YMCA Case for Support

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Building a Healthy Community

A Campaign for the Kitchener-Waterloo YMCA

I nv e s t i n g i n t h e K i t c h e n e r - Wa t e r l o o Y M C A : 1

Opening Doors

To Good Health

“The triangle stands for man’s essential unity in spirit, mind and body.” Luther Gulick, YMCA Physical Educator and creator of the YMCA triangle symbol (1891)


How the Kitchener-Waterloo YMCA makes good health a reality: m We are open and accessible to all

networks developed at YMCA sites help create

regardless of financial circumstances,

a sense of belonging, assist with problem-

cultural backgrounds, religious beliefs,

solving and deal with adversity. Caring,

age or gender.

respectful relationships act as a buffer to

m We are experienced at helping people to lead healthy, active lives. We care about the

health problems. m We are a charitable organization that

whole person at all ages and stages of their

strengthens our community and is responsive

life. Our efforts are directed at the overall

to its changing needs.

health of all members of our community so that they can reach their full potential. m We support the personal growth of people

m We help to alleviate poverty and settle newcomers by focusing on the key areas that keep people healthy (staying active, having

in spirit, mind and body through our vision to

a job, lasting relationships, being part of a

“build a healthy community.” All of our values-

community). We also remove financial barriers

based programs and services are focused on

to give people access to our programs and

achieving this vision whether through health,

services by providing assistance to children,

fitness and recreation programs, immigrant

families and individuals.

settlement, international development,

m In 2009, 43,500 people participated in the

early childhood education or any of our

KW YMCA’s core programs and services with

other programs.

an overall reach of more than 100,000 people

m We specialize in helping people build relationships. The friendships and social

at more than 40 program sites.

With your help, the KitchenerWaterloo YMCA is prepared to make the boldest investment in its history and make a lasting impact upon the health of the people living in our community. Together, we can make our strong community healthier.


of Yesterday


A History of Innovation

Building a STRONGER COMMUNITY for more than a Century

When the A.R. Kaufman Family YMCA opened its

Addressing the needs of people in our

Every generation has put its own stamp on

doors to all in 1982, it was one of the first YMCAs

community in spirit, mind, and body has been

the YMCA, contributing to building a better

deliberately and uniquely designed to serve the

the cornerstone of the Kitchener-Waterloo YMCA

community. Unforeseen circumstances, shifting

program needs of families. The focus on children

since it was founded in 1895. The Y’s values

social concerns and changing economic

and families offered a distinct alternative to fitness

— acceptance, balance, caring, giving and

conditions often result in gaps between the

centres that cater to adults. Its innovative features

responsibility — cross all cultures and faiths and

need for support and the provision of services.

foster social interaction and multiple activity

serve as the foundation of all our programming.

Throughout its history, the Y has been proactive

participation. The Host Program, launched in

We are truly open to all.

in identifying these needs and taking steps to fill

1985, matches newcomers to Canada with people already experienced with life in Canada who help them adjust to their new life. The creation of the Outdoor Centre in 1995 made the KW YMCA a leader in environmental education and sustainable living.

The real success of the KW YMCA has been

them when other agencies cannot.

its ability to adapt to the changing times.

The strength of the Kitchener-Waterloo

Although the Y has always been recognized for

YMCA’s past is its vision for the future. We

its physical health programs, these activities are

are committed to doing more of what we’re good

only part of the overall philosophy behind the Y

at which is filling gaps in services to underserved

movement. Nurturing a healthy body goes hand-

groups and geographic areas. By doing so, we can

in-hand with a healthy mind and healthy spirit.

enhance our impact upon our community’s health.

From its opening in 1922, the YMCA at 57 Queen Street North served as the flagship YMCA facility serving people in our community until 1982.


of Today Our Mission

The YMCA is a charitable organization that strengthens our community by providing opportunities for personal growth and active involvement for all children, adults and families.

Our Vision

A leader in building a strong, healthy community through innovation and collaboration.

