Chaminade High School Yearbook 1968

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1968 EAG E Chaminade High School Dayton,Ohio


Seniors ... . ......... ... 10 Faculty ......... . ..... .40

Sports ..... . ..... .... . . . 62 Activities .............. 98

Underclassmen . . . ..... 154 Advertising ............ 176

The Building Of Chaminade The school vear 1967-1968 saw the completion of the athletic field behind the school, apparently ending the construction of Chaminade High School. Over one hundred years ago, a red brick building was erected on the current site of Chaminade. The structure housed an orphanage and an all-girls' academy for seventy-eight years before the Marianist Brothers, in 1927, moved into the building, creating the first non-tuition school for Catholic boys in Dayton, Chaminade High School. In 1950, a building and expansion program was begun, resulting in the construction of the gymnasium-cafeteria complex adjacent to the original red brick building. Finally, in 1959, the "Old Brick Pile," after having seen nearly six thousand students pass through its halls, was torn down to make way for the present corner section of the school building. The year 1965 marked the end of the construction program begun in 1950 with the opening of the final section of the school, the west wing, containing the library, language laboratory, and eight classrooms. Despite outside appearances, the construction of Chaminade High School is not complete. A different kind of construction, begun forty-one years ago, continues from within the walls of the school. This year, as in the preceding forty years, the students and faculty, through their enthusiasm, creativity, and dedication, have produced their own additions to the over-all character of Chaminade. The following pages show this con"tinual development to be a vital aspect of the living institution which is Chaminade High SchoolUNDER CONSTRUCTION.

The Strength Of This Structure Lies In Its Enthusiasm, Creativity, And Dedication

Fires can't be made with dead embers, nor can enthusiasm be stirred by spiritless men. -Baldwin

Involvement Is The Key To This Strength

I Am Part of All I Have Met -Tennyson

No man is an Island, entire of itself -Donne

William H. Albers "Willie" Honor Roll 1,2; Perfect Attendanc-e 2; Intramurals 1.2,3,4; Class Officer 1; Football Team 1,2.3,4; Trac-k 1; Spirit Comm. 4; Elec-toral Comm. 3. 8am A. Alfano "Alfie" Football Team 4; Baseball Team 2.3,4; Intramurals 1,2.3,4. Michael 8. An'derson "Andy" Intramurals 1,2,3.4. William H. Albers

Edward J. Aneshansley

Michael S. Anderson

Sam A. Alfano

John R. Anthony

Edward J. Aneshansley "Eddie" Band 1; Intramurals 1.2,3,4; Auto Club 4; Poster Comm. 4. John R. Anthony "Smokey" Glee Club 1,2; Dramatic-s 1,2,4; Division Officer 1; Sodality 1.2; Tennis Team 1; Service Club 4; FTA 3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Prom Comm. 3; Class Officer 1. 2,3,4; Auto Club Officer 3,4; Spirit Comm. 1.2; Social Comm. 1; Public Relations Comm. 4; Cultural Comm. 4. Michael L. Armstrong "Army" Intramurals 1,2.3.

Michael L. Armstrong

Steve M. Arndts "Arny" Honor Roll 3; Perfect Attendance 2,3; Intramurals 3,4. Thomas J. Bach "Tom" Band 1.2; Poster Club 1,2,3,4; Perfect Attendance 1,3; Intramurals 1.2; Band Mgr. 3,4. Craig L. Ballew "Cat" Honor Roll 1,2,3; JCO W A 4; Fencing Team 2,3; Chess Club 4. Steve M. Arndts

Anthony J . BaUmann

Craig L. Ballew

Thomas J . Bach

Lawrence S. Barkalow

Anthony J. Rallmann "Tony" Honor Roll 1,2; Perfect Attendance 1.2; Sodality 3; Baseball Team 1,4; Cheerleader 3; Intram urals 1,2,3,4; Class Officer 2,3; Nat. Honor Society 3,4; CHS News Staff 3,4; Electoral Comm. 3; Intramural Comm. 4. La wrence S. Barkalow "Larry" Intramurals 3,4. Stephen D. Bayer "Chief" Intramurals 3,4; Prom Comm. 3; Track 3,4; Cross Country Team.

Stephen D. Bayer

Dennis J . Bayham

Herbert H. Becker

J oseph O. Becker

/ Rene' P. Bertheaud

Alan R. Bertke

Michael L. Bertke

Albert F. Bir

Curtis L. Blais

James M. Boehm

James D. Boesch

Gregory W. Boudette

J aquin L. Boves


Dennis J. Bayham "D.J." Poster Club 1; Perfect Att.endance 1,3; Sodality :i,4; Intramurals 1,2.3.4; Class Officer 4; Track Team 1,2,3,4; Cross COUDtry Team 1,2.3,4; Cultural Comm. 4; Ways and Means Comm. 4; Student Welfare 4. Herbert H. Becker 'Herb" Band 1,2,3,4; Chess Club 4; Intramurals 1.2,3.4; Coin and Stamp Club 1.2; Marching Band 1,2,3.4. Joseph O. Becker "Job" Auto Club 3,4; Band 1; Poster Comm. 1,4. Rene' P. Bertheaud "Rene" Honor Roll 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Nat. Honor Society 3.4; Annual Staff 4; Football Team 1.2,3,4; Track Team 2; Ways and Means Comm. 3,4. Alan R. Bertke "Rurk" Honor Roll 3; Sodality 1,2; Basket.ball Team 1.2.3,4; Baseball Team 2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Class Officer 1,2,3,4; Spirit Comm. 4. Michael L. Bertke "Mike" Band 1.2; Glee Club 1; Perfect Attendance 1; Intramurals 1.2, 3.4. Albert F. Bir "Skeet" Annual Staff 1; Photography Club 3; Class Officer 1,2; Prom Comm. 3; Track 2,3; Nat. Sodality Comm. Chairman 4. Curtis L. Blais "Curt" Glee Club 1,2,3,4; Honor Roll 1,2,3.4; JCOWA 2,3,4; Sodality; Chess Club 3,4; Math Club 2.4; Service Club 1; Intramurals 1.2,3,4; Nat. Honor Society 2.3,4; Annual Staff 3.4; Biostat 3. James M. Boehm IlJim " Intramurals 3,4; CHS News Staff 4; Stage Crew 2,3,4. James D. Boesch "Jim" Glee Club 3,4; Honor Roll 1,2,3; JCOWA 2,3; Perfect Attendance 1.2,3; Sodality 2,3,4; Math Club 2; Intramurals 3,4; Play 4. Gregory W. Boudette "Lil' Band 2,3,4; Intramurals 2,3.4; Football Team 3; Track Team 3.4; Cross Country Team 4. Jaquin L. Boves "Joe " HOllor Roll 1,2; Intramurals 1,2, 4; Class Officer 1.

Patrick G. Brannon

David A. Brennan

David M. Brenner

Robert E. Brogan

Lafferty: "Better beer through Chemistry! "

Charles J . Bruggeman

George F. Brun

Pat G. Brannon "Pat" Fencing Team 2. David A. Rrennan "Louie" Perfect Attendance 2,3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Intramural Comm. 4. David M. Brenner "Yul" Football Team l. Robert E. Brogan "Bob" Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Social Comm. 4. Charles J. Bruggeman "Chuck" Sodality 3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4. David M. Brun "Divo" Perfect Attendance 2,3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4. George F. Brun "George" Band 1; Basketball Team 2,3,4; Intramurals 1, 2,3,4; Football Team 1; Track Team 1; Spirit Comm.4. Tom J. Burns "Tom" Glee Club 1,2; Honor Roll 1,2,3; Sodality 1,2,3, 4; Basketball Team 1,2,3,4; Intra murals 1,2, 3,4; Class Officer 2; Social Comm 3,4; Orientation 4.

David M. Brim

Tom J. Burns

James M. Burson "Jim" Perfect Attendance 1,2: Basketball1: Intramurals 2,3,4: Prom Comm. 3: Class Officer 2; Electorial Comm. 3. Thomas W. Bushur 'Tom" Sodality 1,2. Steven N. Butler "Steve" Perfect Attendance I: Band 1,2, 3,4: Greenbackers 3,4. James M. Burson

Guy Capaldo

Thomas W. Bushur

John G. Caporal

Steven N. Butler Guy Capaldo 'Tento" Honor Roll 1,2,3; Speech and Debate 1; Math Club 2. John G. Caporal "Head" Sodality 1,2: Service Club I: Intramurals 1,2.3; Newsstaff I: Prom Comm. 3; Prom Waiter 2; Float Chairman 3; Social Comm. 3,4; Executive Council 4: Student Council 2,3,4; Division Officer 3; Class Officer 2,3; Ch. of Social Comm. 4. Richard H. Carson "Rick" Band 1,2: Poster Club 2,3,4.

Richard H. Carson

Christy Carter ''Rap'' Poster Club 2,3,4; Perfect Attendance 1.2,3: Baseball Team I: Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Football Team 1. Robert L. Casper "Rlues" Frank H. Clark "Frank" Band 1,2: Poster Club 3,4: Fencing Team 2: Intramurals 1,2,3, 4; Prom Comm. 3; Auto Club 4. Christy


Robert L. Casper

Frank H. Clark Larry D. Coblentz 'i.arry" Band 1,2,3,4; Perfect Attendance 1,2,3; Track Team 1. Stephen C. Corley "Stymie" Perfect Attendance 1,2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Class Officer 1; Cross Country Team 3; Spirit Comm.4. Fred P. Dahin "Fred" Poster Club 1,2,3; Basketball Team 3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

Larry D. Coblentz

Stephen C. Corley

Fred P. Dahm

James D. Daley Poster Club 3.4; Intramurals 1,2. Nicholas L. D'Amico "Nick" Charles W. Danis "Chuck" Honor Roll 2; Perfect Attendance 1,2; Intramurals 1; Class Officer 1; Speech and Debate 1,2,3,4.

Richard F. Davis "Dick" Band 1; Perfect Attendance 1; Sodality 1,2,3.4; Basketball Team 1,2; Baseball Team 3; Prom Comm. 3; Class Officer 2,3.4; Track Team 1: Cross Country Team 1. R. David DeAthony "Dave" Sodality 1; Football Team 1; Intramurals 1,2,3; Class Officer 1,3; Publicity 4. Thomas E. UeBrosse 'Tom" Poster Club 1,2,3.4; HOllor Roll 1,2,3; Sodality 3.4; Basketball Team 1; Math Club 2,3,4; Intram urals 2,3.4.

James D: Daley

Nicholas L. D'Amico

Charles W. Da

Richard F. Davis

R. David DeAthony

Thomas E. DeB

James A. DeMange

Robert J . DiBaida

Donald R. Die

James J. Dineen

John D. Doctor

Don A. Doepk

James A. DeMange "Jim" Poster Club 1.3.4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4. Robert J. Dibauda "Bob" Poster Club 2,3,4; Honor Roll 1.2.3; Intramurals 1,2,3; Intramurals Comm. 4: Prom Comm. 3; Greenbackers 4; spirit Comm. 4.

Donald R. Dietsh ''Don'' Poster Club 2,3; Perfect Attendance 1,3; Stock Club 3. James J. Dineen "T.D." (Top Dog) Poster Club 1.2,3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4. • John D. Doctor "John" Band 1,2; Poster Club 4; Intramurals 1,2.3,4. Don A. Doepker ''Don'' Perfect Attendance 1,2; Sodality 3: Stock Club 3.


Thomas E. Drerup

James J. Dwyer

Bruce E. Drummer

Gregory P. Dunsky

Rockne L. Dwyer

Patrick M. Eads

Thomas E. Drerup "Tom" Photography Club 4; Perfect Attendance 1; Basketball Team 1.2; Intramurals 1,4. Bruce E. Drummer "Bruce" Band 1.2,3,4; Poster Club 2,3; Perfect Attendance 3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Stage Crew 4: Spirit Comm. 4; Greenbackers 4. Gregory P. Dunsky "Polock" Honor Roll 1,2,3; JCOWA 2,3.4: Sodality 1,2; Prom Comm. 3; Class Officer; Nat. Honor Society 2,3.4; Speech and Debate 1,2.3,4: Social Comm. 3.4. James J. Dwyer "Jim" Dramatics 1,2,3,4; Honor Roll 3; Perfect Attendance 1; Sodality 1; Basketball Team 1; Intramurals 1,2,3; Class Officer 2.3; Culture Comm. Chairman. Rockne L. Dwyer ''Rocky'' Poster Club 2,3,4; Honor Roll 1,3: Intramurals 1,2.3; Football Team 2; Track Team 4; Cross Country Team 4; Wrestling Team 4. Patrick M. Eads "Pat" Poster Club 1,2,3.4; Perfect Attendance 1; Intramurals 1.2,3.4; Class Officer 2; Football Team 1,2.

Philip J. Eckert P. Egan

Paul F. Eckstein

John M. Egan

Gary A. Evans

James E. Ewing

Philip J. Eckert "Phil" Intramurals 1.2,3,4; Stage Crew 4; Greenbackers 4. Paul F. Eckstein "Etch" Glee Club 1.2; Poster Club 2,3, 4; Sodality 1,2; Intramurals 1.2. 3,4; Class Officer 2,4; Golf Team 3; Spirit Comm. 4; Football Mgr. 1. John M. Egan ")like" Poster Club 2,3,4; Perfect Att.endance 3: Service Club 1: Intramurals Kevin P. Egan 路路'Carolina" Poster Club 3,4: Intramurals 3, 4, Football Team 2,3,4: Track Team 1. Gary A. Evans "Twiggy" Honor Roll 1,2,3; Speech and Debate 1,2. James E. Ewing 'T.H.E. Wing" Poster Club 2,3,4; Perfect Attendance 1,2; Intramurals 1.2,3, 4.


Mike Quinn and Bro. Jerry are astonished as Jim Dwyer expounds intelligently for a change in Senior English.

Herbert M. Finke

Thomas J . Finke

Thomas E. Fisk

Jerome D. Flynn

Herbert M. Finke ''Herb'' Glee Club 1,2,3,4; Dramatics 4; Honor Roll 1,2,3; Sodality 1,2,3; Service Club 4; Intramurals 1,2, 3,4; Class Officer 1,2,3; CHS News Staff 2,3,4; Track Team 4; Student Council Treasurer 4; CHS News Editor 4. Thomas J. Finke 'Tom" Poster Club 2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3. Thomas M. Fisher "Tom" Poster Club 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 2,3. Thomas E. Fisk ' Tom" Poster Club 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Track Team 2; Cross Country Team 3. Jerome U. Flynn "Jerry" Honor Roll 1,2,3; Perfect Attendance 1; Nat. Honor Society 3,4; Basketball Team 1,3; Class Officer 2,3; Spirit Comm. 4. Michael E. Flynn "Mike" Baseball Team 2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Football Team 1,2,3,4.

Thomas M. Fisher

Michael E. Flynn

Gerald J. Focke

Thomas P. Fontana

Gerald J. Foc:ke "Jerry" Poster Club 3,4; Sodality 1; Basketball Team 1; Intramurals 1.2,3,4; Football Team 1.2. Thomas P. Fontana HTom ll ollor Roll 1,2.3; .JCOWA 1,2. 3.4; Sodality 1,2,3,4; Nat. Honor Society 2,3,4; Speech and Debate 1,2. Carl J. Foster "Carl" Intramurals 1,2,3; Class Officer 4; Ways and Means Comm. 3.4.

Carl J. Foster

Mic:hael C. Frederick ''Fred'' Band 1; Intramurals 1,2; Speech and Debate 1; Rifle Club 3. Richard M. Froehle "Rick" Poster Club 1,2,3.4; Intramurals 1,2,3.4; Greenbackers 3,4; Spirit Comm. 4; Publicity Comm. 4. Thomas M. Gallivan 'Tom"

I Michael G. Fredricks

Richard M. Froehle

Thomas M. Gallivan

Joseph A. Gannon "Joe" Intramurals 3.4. Alan L. Gaylor "AI" Intramurals 1.2,3,4; Red Cross 1; Rifle Club 3,4; Spirit Comm. 4; Culture Comm. 4. David C. Gaylor "Dave" Band 1,2,3,4; Class Officer 1; Annual Staff 3. Joseph A. Gannon

John A. Gevat

Alan A. Gaylor

James E. Ghory

David C. Gaylor

John A. Gevat "John" Poster Club 2,3; Perfect Attendance 3; Intramurals 2,3,4; Auto Club 3,4; Spirit Comm. 4. James E. Ghory "J. Ghor" Poster Club 1,3; Perfect Attendance 1,2,3; Sodality 1,2,3; Prom Comm. 3; Speech and Debate 1; Spirit Comm. 4; Pres. Rifle Club, Mark J. Got'ke "Mark" Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

Mark J. Goeke

Carl H. Goldschmidt "Goldie" Honor Roll 1,3; Tennis Team I, 2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Class Of路 ficer 3; Football Team 1.2.3,4: Track Team 3,4; Red Cross 1; Spirit Comm. 4. John F. Goode "John" Honor Roll 3; Sodality 1,2; Intram urals 1.2,3,4; Class Officer 1,3; Cross Country 1,2; Spirit Comm. 4: Public Relations 4. Eugene B. Goubeaux Carl H. Goldschmidt

Nicholas D. Gough

Perfect Attendance 1; Service Club 3; Ticket Sales 3,4. Nicholas D. Gough "Nick" Intramurals 1: Annual Staff 4. Thomas L. Gray "fom" Dramatics 3,4: Honor Roll 2,3, 4; JCOWA 3,4: Division Officer 4: Intramurals 2,3.4; Prom Comm. 3; Class Officer 4; Annual Staff 3,4; Social Comm. 3,4: Spirit Comm. 3: Nat. Honor Society 4. Terence J. Greaney 'Terry" Intramurals 1.2,3,4.

John F. Goode

Eugene B. Goubeaux

Thomas L. Gray

Terence J. Greaney

Richard L. Gudorf

David E. Guehl

Carl H. Haemmerle

Lon E. Hager

Bernard J. Green ''Bernie'' Glee Club 1; Intramurals 1: Track Team 2,3,4; Cross Country Team 3,4. Richard L. Gudorf "Rick" Dramatics 4; Honor Roll 1,2,3: Service Club 1; Class Officei' 4. David A. Guehl "Hoot" Sodality 2.3,4: Intramurals 3,4: Public Relations 3. Bernard J. Green Larry F. Habil '1..arry" Intramurals 1.2,3,4. Carl H. Haemmerle ''Bud'' Honor Roll 2,3; Sodality 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4: Class Officer 1,2,3: Prom Comm. 3; Footban Team 1,2.3,4; Track Team 1; Spanish Club 2; Student Council Representat.ive ,2,3; Public Relations Comm. 3; Spirit Comm. 2. Lon E. Hager tlSamn

Larry F. Habil

Timothy J. Hager '1'im" Intramurals 1,2; Prom Comm. 4; Track Team 2,4: Spirit Comm. 4; Publicity Comm. 4.

Timothy J. Hager

James M. Hancock " Mike" Intramurals 4.

All Corley wants for Christmas is a new chair. James M. Hancock

Gerard R. Harris

Frank J. Harsacky

Gerard R. Harris "Jerry " Perfect Attendance 2; Band 1,2; Speech and Debate 1. Frank J. Harsacky "Frankie" Band 1,2; Glee Club 2; Photography Club 1,2,4; Intramurals 1,2,4. Stanley C. Harting "Stan" Honor Roll 1,2.3,4: JCOWA 2,3, 4; Perfect Attendance 3: Sodality 3,4; Chess Club 2,3,4; Math Club 3,4: Intramurals 1,2,3,4: Nat. Honor Society 3.4; Speech and Debate 1; Annual Staff 2.

Stanley C. Harting

Michael F. Hartingl "Mike" Honor Roll 2; Speech and Debate 1.2. David A. Heizer "Dave" Barrd 1; Intramurals 1,2,3.4. Theodore J. Hemmelgarn '1'ed" Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

Michael F. Harting

David A. Heizer

Theodore J . Hemmelgarn

Jerome E. Herbert "Jerry" Honor Roll 1; Sodality 3,4; Intramurals 1; Perfect Attendance 1,3.


Jerome E. Herbert

Derrick D. Herring '1..ew" Basketball Team 2,3; Track Team 3.4.

Vangas: " .. .that's the Senior float . . . !" Derrick D. Herring

William R. Hill ''Willy'' Poster Club 4; Honor Roll 1.2.3; JCOWA 2,3,4; Perfect Attendance 1,2,3; Sodality 3,4; Chess Club 1,2,3,4; Math Club 3,4; Intram urals 2,3.4. Edward F. Hoar "Ed" Band 1,2; Poster Club 1; Intramurals 1,2,3,4. Charles A. Hochdoerfer "Chuck" Intramurals 2,3,4. William R. Hill

Edward F. Hoar

Charles A. Hochdoerfer

J ames E. Holtgreven

Timothy A. Hudson

Paul F. Hockaday "Gus" • Service Club 4; Intramurals 4; Football Team 1. James E. Holtgreven Perfect Attendance 2,3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Electoral Comm. 3; Publicity Comm. 4. Timothy A. Hudson "King" Auto Club 3,4. Paul F. Hockaday

James H. Issenman '1zzy" Honor Roll 1,2,3; JCOWA 2,3,4; Perfect Attendance 1.2,3; Sodality 1,2,3,4; Math Club 3; Service Club 1,2; Intramurals 4; Nat. Honor Society 2,3,4: Cross Country Team 1; Baseball Mgr. 1: Track Team 2; Cross Country Mgr. 3.

