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Reflections 50 Golden Years of Rotary Service

A tribute to a great Rotary leader Rtn. Rajendra K. Saboo and Ann Usha Saboo who led by example and have walked together on this journey of service to humanity.

Conceptualised By Madhukar Malhotra District Governor 2010-11 Rotary International District 3080

Compiled, Edited and Layout by Rtn. Charanjit Singh

Rtn. Rajendra K. Saboo fondly looks at the club banner that Rotary Club of Chandigarh adopted using his year’s theme “Look Beyond Yourself”

Reflections This compilation is a gift to Rtn. Rajendra K. Saboo and Usha Saboo for not only traversing long 50 years of service to humanity with dedication and passion, but for touching the lives of millions of people with care and compassion. We are blessed to have you as our guides, and for all those people from across the world, who have sent in their best wishes on your continued journey of service complied in this booklet ‘Reflections’ it also shows respect and affection of the people who were able to send in their messages in a very short time and who also reflect the collective sentiments of millions of others whose hearts go out to you with silent prayers wishing you a long healthy life.

Rotary Club of Chandigarh felicitates Usha & Rajendra K. Saboo on 16th May 2011

This was a very special evening when Rotary Club of Chandigarh organised a surprise event for both Usha & Rajendra K. Saboo to celebrate their 50 years of Rotary service.

The talk-show format of the meeting began with welcome by Rtn Manmohan Singh Kohli, and the interviewers included Rtn Charanjit Singh and Rtn Reema Dewan. Responding to one of the questions, “What next?”, Raja Saboo said, “Even after 50 years I don’t feel old.” Various past and incoming RI officers of District 3080 were present including 1991-92 District Governor Major Som Dutt. DG Madhukar Malhotra and PDG Kawal Bedi from Rotary Club Chandigarh were also present.

‘Reflections’ - the book containing messages from all across the globe was also presented to the Usha and Rajendra K. Saboo. And not to be left behind were the questions and anecdotes that came from Rotary Club Chandigarh’s President 1991-92 Rtn Abhilash Kapoor (right) and Past President Rtn. D.S. Swani (below), besides others.

PDG Kawal Bedi presented a beautiful basket with an idol of Buddha, a fragrant candle and white flowers symbolising the reflection, fragrance, light and happiness - the qualities that the couple represents.

District Governor 1991-92 Rtn G.K. Balakrishnan surprised everyone as he arrived at Rotary House to personally pay his tributes to Raja and Usha. “This Raja is Rotary, and Rotary is Raja,” he remarked. Raja Saboo handed over the Rotary Club Chandigarh’s flag which bears his year’s RI theme (left).

A memento from the Club members. A beautifully etched portrait of the couple. After the formal expression of gratitude by DG Madhukar Malhotra, celebrations continued after the meeting with cake cutting and fellowship. Raja and Usha Saboo cut the cake helped by Yashovardhan and Anu Saboo. Also seen in the picture are Mrs. Pushpa Khanna wife of late club president J.R. Khanna, and Mrs. Rewa Gandhi, wife of late club president Billoo Gandhi, who also served as District Secretary with Raja.

PREFACE Madhukar Malhotra District Governor 2010-11, District 3080, India


ifty years of service to humanity is an achievement that deservess applaud and recognition. Rotary International recognises clubs celebrating their Golden Jubilee year around the world, and it was most befitting for Rotary Club of Chandigarh to recognise the Golden Years of Humanitarian Service of its member, Past Rotary International President Raja Saboo. The plans were discussed with PDG Kawal Bedi, District Secretary, past president Charanjit Singh, and past president Manmohan Singh Kohli, for an appropriate function to recognise this momentous occasion. It was a surprise event for both Raja and Usha Saboo. We decided to commemorate this event with the memories of Rotarians with whom Raja and Usha shared great moments in their journey of Rotary. And thanks to the modern technology, we could write to many of his colleagues, associates from across the globe, especially his batch of District Governors 1991-92, who responded immediately, that helped us in compiling the same and presenting a copy to Raja and Usha on this occasion. Though this was a club level function many past RI officers besides the club members joined in the celebrations. We wish them great years ahead.


Our guide and mentor

Madhukar Malhotra District Governor 2010-11, District 3080, India


ver the years as I became a Rotarian from being just a member of a Rotary club, my respect and regard for this wonderful couple Raja & Ushaji has grown in leaps and bounds. Belonging to the same club and interacting for over 32 years, it is but natural we have our differences at times, particularly in the initial years but then you begin to admire him for his vision and commitment to Rotary. There is so much I have learnt from him and continue to learn even today; he is our guide and mentor. It was my good fortune to have sponsored his candidature the year he was nominated as RI President, and its’ to Raja's credit that he invariably introduces me to visiting Rotary dignitaries as the person responsible for it, a humbling experience. Rotary in India in general and our District in particular owes our standing in the Rotary world to the advise and support of this wonderful couple who have dedicated their lives to Rotary and the way they have lived with the philosophy to 'Look Beyond Yourself'. We look forward to Raja & Usha ji's guidance for years to come.


Rotary has become his faith...his life!

Yashovardhan and Anuradha Saboo


y father, Kaka, as Anu and I call him, has been inseparable from Rotary for almost as long as I can remember. My earliest Rotary memory is of him being sworn as Chandigarh Club President at the Red Cross Bhawan. I remember feeling very important as the son of the Club President. There are memories of summer assemblies at pleasant hill stations and of the year when he was Governor when my interest in attractive daughters of other Rotarians was especially strong. I use to see the benefit of Rotary from a different angle then. From the District Governor to RI Director and finally to the RI President was a journey without looking back. Not that those eventful years were without tense moments, questions and doubt. But the ideals of Rotary became Kaka's belief. His belief in the good that Rotary could do, become his faith. His involvement with Rotary became his life. Standing with him and the family on the stage when he took over as RI President has remained an unforgettable memory. What he said for Anuradha and me that day still brings a lump in my throat. I am not sure what is greater – that which Kaka has given to Rotary or that Rotary has given to him. But it has been a fair and enriching exchange. Through Rotary he has found a way of expressing his ideals and his philosophy. He is the conscience keeper of our family and our business. Often I feel selfish for not doing enough for just social causes. I am able to assuage my guilt, postpone my due commitment because Kaka carries that burden for me. Mama has been a perfect partner; she is the one who lifts his spirit when it flags; she is the one who offers direction when there is doubt; she is the one who questions when it is needed; she draws the line when a compromise is unacceptable. To Kaka and Mama, and to their 50 years in Rotary, Anu & I offer our Pranaam.


You deserve to be feted and felicitated...

Ray Klinginsmith Rotary International President 2010-11


have been advised that you have achieved the major milestone of 50 years as a Rotary club member, and I wish to offer my congratulations!

I will reach the same milestone in November of this year, and I think you will agree that we have witnessed many changes in Rotary – and in society – since we first became Rotarians. Despite the changes, Rotary has maintained its core values of fellowship, service, integrity, diversity, and leadership, and it is now recognized as a world leader! Together, we can take great pride in being long term members of such an outstanding organization. You deserve to be feted and felicitated by the members of your Rotary club, and I am confident they will recognize and appreciate your lengthy record of service to Rotary. I join them in extending my genuine appreciation for your long tenure as a Rotarian! Please accept my best wishes as you complete a half century of Rotary membership and now undertake still another decade of service. Both of us have been Rotary members for nearly one-half of the 100 years since the first 16 Rotary clubs held their inaugural convention in August of 1910. Now let's try to make it 60 years of Rotary for both of us!


He is a Rotary treasure... a national legacy

Kalyan Banerjee Rotary International President 2011-12


t is amazing to know that Past Rotary International President Raja is completing 50 years in Rotary. It has been my privilege to have known him for about 38 of these years, all of which were exciting, rewarding and satisfying. What really amazes me after all these years is that how on earth has he knows how to look no more than 60. I have tried to take morning walks with him, but he walks faster than anyone else. What amazes me are the zest, enthusiasm and commitment with which he participates in medical camps and projects every year in difficult conditions in Africa and all over tribal belts in India. What impresses me are the respect and admiration with which all incoming Governors every year, at San Diego look upon him and love to listen to him. He is always amongst the top three highest-rated speakers there. What floors me is his keen interest and modernistic thoughts about tomorrow's Rotary. What thrills me and many others no doubt, is the enthusiasm with which he leads incoming Governors and their wives to singing of hindi songs, starting to sing first, himself, at the International Assembly every year. I wondered always what did people really mean when they said, �You are only as old as you feel.� When I see Raja, and hear him, I understand what they mean. Truly, age can never wither him nor Nature take its toll. He has batted well for his half century. Now is when he really gets going. He is a Rotary treasure, a National legacy, like Sachin Tendulkar in cricket. Let's cherish what we have. God Bless him.


We’re blessed by your friendship

Glen E. Estess, Sr Trustee Chair, The Rotary Foundation 2009-2010


ongratulations for Fifty (50) years of service as you continue to Celebrate Rotary. Mary and I have been blessed by your friendship and support through the years.

Our first face-to-face meeting took place in 1990 at the beginning of my first term on the RI Board of Directors, which I found to be enjoyable and educational. Then in 1991 you designated me as RI Vice President for 1991-1992, an assignment that I was pleased and honored to accept. The days and evenings of long hours left an indelible memory of working together and your leadership. The opportunity for Mary and me to share with you the concept of Look Beyond Yourself that year was not only enjoyable but was a part of significant growth for us in Rotary. Thank you for your friendship and confidence. We treasure our relationship with the Saboo family.


The Paragon, who looks beyond himself

M.A.T. Caparas Rotary International President 1986-87


ne of the great joys of Rotary membership is the opportunity to meet and be friends with outstanding and wonderful people like Past President Raja Saboo and his truly admirable wife Usha. It is a friendship that starts from admiration at almost first meeting, grows firmer from greater acquaintance, and is made solid by years of joint effort in service to others. Raja was a District Governor in office when I first met him. He attended the very first zone institute in Manila, and it was evident right away that he was a Rotarian who would go very far in the organization. We are fortunate to have many such persons in Rotary: personable and attractive, impressive in bearing, eloquent in speech, and brimming with enthusiasm. That was Raja when I first met him, and his Rotary career has been shaped at every turn by those outstanding qualifications. Time and geography threw Raja and me together in Rotary service a great deal. In our early years, the zone of the Philippines alternated with India in nominating an R.I. Director. Thus, I succeeded the good Soli Pavri on the board, and I had the pleasure to yield my seat to my successor, Raja, when my term ended. There was at that time a so-called “floating director� who was nominated alternatively by RIBI and Australia/New Zealand. In my time, I moved the board to transfer the Asia region the privilege of nominating that floating director. Raja did even more when his time came: he caused the allocation of two directors to the Asia region.


That is an example of how Raja and I collaborated, or complemented each other's effort. Another one is when Raja, as director, and I as Trustee, made sure that every district should have the right to participate every year in Group Study Exchange. And Raja has always been a staunch supporter of the Rotary Village Corps program. In his fifty years of service, Past President Raja has worked with very man others, at much more meritorious causes, and in ventures that have served people without number. Now, he continues to serve, with the inspiration and active assistance of his dear wife Usha, at work that is profoundly humanitarian. He truly deserves all the congratulations and thanks that we can give.


