DISHA February 2011

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DISHA 4 8 3

A publication of


Working Men's Hostel

Dhumal resolves to make Himachal a model State

Mrs. Meira Mohanty Former CEO, BBNDA


Industrialization of Himachal all the way


Dhumal launches heli-taxi service in Himachal


Himachal Pradesh 2011-12

BBN Industries Association

Patrons PATRONS Mr. Sachit Jain Mr. R.K. Rewari Mr. N.K. Juneja Mr. Joginder Khanna Mr. A.R. Singh Mr. Amir Singh EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 2011-12 President Mr. Rajender Guleria

Sachit Jain Patron

R.K. Rewari Patron

N.K. Juneja Patron

Joginder Khanna Patron

Amir Singh Patron

Atma Ram Singh Patron & Immediate Past President

Office Bearers

President Elect Mr. Arun Rawat Advisor Mr. Deepak Bhandari Rajinder Guleria President

Arun Rawat President Elect

Deepak Bhandari Advisor

Vijay K. Arora Sr. Vice President

C.N. Dhar Sr. Vice President

Sanjay Bhasin Vice President

Y.S. Guleria General Secretary

Ashwany Sharma Organising Secretary

H.C. Maheshwari Vice President

Ashok Agrahari Vice President

Shailesh Aggarwal Vice President

Vipin Gupta Secretary Finance

Rajiv Aggarwal Vice President

M.P. Sharma Vice President cum-Chairmen

Manohar Tegta Vice President cum-Chairmen

Rajesh Bansal Vice President cum-Chairmen

Mukesh Jain Vice President cum-Chairmen

Sumeet Sharma Vice President cum-Chairmen

Secretary Media Mr. Sanjay Khurana

Sanjay Khurana Secretary Media

Sandeep Verma Joint Secretary

A.K jain Joint Secretary

Legal Advisor Mr. Brajesh Saklani Advocate

Committee Chairs

Sr. Vice Presidents Mr. Vijay K. Arora Mr. C. N. Dhar General Secretary Mr. Y.S Guleria Organizing Secretary Mr. Ashwany Sharma Vice Presidents Mr. H.C. Maheshwari Mr. Ashok Agrahari Mr. Shailesh Aggarwal Mr. Sanjay Bhasin Mr. Rajiv Aggarwal Vice-Presidents-cum-Chairmen Mr. M.P. Sharma Mr. Manohar Tegta Mr. Rajesh Bansal Mr. Mukesh Jain Mr. Sumeet Sharma Joint Secretaries Mr. A. K. Jain Mr. Sandeep Verma Secretary Finance Mr. Vipin Gupta

EXECUTIVE MEMBERS Mr. Agosh Gopalan Mr. Rajesh Sood Mr. N.P. Kaushik Mrs. Bhavna Dogra Mr. Jagdeep Singh Mr. L.K. Sharma Mr. M.L. Sharma Mr. Pardeep Sharma Ms. Poonam Sharma Mr. Ram Gopal Aggarwal Col. S.K. Tarnach Dr. S.K. Dixit Mr. Vishal Thakur Mr. Vinod Khanna Mr. Yogesh Thakur Mr. S.K. Thakur Maj. Sachan Kr. Saini Mr. Karun Kashmiri Mr. Anil Sharma Mr. Harish Sharma Mr. M.S. Rizvi Mr. Anmol Rattan Sharma Mr. Mahendra Tandon Mrs. Madhuri Bansal Mr. Vivek Sharma Mr. Amit Sharma Mr. Dinesh Jain

PHARMA COMMITTEE Mr. Rajesh Bansal Mr. Sanjay Dhadwal Mr.S.D.Dixit.

TEXTILE COMMITTEE Mr. Vijay K.Arora Mr. S.K.Thakur

PACKAGING COMMITTEE Mr. Mukesh Jain, Convenor Mr. R.Kochhar

Functional Committee Convenors HR & CSR COMMITTEE Mr. Manohar Tegta Mr. Agosh Gopalan Ms. Poonam Sharma Mr. Chandan Dogra Mr. Pradeep Sharma TAXATION COMMITTEE Mr. Sumeet Sharma Mr. M.S.Rizvi Mr. P.C.Marwaha Mr. Ashok Kumar Jain.

TRANSPORT COMMITTEE Mr. Deepak Bhandari Mr. Vijay K.Arora POWER COMMITTEE Mr. Shailesh Aggarwal Mr. Rajiv Aggarwal Mr. Anmol Rattan Sharma Mr. Puneet Passi


SAFETY & ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE Mr. Ashok Agrahari Mr. Yash Pal Singh Mr. Neeraj Pathak Mrs. Madhuri Bansal

PRINTING & PUBLICATION COMMITTEE Mr. Sanjay Khurana Mr. Sandeep Verma Ms. Poonam Sharma Mrs. Bhavana Dogra

FROM THE DESK OF THE EDITOR Mahatma Gandhi said: The rich must live more simply so that the poor may simply live. February 2011 Published monthly by Baddi Barotiwala Nalagarh Industries Association (BBNIA)

EDITORIAL TEAM Mr. Arun Rawat, Advisor 98160-45135 Mr. Mahesh Bhasin, Editor 94180-44137 Mr. Sanjay Khurana, Chairman Printing & Compilation 98160-25491 Ms. Poonam Sharma Ms. Bhavna Dogra 93189-80500 Mr. Ashok Tandon 98151-64247 Mr. Rajesh Dhingra 9876426013 Mr. Ajay Bhasin 9805030678 For Editorial material or advertising please mail to :

CorePR Editorial Team C.J. Singh Veeni Sharma Production : M.S. Rawat Layout : Sunil Kumar Core Communications Pvt Ltd #3366FF, Sector 32D, Chandigarh 160 031 Phones: 0172-5016581, 5001581 |

ALL GOOD THINGS, they say, DO NOT REMAIN FOREVER. But good deeds leave a trail behind. We, as human beings, privileged one at that, are aware that each one of us has been assigned to perform certain duties. They say: “World is a stage and each one of us is an actor. We play our role as long as the script demands”. And once the play is over, the actors are confined to different groups of heroes/heroines, the supporting cast, the villains, the one who could make you smile or make you weep, the jesters and the extras. Let us chose for ourselves the role we would like to fit in; write a script ourselves and let others follow the roles we assign to them. History teaches us a lot. Remember, the invincible Alexander the Great. He was humbled by a king Porus not by defeat in war but by his response to the question by Alexander: ”How would you like to be treated?” “Just as a king treats the king” said Porus. Even in his defeat, Porus did not lose his dignity, not even because of fear of death. Whenever, we talk of Alexander, we do remember Porus. The latter grew in stature as much as the one who won over him. It teaches us to maintain our dignity in every situation we are in. We are the privileged ones. That is what we are. We are privileged because we are in a position to give to others what they may need. We are privileged because the society classifies us in a category of those who “have” against many who are grouped as “have not”. Let us honestly live up to the reputation that we have earned by our tireless efforts. And do not ever forget what the father of the nation Mahatma Gandhi said: “The rich must live more simply so that the poor may simply live”.

Mahesh Bhasin

All editorial and advertising material should be forwarded to Core Communications Pvt. Ltd. for publication, with a copy to the BBN Office.

