta, C. Doll, B. Devlin. Row 3: P. Couture, J. Davis, A. Colyer, W. Davidson, J. Clark, M. Corcoran, J. Eismann, M. Dahlinghaus, R. Doss, M. Cleary, S. Deitering, 路D. Davis, S. Casella.

IC-Row 1, I-r: S. Hagemeyer, J. Habil, G. Goubeaux, L. Heil, T . Henehan, D. Grewe, K . Harm, T . Harr, J . Grzybowski, F. Herzog. Row 2: W. Frapwell, M. Hart, D. Harman, G. Heil, C. Gunther, R. Franzer, J. Finch, D. Griffin, L. Hayes, D. Fortunato, J . Flanagan, S. Fecher.

Row 3: J . Follick, R. Goubeaux, T. Fischer, B. Gomes, T. Friel, T. Heck, T. Flohre, J . Grismer, S. Hamant, S. Grant, R. Foster, W. Gist, M. Fleischman.


ID-Row 1, l-r: G. Katulak, G. Hughes, J . Ivory , M. Kline, T . Hoban, C. Holtevert, R. Irvin, L. Knopp, S. Holland, M. Jordan. Row 2: D. Jackson, D. Johnson, M. Huwer, B. Johnson, S. King, M. Kovacs, W.

Klimaski, F. Hornocker, K. Kavanaugh, J. Jobe, S. Howard. Row 3: D. Koehl, T . Koehl, J . Kozlowski, J . Keating, J . Holden, G. Kloos, C. Jones, B. Kessler, D. Hohne, D. Keyser, S. Kabot.

IE-Row 1, l-r: T . McGill, M. Lozan, J. Lachat, J. Kussman, D. Krebs, J. Lehman, G. Long, A. Mantz, T. Meininger, R. Kuntz, T. Lange. Row 2: R. McCabe, G. Kraft, J. McNamara, R. McCoy, K. Lauber, R. Leach, R. Madlinger, D. Krohn, S. Lentz, M. Link, R. Makley, S. Mat-

son. ~ow 3: D. Loper, K. Mauch, M. McMullen, E . Luckoski, D. McBride, D . McHugh, P. Kurpiel, D. Lesko, G. Krygier, T. Krug, E. Lampkin, T. Kugaczewski, B. Mancz.

IF-Row 1, l-r: T . O'Brien, G. Moorman, T. Poeppelman, D. Moorman, G. Miller, P . Merris, B. O'Brien, L. Mikalas, D. Mobley, B.Moore, D. Penny. Row 2: T. Peasant, T. Moorman, T. Murphy, M. Montavon, R. Muzechuk, C. Murray, J . Miller, J. Miller, P. Miklos, A. Plas-

senthal, T . Nevius, S. O'Hearn. Row 3: P. Nolan, M. Miller, J . Miller, D . Nordyke, R. Poquette, S. Pfander, G. Newcomb, W. Pfeiffer, T. Pfeiffer, G. Mergler, W. Neuerer, D. Obringer.


1G-Row 1, lor: C. Pulley, J. Schindler, L. Schirack, J . Randall, S. Ruschau, D. Rodgers, L. Seubert, M. Roth, D. Rihm, V. Portner, T. Saettel. Row 2: P. Rosati, K. Sims, M. Ranly, E. Schopler, D. Reichert, D. Sheehan, R. Sell, B. Powers, L. Reichert, P . Segi, J . Scott, B.

Rosenkranz, T . Roberts. Row 3: E . Ruf, L. Schoenlein , T . Seitz, P. Sa brack, S. Siewe, M. Sendelbach, J. Prasmantas, G. Schulkers, M. Schrand, M. Schierloh, K. Rapp, S. Reynolds, J. Rutledge, A. Rudzinski.

1H-Row 1, lor : F. Sweigart, J . Stefan, T . Steven art, M. Thomas, T. Stelzer, T . Spatz, S. Vitale, L. Tittle, S. Sipos, M. Thies, J . Sweeterman. Row 2: J . Stout, T. Stachler, M . Tuss, D. Trick, T. Titus, T . Unverferth, D. Snyder, L. Todd , T. Wabler, R. Sullivan, T . Steine-

man. Row 3: E. Smith, J. Spilker, T . Stoddard, D . Sprude, T . Tyler, W. Spang, R. Tangeman, T. Vernon, M . Wagner, R..Voit, M. Spang, G. Stoddard, T. Wagener.

1J-Row 1, lor : M. Woodall, S. Zimmerle, R. Walling, T. York, K. Wilder, J . Wright, T . Zimmer, J . Will, J . Westendorf, G. Wourms. Row 2: N. Weser, J. Wahlrab, T. Wendeln, T. Wartinger, R. Wilson,

P . Wenclewicz, J. Weaver, R. Wenclewicz, G. Zajovits, R. Waters. Row 3: M . Weitzel, T . Wehner, M. Walling, T . Wuebben, M. Williams, T. Winship, D. Will, J . Wieland, R. Weller, Tom Warner, S. Ward.


Band-Row 1, lor: J . Kern, T. Post, T . Mannix, J. McLaughlin, G. Reichert, J. Monroe, D. Blake, J . Seitz, T. Seitz, R. Fischer, S. Lauterbach. Row 2: E. Kronenberger, D. Bush, M. DeWitt, J . Venys, D. Schneberger, M. Zwiesler, M. Clark, F. Oborne, D. Herman, M.

Band-Row 1,I-r: T. Papp, D. Coffey, P. Nevels, C. Robers, T. Hemmelgarn, D. Berger, P. Santa Maria, T. Wagner, R. Schirtzinger, T . Dedrick, D. Wiggins, D. Eads. Row 2: W. Plassenthal, T . Reichert, S. Webb, S. Bruns, J. Duell, R. Trietsch, R. Deschler, B. Stegman, D.

Brown, C. Burger, D. Eckert. Row 3: F. Bookwalter, D. Nooks, B. Wimsatt, S. Knapschaefer, T. Arnold, M. Dabney, T. Stoeve, M. Fischer, J. Bohman, T. Boudette, G. Rambitsch, F. Marsico.

Lingg, W. Groums, B. Horner, J. Wenning. Row 3: C. Eby, J. Michel, J. Martinson, K. Kieres, T. Hentrich, C. Edmondson, T. Marlow, M.

Whitley, M. Shannon, H. Olszewski, M. Ruppert, J . Naber.

"All cheering shall be conducted in a well-organized and coordinated manner."

SPORT-S In athletics, the key to success is teamwork. As a team, people help each other achieve greatness. Teamwork involves either a number of individuals facing challenges together to attain excellence, as in baseball, football, or basketball, or an individual facing his own personal challenge to help attain the common goal of the entire team, as in track or golf. Through the efforts of people performing as a team, Chaminade has established a tradition of greatness over the past forty years. This tradition has continued to the present date, and will probably continue for many years to come. The fighting spirit of the past year's teams can only be a credit to the tradition of greatness. Throughout the year, the student body did not fail to display its respect for the all-out effort the members of the teams were giving for the honor of their schooL In the following pages, we honor the sacrifices of these men during the 1966-1967 school year.


Eagle defense stacks up Springfield Catholic.

Quarterback Terry Walter confers with the pressbox during the Carroll game.

