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Agencies & Organizations
3400 Lee Road Shaker Heights, OH 44120 P: 216-491-1400 W: shakeronline.com Shaker Heights is an exceptional place. Here, you will discover a quality of life that is second to none, with historic architecture, magnifi cent tree lined streets and par s, and well supported schools. Our active, engaged residents and their strong sense of community make our city a truly special place to call home.
55 Public Square, Suite 920 Cleveland, OH 44113 P: 216-446-5111 E: info@downtownchabad.com W: downtownchabad.com Rabbi Yossi Freedman, Co-Director Chaya Freedman, Co-Director Enhancing the Jewish presence in downtown, promoting Jewish pride, celebration and education to all Jewish professionals, employees and residents in the area regardless of background or affi liation. Wor ing oday for a ewish omorrow.
2004 S. Green Road Cleveland, OH 44121 P: 216-382-7202 E: info@kosherfb.org W: kosherfb.org Devorah Alevsky, Director amara Wit es, antry irector Founded over 40 years ago, Cleveland Kosher Food Pantry (KFP) nourishes souls as well as bodies. Donations and volunteers enable KFP to pack food for over 5,000 people experiencing food insecurity every month, distributed via door-to-door deliveries to seniors in their apartment buildings and drive thru pic ups for families and individuals. raditional Jewish foods and items are distributed for holidays. A great opportunity for synagogue or b’nai mitzvah projects. Volunteers can sign up to help pac and deliver by calling the offi ce or going to kosherfb.org/volunteer.
11303 Euclid Ave. Cleveland, OH 44106 P: 216-231-0040 F: 216-231-0256 E: info@clevelandhillel.org W: clevelandhillel.org FB: facebook.com/ClevelandHillel IG: instagram.com/clevelandhillel M. Jared Isaacson, Executive Director Jill Ross, Cleveland Metro Director Hillel serves undergraduate and graduate students on campuses throughout the hio area, fulfi lling our vision that every Jewish young adult aspires to a lifelong exploration of their Jewish identity and commitment to living a fulfi lling ewish life. ur primary schools include ase Western Reserve University, Oberlin College, Cleveland State University, John Carroll University, and Baldwin Wallace University. Beyond the academic year we also sponsor the Summer Internship Program, offering paid 10-week internships for rising junior and senior Jewish undergraduate students living in Cleveland.
23500 Mercantile Road Suite D Beachwood, OH 44122 P: 216-342-4167 E: leigh@empoweringepilepsy.org W: empoweringepilepsy.org FB: facebook.com/empoweringepilepsy Leigh Goldie, Executive Director Empowering Epilepsy enables people with epilepsy to take charge of their lives by connecting them to experts and peers for education, care, support, and fun, family friendly events at every age and stage. Our goal is to show people what they can do while living with seizures.
23300 Chagrin Blvd., Suite 204 Beachwood, OH 44122 P: 216-378-9042 F: 216-378-9007 E: team@interestfree.org W: interestfree.org FB: facebook.com/HFLANEO T: @HFLAofNEO in edIn lin edin.com company hflaofneo Carrie Miller, Acting Executive Director Leslie Wright, Program Director HFLA of Northeast Ohio provides interest-free loans to promote the economic self sufficiency and growth of Northeast Ohioans who are unable to access safe and fair lending resources.
Cleveland Chesed Center 1898 S. Taylor Road (rear entrance) Cleveland Heights, OH 44118 P: 216-932-3115 W: clevelandchesedcenter.org FB: facebook.com/clevelandchesedcenter Rabbi Avrohom Adler, Executive Director he leveland hesed enter provides dignified access to food, household necessities and clothing, as well as complementary programming and referral services to help ewish levelanders facing financial insecurity gain stability. For more information on our services, please visit our website or contact our office.
Headquarters 29125 Chagrin Blvd. Pepper Pike, OH 44122 P: 216-292-3999 F: 216-292-6313 E: info@jfsa-cleveland.org W: jfsa-cleveland.org FB: facebook.com/jfsacleveland usan ichsel, h. ., resident and hief ecutive fficer Renny Wolfson, Chair, Board of Directors JFSA helps individuals and families with solutions to face life s challenges with confidence. ervices for older adults, Holocaust Survivors, adults with developmental disabilities or mental illness, individuals and families.