Published by Rajender Guleria, President, on behalf of BBN Industries Association (Regd) c/o Single Window Clearing Agency Industrial Area, Baddi 173 205 HP Phones: 01795-246495 . Mobile: 098160-46495 Email:

Copyright © 2011 Disha. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part of any text, photography or illustrations without written permission from the publisher is prohibited. The publisher assumes no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, photographs or illustrations. Views and opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the magazine

Processed and Printed at Nex-Gen Graphibiz Plot no. : F-191, Indl. Focal Point, Phase 8-B, Near Quark City, Mohali, Distt. S.A.S. Nagar Punjab. 0172-5013025, 4623025 . 98141 43025

In this issue COVER STORY 4 Working Men's Hostel THINK TANK 2 From the desk of the president 2 President_Elect writes 3 We’re climbing up the ladder BBN INFRASTRUCTURE 7 Planning of Industrial Area 7 Monthly Quiz for February 2011 9 Industrialization of Himachal all the way 10 Dhumal launches heli-taxi service in Himachal 11 Cloud computing for MSMEs BBNIA HELPING HANDS 8 Dhumal resolves to make Himachal a model State

Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

BBNIA NEWS IN BRIEF 12 Credit by NABARAD 13 Ruskin bond and his love for India 13 Pharma Concerns 14 Entry Tax – Effect on Industry 14 CSR Tree Plantation by Timex 14 Posting & Transfers CASE IN POINT 15 Himachal Pradesh 2011-12 16 Mind your Wall Gloss SACRED SPACE 17 Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan 17 His Holyness Dalai Lama HEALTH MATTERS 18 Arthritis: The inevitable truth

February 2011


BBNIA has requested the Union Ministry for Commerce & Industry to extend the Sunset Clause till 31 March 2020 for subsidy and income tax benefits.

Rajender Guleria President, BBNIA


eace at what cost? Himachal Pradesh has remained a peaceful

state, and progressing consistently bringing socio-economic

benefits to its residents.

The recent move by the Central

Government to ignore Himachal Pradesh while providing special relief to J&K and north east, is a clear case of uncalled for discrimination against Himachal. We have requested the Union Ministry for Commerce and Industry, to revise the rate and limit of the Central investment subsidy to 30% and Rs.150 lakh respectively to bring it at part with other two hilly states. We have also requested to extend the sunset clause date till 31st March 2020 for both, the subsidy and the income tax benefits, which, at present, stands at 15% and Rs.30 lakh only. The benefits have been extended to north east as well as J&K being the hilly states, and the only other consideration had been the civil unrest in those areas. Himachal is also a hilly state and being the most peaceful states in the country, has been able to attract fresh investments from other states as well as contribute to the socio-economic upliftment for the people of Himachal through increased industrial activity. We have approached Mr Anand Sharma, Union Minister for Commerce and Industry, and conveyed the industry’s deep resentment for step-motherly treatment and ignoring Himachal Pradesh for these reliefs. We have made a strong representation to him and have been assured that he would endeavour to get Himachal the same relief as has been extended to J&K and north-east. The BBNIA is expecting the government to accelerate industrial growth through reforms and setting new priorities to address economic issues, and we are grateful to CII also for making recommendations to the government in this regards.

Rajender Guleria


February 2011



The road to success.... is always under construction.

We have to concentrate on the projects given to us by the state and see that we are ready to contribute mentally, physically and financially for completion of targets.

Arun Rawat President Elect, BBNIA


t is possibly the way of life that when you start feeling comfortable, thinking that all is under control, situations take a turn preparing you for the most unexpected. It is then that we should pause and thank

all those who were instrumental in putting us at ease before we plan for the next. We need to thank all our members who gave us the strength to convince others that we are the one and the only one who can deliver goods and achieve targets howsoever difficult these may be. Such qualities are developed by following examples set by our members (patrons and the presidents) who worked tirelessly, who gave stature to the institution through their diligence and dedication. The government, the administrative officers dealing with industrialization in the area and the efforts put in for its development by the CEO, BBNDA (Mrs. Meira Mohanty) in recent times, have given us some proud moments to feel that development in this area is not a distant dream. Posting of some well meaning officers out of this area at this juncture when we needed their help the most is disturbing. But, wherever they may be, they will recall what they could achieve here the way we remember them for their contribution. We are prepared to make this area better than the best, and make BBN known the world over as one of the best industrial destinations. It is time for us to consider our achievements and our future targets. We have to concentrate on the projects given to us by the state and see that we are ready to contribute mentally, physically and financially for completion of targets like CETP, Skill Development Centre, Mini Tool room, Working Men Hostel, Trade Centre and Club House, Improvement of Roads and other social responsibilities. We have just made a beginning. The central government has floated many schemes to benefit industrial development, on PPP basis and we have to keep ourselves ready to initiate all such schemes in our state. Future targets in our case are therefore directly related to the steps that may be taken by the state in due course of time. Let us be ready for it.

Arun Rawat

Face-to-Face An interview with Mrs. Meira Mohanty Former Chief Executive Officer, BBNDA

We’re climbing up the ladder As we go to the press, Mrs. Meira Mohanty has been transferred as DC, Sirmour. We shall miss her dynamism and charismatic personality.

How comfortable had been your transition having

Married to IRS officer posted in Chandigarh, Meira loves to spend her leisure watching comedies and romantic movies.

law and order situation, the entire State Government is

moved from a District administration posting, to be

more accessible to common man than anywhere else,

the CEO of BBN Development Authority?

and above all, the availability of uninterrupted power

Meira Mohanty: Very exciting and very different. Here I

supply at affordable rates.

have seen the kind of challenges this industrial townships

Do you think these infrastructural issues are being

face, but with the proactive support of the local industries

addressed adequately?

association, BBNIA, I have found that it is much easier to

MM: Of course. Development is like a ladder, which is

implement and put into action whatever developmental

already in place here, and we are climbing. We are looking

efforts one wants to put in here. In the District, the

at housing for the workers, schools and medical facilities,

challenges were entirely different but in BBNDA one truly

especially when more and more big FMCG companies are

learns the fundamentals of project management, and

looking at BBN for setting up their base here. We have

watch them get realised.

been able to interest a reputed school from Solan to come

What have been your priorities after joining

to Baddi, and mid-level hospitals are also on the anvil. We


are looking at big developmental projects like setting up a

MM: BBN area requires tremendous infrastructure in

Baddi Trade Centre, strengthen roads, setting up high-

terms of roads, sewerage, street lighting, etc. The ground

mast lights at every crossing, in which we have received

realities are definitely different when it comes to the

active support of the BBNIA, which is indeed creditable.

implementation of the plans, but fortunately we have

BBNIA members have decided to implement this project

been able to get Central Government grant of Rs.70 crore

on PPP mode, and similarly many other projects are

which would definitely change the face of BBN. We have

waiting on the wings to be completed with the support

not only to plan for the current situation but also for the

of local industry.

future growth. By 2025, it is expected that the current

What else you have in mind?

floating population of 2 lakh would touch 7 lakh, who will

MM: We have discussed it with BBNIA and we intend to

require better civic amenities, roads, hospitals, housing,

set up factory outlet complex with a food court, on the

and sanitation facilities.

lines of Delhi Haat, so that local industry can showcase

But with the current incentives gone, will the

and sell their products to the people at an affordable cost,

industrial development continue?

which would even attract buyers from nearby cities. At

MM: Why not? In fact, the best part is that despite this

the same time I would recommend promotion of tourism

none of the industry is leaving the place. The fact is that

to this region since there are a number of old forts and

Himachal Pradesh has distinct advantages which will

temples that are worth visiting. Bringing in school and

continue to retain the industry, incentive or no incentive,

college students, and even tourists, on regular basis for

and even bring in fresh investments from outsides.

industry visit would further boost up the economy of this

Himachal is one of the most peaceful states with excellent


When everything comes in your way you're in the wrong lane.

