Na'amat USA: 2021 Gold Meir Award honoring Judith Shamir

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Enriching Lives


2021 Golda Meir Award


Judith Shamir June 24, 2021


For 93 years, NA’AMAT USA, International Movement of Zionist Women, has had one mission: to support the women and children of Israel. To accomplish its mission, NA’AMAT – through its sister organization in Israel – provides a broad range of social services, from day care centers to domestic violence shelters; from legal aid to alternative high schools. NA’AMAT has services and facilities in communities throughout the country, from Kiryat Shemoneh in the north, to Eilat in the south. NA’AMAT – “A Voice For Women & Children – A Voice For Israel.”

NA’AMAT Israel

On the public level – NA’AMAT mobilizes and leads women to bring about social changes by initiating campaigns to influence public opinion and increase public awareness. We work to reinforce women’s awareness of their rights and value in the work force while pressuring employers to adapt to the special needs of the woman and her family.

To Achieve These Goals We:

• Initiate legislation • Organize protests and demonstrations • Provide public information and organize lectures and seminars • Take part in Knesset committees • File petitions to the Supreme Court On the communal level – NA’AMAT provides support services to women, children and families in Israel. We provide the following:

Education Programs:

• Day care centers • Agricultural, residential high schools • Professional training programs for women • Technological high schools • College and university level scholarships for women

Social Service for Individuals and Groups: Legal Counseling – Intervention, treatment and prevention of domestic violence support groups for single parent families.

Cultural Enrichment Programs for Women – NA’AMAT can be found in every

corner of Israel. That is why we are fully aware of the changing needs of women and families. We make every effort to adapt our agenda based on these changes, while anticipating future needs.


NA’AMAT USA 2021 Golda Meir Award Honoring Judith Shamir Introduction.................. Marci Curtis, Cleveland Council, Executive Director

Prayer.......................................................................... Rabbi Stephen Weiss

NA’AMAT USA....................................... Deanna Migdal, Executive Director

NA’AMAT ISRAEL............................................................................ Bar Paly

NA’AMAT Cleveland Council.......................... Melanie Kutnick, Board Chair

Guest Speaker....................................................................... Eric Fingerhut, President & CEO, The Jewish Federations of North America

Introduction of Honoree..................................................................... Rina Frankel

Acceptance............................................................................ Judith Shamir

Closing........................ Marci Curtis, Cleveland Council, Executive Director

Throughout the program you will meet family and friends of our Honoree, Judith Shamir


TRIBUTE COMMITTEE Dr. Sylvia & Mr. Ronald Abrams

Peggy Lipp

Sheila & Dr. Manfred Adler

Rabbi Melinda Mersack & Mark R. Jacobs

Mitchell L. Barron

Hedy & Michael Milgrom

Rabbi Binyamin Blau

Marguerite & Allan Morris

Jeanette & Frank Buchwald

Lydia Parker

Rabbi Eli & Suri Dessler

Marshall Rosenberg

Bela Fischer

Erika & Rabbi Hal Rudin-Luria

Rina Frankel

Rita & Harry Rzepka

Lydia & Dr. Michael Frankel

Ellen Saltz

Erika Gold

Dr. Linda Schoenberg & William Jones

Anita Gray Rochelle & Harley Gross

Elizabeth & Dr. Dan Shamir

Eileen & Rubin Guttman

Devorah Silverman

Rabbi Rosie Haim Professor Sharona Hoffman Helen & Larry Horwitz

Daphne & Richard Soclof Michal & Steven Soclof

Gail & Seymour Kopelowitz Melanie & Richard Kutnick Rachel & Aaron Lapp Robin Lieberman & Louis Kelsch

Hannah & Tibor Szabo Phyllis & Frank Weiss Rabbi Stephen Weiss Dara & Alan Yanowitz Sandy Zieve





ur warmest welcome to YOU – members, friends and supporters of NA’AMAT!