Our Values ACC EP TAN C E: welcoming and open to all CARIN G: acting with compassion and concern for the well being of others HEALT H: developing people in spirit, mind and body RES P EC T : treating all people with dignity RES P O N S IBILIT Y: accountable for oneself, others, our environment and the world we live in


“I came to Waterloo from the Congo. I did not know anyone and my English was not good. My family and I were given a three month YMCA membership. Going to the YMCA felt good. I attended the Newcomer Youth Program and met new people and tried new things. I became a volunteer to show others around similar to the way I was helped. I am much more confident and I am excited to work on becoming a mentor in the YMCA Newcomer Youth Program and the Leader Corps.” Kengo




The Kitchener-Waterloo YMCA is part of a

A quick overview of today’s Kitchener-Waterloo YMCA m The A.R. Kaufman Family YMCA offers

m As the lead agency for the Ontario Early Years

larger, innovative movement across Canada

programs that serve the needs of the whole

Centres in Waterloo, parents and professionals

and around the world. Nurturing a healthy

person at all ages and stages of life through

receive assistance to ensure children reach

body, the YMCA invented basketball and

sport, recreation and social development

their optimal development and readiness to

volleyball and launched a national swimming

opportunities. Families, children, teens, single

learn, so they may reach their fullest potential.

instruction program in 1910. Nurturing a

adults and older adults all comfortably share

healthy mind, YMCAs offered night classes

the same vibrant facility.

that were affordable to the average person

m As a key provider of immigrant settlement

m There are 11 sites delivering quality, licensed child care. m The Outdoor Services department offers

and later, courses that led to the creation of

services in Kitchener-Waterloo—with several

children a variety of fun outdoor adventures

Concordia, Carleton and York universities.

programs that cover the region of Waterloo,

and learning opportunities at three residential

An example of nurturing a healthy spirit is

Cross Cultural & Immigrant Services assists

camps, a day camp and an award-winning

the YMCA’s International Programs including

thousands of newcomers each year with direct

year-round outdoor centre.

those run by the KW YMCA since 1948.

help and by making referrals to employment,

Currently, our partnerships with the YMCAs of

education and training programs.

Zambia are helping people in Africa.

m Sites at eight schools keep kids active in afterschool recreation programs.

Removing financial barriers to participation in healthy activities

Opening More Doors for more people than ever before Just as our community has seen rapid growth,

their participation in our programs. They are now

the Kitchener-Waterloo YMCA has experienced a

helping children themselves such as those in our

tremendous increase in demand for services over

afterschool school programs or those participating

the past decade. We deliver programs and services

in our teen services.

such as child care and immigrant settlement that make a difference in our community. Hundreds of thousands of people have developed personal skills and enhanced their self esteem by participating in programs such as leadership training, aquatics and group fitness classes. Today’s YMCA is an organization where staff and volunteers work side-byside to achieve a common goal.

In 2009, more than 4,758 people were able to access YMCA programs and services when

Today’s YMCA is open to people from all ages and

financial barriers to participation were removed. A

stages of life and from a variety of cultural and

total of $775,061 in assistance was provided.

religious backgrounds. Everyone is supported in 4% Newcomers

their pursuit of good health for life. The number of people involved in KW YMCA programs and services

26% Assisted

has increased to well over 100,000 at more than 40 program sites—with 43,500 people participating in core programs and services (see graph). Children are

70% Full Fee

A sign of our success is the large number of teens and

a prime focus with more than 50% of core participants

young adults we employ—often as a first job. We are

under the age of 18. Older adults are an increasing

proud that many of these young people learned the

focus. Currently, 14% of the full-fee members at the

A.R. Kaufman Family YMCA

hard and soft skills that they need to succeed through

A.R. Kaufman Family YMCA are 55 or older.

Average Monthly Membership 2009: 7,847


Participation in Programs and Services 2009 9,525 Ontario Early Years Centres

Camp Wabanaki Huntsville, ON Camp Belwood Fergus, ON

49 315 Virtual YMCA Afterschool Antics Linwood

St. Jacobs

12,620 A.R. Kaufman Family YMCA



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* Individuals with a membership in 2009 for all or part of the year.




