Mary Kay Campaign

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Mary Kay is a globally recognized, highly competitive cosmetic company that sells its core values as much as it does its quality products. When challenged with the task of targeting 18-25 year-old women, research revealed that our target views the Mary Kay brand as one of great quality and value. However, these women feel the brand projects an image that they cannot identify with. Due to misunderstanding or lack of knowledge about the brand, our target audience currently holds a perception that Mary Kay is the makeup their mothers would wear.


A key insight from our research is that Millennials want their makeup to help them feel sophisticated, confident and powerful. Millennials are going through transitions in life such as getting married and starting new careers. In order to cater to these transitions, Mary Kay must position itself as a “classic” brand that has been helping women gain strength, poise and elegance for 50 years.


The “Redefine Classic, Rediscover Mary Kay” campaign takes the perceived motherly image of Mary Kay and transforms it into an image of classic sophistication. The campaign builds upon the classic looks of the last five decades to showcase what women have in common: a desire to have great skin and be the very best version of themselves.


Our fully integrated and targeted advertising campaign increases brand awareness, positive perception and purchase consideration by communicating to the target audience that Mary Kay wants every woman to have a classic look that is unique to her lifestyle and beliefs. Our campaign will utilize social media, digital billboards, television commercials, various IMC events and promotions to communicate that Mary Kay stands for classic beauty, friendship and better lives for women.


THE CHALLENGE Create a marketing campaign for the Mary Kay brand that utilizes a unique and efficient non-traditional approach to target females 18-to-25-year-old women in order to increase awareness of Mary Kay, positive perception of Mary Kay products, and consideration for product purchase and the Mary Kay business opportunity.

THE TARGET We discovered that, even with a six-year age gap between our oldest and youngest audience members, each woman was looking for the same thing in her cosmetic products. She wants to feel sophisticated, put together and ready to tackle the day. She prefers a natural look on a daily basis but will intensify her makeup for evenings out. Our target is transitioning into adulthood, but they’re still adventurous, curious and takes risks by trying new things. They find self-worth through social interactions, and they are tech savvy with social media as a means of product research and customer support. They are wary of being marketed to and prefers to communicate with a brand. They prefer to conduct their own online research before trying new products to find the best products for their money. They are interested in fashion, love to shop and continuously search for the best options and latest trends. They have been wearing makeup for years, but they have less knowledge about good skin care. Recommendations from friends and family are important when it comes to making decisions.



















FOCUS GROUPS We conducted 10 focus groups in order to better understand the target audiences attitude and perception of Mary Kay. Each of the focus groups comprised a different segment of our target audience, such as young professionals and cosmetics enthusiasts. Projective techniques were included in the focus groups to allow us to more fully and deeply understand consumers’ relationship with the brand. Projective techniques included: Mary Kay Collage: Before discussing the brand, we asked participants to create a collage using magazine cutouts that represented their view of Mary Kay. With this, we concluded that our target audience associates Mary Kay with images that appear more “mature,” “sophisticated,” “American,” “reliable” and, most notably, “classic.” Word Associations: Participants were given a list of relevant adjectives and were told to circle three words that they associated with Mary Kay. The majority of participants circled the word “mature” when associating Mary Kay, signifying the brand was for a more mature audience. Quote Bubble: After viewing the Mary Kay at Play™ products and design via the Mary Kay brochure, participants filled in a conversation bubble. In the first bubble, the character asked what the participant thought of the Mary Kay at Play™ Line. In a blank bubble, the participants filled in their response. We learned that our target finds the line to be “way too young” for them.


Deprivation Study: In one of the focus groups, we requested that the participants refrain from using any makeup for three days. Each day, they wrote a reflective journal entry based on their experience. We were able to determine the deeper effect that makeup had on these women. In nearly every journal entry, the participants noted that they depended on their makeup for “confidence” and felt uncomfortably exposed during the deprivation.




1 & 2. Collages made by participants that reflect Mary Kay

3. Quote Bubble example

IBC RESEARCH Our research involving Independent Beauty Consultants (IBCs) — Mary Kay Parties, in-depth interviews with IBCs and a marketing call — showed that IBCs do not just sell the products. They inform women of the company values while sharing stories of success and failure in hopes of providing a comforting environment to which all women can relate. Mary Kay wants to help enrich women’s lives, not necessarily transform them. This holds true not only in the natural makeup they provide but also in the process of becoming a Mary Kay consultant. The company truly aims to enhance the lives that women already live.


