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Religious Life & Congregations
23737 Fairmount Blvd. Beachwood, OH 44122 P: 216-464-1330 F: 216-464-3628 E: mail@fairmounttemple.org W: fairmounttemple.org FB: facebook.com/FairmountTemple Senior Rabbi Robert Nosanchuk Rabbi Joshua Caruso Cantor Vladimir Lapin Rabbi Elle Muhlbaum Cantor Laureate Sarah Sager Michele Krantz, President Julianna Johnston Senturia, Executive Director At Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple, we provide a gateway for deeper personal enrichment by helping individuals embrace their Jewish faith through lifelong learning, acts of loving kindness, and uniting on the front line of social justice. An open and embracing community, we nurture love, justice, hope, joy, connection and growth. We welcome you here.
750 White Pond Drive Akron, OH 44320 P: 330-846-2105 W: bethelakron.com FB: facebook.com/akronbethel Erin Katz Ford, Executive Director Beth El Congregation is a Conservative synagogue that meets the spiritual and social needs of our congregants by providing a welcoming, vibrant and engaging community for Jewish life and religious practice in an egalitarian, progressive and caring environment.
3246 Desota Ave. Cleveland Heights, OH 44118 P: 216-320-9667 E: info@bethelheights.org W: bethelheights.org FB: tinyurl.com/2uxkmm9h Rabbi Michael Ungar Joel Genuth, President; Ari Klein, Vice President Traditional, egalitarian and participatory, BE–THS is an independent minyan in Cleveland Heights. We offer many opportunities to lead and learn, healthy weekly kiddushes, and a willingness both to study together and to have fun. Membership: 80 units. Shabbat mornings: 9:15 a.m., attendance about 40.
27501 Fairmount Blvd. Pepper Pike, OH 44124 P: 216-831-6555 E: info@bnaijeshurun.org W: bnaijeshurun.org FB: facebook.com/bnaijeshuruncongregation Rabbi Hal Rudin-Luria, Senior Rabbi Rabbi Josh Foster, Education Engagement Rabbi Cantor Alyssa Rosenbaum, Cantor Jay Ross, Executive Director Shani Kadis, Membership & Programming Director A warm, embracing, dynamic congregational family that welcomes egalitarian Judaism and a commitment to Jewish learning, prayer, celebration and spirituality. We offer religious, educational and social experiences for all ages, and seek to make a difference in our world by engaging in Israel advocacy, social action and social justice. We offer two daily minyans: 7:15 a.m. and 6 p.m. Both are available in person and on Zoom. All are welcome.

26561 Annesley Road Beachwood, OH 44122 P: 216-223-8736 P: 216-408-7306 E: RabbiRosie@celebratingjewishlife.com W: celebratingjewishlife.com Rosette Haim, Rabbi Chuck Fink, Music Celebrating Jewish Life is a subscription series of six festive Jewish holiday experiences engaging adults in ways that recapture the Jewish spirit and reconnect them to the Jewish community. CJL combines the social and sacred aspects of each holiday in different venues around the area. For subscription information, please go to the Celebrating Jewish Life website.
The Waxman Chabad Center 2479 S. Green Road Beachwood, OH 44122 P: 216-282-0112 E: info@chabadofcleveland.com W: ChabadofCLE.com Rabbi Sholom Ber Chaikin, Rabbi Rabbi Shmuli and Rivky Friedman, Executive Co-Directors Prayer services daily at 7 a.m. and 8 a.m., and at sundown. Sabbath and holiday services at 10 a.m. and sundown. All services open to the public; optional membership. Sabbath and holidays – Jr. Congregation and tots program. Adult Education, Summer Day Camp.
26811 Fairmount Blvd. Beachwood, OH 44122 P: 216-765-8300 F: 216-765-0149 E: martha@shaareytikvah.org W: shaareytikvah.org FB: facebook.com/shaareytikvah Martha Sivertson, Executive Director Rabbi Scott B. Roland, Rabbi CST is an egalitarian Conservative congregation whose members are passionate about Judaism. By combining meaningful and joyful worship, serious Jewish learning, social action and compelling Shabbat and holiday experiences, we have created a vibrant spiritual community.
ailing address administrative offi ce only 2245 Warrensville Center Road, Suite 215 University Heights, OH 44118 P: 216-320-1498 E: connect@kolhalev.net W: kolhalev.net FB: facebook.com/KolHaLevCleveland Rabbi Steve Segar, Rabbi Note: If you’d like to attend Kol HaLev services either in person or virtually, please email connect@kolhalev.net. You can also visit kolhalev.net for more information. Kol HaLev is known for joyful spirituality, intellectual curiosity, inclusivity and deep caring. Member collaboration drives innovative services, learning and tikkun olam opportunities for all ages. Whatever your Jewish background, come experience a rich and inspiring exploration of Torah and tradition for our modern lives in this compassionate community.