James H. Issenman

William A. Ivory ' Wavi" Poster Club 4; Language Club 2; Perfect Attendance 1; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Football Team 1; Spirit Comm. 4.

William A. Ivory Charles D. Jackson "Charlie" Sodality 3; Basketball Team I, 2,4; Track Team 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 3: Cross Country Team 1. Ronald E. Jergens "Ron" Band 1.2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4. James R. Kanak "Doc" Honor Roll 1,2: Perfect Attendance 1,3; Sodality 3,4; Fencing Team 4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Class Officer 4; CHS News Staff Track Mgr. 2. Charles D. Jackson

James R. Kanak

Ronald E. J ergens

Lawrence J. Kanezo '1..arry" Douglas J. Karl "Doug" Perfect Attendance 1,3; Sodality 1.2,3,4; Basketball Team 1,2; Intram urals 3,4; Class Officer 4; Football Team 1; Red Cross 1,2. Stephen R. Karl "Steve" Intramurals 3,4; Football Team 2,4. Lawrence J . Kanezo

Douglas J. Karl

Stephen R. Karl

Robert G. Kaskocsak

Paul D. Kerhoff

Ernest King

Francis E. Kavanaugh

Daniel R. Keyser

James E. Kirchmer

Gregory T. Keferl

Thomas J. Kiefer

Charles W. Kleiner

Robert G. Kaskocsak ''Kasko'' Glee Club 1,2,3,4; Perfect Attendance 1,2,3; Sodality 1,2: Intramurals 1,2,3,4. Francis E. Kavanaugh "Frank" Language Club 2; Honor Roll 1,2,3; Perfect Attendance 1.3; Baseball Team 2: Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Prom Comm. 3; Football Team 1; Spirit Comm. 3,4: Social Comm. 4. Gregory T. Keferl "Greg" Band 1,2,3.4: Poster Club 1.2,3, 4; Baseball Team 2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Class Officer 2,3: CHS News Staff 2; Stage Crew 4; Greenbackers 2,3,4; Publicity Comm. 2,3.4: Chairman Publicity Comm. 4. Paul D. Kerkhoff "Moose" Intramurals 1.3,4; Football Team 1. Daniel R. Keyser "Dan" Concession Stand 3,4: Service Club 3,4; Intramurals 3,4; Chairman Service Club 4. Thomas J. Kiefer "Papa" Band 1,2,3,4: Auto Club 3,4. Ernest King ''Ernie'' Perfect Attendance 3. 'James E. Kirchmer ''Kirch'' Dramatics 4; Honor Roll 1,2.3; Perfect Attendance 1.3; Sodality 1,2: Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ; Prom Comm. 3: Class Officer 1,3,4; Annual Staff 4; CHS News Staff 4: Spirit Comm. 1.3; Social Comm. 4; Electoral Comm. 3. Charles W. Kleiner "Chuck" Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

Michael L. Klosterman "Mike" Band 1; Glee Club Peter M. Klosterman "Pete" Band 1,2.3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3. 4. Andrew R. Ii noll "Andy"

Michael L. Klosterman

Andrew R. Knoll

Peter M. Klosterman


Floyd C. Knopp "Bud" Band 1,2,4; Perfect Attendance 3; Intramurals 2.3,4. John J. Koepnick "John" Band 1,2; Poster Club 4; Dramatics 4; Prom Comm. 3. Mark R. Koors "Cougar" Perfect Attendance 1,3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Track Team 1; Spirit Comm. 4. Bruce C. Kosins "Bruce" Language Club 2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Prom Comm. 3; Class Officer 2,3; Cross Country Team I; Social Comm. 4. Gary J. Kosins "Kos" Basketball Team 1; Intramurals 1,2,3,4: Class Officer 1,2,3; Football Team 1,2,3,4; Track Team 1,2,3. Charles E;. Kraft, Jr. "Chuck" Band 1,2,3,4; Sodality 1,2; Baseball Team 1; Service Club 1; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Stage Crew 4. William A. Krebs "Bill" Honor Roll 1,2,3; JCOWA 1,2, 3,4; Perfect Attendance 1,2,3; Tennis Team 1,2,3,4; Math Club 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Class Officer 4; Nat. Honor S0ciety 3,4; Annual Staff 3,4; Spirit Comm. 4; Stamp and Coin Club 1,2. Nicholas M. Krimm "Klaus" Perfect Attendance 1,2; Basketball Team 1,2; Intramurals 1,2, 3,4; Prom Comm. 3; Publicity Comm.4. Stephen J. Kroger "Steve" Intramurals 1,3,4; Golf Team 4; Bowling 2,3,4. Frederick J. Kuntz "Caveman" Honor Roll 2,3; Perfect Attendance 1; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Football Team 1,2,3,4. Philip J. Lafferty "Flip" Poster Club 4; Perfect Attendance 1,2,3; Sodality 3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Track Team 1,2, 3,4. Fred J. Lange "Parnelli" Honor Roll 1,2,3; JCOWA 3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Prom Comm. 3; Nat. Honor Society 3,4; Speech ad Debate 2,3,4; Annual Staff 3; CHS News Staff 3,4; Spirit Comm. 4; Social Comm.4.

Floyd C. Knopp

John J. Koepnick

Mark R. Koors

Bruce C. Kosins

Gary J. Kosins

Charles E. Kraft, Jr.

William A. Krebs

Nicholas M. Krimm

Stephen J. Kroger

Frederick J . Kuntz

Philip J. Lafferty

Fred J . Lange


Frederick G. Lehnert

John C. Lemke

James A. Lengerich

Michael R. Leopold

Charlie MacKay reigns over math confusion

Frederick G. Lehnert "Fred" Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Annual Staff 2,3. John C. Lemke "Hands" Sodality 2: Culture Comm. 3; Spirit 4; Football Team 1,2,3,4; Track Team 1,2,3,4; Prom Comm. 3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Public Relation Comm.2. James A. Lengerich "Jim" Honor RollI; Intramurals 1,2,3,4: Class Officer 1,2,3; Track Team 2. Michael R. Leopold "Mike" Sodality 3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; CHS News Staff 2,3.

David A. Leppla

Philip H. Losh

Richard M. Luthman

Charles K. MacKay

David A. Leppla "Bro. Dave" Band 1,2,3,4; Honor Roll 2; Perfect Attendance 1.2; Speech and Debate 1; Pep Band 3,4; Band Officer 4. Philip H. Losh "Psychedelic Phil" Poster Club 1,2,3,4; Chairman Poster Club 4; Honor Roll 1,2,3; CRS News Staff 4: Stage Crew 3,4; Annual Staff 4; Spirit Comm. 4. Richard M. Luthman "Rick" Glee Club 3; Poster Club 1,2,3,4: Dramatics 2,3,4; Fencing Team 1; Cheerleader 2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2; Stage Crew 3. Charles K. MacKay "Chuck" Band 1,2,3; Honor Roll 1,2,3; JCOWA ; Perfect Attendance 2; Math Club 3; Nat. Honor Society 3,4.



John J. Maher

James P. Maloney

Brian M. Mancz

Michael T. Marker

Job J. Maher

Donald R. Markus

Perry E. Martin

Terrance T. Martian

Thomas P. Martin

'7ohn" HODOr Roll 1,2,3,4: Perfect Attendance 1,2,8; Sodality 2,3; Prom Comm. 3; Electoral Comm. 3; Wrestling 4; Golf Team 2,3; Spirit Comm. 3,4; National Honor Society 3,4; Speech and Debate 2,8; Intramurals 1,2, 3,4; Annual Staff 3,4; Annual Editor路in路Chief 4. James P. Maloney "Pat" Band 1,2,3,4; Honor Roll 1,2,3; JCOWA 3; Perfect Attendance 1; Nat. Honor Society 3,4; Sodality 3; Class Officer 1,3,4; CHS News Staff 3,4; Band Officer 4; Pep Band 4. Brian M. Mancz Honor RollI; Pert:ect Attendance 3: In.tramurals 1,2,3,4; Football 3. Michael T. Marker "Mike" Band 1,2,3,4. Donald R. Markus "Don" Band 1,2,3,4; Greenbackers 4; JCOWA 3,4: Perfect Attendance 1,2,3: Sodality 1,2,3,4; Chess Club 2,3,4: CHS News Staff 4; Spirit Comm. 1,2,3; Band Officer 4. Perry E. Martin "Perry" Band 1,2,3,4; Greenbackers 4; Sodality 8,41 Class Officer 1,2,3,4: CHS News Staff 4; Spirit Comm. 3,4; Band Officer 4. Terrance T. Martin "Dick" Honor Roll 1,3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Prom Comm. 4; Class Officer 2; Speech and Debate 2; CHS News Staff 4; Spirit Comm. 4; Social Comm.4. Thomas P. Martin <Tom"

Honor Roll 1,2,3; Perfect Attendance I: Nat. Honor Society 3,4; So路 dality 1,2,3,4: Intramurals 1,2,3,4: Prom Comm. 3; Class Officer 1,2,3, 4; Annual Staff 4: Social Comm. 4.

Edward M. Mathes "Ed" Honor Roll 1; Perfect Attendance 1,2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Track Team 2,3,4; Cross Country Team 2,3,4. Richard J. McBride ''Dick'' Honor Roll 1,2,3; JCOWA 1.2, 3,4; Perfect Attendance 3; Math Clu'b 3; Intramurals 2,3.4; Nat. Honor Society 2,3,4. Kenneth C. McCartan "Ken" Intramurals 3,4.

Edward M. Mathes

Donald T. McCarthy ''Don'' Poster Club 4; Intramurals 1,2; Class Officer 1,2. Barry A. McClain "Bear" Glee Club 1; Poster Club 1,2,3, 4; Dramatics 1.2,3,4; Sodality 2; Intramurals 1; Pr m Comm. 3; Class Officer 1,2; Student Council Welfare Comm. Chairman 4; Greenbackers 3,4. Michael E. McGlone "Mike" Honor Roll 3; Perfect Attendance 3; Intramurals 1.

Richard J. McBride

Kenneth C. McCartan

J Donald T. McCarthy

Barry A. McClam

Michael E. McGlone

Eugene H. Menker

Richard D. Meranda

Stephen P. Merz

John E. Meyer

Richard A. Meyer

James E. Mitchell

Eugene H. Menker "Gene" Perfect Attendance 3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4. Richard D. Meranda ''Dick'' Band 1,2; Perfect Attendance 3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Football Team 1,2,3,4; Red Cross 1,2. Stephen P. Merz "Spider" Band 1; Perfect Attendance 2,3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Prom Comm. 3; Class Officer 4.

John E. Meyer "John" Intra murals 1,2,3,4; Track Team 2,3,4. Richard A. Meyer ''Dick'' Poster Club 2; Honor Roll 1,2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; CHS News Staff 3; Bowling 1. ames E. Mitchell

uJim" Band 2; Perfect Attendance I, 2,3; Intramurals 1,2; Stage Crew 2,3.


John E. Moore "Jack" Poster Club 4; Perfect Attendance 1; Sodality 3,4; Intramurals 1,2.3,4: Class Officer I: CHS News Staff 3,4; Spirit Comm. 3,4: Social Comm. 4. David J. Moorman "Dave" Glee Club 1,2,3,4. Gary J. Moorman "Gary" Band 1.2,3.4; Perfect Attendance 1,2,3; Intramurals 1,3,4. John E. Moore

Michael W. Mueller

Michael W. Mueller "Mike" Language Club 2: Dramatics 4; HOllor Roll 1,2,3: JCOW A 3,4; Perfect At.tendance 1: Sodality 3,4: Tennis Team 3,4; Math Club 3,4; Nat. Honor Society 3, 4: Spanish Nat. Honor Society 2,3,4; Spirit Comm. 4. James H. Mulligan UJim " Language Club 2; Honor Roll 1,2,3: .JCOWA 2: Math Club 2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4. James P. O'Donnell "Atlas" Honor Roll 3; Perfect Attendance 3: Intramurals 1,2,3,4: Class Officer 3.4: Annual Staff 3: Intramural Comm. 4.

David J . Moorman

Gary J. Moorman

James H. Mulligan

James P. O'Donnell

Nicholaas Over

Gary J. Palatas

David F. Parenti

Robert M. Parks

Stephen G. Olew "Steve" Honor Roll 1,2.3; Intramurals 1,4; Class Officer 1; Poster Comm.3.4. Nicolaas Over "Pedro" Band 1,2; Poster Club 1; Intramurals 1,2.4: Class Officer 4; Auto Club 4. Gary J. Palatas "Gary" I Class Officer I: Track Team 1; Cultural Comm. 4. Stephen G. Olekas

/ Richard E. Parent

Richard E. Parent "Rick" Photography Club 1; Honor Roll 1,2,3: JCOWA 3,4; Perfect Attendance 1,2,3,4; Sodality 3, 4; Tennis Team 1,2,3,4; Cheer leader 2.3,4; Chess Club 2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Nat. Honor Society 2.3.4; Stage Crew 3,4. David F. Parenti "Dave" Glee Club 1; Photography Club 4; Chess Club 2; FTA 3. Robert M. Parks "Mike" Classics Club 4; Baseball Team 2,4: Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Class Officer 2,3,4.


Gary M. Peck

William J. Pfeiffer

Gary M. Peek "Gary" Perfect Attendance 2; Service Club 1; Intramurals 1,2,8,4; Bowling 1.2.3. John Petkus "John" Poster Club 1; Intramurals 1,2. 3,4; Auto Club 3.4; Spirit Comm. 3. Stephen R. Pfander "Steve" Dramatics 3; Honor Roll 1,2; Sodality; Cheerleader 2.3,4; Prom Comm. 3; Class Officer 3; Nat. Honor Society 3; Speech and Debate 1; CHS News Staff 3; Homecoming Chairman 4; Senior Representative 4. William J. Pfeiffer "Willie" Perfect Attendance 2; Intramurals 1.2,3.4. Gerald J. Plassenthal "Jerry" Honor Roll 3; Perfect Attendance 1,2,3; Sodality 3; .Fencing Team 2; Prom Comm. 3; Track Team 1; Poster Comm. 4; Social Comm.4. Thomas W. Plummer "Wilbur" Baseball Team 3; Intramurals 1,2.3,4; Football Team 1.2.3,4. Larry K. Post "Wally" Intramurals 1,4; Football Team 2; Rifle Club 3,4; Wrestling Team"4; Social Comm. 4. Michael L. Post ''Postman'' Perfect Attendance 3; Intramurals 1.2~3.4. Roy E. Pulley "Roy" Football Team 1.

Larry K. Post

Craig F. Puttoff

Craig F. Puthoff Intramurals 1,2.3,4; Bowling 2. Miehael K. Quinn "Mike" • Poster Club 1.2,3; Dramatics 1; Honor Roll 3; Division Officer 1.2,3,4; Sodality 1.2; Intramurals 2.3; Prom Comm. 3; Class Officer 1,2.3; Speech and 0. bate 1,2; CHS News Staff 3; Student Council Preside t 4. Gregory J. Ran ''Greg'' Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Class Officer 1,3; Culture Comm. 3,4; Spirit Comm. 3.

John Petkus

Stephen R. Pfander

Gerald J. Plassenthal

Thomas W. Plummer

Michael L. Post

Roy E. Pulley

Michael K. Quinn

Gregory J. Rau

JamesP. Rau 'lim" David W. Rawers "Dave" Perfect Attendance 2,3; Intraurals 3,4; Class Officer 1. Ronald C. Rehling "Ron" Perfect Attendance 2; Baseball Team 2,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

Jim P. Rau

Edmund C. Reiling

David W. Rawers

Michael J. Rihm

Ronald C. Rehling Edmund C. Reiling "Jocko" Honor Roll 1.2.3; JCOWA 2,3,4; Division Officer 4; Intra murals 1.2,3,4; Class Officer 2.4; Nat. Honor Society 2,3,4; Speech and Debate 1,2,3,4; Annual Staff 3; CHS News Staff 3,4; Spirit Comm. 1,2,3; Intramural Comm. 1,2,8; Sec. of Student Council. Michael J. Rihm "Mike" Stephen L. Rike "Steve" Band 1.2,3,4; Sodality 4; Intramurals 1.

Stephen L. Rike

Daniel E. Roderer "Dang" Poster Club 1; Intramurals 1.2,3.

Daniel E. Roderer

John F. Rose "Cotty" Intramurals 1,2.8,4; Prom Comm. 3; Social Comm. 4; Cultural Comm. 4; Intramural Comm.4.

Kirchmer: " . .. tell me Bro. Russ is Canada as nice as they say it is?"

John F. Rose

Thomas R. Rose

Thomas R. Rose "Tom" Perfect Attendance 1; Sodality 3,4; Intramurals 3,4; Spirit Comm.4. Vietor W. Rowan "Vic" Track Team 2,3,4: Cross Country Team 4. Walter F. Ruf "Carp" Perfect Attendance 1,2,3; Intramurals 1,2,3; Dramatics 4; Prom Comm. 3; Track Team 1; Social Comm. 4; Cultural Comm. 4; Student Welfare Comm. 4.

Victor W. Rowan

Walter F. Ruff

Edwin P. Sabrack

Steven M . Scheper

William J. Schlater

Henry E. Schmitz

Charles L. Schroeder

John P. Schroeder

Thomas E. Ruschar 'Tom" Sodality 1,2,3. Edwin P. Sabrack "Ed" Band 1.2,3,4; Honor Roll 3; Perfect Attendance 1; Sodality 4: Class Officer l. Steven M. Scheper "Shep" Tennis Team 1.2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3.4; Red Cross 1,2,3. Thomas E. Ruschar

Gary Schindler "Hanratty" Perfect Attendance 1,2,3: Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Class Officer 2; Track Team 1,3.4. William J. Schlater "Little Bill" Perfect Attendance 1,3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4. Henry E. Schmitz "Hank" Honor Roll 1.2,3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Football Team 4. Gary Schin41er Robert W. Schmitz "8ob" Poster Club 1,2.3,4: bltramurals 1,2,3,4; Football Team 4; Spirit Comm. 3,4; Class Officer 4. Charles L. Schroeder "Charlie" Glee Club 1.2. John P. Schroeder "Schro" Honor RollI; Sodalit 1; Intramurals; Prom Comm. 2; Class Officer 1,2; Football Team 1.2,3,4; Track Team 1,2; Spirit Comm. 3.4; Social Comm. 4. Robert W. Schmitz

Stephen C. Schwab

Eric C. Sears

John B. Seibert

Stephen C. Schwab ''Steve'' Band 1,2,3; Inuamurals 1,2,3,4. Eric C. Sears "Rick" Sodality 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Honor Roll 2; Sodality Council 3,4; Prom Comm. 3; Class Officer 2,3; Football Team 1,2,3,4; Co-Chairman Electoral Comm. 3; Chairman Spirit Comm.4. John B. Seibert "John" Glee Club 1,2,3,4; Perfect Attendance 1,2.3; Intramurals 1,2, 3,4.

William A. Seibert "Bill" Server 1. Victor L. Seifert "Vic" Intramurals 2,3. Vincent P. Seifert "Vince" Poster Club 1; Perfect Attendance 3; Intramurals 2,3.

William A. Seibert

Victor L. Seifert

Vincent P. Seifert

Vincent E. Shay "Vince" Spanish Club 2: Division Officer 1,2,3; Basketball Team 1; Football Team 1,2.3,4; Prom Comm. 3; Intramurals 2,3; Track Team 1,2,3,4. Norman J. Shumaker "Shuby" William C. Slater "Big Bill" Language 1,2; Intramurals 1,2, 3,4. Vincent E. Shay

Norman J. Shumaker

William C. Slater

Richard J. Smith "Rick" Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Auto Club 3,4. Stephen G. Smith ''Steve'' Band 1,2; Poster Club I: Intramurals 1,2,3,4. John M. Smolka "Jack" Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Football Team 1; Auto Club 3,4. Richard J . Smith

Stephen G. Smith

John M. Smolka


James D. Stachler "Jim" Chess Club 4; Intramurals 3,4. Christopher J. Staton "Chris" Perfect Attendance 1; Sodality 2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4. Leo F. Steahly "Dylan" Band 1: Glee Club 2; Intramurals 1,2,3.4; Class Officer 1.

