Chaminade High School Yearbook 1970

Page 1


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路 .. produced by the students of Chaminade High School Five


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out" out" out" ffthe chi~fE~isp~uks out" His main job will not be 0 dispense knowled§e, but will be to guide the student to find the sources ef knowledge, and help the students to desire to learn. The lecture will be a seldom used mode of operation. Could it be that in the future Chaminade there will be learning experiences that will begin in the mornin and will take place all day with adult programs at night? Most likely! In this way students and parents

SPEAK, CHIEF. "1970 has been a year of rather rapid change at Chaminade from the staNdpoint of the educational program of the school. . . . The 'Chaminade Program' has ventured into the areas of large and small groups instruction, independent study, and guided study, unstructured time, etc. The whole program is . . . tb develop the 'self-directed learner' in a period of history in which the Know edge explosion has made such a. -perllon not a lux~ry but a ~ecesSlty. A chool that IS attemptmg to develop such a person ... is meeting the very needs that people have today in our society. What are some of the key ideas tn t might find their way into the 'Chaminade' in the next few years? Let's ciream about it for a few minutes! In the future Chaminade, the whole role of the teacher will cnange.

f e f f f e f e


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e Six

The community will have to offer more and more opportunities for the student to learn in the atmosp?ere of the community itself, usmg the people and institutions to learn. A school building may no longer· be a central concern in education but only a base of operations. Co-learners could be another aspect of the Chaminade picture ahead - groups of faculty and students and, perhaps, parents that will come together to be responsible for t~e learning of t e members of the group. In the coming Chaminade, the fact that learning takes place as a person becomes aware of his needs an becomes interested in an area , of study will playa central role in the estaBlishment or tHe rejection of what we call 'requirements.' Chaminade is pledged to offering quality edu~ation to meet the neeQIs of the tImes therefore Ghange is an essential part of the Ghaminade picture." Bro. Jerry O'Neil, S.M.



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and new problems

a new · syste~



I've got to admit it's getting better . .. " Lennon & M cCartne'Y


Courtesy of Kaiser Aluminum News.

Fitting the Educational Pieces Together




de Dictionary

The New C Administrative Team, n. A group of people who function as the administrator. advisee, n. One who is advised. advisor, n. One who advises. Chairman, n. Was known as principal; responsible for the school and the adm. team. communication period, n. A time for announcements and other stuff. community of learners, n. An experiment in co-learning. decent, adj. A word' developed by the football team to describe things, especially the basketball team. demonstration tour, n. A time for many visitors. downtown, n. An extension of the Chaminade campus. evaluation, n. 1. A drawn out report card; 2. A form to tell

you what you already know. feedback, n. We, the people, speak. humanities, n. An interdisciplinary course which involves Eng., His. , Rel., and Fine Arts. independent study, n. A program in which a student works outside the class structure by using persons and materials as resources. large group, adj. A type of instruction; it is usually a lecture in the aud. with about 60 to 150 students. mod, n. A twenty minute interval; most classes last 2 or 3 mods. multi-media, n. Expression through many forms. night course, n. 1. A course Eleven

given at night, sometimes involves parents and other high school students. parking lot, n. An extension of the student lounge. self-directed learner, n. One who initiates and directs his own learning experiences. small group, adj. A type of instruction; a discussion period where about 5 to 25 peopIe are involved. student lounge, n. A place to avoid structured time. structured learning center, n. The jail. unstructured time, n. Time not used for formal instruction. whoosh, interj. A sound heard at St. John's Arena when a basketball zipped through the net.


I.M.C. Rm.


Season Record 1969 Chaminade 40 Chaminade 82 Chaminade 16 Chaminade 25 Chaminade 25 Chaminade 25 Chaminade 25

Upper Arlington 32 Upper Arlington 39 Carroll 46 Beavercreek 30 Belmont 31 Fairmont West 30 Beavercreek 30

Invitational Meets St. Joseph Invt. 5th out of 24 Miami Invt. 2nd out of 19 Elder Invt. 7th out of 20 Fairview Invt. 1st out of 17

teams teams teams teams

Runner-up in Dayton District 4th place in Springfield Regional Coach: Bro. Bill Grundish S.M.

Varsity Roster Tom Harr


Joe Ballman Tim Boudette Jack Layne Kevin Mulligan Dan Brodbeck Steve O'Hearn

Jr. Sr. Jr. Jr. Sr. Sr.

Reserve Roster Craig Clark Bob Ernst Steve Grogean Ed Hempelman Joe Johnston Bill Kramer Nick Parenti Robert Smith Doug McGarry Greg Smith Harry Taylor C. Van Der Sluijs Fifteen








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We are really sorry for what happened with the Lounge.

TtJ/){)C- , . cP Ivi: cAf~ ~


Dear Students,


We think it was just an idea which was poorly managed. Not


enough money, poor construction, a bad location, poor support once it was started, apathy both in the S.C. and the Student Body, add up to the mess that the Lounge is. The hard work of a few people unfortunately fell through. We aren't going to push the blame off on you. It would be difficult to hold anyone responsible. The Student Council


Se venteen

John Albaugh Dave Hoenie

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Dave Hoenie

Isides, how could anyone fink on such a kid? Our dandy destroyer loves you • • • don't like what he's

people. And if he realizes


So, in the ensuing events, the people wrote the Declaration of giving the people the right to government didn't cater to the Later on, these same people calling for law and right to revolt. (A in power.)

were supposed to of f rpP £1n,m

The structu the first step year. This counci fulfill the needs of has this been true in Chaminade's 1970

for drugs, booze s.

"'~."",Vll" . The following men are next year's officers: President Bob Ma~§flt2t talented leader with experience; Vice-President Mike

Social-Cultural Coordinator, both to suit the needs of the student in and out of the school.

Chairmen have been chosen to work un-

and ~ pulled our rough ti

The Tri-: journalism, .

ChaminadeJulienneSt.]osepl HighS c hoolsC haminadeJulie neSt.]osephHighSchoolsChai inadeJulienn eSt.] osep hHigh~ c hoolsC haminadeJulienneSt .. sephHighSchoolsChaminade, ulienneSt.]osephHighSchools C haminadeJulienneSt.] osep h HighSchoolsChaminadeJulie neSt.]osephHighSchoojsChm

THE TRI.ANGLE THE TRI.ANGLE inadeJulienn eSt.]osephHigh~

ChaminadeJulienneSt.]oseph HighS c hoolsC haminadeJulie neSt.]osephHighSchoolsChm inadeJulienn eSt.]osephHigh~

S c hoolsC haminadeJulienneSl JosephHighSchoolsChaminal ulienneSt.]osephHighSchools C haminadeJulienneSt.] oseph HighSchoolsChaminadeJulie: Twenty -One

"Winning is not a sometime thing; it's an All-The-Time thing. You don't win once in a while, you don't do tJlings right onc~ in a while you do them right all the time. Winning is a habit. Unfortu nately, so is losing. There is no room for se,cond place. There IS only one place in my game and that is first."

VARSITY ROSTER "It's a reality of life that men are competitive and the most competitive games draw the most competitive men. That's why they're there to compete. They know the r ules and the objecti\'es when they get in the game. The objective is to win fairly, squarely, decently, hy the r ules - but to win. And in truth, I've never known a man worth his salt who in the long run, deep down in his heart, didn't appreciate the grind, the discipline. There is somet hing in good men that really yearns for, needs, discipline and the harsh reality of head-to-head combat. I don't say these things beca use I believe in the 'brute' nature of man or that men must he brutalized to be comba tive. I believe in God, and I believe in human decency. But I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, his grea test fulfillment to all he bolds dear - is that moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted in the field of battlevictorious. " -vince lombardi

70 43 62 83

74 33 38

64 73 53 61 77

66 82 39

84 50 87 86 68 34 63

35 42 40 37 31 67 78 36


5-11 5-11

240 188 188 180 190 166 206 173 203 184 167



5-9 6-0 5-9 6-5

165 160 145 188 196 185 170 185 160 175 166 153 165 175

6-4 5-11 5-10 6-2 6-4 6-0

Joe Baker Dave Blake Larry Budich Mike Corcoran Matt Dahinghaus Rick Fischer Tom Flohre Chris Gunther Steve Hamant Kevin Kavanaugh Dave Koehl Jerry Krygier Don Loper Jack Miller Tom Nevius Stan Pfander Steve Siewe Dave Sheehan Tom Wartinger Nick Weser John Westendorf Bob Wilson Gary Zajovits Tom Altick Dan Burneka Derek Cardwell Dean Focke Rod Huey Pete Schmitz Steve Ross Tom O'Brien


6-0 6-1

6-1 6-1

6-0 5-8 5-6 5-10

5-9 5-7 5-11

6-0 6-0 5-8 5-9 5-7 5-9

Most Valuable Player Award Offensive Lineman Award Defensive Lineman A ward Defensive Back Award Most Improved Player

12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 11


160 160

10 11

217 182 145

11 11


"I have finished second t,,{ice in my time at Green Bay and I don't ever want to finish second again. There is a second p I ace bowl game, but it is a game for losers, played by losers. It is and always has been an American zeal to be first in everything we do and to win and to win and to win. Every time a football player goes out to ply his trade, he's got to play from the ground up - from the soles of his feet right up to his head! Every inch of him has to play. Some guys play with their heads. That's O.K. You've got to be smart to be No. I in any business. But more important, you've got to play with your heart - with every fiber of your body, If you're lucky enough to find a guy wi th a lot of head and a lot of heart, he's never going to come off the field second,"

Dave Blake Steve Hamant Larry Budich and Matt D ahlinghaus John Westendorf Pete Schmitz

"Running a football team is no different from running any other kind of organization - an army, a political party, a business, The principles are the same. The object is to win - to beat the other guy. Maybe that sounds hard or cruel. I don't think it is,"

T wenty-Three

, ~

We had played four games. We were supposed to be 3-1, but we were 2-2. Everyone expected us to lose to Moeller, and they were right. But we never should have lost to Richmond after being down 16 and coming back to tie. Dave Blake Twenty-Four

Da1l'e Koehll

Then we dropped a 2215 decision to Colonel White. Colonel White! After that one nobody could wait to practice for the next game. We all knew it was a fluke, but we had to prove it.

Twenty-Fi ve






i. I


Tim Markus

Mike Markus

T we nty-Seve n

We didn't lay down and die after our sorry start at 2-3. Our hard work in practice and the long trip to Cleveland was rewarded with a 7-0 victory that made the trip back to Dayton a lot shorter, thinking about winning, girls, and Belmont.


T wenty-Eight


PSET Belmont was No. 1, undefea ted a nd averaging 40 points a game. Unfortunately for them, they were also cocky, and h adn' t really been in a football game until they ran into us. Their powerful ground a ttack was non-existent against the E agle defense, and the Bison could do little to hold back Dave Blake and company. The result was a decisive 14-0 victory. Who's No.1?


CHEERLEADERS K athy Dix, Kathy Dolinski, Mary Jo Carlen, Arlene Halverson, Linda Drury, Susan Davidson, Sharon Hey, Carla Rapp, Bob Bir, John Albaugh, Dave Hoenie, Joe Cancila, Stan Muckenthaler, Jim McNam ara, Joey Caesar, Mark Tuss.


John Westendorf




END" Thirty-Two

Carroll had never beaten us and we weren't about to let it happen this year. The Eagles scored three quick TD's and held off a late raIly by the Patriots to win, 33-22. Piqua proved to be little more than a warm-up for the contest the foIlowing week against A-L-T-E-R.

We had to beat Alter. It was the final test. Were we the best or had we just been lucky in the last four games? It was hard to tell with the contest scoreless going into the 4th quarter. Then quarterback Dan But'neka, subbing for injured Rick Fischer, was badly shaken up. Fischer was pressed into service and quickly completed three passes, the last to Derek Cardwell for a score. The Eagle defenders held to finish off Alter 6-0 and ended the season, 7-3.


The Homecoming Court were King and Queen Nick Weser and Cindy Lingg. Senior Attendants and their dates were Barry Mantz and Katy Maloney, Joey Caesar and J eri Jones, Terry Tyler and Jeneda Louis, and Jim Finch and Kathy Sakal. The Underclass Attendants were Junior Joe Cancila and his date Sharon Hey, and Sophomore Jack Murty and his date Debbie Buchner.

T hirty-F our


-.. '"'-



Thirty -Six



SCHOOL .. . ~ ~w ~~'1

Thirty-S eve n

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Why play football in high school? Maybe three of your brothers played ahead of you. Perhaps you are big, strong or fast and would like a piece of what football can offer. You could

just like the sport, or maybe just wonder how good you really are. The incentives soon disappear. Play for your school. Play for your team. Play for yourself.

1969 SEASON 4-2-1 Chaminade 20 Chaminade 2 Chaminade 0 Chaminade 6 Chaminade 0 Chaminade 8 Chaminade 24


Vandalia-Butler Miamisburg F. J. Kennedy Middletown Belmont Carroll Alter

6 0 0 12 26 0 6

Man, at least last year I played. Now I'm lucky to see some action, In a reserve game. But they don't count, nobody watches. Now I'm just a goat in practice. Running the other team's plays, so THEY can win on Friday night. Everybody says 'Wait, You'll play next year. You have to take your turn, Earn your place.' But it's hard to look so far ahead. It's tough to work For something I can't see. All those guys say it's worth it, But some are always griping

1969 SEASON 6-2-1 Chaminade Chaminade Chaminade Chaminade Chaminade Chaminade Chaminade Chaminade

32 24 38 30 20 0 0 20

Jefferson 0 Roth 8 Miamisburg 6 Col. White 0 Alter 22 Belmont 0 Carroll 12 Patterson 8

I make my decision Every time I try my hardest, Or every time I goof off. I hope I don't regret it.



Dave Grusenmeyer

Mike Quinttus

Ed Barlow

Tom Hess

Rick Quinttus

Ron Bauer

Doug Iannarino

Lamont Rodgers

Jim Bohman

Jerry Kondrath

Sam Rosengarten

Paul Bohman

Kevin Kozlowski

Phil Shay

Don Bowman

Jerry Kozuh

Mike Shea

Jim Buddendeck

Jim Krygier

Bill Thornton

Austin Dunn

Dan Kuntz

Bob Trautman

Jerry Eyink

Torn Kuntz

Rick Wilson

Joe Foster

Mike Mitchell

Gary Wysong

Jack Freiberger

Jack Murty

Mark Zugelder

Mike Gauder


Mark Balazs

Adrien Kettler

Steve Reeves

Torn Becker

Jerry Koenig

Cha~'les Richard

Robin Begley

Mike Kraska

Mike Schumacher

Ray Bettinger

Jerry Kronenberger

John Schwab-

Pete Carter

Jim Kuntz

Tony Sears

Cary Eskew

Gene Lengerich

Chip Slemker

John Fitzgerald

Mike Lipp

Rick Stockelrnan

Larry Flohre

Jerry McMillan

Ralph Tangeman

Dennis Goodwin

George Mercuri

Steve Tatone

Tim Hehemann

Joe Moeller

Jim Wead

Mike Heizer

Joe Myers

Joe Wilson

Ron Higginbotham

Pat Newlin

Mike Witmer

Bruce Hodge

Pat Oborne

Bob Yancey

Paul Howard

Terry O'Brien

Bill York

Marvin Johnson

Scott Powers

Dave Zimmer

Randy Kauth



ROSTER Steve Brugger Wes Deis (1) Tom Desando Vince Ferraro Rick Irvin (2) Gerry King Joe Mescher (5) Coach: Mr.

Ed Reed (4) John Sherer (7) Terry Sweeney (6) Steve Ward (3) John Zimmerman Pete Zwiesler Earl Richards

NOTE: Position indicates rank on team.

With wire masks and white suits, They look like beehive attendants. Maybe you never saw them like this, To you they're just classmates. While you're out cheering football, They're in the gym competing. Not swatting bees, fencing. And they did a pretty good job.



FOOTBALL IS Knowing when to . . gIve In ...

But being able to fight back.

An individual struggle . ..


As well as a team effort.

Bearing pain . . .

In order to attain your dreams.


CHAl\lINADE HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT COUNCIL CAST James Barstow Dr. l\1arll'l'll Clarke* Cathy Dix Sylvia Barrl'tt'~路 Belinda Rawlings Bm Schach/1'I'7f Dalp Dempsey Paul Barrill .~l'/''I.路 Bruce Abell .f. .f. M cH abl'+:' Darlene Sanderson Ella Friedenber/!.* Cheryl Loomis Francis E.!!.all* Jeannie Hofele Charlotte WoW:' Dan Rodgers Samuel B('s/er+:' Karen Shlill Sadie Fillch':+ Mike' Marcus LOll AJar/in

J. D . Thomas Ll'IlIlie NI ' llI/Wrk Chris Bonanno Carole Blanca Paula Tremblay Alice Blake Connie Jackowski Vivian Paille Charles Seyfferle Rusty O'Brien Dorothy Leopold Peggy Martin 'X'lndicates a member of the faculty VI' staff.


H 1 penonally w ish to thank eve1")1one tnvalved in th e play, from facult y to stage crew, for making this a memorable ex perience."


Vicki Tripp Linda Rosen Paschal De Alioa Jose Rodrigue::. Tvette Roderick Carrir Blaine Tom Ston.'r Harry Kagan Michell Reynolds Jill Norris Judy Ross Rachel Cordon Mary Koehl Elizabeth Ellis James l'vfcNamara Charles Arran.\' Robert 'Yalker Edward Williams

jim barstow -oOIIII. . . . .l

] ames Barstow


Peter Helldoerfer Joe Fero1lr Donna Dlig-an Helen Arbuzzi Jeanne Wilbur Francilll' Cardllcr Myra Holt Kathcrille lVol.:ow Nancy Behne EliI'll (Sylvia's friclld) Eileen O'Hearn Janet Amdur Bill Hollinde Ramos Belgado Jenny Shillito Patty Yancey Education succeeds wizen one can sajl, '1 don't know.' n


Fi/t'y -One

STUDENT President: Dave Lesko Vice-President: Joey Caesar Secretary: Tim Titus Treasurer: Mike Hart Spirit Comm. Chairman: Mike Kovacs Ways & Means Comm. Chairman: Steve O'Hearn Lounge Comm. Co-Chairmen: Mike Cleary Tom Roberts Pete Helldoerfer Public Relations Comm. Chairman: Tom Harr Social Comm. Chairman: Jim Finch Cultural Comm. Chairman: Jim Barstow Publicity Comm. Chairman: Ralph Sullivan lntramurals Comm. Chairman: Brian Gomes Moderator: Bro. Bob Wiethorn, S.M. Moderator: Bro. Jim Martin, S.M. Moderator: Bro. Bill Grundish, S.M. Moderator: M1'. Jack Routledge



VARSITY Tim Becker 98 Mike Hochwalt 107 T. Higginbotham 115 Dick Wendling 123 Tom Bynak 130 Ehn Fackler 137


Chuck Eckstien l'vIarvin Larger Kevin Kozlowski Mark Kroger Rod Rog-ge Mike Roth

un Lobe 145

rian Schnabel 155 Sendelbach 165 Foster 175 Sendelbach 185 D . (}rusenrneyer


We have an organization

And you won't find many

Of weight watchers.

weaklings in the group.

But we wouldn't advise

Their practice is probably

Calling them obese. (o.bese [o.bes ] Excessively Corpulent; very fat.)

the toughest of any sport. They're strong, they're quick, and they're in shape. They watch their calories,

They run a lot to keep

so that we can

their weight down.

watch them wrestle. Fifty-Five

RESERVE Joe Brock Dick Stockel man Tom Wysinski

Pat Fletcher Bob Forschner Mike Foster Jim Hinkle Steve Hobbs Bob J anowiecki Eric Klopf Iftil Kramer Mike Kuntz Joe Meyers Bob Spreng Steve Trick

Mid-Year Evaluation Days Fifty-Seven



Revolution .. .

... ..... Len Roberts

Pollution ..

... .Tom Tiefert Tim Quinn Tom Quinn Mark Schipper

Photography.. .

.. ... Jack Routledge Bill Habjan, S.M.

The Developing Ego .. ... Wayne Klenotic, S.M. Man in the 70's.. . ...... .Wayne Klenotic, S.M. Person in a Changing Society ..... .... Jerry O'Neil, S.M. Non-humanities Humanities Course ....... Wayne Klenotic, S.M. Subtle Racism..

. .... .. .Tom Roberts J oe Cancila

A Study of Religion ... ...Don McCrabb Chess Techniques ..

.. Eric Smith Nick Rupert

We tried some new things this year . . . the Community of Co-Learners . . . sometimes known as the community of loafers, this group did "assist the Chaminade community in creating and operating radical alternatives to traditional environments, concepts, and systems of schooling." How radical was it? . . . learned anything they wanted . .. graded themselves. Anything constructive? . . . long discussions on the black-white situation . . . the statement on the next page resulted . . . next . . . a start for Chaminade's future ... the Experimental High School ... eight courses, a few one-shot presentations . . . a great turnout ... Revolution class dominated . The first step was taken. Next year?

L.-R. J erry Krygier, Bob Biersack, Mark Hickey, Bob Cooney, Mike Flohre, Dan Lehmkuhle.



2. 3.



Whereas: Wh ite America is a racist society . Whereas: That white racism has destroyed countless minds . Whereas: That white racism was a contributing cause of the disturbances after the Roth-Chaminade game. Whereas: That white racism . in complete contradiction to Christian values. is leading to the destruction of a unified society. Whereas: White America must come to the realization that it is a racist society. and only then work to cure its disease. Be it resolved: We. some concerned members of the Chaminade Community. will attempt an understanding of our own Racism. work to annihilate our racism. and involve as many others as possible in our efforts so that they. too. might share our experiences.

Bro. Bob Wiethoro, S. M. lerry Krygier Joe Cancila Nina Regullnski Bruce Abell Steve Regulloski I.eonard Roberts

Bob Btersack Bill Scbmitz Mark Kussman 11m Bobman Tbomas Roberts 11m Krygier Firman Green

o U

N I T Y of CO-L



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Charles Blalock


- --' -- -

Whereas there is a basic need in all high schools for a mass media communications system . Whereas Chaminade has been found lacking in this requirement of all high schools . . . Be it resolved that we, the electronic minded students of Chaminade have established W.C.D.O.



