LIFE Magazine, The Quarterly Publication of CJE SeniorLife, Winter 2018

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Significant CJE Endeavors Study: Resilience in older adults with disabilities Publication: Holocaust survivor testimonies With thanks to our many donors!

Inside CJE 2017 CELEBRATE CJE—THE MOST SUCCESSFUL EVER! According to Allyson Marks Greenfield, Sr. Development Director, the event attended by over 600 people exceeded its goal of $720,000 and raised over $805,000! SAVE THE DATE The next Celebrate CJE will be held at the Palmer House on October 9, 2018. SUCCOTH MOMENTS Six CJE locations put up their sukkahs for the holiday. ADS Evanston showed off its brand new one. 2017 CJE ANNUAL MEETING The Board elected new officers at this meeting. Also, Employees of the Year were recognized for their dedication to our values and commitment to customer service.

Shown above with Ron Roman, VP Human Resources and Learning (l) and Mark Weiner, President and CEO (second from r) are: Hedy Diop Manager—Human Resources

EDEN VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Emergency Department Eldercare Navigators (EDEN) are needed to help older adults with dementia who visit the Emergency Department at Glenbrook Hospital. Comprehensive training will show you how to help relieve patients’ stress and communicate with providers. Call Emily Mysel, Manager, Weinberg Community Friend Center, at 847.236.7863. PRESIDENT’S AWARD FOR INNOVATION AND ACHIEVEMENT Congratulations to Holocaust Community Services Team Members Yonit Hoffman, Director, and Maya Gumirov, Supervisor, for their outstanding efforts to create, publish and promote the book Never Heard - Never Forget, featuring Holocaust survivor stories (see article pg. 6). Photo l to r: Mark Weiner, Yonit Hoffman, Maya Gumirov, Laura Prohov. BUREAU OF SAGES GAINING RECOGNITION Bureau of Sages, a research project that includes the voices of Lieberman residents in an aging study, is making an impact and gaining distinction. Both Johns Hopkins and Northwestern Universities are inviting the Bureau to be advisors to their work on aging. Also the September 25 meeting of the Advisory Board of the Bureau of Sages was visited by a representative to the United Nations International Federation on Ageing to get input on priority areas on aging.

Grigory Dvorkin Maintenance Supervisor—Independent Housing

ANNUAL REPORT Be sure to see our new Annual Report. It can be found at

A DAY OF GIVING AT WEINBERG Gidwitz residents raised $435 in one day for the JUF Hurricane Fund!

ADS EVANSTON CELEBRATES 40 YEARS Participants, family members and staff observed the anniversary with a lively party that featured dancing and refreshments.

Patty Noomano Nursing—Lieberman Center


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LIFE MAGAZINE STAFF Vice President, Marketing Management Carole Klein-Alexander Manager, Marketing and Communications Mary Keen Senior Graphic Designer Adam Lazar Senior Digital Marketing Specialist Nicole Bruce Senior Digital Technology Specialist Lana Gorelova Manager, Outreach and Customer Service Michele Mangrum

Printed by Allegra Evanston

What will your Jewish Legacy be? Make sure CJE will be there for future generations by making a legacy commitment today. Contact Allyson Marks Greenfield, Senior Development Director at 773.508.1130 or Read Life Magazine online Receive Life Magazine via email— send your request to: We always strive for accuracy, but if you have any questions or concerns, please call 773.508.1024. Donate to CJE SeniorLife at

Viewpoint Dear Reader,

As the incoming Board Chair of CJE SeniorLife, having served on the Board of Directors for almost 20 years, I am very pleased to have the privilege of writing this Viewpoint letter to our CJE community.

So why have I been so deeply committed to CJE for two decades? In 1996, I left my accounting practice of 28 years to begin my life-long dream of starting my own business of developing and operating senior housing facilities. As it happens, at about the same time that CJE began developing the Weinberg Community in Deerfield—the first assisted living apartment building in Illinois—I was developing the first assisted living apartment in the state of Wisconsin. I was asked to serve on CJE’s Nominating Committee, charged with the task of identifying and recruiting Board directors, and I ended up being one of the new Board members selected by the Committee. Thus began my long-term relationship with this unique, wonderful Agency that provides a full array of community-based and residential services to the aging population of metropolitan Chicago. Throughout the years, I have had the honor of serving as the Board’s Vice Chair, Treasurer and Co-Chair of our 2017 Celebrate CJE annual event. I have also been a member on most of CJE’s hardworking Committees.

Now, I am looking forward to taking on this leadership role in our Agency for the next two years. These are exciting and challenging times for CJE. We serve over 20,000 seniors in the metropolitan Chicago community providing them with vital programs and services such as home-delivered meals and transportation; skilled nursing and rehabilitation services at Lieberman Center; assisted living and memory care on our Weinberg campus; affordable apartment housing at a number of city and suburban locations; Holocaust Community Services; and Adult Day Services in Evanston, Deerfield and Chicago. Our mission is to support the independence and enhance the quality of life for our community’s aging population. I take great pride in the high quality and breadth of services that CJE SeniorLife provides to our community through its continuum of care.

This magazine is another one of our services to you. In this issue, you will find a most interesting article on a study by our Leonard Schanfield Research Institute and three partner organizations. We also give you a preview of a remarkable new publication by Holocaust Community Services. Finally, as has become the custom in LIFE’s winter issue, we include the year-end list of donors with our deepest gratitude for their incredible generosity. I hope you enjoy our magazine. I also urge you to contact us to tell us how we are doing in meeting the needs of seniors in our community. Very truly yours,

Kalman Wenig Chair, CJE Board of Directors CJE SeniorLife® is a partner with the Jewish United Fund in serving our community.


Not too long ago, people with certain physical, intellectual, or developmental disabilities were not expected to have what could be considered a normal life span. But not anymore. For the first time, in alignment with the aging of the general population, people with lifespan disabilities are living longer than before. 1 As they live longer, they need to learn how they can also live better throughout the aging process.

Dr. Amy Eisenstein, Director of CJE’s Leonard Schanfield Research Institute, and partners from the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab, Access Living of Chicago and Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine are doing research on this emerging topic. They have developed a project, entitled “Resilience in Aging with Disabilities,” to look at the intersection of aging and disability, which aims to study the social, behavioral and environmental differences among people aging with physical disabilities, either lifelong or early onset. In their work, the partners have found that most people with disabilities approach aging in two different ways, and thus fall into two groups. Amy Eisenstein, Ph.D.

People in the first group display a great deal of resilience—the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties. When they do experience an age-related comorbidity (two or more disorders or diseases at the same time), they bounce back using coping strategies that they’ve already developed. These individuals have a certain toughness that they’ve developed, and they do really well as they age. People in the second group do not cope well when age-related comorbidities strike. They’ve accepted their disability and deal with it, but piling on the problems and complications of aging is too much for them. This group of people has not figured out how to withstand these extra problems. They have not developed the mental and physical flexibility and strength to manage what old age throws at them and therefore, do not age well. With these two groups in mind, the researchers’ goal is to investigate how people with disabilities develop resilience and, hopefully, will provide


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information that will enable healthcare providers, aging experts and disability communities help aging persons with disabilities maintain quality of life and enjoy healthy, independent lives.

Why the study? As mentioned above, people are living healthier and longer. That goes for people with long-term physical disabilities as well. Unlike in earlier decades, a person with early onset disability can now be expected to live for more years with their disability. However, little research has been done on how an extended life expectancy impacts long-term disability. With the massive Baby Boomer generation continuing to age, it’s imperative that we understand the issue of how aging and the onset of comorbidities affect long-term disability. Healthcare providers need to be more aware of the specific conditions of aging. Also the systems of disability and aging must work together to help people understand how persons with long-term disabilities adapt and cope as they reach old age. It has been estimated that 12 million Americans have a disability acquired in early or midlife and are now aging with the disability. 2 Persons with disabilities are approaching life spans of their non-disabled peers and they are experiencing the same type of complications that affect all older adults. But their disability makes Judy Panko Reis them different. According to Eisenstein, the goal of the project is “to identify resources and behavior that will foster resilience and to gain an understanding of resilience.” The creation of a holistic framework for promoting resilience is another goal. Finally, the researchers


would like to create a “menu” of recommendations for interventions to help increase resilience and quality of life. Resilience and quality of life are closely related, with those individuals who possess high levels of resilience reporting a better quality of life. There is actually a paradox that exists whereby people who experience life-long disabilities report very high quality of life (sometimes higher than the general population), something that one would not expect.

The seed for the project grew from the experiences of all the partners when it came to dealing with older adults with disabilities. Anecdotally, some of the partners have noticed the two models of resilience and non-resilience in aging in their work with older adults with disabilities. One partner at Access Living, Judy Panko Reis, who has a disability herself, can speak to the experience quite well, as she noticed some physical changes brought on by her own aging. According to Panko Reis, who is 65, she has more fatigue and more limited vision, but considers herself resilient in the face of these issues. “Anyone with a disability working past 65 is resilient by definition,” she says. Her goal for the study is to “identify unmet needs of aging people with disabilities and possible strategies to assist them age with independence and dignity.” Panko Reis says an advantage she has as an aging person with a disability is that she knows how to create a life of independence through interdependence with others and the use of community and medical supports and devices. She adds, “Also, I know how to self advocate for my own needs socially and Dr. Elliot Roth medically.” Tom Wilson, also of Access Living, recognizes that some people are able to overcome the complexities of their situation better than others. He has observed that people who advocate for themselves and others with similar conditions, and are not completely reliant on a family member for support tend to be more resilient in the face of aging. He suggests that social and environmental research on resilience will benefit other persons with disabilities living to 65 and beyond.

Elliot Roth, M.D., the Medical Co-Director of the Brain Innovation Center at Shirley Ryan AbilityLab and Chairman of the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, is a renowned expert


in stroke and spinal cord injury. He explains that his patients with long-term disabilities tend to experience comorbidities (like arthritis, pain and movement issues) earlier and perhaps more often than persons without disabilities. They’ve also been living longer than before most likely because of medical advances and better care.

