12 minute read
Isaac’s estrangement key to parasha
Rabbi Steve Segar
In my previous weekly commentary, I invoked the notion of a “counter-narrative,” a term used by Rabbi Jonathan Sacks in his acclaimed book, “Not In God’s Name,” to describe messages that can be discerned below the surface level of the Torah text, grounded in understated linguistic nuances, that may convey very different meanings and implications than those most of us have been traditionally exposed to.
The core of the counter-narrative I am arguing for is found in the famous or infamous text of Genesis Chapter 22, also known as “the Akedah” or the binding of Isaac. While this story is most often interpreted to depict Abraham successfully passing God’s testing of his loyalty through his willingness to offer Isaac up as a sacrifice, I believe there exists in the very same text, a counternarrative that subtly points to destructive familial dynamics that are set in motion by the very same act.
Last week, we reflected on the fact that when the Torah describes Sarah’s death, it seems clear that Abraham and she are no longer residing in the same locality. In other words, because of Abraham’s act of loyalty to God, his marriage to Sarah was seriously compromised.
Other textual elements that suggest destructive family fallout from the binding of Isaac are found in the prior two portions. Two weeks ago, at the end of Veyera, at the conclusion of the binding of Isaac story itself, the Torah shockingly indicates that Isaac does not descend from the mountain with his father after that event comes to what seems to be a redemptive conclusion. Isaac’s absence at this point is especially poignant given the Torah’s emphasis on how the two of them walked “yachdav/together” on the way up.
We are left to wonder, where has Isaac gone instead? We get the answer toward the end of the following portion, Chayei Sarah (from last week) when we see Isaac for the first time since his near-sacrifice on the mountain. He is on his way to meet his wife-to-be and cousin, Rebecca, who had been found and recruited to marry Isaac, from among Abraham’s family in Haran, by Abraham’s servant earlier in
Yiddish Vinkl
Shprikhvort (SHPRICH -guttural ch-vohrt)
Meaning: proverb
• “A shprikhvort iz a vorvot / a proverb tells the truth.” (bit.ly/1nBDiHo)
• “My uncle who loved to eat used to quote a shprikhvort: ‘A hun iz gut tsu esn
Genesis 25:19-28:9
Malachi 1:1-2:7 the portion. zalbenand – ikh un di hun./
But for the purposes of the counternarrative, what is most instructive is the name of the place where Isaac had been residing up until this point, which the Torah seems to go out of its way to tell us. It is none other than Be’er le chai Ro’I, a location named by Hagar, the mother of Isaac’s half-brother Ishmael, back in Chapter 16.
The implication here seems to be that Isaac, in the aftermath of the Akedah, is more identified with those in his household who were regarded as outsiders, not wholly included within the family of Abraham, than he is with his immediate family, especially his father. This line of reasoning is bolstered by other textual evidence such as Isaac not showing up at the funeral for his mother and the absence of any direct conversation between Isaac and Abraham from the time of the Akedah until Abraham’s death. You might understandably ask, how does all of this connect with this week’s portion of Toldot?
The answer I would argue is that Isaac’s estrangement from his own father, leads, in a direct line, to his strong preference, after the birth of his own children, for his son Esau, who reminds him of his half-brother, Yishmael, and who represents the opposite of his own tendencies, over his other son, Jacob, who reminds him way too much of himself.
Rabbi Steve Segar is spiritual leader of Kol HaLev, Cleveland’s Reconstructionist Community, in Pepper Pike.
A chicken dinner is best when shared by two - me and the chicken.’” (bit.ly/2Qb3LS3)
• “A shprikhvort iz zeyer gut – az men zogt es ven es past. / A proverb is very good as long as you say it when it’s appropriate.” (bit.ly/2SDOHhC)
Shaker Heights resident Harold Ticktin prepares “Yiddish Vinkl” for the Cleveland Jewish News.
