Chaminade High School Yearbook 1969

Page 1

To the Outsider Chaminade is . .. a score in the papet; competition or a school on Ludlow Street. He may pass and not notice it. Even if he looks, he misses something. 路





To the Teacher Chaminade is . .. his place of business. Involvement for some consists only of teaching and correcting papers. Some} however} use the opportunity to talk and listen} perhaps answering some of the important questions of youth. Y hese are the real teachers.


To the Girl Chaminade is . .. someplace to go for socializingdances, games, movies, and most of all-guys. Some dislike us because we are arrogant. But, to many we are not just another schoo~'

they grow with us and

assure our growth.


To the Student Chaminade is... nine periods, five days a week. Some come only for classes, and exist for about six hours. For those who come for an education and four years of living, involvement is almost total. As they grow, the school grows.

This is the story of the people of Chaminade in 1969. It is dedicated to the involved student. Take a good look. There's a lot to be learned here about living.





Self-motivation was at the heart of the acaemic changes that took place this year. Students !ere told that they, not their teachers, were ulimately responsible for their education. Most reponded, a few didn't. While self-motivation is tot new to learning, placing it at the center of ducation is, and has pointed Chaminade in a new lirection.

FOUR NEW DIRECTIONS路 1. . Selj-M otivation






FOUR NEW DIRECTIONS 2. Consultation Consultation became more frequent and more important for the teacher and the student. Helping the student in his moments of confusion, the teacher became a source of guidance and assistance for the student, rather than simply a dispenser of facts.

FOUR NEW DIRECTIONS 3. Independence Independence encouraged the exploration of areas of deeper interest to the student. This approach, incorporated mainly by the Science Department and partially successful in its first year, allowed the student the freedom to move as far and as fast as he wished.

Group interaction was encouraged in several classes, breaking away from the traditional teacher-centered classroom. The students were prompted to express themselves and to share new ideas that they had discovered through their own work. These four currents formed the new directions of academic life at an exciting Chaminade.

FOUR NEW DIRECTIONS 4. Group Interaction

With only eight returning lettermen, the 1968 Va sity Football team was handicapped. Drawing fro the previous reserves, Head Coach Hank Schneid was able to put together a surprisingly balanced c fense and a hard-nosed defense to compile a 7-2 record. The inexperienced team worked hard duri] the 90-plus temperatures of late August to rea< themselves for the meeting with Fairmont East.




BOOT! Gary Zagovits lets one fly against Belmont.

HERE COME THE EAGLES. Tom Sliger (37) leads teammates on to the field against Meadowdale.


The new gridders got their baptism against East . j fine passing game, led by Denny Verrett, nettec twelve points. The powerful running of tailback Dav, Blake added six points as the Eagles held East score less, 18-0. The next trial for Chaminade was the Richman, Red Devil team, Indiana's number one rated tear with a sixteen game winning streak under their bell

SHARKEY (31) rips Richmond defense.

GIMME TEN! Coach Katcavage to Dan Kaylor.

CAUGHT. Ray Dysas (76) and Pat Civille (86) move in for the kill against Miamisburg.


SHOE STRING. Stan Phander (84) hauls in one of Df Verrett's passes.


HEAD COACH. Hank Schneider's strategy works well as he successfully compiles a 7-2-1 record in his final year at C.H.S.

SNAGGED. Pat Sharkey has the ball, but Richmond has Sharkey.

LOOKS GOOD. Mark Gudorf (80) prepares to pull one in against the Red Devils.



EAGLES ON THE MOVE. Ed Tolle (42) leads Dave Blake (43).

OOF! Larry Budich (62) stops Alter cold.

D. Schneider, E. Bannen, R. Huey, M. Shea, T. Wartinger, ]. Agnew Blake, N. Weaser, S. Hamant, T. Skilken, K. Kavanaugh , T . Heck. Ficher, R. Mara, D. Neff, L. Rodgers, M. Hilton. FIFTH ROW : ]. Williams, M. Martin, F. Barok, P. Bohman, M. Haley, N. Spang, M. ( cran,]. Krygier, S. Ruef, B. Williamson, T. Kuntz,]. Wright, P. Schm D. Grusenmeyer.

L- R FRONT ROW: P. Civille, ] . Woeste, D. Kaylor, T. Burger, E. Tolle, T. Sliger, R. Davis,]. Buerschen,]. Staley , K. Burgess. SECOND ROW : R. Dysas, E. Ruf, ]. Burns, C. Shillito, D. Lee, M. Gudorf, D. Verrett, P. Sharkey, T. Zajovits, L. Budich,]. Westendorf. THIRD ROW: L. Buchiet, R. Mannix, C. Gunther, D. Loper, D. Koehl, S. Phander, T. Flohre, S. Liewe, M. Dahlinghaus, G. Wysong, S. Ross. FOURTH ROW: T . Altick,


The green and white took to the field with last year's 20-6 defeat to the Devils in mind. The Eagles obtained revenge and savored every moment as the Devilswere shutout, 22-0. The Eagles lost to Belmont, 14-8, in a heartbreaker at Welcome Stadium. The only other loss was a 33-6 defeat at the hands of an excellent, well-balanced Cincinnati Moeller team from which Chaminade's only score came on a fumble.

TRAPPED. Nick Weaser (68) and Dave Lee (74) stop Miamisburg.

SCREEN PASS. Dave Blake (43) takes one behind Chris Shillito (75).

November 9th brought the final and bigg( of the year as Chaminade took on arch-riv. The game was scoreless going into the fourth Alter intercepted a pass and drove to the t line before the Eagle defense stopped them c line was held for four consecutive downs Eagles took over, running out the clock fOJ maining thirty-one seconds. This tie was as I ful as a victory.

HOLD THAT LINE. Tense C.H.S. fans during the fourth quarter of the Alter game.

GOAL LINE STAND. Eagles stack Alter short of a TD to save the game.

SIX POINTS. Dave Blake (43) lopes across the goal line with Phander (84) .

















0 14



J.F. Kennedy




Season Record 2-5 PRE-GAME STRATEGY. Bro. Monroe gives last-minute advice to the Freshmen.

L-R FRONT ROW: P. Himes, M. Zugelder, M. Barok, J. Post, D. Bowman, G. Cox, J. Placke, J . Krygier, J. Sendelb ach. SECOND ROW: E. Sullivan, B. Thornton, J. Buddendeck, D. Iannarino, J. Murty , R. Weber, K. Kozlowski, J. Eyink, G. Dunsky, P. Coffey, D. Focke, R. Strader, P. Shea. THIRD ROW: D. Vogel, Bro. Monroe, S. Morrow, J. Nichols, A.

Dunn, M. Quinttus, R. Weng, D. Baker, R. Wilson, E. Barlow, S. Reese, C. Szabo , D. McCrabb, J. Bohman, D. Kuntz, M. Bauer, Coach Dick Wiedner. FOURTH ROW: R. Trautman, B. Segi, J. Moosebrugge r, R. Quinttu s, 1. Hughes.


Cross Country


OPP. -


27 50 42 47 47

28 29 69

5-3-0 DISTRICT MEET 1st place District Champions REGIONAL MEET 5th place Mike Fiedor qualified for the State meet.

WHEW! Doug Trick unwinds ater th e District Mee t .

INTO THE LEAD . Mike Timpone charges to the head of the pack.

L - R FRONT ROW: J. Berbach, B. Ernst, J. Buynak, M. Green. SECOND ROW : C. Jenk . O'H earn, S. Muckenthaler. THIRD ROW: K. Mulligan, W. O'Reilly, G. Smith. BACK ROW: Quatman, J. Sheehan.


The 1968 Chaminade Cross Country team achieved great heights despite the fact that the team was essentially inexperienced. The season began with a loss to Upper Arlington and Cincinnati Elder. Nonetheless, the Eagles' skills gradually became apparent. On October 5th Chaminade placed first in the Miami Invitational by cutting 27 seconds off their average times. On October 19th the Harriers brought home the District trophy. This qualified the Eagles to go to the Regional Meet. The season ended with Chaminade placing fifth in the Regional Meet, capping their third consecutive successful season.

L-R FRONT ROW: M. Timpone, B. Mathes, M. Fiedor, R. Mader, D. Trick.

J. Ballmann.

BACK ROW : T. Boudette ,

RUNNERS TO YOUR MARKS , GO! Tom Harr, Tim Boudette, and Mike Fiedor are off at the gun.


THE LONELY SPORT. Tim Boudette stretch es his lead.

After a one year absence, fencing returned to Chaminade. Coach Earl Richards was forced to begin the season with only one experienced man, backed up by talented but inexperienced fencers. Unfortunately, the Eagles' top performers could not cope with six area opponents, as the fencing team tallied on the low side of the ledger in five of six matches. The members of the team included: J. John, J. Dryman, R. Streaker, T. Shelton, S. Ward, C. McGee, T. Sweeney, J. Scherer, K. Monaghan, R. Irwin, J. Mescher, S. Brugger, J. Zimmerman, W. Deis.





1 2 2

1 2



5 4 4 5 4 2


CONCENTRATION. Terry Shelton works on his form during practice.

DEFENSE. Steve Ward (1) parrys a lunge by Chris McGee.


The 1969 Chaminade wrestling team struggled through a difficult season. With the coaching of Mr. Dan Shea, the team was able to attain strength and speed. However, the major asset of experience evaded the Eagle grapplers as they endured their second straight losing season. The lone win of the season came on the second match when Patterson was overwhelmed 31-18 by the Eagles. The remainder of the year saw five more loses as the grapplers finished with a 1-6-0 record.





L-R FRONT ROW: T. Hendricks, B. Schnab el, M. Gauder, P. Neviu s, D. Schwieterman, M. Whitley, S. Neumann. SECOND ROW: R . Po qu ette, T. Nevius, J. Sheehan, R. Wendling, D. Carso n, C. Eckstein, M. Saluke, J .

Rankin , R. Rogge, E. Schopler. BACK ROW: Bro. Dave Quigley , M. Sendelb ach , C. J enk, T. Zimmer, G. Shelh ouse, J. Holtzh auer, M. Hoch路 walt, J. Fackler, J . J obe, R . Dysas , T . Lee, Coach Dan Shea .

SEASON RECORD C.H.S. 6 31 0 16 11 2 16


1-6-0 DA YTON DISTRICTS TIM LEE-quarter finalist PINNED! Tim Zimmer fl attens an Xenia grappler.


39 18 45 29 34 42 26




Coach James Turvene, with the aid of three returning starters from last year's District runner-up team, mounted a balanced scoring attack to capture the District and Regional titles this year. The team, led mostly by Juniors, showed fine poise and great desire in winning a fantastic series of thrillers on their way to Columbus. Junior Dan Gerhard received area honors by being selected to the All Star "Second Team" of the greater Dayton area.

CHAMPS. T ed Wu ebben is con gratulated after winning the District.

SANDWICHED. Mark Duffy sh oo ts betwe en Dunbar players.

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DETERMINATION. Dan Gerh ard se t s for foul sh o t again st 'Bellbrook.

CLEARING THE BOARDS . Using his stre ngth well , Stan Phander out-rebo unds Carroll.


LAY-UP. Paul (th e Mop) Ku rpiel drives the middle.


UP! UP! Ted Wuebben rebounds over helpless Bellbrook.

TWO POINTS . Defense doesn't bother Terry Tyler. CHARGE! Senior Mark Duffy leads the Eagle attack against Carroll.


Paul Kurpiel's tip-in just before th e buzzer gave the poised Eagles a fantastic 71-70 "upset" victory over Roth in the District semifinals. The Eagles once trailed by 13 points in the third quarter. Dan Gerhard had 26 points to keep the unseeded Eagles within striking distance. Chaminade out-rebounded top-seeded Roth 49-38. But poise was the real key to victory.

SQUEEZE. Dan (never say die) Gerhard drives against Dunbar.

TIP-IN! Paul Kurpiel scores while Roth stands watching.

ANXIOUS. Asst. Coach David Inderrieden shouts encouragement during the Dunbar game.


The District finals saw Chaminade against the Xenia Buccaneers. In the first half, the Eagles trailed by as many as 10 points. But they came back to lead by one point at halfti~e. The second half saw the same story as the Eagles Iwere down by 10 in the third quarter. The Eagles rebounded with a 71-66 victory to chalk up their sixth District title in nine years. Terry Tyler paced the team with 23 points.




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EMOTIONAL: Involvement in tournament games was total, as shown by J oanie Ruschau, a senior at St. Joseph's . . .

hardt. BACK ROW. J. Wieland, T. Wuebb en, J. Seitz, D. Duffy, B. Simon, P. Kurpiel, M. Florkey, M. Eife rt.

L- R FRONT ROW. R. Cull (Mgr.), S. Budde, M. Duffy , S. Schulkers , S. Phandcr, D. Gerhard , T. Tyler, Coach Jim Turvene, B. Larger, P. Burk-

44 -



Against Piqua, Chaminade had to play the familiar tune of "come from behind" to put away the Indians 61-60. The Indians played a sticky matchup zone defense and shot 68 percent from the field. The Eagles got a big lift at the end of the third quarter when sub John Wieland threw in a 55 foot shot that rippled through the chords at the buzzer. The Eagles won the game with their rebounding 52-26.


DEFENSE. Wu ebben an d Tyler dou ble- team Piqua to try t o stop th eir 68% sho路o ting. UP AND OVER. Tyler in a come from behind effort over Xenia.


In the Regional finals, Chaminade routed Purcell 85-62. Although the Eagles were ahead most of the way, Purcell was very much alive until the fourth quarter. Chaminade led 55-51 at the beginning of the last quarter but thirty points in eight minutes proved to be too much for the Cavaliers. Gerhard led the Eagle onslaught with a career high of 33 points. Duffy, Tyler, Kurpiel, and Wuebben came through with fine performances.



"Get that ball!"

SET FOR TWO. Dan Gerhard sets for two of his career high 33 points against Cincinnati Purcell. RESULT : Southwestern Regional Champs.


Canton McKinley met the Eagles in the State semifinals. From the beginning McKinley set the pace and Chaminade never caught up. The Eagles were outmanned, outrebounded, and outplayed as McKinley prevailed 78-46. It seemed clear from the opening tipoff till the final buzzer that this was Chaminade's last game in the tournament. Nonetheless, no one was ashamed of Chaminade's unseeded, essentially all Junior basketball team-the District and Regional Champs.



OPP. 52 48 61 49 56 60 40 78 60 54 72 63 54 42 47 49 45 80


52 62 61 70 66


60 62



Season Record 20-6

UP FOR TWO! Jim Seitz up in the air against Roosevelt.





43 40 40 36 30 41 25 38 39 38 52 27 43 37 47 29 44


L- R FRONT ROW. D. Duffy , MISSING : Steve Kane.

39 22 33 28 34 39 22 34 32 23 20 30 25 32 48 40 38

UP IN THE AIR. Steve Kane battles for rebo und

~gains t

Ro th .

J. Schmitz, T . Lipp , D. Burneka. BACK ROW. J. Layne , M. Florkey , M. Eifert, E. Reed, J. Sprang.




- 39 35 37 35 45 45 23 58 65


57 56 56 43 46 45 67 54 53


45 53 57 23 28 33 41 32 52

L- R FRONT ROW. B. Walling (Mgr. ), R . Weng, R. Fink, M. Fisher, B. Andrews , T . Schwe ndeman. SECOND ROW. T. Kleibecker , E. Sullivan, D. Zaj ovits, S. Ree se, J. Staley, K. Smith. BACK ROW . T. Jandel, R. R imkus, E. Barlow , R. Beaver, J. Laukh art , R. Strader.




4Y2 4Y2 7 6 4 4 6 3 5 9




OPP. 5 6 4 4Y2 4Y2 2 3 5 5 7 6 4 0 5Y2



.•...::;"""""" . ~~ .... ~




F OLLOW THROUGH. Senior Mike Haley dem onstrates his b oo min drive.

L-R : M. Link , K. O'H earn, G. Herbert, T. O'Brien, M. Haley, T. Borchers, J. Sullivan, Coach R . Katcavage.




BACK ROW, L-R : J- Pickrel, T _ Seitz, D _ B oehm, E _ R ee d , B_ Kessler , D _ Schn eide r, J - R ohl , G_ St odd ard , Coach Hank Schneider. FRONT ROW: D_ Krebs, K_ Harm _

SEASON RECORD C.H.S. 4 3 2 3 5 2 5 4 3 3 3 3 4 5 3 5 4 4 2 BACKHAND _Junior Bill Kessler hu stles o n th e co urts_



OPP. 1 2 3 2 0 3 0 1 2 2 2 2 1 0 2 0 1 1 3




12 14 1


13 5

3 1 4 4 2 4 4 1 1




OPP. 1 2 7

17 3 8 1 2

5 1

o 4 3 5 2 1 2


o 2

1 3 TOO LATE . First basema n Paul Kurpiel desperately awa its peg.

VARSITY. FRONT ROW, L-R: Seniors T . Long,]. Woeste , ]. Staley, M. Moosbrugger, D. Garman, B. Simon. BACK ROW: D. Wiggins, S. Rosen-

garten, D. Burneka, D. Ob rin ger, B. Gomez, P. Kurpiel, T. Flohre, , Zajovits, T. Nevius,]. Weste ndorf, M. Hu we r.


The 1969 Baseball team, under Coach James Turvene, was believed at the beginning of th e year to be one of the best in the area. In th e course of the year they recorded a season of 12 wins and 10 losses. Tom Nevius led the team with the highest batting average at .368. In the tournament, the Eagles got off to a good start by overwhelming Trotwood 13-1. However, when the Eagles took on Alter, six errors proved too many and the Eagles fell 4-3.