Dr. Roth’s participation gives the team the opportunity to obtain his patients’ responses through surveys, but more importantly, personal perspectives of people with disabilities obtained through structured interviews and focus groups. Roth explains, “The point is to understand why some are so resilient and why others aren’t … to help us understand what goes into that resilience that has enabled them to deal with the issues over the long term, in the face of often extremely adverse conditions.” Through the study, Roth said valuable resources would be developed: “Printed materials; person-to-person programs like peer counselors, peer mentors, special training programs, counseling programs or support groups.” A fourth partner in the project is Rebecca Johnson, Ph.D., Research Assistant Professor at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Department of Medical Social Sciences. She is a social gerontologist with interests in the experiences of older people relative to where they are aging.

The concept of resilience is not new in the academic world. But few authors have looked at adults with lifespan disabilities and aging. Research suggests that resilience in elders can be attributed to essential psychological resources including self-esteem, personal competence and control. The researchers in this study propose to analyze how social, behavioral and environmental notions impact the resilience and quality of life of persons aging with lifespan disability. According to Eisenstein, a major goal of this project is to get all of the different partners in the community discussing and communicating about the intersection of aging with disabilities. With the information gained from the project, they hope to provide a greater understanding of the issue of resilience and disabilities, to build and disseminate this knowledge and take a big step in promoting health and developing resources about this issue.

1 La Plante MP. “Key goals and indicators for successful aging of adults with early-onset disability.” Disability and Health Journal. 2014; 2013; 7:S44-S50. 2 Kemp BJ, et al. Aging with a Disability: What the Clinician Needs to Know. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. 2004; p. 1-5.

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NEVER HEARD – NEVER FORGET Mary Keen and Dr. Yonit Hoffman While more than 2.5 million of the Shoah’s victims were Soviet Jews, many stories of the victims and survivors of the Holocaust on Nazi-occupied territory of the former Soviet Union have never been heard. In our own Chicago community, virtually every Russian Jewish family has a connection to these losses and a story to tell. A new book with the resonant title Never Heard – Never Forget was released earlier this year, allowing these stories to finally be heard and compelling us to never forget.

Never Heard – Never Forget was published by CJE’s Holocaust Community Services (HCS) in partnership with the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center (IHMEC) in Skokie and Reklama Media Group, a local Russian news organization. The book features, in English and Russian, the heartbreaking and courageous stories of victims and survivors of the Holocaust in the former Soviet Union (FSU). It was recently presented at the Illinois Holocaust Museum during a commemoration of the Holocaust in the former Soviet Union which honors victims and survivors and, each fall, marks the massacre of more than 33,000 Jews that took place between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur in 1941 at Babiy Yar, a ravine on the outskirts of Kiev. A chapter of the book is devoted solely to the stories of this and other sites of mass killing—one of tens of thousands of “yars” where the “Holocaust by bullets” took place. Maya Gumirov, HCS Russian Survivor Coordinator and one of the new book’s project leaders, explained the history of the publication. Reklama had long published stories of survivors when they surfaced; however, the medium of newsprint seemed too temporary and fragile. So Reklama’s Editor Faina Kravchenko, with the help of volunteers and a local survivor organization called “Evidence of the Holocaust,” collected stories of local survivors and their loved ones and, in 2010, published a first slender volume called Never Forget. Then more stories came to them, and they published a second edition. These two volumes were handed out at events and very few, if any, exist now. While the volumes were uniquely bilingual, making these stories more accessible to both Russian and English speakers, the distribution to the Englishspeaking community was rare.

Dr. Yonit Hoffman, Director of HCS, recalls that, “whenever I presented to the community about our survivors, I would bring one of the few remaining


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books, and I was asked where they could be purchased. It was an enormously helpful tool for sharing these lesser known Holocaust experiences, but it was out of print.”

As it became evident that there were more and more stories of victims and survivors to tell, it was decided that a third book should be published—with HCS, Reklama and IHMEC joining forces, and with the intention that all book proceeds would be used by the three organizations to assist in their support of survivors and their preservation of the Soviet Holocaust story.

As HCS staff recruited “new” storytellers, survivors would write down their remembrances on pieces of paper and sometimes attach old pictures. If they were unable to write, they dictated their story to a volunteer scribe. One staff member recalled that a client mentioned his experiences in passing, and, having never recorded them, was asked to write his story. Agreeing to do so, he astounded her by presenting over 20 pages of detailed testimony. In all, there are 122 survivor and victim stories in this book, 50 reprinted and expanded from the previous volumes, and 72 which have never before been published. The book, large format with full-color, glossy front and back covers, features not only stories, but an abundance of archival photographs showing what life was like before the Holocaust. Some are of entire families dressed in their finest. Others are marriage portraits. Single images compel the reader to know more. A young girl poses with a violin. A woman sits poised to write a letter. Poignant photos illuminate a horrific history—a large group sitting on the ground in a ghetto, another of a man in the iconic striped uniform. Faded and creased historical documents are interspersed among the images and text; documents certifying death, identification, transports, and personal letters (some from the battlefield) and official letters informing of a person’s whereabouts.

The book is also anchored by dramatic illustrations. One of the artists, Mikhail Turovsky, whose art is prominently featured on the cover (the image accompanying this article) and each chapter heading, is himself a survivor. His work hangs in the United Nations and is exhibited in museums all over the world, including the Art Institute of Chicago, museums in New York, and Yad Vashem in Jerusalem.



But the remarkable stories are the core and heart of the book. David Chernyahovskly, shown here with his wife and grandson autographing the book, wrote a story about his parents, who were both killed in Babiy Yar. When he was 17 years old, David left Kiev for military school and

thus evaded the massacre. When he later took a leave to see his family in Kiev, he started asking neighbors what had happened to his family and he was told his parents went to Babiy Yar. He was given a pre-war picture of his parents (at right) that was saved by one of his neighbors.

The contemporary photo is special because it shows the generations that survive David. Says Gumirov, “We are trying to not only collect stories and make them public but also share stories with younger people. But it’s very difficult because younger generations are not as connected to this history—they may not even know the questions to ask or how to ask them.” She notes with optimism that all 8th graders in Illinois public schools who receive state-mandated Holocaust education will now have lessons which include the FSU experiences. Never Heard – Never Forget will be included in the IHMEC’s “teaching trunk” to educate teachers and students in Illinois about the breadth of experiences.

This important book can serve as both an awarenessraiser and a fund-raiser. HCS currently provides monthly assistance and supportive services to over 1,000 local Survivors to help with their essential needs and well-being, and even more continue to call for help as they age, decline in health and endure the repercussions of their early trauma. Proceeds from the book sales will help HCS, the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center and Reklama Media Group to continue their efforts to sustain the living and honor the legacy of their resilience and survival. For more information or to purchase Never Heard – Never Forget visit


PUTTING TOGETHER THE PIECES OF A LONG LIFE Gerri Trimborne, who lives at Robineau Residence, is very modest about her artwork. She creates smallscale collages and sometimes seems surprised that they come together as nicely as they do. If you ask her where she gets her inspiration for her works, she’ll tell you she attributes many things from her past to her ideas, including numerous art courses in college, horticulture courses, involvement in landscaping, and people she’s met. Camping, canoeing and backpacking added more nature to her life experience. A course in botanical drawing also informed her work.

Her collage materials come from all different sources. Magazines and cards are the major ones. She’s experimented with fabrics, spray paint, flowers, wax, paint, branches and random objects of nature. She uses these materials in different ways to form her compositions. Shards of printed pages are cut up and arranged to form abstract patterns. Letters in different typefaces are pasted down to form intriguing phrases. Some images are pasted whole like snails or planets or butterflies or fish. The most frequent motifs of the collages are from nature. Flowers, leaves, branches and fruits emblazon her canvases and intertwine with each other in graceful compositions. This poem from Trimborne sums up her feelings: The Awe and Beauty Of the Earth Reside in my heart. Leaving their prints On everything I touch.

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Contributors $100,000+ Anonymous The Crown Family Foundation Jacob J. Fink Charitable Foundation Bernard Heerey Family Foundation Bernard Heerey Family Foundation Care Program Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute Harriette and Theodore Perlman

$50,000–$99,999 Alvin H. Baum Family Fund Howard B. Bernick Foundation on behalf of Howard B. Bernick and Judy Nathan Bronfman The Fraida-Cameron Foundation Philip Garoon JUF Fund for Innovation in Health Michael Reese Health Trust The Retirement Research Foundation Charles & M.R. Shapiro Foundation, Inc. Leonard and Diane Sherman Family Foundation Swartzberg/Zoller Family Foundation

$25,000–$49,999 Anonymous Lester and Edward Anixter Family Foundation Association of Jewish Aging Services Paul and Pearl Caslow Foundation The Crown Family Joseph and Bessie Feinberg Foundation Leo S. Guthman Fund Healthcare Foundation of Highland Park Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago Michael E. Koen and Joyce Grenis Elaine and Norton Sarnoff

$10,000–$24,999 Anonymous Modestus Bauer Foundation Dr. Martha J. Bernheim Trust / Sheryl Oberman Ellen and Ronald Block Family Foundation Fred J. Brunner Foundation Cancer Treatment Centers of America Carolyn Bucksbaum Adrienne Drell and Franklin Nitikman George M. Eisenberg Foundation for Charities Georgia and Gerald Fogelson Max Goldenberg Foundation Laura and Russell Karlins David C. Kleiman Lazarus Charitable Foundation The Malkin Family Meals on Wheels Association of America Lois Melvoin James C. Mills Morrison Community Living Peter Polsky Freedom Fund Polk Bros. Foundation Ruth D. Rosin Biff Ruttenberg Foundation William Shiner Linda Soreff Siegel


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Sheila and Ira Stone Diane and Richard Weinberg Enid and Kalman Wenig

