Julienne High School Yearbook 1965

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Ta~e of Contents /

Administration and Faculty
















is a time

for some things,

And a time .,for all things;

A time for great things,

And a time for small things."



Administration and Faculty

itA Teacher Affects Eternity"

Through the wor k of the administr ation and faculty, a school is given substance and being. The work of the administration at Julienne is to form school policy and to determine school goals. The administration, by providing the school with an atmosphere conducive to learning, sees that these policies can be carried out. Schedules, reports, finances- -these are the workings of administration. The faculty has a threefold teaching responsibility in presenting facts, in forming principles, and instilling goals into the minds of the students. Faculty dedication determines the future. To the faculty we owe the formation of a proud new generation of youth.


Sr. Julia Agnes, S.N.D.--Superior

Sister Rose AIll1a, S.N.D.--Principal

Office Personnel: Mrs. Ross, Miss Roberta McMahon, Miss Kathleen McMahon



Rev. JOM Seaman--Chaplain, Religion Rev. David Lucas--Religion

Mrs . George Kanuck--French Sister Francis Margaret--French, English

Sister Francis Xavier--Spanish Mrs. Silvia Teijelo--Spanish

Sister Mary Victor--Physics, Algebra II, Religion Sister Mary Leo--Chemistry, Math IV

Sister Helen Charles- -English, World History Miss Jonna Meyer--English, Religion Sister Marie Angela--English 9


Sr. Ann Lucille--English, Religion Mrs. Herbert Hinkle--English, World History Sr. Cecilia, S .H. --English, Religion

Sr. Clotilda, S.H.--Clothing, Christian Family Living Miss Sharon Gilchrist--Home Management, Foods, Clothing

Sr. Mildred Julie - -Religion, Music Sr. Louis Marie--Religion, Biology Sr. Ann Louise--Religion


Mrs. Wm. Duffy--Algebra I, Geometry Sr. Martha--Algebra II, Geometry Mrs. John Koenig--Algebra I, Math

Sr. Helen Therese - -Amer. History, Geography Mrs. Raphael Didier--World History

Sr. Anna Marie--Art Sr. Jeanne Therese--Journalism, English, Religion Miss Charlotte Neighbors--Speech, English



Sr. Marie Emilie--College Counselor

Sr. Julia Frances- -Latin, Algebra, Math Sr. Genevieve Marie--Latin Sr. Julie Louise--Latin, English

Sr. Ann Christopher--Problems of Democracy Miss Mary Marchal--Problems of Democracy, American History

Mrs. William Naughton--Typing, Shorthand Miss Kathleen Whalley--General Bus., Record Keeping, Typing Sr. Elise--Shorthand, Bookkeeping

Sr. Teresa--English Sr. Mary Eugene--English, Religion 12

Miss Carole Roberts--Physical Education, Health Miss Emily Muye--Physical Education, Health Mrs. F. Dineen- -Study Miss Geraldine Dickson--Biology, American History Miss Carolyn Thomes--Biology, Life Science

Sr. Cassilda, S.H.--Head of Music Department Miss Rose Gysbers--Singing

Sr. Mary Isabelle - -Although none of us have her for class, how could we get through the day without the Cafeteria Manager?

Sr. Olivia--American History, World History Mrs. Joseph Umina--Home Management, Christian Family Living Sr. Margaret Ann- -Librarian 13


"Nine Tenths of Wisdom Is Being Wise in Time"

Knowledge and learning come from training our minds to absorb the lessons in books and in life itself. This training is based on the foundation built in our minds by the academic life of the school. With this foundation the whole structure of man's intelligence is strengthened and improved. Through daily classes in general and specific subjects, the student is trained and disciplined for the future. This system of training is essential to the education of students as citizens of tomorrow, for only through education can men be great and nations strong.




The aim of religious instruction is twofold: to bring the student personally to a fuller knowledge and love of God; to show her how to carry this love for God into her social dealings with other men. Although many of the basic truths of the faith are learned early in life, they are repeated in the high school cour se . This repetition serves as a reinforcement which strengthens the pupil in later life. Most importantly, through the religion class, God is made more a part of the student's everyday life.

These girls are beginning to see the Bible in a new light.


The subject Religion encompasses a broad field of related topics.


Sister Helen Charles leads her class in a book dis路c ussion.

English Julienne offers her students a four year English program, adapted to give them a firm foundation in the English language, beginning with a study of the fundamentals of grammar, punctuation, and vocabulary. With these tools in hand, the student next turns to the development of writing skills, both creative and factual. Finally, a study of the great American and English authors and their works fosters in the student a love and appreciation of the written English word.

These library projects!


"Now, in the undeveloped Valley . . . "


of the Amazon River If you think YOUR Ameribe like.

Mrs. Didier and her World History class listen to an interesting report on the ancient world. 18

Social Studies To learn from the past and to prepare for the future, to foster greater understanding of oqr society and our place in the social structure--these are the purposes of a social studies course. Because we, the students of today, must be the leaders of tomorrow, this study is important to our development. Through it we come to understand the structure of our government and of those governments around us. We come to understand the actions of others through a knowledge of the ir culture s. In today' s ever-shrinking world, such unde rstanding is the only way to world peace and prosperity.

can History book is thick, consider what your children's books will

Who says that Today's Chuckle isn't a Problem of Democracy?


Languages Languages, whether classical or modern, are an essential part in the education of today's student. Julienne offers an elective of three languages . Latin, a possible four-year course, trains the mind, broadens the vocabulary, and is a must for those looking toward a medical career. Two new features maybe noted in the mode rn language l.p.b at Julienne. One is the first appearance of freshmen French and Spanish students; the other is the development of the new teaching method based p rimaril y on the spoken word.

"Co'mo est~?" Repetition is the key to Spanish pronunciation.

These girls make Latin look easy.

The French version of the American hootenanny. 20

Five heads are better than one when learning the art of headline writing.

Journalism and Speech Man, a social creature, communicates with other men through the spoken and written word. The speech class has its aim in preparing the student to fulfill his social position of spoken communication with poise and simple ability. In addition, it trains talented students in the mass communication of drama and the stage. Journalism is also concerned with a specialized type of mass communication. It reveals to the student a field vital to man s social needs - -the field of journalistic writing, the textbook of the common man. I

Turn around, so we can hear.


They'll never need the hunt-and-peck system again.

Business The purpose of the Business Department at Julienne is to train girls as proficient secretaries for today's modern business world. The business curriculum includes Record Keeping and Bookkeeping, Clerical Office Practice, Shorthand I and II, and Typing I and II. Through these related subjects the demands of secretarial work are closely reproduced so as to give the student practical experience in the skills which she will some day need.

One of Miss Whalley's classes concentrate on the fundamentals of Record Keeping. 22

Home Economics The practical sciences of homemaking are studies which prove useful in the life of any student and especially in the lives of girls. These sciences deal with the art of better living and can have a powerful influence on the future happiness and ability of the homemaker. At Julienne four home economics courses are offered: Home Management' Foods, Clothing, and Christian Family Living. These courses are considered to be of such importance that one home economics credit is a requirement for graduation.

"Heat to a 路boil, stirring constantly."

So this is the way we make our clothes! 23

Science As the wheels of progress speed by with the sands of time, the sciences become of ever-increasing importance to the high school student. They are important in that they interest potential scientists in the steady progress of this competitive world. They are necessary in that they give to the student a bas ic understanding of some of the principles which he will meet in the everyday science of this industrial age. Julienne offers four science courses, designed both to widen the student's further educational interests and to prepare her for the future: Life Science, Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

Julienne's "invisible man," makes the study of

Chemistry experiments require accurate measuring, careful timing, and a lot of luck!




Chris Meyer, a physics student, discovers that ticker tapes are used for something other than the stock exchange .


human biology fun.

Miss Thomes' Life Science class. 25

Barb Starin and Sue Armstrong find themselves confronted by a three-pointed Math IV problem.

Now let's see . .. a 2

+ b 2 =hum


Mrs. Duffy gives some helpful


Mathematics Progress has given to numbers a position of great importance in the world. Almost every work of life, from the most simple to the very complex, requires some knowledge of mathematical relationships. Recognizing this, Julienne offers the student an elective of four math courses, including Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, and Math IV. While math is not a typical field for women, these courses are well attended, and a growingtrend toward the math and science fields is noticeable in the school today.

"Now, let's translate this into English."

"Plain" geometry can be very confusing.

guidance in Algebra I. 27

What would YOU do if you were the first to arrive at the scene of an accident? Miss Muye gives a few basic pointers.

Stretch! (puff)





Physical Education The health and gym classes at Julienne complete the old adage: "A sound mind in a sound body." Included in the gym curriculum of 1964-1965 were hockey, kickball, volleyball, basketball, tumbling' folk dancing, and postur~ and grooming. Through these activities, physical fitness and coordination as well as sportmanship were developed. The health classes were centered around a progressive four-year schedule. The freshmen studied personal health habits, the sophomores, general health, the juniors, community health, and the seniors, current health problems. Gym takes a new bend- -posture correction and control. 28

Music and Art The music and art classes aim for the development of those girls with potential in either of these fields. The progress of the students is apparent in both fields in the many a wards which the students have won in the past year. Together with the singing training and art appreciationgiven the entire school, the music and art classes cultivate a cultural interest in the student body as a whole.

Under the direction of Sr. Anna Marie, Marilyn Trimbach and Mary Baker prepare an exhibit for Fine Arts Day.

Could these be future Rembrandts ?

The Sophomores get a new look at three-part singing.



"Time Is a Sort of River of Passing Events."

As the year passes, the events that at one time were so important blend into a sea of memories . Thepreparation put into the Proms and the Play will be forgotten, and only the plea sure of the final moments will be remembered. For every girl at Julienne, Mission Dayand the May Procession will hold a special place, but other events of life will al wa ys be there to push them back into a small corner of the mind. These and the many treasured memories of 1964 - 1965 will not be entirely forgotten though, for they are a memorable part of the year.

The Senior Class Presents ...



Maria teaches the Von Trapp children to sing.

Wedding preparations at the Abbey. 32

nThe Sound of Music"


CAST: Maria Rainer . . . . . . . . Sally Cooke Captain VohTrapp路 . . . . . Dan McClain Max Detweiler. . . . . George Spalding Elsa Schraeder . . . . . Linda Zwiesler Liesl . Libby Helldoerfer Kurt . . . . . . . . . . . . . John Goode Louisa . . . . . . . . Alice Dow Friedrich . . . . . ., ., . George Sullivan Brigitta . . . . . . . . . . . Nancy Riley Marta . . . . . . . . . . . Kathi Saettel Gretl. . . . . . . . . . . Martha Boe sch Rolf Gruber. . . . . . . . . . Sonny Bell Mother Abbess . . . . . Diane Deschler Sister Berthe . . . . Dolores Christofaro Sister Margaretta . . . Teresa Slonaker Sister Sophia . . . . . . . . . Paula Ivory Franz . . . . John Anthony Frau Schmidt . . . . . . . .Alice Kester

"Knock it off, George!"

"You are safe here, my children." 33

Junior Prom- ~~Mikado"

Some juniors and their dates take" advantage of the beautiful night and the attractive courtyard.

Soft music and dancers enhance the mood of the night.

Charlene Sitzman and her date smile for the camera.

Anyone for a rick-shaw ride? The flavor where.

of the Orient was every34

The Seniors'


by Night"

Our lovely queen Aldona Masilionis and her attendants, Janet Gisclard, Cecile DiMatteo, Estella Pitman, and Patricia Brodbeck.

What happened to those diets?

"We have our character cards!"


Senior Tea

Our efficient homeroom and class officers and "Mom ,"


"I shouldn't, but, , , " 36

Mission Day


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"She said, 'It's only a dollar.'"

Eavesdropping, Sister? What!

Is that an underclassman?

"Adieu, Adieu, Auf wiedersehen, good - bye 37


May Crowning

"0 Mary, we crown thee with blossoms today."

Sodality officers crown the Blessed Virgin: Nora Dwyer, Vicki McCabe, Ann Westendorf, Barb Marcus.

The girls of Julienne assemble in their yearly act in honor of the Blessed Virgin. 38

Nora leads the students Consecration to Mary.

in the



Now and Then

Servers of the Faculty Christmas Tea, given by the Home Economics Department. "Thank you, Libby."

Alumnae Banquet

Ave Day

Student Council Installation of Officers, 1965-66. 39

Just for the Record

• • •

Tamborski (Anne) at Beethoven

Alice Dow--the girl responsible for the artistic club insignias.

Seniors don't take anything seriously!

Latin fashions--old and new. Some typical Julienne students.


A big hand for the Library assistants.

A popular spot at any dance.

Maybe some genie cleaned out her locker? Hungry for Knowledge.

The Student Council and Senior Class Officers present to Sr. Rose Anna a shining new Buick--their final gift to the school. 41


"Time Blends with the Ocean of Years"

The underclassmen have played their part in the spirit of Julienne. The Freshmen were officially welcomed by the Senior s at the Big - Little Si ster program. Soon after the beginning of the school year they began the "Miss Courtesy Campaign" in an endeavor to be more useful to the faculty and their fellow classmates. The Sophomores and Juniors have also lent a helping hand in the spirit that is Julienne's. They have shown academic zeal, and have generously supported all the school acti vitie s. In these and many other ways they have made themselves an integral part of Julienne.

Freshmen 9A Dianne Adkinson Laura Baker Susan Bonfig Jane Boston Barbara Chmiel Karen Claude Susan Dahlinghaus Elizabeth Deger Therese Gerhard Sylvia Guilfoil Caroline Hausfeld Pamela Heiligenberg Theresa Heindl Mary Hilton Juanita Huber Michelyn Jonas Mary Keating Karen Koerner Kathleen Kowaleski Patricia Lauricella Maureen Moore Jane Peters Mary Susan Rench Dolores Sammons Rita Saunders Nancy Schiml Janice Schmitz Mary Schwendeman Judith Scott Alberta Singer Christina Stafford Marycarol Strobel Jean Van Hook Susan Wysinski Victoria Wysinski Jane Zinkiewicz

This Is the Class of 1968 ...


