Mary Kay - Objectives & Target Market

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Campaign by: Title IX

Objectives & Target Market

Table of Contents Executive Summary. . . . . . . . 2 Statement of the problem. . . . . . . 4 Critical factors. . . . . . . . . 7 Recommendations & Logical Reasoning. . . . . . . . . 11 Conclusion & Expected Outcomes. . . . . . . . . 14 Appendices. . . . . . . . 16 References. . . . . . . . . 21

executive summary

executive summary Marketing Problem Since 1963, Mary Kay Inc. has been conducting a highly lucrative cosmetics business. However, even a company so successful as Mary Kay must meticulously lay a solid foundation when starting a new advertising campaign. This solid foundation begins with setting objectives. Objectives are a crucial component to the campaign because it is on these objectives that all other decisions and parts of the campaign rely. Failure to lay this foundation could lead to dramatic complications later in the campaign or even prevent the campaign from getting off the ground. In this case, Mary Kay is struggling to reach the young female audience with their products and employment opportunities. By setting objectives, Mary Kay can rebrand itself and attract the business of this potential audience. Critical Factors There are several critical factors that should be taken into consideration when setting objectives because these factors determine the best course of action for solving the marketing problem. They will reveal how the company is performing and the current landscape of the makeup industry as well as revealing information about the target audience itself. These factors are numerous and can be broken down into three major categories: the company, the competition and the target audience. Recommendations and Logical Reasoning This plan offers two solutions to the marketing problem. Each solution outlines a specific set of marketing, advertising and media objectives to be met by the campaign. The marketing objective of Op-


tion 1 is to increase sales while Option 2 aims to increase the direct selling market share. The advertising objective for Option 1 is to persuade and increase frequency while Option 2 seeks to inform and increase reach. Finally, the media objectives will offer specifications regarding the reach, frequency, regionality and seasonality for each option. In addition, this section also outlines the strengths and weaknesses of both choices. Expected Outcomes and Conclusion Option 1: Segmented Audiences breaks the target audience into two sub-targets: college-aged females (18 to 21) and career-focused females (22 to 25). For the younger females, IBCs will be sent to college fairs to provide samples while boosting social media presence. For the older females, IBCs will offer samples a job fairs and traditional print ads will be created. The ultimate goal is to increase frequency, persuading the women to purchase Mary Kay products. Option 2: Social Media Campaign is the best option to achieve Mary Kay’s set of objectives. This option put emphasize on a huge social media presence by hosting “Twitter parties” creating Vine videos in addition to generating new content for Mary Kay’s current platforms (i.e. Facebook, Instagram, etc.). Ultimately, this option will increase Mary Kay’s reach to the young female audience, increasing brand awareness.

the problem

The problem Mary Kay

has several objectives to reach the target

audience with quality makeup products and profitable employment opportunities. While these objectives are attainable, the Mary Kay brand is not reaching out to the Millennials, otherwise known as Generation Y, causing a gap in their consumer base. With the objectives of this campaign, Mary Kay can rebrand itself to a younger audience and remove the perception of being “their mother’s makeup� which can also lead to them becoming possible Independent Beauty Consultants.Setting these objectives is a vital part of the campaign process because they allow the company to identify a clear course of action, measure progress, motivate employees, maintain focus and set a realistic budget. If objectives are not met, the company cannot accomplish its goals, and it becomes difficult to make strategic decisions.


Critical factors

Critical factors Independent Beauty Consultants Using the IBC business model provides the Mary Kay brand with several important benefits. IBCs are able to build strong relationships with their consumers, boosting brand loyalty and increasing recruitment prospects. Mary Kay’s entrepreneurial opportunities through the IBC program are also a big draw as they offer a 50 percent commission. Also, the average age of IBCs promotes an image of expertise and knowledge. The IBC system also has its drawbacks. The IBC age can also deter some women who do not believe older women can give them fashion advice that is consistent with current trends. Also, while some IBCs may be experts in the cosmetics world, others may lack the necessary knowledge. It is important to understand the IBCs role in the company because they are responsible for reaching and persuading the target audience.


Critical factors Publicity: Publicity is also a major issue for Mary Kay’s brand because it affects brand perception. Former IBCs have been attacking the company’s business model on the Internet, trying to “warn” new recruits about the company. The most prominent of these sites is “Pink Truth. Facts, opinions, and the real story behind Mary Kay Cosmetics.” One former consultant encourages new recruits to be wary of the “seven phases of denial.” The seven phases are listed below9.

