Julienne High School Yearbook 1966

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STAFF Carla Amato Darlene Basile Mary Lou Bond Beverly Clune Barbara Dineen linda Guess Terri. Kill ian Pat Magrath

Pauline Magrath Deborah Patterson Christine Regulinski Peggy Rismiller Phyllis Rogge Jane Schmidt Bonnie Schweller

Mary Staddon Cathy Schmitz Virginia Tipton Darlene Turner Trudy Wartinger Mary Ann Zapatony Charlene Zirbs Karen Schoenlein

TO SISTER FRANCIS MARGARET Yearbook Adviser for the Past Three Years Who Has Worked 'Endless Hours To Preserve

JULIENNE TRADITIONS and Whose Patience, Enthusiasm, and Sustained Interest Have Assured the Success of Previous Yearbooks We, the Class of 1966 Dedicate Our Present Issue of Julienne's



Pauline Magrath Charlene Zirbs Darlene Turner Sr. Francis Margaret Beverly Clune

Phyllis Rogge Theresa Killian Gertrude Wartinger Bonnie Schweller

Christine Regulinski Charlene Zirbs Mary Staddon Carla Amato Phyllis Rogge


NATURE AND GROWTH From its first awakening to its final dissolution, life is a progression of successive stages . This we can see in all living creatures as well as in nature . Man himself grows and declines as do the grasses and flowers and creatures that surround him, but among them all, man alone has the characteristic of being able to plan deliberately and to direct his own social evolution . Collectively, this kind of evolution is responsible for literature, science, music, art, education, commerce, industry , law, and religion. We have chosen to go forward, not to retreat, to progress and not to retrogress, to lead rather than tobe led. With freedom to choose and ability to plan, we have chosen to ascend both in spirit and in knowledge .

Table of Contents Dedication




Faculty, Administration, and Curriculum












Business Ads Personal Patrons




Faculty, Administration

To the faculty of Julienne, the students of the 1965-1966 school year owe their greatest debt of gratitude. Because of their selfless dedication, their professional abilities, their constant and sincere interest, we have been inspired with the true spirit of education: the desire to bring to life and to growth the greatest degree of intellectual and social achievement within us. To our Principal and Vice-Principal, Sister Rose Anna and Sister Ann Christopher, we owe much for our growth in Christian womanhood and its ideals. To our Religion teachers, we owe a greater recognition of our role in the Christian community. To the teachers of various academic courses, we express our particular thanks for the impetus they have given us to explore in the allied arts of culture and science. Finally, to all of them we express our gratitude for having worked to achieve in us an integrated growth, a unity of all scientific and and cultural values, into the one encompass ing Truth that is God himself .

And Curriculum

Sister Rose Anna, S.N.D.--Principal Sister Julia Agnes, S.N.D. --Superior

Administration As a contribution to our growth as women, we were reminded of the "little things that count" at class assemblies and morning announcements by Sister Rose Anna. The .achievements of the students in the fields of drama, music, scholarship, and public relations were never left unrecognized by Sister Julia Agnes.


Mrs. Ross is busy with paper work at her desk in the office at Julienne.

There are many duties given to the Vice -Principa l of a school and Sister Ann ChristopheJ now carries them out in her new office. Besides being an administrator, she also has a homeroom and teaches.

Miss McMahon has a new office to help her with her job as accountant.

Father Seaman, Father Lucas

Introducing the Faculty

Mrs. Hansman, Mrs. Duffy

Miss Thomes


TOP ROW: Miss Marchall, Mrs. Dudzinski, Mrs. BOTTOM ROW: Mrs. Ardner, Sr. Mary Leo

Will, Sr. Mildred Julie,

TOP ROW: Miss Muye, Miss Gysbers, Sr. Richard, Miss Roberts, Sr. Elise . BOTTOM ROW: Sr. Mary Ann, Sr. Julia Frances


Sister Cassilda, teacher of music at Julienne went to her eternal reward on Holy Saturday, April 9, 1966. We miss her and the beautiful music she c,reated in the "music corridor . "

TOP ROW: Sr. Cassilda, Sr. Marietta, Mrs. Seck, Mrs. Umina, Sr. Jeanne Therese, Sr. Louise Joseph. BOTTOM ROW: Sr. Helen Therese, Sr. Olivia, Mrs. Teijelo

TOP ROW: Mrs. Hinkle, Sr. Mary Eugene, Sr. Ann Christopher, Miss Dickson, Sr. Clotilda. BOTTOM ROW: Sr. Ann Lucille, Sr, Francis Xavier.


Sr. Ann Christopher points out the spread of Communism to her P.O.D. students.

Curriculum: History And Geography

World Geography students learn about Mexico.


Seniors study about English authors and writers with Sister Mary Eugene.

Religion, English,

There is intense concentration on the sounds of speech in this modern language class at a laboratory period.

Senior Religion classes are taught by Father Seamen.



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Displays like the one above give Latin a new meaning.

And Languages A scene from "Cendrillon", a French version of "Cinderella" with Diane Quinlivan and Catherine McMillan.

Modem languages are studied in various ways by use of microphone and stage.


\ 11'1

Miss Thomes discusses starfish with her Biology class. Be safe--wear goggles in the lab!

Biology, Physics And Chemistry

Fun in Physics exemplified by Sister Marietta's class.


Geometry is a worthwhile subject when taught by Mrs. Duffy. Logarithms create problems for these Algebra II students.


Sister Martha explains the fundamentals of Math IV to these Senior students.


Sorry, everybody, food's all gone!

Foods, Clothing, And Home Management

Students of the food class finish cleaning up after the meal has been prepared .


I surely hope it fits when live finished with it.

Mrs. Seck demonstrates how to fit a pattern to cloth. Principles of home management are being studied by this class.


Miss Muye demonstrates how to shoot the basketball in several styles to her Physical Education classes.

Physical Education And Health, These students study the circulatory system of the human being in a typical Health class taught by Miss Roberts.


Journalism classes are taught the various ways to write and to layout a newspaper. Sr. Jeanne Therese instructs these Juniors and Seniors.

Journalism And Studying In The Library

A library can be a very helpful place at Julienne. These students make use of its quiet atmosphere and sources of information.



There are many happy memories for us as we reflect upon the quickly fleeting school year of 1965-1966. The success we have met through united effort, the fun we have had with new friends and old, the pride we have known in watching our work bear fruit. All have contributed to our growth and have prepared us for our commencement. The challenge of accepting greater responsibilities and of living up to the ideals expected of young Christian women have drawn us much closer to one another. Through the various projects successfully carried through by our class, we have shown our leadership and sincerity. Our failures have prepared us to expect a life time of opportunities for proving our courage and ability to try again. For the past four years at Julienne, we, the Seniors, will be ever grateful, we will remain "Ever Green" - -ever true.

ZELDA ADAMS Homeroom Officer- -4.

CYNTHIA PAULL Class Officer- - 3,4; N.F. L. --2,3,4, Ptkp. Glee Club - -2,3, Pres . --2 .

JULIE ROUGIER Class Officer- -4; Sod.-2,3,4; Glee Club--2,3, V.P. --3; Monogram -- 4.

CARLA AMATO Monogram--4, Asst. Ed . Sod. 2,3,4, Treas. Homeroom Officer - -l,4.

The Senior Class

CA 1HERINE ANDREWS C.S.M.C.--3,4, V.P.; Homeroom Officer--4; Glee Club-2,3,4.

LEAH AUGSBURGER G.A.A.--l,2,3,4; Glee Club-2,3,4; C.S.M.C.--4; F.T.A.--4.


VIRGINIA BAHRET Class Play--4; G.A.A . --4.

PAULA DESCHLER Class Officer--4; Glee Club 2,3,4; G.A.A. 1,2,3,4; Honor Roll--2,3 .

SANDRA SANO Class Officer- -3,4; Homeroom Officer--2; S.C. Rep.--l.

MARlCLAIRE BAKER Monogram--4; Office Aid-3,4; Honor Roll 3,4, Corr. Capt.- - 4. DARLENE BASILE Art Club--3,4; F.N.C.--4; Yearbook Staff - -4; Monogram --4.

And Officers of I 966

ANTOINETTE BERARDI S.C. Rep.--1; Hall Guard--1; Corr. Capt.--1; S.H. Rep.--2.

PHYLLIS BECK J.C.O.W.A. -- 3,4; V.P. F. T.A. --3,4; Tennis Team --2,3,4; G.A.A. 2,3,4.


MARY JO BAUMGARTNER Homeroom Officer--2.

LINDA BERTKE Student Council Rep.--4; G.A.A.--1,2,3; Corr. Capt.-3; F.T.A.--4.

CONNIE BIGA Glee Club--2,3,4; Homeroom Off.--1; Prom Comm. 3.

NANCY BOESCH Glee Club 2,3,4; C.S.M.C.-1; G.A.A.--1; Hall Guard 4. H. Room 111

MA RY LOU BOND Yrbk. Photo Ed.--4; G.A.A.-1,2,3; Hr. Off.--2; Corr. Capt. --3,4.

GWENDOLYN BORGERT Glee Club--2,3,4; Prom Comm.--3; G.A.A. 3,4; Perfect Att.--2,3,4.

JUDI1H BROWN F.T.A.--2,3,4, Pres.--4; Sodality--4; Home. Off.-1,3; Red Cross--2,3.

PAT BROWN G.A.A.--1,2,3,4; Home. Off. --2; Library Asst.--4; Prom Committee- -3.


PAULA BROWN Junior Achievement; Homemaker Award--4.

SUSAN BROWN Student Coun. Off. --Coor. Chair.--4; Editorof Monogram --4; Sod.--2,3,4; G.A.A.-1,2,3,4.

MARCIA BRUMBAUGH C.S.M.C.--2--0ff.--4; Glee Club--2,3,4; E T.A. --4; F.N.C. --3,4.

CATHY BUECHELE F.T.A.--3,4; J.C.O.W.A.--3; Monogram--4; Honor Roll-1,2,3,4.

LINDA CARSON J.C.O.W.A.--4, Secretary Home room Off. - -1; Senior Play.



G.A.A.--l,2; Corr. Capt.--4;

G.A.A.--l,2,3,4; Glee Club--

Mono. Typ.--4; Honor Roll-1,2,3,4.

2; F.N.C. - -3.

CATHY CASERTA Home. Off.--l; Corr. Capt.-2,3; Dance Comm.--2,3.

MARY CHMIEL S.C. Rep.--2, Homeroom Officer--3, G.A.A.--l,2,4.


MARY LOU CLARK G.A.A.--3; Homeroom Off.--

3; Corr. Capt.--2,3.

PATRICIA ClARK G.A .A.--l,2,3,4, Rep.--2,3, Pres . - - 4, F. T.A. - -3,4; T .LA. --1,2,3,4, Treas.--3,4; Honor Roll--2,3,4.

JANET CLEMENTS S .C . Rep.--l; G.A.A.--2 .

JULIA CLEMFNTS Glee Club- -2; Homeroom Officer--l,2,3; G.A.A. Rep.--3; R.C . Rep.--4.

We at JuHenne Accept the Cha lIenges

of Responsibility and High Ideals.

BEVERLY CLUNE Glee Club--2,3,4, Pres.; YearbookStaff--4; N.H.S . 4; Homeroom Officer- - 4.