路 RESERVES C.H.S. 6 5 7 2 2

0 4路 2

8 1 5 1 1 3 4

3 2

0 4



0 3 1 6 5 2

6 0 2

9 0 4 2

5 4

1 1 3

HEADING FOR HOME. Mik e Shea rounds third.

ROW : D. Hoe ndorf, M. Bauer, E. Lo ng, Summe rs, S. Limbert , T. Lipp.

RESERVES. FRONT ROW, L-R : R. Marah , H. Schwe nd erma n, M. Eife rt , ). Staley, D. Neff, B. Trautma nn , M. Sh ea, D. Bowm a n. BACK


J. Ey nk , ). Hake mo ll er, D.

Under the direction of Mr. Dan Kosak and Bro. Bill Mar chal, the track team was able to record a successful seasOl this year. The cindermen, with the aid of Derek Cardwell Ron Hendricks, Stan Reese , and Dave Blake, broke the ree ord for the mile relay at the Regional Meet while placini third. Derek Cardwell received recognition by placing first iI the 220 at the Regionals. The main highlight of the regula season was the Eagle victory over eventual District ChampiOI Roosevelt. The team, although sporadic in their efforts showed definite promise for the following years.

DOWN TO THE WIRE. Stan Reese wins the hundred.

STATE MEET QUALIFIERS. Dave Blake, Derek Cardwell, Stan Reese, and Ron Hendricks.





OPP. 77 44

23 57 39 68 48


UP AND OVER. Mark Dewitt leads Fairmont East over the last hurdle .

~ --II 'i' .i 1-::. - ,



_' _ I





K. Mulligan, D. Brodbec k, M. Quintus, D. Cardwell , H. Steinke, T. Seitz , R. Fisher, ]. Kuzhu. BACK ROW: ]. Seitz , ]. Tobans, R. Quintus, D. Zaj ovits, S. Reese, M. Claude, R. Strader, D. Baker, D. Foc ke, R. Goldburn.

FRONT ROW, L路R: D. Kuntz , D. Trick, ]. Buynak, R. Finke , L. Hughs, D. lannarino, R. Sprang, ] . Johnson, D. Turn er, ]. Plackey . SECOND ROW: R. Hendricks, M. Fiedor, D. Nooks,]. Ballman, D. Trick, T. Han, M. Dewitt, D. Blake, S. Webb, M. Dahlinghaus, G. Bay ley, T . Boudette , G. Holtvoit. THIRD ROW: B. Smith, D. Turn er, L. Rodgers, ]. Krygier,




ORGANIZER. Jim Tarlano prepares chemistry procedure with the help of i teres ted bystanders.

Adrian L. Aldrege

John F. Armstrong

William J. Atkin

Bernard E. Baczenas

William F. Bahret

Thomas J. Baker

David L. Barker

Richard K. Bauer

G. Timothy Beard

Michael C. Beecroft

M. Patrick Berry

Joseph L. Boeke


Thomas M. Bogner

John L. Bohman

HOMEROOM. Mark Gudorf fails to impress John Kefcrl with another homeroom joke.

Kenenth J. Bole

Russell C. Boltz

Philip R. Bramlage

Martin J . Breen

Bryan D. Brun

Robert D. Brun

Frederick L. Bucher

Stephen J . Budde

Thomas A. Buedel

John H. Buerschen

Christopher E. Burger

Thomas E . Burger


Kenneth V. Burgess

J. Paul Burkhardt

David A. Bush

Richard M. Cable

Gary L. Carabin

John M. Carroll

Gary L. Carson

John T. Carson

Michael C. Casselberry

John V. Catuogno

Mark A. Cenky

Manuel P. Cheek


HOOK. John Buerschen goes up for two in an i tramural battle .

John T. Cherpeski

Patrick G. Civille


Patrick E. Conn air

Martin T . Couture

Gregory L. Cundiff

Clarence M. Dabney

Dennis J. Dahm

C. Michael Davidson

Robert E. Davis

William D. Clements

STRATEGY. Coach Doug Lehman signals for play five.


Her bert F. Davis

Kenneth R. Deis

Steven J. Dely

Carlton W. Doncaster

Thomas L. Donovan

Don M. Drummer

Raymond J. Dysas

Mark L. Duffy

Bernard F. Eckert

Steven D. Deneke

Robert C. Deschler

William M. Disken

ORIENTATION. Tom Burger and Steve Lehmkuhle discuss extra-curricular a, tivities with the Freshmen.

Stephen A. Eckert


Carl A. Edmondson

Michael J. Elix

Bruce K. Ginn

Cecil S. Giscombe

Joseph D. Goode


Timothy L. Finke

William E . Fischer

John R. Foley

Joseph D. Fricke

David M. Garman

William J. Ghory

Scott M. Gordon

Charles T . Gorman

Thomas J. Greene

Thomas J. Gremling

Mark D. Gudorf

William F. Gudorf

Michael J. Guerra

Michael R. Haley


J. Guess

Ronald J. Haley

PAINTING. Seniors ready poster in a fantastic show of spirit.

Gerald F. Hackenberg

Kevin D. Hackett

David R. Hairston

Robert A. Haller

Walter J. Hand

David M. Hardin


Charles F. Harris

Robert G. Heiser

Dale L. Hammelgarn

Thomas C. Hentrich

Gregory L. Herbert

Michael C. Hill

Arthur B. Hinker

Douglas M. Hobbs

Gene T . Hogan

Frank J. Horvat

Gary S. Hoying

NEW METHOD. Kevin Hackett uses one of the visual aids employ ed in the Chemi stry lab.


Richard A. Ivory

Michael A. Jackson

John M. J an del

Michael G. Johnstone

Gregory L. Kambitsch

Gerald R. Kaufhold

Dan E .Kaylor

John E . Keferl

James E. Keller

Michael L. J eckering

Christian F. Jenk

Jeffrey A. John

Leroy Kelley II

Jeffrey C. Kesting

Gilbert F. Kiefer



Robert F. King

PAUSE. Jerry Hackenberg glances skyward.

Paul J. Kretschmer

Michael J. Lachey


J. Koenig

Richard J. Kolhoff

John D. Koslick

Donald F. Koverman

Steven F. Kozuh

Joseph B. Laforsch

Steven M. Lauterbach

William E. Larger


REBUTTAL. John Carroll clarifies his thoughts as questions arise during P .O.D. class.

Stephen W. Lehmkuhle

Jerry W. Lienesch

Thomas C. Long

Ronald C. Mader

Gerald R. Landis

David A. Lee

Timothy J. Lee

Douglas W. Lehman

James D. Lingg

James P. Mahoney

STUDY. Mark Gudorf and Jim Staley use the libr: to find resource material.

Thomas D. McCabe

Thomas J. McCann

Terrance A. McCartan

Frederick J. McCarthy

Maris J . McCrab b

James J . McMillan

Frederick L. McNeil

Michael C. Mergler

Dennis A. Mitchell


Michael S. Mobley

Michael P. Moosbrugger

Steven A. Neumann

Patrick J. Nevius

Dennis M. Noreikas

Frederick M. Oborne

Daniel E. O'Connor

Daniel F. O'Connor

Donald H. Nooks

Norman P. Olt

James T. Pachin


John G . Page

TOUCHE ! Mr. Richards stresses a point in fencing to "Mr." Mitchell.


Joseph T. Page

Richard E. Penney

James L. Pickrel

Bruce P. Pilgrim

Michael D. Plassenthal

DRUM-MAJOR. Tom Arnold organizes th e band for ano ther popular tune .

Charles W. Reindl

Samuel L. Rinehart

Timothy R. Rettich


Charles F . Plassenthal

Richard D. Powers

Michael G. Raab

Gary S. Rau

David R. Riegle

Robert P. Roalef



Thomas J . Rogers

John T. Sacksteder

James L. Rohl

Thomas J. Ruef

John L. Ruf

John J. Ruschau

John E. Saluke

Michael J. Schaefer

Frank E. Schlcher

Richard P. SchIemann


Michael P. Schlorman

Thomas J . Schmid

James M. Schmitz

STATISTICS. Vince Catuogno and John Saluke compare "stats" during an important football contest.


Thomas R. Schommer

Stephen J. Schulkers

Thomas G. Senecal

Jan M. Servaites

Patrick T. Sharkey

Thomas M. Shearer

Terrance R. Shelton

William P. Sherman


Christopher T. Shillito

James M. Sichman

Joseph W. Siehl

Robert T. Simon

Gregory F. Singer

James H. Sitzman

Thomas E. Sliger

J. Ronald Sloan

Donald A. Smith


STRETCH! 250 yard Senior poster is a standout at tension-packed Alter game.

Jack L. Smith

Mark A. Smith

William R. Snyder

Michael J. Stoff

Richard L. Streacker

Stephen J. Sobieski

Stephen P. Solomon

James W. Sprowl

James L. Staley

Robert A. Stegman

Thomas E. Steigerwald

Robert L. Stephen

Anthony F. Stoeve

John P. Strozdas

Charles J. Sullivan

JamesJ. Sullivan


Harry A. Sutton

Dennis J. Sweeney

Joseph J. Thomas

David P. Thorne

Jerome W. Tiefert

Michael J. Timpone

Donald P. Tolle

Edward M. Tolle

James M. Tarlano

James R. Tatol

Robert W. Thach

EYE-STRAIN. Phil Bramlage takes a closer look during band rehearsal.

Richard J. Tolle


James R. Trangenstein

Douglas P. Trick

John E. Trimbach

James C. Trupp

Dennis W. Verrett

LET'S GO! Jim Lingg lends a strong hand to back the tournament-bound Eagles.

Michael J. Whitley

Joseph W. Wiedman


Edward M. Wilke


Stephen M. Walsh

Michael J. walsh

Philp E. Weaver

Michael E. Welsh

James F. Wendling

Thomas E. White

Charles L. Wimmers

James E. Wimsatt


Rodney J. Winfield

Michael F. Woerl

Gerald S. Woeste

Lawrence A. Woeste

R. Christopher Wolf

William M. Vahle

FUTURE TACKLE? Dave Lee's brother seems a little anxious.

Donald W. Yeazell


Anthony L. Zajovits

David A. Zimmerman


Student Council '68- '69

STUDENT COUNCIL: WHERE THE ACTION WAS The Student Council of 1968-1969 made great strides in giving students more of an opportunity to come int o contact with school activities. The Council sponsored two plays: West Side Story and Cyrano de Bergerac, both o f which were successful. Two new clubs were introduced : C2 and the Amateur Rocketry Club. The Spirit Committee, under Vince Catuogno and Ron Sloan, gained the support of the students and brought out th e " Spirit of Chaminade." The Intramural Committee, under Steve Lehmkuhle and Jerry Woeste, saw an overall good year. The football season was the most successful ever presented at Chaminade by an Intramural Committee, while the basketball season was another plus for the same committee.

STUDENT COUN CIL OFFICERS , L-R : Vice-President] ohn Carroll, Secretary ] ohn Buerschen , Presiden t Ed Tolle, Treasurer Tim Fink e.


COMMITTEE HEADS. FRONT ROW, L-R: S. Gordon, J. Woeste, C. Burger. SECOND ROW: B. Mathes, R. Sloan, D. Kretchmer , M. Haley, V. Catuogno. BACK ROW: J. Ruttledge, B. Baczenas, S. Lehmkuhle, M. Stoff.

LOSERS. The Student Council fell to inglorious defeat at the hands of Julienne's S.C., despite Mike Stoffs "assisted" stuff.

AT WORK. Ben Baczenas types a Culture Committee report on West Side Story .

INSTRUCTIONS . Vice-President John Carroll spell s out election plans for the Juniors.


MESSAGE . Steve Lehmkuhle reads his Intramural Committee letters .

HELPFUL. Publicity man Mike Stoff puts a hand into things.

Enthusiasm marked the basketball program. New intramural activities, such as soccer, track, and wrestling, have been under consideration for the future. A year of dances and sock-hops were sponsored. by the Social Committee. The Student Council, under Presiden t Edward Tolle, Vice-President John Carroll, Secretary John Buerschen and Treasurer Timothy Finke, made this year of transition a great year. 1969 marked a year of competent and inventive committee heads, a revival of spirit, and over all student support of activities. BALANCING. Treasurer Tim Finke adjusts the budget which a mounted to over $17,000 in '69.


HOPEFUL. The intramural basketball tournament brought a strong response from the seniors.

STUMPED. Junior Hom ero om Represen tativ e Joey Caesar gets a little advice from Seniors Rick Bauer <a nd Charlie Maqsud.


SOCIAL LIFE. An en d-of-the-year court yard danc e rounded out an active year of social even ts .


MESSAGE. Steve Lehmkuhle reads his Intramural Committee letters.

HELPFUL. Publicity man Mike Stoff puts a hand into things.

Enthusiasm marked the basketball program. New intramural activities, such as soccer, track, and wrestling, have been under consideration for the future. A year of dances and sock-hops were sponsored by the Social Committee. The Student Council, under President Edward Tolle, Vice-President John Carroll, Secretary John Buerschen and Treasurer Timothy Finke, made this year of transition a great year. 1969 marked a year of competent and inventive committee heads, a revival of spirit, and over all student support of activities. BALANCING. Treasurer Tim Finke adjusts the budget which amounted to over $17,000 in ' 69.


HOPEFUL. The intramural basketball tournament brought a strong response from the seniors.

STUMPED . Junior Homeroom Represen tativ e Joey Caesar gets a little advice fro m Seniors Rick Baueroand Cha rlie Maqsud.


SOCIAL LI FE. An end-of-th e-year co urt ya rd danc e rounded ou t an active year of soc ial eve nts.



1968-'69-- A GREAT YEAR FOR The major accomplishment of the Intramural Committee wa~ the involvement of the student body in school functions. When a student becomes involved in an athletic activity, he works with other students for a common goal. This was shown by the unification of the different homeroom teams coming together for victory. The football season, under the coordination of Mike Roth, was one of the best ever presented at Chaminade. The tremendous participation put forth by the students helped to develop the basketball program. Special activities included bowling and even card playing and billiards. New activities have been under consideration for next year.

INTENSE. T erry Sh arkey line s up a shot in intramural billiards.

PRESSURE . Ron Sloan sh out s orders as tension mo unts in the final se conds of a Student Council gam e.

SENIOR SEMI FINALS . Mik e J ackson and J erry Wo este grappl e o ne-on-one.



CO-ED. The intramural bowling leagu e mixed social life with sports.

THE SCHOOL CHAMPIONSHIP. Mike Walsh of 4G battles 3E's Tom Nevius as Mr.

Faust looks on.


NEW CLUBS AT C.H.S. The Black Student Union

B.S.U. FOUNDED FOR BETTER UNDERSTANDING The Black Student Union was a new activity at Chaminade in the '68-'69 school year. The Union, besides opening a "Black Room" exhibiting the black man in America, started a recruiting program encouraging black students from parochial grade schools to come to Chaminade. The Black Student Union initiated a series of Black American Retreat programs, which included five parochial high schools, with the purpose of enlightening white students in areas of black concerns.

DISCUSSION. The Black Student found a place to air his problems in the B.S.U.

B.S.U. OFFICERS . L-R: C. Harris, A. Sherer, C. Giscomb, M. Thomas, D. Jackson, T. Roberts, T . Tyler, D. Blake, M. Johnston e, J. Hankins, D.

Nooks, R. Dillingham, W. Thortan, K. Marcellus, T. Shelton.

88 -----I


OPINION . Senior Representative Mike Johnstone speaks on the problems of the Black Student Union.

STUDY HABITS. Steve Ward illustrates efforts of the B.S .U. toward scholastic achieve men t.


Christian Conversations


FACED Christian Conversion was an activity which focused on the student. It tried to inform the student of what is happening in the world around us. This was mainly done through discussions, guest speakers, and movies. C2 was a co-ed activity consisting of students from Chaminade , Julienne and St. Joseph's. This new organization tried to give the modern teenager some insight into himself and to the world.

LISTENING. Often in the background, Bro. Bettice listens to Steve Lehmkuhle explain his ideas.

FIELD TRIP. C 2 members check their road map on their way to Brown County, Indiana.

C 2 DISCUSSION LEADERS, I-r: Bro Bettice, Gerry Landis, Charles Maqsud, Jim Trankenstein.

90 --~~-



A mateur Rocketry

FIRST YEAR LIFTOFF Late Octoher saw the birth of the Amateur Rocketry Club. Within a few weeks several rocket launchings were attempted, not all of which were successful. With persistence, several successful launches were made. During the winter months plans were drawn up for launches in the springtime. A two-stage rocket was fired at Kettering Field during the spring, giving practice in high altitude tracking. The Amateur Rocketry Club's goal was to get all students who were interested in any science, involved in a single activity where their talents could be used to the utmost.

PRACTICE. Launchings gave valuable ex perienc e t o memb ers of the Amateur Rocke try Club.

CLUB MEMBERS_ FRONT ROW, L-R: B_ King, M. Meyer. BACK ROW, L-R: J. Sherer, P. Hickey, J. J ohnst on, P. Visinger.


Classics Club

CLASSIC CULTURES RENEWED The Classics Club excelled with the writing of two fine plays. Titus and Andromedadicus, written by Lee Schulte, dealt with a man who kills his psychic brother. Laetitia Exsultans Venit, written by John Carson, dealt with a corrupt ruler. The plays, written in Latin, had a focal point on morality. The success of the Classics club was attributed to the good organization of it under Brother Ihlendorf. READING. John and David Carson found in familiar extra-curricular study.