It was my special reward to have you as my mentor

Cliff Dochterman Rotary International President 1992-93


t is a great pleasure to send this message of congratulations to you for achieving 50 years of Rotary service.

Fifty years – I can hardly believe that our friendship goes back nearly that many years. We have worked together so many times on Rotary committees, assemblies, workshops and conventions. It was my special reward to have you as my immediate mentor as I prepared for the Rotary presidency. Your help was so important and valuable in setting a high standard of leadership. My greatest hope is that you will continue to have many, many more years of distinguished service and vision for Rotary. Mary Elena joins me in sending these greetings and warm wishes to you and Usha on this special day. Your friend in Rotary.


A Golden Jubilee for a Golden Rotarian

Luis Vicente Giay Rotary International President 1996-97


am very pleased to have the opportunity to salute you on this memorable occasion for you, for your dear Rotary Club of Chandigarh and for Rotary.

We hope this celebration is as special to you as you are to us. We only regret that we are not able to accompany you, but you know that spiritually we are close to you and Usha. Throughout the years Celia and I have been lucky to have the opportunity to know you. When we look back all that we found are happy memories of our time together. I consider you, Rajendra Saboo, an outstanding leader. The first among equals. A man that inspires us with “Look beyond yourself�. Your example must be followed by thousands of Rotarians because it gives them an inspirational message and very valuable experiences. Our sincere congratulations to a wonderful friend in this moment of happiness.


You’ve been “Looking Beyond Yourself ” all your life

Glen Kinross Rotary International President 1997-98


t only seems like yesterday that we met at the Group Discussion Leaders training seminar in Boca Raton, Florida in 1978. Our mutual friend Clem Renouf was the President Elect of Rotary International. It was the start of a long and enduring friendship that has lasted 33 years. Thirty three years ago neither of us could have foreseen that your membership in the Rotary Club of Chandigarh, India and mine in the Rotary club of Hamilton, Australia would follow a parallel course that would lead you to serve as the President of RI during 1991-91 and me a few years later in 1997-98. The similarity does not end there. My club celebrated my 50th Anniversary of my joining Rotary on August 16, 2010 and now just nine months later your Club is celebrating your 50th anniversary of joining the Rotary Club of Chandigarh on May 16, 2011. The months are different but the date is the same. There is no doubt that our friendship had deepened and grown stronger with the years. Our interest in Rotary still abides in us. Though we live thousands of miles apart we are never far from each other in our thoughts, In a few short days we will be together in New Orleans, USA for the Convention. I am looking forward to the dinner you organize at each Convention for a small group of your friends. I am honoured to be included in the group. During 1991-92 you encouraged Rotarians to “Look Beyond Yourself”. It was


A man of vision. A man with honesty, integrity.

Bhichai Rattakul Rotary International President 2002-03


ime flies so rapidly that it is hard to believe that it has been more than 35 years ago that I had the privilege to meet, for the first time, a young energetic Rotarian who was then the immediate past president of the Rotary club of Chandigarh., India.

He rose steadily and faced many challenges along the way. But the love for Rotary and the conviction he has in Rotary as a real force for good, has made him one of the most outstanding Rotarians of the world! A man of vision. A man with honesty. A man with integrity. A man who does not look for his own benefit and glory, but looks BEYOND HIMSELF, and has served Rotary so well for 50 years is none other than our very good and trustworthy friend‌ RAJENDRA SABOO. I have had the honour of serving under this great Rotarian during 1991 – 1992. It was one of the most enjoyable and exciting years that a Rotarian could have hoped for. As RAJENDRA SABOO reaches his 50th year of Rotary service I join over one million Rotarians around the world to wish him well. And may he continue to live a happy and healthy life for many, many more decades!


A role model in leadership

Jonathan Babutunde Majiyagbe Rotary International President 2003-04


lthough he served as President of our great organisation about 20 years ago, he has never slowed down in his penchant for serving others. If the exuberant and seasoned Rotarian is not organising a a reception in the English Parliament in a bid to raise more funds for Polio eradication, Past President Raja is busy in some remote African village in the company of volunteer doctors carrying out corrective surgeries on the underprivileged. In his humble way, he has put in (much more than he will admit) so much time and financial resources in support of the Peace Fellows Alumni program, in addition to the Polio Plus progam. I cannot remember when I first met President Raja but his amiable disposition always made it feel as though I have known him since I joined Rotary myself in the sixties. You cannot visit India without getting an invitation to stay in his home, or have a reception to welcome you. In my case, I was given the honour to formally unveil the Rotary Peace monument in Chandigarh and hand it over to the then Governor. In a previous visit to India to participate at a District Conference in 1990 I first experienced the gift of the gab of the then President Elect. He predicated his remarks on “hands” and “hands on” projects that I was certain his Presidential theme the following year would revolve around “hands.” How wrong I was! His theme “Look Beyond Yourself” was a clarion call and a challenging reminder to Rotarians to continue service above self. He has never stopped serving and Indians should be proud to have produced an important role model in leadership. I can testify that there are many Rotarians in India and outside who have traced their progress in the movement to the sterling qualities of Rajaji and his amiable spouse, Usha. Past President Raja, is not only a patriotic industrialist, he is deeply religious and he is a family man who has earned the respect of many eminent persons who are proud to refer to him as their friend or mentor. I wish him happy celebrations during his golden jubilee of Rotary Membership.


Ask a question... and you get the answer

Carl-Wilhelm Stenhammar Rotary International President 2005-06


he first time I really met Raja Saboo was an issue on the Rotary Doctors Bank of D-2390. I needed some advise and, of course, I got it. This is typical for Raja - ask a question and you shall get an answer, may not immediately but it will come because Raja will see to it that the reply is correct and not to be misunderstood. This is characteristic for Raja - true information in a polite way. I wish Raja all the best when celebrating 50 years with Rotary.


A man of action

Wilf Wilkinson Rotary International President 2007-08

Dear Friends of India and in particular Rotarians of Chandigarh and District 3080


t is a privilege for me to write a few words about a great Rotary Leader and a friend of many years, Past Rotary International President Rajendra K. Saboo. He is a man of Action and has done wonderful things for Rotary, India and the world.

My first meeting with him, as I recall was in Toronto Canada in 1983. He was a Director of Rotary International on the Board of then R I President Dr. Hiroji Mukasa. I was the Chief Sergeant at Arms for the International Convention which was in my own District. At that time there were no early morning breakfasts but rather evening dinners. The one for India was celebrated at the Royal York Hotel and Raja was the Chairman. I remember him being very specific as to how and when I would get President Mukasa and his wife to arrive and be appropriately recognized. It was years later before we met again and at that time he was the President of our beloved organization. However the same attention to detail was very evident. His emphasis on Vocational Service, a strengthening of the ties between Rotary International and its Foundation, the importance of the individual member were all characteristics of his successful year as President, when with lovely wife Usha at his side, he urged every Rotarian to "Look Beyond Yourself".


Enjoy many years of service...

John Kenny Rotary International President 2009-10


t is with great pleasure that I convey my best wishes to Past President Rajendra Saboo on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of his service to Rotary.

I first met Past President Raja during his first week in office. It was my own very first visit to the Rotary Office in Evanston. I was very kindly received and have grown to respect him in all the years since, and represented him when he was President, on two occasions. When I wished someone to speak on Vocational Service at the Rotary International Assembly when I was incoming President, I invited Raja to do so. He was outstanding and he received a spontaneous ovation. June and I wish he and Usha good health to enjoy many years of service in the future. I am sorry that I cannot be with you.


Guardian of the Indian Rotarians Ashok Mahajan Trustee, The Rotary Foundation 2009-13 Director, Rotary International 2007-09 Member, International PolioPlus Committee


RIP Raja Saboo is completing 50 years in Rotary and as a member of Rotary Club of Chandigarh. No mean feat considering what he has achieved in this time. He has not only held every little and big position there is to Rotary but also accomplished greatness individually, being awarded with the Padmashri, the fourth highest civilian award in the country. There is much to say and much will be said about Raja Saboo, the leader, the master interlocutor, and disciplinarian Rotarian, taskmaster, face of RI India, and guardian of the Indian Rotarians. But to me, there is more to him than just being the seniormost Rotarian in the country. He, to me, is a mentor and friend, a colleague, a philosopher, an inspiration and a family member. His enthusiasm is contagious (some of which has rubbed on me), and everyone in Rotary will attest to the fact that no one in his presence has been left untouched. Whether we knew PRIP Saboo a lot, a little, or not at all, he has always been a towering figure in the family of Rotary. He has touched so many of us with his leadership, knowledge, work and words. He is a visionary leader, who has empowered Rotarians in India to their best. As the RI President he inspired Rotarians worldwide, bringing distinction to the chair of RI President with his numerous creative and innovative interventions. Friends, he not only thinks big and global but also thinks ahead. I am yet to encounter a farsighted Rotarian like him who has made it possible for many like us to be able to lead from the front. The mentor who made it possible for Rotarians like me to make a difference through leadership. He is the person, friends, who makes each and every Rotarian, believe in the best that Rotary has to offer. As we celebrate his 50 years of service to Rotary and wish him to continue being that beacon of light for decades to come, we thank him for his unwavering support and


dedication to Rotary. He has been patient, often direct, and always helping Rotarians in India to perform to the limit of their capabilities; but most of all, he had a driving desire to ensure that Rotary lives up to its image and its promise in everyway possible. Thank you PRIP Saboo, for all that you do for Rotary, for all the inspiration you continue to provide to Rotarians, and certainly for the great encouragement and confidence you have bequeathed upon Rotarians in India. Much is also said about the silent yet sound presence of Ms. Usha Sabooji. With her disarming smile and strong support to PRIP Saboo's social efforts in the country and abroad, she has been instrumental in helping him complete this 50 years in service. She, who considers me a younger brother, I feel blessed with her love and support. May she always be the tower of support to PRIP Raja and us in Rotary. 50 years (and counting‌) of extraordinary commitment to Rotary, at home and abroad. As individuals, we may not be able to match PRIP Saboo's abilities or strength, but we can all strive to match his humanity, dedication and service to Rotary. We wish PRIP Raja Saboo the best and hope for the years to come, he will inspire and guide us for challenges ahead. With warm personal regards.