MARY LOU COCHRAN G.A.A.--4; J.A.--2,3.



KA REN COLOSIMO N.H.S.--4; Class Play--4; Glee Club--2,3,4.

VERONICA COYLE R.C. Rep.--1; Corr. Capt.--4.

HELENE DALEY G.A.A.--4; Corr. Hall Guard--4.

SUSAN CRAIGHEAD S.C. Treas.; G.A.A . --1,2,3,4; Honor Roll- -1 ,2,3 ,4.


MARY DAVIS Homeroom Off.--2,3; Student Coun. Rep . --1 ,2; G.A.A.--2.

NANCY DEBROSSE Glee Club--2,3,4; Tennis Team--2; F.N.C.--3; R.C. Rep.--2.

MARY DE CARLO R.C. Rep.--4; Tutoring--4.



BA RBA RA DINEEN N.H.S . 4; G.A.A.--l,2,3,4; C.S.M.C.--3,4, Treas.--4; Honor Roll--l,2,3,4.

JULIE DINEEN G.A.A.--l,3; C.S.M.C.--3.


PATRICIA DIX R.C. Vol. --3,4; F. T.A. --3; Class Play--4; Senior Prom Comm.--4.

MARGARET DOLL Glee Club--2; G.A.A.--2 .

LUCY DUFFY F. T.A. --3,4; Hall Guard--3,4.

DEBORAH DUTZY Home.Off.--2,3;HallGuard-2; Corr. Capt. --2; Song Comm. - - 3.

BRENDA EAST Home. Off.--l,4; G.A.A.--l.


BETTY JO ELSASS Home. Off.--l; French Club-3; F.T.A.- - 3; S. C. Rep.--4.

BONNIE ERNST G.A.A.--1,2,3,4j R.C. Rep.-3j Corr. Capt.--4j Perf. Attend. --1 ,2,3 .


JANA FISCHER Honor Roll- -3,4j Perf. Attend. --3.

RUTH FISCHER F.N.C.--3,4j Treas.--4j Lat. Award--2.

KA TIlLEEN FISK G.A.A.--2,3,4j Corr. Capt.--4j Prom Comm. --3j Float Comm. --4.

CHERYL FITZMARTIN N.F.L.--1, Corr. Capt.--2.


KAREN FLETCHER N.F.L.--1j F.T.A.--3,4j Art Club--4j Honor Roll--1,2,3,4.

CONSTANCE FLIEHMAN Homeroom Officer--l,3,4; G.A.A.--3; C.S.M.C.--2; Jr. Prom Comm.--3.

MARY JANE FLYNN F.T.A.--3,4; Honor Roll-2,3,4; G.A.A.--2,3,4; Homeroom Officer --1.

GEORGIANA FOCKE Homeroom Officer--2; G.A.A. --1; Honor Roll--2.


We promise diets tomorrow.

SUSAN FORTUNATO Sod. --2,3 ,4; N.F.L. --2; French Club--3.

CAROLE GLASER G.A.A. --2; Corr. Capt. - - 2; Co-ed. Corres. - -3.


CA THERINE GOECKE Glee Club- -2,3,4; N .F.L. - -1,2, 3,4; G.A.A.--l,2,3,4.

JUNE GREGORY Hall Guard--2j Honor Roll--2,3.

G.A .A.--2j

MAGDALEN GRESCHL Perf. Attend.--l,2,3j Honor Roll--l,2,3,4 .

SANDRA KAY GREWE Glee Club--2j G.A.A. --1,2, 3,4j Hall Guard--3j Corr. Capt.--2,4.

Take Time For Tea

liNDA SUE GUESS F. T.A. --3,4j Sodal. --2,3,4j Yearbook--4j N.H.S.--4.

DIANA GRUMP Honor Roll--l,2,3,4j Glee Club--2,3,4, Sec. - Treas. 2,4j Corr. Capt. --2,3,4j Homeroom Officer--4.

CARY GUILFOIL Mono. --4j Sodal. --2,3,4.


ELAINE ROSE GYORr Glee Club--2,3,4j G.A.A.--4j Honor Roll--l,2,3j Play--4.

JUUE HANSON G.A.A. --1,2,3,4; F.N.C.--3,4; J.C.O.W.A.--4; Prom Comm. --3,4.

CYNTl-llA HARPER N.F.L.--2,3,4; Mono. Typist-3; C.S . M.C. Bd. Rep. --4. Rep. 3; Hall Gd.

DEBORAH HAGEDORN Corridor Capt. --2,4; G.A.A.-1,2; Sacred Ht. Representative --1.

Watch out for those fingers! We promise diets tomorrow. UNDA HEDGEBETH G.A.A.--1,2,3,4--Pointkeeper --4; Glee Club--2,3,4; Honor Roll--1,2,3,4.

PATRICIA HELKER G.A.A.--1,2,3; Sacred Ht. Rep.--3; Hall Guard--3; Corridor Captain--2,4.

MARY JANE HElL Corridor Capt. --2; Student Council Rep.--4; Honor Roll-1,2,3. 34

FRANCES HEWITT F.T.A.--3,4; T.l.A.--4; Sodality--2,3,4; Perf. Attend.-1,2,3.

SUSAN HEMPELMAN Science Club--3,4--Pres. --4; G.A.A.--1,2,3,4; Honor Roll-1,2,3,4; F.N.C.--3,4.

MARY HILL N.F.L.--1,2; Glee Club--2; Student Council Rep. --3; Hall Guard--3.

CAROL HICKEY C.S.M.C. Rep.--1,2,3, P.--4; G.A.A.--1,4; Glee Club--2; Monogram--3.

And they say we have no talent!

THERESA HILL T.I.A.--4; Monogram--4; Corridor Captain--4. 35

KATHLEEN HOAGLAND F.N.C.--3,4; G.A.A.--1,2,3; R.C. Rep.--2 yr; Hall Guard-2 yr.

SUSAN HERBERT Sodality--2; F.T.A.--2; Latin Award--1,2; Honor Roll--1,2 , 3,4.

CAROLE HOCHWAL T F.N.C.--3,4; G.A.A.--l,2,3,4;. R.C. Rep--l; Cal.--4 .

SUSAN HOFFMAN Glee Club-- 2,3,4; Prom Comm.--4; Honor Roll--3,4; Lic. Plates--2,3.


JANE HUDSON Homeroom Officer--3; G.A.A. --1,2,3,4; G.A.A. Rep.--2; Corr. Cap.--4.

Is this our . . . Deb Patterson?


JUDITH HYER S.H. Rep.--4; Hall Guard--4; Prom. Comm.--3.

JOANN HYLE Sod.--2,3, V. Pres.--4; N.H.S. --3,4; G.A.A.--l,2,3; F.T.A. --3,4.

JEAN JECKERING Corr. Capt.--4; Mission Day Comm.--2.

We Work Now


CYNTHIA KAMBITSCH Sod.--2,3,4; G.A.A.--3; Homeroom Officer--l,3.

DELORES KASH Prom Comm. --3; Corr. Capt. --4; Hall Guard--2; Monogram --4.


NORA KEYES F.T.A. --3,4, Prog. Chair.--4; Corr. Capt.--4; R.C. Rep.--l.

MARY THERESA KILLIAN G.A.A.--l,2,3,4; Prom Comm.--3,4; Yearbook--4; Play--4.

KATHLEEN KELLER G.A.A.--l,2,3,4, Rep.--4; F.N.C.--3,4; S.H. Rep.--2,3.

JO ANN KISS G.A.A.--l,2,3,4; F.N.C.--3,4; Homeroom Officer--3.

CHARLENE KINZELER F.T.A.--3,4; Corr. Capt.--4.

CHRISTINE KLEINER Glee Club--2,3,4; Bowling--l.

CHRISTINE KLEISMIT G.A.A.--2,3,4; Homeroom Officer--l,2,3; C.S.M.C. Rep.--


Ref', you have to be kidding! 38

VICTORIA KOESTER F.N.C.--3; G.A.A.--1; Homeroom Officer--2,3; Perf. Attend.--3,4.

ANNA KNOPP S.H. --Officer--4.

LINDA KRAINZ Glee Club--2,3,4; G .A.A.-1,2; Hall Guard--2,3.

NANCY KOSTOFF F.N.C. --3,4; Glee Club--2,3, V. Pres.--4; G.A.A.--4; InterClub Coun.--4.

ELIZABETH KULHANEK F.T.A.--3; G.A.A.--1,2,3; Corr. Capt. 4; Tutoring--2,3.

MARY La FORSCH French Club--3,4; Honor Roll --1,2,4.

Have a look at those shoes, everybody! 39

JOYCE LAUER Sch. Serv.--3j G.A.A.--3.

MARY LEE LAUBER Glee Club--2,3,4j Sod.--3j Homeroom Officer--4.

LINDA LAWHORN G.A.A.--l,2,3,4, Sec.--4j Corr. Capt.--2,3j Hall Guard --4j Honor Roll--l,4.

Sing along with Liz, Karen, Jane and Merri.

MICHELLE LAUX Glee Club--2,3j Piano Medal. --2j French Club - -2.

LINDA LEE R . C. Rep.--4j Homeroom Officer--2j Art Club Pres. --4.


DONNA LEHMAN G.A.A.--l,2,3,4.

MARY THERESA LEHMAN F.N.C.--3,4; Library Club--4; Hall Guard--3; Honor Roll-1,2,3,4.

JANET LENGERICH G.A.A.--4; Perf. Attend.--1,2, 3; Corr. Capt.--4; Honor Roll --1,2,3.

CHRISTINE LONG S.C. Rep.--1,2, V. Pres.--3, --4; Sodal.--4; N.H.S.--3,4; Honor Roll--1, 2,3 .


JANICE LYLE S.H.--1; G.A.A.--1,2,3,4; Corr. Capt.--3,4; Play--4.

CHRISTINE MADDEN G.A.A.--2,4; Treas.--2; S.H. --4; Corr. Capt.--4.


ANNE MAGATO G.A.A.--1,2,3,4; Honor Society--3,4; Officer--4; Class Officer--3; S.C. Rep.--4.

PATRICIA MAGRATH G.A.A.--1,2,3,4j NHS--4j Yearbook Staff--4j Honor Roll --1,2,3,4.

PAUliNE MAGRATH Homeroom Officer--1,3,4j Yearbook Staff--4, Typing Editorj N.H.S.--4j F.T.A.--3,4.

KATHY MANCZ G.A.A.--1,2,3,4j Bowling-2,3j Carr. Capt.--l.

MICHELE MARKO G.A.A.--1,2,3,4; N.H.S.--3,4j Cl. Officer--3; Carr. Capt.-'3,4.

CHRISTINE MARSHALL G.A.A.--1,2,3,4j Tennis Team --2,3,4. Jeanette, Mary and Karen pose with traffic posters. 42

MARILYN MARTINSON Glee Club--2,3,4; F. T.A.-3,4; French Club--3,4 ; Prom Comm.--3.

ROSE MASSIE G.A.A. Rep.--1,4; Hall Guard --2; Corr. Capt.--3,4.

MARILYN McGILL G.A.A.--4; Sodality--4; Nat. Honor Soc. --3,4; Honor Roll-1,2,3,4.


• •

JUDITH McGllRE Home. Off.--2; School Comm. --2,3; Volleyball Team Capt. --3,4.