SRIAHC-OC TNEVE On behalf of Judith Shamir and all of us eveiZ ydnaS in Cleveland erohS eCouncil, ippE leknarknow F aniR that we please couldn’t continue to provide the services we do without your valued participation.


smarbA dlanoR .rM & aivlyS .rD

sbocaJ . R kraM & kcasreM adnileWe M ibbare aR honored this relyear dA derto fnaMbestow .rD & aliethe hS Golda Meir Award to one of our own. As an active and highly orgliM leahcof iM &Cleveland ydeH orraserving B . L llehcton iM the involvedmmember Council, as well nas NationalsirBoard, our mission in roM nalA Judith & etireugpersonifies raM ualBevery nimaynrespect. iB ibbaR We are so lucky to have her in our city. g r e b n e s oR l l a h s r a M

dlawhcuB knarF & ettenaeJ

Mazel airutov, L-nidJudith. uR laH ibbMay aR & ayou kirE go from strength rto elssstrength! e D i l E i b b aR & i r u S akpyou ezR yenjoy rraH & atoday’s tiR We hope tribute. ztlaS nellE

Melanie Kutnick

senoJ mailliW & grebneohcS adniL .rD President NA’AMAT rimaUSA hS naCleveland D .rD & htebaCouncil zilE

rehcsiF aleB leknarF aniR leknarF leahciM .rD & aidyL yarG atinA

namrevliS haroveD

s s o r G y e l r a H & e l l e h c oR

folcoS drahciR & enhpaD

n a m t t u G n i b uR & n e e l i E

folcoS nevetS & lahciM

m i a H e i s oR i b b aR

obazS robiT & hannaH

n a m f f o H a n o r a h S .f o rP

ssieW knarF & sillyhP

z t i w o l e p oK r u o m y e S & l i a G

ssieW nehpetS ibbaR

k c i n t uK d r a h c i R & e i n a l e M

ztiwonaY nalA & araD

p p a L n o r a A & l e h c aR

eveiZ ydnaS

h c s l eK u o L & n a m r e b e i L n i b oR



sitruC icraM

k c i n t uK e i n a l e M



n behalf of all the members of NA’AMAT, it is my pleasure to congratulate Judith Shamir on being honored at Cleveland’s Annual Golda Meir Award Celebration. Like Golda Meir, Judith Shamir embodies time honored values which include a love of Israel, a passion for learning, and a belief that women can and should be equal partners in the building of a just society. Leading by example, Judith has never remained on the sidelines and has repeatedly taken on the challenges of leadership roles both in her work career and as a volunteer for NA’AMAT USA and the “Face to Face” program. The money you raise for today’s event will go to the support of NA’AMAT’s daycare program. With 200 schools located throughout Israel, NA’AMAT continues to play an important role in the education and social development of over 17,000 children each year. In addition, NA’AMAT’s 23 multipurpose centers continue to address the special needs of its students by providing professional counselors, teachers and psychologists. I also would like to take this opportunity to thank and congratulate the Cleveland Council for their selection of their honoree, Judith Shamir, and for its ongoing and loving commitment to the support of NA’AMAT programs in Israel.

Mazel Tov! Jan Gurvitch National President NA’AMAT USA



ear Members and Friends of the Cleveland Council: It is my pleasure to thank you all for attending this very special event today and for your continued support of NA’AMAT. I had the privilege of attending the Cleveland Council’s last Gold Meir Award Celebration two years ago, in person, and I hope to feel safe to travel again very soon for wonderful occasions like this. NA’AMAT USA continues to meet the many challenges it faces, and your virtual event today is a prime example of our collective strength and commitment to forge ahead with our common mission to help those less fortunate, vulnerable women and children in Israel – who rely on our hard work, compassion and generosity so they can have a better life. We are committed to the peace process by believing in co-existence, diversity and working together to create a more equitable society in Israel. NA’AMAT takes care of 17,000 children in its day care centers that reach nearly every community in Israel. NA’AMAT took care of its caregivers at our day care centers when they were shut down during the worst of the pandemic. In turn, the caregivers were quick to return to work to take care of the children after the recent outbreak of terror attacks. We are all drawn together for our mutual love of children, the belief that education is the key to success and the premise that if we educate and nurture children from an early age with love and respect and give them the emotional and professional support they need, they will flourish. The proceeds from today’s event will go toward NA’AMAT’s multi-purpose day care centers. These special centers are home to 2,000 at-risk children from three months old until around 6 years old when they enter first grade. Many of these centers are in deprived neighborhoods, and are in need of major renovation, especially as the Ministry of Health & Education has recently imposed new guidelines and codes due to the current health crisis. These centers have extended hours and the children eat all their meals there and sometimes we even send food home for the rest of the family, as food can be scarce. Many of the children are there by court order, or come from one parent families, or parents with drug addiction – and it is often the last step before they are removed from their homes. The centers have social workers on the premises as part of the staff, specialists in learning disabilities, speech therapists and psychologists. In addition, many of the children suffer from PTSD and trauma, and live in constant fear of rocket attacks as their early life consists of red alerts, bombs, planes overhead and running back and forth from the safe room. NA’AMAT takes immense pride in nurturing these children and providing a safe and secure environment as well as helping their parents cope with difficult problems. I want to thank Marci Curtis and the Cleveland Council for putting together this important fundraising event. I would also like to congratulate Judith Shamir as today’s honoree. She leads by example with her warmth, kindness and devotion to Israel and our organization. I’ve enjoyed getting to know her and working side by side with her on all of our important programs and events. Thank you to everyone watching today’s event, for your willingness to do everything on screens for over a year and for your generosity!

