Saint Joseph Commercial High School Yearbook 1974

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these are people that make st. joe's special



路 . . . . . . . . IT IS ITS OWN WORLD. 3







friends to the end! October 26,1973, was Big-Little Sister Day. It began with each Senior and Junior being matched with a Freshman or a Sophomore for a little sister. This was followed by a trip through the "Haunted House," lunch, and topped off with the movie, "Marnie." The day was one of the many traditions of st. Joe's, but like all our traditions, they wi II cease at the end of this year, leaving us truly - FRIENDS TO THE END!

senior-faculty game .' 2 out of 3, Seniors STOMP Faculty

.... . . ..


grease back your hair, put your leathers on, it's time to rock and roll

bubble gum, babes, . and bad boys-ali added to a really BOSS evening.

christmas '73

On Decem ber 20, St. Joseph Church was the scene of the Christmas Concert. Under the fine direction of Mr. Eugene Eifert, the voi ces fi II ed the night with the spirit of Christmas. Following the concert goodies were served in the cafeteria for all •.••


The Christmas spirit was carri ed over to the next day when the girls exchanged gifts with their friends and sat down to a Christmas feast.


twas two nights




':': ,..


before christmas


"will all girls assemble in the gym? immediately!! !"

"today we're following schedule b .. !



"seniors may leave. freshmen, put away the chairs." 23

"Do you want to try that without help now, Jane?"

"Watch those jokes, Mr. Miller, there's a lady present!"

"Watch out below!!"

"I wish my boyfriend would send me flowers like this!"

"Had any wine or lettuce lately, Sister Louise?"

the '74 rally report It had been a close race. The Frosh toyed their way to first place. Sophs tried to "Sting" the Frosh in "The Sell." Unsuccessful. Juniors tried to mash them with "Cash". Unsuccessful. But the Seniors won the "Showdown". And now on to the festi val. . .. . . .~.


festival fun,

look who won




Dri II Team Members: Row 1 Left to Right Joyce Johnson, Cindy Hayes, Frances Van Wi eringen, Ni kki Brock, Barb Bussinger, Donna Morrell, Peggy Helmer, Captain Cindy Crompton. Row 2 Jeannie Wyzinski, Cheryl Zennie, Cheryl Barkelow . Pam ' Ruschau, Rene Melia, Chris Koverman, Mary Kerkhoff, Barb Bertke, Jamese Wright.

Yearbook Staff: Left to Right Row 1 Mary Jo Drummer, Co-Editor Joan McKeon, Karen Laux, Diane Horvath, Co-Editor Mary Voit, Jean Loney, Joan Fisher, Linda Erli, Row 2 Mary Ryder, Nancy Hafer, Mary Hornocker, Yearbook Advisor Ms. Connie Wildenhaus, Beth Mancz, Debby Seibert, Barb Dillow. Not Pictured: Melissa Knopp, Millie Stover, Ann Hohne.



girls athletic association 路


varsity scores THEY US路 West Carrollton Chaminade-Julienne Alter Northridge Miamisburg Trotwood-Madison Vandal ia Butler Tipp City Oakwood Cham inade-Jul i enne

o o 2 o o o 2 o



2 2 2 1

2 2 2

o 2 o

掳Scores reported by matches.

Varsity Volleyball Team Members: Row 1: Carla Boeckerman, Betty Marsh, Debbie Kuritar, Denny Koogler, Debbie Neff, Millie Stover. Row 2: Mary Voit, Mary Greene-Captain, Ann Bush, Barb Kelley, Linda Trietsch-Co-Captain, Ann Mader.

reserve scores THEY West Carrollton Chaminade-Julienne Alter Northridge Miamisburg Trotwood- Madison Vandalia Butler Tipp City Oakwood Chaminade-Julienne






1 1

2 2 2

o o 2 o 2 1

2 1

2 1


掳Scores reported by matches.

Reserve Volleyball Team Members: Row 1: Bobbi Klein, Mary Ann Engle, Lynn Eifert, Karen Ballman, Barb Bertke. Row 2: Peggy Coogan, Barb Bussinger, Cheryl Zennie, Frances Van Wieringen, Mary Hemmelgarn, Manager Peggy Klosterman.





