Trendbook - Travel changing course

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TREND BOOK Travel changing course


Hello, This trend book aims to identify new trends in travel and tourism. Travel and tourism are very large concepts. That is why this report only takes an interest into the feelings of tourists, and what they expect to feel when traveling. I hope this trend book will inspire you and enable you to innovate in the field of tourism. Claire Cesareo



CONTENT Introduction Driver: social one-upmnaship Driver: seeking for experience Driver: authentic trip Driver: adventurous tourism Driver: responsible tourism Trend: Consciousness adventure upmanship Idea: Travelling like a bird Idea: Travelling like a whale



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WANDERLUST: (n.) AN IRRESISTIBLE DESIRE TO TRAVEL TO UNDERSTAND ONE'S VERY EXISTENCE. From Paris to New York, a great many people receive satisfaction from exploration. In the frame of our modern culture, wanderlust flourishes and it’s no secret that the phenomenon is a hot topic. But why do people love to travel? Counter to what one would assume, traveling is a default human desire (for safety or stability), we’re out roaming the globe challenging our views, adopting new ways of life, and embedding ourselves within the colorful embraces of the different cultures our planet has to offer. Perhaps most importantly, through travel we learn that no matter what we’ve been conditioned to believe or how we’ve been taught to see the world, our borders are imaginary human fabrications. We realize that we’re all just people, roaming around trying to find ourselves, and finding others along the way. For perspective, it is entirely by chance that you were born in New York, California, Africa or Europe. What if your great grandparents had never immigrated? What if they had? It’s vital to regulate the judgments we use to make sense of each other’s lives on a frequent basis, and what better activity to demonstrate this exists than breaking down borders through traveling?











L'invitation)au)voyage) ! Mon!enfant,!ma!soeur,! Songe!à!la!douceur! D'aller!là6bas!vivre!ensemble!! Aimer!à!loisir,! Aimer!et!mourir! Au!pays!qui!te!ressemble!! Les!soleils!mouillés! De!ces!ciels!brouillés! Pour!mon!esprit!ont!les!charmes! Si!mystérieux! De!tes!traîtres!yeux,! Brillant!à!travers!leurs!larmes.! ! Là,!tout!n'est!qu'ordre!et!beauté,! Luxe,!calme!et!volupté.! ! Des!meubles!luisants,! Polis!par!les!ans,! Décoreraient!notre!chambre;! Les!plus!rares!fleurs! Mêlant!leurs!odeurs! Aux!vagues!senteurs!de!l'ambre,! Les!riches!plafonds,! Les!miroirs!profonds,! La!splendeur!orientale,! Tout!y!parlerait! A!l'ame!en!secret! Sa!douce!langue!natale.! ! Là,!tout!n'est!qu'ordre!et!beauté,! Luxe,!calme!et!volupté.! ! Vois!sur!ces!canaux! Dormir!ces!vaisseaux! Dont!l'humeur!est!vagabonde;! C'est!pour!assouvir! Ton!moindre!désir! Qu'ils!viennent!du!bout!du!monde.! Les!soleils!couchants! Revêtent!les!champs,! Les!canaux,!la!ville!entière,! D'hyacinthe!et!d'or;! Le!monde!s'endort! Dans!une!chaude!lumière.! ! Là,!tout!n'est!qu'ordre!et!beauté,! Luxe,!calme!et!volupté.! ! Charles!Baudelaire! !






Nowadays, it's easier to travel. With globalization we are witnessing the advent of mass tourism. Today low coast airlines, companies or websites such as couchsurfing make traveling accessible to everybody. Traveling has become commonplace. Therefore, people are in search for!














DRIVER / Social one-upmanship



Travel has always garnered some level of social currency. But where travellers of old shared (and bragged about) their activities upon returning home, today’s hyper-connected and mobile-enabled vacationers are doing so in real time. Posting photos, video and text updates amplifies the travel experience, affording an opportunity to broadcast far and wide how cool, privileged, worldly, etc. the traveller is. While relaying the experience to others has always been part of travel’s appeal, social media now affords travellers the instant gratification of sharing every highlight on the spot with a broader audience, amplifying the social currency connected with travel. Key brands with which travellers interact are being organically spread throughout social networks.