The 1966 Eagle Varsity Football Team, coached by Mr. Henry Schneider, fought through a rough schedule and a number of injuries to compile a 5-3-1 record. In the first game of the season, against Fairmont East, the Eagles fell behind ear~y and despite last minute heroics, came out on the short end, 20-16. In Beavercreek, defense was the name of the game. An extra point provided the margin of victory for the Eagles, 7-6. Chaminade's third challenge came in the form of rival Fairmont West. No team had previously scored on the Dragon defense, and the Dragon team possessed a powerful offense. However, a fine Eagle defense stymied Fairmont while the spirited Chaminade offense racked up two touchdowns. The result: The Eagles dumped the highly-touted Dragons, 12-8. As Homecoming festivities created a lively atmosphere for the Eagles, Chaminade obliterated Carroll, 42-0. The Eagle offense moved the ball almost at will, as the Chaminade defense set up scores and grudgingly allowed short yardage. The fifth game brought the Indiana powerhouse Richmond into town. Richmond's speed proved too hot to handle, and the Eagles fell, 27-0. The following week, Chaminade bounced back, beating Colonel White, 28-0. After fighting to a scoreless fIrst half, the Eagles returned to their scoring ways, pounding out four TD's.


An anxious bench a waits their turn against Alter. Schroeder is brought to a muddy halt against Alter.


Gridders Display Enthusiasm And Promise

Meranda, W. IAlbers, F. Kuntz, T. Plummer, J. Woeste, T. Burger, B. Fisher. Row 4: B. Mancz, T. Zajovitz, J . Tatol, J . Davis, M. Clark, T . Sliger, J. Buerschen, J. Stockert, R. Bertheaud, C. Shillito, G. Boudette, S. Pfander. Row 5: J. Civille, D. Kaylor, D. Lee, J. Staley, M. Gudorf, E . Dysas, T. Hemmelgarn, G. Singer, D. Michell.

Row 1, l-r: D. Dudon, L. Becker, E. Pitman, M. Kaylor, D. Kuntz, R. Ward, R . Hayes, R. Petkewicz, M. Pachin, G. Markus, C. Sheer, C. Martin. Row 2: P. Spolrich, V. Shay, J. Schroeder, G. Kosins, T. Walter, T. Fink, L. Woblers, E. Anzek, F. Koerner, K. Coffey, E. Sears, C. Haemmerle, J . Lemke, R. DiSalvo. Row 3: J. Zaidain, C. Goldschmidt, M. Flynn, D. Verret, E . Tolle, R.

Going up the middle is found to be tough against the Springfield line.

Hayes' fight takes a new form, encouragement.


The Big Green then journeyed to Cleveland to play the powerful Saint Joseph Vikings. The Vikings showed great talent, downing the Eagles, 27-0. High-scoring Springfield Catholic became Chaminade's next challenger. Both teams played excellently on defense, and the Eagles had to settle for an 8-8 tie. Finally, the game that every Eagle had waited for since that rainy November night in 1965, the Alter game, rolled around. The Eagles wanted victory, as a large following backed their final appearance of the year. Three early touchdowns and a savage defense brought 路the Alter Knights to a muddy stop, 21-0.

Shillito finds a 41-0 thrashing of Carroll quite satis- 路 factory.

Coach Kosak and Coach Katcavage give Sears pregame instructions.



.21 . .. 0

The Varsity Football Squad climaxed its season, blasting arch-rival Alter by a score of 21-0, thus winning the mythical Dayton Catholic Championship. The big explosion came in the first half when the Eagles launched an early . surprise, scoring three touchdowns in the first two periods. The first outburst came on Chaminade's first series of downs. With third down and seven, fullback Gary Kosins pulled down a pass from quarterback Terry Walter and romped seventy yards for the first score. The second time Chaminade had the ball, Kosins blasted off-tackle and galloped seventy-five yards for the second touchdown. Late in the second quarter, Kosins again broke loose and ran twenty-five yards for the third and final touchdown. Ed Anzek responded to each touchdown with three successful extra point kicks. Chaminade's fine defensive team also shined, as they held the Knights to only thirty-four yards on the ground and seventy yards in the air. The strong Eagle line, backed by the determined defensive backfield, threw Alter for a loss time after time. Because of this great defensive effort, Alter was never able to penetrate inside Chaminade's 20 yard line. With the resounding of the final gun, a grueling year of hope and hard work was ended, with the sound of victory ringing in the ears of the triumphant Eagles.

Chaminade Cheerleaders anxiously await the outcome of an Eagle play.

Walter and Kosins display their fine ability to harmonize.

Dudon showing an example of Chaminade's fine running attack.


Schroeder, taking a handoff from quarterback Terry Walter, storms around the right end for a substantial gain.

BIG GAME 1966 Kosins blasts up the middle, picking up 5 of his 160 yards against Alter.


Reserve Football

son, J. Tatol, M. Mergler, M. Gudorf. Row 4: M. Clark, D. Mitchell, R. Bertheaud, B. Mancz, B. Albers, C. Goldschmidt, G. Boudette, T . Zajovits.

Row 1, l-r: T. Sliger, D. Kaylor. Row 2: S. Clements, T . Burger, J. Woeste, D. Hemmelgarn, D. Jerrett, J. Buerschen, B. Davis, G. Singer. Row 3: P. Cirille, B. Fischer, D. Lee, C. Shillito, J. Staley, M. Jack-

Freshman Football

Caserta, D. Harman, Mgr. M . Roth. Row 3: G. Zajovits, L. Hayes, M. Kelly, S. Siewe, T. Flohre, D. Corcoran, M. Schierloh, S. Pfander, M. Miller, D. Krohn, T. Heck, S. Curry, B. Pfeiffer, P . Wenckwicz, S. Vitale, L. Budich, Coach F. Bonza.

Row 1, l-r: Mgr. K. Bachey, J. Miller, D. Blake, J. Rutledge, D. Jackson, F. Bucholz, K. Kavanaugh, S. Extine, T . Roberts, R . Horner, T . Wartinger, M. Huwer, Mgr. C. Pulley. Row 2: Coach D. Shea, J. McLoughlin, L. Reichert, T. Nevius, R. Fischer, D. Koehl, P. Couture, D. Loper, S. Hamant, J. Baker, T. Koehl, T. Deitering, J. Krygier, N.





















Colonel White






Wilbur Wright


Season Record: 4-4

Tom Terbay lunges at his sparing partner, Frank Beach.

From I-r: Thomas Terbay, Joseph Kern, Craig Ballew, Joseph Kertesz , Frank Beach.

CHS Belmont 18 Beavercreek 30 Alter 15 'Fairmont West 22 Meet Miami University Invitational (I) St. Joseph Invitational Miami University Invitational (II) Bowling Green University Relay Fairview H.S. Invitational Dayton District Championship Springfield Regional Championship State Championship


41 25 48 33 PI.

1 5 2


5 4 2


1 1 1

5 7


Cross Country Squad

Denny Bayham crosses the finish line to win the Dayton District Championship.

Row 1, I-r: M. Shillito, K. Long, D. Bayham, M. Sharkey, T . Singer, T . Harrow. Row 2: J. Issenman, E. Mathes, S. Corley, R. Mader, D. Trick, M. Timpone, T . Frisk, B. Green, B. Larger, M . Duffy. Row 3: Coach Hagedorn, T. Bodet, B. Abell, D. Broadbeck, B. Bir, M. Kovacs, .K. Rapp, D. Dempsey.


The start of the Springfield Regional Championship. Chaminade runners, Shillito, Singer, Bayham, and Long are found in white in the center.

