Astemperaturesdrop,pipescanfreezeand burst.Youbuyhomeinsurancetocover unexpecteddamage.Butdoes
Atypicalhomeownersinsurance policycoversaburstpipe.
Your insurance should cover the cost of repairing damage to your home and possessions caused by a burst pipe However,insurers may not cover long-term damagecausedbyaburstpipe Ifyouignoredaleaky pipe for months, for example, and it caused mold or otherdamage,thenyourinsurercoulddenyyourclaim.
Yes,HomeInsuranceCovers FrozenPipes
Atypicalhomeownersinsurancepolicycoversthecost ofrepairingyourhomeandreplacingpossessionsafter damagecausedbyafrozenpipeorburstpipe.Ifapipe in your home froze and burst suddenly, then your insurershouldcoverit
Yourinsurerwillcoveranydamagecausedbytheburst pipe up to the limits of your policy. Your insurer could cover the cost of emergency restoration, for example, along with drywall repair, floor replacement, and other requiredrepairs

Your insurance should cover damage caused by broken or burst pipes. However, insurers don’tcoverallbrokenpipedamage Somebrokenpipeinsuranceclaimexclusionsare:
You Turned Off the Heat in Your Home: If you deliberately turned off your heat in your home, or if you failed to heat your home to a safe temperature, then your insurer may deny your claim. If you did turn on your heat but your furnace failed, however, then you maybeabletomakeaclaim
YouDidn’tNoticeDamageforaLongTime:Burst pipes aren’t always sudden, disastrous events.Instead,theycansometimesoccuroveranextendedperiod.Along,slowleakcan trickle water behind your walls, leading to mold and other damage. In this situation, insurance may cover the cost of repairing the broken pipe, although you may need to coverotherdamageoutofpocket
YourDamageisFromaWaterLineBreak:Astandardhomeownersinsurancepolicydoes notcoverawaterlinebreakinmostsituations.Ifawaterlinebreaksbecauseofwearand tear, poor installation, or lack of maintenance, then insurance may deny your claim However, if a water line break occurs because of a sudden event – like digging in your yardandaccidentallydamagingthewaterline–theninsurancemaycoverit.
YouDidn’tCheckYourHomeforWeeksorMonths:Manyhomeownersinsurancepolicies requireyoutocheckyourhomeregularlyfordamage–evenifyou’reaway Ifyouleftyour homeforweeksormonthsandfailedtocheckit,theninsurancecoulddenyafuturewater damageclaim.Havesomeonecheckyourhomewhileawaytospotwaterdamage.
A standard home insurance policy covers water damage in most situations If you have dwellingcoverage(themaincomponentofahomeinsurancepolicy),propertycoverage (tocoveryourbelongings),andlossofusecoverage(tocoveradditionalexpenses),then yourinsurercouldprovidesignificantcompensationforaburstpipeinsuranceclaim.