/ I

/ Bob Mathes

Bob Williamson Sixty-Five


Freshmen and Sophomores allowed to vote ... Forums in the Lounge with few turn-outs . . . Long, drawn out posters with many promises ... The Primaries narrow it down . . . Voting Machines .. . Results . . . President - Bob Mathes . . . Vice-PresidentMike Keating . .. Secretary - Joe McCracken . Treasurer - Bob Williamson . . .

Chaminade's intramurals program builds strong muscles four ways:





Sixty-Seve n


It's a riot to watch old men who should know better, battle the 'Ving Hi-Flyers;

it's even better if they WIll.


Reserves Tom O'Brien

Mike Fischer

Mark Hickey

Kevin Koslowski


Stebbins Alter


CHS 112 Alter CHS 2 Stebbins CHS 3Y2 Beavercreek Season Record 0-13-1

6 5


Se venty


Miamisburg Fairview West Carrol ton Carroll

5 6

Tom Borchers

6Y2 6 4Y2

The Rifle Team was more on ta rget this year; their skill earned them third place in the Western Ohio Junior Rifle League. Our shooters, led by Senior Jim Venys, were the only Chaminade Athletic team to compete in a league. They increased their total points from the previous year's 7099 to a total of 7551 out of a possible 9000. Brother H abjan coached the team and worked with the Rifle Club. RESERVES: Terry Egan, Steve Hagemeyer, Greg Luken, Joe Mescher, Bob Stoecklein




;#:1 ;#:2 ;#:3 ;#:4 ;#:5 ;#:6

7th 4th 6th 3rd 4th 3rd

1201 1213 1210 1291 1258 1330




League members: Beavercreek, MCSA, Vandalia - Butler, Sertoma, OSSO, Chaminade, Wilmington, Valley City

CLUB ROS1'ER Aeronautics Club Luke Koors-President Mike Bare- Secretary-Treasurer Tom Baukus Bruce Bergmeier Joe Borgerding Leo Budenz Chris Horn Bob Miller Hank Olszewski Mike Reeb Milt Sprowl Bro. Joe Fox, S.M.-Moderator Auto Club Ted Herzog-President Ed Bannen-Vice-President Dave Boeckerman Jay Dussault Rick Moser Jeff Szanto Dave Wabler Chess Club Eric Smith-President-Team Captain Rob Romie-Secretary-Treasurer Tom Dorcas-Team Member Ron Goubeaux-Team Member Greg Reichert-Team Member Nick Ruppert-Team Member Mike Bare Bruce Bergmeier Joe Borgerding Joe Goode Rick Grooms Jerry Lachat Mike Reeb Tim Robers Christian Conversations, C' Joe Cancila Dave Gerkin Rick Harding Mark Hilton Tony John Vince Klosterman Bob Mathes Joe McCracken Mike Quinttus Rick Quinttus Tom Roberts Bob Sands John Spin nato Milt Sprowl Bro. Jerry Bettice, S.M. Bro. Don DiDonato, S.M. Future Teachers of America Jim Will-President Dave Nordyke-Vice-President Ron Goubeaux-Secretary Torn Wendeln-Treasurer Mark Barlow-Western Ohio Dist. Pre~; . Steve O'Hearn-Western O. Dist. V.P.

Mr. Bill LeJuene-District Moderator Junior Council on World Affairs Dan McHugh-President Bill Frapwell-Vice-President Don McBride- Secretary Bill Kessler-Treasurer Bruce Armstrong Cliff Barson Joe Brock Walt Coley Keith Davis Dan Eckert Gary Geisel Ron Goubeaux John Grismer Chris Gunther Jim Hinkle Gary Hughes Tony Lucente Tom Seitz Milt Sprowl Harry Steinke Tim Titus Mark Vaitkus Steve Vaitkus Al Veg Bali Tom Wendeln Managers Dave Alexander Joe Backmann Joe Boston Paul Buynak Tony DeAloia Jeff Fiely Mike Fries Joe Goode Mike Heil George Kloos Phil Kloos Ed Marrinan .I ohn Marrinan Bill Mescher Jim Overman Conrad Swenson Bruce Walling Modern Music Masters Don Lingg-President Steve O 'Hearn- Vice-President Mike Dix-Secretary Mike Brown-Treasurer Ron Goubeaux-Historian Gary Bellert Mark Braunlin Keith Davis Tom Dorcas Rick Drummer Dan Eckert Mike Hart Paul Hickey Dan Hoagland Chris Horn


Mike Keller John Kiley Mike Kreitzer Jerry Lachat John Leibold Gary Leppla Chris Meehan Jared Nickerson Mike Reeb Paul Sabrack Bill Schmitz John Spinnato Manuel Teijelo Mike Trego Tom Wendeln National Honor Society Dan Harman-President Rick Fischer-Vice-President Steve O'Hearn-Secretary Mark Tuss-Treasurer Joe Ballman Mark Barlow Bob Biersack-Provisional Jim Bohman-Provisional Dan Brodbeck Joey Caesar Joe Cancila Keith Davis-Provisional Bill Frapwell Brian Gomes Ron Goubeaux Chris Gunther Mike Hart Torri Heck Tim Henehen Mark Hickey-Provisional Chris Horn-Provisional Gary Hughes Steve Kane Mike Keating Barry Kessler-Provisional Bill Kessler George Kloos Mike Kovacs Kevin Kozlowski-Provisional Jim Krygier-Provisional Gary Leppla Dave Lesko Don Lingg Tom Lipp Bob Mathes Steve Matson Don McCrabb--Provisional Chris Meehan-Provisional Kevin Mulligan Dave Nordyke Russ Poquette Greg Reichert Phil Rose Tom Rouse Paul Sabrack Eric Smith John Spinnato-Provisional

CLUB ROS'!'ER Terry Sweeney-Provisional Tim Titus Mike Trego Mark Vaitkus-Provisional Al Veg Bali Tim Wabler Ed Walter John Westendorf Mark Westendorf Jim Will Bob Willia mson Photography Club Gus Miklos- President Joe Siona ker- Vice-President John Baukus Mark Braunlin Steve Brugger Pascha l DeAloia Steve D ei tering Gary Dunsky John Fitzgerald Chris Harman Steve Kane Luke Koors Dan Landis Don M cC rabb Steve Murphy Pat Nola n M ark Powers Joe Prasma ntas J eff Rutledge Tom Saettel L arry Seubert Tom Skilken Rob Smith Dave Sn yder Tom Tiefe rt Paul Visin ge r Steve Wa rd M ark Wa tkins Jim Webendorfer Mr. Ja ck Routledge-Moderator Red Cross Youth Club Ray Ritzier- Presid ent John Kuntz-Vice-Presid ent Bill Shock-Secretary-Treasurer Fred Bergman D ave Carson Mike Coogan Steve Demeter Steve Falter Tim Hammer Bill Holtvoight Attila In cze Mike Kuntz D a n McCrabb Jim Pola kowski J ack Truxel Mr. Mike McFadde n-Moderator Rifle Club Jim Venys路-President

Steve Brugge r- Vice-Presid ent Joe Buehler- Sec retary Chris J ones-Treasurer Bill Borchers Dan Borchers J erry Bova Steve Brown Bob Cooney T ony D eA loia Dave Diemunsch Mark Diemunsch Roge r Dietsch K a rl Drerup Mike Green Jim H a kemoller T erry Harris Julius K ender J ohn K essler Tom Kinzeler Luke Koors Bob L aw ton Greg Luken Joe M escher Denny Newba uer Nick R eboule t Phil R ose J ohn Stauber Bob Stoeckl ein T erry Sweeney Frank Toka rsky Bob Walk er Bob Watson Bro. Bill H a bjan, S.M . -Moderato r Service Club Paul Buyna k- President Pa ul Kuntz-Co-President Milt Sprowl- Vi ce-President Bill Holtvoight- Secre ta ry Mark Hickey-Treasurer Tom Buynak Steve Demeter Steve Falter Arnold Jean-Baptiste Fra nk Kron a uge J erry Leeman Rick Moser Jim Payne Mike Perkins Tim Robers D ave Rose Matt Sprowl Mike Steigerwald Rick Turner Bro. Don DiDonato, S.M.-Modera tor Bro. Tom Kurelic, S.M. -Mod erator Speech and Debate Club Steve Regulinski- Pres ident Ga ry Geisel-Secretary Cliff Ba rson- Treas urer Chuck Gentile-Communica tion Direc tor

S eventy-T hree

Bill Blalock Joe Brock Steve D emeter Joe Gottschlich Bob Hinkle Jim Hinkle Atilla In cze Mik e K ea ting Bill K eller Barry K essler Paul L eonard Ton y Lucente D a n McHugh J oe Mescher Jim Pol a kowski D ave Snyder Milt Sprowl M a rk Vaitkus AI Veg Ba li Mr. Lenny Roberts-D eba te Coach Bro. D an ny Thomas, S.M. -Speech Coac h WCDO John Kuntz-Executive Producer Mik e H a rt- Executive Director Steve Grismer-News Director D ave Scherack--Sports Direc tor Dave Summers-Editorial Editor Ray Ritzi er-Produ c tion Mgr. P ete Schmitz-Business Manager Bob Ab ele Chuck Blalock Jerry Bova Tony D eAloia J oe Ga rland D enny Goodwin Tony Grusenmeyer Jim H a kemoller Tim Hammer Bill Hines Mike Holt John Kessler Steve K olvek Mike Kuntz D an L andis Mr. Joe Mecuri Chris M eehan Joe Mescher Bob Mill er Gerry Miller D enny Neubauer Mike Popowich Larry Reichert Chuck Richard Mark Schierloh Bill Shock Glen Smith Bill Thomas Fr. George Abmayr, S.M.-Moderator Mr. Harvey Ba rker- Moderator Mr. Paul H a mmel- Moderator

We Are Young,


Gifted and Black After a Black Retreat you have done the following things: Smoked three packs of cigarettes, bitten off four fingernails, seen a few films, heard fifteen hours of soul music, and seen Black People in a totally different perspective.


RAPPING . . . THE "The advisory system is a valuable instrument for the guidance of the student in his 'learning to learn'."


Russell, S.M., Faculty

"Every faculty member is not qualifield to be a 'den mother' to thirty students of widely different ages and mentality."

-Bill Kessler, Senior

"If the teacher understood the program, and the student was responsible enough to meet with his advisor, the program was a success." -Donald Cichon, Faculty "I think that the advisory system gave me a better understanding of the systern."

-Brad Halloran, Freshman

"When a teacher becomes closely involved in a student's growth, you have true education." -Bro. J. Monroe, Faculty "It is exactly what we Chaminade students needed in our new structural system."

-Jack Layne, Junior

"Basically, the advisory system should be the core of communication between the student, advisor, and parent. Unfortunately, it did not work that well this year."

Joe Mercuri, Faculty



Mr. Dale DeBrosse Brian Bergeron


A tennis state championship would have been unbelievable. Our doubles team of Ken Harm and Dave Krebs, along with our top singles player Bill Kessler, tried but couldn't pull it off. Kessler was first to fall, to Oakwood's Steve Rudwal the 'eventual district champion. He lost in the semifinals but gave Rudwal his toughest match, going a long three sets. Harm and Krebs were more fortunate and breezed to the district doubles crown. Then they traveled to Columbus where they won their 1st match, but fell in the second round to Upper Arlington the eventual state champions. Besides their strong showing in the tournament these 3 achieved exceptional regular season singles records with Bill K essler 14-3, Dave Krebs 16-1 , and Ken Harm 15-2. In their 15-2 double season they were backed up by 1st doubles Jim Barstow and Dave Boehm and 2nd doubles Steve Regulinski and Eddie Reed.


Eddie Reed


Bill Kessler Seventy-Eight

ROSTER Jim Barstow Dave Krebs Dave Boehm Jack Leibold Mike Foster John Marrinan Dennis Eddie Reed Goodwin Steve Regulinski Ken Harm Charles Richard Bill Kessler Dennis Nawbauer Coach Bro. Don DiDonato, S.M.

Bill Kessler

SEASON RECORD 15-2 C.H.S. Opp. 3 Fairmont West 2 5 Alter 0 3 Fairmont East 2 5 Col. White 0 3 West Carrollton 2 5 Belmont 0 3 Fairview 2 4 Col. White 0 4 Beavercreek 1 5 Miamisburg 0 2 Yellow Springs 3 4 Meadowdale 1 3 Yellow Springs 2 5 Belmont 0 4 Miamisburg 1 2 Oakwood 3 5 Alter 0


Steve Regulinski



Stan Pfander


Fairmont East, Wilbur Wright, Xenia, Kisar, Belmont, Alter, Colonel White, Carroll, Columbus East. All these teams have something in common. They all bit the dust at the claws of our Eagles this year. And they all have lost in style too, by an average of 36 points a game. Romps were fun for everyone, except. Fairmont East, Wilbur Wright, Xenia,


Not every game was a romp. Fairmont West stayed within 19. Stivers battled to a 15 point loss. Roosevelt came as close as 11 to our reserves. Meadowdale stalled to a 13 point setback. And Centerville stumbled into a defeat by 15. These were not-sa-romps.


Eighty-Fi ve


Cincinnati St. Xavier, Beavercreek, and Dunbar were exceptional teams. St. Xavier and Beavercreek with their deadeye shooting and tough defense, and Dunbar with its tremendous height and speed. But none had that complete combination that would have been needed to knock us off this year. They were tough, but not tough enough. C .H .S. C .H .S. C .H.S.


60 58 67

St. Xavier 57 Beavercreek 51 Dunbar 53


Roth, with Don Smith, Phil Lumpkin, and Larry Hamrick, was a great team, no doubt about it. And the difference between great and Chaminade was one shot and 4 seconds. Dan Gerhard swished the only "must shot" of the year from 20 feet out, letting the Eagles finish the regular season 17-0.

AKER Eighty-Nine

PFANDER : u. The act of blocking shots.

WUEBBEN : adu: A manner of r ebounding with elbows.

KURPIEL: adj. A phenomenal defensive ability.


THAT TOOK THE STATE TYLER : n. 'A slick dude' , one that comes through in the clutch; a do-everything person. GERHARD: adj . A feeling of being the best, excellent in all aspects ; ex. UPI PLAYER OF THE YEAR.

It's said that the most difficult part of any journey is always the first step. Tough competition in the Dayton District and some under-par play by our Eagles made this true on our trip back to Columbus this year. Franklin, attempting to hold the ball, had little luck and was trampled 8338. But Trotwood Madison was more of an obstacle, staying close for a long time before fading 62-51. Roosevelt was less of a road block and let us pass, 76-59; Beavercreek was the closest to eliminating us coming within 7, 68-61. And finally Roth. Both teams were primed for a rematch, but the Eagles pulled out in the third quarter and left the Falcons eating the dust, 76-65. Next, we took a sightseeing trip to Cincinna ti Gardens on our way to our final destination. The Eagles liked the company and decided to stay in town long enough to cop the Regional Trophy. We burned Hamilton Garfield easily 83-54 and pulled away from pesky Fairborn Baker 7863. Next stop St. John's Arena, Columbus, Ohio. The lights seemed brighter in St. John's this year. The team was confident they could wipe out the memory of last year's embarrassment and bring home a State Crown. As each of our players was introduced at the Arena the Waverly fans shouted in unison "Who's He?" a nd we yelled back "You'll See." And they did. Thirty-two minutes later they were 73-55 losers. There was no way we could lose now. Rossford was unfortunate to run into a team that had waited so long to come back to Columbus. The team played nea rly flawless ball and stomped Rossford, 69-47.


Terry Tyler

L-R, ROW I: Mgrs . Dave Alexander, Joe Goode, Joe Bosten, Bruce Wallingj Dave Duffy, Jim Seitz, John Weiland, Dan Burnekaj Coaches: Jim Turvene, Rick Wessels, Tom Skowronj ROW 2: Stan Pfander, Dan Gerhard (Team MVP, All-Greater Dayton first team, All-Area team, All Southwes t District first team, All-Tourney team, UPI and AP ALL-State first team, UPI Player of the Year.) Paul Kurpiel (Big Eagle award, All-Greater Dayton Hon. Mention, All-Area team .) Terry Tyler (Team MVP, AllGreater Dayton third team, AllArea team, All-Southwest District second team, All-Tourney team, All-State Hon. Mention.) ROW 3: Stan Reese, Steve Kane, Ted Wuebben (Best team rebounder, Most improved award, AllGreater Dayton Hon. Mention, All-Southwest District Hon. Mention, MVP in tournament.)




FRESHMEN RECORD 11-4 CHS 40 37 40 52 31 50 62 32 45 38 44 33 42 32 52

FRESHMEN ROSTER Joe Black Jim Block Tim Brennan Tim Flynn Dave Guerrant Ron Higginbotham Mike Lipp Jeff Magoto Kirk Mudd Terry O'Brien Steve Reeves Tony Sears Mike Spang John Strukamp Steve Vaithus Bob Yancey Bill York

Riffle W. Wright D. L. Barnes Kiser Dunbar Belmont Van Buren Alter Col. White Carroll Roth Fairview Kennedy Meadowdale Fairview

OPP 33 29 28 20 44 34 35 35 34 22 47 37 33 26 32

RESERVE RECORD 16-2 CHS 47 49 52 60 44 35 53 61 64 40 54 63 46 41 55 72 45 67

RESERVE ROSTER Bill Andrews Ron Finke Mike Fischer Ken Kreitzer Jack Layne Tom Lipp Ed Long Sam Rosengarten Tony Schwendeman Jeff Smith Joe Staley Rick Strader Dave Zajovits

Fairmont East St. Xavier Fairmont West W. Wright Beavercreek Stivers Xenia Roosevelt Kiser Dunbar Belmont Meadowda:le Alter Col. White Carroll Centerville Columbus East Roth

OPP 26 42 41 31 28 41 42 52 35 39 28 48 43 43 37 44 39 52

STATE CHAMPS??? Ninety-Seven

Banquets. You get a half-way decent meal for free. They also give you a letter to put on your letter sweater, if you have one. But everyone is there to recognize the dedication and self-discipline that the young men there have put in.

ÂŤCelebrate) celebrate) dance to the music."

I ~





Gary Geisel

Barry Kessler

Steve Reguiinski

One Hundred

Chuck Gentile

ap ... ap ... ap ... We're the ones that really know how to talk. We know all the patterns, uses and psychology behind argument. And as for our speaking abilities, we can sweet talk our way out of any sticky situation. We think we're pretty good, at least that's what the judges tell us. SEASON RECORD Covington Latin Inv.-3rd (A) Covington Latin Inv.-3rd (B) Centerville Inv.-2nd Fairmont East Inv.-lst Princeton Inv.-3rd Districts-2nd Fairmont West-2nd Fairmont West-3rd Julienne - 2nd

Debate Debate Debate Debate Debate

Debate Extemporaneous Extemporaneous Extemporaneous

Most Outstanding Speaking Award at the Chaminade Tournament-Dan McHugh

Leon Isaac

Jerry Kessler

One Hundred Five

We play ... We're performers .. . Sort of professionals .. . We play music ... We use instruments ... All instruments . .. Piccolos .. . Flutes . . . Clarinets .. . Xylophones .. . Glockenspiels .. . Bassoons .. . Oboes .. . Cellos .. . Cornets .. . Trumpets .. . French horns .. . Saxophones .. . Trombones .. . Tubas .. . Cymbals .. . Snare drums .. . Kettle drums .. . Bass drums .. . And a few others .. . We perform a lot .. . At concerts .. . Festivals .. . Contests .. . Parades .. . Welcomes home ... Pep rallies ... Football games .. . Basketball games .. . And others ... But ... Tha t requires practice ... And more practice ... And yet more practice ... Because ... We're used to ... Being ... The best ... Nothing less ... Because ... We're performers ... That's why ... We play ...

One Hundred Six

One Hundred Seven

We play ... We all play ... Some in one band .. . Some in another .. . But ... We're all involved .. . Deeply involved .. . Some more than others ... We belong to many bands ... Marching ... Pep ... Beginning ... Intermediate ... Jazz .. . Stage .. . Symphonic ... All require dedication ... Practice .. . Talent .. . All are good ... Some more than others .. . Symphonic being No.1 .. . All provide something . . . A deep sense of pride . . . Something to associate with ... An achievement ... Recognition . . . A developed talent ... Or just fun ... But ... I t does provide something ... For band members ... And .. . For others . .. The Chaminade community ... Outsiders .. . There's .. . Enjoyment ... Team backing . .. Association ... Pride . . . Yes .. . The bands are good ... Real good ... For ... Many reasons ... So ... We play ...


One Hundred Eight


Paul Sabrack

One Hundred Nine

T om And er

We sing ... We're always singing .. . Or at least most of the time ... At concerts .. . Practices .. . Classes .. . But sometimes ... Minor interruptions .. . Wrong music sheets .. . Out-of-tune pianos .. . Or just goofing-off .. . But it's fun ... The dedication needed ... The rewards . .. Concerts ... Memorial Hall .. . State-wide trip .. . Makes it all worth it . .. So ... We sing ...

