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DISHA Oblivion to Enlightenment Page 4

Publication of


BBN Industries Association

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 2010-11 President Mr. Rajender Guleria


President Elect Mr. Arun Rawat Advisor Mr. Deepak Bhandari Sr. Vice Presidents Mr. Vijay K. Arora Mr. C. N. Dhar General Secretary Mr. Y.S Guleria

Sachit Jain Patron

R.K. Rewari Patron

N.K. Juneja Patron

Joginder Khanna Patron

Amir Singh Patron

Office Bearers

Atma Ram Singh Patron & Immediate Past President

Organizing Secretary Mr. Ashwany Sharma Vice Presidents Mr. H.C. Maheshwari Mr. Ashok Agrahari Mr. Shailesh Aggarwal Mr. Sanjay Bhasin Mr. Rajiv Aggarwal Vice-Presidents-cum-Chairmen Mr. M.P. Sharma Mr. Manohar Tegta Mr. Rajesh Bansal Mr. Mukesh Jain Mr. Sumeet Sharma

Rajinder Guleria President

Arun Rawat President Elect

Deepak Bhandari Advisor

Vijay K. Arora Sr. Vice President

C.N. Dhar Sr. Vice President

Sanjay Bhasin Vice President

Y.S. Guleria General Secretary

Ashwany Sharma Organising Secretary

H.C. Maheshwari Vice President

Ashok Agrahari Vice President

Shailesh Aggarwal Vice President

Vipin Gupta Secretary Finance

Rajiv Aggarwal Vice President

M.P. Sharma Vice President cum-Chairmen

Rajesh Bansal Vice President cum-Chairmen

Mukesh Jain Vice President cum-Chairmen

Sumeet Sharma Vice President cum-Chairmen

Joint Secretaries Mr. A. K. Jain Mr. Sandeep Verma Secretary Finance Mr. Vipin Gupta Secretary Media Mr. Sanjay Khurana

Manohar Tegta Vice President cum-Chairmen

Legal Advisor Advocate Mr. Brajesh Saklani EXECUTIVE MEMBERS Mr. Agosh Gopalan Mr. Rajesh Sood Mr. N.P. Kaushik Mrs. Bhavna Dogra Mr. Jagdeep Singh Mr. L.K. Sharma Mr. M.L. Sharma Mr. Pardeep Sharma Ms. Poonam Sharma Mr. Ram Gopal Aggarwal Col. S.K. Tarnach Dr. S.K. Dixit Mr. Vishal Thakur Mr. Vinod Khanna Mr. Yogesh Thakur Mr. S.K. Thakur Maj. Sachan Kr. Saini Mr. Karun Kashmiri Mr. Anil Sharma Mr. Harish Sharma Mr. M.S. Rizvi Mr. Anmol Rattan Sharma Mr. Mahendra Tandon Mrs. Madhuri Bansal Mr. Vivek Sharma Mr. Amit Sharma Mr. Dinesh Jain PATRONS Mr. Sachit Jain Mr. R.K. Rewari Mr. N.K. Juneja Mr. Joginder Khanna Mr. A.R. Singh Mr. Amir Singh

Sanjay Khurana Secretary Media

Committee Chairs PHARMA COMMITTEE Mr. Rajesh Bansal Mr. Sanjay Dhadwal Mr.S.D.Dixit.

TEXTILE COMMITTEE Mr. Vijay K.Arora Mr. S.K.Thakur

PACKAGING COMMITTEE Mr. Mukesh Jain, Convener Mr. R.Kochhar

Functional Committee Conveners HR & CSR COMMITTEE Mr. Manohar Tegta Mr. Agosh Gopalan Ms. Poonam Sharma Mr. Chandan Dogra Mr. Pradeep Sharma TAXATION COMMITTEE Mr. Sumeet Sharma Mr. M.S.Rizvi Mr. H.C.Marwaha Mr. Ashok Kumar Jain.

TRANSPORT COMMITTEE Mr. Deepak Bhandari Mr. Vijay K.Arora POWER COMMITTEE Mr. Shailesh Aggarwal Mr. Rajiv Aggarwal Mr. Anmol Rattan Sharma Mr. Puneet Passi


SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE Mr. Ashok Agrahari Mr. Yash Pal Singh Mr. Neeraj Pathak Mrs. Madhuri Bansal

PRINTING AND PUBLICATION COMMITTEE Mr. Sanjay Khurana Mr. Sandeep Verma Ms. Poonam Sharma Mrs. Bhavana Dogra

From the Desk of the Editor

This Diwali onwards, Disha will reach you every month!


EDITORIAL TEAM Mr. Arun Rawat (Advisor) 98160-45135 Mr. Mahesh Bhasin (Editor) 94180-45137 Mr. Sanjay Khurana (Chairman Priniting & Compilation) 98160-25491 Ms. Poonam Sharma


ou have your own publication “Disha” in your hands and there could not be a more propitious period for its current issue than Deepawali. And believe us, we were not sure that it would be possible, until October. Everything

becomes possible the moment you cross the boundaries of impossibility. That is what we did. We know that with all our efforts, we cannot make our readers read every word

Ms. Bhavna Dogra 93189-80500

of it. But, that is how every publication is received and scanned. No one reads every

Mr. Ashok Tandon 98151-64247

word printed in a newspaper, and yet it is much sought after by us to begin our day. Reason? Everyone finds something of interest, may be politics, stocks & shares,

Mr. Rajesh Dhingra 9876426013

sports, advertisements, sensational news and what all. We have put together this

Mr. Ajay Bhasin 9805030678

issue with material which might be of interest to you, but at the same time, we shall welcome your suggestions as to what you would like to read in Disha.

For edditorial material or advertising please mail to :

We have also decided to bring the information about BBNIA every month to you, and we shall continue to make it more relevant, more interesting and more readable,

CorePR Editorial Team

with your continuous feedback.

C.J. Singh Sandhya Birla

As our President Elect Shri Arun Rawat believes “A casual reading of newspaper, magazines, books and other reading material give a horde of information which we

Production M.S. Rawat Layout Sunil Kumar

may have missed during our pre-occupations. Kindly share your knowledge with us

Core Communications Pvt Ltd #3366FF, Sector 32D, Chandigarh 160 031 Phones: 0172-5016581, 2613190, |

through “DISHA” so that we can get 'disha' in all fields of our life.” As we go to print with this Diwali special with our best wishes to you for this

All editorial and advertising material should be forwarded to Core Communications Pvt. Ltd. for publication, with a copy to the BBN Office.

