Rotary District 3080 Activities Report 2010-11

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R o t a r y I n t e r n a t i o n a l D i s t r i c t 3 0 8 0



"I shall pass through this world but once. Any good therefore that I can do or any kindness that I can show to any human being, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it, for I may not pass this way again." ANONYMOUS

R o t a r y I n t e r n a t i o n a l D i s t r i c t 3 0 8 0

3080 Annual report 2010-11 DISTRICT ACTIVITIES REPORT 2010-11


Publisher Madhukar Malhotra District Governor 2010-11 Editor Charanjit Singh District Secretary Typesetting Satkarjit Singh Amarjit Singh Mukesh Kumar Design CorePR Printed at Kapco Printers Industrial Area, Panchkula

Madhukar Malhotra District Governor 2010-11 # 2228, Sector 21-C, Chandigarh-160022

Thank you! Dear Team 2010-11: t has been my privilege to work with you for a very satisfying and enjoyable year 'Building Communities-Bridging C o n t i n e n t s ' . Yo u r leadership, hard work and inputs have taken the district to new heights. The record number of projects, supported by The Rotary Foundation , innovative programs and activities in all avenues of service kept the Rotary flag high in the communities served by our clubs with your proactive leadership and participation. My special thanks to our leader RI President Ray Klinginsmith who endeared everyone with his informal interaction and took time to touch Rotarians in our District during his visit; and RI Director K.R. Ravindran for setting new standards of excellence with his laudable efforts to strengthen Rotary in South Asia. I compliment my District Trainer, DRFC, District Secretary, Project and Programme Coordinators, other members of the District Team, and of course, all my Assistant Governors, for their active and dedicated participation in every event, and taking Rotary in the District to newer heights.


Here I would also like to place on record the contribution of the spouses and all members of the Rotary family who contributed to the overall success with their active support to the club activities. I cannot thank enough for the guidance and support of our Past Rotary International President Raja and Usha Saboo to make this Rotary truly successful. My complements and grateful thanks are due to my family and in particular my better half Neeru, who stood by me and contributed to the success of the year. This annual district report is dedicated to you and hope you will cherish the memories of the year of our service together 'Building Communities, Bridging Continents'.

Madhukar Malhotra District Governor 2010-11



his is the first time that District 3080 has taken the initiative to compile an annual report of Rotary’s service activities. The Report is about the active role that the Rotarians have played on diverse fronts, whether it is membership growth, contributions to The Rotary Foundation, joining hands to fight polio, or address the multifarious community needs through humanitarian service projects. The biggest challenge that Rotary faces today is to help the countries around the globe combat the challenges of poverty, illiteracy, disease, and disappointments stemming from divergent socio-economic challenges. The greatest strength that Rotary has the power to ‘build communities’, at a time when the community feeling is diminishing. Strong fellowship, the

system of attendance, and diversity of different vocations enriching the Rotary’s efforts to do good, are the strong drivers that bind the Rotarians across the globe in singular mission . . . to do good, and make a difference in the lives of the people. Through this Report, we have also tried to provide an overview of some of the landmark projects that the Rotary Clubs have undertaken over the years, that stand testimony to the Rotary’s values of ‘Service Above Self’. We hope that this District Report would be a reference volume for the future leadership and source of inspiration for the clubs to replicate the successes that the Rotarians elsewhere have made for the benefit of their own communities.

Charanjit Singh District Secretary 2010-11

A Memorable Year....


he year that was – but still is – fresh in my mind, a unique and once-in-a lifetime opportunity in many ways. It was a special year where we wanted to focus on such activities which would set the right score for life's sometimes off-key moments and difficulties for the under privileged. And why not? We went ahead to touch the lives of people who touch our lives everyday, every moment, in our journey through life. As the year progressed, the awareness came to me, that life is not only about making whoopee when the rain comes down in torrents and we feel joyous, but has a far deeper meaning which can be fulfilled through ser vice of humanity and Rotary give us the vehicle for this joy ride in life. The projects under taken by the clubs in their communities, meeting local needs were amazing. The love and support of the clubs, their warmth

helped make me a richer person in thoughts and deed. It was not only the experience of 'The Joy of Giving', but the year gave me much more. It helped me to look at all the positives in my life and become a better person. We were overwhelmed at the wonderful response, the warmth and the love that we received from all Rotary families – whom do I thank for all this? Was it the people surrounding us or was it Rotary? I do not have enough words to thank the Almighty for the wonderful team 10-11 of over 3000 Rotary families and the warm memories we will carry forever of the year that was….. Thank You All !

Neeru Malhotra

Inside District 3080 Overview Events Pre PETS SETS PETS PETS – Spouses DTTS District Assembly Membership Development Seminar TRF Workshop Strategic Plan for District 3080 TRF Intercity Rotaract Leadership Training Seminar Intercity of Friendship RI President’s Visit DISCON: District Conference Member Orientation Meets Bigger, Better and Bolder Rotary Reflections: 50 Golden Years of Rotary Service Major Projects Matching Grants Leh Relief Medical Camps Medical Mission RYLA Youth Exchange Group Study Exchange Friendship Exchange PolioPlus Clubs in Action Awards & Recognitions

Overview of 2010-11 The year was dedicated to Building Communities, Bridging Continents as per the theme given by 2010-11 RI President Ray Klinginsmith.


eam 1011 comprising of the the

Further a series of member orientation

District Trainer PDG Kawal Bedi,

meets at the club and zonal level were

DRFC PDG Dhian Chand, District

Secretary Charanjit Singh, District

held. Three zonal intercity programs on a 'Bigger Better & Bolder' Rotary were also

Treasurer Anil Chadda, Chief

conducted with a view to emphasize the

Coordinator Projects and Programs N S

other programs of Rotary like Interact,

Aulakh, Coordinator Programs Vijay

Rotaract, Rotary Youth Leadership

Wadhawan ,Coordinator Projects APS

Award, Group Study Exchange, Youth

Dhiman and the backbone of the district

Exchange, RCC, Friendship Exchange,

office, District Correspondent and Editor

Rotary Action Groups, Rotary Volunteers,

M P Gupta along with the Assistant

Rotary Fellowships besides Membership

Governors Rajeev Sood, Pradeep

Development and the Rotary Foundation.

Aggarwal, Praveen Kumar Goel, Dr S K

It was felt that informed members would

Sharma, Trilok Anand, Anand Khurania,

become involved as Rotarians and over

Vinod Khandelwal, Naveen Gulati,

3000 copies of the GML were posted to

Naresh Aggarwal, Sushil Gupta, Vinod

every Rotarian in the district. We were

Bajaj, Vasu Anand, Piyush Mittal and Dr J

vindicated by improved attendance,

P Nawani worked as one co-opting the

greater participation and a near 35%

Presidents , Secretaries and all Club

increase in voluntary contributions to

leadership in making the projects and

the Rotary Foundation and increased

programs the targets of each and every

service activities in all communities

Rotarian of the district.

served by our clubs in the district.

To strengthen rotary in our district, the

The training programs, be it Pre Pets,

need to inform and educate members on

SETS, PETS with spouses, AGTS, DTTS,

the depth and vastness of the Rotary

District Assembly, Membership

movement was felt. A workshop on the

Development Seminar, TRF Workshop

'Rotary Foundation' was held before the

before start of the year were all an

start of, the year and a seminar on

unqualified success. The participation of

'Strategic Planning' was held early in the

spouses led to an increased involvement

year, both for the first time in our

of rotary families in all activities.

district. DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 1

The “Strategic Planning” seminar was a

Cabinet Minister for Human Resources

first for the district where the steps to

and Telecom, Government of India were

strengthen the district based on the

outstanding in their presentations. We

foundation laid in the past was discussed

had Mr. Raj Chengappa, Editor-in Chief,

and targets established for the coming

The Tribune group of newspapers and


Mr. Milkha Singh as other featured

Visit of the Chairman, Board of Trustees of the Rotary Foundation, Carl_ Wilhelm Stenhamar to Chandigarh in August as

speakers. The innovative programming kept the delegates glued to their seats and the hall was overflowing at all times.

Chief Guest at 'The Rotary Foundation

The evening entertainment was another

Seminar', helped increase the tally of

first, play – 'Ghalib in New Delhi' –

major donors from 14 to 25 in a year.

hilarious from begging to the end, kept

This also led to a steady and consistent

the audience rollicking in their seats.

voluntary contribution inflow to the TRF, with an upward trend throughout the year.

The next morning due to inclement weather the Shreyas Awardees Dr. Naresh Trehan, the renowned heart

The District Conference – DISCON 2010

surgeon Mr. Ramesh Agarwal CMD of the

was held in mid December 2010 with a

Dainik Bhaskar group of newspapers and

view to avoid the intense winter chill, a

Member of Parliament and TV

clash with the busy marriage season and

personality Mr. Navjot Sidhu could not

children's exams. This was appreciated

make it but His Excellency Sh. Jagannath

by the members, leading tp the highest

Pahadia, Governor of Haryana kept the

per capita contribution to the foundation

audience spell bound with his address.

on Zone 4 & 6A and a new district record.

The team led by PDG Mary Martin from

Another first was the 'District Leadership

D7770, USA and her team made an

Seminar' ably handled by ARC PDG Shaju

impressive presentation.

Peter on the day preceding start of DISCON-2010. The pre-conference dinner was an unqualified success with a live performance by the melodious Dolly Guleria and her troupe. RI President's Representative PRIP Glen Kinross who flew in all the way from Sydney, Australia and the Chief Guest Honourable Sh. Kapil Sibal, Union

The business session also found an attentive audience and amendments to the district bylaws were considered and approved. Overall the programming, speakers, ambience, entertainment, food and hospitality were all appreciated and some said, new benchmarks have been set for the future.