James D. Stachler

Christopher J. Staton

Leo F. Steahly

Gerald E. Steineman "Jerry" Poster Club 1; Baseball Team 1; Football Team 1; Intramurals 1.2,3,4. John A. Stickel "John" Honor Roll 1; Perfect Attendance 2,3; Intramurals 1.2.3,4; Class Officer 4. Dana C. Stitts "Dana" Poster Club 1; Intramurals 1,2, 3,4; Auto Club 4. Gerald E. Steineman

John A. Stickel

Albert A. Stoermer

Fortis R. Stover

James E. Suttmiller

Dennis M. Sweet

Albert A. Sto~rmer "AI" Intramurals 1.2,3,4; Prom Comm. 3; Annual Staff 1,2; Class Officer 3,4; Electoral Comm. 3; Honor Roll 3,4; Poster Club 4. Fortis R. Stover "Fortis" JCOWA 2,3,4; Perfect Attendance 2.3,4. George W. Sullivan ''George'' Language Club 2; Honor Roll 1.2.3: JCOWA 1.2,3.4; Perfect Attendance 1,2,3; Sodality 1,2, 3.4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Class Officer 2; Annual Staff 4: CHS News Staff 3; Track Team 1,2, 3,4; Cross Country Team 2. James E. Suttmiller "Sutt" Honor Roll I; Sodality 2,3.4; Intramurals 1.2,3.4; Prom Comm.3; Annual Staff 3,4; Ways and Means Comm. 4; WAMSORTA 3,4. Dennis M. Sw~t "Denny" Honor Roll 1.2.3; Division Officer 4; Sodality 1,2.3,4; Intramurals 1.2,3.4; Class Officer 1,2.3; Track Team Mgr. 1.2; Student Council Vice-President 4. Thomas J. Swindling "Tom"

Dana C. Stitts

George W. Sullivan

Thomas J. Swindling


James A. Tesno

Peter P. Thiel

David G. Thomas

James A. Thompson

Frank A. Titus II

James A. Tesno 'Tel" Service Club 1,2,3; Intramurals 1,2, 3,4. Peter P. Thiel "Pete" Honor Roll 3; Sodality 3.4; BasketbaT! Team 1,2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Prom Comm. 3; Class Officer 4. David G. Thomas "Dave" Honor Roll 2,3; Intramurals 1,2; Poster Club 1,2,3,4. James A. Thompson "Jim" Band 1,2; Intramurals 1,2.3,4. Frank A. Titus II "Frankie" Language Club 2; Honor Roll 1,2,3; JCOWA 2,3,4; Perfect Attendance 1; Sodality 2,3,4; Math Club 3,4; Intramurals 1,2.3,4; Class Officer 1; Nat. Honor Society 2,3,4. Lawrence A. Tobe 'Toby" Band 1,2,3,4; Glee Club 1;.Perfect Attendance 1,3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Class Officer 2.

Lemke: " ... and this week I assume a new role as quarterback. .. "

Lawrence A. Tobe


Thomas M. Tokarsky

Timothy J . Townsend

David M. Turner

Thomas A. Vales

Desider L. Vikor

John A. Vogel

Thomas M. Tokarsky ''Blarsky'' Band 1,2,3,4; Poster Club 3; Perfect Attelldance 3; Intramurals 1.2,3,4; CHS News Staff 3; Intramural Comm. 4. Timothy J. Townsend "Sonny" Sodality 2.3.4; Baseball Team 2; Intramurals 1.2,3.4; Class Officer 4; Spirit Comm. 4. Charles R. Trego, Jr. "Turtle" Sodality 1,2,3.4; Intramurals 1, 2,3,4; Prom Comm. 3; Class Officer 2,4; Football Mgr. 2; Spirit Comm. 4; Public Relations Comm. 4; Ways and Means Comm. 4; Intramural Comm. 4. David M. Turner 'Turns" Honor Roll 1; Intramurals 1,2. 3,4; Greenbackers 2. Thomas A. Vales "Tom" Sodality 2.3; Service Club 4; Intramura1s 2.3. Charles A. Vangas "Chucky" Poster Club 1; Honor Roll 3; Sodality 1,2; Intramurals 1.2. 3.4; Class Officer 1; Cross Country Team I; Electoral Comm. 3; Spirit Comm. Chairman 4. Desider L. Vikor "Vic" Honor Roll 2,3; Perfect Attendance 3. John A. Vogel "Vog" Sodality 1,2; Intramufals 1,2, 3,4; Auto Club 3,4; Service Club 1,2; Prom Comm. 3; Social Comm.4. Thomas L. Vogel 'Tom" Perfect Attendance 3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Class Officer 4; Golf Team 3,4; Track Team 1; Intramural Comm. 4.

Charles R. Trego, Jr.

Charles A. Vangas

Thomas L. Vogel

Josef Vogi "Joe" Band 1,2,3,4; Glee Club 1,2,3; Intramurals 1. Theodore R. Vonbargen 'Ted" Band 1,2,3,4; Honor Roll 1,2; JCOWA 4; Perfect Attendance 1,2,3; Nat. Honor Society 3; Speech and Debate 1,2; Bookstore Aid 1,2.3,4.

Josef Vogi

Theodore R. Vonbargen

Raymond C. Wabler "Ray" Speech and Debate 1,2; Intramurals 4.

Raymond C. Wabler

Steven D. Wack "Steve" Band 1: Intramurals 1,2. Jerome J. Walling "Jerry" FTA 3; Intramurals 1,2; Basket路 ball Mgr. 1,2. Terry M. Walter "Walt" Basketball Team 1.2,3; Baseball Team 2,3,4: Football Team 1,2, 3,4; Intramurals 3; Class Officer 1.2,3; Service Club 4; Track Team 1; Spirit Comm. 3,4.

/ Steven D. Wack

Jerome J. Walling

Terry M. Walter

Charles P. Wassenich "Boch" Football Team 1; Honor Roll 3; Baseball Team 2: Class Officer 1,2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4. Daniel C. Watson "Dan" Service Club 1,2; Intramurals 1, 2,3,4; Auto Club 3,4. John W. Weber "John" Tennis Team 2; Intramurals 1. 2; Football Mgr. 1.2. Charles P. Wassenich

Daniel C. Watson

John W. Weber

John T. Wehner ''Weiner'' Class Officer 1. Thomas J. Wiedner "Tom" Glee Club 1,2; Perfect Attendance 1; Illtramurais 1,2. Steve J. Wells "Jason" Honor Roll 1.2; Intramurals 1, 2,3,4; Prom Comm. 3; Spirit Comm.4. John T. Wehner

Joseph M. Welsh

Thomas J. Wieder

Steven J. Wells

Christopher A. Wening

Gary L. West


Joseph M. Welsh "Joe" Poster Club 3; Sodality 3,4: FTA 3,4; Stage Crew 3,4; Cultural Comm. 3,4; Arts Festival 3. Christopher A. Wening "Chris" Chess Club 1: Intramurals 1,2, 3,4: Track Team 1: Cross Country Team 2. Gary L. West "Gary" Sodality 3.4: Service Clti b 1,2. 3; Intramurals 1.2.3,4; Spirit Comm. 4; Intramural Comm. 3.

Edward J. Westendorf

Michael T. Westendorf

Edward J. Westendorf "Ed" Honor Roll 1,2,3; Perfect Attendance 3; Sodality 1,2,3.4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4. Michael T. Westendorf 'Westy" Service Club 2: Intramurals 1, 2,3,4; Prom Comm. 3; Class Officer 1,2,3; Nat. Honor Society 3,4; Stage Crew 4; Football Team 1,2,3,4; Track Team l. Victor T. Whisman "Vic" Dramatics 3.4; Honor Roll 1,2. 3,4; Nat. Honor Society 3,4; Sodality 3,4; Intramurals 1,2. 3,4; Prom Comm. 3; Class Officer 3,4; Speech and Debate 1,2, 3,4; Annual Staff 3; CHS News Staff 3,4. John A. White "John" Sodality 3.4; Prom Comm. 3: Class Officer 4; Spirit Comm. 3.

Victor T. Whisman


I John A. White

Robert P. Wourrns

Joseph E. Woerner

Thomas W. Wurst

Joseph E_ Woerner "Joe" Honor Roll 1,2,3; Intramurals 1. 2,3,4; CHS News Staff 4. Michael R. Wollenhaupt 'Wop" Band 1; Dramatics 2; Perfect Attendance 1,2; Intramurals 1, 2,3,4; Prom Comm. 3. Robert P. Wourms "Bob" Band 1.2,3,4; Perfect Attendance 3; Sodality 4; Class Officer 3. Thomas W. Wurst '1'om" Baud 1,2; Honor Roll 2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4. John A. Zaidain "Zeke" Honor Roll 3; Intramurals 1,2, 3,4; Class Officer 1,2; Football Team 1,2,3,4; 'track Team 1; Spirit Comm. 4.

Michael R. Wollenhaupt

John A. Zaidain

Bayer: " ... what ya say big boy?"

Kenneth L. Zimmerle ''Ken'' Perfect Attendance 1.2: Intramurals 1,2,3.

Kenneth L. Zimmerle

James E. Zimmerman "Jim" Honor Roll 1,2,3; Perfect Attendance 1,2,3; Intramurals 2,3.

John Zimmerman "John" Honor Roll 1.2.3,4: Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

Thomas L. Zimmerman 'Tom" Intramurals 2.3.

James E. Zimmerman

John Zimmerman

Thomas L. Zimmerman

Seniors Tom Martin, Herb Finke, John Schroeder, and Tom Plummer show their creative ability, working together for individual expression at the Senior Retreat, one of the highlights of the year.


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Bro. Stanley Mathews, S.M. Principal


Mr. Edward Regan Acting Principal

Mr. Albert Mikvla Academic Dean

Bro. Joseph Davis, S.M. Acting Assistant Principal


Rev. George Abmayr, S.M.

Bro. Gerald Bettice, S.M.

Bro. Joseph Barrish, S.M.



.. .....


Bro. Roman Danielski, S.M. Mr. Frank Bonza

Bro. Paul Bredestege, S.M. Bro. Martin Brewi, S.M.


Mr. James Davis

Bro. Anthony Deiniein, S.M.

Mr. Charles Dirckx


Bro. Robert Finnegan, S.M.

Mr. George Early

Bro. John Feldmeier, S.M. Mr. Gerard Faust


Bro. William Grundish, S.M.

Bro. John Hagedorn, S.M.

Bro. William Habjan, S.M.


Mr. James Hook Bro. Richard Ihlendorf, S.M.

Bro. James Hoenigman, S.M.


Mr. Robert Katcavage Bro. August Kemme, S.M.

Mr. David Inderrieden


Mr. Daniel Kosak Bro. John Kuzmic, S.M.

Bro. Norbert Kleinhenz, S.M. Bro. Paul Kozak, S.M.


Mr. G. Edward Loges

Bro. Robert Loeber, S.M.

Bro. Robert Lamb, S.M.


Mr. Douglas MacPherson

Mr. James Mackey

Bro. Edward Longbottom, S.M.


Mr. Edward Marrinan

Mr. Michael McFadden

Bro. James Martin, S.M.


Bro. James Monroe, S.M.

Mr. Casildo de la Moneda

Bro. Lewis Milner, S.M.


.,, ..

.."'lr~~ ' l:. ... "



I •

Bro. Gerald O'Neil, S.M.

Bro. Russell O'Neill

Rev. Paul Moritz, S.M.


Rev. James Russell, S.M. Bro. Francis Perko, S.M.

Mr. Earl Richards

Bro. David Quigley, S.M.


Mr. James Schwab

Mr. Henry Schneider

Mr. Lester Steinlage

Mr. Daniel Shea


Bro. Robert Stricker, S.M.

Bro. Thomas Timko, S.M.

Mr. James Turvene


Bro. Edward Zahn, S.M.

Mr. R. James Wolf

Bro. Robert Wiethorn, S.M. Bro. Nicholas Wagner, S.M.



Mrs. Margaret Goode

Miss Agnes Mahle

Mrs. Helen Brennen



Gridders Log

The midsection of the Chaminade offense, center Bud Hammerle and quarterback Terry Walter, draw from the resources of Coach Schneider's experience. Coaches Schneider and K osins share Chaminade's joy after Goldschmidt scores a safety against Alter.

Successful 7-3 Campaign

Strong blocking permits powerful John Schroeder to narrowly elude the Fairmont West defense.

The 1967 Chaminade Varsity Football Team drew from the resources of experienced seniors, talented juniors, and upcoming sophomores to compile a 7-3 record. Both the offensive and defensive starting rosters were spearheaded by a line-up of veteran seniors. The Eagle gridders rambled through the season spurred on by their enthusiastic followers. The first taste of success came against Fairmont East. Terry Walter, the Chaminade quarterback, connected with three touchdown passes, two to John Lemke in the first half for touchdowns of thirty-four and seven yards respectively, and the third to John Zaidan in the second half, giving the Eagles a 20 to 12 lead. But the game was far from over as Gary Kosins broke loose for a seventy-three yard touchdown run with three seconds remaining in the game, making the final score Chaminade 26, Fairmont East 12. The next trial for the Eagles was against highly-rated Beavercreek. A stalwart Eagle defense stymied the Beavers' offensive drives and, in the process, placed the Chaminade offense in scoring position. Gary Kosins displayed his All-American form as he bulled his way into the end zone three times, defeating the Beavers, 20-0. The following week placed the Eagles in contention with the Dragons of Fairmont West. The Eagles scored first as Terry Walter completed an end zone pass to fine sophomore end, Stan Pfander. For the second touchdown the strong blocking of the Chaminade offensive line enabled John Schroeder to plunge three yards into the end zone. The two successful point-after-touchdown attempts gave Chaminade a 14-6 victory. Hamilton Garfield visited the Eagles the following week at Stebbins Stadium. Chaminade made the initial touchdown in the close contest, but reluctantly forfeited the lead. An Eagle attempt to tie the score in the closing seconds of play fell short at the game's end with Garfield ahead, 28-20.

The men of Chaminade run through their traditional warm-up, preparing to confront the Carroll Patriots.


John "Zeke" Zaidain, although small in stature, was a big offensive element for Chaminade, using his speed and agility to produce a big 7.7 yards-per-carry average.

John Schroeder, John Zaidain, and Terry Walter dry their hands during the muddy Alter game, while Coach Kosins confers with the press box.

Although later side-lined for appendicitis, Vince Shay was a big defensive fac tor against Fairmont East.


Experience Pays Off For Eagles. The second loss of the season was suffered at the hands of the Richmond Red Devils. Careless ball handling led to the team's downfall as the number one team in Indiana capitalized on three Eagle fumbles in the first four minutes of the game to take a 14-0 lead. In the remaining three quarters, both teams dented the scoring column with six points, for the 20-6 final. Two straight losses did not stop the Chaminade gridders from defeating the Meadowdale Lions, 26-6. Rain limited the passing attack, but the running game was at its finest . John Zaidain and John Schroeder scored one touchdown each, with Gary Kosins adding the final two. Fresh from the strong victory, the Eagles seemed prepared to face the top-ranked team in the Dayton area, Belmont. Carl Goldschmidt' pulled do~n a Terry Walter pass for the first Chaminade score. The Bisons took the lead by returning the following kick-off all the way and scoring the extra points, holding the lead for the remainder of the game. A touchdown by Gary Kosins cut the Bison's margin, but to no avail as Belmont retained their area prominence, 30-12.

• •

Gary Kosins, pounded out many yards as a talented and powerful first team All-American halfback.

FRONT ROW: B. Schmitz, H . Schmitz, M. Flynn, S. Karl, C. Haemmerle, W. Albers, S. Alfano, F. Kuntz, J. Lemke, T . Walter. SECOND ROW: Coach Shea, D . Blake, K. Egan, J. Schroeder, G. Kosins, C. Goldschmidt, M. Westendorf, R. Bel'theaud, V. Shay, R. Meranda, E. Sears, J . Zaidain, L. Budich, Coach Schneider, Coach Katcavage.

THIRD ROW: Coach Bonza, T. Siiger, D. Kaylor, T. Burger, J. Woeste, T. Zajovits, D. Lee, P . Civille , J. Staley, D. Verret, P. Sharkey, C. Shillito, R. Davis, R. Fischer, Coach Kosak. FOURTH ROW: S. Hamant, T. Flohre, S. Pfander, M. Dahlinghaus, M. Corcoran. Not Present: W. Fischer.


• •

.As Chaminade Defeats Rated Opponents

One touchdown was not enough to satisfy John Schroeder against Fairmont West, as he drives for more yardage. Many teams, including Alter, felt the defensive sting of line backers Mike Westendorf and Dick Meranda.

Running is the name of the game against Carroll, as Terry Walter moves around end.


The Eagles rebounded from the Belmont humiliation with a convincing Homecoming victory over Carroll. Terry Walter scored the lone touchdown of the first half, while Carroll waited until the third quarter to score, capturing the lead, 8-7. Eagle 'determination took over in the fourth quarter, resulting in twenty-one points. The scoring spree began when John Lemke and Bill Albers opened a hole in the Carroll defensive line, allowing Gary Kosins to romp sixty-seven yards for a touchdown. Only minutes later, Kosins dashed fifty-four yards on a punt return for his second touchdown of the game. The final seven points came on a drive following another long punt return, ending the contest at 27-8. The Eagles then traveled to Piqua. The favored Indians jumped off to a six point lead on their own muddy turf, but the Fighting Men of Chaminade quickly bounced back. Pushed deep into their own territory by the Eagle defense, the Indians were forced to punt from their own five yard line. John Lemke blocked the kick and Tom Flohre pounced on the hall in the end zone for six points. Gary Kosins responded to the revitalized team spirit, scoring three touchdowns, with help from John Schroeder and John Zaidain, both adding one touchdown apiece, as Chaminade left Piqua behind, 36-6. In the last game of the season, the Eagles pitted their skills against always tough archrival Alter. The spirit of the student body was at a peak as the team charged onto the muddy field at Baujan Stadium. Partially due to the field conditions, the first half ended in a scoreless tie. However, the wet field did not dampen the Eagle enthusiasm in the second half. The Chaminade defense repeatedly pushed the Alter offense back, finally forcing the Knights to punt from within their own five yard line. The Alter punter did not have a chance to kick the ball as the Eagle defense, led by Carl Goldschmidt, broke through the Alter line, tackling the kicker in the Knights' own end zone for a safety and two valuable points. An inspired offense took charge in the fourth quarter, as Terry Walter completed a pass to Eric Sears only a few yards from the goal line. Walter finished the job himself, lunging into the end zone for six more points. With the successful extra point conversion, Chaminade held a safe lead, 9-0. In the closing minut~s of the game, Alter punched over the goal line for six points, leaving them three points behind the victorious Eagles, 9-6.

Defensive Coach K at cavage in his fourth year on t he Chamin ade staff offers advice t o Eagle gridders.


The mighty Eagles prepare to move the ball against Carroll.

Gary Kosins picks up yardage running off-tackle against Hamilton Garfield.

Sophomore split-end Stan Pfander clutches a pass for big yardage.


Chris Shillito and John Lemke lead Gary Kosins through a large gap in the Garfield line.

Fairmont West fell to the Eagles as strong defense, illustrated by Carl Goldschmidt, was a key factor in the victory.




Fairmont East






Fairmont West



Hamilton Garfield





















FRONT ROW; S. Rosengarten, E . Bannen, R. Mathis, D. Burneka, J. Plummer, R. Klenke, S. McGraw. SECOND ROW; T. Kuntz, S. Ross, T. McCarthy, J. Raffel, T. Sharkey, M. Shea, G. Wysong, K. Sharp, R. Martin, M. Hilton, M. Walker. THIRD ROW; Coach Shea,

J. Foster, H. Smalls, G. Wright, S. Ruef, D. Turner, D. Schneider, P. Bohman, D. Cardwell, R. Marah, B. Hoersting (mgr.). FOURTH ROW; J. Kessler, P. Schmits, D. Coffey, R. McWilliams, V. Klosterman, D. Neff, J. Balaz, T . Altick, J. Agnew, M. Greany, F. Green.


Freshman Set Winning Pace At 4-2-1


















Van Buren





Tom Altick picks up a few yards and a lot of trouble.



Squad Post Highly Successful Season Under the able guidance of Brother William Marchal, the 1967 Cross Country Team completed a highly successful campaign, capturing the district and regional championships, and placing ninth in the state. Led by seniors Denny Bayham, Steve Bayer, and Ed Mathes, the Harriers opened the season with one goal in mind-to defend the District Championship title won in 1966. After convincing victories over Beavercreek, Cincinnati Elder, Fairmont West, and Jefferson, the team was well on its way toward the accomplishment of its goal. The Eagle Harriers were not satisfied with a fine season alone. By out-running twenty-four other schools, they captured the District crown, as Denny Bayham led the over-all team effort, grabbing the top individual performance honors for the second consecutive year. The following week, the team accomplished a second goal, winning the Regional Championship, thus qualifying for the State Championship Meet. As topping to the team's fine season, plus the outstanding district and regional performances, the Harriers placed ninth in the State contest, with Bayham finishing fourth.

Denny Bayham moves into first place in the St. Joseph Invitational.


Regional Cham pionshi p.

. Ninth In State











Fairmont West









PI. Medals

Miami University Invitational (I)



St. Joseph Invitational



Miami University Invitational (II) 3


Bowling Green University Relays



Fairview H.S. Invitational



Dayton District Championship



Springfield Regional Championship 1 State Championship


Eagle Harrier, Steve Bayer, turns the corner in a grueling two mile race.

The start of the District Championship: Duffy (346), Bayer (344), Bayham (343), and Mathes (345) lead the pack.



FRONT ROW: T. Harr. D . Bayham, J. Boudette. BACK ROW: Coach Marchal. R. Mader, D. Trick, S. Bayer, E. Mathes, M. Duffy, M. Timponne.

Determination marks the face of Mark Duffy as he approaches the finish line.

"The Loneliness of a Long Distance Runner."