Participants in programs and services include, for example, everyone who has purchased a YMCA membership*, registered in programs run at other KW YMCA locations or had a settlement file opened.



Virtual YMCA (1)



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10,093 Cross Cultural & Immigrant Services




1,476 Day Camp & Out of School Programs

YMCA Centres




6,235 Outdoor Centre

Program Sites


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Total: 43,514 1,226 Child Care



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1,975 Overnight Camps










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The Importance of a

Healthy Community


Everyone, whatever their age or stage in life, benefits from good health and a clean environment. People who are physically active have more energy, less stress and greater confidence. Over time, they enjoy improved cardiovascular fitness, increased strength and weight loss or maintenance. Good health means maximizing your ability to live and enjoy your life. Promoting sustainable development and responsible environmental activity helps to support a strong and healthy community.

Positive health practices including an active

community by itself. Collaboration, cooperation

lifestyle are important but positive social

and sharing are essential. The YMCA’s expertise

networks, coping skills and education are also

is in contributing to community health through the

critical. People who eat nutritious foods and are

delivery of programs and providing the leadership

physically active are more likely to lead longer,

necessary to create opportunities and support

healthier lives. Individuals with good mental

more people in living active, healthy, happy and

health have a greater enjoyment of life and other

rewarding lives. We are confident that we can

people—and they cope better with difficulties in

contribute to achieving this objective because of our

their personal and professional lives.

track record of forging strong partnerships.

The YMCA pioneered the development of Spirit,

In order to maximize our impact upon the health

Mind and Body in 1891 and we continue to hold a

of people in our community, our plans are based

holistic view of health that encompasses a whole

upon current research such as the “Determinants

range of quality-of-life issues. With a broad range

of Health” outlined by the Public Health Agency

of programs and services, supported by a belief

of Canada. Our emphasis on building social

in developing the whole person, the YMCA is

support networks, for example, is a direct result

uniquely positioned to be a leader and partner in

of this research. Another major influence is the

building a healthy Kitchener-Waterloo.

developmental asset framework, developed by the

We understand that no one organization has the resources or expertise to build a healthy

Search Institute, which helps guide the growth of children into responsible, successful, caring adults.

Investing in recreation enhances health and overall wellbeing

A Community in Need

Research has proven that YMCA programs

reliance on subsidized child care, use of counseling

Many people in our community are missing

have a positive impact upon low income children,

or their family’s use of food banks.

the benefits of good health. Overweight and

youth and families, dramatically enhancing their

Families in the McMaster study chose to involve

health and overall wellbeing, both today and well into the future.

their children more often in YMCA programs because of the excellent reputation of the YMCA and to re-

For example, an investment in recreation pays for

register because of the quality of the programs.

itself through the reduced use of a wide range of

Mothers reported that their children’s experience

social and health services by children according

in YMCA programs, especially day and overnight

to research led by Dr. Gina Browne of McMaster

camping, resulted in a more positive attitude, higher

University. The study also found that if children on

self-esteem and improved mental health. The children

social assistance participated in age-appropriate

were most excited by the new friends that they made.

quality child care and recreational services, there was a 10% greater exit of parents from social assistance within one year than if they did not. Providing recreation had good outcomes for the mothers too, such as reducing their use of medication, anxiety,

A similar impact is made on the lives of newcomers by reducing their sense of isolation by providing critical social networks, support and connections that helps them become valued members of our community.

obese people are at higher risk of developing a wide range of illnesses and conditions. A good example is our soaring diabetes rates. According to the 2007 Canadian Community Health Survey, 25% of adults are obese (Body Mass Index of 30 and over) in the Kitchener-Waterloo area. Too many adults are overweight (Body Mass Index between 25 and 29.9) or obese because they are inactive. Increasingly our young do not have a healthy weight—21% of local youth (12-17) are overweight or obese. Yet barely one quarter of Waterloo Region residents have adopted healthy practices such as moderate exercise. Many people in our community do not share in its prosperity. About 25,000 people in Waterloo Region—more than half of them children— relied on food banks in 2008. People who have trouble buying food after they pay the rent also have difficulty affording health and recreation opportunities. Many people are new to our country and our community. About 20% of the people in our community are new to Canada. Many newcomers have trouble transferring professional credentials and getting work experience that is recognized by prospective employers. As a result, the first five years for immigrants are often difficult—one third find themselves living in poverty.

