LOYOLA SCHOOLS – OFFICE OF STUDENT ACTIVITIES ATENEO DE MANILA UNIVERSITY Project Proposal Form Instructions: 1. Fill in all required fields. 2. Write N/A if certain fields are not applicable to the activity/project. 3. Supporting documents may be attached if they will help in the expedient processing of the project proposal. 4. The student group president AND moderator must sign the proposal as proof of their knowledge and endorsement of the project/activity. Digital / scanned signatures are not accepted. 5. Submit the proposal to the Office of Student Activities (OSA). 6. Incomplete proposals are not accepted. 7. Processing of project proposals by OSA takes at most three (3) working days. a.
In counting the number of working days, fixed or usual holidays are NOT counted whereas sudden suspension of classes is counted. Saturdays are not considered as a working day.
Submission of requests related to the project/activity to other offices/departments is outside the three (3) working days initial processing by OSA.
* Note: Keep in mind the time tables of other offices/groups (i.e. OAS, UPP, etc) that you will be working with to implement your project after OSA approves it.
8. If approved, proceed with the next steps of the activity. If pending or disapproved, act on the remarks, comments, suggestions, and additional requirements needed as stated on the retrieved document. Consult with your OSA Professional if necessary. 9. In cases when proposals are returned for clarifications and/ or require dialogue with the organization regarding details, the proposal will be approved only after the concerns are addressed. 10. Attach the documents for logistical requirements to this project proposal when submitting to OAS.
Do not print this instruction page.
– Leadership Formation through Organization Development – LS-OSA proposal 70909 Page 1 of 5
Project Approval Checklist: X OAS long form (logistics) X FQA Form (food & drinks) X Marketing package MOA Student Waivers Adult Supervisor N. Form DCBAC waiver (alcohol) Booth Shift Schedule Others: ___________________ ____________________________ ____________________________
Name of Organization:
AIESEC Ateneo de Manila
Name of OSA Professional Assigned:
Ms. Joy Adolfo
Basic Project Information Project Title: Name of Person-in-Charge : Contact # of Person-in-Charge: Target Date and Time: Target Venue: Number of students involved: Audience Members only
4th MDG Summit (Millennium Development Goals) Student ID # May 26-29, 2010 Leong Hall and Roofdeck (May 27 only) (Student Organizers) 15 (Participants) Ateneans only
x Open to Public
Nature of Project/Activity:
What kind of activity will you hold? Seminar and Workshop for student leaders
Description of the Project/Activity
This is a description of the project concept overview, i.e. food sale, rummage sale, etc. Please limit to 50 words or less.
The MDG Summit is a three-day youth event that brings together students from across the country for seminars, workshops, and exhibits on the United Nations’ Millennium Development Goals and how the Philippines is working on achieving them. This project is in partnership with The Youth Advocates for United Nations (YAUN), member of the Global Youth Action Network (GYAN), in collaboration with the UNFPA –Youth Advisory Panel.
What goal/s will this activity address?
Pls. refer to the organization’s submitted goals for the present school year. The activity should address at least 2 goals. Goal 1: x Leadership Development To empower our participating members and the delegates of the summit in the development Internal Communication of their leadership potential through active social involvement. x External Communication Goal 2: x Program Management To activate our members in the organization and management of the project and ensure the Membership Formation success and sufficient preparation of the initiative. x Core Competencies
Objectives of the Project
1. How will this project help the organization achieve the set goals? Will the project get you closer to your vision-mission? 2. What is the added value of this project to the organization and/or the community?
1. Provide an opportunity for our members to practice their project management skills. 2. Develop an attitude and thrust among the participants to become agents of change through the MDGs. 3. Keep our operations aligned to the AIESEC values, in particular “activating leadership” and “enjoying participation” – Leadership Formation through Organization Development – LS-OSA proposal 70909 Page 2 of 5
Project Success Indicators
Indicate at least 3 success indicators that you can use to measure how successful the project was, i.e. the number of people who attended or how much money was generated. These indicators should be able to tell you if you were able to achieve the “ideal impact” you intended to make by the end of the project. The success indicators should include dates, figures, and the person-in-charge.