Published by

festivity we shall look forward to receiving your contribution, the success stories of your unit, your opinion about the challenges we face in Baddi, Barotiwala and Nalagarh areas, and how we can together tackle them.

Rajinder Guleria, President, on behalf of BBN Industries Association (Regd) c/o Single Window Clearing Agency Industrial Area, Baddi 173 205 HP Phones: 01795-246495 . Mobile: 098160-46495 Email:

We are committed to place Disha in your hands each month – a tall order, but with your contributions, we are sure, we shall be able to meet this challenge. We shall also appreciate your advertisement support, which would also go a long way to make this publication cost-effective and self-sustainable.

Mahesh Bhasin

In this issue Processed and Printed at Nex-Gen Graphibiz Plot no. : F-191, Indl. Focal Point, Phase 8-B, Near Quark City, Mohali, Distt. S.A.S. Nagar Punjab. 0172-5013025, 4623025 . 98141 43025

Cover Feature 2 From the desk of the president 3 President_Elect writes 4 From Oblivion To Enlightenment Case in Point 6 Chikni Khad Bridge Mnagement Tips 7 Quality management system 8 Our road to Success 9 Ways to overcome bad mood

Sacred Space 12 Rituals As Learning Tools Woman’s Corner 13 Beauty Tips General Interest 14 Laughing matter BBNIA at Glance 15-16 Activity Brief 17 Mistakes Our Life Long Companion

Life Matters 11 Think It Over

Speech is civilization itself. The word, even the most contradictory word, preserves contact – it is the silence which isolates. Thomas Mann



From the Desk of the President

Convenience to do business Rajinder Guleria President, BBNIA 2010-11

Our association is striving very effectively and dedicatedly to make it easier for the industry to conduct their businessin BBN area.


his is quite sometime, I am

categorizes as severally polluted area as per

time external connectivity will be increased

communicating with you all

report of MOEF. Establishment of CETP

from 2 to 3 networks. We are very hopeful

through DISHA. Hope you all are

doing well in your businesses.

after hazardous waste disposal project will

that in another 2 years time real taste of

be a leap step in brining down the pollution

power surplus state will actually be available

Our association is very effectively and

rating of this area, which in turn will enable

to industry. HPSEB has upgraded Baddi-

dedicatedly striving to make it easier for the

the industry to grow and work peacefully.

Barotiwala area to Executive Engineer level.

industry to conduct their businesses. The first bottleneck of connectivity

The SDC will help industry to tide over skills

We have also requested board to shift its

cr unch. This centre will cater to

billing office from Solan to Baddi.

was partially resolved after completion

requirement of pharmaceutical, FFMCG,

of Baddi- Chandigarh road via Siswan

Textile, Engineering & packaging Industry.

Another small but significant step in direction of strengthening of

but likely to be completely resolved after

These projects under IIU scheme is

completion of strengthening of 9 K.M.

undertaken through an SPV constituted by

working men's Hostel in PPP format to

stretch of Pinjore- Baddi road. The road

the association in the name of Baddi

accommodate 692 employees at affordable

is also to be

Infrastructure, a non profit company. You

rent but quality accommodation . The

fourlaned and the process of making DPR is

all are humbly requested to come forward

format will be released to you shortly and

from Pinjore- Nalagarh

infrastructure is

construction of

nearly completion. We are constantly

to participate in these projects from

we assure you of its expansion, based on

following up with

business as well as CSR point of view.

your response.


depar tments. The recent speedier

The next important aspect for

We are also actively working with

restoration of Balad Brdge and re-carpeting

industry in this area availability of

BBNDA to bring in reputed school and

of damaged portion of Baddi-Siswan road

continuous and quality electricity –

mid-level hospital to this area, enabling

does have association's active involvement.

substantial steps have been taken by the

the management level persons to stay here.

The main internal roads in the

state utility in this direction. The recent

As you all know ESI model Hospital is

industrial areas of Baddi & Barotiwala area

energizing the uppra Nangal sub-station at

nearing completion for the benefits of IP's in

are also to be strengthened under the IIU

Nalagarh has almost resolved the problem

your factories.

scheme of Govt. of India with active

of frequent interruptions at Nalagarh area.

At the end I would like to assure all of

participation of Himachal Government.

Also the work on upgrading the distribution

you of our best efforts for your convenience

network in the BBN area is under

and also seek your active participation.

The other infrastructural projects coming up under the scheme are


common effluent treatment plant and

The new network being created will be

skill development cum up gradation centre.

three times more than the existing

You are all aware that the area is being

requirement of this area and at the same



Rajinder Guleria

Be true to yourself and be less concerned with what others think of you. Unknown

President-Elect writes:

Hum Honge Kamyaab

Theme Song of Success Arun Rawat President Elect, BBNIA


am very sincerely obliged to the fellow members of this august body, BBNIA,

considered as a yard stick of the Industrial health in the entire country.

who have given me a chance to serve as

We have worked together with one

President. Having been a Secretary of the

ideology “United we stand, divided we fall”.

association for quite some time in the past

In our case this adage can be re-composed

and having worked under the direct

as “United we survive, divided we perish”.

guidance of gentlemen like S/Shri Rajendra

This wisdom dawned upon some of the

Guleria, A.R.Singh, R.K.Rewari, N.K.Juneja

sane brethren of ours, who put their heads

and Joginder Khanna who, I believe will

together to design an association of

continue to be my principal guides, I am

Industrialists to give voice to the problems of

sure I can fulfil your expectations of

its members. That this association, was

maintaining BBNIA at numero-uno .

instrumental in confronting and winning

With your help and advice of the Patrons of the Association, we can, I am confident, ensure that all the just demands

over many difficult situations needs no elaboration. Let us pause here to think: “Can we

of the fellow industrialists are settled

maintain the lofty standards set up before

without delay.

us by the learned individuals who are now

We have, thanks to the devotion and efforts of my predecessors, carved a

our patrons”? Yes. It is very much possible, provided

situation where we are not only being

we can all show the same spirit of devotion

heard, but our suggestions are also

and selflessness as my predecessors did.

seriously considered and implemented by all

Service before Self is a proven 'Mantra'

those who are entrusted with the welfare

which needs no experimentation. ”Hum

and development of Industry in the State.

honge kamyab” shall remain our anthem...