Al Bertke's experience kept the Eagles within points of Xavier during the season's opener.


Slow Start, Finish


76 -~




The visitors locker room of the U.D . fieldhouse provided the setting for Mr. Turvene's first half evaluation of the District Finals as Chaminade trailed Roth 39-34.

Strong In District Finals Luther Leigh directs the attack against Centerville in the District Semi-finals at the University of Dayton.


The 1967-68 basketball season promised a return to district prominence with some of the best shooting in the city. However, Chaminade ability was not so obvious as Coach Jim Turvene's charges opened at Cincinnati St. Xavier. The Bombers proved too tough for the untested Eagles, as Xavier reigned, 74-65. It was Al Bertke's hot shooting hand that kept Chaminade in the game and the following week provided a first quarter lead against Fairmont West. But the Dragons made up the difference and kept their advantage, 6458. The hard-working, determined Eagles then met Xenia at Chaminade and won their first one, nearly doubling the Buccaneers' score, 81-45. Chaminade's journey to Beavercreek proved a profitable one. Al Bertke's "Middletown jumper" and Luther Leigh's foul shooting brought the Eagles from an 11 point deficit to a 78-72 victory, followed the next night by an 80-62 defeat of the Carroll Patriots with Dan Gerhard chipping in his season high of 23 points. Christmas holidays placed the Eagles in the Canton Invitational against the best teams in the state. There was no celebrating, however, as victory was out of the Eagles' grasp with both Canton McKinley and Canton Lincoln on top 63-48, and 65-52, respectively.

Bertke Receives All-Area, All-Ohio Honors

Sizing up his rival, Mark Duffy prepares to make his move.

A quick defensive hand merits Al Bertke the lead in a fast break against Alter.

One week later Bertke displayed his AllOhio form against Stivers, breaking the Chaminade scoring record with 38 points as the Eagles waltzed off with a 77-44 victory. The going was not quite so easy against Belmont. The Bisons provided rousing competition, but the Eagles overcame their opponents with full team effort and a 71-64 win. Wilbur Wright was the setting for the ChaminadeRoosevelt game as the Teddies also succumbed to the Chaminade hoopsters after a hard fought battle, 71-64. The traditional meeting of Chaminade and Alter was the next week at the U .D. Fieldhouse, but the encounter was a one-sided affair with the Eagles ahead all the way. George Brun pulled down eighteen rebounds and Bertke chipped in 24 points to produce an undisputable 73-53 victory. Dunbar was a different story. The top rated team in the area came out ahead, 60-72, despite a 31 point effort by Bertke. Paul Kurpiel connected for 13 points and hauled in 12 rebounds the next night to give the Eagles a considerable boost in overcoming Stebbins 62-50. Chaminade was on the way to a ten game winning streak as they beat the Meadowdale Lions 55-49 with a 21 point effort by Luther Leigh. Then George Brun pumped in 17 points and rebounding 18 times in a 76-52 victory over Kiser at Chaminade. It took a last quarter effort by Luther Leigh and Al Bertke to overcome Colonel White 66-56. Ayersville Local paid their first visit to Chaminade and went home with a 75-57 loss with Bertke scoring his 1000th point.

Chaminade could only wait and watch this Roth attempt in the Dis.trict Finals.

Paul Kurpiel makes his bid for two from the inside against his Centerville opponent.


66-62 Win Keep Eagles Undefeated

Al Bertke puts forth the extra effort to move across the mid court against a Centerville pass press.

Starting tip-off heads for Chaminade's hands at the District Finals.

Dan Gerhart pumps in two to further the Chaminade ef路 fort in the Semi-finals.

80 .-


On Home Floor . When Roth came into the Valley of the Green Giants for the last scheduled game of the season, the going was not quite so easy. The Eagles led at the end of the first three quarters, but found themselves behind by 6 points with 9 seconds remaining in the game. Then Dan Gerhard sank both ends of a oneand-one and Al Bertke stole a pass and dropped in a long jumper to narrow the count 51 -49 with two seconds left. After a time-out by Coach Turvene, Paul Kurpiel was fouled as the Falcons attempted to bring the ball in bounds. With two seconds remaining, Kurpiel missed the shot, but George Brun came through with a long range tip to tie the score at the buzzer. A technical was called on the Roth bench and Al Bertke dropped in the free throw. The Eagles were herded into the dressing roo:.;n to escape the resulting bedlam thinking the game was over. Since the technical was after the buzzer, the game was still in progress. The first overtime resulted in a 56-56 tie. In the second overtime Paul Kurpiel gave Chaminade the lead with two steals and six points as a 66-62 win kept the Eagles undefeated on the Chaminade floor. It's Luther Leigh's turn to lead the Eagles fast break against Alter. Fred Dahm apprehensively gazes at his foul shot against Kiser.


Chaminade Fourth In District Tournament Fourth-seeded Chaminade beat West Carrollton 74-59 in the first game of the Dayton District Class AA tournament. All five starters hit double figures, but it was Luther Leigh's 21 points that carried the brunt of the load against Wilmington as the Eagles . walked away with a 78-42 decision. Preble Shawnee stayed nip and tuck with Chaminade until the fourth quarter. Two steals by Terry Tyler and six quick buckets by Al Bertke assured the 70-59 victory. Second-seeded Centerville met the Eagles in the Semi-final game at V.D . A 28 point effort demonstrated why Al Bertke was voted the second best player in the state as Chaminade trounced the Elks, 70-58. The V .D. Fieldhouse was also the scene of the District Finals and Chaminade's rematch with Roth. George Brun hauled in 18 rebounds and hit 9 of 11 shots from the field, totaling a game-high 27. Despite his fine effort, the Eagles lost their finesse and suffered a 77-66 set-back.

Leading rebounders Brun and Gerhard pull another one off the boards.

The going gets rough for Paul Kurpiel at Stebbins.


The 1967-68 Eagles are introduced to the television audience before their contest with Roth in the District Finals. George Brun hooks in two of his 27 points in the second game against Roth.

AI Bertke takes over as playmaker against Centerville.



10 Straight Wins Produce 17-6 Season

A quick move on the home floor puts George Brun in posi路 tion for two points against Roth.

A large enthusiastic crowd backed the Eagles at every game.

FRONT ROW: M. Duffy, P. Kurpiel, A. Bertke, L. Leigh, R. Simons, F. Dahm. BACK ROW: Coach Turvene, C. Jackson, D. Gerhart, S. Buddy, S. Pfander, S. Shulkers, T. Tyler. ABSENT: T. Burns.



CHS 65 5~

81 78 80 48 52 77 71

72 73 60 62 55 76 66 75 66

St. Xavier Fairmont West Xenia Beavercreek Carroll Canton McKinley Canton Lincoln Stivers Belmont Roosevelt Alter Dunbar Stebbins Meadowdale Kiser Colonel White Ayersville Roth

OPP 74 64

45 72 62 63 65 44 64

58 53 72 50 49 52 56 57 62


74 78 70 70 66

West Carrollton Wilmington Preble Shawnee Centerville Roth

59 42 59 53 77

A Roth defender tries to discoura ge Al Bertke's lofty jumper. Excitement typifies the Alter game at V.D. as injured Tom Burns reacts to a key play.


Reserve Hoopsters Post 14-3 Season

A Chaminade miss places Ron Voit in rebounding contention against Alter at U.D. fieldhouse. FRONT ROW: K. Rapp, R. Voit, G. Newcombe, S. Kane, T. Wuebben, B. Gomes. BACK ROW: D. Lesko, J. Wieland, D. Obringer, T. Seitz, R. Muzechuk, T. Freil, J . Seitz.


FRONT ROW: J. Spring, M. Eifert, J . Layne, S. Guess, J . Martin, M. Florkey, S. Newcomb. BACK ROW: Coach Kozak, J . Larger (mgr. ), J . Schmidtz, R. Garman, E. Reed, D. Miller, D. Duffy, G. Hedgebeth, T. Lipp, Coach Inderrieden.


Undefeated Season Sets Hopeful Precedent CHS 37 36 45 24 43 52 50 43 44 47 38 39 46 43


Van Buren Carroll J.F. Kennedy Stivers Belmont D.L. Barnes Alter Dunbar Fairview Kiser Roosevelt Colonel White Indian Riffle Roth

23 28 37 21 33 27 28 18 29 25 30 30 35 40

A tangle of arms, Dave Duffy and Mike Eifert go up high to pull down a loose ball.


Grapplers Struggle Through Initial Season The Chaminade Athletic Department in cooperation with the Student Council initiated the interscholastic wrestling program in 1968. Mats and uniforms were provided by the Student Council with Mr. Dan Shea contributing the leadership necessary to put the grapplers on their feet. He narrowed a field of 88 potential wrestlers to 33, including one senior, the rest sophomores and junIOrs. Strength and speed were two assets the Chaminade wrestlers possessed, but they lacked a third essential quality, experience. The. Chaminade wrestlers made outstanding first season showings, but nevertheless lot to Roth, Oakwood, and West Carrolton in succession. And when Chaminade met the experienced grapplers of state power Moeller, the Eagles, meriting only two points,isaw the goals they would need to attain in future years. After suffering through a season of ten disheartening defeats, the last meet of the season proved the most rewarding. The first wrestling victory in Chaminade history came against Xenia Woodrow Wilson. The desire to win brought an eager team a 13 point win against their opponents. One Eagle wrestler rewarded his efforts with a visit to the District Tournament as Ray Dysas made a fine showing representing Chaminade. Lamont Rogers ties up his Carroll opponent for a 2 point take-down. FRONT ROW: M. Sendelbach, R. Dysas, E. Ruf, F. Sweigart, J. Holtzhauer, G. Bayer, J . Jobe, T. Titus, D. Sheehan, T. Lee. MIDDLE ROW: Coach Shea, J. Carter (mgr.), T . McGill, M. Nickerson, T . Zimmer, S. Eckstein, G. Wourms, M. Hockwalt, J . Kesting, T. Nevius, M.

Huwer, E. Tolle, M. Whitley, Coach Quigley. BACK ROW: E. Schopler, H. Smalls, S. Neumann, P. Nevius, J. Rutledge, J. Bums, J. Foster, C. Jenk, R. Poquette, C. Gunther, M. Dewitt (mgr.).


Tim Zimmer takes down his Carroll opponent.

A three point pin is Jim Job's goal as he muscles his opponent to the Chaminade mat.


21 18 11 18 2 17 20 8

13 18 34

Dixie Roth Oakwood West Carrollton Moeller Wilbur Wright Patterson Northridge Carroll Kiser Xenia Wilbur Wright

OPE 26

33 34 33 44

26 27 36 32 31 21



Underclassmen Lead Eagles To Hot prospect Paul Kurpiel slugs away against Fairview contributing to an Eagle victory.


The 1968 Chaminade baseball schedule lived up to Coach James Turvene's rough expectations but the Eagles managed to come ou路t on top, 10-8. With five seniors on the team, the juniors and sophomores took it upon themselves to carry most of the load. Tom Long connected with the highest batting average, .372, while junior classmate Bob Simon pitched to the best won-loss record. The team's talent was not apparent at the Richmond season opener as the Eagles lost, 3-0. But the latent skill showed itself to the Roosevelt Teddies as Chaminade won, 8-0. Colonel White was another outstanding performance which earned the Eagles their second win, 8-4. A three game losing streak to Fairborn, Fairview, and Meadowdale was snapped by a 3-2 victory over Carroll . The first game of a Princeton double-header was a tense one as Chaminade's opponents squeaked by, 1-0, and won the other game in a hitting duel, 10-4. Victory over Stebbins did not come easy to Chaminade, 6-5. Northmont dealt the Eagles their last regular season loss, 4-2 followed by repeat conquests of Colonel White and Carroll. In the last scheduled game of the season Chaminade soundly defeated Fairmont East, 4-0, and later began the eliminations in the District Tournament by putting Stivers, Patterson, and Trotwood out of commission. The District Semi-Finals brought the Eagles face-to -face with the Fairmont East Falcons once again. In trying to defend their District Title the Eagles fell, 5-2.

W inning Season

Pitching is a combination of strategy and skill with Chaminade hurlers exemplifying both .

A well thrown strike discour.ages any opponent and urges the Eagles on to victory.


FRONT ROW : Rick Davis, T . Tong, R. Powers, M. Huwer, T . Nevius, J. Woeste, G. Zajovits. SECOND ROW: R. Simon, M. Parks, D. Obringer, D. Garman, S. Alfano, J. Staley, Coach Turvene. LAST ROW:

A. BaUmann, A. Bertke, P. Kurpiel, R. Mader, M. Moosburger, C. Wimmers.

Chaminade Drops District Semi-Finals, 5-2 Gary Zajovits rounds first in hopes of stretching his hit.



Richmond 8 Roosevelt 8 Colonel White 2 Fairborn 5 Fairview 3 Meadowdale Carroll 3 o Princeton 4 Princeton 6 Stivers* 6 Stebbins 5 Patterson * 5 Trotwood * 2 Northmont 2 Fairmont East* 2 Colonel White 3 Carroll 4 Fairmont East *District Tournament

OPP 3 0 4 3 6 6 2 1 10 1 5 2 0 4 路5 1 2 0


Reserves Offset 4 Losses With 6 Wins • CHS 13 1 2 6 11 7

3 1 3 10

OPP Richmond Wayne Fairborn Northmont Wayne Stebbins Beavercreek W. Carrollton Beavercreek Northmont

1 11 0 7 3 3 6 11 2 7

FRONT ROW: R. Martin, B. Gomes, T. Wuebben, K. Raab, T . Seitz, M. Eifert, D. Mitchell, BACK ROW: Coach Inderrieden, D. Wiggins, R. Marah, S. Rosengarten, J. Seitz, P. Sharkey, D. Burneka, J. Westendorf, M. Shea.

A beanball is a dangerous pitch to watch for as Jim Seitz is on guard against Wayne.


FRONT ROW: Mark Link, Steve Hammant. BACK ROW: Coach Katcavage, Bill Sherman, Steve Neuman, Mike Haley, Jim Sullivan, Steve Ruschau.


Junior, Sophomore Laden Golf Team Has Inconsistent Season

Jim Sullivan chips up to the 18th hole at Kitty Hawk Golf. Course.


Netter's Record No Indication Of Effort ~dowdtie

Princeton Park Troy Stebbins Belmont Fairmont West Beavercree

CenterVille Colon.el White

Alter Belmont

Fairview Centerville Fairmont West Altel ;Mea9owdsle ~ntEast

opp 3 2 5 1

0 4 1 4 1 4

0 2 2

1 2 2 3

Senior Bill Krebs backhands one against Alter at Walnut Hills.

FRONT ROW: D. Krebs, Tom Seitz, K. Harm, Jim Barstow. BACK ROW: Coach Schneider, B. Kessler, S. Scheper, W. Krebs.


Team Effort Merits

Denny Bayham, the area 's top distance man, blasts home with an easy victory.

In 1968, as in previous years, Chaminade's track team produced an outstanding record of 4-1 in dual meets and captured second place in the Fairmont West Invitational. These accomplishments resulted from a strong team effort, but were especially earned by the fabulous performances of senior distance runner Dennis Bayham and classmate John Meyer. Denny established new records in the two-mile run at Chaminade in the District Meet and also in the Miami Relays. He was the anchor man in the distance medley team that set a new school record of 8:23.7, and he also attained third place in the Prestigious Classic Meet held at Mansfield. John Meyer set new school records in the 120 yd. high hurdles at 14.6, the 180 yd. low hurdles at 19.6, and the 440 yd. dash at 50.3. John tied the school record of 10.0 flat in the 100 yd. dash and also tied the District record in the low hurdles at 19.6. Meyer was also a member of the sprint and medley teams that set new school records. He was one of the two team members who qualified for the State Meet in Columbus and earned fourth place in the meet itself in the high hurdles. Under thEt fine coaching of Mr. Dan Kosak, Bro. Bill Marchal, and Bro. John Hagedorn, cindermen Denny Bayham, John Meyer, Steve Bayer, Ed Mathes, John Wieland, Derek Cardwell, George Sullivan, and Charles Jackson were able to gain points in the District Meet and thus enabled Chaminade to win the Runner-up crown.

George Sullivan passes the baton to teammate Charles Jackson in the 880 yard relay.


Cindermen District Runner-U p Title

C. Shillito, Coach Kosak. BACK ROW: B. Tangeman, Mgr., T . Flohre, M. Dahlinghaus, J. Meyer, M. Fiedor, T . Boudette, W. Fischer, E. Mathes, J . Koslick, G. Boudette, D. Herring.

FRONT ROW : C. Jackson, R. Wilson, M. Tuss, D. Bayham, G. Sullivan, L. Hayes, P. Lafferty, M. Timpone, V. Rowan, D. Brodbeck. MIDDLE ROW: J . Wieland, D. Jackson, M. Miller, S. Bayer, G. Schindler, D. Blake, D. Harman, D. Dempsey, G. Bayley, R. Fischer,

Senior John Meyer, who placed fIrst in the hurdling events in the Journal Herald Track Honor Roll, displ;iYS his winning form.

opp Belmont


65 72




22 47

Fairmont East

2nd Pl. STATE MEET High Hurdles 4th Pl.



Enthusiasm Brings Student Council To Peak

Dave Scudder and friend enjoy the first dance of the year.

Social Committee Chairman, John Caporal, contacts one of his famous "Mystery Bands!! "

Perhaps the Student Council's greatest success this year was the production of the musical, " Guys and Dolls."

100 ~-----~-

FRONT ROW: H . Finke, Treasurer; M. Quinn, President; D . Sweet, Vice-President; E. Reiling, Secretary . MIDDLE ROW: A. Hinker, Jr. Representative; A. Ballman, Intramurals; J. Caporal, Social; C. Hammerle, Public Relations;

Taking up the challenge presented them by Bro. Mathews at the time of their election, the 1967-68 Student Council was one of the most successful in the history oJ Chaminade High School. Under the able direction of President Michael Quinn, Vice-President Dennis Sweet, Secretary Ed Reiling, Treasurer Herbert Finke, and the eight committee chairmen, the Student Council initiated a number of new programs, as well as increasing the number and quality of activities, both social and extracurricular, under the ideal, "Make things happen!" An increased number of assemblies were held throughout the year to make the homeroom more beneficial to the students-Band and Glee Club Assemblies, an assembly on the War in Vietnam, a Drug assembly, and many more. Cultural Committee Chairman James Dwyer brought several high quality films into the auditorium with donations going into the newly-created Movie Agency. Social Committee Chairman John Caporal organized over twenty highly successful dances and sock-hops for weekend enjoyment. The Spirit Committee, headed by co-chairmen Charles Vangas and Eric Sears, held seven rallies throughout the football and basketball seasons, all in an attempt to increase school spirit. The Student Council as a whole made many more "things happen" throughout the school year.

B. McClain, Student Welfare; J . Dwyer, Cultural; D. Lesko, Sph. Representative. BACK ROW: G. Keferal, Publicity; S. Pfander, Sr. Representative; C. Van gas, Spirit ; J . Suttmiller, Ways and Means; E. Sears, Spirit.

For the first time in the history of the sc hool an Intramural swim meet was held.



Eagle Staff Combine Talent To Produce The 1967,1968 Eagle staff set for itself the goal of producing the best yearbook 路ever. The first step toward realization of this goal was the problem of raising the money necessary to produce a good yearbook. Three methods were used: First was the Patron Drive, in which the students were asked to sell personal and business patrons, receiving fifty per cent commission of all sales over ten dollars. The second drive in the school was the Subscription Drive. Once again, the students responded very well, the yearbook taking in nearly four thousand dollars. Finally, many members of the staff sold advertisements to various businesses, bringing in another twenty-one hundred dollars. The second problem was talent, and the staff solved this easily. Editor John Maher, Business Manager-Copy Editor Curtis Blais, Advertising Editor Ron Sloan, and the other members of the staff under the direction of moderator, Bro. Robert Lamb, willingly worked"for the fulfillment of the goal,. the creation of the best yearbook ever.

Editor John Maher, discusses editorial policy with Mr. Paul Retrum, Artmaster representative.

FRONT ROW: T . Schmidt, D . Summers, B. Baczenas, M. Hart, J . Sloan, W. Shock. BACK ROW: G. Bayley, P . Burkhardt, C. Giscombe, R Bertheaud, W. Krebs, R McCarthy.


'68 Yearbook

Sloan: " Hey, we're out of the red!"

Greg Bayley, assistant editor and Tom Gray, eidtor, formed the backbone of the Sports Section in the 1968 Eagle.


Tim Finke checks the cropping on a picture from the Student Council page.

EDITORS-Vic Whisman, Tony Ballmann, Joe Woener, Pat Maloney, Herb Finke, and John Carroll.


CRS News Carries On Tradition As Outstanding Area Paper The 1967-68 Chaminade News reached the printing press eight times during the school year. The staff, headed' by Editor-inChirf Herb Finke and advised by Bro. Russell O'Neill, was one of high quality and produced a fine paper. Despite the talented staff, the paper lacked serious financial backing from the student body. This lack of support caused the staff to fall one short of their goal of nine issues set at the beginning of the year. Although somewhat disappointed, the staff produced a number of excellent editions, including a special six-page Christmas issue. The determination and hard work of the staff paid off, for the Chaminade News garnered a large share of awards at the annual Miami Valley Journalism Association Conference at University of Miami, Oxford, Ohio. Senior Edward Reiling was able to repeat last year's effort and again 'won the first place award in news writing. Vic Whisman stimulates his thought while touching up a final article.