Sincerely yours, Deanna Migdal

NA’AMAT USA National Executive Director


Dear Haverot,

It is our honor to greet you on this occasion. We appreciate very much that all of you are dedicated and committed to NA’AMAT and are making great efforts to strengthen and help our movement. We want to convey our deep gratitude for your efforts, your contribution, and above all your concern and solidarity with NA’AMAT and with the State of Israel. You are helping us to shape the Israeli society and to create a better future for our children and youth. During this past year, with the challenges and difficulties of the pandemic – your continuous solidarity and support was crucial to NA’AMAT and very much appreciated! The projects you support can be seen throughout the country in day care centers, technological schools, scholarships for higher education, women rights centers and more. You have helped us to make a difference in the lives of our people! We are very proud and grateful that you decided this year to allocate the proceeds from this special event to NA’AMAT multi-purpose day care center in Rishon Letzion – Dekel Day Care Center. This is a very unique center, mostly for children at risk who come from underprivileged families and difficult backgrounds. There are close to 90 children in four class rooms, this center functions from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. The center provides professional assistance and guidance from a social worker and dedicated educational staff who work with the children as well as their parents. The children get special therapy and activities in the physical and emotional field. We would like to convey our utmost appreciation to the Honoree, Judith Shamir, the programming chair on your National Board, and a very dedicated member of NA’AMAT USA. Judith is a true educator, who believes that through education and hard work we can all contribute to Tikun Olam! We appreciate her devotion, her efforts and love to the Jewish people and to the state of Israel, and we thank her very much for her commitment to NA’AMAT. Dear Haverot – we wish all of you good health and all the best and hope to see you soon in Israel!

Yours Sincerely, Hagit Pe’er President NA’AMAT Israel


Shirli Shavit Director, International Department NA’AMAT Israel

Dear Friends,

NA’AMAT USA and our Cleveland Council recognize Judith SRIAHCwith -OCthis TNspecial EVE Golda Meir Shamir’s many accomplishments eveiZ ydisnapresented S ertoohindividuals S eippE knarFpersonal aniR Award. This award forletheir and professional involvement in our community to help empower EETTIMinMIsrael OC Eand TUthroughout BIRT women, children and families the United p p i L y g g e P s m a r b A d l a n o R . r M & aivlyS .rD States. We are thrilled to recognize Judith as our 2021 Golda Meir Award s b o c a J . R k r a M & k c a s r e M a d n i l e M i b b aR reldA derfnaM .rD & aliehS Honoree. Judith has answered the call for service to the Jewish education the teaching of the morcommunity gliM leahciM & yfostering deH norratraditions, B . L llehctiM values, and customs of our forefathers. Her involvement with children of all roM nalA & etireugraM u a l B n i m a y n i B i b b aR ages hassirsecured their success in learning through love, respect and knowledgegreof their heritage and community. b n e s oR l l a h s r a M dlawhcuB knarF & ettenaeJ We thank members of the Tribute Committee for their commitment airuL-niduR Judith laH ibbaRand & aktheir irE admiration for rher elsseideals D ilE ibbain R & iruS to recognizing supportingaktheir pezR yrshared raH & atiRmission of NA’AMAT. In addition, rehcsiF aleBwe gratefully acknowledge each of YOU for your support of the children ztlaS nellE leknIsrael. arF aniR Your in the 23 multi-purpose day care centers throughout contributions senoJ mailliW &will grebhelp neohcSsecure adniL .rDa brighter future leknfor arF leach eahciM child .rD & aiwhile dyL improving the reality of their daily living. rimahS naD .rD & htebazilE

yarG atinA

Rav Todot (‫)רב תודות‬ namrevliS haroveD Thank you very much. folcoS drahciR & enhpaD