February 2011



Working Men's Hostel rooms were converted to dormitories and the availability of space per head started reducing inch by inch to a point when the number of persons in a room became more than the room area could accommodate. The inconvenience faced by the workers resulted in their migration to other areas where they could have some residential comforts after tiring duty hours in the industries. Some of the affluent industrial houses of the area took corrective m e a s u r e s b y p ro v i d i n g i n - h o u s e accommodation for their staff. But for most of the industry it was not possible, one because of shortage of funds and two for

The logic for such a hostel was intended to provide an example to the operating industrialists to ensure that their staff was housed properly, rested properly, and looked after properly.


want of space with them. t is perhaps not necessary for us to impress the importance of this project

February 2011

BBNIA, being alive to the situation of

on the industries operating in this area,

depleting workforce requested the

because all of us have faced at one time or

government to come up with a policy to

the other, problem of providing adequate

ensure convenient residential space for

accommodation for our workers who come

working men of the area in the shape of

from different parts of the state and the

working men's hostel. The logic for such a

country to seek employment with us. We all remember that prior to influx of

hostel was intended to provide an example to the operating industrialists to ensure that

industrial houses in this area, most of which

their staff was housed properly, rested

started after 2003, local residents had

properly, and looked after properly so that

constructed hamlets for rental purpose and

when they came to their workplace they

the amount so charged was affordable.

were fresh and ready to give their best.

With more and more of industries coming


The beginning

The state government was kind

in, every space available with the land

enough to agree to the view point of BBNIA

owners was converted to commercial

and moved a proposal to the central

activity which also included constructing of

government to provide adequate funds for

rooms for rent. As the demand for rooms

construction of a working men's hostel at

increased so did the rates for each. The

Baddi under the central program of

The heaviest thing you can carry is a grudge.


"Assistance to States for developing Export Infrastructure and Allied Activities" (ASIDE). As in other cases of similar schemes, a

Cost outlay and Means of Finance The total cost of the project is estimated

which is reimbursable in a period of 12 years. Brochure for allotment of rooms was likely to be sent to the member industries

special purpose vehicle (SPV) was required

at Rs. 12 crores, including cost of land (Rs.

along with a letter for booking of rooms in

to be constituted to take up this work.

3.crores) agreed to be provided by the state

February 2011.

Accordingly, to look after construction

government in the shape of developed land


of a working Men's Hostel and other

and Rs. 6 Crores as grant. This leaves us

Well, if you still feel that the cost is on the

welfare activities for the workforce

short by Rs. 3 crores. This gap is to be met by

higher side, just wait and hear what other

operating in this area an SPV called

the beneficiar y industries, who are

facilities are available in this complex.

Doon Infrastr ucture Ltd., was

interested to earmark accommodation for

n The hostels will have a Warden House

constituted having government

their staff in these hostels. The State

to look after their management and

functionaries and members of BBNIA on its

Government, as a measure of their

Board of Directors.

earnestness towards completion of this

Location and Quantum

project, has thankfully released Rs. 1.50

proper up-keep. n In addition, we have 6 shops for daily needs and laundry.

Named as Vivekanand Shram Awaas,

crores as first installment of total grant of Rs.

n spacious parking.

Baddi, the site of this hostel is located at a

6 crores. The construction will be taken up

n 24 hour power back-up.

distance of 3 Km. from the bus stand on

shortly and completed within a year of its

n Under-ground water storage tanks.

Barotiwala Baddi Road opposite to Ozone

inauguration. The rooms are being offered

n Proper sewerage system. n 24/hrs security arrangement. n And all that is needed for a hygienic and comfortable living.

Can you ask for something more? Rental & Maintenance Charges We can well understand that the project to be constructed, maintained and operated in the format as above requires adequate watch and ward staff and some operational staff for upkeep of water and power supply in the premises and on that account some maintenance charges are to be levied/ recovered from the occupants. As per present estimates, the presumptive rent for a room with common wash room facility is Rs. 1,400 and one with Pharmaceuticals Ltd., and government

for registration on first come first served

attached facility is Rs. 1600 per month For

forest depot. The proposed hostel is to be

basis on an application for booking of a

these, maintenance charges are likely to be

constructed in a plot area of 4.52 Acres

room together with a registration fee of Rs.

Rs. 770 and Rs. 900 respectively.

having 346 rooms. 272 of these rooms are

15,000.00 which is not reimbursable. Once

with a common wash room's facility and the

the registration is complete, the

recovered as monthly charges from all those

beneficiaries can finally book their rooms.

who book rooms. The difference in the

remaining 74 with attached wash rooms.

These maintenance charges will be

presumptive rent less the charges on

Each room has an independent balcony

Cost for booking of rooms is fixed at a

and is designed to accommodate two

charge of Rs. 95,000 for rooms with

maintenance in each case (Rs. 630 and Rs.

persons to shelter 692 persons when fully

common wash rooms and Rs. 1,00,000 for

700 respectively) shall be adjusted towards


rooms with attached facility as security

repayment of security deposits.

One thing you can't recycle is wasted time.

February 2011



Graphic representation on monthly basis is as under:

best in them. Let us not forget, we rise

continue to be made to up-date facilities

because of the efforts put in by our workers

available therein from time to time. Further

As the rent chargeable and cost on

and are therefore responsible for their

activity to provide comforts to the staff

maintenance is presently worked out on

welfare. The quality of workers that we

when they are off-duty is to be continued

rough estimates, charges on each account

need was discussed in our November issue

which include additional rooms by the SPV

can vary once the hostel is made

under “Our Road to Success” wherein it was

or to extend help for similar activity to other

Room with

Room Rent(Rs.) Security(Rs.)



Per month


finances of the SPV so permit.


Common Wash Room

member industries as and when the




Attached Wash Room 1600/



We are highly obliged to the State Government for providing us the wherewith-all for this project; and the officers and staff of the Industries department and the

operational. As in all accommodation of this

emphasized that for reaping better results

nature, a leasehold agreement is likely to be

than the others, we should have with us a

tremendous efforts put in by them to

made out with provisions for increase of

strength of “Total Quality People (TQP)-

ensure that this project takes its present

monthly rent after periodic occupancy as

people with character, integrity, good values

shape. The officers who deserve a special

may be decided by the SPV.

and positive attitude”. And when we want

mention and without whose help, this

Retention and Transfers

our staff to emulate the best, we must be

project could have still been at the planning

After a period of 12 years, the hiring

able to give them the best, make them

stage are Mr. Onkar Sharma, Director of

industry shall be at liberty to retain the

confident that we care for them and that

industries, Mr. Sudhir Sharma, Deputy

premises at the rent then prevailing or else

we regard them as an important part of our

Director of Industries, Mr. Tilak Raj Sharma,

HPSIDC, individually and collectively for

surrender it to the SPV for transfer to any

organization. This feeling can be generated

Member Secretary and Ms. Deepaka Khatri

other industrial unit that may be interested

by setting an example and that is what

and Mr. Satish Sharma, S.E. HPSIDC Ltd.

to take over. The hiring industry will also be

BBNIA is hoping for thereby minimizing the

in a position to transfer its rights to another

chances of exodus of workers from the area.

publication, its gratitude on behalf of the

industrial unit during the currency of its

The authorities of the SPV when

member industries and others who are

hiring period of 12 years only with the

contacted informed that construction of a

benefitted by this project and also on behalf

consent and approval of the SPV.

hostel is just the beginning of our efforts to

of those who may pick up the useful


provide confidence in the mind of our

threads hereaf ter from successful

We would like to elaborate a little more

workforce that we are sincerely interested in

completion of this project.

on this project. We remember the work

their welfare and also that efforts shall

culture we had before a number of established industries shifted to this area. For most of us, a shed with some plant and machinery was regarded as an industry. That we were wrong dawned on us when we saw how efficiently the new players managed their units by providing extra care for the working conditions of their workforce, looking after their comforts as importantly as their efficiency. BBNIA , through its SPV, Doon Infrastructure Limited, wishes to place before industrial establishments of this area a mirror view of how the workers need to be treated, housed and helped to bring in the


February 2011

Your mind is like a parachute... it functions only when open.