“I am delighted to see the KW YMCA make a concerted effort to shift from measuring outputs—the products of programs, like attendance figures—to measuring outcomes like assetbuilding in youth, young mothers and new Canadians.” Dr. Troy Glover, University of Waterloo Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies, & Co-Director of Healthy Communities Research Network



of Tomorrow


“Our buildings are tools. Our programs are methods. Our mission is achieved by the impact we have on people’s lives by their participation in Y programs and services.” John Haddock, CEO


Investing in

Healthy Families


The Stork Family YMCA in West Waterloo - $9 Million The value of a Family YMCA is in the lives that it touches. We are dedicated to creating a “people place” where families, children, youth, adults and


seniors of all ages, abilities and ethnic backgrounds can come together to learn, play, get active and belong—a place where people can share, volunteer and help each other to pursue good health for life. The Kitchener-Waterloo YMCA has for years been actively seeking a partnership to locate a Family YMCA in an underserved area of Waterloo. That site and that partnership have been found. A new 45,000 square foot Family YMCA is to be built on a seven acre site at the intersection of Laurelwood Drive and Fischer-Hallman Road North. It will feature great facilities such as a gymnasium. indoor pool, individual conditioning centre and multipurpose rooms. Programs and services offered such as leader corps, swimming lessons and fitness

Knowledgeable and caring staff will provide encouragement and help new members reach their goals. The Stork Family YMCA’s friendly, non-intimidating environment will be welcoming to individuals of all ages and fitness levels.

The combination creates synergy and a true

classes will be similar to those currently valued at

The Stork Family YMCA will share the building with

people-friendly hub that promotes a variety of

our successful A.R. Kaufman Family YMCA.

a district branch of the Waterloo Public Library.

healthy growth opportunities.

Decisions based upon market research In February 2006, the Kitchener-Waterloo YMCA commissioned a needs study of the west side of Waterloo. A market research study followed in June 2006 to test the interest in memberships and the project as proposed. Both featured approximately 400 telephone surveys of adults 20 – 64. This number of respondents and the stratification of the sample group ensured statistically valid and representative samples. The needs study also included workshops with several neighbourhood associations. LeisurePlan International Inc. conducted both studies.

“The YMCA is a fun place to be. There are lots of different things to do.” Tim Valeriote Age 9


Meeting a need in west Waterloo The needs study found that respondents are generally dissatisfied with the availability of recreational or community services in west Waterloo for any age group. They indicated existing services are too far away or not available at convenient times. Additional services are required. Services most required by residents included fitness classes, indoor aquatics and gymnasium sports specifically for children, youth and teens. The majority of respondents that want to participate in these services do not currently do so suggesting a lack of services and/or distance to existing services is preventing many from participating.

“I love the YMCA because it gives me an opportunity to try out great new activities. I can be me at the Y.” Anita Valeriote Age 15

A location that works Location is critical in achieving a sustainable

indicated that the most important factor is whether

location and was specifically designed and

recreation centre. According to YMCA market

people can drive to the centre within 10 minutes.

renovated to be family-friendly and suitable to the

surveys, a good site must be perceived to be

We understand the importance of location from our

convenient and accessible. Visibility provided by a major intersection such as Fischer-Hallman Road North and Laurelwood Drive and nearby places that attract “destination” use such as the District Library helps to create this perception. The needs study

program model used by modern Family YMCAs.