CLUB MEMBERS. L-R: D. Carson, C. Doncaster, L. Shulte, J. Carson, J. Foley, P. Harris.

92 -------

Math and Science Clubs

MATH AND SCIENCE HOLD INTEREST During the 68-69 year the Math Club , under the direction of Carlton Doncaster, took up many topics. The Math Club discussed the numerology of Mu and presented an expert on speed multiplication. The club began a tutoring program for students who had trouble with mathematics. The Science Club planned several projects during the year. However, due to the diverse topics, little was accomplished.

SCIENCE CLUB MEMBERS . L-R : T. Rettich , A. McBride, D. McBride, E. Smith, J. Carson, 1. Shulte, C. Doncaster, J. Foley.





At the offset of the '68-'69 school year, the yearbook staff had many problems. The solving of these problems required the sacrificing of several long nights and weekends. Gradually the staff, under the guidance Editor-inChief Don Smith, combined talent and hard work to mold their product. The successful subscription drive brought over 750 subscriptions. The final result .. .is in your hands. OUT OF DEBT. Bro. Lamb, Joe Cancila, and Tom Schmid attempt to sort the "Eagle" budget.

FRED McNEIL. "Ju st who do you think is in charge h ere, anyway, Smitty ."

OV ER TIME. John Albaugh is found working after hours.

. ,




. ..


SALESMEN . Joe Cancila and Ron Sloan sell subscriptions on the last day of the drive.

IN THOUGHT. Don Smith plans th e order of pages for the '69 Eagle.

Tom Schmid and Mark Smith sort basketball

HE EAGLE STAFF. FRONT ROW, L-R: R. Smith, B. Shocker, M. Hick ey, ] . J ohn . SECOND ROW, L-R: T. :hmid, T. Finke, R. Sloan, G. Bailey, J. CanciJa, M. Stoff. BACK ROW , L-R: B. Larger, P. Burkhardt, D. 'Conner, C. Giscomb, B. Kessler, D. Smith, J . Albaugh, D. Summers, P. Schmitz, R. McCarth y.




THE CHAMINADE NEWS STAFF . FRONT ROW, L-R: J. Barstow, R. Bauer, J. Carroll, G. Singer, D. Sweeney, B. Bahret. MIDDLE ROW, L-R: D. Dempsey, B. Kessler, J . Bohman . BACK ROW , L-R: J . Finch,

EXPERT EYES. Marty Weitzel and Steve Deitering crop pictures for the News.

Chaminade News

NEWS STAFF COMMENTS ON SIGNIFICANT ISSUES The Chaminade News had one of its most successful years in '68-'69. Under the leadership of John Carroll the News captured several awards at the Miami Valley Journalism annual contest, including a first place editorial by Pat Civille. The News this year commented on very relevant issues. They took definite stands on the problems facing a changing Cpaminade and were responsible for clarifying many of the issues involved. Much credit should be given to Bro. Russ O'Neill and Bro. Jim Martin for their guidance.

SUMMIT TALKS . News moderator Bro. O'Neill and Editor John Carroll discuss edi路 torial policy .

PATIENCE. Dale Dempsey and Jim Barstow check galley proofs of the feature articles.

96 -




路 Smith, M. Dabney, A. Aldredge, M. el, P. Connair, B. Fischer, S. Dietering, Donatelli, M. Timpone, C. Giscombe.

REVIEW. John Carroll checks special insert on th e District Basketball Champions.

iUPPL Y AND DEMAND. Steve Deitering passes on th e News to an inerested Steve Kane.


LUNCH HOUR. For hard working Editors lik e Pat Civille, food comes when you find tim e for it.


ON PAPER. Denny Sweeney and Paul Burkhardt take statistics at U.D.

FALL SPORTS MANAGERS. L-R: B. Hoersting, Marrinan, M. Heil.


Marrinan, E.

The often forgotten managers provided a great number of services for the athletic program during the '68-'69 year. Taking care of equipment for practice and games, taking statistics to enable the coaches to correct luistakes, and giving the players encouragement were but a few of the many services performed by the managers. Because of the number of underclassmen who were managers, the Athletic Department can look forward to experienced managers for the upcoming years.

WINTER SPORTS MANAGERS. FRONT ROW, L-R: M. Gauder, M. Whitley , D. Schweterman. BACK ROW, L-R: R. Cull , B. Larger, P. Burkhardt, B. Walling.


------------------------- - -~~

--- --------------------------------------------------------------------------



This was the Rifle Team's first season ir the Western Ohio Junior Rifle League ane Coach Bro. Bill Habjan looked forward wid great expectations. The potential was gooe with over sixty members and five returnin! lettermen. The season started off with th( team taking fourth place at the first match By the end of the season the team had a scon of 7099 points out of 9,000. Individually the members did well earnin! awards from the N.R.A. for superior shooting The competition was rough, but the sustainee Eagle efforts proved rewarding. Although th( team finished in the lower bracket of the lea gue, they earned great respect as a first yea team.

PRACTICE, PRACTICE. Tony John perfects his style.

RIFLE CLUB AND TEAM MEMBERS . FRONT ROW, L-R: A. Aldredge, Mancus, B. Brun, T. Egan, J. Bueler, C. Jones, B. Watson, J . Kessler, K. Drerup, C. Sutton, J. Veny, L. Mikalos. BACK ROW, L-R: M. Hick~y,

G. Luken, T . Bogner, T . John, T. Boudette, J. Fackler, J. Sinkwitz, J Kavy, M. Bayler.



Chess Club


CHESS CLUB MEMBERS . FRONT ROW, L-R: J. Foley, E. Smith, T . Rettich, N. Rupert, B. Romey. BACK ROW, L-R: S. O'Brien, W. Coley, G. Hughes, G. Reichert, R. Goubeaux, C. Doncaster, T. Dorcas.

The Chess Club exhibited fine skill in their games this year by remaining undefeated throughout regular season play. This was achieved only with many hours of practice. The members could often be seen practicing in the Chemistry lecture room after school. ,.......,1 ......... 1 1 1 1 1路.1 1 1 he LIUO was honorea aunng tne year oy placing seventh in State competition and tenth in Tri-State competition . Although the club has often been overlooked in the past, their notable achievements this year have erased all doubts concerning the club's value as a source of involvement.

CHECKMATE. Th e Chemistry lecture room quickly becom es the scene of three chess battles.



Speech and Debate

MEMBERS DEMONSTRATE PERSUASIVE ABILITIES The Speech Club , balanced by underclass development, improved over last year's performances to post an admirable record. Varsity debate placed third in the districts to qualify for State competition. Outstanding men in Events were John Hankins, Joseph Gottslich, and Mike Keating. The leaders in Varsity Debate were Tom Steigerwald, John Carson, Charles Reindl, and Steve Regulinski. With the efforts of these students and the other members. the Speech Club was able to put forth a successful season. RECORD Tournament Covington Latin Centerville Oakwood H.S. District Finals Oratory-Julienne Oratory -Cen terville

STRATEGY. Tom Stiegerwald, Steve Regulinski, John Carson, and Charles Reindl plan for th e Oakwood tournament.

CHS place

3 3 2 3 3 TIME OFF. Dan McHugh, Mike Keating, and Steve Regulinski discuss tourney plans.

SP EECH AND DE ~O\: E MEMBERS. FRONT ROW , L-R: C. Barso n , T . Bo rchers, P. Leo nard , M. Kea ting, B. Kessler, B. Keller, M. Boison , C.

Gentile, S. Regulinski. BACK ROW, L-R: G. Geisel, S. Cl ark , P. Connair, K. Burgess, D. McHugh , J. G ottshlic , B. Blalock , C. Reindl, T. Stigerwald.


Auto Club

ACTIVITIES EXPANDED IN SECOND YEAR This year the Auto Club helped to plan an intramural car rally that unfortunately never materialized. They planned an intramural drag race for the upcoming ' 69-;70 school year, as well as presented several talks on the tech nical aspects of cars. The club was under the leadership of Adrian Aldredge with the help of many valuable seniors. A nu~ber of Juniors and Sophomores added to the club's versatility.

THE LEADER. Adrian Aldredge discusses club plans.

AUTO CLUB MEMBERS, L-R: T. Senecal, J . Ruef, J. Sitzman, T . Baker, B. Yahle, C. Jones, K. Bole, J . Corbett, B. Brun , B. Ghory , A. Aldredge ,

J. Smith , M. Jeck ering, A. Collier, J. Serv aites, R. Makely, T. Herzog, M. Kline .


VOCAL ENCOURAGEMENT. Sue Borgert gives 'em .. .

REACTION. The Cheerleaders respond to the fantastic second half comeback against Roth in the regular season final.



IS FOR CHEER The Chaminade Cheerleaders sparked the spirit of the EAGLE faithful throughout the year. When the crowd was" down", the cheerleaders would pick things up. Though not state basketball champions this year, Chaminade showed spirit in Dayton, Cincinnati, and Columbus that won't be quickly forgotten. Starting such cheers as "Say it loud I'm green and I'm proud," and" All my life I want to be an Eagle," this year's squad will go down as one of Chaminade's best.

THE CHEERLEADERS. CLOCKWISE FROM FRONT: K. Schwendeman,]. Carroll, C. Dolinski, R. Sloan, G. Kuritar, T. Finke,]. Rutledge , K. Dix, M. Tuss, ]. Caesar,]. McNamara.


PEP BAND MEMBERS . FRONT ROW, L-R: G. Keifer, D. Hobbs , T. Harris, J. Boeke, D. Lingg, G . Koenig, T. Herzog. MIDDLE ROW: G.

Stegman, S. Bruns. BACK ROW: D. Eckert, M. Trego, G. Reichert, R. Goubeaux, F. Marsico, P. Sabrack, T . Mannix, G. Leppla.

Kaufhold, R. Wattinger, B. Eckert, C. Burget, T. Wagner, iv!. 'W'hitley , B.

Pep and Stage Bands

V ARIETY THE KEY TO LIVELY MUSIC Throughout the year the Pep Band provided fine entertainment that gave uniformity and background to the cheers at the basketball games. Directed by Gil Kiefer , the pep band played for rallies, games, and upon request, for certain outside groups, such as the Salem Mall Cinema and WING for the St. Patrick's Day Parade. Despite financial problems, the Pep Band was considered by many to be the best in the Miami Valley. The Stage Band specialized in jazz performances. Their main displays of talent were at the Pops Concert and the Memorial Hall Concert.

DETERMINED. Ted Herzog tackles a difficult number.

D. Lingg, G. Kaufhold, T . Wagner,

STAGE BAND . L-R: H. Sutton , B. Stegman, D. Bush, B. Armstrong, C. Burger, B. Baczenas, D. Eckert, J. McCracken, R. Wartinger , G. Koenig,


J. Simon, G. Keifer, J.


Symphonic Band

TALENT AND PRACTICE COMBINE FOR GREAT CONCERTS The Symphonic Band gave several concerts during the year, the largest was the spring concert at Memorial Hall. This was the climax of all the practice throughout the year. The Symphonic Band provided a way for junior musicians to progress. I t was a challenging course which required much precision and technique. Mr. Wolf, who directed the band, tried throughout the course of the year to attain the skill necessary for Memorial Hall. This year's performance was the tenth annual Spring Concert held at Memorial Hall before the largest crowd in the Concert's history . The Symphonic Band extended the pride of Chaminade throughout the Miami Valley .

PERFECTION. Trumpeters contest.


Simon, T. Ander, G. Kiefer practice for the Stat,

THE BIG TIME. The highlight of the year was the 10th Annual Spring Conc ert at Memorial Hall.


Glee Club

GLEE CLUB CAPTURES (1" RATING IN ST ATE CONTEST Under the. direction of Bro. Russell O'Neill the Chaminade Glee Club showed experienced talent during the '68-'69 school year. The members performed in 13 shows in six cities. In early March, the Glee Club was awarded 30 medals for first and second place performances in contest. During mid-March, the Glee Club received a first place rating, the first in the history of the Music Department. This enabled the group to go to Columbus for the State Contest. At the State Contest, the Glee Club received a "one rating" which meant that it was rated among the top four in the State, in Chaminade's classification. By their many accomplishments, the Glee Club set a hopeful precedent for future years. MEMORIAL HALL. The big event of the year was the Spring Concert, where the Glee Club performed many of the State Contest tunes.

HIGH NOTE. Bro . O'Neill slows the tempo.

TOWARD PERFECTION. Bro. O'Neill directs another practice for the statewide tour.


Marching Band

FABULOUS FINALE ENDS MARCHING BAND SEASON Under the direction of Mr. James Wolf and Drum Major Tom Arnold, the Chaminade Marching Band completed its best year yet. Each week the Marching Band presented shows of poise, spirit, and fine entertainment. Among the many performances were the two given during the Carroll and Alter games. At these games the band did the traditional Presidents' show with the flag raising at the end. The festivities were closed with the 1812 overture under a sparkling fire-works display. The performance at the Alter game seemed to be a fitting way to close a meaningful year.

BIG HIT. The performance of "2001" held crowds spellbound.

THE LEADERS . Drum Major Tom Arnold leads on ...

While, as always, Mr. Wolf expertly directs.





PRECISE. The Marching Men move into another performance.

BAND CAMP. The drum section makes ready for a long day of summer practice.

NERVOUS? Band members anxiously await their turn.


Photo Club

MEMBERS RECIEVE NATIONAL RECOGNITION The 1968-'69 school year saw a great rise of interest in the art of photography. This one-time small organization rose to a membership of forty-five. The members, products of all four divisions, spent a great deal of time in the school darkroom printing pictures for use in the yearbook and in Photo Club displays. The club sent 23 photos to the Scholastic Magazine contest and brought back 17 a wards. Among those receiving national recognition were Seniors Don Drummer and John Trimbach. The club contributed its success to the patience and perseverance of Bro. Habjan, who, along with Bro. Martin and Bro. Bredestege, assisted the members in their artistic . growth.

SUGGESTIONS? Officers John Trimbach, Steve Deitering, and Jim Barstow plan yearbook work.

SETTING THE POLICY. President-elect Gus Miklos presides a Monday afternoon meeting.


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Deitering, T. Teifert, ] . Slonaker, T . McCabe, D. McCrabb, L. Koors. BACK ROW, L-R: D. Evans, D. Will, ] . Trimbach, S. Hagemeye r, A. Collier, M. Woer!, ]. Landis.

PHOTO CLUB MEMBERS . FRONT ROW, L-R: C. Robers, P. DeAloia, S. Brugger, T. Descendo , T . Harris, G. Miklos, M. O 'Connell. MIDDLE ROW, L-R: R . Deschler, T. Koenig, ] . Simon, B. Bahret, M. Sprowl , S.

TECHNIQUE. Moderator Bro. Habjan ex plains techniqu es at a club mee ting.


SATISFACTION. Tom Tiefert and Don McCrabb review a fresh ly printed picture.

NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY MEMBERS . FRONT ROW , L-R : T . Rettich, ]. Thomas, B. Baczenas,]. Buerschen, D. Barker, S. Budde, A. Guess, R. Bauer, J. Bohman, C. Giscomb, C. Burger. SECOND ROW, L-R: T . Wabler, S. Matson, S. O'Hearn, R. Poquette, W. Bahret,]. Burkhardt, A. Aldredge, M. Kovacs, D. Lingg, C. Reindl, J. Saluke , ]. Will.

BACK ROW, L-R: ]. Carson, T. Steigerwald, R. Fischer, D. Lesko, B. Gomez, T. Hehehen , E. Smith, ] . Page, L. Woeste, D. Sweeney, G. Reichert, W. Kessler, R. Goubeauxi D. Trick, W. Fischer, W. Feidor, P. Sharkey, M. Barlow.

National Honor Society

HONOR SOCIETY ENROLLS 73 MEMBERS The purpose of the National Honor Society, as stated in the constitution, has been to "create an enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote worthy leadership, and to encourage the development of character In students of Chaminade High School." This year Chaminade's chapter had 73 members, of which 36 were seniors. The N.H.S. has been the only organization at Chaminade that honors pupils nationally.

NHS PROVISIONAL MEMBERS. FRONT ROW, L-R: T. Lipp, E. Walters, D. Duffy . K. Mulligan, S. Mukenthaler. BACK ROW, L-R: D. Summers, P. SChmitz,]. Garland, J. Ballman, T. Borchers.

AFTER SCHOOL. Senior members] ohn Carson, Tim Rettich, Charles Reindl, and Tom Steigerwald pause for a break.


. - . _ - -



Future Teachers of America

MEMBERS ELECTED TO AREA OFFICES The Future Teachers of America continued the progress initiated last year. The F.T.A. carried on a tutoring program at Chaminade, and also in the Dayton School System. During the year, they received state and district accreditation and in February, at the Southwestern District Conference, success again pointed its finger at F.T.A. Mark Barlow was elected District President, Steve O'Hearn, District Vice-President and Mr. LeJeune, District Advisor. Although the F.T.A. obtained little publicity from school sources, the members proved that it was a worthwhile and meaningful organization. ADVICE. Mr. Lejeune plans a tutoring program with FTA members.

FTA MEMBERS. L-R: .J. Grismer, K. O 'Hearn , R. Goubeaux, N. Essma n, Nordyke , T. Wendelin, M. Barl ow. SEATED: Mr. Lej eune, moderator.