- --

- - - - - - - - --

- - - -- -

Varsity Basketball Scores

Xenia Tipp City West Carrollton Oakwood Trotwood - Madison Vandalia Butler Miamisburg Northridge Fairborn Alter Northmont



34 38 17 28 34 35 22 29 24 47 32

21 15 31 30 12 36 17 22 20 26 23

Varsity Basketball Team Members Top: Millie Stover Row 2 : Marcia Klos, Denny Koogler, Nancy Hyle, Cindy Krug. Row 1: Linda Treitsch, Debbie Neff, Betty Marsh, Ann Bush, Mary Greene

Reserve Basketball Scores THEY Xenia Tipp City West Carrollton Oakwood Northridge Fairborn Alter ' Northmont Trotter-Madison Vandalia Butler Miamisburg

Reserve Basketball Team Me mbers Row 1: Diana Chagoyan, Mary Lou Simon. Row 2: Peggy Coogan, Mary Ann Engle, Joan Fisher, Lynn Eifert, Bobbi Klein, Mary Hemmelgarn.



10 20 20

27 15 23 17

US 12 20

19 18 16 9 14


15 17





Bowling Averages





95 84

Kathy Schindler Joyce Gondos Jamese Wright Re nee Melia Mary Kerkoff Joan Fisher Debbie Steinke Kay Kramer T ina Rowley

88 86 101 69 73 76 64 83


103 X

102 77 83 X

Tennis Scores THEY Oakwood Miami Valley Stebbins Miamisburg Wayne

US "




2 4

1 1 1



" Scores reported by matches

Bowling Team Members : Row 1: Joan Fisher, Kay Kramer, Joy Gondos. Row 2: Debbie Steinke, Kathy Schindler, Renee Melia, Jamese Wright.

Ten nis Team Members: Row 1: Cheryl Zennie, Barb Bussinger, Barb Bertke, Bobbi Klein, Mary Ann Engle, Jeannie Wyzinski, Rene Kraus. Row 2: Don na Morre II, Sunday Raines, Chris Koverman, Joyce Johnson, Sherri e Mc Li n.


play ball

\ Varsity Softball Team Members: Row 1: Debbie Kuritar, Denny Koogler, Ann Mader, Millie Stover, Ann Bush. Row 2: Mary Greene, Linda Trietsch, Debbie Neff, Marcia Klos, Nancy Hyle, Peggy Coogan.


Reserve Softball Team Members: Row 1: Karen Ballman, Diane Chagoyan, Mary Hemmelgarn, Theresa Columbe, Terri Luthman. Row 2 : Alice Posey, Cindy Crompton, Viki Payne, Lynn Eifert, Joan Fisher.





'-~ . j)'


intramural champs

some of the nicest people we know work at st. joe.

Miss Sue McEnheimer, best school secretary ever.

Pastor, Fr. R. Lux, affectionately called "Papa Lux."

Mrs. M. Bailer, our efficient school accountant.

Mr. E. Eifert, melodious music coordinator.

Mr. R. Weaver, kindest "dad" and custodian.

Mrs. Dorothy Seibert, the wonderful lady who knows how to serve others with care.


did i say that?

"We reall y ought to stand for the speaker. "

"Ah, so they did plargarize me."

Who said, "General monkey business?'"

"Those hair pins are sticking your ear!"

"This is a place for study, not for snoozing!"

"This library is so quiet I actually get bored . "


in a world of differences Compared to other schools, we don't have enough students to make up one class, yet we have four. The 26 freshmen are quite a group. They're small so it seems they yell a little louder to be heard, and when they get together as a class they are all together. There are 54 sophomores in our world and they add a lot of variety to the school with their intellectuals and their toughies. You can find them fighting in the hallway and studying in the classrooms, or vice versa, which ever the case may be. Juniors, about 45 of them, cannot be overlooked as a class with a lot of initiative as they try to overcome the hassles of their first and last St. Joe prom. And it seemed as if they were going to tell the whole world when they get their class rings. Maybe they did. Those 47 seniors are on their way out the door but they're not going out without a bang. They're ending with a long history of book and teacher destruction and yet there is a soft spot in each one's heart as they think of present high school days turning into memories of the past. . Yes, we have four classes filled with fight and spirit, yet each is unique, as all the classes have been throughout the years of St. Joe's.



we may be small, but we're mighty

the class of '77 Marcie Craft President Peggy Coogan Vice- president Therese Mahoney Secretary Jerri Knopp Treasurer

Karen Amyx Mary Behrman Constance Jo Brinkman Janet Brittingham

Yvette Donahue Donna Echeman Molly Flynn Regina Garman Ruthanne Hemmer

Joyce Johnson Dorothy Lei bol d Terri Luthman Scherrie Mclin Nancy Menker Donna Morrel

Alice Posey Sunday Raines Pamela Ruschau Karen Schim I Kathy Trick Jeannie Wysinski


today is our tomorrow educating freshmen.


green and gold new and old


you are welcome in my circle anytime of the day, anytime of the week, anytime of the year.