Our research team participating at a Mary Kay Party

OBSERVATIONS Observational research took place in 11 different stores: Macy’s, Dillard’s, JCPenney, Ulta, Sephora, MAC, Bare Minerals, Target, Wal-Mart, Walgreens and CVS. We found the target is attracted to makeup brands with distinguished reputations. In our one-on-one interviews, we saw our target’s shopping preferences were based on convenience to purchase, assistance and brand perception. There were active seekers of product information through store assistance, advice from personal relationships and online reviews. Few consumers in these stores were familiar with the direct selling model. However, they had heard of Mary Kay.

KEY INSIGHTS Our qualitative research and surveys revealed that our target audience did not often use Mary Kay, but most had a perception of Mary Kay being a quality brand that older women usually used. Participants in our research described the typical Mary Kay user as a white, middle-aged woman of middle to upper-middle socioeconomic status who “drinks martinis,” lives in the suburbs, is a mom and, of course, drives a Cadillac. Hillary Clinton, Meryl Streep and Carrie Underwood were examples of celebrities that embodied the brand. While the target found it hard to connect with a brand that did not reflect their youthfulness, they did identify with the maturity that the brand exemplifies. Our target is proud of their youth, but they want to be taken more seriously. Makeup, as a tool, can help accomplish this for them.

THE BIG IDEA Current Thought:

Our target thinks Mary Kay consumers are middle- to-upper-class, 50-year-old homemakers from Dallas. However, the target feels the brand represents classic, American qualities. The target is unfamiliar with the direct selling method and does not know of the IBCs’ role or their wealth of knowledge.

Desired Thought:

Mary Kay stands for poise, elegance and success. Mary Kay has helped women feel attractive and powerful for the last 50 years, establishing a network of sophisticated women who exude confidence and class in every aspect of their lives.


Millennials desire sophistication and wish to make a statement with their confidence and power. If we can convince Millennials that Mary Kay is not “old” but rather “classic,” we can open their minds to the Mary Kay community. Classic and timeless beauty resonates with our target audience and is a key component in Mary Kay’s values.




CREATIVE SUMMARY REDEFINE CLASSIC, REDISCOVER In order to realize the “Timeless Beauty” concept, we developed the “Redefine Classic, Rediscover Mary Kay” campaign, which takes our audience on a journey through time. The concept focuses on two specific elements of Mary Kay and women’s lives that have stayed consistent over the past 50 years. The first deals with makeup and Mary Kay’s portfolio itself. While trends have come and gone, some beauty essentials have remained. For instance, a woman in the ‘60s was just as concerned with clear skin as a woman today. Lipstick and mascara are still staples. The second element deals with the friendships women make throughout life. Relying on a best friend or a confidant is a human trait that is not exclusive to one time period, and Mary Kay offers this through its reliable IBCs. The campaign touches on vintage and period-based looks from the ‘60s and onward, and our concept encourages consumers to be forward-thinking in beauty and to use the glamour of past decades as inspiration when they choose their makeup. This ensures that each woman has a “classic” look that is unique to her lifestyle and beliefs. This campaign allows us to take the perceived motherly image of Mary Kay and transform it into an image of everlasting sophistication. In keeping with Mary Kay’s primary objective of increasing brand awareness, positive perception and purchase consideration among women 18-25, our creative team came up with a number of viable options to be utilized through non-traditional and traditional media as well as revitalized packaging for the Mary Kay at Play™ line that will promote the brand to our target audience.

TRADITIONAL OUTDOOR As part of our traditional campaign, we will utilize digital billboards to promote Mary Kay’s brand and messaging to our target audience. The digital billboards will use consumer Instagram feeds of people tagging and hashtagging #redefineclassic. The posts will appear on the billboards next to the person’s profile picture.

6 Digital Billboard Example

TELEVISION A primary medium to maximize awareness for this campaign is television. The commercials will focus on the idea that Mary Kay is a brand that helps its users redefine classic because its products have stood the test of time despite fads and trends.


The first commercial shows friends from the ‘60s through present day sharing Mary Kay’s products with each other. Each woman looks elegant and timeless with Mary Kay makeup and, most importantly, she shares the experience of makeup with a friend. The commercial ends when an IBC saves a woman in need from a makeup fiasco, hinting at a future friendship.

‘60s friends

‘70s friends

‘80s friends

Today’s girls

IBC passing along her business card



The second commercial shows a young Millenial making herself over. She shuffles through various hairstyles and trends from the ‘60s and onward, but her makeup remains the same as she transforms herself.