J. Will , S. O'Hearn, D.

R ed Cross

ACHIEVEMENT, RED CROSS BYWORD Under t he guidance of Mr. Michael McFadden, President Cecil Giscombe led the Red Cross toward many heights. The Red Cross reached 11 5% of its goal for United Appeal and was active in the March of Dimes. The Red Cro ss helped to sponsor a party for the underprivileged children at McKinley Center. They worked with "Voices from Home", which tape recorded messages to servicemen in Vietnam, sent from their families and friends in Dayton, and a program for measles vaccination was provided for by the Red Cross. The services rendered has been proof enough that the Red Cross saw a very successful year.

PROBLEMS. Moderator Mr. McFadden and President Cecil Giscombe discuss plans for the March of Dimes.

RED CROSS MEMBERS. L-R : M. Markus, R . Sloan , T . Hammer, R. Thacker, P. Burkhardt , C. Giscombe, R. Ritzer.

114 .~-----



Junior Council on World Affairs


GUESTS. The annual JCOWA inter-city convention, held in the CHS auditorium, attracted students from many schools.

The Junior Council on World Affairs promoted thoughtful discussions on world problems and attempted to suggest possible solutions to them. The newest development in ].C.O.W.A. was the formation of a Communist Study Committee. The Council, as a whole, represented Chaminade well at the Model General Assembly sponsored by the Dayton Council on World Affairs. With the coming of new members, J.C.O.W.A. greatly improved over last year's efforts.

JCOWA MEMBERS. FRONT ROW, L-R: G. Kaufh old, L. Shulte, G. Hughes, D. Carson, B. FrapweU. SECOND ROW, L-R : J. Foley, B. Kessler, B. Eckert, J . Carso n, D. Eckert , C. Doncaster. BACK ROW, L-R: S. Vogel, D. McBride, D. McHugh , ]. Grismer, M. Sprowl , K. Hackett.

11 5


Mr. Frank Bonza




The ideal teacher would

be a person who could teach a subjed and not seem phony."


Rob Koors Sophomore 120 ,





r I



-:=:;;:;iIi路b~r:.lEdward Marrinan

"The ene1getic staff related e\"ceedin (fJy u' ell U'ith the L


students to provide a ha17nonious, u'ell knit student facul~)' relationship...


Datid Rossi

State Supert'isor




Bro. Aloysius Reis, S.M.




Bro. Robert Wieth orn , S.M.



- - -







Bro. Nicholas Wagner, S.M.



132 _.,. --.-


FACULTY INDEX BRO. JAMES ABEL, S.M. University of Dayton, B.S. in Ed., Business Manager, Dramatics Director FR. GEORGE ABMA YR, S.M. University of Dayton, Western Reserve University , B.S . in Ed. , M.S. in Library Science MODERATOR: Library BRO. GERALD BETTICE, S.M. Univ ersity of Dayton, Georgetown University, Dean of Men (Juniors and Seniors), B.S ., M.S. SUBJECT: Chemistry MR. FRANK BONZA Miami University (Oxford), B.S . in Ed. SUBJECTS: Health, Physical Education , Speech Football Coach (Assistant) MODERATOR: Freshman BROTHER ROBERT BOUFFIER, S.M. Attending University of Dayton, Pursuing B.A. in French/Philosophy SUBJECT: French III

BRO. DON DI DONATO, S.M. University of Dayton, B.A. in Theology SUBJECT: Freshmen Religion MODERATOR: Service Club, Locker Maintenance MR. CHARLES DIRCKX University of Dayton, B.S. in Secondary Ed. SUBJECT: U.S. History MR. GEORGE EARLY University of Dayton, B.A. SUBJECTS: Problems of Democracy, Head of Social Studies Dept. MODERATOR: Alumni Association MR. GERALD FAUST University of Dayton, B.S. Civil Engineering SUBJECT: Mechanical Drawing BRO. JOHN FELDMEIER, S.M. University of Dayton, B.S., Western Reserve University, M.A., Chairman of Language Dept. SUBJECTS: German I, II, III

BRO . PAUL BREDESTEGE, S.M. University of Dayton, B.A. SUBJECTS: Spanish I, II, III MODERATOR: Sophomore Division, Photography Club (Assistant)

BRO. ROBERT FINNEGAN, S.M. University of Dayton, B.A. SUBJECTS: Algebra I, Geometry, Acting Chairman of Math Dept. MODERATOR : Bowling League, Stage Crew, Auditorium

BRO. MARTIN BREWI, S.M. University of Dayton, Western Reserve University , M.A. SUBJECT: Senior Math

BRO. ROBERT FLAHERTY, S.M. University of Dayton, B.A. in Political Science SUBJECTS: Problems of Democracy, Geography

MR. ANTHONY CASEY Havana University, Ph.D. Engineering SUBJECTS: Geometry, Spanish

MODERATOR: Student Council (Assistant)

MR. JAMES DAVIS Central State University, B.S. in Business Educ ation SUBJ ECTS: Bookkeeping, Typing MODERATOR: Auto Club, Dramatics, Student Council BRO. JOSEPH DAVIS, S.M. Univ ersity of Dayton, Catholic University. of America, B.S. in Ed. M.A. , Dean of Studies SUBJECTS: English, Religion, Typing BRO. ANTHONY DEINLEIN, S.M. University of Dayton Library Assistant

BRO. WILLIAM GRUNDISH, S.M. University of Dayton, B.A., University of Duquesne, M.S. SUBJECT: Geography Track Coach (Freshmen) Sophomore Counselor BRO. WILLIAM HABJAN, S.M. University of Dayton, B.A. in Philosophy SUBJECT: Sophomore Religion MODERATOR: Photography Club, Rifle Club, Yearbook (Assistant) . BRO. JOHN HAGEDORN, S.M . University of Dayton, B.A. , Western Reserve University, M.A. in English SUBJECT: English Athletic Director

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BRO. JAMES HOENIGMAN, S.M. University of Dayton, B.S. in Science Education SUBJ ECTS: Physics, Physical Science MODERATOR: Seniors,Projectionist MR. ROBERT HOY University of Dayton , B.S. in Ed. SUBJECT: English MR. NICHOLAS HUSSONG Univ ersity of Dayton, M.A. SUBJECTS : U.S. History, Geography MODERATOR: National Honor Society

BRO. RICHARD IHLENDORF, S.M. University of Dayton, B.A. SUBJECTS: Latin I, II, IV MODERATOR: Classics Club MR. DAVID INDERRIEDEN University of Dayton, B.S. in Ed. SUBJECTS: French, Sophomore English, Freshmen and Reserve Basketball Coach BRO. PAULJABLINSKI, S.M. University of Dayton, B.S. in Ed. SUBJECT: Art MR. ROBERT KATCAVAGE University of Dayton, B.S., Dean of Men (Freshmen and Sophomores) SUBJECT: Biology Football Coach (Assistant) Golf Coach

BRO. AUGUST KEMME, S.M. University of Dayton, Fordham University, B.A., M.A., Counselor, Director of Guidance MODERATOR: Chaminade Booster Club, Spring Festival BRO. NORBERT KLEINHENZ, S.M. University of Dayton, Ohio State University, B.S., M.A. SUBJECTS: Business Organization & Management Typing MODERATOR: Bookstore

MR. DANIEL KOSAK University of Dayton, B.S. S UBJ ECTS: Earth Science, Physical Science Football Coach (Assistant) Head Track Coach

BRO. ROBERT LAMB, S.M. University of Dayton, B.A. SUBJECTS: Junior English, Senior Religion MODERATOR: Yearbook , Student Council (Assistant)

MR. WILLIAM LE JEUNE University of Dayton , B.S. in Ed. , M.A. Canidate SUBJECTS : World Cultures, Geograph y MODERATOR: Future Teachers of America, Freshmen Newspaper

MR. G. EDWARD LOGES University of Dayton , B.S. in Mechanical Engineering SUBJECTS: Algebra II/Trigonom etry , Senior Math

BRO. JAMES MONROE, S.M. University of Dayton, B.S. in Ed. SUBJECT: Freshmen Religion Freshme n Football Coach (Assistant) Reserve Base ball Coach Athletic Director (Assistant) Freshme n Guidance Counselor Academic Dean (Freshmen and Sophomores) BRO . GERALD O'NEIL, S.M. St. John's Univ ersity, M.A. SUBJECT : English Princ ip al BRO . RUSSELL O'NEILL, S.M. Univ ersity of Dayton, B.S . in Ed. SUBJECTS: Valu es Through Communication, Choral Music MODERATOR : Newspaper, Glee Club

BRO. EDWARD LONGBOTTOM, S.M. University of Dayton, B.S. in Ed. SUBJECT: French MODERATOR: Music Dept.

FATHER PAUL PIESCHEL, S.M. University of Dayton, B.S. SUBJECT: Religion

MR. JAMES MACKEY University of Dayton, B.S . in Ed. SUBJECT: World Cultures

BRO . DAVID QUIGLEY, S.M. Univ ersity of Dayton, B.A. in History , B.S . in Secondary Ed. SUBJECT: Geography MODERATOR: Che erleading, Wres tling, Attendance

BRO . KENNETH MAKO, S.M. Univ ersity of Dayton, Pursuing B.A. in English SUBJECT: Latin BRO. WILLIAM MARCHAL, S.M. University of Dayton , B.S . . SUBJECTS: Modern Math II, College Algebra, Computer Programming Head Cross-Country Coach Track Coach (Assistant)

BRO . JAMES MARTIN, S.M. University of Day ton , B.A. SUBJECTS : Sophomore & Junior Religion MODERATOR: Newspaper (Assistant), Photography Club (Assistant)

MR. MICHAEL McFADDEN University of Dayton, B.S. SUBJECTS: Freshmen and Sophomore English MODERATOR: Red Cross BRO. LEWIS MILNER, S.M. Univ ersity of Dayt on, B.S. SUBJECT: Biology MODERATOR: Chess Club, Scienc e Club

MR. EDWARD REGAN Bowling Green State University , B.S. in Ed. , Xavier University, M.A. in Administration SUBJECT: Problems of Democracy Assistant Princ ip al BRO. ALOYSIUS REIS, S.M. University of Dayt on Maintenance Superin ten dent MR. EARL RICHARDS Ohio State University, Indiana University, B.A. Academic Dean (Juniors and Seniors) SUBJECT: English IV Fencing Co ach

MR. JOHN ROUTLEDGE Siena College, B.A., University of Dayton , M.A. SUBJECTS : Sophomore and Junior English FR. JAMES RUSSELL, S.M. University of Dayton, B.A. SUBJECT: Senior R eligion Chaplain, Counselor, Chairman, Dept. of Religion


MR. HENRY SCHNEIDER Univ ersity of Cincinnati, B.S., Xavier University M.A. SUBJECT: Physical Ed. Head Football Coach, Tennis Coach MR. QANIEL SHEA University of Dayton , B.S. in Ed. SUBJECT: Biology Head Wrestling Coach MR. VIRGIL STEGNER Miami University (Oxford), B.S. in Ed. SUBJECTS: Physics, Physical Science MR. LESTER STEINLAGE University of Dayton, B.S. , M.S. SUBJECT: Mathematics MR. JEFFREY STILGER University of Dayton, B.S. in Computer Science SUBJECT: Algebra n BRO . ROBERT STRICKER , S.M. University of Dayton, B.A. SUBJECTS : Junior Religion, Junior Values Through Communication MODERATOR: Service Club MR. JAMES TURVENE University of Dayton , B.S. in Ed. SUBJECT: Physical Ed. Head Baske tball Coach, Baseball Coach Athletic Director BRO. NICHOLAS WAGNER, S.M. University of Dayton, B.S. Book Store Assistant MR. RICHARD WEIDNER Wilmington College , B.S . SUBJECT: Freshmen English Football Coach (Assistant) Track Coach (Assistant) BRO . ROBERT WIETHORN, S.M. University of Dayton , B.S. in Ch emistry SUBJECTS: Algebra, Chemistry MODERATOR: Student Council MR. JAMES WOLF Univ ersity of Dayton, B.S. in Music Ed. , Ohio State University , M.A. in Music SUBJECT: Instrumental Music Director Marching Band BRO. EDWARD ZAHN, S.M. University of Dayton, Ohio State University B.S. , M.A. SUBJECTS: College Algebra, Calculus



CONVINCING. Chaminade 's 19-0 victory over Piqua made the Homecomi Weekend successful.

TOGETHER. The King and his court pose for pictures after their introduction.

SENIOR ATTENDANTS. John Carroll and Mary Beth Garlock ,

Don Nooks and Pam Sims ,


Art Hinker and Nancy Moran.

The Homecoming festivities of 1968 involved a three day composite of activities. Beginning with the bonfire at Terry Gorman's farm which attracted 500 people, the festivities were initiated with overall good support. The following night saw the Homecoming game. During half-time of the football game , King Denny Verrett and Queen Kathy Kaflewski were introduced with their court. The final half of the football game was completed with a convincing 19-0 Chaminade victory over Piqua. On the final night the Morocco Music Makers provided the entertainment for the Homecoming dance. The dance closed the homecoming ceremonies for 1968, but few will easily forget them.

THEIR MAGESTIES. Denny Verrett and Kathy Kafl ewski dance th e traditional R oyal Dance.

JUNIOR ATTENDANT . Jo ey Caesar and Sharon Sockwell.

SOPHOMORE ATTENDANT. T o m AI tick and Debbie Burneka.


DECORUM. AI Coly er helps with the flowers as Bro. La mb looks on.



The Junior Retreat consisted of two days of activities. The first day saw several discussions of such topics as communication, parents, and dating. On the second day, a trip was taken to U.D. and a folk Mass was celebrated in which the retreatants expressed their feelings through collages, poems, and songs. The days spent on the retreat were relaxing, interesting, and meaningful.

RESPONSE . Bro. Tim Tabernick leads a discussion with retreatants from Dayton ar high schools.

"I'M ME." The retreat program encouraged individual and group self-expression.

COMFORTABLE. The retreats were held or rather "experienced" in an inform; casual atmosphere.


LYRICS . Jeff John concentrates on the lyrics of po pular songs and discov ers some new dimensions.

The Senior Retreat presented the opportunity for total strangers with dissimilar backgrounds to learn much about each other and about life in a period of only three days. Building on the experiences of the past year, the seniors of many schools gathered to share their experiences, beliefs, and ideas, and by doing so furthered their understanding of the meaning of life. The program included a folk Mass for the young men and women during which they presented collages and recited prayers which they had made to express their inner feelings and beliefs.

DISCOVERY. Chris J enk and a new acqu aintanc e look a little dee per into the meaning of their lives.




RUMBLE! Bernardo (Jim Tarlano) confronts Riff (Mike Stoff) just before the rumble breaks out.


MAGNIFICENT. Patti Conners as Maria and Chris Bananno as Anita captivated the audience with their singing and acting.

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UNSEEN. Led by Rick Ivory and J oe Siehl, th e stage crew created a mo dernistic setti ng for th e mu sical.

AN XIO US . T o ny (Phil Mals) expresses his exc itement a fter mee ting Maria.

The musical theatre of Chaminade showed finesse in their production of West Side Story. Under the direction of Mrs. Norma Sharkey, the numerous me mbers of th e cast, including many from St. Joe's and Julienne, put in many long hours of practice to perfect their roles in the play. The play w:as a resounding success, drawing capacity crowds for two straight weekends. The play, produced by Mr. James Davis, was musically directed by Mr. David Coldren, while Mr. Dick Croskey served as choreographer.

" WH Y NOT ?" Riff (Mik e Stoff) ex pl ains why h e is rea dy fo r a ga ng fight.


Wing Basketball


In early February, the WING Lively Guys took on the talented (?) faculty of Chaminade High School. The Lively Guys, coached by Steve Kirk, led the faculty in the early going. But the fine performance of the faculty, coached by Mr. Frank Bonza, caused the Lively Guys to fall behind. The Lively Guys were paced by Shotgun Pleasant, while Mr. Dave Inderrieden paced the faculty with over 30 points. Tension mounted in the wanning moments of the game as the gap between the two teams rapidly decreased. But it was later disclosed that a scoring error was the reason for the late close score. As a result the faculty was able to hold on to a sizeable lead and prevail by a score of 72-59. The evening proved highly enjoyable for everyone.

GUARDING. Chaminade's expert defense proved to be too much f( the Hi-Flyers.

DISBELIEF. Mr. Kosak looks on as a WING basket is made.

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S. C. Basketball


BENCH POWER. Julienne Students come out in large numbers to support their team.

HUDDLE. Th e Villa Virgians take time out to ma ke some post-game plans with a Chaminade play er.

For the second consecutive year the Ludlow Street Five (Chaminade Student Council) played the Villa Virgins of Julienne. The game had plenty of sparkling performances. Unfortunately, these performances were not enough to put the Eagles over the top. The Villa Virgins, who were given six points per basket, prevailed over the Eagle Student Council by a stunning score of 43-38.

INJUR Y. J oanni Dix receives first aid from Tom Burger.





EXCITEMENT. The Eagle fans celebrate a second period lead.

"SCHOOL OF MY HEART." Mark Gudorf and Jim Staly sing the Alma Mater.

PEACE! Dave Laukhart, John Jandel, and friends wish the opposition well.

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SIGN PAINTING. Tom Flohre and Matt Dahlinghaus j oin in to prepare for the Belmont game.