Takes Regional Championship Led by the strong running of a well-developed team, the 1966 Cross-Country Squad captured the District and Regional Championships, placing ninth in the state meet. Coach Hagedorn directed the Eagle runners to a fine 3-1 record in the regular season and to an outstanding invitational meet record, winning 4 first places in eight different meets. To climax the season the Chaminade harriers exhibited a fine team effort in the District meet, placing first, fifth, eighth, eleventh, and twelfth, out running twenty-one other schools. Denny Bayham became the fIrst Chaminade runner to win the Dayton District Championship, finishing with a time of 9:46 for the grueling two mile course. One week later, behind the potent running of Ken Long and Mark Shillito, Chaminade won the Springfield Regional Championship over eleven top district teams. This awarded Chaminade a chance at the state crown. The team capitalized on its chance and placed ninth out of twenty competing schools. This 1966 team was composed of a number of fine senior runners whose dedication and contributions to the squad will be missed next year. However, great potential remains for the '67 team. Because of this, next year's squad should repeat this year's great performances. 75

Sharkey and Mathes in deep meditation before the state meet.


The 1966-67 Chaminade High School Basketball team possessed an inexperienced squad to defend their state crown. Coached by Mr. James Turvene, the Eagle hoopsters compiled a 10-7 regular season record. The Eagles opened their season in their home court against the always rugged Bombers of Cincinnati St. Xavier; however, the Eagles could not handle the hot shooting of the visitors and fell, 51-58. Ancient rival, Fairmont West, provided the next opposition for the Chaminade team. Falling behind early, Chaminade fought to a narrow fourth period lead. With two seconds remaining, the score tied at 62 to 62, the Dragons sank a fifty-foot desperation shot, handing the Eagles their second loss, 64-62. The Eagles, in their first win, canned Kiser, 73-67, in the Valley of the Green Giants.

Al Bertke, the team's leading scorer, lays up two as Alter gazes helplessly. In his fourth year as head coach, Jim Turvene compiled an 118 record.


Mike Duffy, up and away!

" Let's go Eagles!" Bertke pulls down a hot rebound against Fairmont West.


The following week, Chaminade traveled to Xenia to attack the unbeaten Buccaneers. The Eagle team smashed the Bucs, 69-42, as its basketball power seemed to be returning. Carroll was the next foe for Chaminade. The Patriots gave the Eagles strong competition, but fell, 56-52. Facing City League power, Belmont, the Big Green tasted defeat in the final seconds of the game, 60-58, after leading throughout the contest. The Eagle team bounced back from this defeat, winning three straight games over Wilbur Wright, Stivers, and Stebbins. Chaminade next faced the always tough Roosevelt Teddies. With their superior size and strength, the Teddies dominated both the rebounds and the scoreboard, winning 72-62. At the University of Dayton Fieldhouse, Alter's poor shooting and numerous turnovers allowed the Eagles to waltz to their seventh victory by the score of 68-49. In the next contest, the Eagles met the eventual Dayton District Champions, Dunbar. Using an aggressive defense, the Wolverines buried the Eagles, 75-50. The Eagles returned to form against Meadowdale, administering a 59-43 defeat; only to fall to a large Roth team the following game, 64-50. In an extremely unimpressive showing on the part of the Eagles, Colonel White defeated the Chaminade team, 6052. The next night, Chaminade handled Fairmont East by the score of 64-58. The final regular season game was held in the crowd-packed Valley of the Green Giants against the Beavercreek Beavers. Many spirited fans turned out to see the senior's last home game. Not to be disappointed, the Beavers were trounced, 68-56. Drawing a bye in the first round of the District Tournament, the Eagles opened against West Carrollton. After a flighty firsthalf, the Pirates settled down to a nip-andtuck affair with the Big Green. With some last minute heroics, the Eagles were able to win, 72-69, qualifying for the quarter finals against Fairview. The powerful Bulldogs from Fairview possessed an effective 1-3-1 zone and some capable sharpshooters. The entire game was close due to accurate shooting by the Eagles, even though the Bulldogs dominated the boards. A tap-in with only seconds remaining gave Fairview a 62-58 victory.

Bertke and BaUmann fight an Alter Knight for a rebound.


Duffy pulls down another rebound amidst Alter defenders. An anxious bench awaits their turn in the first moments of the Fairmont East game.

Cooke passes to Bertke after bringing the ball up co urt.

BaUmann goes up high for two against Fairmont East.


Former University of Dayton star, Bill Cassidy, in his first year as Chaminade's Reserve Coach, contributed much to the success of the team.

"Two for Lu!" The Eagles run through their traditional "tip-ups" in their pregame warm-up.


CHS 51 62 73 69 56 58 66 76 80 62 68 50 59 50 52 64 68 72 58

OPP Xavier Fairmont West Kiser Xenia Carroll Belmont Wilbur Wright Stivers Stebbins Roosevelt Alter Dunbar Meadowdale Roth Colonel White Fairmont East Beavercreek

58 64 64 48 52 60 49 58 54 72 49 75 43 64 60 58 56

District Tournament West Carrollton Fairview Season Record: 11-8

69 62

Duffy arches a jump shot over the out-stretched arms of a Fairmont East defender.

Row 1,I-r: A. Bertke, G. Seitz, L. Leigh, S. Cooke, F . Dahm. Row 2: Coach J. Turvene, G. Burn, T . Burns, M. Duffy, B. Ryder. Row 3: D.

Brinkman, D. Herring, J. Flynn, J. Budde, J. Ballmann.


Reserve Basketball

Row 1 (I-r): M. Duffy, J. Weiland, D. Garman, S. Lehmkuhle. Row 2: P. Kurpeil, D. Tolle, D. Gerhard, B. Sim-

on, M. Walsh. Row 3: T . Buedel, S . Budde, S. SchuJkers, T. Guess.

Freshman Basketball




24 3

Row 1 (I-r): T . Tyler, T. Sietz, L. Heil, E. Lampkins, J. Sietz, T . Webben. Row 2: H. Steinke, B. Kessler, T . Friel, G. Luckoski, D. Obringer. Row 3: J . Bruggeman, T . Vernon , S. Pfander, G. Newcomb, D. Molnar.



CHS Opp 5 Bea vercreek 4 7 Stebbins 2 5 Fairview 4 o Vandalia 9 9 Tipp City 0 9 Colonel White 0 9 Belmont 0 9 Alter 0 It Fairmont West 7t Carroll 2t 6t 9 Moeller 0 5 Alter 4 Season Record: 10-2. District Runner-up

Sophomore Mike Haley warms-up for the District Finals.

Kneeling (I-r) : Jim Sullivan, Mike Haley. Standing: Bill Frapwell, Steve Hamant, Bruce Abell, Mike Duffy, Jerry Biersack, Dave Lam-

mers, Rick Neumann, Norf Orf, Coach Katcavage.


Baseball Under the able leadership of coach Jim Turvene, the Chaminade Eagles soared to a highly successful season with a record of 14-6. During regular season play, the Eagles thoroughly trounced the former State Champions, Fairmont West, 8-2. In the District Tournament the Dragons were trampled again, 5-2. It was not all easy going as Belmont edged out Chaminade, 4-3, in season play; but the Eagles returned the favor in the final game of the District Tournament, humiliating the Bisons in a tense game, 1-0. The Eagles advanced to the Regional Tournament, losing 8-0 to Western Hills, who won the State crown one week later.

Steve Cooke and John Lurz mentally preparing to bat.


Steve Cooke scores the winning run in the District Finals, hit in by AI Bertke.