BBNIA places on record through this

BBN Infrastructure

Planning of Industrial Area


tate President of Human rights

institutions, better health facilities, higher

operational despite very serious financial

Commission, Shri Vijendra Chandel,

level of administrators in revenue, police,

difficulties faced by them and the running

addressing a press conference on 15

electricity supply and may be some others.

about that they had to do to keep

January 2011 at Barotiwala said that the

We have BBNDA for the last about five

themselves away from the clutches of take

minimum facilities required for BBN area

years. Well meaning administrative officers

over notices and harassment of

were missing. He said that despite extensive

in the BBNDA are seriously engaged in

enforcement agencies not to talk of their

industrialization of this area, there is a

giving this area a shape to make it look one

day to day operational problems. That they

continuous shortage of drinking water,

of the most modern industrial complexes in

survived even then was a miracle.

insufficient sanitation facilities, improper

the years to come. All these officers who

There is no reason why miracles cannot

maintenance of roads and bridges, heavily

took over as CEO, BBNDA, till now three in

happen twice. Thanks to recent concerted

polluted atmosphere and dusty roads.

number, are highly imaginative with a

efforts of the CEO, BBNDA, Ms. Meira

According to him lack of basic amenities

serious intent to leave their impact on the

Mohanty, we have targeted a number of

for the BBN area is a pointer to the fact that

area. They have not been able to deliver the

projects such as IIUS, Baddi Heights,

whichever the government was in power in

miracle they intended to because they had

Working men and women hostels and a few

the state its only objective was to collect as

the target but not the teeth.

more. Implementation will take time, but a

We have full reason to believe that the

much taxes from this area as possible and there was hardly any serious effort for its

miracle can happen because many of those

development. Conditions prevailing in this

who established their industries in this area

area at present are similar to those 15 years

as far back as 15 years or even more, are still

beginning is made for the miracle to surface. How many more years for the final shape of BBNDA? Can someone tell?

ago. Being a witness to the development in this area, it can be authoritatively added that 15 years back, this area was less


Monthly Quiz February 2011

polluted, less noisy, less congested, less Name the first woman athlete who 6

Name the author of book “Malgudi

now be regarded as the worst of this area.

won a medal in world athletics by


But then there was not much of

recording a jump of 6.70 mtrs. in long 7

Who was the author of the famous

industrialization and lesser transport facility


Russian Novel “Mother”

populated, and less in all sectors which can

for the people to travel. Local residents were



Who was the first Indian weightlifter

poor, less educated yet satisfied with what

who won an Olympic medal in women

they had.

weight lifting event?

Now we have big and small industrial


won Wimbledon Junior title in 1990.

houses, we have lot of moving population seeking for jobs; we also have a number of


awesome cost they charged for their barren

Name the Indian who was the first


A. a) Ichthyology c) Leaves

What is the scientific name for the

b) Fifth B. a) Italy

study of dreams?

b) O. Henry

Asian to win world title in Chess.

local residents of this area who can be categorized as rich because of the

Name the Indian Tennis Player who

Answer to Monthly Quiz January 2011

d) Dadasahib Phalke c) Kiaxone

lands. Yes, we also have better educational

One thing you can give and still your word.

February 2011


BBNIA : The Helping Hands

Dhumal resolves to make Himachal into a model State Two yeas are still left. By that time, many projects would be functional at the grassroots level. That would further give him an edge over others in terms of heralding a new era of development.


aving won laurels from all

possible only when we ameliorate their

Whether the implementation of 20-

quarters for providing better

woes effectively,” said Prof. Dhumal,

Point Programme, which is meant for the

governance marked by all round

speaking to The Pioneer on the eve of the

people on the margins, connecting human

development, Himachal Pradesh Chief

Himachal Pradesh Statehood Day, which is

habitats with roads, providing health

Minister Prof. Prem Kumar Dhumal has

celebrated on January 25 every year.

services at doorsteps and financial security

reiterated his resolve to take development

Prof. Dhumal's performance has been

to the people's doorstep more effectively in

lauded not only by former Prime Minister

days to come. “I am not going to leave

Atal Bihari Vajpayee and former Deputy

to the senior citizens, Prof. Dhumal's Government has done a wonderful job. “I have seen his first regime as the Chief

anything unturned to make people realize

Prime Minister LK Advani but even by his

Minister as well. He was all right in his first

that development is their right, and that

rivals in the congress. He has justifiably

innings too. But in the second innings, I find

must delivered to their satisfaction,” Prof.

joined the league of India's few Chief

him more focused on quality governance

Dhumal said.

Ministers, who are synonymous with

and effective delivery of services to the

By giving extra thrust to the social sector

development in their own respective ways.

people. This has made a lot of difference.

including health education, and welfare of

With the per capita income of 49,211 in

The results are there to be seen by all and

the poor and senior citizens, Prof. Dhumal

2010, Himachal Pradesh's gross domestic

sundry,” said a senior functionary of the

has given a new dimension to development

product (GDP) has gone up manifold in the

state government, who did not wish to be

in the State. This core sector is going to get

recent years. “Himachal Pradesh is today


due thrust even in the new fiscal of 2011-

known as the apple state of the country

“Two yeas are still left. By that time,

12. “The social sector remains our core

and is poised to become the fruit bowl of

many projects would be functional at the

concern,” said Prof Dhumal. What else? Good roads, promoting

India soon. We are also on the threshold of

grassroots level. That would further give

becoming the power state, “he said.

him an edge over others in terms of

agriculture, providing easy loans and other

Prof. Dhumal has brought global laurels

heralding a new era of development,” he

facilities to farmers, giving fillip to tourism

to the state by assiduously pursuing the

said, while referring to the projects such as

sector by adopting innovative approach

goal of making Himachal Pradesh a carbon

the Indian Institute of Fashion Technology,

and responding to the needs of senior

neutral state, which would be the first of the

Food Craft Institute in Kangra, Indian

citizens and ex-servicemen too have got

country, by making concerted efforts to

Institute of Technology (IIT) and the ESI

stupendous boost in the past three years of

save the environment from further

Medical College and Hospital in Mandi

his current tenure. “Our approach towards

degradation. “Himachal Pradesh is India's

district, and Technical University in Hamirpur when they start functioning in full strength.

development is holistic. It has to be all round

lung, and has to be saved at any cost

in the real sense of the term. The people

environmentally from further degradation,”

must have the feel of development, which is

he said.


February 2011

Enjoy this Beautiful Day !!!

BBN Infrastructure

Industrialization of Himachal... all the way It is extremely necessary that people moving out in search of employment are provided with livelihood to save them from frustration and negative thoughts.


ot very many years ago, we had a

industrial units and 40 percent of exports by

also an accepted fact that MSME sector of

senior politician of this state as

almost 26.1 million units. Clearly, they are

industries are presently training centers for


engines of growth. Besides, the sector

almost raw and illiterate or semi-literate



Telecommunication. The nation witnessed

provides employment to almost 60 million

individuals who are unemployed. A number

a phenomenal increase in providing of

people, making it the largest source of

of persons from the family of agriculturists

telecommunication services to almost all

employment after the agriculture sector.

are seeking employment outside, mostly in

parts of India.

Former President of India, Dr. A P J.

industries, due to dwindling of land as a

But its impact on Himachal was beyond

Abdul Kalam, has stressed upon the

result of its division in family members

imagination because far flung areas like

growing importance of the MSME sector

increasing from generation to generation.

