International Exchange Policies If in any case your MC/LC is facing a situation with respect to an exception or a deviation from these policies, please contact immediately the Exchange Quality Board ( All exceptions will be reviewed by the XQB and proposals for policy revisions will be brought forward by the XQB as appropriate. Please see Section 06-Annual Revision Process to find an overview of the policies revision process. 1. General Policies For the purpose of this document we understand:
Intern or Exchange Participant (EP) – AIESEC members participating at the Exchange stage in their AIESEC experience and going through all stages of the internship process: selection, preparation, integrati on and reintegration. Organization (TN Taker) – A corporate, non-governmental, or governmental entity hosting an intern. The organization shall provide a positive and secure working environment for the intern. Any violation of labour standards shall be treated according to the laws of the Host Country. Home Country or Sending Country – The country where is located the Home LC. . This will be the entity officially in charge of the Exchange Participants sent through its Local Committees. Home LC or Sending LC – The Local Committee which carried out the selection process of an intern, uploaded its form to, and is or was responsible for its preparation, matching, and reintegration. Host Country- The country where is located the Hosting or Host LC. This must be different from the Home country. Host LC – The Local Committee which uploaded a TN Form and is responsible for its matching, the intern‟s reception and integration. Local Committee (LC) – Any local headquarter formally recognized as it by AIESEC International. A LC can send it‟s members abroad or receive interns. Member Committee (MC) – Any national headquarter formally recognized as it by AIESEC International. The MC is the final responsible of the activities of any of its LCs. Sponsor Member or Sponsoring Country - A sponsor member is the Member Committee which is supporting the extension of AIESEC to a new country or territory AIESEC International (AI) – Foundation administered by the Management Board of Stichting AIESEC International, having it’s official office located at 126 Teilingerstraat, NL-3032 AW Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
An intern may be selected at the latest two (2) years after obtaining a degree, but may not be older than 30 years. Individuals who have worked full time for AIESEC have a maximum of three (3) years after they have completed their full time AIESEC positions or three (3) years after they have completed their last university degree to apply for an AIESEC exchange.
All members may participate in the internship program up to a maximum period of 36 months abroad. Members may choose to allocate the use of this period to their discretion in line with the minimum and maximum duration of AIESEC internships as outlined in Section 1.6 in addition to following all of the policies outlined in the IXPQS. 1.2.1
It is responsibility of the intern to ensure that the number of internships taken does not exceed the maximum period of internships of 36 months. It is up to the Sending Country to verify that the intern has not e xceeded the maximum period of 36 months.
AIESEC International | Teilingerstraat 126 | 3032 AW Rotterdam | The Netherlands | | tel +31-10-443.4383 | fax +31-10-265.1386
Members that exceed the maximum period of internships will have their EP form rejected from the system and will not be allowed to further participate in the internship program.
International AIESEC MC terms and AIESEC CEEDs are not recognized as official AIESEC internships.
An intern cannot take a second internship in the same organization or project, in which he/she had another internship.
Interns must not join an internship program with the purpose of receivi ng permanent residence in the country of internship.
All AIESEC internships shall have a: minimum duration of six (6) weeks to be spent working in the Host Country. maximum duration of seventy-eight (78) weeks. In the case of extending the duration of an internship, the total internship period cannot be longer than 78 weeks. The end date of the internship must be updated on
In the case of multi-country internships, the person can move to a maximum of three (03) countries, while not spending less than six (06) weeks and not more than seventy-eight (78) weeks together for the entire duration of the internship and having an unique ID associated with the country that signed the internship. This last country, for legal matters, will be considered the Host Country.
The organization that delivers such internships as described in 1.7 is obligated to pay the corresponding Exchange Fees for all the three countries. The intern can only work on member countries and territories of AIESEC, it‟s up to the receiving member committee to accept the intern coming from a multi -country internship.
Internships shall be considered “Realized” once the status of both the EP and TN has been changed to “Realized” in The status of the EP a nd TN ID can only be changed to realized once the intern arrives in the Host Country and starts working on the first day of his/her internship. Membership status of countries and territories will be determined by the notification of Realization status with in
Organizations cannot have individual member login to nor should a LC member provide them with his/her login. Organizations can only have the login created for them on Partnership Menu. Representatives of organizations cannot search for EP‟s in database themselves. Members are not supposed to export EPs information contained on to other platforms.