Rallies took new form during the 1968-69 school year: Usually orientated toward passive participation, the rallies were changed to personify true active spirit. The most spirited rally of the year was for the Piqua game. At this rally, the Seniors led the cheers as the District Basketball Champs were readied for their first Regional confrontation. Jim Nooks, Jim Gotschall, and Bobby Madden were but a few of the many guest speakers presented at the rallies. With the fine records of 7-2-1, for the football team, and 19-7, for the Basketball Regional Champs, it was apparent that the spirited rallies and the enthusiastic crowds were important factors in the athletic endeavors throughout the year.

GREEN POWER. Cheering crowds supported th e Eagles in the District games.

KEEP IT ROLLING . The Chaminade faithful unroll their 250 ya rd surprise at the Alter game halftime.


POSTERS. Following up a poster party, undercl assme n cover the cafeteria walls.

GREEN POWER? Not this time , as a partisan crowd refuses to back the Chaminade Student Council.

OPTIONAL RALLIES. Though no t always drawing the largest crowds, optional rallies attracted sincer e support.

BOOMING . Th e Pep Band provided entertainment and encourage路 ment.

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BACKlNG. In the tough going of the tournament, the Eagles always had support.

CHAMPS! Th e crowd rushes on to the floor to gree t the new District champs.



ttCyrano de Bergerac" RETURNS COMEDY TO C.H.S

HEROICS. Cyrano, Jim Barstow, takes a distasteful view of Steve Schulkers and his challenge to duel.

STEADY NOW. Bro. Quigley does some final touch路ups to get Jim Tarlano ready for his part.

JOKING . Vince Catuagno added humor to the show as a jester.



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DYNAMIC. Jim Barstow's entranc e inv olv ed th e audienc e in th e play .

Under the direction of Brother James Abel, the Chaminade theatre again showed its acting skills in the Student Council production of "Cyrano de Bergerac." Originally written by Edmond Rostand, the play centered on th e life of the greatest swordsman of 17th Century France. Students from Chaminade, Alter, Julienne , St. Joseph's Commercial and Roth took on the acting chores of the play . Moderators Bro . Finnegan ' and Mr. James Davis molded the acting and stage crews into one productive unit. Although the play was not received as well as "West Side Story ," those who attended benefited greatly .

REHEA RSAL . Mike Mergler help s Jim Barstow with his lin es. LOVE! Roxanne , pl ayed by Denise Sachs, un kno win gly to rments Cyrano (Jim Barstow).


DRAMATIC. T ension mo unts as Jim Tarlano ch all enges Cyrano.

BAD NEWS . Pat Civill e put in an o utstanding performance as th e vill an.

PERT URBED. Jim Barstow spo uts off at Pat Civill e.




ENCOURAGEMENT. Bro. Jim Ab el coaches Denise Sachs in her role as Roxann e.


Spring Week


ALL TOGETHER. Seniors use well organized cheers to support their All-Stal Basketball team .

STRENGTH. Mike Moosbrugger overpowers his Junior opponent and connects to give the Seniors an opening lead.

DISRUPTION. Juniors and Seniors take time out to repair a brok en basket whid interrupted the heated Championship game.

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Spring Week consisted of a movie and the Junior-Senior All-Star Basketball game. The movie, shown on Thursday, was a composite of the year's events. The Junior-Senior All-Star game saw the Juniors win by a sizeable score of 42-30. The game was nip and tuck in the fi; st quarter, but a 20 point performance by Don Obringer proved too much for the Seniors. Due to a lack of planning and crowded scheduling, no other activities were scheduled for Spring Week.

CONFUSION . The Seniors try to regroup during a time-out, but the attempt fails.

WINGS? Doug Lehman goes high to put th e b all in play .

" A FUNNIE." Mik e Sto ff, Rick Bauer, Harry Sutton , an d T o m Shea rer "react" to the S.C. movie.




HOST. Bro. Jerry presents roses to Junior attendant T o m Harr's date, Bonnie Miller.

KING AND QUEEN. Ed Tolle and Mary Jane Lehman lead off the prom.

OUTNUMBERED? Louie Schirack seems t o be the center ofa little "girl talk ."

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FAVORS . Charlie Maqsud picks out a prom favor for his date.





May 9th brought the long~awaited 1969 Junior-Senior Prom. The soft sounds of the Dave Lowery Orchestra provided the music of "Scarborough Fair" for the three hundred couples at Wamplers Silver Room. The Prom Committee, headed b y Junior George Kloos, did a commendable job of flowers, decorations, and arrangements. Edward Tolle and Mary Jane Lehman presided over the evening as Prom King and Queen, accompanied by a court of couples. The Prom was the finale to a long succession of social events for the SenlOrs.

TURN - ABOUT. J eff J ohn smilingly accep ts his b outonniere.

THE GENTLEMAN. Leroy Kelly gives a courtly bow to his date.


TABLE-TALK. Mike Walsh, Tony Zajovits, Fred Bucher, and their dates enjoy a little conversation.

BEST DRESSED? A dapper Mik e Brown with top hat , cane , and gloves steals part of th e show.

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CLOWNING. Norm Spang gets a helpful assist from his date.

WARM WELCOME. Applau se and smil es gree t th e King and Quee n, Ed Tolle and Mary Jane Lehma n.


Night Club


The third annual Student Council Night Club was held in the school cafeteria in early spring. The Freewheelers, a folk-rock group, provided the entertainment in a romantic atmosphere. Senior Harry Sutton performed his rendition of "Alice's Restaurant." Grads Jim Dwyer and Vic Whisman presented readings from Ferlinghetti. Free refreshments were provided at the Night Club.

UNNOTICED. Rick Weng stays a jump ahead while his fri ends smil e for the camera.

VIBRATIONS. Th e Free whe elers provided the entertainment f( evening.


RELAXATION . The leisurely atm osphere of th e Night Club enabled the audience to participate fully.

ENGRO SSED. The Night Club provo ked thought as well as entertainment .


TAKING A BOW . The combined Chaminade-Julienne Chorus put on a fabulous performance at Memorial Hall.

PREPARATION . J erry Crowe checks his instrument before th e Concert.


BACK STAGE. Tim Hemmelgain, Chuck Holtevert, and' Herz og await their cue.

DUET. Ray Wartinger and Jerry Kaufhold perform with the Stage Band.

The Tenth Annual Spring Concert at Memorial Hall was the highlight of the year for the Music Department. Under the direction of Bro. Russell O'Neill, the number one rated Glee club performed the selections that were used in the State Con test. The Julienne Senior Chorus, directed by Miss Rose Gysbers, combined with the Chaminade Glee Club for several numbers. The blues Stage Band also was featured at the concert. The audience reacted with great enthusiasm to the performance of the Symphonic Band, which had practiced for many weeks to prepare ' for the. concert. The performance was climaxed by the finale, which featured the combined Choruses and the Symphonic Band.

PRECISION . Bro. Russ O'N eill directs as the Julienn e Chorus loo ks o n.


Student Council Elections


CONGRATULATIONS, CHIEF! Dave Lesko is congratulated by Bro . J erry and Ed Tolle.


VOTING . Juniors line up to use the voting machine provided by the Board of Elections.

ORGANIZERS. Bob Bir and Jim J obe, co-ch airmen of th e elec toral co mmittee, check on the progre ss of th e votin g.

REFLECTIONS. Ed Tolle leans back and gives a few ideas about the office of Student Council President.




DARK HORSE. Somewhat a surprise candidate, Secretary Tim Titus received strong support.



TIPS. Candidates Joey Caesar and Mark Tuss (in suits) receive advice from Seniors Bob Heiser and Mike Stoff.

Without much fanfare or wild enthusiasm, the Junior Class met in early spring to elect the student council officers for .1969-1970. Juniors Jim Jobe and Bob Bir organized the nomination and the election procedures. After two Juniors had been nominated for each of the four offices, two weeks were given to active campaigning. On succes-

sive Wednesdays press conferences were held to give the students an opportunity to meet and pose questions to the candidates. When the last 'lever on the voting machine had been pulled, David Lesko, had been chosen as President ; Joey Ceasar, Vice-President; Timothy Titus, Secretary; and Michael Hart , Treasurer.


A LAST WORD. Bob Bir makes a fin al announc ement.


GREAT! John Saluke congratulate s fellow graduate Kyle Alford.



GRADUATING CLASS OF 1969. The graduates listen to Bro. Jerry O'Neil deliver " a final word" at the University of Dayton Fieldhouse.

ACHIEVEMENT. Fred Bucher receives his diploma as Steve Budde appro ach es.



The all-important Honors Convocation introduced the Cap and Gown ceremonies on May 27 in the Chaminade Auditorium. At this event, several students were recognized for praiseworthy achievements by fellow classmates and parents. The Baccalaureate Mass, which was held the following day, saw the graduates and their mothers attend the services in the auditorium. The diplomas were distributed during the Commencement Exercises at the University of Dayton Fieldhouse on the 29th. Patrick Civille gave his valedictory speech on the need for continuing education after graduation , while Donald Nooks, salutatorian, talked on how graduation is a great achievement for the parents as well as the student. Bro . Jerry O'Neil, principal, closed the forty-two minute ceremonies with a brief final word.

B'NAI B'RITH AWARD . Ch arles Reindl receiv es th e B'nai B'rith Award for outstanding scholarship and citize nship .


TEN TOP SENIORS. Joe Thomas receives th e "Dayton Daily News" Award for being o ne of the top t en seniors in th e entire Miami Valley area .

OUTSTANDING TEENAGER. Jerry Kauhfold receives an Outstanding Teenager of America Award.

PRINCIPAL'S AWARD. The Principal's Award was presented to over twenty Seniors for their o utstanding dedication to Chaminade.


GETTING READY . Dave Bush fixes his tie just before graduation .

CLASS OF '81? A future Eagle tries on a graduation cap.

RECEPTION. Tom Mannix and the other graduates receive congratulations from friends and parents.



CELEBRITIES . The Seniors pose for a few pictures outside the fieldhouse. SALUTATORIAN DONALD NOOKS


LOOKING TOWARDS THE FUTURE . Tom Steigerwald reflects a little on Graduation Day .




WHERE'D IT GO? Tony Woods tries to find his pizza, while Spencer Morrow devours his at the Homecoming Pizza Party.

FROSH ENJOY SCHOOL INVOLVEMENT Thomas Alberts Steven Alex David Alexander John Allison Thomas Allison William Andrews Antonio Anticoli Herbert Aydelott Lawrence Bach Joseph Bachmann David Baker Richard Baker Michael Bare Edward Barlow Michael Barok Michael Bauer Thomas Baukus Daniel Bayer Roger Beaver John Berbach John Berczelly Brian Bergeron Bruce Bergmeier Michael Berry Robert Biersack David Boeckerman Edward Boeke J ames Bohman Daniel Borchers Joseph Borgerding Joseph Boston Donald Bowman Mark Brandhuber Mark Braunlin Joseph Brock Richard Brooks Stephen Brugger Neal Brun John Bucholz James Buddendeck Leo Budenz Joseph Burneka


INTENT. Freshmen Paul Harris strums his bass fiddle during music practice .

LISTEN UP. Bill Andrews, Freshman Class President calls for attention be fore giving announcements.

Thomas Buynak David Casey Gary Chodkowski Craig Clark Michael Claude Patrick Coffey Francis Columbe Frank Conley Gordon Cox Keith Davis James Deis Damian Desch Fred Doane Robert Doncaster Karl Drerup Richard Drummer James Dryman Austin Dunn Gary Dunsky Charles Eckstein John Engle J ames Enright Robert Ernst Samuel Evans Jerome Eyink Thomas Finch Ronald Finke Michael Fischer Dean Focke J ames Fricke Michael Fries Michael Gauder John Golba Joseph Goode Joseph Gottschlich


Richard Goubeaux Michael Green Steven Grogean Anthony Grusenmeyer Richard Gudorf Mark Gunther Michael Halpin Timothy Hammer John Hankins Richard Harding David Harenberg Christopher Harman Paul Harris Rodney Harris David Hartley Michael Hartley Robert Hartley J ames Hatton August Hehemann Edward Hempleman Thomas Hess Mark Hickey Paul Hickey Walter Himes J ames Hinkle Thomas Hochadel Donald Hoendorf Joseph Hofele Paul Hohne Michael Hollis David Holtvoight Gregg Holtvoight Christopher Horn John Horvath John Hoswell Kenyan Howard Dennis Huper Terrence Hudson Lawrence Hughes Douglas Iannarino Thomas J andel Robert J anowiecki Michael J ehn William Jergens Anthony John Joseph Johnston Douglas Jones Erich Karol Robert Kern

CONFERENCE. John Golba, Michael Bauer, and James Bohman ask Mr. Kerber for advice on an English assignment.


Barry Kessler Michael Kessler Gregory Keyes John Kiley Michael Killingsworth Anthony Kleibecker Gregory Klimaski Michael Kneeland Steven Kolvek Jerome Kondrath Luke Koors Robert Kosater Paul Koverman Kevin Kozlowski Gerald Kozuh William Kramer Kenneth Kreitzer Michael Kreitzer Paul Kroger Ronald Krohn Daniel Krowialis J ames Krygier Daniel Kuntz Mark Kussman Richard Lambright Daniel Landis Marvin Larger John Laukhart John Lee Daniel Lehmkuhle John Leibold Brad Leming Michael Lewis Joseph Lipinski Richard Livingston Edward Long Michael Long John Luken Thomas Mahoney Richard Mantia Michael Markus John Marrinan Jeffrey Matson Terrence Maurer Harry Mayo Donald McCrabb Frank McCrink William McGill Christopher Meehan Gerald Metzger Michael Meyer Gus Miklos William Miller Michael Mitchell Guy Molnar Gerald Moosbrugger Spencer Morrow Richard Moser John Murty Ronald Myers Dennis Nartker Richard Neu John Nichols Daniel Oborne Sean O'Brien Martin O'Connell Walter O'Reilly J ames Overman David Pachin Nicholas Parenti


Joseph Patterson Kevin Patterson Robert Pfeiffer John Placke William Platt Thomas Polakowski Theodore Porumb Jack Post Mark Powers Howard Preston Michael Quatman Michael Quinttus Richard Quinttus Gary Rapp Michael Reeb Stanley Reese Elbert Rench Timothy Richey James Richied Ronald Rimkus Joseph Roalef Timothy Robers Paul Rotunno Gene Ruppert Michael Sampson Gerard Sands William Sayer David Schaaf William Schmitz John Schultz Daniel Schumacher Anthony Schwendeman Douglas Schwieterman Joseph Sendelbach Philip Shay John Sheehan John Sherer John Sherman William Shine Craig Shuffeldt Michael Sipes Joseph Slonaker Gerard Smith Kevin Smith Robert Smith Donald Spang John S pinna to Robert Spreng Herbert Stachler Jose ph Staley John Stauber Richard Stephen Valentino Stieger Robert Stoecklein Thomas Stover Richard S trade r Robert Strukamp Edward Sullivan Carl Sutton Terry Sweeney Conrad Swensen Charles Szabo Frank Taylor Manuel Teijelo William Thornton Joseph Tobens Frank Tokarsky Robert Trautman Dale Trick Steven Trick



JUST STUDYING. Tom Buynak "hits the books" in the library.

O.K. CHIEF? Bob Stoecklein asks for Bro. Jerry's permission on a project.

NEW PRINCIPAL GREETS CLASS OF '72 James Turner Vernon Turner Mark Vaitkus Paul Visinger Daniel Vogel Larry Walker Bruce Walling Kevin Ward Mark Watkins James Web endorfer John Weber Charles Weimert Alan Wendling David Wendling Richard Wendling Richard Weng George West Christopher Westendorf Mark Whisman Richard Wilson Ronald Wimm ers Steven Wolff Anthony Woods Thomas Wourms Thomas Wysinski Thomas Yahle Christopher Zahn David Zajovits

Anthony Zimmerman John Zimmerman



STRIKE! Tom Osterday "bowls 'em over" during Intramural bowling.

PRACTICE. Nick Ruppert displays musical talent on the French horn.

SPIRIT SHOWN BY INVOLVED SOPHOMORES Louis Adams Robert Adams John Agnew John Albaugh Dan Allen Tom Altick Joe Arndts Bob Bahret Joe Balazs Joe Ballman Bob Bandura Ed Bannen Tom Bannen Bob Bates Andy Bayham Rick Berringer Gary Bellert Dan Bernard Mike Berthaud Steve Bertke Ed Black Charles Blalock Don Boehmer Mark Boison John Bole John Bonfig Tom Borchers Bill Borchers Jerry Bova Bill Brandell Dan Braun Mike Braun Ken Brinkman Dan Broadstone . Joe Brockman


PLANNING. Sophomores listen to plans for their involvement in S.C. elections.