104 -- --


-- -


---- -


- - - -- - - - - - - - - - -

Moderator Bro. Russ O'Neill and future editor-in-chief John Carroll check over the Feature Page proof just before it is sent to the printers.

FRONT ROW: M. Doan, C. Giscombe, J. Thomas, J. Bohman, F. Lange, J. Buerschen, B. Fischer, D. Rodgers. MIDDLE ROW: R. Walling, S. Deitering, J. Boehm, J. Caporal, J. Tarlano, B. Simon, E . Reiling, J. Kirchmer,

Editor-in-chief, Herb Finke, types another of his controversial editorials.

P. Martin, D. Markus. BACK ROW: P. Civille, D. Sweeney, B. Ginn, G. Singer, R. Sullivan, J. Moore, P. Connair, B. Bahret, M. Timpone, R. Bauer.



NHS Promotes Academic Achievement Assembled within the 1967-1968 National Honor Society were seventy-five of Chaminade's finest men. The members were elected by a board of faculty members and student interviewers, judging the applicants on the four standards of excellence: scholarship, the student's academ~c achievements; leadership, the student's involvement in school activities; character, the student's attitudes toward the school and to his fellow students; and, finally, service, the student's acceptance of responsibilities inside and outside of Chaminade. The National Honor Society's main function during the school year, besides that of providing a goal for students to attain, was the creation and support of the quiz team representing Chaminade High School on the Teen Scene Television show. President Anthony Ballman, Vice-President Victor Whisman, Secretary Charles MacKay, and Treasurer James Issenmann composed the student leadership of the organization, with Bro. Richard Ihlendorf acting as the faculty moderator. Thirty-four seniors, twenty-five juniors, and twelve sophomore provisional members completed the membership of the National Honor Society.

Honors members, Ri chard McBride, Charles MacKay, and Jim Dwyer participate on Channel 2's Teen Scene.

Barlow, E. Smith, C. Reindl, D. Lesko, R. McBride, S. Harting, J. Bohman, H. Finke, T. Gray, E. Reiling, G. Sullivan, S. Pfander, S. Deneke, J. Saluke, L. Woeste, B. Fischer. FOURTH ROW: T. Von Bargen, S. O'Hearn, M. Quinn, B. Gomes, R. Parent, W. Krebs, J. Flynn, D. Leppla, S. Kane, S. Budde, C. Ballew, M. Duffy, D. Barker, C. Griscombe, P. Burkhardt, M . Fiedor, R. Berthea ud .

FRONT ROW: D. Harman, P. Malone y, D . Markus, E. Sabrack, M. Mueller, G. Schindler, M. Westendorf, V. Whisman, C. MacKay, J. Is路 senmann, T. Martin, G. Dunsky, J. Woerner, D. Sweeney, R. Walling. SECOND ROW: J. Carson, T. Henehan, S. Matson, A. Aldredge, C. Burger, J. Tarlano, R. DiBauda, W. Albers, T. Fontana, J. Boesch, C. Blais, B. Bahret, J. Thomas, F. Titus, K. Vacha. THIRD ROW: M.

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FRONT ROW: F. Stover, T. Von Bargen, W. Ruf, E . Reiling, T. Gray, F. Lange, D. McBride, R. Ivory. MIDDLE ROW: J. Issenman, B. Hill, S. Harting, B. Krebs, M. Mueller, A. McBride, D. Markus, K. Hackett. BACK ROW: B. F'rapwell, P . Maloney, R. McBride, F. Titus, T. Fontana, G. Kaufhold, P. Rose, J. Carson.


JCOW A Members Attend Model General Assembly The Junior Council on World Affairs tried to present its members with the chance to observe international problems and to attempt to discover reasonable solutions to them. President Richard McBride and the other officers organized several model security councils, inviting members of similar organizations from Julienne, Alter, Carroll, and Colonel White. The high point of the year was the Model General Assembly held at Alter High School. Students from schools throughout the Dayton area represented all the countries of the United Nations, gaining an appreciation of the. political crises facing the world today as the ArabIsraeli problem was discussed. The members of the Junior Council on World Affairs, throughout the year, have increased their knowledge of existing international political machinery-the means to world peace. 107


Marching, Pep, Composed of members of the intermediate, concert, and symphonic bands, all having attended a rigorous week-long band camp during the summer plus several weeks of constant practice, the Marching Band performed five different shows throughout the 1967 football season. After football season, Drum Major Dave Leppla changed uniforms, taking charge of the spirited Pep Band. The Pep Band's purpose was to keep the fans lively during the basketball gamesa purpose them accomplished to the praise of Chaminade students and opponents alike. The symphonic Band, directed by Mr. James Wolf, began its year with the Christmas Concert in December. As a change of pace, President Pat Maloney, Vice-President Gary Moorman, Secretary Perry Martin, and Treasurer Tom Tokarsky, with the help of many other members of the band, organized and held the first Pops Concert, presenting songs with a modern swing. In March, the band met with disappointment, receiving a rating of "two" in the District Music Contest after last year's first place rating. Climaxing the year was the annual Spring Festival of Music, featuring the Symphonic Band, the blues Stage Band, and the combined JulienneChaminade chorus, presented before a crowd of over two thousand people. Mr. James Wolf, director of Chaminade Music Department has been with the school for nine years.

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Symphonic And Stage Band Combine Talents

The Pep Band, under the direction of Senior Dave Leppla, has become an exciting part of Chaminade High School. Members of the drum corps march off the field after the Homecoming halftime show.

The Saxophone section of the newly formed Stage Band meet the hearty approval of the students.


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Festival Of Music Highlights Extremely The 1967-1968 Glee Club worked toward one of its most active and most successful years since its birth less than ten years ago. The sixty-seven member organization performed in seven concerts throughout the year, two of these being guest appearances at two all-girl high schools in Cincinnati. The first concerts were in December, the Glee Club appearing in Regina High School's Christmas Concert. February saw the solo and ensemble contests at Wright State University. Over twenty-five choralists competed in the contests, three eight-man ensembles and seven soloists, capturing three first-place ratings. In March, the Glee Club travelled to Seton High School in Cincinnati for its second guest appearance outside Dayton. The end of the month brought the area-wide Glee Club Contest, in which the club gained a "two" rating, indicating a very good, but not quite excellent, performance. The Spring Festival of Music closed the year's major activities, featuring the Symphonic Band and the combined ChaminadeJulienne Chorus at Dayton's Memorial Hall. President Curtis Blais, Vice-President and Librarian Jim Boesch, and Secretary-Treasurer Herb Finke, with music director, Mr. James Wolf led the Glee Club to a high degree of activity and exposure.

Glee Club officers, Herb Finke, Curtis Blais, and Jim Boesch, perform at Regina High School.

Long hours of practice were necessary for the finesse and quality demonstrated at Memorial Hall.

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Successful Year For Chaminade Chorus

The combined Chaminade-Julienne Chorus and Symphonic Band.

Billboard in front of Memorial Hall typifies the quality of the Festival of Music.



Club Has Fifth Successful Year The 1967-68 Speech Club faced nearly as insurmountable challenge at the onset of the year. Last year's graduation had stolen nearly all of the men who led the organization to a ranking of third of all the Catholic High Schools in the United States. As a result, President Charles Danis, first semester moderator Bro. Thomas Timko, and second semester moderator Bro. Norman Klienhenz and coach Mrs. John Turner named the 19671968 school year as a "re-building" year, hoping to train the underclass members of the club to ultimately regain the prestige won by last year talented debaters and speakers. Although inexperienced, the Speech Club did not fare badly as many expected in the outof-town tournaments. The experience gained this year should lend itself to bring about an improved club next year.

John Carson was one of more successful members of the Speech Club.

Carson, T. Steigerwald, J . Rohl, P. Connair, C. Reindl, R. Walling, T. Borchers.

FRONT ROW: M. Mergler, W. Blalock, E. Reiling, K. Burgess, P. Civille, F. Lange, V. Whisman. BACK ROW : R. Hodges, J. Snyder, J.

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FRONT ROW: Corie Schwendemen, Helen Pomuti, Judy Scott. SECOND ROW: Maria Lauricella, Ron Sloan, Tim Finke, Katie Schwendeman. THIRD ROW:

Rich Parent, Sue Borgert, John Carroll, Gail Kuritar, Jim McNamara. LAST ROW: Jim Tarlano, Barb Tuss, Steve ,Pfander.


Create Enthusiasm Within Student Body Any school athletic activity, particularly the crowd-drawing football and basketball games, requires support for success. The Cheerleaders of 1967-1968 provided the sideline boost needed to spur the football and basketball teams on to victory. Coached by Bro. Jim Monroe and led by Senior Steve Pfander, the fifteen young men and women braved rain, cold weather, and a couple of disappointing losses to lead the fans in rousing cheers. They took special pride in never allowing the opposing side to shout the "two-bits, four bits" cheer louder than the Chaminade fans. They also initiated a few new cheers, including a "Sock it to 'em, Green Power" cheer, which soon became widely imitated in the area.

Cheerleaders step high during a time路 out in the post season tournament.


FRONT ROW: B. Blalock, J. Welsh, M. Muller, J . Bohman, D. Nordyke, B. King. BACK ROW: B. Yahle, G. Moorman, E. Smith, M. Barlow , J . Will, R. Walling.


Future Teachers Sacrifice Many Hours Tutoring The Future Teachers of America is a relatively unknown organization at Chaminade. Their work throughout the Dayton area, however, is particularly noteworthy. During the past school year, the twelve members of the F.T.A., under the direction of Mr. LeJeune, sacrificed many of their free hours to help tutor grade school students at various public grade schools in Dayton- students whose talent and intelligence need personal attention in order to develop significantly. The organization also held an assembly for all students interested in becoming teachers. The guest speaker was Dr. Thomas Campanelle, from the University of Dayton, who spoke of the importance of teachers in today's world, stressing their role in forming the students with whom they work. Dr. Thomas Campanelle of the University of Dayton spoke to the FT A on the importance of teachers in today's world.

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Sodality Undergoes Year Of Transition The 1967-1968 Sodality faced its most unsuccessful year since its beginning at Chaminade. Steve Pfander, with advice from moderator Bro. Gerald Bettice, worked nearly to the breaking point at the beginning of the year, trying to arouse the interest of the senior members of the organization. The seniors, however, failed to acccept the responsibilities and challenges he placed before them. As a result, the Sodality fell to near oblivion in the school. During the winter months, however, the Sodality played an important part in the nationwide Sodality Convention at the University of Dayton. All the housing arrangements, as well as the presentation and discussions during the two-day affair, were run by Chaminade students. Over twenty sodalists volunteered their time to play an active part in the running of the convention, insuring its success. Gary Schindler, representative of Chaminade's Sodality, expounds at a C2 meeting.

Herb Finke listens intently as Jerry Flynn gives his point of view.



Chaminade's Chess Team Post Outstanding Record Games won by Chaminade

Opponent Dunbar Oakwood Fairview Meadowdale Wilbur Wright

5 5 5 4


Match Opponent's games winner Chaminade 0 Chaminade 0 Chaminade 0 1 Chaminade Chaminade 0 Finish: winner of one of the three sections of the Dayton Chess League

Ri ck P arent, Curtis Blais, T om Fon tana, and Stan H arting all find t he ga me of chess parti cul arly challenging.

FRONT ROW : T . Fontana, C. Blais, W. Hill, T . Rettich, S. Harting, R Parent, J. Foley. MID DLE RO W: W. Coley, T. Dorcas, C. Re indl , A. Kondrot h, A. McBride, R R oalef, D.

OHIO STATE CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP Finish: sixth place out of 52 teams TRI-STATE CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP (Ohio, Pennsylvania, Kentucky) Finish: seventh place out of 29 teams

Markus, G. Hu ghes. BACK ROW : C. Blalock, V. Portner, J. Stout, E. Smi th, J . Lochat, G. J ones, J . Corbett.




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Members Investigate Symbolic Logic The 1967-68 Math Club renewed its Student Council constitution after last year's inactivity to offer students a chance to develop and broaden their interest in mathematics. Sixteen club members spent many after-school hours disculising various solutions to math problems. Early in the year, the members spent much time solving sample problems for the annual Mathematics Association of America test, given to high school students throughout the country. Two members of the club, Stan Harting and Richard McBride, finished among the top three Chaminade students who took the test. The Math Club also presented a movie on computer science and a discussion by Mr. Earl Richards on modern Symbolic Logic, attempting to develop the mathematical curiosity of the studep ts.

Mr. Richards gives a special presentation to the Math Club.

FRONT ROW : J. Wiedman, L. Woeste, B. Krebs, D. Barker, R. McBride, S. Harting, J . Bohman, L. Shulte. BACK ROW: D. Car-

son, R. RitzIer, C. Blais, M. Mueller, M. Harting, B. Bahret, T. Fontana, J. Carson.


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LEFT TO RIGHT : R. RitzIer, D. Chestnut, D. Parenti, J. Martin, Mr. McFadden, P. Buynak, B. Karmosay, P. Burkhardt, C. Giscombe, B. Thacker, J. Norris.


Red Cross Reaches 87% Of Goal In United Appeal 'Drive Throughout the 1967-68 school year, the nation-wide Red Cross was represented actively at Chaminade unnoticed by many students. Only seven students were actively involved in this worthwhile organization to help unfortunate people. Under the moderation of Mr. Michael McFadden, President Cecil Giscombe led the organization to the realization of two important goals: first, the club collected eighty-seven percent of its goal in the United Appeal campaign; and, secondly, the club sponsored a Disaster Kit Drive, collecting various medical materials for unfortunate victims of floods and other disasters.

Cecil Giscombe and Bob Thacker collect for the United Appeal.


FRONT ROW: H . Sutton, D. Parenti, B. King, J. Bucholz, W. R odgers, W. Bahret.


Photography Club Adds New Dimension To Chaminade The school year of 1967-68 brought new addition to the growing list of extracurricular activities at Chaminade. Backed financially by the Yearbook and the CHS News, the members of Photo Club endeavored to serve the photographic needs of the school, primarily those of the Yearbook. In past years, a member of the faculty handled this function. However, this year, Bro. John Kuzmic, S.M., the faculty moderator of the Photo Club, threw the burden of work upon the members themselves. As in many activities, although all members helped nominally, President Dave Parenti and Junior Dan Rogers carried the burden of work. As in most activities which are as costly as photography, money was a serious problem. Much needed equipment could not be purchased with the little money that was available, so the members of the Photo Club launched a newspaper collection to procure funds .

Presiden t p ave Parenti shows Bob King the method of enlarging prints. FRONT ROW: H. Sutton, D. Parenti, B. King, J . Bucholz, W. Rodgers, W. Bahret .



Reliability Behind Success Of Service Club Perhaps one of the most valuable, yet . unrecognized organizations at school this year was the Service Club. Setting up for dances and cleaning afterwards, selling popcorn and other confections at games, and caring for Brother AI's Palace after school and during athletic and social events were only a few of the many services the club performed. Senior Dan Keyser served as Service Club President, with Brother Edward Longbottom and Brother Robert Stricker serving as moderators of the organization. The club, composed to a great extent by freshmen this year, will have a good number of experienced members returning.

An important part of the Service Club is checking coats during the many dances, as Fred Sweigert excepts a coat check from Garry Miller.

FRONT ROW: T. Mannix, M. Mergler, R. Doss, D. Keyser, D. Grusenmeyer, S. Guess, P. Buynak, P . Hockaday. MIDDLE ROW: G. Miller, K. Chilton, J . Rankin, M. Hart, W. Hohtvoigt, R. Elliot,

P. Kuntz, M. Matson. BACK ROW: T. Osterday, J . Mancus, E. Walter, H. Finke, T. Bannen, D. Hoagland, M. Finke.

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Staff Helps Provide Effectiveness To The "4' " ,r . ,~ ~t ~ f ~ ~ Smooth-Running Of ~ tt I ~ Chaminade Library ~

One of the most unrecognized activities at Chaminade is the Library Staff. Under the guidance of Father George Abmayr, these students spent much of their spare time during and after school sorting and placing books on the shelves and filing magazines in the back rooms of the library. Through the work of the Library Staff, Fr. Abmayr was given a big assist in keeping the library running smoothly and efficiently for the convenience of the entire student body.

FRONT ROW : W. Blalock, W. Ivory, M. Klosterman.

Ed Marrinan and Bill Ivory straighten up the magazine section of the library.


FRONT ROW : M. Spidel, D. Snyder, J . Venys, Chris Jones, J . Ghory, J. Crowe, S. King, R. Kolhoff, B. Pat terson. BACK ROW: C. Klope,

A. Aldredge, K. Harry, J . Mancus, A. Gaylor, Bro. Bill Habjan, S.M., S. Grismar, J . Garland, K. Habib, T. Nevels, T. Fahnestock.


Rifle Team Post Highly Successful First Season Over the winter months, the sound of .22 caliber rifles echoed across the University of Dayton rifle range. The Chaminade Rifle Club posted an extremely successful season for its first year of competition, winning numerous awards and individual medals from the National Rifle Association. The seven varsity members faced teams from Beavercreek, VandaliaButler, the Twin Base Rod and Gun Club, St. Joseph's of Cleveland, and the Defense Electronic Supply Center. Six of the seven won varsity letters as they qualified for more than one-half of the matches. Qualification is based on the scores of the members in competition, the top five comprising the over-all team score. The six awarded varsity letters were AI Gaylor, Rick Kolhoff, Dave Snyder, Jim Venys, Bob Brun, and Cris Jones. The "Best Shooter" award for the year was presented to Rick Kolhoff, whose fine marksmanship led the team to its successful season. Bro. William Habjan moderated the club, with administrative help from President Jim Ghory, VicePresident Adrian Aldredge, Secretary Dave Snyder, and Treasurer Cris Jones. The returning members look forward to greater success next year as the team enters the Western Ohio Junior Rifle League.

Dick Kohlhoff, captain, led the team with a 348 out of 400 average.



路Auto Club Has First Year Of Recognition The 1967-1968 Auto Club, in its first year of existence, became one of the more active organizations in the school. The club was created in the 1966-1967 school year by a number of juniors, notably Tim Hudson, who felt the school needed an organization that would satisfy the interests of the many auto-buffs in the school. The main purpose of the club was just that, to work on automobiles, drawing knowledge about cars both from this work and from talking with the other members of the organization. Tim Hudson was elected president of the club after his efforts to create the club last year. Mr. Jim Davis was named as moderator. One especially notable success of the Auto Club during the past year was the building of a model dragster, displayed in the Art Room the latter half of the year. The dragster appeared very real and many students were truly impressed with the creation.

Tim Hudson, president, checks the carburetor on his hot '59 Chevy.

redge, N. Shumaker, T . Hudson, T. Keferal, D. Thorne, J . Anthony, J. Daley, Mr. Davis, N. Over.

FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: J . Smolka, E. Aneshansley, J. Gevat, J. Tarlano, W. Slater, J. Vogel, J. Becker, T. Gallivan, J. Petkus, A. Ald-


Spirit Gives Rallies N ew Form

Seven times during the 1967-68 school year, the gymnasium was adorned with multicolored posters and hundreds of streamers, flashing strobe lights and even a huge balloon proclaiming, "Beat Roth!" Through the open mouth of a gigantic Eagle head came the team, met by the frantic cheering of over one thousand students. Four rallies were held during the tengame football season. The Fairmont East rally, served as the initial impetus for the team, indicating the school spirit which would follow throughout the season. Two weeks later, the gymnasium once again became a spectacular display of enthusiasm in the Fairmont West rally. Probably the most important rally of the football season was the Belmont rally, held two days before the Eagles were to meet the Bisons, the top team in the city. Finally, the season was closed by the Alter rally in the courtyard. The basketball season brought with it three rallies. The first was for the Beavercreek game, one of the strongest area teams. Five victories later, the Dunbar rally was held, preparing the team and students for the encounter with Dunbar. The season was completed with the Roth rally before the final game of regular season play. Seniors lead Victory call at Roth Rally. Freshmen listen to a new hit by the Pep Band.


Carl Goldschmidt leads the charge to awaitin g fans. Mr. Jerry Raiff tells of his experiences with Eagle hoopsters. Outdoor rally! Another first in Chaminade's rally-schedule.



Homecoming Festivities Enjoyed By Many As in past years, late October brought not only orange leaves and bare trees, but also the holiday festivities of the Homecoming weekend. King Vince Shay and Queen Karen Mahle presided over the three-day affair, commencing with the Homecoming Dance on Friday and ending with the football victory over Carroll on Sunday. Sunday's parade down Main Street to the University of Dayton's Baujan Field featured floats by each of the four divisions. St. Joseph's High entered the colorful spectacle for the first time, but Julienne's entry was unfortunately sidelined by high winds. During half-time of the football game, the King and Queen with their handsome court were introduced to the crowd, followed by the presentation of the float trophy to the Juniors for their well-built float. The fmal half of the football game completed the festive activities, a 27-8 victory-sweet topping for a joyous weekend.