The Legend of Rotary

K.R. Ravindran Rotary International Director 2009-11


hen I became Governor in 1991-92, my Rotary world barely extended beyond my own club and certainly no more than my District and country. Thus my knowledge of International Rotary affairs, very specially on the emerging 'greats' in the Rotary firmament was abysmal. Therefore I must be forgiven that I then knew little or nothing about Raja Saboo at that time. The first time I even saw Raja Saboo was at Madurai after he was chosen to be world President. Even then, that very first time I saw him, it was evident to me that here was a personality who had a magnetism within him which would draw anyone who came in contact with him. I was not wrong! At the International Assembly in Anaheim, Ca; I watched and observed Raja Saboo our incoming President – the consummate ease with which he moved around, captivating the incoming Governors with his charm, mesmerising them with his addresses and inspiring them with his purpose. A person who stood tall in spite of his modest physical height. His theme “Look Beyond Yourself” was so simple; so meaningful; so Eastern; The haunting lyrics of the theme song, lilting in its melody. It was natural that as a result of the appeal that he had, some of the reflected glory would engulf us Governors from the Indian sub continent. This it did and even I from outside India – in Sri Lanka – basked in that glow. Very early in our year one of three or four felicitation had been arranged at Chennai for the world President. All the Governors of the Southern Districts gathered along with hundreds of Rotarians. I was also there. At that event I was told that the President would be looking for me. I was surprised for I did not think the President even knew of my existence. He did seek me out, at one of the events and indicated to me that he wanted to speak to me about my District Conference – more specifically its dates. He wanted those dates changed!! REFLECTIONS 2011 . 19

Why would the President of RI want a District Conference date changed? I was perplexed and anxious. Even though it was many months earlier much of the arrangements were in hand. High profile speakers confirmed included Carlos Canseco the RI President known as the father of Polio Plus, Christian Barnard, the South African heart surgeon who did the first heart transplant, Maneka Gandhi and Benazir Bhutto. Therein lay the problem. The president wanted Carlos Canseco to be present at the Council of Legislation being held on the same dates in America. I did point out to him that Carlos was aware of the COL and had specifically told me that he was not a participant and therefore would gladly accept my invitation to be the chief guest at my conference. But obviously the President felt that Carlos' presence at the COL was important and it would have been churlish on my part to refuse. He must have sensed my disappointment because on the spot he threw a carrot at me. He said “if you can change your conference dates then I will send Carlos as my personal representative.” “Done Sir,” I told him unhesitatingly because you can imagine the amount of money I saved on air tickets!! A few weeks later I had a formal letter from the President confirming his commitment during that passing conversation he had with me at one of the hundreds of events he attends. That was our President. When Sri Lanka was organising its Polio immunisation days we were desperately short of funds. Raja Saboo, then a Trustee fought our case to persuade the IPPC to consider our lopsided request for funds favourably. He argued that Sri Lanka had the potential to become the first country in our part of the world to become Polio free and therefore stand as an example to the other countries. He concluded that our request though it was disproportionately higher in percentage than that given to any other country, would serve the cause well. Thanks mainly to his considerable power of advocacy the funds amounting to 50% of the total requirement of the country for three years, was released!! Sri Lanka vindicated his trust in us. We were not only the first but continue to be Polio free for nearly seven years!! Raja Saboo must be one of the most loved Past President in Rotary International and what more proof of that can I give than to record here that the fund started and set up within the Rotary Foundation in his name and voluntarily contributed to by his admirers, well wishers and friends from all over the world has grown to a sizeable amount. Yes, the Raja and Usha Saboo Endowment Fund has now exceeded USD 500,000 and it continues to grow without ever this couple soliciting one cent from anyone!! The fund today stands as the third highest in history of the Pooled Endowment Fund list and growing. The earnings from that fund last year funded one of our peace scholars.


In speaking of his abilities you might wonder what role his lovely, gentle spouse – Usha or Usha ji as she is reverently known throughout India – has in all this. Make no mistake as I once said whilst introducing him, in the 'Star Wars' parlance she is the 'Force'. She is the wind beneath his wings but just for the role she plays as his dutiful spouse, as a devoted mother, as a hostess par excellence. She is a champion of service in her own right. She has received standing ovations for her heart wrenching presentation at the International Convention of their experiences with children in Africa, Vietnam, Ethiopia etc, doing polio corrective surgeries and other ophthalmologic and gynae procedures, often under stifling conditions. She acknowledges that while she was no Doctor she could go with her husband and a medical team to work as a nurse, as a waiter, as a counsellor and most of all as a mother; a mother to crippled and blind, poor and deprived children. What an example!! Today their annual medical odyssey to a backward area in India and/or overseas with their team of doctors has become fairy tale for hundreds who benefit from their largesse. Yes, in the two decades since we first met this wonderful couple, our admiration for them continues to grow, when we see the zest with which they throw themselves into what life has to offer and continue to uphold by example the values they hold so dear and which they speak of to others. The fundamental difference between them and others, is that they practice what they preach. They also exude class and sophistication clothed in humility in every act of theirs. Raja Saboo is and will be one of the legends of Rotary, though as someone said, a legend without the myth; For legends are often an artful intertwining of fact and myth, designed to beguile, to impress, to inspire, or sometimes simply to attract attention. But legend is an essential ingredient of leadership and there is little doubt that here is an outstanding leader of Rotary with the ability to win unyielding loyalty. On the subject of commanding loyalty, an aide to Douglas MacArthur said once at West Point “Obedience is something a leader can command, but loyalty is something, an indefinable something, that he is obliged to win. MacArthur knew instinctively how to win it.” Raja Saboo also knows how to win that loyalty because there are people in Rotary and not just his Governors, who are ever so willing to tread the path he has beaten and follow him to the end of the earth. I would unhesitatingly say that Raja Saboo has been the single largest external influence in my life and my respect and admiration for him continues to grow!


The Golden Era of a Remarkable Rotarian

Y.P. Das Rotary International Director 2011-13


first met this wonderful couple in the lobby of the hotel in Lausanne, Switzerland, where Manju and I had gone to attend our first Rotary International Convention. That was in 1973.

I was able to experience the involvement, dedication and true value of Raja during my year as District Governor in 1993-94. The silent support provided by him, made my year a memorable one. His involvement at the International, District and club level is a lesson for every Rotarian. I had the good fortune of working closely with him during the 2006 Rotary Institute in Chandigarh. The working relationship during the several months in preparing for the institute was a rewarding experience for me. If I were to describe this individual in a few words, I would say: “Raja is a person with passion for Rotary and dedicated to providing hands on service to those in need. He has a zero tolerance for fiduciary irregularity and total commitment for perfection in what he does.� Both Raja and Usha are true epitome of service with compassion and dedication. The Rotary Club of Chandigarh is blessed and fortunate to have such a distinguished Rotarian as their member. Much as I wished to have been personally present for this celebration of the Golden Era of such a distinguished Rotarian, I will have to deny myself this opportunity as I am in Chicago to fulfil my responsibilities as an incoming member of the Board of Rotary International. I convey me good wishes to members of the Rotary Club of Chandigarh as they honour this remarkable Rotarian.


He leads by example and from the front

Sushil Gupta Rotary International Director 2007-09


am pleased to note that Past RI President Raja is completing his 50 years in Rotary and Rotary Club of Chandigarh is celebrating the same on 16th of May 2011.

I joined Rotary in 1977 and saw Raja for the first time in the Conference of Past Governor BM Munjal, way back in 1978. One thing I distinctly remember is that in every District function Raja stood out taking photographs with his camera and meeting Rotarians. He has been active and involved with Rotary ever since I have seen him. He leads by example and from the front. Rotary is fortunate to have Raja serve as its President and as the Chairman of the Rotary Foundation. His contribution to Rotary is well known to the entire Rotary world. What more can I add? His guidance and advice is well valued by all. After all these years he has still not lost his 'fire in the belly' as is evident from his humanitarian service such as the annual medical missions. I wish him well for the future and look forward to the next landmark in his life. God Bless him!


He sets excruciating examples for others to follow

O.P. Vaish Rotary International Director 1999-2001


ajendra K Saboo, Past Rotary International President (1991-92), a dignified personality, is a source of inspiration to us all. Not many may know that he is the son of Shri Tarachand Saboo and son-in- law of Shri D P Mandelia, who were legends in their own rights and time and were close confidants of the doyen of the Indian industry, Shri G D Birla. I had the opportunity to meet Shri D. P. Mandelia sometime in 1958, while I was in the Indian Revenue Service at Gwalior. It was many years later, I met Raja. Raja noticed me as a Rotarian in 1975, when PRID Sudarshan Agarwal commissioned me to form Rotary Club of Delhi Midtown, the first luncheon Rotary Club in Delhi. Since then, our relationship has grown and nurtured. Every passing year in Rotary taught me how meticulous he is in conceiving and executing projects and a stickler to protocol. He insists on a Stage Manual for every major event. That has helped me immensely in organizing not only Rotary events but even weddings in the family. Raja leads from the front by setting excruciating examples for others to follow. He and his wife Usha volunteer themselves, until as late as last month, to work under extremely difficult situations in West Africa, while they organize medical camps there. In his unflinching commitment to work under tight schedules, Usha gives moral and emotional support to 'achieve the impossible'. Raja has a sense of humor, beneath his matter of fact disposition. I recall that at the International Assembly 1979-80, where Manju and I went along with fellow batch mates, Raja enthralled young District Governors and their wives by singing old Hindi film songs of the yester years when they were not even born. Raja knows how to handle crisis situations stoically. Rotary in India has passed through a tough terrain. Delicate handling of the situations by Raja has facilitated the election of Kalyan Bhai as Rotary International President for the year 2011-12, bringing cheer and laurels to the country.


Raja is discreet to the extent that he, many times, is misunderstood. He is objective and circumspect while handling situations and has a reservoir of energy, acumen and dynamism. While complimenting your Club for bringing out a commemorative volume to coincide with 50 years of selfless dedication of Raja to Rotary, myself and Manju pray to give Raja strength and long life to serve the humanity.


Always inspired by Raja’s boundless enthusiasm

David and Jill Liddiatt Rotary International Director 2009-2011


first met Raja at the R.I. Assembly in Anaheim in 1991 – he was of course the incoming R.I. President and I was an incoming District Governor – I was immediately struck by his calm and serenity; but equally by his determination and commitment: all summed up by his theme “Look beyond yourself “ – not just a statement in itself but a statement of his own belief and inspiration cleverly contained within an instruction ….LOOK , open your eyes and see: BEYOND ..there is no limit YOURSELF and for others. The jacket was “wheat” – not just a colour but also part of his ethos – I still have it: still in very good condition. Immediately following the R.I. Assembly we had here in the UK, the R.I.B.I. Assembly which the incoming R.I. President always attends; unfortunately due to an administrative error we could not use our normal venue, so had to stage the event in a holiday camp; where even more unfortunately Raja and Usha were exposed to an unwelcome gastronomic experience: I think he has just about forgiven us! I have of course shared Rotary with him ever since: though somewhat surprisingly we have not ever served on the same committee: his support has been unwavering: especially when I was President of R.I.B.I. and now over these past two years when I have served on the R.I. Board: always a source of sound advice and inspirational involvement. He and Usha speak with great affection of their Rotary family: and look to ensure that their year stages a reunion at the annual R.I. Convention: Jill and I have been proud, pleased and privileged to have been a part of this Rotary family and are inspired by Raja's boundless enthusiasm to continue to look beyond ourselves. Congratulations to you Raja on fifty years of devoted Rotary service –and to you Usha for fifty years of dedicated support.