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 2

RYLA organised over the Christmas break

community thru a 'children for children'

left a lasting impressions on the 106

program conducted involving school

young participants from all areas of the

children to bring out greater awareness

district. Who were enthused and went

on 'Polio Eradication' and also raise

back raising to take the lead in their

funds for the 'Bill and Melinda Gates


Polio Challenge Grant'. This was a

We were honoured with the visit of the RI President Ray Klinginsmith and RI Director K.R. Ravindran to Chandigarh in March 2011. A special intercity of welcome was organized at the 'Chandigarh Judicial Academy' where the RI leadership also interacted with the D3080 college of Governor. The Intercity gave an opportunity to the grassroots Rotarians to interact with President Ray

learning experience for many of the Rotarians who had joined Rotary in the recent past and were unaware that the 'End Polio Now' campaign was initiated as a program of Rotary International and later joined by WHO/UNICEF and governments of the world. We are 'THIS CLOSE' and need to double our efforts to keep our promise to the future generations for a 'Polio Free World'.

and be recognized for his participation in

The 'Intercity of Friendship' at Kankhal

the Medicare Mission and contributions

was all fun and games and a real

to the Rotary Foundation.

opportunity for the 'Family of Rotary' to

State wise Polio Orientation Meets were held this year, another first, which

get together. It was also an occasion to facilitate DGN 2013-14 Rakesh Aggarwal.

highlighted Rotary's role and helped

The official visits to the clubs were used

spread the message of Polio Eradication

to guide the incoming leadership on their

in the community and to the government

roles and responsibility and the need to

functionaries resulting in better co-

start preparations for the same.

operative. Separate meets were held for

Emphasis on continuity in Rotary and its

Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Himachal

importance was highlighted,. Stress was

Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana and U.T. In

laid on following rotary norms and

Saharanpur we reached out to the


minorities thru the Hakim’s, Baids and RMP’s who hold sway over the population, a successful effort to break the resistance of families to administer polio drops. Another initiative was to involve the

We received two Polio NID teams, led by DG Cynde Covington of D6990, Florida USA with 44 members and a team from Rtn. Mike Yates of UK to Karnal. Two Medicare Camps were held in the tribal areas of Chindwara, MP and

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 3

Behrampur, Orrisa. The overseas mission

Recognition' Function was an occasion to

this year was taken to Zambia & Malawi.

say a big 'Thank You' to all the members

A Rotary Friendship Team led by PP Rtn Jon Deisher from RC Anchorage, Alaska, USA paid us a visit in February and the return visit led by PP Harish Sethi is planned in August. Another Friendship Exchange is finalized with SouthAfrica. The Rotary Youth Exchange program gathered pace and we had 20 youth inbound and outbound. Now that our district is certified by RI this program has a potential to grow exponentially.

for their contributions to make the year an outstanding success – in itself unique in that the hall was overflowing, every one came on time and surprise – kept sitting till the last, except for a spontaneous standing ovation, something unexpected and overwhelming. A record number of 52 clubs received the RI Presidents Citation and the district was also recognized for membership growth. Presidents, Secretaries, other

The Rotaract & Interact clubs gained

club leaders, Committee Chairman and

strength with revival of many clubs and

Clubs were recognized for their

eleven new clubs chartered. This is an

outstanding work. Special recognition

area that needs greater attention by

was given to those who promoted the

rotary and RI.

TRF and helped in raising funds for the

The flash floods in Leh saw the clubs rise


as one and over Rs.50 lakhs was raised

Matching Grants supported

for relief activities. Besides immediate

by The Rotary Foundation

relief 12 prefab structures were also


presented. The IW D308 thru the Chair Ms Neelam Vij have contributed Rs.1.25 lakhs and promise to pay the balance cost for one structure on installation. Throughout the year the Assistant Governors played a pivotal and crucial role actively, as a link between the club leadership and the district, helping clubs grow and strengthen, resolving issues, emphasing support to the Rotary Foundation.

This year sixteen matching grant projects and ten DSG grants were initiated with a layout of US$579,466, over 60 clubs participated in these projects covering a wide range of activities. Our district signature project is the overseas Medicare Project, this year which led us to Malawi & Zambia, under the ‘Reach out to Africa' initiative with a team of 18 doctors & volunteers from D3080. This was the 12th in a series of

On 26th June the 'District Awards and

project undertaken by our district every

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 4

year since 1998. Within India Medicare Projects were undertaken in the tribal areas of Behrampur in Orissa & Chindwara in Madhya Pradesh. We did not ignore our own district and over fifteen multispeciality medical camps including cancer detection and awareness were held, spread over all

+ School Benches (985). Other matching grant projects taken up by clubs include Rain Water Harvesting, Water and Sanitation, School Educational Aids, Provision of Hospital Equipment. Benches for School, Libraries for primary schools etc.

areas of the district with thousands of

In true rotary tradition of continuity the

patients screened and follow up

activities and implementation of most of the projects will continue in the coming

treatment organized. Our second district signature project is


the 'Heartline' project where children

It is truly remarkable that a large number

with congenital heart disease are treated

of clubs, over 60, could participate and

free of cost. Earlier this project initiated

benefit from their contributions to the

by RC Chandigarh was restricted to Fortis

Rotary Foundation in earlier years,

Hospital, Mohali and PGI, Chandigarh. It

making them open to contribute liberally

has now been extended to all clubs of

to the TRF of their own accord.

D3080 and an assurance to the

These are besides the DSG projects of 15

community that No Child dies for lack of

clubs covering Pulmonary Rehabilitation,

funds for treatment of congenital heart

Toilets in a slum area, Rain Water

disease. We are committed to treat 20

Harvesting, provision of water coolers,

children from Malawi and 5 children

substitution of polythene bags, T-Shirts

from Pakistan under this program.

for End Polio Rally by school children,

This year the project was also extended

Pathological Lab, Vocational Training aids

to the 'Himalayan Institute Hospital' at

for handicapped children, provision of mats/durries for students in rural schools

Jolly Grant, Dehradun. Four projects were conceptualized and initiated as district projects to cover a

and school libraries for children in primary schools were also initiated.

large number of clubs in the district serving the community where they are located: + Eye IOL Operations (2000) + Water Filters 277 (online) + 1360 (storage)

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 5

Matching Grants 2010-11 1) Reach Out to Africa -Medicare Project Zambia/Malawi MG # 73963 D2110 Italy, D9210 Zambia/Malawi & D6200 D3232 India & D3080, India


2) Medicare Project Chindwara, M.P. MG # 74416 D3520 Taipei Nahwa 52112, Taiwan D3040 India & D3080, India

$ 45,000

3) Medicare Project Behrampur, Orissa MG # 74376 RC Crescenta-Canada, D5260 USA D3260, India, D3080, India

$ 31,364

4) Heartline – Chandigarh MG # 73805 RC Ansan, D3750 Korea RC Chandigarh, D3080 India

$ 47,283

5) Heartline – Dehra Dun MG $ 74154 RC Hawthorne, NJ, USA, D7490 RC Dehra Dun Central, D3080

$ 33,913

6) Rain Water Harvesting – Roopnagar MG # 73655 RID 7890 RC Roopnagar, D3080 7) Rain Water Harvesting – Panipat MG # 73638 RID 7890 RC Panipat Midtown, D3080

$ 19,813

8) Eye IOLs – 2000 Operations MG # 73488 D6990, Florida USA D3080 9) Water Filters Online 277 / Storage 1361 MG # 73414 D7770, USA D3080, India

$ 24,490

12) School Equipment – Rishikesh MG # 74561 RC Eindhoven Noord, D1550 RC Rishikesh

$ 12,021

13) Mega Medical Camp MG # 73703 RC Dover D6650 & D6600 D3080


14) School Benches MG # 75233 RC Bucheon West, D 3690 RC Chandigarh Central, D3080

$ 27,222

15) Computers & Supplies MG # 74769 RC La Habra, D 5320 RC Hardwar, D 3080

$ 12,252

16) Hospital Equipment MG # 74993 RC Greenville, D 7750 RC Ambala, D3080

$ 60,826

17) DSG Total

$ 19,000 $ 579,466

Projects from earlier year received funds in the current year and are under implementation. Rain Water Harvesting $ 24,900 MG # 71129 RC Madison, D 7980 RC Chandigarh Midtown, D3080

$ 53,260 Eye Surgeries MG # 72454 RC Gronau- Euregio, D 1870 RC Parwanoo, D 3080

$ 17,500

Clean Water RC Panchkula, D 3080 MG 70940

$ 15,552

Rain Water Harvesting RC Chandigarh Central, D 3080 MG 71043

$ 23,889

Water Filters MG # 73037 RC Coral Gables, D 6990 RC Chandigarh, D 3080

$ 10,125

$ 53,456.52

10) Water and Sanitation – Shimla MG # 74517 RC Las Vegas D5300 RC Shimla MT, D3080

$ 20,765

11) Water and Sanitation – Mussorie MG # 74572 RC Cary-Kildare, D7770 RC Mussoorie, D3080

$ 11,800

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 6


The Rotary Foundation Highest ever TRF contribution in 2010-11 of $427,105.51 from D3080 DRFC : PDG Rtn. Dhian Chand


n Per Capita basis we are No. zone's 4 & 6A, higher than Delhi, Kolkata or Mumbai regions. Congratulations to all Rotarians/contributors/motivators/club leaders, it is you who have made this happen, Thank you Team 1011. We are ahead of Mumbai, Kolkata and Delhi regions for contributions on a per capita basis, this shows your support to the TRF and the 'Joy' in giving, sharing and caring. We are also No. 1 in Polio Challenge contribution, No 2 in Permanent Fund and no 4 in total contribution. Top 5 Districts Total Contribution up to 30th June 2011 are: Top 5 Districts in 2010-11 Total Contribution (Per capita) Zone-4 & 6A

I. II. III. IV. V.

R.I. District


Total Contributions

Per Capita

3080 3291 3140 3131 3010

2,886 3,809 6,246 3,532 4,923

$ 4,27,105 $ 4,63,953 $ 7,52,095 $ 3,60,312 $ 4,60,448

147.99 121.80 120.41 102.01 93.52

Top 5 Districts in 2010-11 (APF Per capita) Zone-4 & 6A R.I. District I. II. III. IV. V.

3291 3140 3080 3131 3010


Total Contributions

Per Capita

3,809 6,246 2,886 3,532 4,923

427,132 607,128 248,664 287,497 357,833

112.14 97.20 86.16 81.40 72.69

Total Contribution in 2010-11 R.I. District


I. II. III. IV. V.

$ 7,52,095 $ 4,63,953 $ 4,60,448 $ 4,27,105 $ 3,60,312

3140 3291 3010 3080 3131

Rotary Club Panipat Rainbow became the first 100% PHF Club in our district. The number of Major Donors doubled at all levels, 14 to 25 in level one, 1 to 2 in level 2/3 and 2 to 3 in level 4 An all time record for Total Contribution to The Rotary Foundation in 2010-11 of $427,105.51& APF $ 248,663.93, the highest ever. The contributions to the Rotary US$ 200 million challenge jumped by nearly 50% with a contribution of $102,920.42 against a cumulative $ 205,306.33 cumulative in the period 2007- 2010. Chandigarh, Ambala, Panipat Midtown & Roopnagar , the overall top performing clubs in the district in all avenues of service also made it to the top in TRF honours. Recognitions for TRF Motivation Name David Hilton Subhash C. Dhir Sanjeev K. Checker Meenakshi Singla Capt. Vijay Chawla Vinod Malhotra Jagjeet S. Walia Raman Aneja Sanjay Anand Naveen Gulati Bhanu P.S. Parmar Rajeev Sood Praveen K. Goel Trilok Anand Vinod Khandelwal Sushil Gupta Vijay Wadhawan Piyush Mittal Sneh Popli Naveen Gulati

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 7

Club Dehradun Ambala Chandigarh Central Chandigarh Central Panchkula Panchkula Chandigarh Central Panipat Midtown Panchkula Panipat Midtown Roopnagar Shimla Panchkula Kharar Panipat Jagadhri North Chandigarh Dehradun Central Chandigarh Shivalik Panipat Midtown


The Rotary Foundation

TRF & Polio the Bill & Melinda Gates $ 200 million challenge grant contributions

The top five contributing clubs are: Gross Rotary Club

Per Capita

No. of Members

Total Amount in US$

Members in US$US$

Rotary Club

No. of

Total Amount

Per Capita










Panipat Rainbow




Panipat Midtown






















The contributions to the Annual Program Fund are also an all time record of $248,663.96. The Top Five clubs to APF are: Rotary Club

Per Capita

Gross No. of Members

Ambala Chandigarh Panipat Midtown Dehradun Roopnagar

Annual Giving Amt. in US$

149 130 166 47 79

35,534.45 21,738.34 16,363.93 10,619.66 10,238.83

However, 9 Rotary Clubs ie: Anandpur Sahib, Dehradun Central, Jind, Jwalapur, Ladwa, Nangal Central, Radaur, Ranipur & Shyampur did not make any contribution to the Bill & Melinda Gates $ 200 million challenge grant, a failure on our part to motivate the members to contribute. In the scenario of achievements, inspite of our best efforts and persuation there were some failures also, four clubs out of 75 had nil contribution to TRF. As a matter of policy no individual was approached to contribute, it was marketing of TRF and follow up by AG's with the club leadership that gave results.

