NA'AMAT USA Cleveland Council Golda Meir Award Celebration

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For almost 100 years, NA’AMAT USA, International Movement of Zionist Women, has had one mission: to support the women and children of Israel. To accomplish its mission, NA’AMAT – through its sister organization in Israel – provides a broad range of social services, from day care centers to domestic violence shelters; from legal aid to alternative high schools. NA’AMAT has services and facilities in communities throughout the country, from Kiryat Shemoneh in the north, to Eilat in the south.

NA’AMAT – “A Voice For Women & Children – A Voice For Israel.”

NA’AMAT Israel

On the public level – NA’AMAT mobilizes and leads women to bring about social changes by initiating campaigns to influence public opinion and increase public awareness. We work to reinforce women’s awareness of their rights and value in the work force while pressuring employers to adapt to the special needs of the woman and her family.

To Achieve These Goals We:

• Initiate legislation

• Organize protests and demonstrations

• Provide public information and organize lectures and seminars

• Take part in Knesset committees

• File petitions to the Supreme Court

On the communal level – NA’AMAT provides support services to women, children and families in Israel. We provide the following:

Education Programs:

• Day care centers

• Agricultural, residential high schools

• Professional training programs for women

• Technological high schools

• College and university level scholarships for women

Social Service for Individuals and Groups:

Legal Counseling – Intervention, treatment and prevention of domestic violence support groups for single parent families.

Cultural Enrichment Programs for Women – NA’AMAT can be found in every corner of Israel. That is why we are fully aware of the changing needs of women and families. We make every effort to adapt our agenda based on these changes, while anticipating future needs.



Dr. Sylvia & Ronald Abrams

Sheila & Dr. Manfred Adler

Mary & Murray Berkowitz

Chellie Goldwater Wilensky

Anita Gray

Gale & Dr. James Jacobsohn

Deborah Katz

Rabbi Enid C. & Harry Lader

Hedy & Mike Milgrom

Ari Milgrom

Marguerite Morris

Rabbi Hal Rudin-Luria

Alice Stratton

Phyllis & Frank Weiss

Helen Wolf

Robin Lieberman & Louis Kelsch


Chellie Goldwater Wilensky Melanie Kutnick Chuck Whitehill


Marci Curtis

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Our warmest welcome to YOU –members, friends and supporters of NA’AMAT! On behalf of all of us in Cleveland Council, please know that we couldn’t continue to provide services for children, women and families in Israel without your valued contributions.

We are proud to honor our own Dr. Linda Schoenberg with the Golda Meir Award. If anyone is not familiar with all that she has accomplished for the Jewish people and our community, just reading her bio will blow you away!

Mazel Tov, Linda. May you continue to go from strength to strength!

We hope you enjoy today’s tribute

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NA’AMAT USA is not just a member organization but a movement of working women and volunteers. It has a proud history that is now approaching 100 years. During this time, we have partnered with members from around the world and in Israel to turn a barren land into a flourishing homeland for the Jewish people. Our goals and aspirations were to build a nation based on the principles of social justice where women would have equal opportunities to reach their full potential.

On behalf of the National Membership of NA’AMAT, I would like to commend the Cleveland Council for their ongoing support of NA’AMAT’s wide range of social services that span the entire country of Israel. I would also like to extend a special “yasher koach” to Linda Schoenberg. She definitely exemplifies our NA’AMAT tradition of dedication through volunteer service.

As we continue our work on behalf of NA’AMAT “may we all go from strength to strength.” Wishing you all a wonderful and healthy summer.


Dear Friends of Linda and of NA’AMAT USA:

I am so pleased to join you in honoring Linda Schoenberg as this year’s Golda Meir Award recipient. Having had the privilege of knowing and working with Linda over just one short year in my tenure as NA’AMAT’s National Executive Director, I envy those of you who have worked and played with her for much longer. Linda is a woman of many talents and broad experience, who has a large heart and a compassionate neshama, and is a stalwart champion of NA’AMAT’s mission and values.

For those of you unfamiliar with NA’AMAT, our mission is to improve the lives of women, youth, and families in Israel, and our vision is that of a vibrant, inclusive, egalitarian Israel where all citizens and families have access to the resources they need to thrive, regardless of background. As an organization older than Israel itself, NA’AMAT is woven into the very fabric of Israeli society, particularly where women are concerned. As the largest Women’s Movement in Israel, NA’AMAT’s top priority is to advance and strengthen the status of women in society, and also to provide meaningful and impactful services for youth and families of all backgrounds through education, mental health services, and systemic change.

Those of you who know Linda know that her life and work are well aligned with these values and objectives, and we are proud to call her one of our own.

On behalf of myself and the National NA’AMAT staff, I thank you for your support of the Cleveland Council and NA’AMAT USA. Through your contributions you join Linda in making a difference for good.

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Dear Friends,

NA’AMAT USA and our Cleveland Council recognize Linda Schoenberg’s lifetime of leadership and compassionate humanitarian values with our 2023 Golda Meir Award.