Row 1, (l-r): T . Heiser, S. Alfano, J. McCabe, C. Martin, B. Saluke, J . Lurz, R. Sano. Row 2: Coach J. Turvene, S. Cooke, G. Shultz, D. Post,

CHS 2 2

8 10 2 233

3 6 177 4 4 4 11

3 5 4 4 1 0

C. Mantz, D. Dudon, J .Shock, T . Kitchen. Row 3: C.Giscombe, J . Staley, D. Baujan, T. Walter, B. Chodkowski, B. Granson.


Carroll Richmond Fairmont West Belmont Fairview Colonel White Stebbins Miamisburg Alter Northmont Northmont West Carrollton Stebbins Belmont District Tournament Fairmont West Wilmington Meadowdale Belmont Regional Tournament Western Hills

3 0 2 0 3 5 0 4 5 3 5 3 1 4 2 0 1 0


Charles Martin rounds first in the Fairmont West game.


Reserve Baseball

Siewe, R. Simon, D. Eckert, P. Kurpiel, C. Wimmers, G. Luckoski. Missing: M. Moosebrugger.

Row 1, (l-r) : T . Nevius, J . Woeste, R. Powers, R. Ivory. Row 2: T . Plummer, D. Obringer, T. LQng, D . Davis, J. Thompson. Row 3: S.

OPP CHS 2 Fairmont West 8 1 Fairborn 4 4 Colonel White 5 1 Stebbins 4 0 Beavercreek 5 6 Fairborn 1 4 Mamisburg 5 15 Moeller 2 1 Moeller 0 0 Miamisburg 1 1 Fairmont West 12 2 Fairmont West 1 1 Richmond 6 Season Record: 9-4

Don Obringer smashes a single to short right field .


Tennis CHS

OPP. Alter 4 Troy 4 4 Colonel White 1 o Piqua 5 5 Colonel White o 5 Meadowdale o 2 -Miamisburg 3 3 Fairview 2 1 Centerville 4 2 Fairmont West 3 5 Colonel White 1 4 Meadowdale 1 1 Miamisburg 4 o Centerville 5 4 Stebbins 1 Season Record: 7-9 1 1

Steve Scheper smashes a successful backhand on the Walnut Hills courts.

Row 1, (l-r) : Dave Krebs, Ken Harm. Row 2: Bill Larger, Steve Scheper, T om Seitz, Mike Mueller, Coas h . ~plmeider. Row 3: Bill Krebs, Don .'

McBride, John Baker, Bill Kessler. Missing: J ohn Stickle.



Track The 1967 Chaminade Track Team went undefeated in dual-meet competition and captured fourth place in the district meet. Coach Dan Kosak did an outstanding job in directing the Eagles to one of their finest track seasons in the history of Chaminade. Seven school records were broken: the high and low hurdles, the 440 yard dash, the two mile run, the distance medley, the four mile run and the two mile run; as Chaminade posted victories over powerful Alter, Oakwood, and the eventual regional champions, Roosevelt. The climax of the season came when Mark Shillito qualified for the state meet in the mile run and the team of Ken Long, Gary Seitz, John Meyer, and Charles Jackson qualified for the mile relay.

Mark Shillito warms-up for the regional meet in which he won the mile run over a dozen competitors, again demonstrating his outstanding ability shown throughout the entire season.

Herb Finke attempts to clear the cross bar in a practice preceding the Roosevelt meet.


Track Team Posts Best Season In History Of Chaminade CHS 80 110 66t 86t

87 95t 96

OPP. Beavercreek Fairview Roosevelt Oakwood Carroll Alter Carroll Stebbins Centerville

47 16

60t 48 24t 46 26

31t 31

Invitationals Meet Pts. Pl Cavalier Relays 10 7 Mansfield Relays 4 6 11 6 Springfield Relays Dayton Relays 24 4 Miami Relays 15 5 District Meet 22 4 Regional Meet Qualified in mile and mile relay A picture of determination : George Sullivan " blasts" out of the starting blocks.

Row 1, (l-r): M. Shillito, D . Bayham, K. Long, T . Singer. Row 2: M. Sharkey, M. Duffy, G. Sullivan, P . Lafferty, D. No oks , J . Smith, R. Pettiford. Row 3: J . Rowan, J . Meyer, W. Fischer, G. Seitz, K. Mader,

E. Mathes. Row 4: C. Jackson, S. Baer, D . Herring, R. Dysas, T. Florhe.


FACULTY The faculty of Chaminade High School have truly added to the development of the school's fortyyear tradition of greatness. This accomplishment has been brought about by the faculty's willingness to give part of themselves to each student who enters Chaminade's halls. The mark of greatness in people is their ability to help others, to work with others, to enjoy their joys and feel their. sorrows and fears. The faculty of Chaminade High School is composed of such people. At Chaminade, the interest of the teachers extends beyond the classroom relationship. Nearly every teacher can be found after school giving his students some type of assistance, be it in school work or just informal counseling. In the teachers, students can find someone to talk to and to trust in. To most the teachers become good friends, willing to do all they can to help the student. Such personal attention can be found in the greatness of Chaminade's faculty.

Religious Superiors

His Grace The Most Reverend Karl J. Alter, D .D., L.L.D., Archbishop of Cincinnati

Rt. Reverend Msgr. Edward Connaughton, Supervisor of Dayton Parochial Schools

Reverend Bro. John J. Jansen, Provincial Supervisor

Very Reverend James M. Darby, Provincial Superior




R A T I Brother Stanley G. Mathews, S.M., Principal



Mr. Edward Regan Assistant Principal

Mr. Albert Mikula Academic Dean


Mr. Daniel Kosak

Mr. James Turvene

"Okay, anyone who doesn't think the Giants will take it this year?"

Bro. Bernard Zalewski


Mr. Daniel Shea

Mr. Robert Katcavage

The word that best describes the Science Department is DISCOVERY. The department contends that the student should learn the principles of science in the classroom, and then, in the laboratory, discover for himself the wonders of life. Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Physical .Science, and Earth Science are offered to the students. Most of the freshmen study the fundamentals of science in the Physical Science course. Progressing into the sophomore year, the student learns the evolution of life, experimenting for the first time in the Biology Lab. In the junior year, the student attempts to develop a knowledge of some of the scientific principles of Physics. In Chemistry, the seniors learn the basic concepts of the science and causes of chemical activity, as well as synthesizing the previous years' work.

A good teacher is a good listener.




Bro. James Hoenigman "It was the commissioner. To the Batmobile, Robin."


Bro. Gerald O'Neil

Bro. Russ explains the writing curriculum at Parents-Teachers Night.


Bro. John Hagedorn

Mr. William Le Jeune

Mr. William Cassidy

Bro. Joseph Kroger

Mr. Donald Powell

Bro. Joe Kroger and his guitar were a fatp.iliar sight at the senior retreat.


" The pipe? 1 got it with Ralei gh coupons."

The English Department, using the Oregon Public Guide for High School English, stresses the correlation of language, composition, and literature. The freshmen read such literary favorites as The Odyssey, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, and Midsummer Night's Dream. Stress on reading literature is designed to help the student learn the various techniques of writing. Julius Caesar, Great Expectations and A Tale of Two Cities are examined in depth by the sophomores, while the juniors read the best works of the American writers English in the senior year requires an eight week study of the history of the language including a unit on the nature of correctness in language. Practice in composition involves discussion and criticism of expository papers, based on the novels, Canterbury Tales, Hamlet, and Oedipus Rex.