Rotary Club

No. of Members

Total Amt. in US$







Nangal Central






Rotary Club

No. of Members

Annual Giving Amt. in US$

Per Capita in US$

Panipat Rainbow




















The number of Major Donors from our District doubled with the addition of following major donors during 2010-11 PDG Devinder P. Kalra, PDG Arun Sharma, PDG Hemant Arora, PDG Dr. R.S. Parmar, Rtn. Jaspal S. Kandhari, Rtn. P.J. Singh Rtn. Rajiv Bali, Pres. Raman Aneja, Rtn. Dr. S. Farooq, PDG Chetan Aggarwal, Rtn. N. Paul Sabharwal (Level-3) RIDE Rtn. Yash Pal Das (Level-4)

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 8


Landmark Projects Cancer Hospital School for Deaf and Dumb Vridh Ashram Artificial Limbs Centre Rotary Vocational Training Centre Rotary Physiotherapy Centre Rotary Vocational Training Centre Rotary PGI Serai Blood Resource Centre Dental Van International Dolls Museum Rotary Peace Monument Rotary Balwari, Village Dhanas Aasra - Serai Sector 32 Hospital Chemist Shop for Poor, Govt Hospital 32 Pulmonary Rehabilitation Centre, GMHS32 Rotary Vocational Training Centre

Ambala Cantt Ambala Cantt Ambala Cantt Ambala Cantt Ambala City Ambala City Chandigarh Chandigarh Chandigarh Chandigarh Chandigarh Chandigarh Chandigarh Chandigarh Chandigarh Chandigarh Vill.Kishangarh

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 9

Ambala Ambala Ambala Ambala Ambala City Ambala City Chandigarh Chandigarh Chandigarh Chandigarh Chandigarh Chandigarh Chandigarh Chandigarh Midtown Chandigarh Central Chandigarh Central Chandigarh Central

Rotary Dispensary Rotary Dental Clinic Rotary Pacemaker Bank Rain Water Harvesting, Sec 46 School Pediatric Immunization Centre Clinic, GMHS 32 Rain Water Harvesting (4 schools) Bridge in Village Perch Rotary Vocational Training Centre Rotary Vocational Training Centre Blood Bank, Ramakrishan Hospital Rain Water Harvesting Public Facilities (Toilets) Rotary Vocational Training Centre 15 Prefab Shelters for Landslide Victims Rotary Vocational Training Centre Rotary Vocational Training Centre Public Facilities (Toilets) Rotary Vocational Training Centre Rotary Vocational Training Centre Physiotherapy Centre Hitech Ambulance Public Facilities (Toilets) Rotary Vocational Training Centre Low Cost Shelters Rotary Eye Bank Rotary Vocational Training Centre Crematorium (LPG) Hitech Ambulance Public Facility (Toilets) Rotary Vocational Training Centre Low Cost Shelters Rotary Eye Bank

Vill.Kishangarh Chandigarh Chandigarh Chandigarh Chandigarh Chandigarh Chandigarh Dehradun Deoband Haridwar Kasauli Kurukshetra Ladwa Leh Mohali Mussoorie Mussoorie Panchkula Panipat Panipat Panipat Roorkee Ropar Ropar Saharanpur Saharanpur Shimla Shimla Shimla Yamunanagar Yamunanagar Yamunanagar

RVTC, Chandigarh

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 10

Chandigarh Central Chandigarh Chandigarh Chandigarh Midtown Chandigarh Central Chandigarh Central Chandigarh Shivalik Dehradun Deoband Haridwar Kasauli Kurukshetra Ladwa District 3080 SAS Nagar Mussoorie Mussoorie Panchkula Panipat Midtown Panipat Midtown Panipat Midtown Roorkee Midtown Ropar Ropar Saharanpur Central Saharanpur Shimla Shimla Midtown Shimla Midtown Jagadhri North Yamunanagar Yamunanagar Riveira


PRE-PETS Host : Rotary Club of Chandigarh Central JANUARY 2010

The year began with the PrePETS, an ice-breaking session for the club leaders. Rotary Club Chandigarh Central hosted the event in the Chandigarh Club on Sunday morning. Our special thanks to the Chief Guest PRIP Rajendra K. Saboo, DG Chetan Aggarwal, host club Chandigarh Central, Chair PP N.S. Aulakh, and Pres (0910) H.S. Saggu for the auspicious start.

Past Rotary International President Raja Saboo and other RI Officers (above) and the District Team 2010-11 (below)

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 11


SETS Host : Rotary Club of Himalayan Ranges Mansa Devi March 2010

Rotary Club of Himalayan Ranges-Mansa Devi hosted SETS, and our compliments to Counsellor PDG Yoginder Dewan, SETS Chair PP T.K. Ruby, PE Jatinder Dhanda and the Faculty led by District Secretary Rtn. Charanjit Singh supported by the Assistant Governors.


PETS Venue: Kufri Holiday Resort, Kufri April 2010 Presidents-Elect’s received their training at Kufri Resorts, thanks to the faculty compromising of RI officers and Assistant Governors. The hospitality of PDG Dhian Chand, the cooperation of all the RI Officers and the team of Rotarians from Shimla, led by incoming AG Rajeev Sood, provided excellent support to make the entire learning experience and the evening cultural, memorable. PRIP Raja Saboo, RI Director Nominee Yash Pal Das, Usha Saboo were some of the speakers who set the ball rolling for the training session at the inaugural.

The incoming club leaders are all years (above). Mrs. Usha Saboo at the podium (below), and the Team 2010-11 (bottom)


PETS Venue: Kufri Holiday Resort, Kufri April 2010 A unique feature was the spouses program visualised and designed by the first Lady Neeru B. Malhotra under the guidance of Mrs. Usha Saboo, Mrs. Manju Das and support of Mrs. Sunita Sharma, Mrs. Kanan Dewan and Mrs. Neelam Aggarwal.

The spouses of club leaders undergo training.

There were numerous moments of fun in the talent evening (above) All the spouses (below)

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 14


DTTS Host : Rotary Club of Chandigarh Mid-Town 2010

Chandigarh Midtown hosted the event under the guidance of Counsellor PDG Shaju Peter, with PE Prem Anand as Chair, and Gurdip S. Deep, Club President.Past RI President Rajendra K. Saboo was the chief guest who asked the Rotarians to be alert and responsive throughout the year.

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District Assembly 1st May 2010, Dehradun

It was an unqualified success at Dehradun, thanks to the support of Assembly Counsellor PDG Dr Gulshan Thakral, Assembly Chair PP Bipin Berry, AG Piyush Mittal and Assembly Secretary Sudhir Jolly. The highlight of the Assembly was the motivational address by PDG Manoj Desai, the keynote speaker on this occasion, whose excellent presentation broke many myths about Rotary membership.

District Assembly Counsellor PDG Dr Gulshan Thakral, RI Director Nominee Yash Das and the Key Note Speaker PDG Manoj Desai.

A special session for club trainers was conducted by PDG Gulshan Thakral who also brought out a training manual for the trainers.

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 16


Membership Development Seminar Host : Rotary Club of Solan Midtown 15th May 2010

We pay our homage to Pres Ramesh Maini whom we lost during the year after a brief illness. The District lost a sincere and dedicated Rotarian.

Congratulations to the host club of Solan Midtown which under the chairmanship of Pradeep Aggarwal, PE Ramesh Maini, Pres Vineet Goyal and Secy. Arvind Gupta made it a great event.

PDG Venkatesh from Chennai was the keynote speaker who touched the Rotarians with his inspirational address.

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 17


TRF Workshop Host : Rotary Club of Jagadhri North 15th June 2010


he Rotary Foundation Workshop held at Yamunanagar in June saw the participation of incoming Assistant Governors and the TRF Zonal Chairs.

PDG Arun Honi as Counsellor and workshop chair AG Sushil Gupta provided invaluable support to make it a success. DGE Madhukar Malhotra,ARFC Ranjit Bhatia, DRFC Dhian Chand, discussed the plan of action for the year ahead. The TRF Workshop laid the foundations for the record contribution of US $ 427,105, the highest ever for District 3080 which helped our district attain the distinction of being the top contributor to TRF in Zones-4 & 6A in the year 2010-11.

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 18


Strategic Plan for 3080 Host : Rotary Club of Panchkula August 8, 2010


n a marathon session convened at RVTC Panchkula on August 8, 2010, DG Madhukar Malhotra, DGN Manmohan Singh, 12 of the 14 Assistant Governors, District Committee Chairs of Rotary Youth Exchange and WCS, Interact Counselor PDG Yoginder Diwan, District Trainer Kawal Bedi, District Secretary Charanjit Singh, District Coordinator, Projects and Programmes Navjit Singh Aulakh and Coordinator, Projects APS Dhiman formulated the first draft of the Strategic Plan of 3080 under the guidance of ARC Shaju Peter. DRR Neha Chopra participated as an observer in the proceedings. The draft of the Strategic Plan was later presented to the College of Governors and discussed at the Zonal intercities in September and October before being circulated among clubs in the district. Each AG was requested to guide clubs in their zones to prepare and implement the Strategic Plan for growth and effectiveness. The workshop arrangements were coordinated by AG Dr. S.K.Sharma & AG Praveen Goel.

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 19


TRF Intercity Host : Rotary Club of Chandigarh 27th August 2010


he Rotary Foundation Chairman Rtn. Carl Wilhelm Stenhammar was in Chandigarh on 27-28 August 2010. He attended the college of Governors on 28th August over lunch and later addressed the Intercity at IIHM, Chandigarh. Major donors and other contributors to the Rotary Foundation were honoured on this occasion. Eradication of Polio from the remaining four endemic countries in the world is Rotary International's biggest challenge, said CarlWilhelm Stenhammar, the Chairman of the Trustees of The Rotary Foundation, while addressing the Rotarians. Stenhammar commended the Rotarians in their fight against polio and how they have been able to bring down the incidence over the years. He also appreciated the fact that India is one of the third largest country today for its financial contribution to the Rotary Foundation after USA and Japan, and hoped that it would definitely continue to improve its ranking with its enthusiastic participation and growing number of Rotarians.

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TRF Intercity The Rotary Foundation, which is one of the world's largest trusts, has spent over $ 800 million since the beginning of the fight against polio and in the last leg there is an urgent need for more money for which Bill and Milinda Gates Foundation has contributed US$355 million, and another US$200 million is being raised by the Rotarians.

this occasion, some of the major donors to the Rotary Foundation and the clubs which have provided financial support to the polio challenge were also recognized.