Steve Brown Jeff Bucher Bob Bucheit Ken Bucholz Joe Buehler Dan Burneka Chuck Butler Paul Buynak Joe Cancila Derek Cardwell Dave Carson Dick Carter Joe Charlton Dave Chestnut Ken Chilton Bob Chilton Kim Christensen John Churan Steve Clatk e Mike Coffey Tim Comboy Rick Couture Hank Crist Mike Crosby Jerry Crowe Dick Cull Paschal DeAloia Wes Deis Mike Delzeith Salvator Desardo Ron Deschler Matk Diemunsch Roger Dietsch Bryan Dineen Jose Dodaro Peter Donovan Dave Duffy Jim Duncan Terry Egan Mike Eifert Rick Elliott John Fackler


Chris Dwyer James Eskew Joe Fackler Tom Fahnestock Steve Falter Mark Finke Jim Fletcher Mark Florkey Mike Fortunato Joe Foster Bob Frapwell Joe Garland Ray Garman Gary Geisel Chuck Gentile John Gower Matt Greany Firman Green Steve Grismer Dave Grusenmeye r Ron Gulasa Karam Habib Mark Haemmerle Jim Hakemoller Ray Hale Denny Halloran Greg Harding Tom Harris Mark Hartk e Mik e Hayslip Mik e Heil Mark Hemmelgarn Tom Hickey Tom Higgenbotham Mark Hilton Jim Hinders Bob Hinkle Dan Hoagland Mike Hochwalt Bob Hodge . Dave Hoenie Bill Horesting Mike Holt Bill Holtvoight Jerry Holtzhauer T o m Hudson Rod Huey Richard Hutchinson Leon Isaac Dave Jackson Griff Jones John Kavy Mike Keating Mike Keller Bill Keller John Kessler Jerry Kessl er Nick Keyes Greg Kitts Ralph Klos Vinc e Klosterman Jim Kne eland Tom Koenig


.. Mark Koonmen Bob Koors Tim Kracus Bernie Kroger Mark Kroger John Kuntz Paul Kuntz Tom Kuntz Dan Lafferty Pat Langen John Larger Ray Laux Jack Layne Paul Leonard Gary Leppla Fred Limbert Steve Limbert Tom Lipp T erry Lorton Tom Lyons John Mancus Greg Mangold Rick Marah Ed Marrinan Mark Martin Ray Martin Tim Martin Bob Mathes Mike Matson Bob McCarthy Tom McCarthy Joe McCracken Chris McGhee Steve McGraw John McWilliams Mike Meixn er Joe Mescher Rich Meyer Mike Meyring Doug Miller Gary Miller Kevin Monaghan

TRANQUILITY? 2-H relaxes during homeroom period.

BOARDING. Students start the homeward journey on th e Vandalia-Butler bus.


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BOTTOMLESS? Joe Arndts reaches into the depths of his locker.

EXPLORING. Mike Crosby peers into the world of the little people.

Stan Muckenthaler Kevin Mulligan Paul Nartker Don Neff Tom Nevels Scott Newcomb Mike Nickerson John Norris Tim O'Brien Tom O'Brien Steve Oda Kevin O'Hearn Tom Oster day Bill Overman Fred Pfeiffer Mike Popowich Tom Quinn Tim Quinn Gerry Raffel John Rankin Eddie Reed Steve Regulinski Rick Reif Don Reynolds Ray RitzIer LaMont Rodgers Rod Rogge Bob Romie Phil Rose Sam Rosengarten Steve Ross Tom Rouse Steve Ruef Ted Rumpf Nick Ruppert Ed Ruschau Paul Sacksteder Mike Saluke Bob Sands Dave Scherack Mark Schipper Joe Schmitz



Pete Schmitz Brian Schnabel Dave Schneider Ken Schroeder Mike Schultz Herb Scwenderman Terry Sharkey Mike Shea Shane Sheaf Mark Sheets Alex Sherer Bill Shock Pat Siehl Jaime Simon Phil S ingel ton Jim Sinkwitz Herb Smalls Brian Smith Glen Smith Jeff Matthew Smith Teff Michael Smith John Snyder Ed Sovonick Mark Spidel John Spreng Milton Sprowl Matt Stanton Phil Steinbrugge Eric Stroud Jerry S troz das Jim Sullivan Dave Summers Tom Tiefert Chris Timpone George Tokodi Dave Trainor Mike Trego Dave Turner Bob Turner Al Veg Bali Steve Vogel Dave Wabler Ray Wartinger Bob Watson Chris Weaver Mark Westendorf Greg Wilder Mark Williams Marty Williams Tom Williams Bob Williamson Mark Woerner Gerry Wright Gary Wysong Joe Zennie John Zimmerman

Eugene Zwolski



SKETCHING . Dave Molnar puts his concept of a tree on paper.

GROUP PROJECT. Ohm 's Law is de monstrated to a Physics class by T ed Wuebben.

Timo thy Adams Charles Aliaga Thomas Ander Kenneth Bachey Jose ph Baker Mark Barlow Frank Barok John Baukus Barry Bergedick Denis Berger Robert Bir David Boehm Timothy Boudette Dennis Bowman John Brennan Lawrence Brown Michael Brown J oseph Bruggeman Kent Brun Scott Bruns John Buchholz Lawrence Budich Jam es Burns ] ames Carter James Clark John Clark Walter Coley Alan Colyer Samuel Condy J ames Corbett Mich ae l Corcoran Davi d Costa Paul Couture Thomas Couvion Matthew Dahlingh aus Walter Davidson Douglas Davis J ames Davis Th o mas DeAnthony Steve Deitering Dale De mp sey Mark Desch



CHEWING. Junior Tom Stevenart ponders a thoughtful question in English class. DRAFTING. The skill of drawing is developed through repetition, illustrated by Ed Kronenberger.

JUNIORS RESPOND TO ACADEMIC CHANGES Brian Devlin Mark DeWitt James DiBauda Robert Dillingham Michael Di.." Charles Doll Jose ph Donatelli Tommy Dorcas Ronald Doss Lawrence Earnhart Daniel Eckert Steven Eckstein John Eismann Norman Essman Stephen Fecher James Finch Michael Fischer Richard Fischer Thomas Fischer Jose ph Flanagan Thomas Flohre John Follick David Fortunato Richard Franzer William Frapwell Thomas Friel John Froschauer Daniel Gerhard Rex Gibbons Brian Gomes Dale Goubeaux Ronald Goubcaux Stephen Grant Douglas Grewe Douglas Griffin


ESCORT. Represe nting the class of '70, Joey Caesar and his date participate in the Homeco ming ceremonies.

SOCIALIZING. Appearing at the Homecoming dance, Alan Coly er and friends loo k the situation over.

JUNIORS CELEBRATE '68 HOMECOMING J ohn Grismer Wesley Grooms Christopher Gunther John Habil Stephen Hagemeyer Michael Haley Stephen Hamant Kenneth Harm Daniel Harman Thomas Han Michael Hart Leslie Hayes Thomas Heck Tim Hemme lg arn Timothy Hene han Dennis Herma n Frank Herzog Th eodore Herzog Thomas Hoban David Hohne J ames Holden Charles Holtevert Robert Horne r Frank Hornocke r Donald Ho sfeld Gary Hugh es Mark Huwer Rickey Irvin J oh n Ivory James J obe Crispin J ones Ken neth Kaiser Stephen Kane Gary Katulak Kevin Kavanaugh John Keating J ohn Kern Stephen King Walter Klim aski Mark Kline George Kloos Steven Kn apsc haefer


... Michael Kovacs J ames Kozlowski David Krebs Dale Krohn Ed Kronenberger Thomas Krug Gerald Krygier Thomas Kugaczewski Robert Kuntz Paul KurpieI J ames Kussman Jerome Lachat Timothy Lange Kenneth Lauber Steven Lentz David Lesko Donald Lingg Mark Link Donald Loper Richard Madlinger Richard Makley Barry Mancz Albert Mantz Francis Marsico J ames Martinson Stephen Matson . Kenneth Mauch Donald McBride 路 Richard McCabe Thomas McGill Jose ph McLaughlin James McN amara Robert Meininger Gerald Michel Lawrence Mikalas Peter Miklos J acq ues Miller Michael Miller Dennis Mobley David Molnar Jeffrey Monroe Gregory Moorman Thomas Murphy Ronald Muzechuk James Naber Paul Nevels Thomas Nevius Gary Newcomb William Niemeier Patrick Nolan David Nordyke Donald Obringer Steven O'Hearn Henry Olszewski Thomas Papp Anthony Peasant David Penney Stanley Pfander Thomas Pfeiffer William Pfeiffer Russell Poquette Vernon Portner Kevin Rapp Gregory Reichert Thomas Reichert Douglas Rihm Chris Robers Thomas Roberts Daniel Rodgers Edward Ruf


Michael Ruppert Stephen Ruschau Jeff Ru tledge Paul Sabrack Thomas Saettel Michael Schierloh Louis Schirack Richard Schirtzinger Jack Schmidt Kevin Schnabel Lawrence Schoenlein Edward Schopler Daniel Schrier Gregory Schulkers Peter Segi J ames Seitz Thomas Seitz Timothy Seitz Randall Sell Michael Sendelbach Lawrence Seubert Michael Shannon David Sheehan Robert Shelhouse Steven Siewe Stephen Sipos Thomas Skilken Eric Smith Louis Spang Norman Spang Richard Sparaco Donald Sprude Thomas Stachler Harold Steinke Thomas Stevenart

DISCUSSION. Ideas, gripes, and opinions highlighted Junior Assemblies led by Class President Jeff Rutledge. Partially successful, these assemblies strove to improve communication in the division.


Gregory Stoddard Jerome Stout Ralph Sullivan John Sweeterman Michael Thies Timothy Titus Daniel Trick Richard Trietsch Mark Tuss Terrence Tyler Thomas Unverferth James Venys Ronald Voit Timothy Wabler Thomas Wagner John Wahlrab Thomas Warner Thomas Wartinger James Weaver Stephen Webb Martin Weitzel Roger Weller Richard Wenclewicz Thomas Wendeln Jeffrey Wenning Nicholas Weser John Westendorf John Wieland Douglas Wiggins Daniel Will James Will Michael Will Ro bert Wilson William Wimsatt Michael Woodall Gregory Wourms Theodore Wuebben Robert Yahle Thomas York Gary Zajovits Timothy Zimmer Michael Zwiesler

REHEARSING. Jerry Lachat coordinates his talents with fellow band members.

WEIGHT-LIFTING. John Westendorf, Tom Flohre, and Larry Budich start practice with a smile.


Senior ' Activities

ADRIAN L. ALDREDGE Intramurals 2; Newspaper 4; Honor Roll 2,3,4; Photo Club 2,4; Rifle Club 2,3,4; Auto Club 2,3,4; Marching Band 1,2,3,4; Band 1,2,3,4; Ways and Means Comm. 4; NJ-i.S. 3,4.

JOHN L. BOHMAN Intramurals 1,2; Band 1,2,3,4 ; Newspaper Staff 3,4; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4; Dramatics 3,4; National Honor Society 2,3,4; Math Club 2,3; Glee Club 2.

JOHN F. ARMSTRONG Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Spirit Comm. 2,3.

KENNETH J . BOLE Intramurals 1,4; Band 1; Auto Club 3,4; Culture Comm. 4; Spirit Comm. 3,4; Social Comm. 4.

WILLIAM }. ATKIN Intramurals 1,2 ; Greenbackers 3; Rifle Team 2.

RUSSELL C. BOLTZ Class Officer 1,2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Track 1.

BERNARD E. BACZENAS Football 1; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Yearbook 3; Class Officer 2,3; Culture Comm. 3; Culture Comm. Chairman 4; Tennis 1; Band 1,3,4; Rifle Club 2; Dramatics 3,4; Stage Crew 3.

PHILIP R. BRAMLAGE Band 1,2,3,4; Publicity Comm. 3,4.

WILLIAM F. BAHRET Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4 ; Photo' Club 2,3,4 ; Math Club 1,2,3,4; Nat. Honor Society 2,3,4; Newspaper 2,3,4; Speech Club 1. THOMAS J. BAKER Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Auto Club 3,4; Spirit Comm. 3 . DA VID L. BARKER Greenbackers 4; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4; National Honor Society 2,3,4 ; President 4; Glee Club 1,2,3,4; Ways and Means Comm. 4; Intramural Comm. 4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ; Yearbook 4. RICHARD K. BAUER Tennis 1; Newspaper Staff 2,3,4 ; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4; Math Club 2; Science Club 2,3; Dramatics 4; Publicity Comm. 4; Spirit Comm. 4; Culture Comm. 3,4; National Honor Society 4. G. TIMOTHY BEARD Track 2,3; Intramurals 1,2 ; Band 1,2 ; Spee ch Club 1; Chess Club 2; Honor Roll 2,3,4; Math Club 2,3 ; Science Club 1,3. MICHAEL C. BEECROFT Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Class Officer 4 ; Social Comm. 4; Float Comm. 3 ; Prom Comm. 3. M. PATRICK BERRY Baseball 1; Band 1; Intramurals 1,2,4. JOSEPH L. BOEKE Band 1,2,3,4; Pep Band 1,2,3,4; Marching Band 2,3,4. THOMAS M. BOGNER Intramurals 3,4; Rifle Club 4.

MARTIN J. BREEN Fencing 1,2; Publicity Comm, 3. BRYAN D. BRUN Intramurals 1,2,3,4. ROBERT D. BRUN Intramurals 1,2,3; Rifle Club 3,4; Band 1,2 ; Class Officer 1; F.T.A. 1. FREDERICK L. BUCHER Class Officer 1,2,3,4; Auto Club 4; Float Comm. 1,2,3; Honor Roll 1,2,3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4. STEPHEN J. BUDDE Basketball 2,3,4; Honor Roll 2,3,4; Band 1; Glee Club 1 ; Float Comm. 3; National Honor Society 3,4; Spirit Comm. 4; Culture Comm. 4 ; Intramurals 1,3,4. THOMAS A. BUEDEL Basketball 1,2; Auto Club 4; Publicity Comm. 3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4. JOHN H. BUERSCHEN Football 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Spirit Comm. 1,2,3,4; Glee Club 1,2,3,4; Band 1,2,3,4 ; Student Council Sec. 4; Service Club 3; National Honor Society 4; Float Comm. 1,2,3; Speech Club 3; Honor Roll 4. CHRISTOPHER E. BURGER Tennis 1,2; Class Officer 2; Glee Club 2; Band 1,2,3,4; Red Cross 1; National Honor Society 3,4; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4; Prom Comm. 3 ; Dramatics 3,4; JCOWA 3; Publicity Comm. 3. THOMAS E. BURGER Football 1,2,3,4; Track 1; Class Officer 1,2,3; Honor Roll 1,2 ; Warn Scorta 2,4; Prom Comm. 3 ; Social Comm. 2; Publicity Comm. 2,3.

KENNETH V. BURGESS Basketball 1; Football 3,4; Speech Club 1,2,3; Intramurals 4; Culture Comm.3. J. PAUL BURKHARDT Basketball Mgr. 1,2,3,4; Red Cross 3,4; Year book 3,4; Float Comm. 3; Cocial Comm. 3; Honor Roll 1,2,3. DAVID A. BUSH Band 1. RICHARD M. CABLE Rifle Club 2; Auto Intramurals 2.

GREGORY L. CUNDIFF Basketball 1; Track 2; Floa t Comm. 2; Intramurals 2,3,4. CLARENCE M. DABNEY Intramurals 1,2,3 ; Newspaper 4; Band 1,2,3; Class Officer 1. DENNIS J. DAHM Basketball 1; Intramurals 1,2 ,3,4 ; Auto Club 4. C. MICHAEL DAVIDSON Class Officer 1.



GARY L. CARABIN Intramurals 1. JOHN M. CARROLL Student Council Vice Pres. 4 ; Ch eerleader 2,3,4; Class Officer 2,3; Newspaper 2,3,4; Editor-inChief 4; Spirit Comm. 1,2,3. GARY L. CARSON JOHN T. CARSON Speech Club 1,2,3,4; Math Club 2,3,4; Classics Club 3,4; Chess Club 4; JCOWA 3,4 ; Honor Roll 2,3,4 ; National Honor Society 2,3,4; Science Club 2,3,4. MICHAEL C. CASSELBERRY Black Student Union 4. JOHN V. CATUOGNO Football Mgr. 3,4 ; Glee Club 1,2,3,4 ; Publicity Comm. 2,3,4 ; Spirit Comm. 1,2,3,4; Float Comm. 3; Social Comm. 4. MARK A. CENKY Auto Club 4 ; Intramurals 1,3,4.

ROBERT E. DAVIS Football 1,2,3,4 ; Track 1. HERBERT F. DAVIS KENNETH R. DEIS Fencing 1,2; Intramurals 1,2. STEVEN J . DELY Track 1; Photo Club 3. STEVEN D. DENEKE Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ; Class Officer 1,2,3; Honor Roll 2,3,4; National Honor Society 3,4; Glee Club 1,2,3; Spirit Comm. 4. ROBERT C. DESCHLER Class Officer 1; Float Comm. 2; Band 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3 . WILLIAM M. DISKEN Cross Country 1 ; Greenbackers 1,2,3. CARLTON W. DONCASTER Intramurals 1,2,3; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4; Chess Club 4; Math Club 3,4; Science Club 4; JCOWA 4; Classics Club 4. THOMAS L. DONOVAN Chess Club 2,3; Red Cross 1,2,3.

MANUEL P. CHEEK JOHN T. CHERPESKI Intramurals 1,2,3,4. PATRICK G. CIVILLE Football 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ; Speech Club 1,2,3,4 ; Newspaper Staff 2,3,4; Culture Comm. 4; F .T.A. 1,2 ; Dramatics

4. WILLIAM D. CLEMENTS Football 2 ; Track 1. PATRICK E. CONNAIR Speech Club 1,2,3,4; Newspaper Staff 3,4; Culture Comm. 4 ; Student Welfare 4. MARTIN T. COUTURE Basketball 1; Track 1,2 ; Band 1; Float Comm. 2,3.


DON M. DRUMMER Intramurals 1; Class 1,2,3,4; Photo Club 4.