experience with the former Family YMCA on Lincoln

When the proposed site for a new Family YMCA in

Road—a site that lacked the demographics and

Waterloo was tested in a market research study,

visibility to support it. The facility was also not well-

location was by far the top factor for respondents

suited to today’s programming needs. In contrast,

who indicated they were very likely or somewhat

the A.R. Kaufman Family YMCA benefits from its

likely to join. This verified the needs study that found that 72% of respondents rated travel time as important or extremely important to their decision to participate in fitness or recreation programs. Approximately half of respondents currently participating in activities typical of a Family YMCA were traveling more than 10 minutes. The population on the west side of Waterloo has experienced dramatic growth over the last five years. Further growth is anticipated. The estimated 136,000 people who live within a 10-minute drive of the new Stork Family YMCA are expected to increase to 151,000 by 2017. Eighty percent of members of a typical southwestern Ontario Family YMCA lives within 6 km of it. For the Waterloo site, this area includes the vast majority of those who live within a 10-minute drive. Because of this large population nearby and the lack of indoor recreation facilities on the west side of Waterloo—especially for families, the KitchenerWaterloo YMCA is confident that it can operate a sustainable facility at this site.

“The most enjoyable part of being at the Y as a family is having each of us involved in different activities and still being together as a family. I can participate in fitness activities and trust that my children will have something to do.” Caroline Valeriote

Site of the new Stork Family YMCA in Waterloo


“When I married Caroline we went to fitness classes together. As Anita and Tim arrived, we brought them for babysitting while we worked out. Now they are members and we spend more time than ever together at the Y.” Pat Valeriote


Strong membership levels forecasted Analysis of the market research indicated that a Family YMCA in this location will have between 5500 and 6500 members as a monthly average—with 50% being children and youth under 18. It is expected that half of the membership will participate as part of a family membership. By helping the whole family to live a healthy, active lifestyle, the YMCA does a better job of building strong families

Waterloo as they do in Kitchener and the site will

up to $6.5 million to make this facility a reality

also feature a Newcomer Youth Program.

and ensure a place for a Family YMCA for 49

The reach of this facility will be even greater than its core membership. It is estimated that more than 25,000 people per year will use this facility’s programs and services as a member, a day camp participant, purchasing day or swim passes and other short term opportunities to participate.

A beneficial partnership This project is possible because of a strong four-

than if it primarily served only a segment of the

way partnership. The partners include the City of

population such as adults or children.

Waterloo and the University of Waterloo in addition

The Family YMCA in Waterloo will be open to

to the Waterloo Public Library.

everyone regardless of their ability to pay the

The partnership with the City of Waterloo hastens

fees. Financial assistance will be provided to

the provision of indoor recreation services to this

approximately 20% of members at an expected

area. As a result of this partnership, the capital and

value of $150,000 per year. Newcomers will be able

operating costs are lower for each partner than if

to get trial memberships to the Family YMCA in

either moved ahead alone. The YMCA will contribute

years. We will invest another $1,000,000 to equip and furnish the facility. Operating costs of this community recreation centre will be covered by the YMCA, while the City of Waterloo will maintain the facility’s infrastructure and property. The building will be on land owned by the University of Waterloo and leased to the city.

Constructing a green building It is intended that the building will meet Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Silver building standards. The LEED Green Building Rating System™ is a nationally accepted benchmark for the design, construction, and operation of high performance green buildings. Construction began in late 2009 and the contractor estimates completion to be summer 2011.