$5,000–$9,999 Anonymous Earl Abramson Alzheimer’s Foundation of America Banner Real Estate Group The Sarah C. Bennett Charitable Trust Sharen and Marc Berman Neil Bluhm Ruth Goodman Blum and Michael D. Blum, MD Martin and Mary L. Boyer Foundation Robyn and Sam Brilliant Adrienne and Arnold Brookstone Dennis J. Carlin Marcy and Greg Carlin Chicago White Sox CIBC Dr. Scholl Foundation Arlene and Steven Drucker Dykema Gossett PLLC EquiTrust Life Insurance Company Robin Fern Terri and Michael Freeman Adrienne and Irwin Friedman Galter Foundation Gentle Home Services Inc. Jacqueline and Howard N. Gilbert Marsha and Allan Goldstein Gould & Ratner Judy and Dr. Jeffrey Graff Carol and Alan Greene Ellen and Michael Gross Hamilton Thies & Lorch LLP Thomas L. Harris HealthPRO Heritage Hochberg Family Foundation Elizabeth Holland Institute for the Advancement of Senior Care Mary and Jerome Kaltman Katten Muchin Rosenmann LLP Julie and Harry Kraemer Sondra Fineberg Kraff LA-CO Industries, Inc. Arona and Robert Landsman Steve and Dawn Lavin Annette Lidawer and Rob Rubin Jan and Dr. Jerome Loew Sondra and Max Lorig Walter S. Mander Foundation The Gerald O. Mann Charitable Foundation/ Harriet and Allan Wulfstat Leslie Markman-Stern and Phillip L. Stern Elinor and Maynard Marks Family Fund Medline Harvey L. Miller Family Foundation Jack and Goldie Wolfe Miller Fund NORR Architects, Richard P. Mann NorthShore University HealthSystem Margo and Michael Oberman George and Sarah Ohlhausen Foundation

Omnicare Foundation Sandra and Michael Perlow Vicki and Gary Pines Shirley Raymond Susan and Howard Reese Paula and Dr. Carlton Resnick Ellen and Steven Rogin David M. Rosenberg RSM US, LLP Raina and Howard Ruskin Mally and Alan Rutkoff Terry and Stephen Schwartz Susan Ringel Segal and Gary Segal Marci and Keith Shapiro Debbie and Richard Silverstein Judy and Michael Smith Taxman Family Foundation Voices: Chicago Jewish Teen Foundation Warren Barr North Shore Whitehall of Deerfield Barb and Michael Zaransky and Family

$2,500–$4,999 AAA-1 Masonry & Tuckpointing Allegra Print and Imaging Aramark Management Services, L.P. Alexander Belenky Courtney and Andrew Berlin Bernard Zell - Anshe Emet Day School Esther and Charles Bley Elizabeth and Kent Dauten Joyce and Richard Durra Frank H. Stowell & Sons, Inc. Gerald Freedman Dr. Betsy R. Gidwitz JPMorgan/Chase Bank, N.A. Barbara and Dennis Kessler Carol Maxon McMaster-Carr Supply Company Nicor Gas The Perlstein Foundation Leatrice and Stephen Sandler Susan and David Sherman Rachel and Michael Stein Judith and Floyd Whellan

$1,000–$2,499 AgeOptions Am Shalom Congregation Howard I. Aronson A.N. and Pearl G. Barnett Family Foundation Dolores and Ralph Barnett Renee and Marvin Bearak Jane and Herbert Beller Nicole and Dave Berger Mr. and Mrs. Melvyn Bergstein Eve and Richard Biller BlueOrange Compliance Willard Bransky Bridge Development Partners, LLC Gladys Brina and Lorence Merritt Amy and Michael Brown Leasha and Joel Carp The Chicago Community Trust Chicago Connect Beverly and Joseph Cohen


Contributors The Robert H. and Terri L. Cohn Family Foundation Congregation B’nai Jehoshua Beth Elohim The Cooper Foundation Cookie and Dr. Salomon Dayan Mary Lynn and Michael Dicker Estia Eichten and Deborah Forman Eichten Susan and Alan Ellenby Mr. and Mrs. Steven Elrod Sig Feiger and Rose Grossinger Lynne and Mark Feinberg Brenda and Lawrence Feis Laura and James Feldman Mary and Stephen Fenchel First Hospitality Group, Inc. Roslyn K. Flegel Jane and Charles Forman Susan and Stuart Fried Renee Friedman and Robert Druzinsky Lee and Donald Geller Sheila and Vern Gideon Mr. Adam Glickman Marlene and David Glickstein Judith and William Goldberg Mark Grazman Great Mountain Capital Management, LLC Wendy Gross and William DeWoskin Sarah and Joel Handelman Denise and Jonathan Handler Rachel Hayman and Ed Michael Helene and Dr. Burton Herbstman Verna and Robert Hirsch Dr. Yonit Hoffman and Paul Peterson Joan Holland Lynn and Peter Holstein Michael Horvich Emily and David Inman Jennings On The Park Lori and Mitchell Kahn Renee Kalish A & E Kaplan Foundation Kaplan Foundation Fund Andrea and Dr. Douglas Kaplan Myrna Kaplan Harriet and Ernest Karmin Loraine and Stephen Kaufman David Kleinman Ann-Louise and Dennis Kleper Mardi Klevs The Rose F. & Alice M. Koffend Foundation Karen and Mitchell Kopin Sally and Jonathan Kovler Martin Kozak, z”l Mara and Andrew Kupferberg Bruce J. Lederman Doris Lewy Thomas Lockwood Joan and Herbert Loeb Susan and Kenneth Lorch Sheila and George Maliekel Gloria and Eric Matlin Dr. Todd Newberger Robert Norris Charitable Foundation Northern Trust Company Alison and William Pearson


Celebrate CJE Hillary and Kerry Peck Peck Ritchey, LLC Perkins Eastman Sheila and Maurice Pickard Cindy and David Pogrund Polsinelli Shughart PC. Rita and Allen Pomerance Laura and Rick Prohov Fay Rogak Karen and Barry Rosenthal Barbara Rosin and Harvey R. Kallick Doris Roskin Bonnie and Jerry Rothenberg Julie and Robert Schlossberg Sherri and William Schorsch Lynn and Max Schrayer Sari and Michael Schultz Susan and Charles Schwartz Jodie and Gary Segal Senior Lifestyle Corporation Aileen Shalowitz, z”l Lester and Edna Shapiro Family Foundation Evelyn Siegel Barbara and Richard Silverman Lois Simon Charitable Foundation Shari and Mark Slavin Susie Steinberg Supera Family Foundation Matthew Teinowitz Dianne Tesler Miriam Toney Randi Urkov Ventas Inc. Kelly and Curt Vondrasek Patty and Mark Weiner Weinger/Spector Foundation Herbert C. Wenske Foundation Judy and Rabbi Carl Wolkin Carol A. Wootton Lisa and Richard Worsek Lily and Harry Zoberman

$500–$999 Wendy and Steven Abrams Accord Hospice Albany Bank & Trust Company, N.A. Marilyn and Howard Altman Susan and Joseph Ament Sylvia Arbetman Helen and Michael Arkes Seymour Bagan Marianne and Jack Bankier Jacqueline and Bruce Barron Debra and Daniel Bauer Belgravia Group Ltd. Gary Belkin and Edward Tuder Bonnie Benson Buni and Jordy Berger Molly and Steven Berman Ellen B. Bogolub and Neil Friedman Judith and Jeffrey Brickman Joan and William Brodsky Janet and Alan Brown Marla Brown Bernice and Benjamin Cohen

Corporate and Individual Sponsors Premier Circle: Howard B. Bernick Foundation on behalf of Howard B. Bernick and Judy Nathan Bronfman, Philip Garoon Benefactors: Anonymous, Joseph and Bessie Feinberg Foundation, Swartzberg/Zoller Family Foundation Patrons: Lester and Edward Anixter Family Foundation, Cancer Treatment Centers of America, The Crown Family, Joyce Grenis and Michael Koen, The Malkin Family, James C. Mills, Morrison Community Living, Diane and Richard Weinberg, Kal and Enid Wenig Friends: Anonymous, Banner Real Estate Group, Marc and Sharen Berman, Ruth Goodman Blum and Michael D. Blum, M.D., Sam and Robyn Brilliant, Adrienne and Arnold Brookstone, Dennis J. Carlin, Marcy and Greg Carlin, Chicago White Sox, CIBC, Dykema, EquiTrust Life Insurance Company, Terri and Michael Freeman, Adrienne and Irwin Friedman, Gentle Home Services, Howard N. and Jacqueline Gilbert, Gould & Ratner, Judy and Jeff Graff, Carol and Alan Greene, Ellen and Michael Gross, Hamilton, Thies & Lorch, L.L.P., HealthPRO Heritage, The Hochberg Family Foundation, Laura and Russell Karlins, Katten Muchin Rosenman, L.L.P., Sondra Fineberg Kraff, Steve and Dawn Lavin, Sondra and Max Lorig, The Gerald O. Mann Charitable Foundation/Harriet and Allan Wulfstat, Trustees, Medline, Richard P. Mann/Norr Architects Engineers Planners, NorthShore University HealthSystem, Sandra and Michael Perlow, Vicki and Gary Pines, Susan and Howard Reese, Ellen and Steven Rogin, RSM US, LLP, Annette Lidawer and Rob Rubin, Mally and Alan Rutkoff, Terry and Stephen Schwartz, Susan Ringel Segal and Gary Segal, Marci and Keith Shapiro, Linda Soreff Siegel, Judy L. and Michael Smith, Leslie Markman-Stern and Phillip Stern, Taxman Family Foundation, Whitehall of Deerfield Healthcare Center, Barb and Michael Zaransky and Family

CJE SeniorLife would like to thank all contributors to the Celebrate CJE event.