Note--The Senior Candle is the largest. 43

MARY ANN McGUIRE F.T.A.--3,4; Ptkp.--4, G.A.A. --1,2,3,4; Red Cross Rep.--4; Homeroom Officer--2,3.

CAROLYN McSEMEK Glee Club--2,3,4j F.N.C.-3,4j Honor Roll--1j Sodal.--

NANCY MEIXNER G.A.A.--2,4j Hall Guard--2j Perf. Attend.--3j S.C. Rep.--




Seniors Take An Active Interest

In The Community MARY MISKIMEN Honor Roll--1,2,3,4j Glee .Club--2,3,4j Sodal.--2,3,4.

JOAN MITCHELL Glee Club--2,3j N.F. L. --1,2, 3, Pres:--4j Servo Award--3.





REBECCA MORGANN Homeroom Officer--3j Honor Roll - -2j Glee Club--2,3j Dance Comm.--2,3 .


SUE MURRAY G.A.A.--l,2,3j Glee Club--2j Hall Guard--2j Corr. Capt.-3.






ANNA NARTKER Latin Award--2j Homeroom Officer- - 3j Bus . Award--3,4j Perf. Attend.--l,2,3.

Paula Stockert and JCOWA members dedicate tree on the courthouse lawn in Dayton.



"And what seems to be on your mind?" DIANNE NEU G.A.A.--2,3,4j Hall Guard-2j Corr. Capt.--4.

NANCY NEWBAUER Latin Award--2.

COLEEN NOONAN F.T.A.--3,4; Hall Guard--4j Honor Roll--3.

DEBORAH PATTERSON N.F.L.--2,4j Honor Roll--2,4j C.S.M.C. Rep.--4j Yearbook Staff.

DIANE OLEKAS Homeroom Officer--2,3,4j F.T.A.--3,4, V. Pres.--4j G.A.A.--3,4j Monogram--4.


~ CAROL ORF Perf. Attend.--2; G.A.A.--3; J.A.--2,3.


Do Julienne girls really prefer older men? (Dad-Daughter Dance) KATHlEEN PATTERSON Sac. Ht. Pres.--4, Rep.--3; G.A.A. Rep.--1,3,4; News Staff--3.

EUZABETH PAVUK Homeroom Ofc.--1; Hall Guard--4; G.A.A.--1,2,4; Perf. Att.--1,2,3.

MAR THA PFEIFFER Homeroom Off.--3,4; VicePres. F.N.C.--4; Honor Roll-3,4.

MARGARET PLASSENTHAL F.N.C.--3,4; Tenn. Tm.-2,3,4; G.A.A. Treas.--4;

MARY PHAlEN Glee Club--2,3,4; Perf. Att.-1,2,3,4; Hon. Roll--2,3,4; A.M.S.--3,4.


MARIANNE PICKREL Home. Off.--1,2; Candy Striper--2; G.A.A.--1; F.N.C. --4; French Cl. --3.



MARY AGNES POPE SacredHt.--4j Prom Comm.-3j Senior Brkf. Comm.--3.

MONICA PLATT N.F.L.--l,2j G.A.A.--l,2j Sacred Ht.--3,4j J.A.--3,4.

AUDREY PUMIliA G.A.A. Rep.--2j Sod.--2,3,4j Perf. Att. --1,4j Sac. Ht. League Sec. --4.

AUSRA RASTIKIS G.A.A.--2,3,4j F.T.A.--3j Honor Roll--l,2,3,4j Hall Guard--4.

These Seniors get into the Christmas spirit.


BEVERLY RICHIED Hall Gaurd--2; Sacred Heart Rep.--4; Honor Roll--2.

ELAINE RIEGLE Homeroom Off.--l,2,4; G.A.A. --I,2,4j Honor Roll--l,2,3,4 .

GLENNA RIFFLE Hall Guard--2j Corridor Captain--2,4.

PEGGY RISMILLER G.A.A.--2,4; Play--4j Yearbook Sta ff - -4 j Prom Com m . -.3,4.

LOIS RUSCHAU G.A.A.--l,2; Glee Homeroom Off.--l.


PATRICIA ROTH Student Council Rep.--2,3,4j G.A.A.--l,2; Glee Club--2j Hall Guard--3.



- - - -

- - - -- - - -- - - - --

The annual Christmas concert is performed by the class of 1966.

MARIA SCARPELLI G.A.A.--1; Perfect Att.--1,3.

ELIZABETH SCHIFFMANN French Club--3; V.P.--4, Pres.; Glee Club--2,3; S.C. Rep.--4; Dance Committee--


DEBORAH SCHIRTZINGER Glee Club--2,3,4; R. C. Rep. --2; G.A.A.--1,2; Ten. Team --2,3 .

SUE SCHLIESSER G.A.A. --1,2,3, Rep. - -2,3; N.H.S.--4; Sodal.--2,3,4; F.T.A.--3,4 .


CA1HY SCHMITZ G.A.A.--1,2,3,4; F.N.C.- 3,4; Homeroom Officer--1,4; G.A.A. Rep.--2,3.

The National Honor Society inducts its new members.

MARGARET SCHMITZ Red Cross Rep.--l; Honor Roll--3.

KAREN SCHOENLEIN Glee Club--2,3,4; G.A.A. - 1,2,3,4--V.P.--4; N.H.S.--4; Yearbook Staff.

BONNIE SCHWELLER N.H.S.--4; N . F.L.--l,2,3,4; Glee Club--2,3,4; Yearbook Staff- -4.

ODETTE SHEEHAN Homeroom Officer- -2; Glee Club--2; G.A .A.- - l,2; CYO-1,2,3,4.


CHARLENE SITZMAN F.N.C.--3,4; C .S.M.C.--l; G.A.A.--4; Corr. Capt.--3,4.

lORNA SMEDEBUSH Homeroom Off.--3j F.N.C.-3,4j G.A.A.--l,2,3,4j C.S.M.C. --3,4.

JANE SOMSEl Sodality Pref.--4j Candy Strp. --3,4j N.H.S.--3,4j Glee Club --2.

A RLENE SPATZ Perfect Attendance--l,2,3,4.

PATRICIA SPILKER Student Cn. Rep.--lj Glee Club--2j G.A.A.--2j Senior Play.

MARY ST ADDON Glee Club--2--lib.j Sod.--2j N.F.L.--lj Yearbook Bus. Mgr.

Energy to keep up the practice takes a nice thick chocolate milkshake.


JEAN ST ARETZ G .A.A.--l,2,3 j Perfect Attendance--2,3.

Makes Perfect,"

SHARON STEBERL G.A.A. Bowling--2 yrs.j Corr. Capt.--3 yrs.

MARY JO STEGER Homeroom Treas.--2j Hall Guard--2j Corr. Capt.--4j Glee Club--2.

JOAN STEGMAN Hall Guard - -4 j Hom eroom V.P. --4j Glee Club--2,3,4j Honor Roll--2,3.


TERRY STEIGERWALD Homeroom Treas.--4j G.A.A. 4j N.F.L.--4j Red Cross Rep . --


MARSHA STEMLEY G.A.A.--l,2,3,4j Honor Roll-3j Soph. Dance Committee.


PAULA STOCKERT J.C.O.W.A. -- 3,4--Pres. --4; Sodality--2,3,4; F. T .A.--2,3 ,4j Red Cross.

Won 't you please take these shoes?

MARSHA STODDARD G.A.A . --l,2,3,4j F.T.A.-3,4--Sec. --4j Yearbook Staff Honor Roll--l,2,3,4.

MARY JO STROZDAS N.H.S.--3,4--Pres. - -4j G.A.A. --1,2,3j Honor Roll--l,2,3,4.

GERALDINE STRUKA1v1P G .A.A. --4j Homeroom Officer - -3.

SHARON SULLIVAN Hall Guard--2,4j Library Asst. - - 3j Homeroom Off. 3,4.


ANNE TAMBORSKI Glee Club--2,3,4j Accomp.-2,3j Silver Medal--2, Gold Medal--4j Monogram Staff--


Do you think the health inspector will see the spots on rny fingernails?

SUE THOMA Glee Club--2,3; Captain- -2.


CECILIA THOMAS Secretary of Sod.--4; Sodality --2,3,4; N.H.S.--3,4; Student Council Representative- -3.

VI RGINIA TIPTON G.A.A.--4; Glee Yearbook Staff--4.


JEANNETTE TISCHLER Art Club Sec.--4; G.A.A.--4; Hall Guard--2; Student Coun. Rep.--l.


BEVERLY TOBE G.A.A.--l,2,3,4; Corr. Capt. --3,4; J.C.O.W.A.--4; Honor Roll--l,2,3.

DARLENE TURNER N.H.S.--4; G.A.A.--1 , 2,3,4; Yearbook Editor- -4; Glee Club --2,3,4--Lib.--4.

ROBERTA VALES CorridorCaptain--3,4; Homeroom Officer--l.

SHARON V AN AUSDAL G.A.A.--1,2,3; Perfect Attendance--2; Junior Achievement


Memories of the future draw nearer till Graduation. ANNETTE VAN ZANT Homeroom Off. - -4; Honor Roll --1,2,3; Glee Club--2,3,4; Jr. Prom Comm.

MARYVEG Homeroom Off.; Honor Roll 3; G.A.A.--3; F.N.C.--3; Jr.Prom Comm.


LYNDA VESCIO F.N.C.--3,4--Pres.--4; T.I.A. --1,2; G.A.A.--l,2,3; Sacred Heart Rep.--l,2.

EILEEN VOCKE F.N.C.--3--Sec.- - 4;Perf. Art. --1,3; G.A.A.--2; Monogram Circulation Manager--4.

CAROL LYNN WADE C.S.M.C. --Rep. --1; Student Council Rep. -- 2; Junior Achievement--3,4; Honor Roll --2,3. MARY WADE G.A.A.--l,2,3,4; Corr. Capt.-2,3 ; JCOWA--4; Honor Roll-1,2,3.

And we the "Class of '66", 'will' the entrance to our swimming pool to the incoming Freshmen, "Class of '70".

NANCY WAGNER Monogram Asst. Pg. Ed.; G.A .A . --1,2,3,4; N.F.L.--l; Jun. Achiev.--3,4.



SHARON WALKER Corr. Capt. - - 3; Red Cross Rep.--3; F.T.A.--4; Honor Roll--1,2,3,4.

KATHLEEN WALSH F.N.C.--3,4; Prom Comm.-3,4; Song Comm.--3,4; Monogram Staff Photo

SANDRA WALTER G.A.A.--4; Glee Club--2; F.T.A.--2; Corr. Capt. --4; N.F.L.--4.

Seniors Take Time To Help Those Who Are In Need

GERTRUDE WARTINGER Glee Club--2,3,4; Honor Roll --1,2,3,4; Yrbk. Layout Ed.; Corr. Capt.

MARY ANNE WEAVER Homeroom Off.- -2; Corr. Capt. --2,3,4; Cheerld.--3,4; Stud. Coun. Rep.--3.


KATHY WEST Student Council Rep.--1,2,3; C.S.M.C. Rep.--1; F.N.C.-3,4; F.T.A.--4.