In case a Member Committe is facilitating an exchange with a non-member, all forms and procedures must go through the Sponsoring Country. Following are the two scenarios: a) Turkey (being the TN country) and Azerbaijan (being the EP country but Turkey being the Sponsor country) in this case AIESEC International would be assigning the match, as both the TN and EP ID‟s would be from the same country (Turkey). b) Poland (being the TN country) and Azerbaijan (being the EP country but Turkey being the Sponsor country) in this case Turkey would be providing the EP ID, so it would be a normal match. The supporting MC must ensure that all the exchange policies and quality standards are followed for both the member and non-member in the facilitation of these exchanges. An exchange may not take place between two non -members.
AIESEC International | Teilingerstraat 126 | 3032 AW Rotterdam | The Netherlands | | tel +31-10-443.4383 | fax +31-10-265.1386
Hosting LC and MC shall not raise internships with organisations belonging to another LC / MC without the written consent of that party.
The Hosting LC/MC is responsible for specific reception services detailed on the „Exchange Process Standards‟ section, such as finding accommodation for the Intern according to national safety conditions and minimal requirements for accommodation on the Host Country.
If AIESEC is renting the accommodation on behalf of the intern, there must be a clear contract between the Intern and AIESEC that stipulates the terms of payment and living conditions. It is advised that the responsible LC/MC retains a damage deposit from the intern to cover any unexpected debts or costs.
All internships facilitated by AIESEC should fulfil the conditions s et in the national and local labor regulations that are in force in the Host Country and in the local area where the internship has place, the present International Exchange Policies and, the Exchange Process Standards. In case of any difference or contradiction between the referred rules, it shall prevail the regulation which offers more benefits to the Intern.
AIESEC reserves the right to override an Intern‟s right to participate to the internship or to take any action deemed necessary if the Intern acts in any way that could harm/damage the TN organization or AIESEC in any way.
All parties are contractually responsible for the fulfilment of Responsibilities as stated in the „Statement of Understanding‟ section.
All complaints shall be addressed according to the procedures outlined in the Complaints Procedures section.
2. Internship definition 2.1
An AIESEC internship is a practical working and learning experience for the intern to develop academic knowledge and professional skills. Every internship should aim to provide the Intern with the following: a) A positive learning experience; b) Practical skills and knowledge in a foreign environment to complement the Intern‟s higher educational background or field of career aspirations; c) Interaction with a different social and cultural environment with a view to gaining intercultural competencies; d) Development of theoretical and practical leadership skills; e) Opportunity to apply personal and professional skills, knowledge, attitudes and values to work for the organisation as well as the host communities; f) Develop awareness and knowledge of social issues and different practices of the sending and hosting country; g) Opportunity to contribute to personal and professional life goals. h) Opportunity to work with organizations outside of AIESEC.
The internship cannot aim to: a) Solely provide an opportunity for the intern to earn money; b) Provide a holiday; c) Act as a permanent career placement or recruitment opportunity in the Host Country. If the organization decides to extend the internship on a permanent basis, AIESEC will have no role in facilitating this.
AIESEC International | Teilingerstraat 126 | 3032 AW Rotterdam | The Netherlands | | tel +31-10-443.4383 | fax +31-10-265.1386
An Intern is eligible to have an internship in any country except for a country in which they have lived for more than two years in the last ten years. The starting date of the last ten years should be considered from the date that the Intern applies to the EP selection process.
In the case that the Intern applying has lived for more than two years in a country in the last ten years as a result of a CEED/MC/AI term, they would be allowed to have an internship in the country in which they completed their CEED/MC/AI term.
AIESEC does not allow the extension of internships beyond the limit of seventy eight (78) weeks and does not facilitate the process for organizations to extend the internship on a permanent basis.
A member can be raised as an exchange participant by any country in which he/she has lived for a minimum period of six (6) weeks. It is up to the discretion of the country to accept the applicant as an EP from the country. Such an individual is eligible for internships according to the following conditions: a) The EP cannot match with his home country b) The EP cannot match with the country that raised him/her on the system c) The EP is subject to the policies 2.3 and 2.4:
Internships between merged entities are allowed and recognized. Once Acceptance Notes are exchanged, the Host Country must inform AIESEC International of the match and forward the Acceptance Notes as proof (via email or fax). AIESEC International will assign the match on behalf of the two parties. The TN and EP entities are responsible to follow all International Exchange Policies. In those cases the Acceptance Notes alone are enough proof of matching.