Hebrew Shelter Home 29125 Chagrin Blvd. Pepper Pike, OH 44122 P: 216-292-3999 F: 216-292-6313 W: jfsa-cleveland.org FB: facebook.com/jfsacleveland Rabbi Avrohom Adler, Executive Director A temporary haven with kosher food for Jewish individuals and families of all levels of observance. Referral by social workers and rabbis, intake process required.
Access Jewish Cleveland Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Building 25701 Science Park Drive Cleveland, OH 44122 P: 216-292-INFO (4636) F: 216-593-2901 E: emiller@jcfcleve.org W: accessjewishcleveland.org Ellen Miller, Director, Community Services An easy-to-navigate website backed by personalized phone assistance, ccess ewish leveland is a free, confidential service that provides information and resources about “everything Jewish” in Cleveland, including agencies, organizations, synagogues and businesses.
ffices Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Building 25701 Science Park Drive Cleveland, OH 44122 P: 216-593-2900 F: 216-593-2901 E: info@jcfcleve.org W: jewishcleveland.org Erika B. Rudin-Luria, President Oren Baratz, Senior Vice President, External Affairs Tami Caplan, Senior Vice President & Chief Human Resources fficer Mozelle Jackson, Senior Vice President & Chief Financial fficer Abbie Levin, Senior Vice President, Operations Rachel Lappen, Senior Vice President & Chief Development fficer Rob eric , ice resident hief ar eting fficer an trom, ice resident hief Information fficer The Jewish Federation of Cleveland is the only organization in Cleveland that focuses on the health and vitality of the entire Jewish community. For more than 115 years, the Federation has created the critical scale necessary to drive meaningful social change and provide relief in times of crisis in ways no one person or organization could do alone. As Jewish Cleveland’s hub for innovative solutions and collaborative services, the Federation is able to change and improve lives in Cleveland, Israel and around the world.
26001 S. Woodland Road Beachwood, OH 44122 P: 216-831-0700 x 0 E: info@mandeljcc.org W: mandeljcc.org Rabbi Carnie Rose, President and CEO raci . elder, hief evelopment fficer andel is a nonprofit that builds, connects and strengthens the Jewish and Greater Cleveland communities through exceptional lifelong programs and services that reflect the richness of ewish life and enhance physical, intellectual and spiritual well-being. The J is open to all and offers services including a robust fitness center arly hildhood ducation amily and dult classes ummer day camps and amp Wise overnight amp ewish ultural programming and more.
1500 W. 3rd St., Suite 125 Cleveland, OH 44113 P: 216-241-5587 E: info@collegenowgc.org W: collegenowgc.org FB: facebook.com/collegenow T: @CollegeNowGC Lee Friedman, CEO College Now’s mission is to increase postsecondary educational attainment in Northeast Ohio through college and career access advising, financial aid counseling, and scholarship and retention services. Each year, College Now serves more than 31,000 traditional students and adult learners, and it awards more than $6.5 million in need-based, renewable scholarships.
23300 Chagrin Blvd., Suite 204 Beachwood, OH 44122 P: 216-378-9042 F: 216-378-9007 E: team@interestfree.org W: interestfree.org FB: facebook.com/HFLANEO T: @HFLAofNEO in edIn lin edin.com company hflaofneo Carrie Miller, Acting Executive Director Leslie Wright, Program Director HFLA of Northeast Ohio provides interest-free loans to promote the economic self sufficiency and growth of Northeast Ohioans who are unable to access safe and fair lending resources.
College Financial Aid Program 29125 Chagrin Blvd. Pepper Pike, OH 44122 P: 216-378-3429 E: jrosenblitt@jfsa-cleveland.org W: jfsa-cleveland.org FB: facebook.com/jfsacleveland Jessica Rosenblitt, Manager, College Financial Aid Program ollege financial aid offering need based, interest free loans/grants and family-named scholarships for Clevelandarea Jewish students attending undergraduate or graduate programs. Funds are distributed in August. Students may reapply each year they are in college.