Frances Amend Kathy Armstrong Karen Bertke Margaret Birt


Susan Berger Joan Boston Dianne Broughman Joyce Brown Kathleen Brown Margaret Brun Martha Ann Collins Deborah Dolinski Carol Foltz Beth Fries Rita Gerlach Kathryn Hoffman Kathleen Hughes Susan Hurst Susan Johnson Margaret Kaucher Darlyn Kettler Frances Kulhanek Rebecca Limberg Susan Mathes Tina Merkel Rose Marie N aas Mary Ann Neu Miriam Nowlin Hilda Ribeinski Rose Scarpelli Sharon Seitz Carolyn Spang Constance Stueve Michele Van Oss Abs. Kathleen Michel

One of Song,


9C Margaret Bachey Bernice Bayer Carol Bleicher Teresa Buedel Linda Casella Elizabeth Clapp Mary Pat DeAloia Bonnie Deschler Vickie Eppler Rebecca Florea Carol Fortunato Michele Frankenberg Elaine Gambill Joyce Hemmelgarn Joyce Holtzhauer Mary Issenmann Barbara Jobe Jayne Clair Kaufhold Patricia Keily Kathleen Kosater Jennifer McGarry Carolyn Meyer Deborah Newton Amy O'Brien Diane Ranly Christine Rapp Mary June Rindler Sharon Schmidt Linda Sims Carol Streit Judy Sweigart Gertrude Walling Helen Wartinger Lucretia Ways Barbara Weisser Patricia Woodall Patricia Yates

and Laughter,

Jill Baker Mary Barnes Patricia Brun Sharon C enky Linda Coffey Jill Didier Ann Donovan . Mary Forthofer Anne Grzybowski Kathy Guess Antoinette Haas Deborah Harmuth Sharon Hartley Jeanette Hoving Shirley Hutzel Alice Kreitzer Joyce Kroger Michele Kunnen Julie Larkins Constance Lauer Judith Lehman Rita Long Mary Magly Mary Jo Magrath Mary Obringer Evelyn Peree Rita Ponichtera M ary Price Rita Rinehart Joyce Ruschau Kathleen Sayer Judith Schutte Beth Sherman Marirose Sindoni Carol Waker Thomasine Wessel Marilyn Wiggenhorn Gail Wissman Gail Zimmerman

Fun, and Sharing.


9E Jennifer Agnew Cynthia Bayham Ann Berbach Linda Condron Nancy Condron Joan Hansen Brenda Hedgebeth Sharon Heggs Barbara Hickey Deborah Hosfeld Susan Kinzeler • Mary Beth Klosterman Dianne Landis Catherine Lehmann Virginia Leibold Susan Lyons Colleen McCartan Terri Meade Martha Mescher Jane Michael Julie Moore Maureen O'Connor Marie Perree Ann Petkewicz Michele Roberts Ruth Siewe Laura Slover Mary Lou Smedebush Sharon Smith Wanda Steppe Mary Storck Nancy Thickel Angela Trimboli Theresa Van Schaick Nancy Vore Jane Werner Mary Zimmerman Jacqueline Zitt

Miss Neatness--Pat Brun Miss Courtesy--Evelyn Perree Miss Personality- -Elaine Gambill

9F Martha Boesch Kathleen Borkowski Lois Brinkman Catherine Brumbaugh Susan Cochran Patricia Collins Patricia Craighead Maryann Dupps Jane Haemerle Theresa Ann Haney Kathleen Harsha Linda King Susan Klenke Janice Loges Barbara Luigs Elizabeth Makiewicz Sally McLean Janice Mechenbier Elizabeth Ann Mergler Deborah Meyer Bonnie Monnin Patricia Murphy Marianne Pittl Anne Roalef Carolyn Sipes Ann Spin nato Lydiann Theone Jill Trimmer Barbara Tuss Maura Willhelm Kathleen Woerner Linda Diane Zajbel Ann Catherine Zimmerman Malinda Zotkiewicz Abs. --Eva Horvathy

Everything from License Plates


9G Diane Battigaglia Karen Beutle Louise Bollheimer

Phyllis Brindisi Grace Bruno Linda Casey Pamela Choice

Eliza beth Daley Patricia DeWitt Antonia Dodaro Diane Elkins Diane Freiberger Karen Geisler Mary Jackson Pamela Jacobson Verna Lewis Carol Mantia Deborah McDermott' Dorothy Montalto Colleen O'Connor Mary Papp Mary Ray Elizabeth Saettel Jane Stautzenbach Anne Tolle Cheryl Wahl Kathleen Whitman Carol Williams Christine Zwolski Abs, --Margie Allen

to Taking a Roman Holiday.



Cheryl Allen Joan Marie Baker Virginia Bernzott

Judith A. Brennan Margaret Buckwalter Karen Chappie Deborah Dawicke

Kathy Dittrich Paula Fenelon Rosina Ferraro Lois Ann Gaeke Kathy Hempleman Deborah Hochwalt Pamela Sue Johnson Karen Kammer Karen Knapschaefer Susan M. Knopp Constance Lehman Marianne J. Long Susan E. Lozan Nancy M. Lucente Patricia Moosbrugger Sharon Murphy Alexis Anne Nelson Theresa Nichols Andrea Platt Cynthia 1. Rogerson Paula Sano Louis Scarpelli Jane Schmitz Deborah Schram Ann Christine Skelton Teresa A. Smith Carla Louise Spatz Susan Stanley Kathy Wysong


Softball Was Our Favorite Sport



Virginia Allen Juanna Boston Barbara Clements

Virginia Condy Christine Csiba Susan Dickey

Jane Duckwall JoAnne Freiberger Linda Haley Laura Halvorson Mary Rose Helmer Susan Hersman Karen Kinderman Kathleen Kuntz Fabienne Lawson Kathleen May Kathleen McLaughlin Maribeth Mehall Mary Penney Pamela Porumb Tina Ravestein Jane Scarpelli Cornelia Schwendeman Mary Tarjan Beverly Tripp Patricia Walsh Iris Wendling Virginia Suzanne Wolf Mary Wuebben

and Our Class Was One of Spirit!


Abs.--Theresa Metzger Kathleen Sheehan


Cheryl Anderson Mary Anne Balazs Karen Beck Kathleen Boston Kathleen Brandenburg Kathryn Budenz Ann Carone Julie Drummer Linda Eads Madelon Eifert Kathryn Gmeiner Linda Greene Mary Haley Donna Howell Susan Kronenberger Deborah Lange Ruth Leibold Elaine Mazzotta Marlene McCray Marilyn Mescher Sue Ann Mitchell Stephanie Moorm an Elaine Mudd

Sophomores Tried and True

lOA Victoria Olding Martha Scheper Mollie Schumacher

Janet Schweller Rebecca Shafer Barbara Sheets Mary Jo Sheets

Jennifer Smith Victoria Tabet Diann Thomas Gail Wysong Abs.--Kathleen Keller


Linda Barnhart Connie Bertke Mary Jo Carson Diane Dial Marilyn Fenelon Sue Fitzharris Kathy Flemming Betty Gaeke Sue Greene Linda Hoop Candy Hutchison Janet Longman Donna Luckas Mary Ann Mille r Carol Noreikas Joanne Plassenthal Mary Jane Quatman Karen Rafferty Nancy. Ramey Joyce Rammel Jacque Reeder Sue Roberts Marlene Roche Cathy Seitz Terry Sherman Margie Snyder Nancy Steffano

Imagination with a

lOB Diane Streaker Carol Strutton Mary Svellinger Mary Kay Tolle Elinor Wenzel Sally Zwiesler Abs.--Mary Dichito Elizabeth Frye Pam Godzik Barb Laux Connie Nye Janice Priske

From Applepolishers to Gensans?



Linda Bertke Linda Biga Kathy Boyd Patricia Cenky Mary Chmiel Judy Colosimo Laurel Deis "Joyce Doll Susan Duffy Christine Finke Cathi Harsacky Rosem ary Hunter Loretta Linck Judith Lock Donna McSemek Sharon Meyer Rebecca Moosbrugger Renee Peterman Margaret Richison Tristne Roberts Barbara Roth Rose Schelcher Darrell Schmidt

Touch of Inspiration

Jane Schmidt Stephanie Staton Catherine Sweigart Constance Varley Susan Vore Gail Wourms Carolyn Ziehler Abs. - -Patricia Misimen

Add a touch of Christmas to your uniform!


Cathy Battisti Mary Ellen Broadstone Barbara Browning Beth Dahlinghaus Barbara Davis Virginia Deis Sylvia Desando Mary Ann Dix Mary Fiorita Deborah Heggs Susan Holden Christine Koehl Lynne LaVielle Susan McDonald Barbara Minham Susan Moosbrugger Teresa Nevivs Deborah Olwine Linda Pavuk Eileen Quinter Louise Rench Ann SchIemann Nancy Schuster Patricia Smiley Diana Smith

Sophomore Activities Bring

IOD Margaret Smith Michele Somsel

Kathleen Stanley Diane Suttmiller Pauline Wagner

Margaret Walling Teresa Wartinger Judith Westbrock

Who said these girls don't have talent?

Belinda Williams Elizabeth Williamson Roseanne Zimmerman


Karen Albers Susan Beall Betty Bernard Claudia Bernard Marylyn Broker


Susan Brunn Lynda Coriell Mary Donovan Frances Dorsey Rita Elix Barbara Fischer Lynn Foose Gayle Frazer Julie Griffin Marybeth Hafer Mary Jo Hagen Kathy Haller Eleanor Hansman Kathleen Hochadel Carol Hoying Diana Koesters Teresa Kuhn Kathleen Logan

Out Hidden Talent

Catherine McMillan Julia Otto

Patricia Powers Sharon Price Maribeth Quinn

Kathy Share Cynthia Steinbrunner Christine Stiplitus

Mary Wagner Mary Westendorf Phyllis Winters


Printer 's ink runs through these Sophomores' veins.

Nancy Barringer Anna Marie Bella Kathryn Buynak Patricia Cherpeski Rita Clapp Mary Concannon Colleen Cooney Jacqueline Couture Linda Deis Joyce Dunn Nadya Fernandez Brenda Fisher Sue Flanagan Dianne Grusenmeyer Judy Hafer Peggy Hampel Allison Hanson Theresa Hoying Christine Kiser Sandra Lewis Madeline Loges Marilyn Luckett Antoinette Mals Margaret Marlow

Today Julienne

IOF Mary Lou Mechenbier Denna Phelan

We'll always have sophomore year.

wann memories of Agnes Piekutowski Linda Pohl Susan Randall

Mary Ellen Rankin Marie Schaaf Sylvia Schulze

Paula Sears Marcia Schillito Vicki Todd Abs.--Judi Rosenbeck


Deborah Amann Joan Borchers Joanne Burns Judith Chappie Carol Condy


Olivia Cousins Mary Ann Dunsky Lynn Eagen Josephine Fitzgerald Sonja Francis Mary Lou Fussner Kathy Haley Mary Kerezsi Ellen Marshall Patricia McGreevy Marsha Meltz Jennifer Monroe Pa tricia 0 ' Connell Deborah Parenti Barbara Paull Paula Pumilia Diane Quinlivan Christine Regulinski

Tomorrow the World!

Mary Rieger Melanie Robinson Susan Schreier

Donna Sheehan Maureen Sherry Eileen Staas

Janet Sullivan Marcia Sweigart Anita Thiel

Carol Vehorn Barbara Wabler Beverly Wimsatt


In memory of Rose Anne Leibold, September 5, 1949 March 8, 1965


The Class -o f' 66 Zelda Adams Linda Sue Bertke Nancy Boesch Nancy Browning Paula Budde


Cathy Carlin Mary Chmiel Janet Clements Julia Clements Mary DeCarlo Patricia Dix Margaret Doll Catherine Esken June Gregory Jessica Gross Susan Hoffman Jayne Hudson Judith Hyer Carole Ireton Jean Jeckering Nora Keyes Anna Knopp Betty Lulhane Janice Lyle Mary McGuire Nancy Newbauer Colleen Noonan Ausra Rastikis Patricia Roth Maria Scarpelli Lisbeth Schiffmann Mary Jo Steger Sharon Sullivan Sharon VanAusdal Sharon Walker Abs . - -Susan Higgins Odette Sheehan


The Junior Class officers aim for the best things in life.

Prepared for Anything


Phyllis Beck Judy Brown C atherine Buechele Linda Carson Martha Coleman Barbara Dineen Mary Jane Flynn Sue Fortunato Sandra Grewe Kathleen Hoagland Joann Hyle Mary Lauber Michelle Laux Patricia Macgrath Pauline Magrath Cynthia Maier Kathy Mancz Marilyn Mescher Sue Murray Cynthia Paull Monica Platt Audrey Pumilia Arlene Spatz fatricia Spilker Paula Stockert Marsha Stoddard Mary Jo Strozdas Anne Tamborski Carol Wade Gertrude Wartinger Christina Wicinski Barbara Wildenhaus Mary Pat Williamson Karen Wolf Patricia Zinkiewicz


To our motto "Ever Green"

Some Wrote a. Song, Mariclaire Baker Mary Jo Baumgartner Gwendolyn Borgert Diane Burgess Helene Daley

I Ie

Mary Davie Deborah Dutzy Bonnie Ernst Kathleen Fisk Connie Fliehman Linda Goldschmidt Carol Hickey Mary Hill Delores Kash Jo Ann Kiss Christine Kleismit Nancy Kostoff Linda Krainz Suzanne Lawson Donna Lehman Rose Massie Nancy Meixner Dianne Neu CarolOrf Kathleen Patterson Lynn Payne Glenna Riffle Lois Ruschau Margaret Schmitz Rita Shively Jean Staretz Susan Thoma Mary Veg Ruth Wolanczyk Madeline Zitt


Many Had a Dance


Antoinette Beradi Cathleen Caserta Mary Lou Clark Patricia Clark Mary Lou Cochran Ruth Fisher Cheryl Fitzmartin Carole Glaser Deborah Hagedorn Cynthia Harper Frances Hewitt Theresa Hill Kanita Johnson Elizabeth Jurick Charlene Kinzeler Victoria Koester Joyce Lauer Linda Lee Janet Lengerich Mary Madden Judith McGuire Carolyn McSemek Joan Mitchell Veronica Mitchell Dorothy Monnin Elizabeth Pavuk Martha Pfeiffer Dorothy Schirtzinger Pam Simmerman Lorna Smedebush Jeanette Tischler Ann Vaughn Sandra Walter Mary Anne Weaver Absent: Annette Van Zant


He said, "Watch the birdie."

All Worked Diligently.

I IE Leah Augsburger Virginia Bahret Connie Biga Mary Lou Bond Annette Brockman Patricia Brown Veronica Coyle Rita Dietz Julie Dineen Brenda East J ana Fischer Georgiana Focke Elaine Gyori Linda Hedgebeth Mary Jane Heil Kathleen Keller Mary Theresa Killian Mary LaForsch Rebecca Morgann Mary Jane Phalen Beverly Richied Sharon Steber! Marsha Stem ley Geraldine Strukamp Beverly Tobe Mary Wade Nancy Wagner Kathleen Walsh Patricia Walters Victoria Whitehead Sharon Wolf Susan Wolff Barbara Wollenhaupt


Some Entertained

I IF Carla Amato

Cathryn Andrews Susan Brown Marcia Brumbaugh Karen Colosimo Susan Craighead Paula Deschler Linda Guess Karen Hafke Patricia Helker Susan Herbert Carole Hochwalt Christine Kleiner Christine Marshall Marilyn Martinson Mary Miskimen Paula Moorman Diane Olekas Deborah Patterson Margaret Plassenthal Elaine Reigle Sandra Sano Cathy Schmitz Bonnie Schweller Jane Somsel Joan Stegman Darlene Turner Lynne Vescio Eileen Vocke Kathryn West Charlene Zirbs


Absent: Paula Brown

''I take size .. "

Others Dreamed of Next Year.