Rina Frankel

folcoS nevetS & lahciM Event Co-Chair obazS robiT & hannaH

s s o r G y e l r a H & e l l e h c oR

Eppie Shore Event Co-Chair

ssieW knarF & sillyhP

n a m t t u G n i b uR & n e e l i E

Sandy Zieve

m i a H e i s oR i b b aR Event Co-Chair n a m f f o H a n o r a h S .f o rP z t i w o l e p oK r u o m y e S & l i a G

ssieW nehpetS ibbaR k c i n t uK d r a h c i R & e i n a l e M “Make the most of yourself by fanning the ztiwoof naY tiny, nalA & ainner raD ppaL noraA & linto e h c aR flames sparks of possibility eveiachievement.” Z ydnaS h c s l eK u o L & n a m r e b e i L n i b oR flames of

Golda Meir



sitruC icraM

k c i n t uK e i n a l e M


Board Officers 2020-2021 President............................................................................ Melanie Kutnick

Vice President for Programs........................................................ Elaine Jaffe

Vice President for Programs.................................................... Judith Shamir

Vice President for Programs.................................................. Hannah Szabo

Vice President for Membership.............................................. Myrna Groger

Vice President for Membership............................................ Judith Solonche

Secretary................................................................................. Phyllis Weiss

Treasurer.................................................................... Dr. Linda Schoenberg

Delegates-at-Large................... Marcia Gisser, Audrey Heller, Renate Miller, Ellen Saltz, Rita Rzepka, Rhoda Shapiro, Devorah Silverman, Jan Tucker




eveiZ ydnaPremier S erohPlatinum S eippE leknarF aniR Sheila & Dr. Manny Adler



ppiL yggeP

smarbA dlanoR .rM & aivlyS .rD

Judy & Andrew Green sbocaJ . R kraM & kcasrDr. eM aLinda dnileMSchoenberg i b b aR ldA derfnaM .rD & aliehS & WilliamreJones Estelle & Sanford Shore

morgliM leahciM & ydeH


sirroM nalA & etireugraM

norraB . L llehctiM

u a l B n i m a y n i B i b b aR

Elizabeth & Dr. Dan Shamir and Family

g r e b n e s oR l l a h s r a M


dlawhcuB knarF & ettenaeJ

ak p e z R y r r a H & a t i R


rehcsiF aleB

ztlaS nellE

Rina Frankel Susan & Gary Haas

leknarF aniR

airuL-niduR laH ibbaR & Rochelle ak i r E r e l s s e D i l E i b b aR & i r u S & Harley Gross

senoJ mailliW & grebneohcS adniL .rD


rimahS naD .rD & htebazilE

Sylvia & Ron Abrams American namrevliSFriends haroveofD Magen David Adom folcoSBart draBookatz hciR & enhpaD Berkowitz-Kumin-Bookatz Memorial Chapel Cuyahoga folcoS Community nevetS & laCollege hciM Lois Davis obazS & robShu iT &Erenberg hannaH Gerald Bela Fischer ssieMyrna W knarGroger F & sillyhP Helen & Larry Horwitz ssieW nehpetS ibbaR Gale & James Jacobsohn Jewish ztiwoNational naY nalAFund-USA & araD Kol Israel Foundation Melaniee&v eRichard iZ ydnaSKutnick Rabbi Enid C. Lader Natalie Landy ROTC ERID EVITUCEXE Rachel & Aaron Lapp sitruC i&craLouis M Kelsch Robin Lieberman Stacie Madow McCarthy, Lebit, Crystal & Liffman Co., LPA Hedy & Michael Milgrom

leknarF leahciM .rD & aidyL yarG atinA

Marguerite & Allan Morris National ssoBoard rG yelrNA’AMAT aH & ellehUSA c oR Edith Paller namLauren ttuG nRock i b uR & n e e l i E Michelle, Lindsey and Alex Ryb iaIzhak H eisoShamir R i b b aR Judithm& Harvey Siegel/COIT Cleaning and namServices ffoH anoofraCleveland h S .f o rP Restoration Daphne & Richard Soclof and Family z t i w o l e p oK r u o m y e S & l i a G Nancy and Andrew Soclof Adina and Jeffrey Soclof kcintuBanker K drahCommercial ciR & einaleM Coldwell Emmco Realty Group pMarilyn paL norSoclof a A & l e h c aR Hannah & Tibor Szabo h c s l eK u o L & n a m r e b e i L n i b oR Gloria Ulmer Video Impressions TNEDISERChuck P LICWhitehill NUOC DNALEVELC Chellie &k cYankee intuK eWilensky inaleM Dara & Alan Yanowitz Sandra Zieve