Forward Focus Program 29125 Chagrin Blvd. Pepper Pike, OH 44122 P: 216-378-3419 E: jnagel@jfsa-cleveland.org W: jfsa-cleveland.org FB: facebook.com/jfsacleveland Janisse Nagel, Program Director his program provides financial literacy tocommunity members who are in financialdistress. plan is developed with heads ofhouseholds to achieve financial self sufficiency.
Homelessness Prevention Program 29125 Chagrin Blvd. Pepper Pike, OH 44122 P: 216-378-3419 E: jnagel@jfsa-cleveland.org W: jfsa-cleveland.org FB: facebook.com/jfsacleveland Janisse Nagel, Program Director Financial aid is available to community membersat risk of eviction and utility shut-off.One-on-one meetings are conducted to plan forhomelessness diversion and to assess for potentiallimited and short term financial assistance.
ADVANCE FUTURES, TRANSFORM THE REGION P: 216-987-4868 E: Megan.Obryan@tri-c.edu W: tri-c.edu/give Ms. Megan O’Bryan, President Tri-C is a beacon of hope for Cleveland. The Tri-C Foundation helps Cuyahoga Community College provide students with the skills they need to succeed, focusing upon the region’s most in-demand jobs in IT, health care and manufacturing. The Foundation’s mission is to provide resources for advancing student success at Tri-C and to transform the lives of those Tri-C serves. Its vision is to ensure Tri-C has the resources needed to help every student learn, thrive and succeed and to create a prosperous community for all. The annual Presidential Scholarship Luncheon raises critically needed funds for student scholarships. Speakers have included Oprah Winfrey, President George W. Bush, President Bill Clinton, Magic Johnson, Dr. Robert M. Gates and Patricia Heaton.
10501 Euclid Ave. 2nd Floor Cleveland, OH 44106 P: 216-421-5500 W: mtsinaifoundation.org Mitchell Balk, President ealth grant ma ing organization affi liated with the Cleveland Jewish community. Perpetuates the mission of Mt. Sinai, Cleveland’s Jewish hospital for more than 90 years. To support the Health of the Jewish Community, the Health of the Urban Community, Medical Education and Research, or the Foundation’s Health Policy work, please contact the Foundation at 216-421-5500.
2121 S. Green Road, #210 South Euclid, OH 44121 P: 216-691-9997 E: negev@negev.org W: negev.org Sam Hoenig, President Julia DiBaggio-Friedman, Director, OIACI Richard J. Bogomolny, Founding Board Chair he egev oundation is a nonprofi t organization fully committed to nurturing the Negev region of Israel. The foundation recognizes the Negev’s unique strategic importance to the State of Israel for security, sustainability and success. As well as making the desert bloom by developing the knowledge, infrastructure, resources and relationships for sustaining meaningful life. The Ohio Israel Agricultural and CleanTech Initiative (OIACI) was established under The Negev Foundation to promote and enhance trade opportunities and facilitate technology transfer and cooperation between Ohio and Israel in the agriculture, food and CleanTech industries.

ADL Cleveland PO Box 22185 Beachwood, OH 44122 P: 216-579-9600 E: jpasch@adl.org W: adl.org W: cleveland.adl.org James Pasch, Regional Director The Anti-Defamation League is the world’s leading organization fi ghting antisemitism and hate. brings unparalleled experience and resources to protect, defend and educate our communities locally. In addition, ADL researches and monitors hate groups.
Holocaust Survivor Support Program 29125 Chagrin Blvd. Pepper Pike, OH 44122 P: 216-378-3440 F: 216-916-9154 E: jlowy@jfsa-cleveland.org W: jfsa-cleveland.org FB: facebook.com/jfsacleveland Jaime Lowy, Associate Executive Director Comprehensive support for Holocaust Survivors includes help with reparations claims, care coordination, counseling, fi nancial assistance for income eligible individuals, subsidies for Lifeline, home care, case management, dental care or other needs, personal care, light housekeeping, home cleaning, transportation, and Friendly Visitors, specially trained community volunteers who provide social companionship to survivors.