Beverly Clune Nancy DeBrosse Paula Deger Lucy Duffy

Betty J . Elsass Karen Fletcher Catherine Goeke Magdalen Greschel Diana Grump Cary Guilfoil Julie Hanson Susan Hempleman Rosemary Hollo Cynthia Kambitsch Linda Lawhorn Mary T . Lehmann Christine Long Karen Lowry Anne Magato Michelle Marko Anna Nartker Marianne Pickrel Mary Pope Joanne Puchalski Peggy Rismiller Judith Rodgers Julie Rougier Sue Schliesser Karen Schoenlein Charlene Sitzman Cecilia Thomas Roberta Vales Mary Ann Zapatony Camille Zieba

L 66

Presenti ng ... Top Ranking Homerooms in the Yearbook Patron Drive

Homeroom 9G

Homeroom 100




lIC~"~f Pt.~n.1 •

"Time Travels in Divers Places with Divers Persons."

'. .

Clubs are a vital part of the curriculum at Julienne. They keep the interest and spirit of the students alive. In almost every field of interest there is an organization in which a girl is able to develop and share her talents with others. Through these clubs, her personality becomes fuller and her horizons broader. Here a girl learns to communicate and associate with those around her. She matures and learns to cope with many different social problems. When a girl participates actively in the clubs and related activities at Julienne, she is well on her way to becoming an intelligent, mature, and informed citizen of the world in which she lives.

Student Council Strengthened by the enthusiasm of the student body, the Student Council was able to initiate many newprojects and continue some of the old this year. The birthday calendar was a 1964 promise that became a 1965 reality. On the first day of school the "big sisters" met and welcomed their "little sisters. " Then in November, The Father Daughter Dance was, as usual, a success. This year the Student Council sponsored many student-faculty activities, some of which were a revised form of the T. V. Celebrity Game and a student-teacher volleyball game. The Student Council also cooperated with radio stations in collecting buttons and candy bars. And, of course, never to be forgotten is the festive Christmas tree which they put up in the courtyard during the holidays.

Elisabeth Schiffmallll entertains at the Student Council hootenallllY in the emblem.

Judy, Mary Pat, and Julie show their enthusiasm at the sight of all the candy bars collected for the children's hospital.

Looks like this dance is going to be most profitable.

The Student Council officers: Mary Pat Halpin, Chris Long, Chris Burns, Judy Weckesser, Julie Strozdas, Josie Thacker, Gretchen Trautman. Moderator-Sister Mary Leo.


"Password" was one of the three games played at the student-faculty Mardi Gras. I wonder who's having more fun, the students or the faculty?

nMy Heart Belongs to Daddy"

Dads pause for a coke, and rest their weary feet.

Mr. Dix has won Cathy's heart.

Concentration is the key to following dad's steps. 71

Sodality The Julienne Sodality of 196465, while striving to make its members strong and outstanding Catholics, is aiming to develop a social consciousness, not only in its members, but also in all of Julienne's students. It works to find meaningful Christian action for its members. This year the Sodality has held an assembly promoting Catholic Youth Week, it has members workingwith retarded children each Saturday, and members who are tutoring children at Highview School; it has initiated a project whereby its members will go to visit rest homes and entertain the older people.

Moderator, Sister Ann Christopher; Prefect, Nora Dwyer; Vice-prefect, Ann Westendorf; Secretary, Vickie McCabe; and Treasurer, Barbara Markus work together to plan a new project.

Sodalists form a living rosary for Catholic Youth Week.

Sophomore sodalists take charge of the Christmas card collection.


Les Parisiennes The French Club is designed to fulfill the needs of the students who wish to further their knowledge of the French language. The members learn many facts about France itself, by discussingthe customs and the habits of the French people. Among its activities are guest speakers, singing and musical programs, reports, and dramatizations, many of them in the French language. French Club officersJ acqueline Chalamel, Elisabeth SchiffmalUl, Diane Quinlivan, discuss the geography of France.

Paula Fenelondisplays her French project, Diner en France, to Pres. Jacqueline Chalamel.

Red Cross The High School Red Cross strives to help the schools educate the youth, to give students practical opportunities for leadership and service, and to help meet community and international needs. Julienne has been active in these aims. Volunteers from the school donated their time to the "Talking Letter Program, " completed a scrap book on Julienne activities and sent it overseas to help clarify atttitudes toward America. The members participated in many community service projects, which included caroling at a nursing home, decorating the V.A. recreation hall for New Year's Eve party, and participating in trimming the facade of the Red Cross Chapter House to help "Keep Christ in Christmas. "

Hard at work on one of their many projects this year are the High School Red Cross officers Terry Slonaker, Gretchen Trautman, Sarah Griffith and moderator Sister Helen Therese.

The start of another carolling trip for eager Red Cross Members. 73

National Honor Society The Julienne Chapter of the National Honor Society was established in 1957. The object of the organization is to create enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, and to encourage the development of character in students at Julienne. Membership in the society is an honor bestowed upon candidates from the Junior and Senior classes. This membership carries with it the responsibility and obligation to promote the qualities which brought about a girl's selection. Mrs. Duffy, Sister Ann Christopher, and Pres. Ann Kronenberger at th~ National Honor Society Assembly.

Members of N.H.S. Left to right: FRONT ROW: Mary P. Halpin, Jane Somsel, Barb Wildenhaus, Sarah Griffith, Michele Marko; SECOND ROW: Janice Finch, Mary J. Strazdas, Carla Amato, Mary Jo Martin, Ruth Ann Kleibecker; THIRD ROW: Chris Long, Karen Wolf, Ann Magato, Cynthia Paull, Joann Hyle, Ann Harsacky, Alice ~ester, Margie Tiefert, Hanka Makiewicz, Nora Dwyer, Virginia Waldo.

FIRST ROW: Kathy Perkins, Ann Westenorf, Aldona Masilionis, Margie West, Ann Kronenberger; SECOND ROW: Mary Sue Dietrich, Julie Strazdas, Charlene Detmer, Francis Stockert, Pat Brodbeck, Barb Beard, Mary J 0 Rolfes, Kathy 0 'Connell, Ann Acton; THIRD ROW: Marlea Van Dame, Cecilia Thomas, Ann Dahlinghaus, Joan Senecal, Mary A. Burns, Barb Staritz, Chris Burns, Yvonne Ruchau, Jane Backscheider, Jennifer Rohl, Charlene Carroll. 74

Junior Council on World Affairs Through J.C.O.W.A., members are given the opportunity to increase their knowledge of the world they live in. They are able to do this by participating in a variety of inter -school activities, such as U.N. Week, the Model General Assembly, and study tours. Through movies .and guest speakers, the members gain a broad appreciation of different cultures and peoples. This year, the J.C. O. W.A. cooperated with the National Forensic League in sponsoring a dance on October 31.

Moderator Miss Dickson points out South Vietnam to officers.

J .C .D.W .A. officers Alice Kester, Barb Beard, Frances Stockert, Virginia Eckert, and Ann Acton, discuss Great Decisions.

The J.C.D.W.A. members discuss world affairs at one of their weekly meetings.

Time outfor an intellectual picture.

Research Club of America The year 1964-65 was a big one for the science club of Julienne, when it underwent a complete revitalization- -even its name was changed! As the Research Club of America, it is a completely new and different organization. Its aims are to promote a greater interest in science at Julienne and to encourage all those who desire to work in the fields of science.

Members watch a demonstration of Sue Hempleman's science project.

One of the many guest speakers adding to the interest of R.C .A. meetings. One of the club's functions is to perform and observe various experiments.

Officers: Nancy Butler, Jennifer Rohl, Kathy Edmundson, Gretchen Trautman, Cathy Stowe.


Future Nurses Club


The Future Nurses Club members at Julienne benefit from a panoramic view of the nursing profession and a variety of related fields. All interested Juniors and Seniors meet monthly to obtain information from various expe rts in the areas of allied medical specializations. ParLicipation in the club activities accumulates points toward obtaining a nationally recognized pin. Outstandingassistance to the community merits an honorary service pin for deserving Seniors.


Dr. Ray Burns M.D. ' addresses the F .N.C. members.

Lt. Commander Rachel Fine and Petty Officer Joseph R. LoCicero speak to the F.N.C. about Navy life and careers in the Navy.

Karen Barga, Meg G allico, Julie Hamant and Mary J 0 Martin, the F .N.C. officers, chat with moderator Sister Ann Lucille.


Girls Athletic Association



The Girls Athletic Association became a stronger organization this year by revising {j U its paint system. Instead of receiving one paint for every sport a member participates in, only a half point is given. By doing this, the G.A.A. hoped to make it a greater honor to receive awards at the end of the year. Most of the homerooms formed kickball, volleyball, and basketball teams, and a softball and tennis team were formed for interscholastic play. Other activities included mother -daughter bowling, and a "clean the glen day. "


Did I make a basket?

The G.A.A. officers: Francis ' Strobhar, Kathy Loeber, Jane B,a chscheider, Ginny Keyes, and Lynda Gudorf. Moderators: Miss Roberts and Miss Muye .

The Chaminade cheerleaders, Marlene Roche, Karen Colosimo, Mary Ann Weaver, and Charlene Carroll, wear their best smiles. 78

The timekeepers and scorekeepers seem to be having more fun than the players.

Junior and Senior Glee Club members meet every Tuesday and Friday for fun and work as Miss Rose Gysbers helps them to become a polished singing group. The long hours of practice were rewarded by the brilliant performances at the Christmas program and on Fine Arts Day.

The Glee Clubs The Sophomore Glee Club is the only school group with an exclusively sophomore membership. The faithful Thursday after school practices were repaid when the group gave an excellent performance at the Christmas Assembly program.


Director Miss Rose Gyspers

The Monogram The Monogram finds its goal in its motto - - "Strength in a Word. " Through the journalism clas sand under the advisorship of Sister Jeanne Therese, the Monogram is published five or six times a year. It endeavors to bring to the school and community an image, the life of Julienne--its clubs, achievements, and activities, as well a s to stimulate thought and action through its editorials.

The editors, Nancy Butler, Ann Acton, and Barb Brown, look over exchange papers with Sister Jeanne Therese. Watchful reporters on the job.

The page editors, Beth Daniels, Mary Becker, Paula Deger, and Ruth Nylan try to figure out the most effective arrangement for the layout.

The paper would have been impossible without the hard work of these typists: Rose Marie Pleiman, Mary J 0 Rolies, Barb W olhamp, and Mary Phelan.


Future Teachers of America

The F. T. A. strives to prepare those in terested in some field of teaching for their future careers, and gives them the op portunity to develop their skills by vol unteering assistance in many educational activities. Members listen to speakers who are qualified in a certain pha se of education, do substitute teaching , and visit other schools and institutions. In this way F. T. A. members are instructed, and g iven an insight into possible areas for a career in teaching. F. T. A. officers Lois Winter, Mary Ann Burns, Judy Bush, Ann Clark, Kathy Biersack, and Terri Raponi with their moderator, Sister Ma ry Eugene .

F. T.A. members sit back to enjoy the skit. Are these future teachers or participants of the Ed Sullivan Show?


Josie Thacker, Kathy O'Connell, Barb Musselman and Margie West are pleased with their trophy for debate . Kathy Perkins demonstrates her ability for public speaking.

National Forensic League N.F.L. officers Kathy O'Connell, Alice Kester, Kathy Perkins, Marlea VanDame and JoAnn Cascardo with their moderator, Miss Neighbors.

The exceptional commodity of N . F. L. is public sp~aking . Through a round of tournaments, student congresses, speech festivals and dramatic art contests, the members ofN. F. L. gain experience, not only in personal poise and confidence, but also in dealing with others. With this experience behind them, N.F.L.'ers go out to conquer the world as they conquered their competition.

Registering our guests for the N.F.L. dance "Election Fever."


Teens in Action T . 1. A . is a small organization at Julienne, whose purpose it is to promote good literature and to keep the problems of obscenity before the eyes of the student body. An outstanding example of the organization's work at Julienne was the showing of the movie "Paper Doll, " an excellent film illustrating the danger of pornography.

The T.I.A. officers, Pat Clark, Jackie Hausfeld, and Lois Winter, with their moderator, Mrs. Koenig.

T.I.A. members want us to "Read More Good Books."

Sacred Heart League The Sacred Heart League is an organization which promotes devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Each girl is given a Sacred Heart badge to be worn on all First Fridays, and the LeaE'Ue orders Sacred Heart Messengers monthly for those girls who purchase them. Representatives attend the meetings and keep their homerooms informed.

Sister Francis Xavier, moderator, and League officers Anita Benner, Jan Hemmelgarn, and Michelle Meyer.

It looks like their bake sale was a big success!


Catholic Student Mission Crusade

Behind the letters C. S. M. C. is a vastness of ideas and activities . Prayer, Study and Sacrifice for the Mission Apostolate is its three -fold program . Prayer and material aids, such as the collection of magazines, stamps, medical bandages, Christmas cards, and mission money are also important functions of the C.S.M.C. Other activities include the C. S. M. C. Convention held at the University of Notre Dame in August, the Christmas Carol Dance, and Mission Day, in which each homeroom participates by sponsoring a game booth or activity .

"Christmas Carol" time!

C. S. M. C. officers and moderator: Carla Silbereis, Carol Ballweg, Meg Gallico, Mary S. Dittrich, Patti Lewis, Mary A. Buerschen, Sister Julie Louise, Ann Dahlinghaus, Charlene Carroll, Jo Ann Cascardo and Avis Lichenstein.


Yearbook The goal of the 1965 Yearbook Staff was twofold: first, wider coverage of all school functions; second, a more attractive and informative yearbook through improved format. Encouraged by a very successful advertising campaign, and blessed with Room 163, the new press office, the staff gave generously of their time and talents in order to create a yearbook record of the year 1964-1965 at Julienne. Editors, Judy Biersack and Mary Sue Dittrich look over layouts with Sr. Francis Margaret and Mr. Friedman.

Typists are Jean Freiberger, Mary Jo Rolfes, Kathie Loeber, Mary L. Herbert. Copy staff: Janice Finch, Julie Noonan, Marge Sherry, Paula Ivory, Debbie Minh am , Pauline Sorelle, (absent).

Layout staff: Joyce Meyer, Deanna Ward, Julie Hamant, Mary Dittrich, Camilla Wahl (absent).

Business staff: Mary Ann Burns, Barbara Musselman, Debbie Minham.

_ _ _ ----------loI


"Time Goes, You Say? Ah No! Time Stays, We Go,"

With the eyes of Christian women the Seniors of 1965 will look back on that last and great year with fond memaries. The time will come when they will recall with nostalgia their Senior Tea and the beautiful strain s of the orchestra at their Senior Prom. The May Procession will remain uppermost in their minds as a truly inspiring moment, with their heavenly Mother urging them on to great things in this wonderful world. They will see commencement as a turning point in their lives--the end of the beginning- -the lives of 323 young women, full of hope and love, ready to make their indelible mark upon mankind.