An organization is not allowed to participate in the exchange program if: a) It has been recognized by the XQB as having previously broken the International Exchange Policies and Quality Standards. If an MC feels that the affected organization has a renewed ability to meet the IXPQS, it can apply to the XQB to repeal its decision. b) It cannot meet Exchange Policies and Quality Standards due to several reasons (i.e. the organization cannot provide proper working place, sufficient salary, or employees cannot communicate with an Intern, etc.).
The salary/allowance for the Intern must allow the Intern to live in the country and cover their basic expenses including accommodation, food, transportation and basic reception activities for the duration of their internship. The salary must at minimum, correspond to the local minimum wage. The salary is not intended to cover travel, tourist holiday expenses, or subsidize a lifestyle above that of the average graduate entry-level position. The Intern may be asked to partially support him/herself on the basis outlined in section 2.10.
In the case that the organization cannot provide a salary based on the above criteria, the following must take place:  The EP should be able to demonstrate his means of sustenance if he/she will have to cover a part of his expenses. The Hosting LC may ask the Intern to show proof of this ability.  The Hosting LC must specify to what extent basic expenses such as accommodation, food and travel will be covered with the stipend provided, what AIESEC will provide in addition to that, and how much the EP would require to supplement these. Proof of provision of support (food, accommodation, etc.) must be detailed in the TN form on and in the TN Acceptance Note.
The salary and all other forms of benefits from the organization must be detailed in the Job Questionnaire form entered into and in the TN Acceptance Note.
AIESEC International | Teilingerstraat 126 | 3032 AW Rotterdam | The Netherlands | | tel +31-10-443.4383 | fax +31-10-265.1386
Exchange partnerships between two or more countries must follow the guidelines and policies of this document.
Pools Definition
The definition of the pools are as follows:
Development Internships A Development internship (also known as DT: Development Traineeship) is one in which the Intern has a direct interaction or working on the development of an unprivileged group of persons or community. Majority of the work in a Development internship has to be based on areas related to community development issues.
Education Internships An Education internship (a.k.a. ET: Education Traineeship) is one in which the job description involves the majority of time being spent either teaching a language, teaching a subject, or another aspect of education including curriculum development, character education, cultural interaction and perspective promotion in academic fields and sectors. The Intern must have the academic and working backgrounds in the field of education or training.
Management Internships A Management internship (a.k.a. MT: Management Traineeship) is one in which the Intern spends the majority of their time working in areas related to management. These areas may include business, administration, finance, accounting, marketing, project management, organizational management or human resources
Technical Internships A Technical internship (a.k.a. TT: Technical Traineeship) has to based on work in areas related to information technology or engineering. The Intern spends majority of his/her time in one or more of these areas: web development and management, software development and programming, system analysis and design, network management, database management and engineering.
TNs should be classified into pools based on the job description they offer and not the Organization type. EPs should be classified into pools based on the job descriptions they have the highest interest in and on their ability to fulfil the academic and working backgrounds required by those job descriptions.
The internship job description and work environment must be detailed and any additional information should be attached with the TN form.
The job description should not put the Internâ€&#x;s life at risk e.g. rescue activities in times of war or disaster.
Specific policies related to Development Internships are:
A DT Intern must be motivated and prepared to work in the field of development and cannot be matched just on the basis of fulfilling the academic and working background requirements of the organization.
Specific policies related to Education Internships are:
In the case of an internship related to teaching a subject, the organization must select an option from the Academic and Working Backgrounds under Subject Education as well as the specific Academic and Working Backgrounds the Intern is required to teach.
Difference between a Development Internship and an Education Internship:
AIESEC International | Teilingerstraat 126 | 3032 AW Rotterdam | The Netherlands | | tel +31-10-443.4383 | fax +31-10-265.1386
a) Any internship dealing with the underprivileged sector of society should be considered as a DT e.g. teaching in a school to underprivileged children b) Education Internship requires an Intern with an Education Background c) There are DTs that are in the field of education, but are dealing with underprivileged sectors of society and the most important for the TN Taker is the interest in that area. 4.