One Hundred Ele ven

VARSITY TRACK ROSTER Joe Ballma n Greg Bayley D ave Bla ke D a n Broadback D erek C a rdwell Craig Cl a rk M a tt D ahlingh ause M a rk D esch Bob Ernst Ron Finke Tom Flohre

D ean Focke Steve Grogean TomHa rr Leslie H ayes Ed H ampelma n Gregg Holtvoigt Don Hosfeld Joe Johnston Jerry Kozuh J ack L ayne K evin Mulligan Tim Boudette

Steve O'Hearn Rick Pa ra nti Sta n R eese Steve Ross Jim Seitz J eff Smith H a rold Steinke Joe Tobens Paul Visinger John Wiela nd D ave Zojovits

FRESHMAN TRACK ROSTER M ark Corcora n L a rry Flohre M a rk H eitbrink Mike H eiger Ron Higginbotham Paul Howard M a rvin Johnston John Kolb Joe Kra mer

Mike Leigh J ack Leona rd Doug M cGa rry Ga rry Monnin Kirk Mudd Jim Payne John Schwab K evin Self

Greg Smith Rick Stockleman Stuart Stroud H a rry T aylor Doug Tichy Steve V aithus Cornelius V andersluis Jim Wead P aul Wisman


SEASON Cavalier R elays K of C R elays Stebbins R elays D ayton R elays Beavercreek Invt. Mia mi R elay District M eet

5th out of 35 teams 3rd out of 25 teams 2nd out of 23 teams 11 th out of 18 teams 4th out of 6 teams 10th out of 30 teams 6th out of 28 teams

To an outsider the track season would seem a total failure. But looking beyond the dual meets, the season was actually quite successful. L ed by John Weila nd a nd Jim Seitz, who both pa rticipa ted in the High and Long Jump, we did very well in several early season relays. The high point was probably a 2nd place out of twenty-three teams in the Stebbins Relays. There were also several individual standouts this year, including John Weila nd who tied the Regional M eet record in the High Jump, a t six feet, six inches. Tom Flohre broke the school record in the Discus with a throw of one hundred a nd fifty-two feet, two inches. Jeff Smith also ran the best Mile-run ever for a Chaminade junior, with a 4 :29 :8 clocking. One H undr ed T welve



One Hundred Fourteen

Bill Thomas

Beautiful weather, summer coming up. W a nt to play some ball, be outside. We could go see a show or goof off. Nothing too importa nt or serious. Just let loose for awhile, let go, a nd we did. On e Hundr ed Fifteen

Paul Kurpiel

Dan Burneka 6-1

Mark H~wei' 5-2 0.74 E.R.A.

Well, here we a re in the groove again. Tha t is, the groove we've made on Intersta te 70 to Columbus this year. Basketball, Track, Tennis, and to finish off the yea r, Baseball. After a very successful 176 regula r season, the Eagles sta rted their bid for the District Crown. We stomped Bellbrook 10-0, nipped Franklin 3-1, out - battled Miamisburg 7 - 4, shutout West Ca rrollton 2-0, and found ourselves in the District Finals. Playing Centerville we picked up two first inning runs, and shutout pitching from Tim Wabler and D an Burneka, to win trip to Cincinna ti. At Crosley Field, Eagles showed their poise and determina tion in two comeback victories. We came from two runs down late in both games to elimi-

na te Western Hills 3-2, and defea t T ecumseh 4-2, to add the R egional Title to our trophy collection. Much like the basketball Eagles, the team went into Sta te semi-final competition full of confidence-and with the ability to back it up. D an Burneka shutout Columbus Whetstone on two hits a nd P aul Kurpiel provided the only run needed, with a n opposite field home run, to carve out a 1-0 victory. The Finals threw us against Clevela nd Ga rfield H eights, a team who h ad scored 13 runs in their Semi-final victory. Coach Wessels called on his ace, Tim Wabler, and h e responded giving up but one run on 3 hits. Paul Kurpiel again provided most of the offense needed with 2 homeruns a nd a double to ch alk up a 6-1 victory, making us D ayton's first Sta te Baseball Champs.

Don Obringer

Steve Limbert

Gary Zajovits

One Hundred Eighteen








28 28 38

.311 .272 .349

16 14

7 15

.189 .208

22 8 11

27 19 21

.290 .302 .239

17 13 18

5 3 30

.200 .130 .333

3 18

4 17


25 23 90 16

10 17 8




19 17 8




11 11 12

.250 .158 .059 .125

2 3








Nevius Rosengarten Kurpiel

31 33

Limbert Zajovits Shea Obringer Westendorf Hutchinson Wiggins • Eifert Huwer Burneka Wabler

NAME Huwer Walber Eifert Burneka Schwendcrman Total

32 25 28 33

103 109 37

72 93

31 33 18 18 34

63 88


2 0 0 0

0 0 3

2 1 0 0

6 6 10 1 3

0 0





0 0 0








47 66


5 3

0.740 .315 1.689







34 14



29 12 25 15 35 16 18 7

63 40

738 510

5-2 9-0

1.750 59 631 2.076 9 547 1.104 148 67 216 3019


Pitchers Ed Long Bill York

1 3

9 5

0 0


Mike Bauer Don Bowman Dave Guerrant Don Hoendorf Mike Krasken Ed Long George Mercuri Jerry Moosbrugger Bill York Tim Brennan Jerry Eyink Don Holtvoight Pat Osborne Steve Rosengarten Joe Staley . Bob Stoecklein

7 11 14

3 0

2 3 0



2 8

0 0 0


43 234 56

1 2 10 0


2 0


9 14 6 38


12 22 31




6 10

3 HR



9 37 12 56 17 19 7


1 0

G 12


4-1 6-1 3-1 28-6

2 3 5 4 1 7 1 6 3 8 6 7 8 1 7 4 3 11 15 3 2 1 4 4 7 10 3 7 2 2 3 4 1 6

RESERVES C.H.S. AVE. .200 .261 .303 .261 .288 .227 .266 .381 .211

W-L 4-2 7-0

2 8 26 3 2 1 8 0 7 3 2 2 4 2 5 5 1 3 10 3 8 Rain Rain 4

One Hundred Nineteen

RECORD 28-6 Wayne Wayne Stebbins Richmond, Ind. Fairborn Fairmont West Fairmont East Carroll Kiser Miamisburg Bea vercreek Fairview Meadowdale Cin. Princeton Cin. Princeton Stebbins Fairmont East Richmond, Ind. Belmont Northmont Northmont Fairview Miamisburg Alter Carroll DISTRICT Bellbrook Franklin Miamisburg West Carrollton Centerville REGIONAL Western Hills Tecumseh STATE Columbus Whetstone · Cleveland Garfield Heights

OPP. 0 0 3 5 3 4 2 5 0 1 5

1 1 0

1 2 2 2 0 5 3 2 0 3 3 4 1 4 0 0 2 2 0 1

RECORD 15-7 Wayne Richmond, Ind. Fairborn West Carrollton West Carrollton Fairmont West Fairmont East Beavercreek Oakwood Miamisburg Cin. Princeton Cin. Princeton Stebbins Fairmont East Richmond, Ind. Oakwood Northmont Northmont Fairborn West Carrollton Miamisburg Fairmont West Centerville Beavercreek

OPP. 3 5 1 2 3 0 1 3 4 0 4

1 0

1 2 0 2 13 1 6 3 3

Talk. That's about a ll they ever do. But it's a start to have an environmental teach-in. At least you can go from there. And it's encouraging when many attend, though it is voluntary . . . and when some really do get involved.


River dying, 2 boys find thing really shows the effects of pollution on life in the river. It shows who is really hitting it the worst." Sweeney interjected: "Yeah. Did you iaiow' there used to be 'trout in that river? But the only thing we saw was dead fish-and some carp. Next to the Ohio Edison plant in Springfield we saw a guy fishing !IJld asked him if ~e was catching anything. All he said was, •Are yOj1 kidding?' " The two boys started down the river near Urbana where U.S. 36 crosses the river and spent two days on the trip,to Dayton, camping overnight above Enon and portaging five times. They took biotic index readings at 14 places. The reading is a kind of census of low~rder vertebrates (organisms having backbones) that . inhabit a body of water. Ecologists have divided

By james Babcock Journal Herald 51aH Wrlltr

,Terry Sweeney and Mtke ,Green went canoe , tripping on the Mad River last week and found the flowing water deadly dirty ... to the tiny animals who try to ,live in it. But, the!!, ,that was the reason for the trip. Sw~ney and Green are lS-year-old sophomores at Chaminade High School in Dayton. They also are biology students. And they are concerned about their decaying environment. . So-with the approval of their biology instructors, Brother William Habjan and Robert Katcavage-they \mdertook the task of taking biotic index readings on a 40-mile' stretch of theMad River. , "At Dugans Ditch (downstream from Urbana) the only thing 'we found living 'was a rattail maggot and a leech," Green said. "This kind of



One H undred T wenty-One


on Page 2)


One Hundr ed T wenty-Two




One Hundred T wen ty-Four

W hen you're weary feeling small, when tears are zn your eyes,

Bruce Abell

Timothy Adams

Charles Aliaga

Thomas Ander

Kenneth Bachey

Joseph Baker

Mark Barlow

Frank Barok

Clifford Barson

James Barstow

John Baukus

Olle HUlldred Thirty

Gregory Bayer

Frances Bayley

Barry Bergedick

Denis Berger

Robert Bir

David Blake

William Blalock

David Boehm

Timothy Boudette One Hundred Thirty-On e

Dennis Bowman

John Brennan

Robert Brinkman

Daniel Brodbeck

Lawrence Brown

Michael Brown

Joseph Bruggeman

Lawrence Budich

James Burns

C. Joseph Caesar

... I will dry them all;

I'm on your side ...

Kent Brun

Scott Bruns

John Bucholz

One Hundred Thirty-Two


James Carter

James Clark

John Clark

Michael Cleary

David Coffey

Walter Coley

Alan Colyer One Hundred Thirty-Three

James Corbett

Michael Corcoran



tim,es get rough, and friends just can't be found ..

David Costa

Paul Couture

Thomas Couvion

Matthew Dahlinghaus

Walter Davidson

James Davis One Hundred Thirty-Four

Thomas DeAnthony

Steven Deitering

Dale Dempsey

Mark Desch

Brian Devlin

Mark DeWitt

James DiBauda

Robert Dillingham

Michael Dix

Charles Doll

Thomas Dorcas

Ronald Doss

One Hundred Thirty-Five

Larry Budich

路 .. Like a bridge over troubled waters, I will lay me

down ...

Larry Earnhart

Steven Eckstein

Daniel Eckert One HU1/dred Thirty-Six

Norman Essman

Steve Fecher

James Finch

Michael Fisher

One Hundred Thirty-Sel'en

Richard Fisher

Thomas Fisher

Joseph Flanagan

Thomas Flohre

John Follick

David Fortunato

Richard Framer

William Frapwell

Thomas Friel

John Froschauer

Daniel Gerhard

Brian Gomes

Dale Goubeaux

Ronald Goubeaux

Stephen Grant

Douglas Grewe

Douglas Griffin

One Hundred Thirty-Eight

John Grismer

.. When you're down and out when you're on the street when evening falls so hard . ..

Wesley Grooms

Christopher Gunther

John Habil

Stephen Hagemeyer

Michael Haley

Stephen Hamant

Kenneth Harm .

Daniel Harman

Thomas Harr

Michael Hart

Thomas Heck

Timothy Hemmelgarn One Hundred Forty

Timothy Henehan

Dennis Herman

Frank Herzog

Stan Pfander One Hundred Forty-One

... I will comfort ),ou I'll take ),our part . ..

Theodore H erzog

Thomas H oba n

David Hohne

J a mes Holden

Cha rles Holtevert

Robe rt Horner

Donald Hosfeld

Stephen Howa rd One Hundred Forty-Two

Gary Hughes

Paul Hughes

Mark Huwer

C. Richard Irvin

John Ivory

James Jobe

Dennis Jones

Kenneth Kaiser

Stephen Kane

Gary Katulak

Kevin Kavanaugh

John Keating

John Kern

William Kessler

Stephen King

Olle Hundred Forly-Three

Walter Klimaski

Mark Kline

Tom \\'artinger

George Kloos

Stephen Knapschaefer

David Koehl Olle Hu.ndred Forty-Four

Timothy Koehl

Michael Kovacs

James Kozlowski

David Krebs

Dale Krohn

Edward Kronenberger

Thomas Krug

Gerald Krygier

Thomas Kugaczewski

Robert Kuntz

Paul Kurpiel

James Kussman

Jerome Lachat

Timothy Lange

Kenneth Lauber

Steven Lentz

David Lesko

One Hundred Forty-Five

Donald Lingg

Mark Link

Donald Loper

One Hundred Forty-Six

Richard Madlinger

Richard Makley

Barry Mancz

Albert Mantz

Francis Marsico

James Martinson

Stephen Matson

Kenneth Mauch

Donald McBride

Richard McCabe

Daniel McHugh

Joseph McLaughlin

James McNamara

... When darkness comes and pain is all around .

Thomas McGill

One Hundred Forty-Seven

Robert Meininger

Gerald Michel

Lawrence Mikalas

Peter Miklos

Gerald Miller

Jacques Miller

John Miller

Michael Miller

James Mobley

David Molnar

Ronald Muzechuk

James Naber

Jeffrey Monroe

Gregory Moorman

Thomas Murphy 01le Hundred Forty-Eight

Timothy Nartker

Paul Nevels

Thomas Nevius

Your time has come to shine all your dreams are on their way. see how they shine. Patrick Nolan

David Nordyke

Donald Obringer

Steven O'Hearn

Henry Olszewski One-Hundred Forty-Nine

Thomas Papp

Anthony Peasant

David Penny

Stanley Pfander

Thomas Pfeiffer

William Pfeiffer

Walter Plassenthal

Russel Poquette

Vernon Portner One Hundred Fifty

Joseph Prasmantas

James Prier

Ii .



".'-., .. "







Charles Pulley

Kevin Rapp

Gregory Reichert

Lawrence Reichert

Douglas Rihm

John Westendorf

Edward Rihm

Christopher Robers

Thomas Roberts

Daniel Rodgers One Hundred Fifty-One

Michael Roth

Edward Ruf

Stephen Ruschau

Jeff Rutledge

Paul Sabrack

Thomas Saettel

Michael Schierloh

John Schindler

Louis Schirack

Richard Schirtzinger

John Schmidt

Kevin Schnabel

Edward Schopler

Daniel Schrier

Gregory Schulkers

One Hundred Fifty-Two

Jerry Scott

James Seitz

Thomas Seitz

Timothy Seitz

Randall Sell

Michael Sendelbach

Lawrence Seubert

Michael Shannon

David Sheehan

Robert Shelhouse

Steven Siewe

Stephen Sipos One Hundred Fifty-Three

Eric Smith

... If you need a friend

I'm sailing right behind . "Bridge Over Troubled Water" Simon and Garfunkel

David Snyder One Hundred Fifty-Four

Michael Spang

Norm Spang

Thomas Spatz

Donald Sprude

Thomas Stachler

John Stefan

Timothy Steineman

Harold Steinke

Thomas Stevenhart

Gregory Stoddard

Jerry Stout

Ralph Sullivan

John Sweeterman

Fred Sweigart

Michael Thies

One Hundred Fifty-Five

Daniel Trick

Richard Trietsch

Joseph Thomas

Marvin Thomas

Steve Haman t

Lawrence Tittle

Timothy Titus

Mark Tuss

Terrence Tyler

Thomas Unverferth

One Hundred Fifty-Six

James Venys

Ronald Voit

Timothy Wabler

Thomas Wagner

John Wahl rub

Stephen Ward

Thomas Warner

Thomas Wartinger

James Weaver

Stephen Webb

Martin Weitzel

Roger Weller

Richard Wenclewicz

Thomas Wendeln

Jeffrey Wenning

One Hundred Fifty-Seven

John Westendorf

John Wieland

Douglas Wiggins

Daniel Will

James Will

Michael Will

Robert Wilson

William Wimsatt

Michael Woodall

Gregory Wourms

Theodore Wuebben

Robert Yahle

Thomas York

Gary Zajovits

Timothy Zimmer

One Hundr ed Fifty-Eight

Louis Adams

John Agnew

John Albaugh

Richard Behringer

Gary Bellert

Daniel Bernard

Charles Blalock

Donald Boehmer

Paul Bohman

Jerome Bova

Daniel Braun

Kenneth Brinkman

Daniel Allen

Thomas Altick

C Z 5 ~

Joseph Arndts

Robert Bahret

Joseph Balazs

Joseph Ballman

Robert Bandura

Thomas Bannen

Andrew Bayham

Michael Bertheaud

Steven Bertke

Edward Black

Mark Boison

Thomas Borchers

William Borchers

IORS One Hundred Sixty

Daniel Broadstone

Steven Brown

Thomas Bucher

Derek Cardwell

David Carson

Richard Carter

Timothy Caulfield

Joseph Charlton

David Chestnut

Kim Christensen

John Churan

Stephen Clarke

Michael Coffey

Timothy Comboy

Henry Crist

Kenneth Buchholz

Jerry Crowe

Joseph Buehler

Richard Cull

Daniel Burneka

Wesley D eis

O ne H u ndred Sixty-One

C harles Butler

Paul Buynak

Salvator Desando

Ronald Deschler

Joseph C a ncila

M ark Diemunsch


Roger Dietsch

Jose Dodaro

Peter Donovan

David Duffy

James Duncan

Christopher Dwyer

Terrence Egan

Michael Eifert

"The system

芦The new system

is great; we

is hard to adjust

have more

to. I suppose it's James Eskew

freedom and

John Fackler

Stephen Falter

Richard Ell iott

all right, but it's


been taken advantage

it's like


college." Joe Foster Junior

Tom Hickey Junior Mark Finke

James Fletcher

Mark Florkey

Michael Fortunato

Joseph Foster

Robert Frapwell

Joseph Garland

Raymond Gannan

Gary Geisel

Charles Gentile

Matthew Greany

Firman Green

Stephen Grismer

David Grusenmeyer

Ronald Gulasa

Karam Habib

Mark Haemmerle

Scott Glanton

John Gower

James Hakemoller

Raymond Hale


One Hundred Sixty-Two h

Dennis Halloran

Thomas Harris

Mark Hilton

James Hinders


Mark Hartke

Michael Hayslip

Michael Heil

Mark Hemmelgarn

Stephen Hess

Thomas Hickey

Thomas Higginbotham

Robert Hinkle

Daniel Hoagland

Glenn Hochwalt

Michael Hochwalt

Robert Hodge

David Hoenie

Michael Holt

One Hundred Sixty-Three

Nicholas Keyes

Gregory Kitts

Robert Klenke

Ralph Klos

Vincent Klosterman

.A James Kneeland

Thomas Koenig

Robert Koors

Timothy Kracus

Bernard Kroger

Mark Kroger

John Kuntz

Paul Kuntz

Walter Langen

John Larger

Ray Laux

John Layne

Paul Leonard

Gary Leppla

Fredrick Limbert

Stephen Limbert

Thomas Lipp

Thomas Lyons

Robert Mannix

Richard Marah

Kenneth Marcellus

Edward Marrinan

One Hundr ed Sixty-Four

Mark Martin

Timothy Martin

Robert Mathes

Michael Matson

Robert McCarthy

Thomas McCarthy

Joseph McCracken

Craig McDermott

Stephen McGraw

John McWilliams

Michael Meixner

Joseph Mescher

Kevin Mulligan

Thomas Murphy

Donald Neff


Richard Meyer

Michael Meyring

Gary Miller

Ronald Millett

Kevin Monaghan

Stanley Muckenthaler

One Hundred Sixty-Five

Thomas Nevels

Michael Nickerson

John Norris

Thomas Quinn

Timothy Quinn

John Rankin

Edward Reed

Stephen Regulinski

Donald Reynolds

Raymond RitzIer

LaMont Rodgers

Rodney Rogge

Robert Romie

Philip Rose

Samuel Rosengarten

Stephen Ross

Thomas Rouse

Theodore Rumpf

Nicholas Ruppert

Edward Ruschau

Paul Sacksteder

Michael Saluke

Robert Sands

David Scherack

Mark Schipper

Joseph Schmitz

Peter Schmitz

Thomas O'Brien

Kevin O'Hearn

One Hundred Sixty-Six

Thomas Osterday

William Overman

Fredrick Pfeiffer

Michael Popowich

Brian Schnabel

Kenneth Schroeder

Michael Schultz

Herbert Schwendeman

Terrence Sharkey

William Shock

Patrick Siehl

Jaim e Simon

Philip Singleton

James Sinkwitz

Brian Smith

Jeff Matthew Smith

Jeff Michael Smith

Edward Sovonick

Mark Spidel

Matthew Staton

Philip Sreinbrugge

Eri c Stroud

One Hundred Sixty-Seven

Your friend died Swallow it But . . .don't dare cry Because you see You're a man And you're not . .. Supposed to cry Someday maybe We'll swallow our pride And just cry

TO CRY It is important to cry I'm a man And ... I'm not allowed to cry You'd laugh at me What do I do With this tightness inside You see I'm a man I can't cry

Firman Green Junior IN MEMORY of Joseph Brockman Born-May 4, 1952 Died- November 1, 1969

David Summers

William Thomas

David Trainor

Michael Trego

Alan Veg Bali

Edwin Walter

Raymond Wartinger

Martin Williams

Thomas Williams

Robert Williamson

Mark Woerner

Gary Wysong

Thomas Tiefert

George Tokodi

Robert Watson

Christopher Weaver

Mark Westendorf

Michael Whelan

Gary Zavakos

Joseph Zennie

John Zimmerman

Eugene Zwolski


One Hundred Sixty-Eight

SOPHO Steven Alex

David Alexander

John Allison

Thomas Allison

William Andrews

Antonio Anticoli

Herbert Aydelott

Lawrence Bach

Joseph Bachmann

David Baker

Richard Baker

Michael Bare

Edward Barlow

Michael Bauer

Thomas Baukus

Daniel Bayer

Roger Beaver

John Berczelly

Brian Bergeron

Bruce Bergrneier

Michael Berry

Robert Biersack

David Boeckerman

James Bohman

Daniel Borchers

Joseph Borgerding

Joseph Boston

saRO Glle Hundred Sixty-Nine


Donald Bowman

Mark Braunlin

Joseph Brock

Richard Brooks

Stephen Brugger

Neal Brun

James Buddendeck

Leo Budenz

Joseph Burneka

Thomas Buynak

Gary Chodkowski

Craig Clark

Michael Claude

Ronald Coblentz

Patrick Coffey

Francis Columbe

Frank Conley

Gordon Cox

Keith Davis

James Deis

Damian Desch

Karl Drerup

Richard Drummer

Austin Dunn

Gary Dunsky

Charles Eckstien

John Engle

One Hundred Seventy

John Golba

Joseph Goode

Joseph Gottschlich

Mark Gouldburn

Michael Green

Steven Grogean

Anthony Grusenmeyer

Richard Gudorf

Mark Gunther

ÂŤThis system allows each individual Michael Halpin

Timothy Hammer

Richard Harding

David Harenberg

Christopher Harman

Paul Harris

student to experience his learning without any form of pressure."