ALDONA M . MASILIONIS Class President- - 4; Class Officer--3,4; N.F.L.--1,2, 3,4; N.H.S.--3,4.

CECILE C. DiMATTEO Class Vice-President--4; Class President- -3; Glee Club--2,3,4; Song Chairman--4.

Afew of the 323 seniors gather around the Christmas Tree in the courtyard.

The Class of 1965-ANN E. ACTON J.C.O.W.A.--2, Treasurer--3, Preside nt- -4; Monogram Editor --4; N.F.L.--1,2,3;Honor Roll --1,2,3,4. BEVERLY 1. ALLEN G.A.A. --1,2,3. SUZANNE M. ARMSTRONG Honor Roll--1,2,3,4; F. T.A.-2,3; Homeroom Officer--3; Prom Comm.--3. CAROL 1. ASZT ALOS F. T.A.--3,4; G.A.A.--1,2,3,4, Rep. - -4; Assistant Librarian-3; Latin Award--2. MARGARET A. AVEYARD G.A.A.--2,3; R.C.A.--4; Latin Award--2. JANE E. BACKSCHEIDER G. A.A. President--4; H.R. Officer--3; Perf. Attend.--1,3; F.T.A.--3.


PATRICIA ORF Class Secretary--4j G.A.A.-1,2,3,4j Sodality--2,3j F. T.A. --2,3,4 .

Sister Rose Anna congratulates Marjorie Tiefert and presents her with a certificate as a National Merit Scholarship Finalist.

MARGARET A. WEST Class Treasurer--4j Class VicePresident--3j N. H. S. -- 3,4j N.F.L.--l,2,3,4j Sodality--2, 3,4.

oI--- Quality and Quantity MARY M. BAKER Art Award--3j G.A.A. --4 j Corridor Capt.--4j Poster Comm. --1,2,3,4. CAROL A. BALLWEG G.A.A.--l,2,3,4 j C.S.MC. Rep.--3,4j N.O.MA. Award-3j S.H. Rep.--l. KAREN S. BARGA F.N.C.--3, Treasurer--4j Glee Club--2,3,4j Sodality--l,2 j G.A.A.--l,2. ELAINE M. BART G.A.A.--4j F.N.C.--4j C.S.M.C. Rep.--2j N.F.L.--2. BARBARA L. BEARD F.T.A.--3,4j F.N.C.--3j S.C. Rep.--4j J.C.O.W.A.--3j Pointkeeper- -4 . MARY A. BECK G.A.A.--lj Corridor Capt.--4j Hall Guard--4.


MARY A. BECKER Monog ram Page Editor--4; F.T. A.- -3,4; J . C.O.W.A.--3; Corridor Capt.--4. KA THLEEN M. BECKMAN Homeroom Officer--l; Red Cross Rep.--l; Corridor Capt. - -2,4; Perf. Attend--4. BARBARA A. BEIGEL G.A.A.--l, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Office r--3; Prom Comm.--3; Song Comm.--4. BARBARA R. BENNER F.N.C. --3,4; S.H. Rep.--3; Bowling--3. ANITA L. BENNER F.N.C.--3,4; S.H. Secretary--4 .

Rep .--3,

JANET A. BERG Perf. Attend . --l,2,3,4; S.C. Rep.--3,4; G.A.A.--l,2,3,4; F.N.C.--3,4.


At Last We've ArrivedNANCY A. BERGER Drill Team--l; Bowling Team--2; Hall Guard--2; F.N. C.--3.

KAREN J. BERRY F.N.C.--3,4; F. T.A.--3,4; G.A.A.--l ,2,3 ; Yearbook --3 .

Ready for another day of hard work. 92

JUDITH M. BESANCENY Glee Club--2,3,4; G.A.A.--l, 2,3,4; Monogram--3; J.A. --2. CAROL A. BICKMORE F. N. C.--3,4; G. A.A.--2,3,4; S.H. Rep . --l; Song Comm. 3. JUDITH A. BIERSACK Yearbook Editor-in-Chief--4; Sodality--2,3,4; G.A.A--l,2, 3,4; Homeroom Officer--3,4. KATHLEEN A. BIERSACK N.F.L.--2,3; F.T.A.--3,4, Pointkeeper--4; Homeroom Officer--4;Honor Roll--l,2,3,

4. JOYCE A. BOEHMER Glee Club--2,3,4; G. A.A.--l, 2,3; N.F.L.--l,2; Homeroom Officer--4. MARCELLA M. BOLLHEIMER G.A.A.--4; Prom Comm . - - 3;

Perf. Attend.--2.

I----We're Seniors


PHYLLIS A. BOSTON Hom eroom Officer - - 4; F. N.C . - - 3,4; Gl ee Cl ub--


"Your ring is much shinier than hers." 93

IMOGENE C. BOYLE Perf. Attend--2,3 .

NANCY K. BRADEMEYER C.S.M.C. Rep.--2; G.A.A. --1,2,3,4; Art Award--4; Decoration Comm.--1,2, 3,4.

Seniors pose for picnic pix.


• • •


• • •


PATRICIA A. BRODBECK Homeroom Officer--2,3,4; N.F.L.--1,2,3; F.T.A.--3,4; Honor Roll--1,2,3,4. HOLLY BROOKS Attend.--2,3,4; Latin Perf. Award--2; Prom Comm.--3; Song Comm.--4. BARBARA J. BROWN Asst. Monogram Editor--4; S.H. Rep.--4; Glee Club--2; G.A.A.--2. CAROLYN S. BUCKLEW Prom Comm.--3; Homeroom Officer--1,2,3; S.C. Rep.--4. MARY ALICE BUERCHEN C.S.MC. President--4; Glee Club Accompanist--2,3,4; Silver Medal Piano--2; Gold Medal Piano--4.



KA THLEEN J. BURCHETT Honor Roll--1,2,3,4; Glee Club--2; F.N.C.--3; Homeroom Officer--l. 94

CHRISTINE A. BURNS Sodality--2,3,4; G.A.A.-1,2,3,4; S.C. Rep.--1,2, Secretary--4.

Food and drink- -a major part. JANET M. BURKHARDT Glee Club--2,3,4; Sodality --2,3,4; Hall Guard--4; Homeroom Officer--2,3 .

~ The

Senior Picnic MARY ANN BURNS G.A.A.--1,2,3,4; F. T.A.--3,4, Secretary--4; Yearbook Staff-4; Honor Roll - -1,2,3,4. JUDITH A. BUSH Drill Team Captain--1; Honor Roll--2,3,4; G.A.A. --1,2, 3,4, Rep.--3; F.T.A.--3,4, Pres.-4. NANCY S. BUTLER Hall Guard- -2; Corridor Capt. --3,4; Monogram Asst. Editor --4; R.C.A.--4, Secretary--4. CHARLENE P. CARROLL Cheerleader--3 , 4; C.S.M.C. Corresponding Sec. --4; Honor Roll--1,2,3,4; G.A.A.--1,2,3,

4. JO ANN CASCARDO N. F.L.--2,3, Sec.--4;C.S.M.C. C.S.M.C., ReI. Project Comm. --4. MARY I. CASH G.A.A. --1,2,3,4; Prom Comm. --3; J.A.--2,3; Drill Team--l. 95

JACQUELINE CHALAMEL Glee Club--4; Science Club-4; French Club President--4. BERNICE K. CHARLES G.A.A.--l,2,3; F.T.A.--3,4; Honor Roll--l,2,3. CYNTHIA J. CHAVEZ Glee Club--2,3,4; J.C.O.W.A. --2,3,4; Red Cross--4; Corridor Capt.--3,4.

LINDA J. CHMIEL Glee Club--2,3,4; G.A.A.--l, 2,4; Rep.--3; Corridor Capt.--

4. MARIL YN J. CHMIELEWSKI Red Cross--4; Corridor Capt.-4; Sodality--2; Tutoring Program--4. JOYCE E. CHRISTY S.H.--l; G.A.A.--2; Red Cross --4; F. T.A.--3,4.

Putting into Practice the-

CONNIE A. CLAFFEY Homeroom Officer--2; F.T.A. --3,4; G.A.A.--l,2,3,4.

ANN E. CLARK G.A.A.--l,2,3,4; F.T.A. --3, V. Pres. - -4; Honor Roll-- 2,3,


Voting Registration


i SUZANNE M. CLARK G.A.A.--1; S.H. Rep.--1; Picnic Comm.--4; Prom Comm. --3,4 . RUTH A. CONCANNON French Club--4; Monogram--4; Honor Roll--1,2,4. KATHLEEN A. CONNELL Perf. Attend.--1,2,3; G.A.A.-1,2,3,4; J.C.O.W.A.--2,3; F.T.A.--3,4. SALLY E. COOKE Sodality--3,4; G.A.A.--4; T.I.A.--2,3,4; N.F.L.--4. SANDRA M. COUSINS Glee Club--2,3, Pres.--4; Homeroom Officer--1; J.A.-2, Sec.--3. BARBARA J. COX G.A.A.--1,2,3;Prom Comm.-3; Sodality--2; Shorthand Award --4.

Principles Learned


MARY C. CRAIGHEAD F.N.C.--3,4; Prom Comm.-3; C.S.M.C. Rep.--1; Drill Team--l.

BARBARA A. CRISLER G.A.A.--1,2,3,4; Prom Comm. - -3; Corridor Capt.--1,2,3.

Senior" Citizens" Vote 97


After a Period of Hard Work

DOLORES A. CHRISTOF ARO G.A.A.--1,2,3,4, Rep. --1,2; Honor Roll-3,4; Glee Club--2,3,4.

PATRICIA A. CRUISE F.T.A.--3,4; G.A.A. Rep.--1,2; Junior Achievement 2,3; J.C.O.W.A.--3,.

Could be a test!

ANN C. DAHLINGHAUS C.S.M.C.--Board &Rep.--3,4; F.N.C.--3,4; G.A.A.--1,2,3,4; Perf. Attend.--2,3,4. ELIZABETH A. DANIELS Monogram, Page Editor--4; F.T.A.--4. PATRICIA A. DE ANGULO S.C. Rep.--2; F.T.A.--3,4; Drill Team--1; G.A.A.--l,2. DIANE M. DESCHLER Glee Club--2,3,4; G.A.A.-1,2,3,4; Perf. Attend.--2,3,4; S.H. Rep.--3. CHARLENE L. DETMER F.T.A.--3,4; Honor Roll--1,2, 3,4; Auxilium Latinum Pin--2; Jr. Chapter A.M.S.--3,4.

MARY JO DICKMAN Homeroom Officer--1,2,3,4; G.A.A.--1,2,3,4; Prom Comm.--3; F.N.C.--3,4.


the Enjoyable Period of the Day

KAREN A. DISKEN S.C. Rep.--3,4; G.A.A.--l,2,3.

MARY S. DITTRICH C.S.M.C.--3,4, VicePres.--4; Yearbook-3,4, Asst. Ed.--4.

Oct. 12, Columbus sails again.

LINDA A. DOCTOR G.A.A.--3,4; Perf. Attend.-1,3,4. MARGARET A. DONOVAN G.A.A.--3; Homeroom Officer --1; Dance Comm. 2; Prom Comm. - -3. ALICE M. DOW Glee Club--2,3,4; Homeroom Officer--4; Prom Comm.--3; N.F.L.--1. HELENE M. DUDZINSKI Sodality--2,3; S.C.--Rep.--3. MARY ANN DUNNING Glee Club--2,3,4; Glee Club Sec. and Treas.--4; Hall Guard --3; Perf. Attend.--1. NORA DWYER Sodality--l,2 ,3,4; Glee Club-2,3; C.S.M.C. 2; Student Council- -1.


Seniors Giving VIRGINIA M. ECKERT F.T.A . --3,4j Honor Roll--l,2, 3,4j J.C.O .W.A.- - Sec.--4j G.A.A.--2,3. KATHERINE L. EDMONDSON Glee Club--2,3,4j R.C .A . Pres. --4j G.A.A. - -4. EDNA M. EVANS Corr. Capt.--2,4j F.N.C . --3,4j Monogra m- - 4j Science Award --3. GIOVANNA FERRARO G.A.A.--l,2,3,4j Red Cross Rep . --3j Perf. Attend . --l,2, 3,4 j Prom Comm.--3. JANICE M. FINCH Perf. Attend.--l,2,3,4j Yearbook--4j H.R . Officer--l,3,4j Prom Comm.--3,4. SHARON C. FISCHER G.A.A.- - l,2,3,4j F.N.C.--3j HonorRoll--l,2j Prom Comm. --3.

KATHLEEN M. FLECK G.A .A. 1,2,3,4; Dance Comm. --4.

Hurry up! This is heavy.


CYNTHIA A. FLORFA Perf. Attend. -- 1; H R. Officer -- Ij Prom Comm. - - 3 j G. A.A . --l , 2.



and Receiving? JENNIFER FOOSE Prom Comm.--3j Corridor Captain--4j Bowling--1,2. BARBARA A. FORTENER F.N.C.--3j G.A.A.--3j Corridor Captain--2j Hall Guard--l. JEAN E. FREIBERGER Honor Roll--1,2,3,4j Homeroom Officer--1,3,4j Yearbook Staff--4j Glee Club--2. MARY E. GALL G.A.A.--1,2j Drill Team--1j HonorRoll--2,3j Perf. Attend. - -1,3. MARGARET E. GALLICO HonorRoll--1,2,3,4j C.S.M.C. Treas.--4jF.N.C.--3,4, Vicepres. --4j Corridor Captain-2,3,4. NANCY K. GAMBILL Homeroom Officer--1j G.A.A. - - 2,3,4j Perf. Attend.--1,2, 3,4j Prom Comm.--3,4.

MARIE A. GAUB Glee Club--2,3,4j Homeroom Officer-3.

LINDA GERHARD G.A.A. Rep.--1j Homeroom Officer-3j Prom Comm.--3j Corridor Captain--3.

Okay, who threw it?


Who Will Ever Forget

SUZANNE M . GIBSON Red Cross--1,2,3,4, Sec.--3j G.A.A.--1,2, 3,4j Prom Comm.--3j N .F.L.--l.

JANET GISCLARD F.T.A.--3,4; G.A.A. --4; Sodality- - 1,2j Homeroom Officer-I.

How did that happen?

BARBARA J. GOWER Glee Club--2; G.A .A.--3,4; Tutoring--4j Father-Daughter Dance Decoration Committee Chairman- -4. CATHERINE L. GREENE Silver Medal, Music- -2j Gold Medal, Music--4; N.F.L.--4j Honor Roll--2,3. SARA R. GRIFFITH Red Cross--1, Sec.--2,3, Pres. --4j Sodality--2,3,4; Corridor Captain- -4; Homeroom Officer--1,2. ROSE M. GRILLIOT TennisTeam--1,2,3,4; F.N .C. --3,4; Homeroom Officer-1,2,4; Sodality--2. NANCY J. GRILLOT F .N .C.- - 3 ,4; Tutoring--4; Hall Guard--2; Honor Roll--l. LYNDA M. GUDORF Cheerleading- -3 ,4; Hi-Fi Club Rep.--4; Honor Roll--3,4; G.A.A. Treas.--4. 102

Christmas Decorating,

PATRICIA GUMMER Homeroom Officer--1j Monogram--3j Prom Comm.--3.