3681 S. Green Road, #306 Beachwood, OH 44122 P: 216-831-3754 E: info@kifcle.org W: kifcle.org Hallie Duchon, Executive Director Lindsay Friedman, Education Director Founded in 1959, Kol Israel Foundation has evolved from a social and support outlet for survivor families to Cleveland’s leader in Holocaust education/programming. The Face to Face® program provides compelling Holocaust education to schools and organizations. The annual fall memorial held at Zion Memorial Park commemorates those who perished in the Shoah. For more information, please visit kifcle.org. Resilience • Remembrance • Holocaust Education.
For emergency medical care, MALTZ MUSEUM 2929 Richmond Roadwho do Israelis depend on? Beachwood, OH 44122 P: 216-593-0575 E: info@mmjh.org W: maltzmuseum.orgThey depend on you.W: maltzmuseum.org/STH The Maltz Museum welcomes visitors to explore Jewish history and heritage. Our most popular group tours are Magen David Adom (MDA) is Israel’s o cial ambulance, blood-services, and disaster-relief agency, Lessons of the Holocaust and our Stop the Hate tour. serving the nation’s 9 million people. But like every other Red Cross agency around the world, Additional tours focus on Judaism or immigration. The Maltz MDA doesn’t receive regular government support. That’s why it relies on people like you. Museum also sponsors the annual Stop the Hate essay contest, awarding scholarships to students committed to Since the 1930s, generous Americans like you have provided the vehicles, training, and equipment that’s kept Israelis healthy and strong. creating a more inclusive society. here are many ways to support Israel, but none that has a greater e ect on its people and its future than a gift to Magen David Adom. LOCAL JEWISH AGENCIES our support isn’t just changing lives — it’s literally saving them. Make an end-of-year donation to Magen David Adom at afmda.org/chanukah nd our best wishes for a joyous Chanukah and New Year.
Regional ffi ce 3175 Commercial Ave., Suite 101 Northbrook, IL 60062 P: 216-233-1595 E: dcohen@afmda.org W: afmda.org Darcee Cohen, Development Executive Magen David Adom is Israel’s ambulance, blood-services and disaster-relief organization, serving as emergency medical fi rst responders for the state s million people. is the only organization mandated by the Israeli government to serve in this role, but it’s not a government agency, so it relies on people like you for funding. Through your gift, you’re saving lives.
Jewish Big Brothers Big Sisters Association 22001 Fairmount Blvd. One Pollock Circle Shaker Heights, OH 44118 P: 216-320-8483 F: 216-932-8520 E: sadowskyj@bellefairejcb.org W: jbbbsa.org FB: facebook.com/jbbbsa Jill Sadowsky, MSW, LISW-S, Director of the Jewish Big Brothers Big Sisters Association and Director of Volunteer Services ission is to aid in the development of confi dent, responsible and caring individuals through high-quality, professionally supported one-on-one mentoring to Jewish children ages 6-18. Safe, caring relationships nurtured and supervised by social workers. Bigs and Littles needed.
26561 Annesley Road Beachwood, OH 44122 P: 216-223-8736 P: 216-408-7306 E: RabbiRosie@celebratingjewishlife.com W: celebratingjewishlife.com Rosette Haim, Rabbi Chuck Fink, Music Celebrating Jewish Life is a subscription series of six festive Jewish holiday experiences engaging adults in ways that recapture the Jewish spirit and reconnect them to the Jewish community. CJL combines the social and sacred aspects of each holiday in different venues around the area. For subscription information, please go to the Celebrating Jewish Life website.
