Saint Joseph Commercial High School Yearbook 1969

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Seniorn ............ 6 Faculty

.......... 14

Activities . ......... 18 Underclassmen . ..... 32 /1





Vice President Martha McCarthy

President Penny Nichols

TreasUller Kathy Heck

Secretary Patty Truxel

Cheryl Balsamo Sheri BattigagJia Carol Becker Lois Bertke

Connie Bonadio Mary Ann Bonfig Sue Borgert Barb Brinkman

Debbie Brodnick Judy Brzozowski Norma Butler Teresa Cardone

J 8

Carol Coffey Mary Jean D'Amico Sylvia Delgado Linda Deppen

Leondia Edsall Sue Eppler Sue Fitzmatin Sue Garman

Janet Hamlin Vicki Hellmund Pat Herzog Maureen Hogan

Mary Leopold, Carol Coffey, Vicki Hellmund, and Patty Truxel take a flight to The Land of Oz.


"Don't look now but I think we have company."

Staring in wonder at the beautiful surroundings of the prom are Katie Schwendeman and Frank Horvat.

Karen Hohne Chris Kosater Margaret Kramer Mary .Jane Lehman

Mary Leopold Peggy Locke Darla Makley Janice Marchal


\. Connie Mathes Cindy McIlvain


Mary Meyer Pattie Meyer Monica Smith receives NBHS award from S. Marie Antoine.

Lee Nash Anita Quatman Sharon Redick Barb Roberts

"Oh, quick! Here come the nuns,.here come the nuns ... " Lois Rose Theresa Ruef

Joan Ruschau Shelia Ryder

r 11

"We are all the Lollipop Kids .. ."

"All I want for Christmas is . .. "

Pat Salts Karen Sal tsman Debbie Schafer Anita Schmid

Katie Schwendeman Donna Seibert Monica Smith Ruth Smith

Nancy Stevens Judy Tangeman Diane Tobe Ellen Trietsch


Mary Tschirhart Julie Wahlrab Nancy Walter Karen Weidner

Noreen Wheeler Connie Whitehead Kathy Wilson Julie Woodie

Rosie York

Sue Borgert, N. B. H . S . Treasurer, speaks of the ideal businesswoman.

Seniors raise their minds and hearts to God for guidance .



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Miss Linda Spilker Rev. George Albers, C. PP. S.

Rev. Robert Lux, C. PP.


S. Marie Antoine, S. C. Principal

S. Linda, S. C.

Mr. Don Sharkey

S. Carol, S. C . Miss Clare Wulker

s. Rose Colette, S. C. S. Marie Clare, S. C.


s. Mary Francis, S. C.



S . Mary Immaculata, S. C.

Miss Debbie Minham

Mrs. Floyd Nelson

Rev. Harry Gerdes

Mrs . John Mullins

Mrs. Lewis Schmalstig Mrs. Neil DiGiacomo

Mrs. Harold Augspurger Mr. Bernard Precker

S . Ann David, S . C. S. Eileen, S. C.



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Student Council

Student Council began the school year with a dance in October. December brought our Christmas dance, ALL BECAUSE IT'S CHRISTMAS, featuring the Majestics. March 24 started off Spirit Week when Ron Sloan spoke about spirit. Elections were held May!. Student Council wishes to establish a better relationship between students and faculty and to involve more students in the school activities. To achieve the interests of the students there must be a coordination of school activities to increase school spirit and to create unity.

A happy line-up the 1969-70 officers: Valerie, Sylvia, Chris and Paula.

Officers: S~eri Battigaglia Secretary; Sylvia Scarpelli, Treasurer; Paula Heizer; Vice-President; Peggy Locke, President; representatIves and moderator, S. Carol, look ahead to a new year.


The Girls' Athletic Association members and moderator, Mrs. Nelson.

G.A.A. bounced right into the volleyball and basketball tournaments this year. The Bobbie Sox did a double dribble by walking away victoriously with both tourneys. Ping! Swish! Pong! Smashing the birdies with one hand while spiking the ping-pong balls with the other, the Ballwegs took both tournaments. The G .A.A. scored with a picnic to end their active year.



A rare moment of unity taken out of the usual library business: eighteen devoted members.

Ever since the entry of Sister Marie Clare as the school librarian, our library not only has a new look, but more books as well. The library club, eighteen strong, aids SMC in shelving books, cleaning and keeping records. They actually changed the atmosphere of the library and its status in the school.

The Library Club

The Lab Squad

Under Mrs. DiGiacomo's direction the freshmen biology lab squad kept the lab clean, learned where specimens, biological equipment, and chemicals were placed, conducted experiments and ran film projectors. Lab agents of the biology world: Pam Wise, Sue Angi, Rhonda Miller, Barb Sparaco, and Jill Mumahan . 22


Faculty Director, Sister Linda, with officers and representatives .