This award is presented to individuals for their personal and professional involvement in our community to help empower women, children, and families in Israel. Linda currently serves on both the local and national Boards.

We thank members of the Tribute Committee for their commitment to recognizing Linda and their admiration for her ideals in supporting their shared mission of NA’AMAT.

We gratefully acknowledge each of YOU for your support of the children in our day care centers, especially the Kanot Youth Village in Israel which will benefit from the proceeds of this event.

Thank you for your support of Dr. Linda Schoenberg and NA’AMAT.

2023 Golda Meir Award Celebration Co-Chairs, Chellie Goldwater Wilensky Event Co-Chair Melanie Kutnick Event Co-Chair Chuck Whitehill Event Co-Chair
“Make the most of yourself by fanning the flames of tiny inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement.”
Golda Meir

Cleveland Council Board Officers 2022-2023

President ............................................................................ Melanie Kutnick

Vice Presidents for Programs................................................... Judith Shamir

Hannah Szabo

Vice Presidents for Membership ............................................ Myrna Groger

Natalie Landy Judith Solonche

Secretary ................................................................................. Phyllis Weiss

Treasurer .................................................................... Dr. Linda Schoenberg




Sheila & Dr. Manny Adler

Estate of Saundra Malevan

Sukenik Family Foundation


Robin Lieberman & Lou Kelsch

Nancy & Irv Oleinick

Dr. Sylvia & Ron Abrams

Chuck Whitehill

Chellie & Yankee Wilensky


Alice Roth & Stephen Altman

Mary & Murray Berkowitz

The Bookatz-Berkowitz-Kumin Families

B’nai Jeshurun Congregation

Eileen Fox & Dr. Steve Feltch

Jewish National Fund

Anita Gray

Myrna Groger

Jan Gurvitch

Susan & Gary Haas

Richard Hafter

Video Impressions

Susan Isaacs

Gale & Jim Jacobsohn

Terri & Stuart Kline

Debbie Kohn

Melanie & Richard Kutnick

Rabbi Enid & Dr. Harry Lader

Nathan Arnold

Janice Biederman

Yael Crawford

Ruth Dobres

Esther Frieberg

Judith Friedman

Helaine Greenberg


Natalie Landy

Donna Levin

Lois Mager Hoen & Family

Winslow Management

Hedy & Michael Milgrom

Ari Milgrom

Marguerite Morris

NA’AMAT USA – Cleveland Council

National Board and Staff of NA’AMAT

Edith Paller

Halina Podlipsky

Miriam Rose

Mina & Dr. Gerald Saidel

Ellen Saltz

Judith & Ishak Shamir

Debbie & David Shifrin

Rebecca Schoenberg Jones

Louis & Rose B. Kaufman Fund

Ann & Edward Monsky

Margie Moskovitz

Harriet Piccione

Rhoda & Shia Shapiro

Judith Solonche

Phyllis Weiss


Mazel Tov to Linda Schoenberg on your well-deserved hon of becoming a Golda Meir hon ee. We can’t think of a m e deserving and dedicated person to receive this award.

Sheila & Manny Adler

Great women are those who dare to believe in themselves and pursue their passions relentlessly breaking down barriers and inspiring others to do the same.

Author Unknown

Mazal Tov to our Linda!

Cleveland Council - NA’AMAT USA


In honor of our dear friend

Linda Schoenberg, an ardent Zionist who has devoted her life to NA'AMAT and Israel.

Chellie & Yankee

Kol Hakavod to Linda Schoenberg on the 2023 Golda Meir Award.

Best Wishes!

Your Biggest Fan

Chuck Whitehill

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As the woman whose name is on NA’AMAT Cleveland’s highest honor, Golda Meir, Linda is a teacher and a leader who has given her time and commitment to see the achievement of NA’AMAT’s goals. For all the years we have known her, we value her friendship and take pride in her receiving a well-deserved honor.



Robin Lieberman & Lou Kelsch

Mazel Tov on your most well-deserved award!

You are an inspiration to the community!

From strength to strength, Nancy and Irv Oleinick


Linda Schoenberg - The Measure of a Woman

40% Motivation

20% Inspiration

30% Innovation

90% Determination

We know that adds up to more than 100% - but so does Linda!

The Members of the National Board and Sta of NA’AMAT thank you for all that you do and congratulate you for this deserved honor.

Jan Gurvitch - National President

Susan Seely - National Executive Director



Congratulations, Mom, on receiving the Golda Meir Award.

I know how much your dedication to NA’AMAT and Israeli women and children mean to you and I am happy for you to see your contributions recognized. I also know Dad and your parents would be very proud of what you have accomplished.

Love, Rebecca

Congratulations to Linda who has truly enriched our Jewish community through her dedication and leadership.

May you go from strength to strength!

