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Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple will host a performance by the Hollander sisters at 6:15 p.m. Nov. 9 at the temple, 23737 Fairmount Blvd. in Beachwood.
The sisters, Celia Hollander Lewis, Anita Hollander and the Rev. Rachel Hollander, will be joined by Celia’s husband, Charlie Lewis, and Anita’s daughter, Holland Hamilton. The group will meld traditional prayers and songs with music by James Taylor and others.
The service is open to all and is followed by a reception.
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Cleve. Tickets at playhousesquare.org or 216-241-6000. Thru Nov. 18.
Cursive, Meat Wave and Campdogzz concert, 8 p.m., Grog Shop, 2785 Euclid Heights Blvd., Cleve. Hts. $15 at grogshop. gs.
The Musical Theater Project’s “Just for Laughs” multi-media concert, 7 p.m., Solon Center for the Arts, 6315 SOM Center Rd., Solon. $40-$43 at musicaltheaterproject.org or 800-838-3006.
“Les Miserables” theatrical performance, 7:30 p.m., Connor Palace, 1615 Euclid Ave., Cleve. Tickets at playhousesquare.org or 216-241-6000. Thru Nov. 18.
“Rock of Ages” 10th anniversary tour theatrical performance, 7:30 p.m., University of Akron’s E.J. Thomas Hall, 198 Hill St., Akron. For more information and tickets, visit bit.ly/2PMw8FZ.
Low and IN/VIA concert, 8:30 p.m., Grog Shop, 2785 Euclid Heights Blvd., Cleve. Hts. $20 at grogshop.gs.
ReelAbilities Film Festival showing of “On Beauty and Design-ability,” 6-8:30 p.m., MOCA Cleveland, 11400 Euclid Ave., Cleve. Free.
2018-2019 Cleveland Orchestra Music Study Group series, 1:15-2:45 p.m., CCPL Orange branch, 31975 Chagrin Blvd., Pepper Pike. For more info, visit the library, call the Orchestra’s Education & Community Programs office at 216-231-7355 or visit clevelandorchestra.com. Prices vary on series length, $50-$100.
Bob Lanzetti & Jean Rohe concert, 8 p.m., Nighttown, 12383 Cedar Rd., Cleve. $20 at nighttowncleveland.com.
“Les Miserables” theatrical performance, 7:30 p.m., Connor Palace, 1615 Euclid Ave., Cleve. Tickets at playhousesquare.org or 216-241-6000. Thru Nov. 18.
Shaker Theatre Arts and Music Departments presents “Pippin” theatrical performance, 7 p.m., Shaker Heights High School’s large auditorium, 15911 Aldersyde Dr., Shaker Hts. $10 adults, $5 students and senior adults at shaker.tix.com. Hot Djang concert, 7 p.m., Music Box, 1148 Main Ave., Cleve. $6 at bit.ly/2PQxX4U.
B’nai Mitzvah

Ethan Harris Botkin
Ethan Harris Botkin will become a bar mitzvah Saturday morning, Nov. 10, at Congregation Tifereth Israel in Columbus. Ethan is the son of Scott and Rachel Botkin of Columbus and the brother of Michael. He is the grandson of Paula and Randy Botkin of Cleveland, Louis Lowy of Columbus and the late Howard and Susan Covensky and the great-grandson of Lois Teitelman of Cleveland. Ethan attends New Albany Middle School. He enjoys playing baseball running cross country and watching his favorite sports teams on TV. For his mitzvah project, Ethan is volunteering with Buddy Ball of Grove City, Ohio, and Miracle League of New Albany, Ohio.
Andrew Engelhardt
Andrew Engelhardt will become a bar mitzvah Saturday afternoon Nov. 10 at Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple.
Andrew is the son of David and Polina Engelhardt of Solon and the brother of Jacob. He is the grandson of Miriam and Mansel Davey of Willoughby Hills and Carol and Jack Engelhardt of Massillon. Andrew attends Solon Middle School, where he plays basketball, and Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple’s religious school. He also played trumpet and now plays baritone in the Solon Middle School Band. For his mitzvah project, Andrew packed and delivered special holiday gifts during Rosh Hashanah for congregants who lost a loved one.
Zoe Lipman
Zoe Lipman will become a bat mitzvah on Saturday morning, Nov. 10 at Park Synagogue.
Zoe is the daughter of Jill and Kevin Lipman and the sister of Abby. She is the granddaughter of Marsha and Jim Spitz and Don Lipman of Chicago and Diane Lipman (of blessed memory). Zoe attends Shaker Middle School. Her interests include art, drawing, video games and animals.
Eva Rose Stern
Eva Rose Stern will become a bat mitzvah on Saturday morning, Nov. 10, at Park Synagogue. Eva is the daughter of Shari and Adam Stern of Moreland Hills. She is the granddaughter of Michelle Stern of Solon and Leonard Stern (of blessed memory) and Lissa and Jan Volk of Boston. Eva attends Hawken School and Park Synagogue’s Wolf Religious School. She enjoys dance, her summer camp in Maine, reading and hanging out with family and friends. For her mitzvah project, Eva is gathering donations for Camp Northbound, a tuition-free camp located in Maine for underprivileged children of Boston.
Samuel Joseph Uria (Shmuel Yosef)
Samuel Joseph Uria (Shmuel Yosef) will become a bar mitzvah Nov. 10 at Solon Chabad. Samuel is the son of Beverly and Richard Uria of Beachwood and the brother of Daniel and Jordan. He is the grandson of Helen and Dennis Israelstam of Beachwood and Anna and Selwyn Uria of Johannesburg, South Africa. Samuel attends Gross Schechter Day School. He enjoys basketball, soccer and volunteering. For his mitzvah project, Samuel is raising money for Friends of Israel Defense Forces and the Solon Chabad security fund.
Ackermans celebrate 75th anniversary Les and Lee Ackerman of Chagrin Falls and formerly of Rocky River will celebrate their 75th wedding anniversary on Nov. 6, 2018. They’ll celebrate with family. They are the parents of Bryan (Jenni) Ackerman and Diane Goldring (companion, Bob Lindheim); grandparents of Alisa (Rod) Copeland and Jodi (Brian) Washburn; and great-grandparents of Abbey Washburn.

Carly Bess Herman and Jordan Ross Seiferas were married Oct. 7, 2018, at the Columbus Museum of Art in Columbus. Rabbi Harold Berman and Cantor Jack Chomsky officiated.
The bride is the daughter of Richard and Jill Herman of New Albany. She is the granddaughter of Jerome Herman and Jan Biederman of Cleveland, Nancy Herman (of blessed memory) and Alvin and Caryl Solove (both of blessed memory).
Carly graduated from Indiana University with a Bachelor of Arts and Science degree in communication. She is a media strategy manager at Conde Nast in New York City.
The groom is the son of Howard and Sheryl Seiferas of Oradell, N.J. He is the grandson of Marilyn Gunty of Edgewater, N.J., Morty Gunty (of blessed memory) and Ben and Jeanette Seiferas (both of blessed memory).
Jordan graduated from Lehigh University with a Bachelor of Science degree in computer science and business and a master’s degree in accounting from Baruch College. He is a CPA and director of data analytics consulting at KPMG.
The couple met when the bride attended a Fourth of July cookout with mutual family friends (the Rosenzweigs) at the groom’s family home in Oradell, N.J. The rest is history.
The couple will honeymoon in Thailand, Laos and Hong Kong. They reside in Jersey City, N.J.