CSMC Talent: Kathy Coogan, Peggy and Julie Wahlrab.

This year CSMC members have changed from money collectors to people whose actions speak louder than words. Some of their Christian action was exemplified by the Applachian weekends, Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets, caroling at the VA and performing their Talent Show at Dayton State Hospital.

Mission Royalty : Sylvia and Ed.


National Business Honor Society

This year twelve juniors were accepted as probationary members in the National Business Honor Society due to their scholastic ability and academic courses. These twelve probationary members, along with the nine senior members, will try to uphold the standards of this society: maturity, responsibility and leadership. They must also maintain an average containing only one C. The officers this year were: Julie Wahlrab, President; Debbie Schafer, Vice President; Mary Leopold, Secretary; and Sue Borgert, Treasurer.

Marianne Dorsten received Probationary Membership in the National Business Honor Society.

Senior members of the National Business Honor Society assemble with twelve of the newly-initiated Junior Probationary Members.

National 24

Memory Book Staff

Blood, Sweat, and Tears: The Memory Book Staff who devoted time and talent to this book.

Glory now, misery later.

Editor Norma Butler introduced a new look to JONEWS. Each issue contained a feature page indicating the theme. This year JONEWS added a more personal touch with creative poetry and prose.


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Christmas Concert On St. Patrick's Day this year the juniors were presented with their class rings at a liturgy celebrated in the gym. The junior class president and vice-president carried the gifts of bread and wine to the altar while the senior class president and vice-president brought the rings to the altar.

Under the direction of Joseph Geiger and S. Carol, St. Joe's held their 1968 Christmas Concert at Chaminade. Debbie Vallo, Cindy McIlvain, Julie and Peggy Wahlrab, Kathy Coogan, Pat Johnson and the Speech Classes depicted our theme, LET THERE BE PEACE ON EARTH.

Lynn Bush receives her long-awaited class ring from Janice Marchal during the ring ceremony .

Ring Ceremony

Junior Class officers present the Offertory gifts to Rev. Gerdes.


Festival Rallies Competitive school spirit involves the students in the annual Homecoming Festival. Sophomore Vicki Hoefler was again high seller in the school. The seniors lagged during the drive, but tradition triumphed and the seniors came out on top.

"The Odd Couple."

"The others don't have a ghost of a chance."

"They found Marina a date!"



Senior Class Trip Twenty-five seniors experienced a once-in-alife-time chance-the Senior Trip to Washington, D.C. They will always remember New York's crowded streets, and Washington's beautiful historical monuments, as well as bedlam on the train, feathery pillow fights, and night life BEFORE 10 p.m.

New York City from the Empire State Building.

Oh, NO! It can't be, Paul Newman!

"I'm forever blowing bubbles."

Leaders of the past influence the leaders of tomorrow.


Senior Class Day

Oh, I can't believe it - I finally made it.

Baccalaureate Mass

"For me?"

"Day is done."


HDistant Shores" The 1969 Prom


Over one hundred couples danced to the soft music of the Imperials on April 11. Juniors turned the gym into a Polynesian island; palm trees accented the gym along with brightly colored flowers and seashells while Tiki-god, George, towered over all. Mary Jean D'Amico's escort provided the highlight of the evening as he gallantly rushed to the rescue just as a palm tree was about to smash her.

"Oh, Rocky,"

Queen Mary Jean D'Amico surrounded by her royal court and their escorts.


Graduation May 25 terminated four years of mental anguish for the sixty-nine seniors who graduated this year.

"Isn't this exciting, Mary Jean?"

"Free at last ... Free at last . .. Thank God Almighty, we're free at last."




Junior Class Officers: President, Sandy Thomas. Vice-President, Kate Swinderman. Secretary, Mary Lou Guehl. Treasurer, Kathy Plassenthal.

Cecilia Alexander Teri Altendahl Kathy Bader Jean Ann Ballweg Marcia Ballweg Nancy Belme

Becky Bertke Wanda Bertke Chris Bonanno Patrice Borgert Diane Brinkman Patty Buechele

Lynn Bush Carol Cochran Mary Beth Condron Janis Coon Pat Dabbelt Joanne D'Amico

Vicky Dicken Peggy Dietz Cathy Dix Kathy Dolinski Marianne Dorsten Miriam Enright

Donna Ewry Karen Fenelon Terri Harshbarger Paula Heizer Linda Hinders Cindy l:Iinkle

Marcia Horvath Jeanne Issenmann Linda Jacko Pat Johnson Mary Kirves Michele Knapp


--Jane Koesters Ann Koors Linda Kozub Sharon Lachey BevLehman Sandy Lehmann

Sarah Leibold Antonette Lucente Ann Lyons Pat Mader Rosie Malesko Denise Matson

Joyce May Pat McGlone Phyllis Mescher Debi Miller Bev Nartker Nanette O'Connor

Ruth Ording Linda O'Neill Ann Julie Pfander Effie Pitt! Connie Rauch 路 Belinda Rawlins


The Juniors display their enthusiasm and high spirits during the last rally before anchors were dropped by Sister Marie Antoine when she announced the festival returns.