Juniors Mike Stoff and Vince Catuogno accept the trophy for the winning float from Steve Pfander.


The crowd lined the field to give the team its full welcome.

Chaminade Homecoming Queen and King: Karen Mahle and Vince Shay; with their Court: Mari Rose Scindoni, Tony Ballmann, Barb Wendling, Charlie Vangas, Kathy Hemplemann, John Caporal, Kathy

Hillsimmer, Mike Parks, Laura Zimmerman, Ed Thompson, Tootsie Roll, and Tom Nevius.

Charlie Vangas and his date Barb Wendling, are congratulated on being selected to the Homecoming Court. Vince and Karen celebrate their new royalty.



Seniors Learn True Meaning Of HBeing Real" For the first time, the senior retreat was made optional to the seniors. The result was a highly unique and exciting experience for nearly the entire senior division. Held at the Bergamo Youth House at Mount St. John, the retreat was co-ordinated by Bro. Jim 'Heft and Father John Bakle who urged the seniors to above all be real in today's world. A number of films, including "David and Lisa," "An Occurence at Owl Creek Bridge," and a thought-provoking cartoon, "The Violinist," were shown in order to initiate discussions on the subject of "being real." Working with students from other Dayton and Cincinnati high schools, the seniors were able to tear down their own individual facades and walls to be completely open and honest with the others. The experience was one very few seniors will ever forget-an experience which will be remembered with gratitude.

Tom Plummer is deeply interested in the words of Bro. Heft.

Doug .Carl is somewhat amused by the discussion of the cartoon "The Violinist."


Herb Finke and Gary Moorman prepare to sit down for dinner, a small break in the fast-moving day.


Juniors Set New Precedent; Have First U nderclass Retreat At Bergamo "The purpose of this retreat is for you to open up." Under the direction of Bro. Jim Heft, S.M., the juniors were able "to open up" -a beautiful experience for all who attended. The Junior Retreat was the first co-educational retreat at Bergamo ever held for underclassmen. The three days were filled with movies, records, discussion, and simple, frank dialogue. On the opening night, two enlightening movies were shown, followed by discussioris on "being real." The second day was spent in deeper discussion and a trip to the Univerity of Dayton to observe different types of people in life. Everything learned over the first two days became solid the final day when the retreatants made collages, mobiles, and posters as an expression of their feeling. Both deep friendships and new outlook on life路 were acquired during the three days, helping the juniors who attend to become more alive in life.

Brother Jim Heft, the head of the Youth Center at Bergamo, expounds on the gap between the generations.

Dress was informal; thought was intense.



Musical Returns To Chaminade With Frank Loesser's Guys & Dolls

John Anthony's fine performance as the suave Sky Masterson was one of the highlights of the production.


Nicely-Nicely, played by Jim Dwyer, hollers, "Someone save me," at the rousing finish of " Sit Down You're Rockin' the Boat."

Enthusiasm And Dedication Typify Cast Of Guys & Dolls Nicely-Nicely Johnson ........... . .... James Dwyer Benny Southstreet ... ... . ............ . Kevin Hackett Rusty Charlie .... ... .. . .. . ......... .. Barry McClain Sarah Brown ........... . .......... Ann Zimmerman Arvide Abernathy ... . .... . ............. John Strozdos Mission Band .................. Michele Frankenberg Lois Alexander Keith Vocha Harry the Horse ... . . . . ... ... ..... ... . Ralph Sullivan Lt. Brannigan ..... ........ .. .. .. .. . .. John Eismann Nathan Detroit .......... . ..... .. .... James Tarlano Angie the Ox .......................... Ricky Ivory Miss Adelaide ........................ Bonnie Deshler Sky Materson ........................ John Anthony Joey Biltmore ..... .. ......... .. . ... .. Rick Luthman Mimi . .......... .. ................... Amy O'Brien General Matilda B. Cartwright. ... . ..... Mary J 0 Berg Big Jule . ... .. ...... . .... . .............. Walter Ruf Jane Harrow, one of the members of the all-important makeup crew, works diligently on Jim Tarlano.


The hot-tempered crapshooters react to Big Jule's no-spot dice. Ben Baczenas puts the finishing touches on the Guys and Dolls set.

Nathen Detroit, played by Jim Tarlano, discovers he must marry Miss Adelaide (Bonnie Deschler) or give up his crapgame.

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Professional Assistance Brings About Success Of Guys & Dolls After a two year slumber, the musical theatre once again awoke in Chaminade's auditorium with the presentation of "Guys and Dolls." Mrs. Norman Sharkey, the director of the last musical at Chaminade, returned as director of "Guys and Dolls," with the very able backing of musical director, Mr. David Coldren, the promoter for the arts at Antioch College, choreographer Miss Christind Brown, producer Mrs. Louis Hoersting, and stage manager Greg Rau. Over three thousand people viewed the production; the Student Council drawing over a thousand dollars in profit for the six-day showing- an apt reward for the hundreds of hours and over two thousand dollars which were spent for the play . The lead male parts were played by senior John Anthony, who played debonaire Sky Masterson, and junior Jim Tarlano, as gambler Nathan Detroit, with their charming female friends, Julienne seniors Ann Zimmerman, as Miss Sarah Brown of the city mission, and Bonnie Deschler, who portrayed chorus-girl Miss Adelaide. The fantastic success of "Guys and Dolls" has cast a promising light for future endeavors into the art of musical theatre at Chaminade.

Nicely-Nicely Johnson: " It must have been something I ate."


Elwood P. Dowd, played by Jim Dwyer, speaks to his friend Harvey on the telephone.

Harvey Appears On

Chaminade Stage Aroused by the success of "Guys and Dolls," the Student Council quickly began plans for a second theatrical performance, Mary Chase's three-act comedy, "Harvey." Four months after the closing night of "Guys and Dolls," the auditorium's new gold curtain, purchased by money made from the Cultural Committee's film program, opened to a vastly different type of play. Mrs. Norma Sharkey once again handled the directing chores magnificently, with production assistance from senior John Anthony. James D",yer portrayed the hallucination-plagued Elwood P . Dowd, whose best friend was a six-foot tall white rabbit named Harvey. Other male parts were played by seniors Richard Luthman, Charles MacKay, and Victor Whisman, Junior Ken Burgess, and sophomore Peter Miklos. The female complement to the cast included Julienne seniors Amy O'Brien and Bonnie Deschler, juniors Patti Connors, Debbie Denise, and Dolly Kondrotas, and freshman Terry Quinn.

Rick Luthman and Dolly Kondrotas typify the hours of hard work put into Harvey.

Luthman to Whisman: "Doctor, you have permitted that man to walk off these grounds with an overgrown white rabbit." Elwood to Harvey: " Let's go to Kelly's and have a few."

Dolly Kondrotas, as Vita, and Vic Whisman, as Doctor Sanderson, discuss Elwood's mental condition.


s.c. DANCE Student Council Dance Attracts Small Crowd To Kennedy Union The sounds of construction around the school in early January created the theme for the 1968 Student Council Dance, "Under Construction." Small trucks decorating the tables and traffic signs taped to the walls all carried the mood of the evening. An exquisite work of art, created by Greg Keferl, Jerry Flynn, and Nick Krim, covered the entire east wall, picturing a building under construction. Organized by Social Committee chairman John Caporal, the dance was held in the University of Dayton's Kennedy Union with the entertainment provided by the Russ Loman Orchestra. The evening proved to be highly enjoyable to all who attended and a fitting tribute to the students who worked many long hours to make the dance a success.

" Gee, all starey eyed." The Russ Lowman Orchestra provided the music for the dance.


Annual Dance Proves Extremely Successful Amid the manS activities held at the end of the school for the senior class, the sophomore class also found the time to hold their most important social activity of the year, the Sophomore Dance. Hundreds of multicolored balloons decorated the cafeteria, expressing the theme, "Up, Up, and Away." Seventy couples attended the three-hour, semi-formal affair, entertained by the talented "Majestics." Organized by the sophomore homeroom presidents and division president Dave Lesko, and paid for by the sophomore class, many long hours of planning and decorating were spent to make the dance successful. The determination and hard work of so many sophomores created a highly enjoyable, worthwhile, and unforgettable evening.

Tom Stacker, Bill Pfeiffer, and dates dance to the sounds of the Majesties.

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'.J Steve O'Hearn and date, Janet Hoffman, enjoy the gaiety of the sophomore dance.






Extensive decorations were used to the theme "Up, Up, and Away."

President: Edward Tolle

Vice President: John Carroll

Secretary: John Buerschen

Treasurer: Timothy Finke


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Elections Set Good Outlook For N ext Year This year's election, because of high student interest in the junior class, was held earlier than usual. The organization of nominations and the election was put under the supervision of juniors Mike Haley and Paul Kretchmer. Under their guidance some twenty petitions for nomination were turned in for the four offices. On March 1, two juniors were nominated for each office. From that date to the day of the elections each candidate waged his campaign. On two Wednesdays a press conference was held to provide an opportunity for students to meet and pose questions for the candidates. The final election of officers took place on March 15. The voting was preceded by speeches from the candidates, and the voting process was hastened by the means of voting machines donated by the Dayton Board.of Elections. The men chosen were: President, Edward Tolle; Vice-President, John Carroll; Treasurer, Timothy Finke; and Secretary, John Buerschen.

Mr. Regan, Acting Principal, gave the congratulatory speech to the new Student Council.

hn Carroll and Tim Finke congratulate Ed Tolle on his election to e office of President.


Villa Cheerleaders lead their undefeated (untried) team onto t he floor.

s.c. BASKETBALL Student Council Hoopsters Rival Local Villa Virgins " Think" Finke is completely overcome by Barb Tuss's defensive tactics.

In one of the greatest basketball games of the century, the Ludlow Street Five (alias the Chaminade Student Council) staged a come-from-behind 72-69 victory over the Villa Virgins. Coach Jim Dwyer's charges completely outclassed the girls from the Julienne Student Council in the final quarter to overcome a deficit that at times reached 18 points. The victors were lead by "Donnie May" Sweet, who scored 36 of the Ludlow Street Five's 72 points and set a record for the most points ever scored by a Chaminade player in a home game, eclipsing Gary Arthur's 35 points against Wilbur Wright in the 1966 Basketball season, though Sweet's record is questionable. Although the game was close at the end, Chaminade fans, led by a select grou.p of cheerleaders, were once again able to say, "We're number One!" Ed " Jocko" Reiling goes high for two more.

140 -_.

-- -

-~~-- --- --





Social Committee Presents Second Annual Night Club The second anriua! Student Council Night Club was held in the school cafeteria in early spring. Arranged by the Social 'Committee under Chairman John Caporal, the cafeteria was decorated in a coffeehouse manner, with free refreshments being provided. Seniors Jim Dwyer and Vic Whisman performed cuttings from "Inherit the Wind" and" A Thousand Clowns." Tow folk-rock groups, The Freewheelers and James and Deborah, provided the entertainment complete the coffeehouse mood. Financially, the evening was not the Student Council's greatest success, but to the one hundred-plus students who attended, the smallness of the crowd and the relaxed atmosphere was highly enjoyable.


James and Deborah entertain. Vince Shay and Karen Mahle relax in the Night Club setting.



Third Annual May 6th to 10th brought the third annual Spring week to Chaminade. Under the guidance of Denny Sweet and Steve Pfander, five full days of activities were planned for the Juniors and Seniors. Monday saw the 1968 Junior-Senior All-Star Game take place during the last period of school. After taking a commanding early lead and holding it throughout the fIrst two periods, the Seniors cleared the bench. The Juniors then mounted a comeback using their primary weapon, the uncalled foul. They were able to tie the score during the last few seconds, and won on a last-second shot by Mike Walsh. On Tuesday the movie The Wrong Box was presented to upperclassmen. An English satire on 19th Century life in England, The Wrong Box kept the audience in stitches. Bro. James Heft, S.M., gave a presentation on the play, The Man of La Mancha, for the Seniors on Wednesday. Thursday, Ed Reiling presented his pet project, a movie of the events of the school year. The final day of Spring week brought recreation days for the Juniors at U.D.'s West Campus and for the Seniors at Triangle Park.

Mike Anderson attempts to pull the Seniors ahead in the Junior路Senior All路Star game.

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Spring Week Full Of Activities

The starting tip-up of the All-Star game, has Jim Suttmiller up against Tony Guess.

Dan Keyer pleads for " peace" but seems to intend-something else during the water-balloon war games.

Although Field Day was a hectic one, quiet moments were found, as Steve Shephard and Tom Buschur converse with Father Russell.


Mike Anderson and his date anxiously await the announcing of the king and queen.


Couples Dance To Theme Of HLove Is Blue" At Annual Social Highlight Of Year With the soft sounds of the Dave Lowery Orchestra floating through the ballroom, nearly three hundred couples danced to the theme, "Love is Blue." The 1968 Junior-Senior Prom, held for the fIrst time in the Dayton Inn Ballroom, proved to be a highly successful and enjoyable evening, bringing the school year's social a'c tivities to a romantic close. The Prom Committee, headed by Junior Ed Tolle, did ,a commendable job in the arrangements and decorations, creating a truly beautiful experience for all. John Caporal and Susan Halloran presided over the evening as Prom King and Queen, accompanied by a court of couples. As the final chords echoed across the room, hearts became heavy with the realization that the Junior-Senior Prom had come to an end. For the senIors it was the fInal social event of their long stay at Chaminade.

Greg Keferal, Mike Schlorman and their dates appear to be enjoying the evening festivities.


John and Susan dance the royal dance as the court and students look on.

-. 7 ~,




,jr- "

Susan Halloran, Chaminade's Prom Queen, is crowned by Mrs. Regan as King John Capo路 ral looks on.


Jim Burson and date lead off the dance.

Charles J ackson and his date enter the Dayton Inn Ballroom.


j .~ Sitting one out is David Lee and his date.

Throughout the night, couples danced to the soft music of the Dave Lowery Orchestra.




Graduation Terminates Fulfilling Year.

• • •

The long-awaited graduation week began solemnly for the seniors with Honors Night. After recognition was paid to the Class of '68 for their academic achievements and their service to the school and the community, a number of awards for personal excellence were made. Student Council President Michael Quinn was awarded the Bro. Alfred G. Beigel Award for his successful work with the Council, Senior Class President Stephen Pfander received the B'nai B'rith Award for his work, John Caporal won the Archbishop McNicholas Award, and Edward Mathes was chosen for the Student-Athlete Award. The Baccalaureate Mass was held the following morning in the school auditorium. The Mass was sung in the modern folk-song style, fitting for the seniors who are entering today's world with the knowledge that tbe Church is changing with them. Graduation night completed the four years at Chaminade High School for the two-hundred eightyfour seniors. Following the presentation of the diplomas, Stanley Harting presented the class history to the audience and seniors. Stephen Pfander spoke next on the "Impossible Dream" all men should strive for, to accept a challenge no matter how difficult it may be to achieve. Valedictorian Richard McBride was the final speaker. He emphasized the value of free thinking and "creative diversity" in today's educational system. The evening was completed by the singing of the Chaminade Alma Mater, ending a period in the students' lives which they will always remember.

Bro. Stanley Mathews delivers his 1968 graduadion address.

Mike Quinn receives his award for his service as Student Council President.


Seniors Receive Diplomas At





.. _


Ed Tolle introduces the speakers at the Honors Convocation.







NCR Auditorium

Stan Harting is congratulated by Brother Davis after giving his Class History speech.

Richard McBride delivers his valedictory speech on the purposes of education.

At last the long-awaited moment has arrived; the Seniors leave the stage graduates of CHS.

Jim Suttmiller receives his desk pen for his work on the Yearbook as Faculty Editor.


The graduating class receives the applause of the audience after receiving their diplomas.

Outside the auditorium, the scene was one of excitement and bedlam.



Frosh Learn The Meaning Of Chaminade

Dicky Roberts tackles the theorems of Freshman Algebra.

Jerry Stroxdas, Randy Striet, Steve Grismer, Pete Schmitz, Katie Schwenderman, and Helen Pomuti ride in a 1923 Stutz-Bearcat during the Homecoming parade.

Louis Adams Robert Adams John Agnew Dan Allen Tom Altick Bruce Armstrong Joe Arndts Derek Arnold Paul Bader Bob Bahret Joe Balazs Joe Ballman Bob Bandura Ed Bannen Tom Bannen Bob Bates Andy Bayham Alan Baumgartner Richard BeIiringer Gary Bellert D3.!1 Bernard Mike Bertheaud Steve Bertke Ed Black Charles Blalock Don Boehmer Bob Bohardt Paul Bohman Mark Boison John Bole

156 ------ --





Pete Schmidtz, Dave Trainor, and Bob Watson portray mixed emotions towards the glorious revelations of Freshman religion. John Bonfig Tom Borchers Bill Borchers John Borek Toby Borradaile Jerry Bova Bill Brandel! Dali Braun Mike Braun Bob Brenner Ken Brinkman Dan Broadstone Joe Brockman Mark Brockman Steve Brown Bob Bucheit Jeff Bucher Ken Buchholz Joe Buehler Terry Bullock Dan Bumeka Chuck Butler Paul Buynak Joe Cancila Derek Cardwell David Carson Richard Carter Joe Charlton David Chestnut Ken Chilton Bob Chilton Kim Christensen John Churan Mike Coffey Tim Comboy Charles Cotterman Richard Couture Henry Crist Mike Crosby Jerry Crowe Richard Cull Mark Davis Paschal Dealoia Wesley Deis Mike Delzeith Salva tor Desalldo Ron Dschler Mark Diemunsch Roger Dietsch


Bryan Dineen Jose Dodaro Sherman Dudley David Duffy James Duncan Peter Donovan Chris ])wyer Terry Egan Mike Eifert Richard Elliot John Fackler Joe Fackler Tom Fahnestock Steve Falter Mark Finke Jim Fletcher Steve Flohre Mark Florkey Mike Fortunato Joe Foster Bob Frapwell Joe Garland Ray Garman Gary Geisel Chuck Gentile John Gower Matthew Greany Firman Green David Gregory Steve Grismer David Grusenmeyer Steve Guess Karam Habib Mark Haemmerle Jim Hakemoller Ray Hale Dennis Halloran Tom Harris Kevin Harry Mark Hartke Mike Hayslip Greg Hedgebeth Mike Heil Richerd Heiser Mark Hemmelgarn Tom Hickey Tom Higginbotham Mark Hilton Jim Hinders Bob Hinkle Dan Hoagland Glenn Hochwalt Mike Hochwalt Bob Hodge David Hoenie Bm Horesting Bill Holtvoigt Jerry Holtzhauer Tom Hudson Richard Hutchinson Leon Isaac Griffith Jones Bob Karmosay

158 -

- ----- - - - - - - -- -

Richard Katulak John Kavy Mike Keating Mike Keller Bill Keller Jerry Kessler John Kessler Nick Keyes Gregory Kitts Bob Klenke Chris Klopf Ralph Klos Vil\cent Klosterman Jim Kneeland Tom Koenig Bob Koors Tim Kracus Bernard Kroger Mark Kroger John Kuntz Paul Kuntz Tom Kuntz Dan Lafferty Walter Langen John Larger Ray Laux Jack Layne Paul Leonard Gary Leppla Fred Limbert Steve Limbert Tom Lipp Terry Lorton Tom Lyons John Mancus Gregory Mangold Bob Mannix Rick Marah Ken Marcellus Jim Marcheski Ed Marrinan Julius Martin Mark Martin Ray Martin Tim Martin Bob Mathes Mike Matson Bob McCarthy Tom McCarthy Joe McCracken Chris McGhee Steve McGraw Patrick McKeon John McWilliams Mike Meixner Joe Mescher Rick Meyer Mike Meyring Doug Miller Gary Miller Ron Millet Kevin Monaghan Kevin Mulligan


"Hello, Ohio Bell." Paul Nartker Don Neff Jim Neu Tom Nevels Clarence Newcomb Jared Nickerson John Norris Tim O'Brien Steve Oda Kevin O'Hearn Tom Osterday William Overman Brent Patterson Fred Pfeiffer Bruce Phillips Frank Plassenthal Joe Plummer Mike Popowich Mark Putnam Tim Quinn Tom Quinn Gerry Raffel John Rankin David Rau Steve Regulinski Eddie Reed Richard Reif Don Reynolds Ray RitzIer Richard Roberts La Mont Rodgers Wayne Rogers Rodney Rogge Robert Romie Phillip Rose Sam Rosengarten Steve Ross Tom.Rouse Steve Ruef Ted Rumpf Nick Ruppert Ed Ruschau Paul Sacksteder David Sherack Mark Shipper Joe Schmitz Pete Schmitz David Schneider Ken Schroeder


Mike Schultz Herbert Schwenderman George Self Terry Sharkey Carl Sharp Mike Shea Alex Sherer Mark Sheets Bill Shock Pat Siehl James Simon Phil Singleton Jim Sinkwitz Herb Smalls Brian Smith Glenn Smith Jeff Mathew Smith Jeff Michael Smith Jim Snyder John Snyder Mike Sommers Ed Sovonick Mark Spidel John Spreng ' Mathew Staton Phillip Steinbrugge Randy Streit Jerry Strozdas Jim Sullivan David Summers Tom Tiefert Chris Timpone George Tokodi David Trainor Mike Trego Bob Turner Dave Turner Al Veg Bali Steve Vogel David Wabler Mike Walker Ed Walters Ray Wartinger Bob Watson Chris Weaver Jerry Weidner Paul Wenclewicz Mark Westendorf Greg Wilder Mark Williams Marty Williams Robert Williams Tom Williams Bob Williamson Mark Woerner Jim Woodall Rick Woodie Gerald Wright Gary Wysong Joe Zennie John Zimmerman Eugene Zwolski



Lachat explores the wonders of world cultures.

