Now you hear coaches and gurus talk about intention. This is true, but you can have the best intentions, go on all the courses, read endless self help books, make great plans, buy all the gear, Talk a good game. But will you take action? It was this phrase "Deeds Not Words" that changed the future of women in the UK and world wide. A strong woman.
A woman that changed the course of history. Emmeline Pankhurst was prepared to take action. Now this was a woman who understoond that true strength comes from the quality of your character. She was an inspiration to me. I remind myself of her words regularly, especially when I'm trying to let myself off the hook (now we all do it now and again, don't we?). Are you prepared to stop the talk and take action? Whatever it is that you want, go get it. That relationship. That better body. Quality health. The career. That job. The llifestyle. Want to change your community? Don't talk about it, be about it. Remember: deeds not words.
This is a difficult one for many. Thats why its an important part of the WPU Code. Often we value other peoples opinions more than our own. Family. Friends. Colleagues. We listen to the voice of experts and gurus rather than trusting our own inner voice. We stop  listening to our intuition.
We doubt our ability. We search for answers. We give our power away. Trusting yourself doesn't mean that you won't make mistakes or get it "wrong". It simply means that whatever happens, we know deep down that we can handle it. That we are stronger than we think. Wiser than we think. That we chose to honour our own truth. We trust that everything is as it should be. And remember trust is different to belief. You've got this. Â
"A person can only do to you what you allow them to." I can't remember where I heard that, and even though it can be too simplistic to apply to every situation, Â that saying always stuck with me. Too many times other people take kindness for weakness, or try to take advantage. I know some have made that mistake with me in the past. Don't try to be nice just to fit in.
Everytime you let someone break your boundaries and you don't call them out on it you lose a little bit of who you truly are. Remember; "Conflict is inevitable but is doesn't always have to be destructive." Stand for what you believe. "Take no sh*t" but no need to be an A-hole about it!
The path is created as you walk it. Thats your path. The one that already exists and already laid out for you is not your path. Someone else already created it. Sure you can walk along it. But its not your path and the twist and turns may not take you exactly where you want to go. Or even let you see and experience whats best for you.
It takes courage to be true to yourself and forge your own way. Everyone is looking for that blueprint. or That road map to give them directions, and the right path. You are the compass. Dare to be bold. Walk your own path. Even when it gets dark.
#5 Don't
FIGHT Your Body
We put things into our body without giving a second thought if it agrees with our body's chemistry. Yet our body will do its best to work with what you give it to keep you in balance. We drink poisons and eat things without paying our liver no mind or how it impacts our digestive system, and if our body can cope. Our heart beats on average 72 beats per minute, 60 minutes an hour, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year WITHOUT REST from they day you are born until the day you die.
Yet we neglect to say thank you. Your brain coordinates many of the logistics of your bodies functioning without you having to worry about it, So that you can go on worrying about your place in the universe and who you are, and whether you are ugly or not and how much money you earn. Our body does all this and more for us, yet we say horrible things to it. We tell it that it's ugly, that its not good enough. We even tell it that we hate it. We starve it. We cut it. We abuse it.
How ungrateful we truly are. It's doing the best it can. And It needs our help. If you stop and listen to it. Get in touch with your body, and start giving it what it needs, Treat it with care, speak loving words to it. You'll discover it will do some awesome shit for you. Â It will help you to become far more happy and at peace than you currently are. This is health. So don't fight your body. Or it may just give up on you.
LIVE Dangerously
To "Live Dangerously" doesn't mean to live wrecklessly. It means to live vertically. To stand out from the crowd. To be totally you, unashamed. No apologies. To live your truth. So many people live horizontally. Then try to fit in. They will do anything to gain acceptance and not stand out.
Even if it means cutting themselves off from who they truly are. They play safe. They fail to live dangerously, and in doing so, deny themselves the joy of being who they truly are, and sharing their unique gift. Each day dying a little inside. So I invite you to live full and die empty. Dare to live dangerously.
ALWAYS Do Your Best.
Whatever that may look like. Always do your best, And recognise that on any given day what your "best" looks like may differ. But if you are going to do it, Anything worth doing at all, is worth giving your best, so bring the best possbile you. And the truth is, you may fall short of your expectations or you may even smash them, Either way it doesn't matter.
When you always do your best you know deep down in your heart that you gave all you could at that time. Do this, and while you may not always win, you will always be successful.
QUESTION Everything
Doubt is your friend. Don't believe everything you think. Don't believe everything you hear or are told. And if you want to grow, don't believe everything you believe. Question it periodically. Why do you believe what you believe, and does it actually still serve you, or hinder you? Muhammed Ali once said,
"The man that views the world at 50, the same he did at 20 has just wasted 30 years of his life." Often we are prepared to argue, fight and die for what we believe and know. But knowledge (as information) is often, incomplete, inaccurate or incorrect. It is far from "the truth." Knowledge is borrowed. Wisdom is your own. Don't underestimate the power of doubt. Doubt will set you free. Question everything.
#9 Let it outÂ
THE CAGE Too many times we seek to tame our true nature. We modify and deny how we feel. We alter the way we behave. We adapt the way we want to move to how we think we "should be" or what is considered acceptable. We even put a limit on our own happiness. But every now and again you've got to let it out the cage.
Tap into your inner truth. Primitive body with a civilised mind. Remember as William Blake said, "Those who restrain their desire, do so because their desire is weak enough to be restrained." So I have a question for you, Where in your life do you need to let it out the cage? Its time to unleash your wild physique.
#10 Mind Body & Spirit inÂ
I notice that for me, when I fail to take care of these 3 things. When my "Self care" is not on point Life becomes that much more challenging. It's also often a sign that I'm not being my authentic self. But when I am mindful, and check in with myself to see if My Mind Body And Spirit
is in alignment, Great things happen. I'm far more effective. The juice of life flows through me abundantly and lights me up. Tap into it.
Momento Mori: Remember you will die. We all know that we will die. But we live as if it is something that happens to other people. Subconsciously we tell ourselves, Â "Yes I will die, but not today." Death is something that happens to other people. We have a false sense of immortality. So we live each day as if we have tomorrow, that its guaranteed. Telling that person we love them.
That thing we dream of doing. That place we want to visit. That person we are attracted to. That fitness program. That new diet. "I'll start that tomorrow" The problem is that you think you have time. Death is not just for the old. Its for the young too. Recognise that the time you have is precious. That there is a sense of urgency about it. So often life is wasted on the living.
Don't wait until you are on your death bed to wish you had started living. "Live each day as if its your last, just plan to live forever." Make the years, days, minutes and seconds count Don't count the years, days, minutes and seconds of your life. Momento Mori : Remember, you will die.
#12 Your Body
YOU MIND Your Mind
"Know Thy Self" Physically Mentally Spiritually. Set your own boundaries Physically Mentally Emotionally.
Become you own expert Do not what is right, but what is right for you. Remember: Your Body. Your Mind. Your Rules.
ABOUT CJ SWABY My mission is simple - to give you the skills, confidence and tools to transform more than just your body. This approach, known as The WPU Method has evolved from my twenty plus years in the industry. Nowadays you will find me helping both women and men to achieve deeper results that last beyond conventional methods on my Project 12 Transformation Program. You can check out Project 12 for yourself over at WWW.CJSWABY.COM, and if you have any questions do get in touch.
WWW.CJSWABY.COM Your Body. Your Mind. Your Rules.