CLAIRE R. HAAS G.A.A. 1,2,3j C.S.M.C. Rep.--2.

Every door had a wreath.

JANET L. HAFNER Perf. Attend.--2. MARY P. HALPIN S.C. . Rep.--2, Officer--4j F.T.A.--3jG.A.A.--1,2j N.F.L. --2. ANNEJ. HAMANT S.C. Rep.--2jYearbook Layout Editor--4j Glee Club--2,3,4j F.N.C.--3, Sec.--4. DONNA L. HARRIS H.R. Officer--1j F.N.C.--3,4j J.C.O.W.A.--2,3j HallGuard-3. ANN L. HARSACKY Sodality--2,3,4j G.A.A.--1,2, 3,4j T.I.A. Pres.--3j Jr. Prom Reporter--3,4. BARBARA A. HATTON Glee Club--2,3,4j Prom Comm. --3; Perf. Attend.--3j Drill Team--l.


Party Fun, or JACQUELINE M. HAUSFELD Sodality--2,3 ,4j T .I.A.- -2 ,3,4j G.A.A.--2,3,4j N.F.L.--2,4. ROBIN E. HECHT G.A.A.--Rep.--lj Prom Comm. --3j S.C. Rep. - -4j Corridor Capt.--4. ELIZABETH J. HELLDOERFER Glee Club--2,3j F.N.C.--3,4j C.Y.O. Council--3,4j Corridor Capt.--3. JANICE E. HEMMELGARN S.H. Rep.--3, Vice Pres.--4j G.A.A.--l,2,3,4j S.C.--Rep.-4j F.N.C.--3,4. SUSAN M. HENZ Drill Team--lj TennisTeam-2,3j F.N.C.--3,4. MARY L. HERBERT N.F.L.--lj Sophomore Playj Yearbook--4j Prom Comm . --


MARILYN L. HETZLER Honor Roll--l,2,3,4j H.R. Officer--2j Prom Comm.--3.

Who did you say that one in red is?


ROSE M. HILL H.R. Officer--lj G.A.A.--l,2,3j Perf. Attend.--3j Hall Guard--4.

the Christmas Program?

ROSANNE L. HOERTT Prom Comm.--3j F.N.C.--3j F.T.A.--4j J.A.--2,3,4. MARILYN HORD C.S.M.C. Rep.--2j S.H. Rep.-1,4j N .F.L.--2j Hall Guard--3. CAROL A. HRACHOVINA G.A.A.--l,2,3.

PATRICIA L. HUART Prom Comm.--3j G.A.A.--2j Corr. Capt.--2j Bowling--l. MARGARET C. HUBER Glee Club--2j G.A.A.--3j C.S .M.C. Rep.--4j Honor Roll --2,3,4. PHYLLIS C. HUDSON Sodality--4.

PHYLLIS D. HUELSMAN Perf. Attend.- - 4j Glee Club--2,3,4j G.A.A.-2jProm Comm.--3,4.

JULIE J. HUNG LING Sodality--2j F.N .C. -3,4j Glee Club- -2,3,4j Prom Comm.--3.

"Rock Him, Rock Him, Mary Mother."


These Memories,

PATRICIA J. HURST Prom Comm.--3.

HELEN M. ISREAL G.A.A. -- 1,2,3,4; F.T.A.--4; French Club--4; Honor Roll-1,2,3,4.

PAULA L. IVORY Sodality -- 1,2,3,4; Glee Club--3,4;Yearbook--4; G.A.A.--1,2, 3,4.

RUTH A. JACOBSON R.C. Rep.--3; J.C.O .W.A.--1; Drill Team--l. DONNA L. KAMMER C.S.M.C.--1,2,3,4; F.N.C.-3,4. DORIS C. KAMMER F.N.C.--3,4; C.S.M.C.--1,2, 3,4.

MARILYN A. KEANE F.N .C.--3,4; Tutoring Program - -4; Monogram- -4; Prom Comm.--3. JANE M. KELLER F.N.C.--3,4; G.A.A.--2,3,4; H.R. Officer--1; Perf. Attend. --3. PATRICIA M. KELLER Mission Day Comm.--2,3; Perf. Attend.--l.


and Many More-

PATRICIA A. KELLEY N .F.L.--4j G.A.A.--4j Hall Guard--3j J.A.-2.

VIRGINIA L. KENDER Library Club--4.

JANICE M. KENNISON F.N.C.--3,4j Corridor Capt.--3,4j Prom Comm.--3.

ALICE N. KESTER N.F .L.- -1,2,3, Pointkeeper--4j J.C.O.W.A.--3, Treasurer--4j Honor Roll--l,3,4. CAROL KEYES G.A.A.--l,2j S.C. Prom Comm.--4.

Rep.- - lj

VIRGINIA M. KEYES H.R. Officer--3,4j G.A.A.-1,2,3, Vice-Pres.--4j F.N.C.-3,4.

JO ANN KIEFER Song Comm. - -4j Prom Comm. --3,4j Music--l,2,3,4j Mono gram--4. MARSHA A. KIMBLE G .A.A.- - lj Glee Club--2,3,4. PATRICIA A. KING Drill Team--lj Sodality--l,2j Glee Club- -2,3,4j F.N .C.--3 ,4.


PATRICIA KIRK H.R. Officer--lj T.I.A.--3j F.N.C.--4j Prom Comm.--4.

RUTHANN KLEIBECKER H.R. Officer--3j Glee Club-2,3,4j G.A.A.--2,3,4j Honor Roll--l,2,3,4.

Hard work towards a great play.

Practice for the Big One-KATHLEEN N. KLOSTERMAN G.A.A.--l,2,3j F.N.C.--3j Prom Comm.--3. PATRICIA A. KOBRIN F.N.C.--3j Hall Guard--3,4j French Club--4. BARBARA E. KOERNER G.A.A.--l,2,3,4j H.R. Officer 3,4j Perf. Attend.--2,4.

LINDA K. KOOGLER Corridor Capt. --3j Monogram --3j G.A.A.--lj Drill Team-l. DOLORES M. KREWEDL MusicHonors--2j F.N .C.--3,4; Sodality--2; R.C. Rep.--l. KATHERINE L. KROGER G.A.A.--l,2j Prom Comm.-3j Corridor Capt. --3j H.R. Officer--4.



ANN R. KRONENBERGER N.H.S.--3; Pres. 4; Glee Club--2,3,4; G.A.A.--1,2, 3,4; H.R. Officer--2,4.

KAREN KRONENBERGER Sodality--4; Newspaper-4; Glee Club--1,2,3; Class Sec.--3.

Dramatic ability is found under many disguises during homeroom.


Laughter at the Little One JOYCE H. KSIEZOPOLSKI Corr. Capt.--4;Hall Guard--4; Prom Comm.--4. DIANE C. KUNTZ G.A.A.--1,2. DOROTHY A. KUNTZ H .R. Officer--2,4; F.T.A.-3,4; G.A.A.--2,3,4; Song Comm.--3.

CHERYL A. KUSSMAN H.R. Officer- 2,4; G.A.A.-1,2, Rep.--1; S.C. Rep.--3; Latin Award--2. KATHLEEN A. LAFFERTY S.H. Rep.--4; G.A.A.--2,3,4; Sodality--1; Prom Comm.--4. LINDA A. LAKATOS Hall Guard--2; G.A.A.--1,2, 3,4; Honor Roll--2,3,4; Perf. Attend. --1.


PATRICIA M. LANGENHORST G.A.A.--1,2j S.H. Rep.--2j C.S.M.C.--lj S.C. Rep.--1,2, 3,4. ELAINE G. LAURICELLA J.A.--3,4j S.C. Rep.--2j C.S.M.C.--3j F.N.C.--3. GAIL E. LAUTERBACH Sodality--2j R.C. Rep.- - 2j Art Award--2.

BEA TRIZ LEAL Sodality--2,3,4j Glee Club--3j G .A .A.--3. RUTH A. LEHMANN F.N.C . --3,4j Monogram--3,4j S.H. Rep.--4j Hall Guard--4. MARTH J. LEIBOLD H.R . Officer--2,3j G.A.A. 1,2j Prom Comm. --3j J.A. Pres.-3.

At Our Best-

PATRICIA L. LEWIS Glee Club--2,3,4; Sodality --2,3,4; C.S.M.C.--Rep. --3; Board Member--4.

AVIS L. LICHENSTEIN C.S.M.C. Sec.--4; Rep.-3; F.N.C.--3,4; Soph. Play.


KATHERINE E. LOEBER Rep.--3; Yearbook--4; Sodality--1,2; F .N.C.--3,4 . G.A.A .- -1,2,3 ,4;

MARY T. LOGES F.T .A . --3,4; G.A .A.--1,3j Prom Comm.- - 3j Honor Roll --1,2,3,4. CAROL A. LONEY F.T .A .- - 3,4; G.A.A.--1,2; Glee Club Officer--2; Prom Comm. --3 . JANIS 1. LOOMIS G.A.A.- - 1,2,3,4; F.N.C .- -3,4;

French Club--4; canettes - -1,2.


SUSAN M . LOY Glee Club 2, 3,4; G.A.A.- - 2; Honor Roll--1 , 2,3,4; Corridor Captain--4. ROBERTA MAC NEALEY

While Praying

JUDITH F. MAHLE G.A.A.--1,2,3,4;

T.1.A.--4; French Club--4; Honor Roll-1,2,3,4.

HANKA M. MAKIEWI CZ Glee Club--2 , 3; Class Play--2; S.H. Rep.--3; Corridor Capt.--



CONSTANCE L. MANTIA H.R. Officer--2; Corr. Capt.--2; Hall Guard--3; Honor Roll--3,4.

BARBARA J, MARKUS Sodality--2,3, Treas.--4; G.A.A.--1,2,3,4; Glee Club--2,3. While working?

or While Working. MARY JO MARTIN G.A.A.--1,2,3,4; F.N.C.--3, Pres.--4; N.F.L.--1,2; Honor Roll--1,2,3,4. MARY V. McCABE Sodality--2,3, Sec.--4; Prom Comm .--3; MusicHonors--2,4; T.I.A.--2,3. DIANE M. McCORMICK S . C . Rep.--1; Honor Roll--1,2, 3,4; G .A.A. Rep.--2, Member --1,2,3,4; H.R. Officer--4. MARIBETH McCRAY G.A.A.--1,2,3; H.R. Officer-2; C.S.M.C. Rep . --4. SHARON McDERMOT Drill Team--1; Sodality--1,2; G.A.A.--1,2. MICHELLE J. McDONALD G.A.A.--2,3,4; R.C. Rep.--4; F.N.C.--3.


TERESA A. MEININGER F.N.C.--3; S.H. Rep.--2; G.A.A.--l,3,4; Drill Team --1.

MARILYN E. METZGER J.C .O.W .A.--2,3,4; F.T .A.- -3,4; G.A.A.--2,3; R.C. Rep.--4.

Sisters, do you really think you should?

Labor Before ... CHRISTINE 1. MEYER Glee Club--2,3,4; Sodality-2,3,4; French Club--4. JOYCE A. MEYER Yearbook--4; G.A.A.--l,2,3, 4; Rep.--2,4; F.N.C.--3,4; Honor Roll--2,3,4. MICHELLE E. MEYER Honor Roll--l,2,3,4; H.R. Officer--2; S.H. Pres.--4; F.T.A. --3,4. BARBARA 1. MILLER G.A.A.--l,2,3,4, Rep.--4; R.C. Rep.--2,3; F.N.C.--3,4. MARY S. MILLER Glee Club--2,3,4; Latin Award --2; Prom Comm.--3. LOYANN M. MILLONIG G.A.A.--l; R.C. Rep.--2; F .N.C .--3,4.


DEBORAH J. IvIINHAM F.N.C.--3,4; G.A.A.--1,2,3,4; Rep.--3; N.F.L.--1,2,3; Yearbook--4. SUSAN 1. IvIITCHELL S.H. Rep.--1; Monogram--4; Mission Day Comm. ROSE M. MONNIN G.A.A.--1,2,3,4; Perf. Attend. --2,4. MARY C. MORIN J.C.O.W.A.--2; G.A.A.--1,2; French Club--4; Hall Guard--

4. BARBARA 1. MUSSELMAN Glee Club Officer--2, 3,4; Perf. Attend .--1,2,3,4; G.A.A.--l, 2,3,4; Yearbook Business Editor --4. MARGARET NARTKER R.C. Rep.--4; Monogram- -4; G.A.A.--4.

Tension During.

• •

JOAN M. NEFF H.R. Officer--1,4; F.N.C.--3; Prom Comm.--3.

CATHERINE M. NEMECEK G.A.A.--1,2,3; H.R. Officer- -1,2.

"Edelweiss, edelweiss, 114

bless my homeland forever!"


SUZANNE M. NEWCOME Glee Club--2,3,4; J .C.O.W.A. --3,4. UNDAJ. NICK H.R.Officer--3,4; S.C. Rep.- I; Prom Comm.- - 3; Assembly Chairman--4. JUUE K. NOONAN Sodality- -2,3,4; Monogram- 3; Yearbook- -4. RUTH A. NYLAN Prom Comm.--3,4; Monogram --4; H.R. Officer- - 4; Glee Club- - 2 . KATHLEEN A. O'CONNEll N.F .1.--1,2,3, Treas.--4; Sophomore Play; H.R. Officer --1,2; Senior Play. MARY S. O'CONNEll G.A.A.--2,3,4; N.F .1.- -2; Perf. Attend.--1; Corridor Captain--2.

Satisfaction After.

UNDA C. OLEKAS G.A.A.--1,2; R.C. Rep.--1; F.N.C.--3, 4 ; Corridor Capt.--2.

CHRISTlNEA. OLSON G.A.A.--1,2,3,4; Tutoring Program--4; Monogram--4.

Curtain calls for a job well done.


KATHLEEN O'NEILL Monogram--3; Yearbook--4; Corridor Capt.--2,3; H.R.O£ficer--2.

And as the sun sinks in the West •••

ROSEMARY ' O'REILLY F .N.C.--3,4; Perf. Attend.--l,3,4; Drill Team--4; Prom Comm.--3.

Seniors Find Fun

MARY A. OSTER Prom Comm.--3; Glee Club-2,3,4; Corridor Capt.--3. BEVERLY A. OSTERLOH Hall Guard--l,2,3,4; French Club--4. UNDA A. PABST J .C.O.W .A.--2,3; F .N.C.--3, 4; Perf. Attend.--l,2,3,4. KATHLEEN M. PERKINS N.F.L.--l,2,3, Pres.--4; N.H.S. --3, Vice Pres.--4; F.T.A.--3, 4; Play--2,3. KA THLEEN A. PERRY H.R. Officer--l; Sodality--l; Monogram--4. SHARON R. PFEIFFER H.R. Officer--4; Prom Comm. --3; Perf. Attend.--4.