BBNIA is one of the best of all Industrial

our theme song.

associations in the country and carries a reputation that matters. The performance of Industries at Baddi is now being

BBNIA is one of the best of all Industrial associations in the country and carries a reputation that matters. The performance of Industries at Baddi is now being considered as a yard stick of the Industrial health in the entire country.

Emulate the learned and the pious in all your thoughts and deeds The Upanishads

November 2010




From Oblivian to Enlightenment Punjab, Chandigarh or Delhi and the market for their end product was also outside Baddi only that required dependence on transportation. Other than Amba Containers there were other units who struggled for their survival for different reasons like lack of infrastructure, heavy expenditure on procurement of raw material, lack of banking facility (terms being dictated by single bank available in Baddi) added to which was the government apathy. The frustration all around forced the existing unit holders to sit and talk of their problems

Since our tribe is growing, we thought of sharing the journey of BBNIA over the years, the tribulations it encountered, and the success it has achieved with the support and cooperation of everyone.

at Hotel Sikka Resort (the only respectable place to meet at that time) in the month of December 1990 or January 1991. The cold evening witnessed a meeting of about 15 unit heads which in a way marked the semblance of an association of


ur journey began in 1987, with

owned by Amba Containers were rendered

people who realized what a cartel of truck

the story of an industrial unit,

un-operative and the unit had to pay heavy

operators union could do to the industry

Amba Containers, manufacturer

amount to the transporters for movement

and the business in Baddi.

of pet jars and bottles, when the plant was

of its finished goods.

Amongst those present at that

For those who were then operating

moment, which I recall, included S. Amir

product was outside Baddi and as such the

from this area had very thin profit margin

Singh, Shri Sanjay Bhasin, Shri Arun Rawat,

management procured two to three

mainly due to non-availability of raw

Shri Rajesh Sood, Shri Sailesh and Shri A. K

transport vehicles for the movement of their

material which had to be procured from


finished goods. Meanwhile, realizing the

outside Himachal, i.e. from Haryana,

set up here. The consumption of their final

possibility of business, truck operators started opening their offices at Baddi and established a unified network by the year 1990 or so. The truck operators formed a cartel and objected to transportation of material outside Baddi in a transport other than that provided by the truck operators. The trucks


November 2010

It is another matter that the Amba Containers could not continue their

...the fact remains that a realization dawned on many to sit together, work together and exist together.

struggle and closed down their unit subsequently, the fact remains that a realization dawned on many to sit together, work together and exist together. It was then that Shri Sachit Jain landed on the scene and soon realized what was wrong and where. His concerted efforts with the

Whatever action a great man performs, common men follow And whatever standard he sets by exemplary acts, all the world pursues. BHAGWAD GITA.


is growing further with added interest shown by those who were not members.

team to start operations as President elect. On August 27, 2010, Shri Arun Rawat

pedestals with a proactive partnerships that it intends to forge between the industry and

Due to the paucity of the space in the

presented to the house his new team as

the educational institutions on the one

pages of this newsletter, it is not possible to

well as a draft Constitution of the BBNIA for

hand, as well as with the community and

recount each and every instance of

the first time to define the powers and

the government on the other hand, so that

importance, but the fact remains that since

procedures of various office bearers and the

necessary skills can be developed amongst

1986-87, the Association had been able to

committees and the procedures for future

the youth of Himachal to make them

organise itself, project and portray the



needsd of the community in these three

What is of equal interest is the manner in

There are numerous other plans and big

townships of Baddi, Barotiwala, and

which collegiums of Patrons, comprising of

challenge of raising funds to realise those

Nalagarh, which have grown over the years.

the Past Presidents was included in the

dreams, which we are sure, with the help of

We are proud today that the leadership

constitution to safeguard effective working

ever yone BBNIA would be able to

of BBNIA took it upon itself to improve the

of the BBNIA. The Constitution was

accomplish them. We wish them luck.

living and working conditions of these

adopted unanimously and the House

O n t h i s o c c a s i o n o f D I WA L I

towns, voice their concerns and even join

expressed its thanks to Mr. Sanjay Khurana

celebrations, we have penned this brief

hands to meet some of the societal needs,

for his efforts.

history and shared with the younger

especially the poor and the underprivileged.

The President elect is likely to rely heavily

generation and new members to come

All these years have seen BBNIA grow

on his team of young secretary, Shri Y.S.

forward and walk together with us for the

from strength to strength, as a close knit

Guleria and the Secretary Finance, Shri Vipin

journey ahead.

family of business people, industrialists and

Gupta in view of the varied projects at the

what we have achieved and pray that we

Let us all rejoice with

professionals, who chose to set up their

implementation stage and the funds

continue to reach higher and still higher.

enterprises here. And the best part of our


Best wishes to one and all.

group is that it has respected the

BBNIA has great plans to catapult this

conventions and procedures that the senior

region of Himachal Pradesh into still higher

functionaries and members conceived for the Association, and worked seamlessly without any written constitution. The recent years have seen BBNIA emerging as a strong representative of the three towns here and as Shri Rajinder Guleria highlighted the achievements and activities of BBNIA for the last two years under his leadership at the Annual General Meeting held in Hotel Le-Mariet Kishanpura on July 3, 2010, the members unanimously requested him to continue with the assignment upto 31st of March 2011despite Shri Guleria’s protest since he did not want to continue beyond his twoyears term, as is BBNIA’s convention. However, the AGM elected Shri Y.S.Guleria as General Secretary. Shri Arun Rawat was requested to choose his new

The perfect journey is circular – the joy of departure and the joy of return David Basilli

November 2010



Who’ll Bridge the Gap? Chikni Khad Bridge It is unfortunate that a common man suffers not because he erred, also not because he failed to raise his voice, and even not because those who could help did not want to do so.


t is perhaps in our system multiplicity of controls that give rise to indecision. Can it also be because of lack of will to take responsibility because of ambiguity in rules and regulations? Can it be because of the political mind set to ensure that members sitting on the opposition bench do not benefit? Is the difference in ideology between the party that rules the State to the one that rules the centre a cause of continuous hardship to the voters who stood for long hours in rain or sunshine or shivering conditions to elect those meant to decide an issue? It is a maize and a never ending puzzle. Every one has some ideas or the other. But the fact remains, we suffer. A test case of Chikni Khad Bridge on a prominent national highway is illustrative.

Decide for yourself. Chikni Khad bridge at a distance of 4 Kms. ahead of Nalagarh towards Swarghat on way to Biaspur, Kulu, Manali on National Highway 21-A was damaged in the year 2007 due to heavy rains. For facility of transportation, a kacha diversion was planned which becomes inoperative every time it rains in the area. The bridge was a vital link for the public and the industries operating


November 2010

in the area and many representations were sent to the government for its early restoration.