MARK L. DUFFY Basketball 1,2,3,4 ; Track 1,2; Class Officer 1,2,3,4; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4; Greenbackers 1,2; Red Cross 1; Spirit Comm. 1,2; Social Comm. 2,3; Float Comm. 2,3; Cultural Comm . 3; National Honor Society 3,4. RAYMOND J . DYSAS Basketball 1; Football 4 ; Red Cross 2; Track 1,2,3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Class Officer 4. BERNARD F. ECKERT Intramurals 1; Band 1,2,3,4; Chess Club 4; JCOWA 4; Honor Roll 1,2,3 .

STEPHEN A. ECKERT Intramurals 1,2,3. CARL A. EDMONDSON Track 1 ; Band 1 ,2,3,4 ; Intra路 murals 1,2,3. MICHAEL J. ELIX Baseball Mgr. 1; Intramurals 1,4 ; Service Club 1. RICHARD J . EVANS Photo Club 4 ; Drama tics Intramur als 1,4.


GERALD A. FAULKNER Red Cross 1 ; Intramural Comm. 3,4; Glee Club 1,2 ; Float Comm . 2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4. MICHAEL A. FIEDOR Cross Country 3,4; Track 2,3,4 ; Intramurals 1,2,3 ; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4 ; Science Club 3; National Honor Society 3,4. TIMOTHY L. FINKE I ntramurals 1,2,3,4 ; Speec h Club 1 ; Yearb oo k Staff 3,4 ; Class Officer 1 ,Z-; C2 4 ; Cheerleader 3,4 ; Dramatics 4 ; Student Council Treasurer 4; Golf 2,4; Float Co mm . 3; Pro m Comm. 3; Spirit Comm. 1,2 ; Social Comm. 2,3,4; Ho mecom ing 3,4. WILLIAM E. FISCHER Football 1,2 ,3; Track 1,2 ,3, 4 ; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Hon or Roll 1,3,4; Newspaper 3,4 ; Class Officer 1,2,3; National Hono r Society 2,3, 4. J OHN R. FOLEY Chess Club 1,2,3,4; Math Club 4 ; Scienc e Club 4 ; JCOWA 4 ; Honor Roll 2. JOSEPH D. FRICKE Class Officer 1,4. DAVID M. GARMAN Baseb all 1,2,3 ,4; Baske tb all 1,2. WILLIAM J . GHORY Spirit Comm. 4; Auto Club 4. BRUCE K. GINN Culture Com m 1,3 ; Spirit Comm. 2,3,4; Class Office r 1,2,3,4. CECIL S. GISCOMBE Baseball Mgr. 2 ; Red Cross 2,3,4 ; National Honor Society 3,4; Float Comm. 2,3; Black Student Uni on 4 ; Ye arb oo k 3,4; Newspa per 3,4.

CHARLES T. GORMAN Football 1 ; Social Comm. 3 ; Float Co mm .3.

THOMAS C. HENTRICH Wrestling 4 ; F.T.A. 1; Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

THOMAS J. GREENE Fo otb all 1; Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ; Class Officer 1,2,4 ; Prom Comm 3 ; Public Relations Comm. 3,4.

GREGORY L. HERBERT Intramur als 1,2,3,4 ; Hon or Roll 1,2,3,4; Golf 3,4. MICHAEL C. HILL Intramurals 2,3 ,4; 1,2 ,3,4.

THOMAS J. GREMLING Auto Club 3,4 ; Spirit Co mm . 1. MARK D. GUDORF Fo otb all 1,2,3,4 ; 1,2,3.

ARTHUR B. HINKER Football 1; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Spirit Comm . 3 ; Public Relations Comm. 4 ; Divisional President 3,4; Prom Comm . 3.


WILLIAM F. GUDORF Ph ot o Club l ' Greenbackers 2,3,4 ; Honor Roll 2,3.

DOUGLAS M. HOBBS Band 1,2,3,4.

MICHAEL J. GUERRA Class Officer 1,2 ; Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

GENE T. HOGAN Football 1; Intramurals 1,2 ,3.

ANTHONY J . GUESS Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ; Hon or Roll 1,2,3,4; National Honor Soc iet y 4.

FRANK J . HORVAT Intramurals 1,4 ; Float Comm . 1,2,3 ; Social Comm . 3; Auto Club 3 ; Spirit Comm 3,4 ; Public Relations Comm . 3,4.

GERALD F . HACKENBERG Intramurals 1,2 ,3,4; Float Comm. 2; Rifl e Club 2.

GARY S. HOYING Intramurals 4.

KEVIN D. HACKETT Speech Club 2,3,4; Class Officer 1,2; Greenbackers 2 ; Floa t Comm . 1,2; Dramatics 2,3,4.

RICHARD A. IVORY Baseball 2 ; Class Officer 2,3; Greenbackers 2,4; Red Cross 1 ; JCOWA 3 ; Spirit Comm. 2,3 ,4 ; Social Comm. 3,4; Wasm Scorta Chairman 4 ; Dramatics 3,4.

DAVID R. HAIRSTON Intram urals 2,3,4; Band 1; Class Officer 1,2.

MICHAEL A. JACKSON Basketball 1 ; Football 1,2; Track 1; Intramurals 3,4; Band 1 ; Class Officer 1,2.

MICHAEL R. HALEY Football 1; Intramurals 1,2 ,3,4; Class Officer 1 ,2,3; Seni or Election Chairman 3 ; Golf 1,2 ,3, 4; Divisional Pres. 2; Social Comm. 2,3,4; Chairman 4.

JOHN M. JANDEL Intramural 4.

RONALD J . HALEY Intramur als 1.

MICHAEL L. JECKERING Baseball 2; Intramurals 3 ; Auto Club 4 ; Glee Club 1.

ROBERT A. HALLER Class Officer 3; Culture Comm . 3,4; Intra mural s 2,3.

CHRISTIAN F. JENK Football 1; Cross Country 2,3,4; Wrestling 1,2,3,4; Track 2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Class Officer 4.

WALTER] . HAND I ntram urals 1,2,3,4. DA V1. D M. HARDIN Intram urals 3,4. CHARLES F. HARRIS Black Student Union 4 ; Intramurals 1,2,3 ,4.

J OSEPH D. GOODE Spirit Comm 2,3; Pr om Comm. 3.

ROBERT G. HEISER Intramurals 1,2 ,3,4; Class Officer 4 ; Intramural Comm . 4; Ho mecoming Chairman 4.

SCOTT M. GO RDON Int ramu rals 4 ; Class Office r 3; Publi c Relati ons Chairman 4.

DALE L. HEMMELGARN Football 1,2,3; Band 1; Gle e Club 3,4 ; Dramatics 4.

Hon or Roll

JEFFREY A. JOHN F e ncing 1,2,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Yearbook Staff 3,4; Homecoming Comm. 4 ; C2 4. MICHAEL G. JOHNSTONE Black Student Union 4. GERARD R. KAUFHOLD Honor Roll 1,2,3,4; Math Club 3,4; Science Club 3,4 ; Band 1,2,3,4; Pep Band 3,4 ; Marching Band 2,3,4 ; Nat. Honor Society 3,4.


DAN E. KAYLOR Football 1,2,3, 4 ; Track 1,2,3 ; Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ; Class Officer 1. JOHN W. KEFERL Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Service Club 2,3. JAMES E. KELLER Honor Roll 3 ; Band 1,2. LEROY KELLEY, II Track 2 ; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Class Officer 2,3 ,4 ; Glee Club 1,2,3,4 ; Black Student Union 4. JEFFREY C. KESTING Wrestling 3; Class Officer 4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4. GILBERT R. KIEFER Band 1,2,3,4; Marching Band 1,2,3,4 ; Intramurals 1,2,3,4. ROBERT F . KING Fencing 1,2 ; Rifle Club 2; Dramatics 4 ; Science Club 2 ; Photo Club 2,3 ; F.T.A. 1,2,3; Ways And Means Comm. 2 ; Social Comm. 3,4. GEORGEJ. KOENIG Band 1; Rifle Team 2,3,4. RICHARD J . KOLHOFF Band 1; Rifle Team 2,3 ,4. JOHN D. KOSLICK Track 1,2,3,4 ; Intramurals 1,2,3 ,4; Greenbackers 1. DONALD R. KOVERMAN Class Officer 1; Greenbacke rs 4 ; Glee Club 4. STEVEN F . KOZUH Intramurals 4 ; Greenbackers 4 ; Service Club 1,2 ; Culture Comm. 4; Stage Crew 4. PAULJ . KRETSCHMER Football 1; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Class Officer 2,3 ; Spirit Comm. Chairman 4; Prom Comm. 3 ; Social Comm. 3,4. MICHAEL J . LACHEY Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ; Honor Roll 2; Rifle Team 2. JOSEPH P. LAFORSCH Ways and Means Comm. 3,4. STEVEN M. LAUTERBACH Intramurals 1,4; Honor. Roll 3; Band 1,2. WILLIAM E. LARGER Baske tball Mgr. 3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Yearbook 4 ; Gree nbackers 2,3; Wamscorta 3,4; Tennis 2.

GERALD R. LANDIS Science Club 1,2; Float Comm. 2,3; Photo Club 4; C2 4.

ALAN]. MARTIN Intramurals 1,2; Float Comm. 3; Rifle Team 2,3.

DAVID A. LEE Footb.all 1,2,3,4; Track 2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Class Officer 1,4; Service Club 2; Dramatics 4; Float Comm. 1,2,3.

ANDREW L. McBRIDE Chess Team 1,2,3,4; Honor Roll 3,4; Math Club 2,3,4 ; ]COWA 1,2,3,4; Science Club 3,4.

TIMOTHY]. LEE Cross Country 1,2,3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Wrestling 3,4 ; Honor Roll 2,

DOUGLAS W. LEHMAN Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ; Greenbackers 1; Service Club 1; Spirit Comm. 4; Publicity Comm. 4; Intramural Comm.4. STEPHEN W. LEHMKUHLE Basketball 1,2 ; Football Mgr. 2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Intramural Comm. Chairman 4; Spirit Comm. 3,4. ]ERRY W. LIENESCH Intramurals 1,2,3; Cross Country 1. JAMES D. LINGG Football 1; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Class Officer 2; Tennis 1; Culture Comm. 1,2,3. THOMAS C. LONG 1,2,3,4; Intramurals Baseball 1,2,3,4; Chess Club 2; Class Officer 2,3; Newspaper 3; Honor Roll 1,3; Float Comm. 2,3. RONALD C. MADER Baseball 3; Cross Country 1,2,3,4; Track 2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4. JAMES P. MAHONEY Track 2; Class Officer 2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4. ARMIN S. MA]ER Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Intramural Comm. 4; Float Comm. 1 ; Honor Roll 2,3. PHILIP S. MALS Science Club 4; Service Club 3; Glee Club 1,2,3,4; Rifle Team 3; Spirit Comm. 4. THOMAS E. MANNIX Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Band 1,2,3,4; Class Officer 2; Red Cross 1; Photo Club 2,3; Culture Comm. 3; Service Club 1,2,3,4. CHARLES F. MAQSUD Public Relations Comm. 4; C2 4. THOMAS W. MARLOW Intramurals 1,2 ; Band 1,2,3,4; Float Comm. 2.

THOMAS O . McCABE Service Club 1,2; Photo Club 2,4. THOMAS]. McCANN Intramurals 1,2,3; Band 1,2,3; Prom Comm. 3; Social Comm. 3. TERRANCE A. McCARTAN Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Class Officer 2,4. FREDERICK]. McCARTHY Intramurals 1,2; Class Officer 1; Honor Roll 3; Yearbook 3,4; Spirit Comm. 4 ; Red Cross 2,4. MARIS]. McCRABB Football 1; Class Officer 1,4; Newspaper 2; Intramurals 1. ]AMES]. McMILLAN Intramurals 3,4; Band 1,2,3,4; Marching Band 1,2,3. FREDERICK L. McNEIL Class Officer 1,2,3; Honor Roll 3; Greenbackers 1,4; Red Cross 3,4 ; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Yearbook Staff 3,4 ; Cross Country 3,4 ; National Honor Society 4. MICHAEL C. MERGLER Football 2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Speech Club 1,3,4; Newspaper 4; Class Officer 4; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4; Math Club 4; Service Club 1,2,3; National Honor Society 2,3,4; Culture Comm. 2,4; Social Comm. 4; Glee Club 1; ]COWA 4; Float Comm. 3. DENNIS A. MITCHELL Baseball 3; Basketball Mgr. 1; Football 1,2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Class Officer 3; Culture Comm. 2; Glee Club 3,4; Float Comm. 1,2,3; C2 4. MICHAEL S. MOBLEY Football 1; Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ; Service Club 1,2; Float Comm. 1,2,3. MICHAEL P. MOOSBRUGGER Baseball 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Class Officer 1,2,3,4; Divisional Pres. 1 ; Spirit Comm. 1,4; Float Comm. 3; Social Comm.1,4. STEVEN A. NEUMANN Golf Team 3,4; Wrestling 3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

PATRICK]. NEVIUS Wrestling 3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4. DONALD H. NOOKS Track 1, 2,4; Intramurals 1,2,4; Band 1,2; Black Student Union 4. DENNIS M. NOREIKAS FREDERICK M. OBORNE Track 1,2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Greenbackers 2,3; Spirit Comm. 1,2,3,4; Band 1,2,3; Social Comm. 2,3; Prom Comm. 3 t Stage Crew 3. DANIEL E. O'CONNOR Intramurals 1,2,3,4. DANIEL F. O'CONNOR Intramurals 1,2,3; Glee Club 1,2; Yearbook 4. NORMAN P. OLT Honor Roll 1,2,3,4; Spirit Comm. 1,2,3; Social Comm. 4; Auto Club 3. ]AMES T. PACHIN Fencing 1,2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4. ]OHN G. PAGE Intramurals 1 ; Speech Club 1; Chess Club 1; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4; Band 1,2,3,4. JOSEPH T. PAGE Intramurals 3; Yearbook 4; Band 1,2. RICHARD E. PENNEY Glee Club 1,2,3,4. ] AMES L. PICKREL Intramurals 1,2,3,4. BRUCE P. PILGRIM Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Honor Roll 3. CHARLES F. PLASSENTHAL Intramurals 3,4; Rifle Team 2. MICHAEL D. PLASSENTHAL Band 1,2,3,4.

TIMOTHY R. RETTICH Math Club 3,4; Science Club 2,3,4; Chess Club 1,2,3,4; Honor Roll 3; ]COWA 4; Speech Club 1; National Honor Society 4. DAVID W. RIEGLE Intramurals 2,3,4 ; Class Officer 3; Honor Roll 1,2,3. SAMUEL L. RINEHART Track 2; Band 1,2,3,4. ROBERT P. ROALEF Chess Club 2,3,4 ; ]COWA 4; Math Club 3,4 ; Science Club 3,4. THOMAS J. ROGERS Class Officer 1; Honor 1,2,3,4.


] AMES L. ROHL Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Class Officer 2,3 ; F.T.A. 1,2,3; Culture Comm . 3; Float Comm 2,3 ; Social Comm . 1,2,3. THOMAS J. RUEF Basketball 1 ; Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ; Class Officer 2,3,4. ]OHN L. RUF Intramurals 1,2,3,4. ]OHN J. RUSCHAU Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ; Class Officer 1 ; Honor Roll 1,2 ; Rifle Club 2. JOHN T. SACKSTEDER Football 1; Intramurals 1,2 ,3,4 ; Class Officer 2,3,4 ; Float Comm 2,3; Prom Comm. 3 ; Social Comm . 2,3,4; Auto Club 4. ]OHN E. SALUKE Football 3; Honor Roll 1,2 ,3,4 ; Greenbackers 4 ; Spirit Comm 4; Publicity Comm. 4 ; Intramurals 1,2,3,4. MICHAEL J. SCHAEFER Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Glee Club 1; Rifle Team 2 ; Auto Club 4 ; Track 1. FRANK E. SCHELCHER Intramurals 1 ,2,3 ; Rifle Club 2.

RICHARD D. POWERS Baseball 2,3,4; In tramurals 1,2,3,4.


MICHAEL G. RAAB Baseball 3; Intramurals 2,3,4; Class Officer 1; Service Club 2.

MICHAEL P. SCHLORMAN Intramurals 2,3,4; Basketball 1; Social Comm. 2,3,4.

GARYS.RAU Intramurals 1; Dramatics 3.

THOMAS] . SCHMID Intramurals 1; Yearbook 3,4 ; Honor Roll 3.

CHARLES W. REINDL Speech Club 1,2,3,4 ; Chess Club 2,3; Class Officer 3; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4; Math Club 2,3 ; Science Club 1,2; National Honor Society 2,3,4.


JAMES M. SCHMITZ Football 3; Class Intramurals 1,2,3 ,4.



THOMAS R. SCHOMMER Intramurals 1,2; Rifle Team 2.


STEPHEN J. SCHULKERS Baske tball 1,2,3,4; Class Officer 1,2; Spirit Comm. 1,2,3 ,4 ; Culture Comm . 2,3,4; Drama tics 4 ; Prom Comm. 3. LEE R. SCHULTE Chess Club 4 ; Honor Roll 1,2 ,3, 4 ; Math Club 2,3,4; Science Club 3,4 ; JCOWA 3,4. DAVID C. SCUDDER Glee Club 1,2,3, 4; Spirit Comm. 2,3,4. MICHAEL E. SEITZ Intramur als 1,2; Honor Roll 2,3 ; Marchi ng Band 1,2. THOMAS G. SENECAL Class Officer 3 ; Newsp aper 2 ; Auto Club 4. JAN M. SERVAITES Football 3 ; Intramurals Photo Club 2 ; Auto Club 4.