Phase 1: Welcome abroad Phase 2: The Suit Phase 3: Try Harder Phase 4: Awakening Phase 5: Gnawing Doubt Phase 6: Critical Mass Phase 7: Crash and Burn and the Day of Rest


Critical factors Makeup Industry/ Trends/ The Image:

Table 1

As the makeup industry continues to grow1, so should the Mary Kay brand. Younger consumers want the “latest trends,” but Mary Kay’s brand image is geared towards older women. Younger consumers view Mary Kay as “their mother’s brand.” Also, the IBC method of selling does not address how young females approach purchasing decisions. They are likely to consult friends and neighbors to obtain their approval before buying a product .

Heavily varied - some other race, Asian, black, white Full-time student, unemployed, part-time job $100,00 or more; $50,000-$59,999; $25,000 or less Single

Race Marital Status Education

No formal schooling, high school diploma, some college, college grad Full-time student, unemployed, part-time job

Employment HH Income

$100,00 or more; $50,000-$59,999; $25,000 or less



Competition: As the makeup industry continues to grow rapidly, competition becomes fiercer because consumers can buy makeup nearly anywhere8. Mary Kay’s direct competition, Avon and Amway, have bigger direct selling market shares3 and revenue4. In 2012, it was estimated that Amway’s direct selling retail sales increased by 3.7 percent, and Avon retail

Table 2 Dining

More likely to eat fast food than dine at a steakhouse or family restaurant

Drink Leisure Activities

Energy drinks, sports drinks, soda and coffee drinks

Movies Movie Genres Self Concepts


sales increased by 5.3 percent (See Appendix A)4. Mary Kay’s direct selling business model gives the indirect competition the opportunity to take away consumers who would rather shop at a retail location.

Target Audience: By identifying the proper target audience, we can establish an appropriate set of objectives. Tables 1 and 2 display the demographics and psychographics that best represent our target audience of 18 to 25-year-


old females5.

Shopping Behavior

Tailgating, painting, drawing, sculpting, listening to music, going to the beach, going to bars/nightclubs/ dancing Horror, fantasy, comedy, action/adventure Stubborn, funny, reserved, dominating, creative, brave Change brands frequently for novelty, make purchases friends/neighbors would approve of, ask advice before purchasing

Psychographics & Behavioral5

Recommendations & Logical Reasoning

option 1 Option 1: Segmented Audiences A foundational goal of the 2015-2016 Mary Kay campaign is to reach a new target market of 18 to 25-year-old females4. In order to reach this goal, we suggest segmenting this new target market into two groups: 18 to 21-year-old college females and 22 to 25-year-old working females. This method of sub-targeting would help meet our marketing objective to increase sales by four percent. As an advertising objective, Mary Kay should aim to improve brand perception through persuasion and, in doing so, increase consideration for product purchase among 18 to 25-year-old females. Overall, this advertising objective looks to increase frequency among Mary Kay’s new target market. As a media objective, Mary Kay strives to reach 70 percent of females ages 18 to 25 in the South and West where we have a strong brand presence5. We would reach this goal by implementing an average of four messages per month. In other words, we would utilize a pulsing media schedule with more messages being delivered from April to July during graduation, wedding and prom seasons. These media objectives will help reach our advertising goal of persuading 18 to 25 year-old females to purchase Mary Kay products. In this option, frequency increases as a result of the objectives, which increases brand recall and recognition. However we run the risk of lowering our


reach. Also, brand awareness is particularly low in the target market, and increasing frequency does not solve this problem.

option 2 Option 2: Social Media Campaign As a method of engaging the new target market of 18 to 25-year-old females, Mary Kay would put out a social media campaign with a unique, youthful edge. As the power of social media grows stronger every day, particularly among Gen Y, utilizing these platforms is vital. By employing the “Mary Kay Twitter Party” as well as Vine video tutorials10, Mary Kay would be able to increase their direct-selling market share from 3.1 percent to 6.1 percent between February 2015 and February 2016 (see Appendix B)3. The interactivity of social media would enable Mary Kay to increase their reach by informing the new target market about the Mary Kay brand. Our media objective would be to increase Mary Kay’s reach to 80 percent of females ages 18 to 25 in the South and West regions where we have a strong brand presence5. We would accomplish this by implementing an average of three messages per month. For seasonality, we would utilize a pulsing media schedule with more messages being delivered from April to July during graduation, wedding and prom seasons. In other words, we will be utilizing a pulsing media schedule to reach our advertising goal of increasing Mary Kay’s brand awareness among 18 to 25-year-old females. The benefits of boosting frequency, such as increased brand recall and recognition, will be negated as a direct result of broadening our reach. However, greater reach will increase brand awareness. While the number of social media users continues to grow, this option risks alienating young females who are not


members of the social media sphere.