Karen Ballman, President Sue Luhn , Vice-president Mary Ann Engl e, Secretary Cindy Crompton, Treasurer

Judy Abele Cheryl Barkalow .

Barbara Bertke Jane Bidwell Leonie Blaney Barbara Bonfig Chris Braun Lois Brinkman

r Cecilia Brock Barbara Bussinger Terri Carlin Diana Chagoyan Julie Clark Lynn Davidson


Lynn Eifert Joan Fisher Ava Frison Joyce Gondos Cindy Hayes Peggy Helmer

Mary Hemmelgarn Chris Hornocker Mary Kerkhoff Bobbi Klein Peggy Klosterman Chris Koverman

Kay Kramer Debra Long Mary Luchs i nger Terry Mader Renee Melia Patty Mescher

Bri dgette Morton Maril yn Nartker Vicki Payne Violet Piekenbrock Renee Romie Tina Fowley

Mary Ann Sano Liz Scearce Kathy Schindler Sue Schubert Dawn Shields Debbie Steinke

Margo Swensen Li z Stockert Frances Van Wieringen Jamese Wright Cheryl Zennie Rita Zimmerman


sophomore studies Typing I, World Cultures, Humanities, Health and Gym, Religion, English and th.ere is time to spare for a brisk walk to the public library •.• for research work, of course.


green and gold new and old Pictures show the days That we'll never see agai n. Pictures show the actions That we never thought we made .






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it's great to be altve in the class of '75

Lisa Schubert President Charlotte Frison Vice-president Mary Rose Moorman Secretary Jeannie Schultz Treasurer


Ann Bach Kim Ballweg Carla Boeckerman Theresa Boyd


Beverly Broadstone Marcia Brown Ann Bush Kathy Caulfield (Anne Dayspring) (not shown) Twana Delaney Pam Dicken

Sandra Durden Therese Draves Jame Fisher Amy Gagnon Teresa Garman Becky Hill

Nancy Hyle Cindy Jergens Cindy Kolakowski Denny Koogler Cindy Koth Rene Kraus

Cindy Krug Debbi e Kuritar Kim Larimore Linda Loeb Ann Mader Betty Marsh

Chris Merta Linda Means Patti Payne Mary Ann Priske Carin Rapp Mary Schidecker

Maria Shock Millie .Stover Sue Sutton Mary Kay Thomas Mary Walsh Peggy Welles


c I a 5 5


f 75


The Junior Class of 1975, was one of very special feel ings. This year was to be the year when the Juniors received their "class rings" and it was their first and last prom as a St. Joe's student. The day of class rings was one of surprise and great apprec iation, for we waited so long. It was the real proof we were st. Joe's" upper cl assmen". Working on the Prom was another big deal in our life. The idea of having to get a band within eight weeks of the Prom was one concern which we won't forget. We as Juniors will never forget the fun and happy times we had here at St. Joe's. We may be going our different ways at the end of the year, but we will always be the 1975 Class of St. Joseph and we will always hold our heads up and walk tall. --Millie Stover CI ass of '75

cognition + emotion education

prom preparation '74


sophomores take a peek 67

Queen Cathy Limbert and Ted Hudson, escort.

Court: Left to Right; Jane Lyons and John Nartker, Ann Bach and Rick Zink, Beth Mancz and Craig Shufeldt, Kim Ballweg and Ken Florkey.


Open mouth, Insert foot.

Pucker Up!


Sure I'm working, Sister.

Are you kidding!!

What kind of a fool do you think I am?