2,3 ;

PATRI CK T. SHARKEY Baseb all 3,4; Footb all 3,4 ; Intramurals 3,4 ; Class Officer 4; Honor Roll 3,4 ; Spirit Comm . 3 ; Stage Crew 3. THOMAS M. SHEARER Glee Club 2,3,4 ; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Science Club 3,4; Math Club 3; Band 2 ; Spirit Comm. 2; Float Comm. 1,2 ,3. WILLIAM P. SHERMAN Intramurals 2,3 ,4 ; Golf 2,3, 4 ; Prom Comm . 3 ; Spirit Comm. 2,3,4 ; Class Officer 4. CHRISTOPHER T. SHILLITO F oo tb all 1,2,3,4; Track 3 ; Class Officer 2,4 ; Intramur als 1,2 ,3,4. JAMES M. SICHMAN Intramurals 1; Honor Roll 1,2,3 . JOSEPH W. SIEHL Intramurals 2; Stage Crew 4 ; Spirit Comm. 3. ROBERT T . SIMON Baseball 2,3,4 ; Basketball 1,2,3,4 ; Intramur als 1,2,3, 4; Intramural Comm. 3 ; Culture Comm 2 ; Spirit Co mm . 1,2,3,4. GREGORY F. SINGER Football 1,2 ; Track 3 ;.Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ; Newspaper 3,4; Class Officer 3 ; Wamscorta 2,4 ; Ways an d Means Comm. 2,4.

1,2,3 ,4 ; Gre enbackers 4; Dramatics 4 ; Publicity Comm. Chairman 4 ; Wamscorta 2 ; Culture Comm. 4; Spirit Comm. 2,3,4.

JAMES H. SITZMAN Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ; Stage Crew 3,4. THOMAS E. SLIGER Fo otb all 1,2,3, 4 ; Class Officer 4 ; Intramurals 2 ,3, 4. J. RONALD SLOAN Intramur als 1,2,3,4; Yearb ook Staff 3,4; Class Officer 3 ; Greenbac kers 4 ; Red Cross 4 ; Spirit Comm. Chairman 4 ; Cheerleader 3,4 ; Social Comm. 4. DONALD A. SMITH Basketball Mgr. 2 ; Cross Country 1; Intramurals 4 ; Prom Comm. 3; Wamscorta 2,3 ; Yearbook 3,4; Editor-in-Chief 4; Float Comm. 2,3; Ways and Means Comm. 2,3. JACK L. SMITH Football 1; Track 1 ,2,4; Class Officer 1 ; Auto Club 4 ; Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

RICHARD L. STREACKER Fencing 4; Track 4 ; Intr amural s 3,4 ; Greenbackers 3 ; Spirit Comm.3,4.

EDW ARD M. TOLLE Football 1,2,4; Intramural s 1,2,3 ,4 ; Class Officer 1,2,3 ; President Student Council 4 ; Dramatics 4.

JOHN P. STROZDAS Class Officer 1,2,3; Hon or Roll 1,3; Ch ee rleader 1,2,3 ; Spirit Comm. 1,2 ; Dramatics 3 ; Culture Comm.2,3.

RICHARD J. TOLLE Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ; Honor Roll 1,2,3 ; Greenbackers 2,3; Service Club 1; Spirit Committee 2,3 ; Sodality 3.


JAMES R. TRANGENSTEIN Rifle Club 2 ; Aviation Club 3 ; C2 4.

JAMES J . SULLIVAN Intramurals 1,2 ,3,4; Golf Team 2,3,4. HARRY A. SUTTON Photo Club 3,4.

MARK A. SMITH Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ; Yearbook Staff 4; Photo Club 2,3; Intramural Comm. 4. WILLIAM R. SNYDER Intramurals 1,2,4; Class Officer 1. STEPHEN J. SOBIESKI Baseball 2 ; Intramurals 1,2, 3,4 ; Class Officer 1,2,3. STEPHEN P. SOLOMON Track 1,2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ; Speech Club 1,2. JAMES W. SPROWL Football 3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ; Class Officer 4; Service Club 1. JAMES L. STALEY Baseball 1,2,3,4; Football 1,2, 3,4 ; Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ; Class Officer 1,4; Intramural Comm. 4. ROBERT A. STEGMAN Band 1,2 ,3. THOMAS E. STEIGERWALD Speech Club 1,2,3,4; Newspaper 4 ; Ijonor Roll 1,2,3,4.

DENNIS J . SWEENEY Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ; Chess Club 1 ; Newspap er 3,4 ; Manager 2,3 ; National Honor Society 3,4. JAMES M. T ARLANO Track 2; Newspaper 3,4; Class Officer 3; Honor Roll 1,2 ,3,4 ; Cheerleader 3,4 ; Dramatics 3,4 ; National Hono r Society 3,4; Culture Comm. 3,4. JAMES R. TATOL Foo tball 1,2; Track 1; Float Comm. 3 ; Spirit Comm. 1,2,3 ; Culture Comm. 3,4. ROBERT W. THACKER Intramurals 1,2; Rifle Club 2 ; Red Cross 3,4 ; Social Comm. 3 ; Float Comm. 3 ; Spirit Comm. 2. JOSEPH J. THOMAS Track 2,3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ; Newspap er 2,3,4; Class Officer 3,4; Glee Club 1,2,3,4; National Honor Society 3,4. DAVID P. THORNE Football 1; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Class Officer 2,3; Greenbackers 1,2 ; Auto Club 2,3,4.

MICHAEL J. STOFF Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Glee Club

DOUGLAS P. TRICK Cross Country 2,3,4 ; Trac k 1,2,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ; Chess Club 1; Honor Roll 2; National Hon or Society 4. JOHN E. TRIMBACH Intramurals 1,2 ,3,4 ; Class Officer 1; Photo Club 4. JAMES C. TRUPP Baseball 1 ; Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Chess Club 1. DENNIS W. VERRETT Football 1,2,3,4 ; Track 4 ;' Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ; Class Officer 3,4 ; Greenbackers 3,4. STEPHEN M. WALSH Intramurals 1,2,3,4. MICHAEL J . WALSH Basketball 1,2; Intramurals 2,3,4 ; Class Officer 4; Service Club 2; Photo Club 4; . National Honor Society 4; Dramatics 4 . PHILIP E. WEAVER Class Officer 3; Auto Club 4. MICHAEL E. WELSH Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4. JAMES F. WENDLING Track 1,2; Class Officer 1,2,3 ; Red Cross 1,2,3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4.


THOMAS E. WHITE Track 2; Intramurals 2; Publicity Comm. 2.

MICHAEL J. TIMPONE Football 1; Cross Country 2,3,4; Track 1,2,3,4 ; Honor Roll 2,3; National Honor Society 3,4.

MICHAEL J . WHITLEY Wrestling Mgr. 3,4 ; Class Officer 2 ; Red Cross 1; Band ' 1,2,3,4; Auto Club 4; Pep Band 2,3,4.

ROBERT L. STEPHEN ANTHONY F . STOEVE Intramurals 1,2,4 ; Band 1,2,3,4 ; Publicity Comm. 4.

DONALD P. TOLLE Basketball 1 ,2; Intramurals 3,4; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4.


JOSEPH W. WIEDMAN Class Officer 2 ; Honor Roll 3 ; Greenbackers 4; National Honor Society 4. EDW ARD M. WILKE Intramurals 1,2,3,4. CHARLES L. WIMMERS Baseball 2,3 ; Green backers Intramurals 3.


JAMES E. WIMSATT Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Class Officer 1; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4; Band 1,2 ,3,4. RODNEY j . WINFIELD F.T.A.4. MICHAEL F. WOERL Photo Club 4; Cross Country 1. GERALD S. WOESTE Baseball 1,2,3,4; Football 1,2,3,4 ; Intramurals 1,? ,3,4 ; Class Officer 1,2,3 ; Intramural Comm. Chairman 4; Stage Crew 4; Social Comm. 2. LAWRENCE A. WOESTE Class Officer 4 ; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4 ; Greenbackers 4 ; Math Club 3,4 ; Service Club 1,2 ; National Honor Society 2,3,4. ROBERT C. WOLF Fencing 1,2; Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ; Greenbackers 4. WILLIAM M. Y AHLE Auto Club 4 ; Band 1,2. DONALD W. YEAZELL Greenbackers 4; Service Club 1,2. ANTHONY L. ZAJOVITS Baseball 2 ; Football 1,2,3,4 ; Intramurals 3,4. DAVID A. ZIMMERMAN

CLEANING UP . Mik e Hill is able to ch eck his cards, finish his dessert, and watch for photographers, all in one move.



Best Wishes & Good Luck

CONGRATULATIONS To The Men of 1969 from


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Frederick R. Faust, D.D.S. 1012 Harries Bldg.

Dayton, Ohio 45402

Telephone: 222-9413

The C.N. STEMPER COMPANY 853 E. First St. Dayton, Ohio 45402 Compliments of


JEMIMA RUSSELL Institutional Food Service

SOCIAL STATIONERS 216 E. Stroop Rd. Kettering, Ohio 298-1423


Congratulations to the Class of 1969 and continued success. Welcome into the Alumni Association!

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4625 N. Di xie Dr. After 6 P.M. 277-3887


To The Class Of 1969

From The Student Council

Of Chaminade High School


Dayton, Ohio 45414

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- -

Congratulations, Seniors, from

St. Joe's Student Council Joe's Friendship Club 2217 N. Western Ave.

Compliments of

Kapnas Market 7600 N. Main

Congratulations, Seniors! from ...

For Your Catering Needs See:

"Eagle Enterprises"

KING'S TABLE 337 W. First St.

Compliments of



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555 Salem Ave.

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Congratulations to the Men of 1969 & 1970 from

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3518 N. Main Street


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Congratulations, Seniors, and continued good luck! from

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Congratulations to the Class of 1969

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Fred Boehmer, '55

An equal opportunity employer


Congratulations To The Class Of '69 From The Service Staffs

CAFETERIA STAFF. FRONT ROW, L-R: L. Wilder, ass't. Mgr. ; K. Zeller, J. Roberts, E. Brinkman, M. Seitz, Cashier; R. Carter. BACK ROW: R. Mayfield, J. Dysart, J. Lukacs, M. Koslick , Cashier; J. Ivory, L. Hall, Cooks Ass't.; F. Strain, Cook. ABSENT: Mr. H. Wiemer, Manager; C. Gruver.

CONGRATULATIONS To The Class of 1969 from the EAGLE Staff


REMEMBER! The Annual Chaminade Spring Festival on the first weekend after Easter Games, Prizes, Dinn,er, Dancing! The Chaminade Boosters

" ,~, r'

' ,'... ~ ; .-



PARENTS' PATRON PAGE Albert Adams Sr. Mr. and Mrs. A.L. Aldredge, Jr. Pattie S. Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ampula Mr. and Mrs. Tony Anticoli, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Bachmann Mrs. Anna Baczenas Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Baker Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Ballman Edward J. Bannen Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence C. Barker Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bauer Mr. and Mrs. John P. Baukus Mr. and Mrs. Justin C. Bergedick Mr. and Mrs. Carl Boeckerman Mr. and Mrs. Bernhard M. Bogner Mr. and Mrs. Francis Boltz Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Borchers Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bowman Mr. and Mrs. E.L. Braunlin, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Budde Mr. and Mrs. Victor Buehler Mr. and Mrs. Herman Buerschen Mr. and Mrs. Jerome V. Brugger Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Burger Mr. and Mrs. Herman W. Burger Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Burneka, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Ray Burns Mr. and Mrs. Ben N. Butler Mr. and Mrs. Wm. e. Crist Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Cancila Mr. and Mrs. James A. Carabin Mr. and Mrs. L. Turner Carson Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Carter Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cenky Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Cherpeski Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Chestnut Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Chodkowski Mr. and Mrs. George Civille Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Coley, Sr. The Comboys Mr. and Mrs. Paul Connair Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Couvion Mr. and Mrs. CecilUahlinghaus Mr. and Mrs. R. Wm. Dempsey Mr. and Mrs. Carlton W. Doncaster Julian e. Eckert Mr. and Mrs. Norman J. Eckstein Mr. and Mrs. Robert Engle Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Evans Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Finch Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fletcher Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Foley Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Follick

Mr. and Mrs. Roman Franzer Mr. and Mrs. Louis Q. Fries, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. T.e. Garland Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Geisel Mr. and Mrs. James E. Ghory Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goubeaux Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gouldburn Mr. and Mrs. Bernard]. Green Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Greene Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Grismer Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Grogean Mr. and Mrs. Paul Grusenmeyer Mr. and Mrs. Robert Guerra Mrs. Elizabeth Guess Mr. and Mrs. James L. Hagemeyer Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Hand Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Harm Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Harris Mr. and Mrs. Mathias H. Heck Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hemmelgarn Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hempelman Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Hentrich, Sr. Major and Mrs. Thomas Higginbotham Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hill Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Hinders Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Hinker Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Hinkle B.E. Hoagland Mr. and Mrs. Norman Holden Mr. and Mrs. John Horvat Mr. and Mrs. e.]. Hoying Mrs. Annie L. Isaac Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Issenmann Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Jackson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Janowiecki Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Johnston Robert H. Kaiser Family Mr. and Mrs. William J. Kane Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Katulak Mr. and Mrs. Gerard W. Kaufhold Mr. and Mrs. Ray R. Kavanaugh Mr. and Mrs. William Keating Mrs. George Kern Mr. and Mrs. John W. Kessler Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Kessler, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Kiefer Mr. and Mrs. George E. Kitts Mr. and Mrs. W. Richard Kline Mr. and Mrs. George J. Kloos Mr. and Mrs. George Koenig Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kolvek Mr. and Mrs. John H. Koors Mr. and Mrs. William S. Kozuh Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Krebs, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Kretschmer


Mr. and Mrs. John F. Kuntz Mr. and Mrs. Adam P. Kurpiel Mr. and Mrs. Carol Lachat Mr. and Mrs. Louis R. Lafferty Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lambright Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lange Mr. and Mrs. William Lehman Mr. and Mrs. James Lehmkuhle Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lipinski Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Lipp Mr. and Mrs. John Limbert Mr. and Mrs. Ed Long Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mantia Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe G. Marah Mr. and Mrs. C.W. Marlow Dr. and Mrs. George W. Markus Mr. and Mrs. Francis P. Marsico Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Mathes Judge Robert L. McBride Mr. and Mrs. Edward McCann Mr. and Mrs. James McMillan Lt. Col. and Mrs. Joseph L. McNeil Mrs. Lucia B. McWilliams Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Meininger Mr. and Mrs. C.G. Mescher Mr. and Mrs. Harold Meyring Mr. and Mrs. Arthur T. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Moosbrugger Mr. and Mrs. James Mulligan, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Muzechuk Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nevius The late Mr. Howard B. and Mrs. Howard B. Nooks Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Noreikas Mr. and Mrs. John A. Norris Mr. and Mrs. George J. O'Brien, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel O'Connor Mr. and Mrs. Herman J. olt Mr. and Mrs. Phillip O'Reilly Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Page Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Peasant Mr. and Mrs. Ralph V. Portner Mr. and Mrs. Louie Prasmantas Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Reese, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Cletus J. Reichert Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Riegle Mr. and Mrs. Emmet U. Roth Mr. and Mrs. James T. Rotunno Mr. and Mrs. John Ruef Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Schelcher, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Schierloh Mr. and Mrs. Howard P. SchIemann Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Schlorman Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schmid


Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Schreier Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Schultz, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Schwendeman Mr. and Mrs. John P. Scott Mr. and Mrs. Stan Seitz Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Seubert Robert and Janis Sheaf Mrs. B.F. Shearer , Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William W. Shock, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Sichman Mr. and Mrs. Ray Simon Mr. and Mrs. Benoit Singleton Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Sinkwitz Mrs. Steve J. Sipos Mr. and Mrs. M. Jerome Sitzman Mrs. J.W. Sloan Mr. and Mrs. Hugh M. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Wendell S. Smith Mr. and Mrs. William Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Solomon Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Stout Dr. and Mrs. Frank C. Sutton Mrs. John F. Sweeney Mr. and Mrs. Charles Szabo Mr. and Mrs. Sergio A. Teijelo Mr. and Mrs. Ned A. Thacker Mr. and Mrs. John W. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tokarsky, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Trainor Mr. and Mrs. John P. Trautman Mr. and Mrs. Charles Trego Mr. and Mrs. Vern J. Trietsch Mr. and Mrs. Steve J. Veg Bali Mr. and Mrs. William P. Walsh Mr. and Mrs. John-Joyce Watkins Mr. and Mrs. John J. Weber Mr. and Mrs. James R. Weng Mr. and Mrs. C.K. West Mr. and Mrs. C.H. Westendorf Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Westendorf Mr. and Mrs. Omar P. Whisman Mike Whitley Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wiggins Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Williamson Mr. and Mrs. William H. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. James E. Wimsatt, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Woeste Mr. and Mrs. L.E. Wuebben Mr. and Mrs. L.V. Wysinski Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Wysong Mr. and Mrs. William D. Yeazell Mr. and Mrs. Martin Zajovits

,\ ' .' ." ,


+.~~~~~~~~. "


.. ' ; , 'I '



1rolll tlte deSK 0/ tlte editor. .. The 1969 Eagle was prepared by the students of Chaminade. It is a composite of one year of planning and work. Each member of the staff contributed to the production of the book. It is their bits and pieces that made the book a reality. I would like to thank these people for giving their time to produce this book and, in addition, Bro. Robert Lamb for his ideas, experience, and patience; Logan Studios for their expert photography and attention; and Mr. Paul Retrum for his professional knowledge and advice. When special assistance was needed, there was always someone around. I would like especially to thank Fred McNeil, Jeff John, and Dave Barker for their help at those times.

Don Smith



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