YMCA of Kitchener-Waterloo Community Services
Home Alone Program 2013/2014
Kitchener-Waterloo YMCA
Home Alone Program
The YMCA has developed a program that provides you and your child with valuable information in preparation for the next step on the road to independence. In three sessions this certificate program will build your child’s self confidence, a sense of responsibility, and decision making abilities through a fun and interactive environment of role play and discussions.
The province of Ontario recommends: •
Children who are 10 and 11 years of age are able to care for themselves in their own home for short periods of time (1-2 hours).
Children 12 years of age or older are able to care for others for short periods of time.
Dates and Locations Session 1: YMCA Early Years Centre Date: Wednesday, October 16, 23, 30, 2013 Time: 6:30 to 8:30 pm Location: YMCA Early Years Centre 161 Roger Street Waterloo, Training Room
Session 2: YMCA Early Years Centre Date: Thursday, April 10, 17, 24, 2014 Time: 6:30 to 8:30 pm Location: YMCA Early Years Centre 161 Roger Street Waterloo, Training Room
Session 3: YMCA Early Years Centre Date: Tuesday, June 3, 10, 17, 2014 Time: 6:30 to 8:30 pm Location: YMCA Early Years Centre 161 Roger Street Waterloo, Training Room
Home Alone Registration Form 2013–2014 Child’s Name Birth Date
aM aF
Home Address City
Postal Code
Phone Number Medical conditions and/or allergies: Parent/Guardian Name
Work Num.
Parent/Guardian Name
Work Num.
Emergency Contact Name Emergency Contact Phone Number Payment Options - Fee $25.00 Member $30.00 Non-Member a Cheque* a Cash a MasterCard a Visa * Please make cheques payable to the YMCA of Kitchener-Waterloo
Credit Card Information Name on Card Card Number Expiry Date Card Holder Signature Registration Process Spaces are limited! Registrations will be accepted on a first come, first served basis. To reserve your child’s space, call 519-741-8585 ext. 228. Registration forms can then be submitted with payment to any of our Kitchener-Waterloo YMCA locations or by faxing to 519-741-9641. Please check session registering for: 1.a 2.a 3.a Privacy Statement: The KW YMCA is committed to protecting personal information by following responsible information handling practices, in keeping with privacy laws. We collect and use personal data in order to better meet your service needs, to ensure the safety of children in our care, for statistical purposes, to inform you about the YMCA program or service in which you are registered, and to satisfy government and regulatory obligations. You may also hear from us periodically about other YMCA programs, services and opportunities that may interest and benefit you. For more information on the YMCA’s commitment to privacy, please visit our web site at ymcacambridgekw.ca.
YMCA of Kitchener-Waterloo
Are you ready for your child to stay home alone? Is your child ready and willing to stay home alone? Readiness Indicators • Does he/she want to be on their own? • Is your child confident to be alone in the house? • Can you depend on your child to follow the house rules? • Does your child have common sense? • Can he/she deal with unexpected situations in a positive way? • Can you rely on your child to tell the truth? • Is he/she self-motivated YMCA Early Years Centre 161 Roger Street, Waterloo, 519-741-8585 A.R. Kaufman Family YMCA 333 Carwood Avenue, Kitchener, 519-743-5201 Stork Family YMCA 500 Fischer-Hallman Road, Waterloo, 519-884-9622
ymcacambridgekw.ca ykids.ca