Into the depths Joe Bruggeman probes.

From The Beginning To The End Of The Bruce Abell Timothy Adam Charles Aliaga Thomas Ander Ken Bachey Joseph Baker Mark Barlow Frank Barok Cliff Barson James Barstow Greg Bayer Gregg Bayley Barry Bergedick Denis Berger Robert Bir David Blake William Blalock David Boehm Fred Bookwalter Anthony Borek Timothy Boudette William Bowden Dennis Bowman Robert Brinkman Danny Brodbeck Jeff Brown Larry Brown Michael Brown Joseph Bruggeman Kent Brun Scott Bruns John Buchholz Larry Budich James Burns Joey Caesar



"Go, chromosomes, go!"

A study in concentration-Tom Reichart and the last hallway.

Sophomores In Continuous Mption.

• •

James Carter James Clark John Clark Michael Cleary David Coffey Walter Coley Alan Colyer Samuel Condy James Corbett Michael Corcoran David Costa Paul Couture Thomas Couvion Matthew Dahlinghaus Walter Davidson Doug Davis James Davis Thomas Dedrick Steve Deitering Dale Dempsey Mark Desch Barry Devine Brian Devlin Mark Dewitt James Dibauda Robert Dillingham Michael Dix Charles Doll Joseph Donatelli Thoimas Dorcas Ronald Doss James Duell Lawrence Earnhart Charles Eby Daniel Eckert


Steven Eckstein John Eismann Norman Essman Gregory Eyerman Steve Fecher James Finch Michael Fischer Richard Fischer Thomas Fischer Joseph Flanagan Mark Fleischman Thomas Flohre John Follick Richard Franzer William Frapwell Thomas Friel John Froschauer Daniel Gerhard Brian Gomes Dale Goubeaux Ronald Goubeaux Steven Grant Douglas Grewe Douglas Griffm John Grismer Wesley Grooms Christopher Gunther John Habil Keith Hackett Steven Hagemeyer Michael Haley Stephen Hamant Kenneth Harm Daniel Harman Thomas Harr Michael Hart Leslie Hayes Thomas Heck Timothy Hemmelgarn Timothy Henehan Dennis Herman Frank Herzog Theodore Herzog Thomas Hoban David Hohne J ames Holden Charles Holtevert Robert Horner Frank Hornocker Donald Hosfeld Stephen Howard Ralph Huber Gary Hughes Mark Huwer Rickey Irvin John Ivory David Jackson James Jobe Crispin Jones Stephen Kane

Gary Katulak Kevin Kavanaugh John Keating John Kern Wiliam Kessler Donald Keyser Stephen King Thomas Kitchen Walter Klimaski Mark Kline George Kloos Steve Knapschaefer David Koehl Timothy Koehl Anthony Kondrath Michael Kovacs James Kozlowski David Krebs Dale Krohn Edward Kronenberger Thomas Krug Gerald Krygier Thomas Kugaczewski Robert Kuntz Paul Kurpiel James Kussman Jerome Lachat Edward Lampkin Timothy Lange Kenneth Lauber Steven Lentz David Lesko Donald Lingg Mark Link Donald Loper

They Begin To Seek Academic Achievement

Ruchau: "How did a nice guy like me get a grade like this?"



• Mark Lozan Eugene Luckoski Richard Madlinger Richard Makley Barry Mancz Albert Mantz Francis Marsico James Martinson Stephen Matson Kenneth Mauch Donald McBride Richard McCabe Thomas McGill Daniel McHugh Joseph McLaughin James McNamara Robert Meininger Greg Mergler Gerald Michel Lawrence Mikalas Peter Miklos Gerald Miller Jacques Miller John Miller Michael Miller Dennis Mobley David Molnar Jeffrey Monroe Robert Moore Gregory Moorman Thomas Murphy Charles Murray Ronald Muzechuk James Naber Timothy Nartker Paul Nevels Thomas Nevius Gary Newcomb Patrick Nolan David Nordyke Donald Obringer Steven. Ohearn

The Sophomore float moves toward the colorful Homecoming festivities.

Enjoying the Homecoming dance are Greg Schulkers and date Mary Hoban.


Henry Olszewski Thomas Papp Anthony Peasant David Penney Stanley Pfander Thomas Pfeiffer William Pfeiffer Andy Plassenthal Walter Plassenthal Russell Poquette Vernon Portner Terry Post William Powers Charles Pulley Kevin Rapp Daniel Reichert Greg Reichert Lawrence Reichert Thomas Reichert Douglas Rihm Edward Rihn Rafael Risco Chris Robers Thomas Roberts Daniel Rodgers Michael Roth Edward Ruf Michael Ruppert Steve Ruschau John Rutledge Paul Sabrack Thomas Saettel Peter Santa Maria Michael Shierloh John Schindler Louis Schirack Richard Schirtzinger Jack Schmidt Larry Schoenlein Stephen School Edward Schopler Danny Schreier





Sophomore attendant Tom Nevius and date Tootsie Roll are welcomed by the Homecoming crowd.


Jerry Scott James Seitz Thomas Seitz Timmy Seitz Randall Sell Michael Sendelbach Larry Seubert Michael Shannon David Sheehan Robert Shelhouse Steven Siewe Stephen Sipos Eric Smith David Snyder Louis Spang Norman Spang Richard Sparaco Thomas Spatz James Spilker Donald Sprude Thomas Stachler Timothy Steineman Harold Steinke Thomas Stevenart Gregory Stoddard Timothy Stoddard Jerome Stout Ralph Sullivan John Sweeterman Fred Sweigart Robert Tangeman Michael Thies Marvin Thomas Larry Tittle Timothy Titus

t .

Sophomores Strive To Develop Completely

"Sure .. .Tell us another one," mutters Bob Bir. George Kloos ponders the mysteries of a swinging pendulum in Physics.


Daniel Trick Richard Trietsch Mark Tuss Terrence Tyler Thomas Unverferth Keith Vacha James Venys Ronald Voit Timothy Wabler Thomas Wagner John Wahlrab Richard Walling Stephen Ward Thomas Warner Thomas Wart~er James Weaver Stephen Webb Timothy Wehner Martin Weitzel Roger Weller Phillip Wenclewicz Richard Wenlewicz Thomas Wendeln Jeffrey Wenning Nicholas Weser John Westendorf John Wieland Douglas Wiggins Keith Wilder Daniel Will James Will Michael Will Robert Wilson William Wimsatt Michael Woodall Greg Wourms Theodore Wuebben Robert Yahle Thomas York Gary Zajovits Timothy Zimmer Michael Zwiesler

Jerry Scott receiving the good news?



Pressure Intensfies, Juniors Persevere

Research has shown that in nine out of ten cases no-doze is an effective remedy.

Adrian Aldredge Kyle Alford John Armstrong William Atkin Ben Baczenas William Bahret Thomas Baker David Barker Richard Bauer Gordon Beard Michael Beecroft Karl Bettinger Francis Bochenek Joseph Boeke Thomas Bogner John Bohman Kenneth Bole Russell Boltz Philip Bramlage Martin Breen Bryan Brun Robert Brun Frederick Bucher Stephen Budde Thomas Buedel John Buerschen Christopher BurgeI Thomas Burger Ken Burgess J. Paul Burkhardt David Bush Richard Cable Gary Carabin John Carroll Gary Carson


Phil Weaver fo cuses his attention on his assignment of ink etching.

., I'm no Steve Kirk, but I can push the buttons

Tom Burger, Marty Breen listen while Dick Kolhoff explains the process of paper mache.

John Carson Mike Casselberry Vince Catuogno Mark Cenky John Cherpeski Patrick Civille William Clements Patrick Connair Martin Couture Gregory Cundiff Clarence Dabney Dennis Dahm Claude Davidson Herbert Davis Robert Davis Kenneth Deis Steven Dely Steven Deneke Robert Deschler William Disken Michael Doan Carlton Doncaster Barry Donovan Thomas Donovan Don Drummer Mark Duffy Raymond Dysas Bernaed Eckert Stephen Eckert Carl Edmondson Michael Elix Richard Evans Ferald Faulkner Michael Fiedor Timothy Finke William Fischer John Foley Joseph Fricke David Garman William Ghory Bruce Ginn Cecil Giscombe


Joseph Goode Scott Gordon Charles Gorman Thomas Greene Thomas Gremling Mark Gudorf William Gudorf Michael Guerra Anthony Guess Gerald Hackenberg Kevin Hackett David Hairston Michael Haley Pat Haley Ronald Haley Robert Haller Walter Hand David Hardin James Harlis Charles Harris Robert Heiser Dale Hemmelgarn Thomas Hentrich Gregory Herbert Michael Hill Arthur Hinker Douglas Hobbs Gene Hogan Frank Horvat Richard Ivory Michael Jackson John Jandel Michael Jeckering Christian Jenk Jeffery John Gregory Kambitsch Gerard Kaufhold Dan Kaylor John Keferl James Keller Leroy Kelley Jeffrey Kesting Gilbert Kiefer Robert King George Koenig Richard Kolhoff John Koslick Donald Koverman Steven Kozuh Paul Kretschmer Michael Lachey Joseph Laforsch Steven Lauterbach WiUiam Larger Geralrl Landis David Lee Timothy Lee Douglas Lehman Stephen Lehmkuhle James Lingg Thomas Long Ronald Mader J ames Mahoney


Juniors Show Leadership In Float Contest

The pride of "69" parades through the streets.

The Juniors pour it on for twenty-four hours to build a winning float.

Armin Majer Philip Mals Thomas Mannix Charles Maqsud Thomas Marlow Alan Martin Andrew McBride Thomas McCabe John McCann Terrance McCartan Frederick McCarthy Maris McCrabb James McMillan Frederick McNeil Michael Mergler Dennis Mitchell Michael Mobley Michael Moosbrugger Steven Neumann Patrick Nevius Donald Nooks Dennis Noreikas Frederick Oborne Michael Oconnell Daniel Oconnor Daniel F. Oconnor Norman Olt James Pachin John Page Joseph Page Richard Penney Eugene Perry Timothy Phelps James Pickrel Bruce Pilgrim


Mike Davidson scores another T.D. Charles Plassenthal Michael Plassenthal Lee Plevelich Richard Powers Michael Raab Gary Rau Charles Reindl Sam Renehart Tim Retich David Riegle Robert Roalef Thomas Rogers Wes Rogers James Rohl Thomas Ruef John Ruf John Ruschau John Sacksteder John Saluke Michael Schaefer Frank Schlcher Richard Schiemann Michael Schlorman Thomas Schmid James Schmitz Samuel Scneider Thomas Schommer Stephen Schulkers Lee Schulte David Scudder Michael Seitz Thomas Senecal Jan ServaiteS' Patrick Sharkey Thomas Shearer William Sherman Chris Shilli to James Sichman Joseph Siehl Robert Simon Gregory Singer James Sitzman


.. Thomas Sliger Ronnie Sloan Donald Smith Jack Smith Mark Smith William Snyder Stephen Sobieski Stephen Solomon James Sprowl James Staley Robert Stegman Tohomas Steigerwald Robert Stephen Anthony Stoeve Michael Stoff Richard Streacker John Strozdas Charles Sullivan James Sullivan Harry Sutton Dennis Sweeney Charles Sweigart James Tarlano James Tatol . Robert Thacker Joseph Thomas David Thorne Jerome Tiefert Michael Timpone Donald Tolle Edward Toole Richard Tolle James Trangenstein John Trautman Douglas Trick John Trimbach James Trupp Dennis Verrett Michael Walsh Stephen Walsh Philip Weaver Michael Welsh James Wendling Thomas White Michael Whitley Joseph Wiedman Michael Wilke Charles Wimmers James Wimsatt Michael W oerl Gerald Woeste Larry Woeste Chris Wolf Donald Wysong William Yahle Donald Yeazell

Anthony Zajovits David Zimmerman


... Advertising


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Congratulations Class of 1968 We are here to serve YOU

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124 E. Third St. Dayton , Ohio



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A Shop Called East

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GEORGE KNIESS Compliments Of



124 So. Hedges St. Phone 253-4171 Best Wishes to the Class of '68


MiaIlli Maid Bakery

Ohmer Park Service 1820 Wyoming St. 256-2631

913 S. Patterson Blvd. Ph . 461-3950


Shell Products-General Repair

Dayton, Ohio

Don Mauch "43"

Larry Lehmann "60"

Compliments of

Banta Funeral Homes Inc . .


Courteous Service


Funerals From $250.00 to $3,000.00 Harold Lammant-Class of 60 Asst. Funeral Director

216 ~. Stroop Rd. Kettering, Ohio 298-1423


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Front Wheel-Specializing-Frame Alignment Painting- Welding

4625 N. Dixie Dr.

Dayton, Ohio

After 6 P.M. 277-3887


Compliments of

Congratulations to the Class of 1968

PARK ROW LOUNGE 969 Patterson Rd.

Meyer & Boehmer


Funeral Home

TELEP HONE,2 74 路 2541

1733 S. Brown St. LAWNDALE GARAGE AND BODY SHOP Complete /l " to RejJt/i,.illg . Body . Paintillg

Dayton, Ohio







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Best Wishes to the Class of '68

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BU路C HER BROTHERS 337 W . First St.



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and APPLIANCES 853 E. First St. Dayton, Ohio 45402 . 223-5265

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Dayton 6, Ohio

Compliments Of A




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M.J. Petkus, Sr. Alice Petkus Mike Petkus, Jr. '64


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Have the Best? A


Robert Jewelers

Of A

Breitenstrater Sq. 1062 Patterson Rd. 252-0869


Keepsake Diamond Rings

PICKREL BROS. INC. Wholesale Plumbing and Heating Supplies

901 South Perry Street

Dayton, Ohio 45402



PARTY SUPPLIES 1012 Harries Bldg.

1018 Irving Avenue

Dayton, Ohio 45402

Phone: 293-0141 Telephone: 222-9413 "Where Good Sports Meet"


Best Wishes & Good Luck

543 Salem Ave.

AVALON Imported - Beer - Wine - Champagne - Food Domestic Specialties & Gifts

222 S. Ludlow St. 222-0056

S. J. and Mary Aponyi

Dayton, Ohio

277-4322 187

BUSINESS ARDMORE CLEANERS 2456 W. Third St. 263-9021

BONNERS HOUSE OF BEAUTY 5001 Troy Pike 233-1915

CHICK KLINE REALTY 364 N. Broad St. Fairborn, Ohio

AIR-CITY WINE STORE 3114 North Dixie 275-0831

BORCHERS-FORD 366 South Main St. 224-1822

COLONIAL FLOWERS 623 Salem Ave. 277-4251

AL NEFF INSURANCE 1130 Salem Ave. 278-4827

BOV A'S SERVICE 5 South Smithville Rd. 252-0091

CONSUMERS HWD. 2512 W. Third St. 263-7091

ALLENS UNITED RENT-ALLS 4990 Nebraska 233-7703

BOWMAN FUNERAL CHAPEL 3223 Hoover Ave. 268-6869

CORNELL PHARMACY 3521 Cornell Drive 277-0501

ALLODIS MARKET 1043 Brown St. 228-1004

DR.'S BOYD, EUBEL & PFAUMER 302 W. Main Street Fairborn, Ohio

CORNER MARKET 101 Euegene 354-3721

AUTO INCORPORATED 4602 Salem Ave. 274-5362

BUCKEYE DESIGN Cor. U.S. 25 North & Timberlane 277-9431

AC CERAMICS STUDIO 402 Alameds PI. 275-7969

BAR MAC CARRY OUT 6640 North Dixie Dr. 277-4100

BUSINESS MENS ASSURANCE CO. 5055 N. Main St. Suite 210 278-9453


BARRELL HOUSE CARRY OUT 4321 North Main 274-0268

CAESAR'S GROCERY & CARRYOUT 128 N. Ardmore Ave. 268-2221

THE DAYTON FABRICATED STEEL CO. 1300 E. Monument Ave. 228-7178

BEAVER-VU SKATE ARENA 3070 Bellbrook Fairfield Rd. 426-5532

COMMERCIAL METAL FABRICATORS, INC. 150 Commerce Park Dr. 233-4911

THE DAYTON MONUMENT CO. 1424 Alberta Street 228-1362

BELLBROOK PIZZA COTTAGE Franklin St. in Bellbrook 848-4361

CAR-TWO, INC. 7825 N . Dixie Dr. 278-7421

DAYTON-ROLLERDROMESKATING 24 E . Nottingham Rd. 274-2255

BELLE ANIMAL HOSPITAL 1058 N. Gettysburg Ave. 263-4844

CARTER PHARMACY 206 E. National Rd. Vandalia, Ohio

DA YTON SUZUKI SALES, INC. 3586 Salem Ave. Dayton, Ohio

BELMONT PIZZA INN 600 Watervliet Ave. 254-2251

CATALPA ECONO-WASH 2333 Catalpa Dr. 278-2493

DAYTON TECH ART CO. 1329 Stanley Ave. 461-4720

BENNY'S TV SERVICE 4722 South Dixie Dr. 299-3801

C.C. VANIMAN, INC. 21 E. Main St. Trotwood, Ohio

DIXIE LANE P.D.Q. MARKET 264 N . Dixie Vandalia, Ohio

C. OSCAR BEIGEL & SONS 505 Xenia Ave. 252-2631

DONSIS FLOWERS 67 N. Main St. 866-2036

BILLY LEWIS, INC. 100 W. First St. 222-4041

C. PLEVELICH-TAX SERVICE 245 Hanna Ave. 268-1768

DON'S BAR 1221 Wyoming St. 253-0132

BOLINGERS BODY SHOP 4008 N. Dixie Dr. 274-4173

CHARLES S. JOHNSON, M.D. 1924 Home Ave. 268-3211

DON'S TEXICO SERVICE 2200 Woodman Dr. 256-7261

BERGERS SOHIO SERVICE 1413 N. Main St. 274-3882



PATRONS DOROTHY LANE SUNOCO 2150 E. Dorthy Lane 293-0506

FRANK'S ANTENNA SERVICE 1046 Harvard Blvd. 274-9152


DOUBLE R-CARRYOUT 1613 Huffman Ave. 252-4778

FREIP CARRYOUT 68 Burkhardt 253-0639

GUS HIRSCH FLOWERS 15 W. First St. 223-8111

DR. ROBERT R. THEIL 5509 Brandt Pike 233-8439

FURST THE FLORIST 1306 Troy St. 223-1213

HISTORIC PEERLESS MILL INN 319 S. Second St. Miamisburg, Ohio

DWYER'S DYNA-KLEEN 91 Carson Ave. 277-1142

F.W. LOTZ PAPER & FIXTURE CO. 607 E. Third St. 223-7223

HOBAN BASS FDRY. 949 S. Patterson Blvd. 228-1921

EASTOWN BARBERS Eastown Shopping Center In the Arcade

GEBHARDT'S SUPERETTE, INC. 1609 Gilsey Ave. 263-5210

HODGE'S CAR WASH 3596 Salem Ave. CR 7-6153

ELMHURST BARBERSHOP 608 Elmhurst Rd. 263-0391

GENERAL SURPLUS STORE 401 E. Third St. 228-2579

HUBER HEIGHTS ROD AND GUN CLUB Philadelphia Dr. at Stillwater River 274-1775


GENE' SOHIO SERVICE 500 Troy St. 228-0140

HUDSON 66 SERVICE 5464 Burkhardt at Spinning Rd. 253-0491

FAIRBORN MOTEL 15 S. Broad St. 878-4438

GEORGE'S ARSENAL 9 N. Wright (In rear) Fairborn, Ohio

HUFFIE'S BAR-B-QUE 925 McArthur Ave. 263-0396

FAHRIG SHEET METAL 949 Troy St. 222-3106

GERDES LANDSCAPING, INC. 247 N. Central Dr. 426-4489

HUGO DEIS DISTRIBUTORS, INC. 600 Kiser St. 222-5521

FANNIE'S PIZZA HOUSE 574 S. Detroit St. Xenia, Ohio

GORMAN, INC.-REALTOR 3090 Far Hills Ave. 299-5584

INDUSTRIAL CLEANING 560 Kepler Dr. 278-1591

FIBERGLASS OF OHIO, INC. 1117 W. Stewart St. 223-4109

GRAY DRUG, INC. OF FAIRBORN 1248 N. Broad St. 878-0661

JACK'S UNIVERSITY SHOP 1100 Brown St. 228-0209

THE FINKE CO. 450 Bacon St. 224-7696

GREEN MILL RESTAURANT 16 N. Main St. 228-6732

JOE SCHMIDT PLBG. 3916 Old Salem Rd. 836-3086

F & L SHOES 400 W. Main St. Fairborn, Ohio

GREENVIEW MARKET 8312 N. Main Street 277-8551

JOHN H. KEMPER CO. 32 North Ludlow St. 224-1872

FLOHRE'S RESTAURANT 501 Brandt St. 222-3095

GRIMES ACE HARDWARE 15 West Main Fairborn, Ohio

KEY-ADS OUTDOOR 3386 Old Salem Rd. 274-3161

FOX CLEANERS, INC. 4333 N. Main St. 274-1138


KING COLE, INC. 34 West Second St. 222-6771

FOY'S 5¢ TO $5.00 STORE 18 E. Main St. Fairborn, Ohio

GYPSUM INTERIORS, INC. 3130 Plainfield Rd. 253-0802

KRAMER'S 1018 Irving Ave. 293-0141




4215 N. Main St. 275-9252

2400 E. Dorthy Lane 298-7568

MEYER & BOEHMER FUNERAL HOME 1733 Brown St. 223-9119

OHMER PARK UPHOLSTERING 1029 Wayne Ave. 228-9331

KUNTZ'S FOOD SERVICE, INC. 1225 Troy St. 223-4178



3022 N. Main St. 274-5433

39 S. Jefferson St. 223-8255

515 Neal Ave. 274-7223

MIAMI CIGAR & TOBACCO CO. 1876 Radio Rd. 252-9901

2028 Webster St. 222-21 21

L & B HARDWARE 2280 E. Dorthy Lane 299-8001

MIAMI ENGINEERING CO. 1073 Linden Ave. 253-5187

428 Bacon St. 224-7696

LINDSAY ASSOC., INC. Third Nat!. Bldg. Rm. 944 268-4210

MICRO-DATA CORP. 1345 Stanley Ave. 222-8681

PLATT MANUFACTURING CORP. 435 Keowee St. 223-5271

MID CENTRAL BUILDERS, INC. 7825 N. Dixie Dr. 278-7471

718 Carlisle Ave. 254-5918

MIDWAY BAKERY 407 W. Main St. 878-8588

243 Troy St. 223-1973

KROGER CO. 700 Spinning Rd. 254-6501



L- T CLUB ll41 Brandt Pike 233-5010

THE "L.T." CLUB ll21 Brandt Pike 233-5011 LYONS ELECTRICAL SUPPLY 915 Webster St. 224-1 561