Fearless in expressing his opinion

John Boag Rotary International Director 2011-13


s is often the case with an incoming District Governor, where his or her incoming International President is from another country, it is unlikely they will have had any direct contact. This was the case with Raja Saboo and me. I met him in a formal fashion at the International Assembly in 1991 and then only briefly. Our subsequent meetings were at Conventions, in Evanston and at Councils on Legislation. From our first meeting on, he made it his business to know I was part of his team and went out of his way to enquire as to my continuing involvement in Rotary. When Usha and Raja came to my District as the President's representative, I had the opportunity to spend some real time with them and develop a friendship that he had always been prepared to retain. There are lots of people from around the world who were part of his team. And yet, he always made it seem like each of us was one of the really important ones. I have observed Raja mostly through the Council on Legislation. I have always welcomed his contribution. He is fearless in expressing his opinion which is always done in a courteous but firm manner. He is equally willing for others to express their opinions and acknowledge them as worthwhile contributions. He is a wonderful man and Rotarian. Our organization is truly blessed to have had benefited from his wisdom and leadership.


We owe it to him for our Foundation

Prem P. Bhalla District Governor 1978-79, District 3080, India


y association with Raja dates back to 1970-71, when both of us served as club presidents in our respective clubs with late PDG Som Dhingra as our district governor. We owe it to him for our Foundation in Rotary. Both of us have continued to serve Rotary since then. I also recall that in 1974-75, Raja was serving as the District Rotaract Chairman, and I was serving as the District Membership Development Chairman. Raja was nominated as District Governor for 1976-77 that year. Raja had a wonderful year as governor, and I was nominated at his District Conference to serve as District Governor in 1978-79. When I was training at the International Assembly, Raja was a Group Discussion Leader. The same year he addressed the International Convention in Tokyo. We have served together since then. Raja went on to become Director, Rotary International President, The Rotary Foundation Trustee and Chairman, yet he has always continued to serve his club and the District, besides his assignments at the international level. As he completes 50 years of service, I pray for good health and long life for him and Ushaji, who has always been his strength.


An embodiment of Service above Self

Lakshmi Sagar District Governor 1981-82, District 3080, India


y association with Raja in Rotary dates back to 1981 when he was one of the Directors and me a DG. Although ten years younger to me, yet he is far taller in serving through Rotary. He wins everyone with his humility.

The three day conference of World Peace and Understanding through Rotary was meticulously planned by him in 1981 when Stan McCaffrey was President of RI. Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, Foreign Minister Narasimha Rao and ministers from Pakistan and neighboring countries graced this conference. I, as DG, was privileged to be a part of this conference as it was in our District. When I was one of the organizers of RI Institute in Kansas City, my wife and I had the honour of staying with him in Evanston. He showed us the RI headquarters. I met all RI staff and imagine what they said about him: "Such a President has never come before and perhaps will never come again." Raja has made history in Rotary and we are fortunate he is in District 3080, which has a significant place in the Rotary world. He not only strives for excellence and perfection but achieves it too! Undoubtedly, Raja is our most precious gift to RI. His gracious wife Usha Ji perfectly complements him in all his humanitarian and social commitments. May God bless them!


His aura enables us choose the ethical path

J.P.S. Sibia Past District Governor 1996-97, District 3080, India


y first brush with Rotary was in 1971 at my school, DAV Sector 8, Chandigarh where an Interact club for students was formed. The only thought that I could gather at that juncture of time was that it is a junior Rotary club formed for doing social service. We wondered what we could do, still we became part of it. The realities of life had not hit us, as yet. Then, the priority and focus of my parents was on my studies but mine was on recreation. It was becoming difficult for me to balance them as I wanted a tilt in my favour. As I was considered a good student, fortunately, I was part of the select group of this club. We were all excited as we were to meet and rub shoulders with the big industrialists of Chandigarh. A meeting was held in our school library. The only thing I remembered was that one of speakers was an excellent orator and he really impressed us. We also attended a big function at Institute of Engineers, Sector 18. There we again met that excellent orator and heard his speech and also could snatch an opportunity of taking his autograph. Then, after schooling, I joined DAV College, Chandigarh. By this time I had also developed some public speaking skills and used to participate in a declamation contest. I was surprised to see that the same industrialist, whose speech and style of oration was deeply imprinted on my mind, was the chief guest at one of these contests. God has given me an excellent opportunity, I thought, to impress him. Luckily I won and received my prize from him. Later we came to know that he was the owner of the renowned needle factory of Chandigarh. In late 1983, we got to know more of Rotary when a Rotary club was being formed at Mohali. We got formally introduced to the senior Rotarians. It was then that I realized that my school Rotary club for students was, in fact, an Interact club and my favourite orator, whom I had admired since my school days was none other than Rtn RK Saboo. In the nascent stages of our club formation Rtn RK Saboo was many a times a welcome surprise guest to our club meetings. REFLECTIONS 2011 . 30

Raja's handholding ability is par excellence, especially when we need it most. His aura enables us to choose the difficult ethical paths over attractive and easy short cuts. His selfless service to humanity has made the difference in lives of many including me. His wise counsel still continues and this relationship is much cherished by me and my family. Salute to Raja on another milestone - 50 years of Rotary service. JPS SIBIA


Full of compassion, care and respect

Dr. Gulshan Thakral Past District Governor 1998-99, District 3080, India


recollect my early days in Rotary 32 years back, when I used to admire and adore Rtn. Raja Saboo every time I heard him and met him. I used to wonder about the manner he spoke, he conducted himself and an aura of fan-following he created every time he addressed some Rotary function. Way back in 1994, at a District Conference he could inspire me to give one of the best gifts of my life to humanity by becoming a Paul Harris Fellow, since it happened to be my wedding anniversary. The request and the response both were spontaneous. I saw a different Rotary leader in PRIP R.K.SAboo during my year as District Governor. A very supportive, encouraging, appreciative, a friendly-critic and guiding person right from day one. His presence by the side although created butterflies in the stomach but gave tremendous strength at the same time. I discovered a very fine person in him who was full of compassion, care and respect for fellow human-beings when I got the first opportunity to work with him on a Medicare mission to Nigeria. Indeed a multi-faceted, multi-dimensional and multi-potential Rotarian in action.


Medicare project left everlasting imprint

Arun Sharma Past District Governor 1999-2000, District 3080, India


ike other Rotarians I have also been greatly influenced by Raja's VALUES for LIFE which inspired me to walk together on Rotary Path of Service. However the everlasting IMPRINT he has left on me is with his Humanitarian Service Projects including Intercontinental Medicare Projects which only a visionary with hands on service can initiate. It is amazing to see the energy and momentum he has on such projects which younger generation will find difficult to match. He also posseses an uncanny ability, a radar, to pick up the right talent for the right job. And in order to get chosen, it is not easy unless one possesses the frequency and wavelength that matches his prescribed range. You may be a super specialist but you will certainly be left out if you are compromising on quality or values. I have seen him working with his own hands for all sort of odd jobs including cleaning and washing of patients to utensils. I still remember in one of the medicare projects he taught me how to repack the material for reuse which we normally ignore. Though I enjoy his antakshri and wit but the best way to be with Raja is to be with him on a Service Project.


He left incredible impression on us

Hemant Arora Past District Governor 2002-03, District 3080, India


nowing PRIP Raja cannot but be a unique experience for each one of us Rotarians and each one of us has had a different kind of encounter with him. I can particularly recall two occasions when it was an experience of life time to have cherished his incredible impression which he left on us. My first meeting was when I served as President of my home club Rotary Roorkee Midtown during 1994-95 and suddenly the honour of hosting the Conference was given to us on a short notice of barely 90 days. My experience of having served in both capacities as Chairman of the Conference and President of the Club was so fruitfully rewarded when PRIP Raja chose using the word “accolades� for me and my teammates for the job done well at a such short notice, which was so rewarding and touching experience. I cannot forget another incident in which during the installation function at our club in July 2002, the chief guest, HE Shri S.S. Barnala, the then Governor of Uttarkhand chose to criticize my proposed medical mission to South Africa suggesting that charity should begin at home. Since there was no other speaker after his speech, I was confused and looking at my predicament Raja told me to announce that he would like to respond to chief guest's observations. Raja took to the podium and he took excellent control of the situation and reasoned out in a way that HE later acknowledged the facts and ultimately agreed with Raja.


The jewels in the crown

Kawal Bedi Past District Governor 2003-04, District 3080, India

Jaite Sooraj Chamkve,,, Chanda Charhe Hazaar. Aito Chanan Hondyan,,, Guru bin Ghor Andhar. - Gurbani


t was some 24 years ago that I came across a few Newspaper clippings about a person with this name, giving details about his service for humanity. The name ' Rotary' was completely alien to me. My anxiety got the better of me and after finding out about the organization, I went to attend a Rotary meeting. It was totally mesmerizing to see a 'Little Man' ... a powerhouse of motivation, enthusing people with what our aim in life should be? That was the man about whom I had read so much about...Raja Saboo. There was no looking back after that day. If I am what I am today, it is because of Raja Saboo. And then of course I met Usha Saboo ji, an epitome of affection with words full of wisdom, with solace and soothing comfort always in times of distress. I can go on and on..... Thank you Raja ji, Thank you Usha ji for being with us and for your 'Margdarshan’. One now realizes why they are titled "The Jewels in The Crown�. May you always live forever. May you always be together!


Legends are not made of myths...

Dhian Chand Past District Governor 2006-07, District 3080, India


egends are not made of myths they are made of dedication, inspiration and a caring heart. They are made of the undying spirit of humanity. They are the hope of tomorrow and the support of today.

And it's our great honour to be working with one of the greatest legends of our time, Mr. R.K.Saboo. Mr Raja Saboo's relentless and selfless service for the last 50 years has raised the bar for the entire Rotary brotherhood. Hope his zeal to heal, help and spread happiness will keep inspiring us and the generations to come.


Privileged indeed we are!

Shaju Peter Past District Governor 2007-08, District 3080, India


inter of 2004. The Nominating Committee had made the announcement in Hardwar choosing me as the DGN for 2007-08. Lovy and I were on our way back home. The first call on the mobile was of Raja. “Congratulations”, he said “you long deserved it”. I never expected it, for somewhere deep within me I had always felt that I did not measure up as a District leader in his reckoning. But he proved me wrong with the affection with which he treated me ever since then. I am grateful. Lovy and I happened to share the same table one day at dinner at the International Assembly in San Diego with an effervescent Japanese couple. The diminutive spouse of the Japanese Rotarian took an instant liking for Lovy possibly because both had high cheek bones and their noses were not particularly sharp! I introduced myself as the DGN from Raja's District in India. The Rotarian literally sprang on his feet, took my hands in his and said, “You are the luckiest DGN in this Hall. You must be privileged to have someone like PRIP Raja in your District!” Privileged indeed I have been! It so turned out later on that my friends at the table were President Elect Sakuji Tanaka and Kyoko. Since that incident at every RI event, I make it a point to bask in Raja's reflected glory. Few Past RI Presidents command the respect he does among grass root Rotarians. Raja's attention to details, his amazing capacity to reinvent himself constantly in the best interest of Rotary and above all his human touch are qualities of which I can write a volume. Let me reserve it for yet another occasion.