Mr. Earl Richards

" I got a five fin ger discount. "

Bro. Robert Lamb

Bro. Russell O'Neill


Bro. Joseph Ri got

Social Studies

Mr. George Early

Mr. Mackey playing with his Give-A-Show projector.

The old saying that history repeats itself may not seem so impractical if one views the world as a collection of various peoples with various ideas who live in various places. The Social Studies Department has outlined a program in which the student can understand each of these aspects. The freshmen study the locations in which man lives. Sophomores learn the various customs and traits of people, and the juniors and seniors learn to understand and appreciate our own country and the government which they have adopted. Mr. Charles Dirckx

Bro. Francis Jones


Bro. William Grundish

Mr. James Mackey

A sore aim and six pages ago, Mr. Dirckx was saying. ..

A plant partakes of the character of the soil and the environment in which it grows. We are plants that are conscious, that think. We must study our soil-which is our own country-and the environment -the world about us-in order that we can be able to understand our own problems as well as the problems of others.

Bro. David Quigley

Bro. Timothy Donovan


J Mr. James Tighe

Rev. John Nichols

Religion The Religion Department attempts to foster a deeper understanding of man's relationship with God. The over-all goal of the department is the development of faith in the students through training for Christian leadership. Salvation History is examined in the freshman year, while the sophomores, gaining self-knowledge through discussions on personality and character traits, study the sacramental Life of Christ. Juniors learn to read and appreciate Sacred Scripture, and examine the problems and pressures which the Church is experiencing after Vatican II. Finally, the seniors study the three vocations and learn to apply Christian principles to them.

Mr. George Bruender

Bro. Gordon Richardson

Bro. Paul Forgach

Bro. P a ul Kosak


Mr. James Hook


LAKE C ---I l

FLIGHT - - - S==:Q~

Bro. Thomas Hollo

Bro. James Monroe

Bro. Edward Longbottom

Rev. Joseph McDonald

Fr. Torn Niemira leaving for his missionary assignm ent in Nigeria, gets a warm send-off from Bro. Dave Quigley.

Rev. Thomas Niemira

"Of course I use Dristan."



Bro. Edward Zahn

Bro. Bob explains his course to an interested mother.

Mathematics Axioms, polygons, logarithms, and ellipses might sound quite weird, but they are familiar terms to students of mathematics .. The Mathematics Department offers courses in Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Calculus, and Analytic Geometry. The freshman year involves the basic concepts of Algebra, while the sophomore year encompasses the use of protractors and theorems to solve plane, solid, and coordinate geometry. Advanced Algebra enables the juniors to work with real and complex number systems, functions , and relations. The four years are climaxed by the study of the practical uses of mathematics for engineering, scieQce, and other research careers. Calculus is offered to those students who have developed a greater mathematical background in the first three years. Students desiring a more direct application of mathematical principles might find it in Mechanical Drawing, a course taught by Mr. "Fuzzy" Faust, Chaminade's perennial professor.

Bro. Martin Brewi

Mr. G. Edward Loges


Bro. William Marchal

Bro. Zolton Kiss

Bro. Robert Wiethorn

Bro. Robert Finnegan

Bro. John Kuzmic

Mr. Faust and Tom Steineman having a battle of wits.

Mr. Gerald Faust



Mr. R. James Wolf

Chaminade's Music Department may not have seventy-six trombones or a Music Man, but its accomplishments are just as commendable. The Music Department is composed of five groups: the beginning band, the intermediate band, the concert band, the symphonic band, and the Glee Club. Under the direction of Mr. James Wolf, these groups entertain the students at school functions, as well as the general public in larger concerts, developing a cultural atmosphere both inside and outside the school. Mr. Wolf tries to give each student the opportunity to express and develop his musical abilities. As a student advances in instruction, he also advances in classification from the beginning band to the intermediate band. The highlight of this past year was the Spring Concert, in which the symphonic band played the difficult competition piece, "Theme and Fantasia," that earned them an excellent rating at the state music contest. In this concert, the combined glee clubs of Chaminade and Julienne also performed.



Bro. Paul Forgach and Bro. Ed Longbottom glance up for a minute from their work as band moderators.


Mr. Wolf congratulates Mr. Novak on the performance of the St. Joseph band here during Spring Week.

Like the Music Department, the Art Department strives to allow the students to express their ideas through movies, paintings, pop-art, music, and other means of communication. The second floor walls are always decorated with unusual and attractive art. Brother Joseph Barrish does not only teach the students the fundamentals of art, but he also quenches their thirst for creative expression. Bro. Joseph Barrish


Business The ever-growing complexity of the modern businessman's world deems it necessary that students learn to become successful merchants through profitable and sound business practices. The Business Department offers the juniors and seniors courses in Business Law, Economics, Bookkeeping, Business Organization, and Typing. All five are interrelated and each one builds upon the knowledge received previously. Business Law, Economics, and Business Organization supply the student with principles which he can apply in his later life. Typing and Bookkeeping give the student a chance to record neatly and concisely the knowledge he has received in his other courses. ~

Bro. Norbert Kleinhenz

Mr. James Davis

Bro. Barrish shows Joe Ksiezopolski how a real artist can do it.

" Dear Mom, What can you do with 150 extra swea t shirts?"

Physical Education " T ake two laps a nd line up on your numbers" 'is heard each week by th e fr eshmen and sophomores as they prepare for gym class. The other departments in the school develop mental and spiritual aspects of the student, whereas the Physical Educ ati on Depart ment develops the physical aspe cts of the student. The course consists of physical fitness testing, given four times a year, and the developm e nt of fundamental skills thr ough a ctivities including tumbling, wrestling, volle y ball, tou c h football, and basketball.

Mr. Frank Bonza

Mr. Henry Schneider






" I have that irresistible urge. "

Bro. Richard Ihlendorf

Bro. John Feldmeier


Br.o. John Bain

What would life be without communication? Beginning with the caveman, man has attempted to convey his ideas through language. The Language Department, using the facilities of the new language laboratory for the first time, endeavors to teach its students to read, speak, hear, and write any of the four languages it offers: Spanish, German, Latin, and French.

Bro. William Windish

Bro. Timothy Apolito

Bro. Michael Novak

Bro. Kenneth Serkownek


Special Service

Rev. George Abmayr Librarian

Bro. Francis Perko Treasurer

Bro. August Kemme Guidance Counselor

Bro. Aloysius Hochendoner

Mrs. Margaret Goode

Mrs. Helen Brennan

Bro. Al gives John Caporal a few pointers at the Snack Bar.

Miss Agnes Mahle


Miss Carol O'Neill

ACTIVITIES The basis of any lasting society is the ability of its members to work together. People become fully developed by lending their skills and talents to the aid of someone else. People working together bring about a greatness in a society. In the same way, students working together and sharing ideas, talents, and fun have built the Chaminade tradition of greatness. The activities, clubs, and social functions, all of which are coordinated by the students themselves through the Student Council, provide an outlet through which students can become more involved with other people. Through the clubs, they become acquainted with other students who share the same interests. More importantly, the students are exposed to others, a necessity for their total social development. From involvement in the social functions of the school, the students become familiar with people outside the school itself and thus expand outward towards others. All these activities, then, offer students the opportunity to become complete persons through involvement with other people.

Teasurer, Dave Dudon; President, Roger Ward ; Secretary, Paul Evans; Vice-President, Greg Smith. Paul Evans and Mike Ernst work on plans for Student Council convention.