Kalpa and Kinnaur, Bharmour, Lahaul Spiti,

and called for a support structure involving

The land available with small

and other formidable areas in Sirmor –for

mentoring, funding and marketing

agriculturists is not sufficient to provide

that matter name any one that you can- we

techniques for a sustainable growth and

work to the entire family. Shifting of

had the facility available in the best of its

expansion of the MSME sector in the

population from rural to urban areas is no

formats. What we have seen to happen in

country. He referred to two unique qualities

doubt a cause of concern but the process

the past, is likely to take a bigger shape now

that can be attributed only to MSME's in the

will continue as long as the rural areas are

in a different field- the field of

country - location and scale independent-

not developed to provide the residents with

Industrialization in the state. Two popular

as they can be established and made

industrial know-how to utilize their

leaders of the state are holding full-fledged

operational from any part of the country

products more gainfully.

charge of industrial growth in the country. Mr. Anand Sharma for Commerce &

whether in rural as well as urban areas and

As long as that does not happen, it is

on any scale dependant on the requirement

extremely necessary that people moving

Industry, and Shri Vir Bhadra Singh for Small

of the MSME concerned. (Source “MSME-

out in search of employment are provided

Scale Industry, MSME. We in Himachal

Business� publication November 2010

with livelihood to save them from

Pradesh have a limited scope to come up


frustration and negative thoughts. It is here,

with large industries because of the hilly

Various industrial organizations in the

terrain, but MSME sector can be developed

country and even the Ministry of MSME

the MSME units are supporting the cause of government.

in almost all the districts to cater to the

have voiced for a special treatment to

We welcome, Shri Vir Bhadra Singh to

needs of local markets and for other

MSME sector at par with the agriculture

his new assignment and request him to put

sector in terms of financing, charging of

his best foot forward in the interest of the

In recent information emanating from

interest on loans, and subsidy on crops,

state and its residents so that the way we

the Ministry of MSME to the government of

exemption on agriculture income and the

talk of telecommunication achievements of

India, MSME sector has grown steadily in


the state, we can recount industrial

agricultural and commercial purposes.

the country and presently account for

Once agriculture and industry are

almost 45 percent of manufacturing

treated at par and advance together, it can

output, 95 percent of the number of

change the very economy of the nation. It is

Do not strive to make your presence noticed, just make your absence felt.

development of MSME Sector during his time as never to before.

February 2011


BBN Infrastructure

Dhumal launches heli-taxi service in Himachal About 1.39 crore tourists visited the State during last year including a large number of foreigners.


he much-awaited heli-taxi services, to attract

State and the heli-taxi service will go a long way in

more and more tourists to the state, was

supplementing government efforts in this respect,”

launched by Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister

Prem Kumar Dhumal on 29 January 2011.

he said adding that para-gliding, hang-gliding, heliskiing and other adventure international level sports

With the launch of this service, one more feather

activities were being organized in the State and the

was added in the development of the State tourism.

heli-taxi service would facilitate organization of such

The service was flagged-off by Dhumal from

sports more conveniently.

Annandale helipad to Kullu carrying tourists on a joy ride to the world famous Kullu valley. This would go a long way in facilitating the

He said that the new service was a vital leap forward to attract high-end tourists to visit different destinations in Himachal Pradesh.

tourists to visit the famous tourist places in hills as

He congratulated the Department of Tourism

well as new places of tourist importance in far flung

and Civil Aviation for adding another vital milestone

areas of the State.

in quality tourism infrastructure creation there by

“With the introduction of Heli-Taxi service, scope of tourism has been widened as high-end tourists

giving new dimensions to the same to attract more visitors to the State.

will now be able to visit Himachal in a short time.

Dr. Arun Sharma, Director of Tourism and Civil

With the launching of the service, tourists could be

Aviation, detailed the activities to be undertaken by

picked up from Chandigarh or any other

the Department to attract maximum number of

destination,” said Dhumal. He said that exhaustive exercise had been

tourists as also meet the long pending demand of high end tourists visiting the State.

undertaken by the Department of Tourism and Civil Aviation before the launch of the service so as to operate heli taxi service. “1.39 crore tourists visited the State during last year including a large number of foreigners. There is vast scope of high-end tourism in the


February 2011

A man travels the world over in search of what he needs, and returns home to find it.

BBN Infrastructure

Cloud computing for MSMEs Many MSMEs in India are using email as a service. So "cloud computing" is not new to you; it is the way you will approach "cloud computing" - to get all applications (software) including the infrastructure (hardware and networking) - that will be new.

Cloud computing is a reality today. Getting IT services on demand is what cloud computing is all about.


scheme on cloud computing is being

introduced by the ministry of MSMEs to

help lower IT infrastructure costs that will

offer sharing of web infrastructure to deal with

n You take the services "on demand". n You pay for the services and not the equipment (cars or trucks). n You do not have the headache of managing the

Internet data storage and competition through giant

drivers, license, paperwork, maintenance etc.

web-based companies. Many Internet companies

n You save money, as there is no up front

including Google, Amazon, Sales Force, Microsoft


and Adobe are providing "cloud platform" on which

Think of cloud computing in the same way. Just

developers can "develop" applications with practically

as you use taxi service without buying and running

no IT investment.

equipment, cloud Computing gives you access to IT

MSME Secretary, Mr. Uday Kumar Varma, was

without you owning and running IT.�

quoted in the media saying that the web

Cloud computing is a reality today Getting IT

infrastructure will facilitate Internet data storage and

services on demand is what cloud computing is all

computing. "Collectively what we can do from cloud

about. Many MSMEs in India are using email as a

computing is give MSMEs the possible infrastructure

service. So "cloud computing" is not new to you; it is

at a most affordable price," he said, adding, "Cloud

the way you will approach "cloud computing" - to get

computing provides cost-effective automation

all applications (sof tware) including the

organizational processes allowing MSMEs to share

infrastructure (hardware and networking) - that will

software." Wikipedia defines cloud computing as

be new. With broadband reaching thousands of

"Internet-based computing whereby shared

towns and 3G redefining broadband, the requisite

resources, software and information are provided to

connectivity infrastructure is in place.

computers and other devices on-demand, like the

Why should you use "cloud computing"? Cloud computing saves money Cloud computing enables

electricity grid". Prof. S Sadagopan, Director, IIIT Bangalore,

cost cutting by way of moving the corporate data

affirms the relevance of cloud computing in the

center to data center vendors who could amortize

MSME domain and explains the term by a simple

common infrastructure costs (air conditioning,

example. “Large corporations run their own fleet of

power, fire control and physical security). Cloud

cars, buses and trucks. But many of you in the MSME

computing also saves money by way of individual

sector use a "taxi service" provider to supply cars or

enterprises not having to hire expensive IT system

buses to transport your staff or visitors regularly or

administrators and shifts cost from Cap-Ex (capital

occasionally. (Resultantly),

expenditure) to Op-Ex (operating expenditure), as

The world is a book and those who do not travel read only a page.

February 2011


BBNIA News in Brief

cloud service providers use "pay per use"

applications, and messaging and

utility "IT" will be no different. Also, for an

model instead of upfront investment

communications applications. With cloud

economy like the Indian economy with very

demanded by traditional IT hardware

computing MSMEs could utilize IT to

low purchasing power for millions of

vendors (servers, storage and Networking

improve productivity, the way larger

citizens, such utility model is the only


enterprises could, thanks to IT.

sustainable way to deliver "IT services"

Cloud computing saves headache and

India is ready for cloud computing: With

Way forward: In the very near future It

time: The biggest handicap for MSMEs to

775 million mobile phones today, most

will be interesting to see thousands, if not

use IT services is the need to "manage" IT;

Indians are routinely using mobile phones

millions of applications developed and

buy and run expensive and demanding IT

not just to make phone calls, but to send

distributed over the cloud from developers

resources (servers, storage and networks)

messages, click, store and send

in India; in that case, many applications will

and to employ IT professionals.

photographs, check bank balances,

be "made in India" and cloud computing will be "made for India".

The system of cloud computing extends

participate in polls, buy train / plane tickets

the reach of IT services to any place where

or movie tickets and listen to Radio or watch

Hopefully, MSME and CII would start a

broadband or mobile goes which is

TV; many of them are using "smart phones"

special "cloud services for MSME" so that all

practically every town in India). With cloud

already, and more phones will be "smart

of you in MSME sector can start benefiting

computing new MSMEs can start using IT

phones" in the next couple of years.

from IT right away. Exciting time indeed.

from Day 1. IT is for everyone. Even a small

The citizens are used to other utilities

enterprise needs email, Web hosting, payroll

(such as electricity or drinking water)

applications, tax filing, some enterprise

charging them "metered services"; the new

(Source and extracts from MSME Business January 2011)

Credit by NABARAD


tate government is promoting

because most of the population of India is

industry based on raw material locally

dependent on agricultural produce.

available and prefers units coming up

in the rural areas.