I’m an RI officer solely due to his motivation

Satish Saluja Past District Governor 2008-09, District 3080, India


nowing Raja for years now, while going down the memory lane I remember a few special instances. It was the year when Raja was contesting, the Conference was being held at Modern School, Delhi. An evening before the balloting, a get together was being held by his contender at NSCI Delhi, while Raja refused to indulge in any such practices, and ultimately he won with majority. At another instance of a Conference at Delhi, someone not recognizable, dressed in a black robe, wearing Charlie Chaplin’s mask approached me and requested me to go and sit in the auditorium. Later I learnt that it was nobody else but Raja himself. During my bilateral knee surgery at PGI Chandigarh, both Usha ji and Raja ji would come quite often to extend any help required. If I am an R.I. officer, it is only and solely due to Raja's suggestion and motivation, and both Sunita and I cherish their affection and care. At San Diego, after an evening get together with DGEs hosted by Raja & Usha ji, Usha ji took the lead in washing used crockery and tiding up the room. She is humility personified. Once I needed Raja's help in a matter concerning Rotary International which included some legal issues. He took a lot of interest in ensuring that my judgment is respected and accepted by the RI Headquarters. May God bless him and Usha ji with many, many more years filled with happiness, health and success and go on guiding us to make our District a role model in the world, especially in India.


A man of integrity

Manpreet Singh District Governor Elect 2011-12, District 3080, India


would like to share one incident that left an indelible mark on me about Raja Saboo. I was in the first batch of the Rotary District Leadership Academy that he had conceived and started, and as a part of the correspondence course on Rotary, I received a set of questions on The Rotary Foundation from him which I solved and returned. In one of the papers set by him, he marked my answer to a particular question as wrong. At one of the Rotary meetings, I just mentioned to him that my answer to that question was right. In the next one week I received five calls from him to discuss that question with MoP as reference and eventually he was able to convince me that my answer was wrong. But two days later, I received another call from him. He told me that perhaps the wording of the question were not worded right and was not what it was supposed to mean, and therefore your answer was also right. I think no one would have gone into so much of detail for a 2-marks question. But that was Raja Saboo. And that also shows what makes him so different and great. This is something that all of us can learn to emulate in our lives. One can gauge the charm his presence had that one of our club members in SAS Nagar, Rtn. Amrit Bhamra who was a Rotaract DRR in 1991-92 and lived in Assam, travelled in train for three nights to listen to him at a function at Hyatt Regency in New Delhi, though he was just able to wave at him from a distance and could never meet him then.


We’ve Raja

Manmohan Singh District Governor Nominee 2012-13, District 3080, India


t is a pleasure to know that PRIP Rajendra K Saboo has completed 50 years of Service in Rotary. During this period Raja has demonstrated a great devotion and passion for furtherance of Rotary goals.

I am one of the fortunate and privileged person in Rotary having proximity and accessibility to Raja. I joined Rotary in 1991 when Raja was Rotary International President, and I met him for the first time in 1992 at a Rotary function in Hotel Shivalikview at Chandigarh. Since then I am his admirer and follower. I remember that when I was working as Superintending Engineer in Ludhiana in 2002, I was invited as a guest speaker by the local Rotary Club. My speech was reproduced later in our Club Bulletin which incidentally also reached Raja. I was excited to receive a letter of admiration from Raja congratulating me and appreciating the contents of my speech. I was impressed and astonished that how can a Rotary leader of his stature with busy schedule can keep in touch with even ordinary Rotarians like me? In the first batch of Rotary Leadership Academy wherein I asked Raja how he keeps a balance between Rotary and his family, he said to me, “Manmohan, you should ensure that your Rotary life should never adversely affect your family life, because Family first, then Rotary”. RIPE 2011-12 Kalyan Banerjee, after his nomination visited Chandigarh, and during an informal chat he commented that Nitish C Lahhary, the first Indian to be Rotary International President, was from Calcutta, and that even Raja's roots are in Calcutta. I intervened immediately and said, “Raja's roots may be in Calcutta but we are enjoying the fruits in Chandigarh”. Indeed we are fortunate in our District 3080 to have him and benefit from his deep knowledge of Rotary and commitment to selfless service. And everyone in the Rotary world REFLECTIONS 2011 . 40

acknowledges as I found it during the Rotary Institute at Bangkok in November 2010. I was addressing my batchmates DGNs 2012-13 and was telling the success stories of my District, specifically the District Governor's election process, when a PDG from Pakistan intervened in chaste Punjabi and told me: “ Oye Manmohan, baithja yaar, tuhade kol 3080 vich Raja hai� (Manmohan: sit down my friend, you have Raja with you in your District 3080). How true. No one can match his multifaceted personality and numerous achievements that Raja has to his credit. Rajwant joins me in extending our best wishes to PRIP Rajendra K Saboo and Usha ji, and we pray to Almighty for their long life and many more years of their association with Rotary and with all of us.


Batch of 1991-92

This is a photo of the Reunion of District Governors 1991-92 who traveled to Chandigarh for a get-together in January 1998. The subsequent pages contain the messages received from some of them.

The builder of leaders

Major Som Dutt Past District Governor 1991-92, District 3080, India


aja is one person who turns ordinary human beings into extra-ordinary leaders. I had known him for a long time since my Raj Bhavan days where I was posted as ADC to the Governor of Panjab and had the opportunity to attend several meetings of Rotary club. But after my retirement when I got settled here, one day PP Major B.M. Singh of Rotary Club of Chandigarh approached me to form the Rotary Club of SAS Nagar. Right from day one I had the guidance and support of Raja Saboo in taking this club forward. I was fortunate to be a part of his team as District Governor of District 3080 during 1991-92 under his stewardship. And over the years I had the good fortune of working very closely with him, especially when he conceived the idea of Rotary District Leadership Academy, in order to train the Rotarians to become effective leaders in their business and profession, and gain better understanding of Rotary through Academy. This Academy is one of unique concept that he has floated and perhaps the only one in the Rotary world. Being an ex-army person, I deeply value time, and it is a sheer joy to work with Raja who is a great stickler for time. He is neither late nor does he wait for those who come late and would go ahead with his scheduled activity. A hard worker, who believes in doing his home work thoroughly before going out for any oration or a meeting, which gives him the edge over anyone else. Brij joins me in sending our best wishes to both Usha and Raja.


? K. Vallabhdas Past District Governor 1991-92 RI District 3200 (now in RI District 3202)


t is indeed a fitting and commendable gesture on the part of the Rotary Club of Chandigarh to honour one of its dedicated members Rtn. Rajendra K. Saboo (popularly known as Raja in Rotary circles) on his completing 50 years of Rotary Service.

I met Raja for the first time in Coimbatore in 1989 when I was the District Governor nominee of RI District 3200 (as it then was-now bifurcated as District 3201 and District 3202) at the time when my District had organised a reception in his honour, soon after his nomination as RI President for the Rotary year 1991-92. It was also a privilege for me to serve as District Governor under his leadership in 1991-92 when he was the RI President. I have always admired his commitment to Rotary, his clarity of vision and relentless and dedicated service to Rotary. His leadership ability in guiding and managing the affairs of Rotary in India is indeed commendable. I wish him many more years of healthy life and continued dedication in serving Rotary.


? Lou Marcianol Past District Governor, 1991-92 , District 7950


t has just been brought to my attention that you are celebrating 50 years in Rotary. Your sponsor could never have known what a great service he did by nominating you. Your service to mankind is well known to thousands of Rotarians all over the world. You and Usaha are a credit to all who know and love you. Gloria and I are very proud to be numbered amoung your friends. Much Love,

Lou Marcianol


? Ron Roderique Past District Governor, 1991-92, District 5490


ongratulations, Raja, on your 50 years of service to Rotary! Since we first met in 1991 at the International Assembly, your leadership and dedication to helping others have been an inspiration to me, our 1991-92 class of governors and to the Rotary World. Your inspiring theme, “Look Beyond Yourself “ sums up your mission for all Rotarians to turn our hearts and minds to positive acts of service and world peace. Both you and Usha have demonstrated over the years your unselfish commitment to humanitarian service and to helping others in need. Your leadership as trustee and Chair of The Rotary Foundation has turned your dream for Rotary Peace Centers into a reality as they become a positive force for world peace. I have enjoyed our person relationship over the years as our paths have crossed many times at international conventions and meetings. Your heartwarming letter to me following the death of my first wife will always be treasured. On this special occasion of your 50 years as a Rotarian, it is wonderful that your club, the Rotary Club of Chandigarh, is recognizing your long time commitment to helping your fellow man. It is with great admiration and affection that I send this greeting to you from Arizona. All the best to you, Raja!



Mark Z. McGill Past District Governor 1991-92, District 7450


first met President Saboo at the international assembly in Los Angelos in April 1991. I then saw him several times during the year of governor, 1991-92, and several times since then.

He had one of the best, if not the best, theme for his year of "Look Beyond Yourself". It was so easy to use and get the clubs and the members inspired to do service to others. We still exchange holiday cards in December but I don't get to the conventions anymore, so we have not been able to go to the reunion dinners. Congratulations on your 50 years of service.


? Sven Sรถderqvist Past District Governor 1991-92, District 2340


am very pleased to have been member of the Saboo DG Team 1991-1992 and hope You vill forwarded my congratulations for his happy to have been able to done 50 years of Rotary service.


? Nagaraju. G Past District Governor 1991-92, District 3190


am extremely happy to learn that our beloved Past R.I. President Rtn. Rajendra K.Saboo is completing FIFTY years of yeomen service in Rotary.

It was my privilege to associate with him as a District Governor, when he took over as Rotary International President for the year 1991-92. His guidance to our classmates is very well appreciated. R.I.Theme for the year " LOOK BEYOND YOURSELF " is a memorable one. Indeed, he is an asset for our Rotary World. I ADMIRE HIS PASSION FOR HUMANITARION SERVICE to the needy persons in his neighbourhood and beyond, besides his active participation in healthcare projects in other developing countries. His initiatives for polio eradication,functional literacy and other community service projects have motivated every Rotarian throughout the world. I pray GOD to give him more strength and many more years of service in his life. May GOD BLESS RAJA & USHAJI with GOOD HEALTH to live longer for benifit of the society.


? Gregory Ross Past District Governor 1991-92, District 5520


aturally, I first met Raja and Usha with my wife Carole at the International Assembly in Annaheim in early 1991, prior to serving as DG for D 9800 in Australia. We 1991/92 DGs were all part of Raja's team, looking beyond ourselves and wearing those wheat coloured jackets. As an actor/entertainer, I have enjoyed being asked to lead the singing of his theme on several occasions, the last being in Salt Lake City. And when Carole and I were asked to be Raja and Usha'a Aides at the 1993 R I Convention in Melbourne, we had a very special time with them. Carole joins me in wishing Raja and Usha the very best, and to say, 'Congratulations, mate, hope you have a wonderful celebration!'


? Rassin Barry Past Rotary International Director, District 7020


resident Raja was the first President of Rotary International that truly inspired me. Esther and I were at the International Assembly when we met Raja and Usha and heard him speak and tell us about the plans for Rotary for our year and we felt as though we could now move mountains as we worked within our District as well as Internationally. Look Beyond Yourself was a theme that has stayed with me to this day. I loved the stories that President Raja told us and used many of them in my speeches to the Rotary Clubs. He is a leader who inspires all that he meets and he certainly contributed to my love and passion for Rotary and all that we do to make our world a better place. President Raja is a timeless example of what a Rotarian should be and we can all learn from the example he sets. Esther and I congratulate him on his 50 years in Rotary and wish him many more years to show Rotarians what it means to "Look Beyond Yourself".