Susan & Gary Haas



16 To LindaA great tribute for a remarkable person Mary and Murray Berkowitz Congratulations, Linda! Thank you for all the work you do for NA’AMAT both locally and nationally. Myrna Groger An Honor Truly Deserved Best Wishes Gale and Jim Jacobsohn
17 Your Friends at Mazel Tov Linda Follow CJN everywhere! @CleveJN @CleveJN Cleveland Jewish News Cleveland Jewish Publication Company For a free 6-week trial subscription to CJN, visit AKRON COLUMBUS Mazel Tov on this well-deserved award! e Study Group Dr. Sylvia and Ron Abrams Eileen Fox and Dr. Steve Feltch Rabbi Enid and Dr. Harry Lader Alice Roth and Stephen Altman Mina and Dr. Gerald Saidel Congratulations, Linda A well-deserved honor. Thank you for all you do. Ellen Saltz

Mazel Tov to Dr. Linda Schoenberg on receiving the Golda Meir Award!

Linda, you are our Lionness! Thank you for being a leader in our community!

Rabbi Hal Rudin-Luria

Cantor Alyssa Rosenbaum

Rabbi Josh Foster Scott Matasar, President

Congratulations to a caring, giving and cherished individual. Mazel Tov on receiving this award.

In Loving Memory of

Parents, Eva & Herbert Landy

Son, Daniel Steven Dachman

Mazel Tov, Linda!

Mazal Tov on this well-deserved honor. You are amazing as you continue to inspire all who know you. With love, Jan Gurvitch

Congratulations, Linda!

I am so happy you’re getting the recognition you deserve. NA'AMAT is lucky to have you on its executive board. And I am lucky to call you my Teacher and Friend!

Susan Isaacs

K p shining like the b ght star that you are.

Melanie & Richard Kutnick

M al Tov!

Kol Hakavod!

Here’s to you, Linda!

Anita Gray

A woman of valor is the backbone of her family and community!

Linda, you are a woman of valor.

Mazal Tov!

Debbie Kohn

The Bookatz-Berkowitz-Kumin Families

Mazal Tov!

You are the most amazing woman!

Donna Levin

Membership VP NA’AMAT USA

Mazel Tov!

Toda Raba for your NA’AMAT dedication and leadership both locally and nationally!

Marguerite Morris

Mazal Tov, Linda.

You inspire us through your dedication, enthusiasm, leadership, and fitness training to NA’AMAT USA. With fond appreciation, Edith Paller

-To my favorite exercise instructor-

Mazel Tov on this wonderful award and your milestone birthday!

Miriam Rose

Dear Linda,

Congratulations on a well-deserved honor. May you continue to go from strength to strength!

Judith Shamir

Mazal Tov

on your well-deserved honor!

Debbie and David Shifrin

In memory of Bertha Willner

Minna Mager Shirley Lev

Who dedicated themselves to NA’AMAT throughout their lives.

The Hoen Family

Congratulations Linda!

Hedy & Michael Milgrom


Everyone wants successthose who follow a true approach get it.

Linda - you are an admired leader and an unyielding force in our community!


NA’AMAT USA Cleveland Council

that giving to NA’AMAT assures the continuity of the vital social services and educational programs maintained in Israel for future generations.


Past Presidents

Rose Kaufman* .................................................... 1939-1941

Miriam Shapiro* .................................................. 1941-1943

Sarah Halperin* 1943-1945

Helen Levine* ..................................................... 1945-1947

Sophie Novitch* .................................................. 1947-1949

Ethel Levine* ....................................................... 1949-1951

Ruth Vincent* ...................................................... 1951-1953

Janet Merlin* 1953-1955

Gertrude Rutsky* ................................................. 1955-1957

Dorothy Dannhauser* ......................................... 1957-1960

Annie Marks* ...................................................... 1960-1963

Mildred Javitch*................................................... 1963-1965

Edith Paller 1965-1967

Estelle Shore ....................................................... 1967-1969

Marguerite Morris ............................................... 1969-1971

Rina Frankel ........................................................ 1971-1973

Edith Isaacs* ........................................................ 1973-1975

Gladys Weltman 1975-1978

Luanna Katz Gamble .......................................... 1978-1980

Eileen Gordon .................................................... 1980-1982

Adele Mendel ..................................................... 1982-1983

Mae Berkman* .................................................... 1983-1986

Raycine Spector .................................................. 1986-1988

Mae Berkman* .................................................... 1988-1989

Adele Mendel ..................................................... 1989-1991

Gale Jacobsohn 1991-1993

Shirley Lev* ......................................................... 1993-1995

Sheila Adler ........................................................ 1999-2001

Florence Dobrin* ................................................ 2001-2003

Ruth Ness ........................................................... 2003-2005

Robin Lieberman 2005-2011

Natalie Landy ..................................................... 2011-2014

Dr. Linda Schoenberg ......................................... 2011-2013

Susan Haas ......................................................... 2013-2014

Rita Frankel ........................................................ 2015-2017

Reva Zaretsky 2015-2017

Robin Lieberman ................................................ 2016-2019

Sheila Adler ........................................................ 2018-2019

Melanie Kutnick ............................................ 2020 - Present


22 22 NA’AMAT USA, Cleveland Council 5001 Mayfield Road, #317 | Lyndhurst, OH 44124 216-321-2002 | Learn more about our programs! Request our eblast:

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