AGUDATH B’NAI ISRAEL: Meister Road at Pole Ave., Lorain. Mark Jaffee, Ritual Director. SAT. 10 A.M. 440-282-3307. abitemplelorain.com
BETH EL CONGREGATION: 750 White Pond Dr., Akron. Rabbi Elyssa Austerklein, Hazzan Matthew Austerklein. FRI. Lev Tahor 7 P.M.; SAT. 9:15 A.M., Mini Minyan 9:30 P.M.; SUN. 8:30 A.M.; WED./FRI. 7:30 A.M. 330-864-2105. bethelakron.com.
B’NAI JESHURUN-Temple on the Heights: 27501 Fairmount Blvd., Pepper Pike. Rabbis Stephen Weiss and Hal Rudin-Luria; Stanley J. Schachter, Rabbi Emeritus; Cantor Aaron Shifman. FRI. Shabbat Service 6 P.M.; SAT. Shabbat Morning Service with guest speaker 9 A.M., 6 P.M.; SUN. 8 A.M., 6 P.M.; MON.THURS. 7/7:30 A.M., 6 P.M.; FRI. 7/7:30 A.M. 216-831-6555. bnaijeshurun.org. MONTEFIORE: One David N. Myers Parkway., Beachwood. Services in Montefiore Maltz Chapel. Rabbi Akiva Feinstein; Cantor Gary Paller. FRI. 3:30 P.M.; SAT. Service 10:30 A.M. 216-3609080.
PARK SYNAGOGUE-Anshe Emeth Beth Tefilo Cong.: Park MAIN 3300 Mayfield Road, Cleveland Heights; Park EAST 27500 Shaker Blvd., Pepper Pike. Rabbi Joshua Hoffer Skoff, Rabbi Sharon Y. Marcus, Milton B. Rube, Rabbi-in-Residence, Cantor Misha Pisman. FRI. 6 P.M. (Park East); SAT. 9 A.M. (Park East), 4:30 P.M. (Park Main); SUN. 8:30 A.M., 5:30 P.M. (both Park East); MON.-FRI. 7:30 A.M., 6 P.M. (both Park East). 216-371-2244; TDD# 216-371-8579. parksynagogue.org.
SHAAREY TIKVAH: 26811 Fairmount Blvd., Beachwood. Rabbi Scott B. Roland; Gary Paller, Cantor Emeritus. FRI. Kabbalat Shabbat 6 P.M.; SAT. 9 A.M.; SUN. Minyan 9 A.M. 216-765-8300. shaareytikvah.org.
BETH EL-The Heights Synagogue, an Independent Minyan: 3246 Desota Ave., Cleveland Heights. Rabbi Michael Ungar; Rabbi Moshe Adler, Rabbi Emeritus. SAT. Morning Service 9:15 A.M., Lunch and Learn following services (free, call for reservations). 216-3209667. bethelheights.org.
THE SHUL-An Innovative Center for Jewish Outreach: 30799 Pinetree Road, #401, Pepper Pike. Rabbi Eddie Sukol. THURS. Toast & Torah at Corky & Lenny’s 7:30 A.M. See website or call for Shabbat and holiday service dates, times and details. 216-509-9969. rabbieddie@theshul.us. theshul.us.
AHAVAS YISROEL: 1700 S. Taylor Road, Cleveland Heights. Rabbi Boruch Hirschfeld. 216-932-6064.
BEACHWOOD KEHILLA: 25400 Fairmount Blvd., Beachwood. Rabbi Ari Spiegler, Rabbi Emeritus David S. Zlatin. FRI. Kabbalat Shabbat 4:53 P.M.; SAT. Shacharit 9 A.M., Study Group 4 P.M., Minchah/Ma’ariv 4:40 P.M., Havdalah 5:55 P.M.; SUN. 7:30 A.M., Minchah/ Ma’ariv 4:55 P.M.; MON.-THURS. Shacharit 6:30 A.M., Minchah/Ma’ariv 7:45 P.M.; FRI. Shacharit 6:30 A.M. 216-556-0010.