Gordon Milne Past District Governor, District 9790


ne memorable feature of Raja's presidency was his call to "Look Beyond Yourself". The concept is magnificent, encouraging as it does a selfless evaluation of possibilities and prospects and resulting in action not otherwise dreamed of. And, of course, there is the musical version. My club took great pleasure in this, and hearing it now, after twenty years, strikes chords which are unforgettable.


I have always admired him for what he stands for... Suraj P. Bhatia Past District Governor, 2009-10, District 7490, New Jersey


f my memory serves me right, it was an evening in early October 1996 when I received an invitation from PRID Ray Wells to attend an upcoming Rotary meeting at a museum, nearby his family mansion, to meet his friend PRIP Raja Saboo from India. I had retired from IBM a few years prior and had recently joined the Northern Valley Rotary Club in order to devote a portion of my time. While I had some background regarding Rotary International - my father was a Rotarian from a club in Delhi - I had not attended any Rotary events or been exposed to any District or International Officers up until that time. It rained heavily that night and Rajaji's arrival was delayed, but we waited in eager anticipation for his arrival; about sixty Rotarians and guests of Indian origin in all. When he ulimately arrived with his wife Ushaji and began to speak with us, his passion and his sincerity had an immediate and marked impact on me; so much so, that I decided on that evening that if Rotary was comprised of officers and members with the characteristics embodied by Ray Wells and Rajaji, then this was my calling - to actively contribute by working on projects within Rotary, alongside these individuals, with an aim to better humanity at large. Since that evening and over the subsequent years, I have been fortunate on many occasions to meet and confer with Rajaji, though it was his presence at our recent District Conference as the President's Representative (indeed, even the volcanic ash in Europe could not prevent him from fulfilling his commitment to attend) which reinforced the bond that had developed during this time. I have always admired him for what he stands for, for his total devotion in helping those around him and humanity at large, and for guiding many of us who have been inspired by him. My sincere wishes to Rajaji and Ushaji for the rich memories of the past which will continue to refresh and renew our outlook for many more years in the future, and revive our faith in the divine blessings.


He is revered around the world.

Dr. Sudhir Rashingkar Past District Governor 1991-92, District 3130, India


t is heartening to learn that PRIP Raja Saboo is completing 50 years in Rotary. It is true but unbelievable seeing at the enthusiasm and zeal with which he is roaming in Rotary World. He is a role model for many amongst us. No Rotary event at Zonal level can be without him and there you can see him mingling with hundreds of Rotarians and family members , in most cases remembering by their first names and family details. Nearly two decades after presidentship and three decades before that, to keep such a track record is not an ordinary thing but that is difference between “Raja” and others. He has created his footprints in Rotary world in India and really around the world. I was fortunate to have him as ”Look beyond yourself” year President as my leader when I was DG of 3130. Incidently I had very little interaction with him till I was chosen for the post. It was task given to me by the then DG of our District to escort him and Anne Ushaji to Pune in a small aircraft and then in 1989-90 that I first got opportunity to get introduced to him. I was tense but soon he made me comfortable, we discussed so many things about our International Assembly, our district ,my family and so on. The togetherness then generated has been with me for last more than 2 decades and we had many occasions to interact. In most zonal Institutes, he invariably ensures that we 91/92 class meets and in conventions, he pursues that for our teammates round the world. This is his way to keep the bond intact. Invariably his card for new year comes and occasionally a phone call when he is in Pune or nearby. But that is not all, I found him to be involved in many international activities. I was TRF Volunteer doing audit for adult literacy project being handled by my batch mate governor in South Africa and he was narrating how “Raja” was behind this project. He was in Pune and we were going to airport in car when he mooted the idea of doing a medical project some where in Africa which by now has been a great activity after 15 years. He has motivated dozens of Rotarian doctors from India to go to African countries. Invariably “Raja” and REFLECTIONS 2011 . 54

“Ushaji” are there with the team doing work as simple volunteers. Same thing he is doing in India and when I move round the country for any work, there is always some story of project he is handling in remote areas is told.. In most of his speeches in Rotary events –from R I Conventions to any district conferences, he is in total command over his thoughts, speaks with confidence and gives philosophical touch to his presentations. He is present at most of international assemblies and motivates the incumbent district leaders for more work for Rotary. No doubt, they come back duly charged. Hence, he is also in great demands round the year to be in some Rotary event or other. Polio plus program saw his dedication in motivating Rotarians Round the country. The way he has developed Rotary India Awards' and trust behind it shows how he cares for recognition of doers. Raja Saboo Endowment Fund is getting developed and in years to come, we look forward to see more philanthropic activities thru it. When nobody thought of “young” Rotarians, he became a Rotarian at the age of 26 and that has changed his life and also the future of Rotary in India. His Philosophy is ”If I had spent as much time on my business as in Rotary ,I probably would have 2-3 more factories .But then, would have been far less happy and would have not been a rounded human being. A time with him anywhere is like attending a class of “How to maintain human relations” Another thing I always admire about him is his health consciousness. We get bogged down in increased weight because of Rotary but I am seeing him for so many years, I am yet to see any chang in his figure .He is same and there are no signs of ageing on him. Secret of this may be his will power to control himself and keep fit and Rotary may be his right medicine. It was nice to see his volume of speeches released two years back. These give an entry to his mind and we see variety of thoughts expressed by him. We were very proud when he was warded “Padmashri” by Govt of India but I am sure many more honors will come in years to come. It is my fortune that I was his year's governor. Whenever I move in many parts of world and attend Rotary meetings and events, It is always a pleasure to see the reactions of Rotarians when I say I am 91/92 DG when Raja was R I President. That shows how he is revered around the world. May he and Ushaji enjoy long life in service to mankind thru Rotary and may all of us get opportunity to have his guidance for a long period to come. May god bless him with good health and many more years in Rotary.


A hero, a role model, someone worth emulating Deepak Kapur Past District Governor (1993-94), Chairman, Rotary International’s India National PolioPlus Committee


hose were the sentiments expressed often in our home (with two generations of Rotary Past Presidents living under one roof) about a dynamic new leader emerging in Rotary, viz Raja Saboo.

My first encounter with him was that year in Modern School, Barakhamba Road, where the District Conference was being held. I, of course, joined Rotary much later - in fact 4 years later in 1980. I had the privilege of having him as the Chief Guest at my installation as President of the Rotary Club of Delhi South. My years in Rotary - especially during the last decade when I have been associated with the Polio eradication initiative - have only reinforced the sentiments that were expressed by my grand-father, my father and my uncle in 1976!


Your contribution to Rotary will leave a lasting legacy Rtn. Antonio Serrano, Past R.I. Director, RI District 9300 (1991-92)

Welcome my dear friend Raja to the “50”s Club”! Marie and I have been very privileged to have known you and Usha for close on 30 years. You were always an inspiration to me. You have risen to great heights within our organization and in your personal life and yet you remain a man of humility, integrity and compassion. These and many other qualities shine through you - no matter with what or with whom you are involved. You have enriched my life thru the opportunities that you afforded me to serve Rotary, thus enabling me, in my own small way to make a contribution. Marie and I have very fond memories of the many occasions that we have spent with you and Usha, having fun and sharing service. In particular I recall the numerous Immunisation Days at which we shared tasks together in Myanmar, Nepal, India and other countries. Your contribution in my life has been substantial. Your contribution to Rotary International has been immense and will leave a lasting legacy. You are for me, one of the great leaders our organization has been blessed to have. I know that you are equally respected by Rotarians all over the world. I also have fond recollections of the many visits that you and the dedicated team of Rotarians have made to various countries in Africa, on numerous occasions to share your medical expertise in delivering free eye operations to those who would otherwise not have been able to afford this blessing. You have changed many lives for the better and that is something you can carry proudly with you forever. Thank you for having had Marie and me at your home and for sharing your lives with us. Congratulations on your 50 years in Rotary my friend………I myself have enjoyed 53 my friend, you have three years to go to catch me.!!!! With all our love Your friends Tony and Marie.

PS….My family, most whom you have met over the years, join us in extending to you their Congratulations as well.


Your wonderful motto was an inspiration John and Mary Preddy, Past District Governor, District 1250 (1991-92) We especially remember our first meeting with Raja Saboo at the 1991 Assembly in Annaheim, USA. His wonderful motto for his year of "LOOK BEYOND YOURSELF"was an inspiration and must have always been in his thoughts for 50 years. Our meetings at International Conventions for many years following 1991/92 were always special. We send greetings to Raja and his wife, Usha, and wish them well in the future.

I was lucky enough to serve your team Andy Guillen, Past District Governor (1991-92) Congratulations on reaching this Rotary milestone, PRIP Raja!! I was lucky enough to serve the "Look beyond yourself" Team in Hong Kong (D-3450) and was privileged to host Raja and Usha there during their visit to our district in the company of PRIP Bichai Ratakul. Under Raja's guidance and inspiration we enjoyed a wonderful governorship and both my wife Rosalyn and I treasure our friendship with Usha and Raja. May the good Lord shower them with many blessings!

Congratulations for your dedication to Rotary John R. Jack Mueller, Past District Governor (1991-92) & Jane K. Mueller We first met in 1991 In Troy Michigan at a Zone institute then 1991-92 as President. following that we again were honored to be Aides to Raja and Usha in Toledo at a zone Institute when he represented the Rotary Foundation as its Chair. The last time we were able to visit briefly was in Calgary at the International Convention. Unfortunately age has slipped up on Jane and myself, so we were unable to continue attending the international conventions, and Zone institutes. However in my home office I have a picture of Raja, Usha, Jane and myself that sits in a place of honor. My sincere congratulations to you Raja for your dedication to Rotary all these past 50 years, and to Usha for putting up with your Service to Rotary. I am active in our Rotary club and District for the past several years.


I was impressed with his accomplishments and modesty Paul G. Jenson, Past District Governor, District 7790, (1991-92) I remember well the first time I met Rajendra K. Saboo. I was impressed with his accomplishments and his modesty. The high expectations I immediately had for him were more than realized during the course of the year. Congratulations and best wishes and thanks for all he did.

An outstanding person and leader of Rotary Sung Chiao Lan, Past District Governor, District 3500 (D 3490) 1991-92 , Taiwan He is an outstanding person and leader of Rotary. His theme “Look Beyond Yourself� is the philosophy that people in the East could identify with. His contribution to the Rotary is the one that I admire and respect. Over the years, he and I have meet at RI convention. There is no doubt in my mind that he will always be a great Rotary leader and a philosopher. His Rotary humanitarian contribution throughout different regions in the world has elevated India and Asia's status in the Rotary world. As next year's RI President is from India could be the testament of his effect. On his 50 years of Rotary service, I congratulate him and wishing him happiness and longevity.