No results.. BBNIA also voiced concern of the Industrialists to the Principal Secretary (PW) in October 2007 and again in the early months of 2008. This difficulty was voiced during an interaction with the Chief Minister in March 2008.

A bridge on the national highway was damaged more than three years back and remains yet to be provided despite inconvenience to the general public and loss to the industries operating in the area who are regular users of the bridge. Loss to public perhaps does not matter to government but what about loss of revenue in shape of tourist traffic? Loss to government and the government knows.

Still no results. Still no results. After an arduous wait, BBNIA again requested the Hon'ble Chief Minister of H.P. in December 2008 to kindly intervene. A copy of this letter was sent to the Principal Secretary (PW). The only action on record relates to a reference by the Special Secretary (PW) to the Chief Minister “to look into and take necessary action in the matter under intimation to this department”.

Still no results. Meanwhile, BBNIA had addressed the problem to the Chief Engineer (Roads Development), Government of India in August 2009 followed by reminders.

Still no results. However, after 15 months of our letter to the Chief Minister, H.P.PWD informed us in March 2010, that an estimate of Rs. 801.37 lacs was sent by them to the government of India in January 2010.


an someone from the State and/or the Central government tell us what could be done by us to get the Bridge constructed with the speed the situation demanded? Are the end users required to revolt for their bare minimum needs? Is the government, Central or State, not required to attend to such situations post-haste when the users are paying a heavy price by way of taxes for maintenance and upkeep of transport systems? Please tell us the door open to voters to fight against such lethargic approach of the authorities that are responsible for such delays for our guidance and future action.

Or, do we always have to contend with Still no Results?

Still no results. Britain has invented a new missile. It is called the civil servant – it does not work and it can't be fired Walter Walker, A British General.


Quality Management System Karun Kashmiri

The Quality Management System is an overall system that ensures the continued operation of the whole process from purchasing of material to the final delivery of finished goods and not only the quality of product. The ISO series of International Standards covers all the requirements of an ideal Quality Management System.

Need To Adopt ISO Standards


n any commercial activity customers expect value for the money paid by him in terms of quality of goods and the

quality of the ser vices offered. The customers' expectations of quality have been steadily growing, as there is an everincreasing demand on quality, leading rapidly to improve the quality of the goods/services offered by the suppliers. Today's scenario forms the basis for

Management System for primary

• Quality performance is institutionalized.

packing of medicines including GMP)

• Achieves customer's satisfaction

n ISO 18001:2007 (Occupational

• Generates objective evidence to

Health And Safety Management

demonstrate the quality of products and


the effectiveness of systems

n ISO 22000:2005 -( Food Safety Management Systems) n ISO/TS 16949 -(ISO 9001 Requirements For Automotive Production And Relevant Service) It should be clearly understood that quality

adopting these international standards.

does not happen by chance & it has to be

Some of the requirements are given below

managed at every

that why the ISO standards should be


stage of the life of

adopted. Today customers' perception of quality is that customers' requirement are to be

Benefits of ISO Quality Systems

fulfilled by systematic, well-defined and

By adopting the international quality

documented quality system at all the levels

system standards the organization can

e.g. procurement, processing, production,

derive the following benefits.

handling, supply and servicing.

• Provides a competitive edge in domestic

The following standards have been introduced looking in to the needs of the specific industries n ISO 9001:2008-(Quality Management System) n ISO 13485:2003-(Quality Management System-Medical Devices) n ISO 14001: 2004-( Environmental Management System) n ISO 15378: 2006-( Quality

as well as global market. • Saves money - as quality system ensures efficient & sound procedures. • Reduces wastes & time consuming rework and repairs – increases profits in turn. • Provides an efficient tool to ensure consistent quality through systematized working • Brings confidence to the consumer. The people we love are not always beautiful but they become beautiful because we love them. - Nasim Jwani

November 2010



Award of Excellence Congratulation from BBNIA to Elin Appliances Pvt. Ltd., Baddi, for receiving the Award of Excellence in HR.

WHORMR in Ayurvedic We are very happy to know that Charak Pharma Pvt. Ltd., first unit to get WHO GMR in Ayurvedic by DCGI.

Our Road to Success


hen we think of starting a business, we think of the locational advantage like availability of

land at a reasonable rate, availability of power,

availability of funds through Banks, availability of markets in the vicinity. Have you ever wondered why some individuals, organization or countries are more successful than others? It is not a secret. These people simply think and act more effectively. They have learnt how to do so by investing in the most valuable assets –

Converters of Aluminium Foils, Blister Foils, Glassine Paper, Flexible Laminate and Manufacturers of Aluminium ROPP Caps

people. Shiv Khera an eminent writer calls it TQP.. TQP is Total Quality People – people with character, integrity, good values, and positive attitude. Success of an individual, organization or country, depends on the quality of their people. Human resources is the most valuable asset of any business. It is more valuable than capital or equipment. Unfortunately, it is also the most wasted. People can be your biggest asset or your biggest liability. Customer service, selling skills, strategic planning et-all does not work unless they have the right foundation, and the right foundation is TQP. Some customer training programmes teach participants to say “please” and “thank you” give smiles and hand-shake. This of-course cannot be ignored but when these

We are Authorised Converters of Hindalco Industries Ltd.

gestures are not seriously followed by a will to serve, these become meaningless and exposed. William James of Harvard University says, “The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitude of mind”.