Jennie and Jacob Sapirstein Synagogue 27100 Cedar Road Beachwood, OH 44122 P: 216-839-6628 F: 216-831-5492 E: afeinstein@menorahpark.org W: MenorahPark.org FB: facebook.com/menorahpark Rabbi Akiva Feinstein, Director of Spiritual Living, and Rabbi Joseph Kirsch, Assoc. Director of Spiritual Living The synagogue at Menorah Park caters to aging adults who live on the campus and welcomes the general community. The synagogue is handicap accessible and large-print books are available. *Campus residents enjoy the weekly Oneg Shabbat, Shabbat afternoon and Festival services.

ontefiore altz hapel ne avid . yers ar way eachwood, afeinstein montefiorecare.org W enorah ar .org Rabbi iva einstein, irector of piritual iving antor ary aller habbat services, igh olidays and festival services and celebrations offered. Religious programs, celebrations and activities held throughout the year. arge print boo s available. andicap accessible. epending on I restrictions, visitors are welcome to join services.
edar Road yndhurst, office oz cedarsinai.org W oz cedarsinai.org Rabbi oah eavitt oshe hapiro, resident heb ede edar inai ynagogue is a welcoming, odern rthodo congregation dedicated to orah, Israel, spiritual growth, social responsibility and the unity of the ewish people.
ha er lvd. epper i e, asiegel par syn.org W par synagogue.org faceboo .com par syn Rabbi oshua off, enior Rabbi Rabbi haron . arcus, ssociate Rabbi tuart eicher, ecutive irector ngela iegel, embership irector modern, egalitarian onservative synagogue welcoming all to our community. hrough song or study or through public celebration or private reflection, ar offers something for everyone where intellectual vigor is coupled with the warmth of family. We believe a congregation should bring together people of all ages for a shared e perience we loo forward to welcoming you
inetree Road, epper i e, rabbieddie theshul.us W theshul.us Rabbi ddie u ol, Rabbi he hul n innovative center for ewish outreach. We reach out to everyone interested in enlivening their ewish identity and observance through study, spiritual practice, prayer, celebration of life events and community involvement. We are a new model of synagogue, without mandatory dues or re uirement for membership.