A classy ‘60s girl: black dress, pearls and hair up

‘70s more casual look

‘80s and the classic shiny & colorful dress

7 The ‘90s classy jean jacket

A young Millennial making herself over


SOCIAL MEDIA & NON-TRADITIONAL YOUTUBE Our video spots [2:49] will extend from television to non-traditional, online forms through YouTube and other digital video media. In this spot, various women within the target audience were asked to give brief explanations of what they believed classic beauty was. The purpose of the spot was to bring the campaign to the consumers and allow them the opportunity to help “redefine classic” in a way that is both inspiring and uplifting. (In addition to airing online, this non-traditional video will be extended to air at movie theaters.)

SOCIAL MEDIA SUMMARY The overall goal of the social aspect of the Redefine Classic, Rediscover Mary Kay campaign is to connect with the target audience through their favorite social media platforms and to create a physical presence through events and interactive displays. By involving our target in content creation as well as positioning Mary Kay as a provider of timeless beauty, we will greatly improve positive association, awareness and positive perception.

MARY KAY COLLEGE CONTEST In order to better reach our student targets, our campaign includes interaction with college campuses. Mary Kay will give student organizations the chance to win $10,000 for a philanthropic cause of their choice. We will host contests in the largest universities throughout the United States, which include one college per state and the District of Columbia. The competition will take place via Facebook. Mary Kay will set up photo folders for each college and participating organization. Participants will submit a photo for their organization that represents their cause, and the winning organization from each university will receive the donation. The contest will last for one month, and during that time Mary Kay will monitor the contest to determine which student organization receives the most “likes” for its photo. The competition will spread to different regions during different time periods; schools in the Northeast will compete throughout February, the South in March, the Midwest in April and the West in May.


This contest is also expected to provide Mary Kay opportunities to reach its target directly. IBCs will be part of recruitment and publicity for the contest on each campus. Incorporating IBCs enables these participants to learn about Mary Kay, its values and its direct selling model. In addition, the philanthropy donations reflect Mary Kay’s core values and company foundation, which is also found to be important from our survey.

IBC WEBSITE In order to strengthen the IBC program, this campaign whill create The introduction of the IBC website will encourage members of our target audience to become IBCs by promoting a positive image of the IBC experience. We found that some of the main problems consultants face include difficulty in selling products, finding clientele and being comfortable as an IBC. Through this new website, consultants have the ability to discuss the problems they are experiencing and receive help from any IBC in the network. Since any woman can become an IBC, will act as a vital learning tool for consultants. Training videos and online workshops will be available for topics like personal branding, social media strategy, sales techniques and makeup trends. will also have a blog/open forum that will aid in increasing positive perception. The forum will allow people to ask questions about beauty and skin care, and anyone, including Mary Kay employees, can answer these questions. When an IBC answers a question, there will be an indication of that person being an IBC.

Example of IBC website profile.


MARY KAY MOBILE APP Our research revealed that finding parties and IBCs were a major inconvenience for our target, so in order to address this issue and incorporate relevant technology, we will create the Mary Kay app. After downloading the app and logging in, the user will be asked if they have an IBC identification number. This will allow IBCs to access features that will make their experiences as a consultant easier and more accessible from their phones. The IBC home screen will show a visual that measures their individual achievements as a consultant and give them the ability to set deadlines for their goals, also visible on this page. The home screen will display a menu that contains links to a party/appointment scheduler and calendar, a personal inventory count—which allows them to order more products if necessary—an address book and quick resources for them to use as a consultant. For consumers, first-time users of the app will be prompted to take a personality quiz that will match them with several IBCs in their area. This is an effort to make our target audience more comfortable with the direct-selling model by presenting IBCs as friends, not salespeople. Other features include a free sample box of Mary Kay products, a location-based service that helps users find Mary Kay parties and IBCs near them, a means of ordering products from an IBC and a way to connect with other Mary Kay users via e-mail or Facebook. The app will also provide weekly beauty advice. Topics such as the importance of removing makeup, when to start using anti-aging products, the sun’s effects on skin and ingredients to look for in makeup will be included. The beauty tip of the week will lead to a discussion between website followers and IBCs on the open forum and phone app.