Friends of NA’AMAT Nate Arnold

Joey Laidman

Shira Atik

Peggy & Alan Lipp

Ruth & Ivan Barna

Carol H. Macknin, M.D.

Mitchell L. Barron

Marjorie Moskovitz

The Bobrow Family

NA’AMAT USA - National Board

Lydia & Dr. Michael Frankel

Rita & Harry Rzepka

Marc W. Freimuth

Hanna & Eli Saar

Judy Friedman

Ellen Saltz

Ruth Laufer Friedman

Sharon Schmelzer

Marcia & Marv Gisser

Rhoda & Shia Shapiro

Jan Gurvitch

Devorah Silverman

Rubin & Eileen Guttman

Judith Solonche

Sharona Hoffman

Raycine & Dennis Spector

Israel Bonds

Jan & Will Sukenik

Jack’s Deli & Restaurant

Phyllis & Frank Weiss

Rabbi Avery & Aliza Joel

Reva Zaretsky

Laura Koslen


Mazel Tov to Judith Shamir on your well- deserved honor of becoming a Golda Meir honoree. We can' t think of a more deserving and incredible person to receive this honor.

Sheila and Manny Adler 13

Congratulations Judith on receiving the

Golda Meir Award!


Yasher Koach to NA’AMAT USA Kol Hakavod to

Judith Shamir

on the 2021 Golda Meir Award A Well-Deserved Honor Best Wishes From The Norbert & Gretel Bloch Charitable Trust Sanford M. Shore, Estelle R. Shore, Irwin J. Dinn, Esq. Trustees


AISHET CHAYIL. - A WOMAN OF VALOR A WOMAN OF MANY TALENTS Aishet Chayil, a poem found in the Book of Proverbs (31:10-31) is attributed to King Solomon and sung at every Shabbat Table. Below are qualities that resonate with me about our distinguished honoree, Judith Shamir. (10) Would that one finds a woman of many talents! Far beyond rubies is her worth. (25) She is dressed in strength and splendor; she smiles as she looks to the future. (26) She opens her mouth and speaks wisely; her tongue teaches kindness and love. (29) Many women have acted with strength, but you exceed them all. (31) Extol her for her handiwork, and praise her in the gates for all she has done. MAZAL TOV! You are an asset to our Cleveland Council and NA’AMAT National Board. KOL HAKAVOD Dr. Linda Schoenberg and William Jones


Ima, Savta, We are so excited and proud of you. You have dedicated your life to helping others through your passion to teach and involvement in community programming. You have been a Jewish educator for more years than we can count. You have imparted your wisdom and love of Judaism and learning to so many. It is fitting that you have become involved with such a meaningful organization which embodies so many of your own personal beliefs, values, and love of Israel. We, as your family, have learned so much from you and have such Hakarat Hatov to have you in our lives as the matriarch of our family. Mazal tov to you and Saba on this amazing achievement. Love, Dan and Liz Dov, Stephanie, Batya, and Ava Gidi, Rachel, Gabey and Jonah Eitan and Sara Ami Noah, Emily, Zeke and Davida


Mazel tov Judith on this well-deserved honor for your dedication to education and to NA'AMAT for your continued work in our Jewish community and support of the children in Israel. Rochelle and Harley Gross

Thank you to Judith Shamir for all of her work on behalf of our children. Susan H. & Gary C. Haas


Dear Judith, Mazal Tov for being the recipient of the Golda Meir Award. May God grant you many more healthy and productive years ahead to continue teaching and doing good deeds. With love and admiration, Your friend, Rina Frankel

Kudos to NA’AMAT USA for providing a century of vital educational and social services for women, children, and families in need in Israel. May NA’AMAT continue to go from strength to strength! Judith and Izhak Shamir 19

Kol Hakavod ,Judith

Congratulations on this most deserving recognition as recipient of the 2021 Golda Meir Award. Your dedication to the children of Israel and religious education programs in our own community is exceptional. Mazel Tov to NA’AMAT for providing multi-purpose day care centers to support the many special needs of the youngest children in Israel. With great admiration,

Sandy Zieve

Dear Ima, Mazal Tov! We love you and are so proud of you! Daphne and Raanan, Lizzy, Abby and Mordi, Elijah, Nathaniel, and Maggie


Mazel tov Judith! You are most deserving of this award for all you have shared with our children.