November 2010

BADDI UNIT : Vill. Theda, Baddi Nalagarh Road, Tehsil- Nalagarh, Distt.-Solan (HP) Phones : 01795-236941-42 Cell : 9818596495, 9816025491 E-mail :

DELHI UNIT : S-86, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase-II, New Delhi-110020 Phones : 011-26386969, 26386495 Fax : 011-26383201 Cell : 9810112343 E-mail :

We make of the quarrel with others, rhetoric, but of the quarrel with ourselves as poetry. W.B. Yeats


10 Ways

to Let Go & Overcome a Bad Mood

Every day may not be good, but there's something good in every day

Poonam Sharma

that it's near impossible to bypass an emotional response because of the way our brains are set up. Perhaps the best goal is to identify negative feelings quickly and improve your state of mind instead of responding to feelings with more feelings. Odds are if you choose the latter, you'll do something you'll regret later. I've come up with 10 ways to overcome a negative state of mind:

Get to the root


ontrary to popular belief, even positive people get in bad moods. Maybe you didn't get enough sleep last night. Or you feel overworked and overwhelmed. Or perhaps something happened, and you keep dwelling on it, going over and over in your head how you froze up in a meeting, or spoke too aggressively to someone you love. Whatever the case may be, you feel something you don't want to, and you're not sure how to change it. You just know you need to do something before acting on that feeling. The reality is you don't have to act on everything you feel. Still, emotional responses happen so quickly that it becomes challenging to put space between feeling and doing. It may seem like, the answer is, to stop responding to life emotionally, but that's just not realistic. Paul Ekman, one of the foremost researchers on emotion, suggests

If you've ever snapped at someone who didn't say or do anything to offend you, you're familiar with this common dilemma: you feel something but you're not entirely sure why. So you start looking for explanations. The kids are too loud. Or the TV's too small. Or the car's too dirty. Maybe you're afraid of acknowledging someone hurt you because you prefer to avoid confrontation. Or maybe you're disappointed in yourself but admitting it is too painful. Whatever the case, it's time to get honest. Lashing out won't address the problems that are creating your feelings.

Be Real There's no point in pretending you're full of sunshine when internally you feel like crying or screaming. You're entitled to feel the full range of emotions and express what's on your mind when you need to. Don't worry about bringing other people down; you'll only do that if you dwell in negativity. If someone asks what's wrong, be honest: “I've had a rough day, I don't feel so great, but I'm sure I'll feel better when I…”

Complete the “I'll feel better when I... ” sentence. Everyone has something that's guaranteed to put a smile on their face. Playing with your dog. Watching re-runs of Friends. Jump roping to bad 80s music. It's helpful to have this Ace in your pocket to pull out when you need a smile. (If you're on Facebook, read more ideas to make you smile here.) I know yoga always enhances my mood. I also know when I feel bad I'm less motivated to go yoga. It helps to remind myself it will be worth it in the end if I push through my discomfort because yoga always helps, at least a little.

Take responsibility Sometimes when you're down, it might feel like you have to stay there. But the truth is we can influence how we feel by choosing what we do. Sitting around sulking causes prolonged sadness. Doing something proactive will help you start to feel better. When you realize you're the only thing standing between you and a smile, you get motivated to take action. That's the thing about feelings: you can't sit around waiting for them to change. You have to do something to change them.

Think it out The best way to change how you feel is to change how you think about what's bothering you. Instead of dwelling on what went wrong, identify what you learned and what you can do with that knowledge to make your next moments better. Instead of dwelling on everything that's out Continued

Make Friend Before You Need Them.

November 2010


MANAGEMENT TIPS responsibility or blame other people. Whether you cling to pain or let go. You can't avoid feelings, but you don't have to exacerbate them with negative thoughts.

inspirational that reminds you people are good – life is good. I recommend Validation. Every time I see it I feel good about myself and want to play that forward.

Change the story in your head

Use the silly voice technique

Sometimes when you're in a bad mood, it's tempting to cling to a story that justifies it – and then retell it over and over like a picture book you've heard a million times. And then he said this…And then I did this…And then I messed up… Visualize yourself closing a book and taking a new one off the shelf. Then start telling yourself a different story. One where you're not a victim. One where you're not powerless. One where you're accepting what happened, and moving on so you don't lose anymore time on that other book.

Want to understand. Even if something happened to create your bad mood, you're responsible for maintaining it – and it's easy to do that if you efuse to see the other side of situations. If you want to believe your best friend meant to hurt you. Or the world is against you. Or your boss didn't promote you because she's out to get you. refuse to see the other side of situations. If you want to believe your best friend meant to hurt you. Or the world is against you. Or your boss didn't promote you because she's out to get you. Instead of fueling your anger for your friend, feel compassion for the pain she must be in – she'd never hurt you on purpose. Instead of thinking the world is against you, put your day in perspective. Everyone has bad days. Instead of imaging your boss is out to get you, realize she had a tough choice to make, and you'll have more opportunities to advance down the line.

According to Russ Harris, author of The Happiness Trap, swapping the voice in your head with a cartoon voice will help take back power from the troubling thought. (As mentioned in 40 Ways to Let Go and Feel Less Pain.) When you start thinking about the interview that went downhill, do it as Bugs Bunny. When you rehash the fight you had with your boyfriend, do it as one of those high-pitched mice from Cinderalla. Sound ridiculous? It is. That's the point.

Repeat You've tried everything but your mind is still being stubborn. Now it's a battle of wills: the part of you that wants to let go against the part of you that doesn't. Repeat this to yourself: “I still feel bad. I accept it. I know I won't always feel bad, and it will change as soon as I'm ready.” Simply let them go, affirming that you won't always feel bad – that you're not destined to feel angry, sad, or frustrated forever–and that you are in control of your feelings might motivate you to let them go.

What are your tips for overcoming a bad mood?

Send Your Answers to the Editor so as to reach him before 20th November. The winner’s name shall be published in the next issue.

Who was the first President of India to be awarded “Bharat Ratan?” There is an “Ashram” in Pondicherry. Do you know the saint who established it? Name the first Indian who qualified the ICS examination. Who was the patriotic poet and philosopher whose contribution to the Tamil literature is highly commended? What is the scientific name for study of caves? What is the full form of UNU? “Dispur” is the capital of which state of India? Name the State and what was its old name.

In which year, the Britishers shifted the capital from Calcutta to Delhi? What was the original name of Agra?


and Pneumatics

Uplift yourself Diffuse your negative feelings by generating positive ones. Watch something funny and silly on YouTube. Or watch something


November 2010

Speech is civilization itself. The word, even the most contradictory word, preserves contact – it is the silence which isolates. Thomas Mann


Think It Over Geetika Jain, in her illuminative article in the TOI (Sept.2010) discussed various situations we face and the alternatives that the life offers. Choice is always ours. Read on and think it over.


ife, by and large, is inscrutable. But one of its aspects is very

emotions like discontentment, jealousy, and unhealthy competitive

clear – it does not indulge in favouritism. It presents a medley


of opportunities and challenges alike to one and all, with no

Often we make our life onerous to nursing secret grudges and

discrimination whatsoever. Then why is it that some of us tend to

resentments against others who may be totally oblivious of our

lead peaceful, fulfilling lives while an abject strife torn existence is the

acrimonious feelings. This self – created baggage will only

fate of others? The logic is clear – each individual opts

perpetuate the uncalled for miseries and intricacies

for his own options and traverses life accordingly

of our life. Cultivate a generous disposition –

Holy granths have endorsed the need to lead a truly

forgive, forget and move on in life. Life will never

simple and un-complicated life. It need not be the two


extremes of the spectrum – a highly flamboyant or a

We are gregarious beings, living in society.