arper RoadJanuary in Cleveland. You’re probably cold just thinking about it. Take a break and share the olon, warmth of Sheldon Low and Hadar Orshalimy’s indie folk duo, We Are The Northern Lights. Everyone in the community is invited to this 7PM January 18th concert at Suburban Temple-Kol Ami. Kids are welcome and there will be free childcare. Tickets are $18. office solonchabad.comMake the evening particularly special by attending the pre-concert party. Enjoy deserts W solonchabad.comfrom Sensational Cakes and More, drink Israeli wine, and sit by the fireplace in the art-filled Rabbi ushe reenberg, piritual eaderGarden Room. Tickets are $36 and include reserved seating. iriam reenberg, irector Tickets and videos can be found at articipants at our programs range from Reform, onservative https//www.suburbantemple.org/manyvoices to unaffiliated families. o membership re uired to attend any The concert builds on our great 2019. Members stood up for immigrant children and function. dult education, ebrew school, library, preschool, expanded our horizons with innovative lifelong learning. Walked down different Jewish paths camp – there s something here for every ew.and celebrated diversity. With their encore performance welcoming the new year, 2020 will be even better.
hagrin lvd. eachwood, info suburbantemple.org W suburbantemple.org faceboo .com suburbantemple Rabbi llison ann, Rabbi rett han man, ecutive irector Rabbi hana yer, irector of ifelong earning any people today are searching for greater connectivity. t uburban emple ol mi, we understand that connecting for you might mean practicing udaism in ways that are a bit different. r it might mean learning about ewish values and culture through innovative education programs. aybe it s important to join a community – or communities – in ways that are traditional and surprising. o, no matter who you are, what path you ve ta en or where you might go, at there s always an open door.
3970 Logan Way Youngstown, OH 44505 P: 330-759-1429 F: 330-759-1499 E: templeelemeth@gmail.com W: templeelemeth.org Rabbi Seth Sternstein, Rabbi Alice Franklin and Diane Finesilver, Co-Presidents Elyse Silverman, Program Director We are a warm, modern, egalitarian Conservative synagogue with the only daily minyan between Cleveland and Pittsburgh. Monthly interfaith programming, Shabbat Kiddush luncheons and study sessions with the rabbi. Wide variety of programming for children and adults. Sisterhood and Judaica shop. Mikvah in building.
4545 Brainard Road Orange Village, OH 44022 P: 216-454-1300 F: 216-454-1305 W: teecleve.org FB: Temple-Emanu-El – Orange Village, Ohio Rabbi Matt Cohen, Rabbi Renee Higer, Executive Director Temple Emanu El strives to make the practice of Judaism an integral part of its congregants’ lives. We are an inclusive, caring community that encourages individuals to discover what it means to be Jewish today and inspires our youth to become the leaders of tomorrow. We empower our congregants to explore their passion for Judaism, lifelong learning and social action within and beyond our walls.
91 Springside Drive Akron, OH 44333 P: 330-665-2000 E: kylee.burdohan@templeisraelakron.org W: templeisraelakron.org Kylee Burdohan Akron’s Reform synagogue. One Congregation Embracing All!
1732 Lander Road ayfield eights, P: 440-473-5120 F: 440-646-9585 E: tint@tintcleveland.org W: tintcleveland.org FB: facebook.com/templeisraelnertamidcleveland Rabbi Matthew J. Eisenberg, DD, Rabbi Edna Akrish, Religious Education Director Marcie Oelbracht, Temple Administrator Temple Israel Ner Tamid is a caring, accepting Reform Jewish congregation providing a welcoming place to gather, pray, learn and engage in acts of kindness and tzedakah. Family-friendly Shabbat services Fridays at 7:30 p.m. Tuition-free K-10 religious school for members’ children and grandchildren, as well as pre-K programs.
Jack and Lilyan Mandel Building 26000 Shaker Blvd. Beachwood, OH 44122 P: 216-831-3233 F: 216-831-4216 W: ttti.org Senior Rabbi Jonathan Cohen, Rabbi Roger C. Klein, Rabbi Yael Dadoun, Cantor Kathryn Wolfe Sebo, Rabbi Emeritus Richard A. Block Kim Cole, Interim Executive Director Allison Shippy, Membership Director We are a warm, welcoming synagogue family where each person matters. We cherish our rich history and foster a dynamic culture of imagination and innovation. Members find meaning and inspiration by developing enduring personal connections with each other, Torah, G-d, Israel, the Jewish People and acts of justice and compassion.
2463 South Green Road Beachwood, OH 44122 P: 216-382-5740 office yigc.org W yigc.org Rabbi aphtali urnstein, Rabbi aron ovid ebovics, ssociate Rabbi ranch Rabbi oshe erger, cholar in Residence oung Israel of reater leveland is a member, warm and welcoming rthodo congregation in eachwood, with a branch in leveland eights. oung Israel has multiple minyanim on habbat, om ov and daily, as well as a full schedule of hiurim and a ollel.
. hio Regional ead uarters niversity ar way leveland, P: 216-382-1878 W habadof leveland.com Rabbi eibel levs y, ecutive irector utreach organization affiliated with international habad ubavitch movement, with more than , branches worldwide, helping ews in all areas of ewish life. lobal networ ing facilitated locally. irects all local activities, opens local branches.
hagrin lvd. Beachwood, OH 44122 P: 216-647-4884 W clevelandjewishlearning.com Rabbi oshe ancz, Rabbi and irector rs. Riv y ancz, rogram irector hrough a variety of educational programs for all ages, romovitz habad enter, located in eachwood, is committed to providing every ew with the opportunity to study and e perience their beautiful heritage and tradition.
P: 216-941-8882 Rabbi nid . ader, resident Rabbi cott Roland, ice resident Rabbi hase oster, reasurer Rabbi osh oster, ecretary Rabbi elinda ersac , ast resident he primary forum for ortheast hio s diverse rabbinical community for enhancing e panding the rabbinate s role in the betterment of the ewish people and the world at large, while providing a spiritual environment to promote lal israel, learn together, grow professionally and build bridges within the ewish community and with other faiths.
ffices in leveland eights vents held throughout reater leveland P: 216-371-0446 jhub jecc.org W jhubcle.org Rabbi elinda . ersac , irector j provides new ways for interfaith couples and families to comfortably e plore, discover and personalize the **Best Premium Cruise Line meaning of ewish culture and values. We are here to help 14 Consecutive Years you navigate life s challenges comfortably, at your own pace. BIGGEST BLACK FRIDAY SALE veryone is welcome. veryone is valued. rogramming Booking Window: November 11 – December 1, 2022 content is accessible to all. Applicable Sailings: December 2, 2022 to April 30, 2025

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