Earlier Rtn. Yash Pal Das, Rotary International Director Elect, District Governor Madhukar Malhotra and Past Rotary International President Rajendra K. Saboo provided an overview of the projects being undertaken by the District 3080, and informed him about the involvement of Rotarians in providing relief for the catastrophe-hit Leh area. On

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 21


TRF Intercity Major Donors recognised by TRF Chair

Pres. Raman & Meenu Aneja

Rtn. P.J. & Rajinder Singh

PDG Chetan Aggarwal

PP Rtn. N.P. Sabharwal

PDG Shaju & Lovy Peter

PDG R.S. & Brij Parmar

PDG Arun Sharma

PDG Hemant & Sunita Arora

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 22


Rotaract Leadership Training Seminar Host : Rotary Club of Kurukshetra September 2010 Rotary club Kurukshetra alongwith DRC Rtn. Ajay Madan organised a Rotaract Leadership Training Seminar on 5th September,2010 for Rotaract Leaders of Rotary International District 3080. PDG Arun Sharma was mentor for this seminar. PP Rtn Ajay Madan DRC told Rotaractors about the Rotaract movement in RI district 3080. PP Rtn Dr Rakesh C. Bhardwaj gave a wonderful presentation about Rotary & Rotaract. Rotaractors enjoyed the training & sightseeing afterwards. Congratulations! DRC Neha Chopra for the good participation by Rotaractors.

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 23


Intercity of Friendship Host : Rotary Club of Kankhal January 2011

It was a fun day at ‘Crystal World’ Haridwar on 23rd January where Rotarians of RC Kankhal played gracious hosts to over 400 rotarians and families. The venue was ideal, the weather Gods benevolent and the host club members under leadership of President Ashok Sapra were warm, caring and the excellent fellowship was enjoyed by all. Kudos to Ashok and his team! Rtn. Rakesh Aggarwal of RC Dehradun was felicitated on confirmation of his nomination as DGN 2013-14.

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 24


RI President’s Visit Host : Rotary Club of Chandigarh 25th March 2011

Ray shows the Way for Rotary to move forward. A special Intercity was held on the occasion of the visit of RI President Ray Klinginsmith to Chandigarh in 25th March 2011. Besides Meeting with the College of Governors and visits to Club Projects, Ray enthralled the delegates to the Intercity with his inspiring & motivational address. He was accompanied by RI Director K R Ravindran who introduced Ray in a unique manner. Besides TRF contributors, the participants in the Polio Plus 'Children for Children' program and the medicare surgical missions to the tribal belts of Chindward & Berhampur were also recognized.

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 25


RI President’s Visit TRF Recognitions Director Principal Dr. Raj Bahadur of Government Medical College & Hospital, Chandigarh, was awarded Paul Harris Fellow by District 3080 in view of his exemplary contribution to support the medical missions undertaken by our District during the year by providing services of volunteer medical specialists.

(Below from L-R clockwise) Recognition of RI Director Nominee Yash Das, PRIP Rajendra K. Saboo and DG DG Madhukar Malhotra for becoming the Paul Harris Society Members. PP Rtn. Vijay Wadhawan of RC Chandigarh for participation in Rahat medical mission; and members of RC Panchkula for contribution to polio.

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 26


RI President’s Visit Welcome to RI President Ray Klinginsmith at Hotel Taj along with RI Director K.R. Ravindran.

Presentation of Memento to RI President Ray Klinginsmith and RI Director K.R. Ravindran

At the Intercity

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 27


RI President’s Visit Interaction with the College of Governors

DG Madhukar Malhotra welcoming RI President Ray Klinginsmith and Director KR Ravindran.

RI Director KR Ravindran addressing the COG.

RI President Ray Klinginsmith interacting with the RI Officers.

RI President Ray Klinginsmith addressing the college of governors.

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 28


District Leadership Seminar Pre-Conference Seminar and Cultural Evening 17th December 2010 DISCON2010 opened with the Rotary District Leadership Seminar which was attended by a large number of Rotarians from our District. Past Rotary International President and Representative of RI President, Glen Kinross Past Rotary International President Rajendra K. Saboo also addressed the participants.

PDG Shaju Peter made it highly interactive and engaged the participants.

DG Madhukar Malhotra along with Past Rotary International President Rajendra K. Saboo, PDG Shaju Peter, and DGE Manpreet Singh on the dais. The two-hour hectic session was conducted by PDG Shaju Peter. The Seminar was hosted byRotary Club of Chandigarh Midtown who managed the entire show superbly.

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 29


Host : Rotary Club of Chandigarh 17-18 December 2010

Hon’ble Shri Kapil Sibal.


RI President’s Representative Glen Kinross spoke about Rotary’s initiatives.

he RI President’s Representative Past Rotary International President Glen W. Kinross, Chief Guest Honourable Sh. Kapil Sibal, Union Minister for Human Resource & Telecom, His Excellency the Governor of Haryana Shri Jagan Nath Pahadia, the legendry sportsman Mr Milkha Singh, Editor in Chief of The Tribune Mr Raj Chengappa, were some of the noted speakers at the DISCON.

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 30

The GSE Team led by PDG Mary Martin and interesting interludes presentation on projects and programs by Interactors of DPS School & Doon Public School were the highlights of the conference. The hospitality and arrangements were par excellence. The entertainment progrma by Dolly Guleria on the preconference night, and the play ‘Ghalib in Delhi’ was outstanding.

The District 3080 jury selected the following for the 2010-11 Rotary Shreyas Awards Dr. Naresh Trehan, Chairman, Medanta Mr Navjot Singh Sidhu, TV Personality Mr Ramesh C Aggarwal, Chairman, Dainik Bhaskar Group. DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 31

Mr. Raj Chengappa, Editor-in-Chief of The Tribune Group of Newspapers, commended Rotarians for responding to the challenges that any section of the society may face instead of waiting for someone else to take action.

Noted bollywood actor

Jimmy Shergill was honoured with Award of Excellence for his contribution to Panjabi cinema.

Award of Excellence to ‘Flying Sikh’ Milkha Singh In an emotional address Milkha Singh, whose family holds the unique distinction of having two Padamshrees in the family – the other one being his son Jeev – thanked the Rotarians for the honour, and felt sad that no other athlete had been able to bring home the Olympic gold in the category, which he lost in Rome. That can only make me happy and India proud, he remarked.

Ghalib in Delhi was the highlight of the DISCON cultural, while the performances by Interact School of Delhi Public School Chandigarh & Doon Public School, Panchkula provided refreshing interludes.

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 32

Recognising the contribution of the past leadership of Rotary International District 3080 at the inaugural of DISCON. Past and incoming RI Officers with spouses (above). Past Rotary International President Raja Saboo, on the occasion (left), remarked that the future should be built up on the legacy of the past.

Thanks to the Inner Wheel of District 3080 a cheque of Rs.1,25,000 was handed over to DG Madhukar Malhotra against the total commitment of Rs.1,50,000, for the relief of Leh cloudburst victims.

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The DISCON2010 was kick-started with a colorful musical evening hosted by Chandigarh Midtown, and enlivened by famous Punjabi folk singer Dolly Guleria and her troupe.

And how could anyone restrain oneself from joining the dance floor on the rhythmic Punjabi folk beats. PDG Kawal Bedi and first lady Neeru Malhotra on the floor.

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 34


Member Orientation Meets


ith a view to inform and educate members on rotary programs a series of Member Orientation Meets were organized by the Zone Assistant Governors at Roopnagar, Kurukshetra, Chandigarh, Shimla, Saharanpur, Dehradun and Panipat hosted by various clubs in the area. Besides the new members inducted in the last 2 years club presidents, directors and other members also participated to update themselves in this important area.

Rotary Roopnagar on 15th August 2010

Rotary Kurukshetra on September 5, 2010

Rotary Dehradun on July 31, 2010

Rotary Panipat Midtown on August 15, 2010

Rotary Saharanpur Greater on September 13, 2010

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 35


Bigger, Better & Bolder Rotary Host : Rotary Club of Ambala, Panipat Midtown & Rishikesh


hree Zonal Meets on A “Bigger Better and Bolder Rotary” were hosted by RC Panipat Midtown on September 12, 2010, RC Rishikesh on October 10, 2010 and RC Ambala on October 24, 2010.

Past Rotary International President Rajendra K. Saboo lauded the role of rotarians of D3080 in contributing generously for Leh Relief.

PDG Shaju Peter gave a presentation on strengths and weaknesses of our district and Strategic Planning for achieving highlighted targets in various areas at the Panipat Meet. PDG Gulshan Thakral was the anchor at the Rishikesh Meet and RIDE Yash Das detailed the strategic plans for D3080 at the Ambala Meet. ARRFC PDG Ranjit Bhatia shared his thoughts on the importance of the Rotary Foundation at Panipat and DRFC Dhian Chand updated delegates at Rishikesh and Ambala on the Rotary Foundation.

All the Assistant Governors highlighted the achievements and future plans of their respective zones and committed to meet all expectations & possibly exceed them in all areas of Rotary & Foundation activities. District Governor Madhukar Malhotra & the District team answered all the queries of Rotarians.

He said Rotary should not only be Bigger, Better & Bolder but also Beautiful, comparing Rotary with Satyam, Shivam, Sundram.

PP Rtn. N.S. Aulakh detailed the structured programs of Rotary to expand horizons of Rotary activities in clubs towards a “Bigger, Better, Bolder” Rotary in District 3080.

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 36


PolioPlus Orientation Polio eradication remains the priority program of Rotary International and the Rotary Foundation. The district officials, collector, SDM, CMO, DEO and others were invited along with the UNICEF, WHO and Rotary Polio Plus Officers to chalk out the plan of action for 2010-11.

RC Rotary Chandigarh City Beautiful - Haryana/ Punjab, UP & UT State Polio Orientation Seminars

This year Polio Plus Orientation meets were held, for UP state at Saharanpur hosted by RC Saharanpur Midtown, for Uttrakhand at Dehra Dun hosted by RC Doon Shivalik HIlls, for Himachal Pradesh at Solan hosted by RC Solan Midtown and for Haryana/Punjab and UT at Chandigarh hosted by RC Chandigarh City Beautiful.

RC Doon Shivalik Hills - Uttarakhand State Pulse Polio Seminar DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 37


PolioPlus Orientation

RC Saharanpur Midtown - UP State Polio Orientation Meet Saharanpur 22nd August, 2011

RC Solan Midtown - Himachal Pradesh State Polio Eradication Seminar

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 38


Rotary’s Public Image During the year 2010-11, District 3080 was able to spread the message of across the society through creative use of various media as well as strong media relations. There had been extensive coverage in the print and electronic media on the visits of RI dignitaries including Rotary International President Ray Klinginsmith to the city, besides the DISCON2010 and various other events. The major Public Relations success story was the initiation of ‘Children for Children’ program which was designed with the dual purpose of raising funds for the Bill & Milinda Gates Foundation’s challenge, and, more importantly, raise awareness amongst the community through the involvement of the school children in this campaign. Through a well-designed printed collateral the message was sent across to the club leadership and special groups of Rotarians were also prepared to reach out to the schools in their respective communities and make presentation about this programme. The initial marketing kit included video presentations and 52 schools ultimately participated and raised over US$ 60,000 for the polio-plus program. Besides, the PR Grant was used for outdoor publicity and the clubs enthusiastically participated in this campaign and put up hoardings at prominent public places including the National Highway 1 that brought Rotary’s activities under focus.