starkly austere life. In fact, a life of balance and

Relationships are an inevitable component of our

moderation is desired. But more often than not, to

existence. We can nurture robust, loving and

propitiate our base instincts, we create in society a

transparent relationships or choose to tarnish

façade about our status, power and affluence. And to

them with selfishness, malevolence and deceit.

live up to this cosmetic image, we give in to corruption,

The former will promote equanimity and

conceit anf compromise. This choice is ours – either we

smoothness in life while the latter will cause

choose suffer with a delusional lifestyle or adhere to

rancour and perpetual turmoil.

one that is genuine, that we are comfortable with. Be true to

Life, however, may not always be rewarding. During troubled


times, we need to maintain an unwavering faith in Divine

Money ,to an extent, is essential for happiness and comfort.

functioning. A trusting, non-resistant attitude will help us embrace

However, an evolved perspective enables harmonious integration of

reality gracefully. Accept the world the way it is rather than brood

material prosperity and spiritual progress. After achieving a

over its imperfections. A negative attitude will certainly not alter

comfortable level of financial security, choosing the right direction is

reality – the option is in our hands.

vital. Pause to think. A wise person would overcome greed and look

For true, undiluted happiness, it is imperative to live in the present.

towards following a finer, humane and creative path.

Past is a grave and the future is unknown. Living in the present

We can maximize our happiness by minimizing two habits –

moment is what can yield positive results. Again, the choice is ours.

expectations and comparisons. When we have high expectations of

We can choose the right path, right conduct, right thought and

others, especially our near and dear ones, we invariably end up

right speech. Our life will tend to be in perfect alignment with

getting hurt. Similarly, making comparisons can cause negative

Divine expectations.

Developing Breath Awareness To develop awareness of your breathing, follow these steps: Sit in a comfortable, dimly lit, quiet and safe place with your eyes closed. Choose any posture you like other than lying on the bed, because you might fall asleep. Spend the first two minutes paying attention to all the sounds you hear in the environment. Allow your awareness travel to the source of the sounds. Avoid making any judgments about the sounds. Gradually set your awareness on your breath. Practice deep, slow diaphragmatic breathing. Adapt a comfortable breathing rate and depth. Visualize your breath at the tip of your nostrils. Feel the subtle cool breath as flows in and warm breath out. Keep your attention at the tip of the nostrils for next few minutes watching the inward and outward flowing breath. Now allow your breath to become subtle until you reach a point when you just about don't feel the flow. Keep your awareness rested on the tip of the nostrils with the subtle breath for next few minutes. Continue as long as you like, but at least for 10 minutes.

Defining yourself by your own is better than accepting the definition of YOU from others. Unknown

November 2010



Sacred Space


ll our religious rituals are based on tested

While science broadly deals with problems one by

scientific principles. It is another matter

one and that which are external in nature,

that the correlations between the

spirituality seeks to strike at the root of all problems

spiritual practices and their benefits for our physical

that is embedded in our ignorance of the true

and mental have not been scientifically evaluated.

purpose of life and inability to recognize the true

Even when evaluated, we have not bothered to


understand because the reasons advanced need

While applying science to our lives we perform

application and comprehension. Here is an article

various rituals without questioning how it works

on the subject which may be interest to the

because the 'how' has already been taken care of


by those who formalized it. A religion, too,

The man who sells the Television set does not tell

prescribes rituals which are to be viewed in the light

you the intricate scientific principles that make it

of the above. A religion adapts spirituality and

work. He simply places a remote in your hands

enlists some easy steps for consumption and

with an instruction booklet. Reading it, even a lay

benefit of people. Resultantly, if you are inclined to

person who has no knowledge of science is able to

study scientific theories and formulae which make

tame the images, sound, brightness and colour,

things work, you can also reach the depths of

and switch channels by pressing buttons.

religion if you have the will to explore and discover

It is the technology that brings science to our

truths of spirituality to plumb the depths of

doorstep. Technology is the external face, the


outward expression of science. Identical to the

It is irrational to respect or run down any ritual only

above is the relation between spirituality and

because we have not understood it. Every ritual

religion. Religions are outward expressions of

has been evolved with a great deal of thought and


experience, in order to enhance physical and

Like science, the goal of spirituality is to help efface

mental well-being that will contribute towards

our problems and improve the quality of our lives.

spiritual uplift.


November 2010

Live in the world but don't be of the world. Live in the world but don't let the world live within you. Remember that it is all a beautiful dream, because everything is changing and disappearing. If you become detached you will be able to see how people are attached to trivia, and how much they are suffering. And you will laugh at yourself because you were also in the same boat before.

Sea is common for all. Some take pearls, some take fishes and some come out with just wet legs. World is common to all but we get what we try for. Unknown



Beauty Tips B

eauty, they say, lies in the eyes of the beholder. Basically, when we talk of beauty, we are only referring to the physical appearance. This is a narrow definition of beauty. A lovable and compassionate heart, a devoted and thoughtful companion, a sincere friend, an individual who excels in any field of sports or studies, an individual who talks softly and politely are some of the traits which make an individual beautiful. Other than the physical beauty, all others are hidden till you know the person. But, evidently, physical beauty attracts. The God, understandably belonging to masculine gender, is kind to his feminine counterparts and showers maximum beauty on them. A woman knows the strength, a beautiful woman can wield on men and as such each one wants to look better than the other. There is a stiff race between the beautiful YOU and the beautiful THEY. It is nice to look beautiful and here are some tips for those who do not know them. ¥ Regularly use Cleanse, tones and moisturizers for keeping your skin fresh. The earlier female generation advised application of 'Malai' before sleep and you can

try with very good results if you are not averse to the smell it generates. ¥ Ex-foliate your skin every week. This helps to keep our skin smooth and silky and allows better results for application of beauty care products. ¥ Take a balanced diet and eat fruits and vegetables which provide you with adequate quantity of Vitamins A , B and C. Fast food Is not good for your skin. ¥ Consume as less as 10 to 15 glasses of water to cleanse your skin. ¥ Consult a skin specialist regularly as a safeguard against any noticeable skin deficiency and effects of ageing. ¥ Visit a saloon for treatment of your skin once a month and remember skin treatment varies according to the stage of your age.