Michael Hartley

Robert Hartley

James Hatton

August Hehemann

Edward Hempelman

Thomas Hess

One Hundred Seventy-One

Rick Quinttus Soph01nore

Maxk Hickey

Paul Hickey

Walter Himes

James Hinkle

Thomas Hochadel

Donald Hoendorf

Melvin Holliday

David Holtvoight

Gregg Holtvoight

Christopher Horn

John Horvath

John Hoswell

Lawrence Hughes

Douglas Iannaxino

Robert Janowiecki

Michael Jehn

William Jergens

Joseph Johnston

Robert Kern

Barry Kessler

Gregory Keyes

John Kiley

Anthony Kleibecker

Michael Kneeland

Steven Kolvek

Gerard Kondrath

Luke Koors

John Hoswell

One Hundred Seventy-Two

Robert Kosater

Kevin Kozlowski

Gerald Kozuh

William Kramer

Kenneth Kreitzer

Michael Kreitzer

Paul Kroger

James Krygier

Daniel Kuntz

Daniel Lehmkuhle

John Leibold

Brad Leming

John Luken

Thomas Mahoney

Richard Mantia

Gerard Metzger

Michael Meyer

ÂŤInstead of saying (Learn this or I'll Daniel Landis

Marvin Larger

John Lee

fail you', the teacher should say, (Let me help you learn this'," Mike Markus Sophomore

Joseph Lipinski

Edward Long

Michael Long

John Marrinan

Terrence Maurer

Harry Mayo

Donald McCrabb

Frank McCrink

William McGill

Christopher Meehan

Gus Miklos

William Miller

Michael Mitchell

Gerard Moosbrugger

Richard Moser

Steven Murphy


One Hundred Seventy-Three


Ronald Myers

Dennis Nartker

Sean O'Brien

Martin O'Connell

Walter O'Reilly

William Platt

Thomas Polakowski

Mark Powers

Michael Quatman

Michael Quinttus

Richard Quinttus

Gary Rapp

Michael Reeb

Stanley Reese

Elbert Rench

Timothy Richey

Joseph Roalef

James Overman

David Pachin

Nicholas Parenti


One Hundred Seventy-Four

Kevin Patterson

Robert Pfeiffer

John Placke

Timothy Robers

Mark Roll

Mark Roosa

Daniel Anthony Douglas Schumacher Schwendeman Schwieterman

Robert Smith

Donald Spang

John Spinnato

Paul Rotunno

Robert Segi

Robert Spreng

Gene Ruppert

Joseph Sendelbach

Herbert Stachler

Gerard Sands

Philip Shay

Joseph Staley

One Hundred Seventy-Five

William Sayer

William Schmitz

John Schultz

John Sheehan

John Sherer

John Sherman

William Shine

Craig Shufeldt

Michael Sipes

Joseph Slonaker

Gerard Smith

Kevin Smith

John Stauber

Richard Stephen

Valentin Stieger

Robert Stoecklein

Thomas Stover

Richard Strader

Edward Sullivan

Carl Sutton

Terrence Sweeney

Conrad Swensen

Charles Szabo

Manuel Teijelo

William Thornton

Joseph Tobens

Frank Tokarsky

Robert Trautman

Dale Trick

Steven Trick

James Turner

Vernon Turner

Mark Vaitkus

One Hundred Sevent),-Six

TIME Life is so short Damn We need time Why be phony When we can be ourselves All the time You say We're thinking of giving up Paul Visinger

Lawrence Walker


Bruce Walling

Mark Watkins

Richard Wendling

Richard Weng

Christopher Westendorf

Steven Wolff

Anthony Woods

Thomas Wourms

David Zajovits

Anthony Zimmerman

Mark Zugelder

That's the easy way out We can do more good Alive Not dead James Webendorfer

Alan Wendling

David Wendling

What smooth spots I only notice the rough Please Never say I quit

Mark Whisman

Richard Wilson

Ronald Wimmers

What's wrong with peace Well Let's try and stop all this crzme If life's a game Who's to blame

Thomas Wysinski

Thomas Vahle

Christopher Zahn

Firman Green

One HUlldred Seventy-Seven

Robert Abele

Mark Ahlers

Christopher Aicher

Michael Behringer

Frederick Bergman

Robert Blalock

Wayne Bachand

Mark Balazs

John Bates

Ronald Bauer

Thomas Becker

Timothy Becker

Charles Bertke

Ray Bettinger

Richard Bir

Joseph Black

James Block

Theodore Borgert

William Brauckmann

Joseph Brnun

Glenn Breig

Timothy Brennan

Wayne Broadstone

William Brockman

Randy Brodnick

Robert Brown

James Bruggeman

Michael Brune

William Bucher

David Burg

Joseph Bussinger

James Carey

Richard Carlin

rn ~

~ ~

One Hundr ed Se venty-Eight

Steven Carson

Peter Carter

Martin Caskey

Fred Caspar

Lawrence Chmiel

Richard Christensen

Richard Ciambro

Richard Conrad

Robert Cooney

Michael Coogan

Mark Corcoran

Michael Daly

Anthony DeAloia

Thomas Demange

Stephen Demeter

Dale Didier

David Diemunsch

Mark Donatelli

James Dushenke

Jay Dussault

Daryl Edwards

Cary Eskew

Timothy Evans

Vincent Ferraro

Jeffry Fiely

Joseph Fisher

John Fitzgerald

One Hundred Seventy-Nine

"I feel the new system \

Patrick Fletcher

Lawrence Flohre

Michael Flohre

Timothy Flynn

Robert Forschner

is a challenge

Michael Foster

for all students to follow." Bill A1 esher Freshman Gary Gagnon

David Gaines

Jeffrey Garland

Marc Ghrist

Dennis Goodwin

Donald Green

Clarence Griffith

Richard Grooms

Anthony Guerra

David Guerrant

Bradley Halloran

Michael Harris

Timothy Hehernann

Mark Heitbrink

Michael Heizer

Philip Hemmer

John Henn

Ronald Higginbotham

William Hines

Steven Hobbs

Bruce Hodge

Donald Holtvoight

Paul Howard

Theodore Hudson

Attila Incze

Timothy Ivory

Franklin Jackson

ÂŤChaminade's concept of education to Christ allows the individual to express his responsibility freely to God, neighbor, and self." Bro. Jim



One Hundred Eighty

Joseph Jackson

David Jaques

Arnold Jean-Baptiste

Marvin Johnson

David Jones

Timothy Kambitsch

Paul Kaminski

Bryan Kaufman

Randall Kauth

Julius Kender

Thomas Kessler

Adrien Kettler


Thomas Kinzeler

Philip Kloos

Eric Klopf

Jerome Koenig

Mark Koesters

Stephen Kolakowski

John Kolb

Paul Kraft

Joseph Kramer

Michael Kraska

Mark Kraus

Gerald Kronenberger

Daniel Kulhanek

James Kuntz


One Hundred Eighty-One

ÂŤThe StudentTeacher Relationship his im proved

James Kuntz

Robert Lawton

Philip Lee

Michael Leigh

Craig Leming

Eugene Lengerich

John Leonard

William Leopold

Michael Lipp

Anthony Lucente

Michael Lucking

Frank Luhn

somewhat, but there is still much to be desired." Tony Guerra Freshman

Anthony Mader

Jeffrey Magoto

James Maher

Stephen Mahoney

Robert Makley

Brendan Maloney

James Marcellus

Timothy Markus

Lawrence Matson

Michael Maughan

Michael McCarthy

Dennis McCartney

Douglas McGarry

Thomas McLean

Jerome McMillan

Stephen McMillan

Gary McSherry

Harold Melia

George Mecuri

William Mesher

Joseph Meyers

Richard Mitchell

Joseph Moeller

Manuel Molina

James Molnar

Gary Monnin

Timothy Montavon

One Hundred Eighty-Two

Kirk Mudd

Mark Murphy

Joseph Myers

Jolm Nartker

Robert Nartker

Richard Neff

Dennis Newbauer

Patrick Newlin

Paul Newsad

Patrick Obome

Terrance O'Brien

Michael O'Harold

Charles Omlor

Joseph Parker

James Payne

Kevin Perkins

Michael Perkins

Michael Pernush

Philip Perretta

Thomas Piekutowski

James Polakowski

Michael Portner

Charles Pytel

Scott Powers

Alan Rambow

Louis Raterman

Harry Reboulet

Steven Reeves

Joseph Renacs

David Rose

Stephen Rosengarten

Timothy Ryan

Richard Roll

One Hundred Eighty-Three

James Sacksteder

Stephen Salamon

Karl Scheurmann

John Schewicki

Mark Schierloh

Kevin Schooley

Donald Schreier

Stephen Schriml

Patrick Schubert

Michael Schumacher

John Schwab

Anthony Sears

Mark Seitz

Kevin Self

Scott Settimo

Stephen Se~r

Charles Seyfferle

Patrick Shannon

James Sheehan

Robert Shine

Michael Siehl

David Siewe

Michael Simons

John Siwecki

Joseph Slemker

Gregory Smith

Richard Smith

Richard Smith

Timothy Smith

Jerry Snyder

Myron Snyder

Michael Spang

Matthew Sprowl

One Hundred Eighty-Four


Richard Stachler

Alan Swindon

Theodore Staton

Joseph Szabo

Michael Steigerwald

Jeffrey Szanto

Martin Steiger

Richard Stockelman

Albert Stoff

Stuart Stroud

John Strukamp

Leo Sullivan

Ralph Tangeman

Steven Tatone

Harry Taylor

Douglas Tichy

Jonathan Tinsley

John Truxel

Richard Turner

Steven Vaitkus

Paul Van Degrift

Cornelius Van Der Sluijs

Rod Vangas

Robert Voss

Robert Walker

Robert Ward

Harry Ways

One Hundred Eighty-Five

LOST I'm lost in a crowd I feel so all alone James Wead

Patrick Weidner

Paul Weisman

Can you see me I'm lost

Jeffrey Welsh

Anthony Wenclewicz

Clark Whitman

Thomas Williamson

Joseph Wilson

Michael Witmer

William York

Michael Young

Curtis Zahn

Robert Zitt

Peter Zwiesler

Thomas Zwiesler

Help me I can't understand Take my hand Let's get away Robert Wieland

Philemon Williams

Marcus Williamson

And Maybe You can explain Why I Feel this way

Thomas Woerner

Robert Woeste

Robert Yancey

Am I the only one or are there some I hope so I don't like being Just the one When there should be

James Zaidain

Albert Zennie

David Zimmer


Firman Green

One Hundred Eighty-Six

One HUTldred Eighty-Eight

A FORECAST from: Gerald O'Neil, Edward Regan,Wayne Klenotic, John Hagedorn, James Russell, David Lesko, ,Timothy Riordan, Gerald O'Neil, Edward Regan,Wayne Klenotic, John Hagedorn, James Russell • • • The Administrative Team is charged with the operation and direction of Chaminade High School. On their shoulders fall the responsibility of the smooth functioning of the school. In addition they bear the weight of determining where the school is headed. In this regard we asked them to share with us their views as to what kind of school Chaminade will be in 1975. Some of their responses are printed below. Bro. Gerald

0' N e i I, S. M. Chairman of the Adm i n i strative Team,' Student - Faculty Welfare Committee,' Pub l i c Relations,' Advisory Board,' Creat i v e Writing,' Drama,' Parent Evaluation Committee: It is rather difficult to project what Cham-

inade will be like in 1975 but with the present trend I would say that the following would be the main characteristics by that year: 1.) There will be no structured classes by '75. The material will be covered by a one on one contact of teacher and student in learning centers. 2.) The usual course program will be supplemented by use of outside materials and personnel. Most students will be involved in community experiences directly related to their course of studies at Chaminade. Several hours each week will be spent in such experiences. 3.) By 1975 parents will be providing a large percentage of the "community experiences" for the students by their own contacts. 4.) By 1975 there will be a large and extensive adull education program not in the accepted meaning of the word, but it will be directed to parents of Chaminade students and will answer the question of how parent in a modern educational program helps supplement what the One Hundred Eighty-Nine

son is getting on usual school time. 5.) Teachers will be less and less teachers and more and more guides for the student in the various course areas. 6.) Continual progress in all courses will mean that students will be spending varied lengths of time in high school. Graduation as we know it now will be a thing of the past. Divisions will not exist. 7.) The school will be divided into houses of two hundred students and eight faculty members. The house will develop its own curriculum and will develop its own government. The central administration of the school will be reduced by two or three people. 8.) There will be greater cooperation with the universities and colleges in the cityfaculty exchanges, and resource materials used. 9.) There will be a greater stress on the participation of all students in an intramural program and less stress on interscholastic athletics. All in all it will be a quite different Chaminade.

Mr. Edward Regan, Administrative Director; Political Science. "Any place can be a classroom . . . " I envision a Chaminade 1975 as a school that contributes to the greater Dayton Community and in turn be in a position to offer students an opportunity to participate in the real on-going life of the larger Community. Faculty awareness and stud~nt response will be of major importance to the changing Charninade.

Bro. Wayne Klenotic, S.M., Project Director; Dynamics of Communication,' Academic Senate; In-Service Training: By 1975 Chaminade High School will prove that learning is not solely confined to books. Instead of sitting behind desks, Chaminade students will have a chance to confront the world so that they learn to be responsible to each other and themselves. In this age of rapid change, students will have a chance to get along with the unfamiliar. By 1975 the most repeated criticism of Chaminade will be that there is not enough time for books, especially ones about what the students will be seeing and hearing. By 1975 a seven hour school day, a five day school week, a nine month school year will be old fashioned. Likewise,. a school building with classrooms, desks, blackboards, etc., will be new as reading by candlelight. Finally, the idea that learning is limited by what is in textbooks and what is in the circumference of a teacher's head will be dead. By 1975 education at Chaminade will have found "the secret to life" and will "take some time for living."

Mr. John Hagedorn, Dean of Studies; Admissions Committee; Spanish 1,' Academic Senate;

Rev. James Russell, S.M., Chaplain,' Christian Marriage; Admin i s t r at i veT e am,' Chaplains' Committee: What Chaminade will be like in 1975 will depend greatly upon the faithfulness of the students and faculty to the vision of what a "school" should be. Eventually, and hopefully, Charninade would become a center which would coordinate and direct the efforts of all in fulfilling the total community's responsibility for ensuring the process of true education. On a more practical level, within five years Chaminade will probably make greater progress towards individualization of its program, and at the same time, discover how to emphasize also the socialization process, or growth as a community, and all of this with a strong Christian perspective. Undoubtedly Charninade will have attracted students and teachers who appreciate the values as a Christian educattional community. It will also have won the recognition of parents, educators, and other members of the community able to contribute to its further growth. Within the school I would foresee the formation of smaller communities which would facilitate greater interaction, and foster an attitude of mutual respect and assistance in personal growth. Whether these things will corne about, I don't know, but they are a random sampling of my hopes for Chaminade in the future. One Hundred Ninety

Mrs. Margaret Goode, A1 ain Office Secretary.

Bro. Thomas Jesulaitus, S. M., Business M anager Budget Committee Fund Raising Committee.

David Lesko, Student Council President,' Admin i s t r at i veT e a m: I think Charninade, five years from now will be quite different than it presently is. I would look forward to a greater emphasis on courses like Humanities, even to the extent of a general education for everyone which would take the place of English, Social Studies, Religion, Fine Arts, and cross into the more technical areas of science and mathematics. I would anticipate a breakdown into smaller houses of possibly one hundred students and six faculty members. The purpose of the houses would be to personalize what happens at school. Their function would be to design the curriculum of the general education courses and to govern the members. I would hope that such smaller groups would begin to do some significant learning, and even become action groups. Along with the houses would come increased student participation in the running of the school. Given the responsibili-

ty of designing their general education course, this increased participation in administration would follow naturally. I foresee an all day school day, involving to a very great extent, parents and community members. Classes might even be held in homes, on streets, in business offices, or in the factories. Along with this, I think in five years, our building will be almost reshaped. The biggest, and most important change would be, I hope, the increased significance of the activity and busy work done in the name of education. I anticipate greatly the production of some desperately needed revolutionary leaders.

The students will experience some of this excitement (a long with the less exciting aspects of the city) in his educa tional process. These experiences will reduce cur-

rent levels of aliena tion caused by the isolation among students, and will revive some of the best aspects of our ancestor's education for us. The young people in 1975 as in the past will be in on what is happening in the community. Direct involvement by many people will .accomplish the change at Chaminade. Night school courses for adults and youth along with classes or experiences offered to the youth by members of the community in their field of competency are two aspects of the curriculum which will help accomplish this conservative renova tion of Chaminade's educational system.

Mrs. He len Brennan, Business Office Secretary.

Mr. Timothy Riordan, Community Resource Director,' Latin America; Africa and the Middle East; J. C. 0.W.A: Two major changes will characterize the Chaminade of 1975. Curriculum will aim to initiate the student into the life of the community rather than merely prepare him for college as it does now. Secondly, and more as a result of the first point, the learning process will directly involve' parents and a diversity of people from the city along with the student. The change in the purpose of curriculum will occur as people begin to understand that schools isolate the students from many of the exciting things happening in the community such as innovations in both business and government.

Miss Agnes Mahle, Main Office Secretary:

One Hundred Ninety-One

One Hundred Ninety-Two

Get Involved! From: Gerard Faust, Frank Bonza, Paul Hammel, James Davis, James W 01£, George Abmayr, James Sullivan, James Turvene, 'Richard Wessells, Eugene Ei££ert, Patrick Connor, Thomas Skowron, James Monroe • • • A good number of the faculty meet students in a non-classroom situation each day either in extracurricular activities or through student services. We asked this group of faculty members, who like others work with students in extracurriculars, a question. How do extracurricular activities affect (and develop) the individual? How are these activities related to the goals of the school? Some of their responses are printed below.

Mr. G era r d Faust, M echanical Drawing 1 and 2; A c ademic Senate: When you want something done, go to a busy man. Life is full of extracurricular activities, some fun, some work, but he who is busy

keeps out of trouble, he has no time for it. Some develop the body, some the mind. Each has its place, but none should not take the place of that which we must do, for the successful completion of life.

Mr. Frank Bonz a, S pee c h; Driver Education)· Physical E d u cat ion)' Health Chairman)· Freshman Counsellor: The individual student is a mind/ bod y 0 r g a nism made to the image and likeness of God. He is made up of many traits and characteristics which make him the individual that he is. These traits and characteristics are made up of: PHYSICAL ... SOCIAL ... EMOTIONAL ... SPIRITOne Hundred Ninety-Three

U AL ... MENTAL ... elements which the individual possesses. There is really no one thing or event which adds to the development of the individual in all elements named above like extracurricular activities . . . extracurricular activities in general ... sports in particular. Sports develop not only the body but also the mind. If an individual is to contribute to his society today and give to that society more than he extracts from it, he must develop to a high degree the basic factors used in this contribution. Some of these factors might well include an alert, well trained mind; a highly developed manipulative or manangerial skill; dedication; earnestness of purpose; high moral and ethical codes; a great idea; and a willingness to work. It is only reasonable to assume that the bringing to bear of these so called ingredients in a complex society requires unmeasurable physical endurance and fitness. For this reason proper care and development of the vehicle that houses all

the factors that allow an individuaJ to make a full contribution to life and society is all important. The full potential of mental ability can only be brought to bear to the extent that the physical ability allows. Extracurricular activities do affect the development of the individual.

Mr. Paul Hammel, Audio-Visual Resource Director:

Mr. James Davis, Business Law; Typing; Dramatics; Auto Club; Academic Senate:

Mr. James Wolf, Beginner, Intermediate, Concert, Symphonic, and Marching Band; Budget Committee; A cad e m i c Senate; StudentFaculty Welfare Committee: Extracurricular Activities play in a student's development as a whole person. The time, energy, and involvement in a school activity 'c an provide for the real social and emotional development of an individual, provided that activity involves a team effort, such as athletics, speech club, student council, band and glee club. To be most effective, these activities must offer the student an emotional release from everyday teen-age frustrations.

The human need of feeling responsibility and dedication toward something of value is important to young people. They must feel that they are contributing something of value to the group, and the group must in turn provide the incentive. I believe that a school's responsibility does not stop at the end of a day when the classroom doors are closed. Rather, students must learn to care about each other, assisting each other and learning to work together as a group. These things are vitally important in today's society, and Chaminade, with her many extracurricular activities, is providing the opportunities.

bilities, attitudes, leadership, association with others, sacrifice, pride, and excellence if at all possible. If the athlete understands these above things it will help in academics as well as in later life. He also has to know that this will not come easy and that many hours of preparation is necessary to develop these traits.

Mr. Richard Wessels, Health; Basketball Coach; Head Baseball Coach; Athletic Council:

Rev. George Abmayr, S.M., Librarian; Academic Senate: Mr. Eugene Eiffert, Glee Club:

Mr. James Sullivan, Economics; Typing; Football Coach; Track Coach:

Mr. James Turvene, P h y sic a 1 Education; Athletic D ire c tor; Head Basketball Coach: Extracurricular aotivities should be geared around helping the individual. In the participation of athletics the individual learns many things. How to develop himself in the areas of discipline, responsi-

Mr. P a tr i c k Connor, Physical Education; Head Football Coach; Physical Fitness Program: Many of our goaJs in life will depend on our success or failure as young men. In Rossitti's quote "What we are is God's gift to us - What we become is our gift to God," there appears to be a challenge facing our young men in their learning process. Football is the kind of game that will bring out the worst and best in you. This is the reason it is such a great game, and one reason too why you should deem it a privilege to be able to participate in it.

One Hundred Ninety-Four


Mr. Thomas Skowron, Western Europe,' India ,' Southeast Asia; Basketball Coach; Football: Having just completed my fifth year of teaching and coaching, I feel I can say a little about extracurricular activity with some authority. Let me start by saying that it is the greatest a student can do for himself. It makes him so much more. well-rounded. It's also a healthy habit. Two years ago we did a study at another high school here in town. We wanted to find out if athletes grades were affected during the playing season. To our amazement we found that 99% of those participating in sports, had better grades during the season. The same drive given to a man by a coach, overlaps into his studies to push him into excelling in those also.