Student Council

Front Row (I-r) : Bob Petkewicz, Spirit; Tom Danis, Dance; Roger Ward, President; Bill Leal, Ways and Means. Second Row: Ed Anzek, Publicity; Paul Evans, Secretar y; Bob McGraw, Culture; Steve Cooke,

Spirit; Mike Ernst, Public Relations. Third Row: Dave Dudon, Treasurer; Mike Duffy, Senior Representative; Greg Smith, Vice-President; Den Woeste, Intramurals.


Alter's Student Council visits Chaminade.

Bro. Jerry and Roger begin work on another Student Council Project.


B a n


Marching Band


Festival Of Music On April 27 the annual Festival of Music was held at Dayton's Memorial Hall. In addition to the choral program presented by the combined Chaminade-J ulienne Chorus and the concert band program presented by the Chaminade Band, the evening was highlighted by the band's presentation of THEME AND F ANT ASIA, an extremely difficult piece given to the band for the first time only a couple of weeks before the concert for preparation in the state band finals. The evening was also highlighted by the first major solo performance by pianist Anthony Lehner. The evening was capped by a combined chorus and concert band presentation of Psalm 148 (Praise the Lord) .

The Stage Band performs.


G I e e C I u b





c o w A

Front Row: Bill Hill, Tom Fontana. Second Row: Mike Mueller, Vic Whisman, Stan Harting, Curtis Blais, Bill Frapwell. Third Row : Don Markus, Jim Issenmann, Tom Kehren, Pat Maloney, Fred Lange. Fourth Row: Greg Dunsky, Dick McBride, Ed Reiling, Andrew McBride, Bill Krebs.

N.H.S. Front Row : Mike Duffy, Steve Cooke, Bill Leal. Second Row: Frank Tiefert, Roger Ward, Tom Danis, Rick Iannarino, Tom Beecroft, Greg Dundky, John Maher, Charles Mackay. Third Row: Dennis Sweeney, Mike Mergler, Tom Steigerwald, Bill Berret, Bob McGraw, Alex Tuss, Greg Smith, Bob Wabler. Fourth Row: Dave Timpone, Fred Lange, Mike Mueller, Curt Blais, Tom Fontana. Fifth Row: Larry Woeste, Bill Fischer, Dick Parent, Richard McBride, Stan Harting, Mike Westendorf. Sixth Row: Mike Ernst, Jerry Biersack, Dave Barker, Rene Bertheaud, Jerry Flynn, Bill Krebs, Jim Issenmann, Frank Titus.




Editor Steve TUrner, is mystified by the intelligence of his copy boy Doug "Olson" Bradley.

Front Row : Mike Hart, Dave Gaylor. Second Row: Vic Whisman, Doug Bradley, Steve Turner, Ed Reiling. Third Row: Rick Iannarino, Fred Lange.



Wally Lipp, Pat Will, Rick Luthman, Rick Parent, Tony BaUmann, Steve Pfander, John Strozdas, John Carroll, Marlene Roche, Judy Colosimo; Marilyn Lehman, Rita Holly, Barb Tuss, Judy Scott, Maria Lauricella, Corie Schwenderman.

A tense moment. Smile. You're on Candid Camera.



Front Row: Mike Mueller, Denny Sweet, Jerry Herbert, Perry Martin, Don Markus, Joe Welsh. Second Row: Rick Parent, Vic Whisman, Phil Lafferty, Curt Blais, Stan Harting, Bill Hill. Third Row: Mike Leopold, Den-

n y Bayham, Jim Boesch, Tom Fontana. Fourth Row: Charlie Jackson, John White, Jim Kanak, Steve Pfander, Jim Suttmiller, Tom Kehren , George Sullivan, Jim Issenmann.

Moderator, Bro. Wiethorn takes a break?

"Casual" is the word in the Sodality Office.


Photo Club

i I

Stock Club

"Watch out, Wall Street," Stock Club Officers Bob Wabler, Bruce Webendoerfer, and Joe Waldron have plans.


Front Row: John Buchholz, Adrian Aldredge. Second Row: Bill Bahret, Tom Mannix. Third Row: Bob King, Eric Smith, Mark Smith.

" Where's that darn 'V,' " thinks Greg Matray. Moderator, Bro. Russ O'Neill and Editors Alex Tuss, Herb Finke, Tom Sullivan , Bob McGraw, Doug Bollheimer take a bow.


EWS Deadline night. Need we say more?

Front Row: Bob Wabler, Tom Tokarsky, Tom Senecal, Bill Bahret, Ralph Sullivan. Second Row : Greg Matray, Bruce Webendorfer, Joe Waldron, Rich Zimmerman, Roger Ward, Tom Kehren. Third Row : Dave Timpone, Tom Marcey, Greg Smith, Maris McCrabb, Ed Reiling, Paul Evans, Jack Moore, Dick Meyer, Fred Lange.



Debater Mike Sproule and Coach Don Powell exhibit the first trophies of a highly successful season.

Front Row: Kevin Hackett, Thomas Steigerwald, Rick Walling. Second Row: Vic Whisman, Greg Dunsky, Fred L<lnge, Chuck Danis. Third Row: Pat Seville, Ed Reiling, Mike Sproule. Fourth Row: Bob Rinaldo, Terry Requartn. Absent: Bill Snyder, Jim Nooks, Pat Connair.


Pre-debate strategy briefing.

Nooks and Sproule display district trophies.

This year the Chaminade Speech and Debate Club compiled the impressive record of over thirty wins. Jim Nooks for the second consecutive year won top billing in the state, this year for Humorous Declamation. The A debate team composed of Mike Sproule, Bob Rinaldo, Terry Requarth, and Dave Lammers placed high in the state, and took a third place in the nation at the Catholic National Forensic League Tournament.





Top Row (l-r): James Tesno, Leroy Kelley, Tom McCabe. Mike Mergler, Larry Woeste, Pat Hamman, Dan Keyser.

Bottom Row: Tim Mannix, Ed Hamman, Steve Kozuh, Gene Goubeaux, Jim Thompson.

Red Cross

President Larry Koslick and vice-president Cecil Giscombe display their distinguished service award to Brother Stan Mathews as Bro. Tim Donovan, Club Moderator, proudly looks on.


Chess Club

Front Row (l-r): Bob Roalef, Tom Dorcas. Second Row: Gary Stout, Don Markus, Joe Donatelli. Third Row:

Bill Hill, Stan Harting, Tim Rettich, Rich Parent, Eric Smith, Tom Fontana, Curtis Blais.


Front Row (I-r) : Joe Welsh, Bob King. Second Row: Jerry Walling, Rick Walling, Mr. LeJune. Third Row: Erich Smith, Bill Blalock.



Front Row (l-r): Marty McCann, Steve Matson, Denny Sweeney, Richard Wood. Second Row: Cecil Giscombe, Dan Will, George Kloos, Don Smith.

Rifle Club

Front Row (l-r): Don Tomczak, Dan Kiacz, Fran HoItzhauer, Bill Russell. Second Row: Tim Phelps, Al Martin, Mike Schaefer, Adrian Aldredge. Third Row: Steve Neumann, Joe Boeke, Jim Sichman, Larry Post, Jim Tesno . Fourth

Row: Denny Noriekas, Greg Bayley, Dave Boehm, Rich Kolhoff, Charlie Plassenthal. Fifth Row: Tom Hand, Don Soloy, AI Gaylor, Jim Ghory, John Ruschau, Don Wysong, Bernie Baczenas.


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Senior Retreat

Queen Ellie Hansman, King Steve Cooke, Greg Schultz, Rick Sano, Bob Granson, Andy Kender, Mike Parks, Tom Ruef, and their dates.