MAC'S MARKET 3407 Kings Highway 275-4195 GUY J . MAGETTI FUNERAL HOME 1508 Valley St. 223-2962 THE MAGIN REALTY CO. 819 Salem Ave. 275-5412

MAIN LINE SUPPLY CO., INC . 905 E. Third St. 461-5544

MAPLE GROVE RESTAURANT 3401 E. Third St. 254-3971







MOLERS BELMONT DAIRY CO. 3230 Smithville Rd. 253-4167 MORAN PAINT CO. Xenia, Ohio 426-2641 THE MULTI LETTER SHOP 37 Richmond Ave. 275-2621 THE NATIONAL TAG CO. Dayton, Ohio 222-ll05 N.J. DIX & SONS, INC. 1601 Chapel St. 223-8004

901 S. Perry St. Dayton, Ohio 45402

PERFECT CLEANERS 2023 N. Main St. 278-4711 PALACE BOWLING LANES 1424 West Third St. 222-7456 PREMIERE CORP. 2265 Springboro Rd. 299-7318

QUINN AUTO TOP 4815 N. Main St. 275-0278

N .L. KOSATER, M.D. 2838 Linden Ave.

REGINA FLOOR POLISHERS 1909 E. Third St. 256-2551

MATHIAS H. HECK Imperial State Bank Vandalia, Ohio

NORBERT M. CHRISTENSEN John A. Kemper 224-1872

RUBIN PHARMACY 15 E. Main St. Fairborn, Ohio

MARTIN & PLAMER TOOL & DIE CORP. 12ll Wayne Ave. 222-9131



278 Alaska St. 223-6881

201 Far Hills Ave. 293-0125

MAX'S SHOE STORE 729 Watervliet Ave. CL 3-8007

419 Troy St. 224-9684



PATRONS RIVERSIDE MKT. 3901 Riverside Dr. 275-7763

SUPERIOR PHARMACAL CO. 434-440 Maryland Ave. 228-8501

TRUMAN OPTICIANS 104 N. Main St. 224-1782 ~

ROBBINS AUTO BODY SHOP 923 Springfield St. Dayton 3, Ohio


UNITED BEVERAGE CO. 2780 Culver Ave. 298-9933

ROLL'S DRUGS, INC. 2920 Wayne Ave. 252-7515


UNIVERSITY PHARMACY 1133 Brown St. 223-4293

RIVERDALE ICE & BEER CO. 3513 N. Main St. 275-4768

SA WA YA'S MARKET Germantown & Summit 228-0221

VERN'S BARBER SHOP 3305 Sellars Rd. 859-4863

THE ROTH OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO. 111-113 E. Third St: . 228-6175

SHILOH MARKET 5835 N. Main St. 274-2173

V.V. ARMSTRONG REALTY 2116 N. Main St. 275-2936

RIVERSIDE TOOL & DIE 153 Walbrook Ave. 275-7453

SLYDER'S TAVERN 836 Watervielet 256-9331


RAY BRYANT CHEVROLET CO. 1620 S. Brown St. 461-5200

SCHACHERERPHARMACY 4962 Springboro Rd. 298-7364


RANL 'l'S DEPT. STORE Fairborn, Ohio 878-2371

ST. MARK BOOKSHOP 218 N. Main St. 223-3611

WENDLING PAITERNS, INC. 2121 Jergens Rd. 233-7770

REMCO TOOL & DIE, INC. 132 Madison St. 222-7732

SALEM MALL BARBER SERVICE 5200 Salem Ave. 837-3170

WILLIAM H. WILSON-INSURANCE 333 W. First St. 222-5811

RUDY'S TAVERN 661 Creighton Ave. 253-0442

SALEM MACHINE SERVICE, INC. 10 N . Kilmer 268-1355

WHITE CLOVER DAIRY FARMS, INC. 1742 E. First St. 253-6911

RIDGEWA Y PRESCRIPTIONS 3101 E. Third St. 254-2664

TART'S CERAMIC ARTS 1741 Areo St. 293-7256

BOB WAHLRAB JEWELERS 3902 Linden Ave. 254-3131


TARTER'S BARBER SHOP 3126 N. Main St. 277-0991

WAGONER FORD GULF 2250 Wagoner Ford Rd. 274-0459

THOMPSON'S BARBER SHOP 3970 Salem Ave. 275-3671

W.W. WURST 4699 Salem Ave. 278-5796

TRICK TOOL & DIE CO. 119 Franklin St. 224-0587

WALT'S BARBER SHOP 301 Delware Ave. 276-2411

T . KOVERMAN PHOTO 925 Brown St. 222-2997

WISE GARAGE, INC. 1845 Troy St. 233-5060

TOM REYNOLDS FURNITURE 404 W. Main St. Fairborn, Ohio

YOUNGS VAN & STORAGE CO. 1735 Stanley Ave. 461-3835

SALEM BARBERS 617 Salem 274-5466 SCHOENBERGERSPHARMACY 555 Salem Ave. Dayton 6, Ohio SCHULKER'S HAEDWARE 3703 Wayne Ave. 453-9252 SHRIMP BOAT, INC. 10 S. Main St. 223-5169 SETSER SHEET METAL


PERSONAL Rev. Walter C. Ahr

Joseph Michael Budich, Jr.

Mrs. G.J. Akerland Harry Alexander Mrs. Lillian G. Alford Miss Sherry Alford Ted Aponyi Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth D. Allen Mr. & Mrs. LH. Altenburg

Fred Bueche Jerald Buehler Mrs. Velma Burger F.L. Burgmeier Richard P . Burkhardt, M.D. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E . Burkhardt Thomas E . Burkhardt, Jr.

Mrs. George Anderson Tony Anticoli, Jr. Kenneth Arkeberg

Mary Ann Burns Elbert Butler Mrs. Annie B. Caesar Mrs. J . Gavin Callinan

Harold E . Van Ausdal Dayton Aviators Mrs. Ann Baczenas Johanna C. Baczenas Mary E. Baczenas Stanley E. Baczenas Bilbo Bagginr

Nicholas P. Calvert A Carroll Patriot-"69" Mary M. Carson A Carroll Patriot The Cheerleaders Edward Chinnock Tom Finke Chris Andrew Churan Julie Churan Mrs. Gurtha Clark Mrs. Joanne Clark Karen Claude Pam Clark Zimmerle Cleaners Dale Coffey

Mr. & Mrs. C. Kenneth Bailey G.F. Ballmann Cheri Balsamo Curt Barger Rawlinson E. Barriteau Mrs. Francis X. Bates Paul Beals Barbara K. Begley Gene Belmont Belmont Lanes Bill's Motor Mole Service Compliments of Mrs. & Mr. Frank Bickford

Mr. F.B . Coffey Mr. & Mrs. Sig Conrad Congratulations to Me Congratulations-Pam & Joanie Mr. & Mrs. Thurman Colyer Mr. & Mrs. M.J. Comisar

Margaret Black Sandi M. Black Mr. & Mrs. David Blake Mr. & Mrs. Russel Blank Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Bliss, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William C. Bodner Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Boesch

Mrs. Ella Cooney Kathleen J. Cooney Margaret F. Cooney Mr. & Mrs. Paul J . Corcoran Mr. & Mrs. Louis J . Couvion

Edward M. Boland Mr. & Mrs. Joe Borek East Kettering Boys Mr. & Mrs. E .L. Braunlin, Jr. Bonnie Brendel Colleen M. Brennan Mrs. John T. Brennan Michael J . Broadstone Mrs. & Mr. Brombacher, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Brown

Congratulations Seniors Albert G. Crockett Mr. & Mrs. Cecil F. Dahlinehaus A.E. David Co. Calvin Davis Mr. Day / Mr. Paul Lt.lCol. B .L. Delaune Mr. & Mrs. Leroy Delzeith, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Devine Ed Dietz Mr. & Mrs. Jose Dodard . John B. Donovan

Dec V. Brown Mrs. & Mr. Fred Brun, Jr. Mr. Albert Bryan Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bucheit Mr. & Mrs. John Bucholz

Norman J . Drewing Bill Ducey-Class '61 Tom Ducey-Class '63 Joesph Duell

Charles F. Buck Joe & Alberta Budich


PATRONS Mr. & Mrs. Roland Duell Mrs. Vivian Duncan The William Edgar Family Lynne & Bonnie Egan Mr. & Mrs. Richard Elliot Norman Essman Mrs. Helen Essman E.E. Estridge Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Fair Mr. & Mrs. David P. Fecke Shirley J. Fecke Rosella Feldman Robert F. Fischer Mr. & Mrs. Robert R Fischer, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. William Fitzpatrick Mark Finke

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Grusenmeyer Miss Norma Gruss Your "Friend"-Fr. Louis Guntzelman John H. Haas William R Haas Mr. & Mrs. John E. Hakemoller Trudy Haley Mr. & Mrs. J.P. Hallan Chris Hardman, Tom's Mr. & Mrs. Paul Harm Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Harting Mr. & Mrs. Parker Hedgebeth Mr. & Mrs. Harry F. Heiser Edward H. Hemmelgarn Birdie Henderson Mr. & Mrs. Dale E. Herbert Gerald Herman Mr. & Mrs. W.C. Hewitt

R Peter Finke Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Finke Mr. & Mrs. Maurice J . Flynn, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Jim Focht Thomas F. Folina Major & Mrs. Joseph J . Foster III Frances M. Frank A Friend

Mr. & Mrs. Albert F. Hickey & Family Mr. & Mrs. RE. Hoagland Dr. & Mrs. N.C. Hochwalt Dr. Louis Hoersting Holy Family School Carl Holzinger

A Friend A Friend

Mr. Thomas E. Hoover Mildred R Hudson James A. Huguely

A Friend A Friend

Joseph E. Hunter, D.D.S. '53 Dr. Willard J . Hutzel Mrs. Annie L. Issac Bubbles Ivory

A Friend of Pat Haley A Friend A Friend A Friend A Friend A Friend A Friend A Friend A Friend A Friend A Friend 3-G Green Briars


Mrs. Mary James John L. Jauch Chris Jenk Floyd Jenkens Eugene A. Jablinski Dr. & Mrs. Wallace Johnson Mrs. E.L.L. Jones Imogene Jones, L.P.N. William N. Kama Richard L. Karl Donald E. Kaucher William P. Keane Mr. & Mrs. Roger Keith Mr. & Mrs. Edw. V. Kelly Leroy Kelley, II

Garret, Theodore Mrs. H.H. Gauvey Joseph P. Gavin Homeroom 3-G Gerry Mr. & Mrs. Moris Gibson T. Gorman & M. Heck-'65 Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Goubeaux Richard J. Goubeaux

Lessie Mae Kelley Grafton S. Kennedy, Jr. Mrs. George J. Kern Leroy Kelley Edwin R King Louis G. King

Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Goubeaux

Mr. Mr. Mr. 3-G

& Mrs. Peter K. Graves & Mrs. Norbert J. Green Bernard J. Green Greets The World

Mr. & Mrs. George Kitts


PERSONAL Mr. & Mrs. Marvin J. Klenke

D.D. McConnell, Sr. Helen McGraw & Family Mr. & Mrs. Patrick McGuinn Mr. & Mrs. Beryl R McKenna Mary L. McMurtrie John McMillan & Family Mrs. H.J. Meranda Herman J. Meranda Mr. & Mrs. C.G. Mescher Dennis 1. Meyer Mrs. Martha R Michel Mr. & Mrs. John Mikula Mrs. Carl Miller George Moody Mr. & Mrs. Louis E. Moosbrugger Lloyd Michael Mover Mr. & Mrs. Eugene H. Monnier Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Monroe Charles E. Moore Mr. & Mrs. James Mulligan, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Coakley Murphy, Jr. The Neatherton Family Larry Nolan Joseph M. Nowak Mr. John O'Brien Ora E. O'Brien

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Kneeland Mike Kneeland Kenneth W. Koehler Family George Koenig, Jr. Richard J. Kolhoff Mr. & Mrs. Gus Kondrath Olga Konya Joe & Corky Kosater Rev. Charles Koverman Steve Kozuh Mr. & Mrs. William S. Kozuh Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Kozlowski Mr. & Mrs. Frank Kracus Mrs. Mary Kraft Kraft M.J., U.S.N. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Kreider Mr. & Mrs. Claude Kroger Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kronenberger Father J.L. Krusling Mr. & Mrs. John F. Kuntz, Sr. Joseph G. Kurifer, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. A. Larue Doug Lehman Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Leik Edmund J. Leonard Mr. & Mrs. RJ. Leppla Lester's Barber Shop Ronald G. Limbach Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Lingg Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Lingg Dr. & Mrs. Louis Loeber Don R Longpre

William L. O'Brien Family H .J . Osterfeld Mrs. George Palatas Dennis R Papesh Mr. & Mrs. Reid E. Patterson Paul J. Pazitney Rex Pearson

Mr. & Mrs. Morris Lyons Mrs. Helen Mack Mr. & Mrs. Al May Mr. & Mrs. F. Mays & Family Fr. Maher The Colonel John L. Maher Family Mrs. Louis R Mahrt Miss Susie Makley Mr. Paul Mader Jerry Malone

Mrs. Bernard Pfeiffer Helen M. Phillips Mr. & Mrs. James Phillips Mr. & Mrs. James Donald Pierson Robert Plassenthal Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur Plummer George Popowich Mr. & Mrs. Ralph V. Portner Doctor James Powers John G. Powers

Mr. & Mrs. Roscoe G. Marah Mrs. James H. Marcellus Rich Marah-Class of '71

William C. Profitt Mr. Fred Quigley Mr. & Mrs. RH. Ran Sam Rapp Walter A. Reiling, M.D .

Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Marrinan, Jr. Edith Martin Ray Martin

Mr. & Mrs. Harold Reindl Sisters of Resurrection Parish Mr. & Mrs. Richardson

Richard A. Maurer Sophia U. Mayer Frank J . Mayer

Mrs. Ruth Richardson Shearl J. Roberts William Rogers '33

Hugh F. McCann Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R McCarthy


PATRONS Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Rose, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Ernest F. Rosenbeck Phillip A. Rotman Mr. E.P. Sabrack Mr. & Mrs. O.A. Saettel Mr. & Mrs. RL. Schaefer Frank Scheper Robert L. Schierloh Thomas N. Schindlez Mr. & Mrs. John E. Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. Albert D. Schmitz Rev. Mark Schmieder Clem J. Schneble, D.D.S. Mr. & Mrs. RA. Scudder Mr. & Mrs. Everett Sears Arthur T. Seitz Lester T . Seitz Mrs. Elmer Setzer Mrs. Edgar Sexton Bob Sichman '67 Mrs. John Shebu John W. Sheets Orville Shephard Sherry & Gene Judge Vincent M. Shields Mr. & Mrs. John Shirley Mr. & Mrs. William W. Shock, Sr. Mrs. AndrewShroeder Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Slaby Mrs. James William Sloan Charles Smales Mr. & Mrs. Don Roy Smith Miss Pearl Smith Shirley Smith Mr. & Mrs. Robert Snapp Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Snyder Joan Somers Miss Pat Sprauer Mr. & Mrs. Adolph J. Springman Mr. & Mrs. Leonard A. Stevenson Mr. & Mrs. George J . Stoeve Nancy T. Stubbs Mr. & Mrs. C.J. Suttmiller Anna M. Sweigart Mr. & Mrs. Don R Sweigart

David N. Thompson Diana Tobe '69 Mr. & Mrs. Edward R Tolle Dale J. Trick Mr. & Mrs. Vern J. Trietsch Mr. & Mrs. James O. T upman Mrs. Ruth D. Turner Mr. & Mrs. Alex G. Tuss Donald Twaits路 Dr. & Mrs. David M. Ulrich Mrs. Mary Unverferth Mr. & Mrs. Harold E. Vacha John R Vallo, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Jerome C. Waldren '57 Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Walker Mr. & Mrs. Robert J . Wailing, Sr. Robert L. Walter '37 Anna M. Walters Carolyn Marie Warner Carolyn Z. Warner Richard E. Warner Albert W. Weaver Floyd Weaver & Family Edward Wehman Clarence Wellington Mike Welsh Mr. & Mrs. Clifford E. Wendeln Thomas C. Wendeln Bob Westendorf Mr. & Mrs. Walter Westendorf Mr. Ambrose F. Williams Charles E . Williams Lloyd Williams The Paul Williamson Family Bob Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Wilson Mrs. Robert Wilson, Jr. Lawrence Woeste Robert L. Woeste Therse Woeste Mr. & Mrs. Victor Woeste Mr. & Mrs. Charles Woerl George Woerl Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Wolfe Clinton R Yates M.L. Zissen Mr. & Mrs. Otto Zavakos Mr. & Mrs. William Zonker Candie Zavakos Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Zaidain Mr. Raymond Zahn

Dorothy H. Tangeman Robert Tangeman Mr. & Mrs. John H. Thoma- Class of '42 Cecilia Ann Thomas Mr. & Mrs. John W. Thomas Mark A. Thomas


MIDTOWN CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH Best Wishes to the Graduates from the

Chaminade Co-Educators

701 S. Patterson Blvd. 461-5480

Dayton, Ohio







Our 76th Year on Wayne Ave.

224-1043 1015 BROWN ST., DAYTON If no answer, please (011253-614,(



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Join The Members Of Your Class At: The Alumni Dance

September 21, 1968 and

The Alumni Fish Fry

October 25, 1968

197 -


-- -~-------


* Servicing Schools Completely


* Complete Repair

Dayton, Ohio


* Band Instruments

* Electronics

* Pianos - Organs

* Lessons

Compliments of Joseph A. Boston

34 E. First St. 3140 Far Hills 4421 Salem Ave. Dayton, Ohio Compliments of




1120 Wayne Ave. 253-5166

Floral Wire Service AMEL OWEN-Own~r RUTH PARIN-Consultant

277-4251 277-4974


For Carnival and Festival Supplies reconditioned used cars



935 S. Perry St. 222-7403 Dayton, Ohio Games and Equipment-FREE 198

Enter The House Of Bargains ENTERPRISES" (Bookstore)


Compliments of RODGER'S PONTIAC 871 S. Main St.

Phone: 461-5030 Congra tula tions, Seniors! Staff: Bro. Norbert, Bro. Nick, Pete, John, Ted, and Steve.

Dayton , Ohio


Compliments of



648 Watervliet Avenue at Fauver

21 W. Whip Rd. 434-1294

Dayton, Ohio 45410

Dayton, Ohio




So when you have your home built call on

ZENGEL CONSTRUCTION CO. 71 West Alexandersville-Bellbrook Phones: 433-1941 and 433-2100 200

Compliments and Best Wishes From







Compliments of






'n O~E CONTINUOUS PI£Cf, 446 Patterson Rd. just W. of Shroyer Rd.

401 S. Main St. 223-5493 Dayton, Ohio



(}{B~~ ~ .



~~ . to S~t ~1Jw,



on F1l'"~ l ~


Congratulations, . , S enlors. From I-H, The Most Spirited Homeroom!



((See You at The Festival the Week After Easter"



Congratulations And Best Wishes To The Class Of 1968 From The Student Council Of Chaminade High S.chool

Congratulations, Seniors, From The Faculty And Staff









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