YMCAs of Cambridge & Kitchener-Waterloo
Strategic Plan 2009 - 2011
“Building healthy futures”
“Building healthy futures” Introduction In 2006 the YMCAs of Kitchener-Waterloo and Cambridge began working together to better serve our communities. This Strategic Plan brings together the common mission, vision and values we share, and the guiding principles that guide our decisions. It is our blueprint for moving forward and will provide direction for what we do over the next three years. The next few years will bring challenges and opportunities to our region. We are excited about that future and look forward to continuing to serve our communities in ways that meet your needs and exceed your expectations.
“Together we are stronger”
Our Mission, Vision & Core Values Mission The YMCA is a charitable organization that strengthens our community by providing opportunities for personal growth and active involvement for all children, adults and families. Mission: answers the question, ‘What is our purpose?’
Vision A leader in building a strong, healthy community through innovation and collaboration. Vision: description of our preferred future
“Building healthy futures� Values Acceptance: welcoming and open to all Caring: acting with compassion and concern for the well being of others Health: developing people in spirit, mind and body Respect: treating all people with dignity Responsibility: accountable for oneself, others, our environment and the world we live in Values: communicate our expectations for how we will behave
Strategic Areas of Focus The focus of this strategic plan is to identify how to make the best use of the YMCA’s resources now, and in the future. The goal is to connect core YMCA programs with community needs, trends and opportunities.
Over the next 3 years, we will: m Do more by aiming to touch every family in the region. m Focus on expanding programs for seniors and newcomers to Canada. m Develop strategic relationships with other organizations that promote healthy communities. m Build organizational capacity that will allow us to achieve strategic goals.
“Building healthy futures� Strategic Goals Strategic Area of Focus 1: Do more by aiming to touch every family in the region m Develop 2 new family YMCA membership centres. Each centre will involve over 10,000 people when fully operational. m Increase participation in existing community based programs into family dominant neighbourhoods. These programs will involve 150 additional families. m Start a minimum of 3 facility based programs in community based locations. These programs will involve 2,000 additional children. m
Increase selected existing programs and services which respond to community needs and use available capacity. These programs will involve an additional 1,000 children and youth.
Strategic Goals Strategic Area of Focus 2: Focus on expanding programs for seniors and newcomers to Canada m Develop & implement a strategy to increase involvement of seniors in YMCA programs. They will serve an additional 200 seniors. m
Seek opportunities and relationships which will extend and expand program opportunities and involvement of newcomers to Canada and their families. Settlement programs will involve 500 additional newcomers to Canada.
“Building healthy futures� Strategic Goals Strategic Area of Focus 3: Develop strategic relationships with other organizations that promote healthy communities m Develop a relationship with a research individual or group to be able to measure program outcomes. m Select 2 organizations which enable the YMCA to build a healthy community by reaching 200 families.
“Building healthy futures” Strategic Goals Strategic Area of Focus 4: Build organizational capacity that will allow us to achieve strategic plan goals m Execute the requirements for an effective and efficient system/network that will advance organizational capability, support the collaborative venture, support program delivery, and inform and connect with participants. m Develop & implement a comprehensive financial development strategy, including: • the integration of annual, capital, endowment, sponsorship and granting initiatives. • the recruitment and development of dedicated staff and volunteers with a focus on donor-centered fundraising. • increase level of philanthropic support in all areas. m Re-align all human resource processes to fulfill needs in a highly competitive employment and technologically advanced environment. m Define & implement communication materials for the YMCA that will support the healthy community vision of the YMCAs. m Prepare a strategy for the use of YMCA of Cambridge’s asset base on Hespeler Road.
“Building healthy futures� Guiding Principles We are committed to serving the community through: Member Involvement - developing communities who share interests and concerns, and who want to effect positive change Collaboration - working together to achieve shared objectives Partnership - building strategic partnerships Diversity and Inclusion - creating an open environment that includes everyone Accountability and Stewardship - enhancing our reputation for leadership and excellence Volunteerism and Professionalism - strengthening the interdependence of volunteers and staff, by ensuring both achieve personal and professional growth Philanthropy - creating a culture that attracts people’s time, talents and treasure Guiding principles: keep us focused on what is important and direct our organizational plans and policy decisions
“Building healthy futures� Program Principles When we consider how we will develop and deliver programs, we will always ask ourselves questions related to: m Alignment with Mission, Vision and Values m Commitment to Quality and Excellence m Potential to Deepen YMCA Involvement m Competency to Lead m Capacity to Operate and Sustain m Relevant and Significant in Impact and Scope
Program principles: the lens we look through when we make decisions about what programs we offer and how we will offer them
“Building healthy futures”
YMCAs of Cambridge & Kitchener-Waterloo 250 Hespeler Road, Cambridge, ON N1R 3H3 519-623-9622 460 Frederick Street, Suite 203, Kitchener, ON N2H 2P5 519-584-7479
ymcacambridge.ca kwymca.org The YMCA of Cambridge’s Charitable Registration # BN 11930 7098 RR0001 The Kitchener-Waterloo YMCA’s Charitable Registration # BN 10757 2687 RR0001