GREEN ROAD SYNAGOGUE: 2437 S. Green Road, Beachwood. Rabbi Binyamin Blau; Melvin Granatstein, Rabbi Emeritus. FRI. Kabbalat Shabbat 5 P.M.; SAT. Hashkama Minyan 7:45 A.M., Shacharit 9 A.M., Minchah 4:45 P.M.,
Havdalah 5:53 P.M.; SUN. Shacharit 8
A.M., Minchah/Ma’ariv 5 P.M.; MON.-
TUES. Shacharit 6:40 A.M., Minchah/ Ma’ariv 5 P.M.; WED.-THURS. Shacharit
6:40 A.M., Minchah/Ma’ariv 4:55 P.M.; FRI. Shacharit 6:40 A.M. 216-381-4757. GreenRoadSynagogue.org.
HEIGHTS JEWISH CENTER SYNAGOGUE: 14270 Cedar Road, University Heights. Rabbi Raphael Davidovich. FRI.
7:15 P.M.; SAT Morning Parsha Class
8:30 A.M., Morning Services 9 A.M., Minchah 30 minutes before sunset; SUN. 8 A.M., 15 minutes before sunset; MON.-THURS. 6:45 A.M., 15 minutes before sunset; FRI. 6:45 A.M. 216-3821958, hjcs.org.
K’HAL YEREIM: 1771 S. Taylor Road, Cleveland Heights. Rabbi Yehuda Blum. 216-321-5855.
MENORAH PARK: 27100 Cedar Road, Beachwood. Rabbi Howard Kutner.
SAT. 9 A.M., 4:15 P.M.; DAILY Minyan & Breakfast 8 A.M., 4:15 P.M. 216-831-6500.
OHEB ZEDEK-CEDAR SINAI SYNAGOGUE: 23749 Cedar Road, Lyndhurst. Rabbi Noah Leavitt. FRI. Minchah 4:55
P.M.; SAT. 9 A.M., Minchah/Seudah Shlishit 4:40 P.M., Ma’ariv/Havdalah 5:54
P.M.; SUN. 8 A.M.; MON.-FRI. Shacharit
7 A.M., Minchah/Ma’ariv 4:55 P.M. 216-382-6566. office@oz-cedarsinai.org. oz-cedarsinai.org.
SEMACH SEDEK: 2004 S. Green Road, South Euclid. Rabbi Yossi Marozov. FRI. Kabbalat Shabbat at candlelighting; SAT. 9:30 A.M., Minchah at candlelighting. 216-235-6498.
SOLON CHABAD: 5570 Harper Road, Solon. Rabbi Zushe Greenberg. FRI. Kabbalat Shabbat 5:30 P.M.; SAT. Torah Study 9 A.M., Service 10 A.M., Minchah
1:30 P.M.; SUN. 8 A.M.; MON-FRI. 7 A.M. 440-498-9533. office@solonchabad. com. solonchabad.com.
ZEDEK: 1970 S. Taylor Road, Cleveland Heights. Contact the synagogue for service times. 216-321-4875.
WAXMAN CHABAD CENTER: 2479 S. Green Road, Beachwood. Rabbis Shalom Ber Chaikin and Moshe Gancz. Minchah 5 P.M., SAT. Shacharit 10 A.M., Minchah 4:50 P.M.; WEEKDAYS Shacharit 7/8 P.M., Minchah 4:50 P.M. 216-381-1770. waxmanchabadcenter@ gmail.com.
YOUNG ISRAEL OF GREATER CLEVELAND: Hebrew Academy (HAC), 1860 S. Taylor Road; Beachwood (Stone), 2463 Green Road. Rabbis Naphtali Burnstein and Aharon Dovid Lebovics.
FRI. Minchah 5 P.M.; SAT. Shacharit
(Stone) 8/9 A.M., (HAC) 9 A.M., Minchah
4:40 P.M., Ma’ariv 5:52 P.M.; Shacharit:
(Stone) SUN. 7:15/8/8:30 A.M., MON./ THURS. 6:40/7:50 A.M., TUES./WED./FRI.
6:45/7:50 A.M., (HAC) SUN. 7:20 A.M., MON./THURS. 6:40 A.M., TUES./WED./ FRI. 6:45 A.M. WEEKDAYS Minchah 4:55 P.M. 216-382-5740. office@yigc.org.