With mundane status updates overflowing across the social web, people are looking to win, "social cred" and stand out from the masses by broadcasting attentiongetting experiences. And as travellers detail the highlights of their trip, they are consciously or unconsciously engaging in social one-upmanship (“I’m having more fun than you,” “I’m more worldly than you,” etc.). In the survey made by JTW agency, close to a third of all respondents agree that sharing travel activities makes them stand out in their social network (see figures 2a and 2b). Sometimes this means stretching the truth: About 30% of American Millennial and Gen X respondents admit to exaggerating travel experiences on social networks, over a third of British Millennials admit to doing so as do 23% of Gen Xers.


Social one-upmanship / DRIVER






DRIVER / Seeking for expérience





Seeking for expĂŠrience / DRIVER



Tourists wanted to go in the furthest, remotest and more isolated countries. They were looking for an exotic destination, to 'escape' - escape from the: dull daily routine, escape from the familiar, the commonplace, the ordinary, escape from the job, the boss, the customers, the house, and the accelerated pace of modern life. Therefore tourists sought experiences throughout the world in countries such as New Zealand, South Africa, South America, Sahara, Southeast Asia...



DRIVER / Seeking for expérience





Seeking for expérience / DRIVER





DRIVER / Authentic trip



AS MORE PEOPLE WENT TO THESE 'NEW DESTINATIONS', GRADUALLY THEY WERE NOT NEW ANYMORE, WORSE THEY EVEN BECAME TOURISTIC. THUS PEOPLE WANTED MORE: THEY WERE LOOKING FOR AN AUTHENTIC TRIP. Nowadays tourists don’t want to be seen as tourists… They want to live the local life. People want to not only put pins on a map to indicate where they have been. They want to experience the local culture, get in with the local people, and see how they live and what they eat. They also want to diversify experiences, for example by taking cooking classes, painting or yoga, by staying in tree houses, hotels on stilts or even underwater. Tourists need unique experiences that personally engage them. Despite the tendency for travellers to take short breaks, there is a counter-trend toward high value-added and extended vacations that are purpose-driven either by education, wellness, or other forms of programmed self- improvement. These tourists want to be involved—to learn new experiences, interact with the community, and learn about and appreciate the destination on more than just a superficial level. They are more interested in self-improvement as part of the tourism experience with an emphasis on health, well being, education, skill development and cultural appreciation. For increasing numbers of tourists, a holiday, instead of being a form of consumption, is an investment—investment in them. Consequently, the barrier between leisure and education will blur to such an extent that it will virtually disappear.



Authentic trip / DRIVER





DRIVER / Adventurous tourism





Adventurous tourism / DRIVER



THEREAFTER, THEY WANTED TO EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED. THEY WANTED TO BE OUT OF THEIR COMFORT ZONE. THEY WANTED TO EXPERIENCE A CULTURE SHOCK OR PERFORMING ACTS THAT REQUIRE SIGNIFICANT EFFORT AND INVOLVE SOME DEGREES OF RISK. THE ADVENTUROUS TOURISM IS THE SOLUTION. A new branch of the tourism sector called adventure tourism is booming. Originally created as opposed to mass tourism, the concept is to travel to the most wild and in some cases extreme conditions with more or less limited comfort. The program includes: physical activity, cultural exchanges and respect for the environment. Back to nature and in contact with indigenous peoples, these trips perfectly meet ecological fibre and increasing the responsible adventurists. Climb icy peaks in the middle of Antarctica, be vampirized by leeches through a forest of Madagascar or melt under the sun of the South Moroccan desert: Here are some of the formula holidays prized by a new breed of tourists. Goodbye deckchairs, parasols and barbecues, hello adventure, hello the real. Success is not weakening: adventure tourism represented, (excluding airfare,) a turnover of nearly $ 263 billion in 2012, annual growth of 65% since 2009, according to the American Association the adventure tourism market (ATTA, or Adventure Travel Trade Association). Meanwhile, supply has democratised and adapted to the wishes of the majority. Adventure catalogues include a wide varied of activities, hiking, wildlife watching, river rafting, hot air balloon ride or cycling - diluting the imaginary adventure in a bid to appeal to wider audiences.