There are many other recipes that you can tell us about for benefit of others. Perhaps it is always better to look younger than your age so that when you are 42 you can tell people you are 24. Let us see who wins the race. I am out.

In life don't settle for someone who buys you a coffee. Go for someone who makes it for you. Unknown

November 2010



Laughing Matters! Yoga Miracle My friend's son, Golu, used to bite his nails. I advised him to send Golu to Baba Ram Dev, who will teach him some yoga. After two months I asked my friend “How is Golu now?” My friend said: “Now golu can bite his toe nails also.”

Gift of Silver Heavenly Abode

Santa told Banta: “I gifted my wife a diamond neckless last week on our anniversary, and she did not speak to me for two months” Banta: “Why so, was it fake?” Santa: “No, that was the deal.”

Teacher: “Those of you who want to go to heaven raise your hands.” All, except Santa, raised their hands. Teacher asks Santa: “Don't you want to go to heaven?” Santa: “My mom told me to come home straight after school.”

Fairy Tale A little girl asked her father, “Daddy, do all fairy tales begin with 'Once upon a time?” He replied, “No there is a whole series of fairy tales that begin with ‘If I am elected I promise..”

Timely Reconcilliation A couple had a quarrel. Next morning, husband offered a glass of milk to his wife. Wife : “You must be sorry for fighting with me”. He said “ No, today is Nagpanchmi.

Job Placements BBNIA members are requested to post their vacancies in their organisations on the BBNIA website ( and connect with the qualified and experienced candidates.


November 2010

BBNIA Needs Graphic Designer

Candidates available for Placement

Candidate should have a degree or diploma in fine arts/applied arts with expertise in digital graphic designing. Knowledge of CorelDRAW, Photoshop, Illustrator, is a must. Candidate shall be required to prepare all print and publicity collateral for the BBNIA. Please send email to:

We have three candidates available for placement in any organisation. KAPIL PATIYAL MBA (HR & Marketing) Contact No. 98167 88959 HIMANSHU JASROTIA MBA (Finance & Marketing) Contact No. 98165 24133 RAJESH KUMAR B.Tech (Electronics &Communications) Contact No. 90234 88742

Amazing. How easy it is for a man to understand a wife – when she isn't his. Unknown


For The Benefit of MSME


he areas and the schemes for which the Government

of India was extending various benefits to the MSME

and SSI were the matters explained at length by Shri

Shamsher Singh Sahu, Additional Commissioner MSME and by Shri Hukam Singh Meena, Development Commissioner. Various difficulties faced by the Small Scale Industries were discussed at length for their information and record. We are grateful to the members of Laghu Udyog , Baddi for being present in numbers for these meetings in May and June 2010.

Help for Meritorious Students of BPL Families


n 22 March 2010, it was decided by the Association to extend financial support to the meritorious children of BPL families who could not afford coaching for

common entrance tests to the medical and engineering stream. We are happy to report that 29 students were sponsored for coaching at North Himalayan Environment Protection and Education Society, (NHEPES) a registered body operating from Panchkula. The total expenditure on this account was Rs.4.35 lacs.

Meetings With The State Administrators


hri A.S. Rathore, IAS, Deputy Commissioner, Solan District was kind to discuss with us the issues of Land Tenancy Act the problems faced by us because of

undue demands of labour unions, management or say mismanagement of the Barriers and difficulty of the employees on account of non-availability of Kerosene. He assured all help as was administratively possible. Shri B.C. Katoch, IAS, Labour Commissioner to the Government of Himachal Pradesh was also apprised of our labour problems and non-availability of skilled himachali workers in a meeting with him on 12 July 2010. We are grateful for his appreciation of our view point and his

Cyber Crimes

Meeting With The Transporteers



the subject.

and it was agreed that all difficulties in future will be sorted out mutually.

assurance to help

he Inspector General of Police, Shri Ashok Sharma ,

informed us by detailed presentations the manner in

which Cyber Crimes were carried out and the

ome of our members brought to our notice, difficulties experienced by them with the Truck Operators and the Tempo Unions for arranging dispatch of their products and for procurements, locally or from out of State. Meetings

preventive measures required to safeguard ourselves against were arranged on a number of occasions (4 times) to sort out the difficulties and to these. We are grateful for the in depth study given to us on reach an acceptable understanding with them. The differences were put to rest

Like birds, let us leave behind what we don't need to carry ---- Grudges, Sadness, Pain, Fear And Regrets. Life is beautiful. Enjoy it. Unknown

November 2010


BBNIA AT A GLANCE We Met as a Family – Thanks To Mukesh Jain


hri Mukesh Jain arranged a Rajasthan were there to prepare get together in his lavish any dish that one desired or Farm House in Solan where could think of. It was heavenly for

members of the Executive those present and we are really Committee of the BBNIA and sorry for those who missed. And, those from the Rotary Club, apart from merriment, we Baddi were invitees. It is not easy constructively discussed the to put in words the hospitality of steps required to see that those Shri Mukesh Jain and his brothers who are residing out of Baddi – Dinesh and Rajnish and other Mukesh included - come back to members of the family, Apart a city of our dreams with all the from the grandeur of the Farm leisure available within, which is House and the lively atmosphere, Baddi. Thanks once again, each one was served with special especially to the relatives and cuisine of individual choice apart friends of Mukesh who made from varieties of Rajasthani everyone feel like a family. dishes. Special cooks from

Workshops on Excise , Service Tax and TDS A Workshop was arranged by us in collaboration with the Central Excise Officers on the procedures for Filing of Excise & Service Tax Return on line. That, this workshop was of considerable benefit to all the Industries required to file the return, needs no elaboration. Another workshop of considerable benefit to the Industrialists relating to the details for Tax Deduction at Source (TDS) was conducted in August 2010. The Income Tax Officer present in the workshop gave input on the subject by various presentations and informed us about the responsibility, time schedule and procedure of filing returns etc.

Meetings on the Power Front Our problems of lack of power availability are genuine was required to be emphasized with the State Electricity Board which we did. It can be best understood when we know that the Chairman of HPSEB chose to interact with us first in March 2010 and then again in July 2010 to assess the follow up action on the issues discussed. Thanks to him, the Superintending Engineer (Operation), HPSEB, Solan met us in July 2010 and September 2010 for exchange of views and to sort out the problems.