Oh, Gross!!

sen iar studies?



class symbol comes to life at senior breakfast


baccalaureate mass


in laughter and tears. LIVE ON To go our separate ways, is an awful thing to hear, For leavi ng all those who were so very dear. Graduation isn't something for everyone to say good-bye, but for all to be happy And 路not wilt away to die. Please don't be sad and cry on this memorable day, but give your friends the help they need, To carryon in life's way. Patty Bertke

senior class day . ..




graduation day,

Karen Sue Laux, Valedictorian

Betty Ann Ruschau, Salutatori an

Mr. Richard Bieser, Guest Speaker


may 26, 1974


national business honor society

Membership depends on a student's high scholastic rating and professional attitudes. Probationary me mbers are: Row 1: Jeanne Schultz, Cindy Koth, Mary Rose Moorman, Clara Boeckerman. Row 2: Jane Fisher, Sue Sutton, Bev Broadstone, Cindy Jergens, Nancy Hyle, Cindy Krug. Not shown: Rene Kraus, Lisa Schubert, Maria Shock, Mary Ann Priske.

Active members are: Row 1: Mary Jo Drummer, Melissa Knopp, Ann Ryder, Karen Laux, Diane Horvath, Ann Bussinger, Ann Hohne, Mary Ryder. Row 2: Debby Seibert, Betty Ruschau, Linda Erli, Jean Loney, Nancy Hafer, Mary Hornocker, Beth Mancz. Not shown: Barb Dillow


To Our Grand St. Joe's We stand together here today as a family built to stay. We can never forget the times we've wandered through these halls with not so gracious calls. As we salute our school a tear falls gently from our eye, as we take one last look out the wi ndow at the sky. To remember all the arguments that were so small, and how we'd bui It a wall between a friend~hip that was tall. As we watch our teachers leaving one by one, a last salute we give to one. • The one we SJ ive our Grand Sal ute is to our God, the eacl'ier of us all. Shades on windows slowly close, as girls take leave of. a school they chose. Our faithful friends are memories, we're not to share every scene. Little sisters are growing up, leaving the old to strive for the new. Big sislers grow older and add to their wisdom. St. Joe's will stand remembered as a school of unity. Unity fo friendship, peace and love. We take our love with us as the doors close to a final end. We stand and admire the sign called St. Joe's, as we walk away with new seeds to be sown. --Violet Piekenbrock Class of '76




sister barbara ann, jc webb, beth bergman, cil scearce, patti payne, jf jane bidwell, joyce jol zwolski, linda trietsch, lois brinkman, sister maryann priske, s.cherrie mclin, lorraine massing, onna wh'itt, jim

jean wysinski, mary hickey, joan m lehman, jeanne schultz, mary jo drum mr. weaver, debby seibert, holly broa( ancz, nancy menker, mary ryder, siste hock, alice (peewee) posey, mar) mary lou (turtle) simon, debbi~ steir bush, carrie lee, ann ryder, maxin¢ van cheryl barkalow, mary kerkhoff, pel ary sano, barb berkte, sUe sutton, lind hyle, kim larimore, dawn shields, reneE chris hornocker, nancy hafer, diana chc iggs, millie stover, barb bonlig, miss k< melia, debbie schwieterman, patty bel schubert, carin rapp, miss baggett, me leibold, lisa schubert, denny-koog/er, ~ walsh, peggy klosterman, mary schmia



wright, ann hahne, kathy schindler, sylvia ndy krug, pam ru'c hau,mary nevels, ann bach, liz ~an berling, tina rowley, molly flynn, chris merta, lnson, margo swensen~ ruthanne hemmer, vicki ,"becky hill, terri carlin, judy abele, theresa boyd, .carat vicki payne, father lux, linda means, rita zimmerman, cindy koth, peggy welles, omlor, lynn eifert mrs. siebert, amy gagnon, ca~hy limbert, regIna garman, karen ballman, terry luthman, . betty rusch~u, cheryl zennie, c路keon, carla boeckerman, miss wildenhaus, 路sue Trier, karen schiml, debbie ernst, donna morrell, Is"tone, karen laux, mrs. bailer, jerri knopp, beth ~r helen, bridgette morton, sandy' durdan, maria f rose moorman, theresa columbe, karen amyx, }ke~ mary kay, stephanie bridgman, ann wieringen, miss clark, debbie kuritar, julie clark, ~gyhe/mer, sister katherine, violet piekenbrock, ra .zwis/er, mary behrman, lynn davidson, nancy ~ ramie, father born, debbie neff, cindy jergens,-19oyan, .miss m.cenheimer, ann bussinger, diane )Iudrovlc, marIlyn martker, kay krammer, rene.e rtke, mrs. salgado, ann mader, mary loomis, sue dissa knopp, liz stockert, twana delaney, dorthy ~ister frances, peggy coogan, greg fackler, mary ft, cindy kolakowski, teresa carman, martha frey,

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