Lois Davis Mazel Tov Judith on being the recipient of this year’s NA’AMAT Golda Meir Award. We are very proud of you and admire you for your many accomplishments. We are also happy to be able to continue to support the outstanding care of NA’AMAT’s multi-purpose day care centers. Marguerite & Allan Morris


Congratulations to Judith Shamir on receiving the Golda Meir Award from NA’AMAT Cleveland for 2021. A well-deserved Mazel Tov!

Robin Lieberman & Louis Kelsch

In Honor of

Judith Shamir on receiving the Golda Meir Award & to Na’amat on 93 great years!


Andrew Soclof Jeffrey Soclof

216-292-3700 | 3681 Green Rd., Beachwood, OH 44122 22




CONGRATULATIONS on receiving the CONGRATULATIONS CONGRATULATIONS Golda Meir Award. on receiving the on receiving the CONGRATULATIONS Golda Meir Award. Golda Meir Award. on receiving the Golda Meir Award. 216-987-6000 216-987-6000 216-987-6000 216-987-6000


19-0418 19-0418 19-0418

“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.”

- Anne Frank

Dear Judith,

Kol Hakavod on your distinguished career in Jewish education. Thank you for your involvement in our Holocaust education program, Face to Face®, which teaches the history of the Holocaust to students and community groups of all faiths and reinforces how our voices and actions can effect positive change. May you go from strength to strength. Your Friends at Kol Israel Foundation


Mazel Tov


for being the kind of teacher and the kind of person everyone should aspire to be. Congratulations! Chuck

The members of the National Board of NA’AMAT USA would like to send a Mazel Tov filled with love to Judith Shamir. She is truly deserving of being honored at the Golda Meir Award Celebration of the Cleveland Council. Judith is definitely our 'treasure.'


An honor well-deserved. Congratulations. Gale and Jim Jacobsohn

Mazal Tov on your many roles and achievements promoting Hebrew literacy.

Sylvia & Ron Abrams

MAZEL TOV! Proud to Support the

2021 Golda Meir Award Honoring

Judith Shamir

Thank you for all you do! Myrna Groger

Lifelong Educator & Advocate for Israel

Committed to the mission of empowering women in Israel, in partnership with


Why would you expect anything less? | 216.696.1422

Mazel tov on this well-deserved honor! Chellie & Yankee 25

Mandel Jewish Day School who have made the Spring Jubilee a great success!

Mazal Tov!

Hedy and David Adler/Kangesser Foundation Rochelle and Harley Gross & Family The Robert Immerman Family Nancy and Adam Levin

We are so proud of all that you do! Jerry Isaak-Shapiro We have been blessed to have you as our Raquel Flatow Haas • Ida Haber • Kerry Kertesz role model and matriarch of our Bobby Goldberg • Alikifamily. and Peter Rzepka Rachel & Aaron and the Kids Harvey and Adrienne Siegel



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Congratulations to Judith Shamir on receiving the 2021 Golda Meir Award. The Bookatz-Berkowitz-Kumin Families

Dear Cousin, Congratulations from all of us. We are proud and thankful for all your efforts in supporting and furthering the Jewish cause. We perceive your work as a mitzvah for Jewish life past, present and future. Thank you, Helen & Larry and the Horwitz Family


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Tera Nicole Madow and Quinn Ashley Madow In Honor of My Grandchildren

Ryla Breeze Marshall and Landon Reese Marshall In Memory of My Husband

Ron Madow

In Memory of My Loving Parents

Lila and Kris Krangle

Stacie Madow & Family

Congratulations and best wishes to Judy. Sincerely, Gloria L. Ulmer

Kol Hakavod To Judith Shamir A great teacher and leader Hedy & Michael Milgrom

Mazel Tov Judith on this well-deserved honor! Lauren Rock

Mazel Tov, Judith! You are so deserving of the Golda Meir award.