VICTORIA WHITEHEAD G.A.A.--2,3,4; Honor Roll- 2,3,4; T.I.A.--4; Corr. Capt.; Senior Play Costumes.


Sr. Ann Christopher and members of Sodality deliver cartons of food and canned goods to the needy.

BARBA RA WILDFNHA US N.F.L.--l,2,3,4, V.P.--4; F. T.A. --2,3, Treas.--4; N.H.S. --3,4; Monogram Staff- -2,3,4.

MARY PAT WILLIAMSON Sodality--2,3,4; Homeroom Off.--l,2,4; Student Cn. Rep. --3; Honor Roll--l,2,3,4.


Happiness is an invitation to become a m ember of the N .H.S.

RUTH WOLANCZYK Tutoring at the Franklin Grade School--4.

KAREN WOLF N.H.S.--3,4j G.A.A.--l,2,3j Homeroom Off.- - 2,3,4; Honor Roll- - l,2,3,4.

SHARON WOLF Homeroom Off.--l; Perf. Attendance - -2; Sacred Heart Representati ve - -4.

SUSAN WOLFF Student Council Sec. --4 ; Sodality--2,3,4; Mono. Typist 3, 4; N.H.S.--4.


BARBARA WOLLENHAUPT Glee Club--2,3,4; Art Club-4; Mono.--3; Jr. Prom Committee--3.

MARY ANN ZAPATONY Yearbook Staff--4; G.A.A. Rep.--4; Corr. Capt.--4; Honor Roll--I-4; Junior Miss Pageant.

CAMILLA ZIEBA Homeroom Officer--2,4; Honor Roll--3,4; Class Play--4.

Well, Jane, what a way to start a day!

PATRICIA ZINKIEWICZ T.I.A.--l,2; G.A.A.--l; F.N.C. --3,4; C.S.M.C. Officer--4.

CHARLENE ZIRBS Red Cross--l,2; Honor Roll-1,2,4; F.N.C.--3,4; Yearbook Staff--4.


MADELINE ZITT Homeroom Off.--2,3; C.S.M.C. --1; French Cb.--3; Honor Roll



The underclassmen proved loyal and spirited in backing the activities and the projects of the 19651966 school year. Prompt to meet scholastic challenge and tests of fidelity to school and class, the underclassmen can count their successes and measure the stages of their experience. Through outstanding support of the yearbook and Senior class play, the freshmen have proudly shown their zeal as true girls of Julienne. Not far behind came the sophomores contributing substantially to the development fund of their school with an outstanding and successful dance in February. The Junior classmen have proved eager to step into their places as responsible Seniors actively participating in every project, and leading the underclassmen in enthusiasm. Truly, this year 1965-1966, has seen many cycles of growth accomplished, and leaves only good memories and triumphs to be remembered.

Marylyn Broker Barb Browning Susan Brun Kathy Buynak Mary Concannon Fran Dorsey Chrissie Finke Josie Fitzgerald Sonya Francis Alison Hanson

Cathy Harsacky Teresa Kuhn Cathy McMillan Mary Lou Mechenbier Jenny Monroe Patty O'Connell '

Linda Pavuk Peggy Richison Melanie Robinson Darrell Schmidt

Marcia Sweigart Connie Varley Mary Wagner Pauline Wagner Belinda Williams Phyllis Winters


Sister Marie Elise

Juniors help entertain for Student Council Activities. 64

Deborah Amann Joan Borchers Mary Ellen Broadstone Kathryn Budenz Mary Ann Dix Victoria Ernst Kathleen Gmeiner Julia Griffin Susanna Holden Diana Koesters

Susan Kronenberger Deborah Lange Ellen Marshall Marlene McCray Susan McDonald Marsha Meltz

Marilyn Mescher Patricia Miskimen Agnes Piekutowski Paula Jane Pumilia

Eileen Quinter Phyllis Rogge Martha Scheper Ann SchIemann Jane E. Schmidt Janet Schweller

Competing In Scholarship,

I IB Sister Martha

Margaret Smith Anita Thiel Barbara Wabler

Teresa Wartinger Elizabeth Williamson Beverly Wimsatt Roseanne Zimmerman


Excelling In Membership, The Junior Class Has Progressed

I Ie Sister Olivia

Cheryl Anderson Marianne Balazs

Nancy Barringer Betty Bernard Connie Bertke

Marta Bonansea Kathy Boston Joanne Burns

Patricia Cherpeski Olivia Cousins Ginger Deis Joyce Doll

Kathryn Gordon Sue Greene Mary Jo Hagen Caroljo Hoying

Christine Koehl Kay Logan Antoninette Mals Sharon Meyer Barbara Minham Karen Rafferty Joyce Rammel Louise Rench Tristine Roberts Sue Schreier Susan Yore


And Developing Citizenship, On The Journey Towards Maturity.

I ID Sister He len Therese

Kathy Boyd Kathleen Brandenburg

Carol Candy Mary Jo Carson Judy Chappie

Sylvia Desando Mary Donovan Kathy Fleming Elizabeth Frye

Judy Hafer Donna Howell Mary Kerezsi Janet Longman

Victoria Olding Deborah Parents Renee Peterman Janice Priske Maribeth Quinn Mary Ellen Rankin Marlene Roche Judi Rosenbeck Paula Sears Kathy Seitz Diana Smith Stephanie Staton Nancy Steffano Vicki Tabet Carol Vehom GaU Ann Wourms Carolyn Ziehler


I IE Sister Ann Lucille

Sister Ann Lucille and homeroom sponsor a family for Christmas.

Linda Bertke Julie Drummer

Lynne Egan Nadya Fernandez

Loretta Linck Madeleine Loges Marilyn Luckett

Angela Mahle Donna McSemek Mary Ann Miller Denna Phelan

Pat Powers Marie Schaaf Jean Schulze Barbara Sheets Pat Smiley Diane Streacker Margaret Snyder Mary Svellinger Cathy Sweigart Mary Trupp Gail Wysong


I IF Sister Mary leo

Oh well, there's always SECOND semester exams!

Karen Albers Claudia Bernard

Anne Carone Linda Deis Joyce Dunn

Kathy Haley Mary Haley Kathy Haller Ellen Hansman

Deborah Heggs Kathleen Hochadel lynn laVielle Peggy Marlow

Elaine Mudd Teresa Nevius Deborah Olwine Diane Quinlivan Barbara Paull Christine Regulinski Mary Rieger Kathy Stanley Cynthia Steinbrunner Janet Sullivan Mary Diane Suttmiller


Linda Barnhart Judeline Colosimo Laurel Deis Barbara Fischer Elizabeth Gaeke

Dianne Grusenmeyer Sylvia Hairston Candayce Hutchinson

Barbara Laux Donna Lukacs Rebecca Moosebrugger Joanna Plassenthal Jacque Reeder

Susan Roberts Mollie Schumacher Donna Sheehan

Theresa Sherman Maureen Sherry Carol Strutton Mary Kay Tolle Elinor Wenzel

I IG Miss Marchal

"Oh, I'm still so hungry!" 70

Cheryl Allen Joan Baker Christine Csiba Deborah Dawicke Kathleen Dittrich Jo Ann Freiburger

Lois Gaeke . Linda Haley Laura Halvorson Karen Kammer

Karen Kinderman Susan Klenke Kathleen Kuntz Fabienne Lawson Marianne Long Nancy Lucente

Kathleen McLaughlin Patricia Moosbrugger Alexis Nelson Maribeth Penney

Pamela Porumb Hubertina Ravenstein Paula Sarno Jane Scarpelli Deborah Schram Susan Stanley Beverly Tripp Patricia Walsh Teresa Smith Carla Spatz Katherine Wysong

lOA Sr. Francis Xavier

It couldn't be a snowman, could it? 71

Margie Allen Frances Amend

lOB Miss Kathleen Whalley

Laura Baker Susan Borger Judith Brinkman

Joyce Brown Susan Cochran Patricia Craighead Elizabeth Daley

Elizabeth Deger Jane Duckwall Mary Ann Dupps Karen Geisler Jane Haemmerle

Brenda Hedgebeth Shari Heggs Kathryn Hoffman Deborah Hosfeld Darlyn Kettler

Marybeth Klosterman Karen Koerner Kathleen Kowaleski Susan Mathes Colleen McCarten Janice Mechenbier Kristine Merkle Carolyn Meyer Deborah Meyer Colleen O'Connor Mary Papp Marianne Pittl Christine Rapp Rosemary Raterman Mary Ray Cynthia Rogerson Ann Spinnato Christina Stafford Nancy Thickel Helen Wartinger Lucretia Ways Thomasine Wessel Jacqueline Zitt



Karen Beutle Teresa Buedel

Miss Char lotte Neighbors Mrs. Dudzinski Karen Chappie Elizabeth Clapp Mary Ann Collins

Susan Daulinghaus Bonita Deschler Vickie Eppler Michele Frakenberg

Joan Hansen Sharon Hartley Barbara Hickey Juanita Huber

Michelyn Jonas Janice Jaques Patricia Lauricella Judith Lehman Verna Lewis

Gay Ann Mastbaum Jennifer McGarry Kathleen Michel Julie Moore Deborah Newton

Miriam Nowlin Joyce Ruschau Rita Saunders Mary Schwendeman Judith Scott Sharon Seitz Lizabeth Sherman Linda Sims Marirose Sindoni Carol Streit Lydiann Theone Nancy Vore Carol Williams Gail Wissman Suzi Wolf Mary Zimmerman Christine Zwolski


Kathleen Armstrong Jill Baker Cynthia Bayham Karen Bertke Margaret Birt


Mildred Blackford Louise Bollheimer

Sister Mildred Julie

Judith Brennan Phyllis Brindisi Lois Brinkman

Linda Casey Sharon Cenky Patricia Collins Virginia Condy

Patricia DeWitt Antonia Dodaro Deborah Dolinski Anna Marie Gerome Sylvia Guilfoil

Debra Harmuth Caroline Hausfeld Mary Rose Helmer Eva Horvathy Mary Keating

Frances Kulhanek Carol Mantia Jane Peters Ann Petkewicz Mary E. Price Rita Rinehart Anne Roalef Louise Scarpelli Ruth Siewe Ann Skelton Laura Slover Jane Stavtzenbach Anne Tolle Angela Trimboli Carol Waker Kathleen Woerner Malinda Zotkiewicz



Sophomores Meet The Challenges

Mrs. Herbert Hinkle

Mary Barnes Margaret Buckwalter

Barbara Chmiel Becky Florea

Carol Fortunato Kathy Guess Toni Haas

Pamela Heilingenberg Mary Hilton Pamela Johnson Jane Kaufold

Patricia Keiley Susan Kinzler Michele Kunnen Julie Larkins

Virginia Leibold Mary Jo Magrath Elizabeth Mergler Martha Mescher Maureen Moore

Amy O'Brien Diane Ranly Mary Sue Rench Dolores Sammons Janice Schmitz Connie Stueve Barbara Tuss Jean Van Hook Marilyn Wiggenhorn Susan Wysinski Ann Zimmerman


On The Way To Womanhood.