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Contributors Allan Coleman Jane and John Colman Congregation Beth Shalom Andrew Cooper Richard Cortesi Karen and Richard Dale Danziger Kosher Catering Denise and Dr. Scott Davis Martin Davis Janet and Noel DeBacker Albert Delighter DLA Piper US LLP Paula and Ronald Domsky Dundee Pharmacy, Inc. Carol and Steven Edelson Marian L. Edelstein Dr. Vadim Edelstein Diane and Gerald Elbin Martha and Lewis Elin Robin and Martin Ellen Sue Ettelson Edith and Gerald Falk Judith Aiello and Maurice Fantus Millie Fenchel Roberta Fink First Bank of Highland Park Foundation Gail Kaplan Fogarty Kari and William Foote Bonnie Forkosh DiDi and Jeff Franklin Freedom Home Care Inc. John Fulgoni Dafna and Stuart Gabel Nina and Mark Gaines Michael Gelder Anne Gendler and David Leib Geneva Advisors, LLC. Howard A. Gilbert and Barbara A. Gilbert, z�l Judie and Allen Ginsburg Michael Glass Earl Goldberg Sharon and Elliot Goldman Roberta and Robert Goldman Susan and Arthur Goldner Danielle and Jordan Goodman Laurie and Gary Greenfield Eugene Guetzow Judy Guitelman and Dan Epstein Halsted 22 LLC Janice and Ira Harris Nina and Arnold Harris Paula and David Harris Heidi and Daniel Hefter Drs. Tamar and Uri Heller Mary Pat and Bernard Hengesbaugh Hilton Chicago Sarah and Aaron Hoffman Hollister Incorporated Sylvia and John Hourihane Lorraine and Jay Jaffe Janey and Robert Jakubowich Johnson Goldberg and Brown LTD Sheryl and Robert Josephson JourneyCare Robin and Charles Kafenshtok


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Eileen and Sherman Kaplan Jane Kaplan and Harry M. Goldin Linda S. Kaplan Roberta and Dr. Joel Kaplan Katz & Stefani LLC Lore Kirchheimer Carole Klein-Alexander and Ron Klein Mitchell Kline The Susan Klingenstein Fund Ruth Knack Karen and Mitchell Kopin Robyn Koress Susan and Manuel Kramer The Honorable and Mrs. Michael Kreloff Valerie and Keith Kretchmer Ann and Paul Krouse Marshall R. Lavin Donna and Ira Leavitt Elaine Leboff-Ries, M.D. and Michael H. Ries, M.D. Frances Lehman Nanci Garoon Leigner Janet and Eugene Lerner Sandee and Lawrence Levin Cheryl and Leonard Levine Natalie and Steven Levine Arlene and Martin Lewis Zvie Liberman Debra and David Lorig David Macknin Marilyn E. Malkin and Lawrence Wolf Marcia and Dr. Robert Malkus Richard Mann Margolis Weldon LLC Charlotte and Robert Markson Beatrice C. Mayer Memorial Park Cemetery Mesirow Financial Arthur Miller Milwaukee Valve Company, Inc. J. Clifford Moos Michelle and Josh Newman NFP Insurance Solutions Margery Nieder Andrea and Anthony Nocchiero Marie and Edward Noha Sheryl Oberman Patzik, Frank & Samotny, LTD Stuart Perlik Cathy and Stuart Pockross Naomi and Raymond Pollak John E. Pomeranz and Renee D. Stein Alan Portnoy Premier Design + Build Group Claire Prussian Sandra and William Richards Right At Home Norma Rosenberg Renee and Edward Ross Foundation Renee and Dr. Elliot Roth Barbara and Ted Rouse Lynn and Gary Salit Salon Buzz David Saltz Jane and Robert Sarnoff


Scadron Outdoor Advertising Linda and Jay Schiff Marina and Gene Schloss Phyllis and James Schneider Janice and Michael Schrimmer Beverly and Ira Schulman Marian Schwartz Yanan and Daniel Schwartz Nicholas Siegel Joanne and Gregg Silver Barbara and Dr. Marc Slutsky Helen Smekhov Lew Sonn Sondra and Charles Sonneborn Marcie and Avy Stein Karen and Brian Sundheim Dorothy Swanson Phyllis Tabachnick Donna and Philip Teinowitz Abbe Temkin Benjamin Tessler Topel Forman LLC Sarah and Andrew Topus Shirley and Eugene Turban Roberta L. and Robert J. Washlow Norton Wasserman Mark Weisberg Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. West Town Mechanical Denise and Tom Whennen Becky and Richard Wolf Hilda Wynn and Robert Levin Andrea Yablon Howard E. Zimmerman Zuckerman Family Foundation

$300-$499 Sally and Gershen Abraham Arnstein & Lehr LLP Avant For Men Teri and Steve Barnett Gail and Ronald Baum Rochelle and Edward Baum BDO Verna and Ira Becker Deborah Beerman and Jason Nierman Rebecca and Bruce Berman Joanne and Lawrence Blankstein Nancy and Howard Blum Amy and Mark Blumenthal Deborah Bornstein and Steven Sklare Marley S. Boruszak The Breakers of Edgewater Beach Elaine and Joel Brody Ursula Buckman Jay A. Canel Carden & Sax LLC Chicago Bulls Patricia and Dr. Nessim Cicurel Circle Medical Management Barbara and Gerald Cizek The Claim Company Restaurant Shari and Mark Coe Sandra Collins Congregation B’nai Tikvah


Contributors Carey Cooper and Cheryl Kraff Cooper CTC Consulting | Harris myCFO Gail and Chris Dallas Carol Dean Edith F. DeMar Marcia and Kenneth Denberg Direct Imprint Inc. Wendy Dolin Joan and Warren Eagle Susan and Richard Eggener Electro Force LLC Jayne and Raymond Elvey Janet and Paul Epner Carol and Michael Erde Fischel & Kahn, LTD. Anne and David Fishbaum Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Forman Ronald Forman Ruth Forman Laura and Mark Friedman Adrianne and Robert Furniss GCG Financial, Inc. Carey and David Gelfand Meyer and Lilly Gerber Foundation Alice and Steve Ginsburgh Joseph Glaser Susanne Glink Sheila and Joseph Goldberg Jerry Goldman Betty and Boris Goldstein Joel Goldstein Ann and James Goodman Gillian and Ellis Goodman Iris Goodman Bonnie and Richard Gordon Sylvia Gordon Allyson Marks Greenfield and Avi Greenfield Irina and Mikhail Gumin Sherry Harrison Hefter, Leshem, Margolis Capital Management Group Nancy and Allen Hirschfield Home Instead Senior Care Martin R. Hurtig Mr. and Mrs. David I. Jacobson Gerri and David Kahnweiler Elizabeth and Dr. James Keller Edie Kessler Randi and Alan Kohn Jacquelyn and David Kopp Janet Koran and Steven Handler Kraff Eye Institute, LTD Jillian and Keith Kurtenbach Beth and Stephen Landsman Laner Muchin Ltd. Caryl and Burt Lasko Andrea and Phillip LeBoy Sharon and Allen Lefkovitz Saul Legator, MD Ronna B. Leibach Rachel Levy Liberty Technology Advisors Ted Lowitz Zella E. Ludwig, z”l Marilyn Lustbader


MacArthur Foundation Magid Glove & Safety Manufacturing Company LLC Charlotte Mann Mattie M Laurie and Martin Merel Bonnie and Charles Mervis Nancy Meyer Monahan Law Group, LLC Morris & Sons Mutual of America Herbert E. Natof, MD North Shore Community Bank Oliver Packaging & Equipment Co. Andra O’Neill @Properties Darlene and Norman Padnos Linda and Robert Palay Susan and Kenneth Pearl Esther Perkel Donna Pezzuto Jane Pickus Private Vista, LLC Prudential Financial Reed Smith LLP Bev and Dr. Howard Reinglass Marc Ringel Tami Rokni Pamela Rose Judith and David Schiffman Terri and Howard Schneider Karan and Joel Schneider Cassie Schwartz Trudy and Edward Schwartz Shalom Memorial Park Jacob Shapiro Linda and Stuart Shayman Nancy and Richard Sher Jeffrey Smith Judith and Norman Soep Cydney Stein Kim and Alan Sternberg Amy Stoken and Benjamin Nortman Lauren and Kyle Stone Gail and Jerome Taxy Temple Jeremiah Temple Sholom Ellen and Alan Toban Betty and John Underwood Janice Wahnon Wayne Walker Tracey and Jay Weinberg Weinstein Family Services Joan and Donald Weisberg Naomi and Martin Weitzel Wendy Kahn College Consulting, LLC Estelle and Marvin White Jim Winsor Danielle Wolf Eirit and Alon Yonatan Eileen and Larry Zoll Eleanor and Burton Zoub

$100–$299 @Properties 4D, Inc.

