YMCA Stories Newsletter Winter 2010/11

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Stories YMCA

Winter 2010

The Value of a YMCA is found within the

Lives it Touches


very year is like no other and 2010 is unique in many ways. People in our communities continue to find their way along a new path with so much changed due to global economics. I view the world we live in as a series of doors—home, school, church and even the Y has its doors. A door is not a barrier but rather a new opportunity, a journey. Each and every YMCA program offers doors to all of our participants and inside each door I hope that there are learning opportunities, experiences and relationships from which we may gain positive lifelong impact. The following is but a small sample of individuals and families which have used the YMCA as a door to a richer and more rewarding life. Of course, I wish to extend my thanks to all staff, volunteers, supporters and donors who join together to allow this to happen. Enjoy the read. Sincerely,

John Haddock CEO, YMCAs of Cambridge & Kitchener Waterloo


Rosie enrolled in the Virtual YMCA September of last year. In her first few months she was very quiet and would not talk to anyone. The only way staff could communicate with her was through her older sister. As she participated in the program, Rosie worked hard in everything she did. During social skills she would listen intently. During homework time, she would be the first to complete any projects or sheets. During recreation time, Rosie took great delight in catching her peers in tag games. For the month of November the Virtual YMCA at St. Peter’s in Cambridge had been learning about peace. Early on in the month all of the students wrote poems about peace. Bryson, a grade 1 student, worked diligently on his poem and was proud to present his work to the class by confidently reading his poem aloud. Bryson was met by a classroom of cheering and applauding students. His smile lit up the room as he returned to his seat, receiving high fives from the leaders. Everyone could see an amazing difference in Bryson right then and there. His confidence grew through his creative thinking and the supportive environment surrounding him. Below please read the poem Bryson wrote and shared with us: Peace peace what can you tell? Many soldiers in battle fell Peace peace where did you go? All around the world peace should grow, grow, grow.

But for Rosie, communicating with others remained her biggest challenge. Throughout the year our YMCA staff observed Rosie’s vocabulary and conversation skills develop. It first started with identifying objects, then she started using more complicated phrases and sentences - allowing her to communicate with others. She became so confident that she led her group presentation in a social skills lesson! By the end of the year the Virtual Y staff couldn’t believe the difference in this young girl. She was laughing, expressing herself, making new friends and becoming a joyful participant in the program. Her development was amazing! Rosie’s mother expressed on many occasions that she believed that participating in this program had allowed her daughter to greatly improve her language skills, gain confidence and develop into a happy, fun-loving child who enjoys socializing and playing with other children. Rosie has truly come out of her shell!

Wendy, one of our dedicated Zumba instructors and volunteer co-ordinator

We all know how tired we are at the end of a long week and the last thing we might be thinking about is giving back to our community. But there is a group of Zumba instructors that come out every Friday night and give 150% of themselves to their classes—you can see the appreciation in the smiles on every participant’s face in the room. I know all of our Volunteers give their time so freely to the Y and we are very lucky to have each and every one of them. I also know each of these instructors have worked full time in their careers and it would be so much easier for them to do something for themselves at the end of a long hard work week. Instead, they come in every Friday night with new dances, new music and new clothes to build the excitement in our Friday night class which can have between 50 and 120 participants shimmying and shaking on the dance floor! You hear many stories from participants. One said she came to the Y to share time exercising with her daughter and had no idea how much fun they would have together. Another had never entered a fitness class before and was told by her doctor that she had to start moving if she wanted to get to a healthy size. She thought it was going to be the most boring hour of her day when she walked into the Zumba class but couldn’t stop smiling and having fun! She now takes part in as many Zumba classes as she can. Yes, the Y is very lucky to have such great volunteers—we thank our lucky stars for them every single day!




Jordana first came to Just Hanging Out (JHO), at the Z beside the Y, after her mom found out about the program. She asked Jordana if she would like to go and participate with the other kids. At first it was a very small group, but over the past three years JHO has gotten bigger and bigger. Jordana has been able to keep some friendships since the very first session, but now every session she is learning to forge new friendships with the new kids that attend. Jordana can attest to the impact that JHO has made within her life: “My favourite thing about JHO is seeing my friends and hanging out with the staff each week... JHO has taught me lots of things. It has made me a better friend and has given me the skills to make new friends.” Jordana’s mom commented that this is one of the most difficult and most important things in her daughter’s life. She’s not as shy as she used to be around other people, her manners have improved and she’s learned to give compliments to others. “I think that I used to be rude sometimes, but this environment makes me feel safe and has helped me feel comfortable enough to change. I have learned to get to know people for who they are.” What would Jordana do without JHO? “If I didn’t have a place to go like JHO I would be sitting at home and not having any fun. I’m very grateful for a place like the Z where I can come learn new skills and have fun!”

Hassan was a six-year-old boy who came to the newcomer program in its early stages. When his leader, Kathleen Brown, first saw him, she thought he would struggle to fit in seeing as though he was so much younger than the rest of the programs participants (who tended to range from 12-18). However, the reality of it was that on the first day he fit right in. He had a special confidence about him and did not care that he was so much younger than everyone else. The other participants took to Hassan right away; they welcomed him into the group with open arms and would look forward to seeing him every week.

My time as a volunteer in the YMCA Host Program has been one of the highlights of my year. I would encourage anyone to get involved— especially if they want to experience the benefits of travel without leaving home. – Gary Cymbaluk

When it was the second last week of the program, they were on a field trip and Hassan did not want to leave Kathleen’s side. When Hassan heard that they were on to their final activity, he asked his mom if they could come to the Y the next day and visit Kathleen. Unfortunately, Kathleen had to tell him that she would not be at the YMCA; that she had another job to attend to the next day. Hassan responded succinctly, “But you have to come home sometime! What time are you done work?” She told him that after work she would go to her home and not the YMCA.

It is wonderful to see friendships grow and flourish through language and laughter. – Janina Robinson

He then said, “When I am older, like 7 years old, I am going to move into the YMCA and work there with you.” Kathleen laughed it off and said that he would need to be a bit older than seven but that it sounded like a good plan!




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The Gift of Health


Your Story? A healthy choice for people at all ages and stages of life. Redeem between December 15, 2010 and January 15, 2011 at the A.R. Kaufman Family YMCA or Chaplin Family YMCA for a complimentary exercise program and 1-week adult general membership. Limit one pass per person 25 years or older, per year. Please bring photo id for verification.

How has your involvement with the YMCA made an impact on your life? Share your story for possible inclusion in this newsletter or our monthly e-newsletter, Live Life Well. Send your story to stories@ckwymca.ca or submit it online through our website at ymcacambridgekw.ca.


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