Once again the seniors 路out did the other divisions and took first place in the float contest. Spectators and teammates look on as the mighty Eagles thoroughly defeat Carroll 42路0.


HOMECOMING Forty years of greatness echoed with resounding splendor amidst the pomp of ballroom decorations, the confusion of float preparation, the hustle of gridiron activity, and the soaring Eagle spirit, as the Men of Chaminade prepared for another annual Homecoming weekend.

King Steve Cook and Queen Elly Hansman strike a royal pose for a pre-coronation shot. Who's that clown with the camera?


Intramural Chaminade Octupi

Basketball Gary Kosins shows 4E, intramural champs, how to hop-scotch.


"How in the heck did she get on my team?" mutters Joe Woerner.

Intramural Bowling

" Why in the heck can't he bowl like this?"

Julienne-Chaminade intramural bowling program meets every week at McCook's alias "Lovers Lane."













Student Council Elections

" Now look here, either I get to vote again or I'll put Tony on you." "Hail to the Chief."

1967-1968 OFFICERS Michael Quinn . ................. President Dennis Sweet . ..... .. ...... Vice-President Edmund Reiling . ............... Secretary Herbert Finke . ................. Treasurer

Bro. Stan congratulates new officers and offers them the challenge of responsibility.


Eagles prepare for the plucking of the Lions and the slaying of the Falcons? Oh well, we're still # 1.


Night Club

Who said Bill Cosby is funny?

Time to sing out.


Spring Festival


"And she said 'for only an hour' "

Bingo players attempt to discover His will.


s o P



o M


Sophomores Jim Pachin and Fred Oborne and their dates pause for a moment after enjoying their first formal dance at Chaminade.


"I think somebody's taking our picture."


Student Council Dance

"If he kissed you once, will he kiss you again?"

"Don't laugh now, we're being watched."


The Arts Festival

A study in concentration.

1967 Arts Festival Jazz-Rhythm & Blues Concert Movie-" A Taste of Honey" Night Club Folk Singing Play-"Ten Little Indians"

Musical entertainment provided by a local Minstrel.


Returning drama to Chaminade after a brief absence, " Father Of The Bride" received a warm welcome.


Ed Hatton, The Father of the Bride.



Anyone for a ride?

Field Day Guess who won the senior football game.

Denny Sweet mans the mike during the Junior Field Day at UD.





The formal highlight of any year is the prom . This years Theme: "LOVE ON A ROOFTOP."


King Roger Ward and Queen Leurel Deis present their court.

Pictures ANYONE?


Bruce Gisclard

The class of 1967 considers Bruce as a member of the class even though he did not graduate with everyone. Bruce injured himself in the gym during his sophomore year and has since been unable to attend classes. He has his own private tutor and will complete his high school studies next year. The way he has applied himself to these academic demands despite his handicap is an inspiration to all.


Most Athletic Dave Dudon

Most Popular Steve Cooke

Most Likely to Succeed Greg Smith

Most Humorous Jim Nooks

Best Dressed Russ Pettiford

Joe Chaminade Roger Ward

Most Intellectual Larry Prier



. ... ....... .. . ..... . ... . ... . .. ... . . .. ... . . .. .



ADVERTISING Chaminade High School does not exist apart from the community. Located close to the heart of Dayton, Chaminade has built up over the years many strong ties with the business community. A close association with business teaches an important lesson in cooperation, for without the support and encouragement of a number of firms, this book could not have been published. Although their assistance is often forgotten and unsung, we would especially like to thank our advertisers for their support this year.



Congratulations to the Class of '67


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F . W. LOTZ PAPER AND FIXTURE CO. 607-09-11 E. Third St.

Bill, '56

223-7223 158

Tom, '49


Congra tula tions to the Class of 1967


MEYER & BOEHMER FUNERAL HOME 401 1840 1933 829 1252

1733 S. Brown Street Dayton, Ohio

S. Main Street .......... 223-5293 W. Third Street .......... 268-1637 E. Third Street .......... 253-4144 Shroyer Road .......... 299-5548 Keowee Street . . ........ 222-7414

223-9119 OPEN NIGHTS to 9 P.M. at all 5 stores Fred Boehmer, '55

SUNDAYS 8 to 12 Noon West - Downtown - East

PH. 278-6525 275-1841



and Best Wishes

"ELDRIDGE BODY SHOP" HERB ELDRIDGE Front Wheel - Specializing - Frame Alignment Painting - Welding 4625 N. Dixie Dr.

Dayton, Ohio

After 6 P.M. 277-3887


town and country salem mall

5471 Far Hills Avenue 635 Salem Avenue 1817 E. Third Street 159



Wholesale Plumbing and Heating Supplies

901 South Perry Street

Dayton, Ohio 45402

Best Wishes 252-3122




648 Watervliet A venue at Fauver BUILDINGS

Dayton, Ohio 45410


For Carnival and Festival Supplies


See FARNBACHER & CO., INC. 1012 Harries Bldg.

Dayton, Ohio 45402

935 So. Perry St. Dayton, Ohio 222-7403

Telephone: 222-9413

Games and Equipment at No Charge 160


Compliments of RODGER'S PONTIAC Phone: 461-5030

871 S. Main St.

BELMONT NURSERY 2611 Revere Ave.

Dayton, Ohio

Dayton, Ohio

Phone: CL 2-5191 161


"Dispose of your headache, let us handle your trash."


PHONE: 254-3549

SALEM WINE STORE 543 Salem Ave. Imported - Beer - Wine - Champag!le - Food Domestic Specialties & Gifts S. J. and Mary Aponyi

Dayton, Ohio

277-4322 TED FINK Class of '64

TOM FINK Class of '67

YOU ALWAYS WEAR THE BEST AT STEINFELD'S TUX SHOP Men's complete formal wear Sales - Rental and Accessories Wedding Gowns & Formals


FINK-JESKE your suburban Chevrolet dealer south of Dayton.

138 E. Third St. Dayton, Ohio 45402 162

Phone: 461-4642

Best Wishes from Best of luck


to the

Since 1811

Class of 1967

Furniture and Funeral Directors 110 S. Second St. Miamisburg, Ohio


298-1446 A FRIEND

Compliments of Good Luck and Best Wishes PARK ROW LOUNGE 969 Patterson Rd.




Dayton's largest locally owned Compliments of


B. G. DANIS CO., INC. 223-3125



So when you have your home built call on ZENGEL CONST.RUCTION CO.

71 West Alexandersville-Bellbrook

Phones: 433-1941 and 433-2100



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THE NATION'S NEWEST, BEST TASTING-DOUBLE DECKER!. BIG BARNEY BIG BARNEY is the Red Barn's popular double-decker hamburger sandwich. Here's a sandwich that's big in every way ... especially in eating enjoyment! Big Barney includes two grilled patties of beef, a slice of creamy, melted cheese, crisp, zesty pickle and a savory sauce ... all on a tasty, toasted double-decker bun! Head for the Red Barn. Meet up with Big Barney and eat up for less while you're enjoying the best! GOOD EATING at the RED BARN

1144 Brown St. - 1000 N. Main St. - 1640 Woodman Dr.

Compliments of

Compliments of




28 E. Third St.

216 E. Stroop Rd. Kettering, Ohio 298-1423

Dayton, Ohio 228-5471


"Y ou're Always Welcome" at FORTENER PLAZA BOWLING LANES 1260 E. Central Ave. Miamisburg, Ohio Phone: 866-3321 MUSIC IN THE MIAMI VALLEY

* Servicing Schools

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* Band Instruments * Pianos - Organs

* Electronics * Lessons 34 E. First St. 3140 Far Hills 4421 Salem Ave. Dayton, Ohio


1018 Irving A venue Phone: 293-0141 "Where Good Sports Meet"

STARR PHARMACY 466 Patterson Road



110 So. Main St. Dayton, Ohio

"Good Luck to the Class of 1967"

228-5472 166


PHONE: 253-6731 1700 E. First Street Dayton, Ohio



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Most reasonable rates in townNo distance too close or too far Luxurious coaches for large or small groups.