IOF Sister Jeanne Therese

Jennifer Agnew

Margaret Bachey Martha Boesch Juanna Boston

Grace Bruno Cathy Brumbaugh Pamela Choice Linda Condron

Jill Didier Ann Donovan Paula Fenelon Beth Fries

Terri Haney Theresa Heindl Pam Jacobson Susan Johnson Linda King

Di anne landis Catherine Lehmann Barbara Luigs Deborah McDermott Virginia Monnin Mary Neu Michele Roberts Kathy Sayer Kathleen Trimbach Jim Trimmer Michele Van Ozz Gertrude Walling Jane Werner Maura Wilhelm Mary Williams Kathleen Whitman Patricia Yates


The Freshman Class

9A Mrs. John Areiner

Carol Andrews

Nancy Broadstone Carol Coffey Jacqueline Drew

Leonda Edsall Marilyn Elking Molly Fitzgerald Susan Hagan

Janet Halpin Gail Hendricson Barbara Hill Anne Kertesz

Rosann Kielbaso Margaret Kramer Polly Leist Karen Mahle Barbara McGill

Janet Mesher Mary Meyer Pattie Meyer Betty Miller Kathie Morter Doris Poeppelroan Frances Quinn Barbara Roberts Anita Roth Deborah Sekey Mary Shearer Doris Sheper Teresa Tokarsky Shirley Wiggins Anita Zennie Rita Zimmerman



Are Introduced

Sister Richard

Donna Lee Agee Velma Bali Carolyn Ann Becker

Bernadette Bensman Linda Block Connie Bonadio Mary Christofaro Mary Dewitt Deborah Disken

Gail Emmons Susan Eppler Kathleen Ernst Dywanna Feu

Patricia Greger Ann Griffith Diane Hanes Patricia Herzog Sheila Hypes Gayle Klawonn

Deborah Kraska Mary Kroger Mary Lehman Peggy Locke

Helen Luckett KathIe en McCoy Barbara Metzger Terryln Meyers Mary Therese Mumma Carolyn Nichols

Andrea Penix Sharon Redick Kathleen Reichert Leona Schmitz

Pauline Schweller Donna Seibert Jane Staton Judith Tangeman Stephanie Wittbrodt Barbara Wolf



To New Ideas,

Miss J onna Meyer Mrs. Hansman

Marta Beckman Rebecca Biga Susan Dietsch Mary Gmeiner

Patricia Green Karen Grewe Ellen Gysin Cynthia Hagemeyer Rebecca Harr Linda Hartke

Kathleen Heck Cathy Hochwalt Mary Howell Patricia Huels

Cheryl Hutson Letha Jones Peg Kingston Karen Kuntz Cathy Lowery Leslie Maloney

Rita Mattes Diane Monroe Kathleen O'Connell Kathleen O'Hearn Constance Osterfeld Jeanne Pavuk Helen Pomuti Diane Robinson Alain Romer Joan Ruschau

Deborah Schafer Pamela Schmitz Miriam Sell Dolores Slack

Annette Topp Cynthia Vehorn Jane Weaver Jane Wenning Jean Williamson


New Opportunities,

9D Sister Julia Frances

Lois Bertke Susan Borgert

Judith Brzozowski Dawn Chambers Victoria Cook .

Kathleen Dempsey Joan Dix Joan Fleck Kathleen Frey

Mary Halloran Jennifer Hinders Deborah Holka Constance Mathes

Martha McCarthy Mary Ann McMullen Margaret Miller Nancy North Janet Regulinski

Jacqueline Richied Renee Roberts Theresa Ruef Kathryn Schwab Eileen Sherry Jean Simmerman Marilyn Sitzman Christine Skapik Ruth Smith Julia Stemley Barbara Szabo Eileen Thiel Diane Tobe Barbara Van Ausdal Fay Weber Jane Woeste Rosemary Yark


And Numerous Experiences.

9E Sister Mary Ann

Rosemary Ahl Carol Baccus

Bonnie Beall Kathleen Beatty Anne Beck

Rebecca Beutle Mary Lee Brown Ida Caldwell Roanna Dabney

Michele Daley Ellen Diener Janice Eldridge Mary Jo Foose Rosemarie Geiger

Monica Haas Karen Harris Frances Hickman Virginia Hines Christine Hoban

Karen Kelly Eileen King Sharon Kramer Janis Marshall Regina Mercuri Mary Jo Peck Susan Perkins Janet Ponichtera Anita Quatman Frances Saunders Monica Smith Patricia Walker Jacqueline Walton Noreen Wheeler Sandra Wilson Martha Wright Peggy Yeager Kathy Zwissler 81

9F Miss Dickson

Debbie Alberts Karen Bernard Teresa Carson Kathy Christenson

Kathy Com boy Pati Connors Paula Creager Debbie Denise Susan Fisher Anne Flanigan

Kathi Fletcher Teri Ford Paulette Gauthier Barbara Heitbrink

Jeanne Helmer Pat Hill Karen Hodge Chris Hoying Cathy Karl Kyle Kowaleski

Brigitte Kuzujanaxis Donna McAuley Mary Anne McCracken Judy Martinson

Karen Overman Jane Parenti Pat Piekutowski Cathy Prier Louise Raterman Lynn Rickard

Veronique Schiffman Pam Seitz Sue Spilker Connie Stickel

Karen Van Hook Jan Van Marter Julie Wahlrab Jane Wendling Janis Wissel Bonnie Zimmer



.. 9G Sister Louise Joseph

The candy machines are "always busy". Sheri Battigaglia Patsy Becker Dorothy Bochenek Dorothy Borchers Barbara Bratton Darlene Calloway Colleen Carr Mary Jean D'Amico Rosemary Eifert Francille Heberling

Janet Hickey Maureen Hogan Kathy Knox Ann Kroger Patricia Larkins

Louise Leibold Judy Mills Karen Niles Linda Placke Patricia Rogge Sheila Ryder Patricia Sanders Amy Sheets Charion Smiley JoAnn Swensen Donna Thome Cheryl Torok Ellen Trietsch Joanne Van Schaik Diana Wilson Sharon Wolff Kathy Zimmer 83

Charlene BaUmann Mary Ellen Boston Barbara Brinkman Blaire Brooks

Donna Cernevicius Deborah Dean Patricia Dedrich Linda Deppen Mary Dorsey Debra Eifert

Christine Fitzgerald Je anne Flessner Cathy Hochwalt Karen Hohne

Mary Keily Chistine Kosater Roberta Kroger Monica Lehmann Mary Leopold Cynthia McIlvain

Cynthia Morgan Judith Patterson Rebecca Pfeiffer Margaret Rindler

Ann Sayer Jane Schreier Paula Schumacher Katherine Schwendeman Colleen Sherry Nancy Stevens

9H Sister Marietta

Louise Strobey Patricia Truxel Ruth Wagner

Mary Wenclewicz Mary Ann Werner Laura Zimmerman Mary Zotkiewicz


Sandy Adducchio Janie Anderson Sandra Baccus Joyce Bailey

Sandra Bayham Judy Bertke Charmaine Burns Vickie Buschur Jane Chmiel Collette Cousins Karen Cull RoseMary De Carla Loretta Gist Sheila Gross Eilleen Hoggerty Jean Harris Karen Kinnison Shirley Kiss Mary Jo Leggett Patricia Martz Theresa Morris Roberta Pitman Sandra Pope Vickie Redick Julie Sears Charlene Smith Margaret Stephen Barbara Wendling Karen Wendling Cheryl Wilson Julie Woodie Vickie Zimmer

91 Miss Thomes

Does this milk ever taste good!



Apart from the long hours spent in the class room with their emphasis on listening and speaking, on reading and writing communications , the goals of education as personal growth are furthered in the school by more .than 20 wellestablished after-school organizations . In these groups the classroom procedures are imple mented and extended into the areas of practical living with others. Some of these organizations, or clubs , influence the students in the choice of a career; some inform their members about community needs or about world affairs; some are concerned with the arts, some with athletics , some with growth in leadership, but all offer an incentive and an aid toward better understanding of and cooperation with fellow students and , eventually , with the civic .;ommunity in which they are to play an ever more active and per sonal part.

OFFICERS: Mods. Miss Muye, Miss Roberts; Pres.-Pat Clark, V. Pres. Karen Schoenlein, Ptkp.--Linda Hedgebeth, Sec'y--Linda Lawhorn Treas.--Peggy Plassenthal, Jr. Rep.--Rose Ann Zimmerman

Volleyball is one of the favorite GAA sports.

G.A.A. The Girls Athletic Association at Julienne strives to promote an interest in sports and team cooperation. Dances, sweatshirts, open-hours, and morning meetings have been some of this years projects which they have accomplished. G.A.A. meetings are important to all members.


J.e.O.W.A. J. c, o. W. A. 's aim is to aid the students in their study of social customs and social, political, and economic problems on a world scale. Meetings are open to the student body and programs are selected featuring films and guest speakers. Outstanding events of the past year are the planting of the Peace Tree on the lawn of the Montgomery County Court House, and the study tour of New York and Washington by a group of students from Julienne.

OFFICERS: Mod.--Miss Marchal, Pres.--Paula Stockert, V. Pres.--Phyllis Beck, Sec'y--Linda Carson, Treas.--Mary Jo Sheets J.C.O.W.A. plants a tree on the steps of the Courthouse in Dayton.

Paula points out the new nation of Malawi in Africa.


YEARBOOK In order to keep the events of each school year alive and meaningful for each Julienne girl, the yearbook staff has sought to collect the highlights of the passing year into one book for our mem0ries tomorrow. The enthusiasm and endless hours spent by the staffs of the Monogram year- . book have brought out qualities of diligence and sacrifice in the students themselves and have stabilized in focus the panorama of the girls and the events of each unfolding year. OFFICERS: Moderator: Sr. Francis Margaret Editor-in-Chief: Darlene Turner Layout Editor: Trudy Wartinger Typing Editor: Pauline Magrath Photography Editor: Mary Lou Bond Business Editor: Mary Staddon

There are many staffs on the yearbook but without the cooperation of all, it would have been impossible to complete it. ieft to Right-- Pauline Magrath, Mary Ann Zappatony, Jane Schmidt, Charlene Zirbs, Linda Guess, Bev Chme, Darlene Turner, Cathy Schmitz

Not shown: Peggy Rismiller Deb Patterson


Has anybody seen that picture that goes on page three ?

NEWSPAPER OFFICERS Moderator: Sr. Jeanne Therese Editor-in-Chief: Sue Brown Asst . Editor : Carla Am a to Typing Mgr.: Mariclaire Baker Circul. Mgr.: Eileen Vocke Exc. Editor: Joan Mitchell Staff Artist : Darlene Basile Bus. Mgr.: Barbara Browning

The need to express opinions, to be creative , and to report news , has been achieved through the publication of the school paper . The newspaper staff have attended study days and programs to obtain new ideas and hints about making the MONOGRAM a school paper of excellence. This sure is a Rreat paper, everybody!



OFFICERS Moderator: Sister Francis Margaret President: Elizabeth Schiffman Vice -Pres.: Diane Quinlivan Secretary: Melanie Robinson Treasurer: Ann Spinnato

Language clubs are designed to assist students who wish to further their knowledge in a particular field. The French Club at Julienne fulfills its purposes by discussing the customs, food, dress, and culture of the French people. Films, speakers, skits, and records add to the enthusiastic atmosphere of this club.


Students and members enjoy listening to speakers during their meetings after school.