NABARAD as we all know is an agency devoted to the development of rural areas

The objective is not only to provide

and provides financial assistance for the

employment to the needy individuals at the

farm sector and the non-farm sector at a

village level but also to provide better

very reasonable rate of interest.

income to the growers, agriculturists or

Under the farm sector, they provide

horticulturists, of the state. There are very

loans for crops, dairy development,

many examples of the change of fortunes

plantation and Hor ticulture, land

for those who toil to make us feed.

development and related activities. Credit

For instance sugarcane growers do

in the non-farm sector and

hardly get a return for their crop but once

agro processing activities are also made

the crop is converted to “Gur or Shakkar� or

available by them.

sugar, the earning goes very high. Similar is

For the year 2011-12, NABARAD State

the case where fruits are converted to

Focus Paper for Himachal Pradesh reveals

different forms like Juice, Jelly, Jam etc.

that potential linked credit plan (PLP) crop

It is really annoying to know that they,

loan projections are Rs. 1,373.73 Crore

who grow crops for us, are at times forced

(growth of 35% of the preceding year), the

to commit suicide because of poverty. Rural

bank loan for dairy development is Rs.

based activities in the farm and the non-

199.71 crore (a growth of 74.02%), funds

farm sector are funded by NABARAD and if

required for Plantation and Horticulture are

utilized in the right way can really help us

Rs. 161.86 crore (growth 50.85%) and the


February 2011

Not all those who wander are lost.

land development need is Rs.86.15 crore, (growth of 23.51%). Credit for the non-farm sector and agro processing during 2011-12 as per the above report records a growth of 80.57% to reach a figure of Rs. 1141.87 crore. Above figures are based on projections only. The actual allocations by NABARAD shall depend upon availability of funds with them. Those of us who may be thinking of setting up agro based units which has support of the state government may examine the possibility in consultation with the concerned departments and the NABARAD.

BBNIA News in Brief

Ruskin Bond and his love for India


wear and do everything that can give us a

He says “I did not belong to the bright lights

chance to settle abroad. We do not even

and Piccadilly or Leicester Square or for that

any of us are crazy about

17 Ruskin Bond realized how badly he

whatever is 'foreign'-

missed India and decided to return to the

something to eat, anything to

country he had known and loved for years.

bother to consider the manner in which we

matter, the apple orchards of Kent or the

are treated, nor do we feel degraded in

strawberry fields of Berkshire”.

performing duties abroad as are below our standards in India. Knowing the above mind sets of most

He believed that he belonged to “peopul trees and mango groves, to the sleepy little towns of India, to the hot

impression on my mind”. For those of us who are still residing

of us, it appears baffling that there are some

sunshine, muddy canals, the pungent smell

away, remember that your roots are in India

who are not Indians but love this country

of marigolds; the hills of home, spicy odors,

and everything that is Indian invites you to

more than anything else. One of such

wet earth after summer rain, neem pods

share the progress of this great nation and

gentlemen is Ruskin Bond.

bursting; laughing faces; and the intimacy

be a proud partner in developing India as a

of human contact.”

world leader.

Ruskin Bond an eminent English writer known all over the world admitted “Even

What he missed the most was the

It is for us to analyze the opportunities

though I had grown up with a love for

“Human Contact” even when he was a

that are knocking at our door. Let us listen to

English language and its literature, even

stranger here.

though my forefathers were British, Britain

Ruskin Bond and his reasons for liking India.

In his own words “I began to love my

Let us live in the glory of India and

was not really my place. I was haunted by

country India that I had till then taken for

contribute something for India to make our

memories of India, its sights, sounds and

granted – to love it through the friends I

country proud the manner in which he

smells.” Having lived in India, and then

made and through the mountains, valleys,

made us happy by making this country as

going away to England at the tender age of

fields, forests, which made an indelible

“my country”.

Pharma Concerns


he Department of Industrial Policy

related medicines can allow greater

and Promotion (DIPP) confirmed

coverage of affected patients. As per an

that as many as Seven Lakh Indians

exclusive report of the Tribune in recent

are reported to be suffering of Cancer. The

days, DIPP is considering the feasibility of

cost of anti-cancer medicines is very high

introducing “a system whereby the

and not affordable by the patients. Even

government allows third parties (Other

where the prohibitive cost is met by some,

than the patent holder) to produce and

the medicine is not available in the market.

market a patented product without the

According to the estimates, anti-cancer

consent of the patent holder.” Once agreed

medicines worth Rs. 5000 crores are

and implemented, “it will balance the need

orders of the government. A decision on

required, against which the turn over by the

for inventions with public interest without

above lines is likely to be arrived at because

Indian companies is just Rs. 150 crores.

affecting intellectual property rights.”

as many as SIX Indian Pharmaceutical units

In case of patients suffering of HIV/AIDS

Investments in pharmaceutical sector

were taken over by the foreign pharma managements over the past four years, “a

in India, the DIPP reports that about 25 lakh

are presently 100 per cent on the automatic

are to be treated annually against which

route, which may be shifted to the

move that reduced the domestic availability

hardly 3 lakh are treated provided their CD 4

government route by controlling foreign

and afford-ability of medicines” of anti-

is below 200 per cu ml. Lower prices for the

direct investments in this sector under

cancer and anti-AIDS drugs in India.

The journey ….. not the arrival matters.

February 2011


BBNIA News in Brief

Entry Tax: Effect on Industry


CSR Tree Plantation by Timex

hri Sanjay Guleria, President, Himachal Drugs Manufacturers Association , voiced a serious concern to the Hon'ble Chief Minister on the imposition of entry tax explaining in detail

the adverse effect of this tax on the working results of pharma industry located in the state. This report was carried in Disha in the preceding issue. Reacting on similar lines as above, Shri J.S Sudan, President Drug Manufacturers Association, Kala Amb has pointed out that the intention of the government is to impose entry tax on a few large pharma houses and manufacturers of cosmetic products who are transferring their products to their other units outside the state and are avoiding payment of sales tax on bulk quantities. The number of such units who are resorting to bulk transfers in Kala Amb and Baddi-Barotiwala-Nalagarh area, is very small with the result that as many as 95% small scale pharma and other units operating in the state will suffer due to imposition of entry tax.


imex Group India Limited Katha an esteemed member of

BBN Industries Association which has taken many initiatives

earlier for greening Baddi by doing plantation on the vacant

Mr. Sanjay Khurana, media secretary of BBNIA said that the

spaces around its factory premises; took another very important

recent amendments in the entry tax are discriminatory and are

initiative for greening vacant space along the Unichem Road which

resulting in charging different rates of entry tax on same items. Mr.

was earlier dotted by “Jhopris” all along the road. This company in

Khurana suggested that instead of levy of different rates, the

collaboration with BBN Development Authority got the “Jhopris”

government could have rationalized the rates by charging 0.5 per

removed from alongside the road and took over almost 300 meters

cent on all industrial inputs. Moreover, items already covered under

(10 meters X 30 meters) wide strip for plantation. The plantation drive was started on 28th of January 2011 which

the Additional Goods Tax (AGT) such as cotton yarn, cement, steel, plastics etc are also being subjected to entry tax resulting in double

was attended by Sh. Bhagmal Thakur Dy. Superintendent of Police

taxation. Imposition of an additional tax, instead of simplifying or

Baddi, Sh. Rajender Guleria President BBNIA, Sh. Arun Rawat,

withdrawing the existing one, will result in increase of litigation

President Elect BBNIA, Sh. Chetan Joshi, Sr. Environmental

between the department and the assesses and provide additional

Engineer, Pollution Control Board, Baddi and officers of BBNDA and

areas of corruption for the enforcement staff defeating efforts of the

officers and employees of Timex Group India Limited. Sh. Rajender Guleria and Sh. Arun Rawat from BBNIA while

state to remove all fields of activity which encourage corruption. A delegation will call upon the Chief Minister for reconsideration

congratulating officers of Timex Group called upon other Industrial

in the matter. In case the government fails to take any corrective

Houses to emulate this initiative and come forward for plantation

measure soon, a number of pharma and other affected units will be

on vacant places not only around their factories but at other places

forced to close their industry in the state and shift to a convenient

also. Sh. Ashok Agrahari and Sh. R.K. Chouhan of Timex Group

place outside.

thanked all the officers and members of BBNIA for their help and participation in the plantation activity of the Timex group.