613 E. Summit St. Kent, OH 44240 P: 330-678-0397 E: hillel@kenthillel.org W: kenthillel.org IG: @hillelatksu FB: @hillelatksu T: @hillelatksu Adam Hirsh, Executive Director The home away from home for the 1,500 Jewish students at Kent State University and The University of Akron. Hillel student leaders, professionals and lay leaders are dedicated to creating a pluralistic, welcoming and inclusive environment for Jewish college students, where they are encouraged to grow intellectually, spiritually and socially
OH & KY Region 3601 Green Road, Suite 309 Beachwood, OH 44122 P: 216-454-0180 P: 800-752-5667 E: cleveland@israelbonds.com W: israelbonds.com Thomas Lockshin, Executive Director Steven Greenberg, General Chair Diane Frankel, Women’s Division Chair Development Corporation for Israel/Israel Bonds ranks among Israel’s most valued economic and strategic resources, with a record of proven success spanning more than 70 years. Praised for its dependability, the Bonds enterprise has helped build every sector of Israel’s economy. Perpetuating Israel’s legacy of success through investment in Israel bonds is global in scope, with worldwide sales e ceeding billion since the fi rst bonds were issued in 1951. Member FINRA
Headquarters 29125 Chagrin Blvd. Pepper Pike, OH 44122 P: 216-292-3999 F: 216-292-6313 E: info@jfsa-cleveland.org W: jfsa-cleveland.org FB: facebook.com/jfsacleveland usan ichsel, h. ., resident and hief ecutive ffi cer Renny Wolfson, Chair, Board of Directors JFSA helps individuals and families with solutions to face life s challenges with confi dence. ervices for older adults, Holocaust Survivors, adults with developmental disabilities or mental illness, individuals and families.
27100 Cedar Road Beachwood, OH 44122 P: 216-595-7324 F: 216-450-5559 E: foundation@menorahpark.org W: MenorahPark.org FB: facebook.com/MenorahPark Because we have the help of generous donors, our residents have busy, active, fulfi lling lives and our clients receive the fi nest care available. o government subsidy or insurance payment provides for this. Our community deserves the fi nest health care organization and care, so we need partners li e you to provide additional fi nancial support.
ayfi eld Road, Lyndhurst, OH 44124 P: 216-321-2002 W: naamatcle.org E: mcurtis@naamat.org Marci Curtis, Executive Director Melanie Kutnick, Board President edicated to serving women and children in Israel, is the largest provider of child care services in Israel – 17,000 preschool children every day in centers. o child is turned away. rom day care to career training, supports the vulnerable and removes obstacles to health and happiness.

26055 Emery Road, Unit L Warrensville Heights, OH 44128 P: 216-378-2204 W: ncjwcleveland.org aura untz and ana rau, o residents Mindi Axner, Executive Director W is a volunteer organization with a year history in Cleveland with the mission to improve the quality of life for women, children and families. Join today – your membership support strengthens our collective voice and impact. Call Becky Brouman, Director of Volunteers (ext. . or ive pecial.com in uiries, email Wendy pitz at Wendy livespecial.com. ive pecial.com is an W project that provides support and resources to the special needs community online and in an annual magazine.
24100 Chagrin Blvd., Suite 300 Cleveland, OH 44122 P: 216-464-3022 F: 216-464-8975 E: ohio@ortamerica.org W: ortamerica.org/regions/ohio-region FB: facebook.com/ortcleveland odd urney, resident R has been transforming lives through training and education since 1880. From focusing on teaching 19th century Russian Jews essential trades and professions, we have evolved to provide 21st century skills that empower individuals and strengthen communities and Jewish life worldwide. he R networ reaches more than , people a year in schools, universities and vocational training programs in more than 30 countries. We bridge the gap between ability and opportunity by providing leading science and technology education.
More choices. Complete care. Live empowered.
From independent apartments to assisted living, from skilled nursing to rehabilitation, memory care and more, no one o ers better, more complete aging services than Menorah Park. We are the only nonprofit senior living community with a mission that puts the Jewish Community first in Ohio.
We improve lives, with a focus on each individual’s needs, preferences, values and motivations. Our healthcare organization continually evolves to meet the needs of all in our community. With more choices in healthcare services and residential options, we help every individual fulfill their goals and continue their personal story of successful aging.