ZICHRON CHAIM: 2203 S. Green Road, Beachwood. Rabbi Moshe Garfunkel. DAILY 6 A.M., 6:45 A.M. 216-291-5000.
KOL HALEV (Cleveland’s Reconstructionist Community): The Ratner School. 27575 Shaker Blvd., Pepper Pike. Rabbi Steve Segar. SAT. Shabbat Morning Service 10:30 A.M. 216-320-1498. kolhalev.net.
AM SHALOM of Lake County: 7599 Center St., Mentor. Spiritual Director Renee Blau; Assistant Spiritual Director Elise Aitken. 440-255-1544.
Candlelighting time 4:54
Sabbath ends 5:54
Upcoming Candlelighting Nov 16 4:47 Nov 23 4:43
30 4:39 Dec 7 4:38
ANSHE CHESED Fairmount Temple: 23737 Fairmount Blvd., Beachwood. Rabbis Robert Nosanchuk and Joshua Caruso; Cantor Sarah Sager; Jordana Chernow-Reader, Rabbi-Educator. FRI. Kabbalat Shabbat with musical guests 6:15 P.M.; SAT. Torah Study 9:15 A.M., Shabbat Minyan 10:30 A.M., Shabbat Morning Service 11 A.M. 216-464-1330. fairmounttemple.org.
BETH ISRAEL-The West Temple: 14308 Triskett Road, Cleveland. Rabbi Enid Lader. Alan Lettofsky, Rabbi Emeritus. FRI. Service 7:30 P.M.; SAT. Torah Study 9:30 A.M., Service 11 A.M. 216-941-8882. thewesttemple.com.
BETH SHALOM: 50 Division St., Hudson. Rabbi Jim Egolf. FRI. Shabbat Service 7:45 P.M. 330-656-1800. tbshudson.org
B’NAI ABRAHAM-The Elyria Temple: 530 Gulf Road, Elyria. Rabbi Lauren Werber. FRI. Shabbat Service with birthday and anniversary blessings 7 P.M. 440-366-1171. tbaelyria.org
SUBURBAN TEMPLE-KOL AMI: 22401 Chagrin Blvd., Beachwood. Rabbi Allison Bergman Vann; Michael Oppenheimer, D.D., Rabbi Emeritus. FRI. Kabbalat Shabbat Service with Kolot Kol Ami 6 P.M.; SAT. Torah Study 9:15 A.M. 216-991-0700. suburbantemple.org.
TEMPLE EMANU EL: 4545 Brainard Road, Orange. Rabbi Steven L. Denker; Daniel A. Roberts, Rabbi Emeritus; Cantor Richard Lawrence. FRI. Tot Shabbat 5:30 P.M., Shabbat Service 6:15 P.M.; SAT. Parshat HaShavuah 9
A.M., Service 10:30 A.M. 216-454-1300. teecleve.org.
TEMPLE ISRAEL: 91 Springside Drive, Akron. Rabbi Josh Brown. Cantor Kathy Fromson. FRI. Service 6:15 P.M.; SAT. Torah Study 9 A.M., Morning Service 10 A.M. 330-665-2000 templeisraelakron.org.
TEMPLE ISRAEL NER TAMID: 1732 Lander Road, Mayfield Heights. Rabbi Matthew J. Eisenberg, D.D.; Frederick A. Eisenberg, D.D., Founding Rabbi Emeritus; Cantorial Soloist Rachel Eisenberg. FRI. 7:30 P.M. 440-473-5120. tintcleveland.org.
THE TEMPLE-Tifereth Israel: 26000 Shaker Blvd., Beachwood. Senior Rabbi Jonathan Cohen; Rabbi Roger C. Klein; Associate Rabbi Stacy Schlein; Cantor Kathryn Wolfe Sebo. FRI. Tot Shabbat 10 A.M., Shira Chadasha Musical Kabbalat Shabbat 6 P.M.; SAT. Torah Study 9:15 A.M.; FRI. Tot Shabbat 10 A.M. 216-8313233. ttti.org.