THE C. N. STEMPER CO. Compliments of

Institutional Food Service

Joseph A. Boston

853 E. First St.

Joe's Friendship Club 2217 N. Western Ave.

Dayton, Ohio 45402



Dayton 27, Ohio

Congratulations and Best Wishes from THE YEARBOOK STAFF and LOGAN STUDIO Keepsake Diamond Rings Bulova Accutron Watches Watch & Jewelry Repair ROBERTS JEWELERS 1062 Patterson Rd. Dayton, Ohio Phone: 252-0869


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BELMONT BAKERY Your guest will remember


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Best Wishes


to the

Church Goods and Religious Articles

Class of '67

136 E. Third Street


Phone: 223-2521


Good Luck


to Class of '67



SOL SCHULTZ & CO., INC. (Wholesale Distributors)

337 W. First St.

209 S. Jefferson St.

Honest Dealings for over 30 years!

Compliments of

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Corner of 5th and Jefferson 170

Compliments of the 1966 - 1967



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Compliments of


KAPNAS MARKET 7600 N. Main St.

110 E. Third St.

Dayton, Ohio

223-8284 . Free Parking

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Best Wishes to the Class of 1967

CELESTIAL TOOL CORP. 404-405 Littel Ave. 293-7261

In vestigate the variety of career opportunities available at ...

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An equal opportunity employer


Compliments of

6% Beer and Wines

McCOOK BOWL 1301 Keowee St.

68 Burkhardt Ave. 253-0639

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HARTLEY BIKE SHOP Sales, Service, Parts, and Accessories



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Evenings: 254-1814





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PLEASE CONTACT: 1015 Brown St.-224-1043 1026 Wayne Ave.-253-6144



310-318 East Second St. Dayton, Ohio 45402

Congratulations and Best Wishes to the

Phone: 228-5141

Class of 1967


VIC CASSANO & MOM DONISI PIZZA KINGS Vic and Mom would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for the kind patronage that has been given them through the years. They would also like to wish the Chaminade Senior Class of 1967 the best of luck in the future.

Check the White Pages of your telephone directory for the nearest location.

Compliments of




124 E. Third St.



Dayton, Ohio




2617 SOUTH SMITHVILLE 252-5031

Bro. Norbert, Bro. AI, Bro. Nick, Pete, John, & Ted



PEOPPELMEIER'S 2 Stores - 1423 Wayne Ave. Town & Country

One Stop Shop Decorating Centers Quality for



349 So. Main St.


Dayton, Ohio

at Decent Prices!

Phone: 461-5300

Congratulations to the Chaminade High School

Class of 1967 from



Mercury Cougar Hardtop

WALKER MOTOR SALES 864 N. Main St., Phone 224-1051

MARION'S PIAZZA 2 Locations -


Congratulations and Best Wishes to THE CLASS OF 1967 from THE 1967 EAGLE STAFF










T ne

~OME~OOt1 ~'IN


that's .


w\tn grQat W\~dQM ,

N",ce Day If








" Don't mess around with the Class of 1970"

Compliments of the 2-E

2 - F FRENCH FRIES Congratulates the

Congra tula tions, Seniors

CLASS OF 1967!

From The 3-A



The Future 2-A Andy-Pandas

Say "We'll Be No.1"

This is the END of the line! 180

Steven Turner, Editor-in-Chief *' John Maher, Sports Editor * Doug Bradley, Senior and Underclass Editor >I< Ed Reiling, Faculty Editor * Vic Whisman, Activities Editor *' Rick lannarino, Advertising Editor *' Larry Steinke, Art * Curtis Blais, Copy ~; Sports: Tom Gray * Denny Sweet * Faculty: Jim O'Donnell '" Activities: Fred Lange *' Advertising: Mike Hart >I< Mike Roth >I< George Markus * Ken Coffee *' Business: Jim Suttmiller * Mike Leopold >I< Photography: John Buchholz Steven Turner, Editor-in-Chief * John Maher, Sports Editor * Doug Bradley, Senior and Underclass Editor * Ed Reiling, Faculty Editor Vic Whisman, Activities Editor * Rick Iannarino, Advertising Editor * Larry Steinke, Art * Curtis Blais, Copy >I< Sports: Tom Gray *' Denny Sweet * Faculty: Jim O'Donnell * Activities: Fred Lange'" Advertising: Mike Hart *' Mike Roth '" George Markus * Ken Coffee >I< Business: Jim Suttmiller * Mike Leopold * Photography: John Buchholz >I<

Steven Turner, Editor-in-Chief * John Maher, Sports Editor * Doug Bradley, Senior and Underclass Editor *' Ed Reiling, Faculty Editor * Vjc Whisman, Activities Editor >I< Rick Iannarino, Advertising Editor * Larry Steinke, Art >I< Curtis Blais, Copy * Sports: Tom Gray * Denny Sweet * Faculty: ,Jim O'Donnell '" Activities: Fred Lange * Advertising: Mike Hart >I< Mike Roth * George Markus >I< Ken Coffee *' Business: ,Jim Suttmiller * Mike Leopold *' Photography: ,John Buchholz Steven Turner, Editor-in-Chief' * John Maher, Sports Editor * Doug Bradley, Senior and Underclass Editor * Ed Reiling, Faculty Editor >I< Vic Whisman, Activities Editor * Rick lannarino, Advertising Editor'" Larry Steinke, Art * Curtis Blais, Copy * Sports: Tom Gray * Denny Sweet * Faculty: Jim O'Donnell *' Activities: Fred Lange '*' Advertising: Mike Hart';' Mike Roth * George Markus * Ken Coffee * Business: Jim Suttmiller * Mike Leopold'" Photography: ,John Buchholz Steven Turner, Editor-in-Chief *' John Maher, Sports Editor >I< Doug Bradley, Senior and Underclass Editor *' Ed Reiling, Faculty Editor >I< Vic Whisman, Activities Editor >I< Rick Iannarino, Advertising Editor >I< Larry Steinke, Art >I< Curtis Blais, Copy >I< Sports: Tom Gray >I< Denny Sweet >I< Faculty: Jim O'Donnell >I< Activities: Fred Lange >I< Advertising: Mike Hart *' Mike Roth *' George Markus >I< Ken Coffee *' Business: Jim Suttmiller >I< Mike Leopold *' Photography: John Buchholz Steven Turner, Editor-in-Chief >I< John Maher, Sports Editor >I< Doug Bradley, Senior and Underclass Editor * Ed Reiling, Faculty Editor * Vic Whisman, Activities Editor * Rick Iannarino, Advertising Editor" Larry Steinke, Art * Curtis Blais, Copy * Sports: Tom Gray *' Denny Sweet * Faculty: Jim O'Donnell " Activities: Fred Lange * Advertising: Mike Hart" Mike Roth '" George Markus *' Ken Coffee .' Business: Jim Suttmiller *' Mike Leopold * Photography: John Buchholz


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