MARGARET PHILilPS H.R . Officer--2; R.C. Rep.--4; F.N.C.--3 , 4; Prom Comm.--3.

VIRGINIA PIEKUTOWSKI C.S .M.C.- -1, 2, 3,4; S.C. Rep--3.

All Year 'Round.

Santa never had it so good.

ESTELLA A. PITMAN Glee Club--2,3,4; H.R. Officer --3,4; F .N.C.--2,3,4; R.C. Rep.--l,2,3. SUSAN L. PLACKE Glee Club--2,3,4; G.A.A.--l, 2,3,4; Perf. Attend.--2,4. ROSE M. PLEIMAN F.N.C.--3,4; Monogram- - 3,4; DrillTeam--l; Perf. Attend.--

4. SUSAN K. PODOYAK Drill Team--l; G.A.A.--l,2; PromComm.--3; Perf. Attend.

--2. CHRISTINA M. POHL R.C. Rep.--2; G.A.A.--l,3; Prom Comm.--3; Drill Team

--1. HELEN E. POPE PromComm.--3; Perf. Attend. --2.


ELAINE K. POWERS G.A.A.--l,2,3; F.T.A.--4; H.R. Officer--2,4; S.H. Rep.- -

2. THERESA RAPONI H.R. Officer--2,4; F .T.A.--3, 4, Sec.--4j S.C. Rep.--3. DIANE M. REBOULET Glee Club--2,3,4 ; Perf. Attend. --1,2,3,4; G.A.A.--l,2,3,4; Corridor Capt.- -3. BARBARA A. REIliNG G.A.A.--l,2,3,4; Prom Comm. --3; Glee Club--2 j N.F.L.--l. JAN M. REIUNG H.R. Officer--2,3,4; F .T.A.-3,4; G.A.A.--l,2,3,4; N.F .L.-1,2,3,4. PATRICIA A. RETTICH Glee Club--2,3,4j Yearbook-3; G.A.A.--l,2; Honor ,Roll-1,2,3,4.

A Class Full of Fun

MARY E. RICKMAN Monogram Picture Editor--4j PromComm. --3; F.N.C.--3.

Sarah says: "I can say supercalifragelisticexpealidocious! "


MARY ANN RIES C.S.M.C.--l,2; Perf. Attend.--l,2,3,4.

NANCY M. RILEY N.F .L.--1,2; F.T .A.--3; Yearbook--3; G .A.A.--1,2,3 . LYNN A. RILLER G.A.A.--1; F .N.C.--3,4; S.H. Rep.--3; Prom Comm.--3. DOREENC. ROCHE H.R. Officer--1; S.C. Rep.-1,4; Glee Club--2; Sodality-2,3. JENNIFER A. ROHL Glee Club--2,3,4; R.C.A.--3, 4, Vice-Pres.--4; Honor Roll-1,2,3,4; G .A.A .--1,2. MARY JO ROLFES HonorRoll--1,2,3,4; Yearbook --4; Monogram--4; N.H.S.--4. AIlCE M. ROSE H.R. Officer--1,4; Sodality-1,2; F .T.A.--3,4; S.H. Rep.-2.

Finds Serious Moments, Too.

CHRISTINE RUDZINSKI G.A.A.--1; Prom Comm.--3; Mission Day--1,2,3.

MARSHA R. RUF F .N.C.--3,4.

Our energetic Seniors? 119

YVONNE M. RUSCHAU F.T.A.--3,4; Honor Roll--1,2,3,4; S.H. Rep.--3,4.

NANCY J. RUSSELL C .S.M.C. Rep.--4; Red Cross--2; Prom Comm.--3; G.A.A.-1,2.

Janice Finch and ••• guess who!

Will They Ever Forget Those Rings-

TOMALA J. RYAN H.R. Officer--1; Prom Comm. --3; Perf. Attend.--1; Shorthand Award--3. KATHERINE A. SAETTEL F.T.A.--3,4; G.A.A.--1,2; H.R. Officer--1,2; Honor Roll --1,2,3,4. MARIA SANTA-MARIA Sodality--2,3,4; Honor Roll-4; H.R. Officer- -4. JUDITH A. SATAUA G.A.A.--1,2; H.R. Officer--3; Prom Comm.--3. MARY SCHEFFER Tutoring Program--4; F .N.C.-3,4; Monogram Staff--3; Library--4. JUDITH A. SCHIFFEL Monogram Staff--4.


JUDITH A. SCHIML Drill Team--l; Perf. Attend.--2,3.

SUSAN SCHLEMAN G.A.A.--l,2; Bowling --2,3,4; H.R. Officer --2; Prom Comm.--3.

Greater beauty than THIS no woman hath.

or Their Winter Prom?

KATHUffiNSCHROEDER G.A.A.--l,2; s.c. Rep.--l; Corridor Capt.--3. MARl BETH SCHULTZE Honor Roll--l,2,4. JOAN R. SENECAL G.A.A.--2; Glee Club--2; F.T.A.--3,4; Honor Roll--l,2, 3,4. PATRICIA A. SERFIN G.A.A.--l,4; PromComm.--3; Shorthand Award--3,4; Drill Team--l. KATHLEEN M. SHAY J.A.--4, Sec.- - 4; C.S.M.C.-1; Monogram Staff--4. SANDRA L. SHEPHERD G.A.A.--4; Drill Team--l; Picnic Comm.--4; Bowling--4.


MARGARET J. SHERRY Sodality--2,3,4j F.T .A.--3,4j Yearbook Copy Ed.--4 j J .A.-2,3, Pres.--4. CARLA M. SILBEREIS F .N.C.--3,4j C.S.M.C.Board-4j Corridor Capt.--4j H.R. Officer--4. TERESA M. SLONAKER J.C.O.W.A.--2,3,4j F.T.A.-3,4 j Red Cross 3, Vice Pres.-4j Senior Play. CYNTHIA A. SMALL Glee Club--2,3,4j Song Comm.--3j Office Work--2. NYMPHA S. SMITH F.T.A.--3,4j T J.A. r -3,4j S.C. Rep.--3j Honor Roll--l,2,3. MARY K. SPARKS Glee Club--2,3j F.N.C.--3,4j Class Officer--3j H.R. Officer --1.

Calm, Fair Julienne-

DONNA SPRINGMAN G.A.A.--l,4j H.R. Officer--2,3j Corridor Capt.--3.

''Window Wonderland" 122

MARIE SPURGEON Prom Comm.--3j Perf. Attend. - -1.

JUliA K. STALEY H.R. Officer--3,4; F.N.C.--3, 4; G.A.A.--2,4; Prom Comm. --3. ROBERTA L. STANISLO HonorRoll--2,3; Corr. Capt.-3; S.H. Rep.--4. BARBARA A. STARETZ Honor Roll--l,2,3,4; F.T.A.-3; G.A .A.--2,3,4; H.R. Officer --2,3. CYNTl-llA E. STEMLEY G.A.A.--2,3; Drill Team--l; Prom Comm.--3; Bowling--l, 2,3,4. CATHERINE M. STEVENS G.A.A.--l,2; Prom Comm.-3; Drill Team--l; Corr. Capt. --2,3. JOELLEN STICKRATH Honor Roll--3; Prom Comm.-3; Yearbook Staff--3; Perf. Attend.--3.

Astir with Spring Activities.

FRANCES STOCKERT J .C.O.W.A.--2,3, Vice Pres.--4; F.T.A. --3,4; Senior Play.

KATHLEEN STOWE Glee Club--2,3,4; Science Club--4; French Club--4; N.F .L.- -1, 2.

Was it Mission Day or Senior Day? 123

MARY STROHBAR H.R. Officer--2; Hallguard--2,4; G.A.A. Rep.--2,3, Sec.--4; Honor Roll-3,4.

JUIlE A. STROZDAS S.C. Rep.--3, Pres.-4; Sodality 2,3,4; Honor Roll--l,2,3,4; H.R.Officer--2,3.

The big sisters and little sisters hamit up for the cameraman.

As Big Sisters- Compatible, MARCIA SULIlVAN G.A.A.--l,2; Honor Roll--l,2, 3,4; Monogram Rep.--3. MARY SULIlVAN Corr. Capt.--3,4; S.H. Rep.-4; PromComm.--3; Hall Guard --2. PATRICIA L. TAYLOR Sodality--2,3,4; Honor Roll-1,2,3,4; H.R. Officer--l,3,4; G.A.A.--l,2,3,4. JOSEPHINE THACKER S.C. Chairman--4; Yearbook Staff--3; N.F .L.--2,3,4; G.A.A.--l,2,3,4. LORETTA M. THEIN F.T .A.--3,4; Glee Club--2; G.A.A.--l,2,3,4; S.C. Rep.-I. JANET THIRKIELD Monogram Staff--4.


MARJORIE TIEFERT F.T .A.--3,4; Glee Club--2; National Merit Semi-finalist-4; Senior Play; National Merit Finalist.

PATRICIA TOMCZAK Bowling--l; S .H. Rep. --2; Picnic Comm.-4; Drill Team--l.

The Seniors support their favorite activity.

with Strong Support for Each Activity. GRETCHEN TRAUTMAN S.C. Head of Hall Guards--4; Science Club--3; N.F .L.--l,2; Sodality--4. MARILYN TRIMBACH Drill Team--1; G.A.A.--1,2; PromComm.--3,4; Corr.Capt. --4. MARLEA VAN DAME N.F .L.--1,2,3, Vice Pres.--4; F.T.A.--4; J.C.O.W.A.--3,4; Play--4. LINDA J. VEHORN F .N.C.--3,4; G.A.A.--l,3,4; HonorRoll--2,3,4; S.C. Rep.-1,3. BEVERLY A. VESCIO F.T.A.--2,3,4; G.A.A.--2,3; S.C. Rep.--3; S.H. Rep.--l. MARY ANN VORE Perf. Attend.--2,4; Prom Comm.--3; G.A.A.--1,4; Drill Team--l.


HARRIETT A. WAGNER J.C.O.W.A.--2,3,4j F.T.A.-3j G.A.A.--1,2,3j Yearbook Staff--4. IlNDA J. WAGNER H.R. Officer--3,4j G.A.A.--1, 2,3,4j Honor Roll--1,2,3,4j J .C.O.W .A.--3. CAMILLA WAHL G.A.A.--1,2,3,4j F.T.A.--4j Yearbook Staff--4j H.R.Officer--1. VIRGINIA A. WALDO Honor Roll--1,2,3,4j F .N.C .-3,4j H.R. Officer--3,4j N.F.L. --1. SHEILA K. WALKUP F .N.C.--3,4j G.A.A.--2,3,4j Perf. Attend.--1,2,3,4j H.R. Officer--1. DEANNA L. WARD Yearbook Staff--4j S.C. Rep. --2,4j F.T .A.--3,4j G.A.A.-1,2,3,4.

As a Class-Unbeatable,

CLARE M. WEBER F.T .A.--3,4j J.C.O.W.A.--3j Latin Award--2.

JOYCE WECKESSER Glee Club--2,3,4j Library--4j Drill Team --4j S.H. Rep.--2.

Spirit on the ice--the Class of '65


JUDITH M. WECKESSER S.C. Vice Pres.--3, Treas.--4j Sodality- - 2,3,4j G.A.A. Rep. --1,2j Honor Roll--1,2,3,4. MARGARET R. WENDELN G.A.A.--l,4. NANCY M. WENZLER H.R. Officer--3j N.F.L.--1,2j S.H. R ep. --4j G.A.A . --l. CHRISTINE M. WESER Court of Appeals--2j H.R. Officer--3j Library--4j G.A.A.-1,2,3. CONSTANCE L. WEST G.A.A.--1,2,3j Glee Club--2, 3,4. MARY JANE WEST G.A.A .--1,2,3j F.N.C.--3,4j Hall Guard--2j Prom Comm.-3.

As Individuals-Inspiring.

ANN WESTENDORF Sodality--2,3, VicePrefect--4j N.H.S.-3, Sec.--4j C.Y.O. Teen Council--3,4j H.R.Officer--1,3.

GRETCHEN WESTENDORF N.F.L.--1,2j Sodality --2j Red Cross--3, Sec.--4j Corridor Capt.--4. An example of our inspiring Seniors.



BARBARA E. WHITMAN Sodality--1; Prom Comm.--3; H.R. Officer--4; G.A.A.--1,2. CAROLE A. WIGGENHORN N.F.L.--1,2; F.N.C.--3,4; H.R. Officer--1,4. SUZANNE M. WIN"EGAR Glee Club--2,3,4; G.A.A.--1, 2,3, Rep.--4; Perf. Attend.-1,2,3,4. LOIS A. WINTER Sodality--2,3,4; T J.A.--2, Treas.--3, Pres.--4; F. T .A.-3, Program--4; N.F .L.--2,3,4. MARY A. WOESTE Prom Comm.--3. JENNIFER L. WOLBERS F.T .A.--3,4; Yearbook--3; HallGuard--4; Honor Roll--1, 2,3.

Marching Ever Onward

Seniors Julie Strozdas, Sara Griffith, and Mary Alice Buerschen lead the school in the May Procession. 128

RITA E. WYEN C.S.M.C. Rep.--l,2; Prom Comm.--3; Corridor Capt.--4; Bowling--l,2,3. DONNA M. ZAJBEL N.F.L.--2; G.A.A.--l,2,4; F.T.A.--3,4; H.R. Officer--4. ANN C. ZIEHlER Sodality--2,3,4; G.A.A.--l,3, 4, Rep.--2; Honor Roll--l,2,3,

4. DIANE M. ZIMMERMAN J .A.--4; Corridor Capt.--2; Prom Comm.--3. MARY L. ZIMMERMAN N.F .L.--l; F .N.C.--3,4. liNDA K. ZWIESLER H.R. Officer--l,2; Glee Club --2,3,4; G.A.A.--2,3; Hall Guard--4.

KATHLEEN CORDI Future Secretaries Club--3,4; Drama CIub--3.

SHARON FOX Dramatics--2,3; Glee Club--l,2,3; Short Story Club--2.

with Sights Set on Graduation.

Not for blue uniforms this time--white caps and gowns! 129

PAUliNE SORELLE Prom Comm.--3; G.•A.A.--4; French Club--4; Yearbook Staff--4.


Aldona bids farewell for the Class of '65.

''Hallelujah! " Thank you Miss Gysbers. Monsignor Connaughton presents the official diploma to 321 young ladies.


Trouble, Gretchen?

Some last minute touches for the final moment.

"In Today Already Walks Tomorrow."



"Time Is the Most Valuable Thing a Man Can Spend"

The writing and compiling of a yearbook is an interesting and worthwhile experience, from which much is learned. The work and time spent are nothing in comparison to the pleasure and pride felt in the completedbook. But a yearbook wouldn't be possible without the sponsorship and financial aid of the patrons. The many parents, relatives, friends, and students who purchased space in this yearbook deserve more than a line or two of recognition, but since it would be difficult to thank them individually' we take this opportunity to express our gratitude for their support. To these generous people go the thanks of the entire staff.