3 1. IBC profile page: where she can look at her stats and manage her sales, calendar, orders and connections 2. Customer profile, which helps the buyer manage orders and connect with IBCs 3. IBC matching visual quiz 1 4. IBC matching visual quiz 2 5. Matching results screenshot 6. Smartphone Mary Kay App icon





MARY KAY PINAWAY CONTEST Mary Kay will promote its Mary Kay Pinaway Contest via Pinterest. The contest will span a four-month period, from May to August, and each month will revolve around a specific decade. Participants will pin their ideas of “classic” for each time period. The following decades will be represented in this order: the ‘60s in May, the ‘70s in June, the ‘80s in July and the ‘90s in August. Participants will pin their ideas of classic trends from each decade with #redefineclassic in an effort to rediscover these classic styles. Participants will create their own boards, labeled as MK ‘60s Pinaway, MK ‘70s Pinaway and so on to take part in the contest. Concurrently, Mary Kay will have its own set of trends and iconic looks for each decade. At the end of each contest, the company will choose five winners from each decade based on who best matched Mary Kay’s list of chosen trends. These 20 winners will receive a year’s supply of ICON by Mary Kay products and a photo shoot recreating their favorite looks from their pins. This contest will create digital content for other social media outlets at the same time. Users of other social media platforms will see the results and winners of the contest, which will create buzz and entice them to participate in the next month’s contest.

Pinterest board for the Mary Kay Pinaway Contest


SOCIAL MEDIA ENDORSERS INSTAGRAM: We will conduct an Instagram contest using the question, “How Do You Redefine Classic?” During this campaign, three Instagram endorsers will post a vintage photo with a certain decade theme (chosen by Mary Kay) and prompt their followers to recreate the look. Instagram users will then post their recreated looks using #redefineclassic, and their photos will be streamed to digital billboards. Photos of the digital billboards will be spread through Instagram via popular Instagrammers Lisa Eldridge, Wayne Gloss and Lottie, whose posts reach over 250,000 Instagram users. The contest will have one photo every week-and-a-half for the entire campaign period, allowing for a total of 42 recreated looks. To look at the specific regions affected see Appendix D. YOUTUBE: According to research, the most popular “makeup vloggers” on YouTube are women who create tutorial videos centered on makeup, hairstyles and general beauty. We will utilize three social media personalities — Zoe Sugg, Bethany Mota and Andrea Brooks—and have them create Mary Kay makeup tutorials and reviews. These women have millions of YouTube subscribers, giving Mary Kay a much broader audience. YouTube endorsers will be provided with Mary Kay samples to use in their tutorials, and each endorser will post one vlog per month. This will give Mary Kay a total of 39 makeup tutorials that will reach millions of women across the globe. VINE: We will be signing Amymarie Gaertner, AlliCat and Lele Pons for social media endorsements on Vine. Collectively, these three Vine users carry almost 5.8 million followers, giving Mary Kay a wide reach through yet another social media outlet. For this social media platform, we are focusing on humor. Our target audience does not like to be directly marketed to; they prefer ads that tell stories or have comedy. Our endorsers will encourage their followers to make Vines using #redefineclassic. In these Vines, people will do funny things that are “classic” — such as slipping on a banana peel — and our endorsers will re-Vine the funniest and most appropriate videos. Each endorser will create one Vine per month over the campaign period, creating a total of 39 Vines.

MARY KAY ICONIC SOIRÉE THE EVENT The Mary Kay Iconic Soirée will be a large-scale IMC event to create buzz about Mary Kay and promote Mary Kay’s new product line aimed at our target market. The soirée will take place in high traffic areas frequented by makeup users within our target.


Mary Kay Iconic Soirée will take place in the following months and locations: August - St. Louis 2015 September - Washington February - Houston October - Phoenix, Hartford, Atlanta March - Detroit, Boston November - Providence April - Indianapolis December - Los Angeles, San Francisco May - Chicago, New York, Pittsburgh 2016 June - Seattle, Columbus, Milwaukee January - Dallas July - Philadelphia

The soirées will take place in high-traffic areas. Five venues will be rented for each soirée to portray the ‘60smodern times. Each venue will be decorated in the style of a specific decade. There will be IBCs dressed in period outfits doing makeup tutorials in the respective classic style, and attendants will automatically receive a sample bag at the event Participants will get a chance to visit each venue and receive different samples of the new ICON line. Soirées will also feature bands playing music of the times for each decade that enhance the themes of each venue. IBCs will also be there to interact with participants and make new connections/clients. A raffle for a chance to win BMWs will also take place.

This is an example of the atmosphere at the ‘70s themed soirée.