YMCA Outdoor Centre $560,000 Located on the shores of Paradise Lake outside St. Clements, the award-winning YMCA Outdoor Centre has offered year round residential and day programs since 1995. It serves about 10,000 people—mostly students—a year. The centre teaches and displays how environmentally friendly lifestyles, practices and technologies are important to ensure the health of the broader community as well as the individuals that live in it, both now and

Investing in a

Healthy Environment

in the future. Through these programs the YMCA has become a leader in environmental education for Kitchener-Waterloo and the surrounding areas. We are continuing to invest in this important role through plans to expand the Centre and accommodate increased year-round programming. Upgrades to site and facilities will allow for permanent displays and incorporate environmentally sustainable features. The plan is to increase the capacity for year-round programming by adding four additional straw bale cabins along with an inter-connected program pod in the middle. Our goal is to provide an experience with deeper and more meaningful connections to the Ontario school curriculum—especially the Science and Technology strands. Interactive hands-on learning experiences will be presented through in-school programs for Kindergarten to Grade 3 students. Residential programs up to three days long are offered for students in grades 4-8. By developing more programs, groups and schools will have a choice of a greater selection of opportunities for learning and the centre will have an impact on many more students and help them learn the importance of a healthy, sustainable environment. Another important aspect of the Outdoor Centre is its programs that develop leadership and teambuilding skills. And in the summer, the Paradise Lake site is used as YMCA Camp Ki-Wa-Y and YMCA Camp Ki-Wa-Y Days.


Investing in Healthy

New Canadians


Newcomer Youth - $250,000 Few services exist in this community to serve the

The A.R. Kaufman Family YMCA has initiated a fully

completing the first phase. An emphasis is placed

large number of newcomers to Canada from 13 to

integrated program for newcomer youth to facilitate

upon providing a safe place for participants.

17 years old. The transition to life in Canada can

their transition between cultures and support their

This program works closely with the YMCA Cross

be difficult for any newcomer youth but refugee

successful integration into Canadian society. The

Cultural and Immigrant Services’ settlement and

youth in particular often struggle with barriers

first stage is a 10-week registered program that

youth workers.

such as language, culture, poverty and isolation

introduces the youth to the health, fitness and

as they try to connect with others and begin their

recreation opportunities, such as those available

process of integration. This transition is assisted

at the A.R. Kaufman Family YMCA. This stage gives

by giving these youth a safe environment without

them a chance to meet new friends, presents them

teasing or bullying and the opportunity to fit in.

information about the YMCA’s core values and

The Kitchener-Waterloo YMCA had been offering a drop-in program for Newcomer Youth but it had only been able to reach a portion of them. After reviewing the program model carefully, a plan has been developed to enhance and expand this

membership etiquette, and creates an opportunity to improve their communication skills. When a participant is ready, they can move into the second stage where they have the chance to participate in other YMCA programs.

program to increase its impact. The goal is to

Mentors are an important part of the program. The

address issues faced by these youth such as

mentors will be newcomer youth and adults who

social isolation and finding how to live in a new

are ready to help others. Youth who participate will

society and culture.

have an opportunity to become mentors after

The supportive social environment created at the YMCA allows young newcomers to improve their ability to interact more effectively, make healthy lifestyle choices and build social capital as they transition into Canadian culture. These youth will take their experiences and leadership development skills back to their cultural groups as an ambassador. By doing so, they will help break down cultural barriers and build social competencies. Having already established this program, we are looking to build a solid foundation to ensure we can not only maintain it but that we can expand its reach so that we can assist as many newcomer youth as possible.

Investing in

Healthy Kids


The Virtual YMCA - $350,000 Ensuring the future health of our community relies on providing all our kids with the tools they need to succeed. The YMCA has established a Virtual YMCA at St. John’s Catholic Elementary School in Kitchener. Located in one of our community’s underserved neighbourhoods, the Virtual YMCA engages 40 youth, Grades 1 to 6, in a consistent and holistic program focused on the individual’s healthy development in Spirit (values and assets), Mind (academics) and Body (recreation). The program is literacy-based, focusing on academic support and social growth with a program model based on learning enhancement, health and recreation, values education, and building self confidence. Although offered after school, it is not a typical after school program. This program weaves a proven program model with community supports to sustain children in school with access to information, resources and services for parents, as well as a focus on strengthening the neighbourhood. The Virtual YMCA is located in a school that has been identified as potentially benefiting from additional academic, recreation, and social