Happy Anniversary M Mery Past District Governor, District 1770, (1991-92), France BON ANNIVERSAIRE !!! F rom Paris France Group photo

The best RI theme Nabih Abou El Hosn DG 1991-92 District 4720, Brazil I am honored and happy to participate in the homage to the beloved former President Rajendra Saboo, when completed half a century of contribution to Rotary International, organized by his Rotary Club Chandigarh, which I had the pleasure of visiting when I was in India. In 1991-92 when elected governor of District 4720, I was fortunate to have him as President of RI and our first meeting was marked by a fact that still lives in my memory. For the International Assembly in Anaheim, California, I was recommended that I should take a memento representing speciality of our area. Amazon is known for its leather products, and my wife Sania and I chose a very special alligator-leather briefcase to give to President Rajendra Saboo and a handbag for lady Usha. Some of the governors later told REFLECTIONS 2011 . 59

me not to deliver it since it is against the culture of Indians who are against the use of animal products. On the eve of the Assembly, the chairman Rajendra Saboo asked each of the governors to share any story that happened in their lives. I narrated a legend of our region about an alligator that strolled through the city, who attacked the cows in a city street. In order to protect the cows, the people killed that alligator of whose skin the leather folder was created for the use of President Rajendra Saboo. He has bequeathed to us the best RI theme "Look Beyond Self" .

A Man of Great Quality Jean Werry, Past District Governor, (1991-92), Belgium-Luxemburg, I had the privilege to serve the Rotary International and its President Rajendra Saboo in 1991-1992. I treasure this fabulous and marvellous experiment a deep memory of friendship shared with a man of great quality. (Translated from French)

Many happy years Eva and Erik Tenfalt, Past District Governor, (1991-92) On the occasion of your 50th anniversary with Rotary, Eva and I would very much like to express our heart-felt thanks for 20 years of friendship and cooperation. We first met with you and Usha in Anaheim when we were preparing for our work for Rotary International; you as President and the rest of us as District Governors. Your message for the year “Look beyond Yourself” appealed to us all and served as an important inspiration in our work. We were also together at the RI Convention in Orlando in 1992. In connection with the Council on Legislation in New Delhi 1998 you kindly invited us to Chandigarh, where we enjoyed your and Usha's unending hospitality for several days. Our personal “hands-on” participation in the national Polio Plus inoculation campaign gave us a memory for life. We also remember with great pleasure several other reunions with you for instance at the RI Convention in Copenhagen. We have always admired your great devotion to Rotary and are happy to be among your many friends, We wish you and Usha many happy years with continued enthusiasm and good health.


Your service to mankind is well known Lou Marcianol, Past District Governor (1991-92) It has just been brought to my attention that you are celebrating 50 years in Rotary. Your sponsor could never have known what a great service he did by nominating you. Your service to mankind is well known to thousands of Rotarians all over the world. You and Usha are a credit to all who know and love you. Gloria and I are very proud to be numbered amoung your friends. Much Love.

Impressed with his simplicity and helping nature Sudhir Gupta, Past District Governor, District 3100 (1991-92) India My first opportunity to meet Raja came when he was District Rotaract Chair of undivided Rotary District 310 and I was Rotaract Committee Chairman of my club – Rotary Club of Moradabad. He had come to my house to apprise himself of the activities of Rotaract in our club. I was impressed with his simplicity and helping nature. Later on I got several opportunities to come in contact with him. When he became the District Governor, I was Secretary of my club. When he became Rotary International President I was District Governor of my District. Right from day one I found in him a man who is gentle, dedicated, ready to take challenges and is full of enthusiasm. The more I came to know of him the more I became enamoured of him. His innovative nature, confidence level, persuasive power and eagerness to tread virgin grounds have left deep mark on me. The theme “Service Above Self”, given by him, speaks of his spiritual thoughtfulness. This theme has guided us to serve with humility, without ostentation, without self aggrandizement and without caring for self interests. This is an immortal theme. It has made great change in me. I and my wife Anubha feel happy that we came in close contact of Raja and Usha ji. She is as good as him, may be a shade better – ever smiling, ever helping. We are thankful to Rotary that we met them. We wish them a long, happy and peaceful life.

Rotary is strengthened by your continuing leadership Stuart Batty and Lesley, Past District Governor, District 9910, (1991-92) Warmest congratulations Raja and Usha on Raja's 50 years of service in Rotary. You could not have selected a more poignant theme for your year. “Look Beyond Yourself” is ageless and has positively impacted on our lives these past 20 years.


We remember with fondness our first meeting at International Assembly and subsequently in New Zealand and at other Rotary occasions around the world. Rotary is strengthened by your continuing leadership. Countless persons unknown to you have had a better quality of life through your mentoring of others to serve humanity. Our lives have be made richer for having known you. With very best wishes.

Thanks for all you did Paul G. Jenson, Past District Governor, District 7790, (1991-92) I remember well the first time I met Rajendra K. Saboo. I was impressed with his accomplishments and his modesty. The high expectations I immediately had for him were more than realized during the course of the year. Congratulations and best wishes and thanks for all he did.

Your messages were great inspiration Aridia and Marcelo Checo, Past District Governor, District 4060, (1991-92) Dominican Republic As governor of Distric 4060 of Dominican Republic, a half island on the Caribbean, I did'nt have a close interaction with Rajendra but religiously I read, every month, his messages and that was a great inspiration for my Governorship, which was a real success, thanks to that. Since then in my district we began doing RYLA every year and founded several GRFV, we did nine seminars of Rotary Foundation, all over the country, bringing to the Rotary clubs more knowledge about the projects through the SHARE program with a great success in the following years. It is my pleasure to give my regards and my congratulation for the success of his year of president and his 50th anniversary as a dedicate Rotarian. Aridia and I wish him a wonderful 50 Anniversary. God may bless him and his family.

His leadership and friendship remains a constant inspiration Jim Dowling Past District Governor, District 9640 (1991-92) It was a great honour to work with Raja and I send him my sincere congratulations for his long Rotary life and for all he has achieved in those 50 years. It is now 20 years since we shared the words "Look Beyond Yourself" but his leadership and friendship remains a constant inspiration.


We were fortunate to have been with him later at a reunion in Australia and at the conference in Indianapolis and have wonderful memories of these special occasions. Best wishes to him and Usha for the future. Warm regards.

Your theme has become our family motto Clayson Lyman, Past District Governor, District 5300 (1991-92) Southern California When my wife, Pat, and I first met Rajendra and Usha we were very impressed by their sincerity and their humble attitude and also for their very apparent self confidence and leadership qualities. They were attentive and listened carefully to what we were saying and their response was always very caring and understanding. We have not met anyone in our lives who better exemplify their wonderful theme which we all found so moving and meaningful: LOOK BEYOND YOURSELF. This theme has become our family motto and is a key element in the lives of our three children and eight grandchildren. We send our best wishes for continued well-being for this most outstanding couple Rajendra and Usha, you are in our thoughts and prayers forever. Thank you so much for making such a positive contribution in our lives.

May great dreams come your way Rtn. Olivetti, Past District Governor, District 4510, (1991-92) I wish you an unforgettable anniversary. As best memories you keep in your heart, I wish your great dreams and happy things come to your way with happiness and colors, making you happier each day. Congratulations.

Salve his Raja! JosÊ Francisco Maradei, Past District Governor, District 4380 (1991-92) From the depths of my heart and my deepest gratitude for all that I owe him, here are my thoughts on the Grand President Rajendra: Of all the presidents of RI, Rajendra is the best of the best. I served with him as governor in his chair and it changed complitely my life. In the governor´s school, when we took the official photograph, he quickly said to me taking my arm, "Joseph, do not see Rotarians as they are, if not as you think they have to be." I did that and it made a big diference. Since


then I do the same with all human beings and believe me it makes a big difference! People is diferent. They seem so nice and eventually they get to be really nice. That is what I call "look beyond yourself" Salve ho Raja! Long life for you and Usha!

All the very best for the future Ken Haverland, Past District Governor, District 5360 (1991-92) Canada Howdy, from the western part of Canada .I was a DG for Raja and Usha in the Rotary year 1991-92 and I very much enjoyed working with them and respect the effort they put into their year as President. Over the intervening years we have had numerous contacts which has been a source of inspiration for me ,and I wish them the very best for their future with Rotary .

May your candle continue to bring light and hope to our world Frederick R. "Rick" Luedke and Katy Past District Governor, District 6270 (1991-92) YES---it seems only yesterday that we first met. Yet, it was back in 1979. During our January 1979 D-6270 GSE Team visit to Chandigarh, Raja and Usha welcomed us to their beautiful home with a late afternoon garden reception. Then DG Sudarshan Agarwal was brilliant to schedule our team visit to Chandigarh!! W-O-W---what other word could possibly describe the huge dahlias and other beautiful flowers which are/were the centerpieces of the Saboo gardens? Our host and hostess were so very kind and gracious; their offerings of hospitality and friendship made a wonderfully lasting impression. Following the official GSE Team visit to Chandigarh, my family joined me in India for their first visit---and once again, the Saboos welcomed us to their home and made us feel very much like family. What an honor it was to serve PRIP Raja as one of "his" DGs in 1991-92, and in 1998 after the New Delhi CoL by NIDs visits to Chandigarh with renewals of Rotary friendships and continually building bridges of friendships. Raja, may your candle continue to bring light and hope to our world.....which so desperately need it. PS: to all our friends in RC-Chandigarh, a salute to both our enduring friendships and to your exemplary leadership over the years. Press on.


The Charter of Club in Belgrade A. Stromenger, DG 1991-92 Towards the end of my term Raja came to Vienna. I had obtained OK for a visit to the president of the Republic of Austria whom Raja had never met before. Within minutes we discussed with the president the role India had played in helping to get Stalin's approval for Soviet agreement to sign the so called state treaty with Austria. Austria's president, a former UN secretary general knew the situation well but to my surprise, Raja also. At the same time Yugoslavia began to disintegrate and war broke out but the club of Belgrade awaited its charter. Raja had agreed to it provided there were no UN-sanctions imposed on Yugoslavia and I had given him my word to cancel the charter if this happened. And in fact: three days before the ceremony I had to keep my promise and called the charter off. The Belgrade Rotarians were very disappointed. It took three years before we could finally charter the club. My best wishes to Raja.

Strong dedicated Companionate H. Gordon Johnson , Past District Governor, District 5440 during the years 1991-1992 From the first we met when going through our District Governor training in California, it was apparent that our class was going to have a strong, dedicated, compassionate Rotary International President to work with. Raja, your love of Rotary was an inspiration to all of us. Have a good retirement.

I am always very proud of being his DG Gen. Saiyud Kerdphol DG 1991-92, District 3350 Thailand I'm one of his admirers as the Asian RI President. I remember very well even now that I met him and his wife Usha at the Anaheim California, for DGEs Training programme. I was so impressed with his charming Asian humbleness combined with his strong character. He explained to us why he chose the rice-field yellow colour for his year's jacket. The motto of his year was “Look beyond yourself� which reflected his personality as he always cares for the others than himself. He is the man well chosen by the RI committee to be the leader of the world organization Rotary International. I had the hounor to welcome past RI president Rajendra K.Saboo and his wife Usha as the district governer District 3350 in the year 1991-92 visit Thailand that was very helpful to my


work and I have learnt a great deal from him during the Rotary working tour with him and during the special grant for audience to H.M.the King And again at the RI. Convention of 1992 (14-17 June 1992) Orlando Florida USA. The Rotary Foundation Celebrates 75th Anniversary with annual contribution proudly of US $ 41 Million, which my district had the honour to contribute the highest as well due to our Personal leadership. After the year of his RI president, we still keep contact as friends in Rotary we get together whenever we can at the RI convention. I'm always very proud of being the DG under the year of his leadership and knowing that he and his wife are well and still active in Rotary to keep up with the motto of “Service above Self” and also follow his motto of “Look beyond Yourself” with these in mind I'm sure that he'll enjoy healthy and long life.