If you will play it with devotion it will be a great aid to you in developing into a man, a man who knows that societies are based upon duty - not pleasure, a man who is not looking for a magic formula - but a man who realizes his responsibilities in keeping his world of freedom alive. If we strive to obtain these objectives we can truly say that I am a man - a man of Chaminade.

Bro. Paul JabIinski, S.M., Art:

Bro. James Monroe, S.M., Typing; Guidance Co u n sell 0 r,' Football Coach,' Baseball Coach; Athletic M oderator,路 Guidance Committee: Extracurricular activities aid in the development of the individual by allowing him to experience the working together of several individuals to accomplish a common goal. Any team or club is organized of individuals with common interests, at least those interests which bring them together as a tea~ or club. They must establish goals and take all the means to reach those goals ... This includes working together, accepting and supporting individual weaknesses, and constantly striving for the perfection of the group and in doing so achieve the perfection of the individual. One Hundred Ninety-Piue

One Hundred Ninety-Six

We Have A Quote! From: Michael McFadden, Russell O'Neill, Edward Longbottom, John Feldmeier, Dale De Brosse, Joseph Davis, Anthony Casey, Robert Stricker, John Routledge,

Robert Bouffier Formerly as students and now as instructors, teachers in the Language Arts have dealt with great creative works in both English and foreign languages. We asked this ?;roup to furnish a quotation from a writer, artist, or movie director who spoke most clearly to them in their days of study and teaching. Some of their responses are printed below.

Mr. Michael McFadden, Short Novels; Formal Writing; Introductory Literature,' Satire; Red. Cross: One quote that says something to me is a line from an Oscar Wilde work, "Experience is the name everyone gives his mistakes." I find it to have a particular relevance to appreciating the value of reading. If a person reads enough, and heeds the advice of those he

• • •

does read, he will be able to profit from other people's knowledge and experience, to avoid learning by hard experience. Instead, he will know, beforehand, what to do. Because, however, so many things are learned the hard way, personal experience has been more valued as a teacher than reading has. As Wilde indicates, man, with his great capacity for rationalization, glorifies what was originally embarrassing. Because he has learned from his mistakes he almost congratulates himself for committing them in the first place. How can making mistakes be better than knowing enough to avoid them? If it is true that there are certain things that a person must learn the hard way, it is not because the proper advice cannot be found in some book but because he is not willing or ready to accept it. Fiction writers, for instance, often teach the value of harmony among people by knowing their characters show the mutual destructiveness of disharmony. If we cannot learn from other people's experience but only from our own, it should be considered a fault, not described as a virtue. One Hundred Ninety-Seven

Bro. R u sse I

O'N eill, S. M., Multi - Media; ] 0 urn ali stic Writing; Poetry; Reading and Study Skills; Tri-Angle M oderator ; National Honor Society; Evaluation Committee; Freshman and Sophomore Academic Dean: "The world is a beautiful place to be born into if you don't mind some people dying all the time or maybe only starving some of the time which isn't half so bad if it isn't you." -(Lawrence Ferlinghetti) This small section of a satirical poem by Ferlinghetti pinpoints, I believe, the awareness that I as a teacher am trying to instill in students. The selection speaks pretty much for itself. It is so easy for most of us to be content in our own

little world and be unaware and unconcerned about the rest of mankind all around us. I see this as being inhuman and unChristian. I also see the statement in the poem as meaning more than just physical starvation or death. Many people are intellectually hungry or dead, and then they lose an important part of their humanity. Education I believe, has to strive at truly nourishing a person intellectually. I think that Charninade is trying to do this. We are not just putting people through the motions, herding them along with the crowd. Rather, we are trying to cater to their individual needs and help them to grow as an individual, knowledgeable and concerned about others and ready to take an active and productive role in our changing society. As a teacher, then, I have to always try to be sure that around me there are no people "dying all the time" or "starving all the time". It's a challenge, but it's also an opportunity. Bro. Edward Lon g b 0 ttom, S.M., French, J, 2, 3; Music Department Moderator: Je comprends, enfin, pourquoi l'amour de Dieu a etabli les hommes responsables les unes des autres et leur a impose l'Esperance comme une virtu. Puisque, de chacun d'eux, elle faisait I' Ambassadeur du meme Dieu, dans les mains de chacun reposait Ie salut de tous. Nul n'avait Ie droit de desesperer, puisque messager de plus grand que soi . Le desespoir etait reniement de Dieu en soi-meme. Le devoir d'Esperance eut pu se traduire par: "Tu te crois done si important? Quelle fatuite dans ton desespoir." Antoine de Saint-Exupery The isolated man finds his life leading to despair, egotism, hate. Today's man must see himself as the activist united with men with goals, responsibility, optimism; disregarding pettiness, working together and finding in their goals, their equality with God.

Bro. John Feldmeier, S. M., German J, 2, 3, 4; Academic Senate:

Mr. Dale De Brosse, Latin 1, 2,3,4: Introductory Literature; Greek 1: Philos路 o p h y 0 f L i f e. The Golden Mean -Horace, Ode s 11. 10, (Horace gives adv ice to his friend Licinius on the conduct of life: Follow a middle course, never go to extremes!) Rectius vives, Licini, neque altum semper, urgendo, neque, dum procellas cautus horrt'scis, nimium premendo litus iniquum. Auream quisquis mediocritatem diligit, tutus carctobsoleti sordibus tecti, caret invidenda sobrius aula.

Saepius "entis ag-itatur ingens pinus. et ce 1sae graviore casu decidunt turres, feriuntque summos fulgura mon tis.

Seperat infestis, metuit secundis alteram sortem bene praeparatum pectus. Informis hiemes reducit Iuppitcr; diem

submovet. Non, si male nunc, et olim sic erit: quondam cithara tacentem suscitat Musam neque semper arcum tendit Appollo. One Hundred Ninety-Eight

Rebus angus tis animosus atque fortis appare; sapienter idem contrahes, vento nimium secundo, turgida vela. Licinius, to live wisely shun The deep sea; on the other hand Straining to dodge the storm don't run Too close in the jagged land. All who love safety make their pnze The golden mean and hate extremes: Mansions are envied for their size, Slums pitied for their rotting beams. "The loftiest pines, when the wind blows, Are shaken hardest; tall towers drop With the worst crash; the lightning goes Straight to the highest mountain-top. Hopeful in trial, shy in success, The seasoned heart knows luck will swing: Jove brings foul weather, nonetheless He soon supplants it with sweet spring. If things go ill now, before long They'll mend again. On certain days The bow lies slack,. the sleeping song Wakes in the lyre, Appollo plays. When hardships come, show a brave mind And a bold face; but when the gale Follows to fawningly behind, Be prudent, reef the bulging sail." It is my firm belief that this quote should be borne in mind by all of us during this era of change, turbulence, and revolution.

Bro. Joseph Davis, S.M., World Literature; Black Literature. Mr. Anthony Casey, Spanish 1.

2, 3, 4.

Bro. Rob er t Sticker, S. M., Motion Picture Evaluation; Fr ee dom and Authority; Ticket Manager; Assistant Athletic Director; Administrative Directors Committee: A quote from the end of BY2, an Italian film by Federico Fellini: "Everything has meaning, everything is real. I am as I am, not as I want to be. Life is • a holiday . . . except me as I am if you can, it's the only way we can find ourselves".

ting up the usual dependency on an afterlife with its rewards and punishments. This would have been too much of a "cop-out". Man's real victory is won when he realizes that, in the final valuation, he can emerge triumphant only by remaining true to his ideals in the place that really matters - in the impenetrable recesses of his soul. When man finally sees that, by maintaining his integrity to his beliefs, he can, in a sense, live on, then physical destruction becomes truly irrelevant. I believe this is how Hemingway visualized the true battleground - one man versus his beliefs, absolutely alone and unaided with no gods, no religious, no one else to fall back on. In the final analysis, I agree with his vision.

Mr. John Routledge, 20th Cent u r y Nov e l s,' Reading Skills; Introductory L iter atur e; Pho to Club; Stud ent Council,' Academic S enat e : For someone like myself, who has spent a reasonable amount of time reading and studying literature, it becomes a difficult task to try to reduce all the stimulating ideas I have encountered to a single quotation. It might be simila r to trying to reduce the entire history of m an to a twenty-five word or less summary. But I suppose if I were forced to pick one quotation that has had some influence on me, I would probably choose a writer who has been a personal favorite of mine for quite some time. In Ernest Hemingway's The Old Man and The Sea, he has his main character, Santiago, make the following sta tement: "But man is not made for defeat ... A man can be destroyed but ~ot defea ted". What struck me about this quote was the tremendous faith in man that it represented. I am not referring to faith in the usual religious sense at all. What I think Hemingway was getting at was that ma n can truly triumph over physical defeateven the ultimate physical defeat--dea th. But this triumph is not achieved by set-

Bro. Ro bert Bouffier, S. M., French 1,4; Le Petit Prince Chapitre XXI Antoine de S a i n t e - E xupery Viens jouer avec moi, lui proposa Ie petit prince. .Te suis tellement triste . . . Je ne puis pas jouer avec toi, dit Ie renard. Je ne suis pas approvoise. Qu'est-ce que signifie, "apprivoiser"? C'est une chose tropoubliee, dit Ie renard. Ca signifie "creer des liens ... " Ainsi Ie petit prince apprivoisa Ie renard. Et quand l'heure du depart fut proche: Ah! dit Ie renard ... Je pleurerai. C'est ta faute, dit Ie petit prince, je ne te souhaitais point de mal, mais tu a voulu que je t'apprivoise . . . Bien sur, di t Ie renard . . . (je te ferai cadeau d'un secret. II est tres simple: on ne voit hien qu'avec Ie coeur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux, repeta Ie petit prince, afin de se souvenir. C'est Ie temps que tu as perdu pour ta rose qui fait ta rose si importante. C'est Ie temps que j'ai perdu pour rna ros~ ... fit Ie petit prince afin de se souvenIr. Les hommes ont oublie cette verite, dit One Hundred Ninety-Nine

Ie renard. Mais tu ne dois pas I'oublier. Tu deviens l'esponsable pour toujours de ce que tu as apprivoise. Tu es responsable de ta rose . . . Je suis responsable de rna rose ... repeta Ie petit prince afin de se souvenir). The Little Prince - Chapter 21, -Antoine Saint-Exupery: "Come play with me," the little prince asked. "I am terribly sad." "I can't play with you," said the fox. "I'm not tamed." "What does that mean, not tamed?" "It is something too often forgotten," said the fox. "It means to establish ties." Then the little prince tamed the fox. And when the time came for the little prince to leave: "Ah!" said the fox, "I will "That's your fault," said the little prince, "I wish you no pain, but you wanted me to tame you .. ." "Certainly," replied the fox. .. "I will give you a secret gift. It is very simple: one can only see clearly \\'ith the heart. The essential is invisible to the eyes." "The essential is invisible to the eyes," the little prince repeated in order not to forget .. "It is the time that you have wasted with your little rose that makes your rose so important." "It is the time that I have wasted with for my rose ... " said the little prince, in order not to forget. "Men have forgotten the truth," said the fox. 'But you must not forget it. You become responsible forever for that which you have tamed. You are responsible for your rose." "I am responsible for my rose ... " repeated the little prince, in order not to forget.


Au Revoir! Auf W eidersehen! Bonus Dies! Adios! • • •

Two Hundred

A Bit Of Technology From: Gerald Bettice, Robert Katcavage, Joseph Fox, Daniel Kosak, Lester Steinlage, James Hoenigman, Robert Finnegan, . William Habjan, Timothy Hoerst, Raymond Cole, Robert Wiethorn, Neil Malatesta, Donald Cichon, • • • Daily we are reminded of the fantastic jumps of science into the unknown and the resultant tempo of change in modern life. In trying to keep up with that tempo and hoping to see where change is bringing us, we asked the science and math faculty to give their views. The question was asked of them: What will the technological revolution do to today's students and their later lives? Some of their responses are printed below.

Bro. Gerald Bettice, S.M., Math I; Physics,' Christian Conversion,' Administrative Directors Committee: The development of technology, it is projected, will change the lives of everyone. I t will require of every person that he remain a perpetual student of his world. We shall be req uired to fulfill

roles about which we know nothing at present, and we shall have to solve problems which have not developed yet. Our greatest task will be to grow humanly and utilize our technological potential for the growth of the whole race toward unity. Mr. Robert Katcavage, Biollogy; Wrestling Co a c h; Golf Coach; Administrative Committee: Upon thinking of the question I hav e come up with three ideas: I believe that the technological revolution will: 1 ) . L ead to a better understanding among the world powers. 2). Demand that a deeper sense of responsibility be developed to cope with the technological changes taking place. 3). T ake away job opportunities for some, and create jobs for others. T wo Hundr ed One

BTo. Joseph Fox,

S.M., Physical Earth Science; Earth Science: The technological revolution will give today's students in years to come more leisure time It will give some people more responsibilities in their lives in as much as they will have to develop means of using this free time. The technological revolution will make man more dependent on his mental capacity and not as much physical in the preceding decades. Man's knowledge is doubling at a fantastic rate. Within the next ten years man will know ten times as much as he does now, but by the time he has reached this endpoint half that knowledge will be out of da te. The students of today must be ready to change at a rate that will really try their mental abilities.

Mr. Daniel Kosak, Physical E art h Science; Track Coach; Varsity Football Coach.

Mr. Lester Steinlage, College Algebra I ; Math 1: The advancements in technology will create new jobs and accelera te the rate at which these jobs can be comp leted. The students of today must be prepared to cope with these advancements and to continue learning in order to further advance technological achievements. We here at Chaminade High School are trying to lay the foundations on which the student can continue to "build himself" and "improve himself" as more technological advancements are made.

Bro. James Hoenigman, S.M., Physics; Academic Senate,' Plant Development; Science Department Chairman: Technology is the blessing and the curse of the future. Though it is as old as man himself it is a new force which is changing mankind. Technology is the organization of activity and knowledge for the purpose of creation. The blessings of technology are the advances man has made through organization. If the advances become more important than the people or the total ecology of the earth then we reap the curse of this blessed thing. Tech-

nology must advance man socially, aesthetically, and spiritually to be a blessing. The direction our young people choose will burn into the pages of history whether man has learned to control and direct his destiny intelligently or whether he really seeks to create Huxley's "Brave New World". In the final analysis the technological revolution will affect the "Now Generation" according to the values and goals which the members of this generation hold sacred.

Bro. Robert Finnegan, S.M., Algebra 11; Math I; College Algebra; Trigonometry ; Math S eminaT; Stage Crew; Academic Senate: The technological revolution has made life a little more complicated and swift. Revolutions are upheavals and here we have an upheaval that influences the education, cultural and recreational aspects of everyone. The students will be spending time in learning how to cope with and control their lives, not from the natural elements of past centuries, but from the mechanical marvels of the present and not-yet discovered giants of the machine. The challenge will be one of conquering the forces cera ted by man instead of those created by God.

Bro. Thomas Kurilec, S. M., Physical Science; Service C l u b; Evaluation Committee. Bro. Edward Zahn, S.M., College Algebra; Calculus AB and BC; Analytic Geometry. Bro. Joseph Spehar, S. M., Algebra I; Math I. Mr. Edward Loges, Algebra 11 and Trigonometry; Geometry; Math 11. Two Hundred Two

Bro. William Habjan, S. M., Biology; Life Science; Rifle Club; Photo Club; Administrative Director's Committee:

The history of man is one filled with man's strug_ gle for existence in a hostile environment at a logarithmic rate. The technological revolution has shifted man from a position of being at odds for survival, to a point where the concern of the future is how man can meaningfully use his abundance of acquired leisure time. Technology made possible the growth of large cities, but at a rate greater than man, socially and psychologically was able to adapt. Now, instead of man being drawn closer to man in his common struggle for survival, man is at odds with man for existence in the world he built. As intelligent beings, we must never be controlled by the machines we create. Man is a social, feeling being, and the greatest task of each individual is to retain his individuality in the midst of computer cards, and socially to acknowledge the need in every person he contacts. Bro. Ti mothy Hoerst, S.M., Biolog)'; Life Science: A great m is con c e ption concerning science and technology is that technology depersonalizes society, or more personally, the people who are society. But it must be remembered that the technological era was brought out of the need for humanity. The students of today, along with all other people have the duty and responsibility to make sure that the non-technologists correctly applies the knowledge the technologists have come to. We all must make sure that those rewards, be they monetary or political, use technology for the purpose for which it was initiated - the betterment of humanity!

Mr. Raymond Cole, Liberal Arts, Academic, Honors, Chemistry; Chess Club: Never has mankind enjoyed such comfort and luxury as today. As a consequence of the technological revolution man now has unequaled power over the paces of nature, such as disease, electricity, atomic energy, etc. But things are not as "rosy" as they seem. With this new position in the world • is included many new problems and threats to man. This rapid technological chan?;e has seemingly reduced the world in size, has caused long established religious and social traditions and customs to be broken, and has most importantly, forced man to increasingly examine his position in the universe. You, the Chaminade students of today are on the threshold of embarking on a new era, an era of not so much just a strivin?; to survive, but a much more leisurely, reflective era in which you will be asking questions such as: Who am I?, Where am I goin?;? Why? You belong to the new breed of men and you contain a new breed of problems. Hopefully, you will place man and world in proper perspective, the perspective of human science.

Bro. Robert Wiethorn, S. M., Chemistry; Student Council Moderator; Admmlstrative Directors Committee: There are many directions from which you cOl!ld approach this question. I'm goin?; to move in from the scientific point of view first. It would seem obvious that the lives of the present students will be filled, more and more, with all sorts of mechanical devices for making everyday activities less time consumin?; and easier. Communications will continue to improve and as a result the world will continue to get smaller. The

same is true for transportation. Most of these things are taken for granted from a scientific point of view. They are as good as facts. The next approach that comes to my mind is man himself and what becomes of him. With all these time and work savers man will be working shorter hours and have a great deal more leisure time to himselL What he does with this time, I believe, is the critical question. If the time is not used in a mature, cultured, and reflectiye manner, the effects of technology will soon overpower man and control him. If that tool gets out of hand and is no lon?;er guided by a man who can make decisions based on values, then the tool becomes a weapon - a weapon that can destroy humanity. All of these things are going to seriously affect the lives of those who are students now. The responsibility with which they face these questions will determine the future of the mass we call humanity. vVe have been too busy just surviving. In summary, the technological revolution wiII affect today's students in whatever way they allow it to affect them. If they abdicate their role as men to control their tool it will ruin us. If they respond to technology with a system of value judgments and controls based on the needs of humanity we will be a free people with the time to develop ourselves as persons and to work at building the WORLD COMMUNITY of common concerns, values, and outlooks.

Mr. Neal Malatesta, Algebra 2 and Trigonometry; Geometry; Mat!! 2; Algebra 2: The impact of the technological revolution on the lives of today's students will be tremendous. It will, of course, force specialization to a very hii!:h degree. However, this is not my main concern. The problem lies not in the highly advanced technolog¡y of today. No. it lies in the lack of a highly developed philosophy, a highTwo Hundred Three

ly developed humanities. We have the technolo?;Y - the physical ability - to accomplish much, but can we handle it? We have the atomic capability to destroy all life; will we do it? Our power has gone far beyond our capability to handle it. The impact of this awesome power can go two ways: a further development of technology to the exclusion of the human "sciences" of theology, philosophy, and humanities, or the introduction of care, compassion, kindness, and love into technolo?;y. Needless to say I would much prefer the latter. However, love is a harder lesson to learn, and power gets one what he wants. The choice is between life and death. Will the impact of technology enable us to destroy life or enable us to live better with one another? The choice is now. Not to choose is to choose death. Where will the youth take this world?

Mr. Donald Cichon, Algebra II and Trigonometry; Geometry; Math II; Academic Senate; Student - Faculty Welfare: The t e c h n 0 log ical revol u tion and its implications can be viewed in many ways. One of these views, which has definite importance for today's students, is that the world is now at a crisis point as a result of technological developments. People's involvement with "humanitarian" issues can no longer be divorced from their involvement with "scientific" issues; every citizen must learn to work with both. The issues which most make this crisis appear to be at the "breaking point" are found explicitly in the newspapers each day: pollution, population, transportation, medical research. Some scientists say that in twenty years we will have to live in tunnels, because it will be impossible to breathe our air. To solve the problems, the scientists, politicians and moralists must now communicate with a deeper understandin?; of each other, or we must ?;ive up our lives. This is the world that today's Chaminade grads will have a voice in.

Two Hundred Four

A Piece Of Advice From: August Kemme, William Grundish, Robert Hoy, Earl Richards, James Martin, David Quigley, James Brown, Leonard Roberts, Charles Dirckx, George Early, Daniel Thomas, Robert Lamb, Donald Didonato, Ronald Quinto, Joseph Mercuri . • • As members of the Social Studies, Religion and Humanities programs, these teachers are directly concerned with the condition of modern society. Their business is to interpret, at least in part, what is occurring in the world. In addition, as educators they have a special concern for young people. With these ideas in mind, we asked them this question: What advice would you give a young man about growing up in a changing world? How could he best adapt to it? Some of their responses are printed below.

B to. August Kemme, S.M., Guidance Director; Senior Counsellor; Evaluation Committee.

Mr. Joseph Mercuri, U. S. History; Orient; Black History; Academic Senate: The best way to adapt to change is to become a "someone who" instead of a "something that". Instead of attempting to become a doctor, lawyer, teacher or draftsman one should strive to become a person who teaches or a person who builds. The person who lets himself become a "something that" will never accept change because his whole life is tied up in that one thing. The person who is a "someone who" will be able to adapt to change because his whole life is not entirely devoted to that thing. Almost every senior has his life somewhat planned. Plans can be overturned in a moment. Therefore, one should realize this and develop himself in as many different areas as possible. The only realistic plan is to become a "someone who". Two Hundred Five

Bro. William Gnmdish, S.M., Africa and Middle East; Reading and Study Skills; Cross Country Coach; Track Coach; Junior Counselor; G ·~·:l ance Committee; Admissions Committee: Essentially, it is necessary to know thyself. While you grow and mature, the world is changing with new means of travel, new forms of medicines, new of almost everything. The structure that you grow up with will bend or apparently break, but there is still you. You must take a positive attitude toward yourself that you can do things, and an optimism toward the world, that things will improve. Never let the idea you are beaten by something too large to handle, find encouragement in your work. Do not become a slave to the T.V. or the automobile, find creative diversions. Growth is more than just an increase in height and weight. It is also a develop-

ment of thought and personality. There is an old saying, "One never stops learning and everyone can teach you something. ] ust look and listen! In growing, appreciate silence and take some time to think for yourself. Get away from the "hub bub" of the world and listen to your thoughts. As you grow, you will find that your ideals and attitudes are changing. But make them your ideas and attitudes. The generation business is a little worn out and a little overstressed. It is true that the world of tomorrow is the world you make it. Approach it with the idea that it will be there, no matter how big a' part. Finally, make friends and work for peace. You will be better educated, better prepared, and better everything. You will have a better opportunity to help your fellow man. It might mean that you live a little less luxuriously than your predecessors. Maybe you will have to give up things taken for granted, but the essential ."ill be there; Life and the ability to live it fully. Mr. Robert Hoy, I n t e r p e rsonal Communications; Contemporary Moral Issues,' Religion Seminar; R eligious Experiences; Religion Department Chairman; CoEducators; Academic Senate.