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 39


Leh Relief


he beautiful valley of Leh-Ladakh in J&K faced one of the worst catastrophe in its history on the intervening night of August 5-6, 2010, when flash floods led to massive mud slides across the area and devastated the lives of the people. Over 10,000 people were directly affected and more than 300 people lost their lives. Following the reports, Past Rotary International President Rajendra K. Saboo, got in touch with the Governor of J&K, and local administration, while District Governor Madhukar Malhotra, immediately went into

crisis management mode and called every Rotarian in the District to support the relief work. Immediate action and response was the need of the hour, and within a week the District 3080 was able to collect heavy woollen garments, quilts, shoes etc. which were sorted, labeled and packed by a team of Rotarians in Chandigarh. The Rotarians of Chandigarh, Mohali and Panchkula also contributed financially to purchase 1000 poly-fill quilts and 100 UNapproved tents. The Rotarians of Karnal and Panipat contributed 300 pressure cookers. PP Arvind Mehan and PP C.J. Singh at the Leh airport supervising the unloading of relief material.

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 40

The major logistic issue was transporting this relief material to Leh. Thanks to the efforts of RI Director Elect Yash Pal Das, the Indian Air Force authorities in Chandigarh agreed to transport the material. In order to ensure that the material reaches the affected people, a team of three Rotarians from District 3080, comprising District Secretary Charanjit Singh, Past President Arvind Mehan, and Rtn. Hassan Singh Mejie, volunteered to supervise the project in Leh. Thanks to the efforts of PDG Kawal Bedi, whose nephew Col. Tikka Yuvraj Singh Bedi was posted at Leh as commanding officer of 1-Vikas Coy, the boarding and lodging of the District team was taken care of. Col Bedi also arranged for convoys and army jawans to unload the material from aircraft and take it to various remote villages.

With the help of local administration the District team went from village to village, as far as the Batalic (near Kargil) border, and handed over relief material. While in Leh, the District team found the need for pre-fabricated shelters. The District authorities had identified two villages where 11 pre-fab houses were required and the 1Vikas Coy’s CO requested one such house for an army jawan’s family in Leh. The District 3080 again went on a massive fund raising drive and raised over Rs.30 lakh and also identified the manufacturer for pre-fabricated houses, who agreed to provide the same at cost-to-cost basis. Congratulations to all Rotarians and clubs of District 3080 who rose to the occasion and contributed over Rs.50 lakhs in cash and kind for Leh Relief operation.

The District Administration had been very helpful, especially the local Member of Parliament Mr. Hassan Khan, Deputy Commissioner Mr T. Angchuk, SDM Mr T.Nurboo of Khalsi block, the President of Rotary Club Leh, Mr. Jolden Tadbar, who is also the Assistant Labour Commissioner of Leh. Rotarians presented the club flag of Rotary Club of Chandigarh to DC Mr. T. Angchuk (right). Rtn. Hassan Mejie with the relief material for a village.

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 41


Leh Relief Our grateful thanks to all those who contributed Donation Received


Adhesive India 11,000.00 Amarnath Aggarwal Instrument (P) Ltd. 21,000.00 Aspee Precision Components 50,000.00 Asppe Springs Limited 100,000.00 Baij Nath Asharfi Lal 21,000.00 Bhawan Vidyalaya Chandigarh (Interact Club) 104,000.00 Can and Will Foundation 20,000.00 Chandigarh Golf Club 300,000.00 Delhi Public School, Chandigarh 85,000.00 Delhi Public School, Chandigarh Staff Welfare Fund 40,000.00 Dr. B. N. S. Walia 10,500.00 Dr. Mrs. Indra Duggal 3,000.00 Employees of KDDL Ltd. 50,000.00 Inner Wheel Club of Chandigarh 30,000.00 Jain Scientific Glass Works 20,000.00 Kamla Centre Chandigarh 750.00 Kashatriya Khukhrain Sabha 21,000.00 KDDL Ltd. 50,000.00 Lider Sanitations 21,000.00 M/s Balaji Traders 5,000.00 M/s Garg Duplex & Paper Mills PVt. Ltd. 21,000.00 M/s Jyoti Paper Company u/o Jyoti Global Pvt. Ltd. 5,100.00 M/s Metro Gas 4,038.00 Metro Motors Pvt. Ltd. 182,032.00 Mount Shivalik Breweries Ltd. 147,000.00 Mrs. Ginni Singh 2,000.00 Mrs. J. S. Oberoi 11,000.00 Mrs. Urmila Kakar 7,500.00 N. K. Jain Instruments (P) Ltd. 10,000.00 NEC Packaging Ltd. 11,000.00 Oriental Engineering Works, Yamunanagar 50,000.00 PDG Rtn. Hemant Arora 150,000.00 PE Rtn. Neena Singh 1,500.00 PP G. S. Lakhmna 1,000.00 PP K. K. Gupta 6,000.00 PP Kewal K. Seth 2,000.00 PP Man Mohan Singh 2,000.00 PP Ramesh G. Bhatia 2,100.00 PP Rtn. Charanjit Singh 5,000.00 PP Rtn. Darshan C. Mehandru 2,000.00 PP Vijay Wadhawan 2,500.00 PRAYAS 50,000.00 Ram Lal Kapoor & Sons 2,500.00 RIDE Yash Pal Das 150,000.00 Rotaract Club Ambala Cantt 100,000.00 Rotaract Club Chandigarh 40,000.00 Rotary 3080 District fund 300,000.00 RC Kasauli 25,000.00 RC Ambala City 11,000.00 RC Ambala Industrial Area 1,000.00 RC Anandpur Sahib 10,000.00 RC Baddi 12,500.00 RC Bhakra Nangal 5,100.00

Donation Received RC Chandigarh Central Service Trust RC Chandigarh City Beautiful RC Chandigarh Midtown RC Chandigarh Shivalik RC Dehradun RC Haridwar RC Him. Ranges Mansadevi RC Jagadhri RC Mussoorie RC Panchkula RC Panipat Central RC Parwanoo RC Radaur RC Rampur Bushahr RC Rishikesh RC Roopnagar RC Saharanpur RC Saharanpur South RC SAS Nagar RC Shahbad Markanda RC Shimla RC Shimla Midtown RC Solan Midtown RC Yamuna Nagar Rotary District Fund Rotary Inner Wheel Club Rtn. Amrit Pal Singh Dhiman Rtn. Avtar Singh, RC Shimla MT Rtn. Chander Deep Jain Rtn. D. V. Bhatia Rtn. Dr. Pardaman Singh Rtn. Dr. Ranjit Powar Rtn. Dr. Roma Uppal Rtn. Gurmeet Singh Chawla Rtn. Hassan Singh Mejie Rtn. Jagesh Khaitan Rtn. Jaspal Singh Sidhu Rtn. Jatinder Kumar Kapur Rtn. Kanwaljit Singh Sekhon Rtn. Lalita J. Singh Rtn. Man Mohan Khanna Rtn. N. J. Kalra, RC Shimla MT Rtn. Nandani Khanna Rtn. Neenu Vij Rtn. Piara Singh Matharoo Rtn. Prof. Paramjit Singh Rtn. R. K. Taneja Rtn. S. D. Sharda Rtn. Satya Pal Handa Rtn. Shrigopal Sarda Rtn. Surinder Pal Kaur Shakuntala Charitable Trust Trans Mindd Uniroyal Industries RC

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 42

Amount 33,525.00 44,700.00 67,500.00 21,600.00 8,180.00 15,000.00 33,525.00 5,000.00 5,600.00 21,000.00 25,000.00 15,000.00 11,000.00 25,050.00 11,000.00 162,500.00 5,100.00 5,100.00 44,700.00 4,200.00 35,000.00 11,000.00 15,000.00 100,000.00 7,890.00 125,000.00 5,000.00 1,100.00 2,000.00 1,100.00 10,000.00 2,000.00 1,100.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 5,000.00 1,000.00 10,000.00 500.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 500.00 1,000.00 1,100.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 5,100.00 5,000.00 11,000.00 11,000.00


Medical Camps Under a Matching Grant supported by District 6600 & 6650 USA & Rotary Club of Dover, Ohio USA as the International Partner Club and the Rotary Foundation, Rotary District 3080 organised a series of multi-speciality medical camps in various areas covering the entire district. Camps were hosted by the Tri-City clubs of Chandigarh, Mohali and Panchkula, Ambala, Dehradun, Roopnagar, Morinda, Panipat, Mussoorie, Saharanpur & Shimla. On-the-spot mammography was done on patients by the Cancer Roko Foundation of UK, who had deployed a fully-equipped mobile van and further treatment was suggested and arranged as required.

Doctors of various specialities attended on the patients and free medicines and surgical treatment was provided as required to over 10,000 patients from the poor and needy sections of the soociety.

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 43


Medical Mission Berhampura - Orrisa

28th January - 7th February 2011


ontinuing with our Districts signature project of ‘Medical Missions’ within the country and overseas, the first team of 22 doctors and 9 volunteers left for Behrampur, Orissa on 28th January and returned after a successful mission on 7th February 2011. Over 1300 major and minor surgeries were carried out on tribals and poor indigents tribals by the team of rotarian doctors led by PDG Dr. RS Parmar, Dr. Ravinder Kumar, Dr. PS Chari, Dr. GS Kochhar, Dr. Mrs. Kochhar, Dr. Sandeep Anand, Dr. Vijay A E Obed, Dr. S.R. Dass, Dr. Ajay Sood, AG Dr. Jayant Nawani, Dr. Vijay Sehgal, Dr. Malini Sehgal, Dr. Nitin Mathur, Dr. Anish Gupta, PDG Dr. Gulshan Thakral, Dr. Rashmi Thakral, Dr. Ritu Anand, Dr. Karan Singh medical assistants Mr. Manmohan Rawat, Mr. Ram Sawroop and a dedicated team of

Partner RC Crescenta-Canada D-5260 USA and TRF

volunteers led by PDG Rtn. Subhash Garg, PDG Rtn. Yoginder Diwan, Mrs. Brij Parmar, Rtn. H. Khattar, DG Rtn. Madhukar Malhotra, Mrs. Neeru Malhotra, Mrs. Praveen Garg, Mrs. Kanan Diwan, PP Vijay Wadhawan, PP Prabhjit Singh.