Selection and Pre-Match Policies for Interns and Organizations
Policies for Interns
Every EP participating in AIESEC‟s internship exchanges, irrespective of previous experience in AIESEC, shall pass through an EP Review Board comprised of at least one non-AIESEC representative and have the documentation to confirm the quality of the EP participant.
Individuals applying for an internship shall not provide fal se or inaccurate information relating to work experience, academic backgrounds or language proficiency levels of the EP. The Home LC must verify the information provided by the EP to ensure its accuracy.
EPs are required to sign a contract in agreement to the policies at the present document, as outlined on Apprendix A of section 02 ,„Statement of Understanding‟, before they are entered into The contract includes appendices, all of which must be provided and explained to EPs prior to signing the EP contract. Additionally, a member country or territory may require an EP to sign a supplementary contract and/or fee payment and refund policy agreement.
Home LC can only raise EPs who have legal capacity for signing contracts in its sending country and can legally travel abroad independently, with or without parents‟ formal authorization and without requiring the Hosting Local Committee/Member Committee/TN organization to have legal power of attorney over the Intern.
Members applying to participate in AIESEC‟s internship exchanges shall submit the required documentation and pay the applicable fees at the agreed timeline.
Contractual Policies for Organizations
The organisation must sign a contract in agreement to the present document (see Appendix B), which includes appendices that must be provided to the organization. In addition, the member country or territory may require the organization to sign a supplementary national contract and/or a fee payment agreement. Please note that the national contract may vary in different countries in the same merged entity.
Organisations participating in AIESEC‟s internship program shall pay the applicable fees at the agreed upon times.
The Job Questionnaire is the official description of the internship. Thi s should be completed with all the necessary details according to the most recent Job Questionnaire template and education materials released by AIESEC International. AIESEC must support the organization to complete the Job Questionnaire. The entity that is the account manager is the final responsible party to ensure that the form is correctly completed on and allocated to the appropriate pool.
Before formalizing a match, during the TN‟s selection process, the TN and the Host LC shall make sure that the candidate for the internship would be able to leave and return to the Host Country independently, and they also must verify the candidate would be able to work in an AIESEC internship legally in the Host Country,
AIESEC International | Teilingerstraat 126 | 3032 AW Rotterdam | The Netherlands | | tel +31-10-443.4383 | fax +31-10-265.1386
An organization or its representatives are not allowed to have an individual member login ID for They are also not allowed to search for Interns themselves using the database.
All forms on „New‟ status must be reviewed by the responsible LC/MC for matchability and internship quality (TNs) or matchability of Intern (EPs) prior to putting the form on „Available‟ status. The approving committee (LC/MC) shall advice the responsible LC on where the form does not meet standards and provide specific recommendations for improvement. In the case of an EP who is unmatchable, the responsible LC and EP must be informed. The EP is allowed to withdrawing from the internship program with full refund.
The TN Taker must assign a supervisor responsible for the Intern. This individual is also responsible for the professional development of the Intern as per the job description provided by the organization.
Any changes to the Job Questionnaire must be updated on If an Intern is already matched when the job description changes, the Intern shall be given the opportunity to withdraw from the match without consequences.
Match Policies
During the matching process, all the communication concerning the internship has to be held between the EP and/or EP Manager and TN manager of potential hosting country. The EP shall not contact TN directly, and vice versa. The only exception is if the organization wishes to maintain separate communication after the Intern‟s selection.
The organization must receive complete information about the Intern, including the candidate‟s EP form, letter of motivation and other information as requested by the organisation (telephone interview, detailed CV/resume, photos, academic transcripts or certificates, etc.) within reasonable limits. The information requested must also abide with the legal regulations of the Host country.
An organization can reject a maximum of three EPs that fulfil all the criteria set as requested in the TN form. After this period, the organization must provide feedback to AIESEC about all 3 candidates and review its criteria for selection with the AIESEC representative. At this point, AIESEC must determine whether the organization should continue to participate in the internship.
The host AIESEC LC/MC/AI must facilitate interviews between the organization and Intern(s) selected for interviews.
The Sending LC is responsible to ensure its EPs are trained and able to use appropriately and within International Exchange Policies.
All EPs matching Buddy/Manager.
If a TN or EP forms becomes temporarily unavailable, the form must be put on „On hold‟ status in the system immediately.