Business Patrons Aim & Bill Auto Sales Used Parts and Junk Cars 1900 Valley Park, 233 - 5111 American Loan and Finance Anton's Beauty Salon, 298-3914 Adam Ballman's Sons Produce 2159 Valley Street 233-5022 Barrel House Carryout 4321 North Main Street Bates Candy Store 337 Xenia Avenue Beall's Moving and Storage Local and Long Distance Moving 40 Yrs. Experience, 252-5112, - -5262 Becker Electric Brown at Fifth Fashion House Lighting Oscar Beigel and Sons Jewelers 505 Xenia Ave., 252 -2631 Beltone Hearing Service 6 East Third Street Frank A. Biga, Realtor Blanchard Grinding Service 2644 Neva Drive, 275 -2292 Bob and Blas Garage 228 -0993 425 South Main Street - -Dayton Bockrath's Grocery, 94 Baltimore Bollenbacher Bakery Bonbright Distributors, Inc. Schoenling and Miller High Life 1939 Troy Street, 233 -5340 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Boston Joe's Friendship Club 2217 North Western, 268 -5811 Congratulations, Seniors Bowlero Lanes Brittingham Barber Service, 747 Troy Congratulations - -Bud and Ed's Market 2334 Salem Avenue, 274-2183 Building Supplies of Aluminum 765 Troy Street , Dayton, Ohio

3105 East Third Street Coventry Del- -1603 Coventry Road Carry Out and Party Supply 252-6819 Cromwell Shell Service Station 4000 North Dixie Compliments of the Crystal Water Company

Compliments of Dale Fashions Dawning and Davidson Garage Chevy and Corvair Specialists Davue Party Supplies 1913 Salem Avenue Earl Dawning Transmission Specialist, 253 -1181 Compliments of Dayton Advance Lumber Company 1365 North Gettysburg Ave., 263 -3581 Best Wishes to the Class of '65 Delview Market - -305 Delaware Avenue Nice Going! W. De Hart, Remodeling White Clover Dairy 1742 East First Street 253-6911 Dubble "L" 1133 North Main Duell Flower Shop Eckstein Insurance Agency 4706 Salem Avenue Eldridge Body Shop 275-1841 Front Wheel- -Specialized - - Frame Alignment, Painting- -Welding F. and S. Motorcycle Sales 4262 Fruedenberger Dayton, Ohio 268 -6739 Fashion Dry Cleaners 614 Five Oaks Avenue Five Oaks Market, 938 Five Oaks Congratulations to the Class of '65 Luverene J. Frey - -Insurance Dayton, Ohio, 253 -8425 Congratulations Class of '65 Friedman Easterling 613 Salem Avenue Frish the Florist 3600 East Fifth Street, 253 -3168

Non-Ferrous Casting Co. Congratulations--"The '65 Eagle" Choice Drugs, 701 Bolander Ave. White Clover Dairy 1742 East First Street, 253-6911 Colosimo Tool Co., 223 -4015 1091 Valley Street Congratulations to the Class of '65 Vic Cassano Pizza Kings Connell's Cafe

Best Wishes, Tony Furst Flowers Furst the Florist Gee Gee Beauty Shop, 254-3371 Geneva Beauty Box 508 Xenia Avenue The Genuine Parts Company 401 South Main at Franklin Street Dayton, Ohio, 45402 134

2400 East Dorothy Lane Peter Kuntz Lumber Company 312 Mound Street Phone: 223 -7247 Mr. William D. Kussman Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Larry's Barber Shop 515 Neal Avenue Congratulations to the Class of '64-'65 Lochart Realtor Lyons Electrical Supply Company McCook Bowl 1301 Keowee Street Ba4-7686 Congratulations McCook Bowling Supply Congratulations to the Class of '65 Walter A. McFall & Son 275-7416 All Forms of Insurance Don Mauch's Ohmer Park Service 1820 Wyoming Street 253 -2631 Best Wishes to the Class of '65 Mayfair Original One -Hour Cleaners Plant 224-9616 318 East Fifth 819 Xenia Avenue Ed Mechenbier Ray Bryant Chevrol.et Sales Melody T. V. and Appliance, Inc. 3016 East Third, Dayton, Ohio Metropolitan Cleaners 30 North Main Street 2228 San Rae Drive Congratulations- -Fred J. Miller, Baton Miller Florists, Inc. 129 West First Street Miltners Sales & Service 299 Xenia Avenue, 223-5561 Mohawk Motors, Inc. Morris Grocery Murdock Candy Company, 3005 Salem Snap -on -Tools Fred Nessel, Authorized Dealer 227-4770 Noreikas Grocery, 278 Alaska, 223 -6881 Northridge Hardware Store 3102 North Dixie Drive Ole Time Bar 1726 West Fifth Street John F. Boston Olwine's Sewing Machine Sales 42 Neal Avenue Congratulations and Best Wishes from Omlor's Snack Shop, 745 Troy Street Otis Elevator Company, 222 -4669 321 South Main

Congratulations Class of '65 Gentile Produce--Fruit and Vegetables Greater Beneficial Union Fraternal Life Insurance 820 Linden, 256 -4441 or 233 -5043 Haer's Party House Mr. and Mrs. FrankL. Haer, Sr. Mr. J. Morgan Hall, Asst . Gen. Manager Lee Hilgeford Auto Sales Good Luck from Happy Jack's Hamburgers Hauer Music House 34 East First Street Dayton 2, Ohio, 222 -2815 Hazel's Beauty Salon, 253 -8417 County Recorder Charles S. Heck Offers the Class of '65 Good Luck Hermes Engraving Company 139 South Main Mary Hiatt Dance Studio Tap - -Ballet - -Acrobatic Jazz- - Baton 224-9740 Lee Hilgeford Auto Sales, Inc . Congratulations to the Class of '65 Robert W. Hinders, Agency Mgr. Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. 3440 Office Park Drive, Dayton, Ohio Congratulations and Best Wishes The Horstman Printing Company Comm. Printers and Manufacturers 512 South Wayne Avenue Carl Hoying- -Wands Insurance Hubler's Sohio Congratulations - -Irvin's Service Sta. Israel Brothers Supply Company Jade Salon of Beauty 2120 Salem Avenue Johnny's Sohio Service John's Cabinet Shop - -C ongratulations Congratulations, Class of '65 Josten's Compliments of Tony Marrow Compliments of Kapnas Market 7600 North Main Kelley's Free Pike Pharmacy Best Wishes to the Class of '65 From Kender's Cafe Key-Ads Outdoor Advertising Congratulations , Class of '65 King Cole Restaurant King's Market 1900 Brown Street Kneer Insurance Agency 201 Ludlow Bldg., Dayton, Ohio Good Luck to the Class of '65 Koors "29" Compliments of S. S. Kresge Company Congratulations from Ray and Ellie Kronenberger Realty 298 -7568 135

Congratulations Class of '65 P. K. Home Shopping Center 6171 Far Hills Avenue A. and M. Petkus Realty, Inc. III Brandt Plumbers Supply Company 2600 North Western, Dayton, Ohio Polka Dot Beauty Shop 256-5242, 400 Xenia Avenue Specializing in Organic Permanents Compliments of Pooley's Pharmacy L. K. Powell, Contact Lens Specialist Tom Priskes T . V. & Appliance Company 4645 Salem Avenue, 277 -3362 Good Luck, from Reliable Pattern Rex Hairstylists Miracle Lane, Upper Level CR 7-4093 Riverview Cleaners, CR7 -6576 Roark Bros. Tile Co., AX8 -3610 Roberts Jewelers Breitenstrater Sq. Shopping Center Robinett's Shell Service 409 Xenia Avenue John Roderer Shoes Town & Country; Van Buren Shopping Centers; 2311 Far Hills Jemima Russel, Stationery Greeting Cards and Gifts Town & Country Shopping Center Congratulations! Mr. and Mrs. Ira Russell Russell Dental Laboratories Congratulations to the Class of '65 From Ryan Insurance Agency . Congratulations from Sam's Spaghetti Congratulations to the Class of '65 Sandy's Drive -in Restaurant Sawaya's Gettysburg Food Center 2198 North Gettysburg, CR4-2921 Scarpelli's Shoe Repair 632 North Main Street Schram's New York Beauty Salon CR7 -3182 Congratulations, Class of '65 Shrimp Boat Restaurant Slater Plumbing and Heating Company "The Shop that comes to you" Phone: 255-4381 Smith's Market- -Creighton Avenue Congratulations from Society Girl Hairdresser 3144 N. Main, 274-0752

Congratulations to the Class of '65 From SREPCO Electronics Standard Seed Company 6900 North Dixie Drive Swing -in Carry Out 2026 Riverview Avenue Prop. - -Margaret Pohl Congratulations to the Class of '65 Tatone Buick Teter's Beauty Center John H. Thomas, All Risk Insurance Pottinger and Co., 1212 Talbott Tower Thompson Tire Company 36 Van Cleve St., 223 -4302 Town and Country Florists Complete Floral Service Town and Country Shopping Center Town and Country Home Improvements 3854 Wilmington Pike Congratulations, Graduates Townvue Restaurant Valeteria Service Center, 859 -3036 Valley Kitchen, Inc. Mason, Ohio Valley View Grove Mr. and Mrs. George Schamel Congratulations from Victor Drugs 3518 North Main Street W.K.E.K. Channel 22, Dayton Compliments of Walsh Shoe Repair Congratulations to the Class of '65 Walter Funeral Service 1235 North Main Street Weckesser Electric Weiler Fruit Farm at Bartly & Bramtford Congratulations, David J. Weinberg, Atty. Best of Luck, Seniors Wenzler Bros. Const. Company 432 Lookout Ridge White Clover Dairy 1742 East First Street 253-6911 William Bros. Roofing Co. Congra tulations to The Class of '65 William's Confectionary 131 Xenia Avenue Winnie's Confectionary, 2511 E. Fifth Zimmerle Dry Cleaning 1812 Wyoming St., 253 -6540 Renz's Tasty Foods


Personal Patrons Advance and Uphold the Gold, --llE, 288 Best of Luck to '65 - -4A Table 11 Best Wishes from Homeroom 281 , 12F Best Wishes from the G.A.A. Best Wishes, Seniors , - -Future Nurses Best Wishes to the Class of '65 Future Teachers of America Club Best Wishes to the Golden Class - -12A Best Wishes to the Seniors From Student Council Julienne High School Chaminade High School Athletic Department Compliments of 91 Compliments of 9G--236 Congratulations and Best Wishes To the Class of '65 From the Class of '66 Congratulations and Best Wishes To the Class of '65 From the Hall Guards Congrats! Assumption Teen Club Congratulations Class of '65 Corpus Christi Teen Club Congratulations, Class of 1965, - -9B Congratulations, Class of '65 From the Seniors of 121 Congratulations from 9F Congratulations from 10F Congratulations from class 9D Congratulations from 12D-Do-Wa-Diddies Congratulations - -the Fabulous Fabrics Congratulations, Seniors, 9H Congratulations , Seniors, 9E, 107 Congratulations, Seniors From Club Cayoda Of the Loretto Congratulations - -Silly Wabbit Club Congrats! "The Five Knots" of 12F Congratulations to the Class of '65 And the Yearbook Staff from 10E Congratulations to the Class of '65 Homeroom IlF Congratulations to the Class of '65 From Corpus Christi Parish Congratulations to the Class of '65 National Forensic League Congratulations to the Class of '65 Our Lady of Mercy Teen Club Congratulations to '65 from llG Congratulations to 12G from 345 Congratulations to The Seniors of 1965

From the Saint Albert Teen Club Felicidades de la clase lOA Good Luck from 20 -S, "The Picnic Table" Good Luck, Seniors, from 3 of 9C Good Luck, '65--"The Merry Marthamaticians" Go, Seniors! Junior Eager Eaters, 7S--4A It's over, it's done, but for us it's Just begun! - -9C Julienne Chapter- -National Honor Society Keep a song in your heart Through the coming years. Junior-Senior Glee Club Love, Luck and Laughter from lOG Mirth and Joy from 12B, 109 who Pitifully tried to write this rhyme. "Pass on the torch" to us, llC Remember to "Uphold the Gold"--12C Souvenir des Parisiennes, '65 St. Mary's Mr. and Mrs. Club Success to '65--Teens In Action The lOB Beachcomers say, "Surfin Bird Says the word is that '65 is Great!" Class of '65 bids farewell to Julienne But treasures Golden memories. Luck to The Graduates, Best Wishes to Class of '66 for a great Senior year. The great Chaminade Band says Strike up the Band For the Class of '65 The World is yours, '65, --Good Luck from The Junior Council on World Affairs To the Rest of You, from the Best of You Congratulations - -Seniors of 12E V-R-R-OOM to the Class of '65--10D "We Did It!" from the Senior Sodalists Best Wishes from the Junior Sodalists Congratulations - -the Soph. Sodalists 4D -Del-Rays - -Chaminade High School 10C Crispy Critters 12H moves into the future, but Leaves its heart with Julienne. K.P.D.J.B.N.P.B. --Table 39N A Friend Mr. and Mrs. Harry Allen Mr. and Mrs. William Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Osterloh Terry, Joan, Ginny, Marilyn , and Ausra A Friend Mr. and Mrs. John Bachey Mr. and Mrs. Henry Backscheider Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Baker Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Baker and Family 137

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barker Best Wishes, Compliments of a Friend Mr. and Mrs. R. Bataille, Jr. and Family Bill A. Battisti Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Battisti Mrs. Herbert Barga Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Bauer Best Wishes from a Friend Mr. and Mrs. Leomard W. Beck Mr. and Mrs. David E. Becker Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beckman Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Beigel- -Best Wishes Theresa Bellert--St. Joe's Hi, Class '65 Best Wishes from a Friend Cletus Berger Congratulates Class '65 Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bernard Mr. and Mrs. Paul Beutle Congratulations! Bob Biersack Mr. and Mrs. Edward Biersack Best Wishes, Seniors Good Cooking Cynthia Black Mr. and Mrs. Luern Bollheimer Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Borgert Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Bowers Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Bowser Compliments of a Friend Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Brademeyer Miss Glenna Breig Robert J. Brinkman, Jr. Congrats! Dahlinghaus' & Broadstone' s Mrs. Oscar H. Broker and Marilyn Compliments of a Friend Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Brown Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Bucklew Mrs. John Buerschen Mr. and Mrs. Herman Buerschen Compliments of a Friend Mr. and Mrs. Leo Bur kardt Mr. and Mrs.. Joseph Burns Dr. and Mrs. Ray E. Burns Happy Days! Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Burns Mr. and Mrs. B. V. Butler Congratulations, Class of '65 Mr . ~nd Mrs. Melvin Casey Mr. and Mrs. Harold Charles Dr. and Mrs. Simon Chauez Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Christy Reverend Peter Chiodo Congratulations from a Friend Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Claffey Mr. and Mrs. James D. Claffey Mr. and Mrs. Earl R. Clark Mrs. Thomas R. Clark Mr. and Mrs. J. Linn Cochran Congratulations from a Friend

Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Cochran Mr. Michael Condy Mr. and Mrs. Paul Connair Reverend Timothy J. Connair Mr. and Mrs. David Cooke Congratulations to the Class of '65 Mr. and Mrs. John Cooney Mr. and Mrs. Alfred V. Cristofaro Miss Geraldine Crowley Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Cruise Mr. and Mrs. William K. Davis Congratulations to the Class of '65 Mr. and Mrs. Alan A. De Angulo Mr. and Mrs. Fred DeCarlo Congratulations, Seniors, the Deueks' Mr. and Mrs. Martin C. Dineen and Family Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Disken Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Dittrich Congratulations, Class of '65, a Student Congratulations! Mrs. Anna Doctor Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Donise Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Donovan 路 Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Drake Colonel Fred C. Drake Good Luck and Good Speech Mr. John Drake Mrs. Clara V. Dudzinski Joseph F. Duer Mr. and Mrs. William Duffy Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Dwyer Good Luck from two past students Best Wishes from Bill Ehrstine Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Eilerman Congratulations--The Evans Family Shirley Fecke Mr. and Mrs. William Fecke In memory of Father William Fecke, Jr. Miss Phillis A. Federspeil "64" Mr. and Mrs. Ray Felt Mr. Jack Fiala Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Finch Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Fiorita Mary (Sage) Fisher, Class of 1949 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Fischer Mr. and Mrs. William Fitzmartin Mr. and Mrs. John P. Flanagan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fleck Mr. and Mrs. Norman Freiberger Mr. and Mrs. James Gallico Mr. and Mrs. Gambill Mr. L. C. George Mr. and Mrs. William Gerhard Mr. and Mrs. Harry Giambrone Mr. and Mrs. Montie W. Gibson 138

Mr. and Mrs. J. Brennan Gisc1ard James Timothy Gorman William D. Gorman Mr. and Mrs. John Graham Mr. and Mrs. Don R. Griffth Karen Chappie and Jo Ann Grissom Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Gross Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Gross Congratulations from Dan Grusenmeyer Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Grusenmeyer Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Haas Mr. and Mrs. Norbert L. Haas Mr. and Mrs. Al Hafner Mr. and Mrs. Hagen Mr. J. Morgan Hall Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Halpin Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Hansen Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harsacky Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Hartenstein Mr. and Mrs. James Hatton Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. Heggs Luck from the Heggs Best Wishes! Mr. and Mrs. Fred Heid Mr. and Mrs. Walter Heil Mr. and Mrs. Alfred C. Hemmelgarn Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hempelman Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hetzler Mr. and Mrs. Elmer P. Herbert Mr. and Mrs. John P. Herbert Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hill Congrats! from Mr. and Mrs. Dick Hoefer Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hollman Col. and Mrs. E. Hollowell Larry Howell and Linda Hoop, Dayton, O. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hooper In Memory of Charles E. Hoos Mrs. Norman Howard Miss Rose Huart Mrs. Marie Huart Mr. and Mrs . Frank Huart Sue A. Huart Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Huber The Hudson Family "Sir" Ralph Huelsman Mr. and Mrs. Cletus B. Huelsman Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Hungling Mrs. Jeanne R. Hurst Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Hrachovina Christine and Margaret Issenman Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Ivory and Family Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jacobson Mr. Donald Lee Jacobson Mr. and Mrs. J. Jaskauskas Success to the Class of '65 -The Kammers 139

Miss Marlene H. Kelley Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kenison Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Keyes Good Luck from Mr. and Mrs. Kimble Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kinte r Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Kinz eler Dorothy M. Kinzeler Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kirk Mr. and Mrs. Vernon U. Kisor, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kleibecker Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Klosterman Mrs. Vivian Knuge Mr. and Mrs. John L. Koehl Mr. and Mrs. Gale Koogler Mr. and Mrs. Charles Krainz Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kronenberger Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kronenberger Mr. and Mrs. Julian Ksiez opolski Mr. John Kunka Mr. and Mrs. Martin Kuntz Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kussman Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lafferty Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Lange Mr . and Mrs. C. T. LaVielle, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lawson Misses Dorothy and Rosalind Lehman Mr . and Mrs. Felix Lehman Mr. George E. Lehman Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lehmann, Jr. Mr. Lawrence M. Lehman Mr. and Mrs. Louis .T. Leibold Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Leibold & Family Mr. and Mrs. Richard Leibold Family Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lengehich Mrs. Dock Lewis Congratulations! - -Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Loeber Dr. and Mrs. Louis C. Loeber Ann Lojas Congrats! '65--Mr. and Mrs. George Loney Dr. and Mrs. Peter Long Mrs. Margaret Longo Richard E. Longman - -Congratulations '65 Congrats! Mr. and Mrs. John G. Lozan Reverend David Lucas Mr. and Mrs. Luehrs Mary Brockman Lutz "33" Mr. and Mrs. Ed Magly Mr. and Mrs. David Mahle Mr. and Mrs. David Maier Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mantia Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Marah Mr. and Mrs G. I. Martin Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Martinson

Dr. and Mrs. J. Masilionis Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mayl Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Mays and Family Maribeth and Marlene McCray Mrs . Rosemary McDonald Mr. and Mrs. James McMillan Mr. and Mrs. Raymond McSemek and Family Mr. J. W. Medley Mr. and Mrs. Robert Meininger Congratulations! James C. Meixner Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Metzger Mr. and Mrs. Howard Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Richard Meyer Dr. and Mrs. A. F. Millonig Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Minham Mr. and Mrs. Herman J. Monnin Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Monroe Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Moosebrugger Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Moosebrugger, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. James Mudd Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Musselman Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Musselman Good Luck--Miss Roberts and Miss Muye Mr. and Mrs. Howard Neff, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard P. Newcome Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Noonan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Noriekas Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nylan Mr. and Mrs. William T. O'Brien Mr. and Mrs. Martin B. O'Connell Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Olah Mr. and Mrs. George Olekas Mr. and Mrs. H. P. O'Neill Mr. and Mrs. Phillip O'Reilly . Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Orf Mr. and Mrs. George Oster Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Osterloh Mr. Frank Papp, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Reid E. Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Turner Patterson and Family Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Perkins Mr. and Mrs. John Peterman Mrs. Mary E. Pfeiffer, Good Luck Mr. and Mrs. John Phalen Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Pickrel Mr. and Mrs. WIater Piekutowski Congrats! Estella, fr. Mrs. E. Pitman Congratulations , Mr. and Mrs. E. Pitman Good Luck, Seniors, Miss Irma Pitman Mr. and Mrs. Carl Placke Miss Mary Catherine Plassenthal Frita Lov Poe Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. PumilIa 140

Dr. and Mrs. William F. Quinlivan De colo res - -from Jerry Raiff Surprise! Surprise! Your pal, Ralph A. H. Reichert, Loretta and Rosemary Mr. Richard Reinicke Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Reiling Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Rickman Congratulations Class of '65 - -Roberto Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Robinette Mr. and Mrs. David Roche Rose Roehm Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Rohl Mrs. Lietta Rolfes Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Rose Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Rosenkranz, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rudzinski Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sano Dr. and Mrs. Santa Maria Mr. and Mrs. Donald Scharnack Mr . and Mrs. Tames Schiml Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schleman Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shliesser Mr. and Mrs. Albert D. Schimtz Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schneider Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Schroeder Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Schweller Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Shearer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Harry I. Sheets David M. Shephard Mr. and Mrs. Emmett M. Sherry Mr. and Mrs. Albert G. Siewe Family Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Silbereis Mr. and Mrs. William G. Slonaker Mr. Ray Slover In Memory of Cornelius Smedebush Mr. and Mrs. Leon P. Smelstor Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Scott Snyder Dr. and Mrs. C. P. Somsel Mr. and Mrs. R. Sorelle Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Springman Mr. and Mrs. Harry Spurgeon Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Staley Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Stanislo Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Stanley and Family Mr. and Mrs. George Staretz The Joe Steinbrunner Family Mr. and Mrs. James E. Stevens Dr. William A. Stowe and Family Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Strobhar Mr. and Mrs. Alfred P. Strozdas Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Stueve Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Stueve Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Sullivan Best Wishes, Seniors, Kathy Taylor


Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ternavan Mr. and Mrs. Ned A. Thacker Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Thein Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Trimbach Mr. and Mrs. John W. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Martin Tiefert Mr. and Mrs. B. K. Todd Mr. and Mrs. S. Tomcyak Mr. and Mrs. John P. Trautman Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vangas, 1529 Viola Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Varley Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Vehorn Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vehorn Mr. and Mrs. Fred Vescio Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wagner Dr. and Mrs. R. H. Wahl The Thomas Walling Family Mr. and Mrs. John H. Weber Mr. Edward Weckesser Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wehrman Charles L. Weiber Mr. Donald Weimert Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Weisser Thom Weisser Reverend W. Welebil--Holy Name Parish Mr. and Mrs. CliffordE. Wendeln Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wenz el Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Weser Mr. and Mrs. Layman B. West Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Westendorf Mrs. Charles E. White Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Westendorf Charles E. Williams Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Williams Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Williams Mary Williams Mr. and Mrs. Harry Winegar Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Winter Mr. and Mrs. George Winters Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wolancyzk Mr. and Mrs. John Zajbel Miss Beatrice Ziehler Miss Irene Ziehler Miss Leona Ziehler Mrs. Mary Ziehler Mr. and Mrs. William Zimmerman Mr. Anthony Zink Lt. and Mrs. Robert C. Zinck, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Zirbs Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Zwiesler Mr. and Mrs. Marion S. Zwolski Congratulations, Class of '65 Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Beigel Best Wishes to the Seniors Compliments of a Friend

Congratulations, Class of '65 Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Biersack Congratulations from Las Varillas, Argentina - -Mr. and Mrs. L. Bonansea Congratulations, Class of '65 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brodbeck To the great Class of '70 We'll make it, I hope, Jim Burns Congratulations to the Class of '65 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Bush, Jr. Congratulations, '65, You're the greatest! Charles P. Carroll Family Congratulations Class of '65 From Two Happy Ducks Best Wishes from Paul and Hugo Deis Best Wishes to the Class of '65 Mr. and Mrs. John Di Matteo, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gary F. Eggleston Congratulations, Class of '65 Congratulations to the Class of '65 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fortener Congratulations to the Class of '65 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hamant Congratulations from A Friend Congratulations to the Class of '65 From Mr. and Mrs. Fred Howe Best Wishes to the Evergreens of '66 From Harold J. Jones Congratulations to the Class of '65 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Kender Congratulations, Seniors Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Kiefer Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Kieswetter Congratulations, Class of '65 Congratulations, Jo Ann Mom, Dad, and Family Mary Jean Knuge 139 South Main Congratulations, Class of 1965 Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Langenhorst For the culture we pursued in the attic. Mrs. Robert E. Lee Congratulations, Seniors From a Friend Best Wishes to the Class of '65 Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Mahle Congratulations! Mr. and Mrs. Michael Marko Miss Helen Elizabeth Markus Miss Margaret Ann Markus Congratulations, Class of '65 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Minham Best Wishes to the Class of '65



From Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. Moosebrugger Congratulations to the Class of '65 Mr. and Mrs. Armand G. Morin Congratulations to the Seniors Mr. and Mrs. Edward Shepherd Mr. Elmer S. Solomon Congratulations, Class of '65 Congratulations, Class of '65 Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Fenton Truman Congratulations to the Class of '65 Mr. and Mrs. Roland Wagner Congratulations, Class of '65 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walkup Congratulations, Seniors Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Wenzler Congratulations to the Class of '65 Mr. and Mrs. Clarence K. West

Best Wishes to the Class of '65 Mrs. Clarence Yahn Congratulations to the Graduates Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Zaidain and Family Congratulations to the Class of '65 Mrs. Myrtle Behringer Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lakatos Congratulations, Seniors Class of '65 Congratulations to the new graduates Success in your future lives Dr. and Mrs. George Markus & Family Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Randall Best Wishes to all The '65 Graduates Best Wishes, Class of '65 Fred J. Andary

Thank You Mr. Friedman and Mr. Meyers of the FriedmanEasterling Studios, for our photography. Mr. Carl Vorpe, Yearbook Advisor, for your instruction and counseling. American Yearbook Co., our publisher. Sister Rose Anna, our principal, and the entire faculty, for your patience and co-operation. The staff, who spent approximately 1500 hours of time, much energy, and all their talents to produce what they hope will be the biggest and best yearbook Julienne has yet known: Margie Sherry Deanna Ward Julie Hamant Kathie Loeber Joyce Meyer Debbie Minham . Mary Ann Bums Mary Sue Dittrich Janis Finch Mary Lou Herbert Jean Freiberger Mary Jo Rolfes Julie Noonan Barb Musselman Pauline Sorelle Camilla Wahl Paula Ivory Harriet Wagner Sister Francis Margaret, who gave equally of her time, energy and talents, and without whose guidance and encouragement this book would not have been possible. Judy Biersack Editor -in -Chief 142

The Alumnae Tradition Four 1965 graduates have mothers and grandmothers Alumnae of Julienne or of Notre Dame Academy. They are, with the maiden name of their mother and grandmother, as follows: Kathleen Klosterman -Martha Zimmerman - -Villanova Sacksteder; Dorothy Kuntz - -Patricia Ewing - -Isabel McGrath; Marjorie Tiefert- -Shirley Kramer-Eloise Stomp; Kathleen Perkins - -Betty Ann Behringer - -Myrtle Lukasawitz. Other Alumnae whose daughters graduated this year are: Mary Ann Pffeifer Armstrong, Mary Jane Driscoll Burns, Rita Hautman Hetzler , Pauline Zink Westendorf, Lucille Wehrman Kronenberger, Margaret Keller O'Connell, Helen Chmiel Ksiesopolski, Catherine Galvin Beigel, Helen Ware Meyer, Ruth Woerl Herbert, Rosalind Wilke Lehmann, Marguerite Zeitler Schroeder, Eileen Keane Schultze, Helen Rehling Zimmerman, Imelda Nartker Eckert, Betty Davis Meyer, Rita Bauman Saettel, Isabel Sachs Noonan, Rosella Reboulet Halpin, Dorothy Unger Reiling, Lucille Mullen Taylor, Mary C. Davis Mitchell, Helen Hunkeler Pleimann. Anna M. Breig Brown, Elizabeth Scheffer McCray, Ann Sucher Rettich, Joanne Stoer-

Groups of Alumnae mothers and Senior daughters in the cafeteria after the Mass for the graduates.

mer Thacker, Harriet Wright Trautman, Mary Lou Collins Dwyer, Rita Mae Craft Hecht, Beatrice Trimbach Hungling, Mary Louise Lehman Martin, Mary Louise Roth West, Adelaide Thaler Miller, Doris Launderville Zwiesler, Julie Orendorf Silbereis, Alice Heck Buersc,hen, Rita M. Brinkman Chmiel, Mary Hemme Daniels, Helen Ballmann Koerner, Cecilia Hamant Placke, Florence Hagedorn Wahl, Cath erine Hunt Kirk, Anne Grote Staley, Theodosia Vogel Fleck, Roberta Schmitz Neff, Mary Ellen Preston McCabe, Martha Jane Foose Baker, and Virginia Marie Stine Keyes.


We Must Remember

All the Days That Passed Here." -The Senior Farewell 144


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