CAMPS DATA Eye Dental Plastic Ortho Gyn General ENT TOTAL

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 44

: : : : : : : :

646 308 36 41 86 196 43 1356


Medical Mission

Chindwara - Madhya Pradesh

March 7-16, 2011 MEDICAL TEAM: PDG Dr. R.S. Parmar, PP Dr. SN. Gupta, Dr. Nitin Bither, Dr. Surinder Singhal, Dr. Nikhil, Dr. Manish Chowdhary, Dr. Ravi Nabh, Dr. Ripudaman Arora, Dr. Ravi Deshmukh, Dr. Kunal Sethi, Dr. Saurabh Nagrath, Dr. Naman Agarwal, Dr. P.S. Chari, Dr. V. V. Pradeep, Dr. S.P.S. Goraya, Dr. Ajay Sood, Dr. K.C. Garg, Dr. Ashish Kulshreshtha. VOLUNTEERS: PRIP Rtn. Rajendra K. Saboo, Mrs. Usha Saboo, DG Rtn. Madhukar MaIhotra, Leader Mrs. Brij Parmar, PDG Rtn. Suresh Chaudhary, District 3070 PP Rtn. Ms. Vijay Wadhawan, Rtn. Hatinder Khattar, Mrs. Neelam Khattar, Rtn. Prof. S.K. Bhatia, Mr. Mudit Mithal, Mrs.Neelam Aggarwal, IPDG Chetan Aggarwal.

Partner RC Taipei, Nahwa D-3520 Taipei, Taiwan and TRF Patients Examined Total Surgeries Performed ENT.Plastic Laproscopy, General Gynaec Surgery Orthopadic Surgery Eye Surgery Dental Extration Dental Scaling & other Procedures X-Ray taken Sonography CTScan Pepsmear

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 45

73864 4227 427 116 162 457 1493 1572 4243 2198 198 49


Reach Out to Africa

Medicare Mission, Zambia & Malawi - Southern Africa

8th - 24th April, 2011

International Partner D-2110 Italy

TEAM : Dr.G S Kochar, Dr.Kanwarjit Kochar, Dr.Sandeep Anand, Dr.Ritu Anand, Dr.Avtar Singh, Dr.Raman Abrol, Dr.Karan Singh, Dr.Padanabha Srinivasan Chari, Dr.K S Nagpal, Dr. Vijay Arnold Egbert Obed, Dr.S. K. Nagpal, Dr.Rajiv Pardhan, Dr.Uma Pradhan, Dr.Vyanktesh Metan, Dr.Madhav Ambekar, Dr.Prakash Garud, Dr.Devendra Singh Paliwal, Dr.Rupali Asthaputre, Dr.Milind Shah, Dr.Shrikant Mone, Dr.Katharina Schmuck.

Joshi Shirish, R’anne Usha Saboo, R’anne Neeru Bhatia, R’anne Neelam Rani.

Under the ‘Reach Out to Africa’ initiative this year the medicare team visited chose Malawi & Zambia for the camps.

VOLUNTEERS : PRIP Rajendra Saboo, DG Madhukar Malhotra, PDG Ranjit Bhatia, DG Suresh Chaudhary, Rtn. Shirish Rayate, Rtn.

Malawi: Kamazu General Hospital is quite busy but during the five days, the patient load increased several folds. A patient was

The team had 18 doctors and volunteers from D3080 and 12 doctors/volunteers from D3132. Highlights of the Project :

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 46


Reach Out to Africa

Medicare Mission, Zambia & Malawi - Southern Africa 8th - 24th April, 2011

beaten by a dog. His face was completely defaced; he led an undignified and difficult life. Govt. of Malawi sent the patient to South Africa for treatment but there was not much improvement. Our plastic surgeons operated on this patient and his face was restored once again. The press and TV gave wide publicity to the success of this operation. There were plenty of cases of mal united fractures, large tumors, ruptured uterus, which were treated by our doctors. The fame of eye surgeons reached Hon. Health Minister of Malawi. He visited the project, praised the work of the plastic surgeons and other surgeons but also consulted our eye surgeon for his long standing eye problem. The hospital has no pathologist hence surgical pathology (Histopathology) slides are sent the Europe for diagnosis. The reports are received after one – two months but by then many cases of cancer become inoperable. Our pathologist – saw all the slides and completed the entire workload, thus giving benefit of early diagnosis to many patients. Our dental surgeons were busy and performed specialized work along with routine work.

D3080 has offered to treat 20 children from Malawi for congenital heart disease free of cost at Chandigarh. Zambia: UTH is a large hospital. Our surgeons performed several surgeries but due to administrative issues like renovation of theatres, we could not function as planned earlier (the theatres were to be ready two weeks earlier but the work got delayed). Hence the number of operations were far less than our potential. The dentists were working in a dental college. They had to cope up with a flood of patients. They worked from early morning to late evening to complete the workload. ACCOMPLISHMENTS : - The team worked in Kamazu General Hospital in Lilongwe, Malawi & University Teaching Hospital, Lusaka, Zambia. We worked for 5 days at each place. The following is the total number of surgeries and dental procedures performed. Dental-916, Orthopedics-73, ENT-31, Gynecology-77, Plastic Surgery-11, Ophthalmology-173, Pathology-119, Pain Management-31, General surgery-52 (Total-1483).

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 47



Host : Rotary Club of Chandigarh City Beautiful 25th - 28th December, 2011 A very effective Rotary Youth Leadership Award camp was held in which 106 youngsters participated. It was inaugurated by PRIP Rajendra K. Saboo and had a impressive faculty which took the participants on a route of self improvement and development leaving them wanting for more.

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 48


Youth Exchange The year saw exchange of 20 in bound and outgoing youth from various countries, including Germany, Egypt, Taiwan and Korea. Children from our district also visited these countries and enjoyed the cultural exchange on short term visits.







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GSE Team from USA The GSE Team was hosted by our District. Various clubs hosted the team members and organised their Vocational visits.

Group Study Exchange from Rotary International District 7770, South Carolina, USA Mary Martin (Team Leader) Past District Governor D7770, South Carolina Amanda Jordan Officer in Richland County Sheriffs Department

Kathleen McDaniel

RC Solan Midtown

Environmental and Administrative lawyer & member Richland County Planning Commission

Joel Samuels Associate Professor of law University of South Carolina

Sean Collins Lieutenant in Myrtle Beach Fire Department

Travis Overton Director of Student Conduct and off Campus Student Services, University of tennessee

RC Roopnagar

RC Chandigarh

RC Doon Vikas

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 50


GSE Team to USA


ur Ambassadors of Goodwill have returned home from D7770 South Carolina, USA. The Team was led by Past President Rtn. Sudhir Chaudhary of RC of Roorkee Midtown and Mr. Amit Roy, a senior journalist with HT, Mr. Surinder Vashisth, an engineer and Mr. S. Pandey, a physics professor. The team had the opportunity to experience USA and have returned home full of memories of the vocational experience and the time they spent with Rotarians families there. Rtn. Bill Greene, GSE Chair of D7770 USA, wrote. “I have just returned from our District Conference. It was my pleasure to meet your GSE Team. They are articulate, intelligent and energized for their visit with us. Their visit with us. Their formal presentation is the best I have never seen (Including my own team’s PowerPoint). I think they are going to be excellent ambassadors for your country and your District.

Team visiting Dillon South Carolina

The outgoing team with PDG Martin the team leader from D7770 USA South Carolina

GSE Team with Nikki Haley Governor of the state of South Carolina USA DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 51


Friendship Exchange March 1, 2011 A 12-member team from RC Anchorage, Alaska, led by Rtn Jon Deisher left a lasting impressions on the host families and Rotarians of RC Chandigarh and RC Chandigarh Central who Interacted with them.

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 52

C E L E B R AT I O N S - R C C H A N D I G A R H

Reflections 50 Rotary Years of Service to Humanity PRIP Rtn. Rajendra K. Saboo Rotary Club of Chandigarh celebrated 50 years of Rotary Service of by the Former World President of Rotary International Rajendra K. Saboo and First Lady Usha Saboo in a simple but dignified club level function.

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 53


NID / PolioPlus February 27, 2011


o support the End Polio Campaign a 2010-11 DG Cynde Covington, RC Southpoint (Jacksonville), D 6970, USA led a team of 28 Rotarians, family members & Interactors to Chandigarh for an on-the-spot assesment of efforts of Indian Rotarians in the eradication of Polio. DG Cynde wrote back later to inform that on return to her district, with the visuals and her first hand report of what she saw and observed, she could motivate Rotarians in her District to contribute a record US$ One Million plus to the Bill & Melinda

President & IPP of Webb School Interact Club, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA, who were part of the NID team

DG 2010-11 Cindy Covington District 6970, Florida, USA being greeted by Past RI President Rajendra K. Saboo

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 54


Polio Warriors Host : Rotary Club of Chandigarh

Our District 3080 sponsored two Rotaractors Bikers, Rtr. Gaurav Gupta and Rtr. Amit Sharma who were flagged off on 28th December 2010 by PRIP R.K. Saboo from Chandigarh. After traveling over 8000 Kms. across India they reached back Chandigarh on 21st January 2011. Kudos to them for spading the message of “End Polio Now”

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 55


Children for Children The 'Children for Children' district project was conceived to create awareness on the Polio Eradication program of Rotary and involve the community to raise funds towards the US$ 200 million Bill & Melinda Gates Challenge Grant by involving school Children was a huge success with 52 schools participating and collection of over US$ 60,000.

Vijay Wadhawan making a presentation in a school DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 56


Children for Children List of Schools which participated under Rotary Polio Program “Children for Children” Sr.No. School 1 Major R. N. DAV Public School 2 S. D. Sr. Sec. School 3 Convent Of Sacred Heart School 4 D.H.D.S.D. Public School 5 S. D. College 6 S. S. Little Angel’s Public School 7 Sewa Samiti Girls School 8 Chaman Vatika School 9 St. Paul’s High School 10 A.K.I.P.S. School, Sector 41 11 Bhavan Vidyalaya (Junior Wing), Sector 33 12 Bhavan Vidyalaya, Sector 27 13 GMHS School, Sector 46 14 Guru Nanak Public School 15 New Public School 16 Shivalik Public School, Sector 41 17 St. John’s High School 18 Doon Global School 19 Doon International School 20 Graphic Era University 21 Hilton’s School 22 Love Dale Academy 23 Raja Ram Mohan Roy Academy 24 SGRR Public School 25 St. Jude’s School 26 Summer Valley School 27 The Asian School 28 The Himalayan Public School 29 Delhi Public School 30 Maharaja Agarsen Inst. of Mgt. & Tech. 31 S. D. Public School 32 Moti Lal Nehru Public School 33 Gurukul Global School 34 Shivalik Public School, Phase 6 35 The Millennium School 36 Shemrock Public School 37 Bhavan Vidyalaya 38 Blue Bird School 39 Doon Public School 40 Holy Child High School 41 Motiram Arya Modern Public School 42 Dikshant Global School Sector 12 43 Rayat International School Rail Majra 44 Greenways Modern School 45 St. John’s School 46 St. John’s School 47 Genius International School 48 DAV Public School 49 Vidyavanti Memorail Public School 50 DPS Panipat City 51 Arya Bal Bharti School 52 The Millennium School

