Be Downtown

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burghers love in work and life: new

shoreline for recreation, boating, kay-

residential options at Market Square

aking and fishing.

Place; an active corporate presence

Stroll the Cultural District for world-

with PPG, PNC, Highmark and Reed

class symphony, opera, ballet, theatre

Smith; a colorful Farmer’s Market

Here’s why…

in the midst of cool cafes and res-

wich and Iron City beer at a Steelers, Pirates or Penguins game.

taurants and a Paris in Pittsburgh vibe that’s bringing indoor

Or venture across the river (or just up the street) to vibrant neigh-


borhoods that are redefining the city’s boundaries – the North

So whether you’re living, working, shopping or strolling Down-

Shore, South Side, Strip District, Bloomfield and Lawrenceville,

town, take time to celebrate Pittsburgh. Champion the diversity of

to name but a few.

our city’s people and communities. “We often don’t realize what

W h e r e d o t e n s o f t h o u sa n d s o f i n d i v i d u a l s c o m e t o g e t h e r e v e r y d ay t o act i v e ly part i c i pat e i n a

Retail therapy is at its best in Downtown Pittsburgh. “Down-

a jewel we have here, but others do,” noted Tom Grealish, Past

r e s u r g e n c e a n d tra n s f o r m at i o n o f a n u r b a n l a n d scap e . T o e x p e r i e n c e , f i rst- h a n d , r e s i d e n t i a l ,

town is the finest ‘mall’ in Pittsburgh,” notes Tom Michael with a

Chairman of PDP and President of Henderson Brothers, a

r e ta i l , d i n i n g , arts a n d l e i s u r e act i v i t i e s o n a g ra n d sca l e . T h e p l ac e i s D o w n t o w n P i tts b u r g h .

smile. Where else can you see exclusive clothiers like Larrimor’s,

Downtown insurance firm. “I only have to mention that I’m from

A n d t h e r e ’ s n e v e r b e e n a b e tt e r t i m e t o c e l e b rat e i ts v i ta l i t y a n d v i b ra n c y.

Brooks Brothers, Macy’s, Carl W. Herrmann Furs and Sak’s Fifth

Pittsburgh. Then I just sit back, smile and listen to others – from

Avenue, alongside great landmark restaurants like The Capital

San Francisco to New York – tell me how great our city is. It’s a

Grille and The Carlton? Or pamper yourself at the Sognatore

privilege and pleasure to live in this region and work Downtown!

Salon and Spa in The Pennsylvanian, the stylish and historic

I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

landmark just a few blocks away? Only Downtown.

For more information, visit Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership

Then walk down to Market Square. It is quickly becoming the


b y

C a l ly

J a m i s

V e n n a r e

Downtown Pittsburgh is in the ‘sweet

can visit the park, have lunch with

spot.’ Its renewed recognition as the

friends and colleagues, or take my

Most Livable City, and newest status

daughter for the best soft-serve ice

as the #1 Mid-Size City Arts Des-

cream around. No car needed. Can

tination, are establishing Downtown

you do that when you work in an of-

as the place to live, work and play.

fice park?”

It’s also cleaner and safer than ever

Additional Downtown perks include

before. Thanks to the efforts of Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership

the ever-popular Reserved Parking Program – a PDP service that

(PDP), Safety Ambassadors and Clean Teams patrol the streets –

(with 24 hours notice) reserves a parking spot near the destina-

seven days a week – to keep the Downtown area sparkling in

tion of your choice. Late day parking is also both accessible and

more ways than one. According to PDP President and CEO Mike

inexpensive: after 4PM on weekdays, as well as on weekends

Edwards, “We recognize shoppers have a lot of options. If we

and during most events, Downtown parking costs just $5.

expect people to come Downtown to shop, we need to exceed

The latest in on-demand transportation – the Zipcar – is driving

their expectations of a safe and clean Downtown, and we do.”

Pittsburghers wild! It’s new, it’s hip, and it’s all over Downtown

The appeal of Downtown Pittsburgh is ever-present and ever-

and its surrounding neighborhoods. Free WiFi is also popular

growing. Those who work Downtown are often the city’s big-

and available Downtown, every day. Find a cozy spot, grab your

gest fans. “I love Downtown,” remarked Larrimor’s President

favorite beverage (or person) and surf the web for up to two

Tom Michael. “We opened our first store in Downtown Pittsburgh,

hours at no cost.

70 years ago. And the appeal remains.” Michael highlights the

But remember, Downtown Pittsburgh’s every day appeal is

people and the energy of the city. “Downtown Pittsburgh is

what makes our city so appealing. So get back to The Point

dynamic, vibrant and just plain fun. I walk out my door…and

– it’s still that magical place where three rivers, and hundreds of

Safety Ambassador provides a visitor with information. photography by Pittsburgh Downtown Par tnership.

ate more than 38 miles of downtown

and art. Indulge in a Primanti sand-

Clean, safe and fun! Pittsburgh’s vibrant Downtown has b e c o m e THE p l a c e t o l i v e , w o r k a n d p l ay.

crossroads for all things that Pitts-

opposite page: Running along the North Shore Trails. photography by Pamela Maria Sodoni. this page: A PDP


years of history, co-mingle and cre-

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