Acceptance Procedures
A EP or TN Acceptance Notes (ANs) shall only be considered official when completed in full and signed validly by the authorizing party. TN Acceptance Notes must also contain the official stamp of the organization.
themselv es must
AIESEC International | Teilingerstraat 126 | 3032 AW Rotterdam | The Netherlands | | tel +31-10-443.4383 | fax +31-10-265.1386
Any party‟s acceptance of the other is only valid if the following requirements are fulfilled: (i) The party must accept the other on and (ii) it must upload an official Acceptance Note, in accordance to point 6.1. above. However, a match is only considered official when both the, EP and TN, have accepted each other through or have been assigned a manual match and both have signed and uploaded their official Acceptance Notes.
If an acceptance or a match is not carried out as set forth on policies 6.1 and 6.2, it is considered voidable. The Home MC and the Host MC are responsible for verifying their EPs and TNs fulfilment of the referred requirements. In case they do not, the Home MC, the Host LC and AI are entitled to put those forms on hold until their correction.
The EP must sign and send an official EP Acceptance N ote before the EP‟s form is presented to the TN as a candidate that is guaranteed as available for the internship. EP forms or resumes may only be presented without official acceptance if the EP‟s availability is not guaranteed to the organization. In this case, the expectation must be clearly set that the EP is not guaranteed to accept the internship offer even if accepted by the TN.
After one party has accepted the other party in accordance to points 6.1. and 6.2. above, the accepted party has 10 consecutive days to respond, after which the acceptance is no longer valid. Acceptance can be extended using and uploading a new Acceptance Note. Both parties must agree to the extension.
If the EP rejects the TN after the TN has accepted the EP ( at the stage of final confirmation), this EP will no longer be allowed to search for an internship through AIESEC. The TN will go back to Available status to find other suitable EPs. The Sending LC may be asked to find another EP for the TN, in which case the Sending LC shall follow the procedures as outlined in section 7.5.1.
Member Committees shall review every match/realization that has been broken prior to putting the EP or organization TN on “Available” status again. For details refer to the policy 7.8.
If the TN organization rejects the EP after the EP is matched on, without valid reasons, the TN form is automatically rejected. The AIESEC Entity that signed the contract is responsible to search for another suitable TN within the next two months and the TN organization should pay the damages as previously agreed. The EP form will go back to Available status to find other suitable TNs.
Post-Match Policies
The AIESEC entity that is managing the TN account must inform the selected Intern of the official start date for the internship within one (01) week of acceptance by the organization.
Within one (01) week of formal acceptance of the Intern by the TN, the Host ing LC must provide all the necessary documents (including the written accep tance note) required for application for visa/work permit. If 1 week is insufficient, the Intern must be informed of the timeline for provision of any required documents. The Host LC/MC is responsible for providing all documentation in time to apply for al l necessary legal papers and also provide education on labour regulations within the Host Country.
Interns must review the visa/work permit regulations for the Host Country prior to the purchase of a ticket to travel to the country (air/sea/land transport ation).
AIESEC International | Teilingerstraat 126 | 3032 AW Rotterdam | The Netherlands | | tel +31-10-443.4383 | fax +31-10-265.1386
Interns shall ask the Hosting LC and search by themselves all the information related to life conditions in the Host ing Country in order to be aware of any potential
risk in the country or local area. The Intern is the only responsible for taking those risks and shall not sue AIESEC for any damage or prejudice caused by an event related to those risks and neither can break its match or end its internship without accrued financial penalties. 7.5
An Intern can break a match or end his/her internship, after prior written notification to the Hosting LC, without financial penalties only in any of the following circumstances: a) The internship job is completely different to the description in the TN form on and the Intern did not agree to the change. b) The Intern has an emergency in his/her family. The Intern may be requested to provide proof of emergency. c) The Intern does not have an official working/living permit in the country of internship upon arrival. d) The Intern becomes ill and the situation can be dangerous for his/her health. e) The Intern is discriminated by colour, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, origin, or age at his work place. f) The Intern is sexually harassed at their work place. g) The organization does not provide the basic work conditions or any main benefit offered to the Intern in the TN form on for two consecutive months and the Intern did not agree to the abolition. The basic work conditions or benefits referred above must be of a nature that their abolition reasonably makes impossible or too difficult the Interns job or life conditions. h) The organization does not pay for two consecutive months the corresponding salary to the Intern. i) The Intern is in danger since the area where he/she works has been formally declared in emergency due to war, natural disasters, weather, people revolution, terrorism attacks, etc,
Under sections 7.5a or 7.5e or 7.5f or 7.5g. or 7.5h, the Intern may request a new internship within the same country. The Hosting LC /MC is responsible for searching for a TN within one month. This period may be extended upon written mutual consent. If a minimum of three TNs corresponding to the specifications of the EP form are presented within 1 month, and the EP rejects them, the Hosting LC is under no further obligation to the EP. The Hosting LC or organization is responsible for the living expenses of the Intern during this period equivalent to the minimum AIESEC salary in the Host Country. If a suitable internship cannot be found, or if the immigration or labor law of the Hosting Country or Territory donâ€&#x;t not allow the Intern to stay in the country or to change of work place, the Hosting LC shall compensate the full travel expenses of the Intern to and from the Host Country. The Hosting LC/MC is entitled to claim this expense from the TN organization.