THE PROMOTION In order to promote these parties, an augmented reality board and a live billboard will be placed in each city a month before the parties. These boards will be in subway stations, bus shelters, malls, etc. and will be interactive digital screens. Once approached, the boards will recognize consumers standing in place. They will then see their outfit transformed on the screen into an iconic look from the ‘60s, ‘70s, ‘80s or ‘90s. Consumers can then share their photos on the Mary Kay Facebook page. Additionally, we will have actors portraying different decades inside clear semi-trucks a week before the events. #mkiscoming and #redefineclassic will be displayed on the corners of the trucks to prompt users to find out more about the event through social media. Throughout the whole two weeks of promotion, we will be updating our Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest with pictures of our promotional activities and hints leading up to the event.


Target female exploring the augmented reality board that plays off decades to show our target how they would look in beautiful outfits from the past




The Mary Kay live billboard showcasing a life size set portraying a specific decade 1. ‘60s 2. ‘70s 3. ‘80s


REVERSE GRAFFITI Our guerilla-marketing concept involves an artwork form known as reverse graffiti, which involves power-washing images into dirty buildings to make them worth noticing again. We will power wash the faces of local women onto buildings in high-traffic areas. We will initiate a nomination process the month before mural placement that will require women to nominate women that inspire them. The form will ask for the woman’s name, a photo and 500 words of how she is inspirational. Three women will be voted upon over a one-week period. The winner will be asked to share her story in a video blog that Mary Kay will produce, and her face will be drawn into a wall in a prominent area in the city with a quote from her and a QR code that will open her video on Mary Kay’s YouTube page. The murals will be created in various cities during the spring and summer months of May, June, July and August, when foot traffic is higher and makeup sales increase; each city will have three murals created. Los Angeles and Chicago will take place in May, New York and Dallas in June, San Francisco and Detroit in July and Philadelphia and Washington in August.

Example of a Mary Kay reverse graffiti in the city



Due to the negative response toward the Mary Kay at Play™ packaging, name and advertising in our primary research, we will rebrand the line. We believe a new name, “ICON by Mary Kay,” will resonate with the target audience and empower them to become their own beauty icons. The packaging will be sleek with clean typography on top of black casing, which is in line with the sophistication sought out by the target audience. The products in the ICON line will remain the same as Mary Kay at Play™. In addition, the time element of this campaign will be used to the line’s advantage. For example, an eye shadow trio that features three matte neutrals could be marketed as a ‘60s palette, while another trio that features more shimmer shades could be marketed as a ‘70s palette. While both of these palettes would be distinct in style, they would be applicable to modern, everyday looks. Our decade-specific products will also feature QR codes on the backs of their packaging. This will bring users to a Mary Kay YouTube tutorial that will use the product in a vintage-inspired, modern look. These codes will not only drive customers to Mary Kay’s social accounts but reward customers for their purchase as well.

Logo of the new Icon by Mary Kay, which replaces Mary Kay at PLAY™ Packaging example for foundation

Example of palette representing the ‘70s Peace, love, and rock ‘n roll... Inspired by the 1970s, two rich shades of brown allow for a darker crease or a perfectly blended smoky eye, and the light gold adds a distinct highlight. Reflective of a decade with fashion trends such as hippies, punk and glam.


Packaging example for mascara

Example of palette representing today While we always look to the past for trends in fashion and makeup, what is better than today? Our Now palette is inspired by the ever changing trends that are happening right now. Three neutral tones, including a rich black, were carefully chosen to allow for endless makeup possibilities.

MEDIA STRATEGY MEDIA OBJECTIVES This campaign will reach about 85 percent of the target audience with an average of three messages per month.

MEDIA SELECTION The majority of our budget will go toward non-traditional advertising through promotional efforts involving integrated marketing communications (IMC). Interacting with consumers and convincing them to try the products is a crucial aspect of the campaign, due to the influence family and friends have on the information-gathering and decision-making processes of our target.

