Here are our top 6 tips for maximizing the value of your burst pipe insurance claim.
The best tip for handling a burst pipe insurance claim is to spot the burst pipe as quickly as possible
If you ignore a burst pipe for a long time, then insurers may not cover the burst pipe and resulting mold damage. If you spot a burst pipe immediately, then insurers could cover it.
If your home has a burst pipe, then document everything. The more you document today, the easier your future insurance claim will be. Take photos and videos of all damage to your home and possessions
Your insurer must compensate you for damaged items in your home, including everything from furniture to electronics. Make a list of everything damaged by your burst pipe. Ideally, every item on your list is accompanied by photos and videos proving the damage.
Don’tThrowAnythingAwayUntilInsurance ApprovestheClaim
When a pipe bursts, you may want to throw everything away as soon as possible. However, it’s important to wait for your insurer to approve the claim before you throw anything away. Instead of throwing your water-damaged couch into the dumpster, for example, make sure your insurer approves coverage for replacing the couch
Many homeowners simply accept the insurer’s initial offer. Insurers love clients like this. Instead, negotiate the claim. Think about the offer from the insurance company. Most homeowners aren’t qualified to review the fairness of a claim. Instead, hire a public adjuster to review the claim. Public adjusters charge on contingency, which means you don’t pay until the final settlement
Get the payout you deserve for your burst pipe insurance claim. Insurance doesn’t just cover the cost of repairing damage and replacing items. It also covers accommodation, living expenses, meals, transportation, and other costs incurred because of the burst pipe insurance claim. Keep track of expenses and receipts during this period, then add it to your insurance claim.
GetThePayoutYouDeserveforBurstPipe InsuranceClaims
Get the payout you deserve for your burst pipe insurance claim by implementing the tips above Or, hire a qualified public adjuster to review your claim A good public adjuster can analyze your claim, fight for higher compensation, and ensure you receive every dollar you are owed for your claim.