Congratulations for all he did Paul G. Jenson, DG 1991-92 District 7790 I remember well the first time I met Rajendra K. Saboo. I was impressed with his accomplishments and his modesty. The high expectations I immediately had for him were more than realized during the course of the year. Congratulations and best wishes and thanks for all he did.

Man of great quality Jean WERRY, Past District Governor 1991-92, District 1630 during the years 1991-1992 J'ai eu le privilège de servir le Rotary International et son président Rajendra Saboo en 19911992. Je garderai de cette fabuleuse et merveilleuse expérience un souvenir profond d'amitié partagée avec un homme de grande qualité. I had the privilege to serve the Rotary International and his president Rajendra Saboo in 1991-1992. I will keep from this fabulous and marvellous experiment a deep memory of friendship shared with a man of great quality.


Due of the best president of RI Sonia Pinheiro Machado, Past District Governor, Rotary Club of Teresina-Piรงarra BRASIL It is a pleasure to learn that your club will nonor past rotary president Rajendra Saboo on his 50 years as rotarian. Im very proud of being one of the very few rotarians from my district 4490 to have visited your wonderful country. I met my dear president in the USA. then in Salvador here in BRAZIL and again in Chicago USA. A great man who made himself one of the best presidents of Rotary International. Please convey my greetings to the Rotarians of Chandigarh for this wonderfull idea and present Past President with the statement that we shall never forget to look beyon ourselves.

Strong but gentle leadership Bernard and Colina Huxtable, District 9700 As one of his Governors I was always impressed by Raja's strong but gentle leadership and he gave us a wonderful slogan for our year. With all our best wishes and congratulations.

Your love of Rotary was an inspiration H. Gordon Johnson, Past District Governor, District 5440 (1991-92) From the first we met when going through our District Governor training in California, it was apparent that our class was going to have a strong, dedicated, compassionate Rotary International President to work with. Raja, your love of Rotary was an inspiration to all of us. Have a good retirement. You helped me in my final consolidation as a Rotarian

Congratulations on your 50th year in Rotary. Carlos Alberto Saenz , Past District Governor, District 4920 (1991-92) Argentina I met Rajendra at the Rotary International Convention, San Pablo, Brazil, in 1981, 30 years ago, I was only 37 years old and that was my first convention. Taking over as Director of Rotary International, he spoke in the House of Friendship. I was struck by the depth of his concepts. We talked about the Foundation. I can say that the conversation I had with him at the Convention would remain fresh in my mind for ever. He had been a Rotarian for 12 years then. My impressions of Rajendra Saboo and Carlos Canseco would remain etched in my mind for ever.


In 1989 I was elected to hold the office of Governor in 1991-92. Oh! What a big surprise. Who would be my President? The gentleman from India. 10 years ago I could have never dreamt that. At that time it was only a delightful conversation with him. How could I have foreseen that one day we would work together to tell the world “Look Beyond Yourself.” We had many meetings in the years to come including Buenos Aires Convention 2000 and Council on Legislation 2004. Raja, Congratulations on your 50th year in Rotary. (Translated from his message in Spanish. Thanks to PDG Rtn. Shaju Peter)

Total Admiration Dr. Meena Patel, Centennial Governor District 6650, USA & Indravadan Patel From the other side of the Globe, and as a Rotarian for just over 21 years, I have been aware of; I have admired and have felt proud of Rajaji's role as a world leader for half a century of our unique service organization, Rotary International. Rajaji's dedication, commitment and boundless energy I witnessed first-hand two years ago. It was 1st October 2009, the day Kalyanji was confirmed as R.I. President elect, 2nd October was the plan for his felicitation as it was India's proud moment after twenty years, Ushaji was in the hospital with a possibility of dangerous flue, and 3rd October I had plans for Foundation Celebration in my district in Ohio, USA, with Rajaji as a chief guest. Rajaji managed to take part in Kalyanji's felicitation, got physician's assurance that Ushaji was fine, flew across the globe to Cleveland, Ohio, and within few hours of arrival he was standing beside me, on the eve of Foundation Seminar, shaking hands with every Rotarian that attended the function. All this he did in less than 48 hours. My district's Foundation Celebration was flawless because of his superb performance. There is no other word to express my feelings except the word, “Total Admiration”. I cannot underscore enough, Ushaji's support and sacrifice all these 50 years towards what Rajaji is today. I know that the God has blessed this couple in continuing to do what they do best, “SERVE HUMANITY GLOBALLY ”. Our Best Wishes Always


He trained us to make our lives meaningful Sippy Rao, Past District Governor, District 3140, (1991-92) What an opportunity to speak, write and hear about Rotary International President 1991-92. Yes. I am proud to belong to this batch. His training is not only to make a Rotary Governor a better Governor but an integrated personality to always 'Look beyond Yourself' and make life meaningful. I owe so much to Raja for making me better man. May God preserve him for many more decades to serve and guide Rotary and Rotarians. Lastly my salute to Usha for making Raja the Raja of Rajas in Rotary.

An honor working alongside you J. Richard "Big Rich" & Amy Churchman, Past District Governor, District 6200 (1991-92) USA Our district 6200 has had many years of excellent and fruitful projects with District 3080. Even though you began your Rotary service four full years before I was even born and were President of Rotary International while I was still in Dental School, I have learned so much about how to serve others by watching you still be active through nearly 50 years of Rotary Service. I will never forget the day that I put a face to the man whose worldwide projects had made such differences to so many unfortunate souls. I was introduced to you and your lovely wife Usha by RID Noel Bajat at the 2005 Chicago International Convention. My wife Amy and I still have the beautiful jewelry box that you and Usha presented to us. Your kindness and friendship will always be appreciated and remembered. Thank you for your 50 years of Rotary Service, it has been an honor working alongside you and your district.


Rotary in India stands testimony to his untiring work

Mukesh Arneja Past District Governor 2007-08, District 3010, India Secretary, Rotary News Trust


oday Rotary is facing challenges even greater than those faced in last century. No one has a crystal ball. No one can foretell what lies ahead. But when you learn to look beyond yourself, like the theme Rtn. Rajendra K Saboo (affectionately called Raja by friends and admirers like me) gave to the Rotary world in1991, the future can become manageable. When Raja took over as the President of Rotary International his objective was to indicate effective policy initiatives in the process of continuing change that Rotary was undergoing. After two decades when we read his writings it provides us another opportunity to look at the direction he gave – Look Beyond Yourself. His voice is highly respected worldwide and when he speaks the world of Rotary continues to take note. The most significant of Raja's achievements is giving the focus on health care, especially in countries in Africa, Back home and in other areas too like tribal areas of Chattisgarh. His skepticism about the value of the theoretical models of club and district administration and project management led to a focus on micro management and solutions that would benefit Rotary in the long run. He brought together Rotarians from every part of India and undertook mega projects that would have otherwise not been thought of. He is a prolific writer and able administrator and Rotary in India today stands testimony to his meticulous and untiring work in putting India in the top slot of the Rotary world. You can expect Raja to be completely candid during discussions. He recognized the importance of his role as a mentor and helped team Rotary in India to become one of the most dominant of all times. He is a modern man. He despises Rotarians who cling to old ideas and those who resist change. He understands that for Rotary to grow in India and around the world, it needs to change. He tells Rotarians that changes will be faster and more dramatic. He does not want


Rotarians in India to be left behind. The way people used to attend meetings and the importance given to attendance have changed. He fearlessly advocated that clubs should not give importance to attendance but focus on engaging the member. His admirers will tell you how he has taught people to stand up for them and how to take charge of their own lives. He exploded the myth that people have to born in advantageous circumstances to achieve anything in life. Knowing Raja is a starting point in Rotary for me. Moving with him is a wonderful journey where one will stop to learn the various service opportunities that come in the way. He helps you to see what others miss. He insists that Rotarians should not look for projects. He advises them to look for opportunities to serve. With humility, may I say that it has been my privilege & honor to have Raja as my Guide.


Our best wishes

Arvind Mahajan President 2010-11, Rotary Club of Chandigarh RI District 3080


ashmi and I would sincerely like to congratulate you both on your completing 50 years in

Rotary. This is a very proud moment for each

Rotarian of our Club. I have received a mail regarding celebrating this event with the club members and other prominent Rotarians of our District on the 16th of this month. We regret that we will be returning to India after that date, hence our sincerest aplogoies for not joining this glorious evening. We wish you and Usha ji all the very best and many more Rotary Years to come for you both.


The King of Hearts: Raja

C.J. Singh Rotary Club of Chandigarh District Secretary 2010-11, RI District 3080


t was in 1981 that I got in touch with Raja Saboo when I joined his German collaboration company to manage company's public relations. And that was also my initiation into Rotary as I also got the opportunity to work with him on various Rotary assignments. In fact my first job interview with him was at PHD House in New Delhi in August 1981, where he was chairing the organizing committee meeting for the Rotary International President's Conference of Goodwill to be held later in December that year. That plunged me straight into a high profile meeting of leading industrialists and senior Rotarians from the South Asia region. What endeared me most and raised his esteem in my heart was when he introduced to all the senior Rotarians before the start of a meeting, “Here's my colleague helping me out with the Conference”. I could not believe my ears. No wonder people call him 'Raja' – the King of Hearts. That moment changed my life and my career. I had entered into the corporate sector having been a journalist earlier, which was my first passion and I always wanted to get back to the profession. But I stayed on, and learnt all the nuances of public relations from him. And it was a privilege to be with him all these years and privy to his fatherly counsel and guidance, not to forget the great affection and love that I got from Usha ji during our travels who would always be considerate and caring, and would make sure that we take the break for lunch or dinner in time while we worked. Over the years, I am always reminded of one of many lessons that I learnt from him…never to give up, and to have faith in Almighty. It was after his nomination as Rotary International President, that I saw a hand-scribbled slip which he kept on his desk during those days. It's been a powerful prayer to God, and a great guiding force for me too all these years: “Give me power equal to my tasks”. My family joins in wishing both Raja ji and Usha ji and their entire family, a great life together spreading sunshine around and touching lives around them with their compassion and care. REFLECTIONS 2011 . 73

The essence of goodness is inherent in every human heart. It is larger in every committed Rotarian.... There is a Louis Pasteur, a Florence Nightingale, a Mother Teresa within each of us. First, however, we must realise the presence through a searching look within and feel the existence of the powerful force that can send our spirits souring to new heights. Rajendra K. Saboo 1991 International Assembly, Anaheim, California, USA


A Publication of District 3080 Published by District Governor 2010-11 Madhukar Malhotra . Rotary International District 3080 Compilation, Editing and Layout : Rtn. Charanjit Singh, District Secretary 2010-11

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