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 57

Name of City Ambala Cantt Ambala Cantt Ambala Cantt. Ambala Cantt. Ambala Cantt. Ambala Cantt. Ambala Cantt. Ambala City Ambala City Chandigarh Chandigarh Chandigarh Chandigarh Chandigarh Chandigarh Chandigarh Chandigarh Dehradun Dehradun Dehradun Dehradun Dehradun Dehradun Dehradun Dehradun Dehradun Dehradun Dehradun Jagadhri Jagadhri Jagadhri Jind Manimajra Mohali Mohali Mohali Panchkula Panchkula Panchkula Panchkula Panchkula Panchkula Ropar Roorkee Roorkee Roorkee Ropar Yamunanagar Yamunanagar Panipat Panipat Panipat


Clubs in Action

RC Ambala: DG presenting Tricycle to Needy

Ambala Central: Seminar cum Workshop

Ambala City: Blood Donation Camp

Ambala Industrial Area: Health Camp

RC Anandpur Sahib: Tree Plantation

Baddi: Award for Arranging Blood Donation Camp

Bhakra Nangal: Tree Plantation

Chandigarh: Vocational Awards presented to citizens

Chandigarh Central: DG Visit

Chandigarh City Beautiful: SOREM

Chandigarh Mid Town: Home Care Nursing Project

Chandigarh Shivalik: Rotary District Golf Tournament

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 58


Clubs in Action

RC Dehradun: Service Above Self

RC Dehradun Central: Homeopathic Medical Camp

RC Dehradun West: Medicines Donation

RC Deoband: Bone Mineral Density Camp

Doon Shivalik Hills: Roko Cancer Camp

Rotary Doon Vikas: Queen’s Baton Relay at Kulhal

RC Gangoh: District Award Function

Rotary Gharaunda: Donate Sewing Machines to Needy Ladies

RC Haridwar: Hearing Aid Machine Provided to a Needy Woman

RC Himalayan Ranges - Mansa Devi: Polio Plus

Rotary Jagadhri: Installation Ceremony

Rotary Jagadhri North : District Award Function

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 59


Clubs in Action

Rotary Jind: Installation Ceremony

RC Jind Midtown: Eye Check-up Camp

Rotary Kaithal: Installation Ceremony

Rotary Kankhal: Installation Ceremony

RC Karnal Midtown: Club in Service "Building Communities�

Rotary Kasauli: Blood Donation Camp

Rotary Kharar: Blood Donation Camp

RC Kurali Central: Service Above Self

Rotary Kurukshetra: Rotaract Leadership Training Seminar

RC Ladwa

RC Morinda: RO System Water Purifiers Installed at Schools

RC Mussoorie: Say No to Polythene

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 60


Clubs in Action


RC Nahan Sirmour Hills: Organised Mass Marriages

Rotary Nalagarh: Tree Plantation at Govt. Sr. Sec. School

RC Narwana: DG Visit

RC Panchkula: Matching Grant Project

Rotary Panipat: Distribution of Books

RC Panipat Central: Donated Blanket to Needy Person

Rotary Panipat Midtown: Lucky Draw Winner

RC Panipat Rainbow: RIP Visit

RC Panipat South: Greenathon

RC Paonta Sahib: DG Visit

RC Parwanoo: Award Function

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 61


Clubs in Action

RC Pinjore Hills: Pulse Polio

RC Radaur: Tree Plantation

RC Ranipur: District Award Function

RC Roopnagar: Residential Bridge Course, Village Salora

Rotary Roorkee: TRF Award

Roorkee Midtown: Presenting Xerox Machine to School for Deaf

RC Saharanpur: RIP Visit

RC Saharanpur Central: End Polio Now

RC Saharanpur Continental: Vaccination Camp

Rotary Saharanpur Greater: New Member Orientation Seminar

RC Saharanpur Midtown: Free Medical Camp

RC Saharanpur South: Tree Plantation

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 62


Clubs in Action

RC S.A.S. Nagar: Tree Plantation

RC Saumya Uttarkashi: DG Official Visit

RC Shahbad Markanda: Blood Donation Camp

Rotary Shimla: District Award Function

RC Shimla Midtown: Medical Check Up & Blood Donation Camp

Rotary Shyampur: Installation Ceremony

Rotary Solan: Pre-PETS

RC Solan Midtown: Blood Donation Camp

RC Yamunanagar

RC Yamunanagar Riviera: Tree Plantation

RC Karnal

RI President Ray Klinginsmith

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 63


Service Above Self Award 26th June 2011 PDG Rtn. Kawal Bedi was recognize and awarded the 2010-11 RI Service Above Self Award, Rotary International’s highest honor for individual Rotarians. This award recognizes Rotarians who have demonstrated exemplary humanitarian service, especially those who have helped others through personal volunteer work and active involvement in Rotary.

RI Awards – Service Above Self: Rtn. Kawal Bedi

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 64


International Recognitions 26th June 2011 CLUB BUILDER AWARD A key strategist and planner, always ready with a checklist making for perfection in planning and execution of programs. Always ready to help clubs with ideas to consolidate & grow.

Club Builder: Rtn. Charanjit Singh

TRF CITATION As chief co-ordination projects & programs given key inputs and support in all areas. However his contacts with overseas Rotarians, knowledge on TRF procedures, for matching grants approvals and follow up with host club & International partners kept us all updated and current.

TRF Citation for Meritorious Services: Rtn. Navjeet Singh Aulakh

POLIO For his contributions in raising awareness on Polio Eradications and services at the district level.

Regional Service Award for a Polio Free World: Rtn. Praveen C. Goyal

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 65


Outstanding Rotarians of 2010-11 26th June 2011 ROTARIAN OF THE YEAR Rtn. Vijay Wadhawan: - She was proactive in follow up on club projects & programs, reporting and updating correspondence. She spearheaded the 'Children for Children' program on raising awareness on Polio Eradication and involving the community in fund raising thru schools.

Rotarian of the Year: Rtn. Vijay Wadhawan

OUTSTANDING DISTRICT CHAIR Rtn. Mohinder Paul Gupta: Besides the district publications which were brought out in time with zero tolerance for errors, Mohinder Paul was the backbone of the district office and a key facilitator on all TRF contributions queries, record keeping and updating.

Outstanding District Chairman: Rtn. Mohinder Paul Gupta

SUPPORTING ROTARIAN Rtn. Amrit Pal Singh Dhiman: - For providing key inputs in matching grant applications with formulations, filing & follow up with TRF and clubs to make the projects a reality.

Most Dedicated Chairman: Rtn. A.P.S. Dhiman DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 66


District Wins Accolades


ur Rotary District 3080 has surpassed many records in supporting the Rotary Foundation. In Zones 4&6A, District 3080 has been recognised for the Highest Per Capita Contribution to The Foundation. We were followed by D3140( Mumbai), D3291 (Kolkata) and D3010(Delhi), leaving all the Districts with metro towns behind.

We are also the No 1 in contribution to the $200 Million Challenge Fund, a success story of the 'Children for Children' program raising awareness about Rotary's 'End Polio Now' campaign and simultaneously raising funds from the community thru involvement of children of our Interact Clubs in schools.

The Other Rotary Foundation Awards for District for Rotary year 2010-11

* 2nd Highest Permanent Fund Contributing District * $ 70 Per Capita on Total Contribution * 80% Clubs Contribution to TRF This is a unique achievement indeed and the credit for it goes to every Rotarian who contributed generously for the humanitarian causes and of course the team of Assistant Governors and Club Presidents 2010-11.

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 67

Recognitions The RI Presidents Citation and the Membership Development Award are in recognition of the good work done collectively by all the Rotarians of the district. Presented to

Rt n. Madhukar Mal hot ra Dist ri ct Go ver nor 2010-11 in recognition and appreciation of your exemplary participation in the Rotary Medical Mission as a Volunteer and touching the lives of the people in Zambia and Malawi from 7 - 22 April 2011.

Rajendra K. Saboo Past Rotary International President 1991-92

Sponsored by Districts 3080 & 3132 India Districts 9210 Malawi & Zambia

Supported by The Rotary Foundation District 2110 Italy & District 6200 USA

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 68


District Awards Outstanding Presidents & Secretaries On 26th June, 2011

Best President Award Rtn. Raman Aneja RC Panipat MT

Best President Award Rtn. Dr. B.P.S. Parmar RC Roopnagar

Best President Award Rtn. V.K. Sharma RC Dehradun

Best President Award Rtn. Arvind Mahajan RC Chandigarh

Based on performance and achievements the District Awards committee consisting of the District Trainer PDG Kawal Bedi ,District Secretary Rtn Charanjit Singh and Chief Coordinate Projects & Programs PP Navjit Singh Aulakh and the 14 Assistant Governors deliberated long hours and came up with unanimous recommendations in the three categories of clubs based on membership 1) Upto 50, 2) 51-80 and 3) 81 & above from the 28 star clubs. To avoid any hint of favoritism, the Rotary Club of Chandigarh , home club of the District Governor was excluded from the competitive process but were recognised independently for their excellent performance, programs and projects. Outstanding Presidents: 1. Rtn. Raman Aneja, Rotary Club of Panipat Midtown 2. Rtn. Bhanu Pratap Singh Parmar, Rotary Club of Roopnagar 3. Rtn. Veer Krishan Sharma, Rotary Club of Dehradun 4. Rtn. Arvind Mahajan, Rotary Club of Chandigarh Outstanding Secretaries: 1. Rtn. Desh Bandhu, Rotary Club of Ambala 2. Rtn. Dr. Rajiv Goel, Rotary Club of Roorkee Midtown 3. Rtn. Sarbjit Singh, Rotary Club of Chandigarh Shivalik 4. Rtn. Hassan Mejie, Rotary Club of Chandigarh

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 69

Best Secretary Award Rtn. Desh Bandu RC Ambala

Best Secretary Award Rtn. Dr. Rajiv Goel RC Roorkee MT

Best Secretary Award Rtn. Sarbjit Singh RC Chd. Shivalik

Best Secretary Award Rtn. Hassan Mejie RC Chdigarh


District Awards Best President, Best Club and Outstanding Project Awardees On 26th June, 2011 The No. 1 club in the district resulted in a tie between RC Ambala and RC Panipat Midtown, Ambala leading with systematic working as per Rotary Norms, membership growth and good TRF contributions whereas Panipat Midtown stood out for its outstanding projects executive and TRF contributions.

Best Clubs Award RC Ambala & RC Panipat Midtown

Best President Award Rtn. Raman Aneja RC Panipat Midtown

President Raman Aneja of Rotary Club Panipat Midtown was adjust the overall Best President in the District for the year 2010-11.

Community Service ‘Drishti’ Award RC Yamunanagar Riviera

The ‘Eye Bank’ project of RC Yamunanagar Riviera was adjudged the outstanding project.

Vocational Service ‘Home Nursing Care’ Award RC Chd. MT

The Home Nursing Care training project of RC Chandigarh Midtown who awarded the top project in ‘Vocational Service’ avenue.

Best Clubs Award RC Ambala & RC Panipat Midtown

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 70


District Awards Outstanding Club Award On 26th June, 2011

Five clubs RC Ambala, RC Chandigarh, RC Kankhal, RC Panipat Midtown and RC Roopnagar were acknowledged as outstanding clubs by their peers.