Melanie and Richard Kutnick

Mazal tov to Judith Shamir for her lifetime commitment to Jewish education and longtime dedication and leadership to NA’AMAT USA and NA’AMAT Cleveland Council. With warm regards from Jerusalem, Edith Paller

In Loving Memory of Parents, Eva & Herbert Landy Son, Daniel Steven Dachman — — — Mazel Tov Judith!

Who is wise? Who learns from others! Who is honored? Who honors others!

Natalie Landy

Bela Fischer

Ethics of the Fathers: Pirkei Avot 4:1 – Sefaria

Y’shar koach!


Dear Judith Congratulations upon receiving the Golda Meir Award from NA'AMAT. You are truly an asset to our organization and deserve the recognition.

Hannah & Tibor Szabo Judith - Thank you for all your work and dedication to Jewish education in Cleveland. Michelle Ryb Lindsey and Alex 23715 Mercantile Road Beachwood, OH 44122 (216) 292-7112

well-deserved honor. Shu & Gerry Erenberg

Mazal tov, Yehudit!

Mazel Tov to my friend and teacher on a well-deserved honor

Judith Shamir From your friends at Jewish National Fund-USA

Mazel Tov

Advertising_ NA'AMAT USA_2.25x1.indd 1

Judith Shamir for receiving NA’AMAT’s Golda Meir Award


Judy Shamir on a

A wonderful Jewish educator RabBi Enid C. Lader


Saving lives. It’s in our blood.

Mazel tov to

6/10/21 2:40 PM

Marilyn Soclof Thank you Judith for all you’ve given NA’AMAT USA and the Cleveland Council!

Mazel Tov Judith May you go from strength to strength. Subscribe online today with a free six-week trial


Paul J. Singerman

Kevin S. Adelstein

Board Chair

President, Publisher & CEO

Everyone wants success - those who follow a true approach get it. Judith - you are a woman who has cherished education and nurturing our Jewish children in Cleveland. Your truth is why you are successful! Congratulations! NA’AMAT USA Cleveland Council

REMEMBER that giving to NA’AMAT assures the continuity of the vital social services and educational programs maintained in Israel for future generations. 30

Past Presidents Rose Kaufman*..................................................... 1939-1941 Miriam Shapiro*................................................... 1941-1943 Sarah Halperin*.................................................... 1943-1945 Helen Levine*...................................................... 1945-1947 Sophie Novitch*................................................... 1947-1949 Ethel Levine*........................................................ 1949-1951 Ruth Vincent*....................................................... 1951-1953 Janet Merlin*........................................................ 1953-1955 Gertrude Rutsky*.................................................. 1955-1957 Dorothy Dannhauser*.......................................... 1957-1960 Annie Marks*....................................................... 1960-1963 Mildred Javitch*.................................................... 1963-1965 Edith Paller ........................................................... 1965-1967 Estelle Shore ........................................................ 1967-1969 Marguerite Morris ................................................ 1969-1971 Rina Frankel......................................................... 1971-1973 Edith Isaacs* ......................................................... 1973-1975 Gladys Weltman .................................................. 1975-1978 Luanna Katz Gamble ........................................... 1978-1980 Eileen Gordon ..................................................... 1980-1982 Adele Mendel ...................................................... 1982-1983 Mae Berkman*..................................................... 1983-1986 Raycine Spector ................................................... 1986-1988 Mae Berkman*..................................................... 1988-1989 Adele Mendel ...................................................... 1989-1991 Gale Jacobsohn ................................................... 1991-1993 Shirley Lev*.......................................................... 1993-1995 Sheila Adler ......................................................... 1999-2001 Florence Dobrin* ................................................. 2001-2003 Ruth Ness ............................................................ 2003-2005 Robin Lieberman ................................................. 2005-2011 Natalie Landy ...................................................... 2011-2014 Dr. Linda Schoenberg .......................................... 2011-2013 Susan Haas .......................................................... 2013-2014 Rita Frankel ......................................................... 2015-2017 Reva Zaretsky ...................................................... 2015-2017 Robin Lieberman ................................................. 2016-2019 Sheila Adler ......................................................... 2018-2019 Melanie Kutnick ............................................. 2020 - Present *deceased


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NA’AMAT USA, Cleveland Council

Empowering Women and Families in Israel 5001 Mayfield Road, #317 | Lyndhurst, OH 44124 216-321-2002 | 32

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