Mr. Earl Richards, Humanities; Mark Twain; Short Novels,: Fencing; Evaluation Committee; Academic Senate: One must realize that solutions to problems 0 f great magnitude are never simple and never quick. If a person has the will and the

determination to solve problems the solutions will be forthcoming. The greatest danger to all serious minded people when they face difficulties is to surrender their idealism when they cannot quickly realize high ideals. While one should develop the necessary patience with which to realize them. Bro. James Martin, S.M., Dynamics of Communicative Proce s s; Stu den t Council M oderator; Academic Senate: I don't think anyone can tell you how to cope with the constant change present in our lives today. We are all in this and experiencing this together. Being together is one of our greatest needs in these years and if we can work for that then the chan~es will come easier and be for the good of all. This coming together will require much love, patience, and constant hope. Developin~ these three virtues will bring all of our lives to greater joy and fulfillment. Change brings with it insecurity and so, as someone once said, we might all pray that we may be secure in our insecurity,

Bro. David Quigley, S. M., U.S.S.R.; Eastern Europe; Orient; Assistant Wrestling Coach; Cheerleader M oderator: In 'a world, which is in constant flux, the individual person has to have solid aims and objectives. The aims and objectives must be real, yet, must be sufficient to challen~e the individual's ability. If a person falls or slips from his aims and objectives, he must stop to see why, then re-establish himself. The aims will become higher as time passes and also more realistic. As the objectives are reached, new Two Hundred Six

objectives will have to be set with the knowledge. of self and with understandinO' <:> o f your auns. Bro. James Brown, S.M., Christian Person; Bud get Committee: Every generat ion, especially radically changing ones, seems to produce its share 0 f great saints. I believe that God will raise saints during our troubled generation. God raises men who are able to cope with changes as they affect every part of our lives, men who will not let anxiety overtake them and be ruled by fear and consequent tenSIon. My advice would be for youth to seek to be men of God, to ask God to be men of prayer, and to act in union with their fellow men in securing love and peace. Mr. Leonard Roberts, Humanities; Political Science; Speech and Debate; Black Student Union; Administrations Committee; Academic Senate; Building Committee: If I were to sum up the advice to a young man about growing up in a changing world, I would probably borrow a phrase from a well known politician: Keep the faith, baby. That means no matter what happens you have to keep pushing forward to .create a better and more humane SOCIety. But in doing that let us not ignore the past. Look back a t society (the past) and Lord knows, criticize it. But also look at the great accomplishments of the past. Look at the direction society is going and criticize that also, but search for alternatives and work towards those. I could probably talk for hours about

the crisis facing man. The important thing however is that we can no longer afford to put off the solution with piece-meal legislation as preceding generations have. LIn summary I might borrow from a contemporary musical group: "Keep on pushing".

Mr. CharI es Dirckx, U.S.His-


Mr. George Early, Political

beyond the level of what laws can do to the level of a person. This and many other problems are soluable only if we become aware that the basis of the solution is a personal one. The importance of persons must be realized. But a person can only become a truly real person by freely accepting his part in a community. A true community consciously works toward the development of each person in that community, that helps that person become more, his true self. I believe therefore that the changing world is moving toward a deeper, and more meaningful community. For a young man growing up in this world, all that I have said means that he must learn the openness, the honesty, the awareness that are essential in any real communi tv. An understanding of what the word' communication means is what is essential.

Science; Anthropology; International Affairs; Social Studies C h air man,· Alumni Association,· Academic Senate,·Budget Committee.

Bro. Robert Lamb, S.M., Hu-

manities,. ] 0 u rnalistic Writing; Motion Picture Evaluation,· Yearbook; Diocesan Language Arts Commission; In-Service Training Committee:

Bro. Daniel Thomas, S.M.,

Con t e m p or a ryE t h i c s,· Freedom and Aut h 0 r i t y,. Speech and Debate ,. Evaluation Committee: Obviously the future means that our society will, in many ,:Vays, become more complex. The solution to our present problems, which can become more complex, must take this complexity into account. Too often, we as a society have tried to find simple solutions to complex problems. Vlfe tried to solve our racial problems by merely passing laws, ignoring in this process the need to reach

I think the key on a personal level is love. We have to grow and acknowledge and respect what is good in ourselves and others. We need the affirmation and support of those around us. We need the courage to move out of ourselves and serve one another. On the level of society, the answer is much the same. Vile need a government that is sensitive and responsive to the people, to all of the people; a government that is motivated by justice and love, not by national or personal gain. Are these things possible? I think they are. I believe that as persons and as a nation of persons, we come to see and discard motivations that are not fully sound. At times, grO'.\'th is a painful, slow process. It's most painful when we don't see it going on . . . Two Hundred Seven

Bro. Donald DiDonato, S.M.,

Religion 1; Service Club M oderator ,. Christian Conversion " T enn is Co a c h,· Chaplain Committee: A person growing up in a changing world has to have strong goals and values that he can adapt to the changing situations. In other words, he has to have goals and values that have real meaning to him amidst the changing environment. I would like to suggest the goals and values that I think can hold up in a time of change. The goal would be a real and honest commitment to Jesus Christ. The values are the virtues that Christ lived while he was on earth. The virtues that Christ lived would be found by reading the New Testament and applying them to twentieth century times. Mr. Ronald Quinto, Chris-

tian d e ing ity:

person; Unr s tan d-


To look at everything that's happening around him and discover how he can best fulfill himself and better society. I think we can say that there will be no end to the age of change; therefore he must be open and willing to adapt to new and different ways of doing the same thing. The best way to adapt is to integrate a variety of situations into a whole experience. An experience that can help him set realistic goals. I think that responsibility is the key word. Everything that happens; every change that takes place must be evaluated responsibility. To disregard any experience as irrelevant is just as poor as jumping in too quickly. I am not ruling out the possibility of taking chances; but that every chance an individual takes, he must assume full responsibility of the outcome.


BRUCE ABELL Cross Country 2; Golf 1; Reserve Basketball 2; Intramurals I, 2, 3. TIMOTHY ADAMS CHARLES ALIAGA Intramurals 2, 3. THOMAS ANDER KENNETH BACHEY Class Officer 2; Spirit Comm. 2; Prom Comm. 3; Float Comm. 1, 2; Cross Country 2; Track 1; Homeroom Officer 3; Public Relations Comm. 3, 4. JOSEPH BAKER Football 1, 4. FRANK BAROK MARK BARLOW CLIFF BARSON JAMES BARSTOW Newspaper 3; Photo Club 2, 3; Dramatics 2, 3, 4; Class Officer 4; Culture Comm, 2, 3, 4; Tennis 2, 4. JOHN BAUKUS Photo Club 4; Honor Roll 3. GREGORY BAYER Spirit Comm. 4; Wrestling 2' Track 2; Homeroom Officer Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. FRANCIS BAYLEY Yearbook 2, 3; Rifle Club 2; Greenbackers 1 ; Homecoming Comm. 2; Track 2, 3,4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Weightlifting 2. BARRY BERGEDICK JCOWA 3; Stage Crew 3; Float Comm. 2; Track 1; Intramurals 1,4. DENNIS BERGER ROBERT BIR Cheerleader 4; Spirit Comm 3, 4; Homecoming Comm. 4; Cross Country 1; Perfect Attendance 1; Public Relations Comm. 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Electorial Comm. Co-Chairman 3; Honor Roll 3. DAVID BLAKE WILLIAM BLALOCK DAVID BOEHM TIMOTHY BOUDETTE DENNIS BOWMAN Perfect Attendance 1, 2, 3, 4. JOHN BRENNAN ROBERT BRINKMAN DANIEL BRODBECK Ways and Means Comm. 4; Cross-Country 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Perfect Attendance 1, 2, 3, 4.


LA WRENCE BROWN Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Perfect Attendance 2, 3. MICHAEL BROWN Pep Band 2, 4; Marching Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Band 1,2,3,4; Symphonic Band 2, 3, 4; Band Officer 4; Intramurals 4. JOSEPH BRUGGEMAN Rifle Club I; Basketball 1; Float Comm. 4; Intramurals 2, 4. KENT BRUN SCOTT BRUNS Pep Band 1, 2, 3; Marching Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Band 1, 2, 3; Symphonic Band 4. JOHN BUCHHOLZ Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Photo Club 1, 2; Greenbackers 4. LA WRENCE BUDICH Newspaper 4; Class Officer 2, 3; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 1; Weightlifting 1, 2, 3; Football Captain 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3; Basketball Usher 4. JAMES BURNS Rifle Club I; Class Officer 1, 2; Football 3; Wrestling 2; Track 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. CLARENCE CAESAR Newspaper 3; Cheerleader 3, 4; Glee Club 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Dramatics 2, 3, 4; Class Officer 1, 2, 3; Spirit Comm. 1; Cultural Comm. 2; Social Comm. 1, 2; Float Comm. 1; Track 1; Student Council Vice President 4; Academic Senate 4; Homecoming Attendant 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2; Honor Roll 3; Cross-Country 1, 2; Basketball

1, 2.





DAVID COSTA Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; Stage Crew 4; Track 1; Intramurals 1, 4.

DANIEL ECKERT Pep Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Marching Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Symphonic Band 1, 2, 3, 4; JCOWA 3, 4; Greenbackers 2; Class Officer 3; Golf 2; Tennis 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.

PAUL COUTURE Spirit Comm. 4; Football 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. THOMAS COUVION Inh'amurals 3, 4. MATTHEW DAHLINGHAUS Stage Crew 3; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Track I, 2, 3, 4; Usher 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Weightlifting 2, 3. WALTER DAVIDSON Newspaper 4; Pep Band 4; Marching Band 3, 4; Symphonic Band 4. JAMES DAVIS THOMAS DEANTHONY STEVEN DEITERING Newspaper 2, 3, 4; Photo Club 3, 4; Greenbackers 4; Spiri t Comm. 3, 4; Homecoming Comm. 3; Football 1; Business Manager Newspaper 4. DALE DEMPSEY Newspaper 2, 3, 4; Dramatics 3, 4; Class Officer 1; Football 1, 2; Track 1, 2; Humanities Student Advisor 4. MARK DESCH BRIAN DEVLIN

JAMES CARTER JAME CLARK Rifle Club 1; Track 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3. JOHN CLARK Speech and Debate 3; Glee Club 1; JCOWA 4;. Junior Achievement 3. MICHAEL CLEARY Ways and Means Comm. 1 ; Prom. Comm. 3; Float Comm. 1, 2; Lounge Comm. Co-Chairman 4; Intramurals 3, 4. DAVID COFFEY WALTER COLEY ALAN COLYER Auto Club 2, 3; Newspaper 3, 4; Photo Club 3; Float Comm. 1; Sports and Activities Moviefilmer 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2; Public Relations Comm. 4.

MARK DEWITT Black Student Union 3, 4; Band 1, 2, 3; Wrestling 2; Track 1, 3, 4; Evaluation Comm. 4; Intramural Comm. 4; Public Relations Comm. 4.

STEVEN ECKSTEIN Stage Crew 1; Spirit Comm. 1, 2, 3; Social Comm. 4; Football 1; Wrestling 2; Homeroom Officer 1, 2, 3; Public Relations Comm. 2, 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals Comm. 1, 2, 3, 4. NORMAN ESSMAN Band 1, 2; JCOWA 4; Publicity Comm. 4; FTA 3. STEVEN FECHER JAMES FINCH Newspaper 3, 4; Prom Comm. 3; Social Comm. 4; Homecoming Comm. 4; Homeroom Officer 1, 2, 3; Social Comm. Chairman 4; News Editor Newspaper 4' Homecoming Court 4. ' MICHAEL FISCHER Marching Band 2; Band 1, 2, 3; Symphonic Band 3. RICHARD FISCHER Band 1; Symphonic Band 2, 3, 4; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; Natiol1al Honor Society 3, 4; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 3, 4; Usher 4; Homeroom Officer 1. THOMAS FISCHER Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Library Assistant 4. JOSEPH FLOHRE Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 3, 4; Track I, 2; Weightlifting 1, 2, 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Football Captain 4; Usher 4.

JAMES DIBAUDA Spirit Comm. 3; Prom. Comm. 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.



RICHARD FRANZER Honor Roll 1, 2, 3; Intramurals I, 2, 3.

MICHAEL DIX CHARLES DOLL THOMAS DORCAS Chess Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Pep Band 3, 4; Marching Band 2, 3, 4; Band 1, 2; Symphonic Band 3, 4. Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Class Officer I, 2; Track 1.

Two Hundred Twenty-Nine


WILLIAM FRAPWELL Classics Club 2, 3; Newspaper 4; Rifle Club 3; Honor Roll 2; JCOWA I, 2, 3, 4; Ways and Means Comm. 4; Golf I, 2; Graduation Comm. 4; Vice President JCOWA 4; Intramurals 1,

2, 3, 4.

THOMAS FRIEL JOHN FROSCHAUER Newspaper 4; Greenbackers 2, 3; Intramurals 1. DANIEL GERHARD BRIAN GOMES Honor Roll I, 2, 3, 4 ; Class Officers 1, 2; National Honor Society 2, 3, 4; Baseball 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2; Intramural Chairman 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. DALE GOUBEAUX RONALD GOUBEAUX Chess Club 3, 4; Pep Band 3, 4; Marching Band 2, 3, 4; Band 1, 2; ,Symphonic Band 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4 ; Band Secretary 4; Modern Music Masters 4; FTA 2, 3, 4; FTA Secretary 4. STEPHEN GRANT Greenbackers I, 2; Float Comm. 4. DOUGLAS GREWE DOUGLAS GRIFFIN JOHN GRISMER Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; JCOWA 3, 4; Intramurals I, 2, 3, 4. WESLEY GROOMS Marching Band 1, 2, 3; Symphonic Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 4. CHRISTOPHER GUNTHER JOHN HABIL Band 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 4. STEPHEN HAGEMEYER Rifle Club 4 ; Photo Club 3. MICHAEL HALEY Greenbackers 2; Class Officer 1; Football 1, 3; Intramurals 2, 3, 4. STEPHEN HAMANT Cultural Comm路. 1; Social Comm. 1; Football I, 2, 3, 4; Golf 1, 2, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Usher 4; Weightlifting I, 2, 3, 4. KENNETH HARM DANIEL HARMAN Newspaper 4; Honor Roll I, 2, 3, 4; Class Officer 2; National Honor Society 2, 3, 4; Football 1; Track I, 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ; National Honor Society President 4. THOMAS HARR

MICHAEL HART Yearbook 1, 2, 3; Service Club 1, 2, 3; Band 1; Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Spirit Comm. 1; Prm Comm. 3, 4; Homecoming 4; Public Relations Comm. Comrn. 1; Bookstore Aid 2, 3, 4; Snack Bar Aid 1, 2, 3, 4; Snack Bar Manager 2, 3, 4; Student G..l1lnl:iI Treasmer 4; Ticket Sener I, 2, 3, 4 ; Service Club PI esiden t :' : Perfect Attendance 1,. 2, 3, 4. THOMAS HECK Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; Class Offi Ler 1, 2, 3; National Honor Society 3, 4; Football 1, 2, 3; Homeroom President 1, 2, 3; Intramurals I, 2, 3, 4; Public Relations Comm. 3, 4; Weightlifting 1, 2, 3. TIMOTHY HEMMELGARN TIMOTHY HENEMAN Rifle Club 2; Honor Roll I, 2, 3, 4; JCOWA 2, 3; National Honor Society 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 2, 3, 4. DENNIS HERMAN Pep Band 1; Marching Band I, 2, 3; Band 1, 2, 3; Symphonic Band 3; Stage Crew 2, 3 ; Publicity Comrn. 2. FRANK HERZOG THEODORE HERZOG Auto Club 3, 4; Pep Band 2, 3, 4; Marching Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Band I, 2; Symphonic Band 3, 4; Intramurals 3. THOMAS HOBAN Golf 2; Track 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. DAVID HOHNE JAMES HOLDEN Perfect Attendance 1, Homeroom Officer 3.



CHARLES HOLTEVERT ROBERT HORNER Marching Band 2; Band I, 2, 3, 4 ; Symphonic Band 3, 4; Football 1. DONALD HOSFELD STEPHEN HOWARD GARY HUGHES Chess Club 1, 2, 3, 4; JCOWA 3, 4; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3. PAUL HUGHES MARK HUWER Class Officer 3; Football 1 . Wrestling 2; Baseball I, 2, 3, Intramurals 1, 4.


CLARENCE IRVIN Black Student Union 3; Classics Club 1, 2; Prom Comm. 3; Fencing 3, 4 ; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Junior Achievement 4; Captain Fencing Team 4; Intramural Comrn. 1, 2, 3. JOHN IVORY JAMES JOBE Class Officer 3; Spirit Comm. 3, 4; Float Comm. 2; Wrestling 2, 3, 4; Intramurals I, 2, 3, 4; Electorial Comm. Co-Chairman 3. DENNIS JONES Auto Club 3; Science Club 2; Rifle Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Rifle Team 2, 3, 4. KENNETH KAISER STEPHEN KANE Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; National Honor Society 2, 3, 4; Prom Comm. 3; Basketball I, 2, 3, 4; Academic Senate 4; Humanities Committee 3, 4. GARY KATULAK KEVEN KAVANAUGH Dramatics 1; Greenbackers 4; Football 1, 3, 4; Usher 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Ticket Seller 4. JOHN KEATING JOHN KERN Marching Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Band 1, 2, 3; Symphonic Band 4. WILLIAM KESSLER Math Club 3; Yearbook 3; Newspaper 3, 4; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; JCOWA 2, 3, 4; Greenbackers 4; Spirit Comm. 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Prom Comm. 3; Tennis 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1; Perfect Attendance 2, 3, 4; Divisional Representative 4; Academic Senate 4; Social Studies S tuden t Department Chairman 4 ; Homeroom Officer 3; Intramurals I, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals Comrn. 3, 4. STEPHEN KING WALTER KLIMASKI Prom Comm. 3; Perfect Attendance I, 2; Intramurals I, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Officer 1. MARK KLINE Auto Club 2, 3; Intramurals 2. GEORGE KLOOS Class Officer 1, 2; Ways and Means Com. I, 2; Prom Comm. Chairman 4; Float Comm. I, 2; Homecoming Comm. 1, 2; Basketball Manager 1; Public Relations Comm. I, 2; Perfect Attendance 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.

Two Hundred Thirty

STEVEN KNAPSCHAEFER Band 1 ; Symphonic Band ') . 3; Intramurals 1) 2, '3', Football 4. DAVID KOEHL TIMOTHY KOEHL MICHAEL KOVACS Spirit Comm. 3, 4; Honor Roll I, 2, 3; National Honor Society 3, 4; Cross-Country 1. Spirit Comm. Chairman Homeroom Officer 2. JAMES KOZLOWSKI Glee Club 1, 3, 4; Photo Club 3, 4. DAVID KREBS Honor Roll 1, 2, 3; Tennis I, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. DALE KROHN Yearbook 4; Football 1; Intramurals I, 2, 3 ; Honor Roll 2 3; Business Manager Yearbook~ EDWARD KRONENBERGER Band 1; Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4. THOMAS KRUG GERALD KRYGIER THOMAS KUGACZEWSKI ROBERT KUNTZ Service Club 3; Glee Club I, 3, 4; Intramurals I, 2, 3, 4. PAUL KURPIEL Spirit Comm. 4; Prom Comm. 3; Publici ty 4; Homecoming Comm. 4 ; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals I, 2. JAMES KUSSMAN Class Officer 1; Float Comm. 1; Cross-Country 2. JEROME LAC HAT TIMOTHY LANGE JCOWA 4; Prom Comm. 3 . Float Comm. 2; Intramurals Perfect Attendance 1, 2. KENNETH LAUBER Greenbackers 4; Spirit Comm. 3, 4; Ways and Means Comm. 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 4; Intramural Comm. 3,4; FTA 3. STEVEN LENTZ Honor Roll 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2. DAVID LESKO DONALD LINGG Pep Band 2, 3, 4 ; Marching Band I, 2, 3, 4; Band 1; Symphonic Band 2, 3, 4; President of Band 4; Librarian of Band 3, 4; President of Modern Music Masters 4; Director of Pep Band 4 ; Stage Band 2, 3, 4. MARK LINK Golf 1, 2, 3, 4; Ways and Means Comm. 2, 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.



DONALD LOPER Prom Comm. 3; Football 1, 3, 4; Usher 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Weightlifting 2, 3. RICHARD MADLINGER RICHARD MAKEL Y BARRY MANCZ Glee Club 1; Class Officer 1, 2; Intramurals I, 2, 3, 4; Administrative Director's Comm. 4; Principal's Advisory Board 3; Intramural Comm. 1, 2. ALBERT MANTZ FRANCIS MARSICO Pep Band 2, 3; Marching Band 2, 3; Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Symphonic Band 2, 3, 4. JAMES MARTINSON STEPHEN MATSON Honor Roll 1, 2, 3; Class Officer 1, 2, 3; National Honor Society 2, 3, 4; Ways and Means Comm. 1, 2; Float Comm. 1, 2; Basketball Manager 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. KENNETH MAUCH Ways and Means I, 2, 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. DONALD McBRIDE Science Club 2, 3; JCOWA 1, 2, 3, 4; Float Comm. 2; Tennis 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramural Comm. 4. RICHARD McCABE THOMAS McGILL DANIEL McHUGH JOSEPH McLAUGHLIN Chess Club 1; Pep Band 1; Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Symphonic Band 4; Social Comm. 4; Football Manager 1, 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.