Outstanding Club Award RC Ambala

Outstanding Club Award RC Panipat Midtown

Outstanding Club Award RC Kankhal

Outstanding Club Award RC Chandigarh

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 71


District Awards District Events Hosting Recognition Pre Pets & District Awards Function: RC Chandigarh Central

SETS: RC Himalyan Ranges Mansa Devi

District Assembly: RC Dehradun Central

District Membership Development Seminar: RC Solan MT

Uttarakhand State Polio Meet: RC Doon Shivalik Hills

HP State Polio Meet: RC Solan Midtown

UP State Polio Meet RC Saharanpur Midtown

RYLA & Pb./Hry./UP Polio Meet RC Chandigarh City Beautiful

Youth Exchange: RC Chandigarh Central

Zonal Meet RC Panipat South

Zonal Meet RC Rishikesh

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 72

Zonal Meet RC Ambala


District Awards Star Presidents Rtn. Subhash Sood, RC Shimla Midtown

Rtn. V.P. Kalta, RC Shimla

Rtn. Arvind Gupta, RC Solan Midtown

Rtn. Kamal Aggarwal, RC Parwanoo

Rtn. Sanjay Bhasin, RC Baddi

Rtn. J.S. Walia, RC Chandigarh Central

Rtn. Jitender Dhanda, RC Him.Ranges-Mansa Devi

Rtn. Arvind Mahajan, RC Chandigarh

Rtn. Vijay K Chawla, RC Panchkula

Rtn. Mukul Singla, RC Morinda

Rtn. Dr. Bhanu Partap Parmar, RC Roopnagar

Rtn. Jeet Ram Sharma, RC Bhakra Nangal

Rtn. Dr. Subhash Dhir, RC Ambala

Rtn. Raj Kumar Aggarwal, RC Ambala City

Rtn. Raman Aneja, RC Panipat Midtown

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 73


District Awards Star Presidents Rtn. Gurvinder Pal Singh, RC Karnal Midtown

Rtn. Vipin Mittal, RC Panipat Rainbow

Rtn. Vivek Garg, RC Panipat Central

Rtn. Ashwani Goel, RC Jagadhri North

Rtn. Dr.I.K.Pandit, RC Yamuna Nagar

Rtn. Sanjay Anand, RC Jagadhri

Rtn. S. Harjeet Singh, RC Saharanpur Midtown

Rtn. Mukesh Seth, RC Saharanpur Continental

Rtn. Veer Krishan Sharma, RC Dehradun

Rtn. Pankaj Gupta, RC Roorkee Midtown

Rtn. D K Jain, RC Mussoorie

Rtn. Ashok Sapra, RC Kankhal

Rtn. Tarun Bhatia, RC Paonta Sahib

Rtn. Satish Jaiswal, RC Doon Vikas

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 74


District Awards Assistant Governor Recognitions On 26th June, 2011 They were all outstanding and took up their responsibility with enthusiasm and fervor, the results are with you and they all deserve to be recognized for their contribution to make it outstanding year.

Zone-14: AG Rtn. Dr. Jayant P. Nawani

Zone-13: AG Rtn. Piyush Mittal

Zone-12: AG Rtn. Vasu S. Anand

Zone-11: AG Rtn. Vinod Kumar Bajaj

Zone-10: AG Rtn. Sushil Gupta

Zone-9: AG Rtn. Naresh Aggarwal

Zone-8: AG Rtn. Naveen Gulati

AG’s token of affection for the District Governor & First Lady

Zone-7: AG Rtn. Vinod K. Khandelwal

Zone-6: AG Rtn. Anand P. Khurania

Zone-5: AG Rtn. Trilok Anand

Zone-4: AG Rtn. Dr. S.K. Sharma

Zone-3: AG Rtn. Praveen Kumar Goel

Zone-2: AG Rtn. Pradeep Aggarwal

Zone-1: AG Rtn. Rajeev Sood

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 75

Bouquets! DISCON Your Conference was extremely good...!


was very pleased to be invited to attend your district conference and for me it turned out to be another great Rotary experience. Madhu, your conference was a good one – extremely good and I am very pleased to report to President Ray what an excellent conference it was. You should be very happy and very proud. These days most District Governors play a passive role in their conference but you were an exception by playing a real and articulate role in the conference. I have not seen any District Governor take such an approach to their conference in many years. You were one of the troops doing what needed to be done to make the conference a success. I was also pleased to attend the District Leadership Training Seminar held prior to the conference. I will have the pleasure of telling him (President Ray) what a great conference it was. Conferences just don’t happen. Just think of the countless hours of planning over the preceding months by you personally, the members of the host club and so many others Rotarians and all the conference program participants. Truly remarkable. PRIP Glen W. Kinross Rotary International President’s Representative

My sincere compliments... The conference is now behind you and you can reflect upon it with great satisfaction. Please accept my most sincere compliments and deepest appreciation. Not only the program turned out to be good there was fellowship galore and food was sumptuous. In totality the Rotarians responded well and this goes to your credit. Dear Madhu, the most important thing that I was able to notice was the cool and composure with which you handled and conducted the conference. With impending difficulties there were occasions for one to get nervous or jittery but you did not. This was the quality of leadership that you truly demonstrated. My accolades to you for this. Rajendra K. Saboo

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 76

You were simply outstanding. PDG Kawal Bedi

Congrats once again. Thanks a lot also because with such successful Rotary functions v grow wiser as v r to follow U. DGE Manmohan Singh ......................... Excellent........ You do deserve all the praise President Arvind & Rashmi, Rotary Club of Chandigarh Congratulations & Thanks for giving a wonderful DISCON 2010. AG Vasu Anand. Zone 12

Congratulations! For Overall success of DISCON2010. Rtn. Sameer Berry, President- Dehradun Central Please accept our heartiest congratulations on behalf of all the members Rotary Club Roorkee Midtown for hosting one of the most successful District Conferences, we have ever had. Everything was well & meticulously planned and went off as per schedule. We all salute you for this. The speakers were excellent. Their speeches were simply mind boggling and those of Honb'le Jagannth ji Pahadia & Honb'le Sh. Kapil Sibbal ji were very thought provoking, we have yet to come across such learned and well informed persons. Even the play Ghalib in the evening was excellent. Thanks for your excellent hospitality. Your team deserves a special compliment for their whole hearted efforts to make the conference a grand success & of course behind all this there was a great motivating force the first lady of the district Anne Neeru ji who was a very silent worker & saw that everything was in order. Our special compliments to her. Pankaj Gupta, President, RC Roorkee Midtown Congratulations for the very successful conference.everything was excellent can say in one sentence"winners don’t do different things, they do things differently. Rtn. Sudhir Chaudhary, RC Roorkee Midtown

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 77

Congratulations, it was well planned and everything was excellent. Secy Rajesh Sapra, RC Saharanpur Midtown Our heartiest congratulations to both of you and your Team 2010-11 for the grand success of District Conference - DISCON 2010. It was real treat to listen to the distinguished speakers like Union Minister Sh. Kapil Sibal, PRIP Glen Kinross, Editor-in-Chief Mr. Raj Chengappa and Olympian Mr. Milkha Singh. You and your team deserves a great appreciation and best compliments for providing delicious food and magnificent venue for the District Conference. It was a conference to be remembered for years to come. Dr Subhash Dhir, President Rotary Club Ambala, & Dr. Santosh Dhir, Secy. IWC Ambala Cantt. Please accept my heartiest congratulations on successful completion of District conference 2010. Rtn Inderjit Singh, Rotary Club Chandigarh Central The Discon 2010 was really nice, entertaining, inspiring, guiding, and knowledge providing well organized program. Secy Rajesh Bansal, RC Baddi Congratulations to you and your active team. Please accept my heartily congratulations for the success of the "DISCON" district conference at Tagore Theater. The event was a grand success and was organized in a perfect way without any kind of error. The arrangements for food and entertainment was perfectly organized and was appreciated by all the members who were the part of such a grand event. I would also like to THANK YOU for giving me the opportunity for being a part of nominating committee. Once again my congratulations on this momentous occasion. Ish Kapoor, Rotary Club Parwanoo

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 78

PETS I could feel the vibrations of an outstanding training setup... From the very first moment I could feel the vibrations of an outstanding training set up that you had planned. It was not just the training part but the total ambiance including the fellowship that got generated as part of the exercise. You had planned the program meticulously and followed up with every club president for maximum participation. The attendance of the spouses added grace and charm to the occasion but more than that it brought the desired effect and awareness as to what the spouses could do for the coming year. I am sure that the ultimate result of such participation is going to be excellent. Very methodically planned and executed, the total program ran like clock work and I am sure that all the club presidents got the right message how the year would be. Dear Madhu, you have made an excellent start and I compliment wholeheartedly. To Neeru, I want to say how happy I was to see her involvement. She was deep into the functioning of the PETS as a whole and for spouses in particular. Her personal interest and direct "hands-on" initiative not only set an example for other spouses but lent tremendous support to you and indeed to Rotary. Rajendra K. Saboo Rotary International President 1991-92

Meenu and I extend my heartiest congratulations on the excellent arrangements at PETS. We are very much enthused and thank you for all your and Neeru ji efforts for the wonderful training session. Now it’s us to prove it. Rtn. Pres. Raman Aneja Rotary Panipat Midtown, Distt 3080 .

Congratulations for the wonderful arrangements at PETS 2010-11. After returning from Kufri I feel myself fully charged for the forthcoming year. Sheetal joins me to acknowledge with gratitude for the hospitality extended by you and Neeru ji. Rtn. Pres. Tarun Bhatia Rotary Club Paonta Sahib

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 79

Membership Seminar You benefitted me... I was very happy to be with you at the Membership Seminar at Barog last Sunday. I am particularly glad that you insisted upon my coming and in doing so you benefited me by not only the fellowship but also sharing my thoughts with the members and clubs present. Some people asked me why are we having these district events for the coming year as well as this year all coming close together within these two months. My reply was that the meetings like District Assembly or Membership Seminar are all preparatory events for the coming year. Preparation you make today will ultimately determine what your tomorrow will be. PRIP Raja Saboo

GML With great interest and appreciation I have gone through your August GML. Of particular interest is Neeru's remarks about "First Lady". Indirectly, she has indicated that First Lady does not mean a sign of honor and the status symbol; it is a position of responsibility. I like that. Usha herself was not very fond of the terminology of "First Lady" during our year as R.I. President. Once again my compliments to you both. PRIP Raja Saboo

Awards At the award presentation or the Recognitions Day, I spoke about you and Neeru but I also knew that no words would be adequate to express the feeling of personal fulfillment and satisfaction that I was holding in my own heart. Thus, when the people rose spontaneously to acclaim you and recognize your contribution my heart broadened in multiple size. Usha in her own quiet way felt elated to see how you continue to earn the respect of the elders and following of the juniors. The award presentation ceremony was yet another example of perfection, recognizing the year that was. With self-confidence at your heart, strongly supported by Neeru, dedicatedly assisted by Vijay and the whole team, you brought a new standard to such an event keeping the enthusiasm at the same high level at the end as it was in the beginning. I saw you with a sense of pride functioning so brilliantly and ending your year with utmost dignity and credibility. Usha and I can continue to thank you again and again for the consideration, love and affection you both have bestowed upon us.

DISTRICT REPORT 3080 . 2010-11 . 80

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Public Relations Chair Rotary District 3080 . India

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