PAID MEDIA STRATEGY Television Over a period of one week, approximately 89 percent of 18-to-24-year-olds watch television. Additionally, Millennials watch about 111 hours of television per month. The campaign will utilize a combination of network and syndicated television. Expected Impressions: 8,538,720 Specs • Three 30-second commercials •“Scandal” (ABC) – 2 spots •“The Big Bang Theory” (TBS) – 12 spots •“Modern Family” (USA) – 12 spots •“How I Met Your Mother” (FX) – 10 spots Digital Over a period of one week, 92.7 percent of 18- to 24-year-olds access the Internet Women spend nearly seven hours per week watching television online, and 18- to 24-year-olds spend about 15 hours per month watching video content online. Furthermore, women listen to the radio online an average of seven hours per week, and eight percent of 18- to 36-year-olds subscribe to Hulu Plus. Expected Impressions: 4,741,500 Specs • Utilizes television commercials on these media • Internet Television • • • • • Pandora • YouTube


Promoted Posts Promoted Facebook posts will be utilized to increase target interaction with the site and awareness for the brand. Facebook is the most used social platform by our target, and the benefits of using promoted posts include increased engagement and brand awareness. Expected Impressions: 1,062,500 Specs • 50 promoted posts Movie Theaters Advertising in movie theaters will utilize the television commercials as pre-show movie advertising. Numbers indicate that most of our target attended the movies at least three times, if not more, in the last 30 days; the target frequents the movie theater almost monthly. In addition, movie theater ads produce higher recall than other media, and Millennials remember and enjoy pre-show movie advertising. For specific locations of movie theaters, see Appendix C. Expected Impressions: 1,058,400 Specs • 168 movie theaters across 28 cities

Outdoor Our target notices outdoor advertisements, which reaches three in four adults. Millennials also feel that billboards make long drives less boring, further increasing the medium’s appeal. For specific locations of billboards, see Appendix D. Expected Impressions: 5,480,034 Specs • 78 digital billboards across 24 cities


We will rely heavily on the target to seek out and share Mary Kay’s online content with other Millennials to maximize the reach potential of social media. Other platforms available for use in owned media include: Mary Kay’s blog, website, Virtual Makeover App and MK eCatalog App. Social Media Eighty-three percent of 18- to 29-year-olds who use the Internet also use social networking sites. 18- to 24-yearolds spend nearly two hours on social media during the average weekday. Each platform was chosen for its use by the target audience and their willingness to interact with brand content on these sites. Expected Impressions: 34,283,246 Specs • Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, Vine

EARNED MEDIA STRATEGY Due to the viral nature of social media, advertising and promotional efforts will attract earned media as content and information is shared among users. This will generate extra exposure to our campaign among our target audience.


OUTCOMES Based on the combined use of paid and owned media, we expect to achieve about 54,101,900 impressions.

REGIONAL & SEASONAL STRATEGY REGIONALITY Mary Kay has an established, strong brand presence in the West and the South (see Appendices A and B for more information), therefore more of the budget will go toward offensive efforts in the Northeast and Midwest. Fifty-six percent of the budget will go toward the Midwest and Northeast, with 28 percent being allocated to each region. The remaining 44 percent of the budget will go toward the South and West, with 22 percent being allocated to those areas. We also chose specific cities in which to concentrate advertising and promotional efforts. Each choice was based on three criteria: presence of the target, presence of Mary Kay users in the target and sales of cosmetic, perfume and bath preparation products. Information from each category was then cross-referenced, and the cities with the strongest potential were selected. For specific city locations, see Appendices C and D. SEASONALITY There are three major periods in which a large portion of the budget will be spent: March to May, August to October and December. Throughout the rest of the year there will be continuous advertising through a variety of media.


Movie Theaters $100,800 Contingency $75,000 Campaign Evaluation $50,000 Digital $344,580




Outdoor $624,000 Television $1,244,000


Non-Traditional 40%




Production Costs $1,422,000





Mary Kay Iconic SoirĂŠe $3,818,300

CAMPAIGN EVALUATION A combination of pre-testing, concurrent and post-testing will be employed to evaluate the success of the campaign. Testing will consist of distribution of surveys every three months to members of the target audience. The surveys will measure brand awareness, brand perception, purchase intention and interest in IBC opportunity. In addition, we will monitor the following activity to measure the effectiveness of the campaign: • Makeup and skincare sales • Total sales (online & offline) • Icon by Mary Kay sales (online & offline) • Attendance for the Mary Kay Iconic Soirée • Participation in Mary Kay Pinaway Contest • Interaction with the Augmented Reality billboards • Participation in the Mary Kay College Facebook Contest • Twitter followers and retweets • Instagram followers • YouTube views and subscribers • Vine followers and reposts • Smartphone application downloads • Website traffic • IBC recruitment























Total Cost



Movie Theaters Outdoor Social Media

Non-Traditional $970,320


Live Billboards Other

Total Active Month of Campaign Inactive Month of Campaign


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