Ilene and David Abrahams Gayle and Lance Abrams Linda and Ron Abrams Margery and Robert Abrams Accurate Plumbing Doctors, Inc. Tobey and Irving Adatto Barbara and Steven Adelman Carol E. Adelman Jane Adler Zack Adler Mona and Andrew Albert Jerome Albom Alper Services LLC Altair Advisers, LLC Sharon Alter Lynn and Alfred Altschul Aml Group LTD. AMLI Deerfield Azza and J Thomas Andreesen Anshe Emet Synagogue APCO Sign Systems Nina Appel Apple Inc. Nelson Armour Kelly Aron Arrow Plumbing, Inc. Audiology Associates of Deerfield Edie and Dr. Howard Axe Laurie and Grant Bagan The Baila Foundation Rabbi Michael Balinsky Marcia and Bruce Balonick Renee and Sanford Bank Cheryl and Ted Banks Donna Barrows William Barry Idell and Seymour Bartlett Felicia and Michael Baskin Judith A. Baskin Elayne Baum Fabio Baum Jacqueline R. Bazelon John F. Becker Jr. Gail Belytschko Richard Bendix Sarah and Haskel Benishay Eileen and Dr. Bruce Bennin The Bensman Group Lauren A. Benton Sandra and Kenneth Berg Carol A. Berkowitz Dr. and Mrs. David M. Berkson Suzanne and Gershon Berkson Alissa Berman Janice and Arthur Berman Debbie and Elliott Berman Dr. Mark Berman Michael Berman Nora and Brian Berman Sheldon Berman Ruth and Robert Berns Carole and Joel Bernstein Susan and Dr. Ira Bernstein Michelle Bernstein Diane and Karl Berolzheimer

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Contributors Patricia Bertsche Nancy Beskin Beth Shalom B’nai Zaken Kathy and Jerry Biederman Linda and Howard Bifeld Irene B. Blankenship Arleen and Robert Blatt Judi Blitstein Vivian and Howard Bloom Annette and Gerald Blumberg Arlene and Howard Blumenthal Blutter/Shiff Design Associates Gail and Marvin Boehm Boelter Food Service Helen and Willard Boris Sandra Bornstein Stephanie Bravos Dr. Mitchell L. Bressack Mary Jane Bressler Sheila Broder Beverly and Allan Brodsky Andee and Rick Brown Deborah and Matthew Brown Susan and Colman Buchbinder Selma and John Burley Ellen and Gustavo Caicedo Capital Drum Inc. Bonita and Arnold I. Caplan Dorothy E. Carlin Susan and Douglas Carlson Allen Carter Jean and Alan Chapman Charles E. Dobrusin & Associates Ltd Roberta and Dr. Donald Charous Lee Cherney Judy M. Chernick Chicago Messenger Service, Inc. Ashokkumar Chinnasamy Frances Chukerman Citizens for Lou Lang Barrie and Dan Cohen Janice and Michael Cohen Lillian and Herbert Cohen Nanette and David Cohen Ralph Cohen Stephen A. Cohen Ruth Colby Helen S. Coleman Steven Colton Companions for Seniors, Inc. Congregation Beth Judea Drs. Ellen and Dean Conterato Rose and Dr. Oren Conway Gerald Corcoran Deborah Covington Jillian and Jack Cowan Miren and Jim Crawford Randee and Gerry Curciarello CVS Health Corporation/CVS Pharmacy Inc. Daniel Weinbach & Partners, LTD. Robert H. Dann and Erica Regunberg Daniel Davidson Judge and Mrs. Ronald Davis Amy Deutsch Devon Bank


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Geraldine Diamond Darby Dickerson Nicole DiGangi Stephanie and Sanford Dishman Arlene R. Don Robin and Phillip Donenberg Sharon Doney Deanna G. Drucker Richard Druker Representative Scott Drury Albert Dukelsky Linda Easler Susan and Lewis Edelheit Denise Edelson Lisa and Edmund Eisenberg Margaret Eisendrath Elderwerks Inc. Elite on Jarvis Abby and Gary Elkins Helaine Ellenby Miles Ellenby Jean and Eugene Emeson Employees Charity Organization (ECHO) of Northrop Grumman Karen Engelhardt Joan R. Ente Suzanne L. Epstein Ernsteen Family Foundation Esscoe LLC Eugene Matthews, Inc. Irving C. Faber and Paula E. Litt Rosemarie Farhat Stuart Feen Judith and Terry Feiertag Carolyn and Dr. Ronald Feingold Elizabeth and Henry Feldman Leo H. Feldman Mr. and Mrs. Warren L. Fellingham Jr. Joyce Fenchel Barbara and Glenn Ferencz Marla and Robert Ferencz Nancy and Jerrold Fink Jeffrey Finke Rene and Simon Firmin Dr. Tessa Fischer Judi Fishman and Stuart Nudelman Pearl Fisk Flex Execs Management Solutions Focus On Aging Alison Fogarty Beth and Robert Footlik Julie and Jeffrey Forgash Joan and Dr. Robert Fragen Debbie and Charles Frank Elaine S. Frank Frank Kiesel & Associates, Inc. Eileen and Herbert Franks Lee S. Freedman Susan and Paul Freehling Kathleen and Alan Freeman Cindi Freiberg and Gary Morgan Shirley B. Freilich Chaya Friedman Joan and Howard Friedman Michael L. Friedman

Roberta and Norman Friedman Dr. Stephen Friedman Beverly Friend Wendy and Avi Fromm Linda and Joel Furlett Bonny and Harvey Gaffen Carol Gaines Gale Goldstick Properties Adrienne and Lee Gallender Bryna and Edward Gamson Bryan C. Gannis Mary M. Gant Mary Ellen Gardner Sue and Philip Gardner Edmund Gelfand Melissa Gelfand Brian Genrich Phyllis and Gerald Geren Bonnie and Richard Gershenzon Lora and Chad Gettleman Robert L. Gevirtz Amy and Scott Gilbert Elyse and Brian Gilbert Ruth Gilbert and Marshall E. Lobin Darlene and Larry Gilford Dale and Gerald Ginsburg Sheila and Marvin Ginsburg Maureen Glassberg Bobbie and Kenneth Glick Richard M. Glick Thomas Gniot Gofen and Glossberg, L.L.C. Ilise Goldberg Jill Goldberg and Robert Miller Joan Goldberg Margo A. Goldberg and Barry Goldberg, z�l Muriel and Ronald Goldberg Fay and Thomas Goldblatt Patricia and Loren Golden Alice and Donald Goldsmith Barbara G. Goldsmith Gail and Donald Goldstein Dr. Jay Goldstein Minnie and Ronald Goldstein Susie and Michael Goldstein Zachary Goldstein Linda and Mark Goodman Alanna and Robert Gordon Linda and Dr. Leo Gordon Ruth and Harold Gorelick Carol Gottlieb Donna and James Gottlieb Rickey Greenberg Helen D. Greenebaum Gail and Dr. Bruce Greenspahn Andrea and Max Greenspan Roslyn and Sam Grodzin Ellen and Lawrence Grossman Ilene Grossman and Bruce Amsterdam Michael Gruskin Dana and Adam Guetzow Magdalyn Guzzo Marla and Irwin Gzesh Aliza and Ari Haas Lisa and David Haas


Contributors Jackie and Kamil Hakimian Jayne and Stephen Hanauer Barbara and Jerome Handler Julie Harris Sharon and Joe Hayes Judith and Melvin Hecktman Ronna S. and Ronald N. Heftman Nancy Henig Susanne Henry and Alan Schachtman Elaine and Karl Herman Sandra and Jack Herman Janis and Dr. Steven Hersh Ryan Hess Hewlett Packard Heynssens & Grassman Inc. Joyce and Richard Hirsch Sarah and Scott Hirsch Sharon and Neal Hirsch Bruce Hirsh Alexandra Hoag Barbara B. and Stuart B. Hochwert Cynthia and Gary Hoefler Hokin Sternberg Insurance Services Susan Horn and Don Honchell Frances Horwich Isabel M. Horwitz Horwood Marcus & Berk David L. Husman Susan and Bruce Huvard Idlewood Electric Supply Impact Marketing Group LTD J. M. Irrigation LLC J.P. Morgan Securities Michelle Jacobson Ann and Jerry Jaeger Emily and Tom Jakacki Elinor and Stanley Jarrow Diane and Joel Jastromb Carol and Ronald Jesselson Mark Johnson Tiffany Jones Gail and Justin Joseph Sibyl Josephson Lauren and Dr. Bruce Kaden Alex Kagan Bette and Lawrence Kahn Christopher Kahn Joshua Kahn Wendy and Daniel Kahn Walter Kale Gail and Bernard Kalish Sharon Kamen Maxine and Larry Kane Robbi and Craig Kanter Jack Kanuk Phyllis and Ben Kaplan Susan and Mitchell Kaplan Alexandra Kaplin Susan Karkomi and Marvin Leavitt Rachel Karp Dr. and Mrs. Richard Katz Barbara and Richard Kavitt Debra H. Kaye Linda and Marshall Kayman Mary and Ralph Keen


Sandra and Jeffrey Kellman Rabbi Allan Kensky and Adina Kleiman Keshet/Gadol Judy and Mort Kessel Laurie Kirby-Pearce David Kirshenbaum Stacy P. and Myron D. Kirshenbaum Paul Kleinmann KMK Distributors Eila and Douglas Koltun Edith and Leslie Korman Esther Korn Barbara Kositchek Nancy L. and Richard Kosobud Bonnie and Edward Koven Diane Koziel Geoffrey Krader Gloria Z. and Donald H. Kraft Peggy W. Kreisman Adrienne and Jeffrey Kriezelman Tracey and Robert Kritt Rabbi and Mrs. Vernon Kurtz Roberta and Jeffrey Kwall Helene and Joseph Lachman Lake Shore Men’s Club Gary M. LaMantia, D.D.S. The Honorable and Mrs. Louis Lang Bonnie G. Lederman Jennifer Leemis James E. Leopold Barbara and Howard Lerman Fern Lerner Sandra and Wayne Lerner Michele Leshan and Stephen Rubenstein Jan and Allen Lev Sally R. Levenstam Jill and John Levi Marcy and Kenneth Levin Samuel J. Levin Carole and Martin Levine Kristine Levine Rebecca and Mark Levine Eva Levy Frank Levy Nancy Lewis Sue and Samuel Lewis Valerie and Dr. Michael Lewis Hilarie Lieb Laura and Mark Lieberman Laurie F. Lieberman Pamela Forbes Lieberman and Stuart Lieberman Susan Lieberman and James I. Stoller Claudia and Gerald Linda Charlotte Lindon Barbara and Herbert Linn Wendy and William Lipsman Gail and Gary Lissner Nancy and James Litke Nancy and Burton Litwin Anne and Melvin Loeb The Loewenthal Group Sharon and Harry London Lois Lourie Shana Lowitz