SPANISH CLUB One of Julienne's newest clubs is the Spanish Club. Its purpose, like that of any other language club, is to develop in its members a greater interest, appreciation, and knowledge of the Spanishlanguageandof the people who speak it. OFFICERS Moderators: Sister Frances Xavier Mrs. Teijelo Pres.: Marilyn Mescher Vice-Pres. : Kathy Gmeiner Terry Nichols Debbie Lang Sec'y: Marty Scheper Treas.: Connie Lehman

You don't suppose that's a new Spanish hair-do, do you?


C.S.M.C. C .s . M. C . strives to remind the students of their apostolic obligations to their brothers in the missionary countries. Through donations, medical bandages, stamps, couporis, their money and prayers, the Julienne students seek to meet the needs brought to their attention by the C . S . M . C. The annual Christmas dance, as well as the climax of the year, Mission Day, are projects of C.S .M.C. which will always be outstanding on our list of memories.

OFFICERS: Mod.--Sr. Julie Louise, Pres.--Carol Hickey, V. Pres.--Cathy Andrews, Rec. Sec'y--Marcia Brumbaugh, Corr. Sec'y--Patricia Zinkiewicz, Treas.--Barbara Dineen, Pub. Chmn.--Julie Dineen, Proj. Chmn.--Cynthia Harper.

Besides doing work in the United States, the missions also work abroad. Sister Mary Victor (left) is now working as a missionary in Baghdad, Iraq. Sister is expected back in the summer of 1966.

At the beginning of each year, CSMC holds an assembly for the students and faculty.


SODALITY OFFICERS: Mod.- - Sr. Jeanne Therese, Pref.-Jane Samsel, Sec'y--Jo Ann Hyle, Ptkp.--Cecilia Thomas, Treas.--Carla Amato.

Members pack food cartons for needy.

Sodality, is a way of life, and strives to be effective in the school by developing enthusiasm as well as spiritual growth among the students of Julienne. Providing the Christmas mailbox, sponsoring the May Procession, backing Student Coun cil activities and giving unlimited services to the faculty, are some of the activities which Sodality calls its own. This past year the Julienne Sodal ity has cooperated with other Dayton area youth groups in the Social Action Corps to unite apostolic efforts.

Sister Marietta and her discussion group talk about new Church ideas.


SACRED HEART LEAGUE Members and representatives of the Sacred Heart League strive to promote devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The monthly publication of the Sacred Heart Messenger is subscribed to by the homerooms and students. It contains several articles on work by members in the schools and serves as a discussion at meetings. "Brownie 'Day" provides bake goods and is a source for the club's treasury. Brownies and cupcakes pass from one girl to another at one of the bake sales.

OFFICERS Moderator: Sister Frances Xavier; Pres.: Kathy Patterson: Vice-Pres.: Debbie Lang; Secretary: Audrey Pumilia; Treasurer: Anna Knopp


OFFICERS: Pres. --Joan Mitchel, V. Pres. Barbara Wildenhaus, Ptkp. Cynthia Paull, Treas.-Paula Pumilia, See'y. Linda Coriell.


F. T.A.

The National Forensic League attempts to provide its members the opportunity to speak publicly at area speech tournaments, festivals, and contests. Many of its members have succeeded in winning several awards and honors. The F . T. A. serves to present to interested Juniors and Seniors the challenge and rewards open to them in the teaching field. This club has accomplished its purpose during the past year through various activities : movies on child psychology were shown, reports on various areas of teaching were vo lunteered by the members, and study groups attended U.D. and Bowling Green U.

OFFICERS: Mod. Sr. Mary Eugene, Pres. Judy Brown, V. Pres. Diane Olekas, Sec'y.--Marsha Stoddard, Treas.--Barbara Wildenhaus, Ptkp.--Mary Ann McGuire, Prog. Chmn.--Nora Keyes, Jr. Rep. Ann Schleman.


The first concert of the year is sung by the Sophomore Glee Club.

SOPHOMORE GLEE CLUB Education in music and choral singing are among Julienne's greatest tradi tions. Music is heard at recitals, concerts, plays, and graduations, and many students join the Glee Clubs for the first -hand appreciation of "the sound of music" . The Sophomore Glee Club, consisting of approximately ninety members, rehearses every Thursday afternoon. This group has sung at the Christmas Concert and at the Spring Concert at Julienne, and has appeared at University of Dayton. Members may continue their training and join the Junior -Senior Chorus. OFFICERS: Mod. Miss Rose Gysbers , Pres.--Ruth Siewe, V. Pres.--Pat Yates, Sec'y.-Tre as. Barb Chmiel, Libr.--Jan Mechenbier, Rosemary Raterman, Lois Brinkman.


OFFICERS: Mod.--Miss Rose Gysbers, Pres.--Beverly Clune, V. Pres.--Nancy Kostoff, See'y. Treas.-Diane Grump, Librarians--Candy Hutchinson, Josie Fitzgerald, Darlene Turner.

JUNIOR SENIOR GLEE CLUB Confidence and experience mark the accomplishments of the Junior -Senior Glee Club. These girls have performed many times and have enjoyed every minute of it. This year part of the Glee Club performed at the Notre Dame Alumnae Banquet at the Dayton Inn. Other programs were sung at Julienne, University of Dayton and at the Fine Arts Festival. The big event of the year is the annual combined concert when the seniors don beautiful pastel formals and accessories for the big event at Dayton s Memorial Hall. I

Experience and confidence mark the success of the Junior-Senior chorus.


OFFICERS FOR 19651966 Mod.; Sr. Mary Leo, Pres.; Chris Long, V. Pres. Sue Flanagan, Coor. Chmn.; Sue Brown. Sec.; Sue Wolff, Treas.; Sue Craighead, Head of Hall Gds. ; Beth Williamson, Head of COIro Capts. Maribeth Quinn.

STUDENT COUNCIL The moderator between the faculty and students in the central organization of the school is the Student Council. Its main purpose is to unite the classes, and through projects and activities' calling for united effort, to create a loyal, generous, and lasting school spirit. Hurry up back there! Barb and Pat volunteer time.

OFFICERS FOR 1966-1967 Pres. Beth Williamson, V. Pres. Beth Deger, Coor. Chmn. Madeleine Loges, Sec. Cathy McMillan, Treas. Mary Westendorf., Head of Hall Guards Barb Paull, Head of Corr. Capts. Diane Suttmiller.


Miss Dickson shows the girls some interesting slides and one girl holds up a small frog.

RESEARCH CLUB OF AMERICA The science club at Julienne, a branch of the Research Club of America, is a relatively new one. Each member volunteers for an extensive project in science and has an opportunity to report to the group on a subject of particular interest to her. Open seminars and lectures by men and women qualified in the field of science are some events of the past school year. Do you think it will ever turn color?

OFFICERS Moderator Miss Dickson President Sue Hempelman Members Debbie Lang Paula Pumilia Audrey Pumilia Mimi Long Karen Kuntz Kyle Kowaleski Jane Woeste


The National Honor Society inducts new members at the assembly in February.

N.H.S. The National Honor Society is a corps of leaders interested in their studies, their fellow classmates, and their school. Its members have sought to take advantage ofthe opportunity for growth in scholarship and Christian womanhood which Julienne and its dedicated faculty provide. One of its services to the school is assembling the Honor Roll at the 路end of each quarter.

Sister Rose Anna speaks to the 35 new members .

.OFFICERS: Mods. Mrs. Duffy, Sr. Ann Christopher, Pres.--Mary Jo Strozdas, V. Pres.--Karen Wolf, Sec'y--Ann Magato, Treas.--Cynthia Paull.



OFFICERS: Mod.--Sr. Ann Lucille, Pres.--Lynn Vescio, V. Pres.--Martha Pfeiffer, Treas.--Ruth Fisher, Sec'y.--Eileen Vocke.

The purpose of the Future Nurses Club at Julienne is to inform girls interested in the fields of nursing and medicine through the use of films, speakers, seminars and teas. In this way the girls can determine what profession to enter and what school to attend.

Doctor Shine visits the Future Nurses Club as a guest speaker.


Mobiles like the one above are made by several of the students.



The Julienne Chapter of the Red Cross program has been acclaimed by the corn munity year after year for its services rendered by the school, students and teachers. Colorful mobiles, stuffed animals, and tray favors have been projects.

OFFICERS Mod . Sr. Mary Ann, Pres. Olivia Cousins, V.P. Diane Grusenmeyer, Sec. Sylvia Desando.


Pres. Susan Kronenberger V.P. Mary Ann Dix Sec. Marilyn Mescher Treas. Pat Clark

Officers and members of T.r.A. finish their bulletin board .

TEENS IN ACTION As a youth branch of Citizens for Decent Literature, Teens In Action aid in the fight against pornography, indecent books, magazines and films. The student body has often supported T. 1. A. in letter writing campaigns. City, state, and national officials, as well as prominent newspapers, magazines, theatres, and organizations, have been contacted on pertinent issues. This past year, T. 1. A. presented an impressive assembly at which visiting C.D. L. members spoke; Julienne members attended a youth convention at St. Xavier High School in Cincinnati.

First assembly at school was held by T.r.A.



A large part of any high schoo 1 student's life is the social activity. Highlighting the activities program are the annual Father -Daughter Dance, Christmas Dance, Big - Little -Sister Program, the Senior Picnic, Junior -Senior Party at Christmas, numerous Sophomore and Freshman activities, and the annual Mission Day. Student Council strives, throughout the year, to knit the classes more closely together by after school sessions of games and socializing. Equally important are the spiritual activities contributing to our growth as Christian women: the initial Mass of the Holy Spirit, the Retreat at mid-year, and the springtime May Procession. Constantly available to the students are opportunities for counselling, for extra Masses, and for receiving the Sacraments. All of these factors are integral parts of our complete Catholic education.


The Senior Class of 1966 presents the annual Christmas concert.

JULIENNE CHRISTMAS PROGRAM Processional o Little Town of Bethlehem o Holy Night

Redner and Brooks Adolph Adam The Senior Class

Christmas Address First Assembly Second Assembly

Christine Long Cynthia Paull Wilson and Rozsa

Star of Bethlehem The Senior Class A La Nanita Nana The First Christmas

Walter Ehret Fleming and Dougherty Sophomore Glee Club

o Bambino Arr. Simeone Spruce Tree Carol

Capra and Velona Katherine and Richard Warner Junior -Senior Glee Club Sister Rose Anna Sister Superior

Christmas Greetings


The size of a slipper will hold the happiness of a Princess.

The French Play CENDRILLON But what will I wear to the ball? Play is over and everyone takes a bow.


I sure hop e we eat pretty soon, don't you?


Bev, "How about a few words for our audience?"

Santa and "who could this be"?

I wonder what everybody's laughing about?


Sophomores Plan Meetings And Several Assemblies During The Year.

Alexis Nelson presents Mrs . Hinkle with a planter of flowers.

Christmas skit given for the assembly by the Sophomores.


The American Field Service

And Catholic Youth



Senior Homeroom 12-E puts a very beautiful May Altar up for the month of May.

A feeling of reverence can be felt by one who enters the chapel.

Religion-The Center Of Our Daily Life At the end of Semester examinations, the students enter into the spirit of retreat.


The procession led by Christine Long approaches the garden shrine of Our Lady in the annual May Procession ceremony.