Posting & Transfers the latter has joined as Director, Food & Civil Shri J.S. Rana, IAS, Deputy Commissioner Supplies. (D.C), Shimla has been posted as Director of Industries. Mrs. Meira Mohanty IAS, CEO, BBNDA, has been posted as DC, Sirmour. Shri Onkar Sharma, IAS, has taken over as D.C. Shimla. Shri Navneet Marwaha, Assistant Drug Controller has been promoted and Shri Dinesh Malhotra, Additional Director of appointed as Drug Controller in Himachal Industries is the new DC Bilaspur. Shri C. Palarasu, IAS, has taken over from Shri Pradesh Shri Subhash Chander Negi, an IAS of the Amar Singh Rathore, IAS as DC Solan while


February 2011

It is not down in many map, true places never are.

1978 batch, Chairman and Managing Director of the HPSEB Limited (CMD HPSEB Limited) takes over as Chairman of the Himachal State Electricity Regulatory Commission (HPERC) from February 1, 2011. He replaces Shri Yogesh Khanna. Principal Secretary, Power, Shri Deepak Shanan has been given the additional charge of CMD HPSEB Limited.


Himachal Pradesh 2011-12 Pollution in the state will defeat efforts to promote tourism. Diversion of forest land after the enforcement of the Forest Conservation Act has also resulted in adverse consideration by the 13th Finance Commission resulting in sanction of least bonus of Rs. 100 crore among all Himalayan states (Soucre end extract-The Tribune). state and an international tourist destination is highly laudable but this objective is defeated by grant of permission for setting up of cement plants and big polluting industrial projects resulting in diversion of forest land and environmental degradation. Pollution in the state will defeat efforts to promote tourism. Diversion of forest land after the enforcement of the Forest Conservation Act has also resulted in


adverse consideration by the 13th Finance imachal completed 40 years of its

between 2 and 4 per cent.� The fact remains

Commission resulting in sanction of least

statehood on 25 Januar y

that the state government is incurring

bonus of Rs. 100 crore among all Himalayan

2011and has a record of

heavy expenditure on salaries and pension

states. We shall have to choose to make the

achievements during this period as given

payments. Each financial year results in

state a carbon neutral state or a state with


additional burden to the state exchequer

number of polluting and environment degrading projects which help economy of

Sector of achievement




Per Capita Income

Rs. 651

Rs. 49211

75.6 times

the state. Can we not undertake a

Gross Domestic Product

Rs. 223

Rs. 42278

189.6 times

balancing act?

Annual Plan

Rs. 17 crore

Rs. 3000 crore

176.5 times

n The natural resources like water and

Literacy Percentage



3.7 times

land are heading towards extinction in the sense that the land has already been

Food Production

9.35 lac ton

15 lac ton

1.6 times

Fruit Production

1.78 lac ton

8 lac ton

4.5 times

overburdened in important towns because

4.3 times

of permission to real estate players, mostly

Roads length

7740 kms.

33171 kms.

outsiders to build flats and sell these to Increase recorded in food production in

leading to a huge fiscal gap. There are as yet

the last 40 years is alarmingly low. Prof.

some populist policies which the

and in number of resident users has led to

Prem Kumar Dhumal, Chief Minister of

government is pursuing which may have to

rationing of water supply in most parts of

Himachal Pradesh holds: “Agriculture still

be given a second thought during 2011-12.

the state. The state may therefore need to

sustains 80 per cent of the state's

Some of the issues that require serious consideration are:

further damage.

population but small land holdings and lack

outsiders. Increase in construction activity

review its Apartment Act to save itself of

of irrigation facility have been hampering

n The policies of the government are at

n Section 118 of the State Land Reforms

growth of this vital sector. Its contribution to

times conflicting. Committed to the goal of

and Tenancy Act, debars non-agriculturist

the Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) is

making the state as the first carbon neutral

from purchasing agriculture land without

Walking 10,000 milesw around the world is better than reading 10,000 scrolls of books.

February 2011



prior permission of the government. The

of the administrative or the professional field

better results to the growers and additional income to the state.�Where there is will,

saving clause of the Act has facilitated

they choose.

undesirable change in land use thereby

n The Information Technology policy was

reducing the agriculture holdings for non-

framed by state government in the year

agriculture use. Land Reforms Act,

2001 when the present Chief Minister was

howsoever laudable, state will have to take

in position. However, despite several

steps to do away with the clauses that go

initiatives, not much headway could be

against the spirit of the Act.

made in this direction thus far. IT industry as

We can develop rural based industries to consume agricultural produce.

we all know is environment friendly, consumes less power and has vast potential

n A number of private institutions and

for creating employment for the educated

universities are coming over to the state. In

youth. Lack of IT industry in the state is a

order to guard against setting up of private

cause of concern for computer engineers

universities of doubtful credentials, the

who pass out in large numbers out of

state has enacted a law to set a regulatory

technical institutions year after year and run


about in search of a job. State should take

The state has now to ensure that the universities as are established here follow the norms laid down by the UGC in totality.

steps to rope in IT industries as was done by some other states in India. It can be said that a lot was done by the

But what is more important is the reframing

state in the field of Horticulture and much

of the education system to ensure that

remains to be done. Sale of bulk fruit helps

those who pass out have the caliber to

the economy grow but its conversion to

perform adequately matching the demands

other forms for use round the year can give

Mind your Wall Gloss


V Channels are repeatedly displaying

adding gloss to your walls. The promoters

What looks beautiful always attracts.

advertisement telling a housewife

do not elaborate upon such matters.

And whatever attracts cannot be left un-

how she can surprise her husband

According to a newspaper report, scientific

possessed. So go ahead. Decorate your

by adding gloss to at least one of the walls in

analysis of several top brand enamel in India

house the way you like it. Paint fumes (with

her house. The popular cine actor Saif Ali Khan is

have shown to contain lethal level of lead in

lead content) are possibly harmful when

paints which is dangerous for inhaling. The

substrates are being freshly painted.

shown painting a wall with one of the

report speaks of other lead related health

We do not have a reason to agree that

popular brands of paint and ends up the

hazards which are miscarriages among

painted walls continuously damage the

advertisement by promising to visit three

women, infertility among men and low IQ

atmosphere with lead contents even after

of the lucky winners who undertake the

and even retardation among children.


Let us not go into details of the study

In these days when anything big or

initiated by the Quality Council of India

small can be marketed when some

(Apex body under the Ministr y of

renowned person promotes such brands, it

Commerce that monitors quality

is but natural that walls, residential or

competitiveness of Indian products) relied

commercial carry gloss in most places. And

upon by the newspaper report appearing in

believe me, those who have tried to

The Tribune dated January 6, 2011,

experiment on the subject have found the

because we do not wish to go into the

result really 'amazing'. Now hold on and

merits or demerits of this report. Just one

listen to what the “experts� have to say on

last thing.


February 2011

A journey is like marriage. The certain way to be wrong is to think you control it.

the walls are dry. However, there is no harm in checking.