Conclusions & Expected outcomes

Expected outcomes Option 1: Segmented Audiences For our first recommendation, we suggest dividing our 18 to 25-year-old female target audience into two groups. This method of sub-targeting would entail two distinctive makeup lines, each geared to persuade their respective sub-target. There are significant lifestyle and mindset differences between females ages 18 to 21 and females ages 22 to 25. Females, ages 18 to 21 like bold, colorful looks that are consistent with youthful trends. On the other hand, females ages 22 to 25 tend to be more career-focused. They seek a mature look appropriate for the workplace6. Through this method of sub-targeting, Mary Kay can persuade the entire target market of 18 to 25-year-old females to buy their products. In order to engage women 18 to 21, we suggest sending Mary Kay’s IBCs to college fairs, offering free samples and makeup tutorials. In a similar way, we suggest sending IBCs to job fairs to gain attention from women 22 to 25. Again, the IBCs will give tutorials and offer free makeup samples suitable for the career-oriented female. Mary Kay’s Instagram would be the driving force in social media for 18 to 21-year-old females. Their page would consist of pictures and short videos of makeup tutorials. For females ages 22 to 25, we suggest using a traditional and sophisticated print ad displaying makeup that is appropriate for the workplace. Free samples and tutorials have been proven to increase women’s motivation to buy makeup7, which will boost Mary Kay’s sales.


Expected outcomes Option 2: Social Media Campaign Our second recommendation consists of unique and vigorous social

Using them as a unique form of social media would be a logical and realistic

media infiltration. Gen Y is known for multitasking, being tech-sav-

way to engage our target audience. Along with the “Mary Kay Twitter Party”

vy and having a shorter attention span, making it exceptionally dif-

tactic, we also suggest utilizing Vine as another social media outlet. We know

ficult for marketers to hold their interest2. Because our target audi-

that 18 to 25-year-old females are very busy, whether it be with school or

ence of 18 to 25-year-old females is part of Gen Y, we first suggest

work. Because of this, we infer that they will be more inclined to watch Vine

implementing a “Mary Kay Twitter Party,” a recent phenomenon in

videos, as they are short and direct. Uploading makeup application tutorials

the Twittersphere. Here, Mary Kay will host a virtual party on Twit-

and healthy skin tips to Vine would make the brand extremely interactive fur-

ter, where attendees chat about Mary Kay products and the brand

ther increasing Mary Kay’s brand awareness. Mary Kay should also continue

itself10. Mary Kay has the potential to generate thousands of tweets

to maintain a strong presence on their current social media outlets (Facebook,

in a matter of hours with the hashtag #mkJoinTheParty. Mary Kay

Instagram, Blogs, etc.).

will host this virtual makeup party to get a people taking about Mary Kay products, thereby, increasing brand awareness. We will incorporate makeup and other Mary Kay prizes into this virtual event, as well, which will help build a better relationship with our current and potential consumers. Twitter parties are eccentric and unexpected, which is precisely why we encourage their implementation.



Option 2 is the best course of action to reach Mary Kay’s target audience because social media is an optimal platform for reaching 18-25-year-old females. It would increase brand awareness, improve perception of the brand and motivate consumers to purchase Mary Kay. While Option 1 is a viable option for increasing frequency, it neglects to address the new target market causing reach to suffers. To accomplish all of our objectives, reach must take precedence over frequency, which is why Option 2 is more effective.



Appendices Appendix A


Appendices Appendix B


Advertisement: option 1


Advertisement: option 2



References Allured Business Media (2013). Positive growth for U.S. cosmetics and toiletries market.


Retrieved from

Market--206915071.html. Fougere, N. (2008). 5 key characteristics of generation Y. Retrieved from

2 Gale Research Inc. (2011). Market share reporter (Volume 2). Detroit, MI: Gale Research.


Mary Kay Inc. (2013). Mary Kay 2013-2014 NSAC case study. PDF file.


Simmons Market Research Bureau (2012). Simmons Choices3 (Spring, 2010) [Computer


software]. New York: Simmons Market Research Bureau. Simpson, A. R. (2008). Young adults development project: brain changes. Retrieved from

6 gadult/brain.html. Thampy, Adarsh (2012). Are you using these 25 sales techniques to increase sales?. Retrieved from

7 Tracy (2012). Mary Kay and market saturation. Retrieved from

8 Tracy (2012). The seven phases of Mary Kay denial. Retrieved from

9 Twitter Party Guide (2011). What is a Twitter party?. Retrieved from



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