Loyola Electrical Construction Co., Inc. Sue C. Ludgin Rebecca and Garrett Lyman Beth and Barry Machlin Karen and Stephen J. Malkin Dr. and Mrs. Lee A. Malmed Rose Mancini Dorene Marcus Robin and Glenn Marcus Barbara and Larry Margolis Martin S. Margulies Marty’s Refrigeration Barbara Mason Dana Mason Glenda and Dr. Sanford Mason Max & Benny’s Larry Mayer Wendy McCollom Robert McElroy Mcguire Woods, LLP McKesson Medical-Surgical Allison McLean Shelley McNaughton-Sulkin and Mark Sulkin Donna Medintz and Len Parmacek Arlene Alpert Mehlman and Dr. David Mehlman Judith Mendel and Jorge Kurganoff Laura Mendoza Cynthia A. Menendez Nancy and Michael Merel Myrna and Elliott Merker Metro Chicago Hillel Harriet and Ronald Meyer Lisa Meyerowitz and Daniel Greene Marilyn and Gary Meyers, D.D.S. Gregg Meyers Mi-Te Printing Terri and Gary Michaels Midwest Mechanical Bonnie and David Miller Peggy and Stanton Miller Justine and David Mintzer Mirco Builders Rabbi Victor Mirelman Howard A. Mirsky Carol Mitchel Laura Mitchell Beth Mitnick Modway Furniture Michelle Mufson Maia and Gerald Mullin Cathy Nachman Abigail and Louis Natenshon National Heat & Power Corporation Janet and Michael Nemlich Nancy Newberger Barbara and Alan Newman Janet Newman and Michael Wise Clare and Daniel Nimer Nordstrom Charitable Match Program Betty Norick Christine Norrick North Suburban Hearing Service Ltd North Suburban Synagogue Beth El North Suburban Vision Consultants, LTD.

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Contributors Northbrook School District 27 Northwestern Mutual Norton’s Restaurant & Bar Ilene and Stephen Novack Diane R. O’Connor Karen and Arnold Okmin Holly and Michael Panter Partners For Change Robin Patinkin Arline Paul Janice Paul Claire Pensyl and Ira Bell Dodie Perlberg The Roslyn and Joseph Perlman Foundation Jerrold M. Peven Betty and Thomas Philipsborn Lynn and Dr. Louis Philipson Helene Zimmerman Plotkin and Steven Plotkin Podiatry Plus Sally and Dennis Polisner Alan Pollack Carole and Marvin Pomerantz Shirley and Ronald Pregozen The Prime Group, Inc. David Prosnitz Deborah and Dr. David Rabin Barbara Rabyne Shelley and Michael Radner Rosalyn Raffe Ina and Sandford Ramras Donna and Donald N. Rappin Loren Ratner William Rattner Mary K. Reardon Lynne and Allan Reich Nancy and Michael Reinsdorf Beverly Resnik Marilyn Rest Dr. Paul Ringel Ricardo Rivera Helene Rivlin Robert Gold Salon Robineau Residence Rochelle Zell Jewish High School Randall and Betsy Rochman Kathy Rocklin Ronald Roman Romanian Kosher Sausage Co. Mary N. Romero Joyce and Herbert Root Andrea and Mark Rosen, DDS Carrie and Dr. David Rosen Claudia and Steve Rosen Judi Israel Rosen Lynn Rosen Fern and Melvin Rosenberg Laurence Rosenberg Leona Z. Rosenberg David R. Rosenblatt Laura and Jacob Rosenfeld Merle and Sheldon Rosenfeld Dinah Rosenthal Drs. Sue and Vin Rosenthal Terry and Jerald Rosenthal


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Warner A. Rosenthal Barbara Rosin and Harvey R. Kallick Jeri and Joel Rothman Chaya and Eric Rubenstein Donald Rubin Joan and William Ruppert Diana and Edwin Ruthman Marley Sackheim Carol and Lee Saldinger Kathy and Shaun Sales Nancy Salkover Natalie Saltiel Robert W. Sanders III Andrea and Ronald Sandler Ronald M. Sandler Mark J. Schacht, M.D. Jerome Schachter Revelle and Henry Schachter Jennifer and Stephen Scheu Renee and Herbert Schneider Jennifer and Noah Schnepper Rosalind Schoenberg Cynthia G. Schoenstadt Harriet and William Schoenwald Ryan Schraier Sherrie and Stewart Schram Edna L. and Michael H. Schrank Andrew Schulz David Schulz Caryn and William Schuman Robert Schwalb David Y. Schwartz Cindy and Hal Schwartz Linda and Michael Schwartz Marla and Steven Schwartz Polly and Don Schwartz Reva and Michael Schwartz Audrey E. Selin and Robert A. Weisman Senior Living Experts Mona and Harold Shabelman Shaevitz Kosher Meats & Deli Marjorie P. Shafton Leah Shapiro Roslyn L. Sheppard Linda R. Sher Laura and Benjamin Sheridan Michelle and Kevin Sheridan Lawrence Sherman Roger Shiffman Yelena and Aleksandr Shmushkin Carol and Norman Shubert Andrea Sidorow Veronica Siegel Leslie and Jordan Sigale Margaret and Alan Silberman Susan and Lawrence Silberman Lissa Silver Deborah Silverman Carol and Daniel H. Silverstein Anita and Stephen Simes Judith Simon Linda and Michael Simon Helen and Hillel Singer Greg Sir Lora B. Skevin

Elisabeth and Alan Sklar Ron Sklare Rae and David Smerling Lisa Sneddon Joy Sobel Michael A. Sobel Ronnie Jo Sokol Sheila and Ronald Spaeth Nora and Jay Spak Andrea Spatz Special Needs Chicago Beth and Joel Spenadel Sara and Jamie Star State Farm Jill and Allan Steinberg Deborah and Martin Stern Judi Stern Judith and Richard Stern Patricia Sternberg Judy and Robert Sternberg Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Stoltze Harriet C. Stone Joanie and Alan Stone Judith and Richard Stone Hanna Stotland William Strauss Lauren and Jason Strongin Staci and Ari Studnitzer Lauri Sugerman Supreme Lobster Ethel and Lester Sutker Dorothy Swartz Michael Swarzman Rhya and Maurice Swiryn Pamela Szwaya Rachel and Alan Taxman Alice and Harold Temkin Temple Beth El - San Antonio Temptations LTD. Renee H. Thaler Merilyn and Jerry Thall Lynn Thorpe Tiedmann Enterprises Inc. Beatrice and Charles Tier Marcia and Marc Tobias Nancy Tommaso Lauren and Jordan Topel Sandra and Dr. Howard Topel UIC Honors College Kelsey Underwood University Eye Specialists Lydia Usha Villarreal Landscape Inc. Waldheim Cemetery Sarah Warren Elaine and Harry Wayne Wayne’s Lake Shore Cleaners Wein Family Foundation Jill Weinberg and Bernard Kramer Weinberg Community for Assisted Living Alan J. Weiner Barbara A. Weiner Jennifer Weininger Deborah and Mark Weinstein Jan and Steven Weinstein


Contributors Jerome Weinstein Judi Weintraub Gloria Weiser Judith and Dr. Samuel Weiss Olga Weiss and George R. Honig Susan and Richard Wellek Gloria and Avers Wexler Mary Anne and Raymond Wexler Wildfire Restaurant Delores I. and Joseph A. Wilson Debra and Barry Wineberg Ellen and Harvey Wineberg Marilyn and Dennis Wish Iris Witkowsky Diane and Robert Witt Cheryl and Harrell Wittenstein Donna and William Wittert Janet and Jerrold Wolf Cindy and Hal Wolken Gail Yamner Michal Yariv Scott Yonover Nettie Zelkowitz Dorothy Zuckert, z”l Cantor Amy Zussman

Matching Gifts Allstate Giving Campaign Apple Inc. Baxter International, Inc. The Chicago Community Trust Computer Sciences Corp. Evanston Blue Print Company, Inc. Grainger Matching Charitable Gifts Program Hewlett Packard Horwood Marcus & Berk Keysight Technologies Inc. MacArthur Foundation McMaster-Carr Supply Company Nordstrom Charitable Match Program Harriette and Theodore Perlman Becky and Richard Wolf

Endowments and Bequests Anonymous Estate of Sarah Altbach Helen & Norman Asher Alzheimer’s Care Fund Joseph Atkin B & J Association Mirza A. Baig Samuel Ballis Fund Estate of Molly Barrett Jordan C. Berger Charles H. Berman Educational Fund Laurence U. Berman Trust Marc Berman—In memory of Leo Berman Ruth Berman Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Bley Michael D. Blum Harriet B. Brady Pooled Income Fund Belle R. & Joseph H. Braun Fund Estate of Suzy Braun Lena G. Brede Foundation Fund Sam & Robyn Brilliant Estate of Raymond D. Brodsky


Mildred Bronstein z”l Susan and Colman Buchbinder Dennis J. Carlin William and Susan Casper Dorothy Dean Cavenaugh Charitable Remainder Unitrust Kate Charshan Trust Dolly and Joseph Checkers Estate of Frieda & Simon Chinn Beverly and Joe Cohen Charles and Nancy Cooper Glen Crosier Olga Davidson Estate of William Emil Deutsch Drexel Home Fund Alan Dworkin Robert Edelmann Health Care Fund George M. Eisenberg Foundation for Charities Estate of Reuben and Sydelle Eisenberg Bernice Elbin Erwin Epstein Joan H. Epstein Gitta Fajerstein The Rabbi Shlomoh Z. Fineberg & Naomi D. Wainger Fineberg Religious Observance Fund I.M. & Fannabell S. Fixman Foundation Robert Forman Enrichment Series Fund H. Fried Respite Fund Jeffrey Fried, z”l and Suzanne Fried Emmanuel Friend Estate Galter Foundation Meyer and Lilly Gerber Foundation Betsy Gidwitz Joseph L. & Emily K. Gidwitz Memorial Foundation Howard A. and Barbara Gilbert Estate of Adele Ginsburg Annette Glickman Trust Dale Glickman Trust Irving H. Goldberg Family Fund The Goldberg Family Trust Allan Goldstein Alan I. Greene Allyson Marks Greenfield and Avi Greenfield Robert L. and Sylvia M. Haag Supporting Foundation The Robert L. Haag Trust Thomas L. & Joann K. Harris Ethel Heller Revocable Trust Estate of David A. Herstein Ethyle Levin Hillman Fund Phyllis A. Jones Estate of Miriam T. Hirtenstein Estate of Florence L. Kaufman Mary Keen Esther Kirkel Carole Klein-Alexander Michael E. Koen Sondra Fineberg Kraff Leo Krakow Trust Louise H. Landau Estate The David & Hedy B. Landman Trust Estate of Hannah Landsberg Milton Latzer Trust