JOHN MILLER Homeroom Officer I; FTA 2. MICHAEL MILLER JAMES MOBLEY DAVID MOLNAR JEFFREY MONROE Yearbook 2, 3; Band I; Glee Club 1,2,3,4; Honor Rolli, 3; Ways and Means 4; Perfect Attendance 1, 2, 3, 4. GREGORY MOORMAN THOMAS MURPHY RONALD MUZECHUK Newspaper 3, 4; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2:; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. JAMES NABER Marching Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Band 1; Symphonic Band 2, 3, 4. TIMOTHY NARTKER PAUL NEVELS THOMAS NEVIUS Class Officer 2, 3; Football 1, 2, 4; Wrestling 2, 3; Baseball I, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. PATRICK NOLAN DAVID NORDYKE DONALD OBRINGER Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. STEVEN O 'HEARN Newspaper 4 ; Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4 ; National Honor Society 2, 3, 4; Ways and Means Comm. 4; Cross-Country 3, 4 ; Track 4; FT A 2, 3, 4; FT A District Vice President 4 ; National Music Honor Society 4 ; Ways and Means Comm. Chairman 4 ; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; Perfect Attendance 1, 2, 3, 4. HENRY OLSZEWSKI

JAMES McNAMARA Cheerleader 2, 3, 4 ; Photo Club 3; Dramatics 3, 4; Stage Crew; Class Officer 1, 2, 3; Spirit Comm. 1, 2, 3; Cultural Comm. 3, 4; Prom Comm. 3; Social Comm. 2; Float Comm. 1; Track 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Bookstore Manager 3, 4.

THOMAS PAPP Marching Band 2, 3, 4; Band 1, 2; Symphonic Band 3, 4.




STANLEY PFANDER Class Officer 1, 2, 3; Prom Comm. 3; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4.

PETER MIKLOS GERALD MILLER JACQUES MILLER Black Student Union 3, 4 ; Football 1, 4; Intramurals 4.

HERBERT PEASANT Black Student Union 3, 4; Photo Club 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Lounge Comm. 4; Weightiifting


WALTER PLASSENTHAL RUSSELL POQUETTE JCOWA 4; Spirit Comm. 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Prom Comm. 3; Float Comm. 2; Homecoming Comm. 3; Wrestling 2, 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. VERNON PORTNER Chess Club 2 ; Marching Band 2, 3, 4; Band 2, 3, 4; Symphonic Band 4; Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Red Cross I. JOSEPH PRASMANTAS JAMES PRIER CHARLES PULLEY KEVIN RAPP Cross-Country 1; Basketball 2; Track 1; Intramurals 1, 3, 4; Intram urals Comm. 3. GREGORY REICHERT Chess Club 3, 4 ; Pep Band 3, 4; Marching Band 2, 3, 4; Band 1, 2; Symphonic Band 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Drum Major 4.

PAUL SABRACK Pep Band 2, 3, 4; Marching Band 2, 3, 4; Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Symphonic Band 3, 4. THOMAS SAETTEL MICHAEL SCHIERLOH Class Officer 1, 2, 3; Spirit Comm. 1, 2; Cultural Comm. 3; Football 1, 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3,4; Student Welfare Comm. 3 ; Lounge Comm. 4; Public Relations 3. JOHN SCHINDLER Service Club 1; Class Officer 1, 3; Ways and Means Comm. 4; Track 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Perfect Attendance 2, 4. LOUIS SCHIRACK Glee Club 1,2; JCOWA 4; Spirit Comm. 3; Prom Comm. 3; Float Comm. 2; Homecoming Comm. 3; Track 1 ; Homeroom President 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. RICHARD SCHIRTZINGER Rifle Club 1; Band 1; Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4.


JOHN SCHMIDT Honor Roll 2, 3; Homecoming Comm. 4; Intramurals 2, 3, 4.



CHRISTOPHER ROBERS Chess Club 1; Marching Band I ; Band I, 2; Photo Club 2, 3.

EDWARD SCHOPLER Greenbackers 4; Spirit Comm. 4; Wrestling 2, 3; Intramurals 1, 2,3,4.


THOMAS ROBERTS Black Student Union 3, 4; Football Manager I, 2; Lounge Comm. Chairman 4 ; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Student Welfare 3; Black Student Union Vice President 3, Secretary 4. DANIEL RODGERS Newspaper 2; Photo Club 1, 2; Dramatics 4; Class Officer 2; Prom Comm. 3; Bookstore Assistant 2, 3; Bookstore Manager 4. MICHAEL ROTH Yearboo k 2 ; Chess Club I ; Class Officer 1; Spirit Comm. 2, 3; Homecoming 4; Wrestling 4; Track 3, 4; Football Manager 1, 2; Cross-Country 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. EDWARD RUF Football 3; Wrestling 2, 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.


STEPHEN RUSCHAU Golf 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.



T wo Hundred Thirty-One

DANIEL SCHRIER Symphonic Band 1, Prom Comm. 3.


3, 4;

GREGORY SCHULKERS JERRY SCOTT JAMES SEITZ THOMAS SEITZ Band 1; Tennis 1, 2, 3, 4; JCOWA 4; Intramurals 4. TIMOTHY SEITZ Band 1; Baseball 2; Basketball 1, 2, 3; Track 1, 3; Intramurals I, 2, 4. RANDALL SELL Auto Club 2; Amateur Rocketry Club 3; JCOWA I; Class Officer 1, 2, 3 ; Social Comm. 2, 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3. MICHAEL SENDELBACH Prom Comm. 3; Float 路Comm. 3; Homecoming Comm. 4 ; W restling 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 4.

LA WRENCE SEUBERT MICHAEL SHANNON Auto Club 2; Marching Band 1, 2, 3; Band 1, 2, 3; Greenbackers 2; Intramurals 1. DAVID SHEEHAN Rifle Club 1; Class Officer 2, 3 ' Football 1, 4; Wrestling 2, 3; Intramurals I, 2, 3, 4. ROBERT SHELHOUSE Band 2, 3, 4; Symphonic Band 2, 3, 4; Homecoming Comm. 4; Wrestling 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 3,4. STEVEN SIEWE Class Officer 3; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1; Public Relations Comm. 4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4. STEPHEN SIPOS Auto Club 4; In tram urals 1. ERIC SMITH Math Club 2, 3; Science Club 1, 2, 3; Newspaper 3, 4; Chess Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Marching Band 4; Photo Club 1; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; Spirit Comm. 4; National Honor Society 2, 3, 4; Social Comm. 1, 2; Wrestling 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Chess Club President 4 ; Chess Team 3, 4; FTA 1, 2. DAVID SNYDER MICHAEL SPANG Newspaper 4; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. NORM SPANG THOMAS SPATZ DONALD SPRUDE THOMAS STACHLER JOHN STEFAN TIMOTHY STEINEMAN HAROLD STEINKE JCOWA 4; Basketball 1; Track 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. THOMAS STEVEN HART GREGORY STODDARD

JEROME STOUT Chess Club 1, 2, 3; JCOWA 2 ; Cultural Comm. 3; Public Relations Comm. 3; Intramurals 1.

THOMAS UNVERFERTH Class Officer 1, 2, 3; Social Comm. 2, 3; Wrestling 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.

RALPH SULLIVAN Newspaper 1, 2; Glee Club 1; Dramatics 1, 2, 3, 4; Stage Crew 3; Greenbackers 1; Class Officer 1,2,3; Spirit Comm. 1,2; Cultural Comm. 1, 2; Prom Comm. 3; Social Comm. 2, 3; Float Comm. 1, 2; Publicity Comm. 1, 2, 3, 4; Homecoming Comm. 2, 3, 4; Chairman Publicity Comm. 3; Usher 3.

JAMES VENYS Rifle Club 1; Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Symphonic Band 3, 4 ; Rifle Team 2, 4; Rifle Club 4; Intramurals 4.

JOHN SWEETERMAN Ways and Means Comm. 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Perfect Attendance 2, 3, 4.

RONALD VOlT Basketball 2, 3; Intramurals 4. TIMOTHY WABLER Newspaper 3, 4; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Baseball 4 ; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Public Relations 3; Editor-in-Chief of Newspaper 4 ; Community Resource Comm.4. THOMAS WAGNER

FRED SWEIGART MICHAEL THIES JOSEPH THOMAS Dramatics 4; Lounge Comm. 4. MARVIN THOMAS Black Student Union 3, 4; Basketball 1; Intramurals 2, 4; Intramural Comm. 2. LA WRENCE TITTLE TIMOTHY TITUS Newspaper 4; Service Club 2; JCOWA 3, 4; Class Officer 2, 3; Ways and Means Comm. 1 ; Wrestling 2; Track 2 ; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Student CounIntramural cil Secretary 4; Comm. 4; Public Relations Comm. 1, 2; Language Club 1,


JOHN WAHLRAB Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; Spirit Comm. 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 4. STEPHEN WARD Black Student Union 3, 4; Photo Club 2, 3, 4; Class Officer 1, 2; Fencing 3, 4; Track 1.

DANIEL WILL Photo Club 2, 3; Spirit Comm. 1, 2, 3 ; Float Comm. 1; Track 1, 2; Basketball Manager 1. JAMES WILL Glee Club I ; National Honor Society 3, 4; FTA 2, 3, 4; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3. MICHAEL WILL Intramurals 1, 2, 3. ROBERT WILSON Football 3, 4:; Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Usher 4. WILLIAM WIMSATT Marching Band 2; Band 1, 2, 3; Symphonic Band 2, 3; JCOWA 4; Prom Comm. 3; Float Comm. 2; Intramurals 2, 3. MICHAEL WOODALL GREGORY WOURMS

THOMAS WARTINGER Yearbook 4; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 1, 2, 4 ; Float Comm. 1; Spirit Comm. 1, 2, 3, 4; Yearbook Sports Editor 4.

THEODORE WUEBBEN Greenbackers 1, 2; Spirit Comm. 1, 2, 3; Float Comm. 1; Homecoming Comm. 3, 4; Football 1; Baseball 2; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.


ROBERT YAHLE Band 1. 2: FTA 2. 3.4.


DANIEL TRICK Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Intramurals 4; Public Relations 2, 3; Lounge Comm. 4. RICHARD TRIETSCH


MARK TUSS Newspaper 3, 4; Glee Club Honor Society try; Track 1,

RICHARD WENCLEWICZ Cheerleader 3, 3, 4; National 4; Cross-CounIntramurals 1,

DOUGLAS WIGGINS Marching Band 2, 3; Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Symphonic Band 2, 3, 4; Baseball 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.


MARTIN WEITZEL Newspaper 3, 4; Greenbackers 4 ; Spirit Comm. 1, 2, 3, 4; Publicity Comm. 3, 4; Sports Editor Newspaper 4.

4; 1, 3, 2;


THOMAS WENDELN Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; FTA 3, 4.

2, 3, 4.


TERRENCE TYLER Black Student Union 3, 4; Class Officer I, 2; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 4; Homecoming Attendant 4:; Basketball Co-Captain 4; Intramurals 4.

JOHN WESTENDORF Honor Roll 1, 2, 3; Class Officer 1, 2, 3; Spirit Comm. 1, 2; National Honor Society 3, 4; Football 3,4; Baseball 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.

Two Hundred Thirty-Two

THOMAS YORK Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 3; Intramurals 1, 2. GARY ZAJOVITS Class Officer 2, 3; Cultural Comm. 4; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. TIMOTHY ZIMMER Float Comm. 1, 2; Wrestling 2, 3.

The Seniors listed above without allY activities either did not participate in activities or chose not to have their activities listed.

Abell, Bruce 130 Adams, Timothy 130 Aliaga, Charles 125, 130 Ander, Thomas 130, 109 Bachey, Kenneth 130 Baker, Joseph 130, 135 Barlow, Mark 130 Barok, Frank 130 Barson, Clifford 130 Barstow, James 51, 130 Baukus, John 130 Bayer, Gregory 131 Bayley, Francis 131 Bergedick, Barry 131 Berger, Dennis 131 Bir, Robert 131, 150 Blake, David 24, 33, 131 146 ' Blalock, William 131 Boehm, David 131 , 134 Boudette, Timothy 99, 131 B"wman, Dennis 131 Brennan, John 131 Brinkman, Robert 132 Brodbeck, Daniel 132 Brown, Lawrence 132 Brown, Michael 132 Bruggeman, Joseph 132 Brun, Kent 132 Bruns, Scott 132 Bucholz, John 127 132 Budich, Lawrence' 22 33 132 136 ' , , , Burns, James 132 Caesar, C. Joseph 35, 132 Carter, James 133 Clark, James 133 Clark, John 133 Cleary, Michael 133 Coffey, David 133 Coley, Walter 133 Colyer, Alan 133 Condy, Samuel Corbett, James 133 Corcoran, Michael 133 Costa, David 134 156 Couture, Paul 134Couvion, Thomas 134 Dahlinghaus, Matthew 25 134 ' Davidson, Walter 134 Davis, Doug Davis, James 134 DeAnthony, Thomas 135 Dei tering, Steven 135 Dempsey, Dale 50, 135 Desch ,Mark 135 Devlin, Brian 135 DeWitt, Mark 135 DiBauda, James 135 Dillingham, Robert 135 Dix, Michael 135 Doll, Charles 135 Doss, Donald 135 Earnhart, Lawrence 136 Eckert, Daniel 136 Eckstein, Steven 136 Essman, Norman 136 Fecher, Steven 137 Finch, James 137 Fischer, Michael 33 137 Fischer, Richard 127, 137 Flanagan, Joseph 138 Flohre, Thomas 138 Follick, John 138 Fortunato, David 138 Franzer, Richard 138 Frapwell, William 138

Lingg, Donald 108, 146 Friel, Thomas 138 Froschauer, John 138 Gerhard, Daniel 82, 87, 89, 93, 94, 124, 138,227 Gomes, Brian 13S Goubeaux, Dale 138 Goubeaux, Ronald 138 Grant, Stephen 138 Grewe, Douglas 138 Griffin, Douglas 138 Grismer, John 139 Grooms, Wesley 139 Gunther, Christopher 130, 140 Habil, John 140 Hagemeyer, Stephen 140 Haley, Michael 140 Hamant, Stephen 140, 156, 70 Harm, Kenneth 140, 79 Harman, Daniel 140 Harr, Thomas 131, 140,112 Hayes, Leslie Heck, Thomas 126, 127, 140 Helldoerfer, James Hemmelgarn, Timothy 140 Henehen, Tim~thy 124, 141 Herman, Denms 141 Herzog, Frank 141 Herzog, Theodore 142 Hoban, Thomas 142 Hohne, David 142 H olden, James 142 HoI tevert, Charles 142 Horner, Robert 142 H orndocker, Frank Hosfeld, Donald 142 Howard, Stephen 142 Hughes, Gary 143 Hughes, Paul 143 Huwer, Mark 143, 116 Irvin, C. Richard 143 Ivory, John 143 Jackson, David Jobe, James 54, 143 Jones, Dennis 143 Kaiser, Kenneth 143 Kane, Stephen 143,94 Katulak, Gary 143 Kavanaugh , Kevin 143 Keating, John 143 Kern, John 143 Kessler, William 78 79 125, 143 King, Stephen 143' , Klimaski, Walter 144 Kline, Mark 144 Kloos, George 144 Knapschaefer, Steven 144 K oehl, David 144 Koehl, Timothy 144 Kondrath, Anthony Kovacs, Michael 144 Kozlowski, James 145 Krebs, David 79, 145 Krohn, Dale 19, 145 Kronenberger, Edward 145 Krug, Thomas 145 Krygier, Gerald 58, 145 Kugaczewski, Thomas 145 Kuntz, Robert 145 Kurpiel, Paul 80, 90, 93, 94, 95. 99,116,117,124,145 . Kussman, James 145 Lachat, Jerome 145 Lange, Timothy 145 Lauber, Kenneth 145 Lentz, Steven 145

Lesko, David 53, 100, 126, 145 Link, Mark 70, 146 Loper, Donald 146 Madlinger, Richard 146 Makley, Richard 146 Mancz, Barry 147 Mantz, Albert 147 Marsico, Francis 147 Martinson, James 147 Matson, Stephen 147 Mauch, Kenneth 147 McBride, Donald 147 McCabe, Richard 147 McGill, Thomas 147 McHugh, Daniel 147 McLaughlin, Joseph 147 McNamara, James 51, 147 Meiniger, Richard 148 Michel, Gerald 148 Mikalas, Lawrence 148 Miklos, Peter 148 Miller, Gerald 148 Miller, Jacques 148 Miller, John 148 Miller, Michael 148 Mobley, James 123, 148 Molnar, David 129, 148 Monroe, Jeffrey 148 Moorman, Gregory 148 Murphy, Thomas 148 Muzechuk, Ronald 148 Naber, James 148 Nartker, Timothy 149 Nevels, Paul 149 Nevius, Thomas 99 117 140 149 '" Niemeier, William Nolan, Patrick 149 Nordyke, David 149 O'Brien, William Obringer, Donald 118 149 O'Hearn, Steven 149 ' Olszewski, Henry 149 Papp, Thomas 150 Peasant, Anthony 150 Penny, David 150 Pfander, Stanley 81, 82, 90, 93, 94, 95, 149, 150, 233 Pfeiffer, Thomas 150 Pfeiffer, William 150 Plassenthal, Walter 150 Poquette, Russel 150 Portner, Vernon 150 Prasmantas, Joseph 151 Prier, James 150 Pulley, Charles 151 Rapp, Kevin 151 R~ichert, Gregory 26, 127, 151 Rlhm, Douglas 151 Rihm, Edward 151 Robers, Christopher 151 Roberts, Thomas 75, 151 Rodgers, Daniel 151 Roth, Michael 152 Ruf, Edward 152 Ruschau, Stephen 152 Rutledge, Jeffrey 152 Sabrack, Paull 09, 152 Saettel, Thomas 152 Schierloh, Michael 152 Schindler, John 152 Schirack, Louis 152 Schirtzinger, Richard 152 Schmidt, John 152 Schnabel, Kevin 152 路Schoenlein, Lawrence Schopler, Edward 152

Two Hundred Thirty-Four

Schreier, Daniel 152 Schulkers, Gregory 152 Scott, Jerry 152 Scott, Jerry 153 Segi, Peter Seitz, James 94, 153 Seitz, Thomas 153 Seitz, Timothy 153 Sell, Randall 153 Sendelbach, Michael 55 153, 154 ' Seubert, Lawrence 153 Shannon, Michael 153 Sheehan, David 153 Shelhouse, Robert 153 Siewe, Steven 153 Sipos, Stephen 153 Smith, Eric 154 Snyder, David 154 Spang, Louis 155 Spang, Norman 155 Sparaco, Richard Spatz, Thomas 155 Sprude, Donald 155 Stachler, Thomas 155 Stefan, John 155 Steineman, Timothy 155 Steinke, Harold 52, 155 Stevenhart, Thomas 155 Stoddard, Gregory 155 Stout, Jerome 155 Sullivan, Ralph 155 Sweeterman, John 155 Sweigart, Frederick 155 Thies, Michael 155 Thomas Joseph 51, 156 Tittle, Lawrence 156 Titus, Winston 156 Trick, Daniel 156 Trietsch, Richard 156 Tuss, Mark 156 Tyler, Terrence 82, 83, 85, 90, 93, 94, 156 Unverferth, Thomas 156 Venys, James 71, 157 Voit, Ronald 115, 157 Wabler, Timothy 116, 157 Wagner, Thomas 157 Wahlrab, John 157 Ward, Stephen 157 Warner, Thomas 157 Wartinger, Thomas 19, 144, 157 Weaver, James 157 Webb, Stephen 157 Weitzel, Martin 157 Weller, Roger 157 Wenclewicz, Richard 157 Wendeln, Thomas 139, 157 Wenning, Jeffrey 157 Weser, Nicholas 135 Westendorf, John 32, 158 Weiland, John 80, 86,94, 113, 158 Wiggins, Douglas 104, 158 Will, James 158 Will, Michael 158 Will, Daniel 158 Wilson, Robert 158 Wimsatt, Robert 142, 158 Woodall, Michael 158 Wourms, Gregory 158 Wuebben, Theodore 76, 80, 89, 90, 94, 158, 227 Yahle, Robert 158 York, Thomas 158 Zajovits, Gary 118, 140, 158 Zimmer, Timothy 158

Adams, Louis 160 Agnew, John 160 Albaugh, John 19, 160 Allen, Daniel 160 Altick, Thomas 160 Armstrong, Bruce Arndts, Joseph 160 Barhet, Robert 160 Balazs, Joseph 160 Ballman, Joseph 160 Bandura, Robert 160 Bannen, Edward Bannen, Thomas 160 Bates, Robert Bayham, Andrew 160 Behringer, Richard 160 Bellert, Gary 160 Bernard, Daniel 160 Berthaud, Michael 160 Bertke, Steven 160 Black, Edward 160 Blalock, Charles 160 Boehmer, Donald 160 Bohman, Paul 160 Boison, Mark 160 Bole, John Borchers, Thomas 70, 160 Borchers, William 160 Bova, Gerald 160 Brandell, William Braun, Daniel 160 Brinkman, Kenneth 160 Broadstone, Daniel 161 Brockman, Joseph 168 Brown, Steven 71, 161 Bucheit, Robert Bucher, Thomas 161 Buchholz, Kenneth 161 Buehler, Joseph 71, 161 Burneka, Daniel 94, 116, 140, 161 Bu tier, Charles 161 Buynak, Paul 161 Cancila, Joseph 19, 30, 161 Cardwell, Derek 161 Carson, David 161 Carter, Richard 161 Caulfield, Timothy 161 Charlton, Joseph 161, 167 Chestnut, David 161 Christensen, Kix 161 Churan, John 161 Clarke, Stephen 161 Coffey, Michael 161 Comboy, Timothy 161 Conover, Dennis Couture, Richard Crist, Henry 161 Crowe, Jerry 161 Cull, Richard 161 DeA10ia, Paschal Deis, Wesley 161 Desando, Salvator 161 Deschler, Ronald 161 Diemunsch, Mark 161 Dietsch, Roger 71, 162 Dodaro, Jose 162 Donovan, Peter 109, 162 Duffy, David 94, 162