From the spacious living areas, including a full kitchen and individual washer and dryer in each apartment and assisted living location, to lovely, warm indoor and outdoor gathering spaces, residents live and grow with people who share their values and life experiences.
Our comprehensive care supports virtually every lifestyle. Residents choose from a variety of amenities and services, including chef-prepared daily kosher meals using fresh ingredients. We o er enhanced transportation services to doctor’s appointments, laundry and housekeeping, plus a full array of life-enriching programs and outings. If and when you need support, 24/7 nursing care is available on-site. We have an exceptional team of specialists including doctors, nurses, rehabilitation therapists, social workers and nursing assistants, who will help you get back to living your life after surgery, injury or illness. Experience a personalized care plan to enhance your journey – all in a healing environment.
Whether it is on our Beachwood campus or at our location in Chagrin Valley, our expert teams are invested in a strengthbased approach to help people living in the community-at-large and within our neighborhoods experience the highest possible quality of life.
Our complete list of residential options include: Memory Care at Helen’s Place, The Willensky Residence and the David and Freda Robinson Residence, Menorah Park and Montefiore Skilled Nursing Residences, Stone Gardens Assisted Living, The Weils Assisted Living, Wiggins Place Assisted Living and The R.H. Myers Apartments.
Our services include: Home Health and At Home Services, Vinney Hospice Care and Palliative including the Maltz Hospice House, Adult Day Care, Post-Hospital Rehabilitation, Aquatic Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy and land-based Physical Therapy.
Organizations including Newsweek, the Mather Lifeways Institute on Aging, the American Society on Aging, the International Council on Active Aging and the American Health Care Association have recognized Menorah Park for our high standard of excellence. We are honored to continue to help our community live empowered, better, more complete lives through best practices in comprehensive care.
We appreciate our community members who recognize that providing donor support through annual and legacy gifts advances our ability to serve the needs of our community with a commitment to excellence, compassion and innovation for current and future generations.

Age isn’t chronological. It’s Personal.
Age isn’t chronological. It’s Personal. A t Menorah Park, we think the age on your driver’s license is only a small part of who you are. It doesn’t tell the whole story. We believe you’re never too old to be young. That’s why we’re here: to help keep you dreaming, learning, living. To help you keep being you. Age isn’t chronological. It’s Personal. t Menorah Park, we think the age on your driver’s license is only a small part of who you are. It doesn’t tell the whole story. We believe you’re never too old to be young. That’s why we’re here: to help keep you dreaming, learning, living. To help you keep being you. Age isn’t chronological. It’s Personal. AA t Menorah Park, we think the age on your driver’s license is only a small part of who you are. It doesn’t tell the whole story. We believe you’re never too old to be young. That’s why we’re here: to help keep you dreaming, learning, living. To help you keep being you. A t Menorah Park, we think the age on your driver’s license is only a small part of who you are. It doesn’t tell the whole story. We believe you’re never too old to be young. That’s why we’re here: to help keep you dreaming, learning, living. To help you keep being you. Menorah Park is dedicated to offering a wide variety Menorah Park is dedicated to offering a wide variety of programs and support to meet each individual's needs … from therapy and brain health, to residential care and more. Menorah Park is dedicated to offering a wide variety of programs and support to meet each individual's needs … from therapy and brain health, to residential care and more. Menorah Park is dedicated to offering a wide variety of programs and support to meet each individual's needs … from therapy and brain health, to residential care and more. of programs and support to meet each individual's needs … from therapy and brain health, to residential care and more. MenorahPark.org 216-831-6500 MenorahPark.org 216-831-6500 MenorahPark.org 216-831-6500 MenorahPark.org 216-831-6500 Locations in Chagrin Valley and Beachwood ®
27100 Cedar Rd., Beachwood, Ohio 44122 27100 Cedar Rd., Beachwood, Ohio 44122 Join our community today. Explore our many 27100 Cedar Rd., Beachwood, Ohio 44122 27100 Cedar Rd., Beachwood, Ohio 44122 residential options for a place that’s perfectly you!