JEWISH SECULAR COMMUNITY: First Unitarian Church, 21600 Shaker Blvd., Shaker Heights. jewishsecularcommunity.org.
THE CHARLOTTE GOLDBERG COMMUNITY MIKVAH: Park Synagogue, 3300 Mayfield Road, Cleveland Heights. By appointment only: 216-371-2244, ext. 135.
THE STANLEY AND ESTHER WAXMAN COMMUNITY MIKVEH: Waxman Chabad House, 2479 South Green Road, Beachwood. 216-381-3170.
This is a paid listing with information provided by congregations.
FREED, BETTY Betty Freed (nee Palevsky), Oct. 31, 2018, age 94.
Beloved wife of the late Howard A. Freed.
Loving mother of Amy Freed Humbert, Alan (Merle) Freed and the late Paula (Steven) Pike. Adored grandmother of Greta Rothman, Andrew (Kristan) Rothman, Alex (Rebecca) Humbert, Jacob (Stephanie) Humbert, Shelby (Brian) Wilhelm, Sidney (Lindsey) Wolf and Brooke (Estevan) Ruiz and great-grandmother of seven. Dear sister of the late Elmer (Eudese) Paull and the late Shirley Palevsky.
A talented singer who performed for 35 years with the Cleveland Orchestra Chorus and a lauded cook, named “Mrs. Cleveland” in 1960.
Betty’s greatest gift was her irrepressible desire to make friends with the world. No baby could escape her embrace, and each new acquaintance was a potential dinner guest.
“I love family” became her motto, and all the world was her family.
Services were held Nov. 4 at Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple in Beachwood. Interment was at Mayfield Cemetery.
Friends who wish may contribute to the Paula F. Pike Fund for Affirmation and Inclusion, c/o Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple or the Cleveland Orchestra.
Sheldon J. Greenberg, beloved husband of Marilyn Smylie Greenberg (nee Levine) and the late Doris Greenberg (nee Hyman). Loving stepfather of Scott (Susana) Smylie, Stuart Smylie and Lorrie Smylie. Devoted grandfather of Maximus and Samuel. Dear brother of Alan (Caroline) Greenberg.

Services were held Nov. 6 at Berkowitz-Kumin-Bookatz Memorial Chapel in Cleveland Heights. Interment was at Bet Olam Cemetery.
Friends who wish may contribute to the Maltz Hospice House, c/o The Montefiore Foundation or Park Synagogue.
Roberta Ann “Bobbi” Koses (nee Simon) was born Jan. 15, 1940, and passed away Nov. 1, 2018.
Beloved wife of Bruce Koses (deceased); devoted mother of Jeffrey (Becky) Koses of Virginia, David (Alfredo Roldan-Flores) Koses of Massachusetts and Betsey (Reuven) Saffar; loving grandmother of Benjamin and Elizabeth Koses, Cecelia Roldan-Koses and Aveille, Gahl, Daniel and Orly Saffar; dear sister of Michele (Dr. Roger) Spott of Florida; cherished aunt of Steven Spott; and dearly loved cousin of Sharon Woodard, Marcia Swords and Natalie Zimmerman.
Born in St. Louis, from her first day in school, she always knew she wanted to be a teacher. At first, she taught typing (teaching students to type to the rhythm of many hit records of the day) and later social studies. While working full time, she went back to school earning her master’s degree and becoming a guidance counselor.
Following the too early death of her husband, Bruce, she did a wonderful job raising three children as a single parent.
In retirement, she spent time traveling the world and building a world class collection of teapots. Friends and family knew a gift certain to gladden her heart.
She always loved needlework. The family still wears the sweaters she knitted, use the tablecloths and napkins she embroidered, and look forward to sharing the sets she made for her grandchildren.
Her last years were difficult, with many health challenges. At last she is free from pain and is at peace. Her memory is a great blessing.
Services were held Nov. 4 at Berkowitz-Kumin-Bookatz Memorial Chapel in Cleveland Heights. Interment was at Mount Olive Cemetery.
Contributions are suggested to the Leukemia Lymphoma Society (lls.org) or the American Heart Association (heart. org).