Duncan, James 162 Dwyer, Chris 162 Egan, Terrence 84, 162 Eifert, Michael 84, 162 Elliot, Richard 162 Eskew, James 162 Fackler, John 162, 163 Fahnestock, Thomas Falter, Steven 162 Fancett, Kurt Finke, Mark 162 Fletcher, James 162 Florkey, Nark 162 Fortunato, Mark 162 Foster, Joseph 162 Frapwell, Robert 162 Garland, Joseph 162 Garman, Raymond 162 Geisel, Gary 100, 162 Gentile, Charles 100, 162 Glanton, Scott 162 Gower, John 162 Greany, Matthew 16 2 Green, Firman 162 Grismer, Steven 162 Grusenmeyer, David 162 Gulasa, Ronald 162 Habib, Karem 162 Haemmerle, Mark 162 Hakemoller, James 162 Hale, Raymond 162 Halloran, Denny 163 Harris, Thomas 163 Hartke, Thomas 163 Hayslip, Michael 163 Heil, Michael 163 Heiser, Richard Hemmelgarn, Mark 163 Hess, Stephen 163 Hickey, Thomas 163 Higginbotham 163 Hilton, Mark 163 Hinders, James 163 Hinkle, Robert 163 Hoagland, Daniel 163, 167 Hochwalt, Glenn 163 Hochwalt, Michael 55, 163 Hodge, Robert 163 Hoenie, David 19, 163 Holt, Michael 163 Holtvoight, William 164 Holtzhauer, Jerome Hudson, Thomas Huey, Rod 164 Hutchinson, Richard 164 Isaac, Leon 105, 164 Jones, Griffin Kambitsch, Michael 164 Katulak, Richard 164 Kavy, John 164 Keating, Michael 37, 64, 164 Keller, Michael 164 Kessler, Jerome 105, 164 Kessler, John 71, 164 Keyes, Nicholas 164 Kitts, Gregory 164 Klenke, Robert 164

Klos, Ralph 164 Klosterman, Vincent 164 Kneeland, James 164 Koenig, Thomas 105, 164 Koors, Robert 164 Kracus, Timothy 164 Kroger, Bernard 164 Kroger, Mark 164 Kronenberger, Mark Kuntz, John 164 Kuntz, Thomas LaForsch, Michael Langen, Walter 164 Larger, John 114, 164 Laux, Ray 164 Layne, John 164 Leonard, Paul 164 Lepla, Gary 164 Limbert, Frederick 164 Limbert, Stephen 118, 164 Lipp, Thomas 96, 164 Lorton, Terrence 164 Lyons, Thomas 164 Mannix, Robert 164 Marah, Richard 164 Marcellus, Kenneth 164 Marrinan, Edward 164 Martin, Mark 165 Martin, Ray Martin, Timothy 165 Mathes, Robert 19,64,65, 165 Matson, Michael 165 McCarthy, Robert 165 McCarthy, Thomas 165 McCracken, Joseph 64, 65, 165 McDermit, Craig 165 M cGraw, Stephen 165 McWilliams, John 165 Meixner, Michael 165 Mescher, Joseph 100, 165 Meyer, Richard 165 Meyring, Michael 165 Miller, Gary 165 Millet, Ronald 165 Monaghan, Kevin 165 Muchenthaler, Stan 161, 165 Mulligan, Kevin 165 Murphy, Thomas 165 Neff, Donald 165 Nevels, Thomas 166 Nickerson, Michael 165, 166 Norris, John 166 O 'Brien, Timothy O'Brien, Thomas 166, 167 Oda, Steven O'Hearn, Kevin 166 Osterday, Thomas 166 Overman, William 166 Pfeiffer, Frederick 166 Popowich, Michael 166 Quinn, Thomas 166 Quinn, Timothy 166 Rankin , John 166 Reed, Edward 78, 166 Regulinski, Stephen 100, 166 Reynolds, Donald 166 Ritzier, Raymond 166

Two Hundred Thirty-Five

Rodgers, Lamont 166 Rogge, Rod 166 Romie, Robert 166 Rose, Philip 71, 166 Rosengarten, Samuel 166 Ross, Stephen 166 Rouse, Thomas 166 Rumpf, Theodore 166 Ruppert, Nicholas 166 Ruschau, Edward 166 Sacksteder, Paul 166 Saluke, Michael 166 Sands, Robert 166 Scherack, David 166 Schipper, Mark 166 Schmitz, Joseph 166 Schmitz, Peter 115, 166 Schnabel, Brian 167 Schroeder, Kenneth 167 Schultz, Michael 167 Schwendeman, Herbert 52, 167 Sharkey, Terrence 167 Shea, Michael Sheaf, Shane Sheets, Mark Shock, William 167 Siehl, Patrick 167 Simon, Jaime 167 Singlton, Philip 167 Sinkwitz, James 167 Smith, Brian 167 Smith, Glen Smith, Jeff Matthew 167 Smith, Jeff Michael 167 Sovonick, Edward 167 Spidel, Mark 167 Sprowl, Milton Staton, Matthew 167 Steinbrugge, Philip 167 Stroud; Eric 167 Sullivan, James Summers, David 115, 168 Thomas, William 115, 168 Tiefert, Thomas 168 Timpone, Christopher Tokodi, George 168 Trainor, David 115, 168 Trego, Michael 168, 170 Turner, Robert Veg, Bali 168 Wabler, David Walter, Edward 168 Wartinger, Raymond 168 Watson, Robert 71, 168 Weaver, Christopher 168 Westendorf, Mark 168 Whelan, Michael 168 Williams, Mark Williams, Martin 168 Williams, Thomas 168 Williamson, Robert 64, 65, 168 Woerner, Mark 168 Wright, Gerald Wysong, Gary 168 Zavakes, Gary 168 Zennie, Joseph 168 Zimmerman, John 168 Zwolski, Eugene 168

Alberts, Thomas Alex, Steven 169 Alexander, David 94, 169 Allison, John 169 Vl Andrews, William 169 ~ Anticoli, Anthony 169 ~ Aydelott, Herbert 169


Bach, Lawrence 169 Joseph 169 ~ Bachmann, Baker, David 169 Baker, Richard 169 =r:: Bare, Michael 169 ~ Barlow, Edward 169 Barok, Michael Vl Bauer, Michael 169 Baukus, Thomas 169 Bayer, Daniel 169 Beaver, Roger 169 • Berczelly, John 169 Bergeron, Brian 169 Bergmeier, Bruce 169 Berry, Michael 169 Biersack, Robert 58, 169 Boeckerman, David 169 Bohman, James 169 Borchers, Daniel 71, 169 Borgerding, J oseph 169 Boston, Joseph 94, 169 Bowman, Donald 170 Brandhuber, Mark Braunlin, Mark 170 Brock, Joseph 170 Brooks, Richard 170 Brugger, Stephen 71, 170 Brun, Neal 170 Buddendeck, James 170 Budenz, Leonard 170 Burneka, Joseph 170 Buynak, Thomas 170



Casey, David Chodkowski, Gary 170 Clark, Craig 170 Claude, Michael 170 Coblentz, Ronald 170 Coffey, Patrick 170 Columbe, Francis Conley, Frank 170 Cook, Terrence Cox, C,ordon 170 Davis, Keith 170 Deis, James 170 Desch, Damian Drerup, Karl 71, 170 DIummer, Richard 170 Dunn, Austin 170 Dunsky, Gary 170 Ecblein, Charles 170 Engle, John 170 Enright, James 171 Ernst, Robert 171 Evans, Ernest 171 Eyink, Jerome 171 Finch, Thomas 171 Finke, Ronald 171 Fischer, Michael 171 Focke, Dean 171

Freiberger, John 171 Fricke, James 171 Fries, Michael 171 Gauder, Michael 171 Golba. John 171 Goode, Joseph 94, 171 Gottschlich, Joseph 171 Gouldburn, Mark 171 Green, Michael 171 Grogean, Steven 171 Grusenmeyer, Anthony 171 Gudorf, Richard 109, 171 Gunther, Mark 171 Halpin, Michael 171 Hammer, Timothy 171 Harding, Richard 171 Harenberg, David 171 Harman, Christopher 171 Harris, Paul 171 Harris, Rodney 171 Hartley, Robert 171 Hatton, James 171 Hehemann, August 171 Hempleman, Edward 171 Hess, Thomas 171 Hickey, Mark 58, 172 Hickey, Paul 172 Himes, Walter 172 Hinkle, James 172 Hochadel, Thomas 172 Hoendorg, D onald 172 Holliday, Melvin 172 Hollinde, William 51 Hoitvoight, David 172 Hoitvoight, Gregg 172 Horn, Christopher 172 Horvath, John 172 Hoswell, John 172 Hughes, Lawrence 172 Iannarino, D ouglas 172 Jackowski, Geo Janowiecki, Robert 172 Jehn, Michael 172 Jergens, William 172 Johns, Anthony Johnston, Joseph 172 Kern, Robert 172 Kessler, Barry 100, 172 Kessler, Michael Keyes, Gregory 172 Kiley, John 172 Kleibecker, Anthony 172 Kneeland, Michael 172 Kolvek, Steven 172 Kondrath, Gerard 172 Koors, Luke 172 Kosater, Robert 173 Kozlowski, Kevin 173 Kozuh, Gerald 173 Kramer, William 173 Kreitzer, Kenneth 173 Kreitzer, Michael 173 Kroger, Paul 173 Krowialis, Daniel Krygier, James 173 Kuntz, Daniel 173

Kussman, Mark Landis, Daniel 173 Larger, Marvin 173 Lee, John 173 Lehmkuhle, Daniel 58, 173 Leibold, John 173 Leming, Brad 173 Lewis, Michael Lipinski, Joseph 173 Long, Edward 173 Long, Michael 173 Luken, John 173 Mahoney, Thomas 173 Mantia, Richard 173 Markus, Michael 27, 109, 173 Marrinan, John 173 Maurer, Terrence 173 Mayo, Harry 173 McCrabb, Donald 173 McCrink, Frank 173 McGill, William 173 Meehan, Christopher 173 Metzger, Gerard 173 Meyer, Michael 173 Miklos, Gus 173 Miller, Robert Miller, William 173 Mitchell, Michael 173 Moosbrugger, Gerard 173 Moser, Richard 173 Murphy, Steven 173 Murty, John 173 Myers, Ronald 173 Nartker, Dennis 173 Oborne, Daniel O'Brien, Sean 174 O'Connell, Martin 174 O'Reilly, Walter 174 Overman, James 174 Pachin, David 174 Parenti, Nicholas 174 Patterson, Kevin 174 Pfeiffer, Robert 174 Placke, John 174 Platt, William 174 Polakowski, Thomas 174 Powers, John 52, 174 Preston, Howard Quatman, Michael 174 Quinttus, Richard 115, 170, 174 Quinttus, Michael 174

Schumacher, Daniel 175 Schwendeman, Anthony 96 175 Schwieterman, Douglad 175 Segi, Robert 175 Sendelbach, Joseph 175 Shay, Philip 175 Sheehan, John 175 Sherer, John 175 Sherman, John 70, 175 Shine, William 175 Shufeldt, Craig 175 Sipes, Michael 175 Slonaker, Joseph 175 Smith, Gerard 175 Smith, Kevin 175 Smith, Robert 175 Spang, Donald 175 Spinnato, John 175 Spreng, Robert 175 Stachler, Herbert 175 Staley, Joseph 175 Stauber, John 71, 175 Stephen, Richard 175 Steiger, Valentin 175 Stoecklein, Robert 176 Stover, Thomas 176 Strader, Richard 176 Sullivan, Edward 176 Sutton, Carl 176 Sweeney, Terrence 176 Swenson, Conrad 176 Szabo, Charles 176 Teijelo, Manuel 176 Thornton, William 176 . Tobens, Joseph 114, 176 Tokarsky, Frank 71, 176 Trautman, Robert 176 Trick, Dale 176 Trick, Steve 176 Turner, James 176 Vaitkus, Mark 176 Visinger, Paul 177 Walker, Lawrence 177 Walling, Bruce 94, 177 Watkins, Mark 105, 177 Webendorfer, James 177 Weimert, Charles Wendling, Alan 177 Wendling, David 177 Wendling, Richard 177 Weng, Richard 177 West, George Westendorf, Christopher 177 Whisman, Mark 177 Wilson, Richard 177 Wimmers, Ronald 177 Wolfe, Steven 177 Woods, Anthony 177 Wourms, Thomas 177 Wysinski, Thomas 177

Rapp, Gary 174 Reese, Stanley 94, 96, 112, 174 Rench, Elbert 174 Richey, Timothy 174 Roalef, Joseph 174 Robers, Timothy 175 Roll, Mark 175 Roosa, Mark 175 Rotunno, Paul 175 Ruppert, Eugene 175

Yahle, Thomas 177

Samson, Michael Sands, Gerard 175 Sayer, William 175 Schmitz, William 175 Schultz, John 175

Zahn, Christopher 177 Zajovits, David 177 Zimmerman, Anthony 177 Zimmerman, John Zugelder, Mark 177

Two Hundred Thirty-Six

Abele, Robert 178 Ahlers, Mark 178 Aicher, Christopher 178 Bachand, Wayne 178 Balazs, Mark 178 Bates, John 178 Bauer, Michael 178 Becker, Thomas 178 Becker, Timothy 178 Begley, Roy Behringer, Michael 178 Bergman Frederick 178 Bertke, Charles 178 Bettinger, Ray 178 Bir, Richard 178 Black, Joseph 178 Blalock, Robert 178 Block, James 178 B ~ rgert, Theodore 178 Brauckman, William 178 Braun, Joseph 178 Breig, Glenn 178 Brennan, Timothy 178 Broadstone, Wayne 178 Brocbnan, William 111, 178 Brodmck, Randall 178 Brown, Robert 178 Bruggeman, James 178 Brune, Michael 178 Bucher, William 178 Burg, David 178 Bussinger, Joseph 178 Caldwell, Joseph Campbell, Steven Carey, James 178 Carson, Steven 179 Carlin, Richard 178 Carter, Peter I 79 Casky, Martin 179 Caspar, Frederick 179 Chmiel, Lawrence 179 Christensen, Richard 179 Ciambro, Richard 179 Coleman, Christopher Conrad, Richard 179 Coogan, Michael 179 Coon,ey, Robert 58, 179 CorbItt, Marlow Corcoran, Michael 179 Daly, Michael 179 Davis, Robert DeAloia, Anthony 179 Demange, Thomas 179 Demeter, Stephen 179 Didier, Dale 179 Diemunsch, David 179 Donatelli, Mark 179 Dushenke, James 179 Dussault, Jay 179 Edwards, Daryl 179 Eskew, Cary 179 Evans, Timothy 179 Ferraro, Vincent 179 Fiely, Jeffrey 179 Fischer, Joseph 179 Fitzgerald, John 111, 179 Fletcher, Patrick 180 Flohre, Lawrence 180 Flohre, Michael 58 Forschner, Robert 180 Foster, Michael 180 Franklin, Michael 180 Gagnon, Gary 180 Gaines, David 180

Garland, Jeffrey 180 Ghrist, Marc 180 Goodwin, Dennis 180 Green, Donald 180 Griffith, Clarence 180 Grooms, Richard 180 Guerra, Anthony 180 Guerrant, David 180 Halloran, Bradley 180 Harris, Michael 180 Haynes, Douglas Hehemann, Timothy 180 Heitbrink, Mark 180 Heizer, Michael 180 Hemmer, Philip 180 Henn, John 180 Higginbotham, Ronald 180 Hines, William 180 Hobbs, Steven 180 Hodge, Bruce 180 Holtman, Joseph 180 Holtvoight, Donald 180 Howard, Paul 180 Hudson, Theodore 180 Incze, Attila 180 Ivory, Timothy 180 Jackson, Franklin 180 Jackson, Joseph 181 Jaques, David 181 Jean-Baptiste, Arnold Jelly, Brian Johnson, Marvin 181 Jones, David 181 Jones, Steven Kambitsch, Timothy 181 Kaminski, Paul 181 Kaufman, Bryan 181 Kauth, Randall 181 Kender, Julius 181 Kessler, Tom 181 Kettler, Adrian 181 King, Gerald 181 Kinzeler, Thomas 181 Kloos, Philip 181 Klopf, Eric 181 Koenig, Jerome 181 Koesters, Mark 181 Kolakowski, Stephen 181 Kolb, John 181 Kraft, Paul 181 Kramer, Joseph 181 Kraska, Michael 181 Kraus, Mark 181 Kronauge, Frank Kronenberger, Jerry 181 Kronenberger, Robert Kulhanek, Dan iel 181 Kuntz, James 181 Kuntz, Michael 182 Lawton, Robert 182 Lee, Philip 182 Leigh, Michael 182 Leming, Craig 182 Lengerich, Eugene 182 Leonard, Jack 182 Leopold, William 182 Lipp, Michael 182 Lucente, Anthony 182 Lucking, Michael 182 Luhn, Frank 182 Mader, Anthony 182 Magoto, Jeffrey 182 Maher, James 182 Mahoney, Stephen 182 Makley, Robert 182

Maloney, Brendan 182 Marcellus, James 182 Markus, Timothy 182 Matson, Lawrence 182 Maughan, Michael 182 McCarthy, Michael 182 McCartney, Dennis 182 McGarry, Douglas 182 McLean, Thomas 182 McMillan, Jerome 182 McMillan, Steven 182 McSherry, Gary 182 Melia, Harold 182 Mercuri, George 182 Mescher" William 182 Meyers, Joseph 182 Miller, Gerry III Mitchell, Richard 182 Moeller, Joseph 182 Molina, Manuel 182 Molner, James 182 Monnin, Gary 182 Montavon, Timothy 182 Moore, Gary Mudd, Kirk 183 Murphy, Mark Myers, Mark Nartker, John 183 Nartker, Robert 183 Neff, Richard 183 Newbauer, Dennis 183 Newlin, Patrick 183 Newsad, Paul 183 Oborne, Patrick 183 O 'Brien, Terrence 183 O 'Connell, Mark O'Harold, Michael 183 Omlor, Charles 183 Parker, Joseph 183 Payne, James 183 Perkins, Kevin 183 Perkins, Michael 183 Perush, Michael 183 Perretta, Philip 183 Piekutowski, Thomas 183 Polakowski, James 183 Poquette, Robert Portner, Michael 183 Powers, Scott 183 Pytell, Charles 183 Rambow, Alan Raterman, Louis 183 Reboulet, Harry 183 Reeves, Steven 183 Renacs, Steven 183 Richard, Charles Roll, Richard 183 Rose, David 183 Rosengarten, Stephen 183 Ryan, Timothy 183 Sacksteder, James 184 Salamon, Stephen 184 Scheurmann, Karl 184 Schewicki, John 184 Schierloh, Mark 184 Schooley, Kevin 184 Schrier, Donald 184 Schriml, Stephen 184 Schubert, Patrick 184 Schumacher, Michael 184 Schwab, John 184 Schwieterman, John Sears, Anthony 184 Seitz, Mark

Two Hundred Thirty-Seven

Self, Kevin 184 Settimo, Scott 184 Sever, Stephen 184 Seyfferle, Charles 184 Shannon, Patrick 184 Sheehan, James 184 Shine, Robert 184 Siehl, Michael 184 Siewi, David 184 Simons, Michael 184 Siwecki, John 184 Slemker, Joseph 184 Smith, Gregory 184 Smith, Richard 184 Smith, Richard 184 Smith, Timothy 184 Snyder, Jerry 184 Snyder, Myron 184 Spreng, Timothy Sprowl, Matthew 184 Stachler, Richard 185 Staton, Theodore 185 Steed, Jeffrey Steigerwald, Michael 185 Steiger, Martin 185 Stockel man, Richard 185 Stoff, Albert 185 Stroud, Stuart 185 Strukamp, John 185 Strutton, Michael Sullivan, Leonard 185 Swindon, Alan 185 Szabo, Joseph 185 Szanto, Jeffrey 185 Tangeman, Ralph 185 Tatone, Steven 185 Taylor, Harry 185 Tichy, Douglas 185 Tinsley, Jonathon 185 Treole, Mark Truxel, John 185 Turner, Richard 185 Vaitkus', Steven 185 Van Degrift, Paul 185 Van Der Sluijs, Cornelius 185 Vangas, Rod 185 Voss, Robert 185 Walker, Robert 71, 185 Ward, Robert 185 Ware, Steven Ways, Harry 185 Wead, James 185 Weidner, Patrick 186 Weisman, Paul 186 Welsh, Jeffrey 186 Wenclewicz, Anthony 186 Whitman, Clark 186 Weiland, Robert 186 Williams, Philemon 186 Williamson, Marcus 186 Williamson, Thomas 186 Wilson, Joseph 186 Witmer, Michael 186 Woerner, Thomas 186 Yancey, Robert 186 York, William 186 Young, Michael 186 Zahn, Curt 186 Zaidain, James 186 Zennie, Albert 186 Zimmer, David 186 Zitt, Robert 186 Zwiesler, Peter 186 Zwiesler, Thomas 186


BlTILT THIS BOOK Editors: Joe CanciIa, John Albaugh. Business Managn: Dale Krohn. Sports and Copy: Tom Wartinger. Undcrclass and Activities: Mark Hickey, Jim Maher. I nul'x: Bill Shock. Faculty: Dave Hocnie. Academics : Denny Halloran, Bob Mathes. General Assistance: Joe Foster, Mike Corcoran. Advisor: Bro. Robert Lamb. Photography: Logan's Studio. Mr. Paul Whitaker and Anchor Publishing Co.

Two Hundred Thirty -Eight

It is the hope of our staff, that through the production in your hands now, you can relive' this memorable year; that through this yearbook all the agonies and hardships, caused by radically changing an institution, along with the ecstasies and joys accompanying great amounts of new free'dom and overwhelming


always be lTIl1l'lI1bered.

Joe CandIa

T wo Hundred Thirty-Nine




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