Students Join I n Prayer And Music

Bowed heads reflect the solemnity of this occasion.

Hymns for Our Blessed Mother are sung by the student body.


The Statue Of Our Lady Is Crowned By Sodality Officers

Sodality Prefect Janie Somsel crowning Our Blessed Lady.

1100 students gather in the garden pledging their loyalty as daughters to the Blessed Mother.




Are you sure you wouldn't like another glass?

Seniors and their dates pose in the courtyard around the fountain.

Dinae Olekas "Queen of the Prom"

Senior Attendants Julia Clements Mary Pat Williamson Martha Pfeiffer Catherine Andrews Junior Attendants Kathleen Haller Ann SchIemann




Julie prepares to announce the Queen and attendants.

"Raindrops on Roses" can be seen in the garden arrangement. The colors in all of the decorations were very beautiful and they helped to make the Junior-Senior Prom an event never to be forgotten.

No, it's not part of Batman's wing but the top of the umbrella!



Were I told you that I could be a great actress.

Now see here, Mademoisselle . • .

You'll never guess what I found! Does this belong to any . of you?

But I know I killed that man; I just know I did it!


Young And Gay" But I don't want to drown!

If you're going to get sick, then I'm sleeping on the top!






Narrator Steward Mrs. Skinner Cornelia Otis Skinner Emily Kimbrough Purser Stewardess Dick Winters Admiral Harriet St. John Winifred Blaugh Leo McEvoy Inspector Theresa Madame Elise Mademoiselle de la Croix Window Cleaner




Is it the measles?


Mary Ann McGuire Barry McClain Peggy Rismiller Cathy Schmitz Michael Quinn Julie Dineen Michael Wollenhaupt Theresa Killian John Anthony Richard Luthman Virginia Bahret Karen Colosimo James Dwyer Barbara Dineen Camilla Zieba Paula Deschler Liz Schiffman Barry McClain

Happiness Mission

Now, don't flip it too hard!

One of the biggest events of each school here at Julienne is Mission Day. On this day each homeroom participates in the project by displaying booths with games and prizes to raise money for the missions. This year students raised approximately $3,000 toward the cause of the missions in underprivileged countries.

How about trading places?

Is" ...

Day At Julienne It has to go in that little hole?! ! !

Smiling faces--a sign of happiness.

Writers' cramp was a common ailment. "Come on,. gi rls, place your bets!"

Many hours of time are spent in preparation for the combined concert with Chaminade held at Memorial Hall by members of the Junior-Senior Glee Club .

The Sounds Of Music Uplift Our Hearts The Wright Patterson Air Force Base bands come for a performance at Julienne.



These pictures are terrific!

Aha! 1 told you we would get them at breakfast, didn It I?

And where is your hat?

Alumnae Banquet

Patience everybody! Therels plenty for everyone.


Class Songs

SENIOR CLASS SONG (With a Little Bit of Luck) Our Senior Class will always be the best class, Our hallowed halls will echo "Evergreen" And we will pledge ourselves to do our very best And our great spirit will come through Our great spirit will come through Even though the going may get rough o '66 will be the best year And with a little bit of work we'll make it so. JUNIOR CLASS SONG (Pass Me By) The Class of Sixty-seven Juniors Proud to be Lots of spirit true it's very plain to see A likeable group of girls that strive to meet their goal. Contemplatin' the Junior Class is fascinatin'; Add to this our splendid loyalty and initiative That's we! We'll tell the big wide world We're going to be the greatest-Even on, ever flying, mighty high. Sixty-seven, we're the Juniors So we proudly raise our voices to the sky.


"I sure hope they vote for me! "

'66 Accomplishments

"And I present this di ploma for . .

" Ah!

If you REALLY want to win some money .

The biggest moment of the day! Warner Brothers' present . ..



Of 1966' Preparations For A Great Moment


The Final Chorus ...


Beginning The True Commencement ...



SENIOR FAREWELL SONG (Try to Remember) We'll always remember that day in September When we returned with joy and sorrow. Our hopes were so vivid, our plans were uncertain As we looked toward our bright tomorrow. We'll always remember that day in September Our spirit as Seniors were one to follow. We'll always remember, and if you remember, Then follow. Our goodbye means welcome to the new life we're Seeking, your time has come as now we part. We'll always remember our deal Julienne As we go our way with tearful heart. Memories we cherish were times of great splendor Although we are leaving, we hope you'll remember Try to remember and if you remember, Then follow. JUNIOR FAREWELL SONG TO THE SENIORS 路 (A Summer Place) Now we'll say good-bye--We hate to see you go. In our hearts we know--That we're friends, And we'll be true Throughout the years to come, we will still share some memories Of your play--with our hearts young and gay, We treasure the fun and joys - -of this Mission Day, All the great times we shared We shall recall, but now we wish you well. Now we bid . . . farewell, "evergreen," "true to blue, " True to you. 126

Congratulations To These Homerooms For Their Work On The Yearbook

FIRST PLACE (FRESHMEN) 9-C Miss Meyer, President--Becky Biga, V. Pres.--Kathy Hochwalt, Sec'y-Peggy Kingston, Treas.--Diane Monroe, Yb. Rep.--Annette Topp.

FIRST PLACE (SOPHOMORE) lO-C Mrs. Dudzinski, Pres.--Marirose Sindoni, V. Pres.--Sharon Hartley, Sec'y--Beth Sherman, Treas.--Linda Sims, Yb. Rep.--Liz Clapp.

SECOND PLACE (SOPHOMORE) lO-F Sr. Jeanne Therese, Pres.--Gail Zimmer, V. Pres.--Cheryl Wahl, Secly-Maura Wilhelm , Treas.--Paula Fenelon, Yb. Rep.- - Andrea Platt.


Important for the 路 success of any major project of the school is a diligent and persevering staff. This staff can begin its work only after the necessary business and organization have been completed. The busines s staff for the 1966 yearbook was an exceptional one. Because of their drive for patrons, ads, and yearbook sales, a more inclusiveyearbookwas realized successfully. We hereby include most sincere thanks from the yearbook staff to all the girls whose zeal and enthusiasm made this yearbook possible. Our gratitude is also due in large measure to those sponsors whose patronage and advertisements provided us with the necessary finances.

Patrons A.P. Stein's Food Market 701 Valley Street 222 -1071

Congratulations Class of '66 Friedman - Eas ter ling Studio

A Big Kickoff to Your Future Girls Athletic Association

Congratulations Class of '66 Tommy Tucker Flower Shop 610 Watervleit 253-5178

Adam Ballmann' s Sons Produce 2159 Valley Street 233-5022 Arthur Kr am er 1024 Irving Ave. 299-3454 Best of Luck to the Clas s of '66 Future Teachers of America Best Wishes Becky Harr Best Wishes and Congratulations from a Friend Best Wishes from Gail Weaver Best Wishes to the Seniors Kinzeler Realty 277 -5511 Best Wishes to the Graduates from the 1966 Sodality C. Oscar Beigel and Sons Jewelers 505 Xenia Ave. Dayton, Ohio Chaminade Eagles Are the Greatest . Clydes Quality Meats "Get Old - Fashioned Butter and Quality at a Fair Price. " Colosimo Tool Company 1091 Valley Street

Congratulations Class of '66 Monnier Tool and Supply Co. Congratulations Class of '66 Mr. and Mrs. H. Augsburger Congratulations from Jim Ward Hairdresser Catalpa Dr. 277 -9646 Congratulations Minco Tool and Mfg. Company Congratulations from the Sindoni Family Congra tulations Victor Drugs 3518 N. Main Street Congratulations Seniors Chaminade Athletic Dept. Congratulations Seniors Mr. and Mrs. James D. Duffy Congratulations Seniors of 1966 Walter Funeral Service 1235 N. Main Street Congratulations to the Class of '66 Holy Family Teen Club Congratulations to the Class of '66 Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Greschl Congratulations to the Class of '66 from the Zirbs"-Fisher Family

Delview Market Complete Line of Choice Meats and Produce

Congratulations to the Class of '66 Good Luck in the Future

Compliments of Current's Pharmacy Main and Helena Street

Congratulations to the Class of '66 Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Koester

Compliments of N. J. Dix and Sons Inc.

Congratulations to the Class of '66 Schulze Nursing Home 409 Forest Avenue

Congratulations Class of 1966 Compliments of Advance Lumber 1365 Gettysburg 263 -3581

Congratulations to the Class of '66 St. Anthony Parish

Congratulations to the Seniors The Sheraton -Dayton Hotel

Congratulations Remington Electric Shaver 22 East Fourth Street

Dan J. Kulhanek Agency Mgr. Metropolitan Life Ins. Co. 277-1643 298-7456

Valley View Grove Mr. and Mrs. George Schamel

Don Mauch's Ohmer Park Service 1820 Wyoming Street 253-2631

Wellman Pharmacy 2504 East Fifth Street

Congratulations from Dr. Thomas Kreusch Chiropractor 4430 N. Dixie Dr. 278-7935

Alma M. Kammakamajo

Ed Mechenbier Ray Bryant Chevrolet Future Success to the Class of '66 Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Mudd, Jr. Congratulations Harris Funeral Home 49 Linden Ave. 253-3129 In loving memory of John Ray Staddon Haers Party Houses 3121 Stop 8 Rd. 274-7483 Receptions, Parties, Dances Harry's I. G. A. Market 1400 Linden Ave. Joe and Josephine Amatulli Congratulations Mefford Masonry 293 -8969

American Loan and Finance Company Bell Optical Lab Inc. Best Wishes from Mr. and Mrs. John Barringer Best Wishes from Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Loges Best Wishes from Mrs. Bernadine Bensman Best Wishes - -Quality Finance Inc. Best Wishes Seniors Future Nurses Club Best Wishes to our Predecessors from 11- 0 Dandy Lions Best Wishes to the Class of '66 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kinzeler Breitenstrater Shell Service Burrey's Delicatessen Charles Vangas

Miami Engineering Company Civil Engineers and Surveyors 253 -5187 Congratulations 12-F-230 Robert E. Stemley Contractor 814 Gondert Ave.

Congratulations from the Marlow Family Good Luck Class of '66 The Dayton Gems Hockey Team Free Bike Carry-Out Good Luck from the Seniors at Table 22 S

Sacksteders Restaurants 1140 Wilmington Ave. 1703 S. Broadway

Good Luck Seniors The Ernst Family

Thompson Tire Company 36 Van Cleve Street 223-4302

Good luck to All--Mike Eckert and Linda Guess

Unger leider Motor Company Dayton, Ohio

Good Luck to the Seniors from Aunt Mary's Cafeteria

Compliments of Gem Air Controls Co.

Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thomas

Compliments of Gene's Sohio Station Congratulations and Good Luck Mrs. Clapp

Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. John Weaver

Congratulations Carolyn Zaidain

Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Killian and Family

Congratulations Class of '66 Rosemarie Geiger

Congratulations Seniors Mr. and Mrs. Louis Taylor

Congra tulations Class of '66 Assumption Teen Club

Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Mancz

Congratulations Class of '66 The McSemek Family

Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Paul Daley

Congratulations Class of '66 Sweatts Barber Shop

Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Roth

Congratulations Harry's 1. G. A. Mkt.

Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Carroll

Congratulations Class of '66 Metropolitan Life Ins. Company Congratulations Class of '66 Mr. and Mrs. Norman R. Lane Congratulations Class of '66 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Schen

Congratulations to the Senior Class 9-E Congratulations Our Lady of the Rosary School Congratulations Seniors

9-C Congratulations Evergreen from Fascinating '67

Congra tulations 1O-E

. Congratulations from a Friend Congratulations Dr. and Mrs. Peter Long

Congratulations The Klenke Family

Congratulations from 11- F

Congratulations to the Class of '66 12-G

Congratulations John Martin and Mr. and Mrs. McCann

Congratulations The coal-bugs of Table 41

Congratulations from Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Dettrich

Congratulations The Martin Wagner Family

Congratulations from Mr. and Mrs. Clarence G. Mescher

Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sheets

Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Harsacky and Cathy

Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Larry Ely

Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Longman

Congratulations to the Class of '66 9-H

Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Paul Deis

Congratulations to the Class of '66 10-D

Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Martin Zinkiewicz

Congratulations to the Clas s of '66 lO-F

Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wicinski

Congratulations to the Class of '66 12-B

Congratulations '66 T.I.A.

Congratulations to the Class of '66 12-E

Congratulations Seniors from A Friend

Congratulations to the Seniors Mrs. Mary Jackson

Congratulations Seniors ll-A

Crestway Company Dayton, Ohio

Congratulations Seniors from Mary Groszos

Congratulations Marilyn and Cyril

Congratulations Seniors 10-B

Congratulations Deb, Marcie, Anita, Jan, Pat, P. J., Jan

Congratulations Seniors Corpus Christi Teen Club Congratulations Seniors The National Honor Society Congratulations Seniors Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Wolf Congratulations Seniors The Robert Eppler Family

"De Colores" The Jerome E. Raiff Family "De Colores" The Tom Walling Family Dickerson's Self-Service Laundry 3731 W. Third St. Doan's Upholstery and Fabrics 223-3493

Congratulations lO-C Cosmos and their cast of teachers

Congra tulations Dr. and Mrs. C. P. Somsel

Congratulations to and from 12-D

Dr. John A. and Janet V. Roush

Congratulations to the Seniors Lt. Col. and Mrs. Basile

East Dayton Carry -Out Felecidad de la classe lO-A

Congratulations to the Class of '66 Mrs. C. P. Sullivan

Felicitations de 9-F

Congratulations to the Class of '66 ll-G

Fireplaces built and repaired John R. Tokassy 277 -6066 Forward Seniors 4-A Table 40

Good Luck to the Class of '66 9-1

Miss Mary Catherine Plassenthal Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Martinson

Good Luck to the Seniors Helen Brystrek Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Christofaro Good Luck to "Thee" ll-C

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Clune

Gretchen Trautman' 65

Mr. and Mrs. Albert D. Schmitz

Happy Birthday to Everyone at Julienne

Mr. and Mrs. Alfred F. Bernard

Hi! From Rocky and her friends, Table 39

Mr. and Mr s. Alfred P. Strozdas

Holy Family Church Imperial Cleaners 504 E. Main St. Trotwood, Ohio

Congratulations to the Class of '66 Mr. and Mrs. Alex G. Tuss Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hegge , Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Suttmiller

In Memory of Neil Smedebush Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Vehorn J. Dean Hodge Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fliehman James F. Greger jerry's Shiloh Barbers 277-9061 Jim's Sunoco Station 4439 North Main 275-9381

Mr. and Mrs. Carl G. Meixner and Family Mr. and Mrs. Carl N. Hemmelgarn Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grump

Joseph A. Logan Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kinter Karen, Zappie, Ausra, Peggy, Charlene, Linda, Martha, Trudy Judy Scott and Nancy Vore Class of '68 Kelley's Free Pike Prescriptions Trotwood, Ohio Leaving so Soon? Bye! ll-B

Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Boesch Mr. and Mrs. Claude Meyers Mr. and Mrs. Clyde A. Wildenhaus Mr. and Mrs. Conrad W. Hansen

Kielbasi Contractor 228-2939 Mr. and Mrs. David C. Roche M.L.J.H.B.S.P.S.M.M.P.Z. 4 A T. 21 Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Schweller M. and N. Dry Cleaners Mr. and Mrs. Earl Van Ausdal May the "Evergreens" Fulfill Their Dreams. ll-F Miracle Water Farms New Lebanon, Ohio

Mr. and Mrs. Edgar J. McBride Mr. and Mr s. Edward H. Saslow

Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Bowser

Mr. a nd Mrs. John L. Schellhaas

Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Wartinger and Family

Mr. and Mrs. John Orf Mr. and Mrs. John P. Flanaga n

Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Caserta Mr. and Mrs. John Phalen Mr. and Mrs. Felix R. Lehman Mr. and Mrs. John W. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gross Mr. and Mrs. Fred DeCarlo and Family Mr. and Mrs. Fred Vescio Mr. and Mrs. Glen A. Richison Mr. and Mrs. George E. Mescher

Mr . and Mrs. Joseph DeBrosse and Family Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fletcher Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lehmann Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sano

Mr. and Mrs. George Civille

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Baker and Family

Mr. and Mrs. George Saunders and Family

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Fleck

Mr. and Mrs. H. Buecheke

Mr. and Mrs. Julius Rastikis

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hollman

Mr. and Mrs. L. H. ' Edmondson

Mr. and Mrs. Harold V. Fisk

Mr. and Mrs. Lauber

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rougier

Mr. and Mrs. Lengerich

Mr. and Mrs. Hudson Congratulations Class of '66

Mr. and Mrs. Linus Bertke and Family Mr. and Mrs. Louis

Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Schoenlein



Mr. and Mrs. Lowery Mr. and Mrs. J. Linn Cochran Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Casey and Family Mr. and Mrs. James East Mr. and Mrs. James Miskimen

Mr. and Mrs. Marion Zwolski and Family

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Grieshop and Family

Mr. and Mrs. Marion J. Glass

Mr. and Mrs. John Dakin. Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Martin C. Dineen

Mr. and Mrs. John A. Dupps

Mr. and Mrs. Maurice J. Flynn

Mr. and Mrs. John Battaglia and Family

Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Fiorita

Mrs. John G. Cotter

Mr . and Mrs. N . A. Zimmerle

Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas F. Pavuk and Family

Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Grusenmeyer

Mr. and Mrs. Parker Hedgebeth Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Conners Mr. and Mrs. Paul Beutle Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Sitzman Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Monroe

Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Riegle

Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Pumilia and Family

Mr. and Mrs. 'William J. Paull

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Prier

Mr. and Mrs. William J. Wysinski

Mr. and Mr s. Paul S. William son

Mr. and Mrs. William Schmidt and Janie

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schliesser

Mr. and Mrs. William Topp

Mr. and Mrs. R. William Dempsey

Mr. and Mrs. James D. Turner

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Zimmerman

Mr. Donald C. Topp

Mr . and Mrs. Ray Bataille

Mr. George Strassberg

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Plassenthal and Family

Mrs. Ann G. Kash


Mrs. B. A. Pfeiffer and Family

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Vocke Mrs. Eleanor Kleismit Mr. and Mrs. Richard Magato Mrs. Elizabeth Riffle Mr . and Mrs. Richard Nartker Mrs. and J. E. Hickey Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Moosbrugger, Sr.

Mrs. Joseph Keller

Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Pickrel

Mrs. Louis H. Hansman

Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Cochran

Mrs. Mary Ziehler and Family

Mr. and Mrs . Robert D. Weaver

Mohawk Motors

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Marchal

Neal Avenue Market Sam and Margaret Alfano

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Boesch

Congratulations Seniors 9-A

Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Nolan

Noreen Wheeler

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shafer

Congratulations Seniors Shiloh Pharmacy 5814 N. Main St.

Mr . and Mrs. Ronald D. Baker Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sheets Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L . Borgert Congratulations Seniors Mr. and Mrs. Turner B. Patterson and Family


Congratulations Seniors

The George Huxtable Family


The Joe Steinbrunner Family Professor and Mrs. Thaddeus Regulinski The Richard Leibold Family Richard and Bonnie We made it! 12-C RobertM. Coons West Side Furniture Company 9-B Class of '69 Shoemakers Label and Printing

Zimmerle Cleaners 1812 Wyoming Street 253-6540 253-2961

'66 is here to stay but '67 is here to stay Barney, Liz, Candy

Thank You For Our Photography Mr. Friedman and Mr. Meyer of the Friedman and Associates Studios For Your Advice and Instruction Mr. Carl Vorpe Yearbook Advi sor Our Publ isher The American Yearbook Company Your Cooperation and Patience Sister Rose Anna, S.N.D. Principal Sister Ann Christopher, S.N.D. V. Principal The Facu Ity and Students To the Business Agents of Each Homeroom To the Newspaper Staff for Extra Photographs To the Staff Whose Time and Energy Have Meant the Success of This Issue of the 1966 Monogram To Our Moderator, Sr. Francis Margaret, Who Has Given Much of Her Time to Help the Staff in Many Ways. Darlene Turner Editor-in-Chi ef

Business Agents Juniors 11A

Sister Marie Elise

Pat O'Connell


Sister Martha

Sue Duffy


Sister Olivia


Sister Helen Therese

Barbara Minham Sue Schrier Sylvia Desando


Sister Ann Lucille

Denna Phelan


Sister Mary Leo

Sharon Price


Miss Marchal

Betty Gaeke


Sister Francis Xavier

Kathleen Dittrich


Miss Whalley

Deborah Meyer


Miss Neighbors Mrs. Dudzinski

Elizabeth Clapp


Sister Mildred Julie

Sherry Cenky


Mrs. Hinkle

Mary Jo Magrath


Sister Jeanne Therese

Andr ea Platt


Mrs. Ardner

Polly Leist


Sister Richard

Peggy Locke


Miss Meyer Mrs. Hansman

Annette Topp


Sister Julia Frances

Margaret Miller Jennifer Hender

9 E

Sister Mary Ann

Frances Saunders


Miss Dickson

Cathy Prier


Sister Louise Joseph

Sharon Wolf


Sister Marietta

Debbie Dean


Miss Thomes

Rosemarie DeCarlo



r- .


Greatest Color Yet! Come to Frantz for selection . .. come to Frontz for bargains in new Zenith Color TV, and Zenith hi-fi stereo AM-FM phono com binations.






Business Agents Juniors 11A

Sister Marie Elise

Pat O'Connell


Sister Martha

Sue Duffy


Sister Olivia


Sister Helen Therese

Barbara Minham Sue Schrier Sylvia Desando


Sister Ann Lucille

Denna Phelan


Sister Mary Leo

Sharon Price


Miss Marchal

Betty Gaeke

10 A

Sister Francis Xavier

Kathleen Dittrich


Miss Whalley

Deborah Meyer


Miss Neighbors Mrs. Dudzinski

Elizabeth Clapp




I I I I Y I I ....

...,. "" • • , - _ ••• I:::::J

Incorporated JOE FRIEDMANN & ASSOCIATES Roofing Aluminum Siding Awnings

Dayton's Most Cooperative School Photographer Phone 277-1719

Seamless Aluminum Spouting Storm Windows Congratulations--Best Wishes to the Senior Class of 1966 3600 Va lIey Street Dayton, Ohio

Thomas L. Borgert

Phone 233-4175

ROYAL BUILDERS, INC. 3004 Otterbein Ave. Dayton, Ohio



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