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Clackamas Community College, Oregon City, OR

An independent, student-run newspaper since 1966

Campus Safety gets a feminine perspective


Good Grub x u e D t r Pa

Restaurant Guide

Turn to the middle of our paper and take a gander at our special pull out section featuring reasonably priced eats from the following review worthy establishments: Thai Chef Gustav’s Bier Stube Pine Garden Namaste Cameo Cafe Rocco11 pts Cannoli Cafe Bisquits Cafe Genies Cafe La Hacienda Rigoberto11 pts Casa de Tamales La Bistro Montage

Roakes Mike’s Drive-In Red Robin Hog Wild BBQ Flying Pie Pizzeria Mi Famiglia Sparky’s Pizza California Pizza Kitchen Highland Stillhouse Howell’s Lounge Coney Island The Ram


Bon appét

Joshua Dillen The Clackamas Print


Brad Heineke The Clackamas Print

The Print’s

—The Print Staff

New Campus Safety Director Suzy Isham discusses printer problems with Matt Larkin, IT technician for the college. The printer in her new office was malfunctioning and Larkin was there to troubleshoot the problem.

Joshua Dillen Co-Editor-in-Chief There might not be a new sheriff in town, but there is a new cop on campus. Suzy Isham has been on the job for just over a week as the college’s newest and first female Campus Safety Director. Lacking leadership for more than four months, Campus Safety is now complete. Isham replaces Kurt Nelson who was terminated last October after less than a year at the position. A veteran officer with more than 20 years of experience in law enforcement and training, Isham described why she pursued the open position at Clackamas Community College.

“I was looking for a new challenge. It seemed to fit my background and my love of not only education,” Isham said, “but also law enforcement and safety. It seemed like a perfect fit; it really spoke to me.” Isham has extensive training in law enforcement and an impressive resume. After receiving a bachelor of arts in criminology and criminal justice at Southern Oregon University, she was hired by Marion County Sherriff’s Office in 1992 at the age of 21. She worked there as a DUII enforcement officer, detective and helped with the DEA Taskforce as a patrol deputy. In 2002 she was recruited to work with Oregon’s Department of Public Safety Standards and Training (DPSST) as a traffic safety training lieutenant. In 2004 she was promoted to regional

Andrew Millbrooke The Clackamas Print

Cougars bat it out of the park

advanced training captain. After that, she held positions in administration and tactical training. Isham also brings another advantage to the job. As mental health issues and campus shootings headline the news these days, CCC now has an officer who is trained to deal with mentally unstable people and the crimes they may commit. “I’ve dealt with a lot of different mental health issues, PTSD stuff. I used to run a couple of CIT trainings regionally when I was in charge of regional training,” Isham said. Crisis Intervention Training or CIT certifies peace officers to deal with mentally unstable individuals.

Please see SUZY, Page 3

Clackamas Cougars open defense of their 2012 NWAACC Championship with two wins and one loss, readying themselves for a roadtrip that will leave them without the home field advantage until March 30. Page 5

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