1. No. of AIESEC – AdMU participants and organizers taking leadership roles in the event 2. No. of Ateneans (AIESECers and non-AIESECers) in attendance as delegates of the summit 3. No. of corporate sponsors partnered with for the event Budget Summary
Provide a brief summary of expenses for the project. Include the specific breakdown of the expenses. Where will the org get the money for this project? _______ (Others) please specify: Youth Advocates for United Nations and corporate sponsors
Amount Projected Expenses 1. kindly see attached document 2. 3. Projected Revenue 1. Conference Fees (3,500 x 300 delegates) 2. Corporate & Materials Sponsors 3. Projected Net Income
Total 1,050,000.00
1,050,000.00 1,250,000.00 200,000.00 Expenses to be paid for by YAUN
Describe the preparations that will be undertaken before the actual project. Be as specific as possible. You may attach other details not specified here.
Committees Programs Finance Documentation / Publications Logistics Promotions Marketing
Task/s 1. to be planned and facilitated by YAUN National Team 2. 1. to be settled by YAUN National Team 2. 1. Endorse an article in the Guidon post-MDG Summit 2. Collect and create documentation material for record & promos 1. Reserve classrooms and plenary halls for the different sessions 2. Coordinate with YAUN Secretariat to facilitate delegates around campus 1. Make and post tarpaulin and posters 2. 1. Contact and set appointments with corporate sponsors 2. Close marketing package deals and submit MOAs
Will food and/or beverages be served during the activity?
Target Date April 2010 April – May 2010 June 2010 June 15, 2010 March 2010 During event April 15, 2010 March 27, 2010 May 20, 2010 X Yes
If Yes, Please accomplish and attach the Food Quality Assurance (FQA) Form.
For Student Entrepreneurial Initiatives (SEI): Please fill in the fields. For SEI, which involve food and/or beverages, accomplish and attach the Food Quality Assurance (FQA) Form. – Leadership Formation through Organization Development – LS-OSA proposal 70909 Page 3 of 5
Number of Slots requested: Set-up Date: Clearing Date:
Product Description Products/List of Menus
Name of Suppliers/ List of Concessionaires
Detailed Description of Products (i.e. ingredients, packaging, etc)
Not yet available
Implementation/Execution Phase
What will happen during the project itself? Provide the details and program flow. You may attach other details not specified here.
Activity Arrival and Pre-Summit (Cervini/Eliazo) Opening Plenary and Sessions (Leong Plenary Hall) Cultural Night (Leong Roof Deck) (details attached)
Date / Time May 26 – 12 noon onwards May 27– 9:00 to 6:00 May 27 – 8:30 to 11:30
Point person
Evaluation and Closure Phase
Discuss what actions the organization will do upon completion of the project (i.e. evaluation, tokens, acknowledgements, documentation, etc). You may attach other details not specified here.
Evaluation Acknowledgment s Documentation
Task/s 1. OSA Post-Project proposal 2. AIESEC – AdMU post project report 1. Thank you certificates to YAUN and other partners 2. Formal acknowledgement to the organizing committee and participants from AIESEC – AdMU 1. Photographic summary/compilation 2. Video summary (c/o YAUN)
Target Date June 12, 2010 June 12, 2010 May 29, 2010 May 29, 2010 June 15, 2010 n/a
Signed: Gabriel Medina President AIESEC Ateneo de Manila University
Ms. Concepcion Rosales Moderator AIESEC – Ateneo de Manila University
----------------------------------------------- Please do not write below this line ----------------------------------------------For OSA use only: Endorsed by:
Remarks Name of SEI Coordinator
Signature: Date: Approved by:
Name of OSA Professional – Leadership Formation through Organization Development – LS-OSA proposal 70909 Page 4 of 5
Signature: Date:
– Leadership Formation through Organization Development – LS-OSA proposal 70909 Page 5 of 5