supports. The Community Fit for Children Report, Waterloo Region demographic information, 20052006 EQAO test results, and existing community resources and programs have all been taken into consideration to identify the neighbourhoods that could benefit from this program. Poverty, language, nutrition and an inability to access arts, recreation, and community resources are often barriers to achieving success. Children living in underserved neighbourhoods may face more barriers to maximizing their potential, accessing resources and achieving good health.  With a focus on prevention, the Virtual YMCA provides children with the additional help and attention they need to succeed in their academic studies thereby reducing language and literacy barriers. Physical activity increases appreciation of team work, good sportsmanship, problem solving and co-operation while building self-confidence and self-esteem. Children feel valued, safe and free to express their thoughts and feelings and as a result develop caring supportive relationships with adults and peers and experience decreased incidence

of bullying. Overall health is reinforced through the provision of healthy snacks and activities that emphasize positive lifestyle choices. We believe it is imperative to include the community within our weekly program and at two community events. We have determined that the most effective way to ensure weekly community involvement is by highlighting community partnership on “Club Day.” A community volunteer with a vested interest in the “club theme” will be invited to participate in the Virtual YMCA program by offering leadership to the theme based “clubs.” For example, a Community Nutrition Worker could lead a Cooking Club. The Virtual YMCA is an innovative initiative that creates a positive, healthy environment that supports school, family and community. We are excited to bring a program that has been proven to work in other communities to Kitchener-Waterloo. The first Virtual YMCA opened in late 2007 with an additional one to be initiated in Waterloo by 2010. We want to make a minimum five year commitment to each neighbourhood.


Our Vision


Our plans for the future are based upon solid research, a careful assessment of current community

The Kitchener-Waterloo YMCA is poised to build

needs and realistic projections for future demand. At the core of the planning process is the solid

upon its success in building strong kids and

foundation of programming based on our mission, vision and our values—acceptance, balance, caring,

families. We are very excited about how our

giving and responsibility. These values are important in building healthy lives.

proposed projects can help bring our vision alive and make an impact upon the health of

To achieve this important vision for the future will require a significant commitment in capital expenditures and programming. The total funding needs for the identified priority projects requires an investment by the Kitchener-Waterloo YMCA of $10 million.

Over the years, community leaders have shown $8,200,000 $800,000

they care about the overall health of the people of Kitchener-Waterloo through their work with and support of the YMCA. Now is the time



for today’s generation to meet the challenge of helping the Kitchener-Waterloo YMCA



INVESTING IN HEALTHY NEW CANADIANS Newcomer Youth Program for 5 years


contribute to building a healthy community— both today and into the future.


Campaign Expenses 1.7% of target

generous supporters and strong partners, we can make it happen.

INVESTING IN HEALTHY FAMILIES Stork Family YMCA in West Waterloo YMCA Contribution to Project Equipment & Furnishings

our rapidly growing community. With the help of

$10,210,000 $175,000

Grand Total


We hope that you share our vision and believe it is vital to our community’s future. Thank YOU for giving us your time and considering supporting our efforts to contribute to building a healthy community.

Together, we can build a healthy community 18

Administration Offices 460 Frederick St., Suite 203 Kitchener, ON N2H 2P5 t. 519-584-7479 f. 519-576-6223 Community Children Services 161 Roger St. Waterloo, ON N2J 1B1 t. 519-741-8585 f. 519-741-9641 Cross Cultural & Immigrant Services 800 King St. W., Suite 301 Kitchener, ON N2G 1E8 t. 519-579-9622 f. 519-579-9624 Financial Development 460 Frederick St., Suite 203 Kitchener, ON N2H 2P5 t. 519-584-7479 f. 519-576-6223 Health, Fitness & Recreation 333 Carwood Ave. Kitchener, ON N2G 3C5 t. 519-743-5201 f. 519-743-5204 Outdoor Services Box 127 St. Clements, ON N0B 2M0 t. 519-699-5100 f. 519-699-5160


The Kitchener-Waterloo YMCA’s Charitable Registration #BN 10757 2687 RR0001 03-11

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