Sheldon Jay Socoloff, born and raised in Cleveland to Rhea and Jack Socoloff on Nov. 2, 1938.
He was an electrician by trade and served as the chief building official of Mayfield Heights for more than 25 years.
Upon retirement, he offered his expertise to other communities as a building official.
Professionally, Sheldon was known for his integrity, professionalism and comprehensive knowledge of all things code related. No man loved his family more – he cherished “his girls,” and most recently, his great grandson – the first boy born to the Socoloff family in 78 years.
Sheldon is survived by his best friend and beloved wife, Nancy (nee Boxerbaum). Loving father of Beth Navratil, Mindy Cannella and Caryn and Leigh Weinberg. Devoted brother of Marvin and Stanley Socoloff (both deceased). Cherished grandfather of Jaime (Jason), Alyssa, Alexandra, Genna, Madison and Samantha. Great-grandfather of Sawyer. Uncle to Curt (Darlene), Sherri and Kim.
Services were held Nov. 8 at Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple in Beachwood. Interment was at Chesterland Memorial Park.
Family will receive friends following the service from noon to 4 p.m. Nov. 9, from 5 to 8 p.m. Nov. 10 and from 1 to 5 p.m. Nov. 11 at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Weinberg, 75 Meadowhill Lane in Moreland Hills.
Contributions are suggested to Hospice of the Western Reserve, 17876 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44110, or Fieldstone Therapeutic Riding Center, 16497 Snyder Road, Chagrin Falls, OH 44022.
Marsha E. Susman passed away peacefully with her loving family by her side.
Marsha is the beloved wife of Murray. They were married for 52 wonderful years. She is the devoted mother of Jennifer (Jeremy) Schusterman, Kevin Susman and Michelle (Nick) Tagg; adoring grandmother of Noah and Emma Schusterman and Sydney and Evan Tagg; and dearest sister of Michael Ragovin, Philip (Sandy) Ragovin and David (Cindy) Ragovin.
Services were held Nov. 4 at Mount Olive Cemetery, in Solon (JWV section). Contributions are suggested to a charity of choice.
Unveilings GREENE, MARIA P.
In our loving and enduring memory of Maria P. Greene, her family will dedicate a monument at 1 p.m. Nov. 23 at Mount Olive Cemetery. Rabbi Robert A. Nosanchuk will officiate. Maria was the loving wife of Howard (deceased); devoted and loving mother of Bill (Lisa) Schonberg, Lynn (Keith Weiner) Schonberg, David Schonberg and Jeff (Beth) Schonberg; stepmother of Patricia (Richard) Martin and Jo-Ann Greene; and loving grandmother of Adam and Julia Schonberg, Joel Weiner and Ross and Corey Schonberg.
In loving memory of Gerry Kahn (nee Goldman), a monument will be dedicated at 12:30 p.m. Nov. 11 at Bet Olam Cemetery in the Park Synagogue section. Rabbi Joshua Skoff will officiate. Gerry was the loving wife of Marvin (deceased); devoted mother of Sherry (Mark) Tilson, Jeff (Linda) and Richard (Michelle) Kahn; the best Grammy to Cory (Laureen) Tilson, Brad, Jason, Mitchell Kahn, Matthew Kahn and Steven, Cory and Brittany Prijatel; great-grandmother to twins, Ariella and Grayson Tilson, who were born a month after she passed; sister of Saul Goldman (deceased); and daughter of Rose and Philip Goldman (deceased).

In loving memory of Judy Rosenberg, a monument will be dedicated at 11 a.m. Nov. 25 at Mount Olive Cemetery. Judy is survived by her husband, Marshall Rosenberg, and their family: Helayne, Rich and Galya Loeb; Frank, Beth, Alix and Molly Rosenberg; Sara and David Siegal; Joel, Michelle, Shira, Ella and Asher Rosenberg; Paula and Sivan Levy; Hadas, Ariela and Tali Look; and Philip, Toby, Mara, Ben, Aliza, Matan, Moshe and Judah Rosenberg.