Lazarus Charitable Foundation Bruce J. Lederman Theo and Paul Leffmann Eva B. Levi Trust Diane S. Levin Trust Estate of Helen Levin Ruth Levine Estate of Marcelle M. Lieberman Ken and Susan Lorch Marvin and Marilyn Lustbader Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lynn Estate of Saul Mackoff Estate of Michael George Mallin Roslyn & Milton Mallin Memorial Fund Estate of Judge Abraham Lincoln Marovitz The Beatrice C. Mayer Fund Al and Lillian Mazure Trust C. Margaret McClaskey Morris Metcoff Trust James C. Mills Estate of Pearl Nager Abigail Natenshon Estate of Irving H. and Harriet B. Nathan Jerome J. Nathan Trust Ian Natkin—in memory of Lillian Natkin Joseph & Jennie Newman Fund Margo and Mike Oberman Estate of Mary G. Oppenheim Estate of Konrad Parker Morris L. Parker Trust Kenneth and Susan Perl The Fannie Penikoff Charitable Trust Maurice & Sheila Pickard Vicki Franklin Pines June Raffel Charitable Trust Nate Y. Ratner Fund Michael Reese Service League Susan and Howard Reese and Family Sonya & Robert Reich Philanthropic Fund Estate of Rose Resnick Marilynn Rivkin Joseph Robineau Fund Ellen and Steven Rogin Milton and Beatrice Rohde Estate Steven Ronsen Doris Roskin Mally and Alan Rutkoff Norma Sachs Fund The Robert L. and Claire Sampson Charitable Annuity Trust Stephen P. Sandler Leonard Schanfield Research Endowment Fund Robert and Julie Schlossberg Anita Schwab Revocable Trust Terry L. Schwartz Estate of Eugene M. Segal Edward and Dorothy Shapiro Marci L. Shapiro Estate of Jerome & Natalie Share Leonard and Diane Sherman Family Foundation The Diane Sherman Welcome Shabbat Lunch and Learn Leonard Shraiberg Endowment Fund

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Contributors Joel S. Siegel Linda Soreff Siegel Seymour and Roslyn Simon Trust Edward and Honora Singer Estate of Lillian and Dwight D. Slater Judy and Michael Smith Beverly and Ben Smolensky Georgette Grosz Spertus Trust Adele Stern Estate of Veda Stern Rick Strusiner Swartzberg / Zoller Family Foundation Dianne Tesler Miriam Toney Rachel Topp Trust Randi S. Urkov Estate of Lucille L. Vodian Estate of Birdie Wagner Miss Brenna Wagner The Wagner Foundation Estate of Muriel Wein The Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Foundation, Inc. Stanley L. Weinberg Mark and Patty Weiner Nellie & Louis Weiner Fund Weinfield Trust Ronald Weismehl Judith W. & Floyd Whellan Enid and Kalman Wenig Marshall Yablon, z”l June and Howard Zimmerman

Government Partners AgeOptions Chicago Department of Planning and Development Chicago Housing Authority Chicago Low Income Housing Trust Fund City of Evanston Community Development Block Grant

Federal Emergency Management Agency Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services Illinois Department of Human Services Illinois Department of Transportation Illinois Department on Aging Illinois Housing Development Authority New Trier Township U.S. Department of Homeland Security U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs U.S. Social Security Administration

Contributed Gifts and Services Janet and Steven Anixter Carol and Joseph Atkin Linda Badesch Marilyn Banks Deborah Baseman Chris Bell Molly and Steven Berman Adrienne and Arnold Brookstone Susan and Colman Buchbinder Marcie and Simon Buckmaster Wendy Charness Earl Chesler Michael S. Cohen Migdalia Coleman Henry Davis Nina Davydova Bruce Dayno John Friedler Wendy Funk Joan Gestrin Robert L. Gevirtz Irene Godin Ina Goldberg Ellen and Larry Goldstein Howard Gould Ida Greenfield

Robin Hart Jack Heller Nancy Henig Randall Horton Vicki and Mural Josephson Alan Karras Mitchell Klein Ruth Koress Geoffrey Krader Kin Chee Kruszewski Ellen and Donald Lavin Audrey and Dr. Mark Levin Shirley Linker Karen Markin Audrey and Craig Marshak Sandra Miller Linda and Les Multack Alice Piller Barry Schimmel Sherri and William Schorsch David Schwartz Rakhie Shapiro Harvey Siegal Alisa and Erwin Silver Marilyn Stein Ann and Jerome Stern Jeff Velick Patty and Mark Weiner Ruth Weitzman Carol A. Wootton

*July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017. CJE SeniorLife is a 501(c)(3) organization. Gifts are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. CJE SeniorLife has made every effort to be certain that the list is complete and accurate. It is published with the intention of thanking our generous donors. Please accept our apologies if there are any errors or omissions.

Six Ways to Contribute to CJE SeniorLife Unrestricted Endowment Funds Designated Endowment Funds Income for Life Endowment Funds Planned Giving General Contributions Create Your Jewish Legacy Program The Council for Jewish Elderly (dba CJE SeniorLife) Endowment Foundation was created in partnership with the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago’s Agency Endowment Program, which was established to ensure that CJE SeniorLife and our sister agencies have the necessary resources to meet the community’s needs. All commitments to CJE’s Endowment Foundation are recognized as gifts to the Jewish Federation’s Centennial Campaign.


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Board of Directors Chair Judy L. Smith Vice Chair Kalman Wenig Secretary Kenneth F. Lorch Treasurer Charles M. Bley President & CEO Mark D. Weiner Directors Steven Anixter Marc L. Berman Michael D. Blum, M.D. Samuel P. Brilliant Arnold F. Brookstone* Dennis J. Carlin* Steve C. Drucker Alan Ellenby Daniel N. Epstein* James M. Feldman Terri Freeman Vern Gideon Barbara A. Gilbert, z’l * William I. Goldberg* Allan Goldstein Jeffrey Graff, M.D. Mark Grazman Alan I. Greene* Mary R. Kaltman Dennis M. Kleper

Michael E. Koen Sondra Fineberg Kraff Robert E. Landsman Bruce J. Lederman* Jack M. Levin* Leslie Markman-Stern James C. Mills* Todd Newberger, M.D. Margo Fried Oberman Sheryl Oberman Maurice B. Pickard, M.D. Vicki Pines John E. Pomeranz Susan A. Reese Carlton R. Resnick, D.D.S. Steven Rogin David M. Rosenberg Mally Z. Rutkoff* Stephen P. Sandler* Robert L. Schlossberg* Joel C. Schneider Michael Schultz Terry L. Schwartz Susan Ringel Segal Marci L. Shapiro Linda Soreff Siegel Rich Silverstein Michael G. Stein Leonard A. Worsek*

Associate Board Debby Beerman Dave Berger Julia Clark Andy Cooper Zach Goldstein Adam S. Guetzow Ryan Hess Pamela Hochwert Rebecca Kanter Steve Levine Rachel Levy Michelle Newman Ryan Schraier Nick Siegel Leah Solomon Cydney Stein Lauren Stone Matthew Teinowitz Kelsey Underwood Sarah Warren Matt Weiss Seth Wenig Danielle (Dani) Wolf Rich Wolf Alon Yonatan

* Past Board Chair

Executive Leadership President and CEO Mark D. Weiner Vice President and CFO Thomas Lockwood Vice President, Community Services Laura Prohov

Vice President, Marketing Management Carole Klein-Alexander Vice President, Human Resources and Learning Ron Roman

Senior Director of Development Allyson Marks Greenfield Manager, Business Systems and Analytics Christian Hill Manager, IT Infrastructure Keith Kurtenbach Senior Director, Corporate Compliance and Risk Management Nancy Harris


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WINTER 2018 COMMUNITY CALENDAR CJE SeniorLife offers ongoing support groups and programs, which are subject to change. All programs are free unless indicated. Some fees may be partially covered by Medicare or private insurance. D ec em b e r 7 Depression and Anxiety in Older Adults: A

Clinical and Spiritual Perspective. Clinicians working with older adults may overlook the spiritual dimension—broadly defined— that can be a component of depression and anxiety. This session will incorporate both clinical intervention strategies and the spiritual components involved in addressing depression and anxiety. Sharon Dornberg-Lee, L.C.S.W., Rabbi Michelle Stern. 8:45 a.m.–Noon. JCFS/Abe and Ida Cooper Center, 6639 N. Kedzie, Chicago. $20, includes 3.0 CEUs for Social Work/ Counseling; $10 additional fee for Clinical Psychologists. Fees waived for JCFS & CJE employees. Registration required: 773.508.1695 or 12 Insights on Aging: Meeting the Challenge

of Living Alone. Living alone as one gets older can be problematic, especially if there are no family members or close friends nearby. This program will provide an opportunity to meet others who are aging alone. The speaker will share research on the impact of social isolation and highlight ways to get assistance and feel more connected to a network of support. Sharon Dornberg-Lee, L.C.S.W. 11 a.m.–Noon. Free. Registration required: 773.508.1121 or H 14 Advance Directives for Older Adults and

People with Disabilities. While many people understand that Advance Directives are a means of taking control over their future health care and financial decisions, taking the time to understand and complete these documents is something many would rather put off. This informational program will help to demystify the process and offer practical strategies. Advance directives such as Powers of Attorney for Health and Finance, Living Wills, the POLST (DNR) and other options will be discussed.

