1 minute read

Indicators of Spring time

Fill in the spaces below to finish the sentences.

_________ is eaten at Easter but you shouldn’t have too much!


Farmers are busy at this time of year looking after ____ animals.


(like the ARION) are the smallest, yet most used machine on a farm.

The jelly like stuff that you find in ponds is called


As well as rabbits, ______ are celebrated at Easter (they go “cheep”). Now Winter has gone, we have sunnier and ______ days.

You know Winter has gone when the _________ appear next to the roads.

A CLAAS JAGUAR is a forage harvester, it harvests _____ in the Spring.

How well did you do? /8 Answers

chocolate, baby, tractors, frogspawn, chicks, longer, daffodils, grass

On the farm, everybody has a job to do! It takes a team effort to get things done and everybody is important. Animals, people and machines need to be cared for in order to keep them healthy and allow them to do their job the best they can! Can you think of some of the jobs that need to be done? Write below the type of jobs that these machines have on the farm! Find an example below.

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