Need for Academia-Industry Interface

Sacred Space

J.S.Kalra, Air Commodr (Retired) Academia Industry Interaction Cell, Sri Sukhmani Institute of Engineering & Technology, Derabassi, Chandigarh

This is an extract of the article sent to us by Shri J.S.Kalra, Air Commodr (Retired). The full article is also being circulated separately for information of our members. However portions above have been included to make all of us aware of the thought process with some academic institutions and what they expect from the industrial managers. We in the industry have always held that the present educational courses do not dole out professionals who can be of any use to the industry from day one. Any steps to improve the system are welcome. Industry will always rise to the occasion to contribute in this direction for the benefit of the industry as also for those who seek to join as professionals. Putting the system in place will mean that the technocrats do not have to worry about explaining their experience in the field of their selection. - Editor

Hinduism is not just a faith. It is the union of reason and intuition that can not be defined


niversities and industry, which for long

n Increasing criticality of human competence in

but is only to be experienced.

have been operating in separate

creating and sustaining competitiveness of the

Evil and error are not ultimate.

domains, are rapidly inching closer to


each other to create synergies. The constantly

n Growing competition for student placements

changing management paradigms, in response

and industry mind-share.

to growing complexity of the business

n Growing pressure from industry to make their

environment today have necessitated these two

fresh inductees productive from day one.

to come closer.

n Increasing interdependence between

Many multi-nationals entered India bringing

academia and industry to satisfy need for

with them increased demand for professionals.

sustenance and

Education moved beyond the domains of


exclusive government control with establishment


of many private institutions.

n Emphasis on economic content of higher

Indian economy is being integrated into the world economy. In such a scenario a knowledge

where God is not, and there are no sins which exceed his love.


innovation in their respective

education at SSIET contributing to growth of both

academia & industry.

worker who can work at the cutting edge of

n To build strong collaborative organic

technology, add value to the bottom-line,


provide competitive advantage to industry has

n Move from supporting SME's to big

become a hot commodity to acquire.

corporations in a phased manner.

Academia-Industry Interface could be

There is no Hell, for that means there is a place

n To seek guest lecturers from industries.

defined as interactive and collaborative

n Continuous consulting, case writing are the

arrangement between academic institutions and

best way to solve industry's burning problems.

This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples,

business corporations for the achievement of

n Academia to move from working with

certain mutually inclusive goals namely:

employer towards working with partners.

philosophy. Our own brain,

no need for complicated

n Increasing complexity in academic and

n Industry should support basic research.

our own heart is our temple,

business world and constantly changing needs

n Laboratory utilization for industry.

the philosophy is kindness.

of the industry.

n CEP, DEP, e-learning etc.

His Holyness Dalai Lama

The longest journey a man must take is the eighteen inches from his head to his heart.

February 2011



Arthritis: The inevitable truth


iterally meaning 'joint inflammation',

painfully. Once affected, joints swell up and

arthritis refers to various diseases that

become red hot.

affect the area in or around joints.

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)

Arthritis usually causes stiffness, pain and

RA is an autoimmune multi system

fatigue. The severity varies from person to

disorder where the extent of involvement is

Infective Arthritis Also known as septic arthritis, it develops in response to a bacteria flourishing in the joint.

Phylogenic n

(bacterial): It

person and even from day to day. In some

different for different patients affecting the


people, only a few joints are affected and

joints, muscles, bones, lungs or skin. RA

acute pain in the joint and is more common

the impact is small. In others, the entire

runs in families, with woman of child

in diabetics and children. Heavy antibiotics

body system could be affected. Many types

bearing age being most susceptible. It could

are given as treatment but most cases have

starts with high grade fever and

of arthritis show signs of joint inflammation,

begin at any age though even in children

to be operated upon.

swelling, stiffness, tenderness, redness or

between 3 – 16 years (Juvenile RA). RA rears

Tubercular: This resembles n

warmth. These joint symptoms may be

its head suddenly with the swelling of one

symptoms of single joint Rheumatoid

accompanied by weight loss, fever or

or many joints getting swollen

Arthritis. Biopsy and PCR test are used to


accompanied by fever or weakness. In some

clinch the diagnosis.

The different forms of arthritis:


Traumatic Arthritis:

Rheumatic Joint Pain

Arthritis due To injury

cases, it starts with gradual pain and

Osteoarthritis: Degenerative Arthritis

typically seen in women between 5 and 30

the bone quickly and form traumatic

This is caused by the process of ageing

years of age and characterized by fleeting

arthritis. At times, the joints get destroyed

Different from rheumatoid arthritis, it is

An injury could result in deterioration of

due wear and tear of cartilage. Since the

joint pains – one joint after another swell up

over a few years due to cartilage damage or

cartilage has a limited capacity to

and subsides. A history of throat infection is

change in alignment of the joint.

regenerate, it progressively decreases in

common in patients.

thickness. Ultimately, the bone ends

Psoriatic Arthritis

become bare and rub against each other,

This is a condition in which a person has

Points to Remember n Steroid injections in the joints are to be

thereby causing pain and swelling and

both, psoriasis (patches of red skin with

avoided except in desperate situations.

sometimes fluid collection in the joint.

scales) and arthritis.

n Arthroscopic cartilage implantation is

At times osteoarthritis starts early in life, due

Seronegative Arthritis

to metabolic causes or trauma. The average

This is a group of conditions causing

gaining acceptance for treatment in early stage of Osteoarthritis.

age for the onset of the condition is 40.

arthritis of the spine and peripheral joints,

n Consider joint replacement if all the

Walking, calcium intake, cycling, aerobics

but without a positive rheumatoid factor

other options are exhausted.

and weight loss help in staving it off.

hence 'seronegative'.

n Surgery is the last option in all types of

Gouty Arthritis

Reactive Arthritis

Seen in people with increased level of

This is the kind of arthritis which occurs

uric acid, gouty arthritis typically starts at the

in response to infection in another part of

thumb of the foot. The chronic condition

the body in the form of dysentery, typhoid,

can hit you swiftly, unexpectedly and

viral infection or urinary tract infection.


February 2011

I do not believe in taking right decisions. I take decisions and make them right.

arthritis except in infective (phylogenic) arthritis and sometimes, in traumatic arthritis.



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walking on the road. Change it to exclamatory sentence. n Student : WOW !


n The human brain is a most outstanding

n Smile - is a language of love n Smile - is a source to win hearts... n Smile - creates greatness in your personality SO....


n Teacher : Four beautiful ladies are


Smile - A - While

n History Teacher : From where to where Brush your teeth today onwards. .....................................................................

thing....... it functions 24hrs 365 days..... it functions right from the time you are Born.... until you fall in love

n A cigarette shortens your life by 2 min.. A beer shortens your life by 4 min.. A working day shortens your life by 8 hrs!!!!..

did the mughals rule started ? n Student : Sir, I am not sure but I think from page 15 to 26 sir.

Just the other side n I asked God for a hike, but I know God

n To steal ideas from one person is

n Some cause happiness wherever they

does'nt work that way. So I stole a bike and

plagiarism. To steal from many is research.

go. Others whenever they go.

asked for forgiveness.

n A clear conscience is usually the sign of

n If you are supposed to learn from your

n War does not determine who is right –

bad memory.

mistakes, why do some people have more

only who is left.

n Always borrow money from a pessimist.

than one child?

n Evening news is where they begin with

He won't expect it back.

(Courtesy, the Tribune December 25,

“Good Evening” and then proceed to tell

n Money can't buy happiness, but it surely


you why it isn't.

makes misery easier to live with.




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Heartiest Congratulations to USV Ltd. Baddi USV Limited, Baddi received Environment Excellence Award from Greentech Foundation Greentech Foundation established in California, U.S.A. and New Delhi India is a non-profit


organization committed to recognize and celebrate ethos of outstanding performance in Environment and Safety issues. Greentech Foundation recognized the efforts of USV, Baddi for the outstanding contributions made by the Company in the Environment related activities. USV Baddi unit was declared winner under “Silver Category� and the Award and Trophy was handed over on 12th December 2010 at Hyderabad.

Certificate and Trophy

.......................................... On behalf of USV, Award received by Mr. Ankur Patil, EHS Incharge, Baddi

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