Ann Redelberger Pat Roof Rosemary Sayer Sylvia Scarpelli Cathy Schroeder Chris Schultz

Terry Schwarzman Theresa Schweller Debbie Severt Peggy Simon Barb Slater Marlene Stange

Peggy Steele Barb Sutton Diane Treolo Debbie Vallo Janie Venditti Kathy V oelkl

Judy Weaver Ann Weisenbach Druann Williams Nancy Wood Charlene Wolff

Smile, it can't be all that bad. Can it? "Stay on your side of the bed."


Sophomore Class Officers: President, Chris Staddon. Vice-President, Pat Helmer. Secretary, Valerie Harding. Treasurer, Shirley Pope.

Kathy Amdts Dianne Blatz Monica Bochenek Rita Brannon Pat Brendel Janet Broadstone

Sandy Brun Regina Canty Karen Davis Mary Deppen Patty Dresel Paula Dudon

Marge Eppler Eileen Flynn Terese Fulwiler Marie Habil Chris Hanauer Cindy Herzog

Sharon Hey Patty Hill Vicki Hoefler Jeanne Hoefele Peggy Imwalle Diane Johnson

Robin Kendig Sue Ann Kidd Paula Kinstle Jane Klosterman Robbie Klosterman Barb Knight

Pat Knight Teresa Kreitzer Sue Kreusch Cheryl Kuntz Barb Lehman Theresa Leibold .


Chris Luthman Pat Mangan Charlene Mangeot Pam Mescher Diane Overman Lu Ann Price

Linda Probst Linda Pytel Carla Rapp Gail Rau Rosina Ribeinski Linda Rihm

Tvette Roderick Janet Ruschau Debbie Sauro Linda Schmidt Marilyn Skinner Julia Solomon Becky Sonye Kathy Tobe Kathy Trangenstein Cheryl Vandam Lieneke VanDerSluijs Anna Walsh

Julie Welsh Mary Welsh Merriam Wheeler Mary Jo Wiedman Janice Woerl Patty Wright

Stephanie Wright Patty Wysinski

"I know it's a bit short, but . . . "

"It's all right, Patty, he was only kidding!"



What is a freshman? bewildered ... loud ... pesty ... loud ... persistent ... fashionable ... loud ... thoughtful ...

Sue Angi Tina Barron Sandy Beach Beth Bettinger Diane Black Diane Bohardt

Jean Bonnett Debbie Broadstone Sue Broadstone Sherri Brun Karen Buchholz Mary Bush

Ellen Canty Kathy Carr Kathy Carter Lori Coleman Kathy Coogan Barb D'Amico

Carmella Delaberta Carol Deuer Patty DiSalvo Anna Marie Finnegan Madonna Flaute Julie Franz


Gail Gagnon Marilyn Hamant Linda Harm TeresaHarr Barb Hemmelgarn Mary Hemmer

Anne Henkaline Rosemary Herchig Linda Herzog Mary Himes Chris Hodapp Myra Holt


Sue Honious Becky Horn Donna Kizer Marian Klosterman Kathy Koth Michele Kreitzer

Diane Lawton Dorothy Leopold Debbie Lewis Cheryl Limbert Niki Lucente Sue Lyons

Pam Mackey Karen Makinney Kathy Marra Theresa Mathes Jeanine May Laura Mayauskas

Joanie Mayrer Sandy McEnheimer Sue McEnheimer Kathy McGreevy Frances McKeon Cindy Menke

Theresa Mikalas Rhonda Miller Jill Murnahan Patty Nevels Karen Pannell Robin Phillips

"Spike it, Marilyn, they would never expect it from you."


Marcia Plassenthal Kathy Raab Dorothy Reboulet Roxann Rihm Mary Rogers Linda Ruschau

Diane Seitz Jenny Shillito Tanya Shumaker Debbie Slater Barb Sparaco Yvonne Sprowl

Cecilia Staas Jean Steigerwald Judy Stoudt Kathy Sullivan Jackie Svellinger Barb Trangenstein

Mary Utacht Janice Venditti Peggy Wahlrab JoAnn Weisenbach Sally Weitzel Pam Wise

Margaret Woeste Therese Woeste Marilyn Wood

"All right, you guys, if Sister takes one more step toward us, we'll jump her!"


"Deal me in, fellows I'll be right back."



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