Under sections 7.5b, 7.5c, 7.5d, and 7.5i, the Intern is responsible for his/her own travel expenses to and from the country of origin.
Notwithstanding what stated under section 7.5.1, under secti on 7.5.h, the TN Organization and the Hosting LC/MC are still responsible for affording the owed salary to the Intern. The Hosting LC/MC is entitled to claim this payment from the TN organization.
If the Intern ends his/her internship for any other reason, the Intern or his/her sending LC/MC may be asked to financially compensate the TN organization up to the 50% of the TN fee. This compensation shall only take place upon the request of the TN organization.
AIESEC International | Teilingerstraat 126 | 3032 AW Rotterdam | The Netherlands | | tel +31-10-443.4383 | fax +31-10-265.1386
A TN organization can terminate the internship o r fire an Intern prior to its official end date after written notification to the Hosting LC only in the following circumstances: a) The Intern has falsified information related to his work experience, academic background or language proficiency, and is unab le to fulfil his internship job role as specified in the TN form. b) If the Intern is breaking a law of the hosting country or is continuously breaking internal regulations of the organisation despite being aware of them. c) The organization is within the labour laws of the Host Country to end the internship early. 7.7.1 In all circumstances in section 7.7, but 7.7c, the Intern may be asked to pay up to 50% of the TN fee. The compensation is only paid upon the request of the TN organization. The Intern is responsible for the travel expenses to and back from the country of internship. The Intern is not allowed to participate in another AIESEC internship. 7.7.2 Under sections 7.7a and 7.7b, the TN organization may request a new Intern to replace the original Intern. The Sending LC is then responsible to find a suitable EP within 2 months. This period may be extended upon mutual written agreement between the Hosting and Sending LCs. The Sending LC must submit a minimum of 3 suitable candidates that reasonably fulfil the criteria of the TN form. If the Hosting LC or TN rejects the EPs, the Sending LC is under no further obligation to the Hosting LC or TN. If no suitable EP can be found within the timeframe, the Sending LC may be asked to compensate up to 50% of the TN fee to the TN organization. Compensation is paid only upon request of the TN organization. 7.7.3. If the TN ends the internship for any other reason, the Hosting LC may be asked to search for another internship for the Intern. In this case, the Hosting LC shall follow the process as outlined in section 7. 5.1.
7.8.1 7.8.2
Once a Realization is assigned on by the TN Manager or by any other qualified AIESEC member from the host Member Committee it can only be broken (i.e., the status of the EP and TN form can only be changed) with mutual agreement of the Member Committees from the EP and the TN forms given the following circumstances; The break of realizations between merged entities can be authorized by its Member Committee representatives standing f or both, EP and TN form. The realization broken will be discounted from both countriesâ€&#x; official results for the matter of the Membership Criteria.
The Hosting LC shall periodically evaluate the internship with the Intern, and take reasonable and appropriate actions if there is a need to improve service or experience. The reports from the organizations should be sent to the sending LC, so the sending LC is aware of the progress of the internship.
At the end of the internship the EP is entitled to fill out the Exchange Stage Survey on The TN Organization is offered with a similar questionnaire on to evaluate its satisfaction with AIESEC services.
AIESEC International | Teilingerstraat 126 | 3032 AW Rotterdam | The Netherlands | | tel +31-10-443.4383 | fax +31-10-265.1386