November 2010

We are friends and we shall continue to remain so till we have conflicting goals. Unknown


Mistakes : Our Life-long Companion

Jab dost keh diya hai to khamiyan na dekh,


n interesting article on the subject appeared in The Tribune in

recent past detailing the manner in which we give a shape to an

event different to the one that happened even when we are the

Tukdon main jo mile woh dosti nahin

eye witness. And then, we do not accept our mistake. The following makes an interesting reading In a classroom, two students began to have an angry argument, until one pulled out a gun. As the panicked students around them drew back, a

The implications are startling. Human beings cannot even accurately

Professor tried to intervene – and a shot was fired. The Professor collapsed to the ground. The witnesses, unaware that all three were actors following a script,

describe an event of great importance that they have just witnessed with their own eyes. Our abilities to perceive and reason are painfully limited.

were then taken outside and quizzed about what they had seen and heard.

We make mistakes and make them every day, but are loathe admitting them.

They were encouraged to give as much detail as possible.

Indeed, those who admit making mistakes are ridiculed, rarely trusted and

Everyone got it wrong. They put long monologues into the mouths of the

often pitied. But is it not the right way to acknowledge mistakes and take

spectators who had said nothing; they heard the row as being about a

corrective action? From the moment we are born, human beings are creating theories about

dozen different imagined subjects, from girlfriend to debts to exams; they saw blood everywhere, when there was none. Most people got a majority of

the world, based on limited evidence. Error in our theories can only be

their facts wrong, and even the very best witness offered a picture that was

corrected by repeated admission of errors pending logical and corroborative

25 per cent fiction.

answers to all our actions and perceptions.. We all get something wrong today, and tomorrow and every day of our

The more certain the witness, the more wrong they were. Every time the experiment is run, the results are the same. The above experiment was staged in the University of Berlin in 1902 by

life. Mistakes are our life-long companion. But we do have a choice whether to approach our error in terror, suppress it, ignore it and repeat it, or to accept our

Professor Frank Von Liszt. What was true in 1902 is true even after a century

mistakes as honest and try to get to the truth not to repeat the same mistake


time and again.

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To advertise in DISHA, Please contact : Ms. Sandhaya / Veeni, CorePR : 0172 - 5016581, 5001581 or Mr. Keshav Chandel, BBNIA : 098163 00054, 01795 - 246495,

STD Codes Baddi & Nalagarh- 01795 Solan & Barotiwala- 01792 Shimla - 0177

Important Telephone Numbers Name of department/ Designation



Name of department/ Designation


Industrial Adviser 2652637, 2804504 Deputy Director(DIC) 2650659 Labour & Employment Department Labour Commission-cum- Director of Employment 2625085, 2620250 Joint Labour Commissioner 2624157, 2670220 Asstt. Director Factories 2624157, 2673059 Incharge(CEC) 2625277 Excise & Taxation Department Commissioner 2621835, 2806426 Addl. Commissioner 2620775, 2832121 Joint Commissioner 2621264/50 Town & Country Planning Department Director 2622494, 2670908 State Town Planner 2625752, 2628368 HP State Environment Protection & Pollution Control Board Member Secretary 2673766, 2625225 Sr.Environmental Eng. 2673020, 2670098 Sr. Scientific Officer 2673020, 32, 2620040, 2673091 HP State Electricity Board Chairman 2813563, 2625941 Member Operation 2652315, 2837875 Chief Engineer South 2801745 HIMUDA CEO-Cum-Secretary 2623860, Chief Engineer 2626919, 2626108 HP State Industrial Development Corporation Managing Director 2625339, 2620371 Financial Adviser 2624327, 2807532 HP Financial Corporation Managing Director 2625339, 2620371 Chief General Manager 2624765, 2673067 Employees Provident Fund Organisation Regional Commissioner 2624621, 2673208

BADDI Deputy Director (SWCA) 244222 Employees State Insurance Corporation 244784 Labour & Employment Labour Officer / Inspector 271210 Health & Family Welfare Asstt. Drug Controller 244288 HP State environment protection & pollution control board Environmental Engineer 245374 HP State Electricity Board Asstt. Engineer 245700 HIMUDA Asstt. Engineer 246566 BBN Development Authority 271123 CEO 271121 Deputy CEO Ext.206 Town & Country Planner Ext. 207 Asstt. Town Planner Ext. 208 Executive Engineer (Project) Ext.220 Asstt. Engineer (B&R) Ext.217 Asstt. Engineer (IPH) Ext.218 HP State industrial Dev. Corp. Executive engineer 244148 Asstt. Engineer 244149 HP Financial corp. Deputy General manager 271102 Administration SP, Baddi 246100 Dy. SP 246800 SHO 244042,46 Fire officer 245352 Telephone Exchange S.D.O. (Phones) 245500 Telephone complaint 246000

SOLAN BAROTIWALA Labour & Employment Department Labour Inspector Administration SHO Excise & Taxation Department ETO, Barriers ETO - 1, Jharmajri ETO -2, Jharmajri HP State Electricity Board Astt.Executive Engineer

9805266653 255164 253045 271212


NALAGARH Labour & Employment Department Labour Inspector Excise & Taxation Department ETO HP State Electricity Board Executive Engineer Asstt. Engineer Administration SDM Tehsildar Dy. SP SHO

9805764836 223745 223097, 223095 223039 223024, 223049 223044 223109, 221170 223045

SHIMLA Industries Department Principal Secretary Director of Industries Joint Director

2621894, 2621658 2813414, 2625090 2652637, 2624969


Industries Department General Manager(DIC) Labour & Employment Department Distt. Employment Officer Labour Officer Excise & Taxation Department Town & Country Planning Department Town planner Asstt.Town Planner, Parwanoo Health & Family Welfare Department Asstt. Controller of Drugs Drug Inspector HP State Electricity Board Supritending Engineer Addl.SE Operation Addl.SE Commercial Sr. Executive Engineer HIMUDA Executive Engineer, Parwanoo Administration Deputy Commissioner Addl.D.C. Asstt. Commissioner SDM SP Addl. SP Employees Provident Fund Organisation Enforcement Officer, Parwanoo Employee State Insurance Corporation Regional Director, Parwanoo

230528, 230599 223746 223745

228485, 220359 233507 221107

221481, 221557 223652, 223816 223610 233104, 233209 232359, 233236 220656, 220555 223705, 220076 223706, 220610 223707, 220165 220567, 220568 223927, 223928 232759 235057, 234109

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