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Dear Friends,

Dear Friends,

Dr. Sylvia & Ronald Abrams

Sheila & Dr. Manfred Adler

Mary & Murray Berkowitz

Chellie Goldwater Wilensky

Anita Gray

Gale & Dr. James Jacobsohn

Deborah Katz

Rabbi Enid C. & Harry Lader

Hedy & Mike Milgrom

Ari Milgrom

Marguerite Morris

Rabbi Hal Rudin-Luria

Alice Stratton

Phyllis & Frank Weiss

Helen Wolf

Robin Lieberman & Louis Kelsch


Chellie Goldwater Wilensky Melanie Kutnick Chuck Whitehill

Executive Director

Marci Curtis

Our warmest welcome to YOU –members, friends and supporters of NA’AMAT! On behalf of all of us in Cleveland Council, please know that we couldn’t continue to provide services for children, women and families in Israel without your valued contributions.

We are proud to honor our own Dr. Linda Schoenberg with the Golda Meir Award. If anyone is not familiar with all that she has accomplished for the Jewish people and our community, just reading her bio will blow you away!

Mazel Tov, Linda. May you continue to go from strength to strength!

We hope you enjoy today’s tribute

Melanie Kutnick President

NA’AMAT Cleveland Council

NA’AMAT USA is not just a member organization but a movement of working women and volunteers. It has a proud history that is now approaching 100 years. During this time, we have partnered with members from around the world and in Israel to turn a barren land into a flourishing homeland for the Jewish people. Our goals and aspirations were to build a nation based on the principles of social justice where women would have equal opportunities to reach their full potential.

On behalf of the National Membership of NA’AMAT, I would like to commend the Cleveland Council for their ongoing support of NA’AMAT’s wide range of social services that span the entire country of Israel. I would also like to extend a special “yasher koach” to Linda Schoenberg. She definitely exemplifies our NA’AMAT tradition of dedication through volunteer service.

As we continue our work on behalf of NA’AMAT “may we all go from strength to strength.” Wishing you all a wonderful and healthy summer.

Jan Gurvitch National President NA’AMAT USA

Dear Friends of Linda and of NA’AMAT USA:

I am so pleased to join you in honoring Linda Schoenberg as this year’s Golda Meir Award recipient. Having had the privilege of knowing and working with Linda over just one short year in my tenure as NA’AMAT’s National Executive Director, I envy those of you who have worked and played with her for much longer. Linda is a woman of many talents and broad experience, who has a large heart and a compassionate neshama, and is a stalwart champion of NA’AMAT’s mission and values.

For those of you unfamiliar with NA’AMAT, our mission is to improve the lives of women, youth, and families in Israel, and our vision is that of a vibrant, inclusive, egalitarian Israel where all citizens and families have access to the resources they need to thrive, regardless of background. As an organization older than Israel itself, NA’AMAT is woven into the very fabric of Israeli society, particularly where women are concerned. As the largest Women’s Movement in Israel, NA’AMAT’s top priority is to advance and strengthen the status of women in society, and also to provide meaningful and impactful services for youth and families of all backgrounds through education, mental health services, and systemic change.

Those of you who know Linda know that her life and work are well aligned with these values and objectives, and we are proud to call her one of our own.

On behalf of myself and the National NA’AMAT staff, I thank you for your support of the Cleveland Council and NA’AMAT USA. Through your contributions you join Linda in making a difference for good.

Susan Seely National Executive Director NA’AMAT USA

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