Vigor Inauguaral Issue of CJE SeniorLife Quarterly Volunteer Magazine Fall 2014 8 25 13

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Informing you with VIGOR Welcome to VIGOR, the inaugural edition of the CJE volunteer newsletter! We are delighted that this newsletter has come into being. We are so proud of the audience it serves— CJE Volunteers. Our volunteers contribute so much to the vitality of older adults and

their loved ones across metropolitan Chicago. Whether it’s leading a current events class at Gidwitz Center in Deerfield or escorting a Lieberman Center resident to an art therapy class, our volunteers are actively engaged. Because of this energetic show of

force from the volunteers, this newsletter has been aptly named VIGOR. Enjoy this first issue and let us know what you think. We would love to hear from you. - Monica Eorgoff Director, Volunteer Services

60 Minutes with the Virtual Senior Center Virtual Senior Center (VSC) “tech buddies” connect isolated older adults to interactive web-based classes that provide socialization. Their volunteer tasks include assisting with setting up computers and trouble- shooting connectivity issues in VSC participants’ homes. Tech buddy,

Quotable Quotes

“Welcome to the first edition of VIGOR--a newsletter created for and about you. We hope that VIGOR will serve as a vehicle to provide a continuing dialogue between you and CJE. Through VIGOR, new information will be shared. We look forward to hearing from you!”

--Mike Koen Lee Guggenheim, is seen here assisting a VSC participant view a class led by a “virtual volunteer”.

Only 60 minutes of a volunteer’s time can make a timeless impact. Do you have 60 minutes to give?

Mike Koen is a CJE Board member and Volunteer Services Committee Chair who volunteers for the Culture Bus™.

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