Sharon Dornberg-Lee, L.C.S.W. 10:30 a.m.–Noon. Free. Registration required: 773.508.1106 or H

J a n ua ry 11 Supportive Housing for People with

Mental Illness. This program will provide an overview of the residential services that are available for adults with mental illness through Turning Point in Skokie. It will include admission criteria, support services available for residents, alternative and subsidized housing solutions, in addition to an overview of other services available through Turning Point. Noy Frial, Psy.D., Chief Clinical Officer, Turning Point Behavioral Health Care Center. 10:30 a.m.–Noon. Free. Registration required: Mariana Sanchez 773.508.1106 or H 16 Insights on Aging: Helping Seniors Make

the Best Use of Their Medication. This program will present a framework to empower older adults to take medication safely, and in a manner that will maximize its potential benefits as well as identify common mistakes. It will explore agerelated changes that intensify the impact of the alcohol use and the misuse of prescription medication. Nina Henry, L.C.S.W., Jewish Center for Addiction. 11 a.m.–Noon. Free. Registration required: 773.508.1121 or H

F e b rua ry 13 Insights on Aging: Let’s Talk about Sex

and Dating. Intimate relationships are an important part of the human experience and can continue to be beneficial and lifeenhancing as one ages. This presentation addresses many questions about sexual relationships faced by older adults, including physical changes that may occur in the later years and how these

Volunteer with CJE SeniorLife Give us your time, and we’ll make your day! Contact Volunteer Services at 847.929.3040 or 18

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can be addressed. It will also explore the many types of intimacy that can contribute to one’s social, psychological and emotional well being. Sharon DornbergLee, L.C.S.W., 11 a.m.–Noon. Free. Registration required: 773.508.1121 or H

M a rc h 20 Insights on Aging: Family Perspectives

on Living with Parkinson’s Disease. This program will focus on the identification of tools that can be used by families as they adapt to a diagnosis of Parkinson’s. Parkinson’s can have an impact on the function, roles and coping skills of the person who receives the diagnosis but also on other supportive family members. Joan Ente, L.C.S.W., Your Eldercare Consultants. 11 a.m.–Noon. Free. Registration required: 773.508.1694 or H

C l a s s es , S e r i es , P ro g r a ms Take Charge of Your Diabetes. This is a 6-week, evidence-based program developed by Stanford University that educates participants and caregivers who have, or want to prevent, Type 2 diabetes. Two certified leaders, one who has diabetes, guide participants in interactive discussion. Participants will make action plans, share experiences, and help each other solve problems. Thursdays, February 15–March 22, 1–3:30 p.m. Mather’s—More Than a Café, 3235 N. Central Ave., Chicago. $30 for the 6-week class. Registration required: 773.205.3307. Senior Resource Specialist Connecting people over the age of 60 and people with disabilities with programs such as Medicare, Social Security, Transportation, Housing and more. Service available at 15 community locations in Chicago and the North and Northwestern suburbs. Free. English and Russian. More info: 773.508.1000. Game Day Afternoons Join Mercaz for Game Day Afternoons at Temple Sholom. Scrabble sets and decks of cards are provided. Feel free to bring a friend—Game Day is open to all—and any game of your own to play as well. Thursdays, 1–3 p.m. Temple Sholom,



Adult Day Services 1015 West Howard Street, Evanston 847.492.1400

Bernard Horwich Building 3003 West Touhy Avenue, Chicago 773.508.1000

Bettie Port Hall, 3480 North Lake Shore Drive, Chicago. Free. More info: 773.975.8375 or 773.435.1545 OLDER ADULT PROGRAMS Music with Les: Mondays Scrabble Club: Wednesdays Schmooze It or Lose It: Thursdays Call to confirm dates: 773.508.1000. H Community Senior Adults Lunch, socializing and entertainment. Tuesdays, 11:30 a.m.–2:30 p.m. More info: 773.508.1047. L PARKINSON’S AT BERNARD HORWICH JCC Strength and Balance: Mondays, 3–4 p.m. Nia: Tuesdays, 10:30–11:30 a.m. Chair: Wednesdays, 3–4 p.m. Yoga: Fridays, 2–3 p.m. Registration required: emily.zivin@ or 773.516.5864. H PARKINSON’S AT LIEBERMAN CENTER Basic Exercise Class. Designed to address weakened muscles, minimize the risk of falls and facilitate functional independence with daily routines. Led by HealthPro® Fitness. Tuesdays & Thursdays. 1–2 p.m. Free. Registration required: Cindy Pedersen 847.929.3022. L Seated Tai Chi. A low impact form of exercise that uses slow, controlled movements and gradual shifts of body weight. Led by Andrew Serlin, D.C. Thursdays. 10:30–11:30 a.m. Free. Registration required: Cindy Pedersen 847.929.3022. L Seated Dance and Movement. Motivates people with Parkinson’s to keep moving and helps to decrease symptoms. Led by Gail Gogliotti, M.A. Wednesdays. 3–3:45 p.m. Free. Registration required: Cindy Pedersen 847.929.3022. L PARKINSON’S AT WEINBERG COMMUNITY Parkinson’s on the Move Exercise Class. Wednesdays & Fridays ongoing. Noon–1 p.m. 847.236.7852 W






Lieberman Center for Health and Rehabilitation 9700 Gross Point Road, Skokie 847.929.3320

S u pp o rt G ro u p s Adult Children of Parents With Early Onset Dementia. Support group for adult children who have parents with a diagnosis of early-onset Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease or related dementias. Led By Marci Balonick, L.C.S.W., and Emily Mysel, L.C.S.W. 1st Tuesday of every month. 7–8:30 p.m. Free. Registration required: Emily Mysel at 847.236.7863 or emily. W Parkinson’s Caregivers. Emotional support, information and coping strategies for caregivers of someone with Parkinson’s. Led by Emily Mysel, L.C.S.W. 3rd Wednesday of the month. Noon–1 p.m. Free. Call to confirm dates: Emily Mysel at 847.236.7863 or W Family Caregivers—Deerfield. Emotional support, information and coping strategies for family caregivers of ADS-Deerfield participants and other caregivers in the community. Led by Jaclyn Abramson, L.C.P.C., R.-D.M.T. 2nd Tuesday of the month. 2–3 p.m. Free. Call to confirm dates: 847.236.7826. W Family Caregivers—Evanston. Emotional support, information and coping strategies for all caregivers. Led by Barbara Sarasin, M.S.W. 2nd Tuesday of every month. 3:15–4:30 p.m. Free. Registration required: 847.492.1400. A Making Connections: Seniors with Adult Children with Disabilities. Connect, share experiences and learn about benefits and community resources. Led by Mariana Sanchez, L.C.S.W. 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month. 11 a.m.–12:15 p.m. Free. Registration required: 773.508.1106. H

Weinberg Community for Senior Living 1551 Lake Cook Road, Deerfield 847.374.0500

Tuesday of the month. 3–4:30 p.m. Free. Call to confirm dates: 773.508.1164 or 773.508.1105. H Caring Conversations. A support group for family caregivers of Holocaust survivors. Led by Yonit Hoffman, Ph.D. and Anna Dominov, L.S.W., Holocaust Community Services. 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month. 4–5:30 p.m. Free. Call to confirm dates: 773.508.1004. H Coffee & Conversation. A support group for Holocaust survivors. Led by Yonit Hoffman, Ph.D., Holocaust Community Services and Barbara Urbanska-Yeager, Jewish Child and Family Services. Mondays. 1:30–3 p.m. Free. Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center, 9603 Woods Drive, Skokie. Call to confirm dates: 773.508.1004. Russian Tea Time: Special Topics. A conversation group for Russian-speaking Holocaust survivors which addresses the special topic of loss. Led by Kseniia Asefa and Vera Rodriguez Mancera. New sessions of this group are now in formation. Call for session dates. Registration required: 773.508.1144 or 773.508.1149. H

H o l i day C lo s i n gs Christmas New Year’s

December 25 January 1

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Living Life Through Loss. A bereavement support group. Led by David Rosenblatt, L.C.S.W. Sponsored by CJE SeniorLife and Jewish Healing Network. Wednesdays. 1–2 p.m. $5 donation per session. Registration required: 773.508.1129. H Russian Tea Time: Chicago. An ongoing conversation group for Russian-speaking Holocaust survivors. Led by Roza Trogub and Anna Dominov, L.S.W., Holocaust Community Services. 2nd and 4th

CJE S e n i o r L i f e

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o f o u r f r i e n d s a v e ry h a ppy h a n u k k a h .

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CJE SeniorLife® is a partner with the Jewish United Fund in serving our community.

NORTHSHORE AWARD TO ROBINEAU VOLUNTEER As a NorthShore University HealthSystem employee and Robineau volunteer, Naomi Pollack took advantage of the former’s Sharing Spirit Volunteer Awards, to nominate her work at a not-for-profit. She won a $500 donation for CJE’s Robineau Residence, which was presented at a ceremony on October 30. Naomi Pollack is a registered Physical Therapist and a Geriatric Certified Specialist. She works in NorthShore’s Home Health Division, providing rehabilitation services to patients who are homebound and who cannot get out of their homes to receive rehabilitation at an outpatient facility.

The award meant a lot to her because it benefited Robineau Residence, her mother’s home for three years. “These were meaningful, extremely happy and fulfilling years of her life,” said Pollack. “After being there for just two weeks, my mother said, ‘Had I known how happy I would be… I would have made the move earlier!’” Pollack said that volunteering at Robineau was her chance to say a small “thank you.” In her letter of support for Pollack, Dorothy Levant, Robineau Residence Manager, wrote that “Naomi has provided book reviews, lectures on Fall Prevention, evening board games, monthly floral arranging classes (which she funds herself ), and much more.” Levant concluded: “This short note cannot do justice to her tremendous contributions.”

Pollack’s application statement rings true: “While my efforts enrich and inspire the lives of others, my life is doubly enriched by the opportunity to share my talents and benefit others.”

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