The grouping Adventure Ecotourism Quebec (AEQ), whose mission is to represent and promote the actors adventure tourism and ecotourism in Quebec, defines adventure tourism as, "an outdoor activity in a particular natural environment (unusual location, exotic, isolated, unusual or wild), using unconventional means of transportation, motorized or nonmotorized involving a variable level of risk depending on the environment (isolation, geographical features, etc.)." This recipe attracted a loyal but limited clientele. Despite its growth, adventure tourism remains a niche market. It is estimated that between 3 and 5% of the total tourism market. But for these new adventurers, it meets irrepressible needs. Travel agencies often insist on the famous "pioneer spirit" inherited from colonial times, rather than comfort. Fans of adventure travel are looking for a way to travel differently, off the beaten track. This momentum was born of a desire to escape the mass tourism. A requirement that involves the formation of groups limited in number, and the condition, if possible, not to cross others! Travellers prefer quality to quantity and desire an extraordinary experience, which they can be actors. These trips are expensive, averaging around 2,990 euros. Attention however that the standardization will not denature the true spirit of these rare and custom trips!


DRIVER / Adventurous tourism



They even started to go on the moon‌



Adventurous tourism / DRIVER





DRIVER / Responsible tourism



TODAY, MANY TRAVELLERS ARE SENSITIVE TO THE IMPACT OF THEIR JOURNEY ON THE REGION THAT ATTRACTS THEM. They seek to be coherent with citizens’ principles they apply at home, but also to improve the quality of their vacations. That's how was born responsible tourism. Responsible tourism is a form of responsible travel to natural areas that contributes to environmental protection and well being of local people. It brings together all forms of tourism based around nature and in which the main motivation of the tourist is to observe and appreciate nature and traditional cultures prevailing in natural areas. ! It includes local and indigenous communities in its planning, development and operation, contributing to their well-being ! It encourages protection of natural areas: Generating economic benefits for host communities, organizations and governments that ensure the preservation of natural areas; creating jobs and sources of income for local people; through greater awareness among locals and tourists of the need to preserve the natural and cultural capital.



Responsible tourism / DRIVER



Responsible*travel*issues* pollution! 19%!


climate!change!and!carbon! emission!

19%! 20%! 20%!



Fair!trade!and!labor!standards! social!and!communities!issues!


TREND / Consciousness adventure upmanship

But all these kinds of trips are not new anymore. People want to discover new spaces, even more extraordinary, even more authentic and with more adventure, while doing trips that respects their values, and say before everybody "I


CONSCIOUSNESS ADVENTURE UPMANSHIP (n. ) New way of traveling, which has adapted to the desires and expectations of tourists: an authentic experience, adventurous, respecting their ecological value and easily reliable on soc ial networks.





Consciousness adventure upmanship / TREND



W hat if we could travel where no human has never yet been? W hat if we could discover extraordinary landscapes without tourist in perspective? W hat if we could travel using a mobility way that gives me thrills? W hat if we could do it all at once in an eco-friendly way? W hat if our dreams come true?






This part is inspired by the new trend developed in this trend book: consciousness adventure upmanship. It is intended as an example of the many possible innovations related to this trend. This is only a further inspiration to help you develop YOUR innovation, one that can be applied to your business.





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Travelling like a bird / IDEA

THE FIRST EXAMPLE THAT CAME TO MIND IS TO TRAVEL LIKE A BIRD. FLYING LIKE A BIRD REMAINS THE ULTIMATE DREAM FOR HUMANS. OUR BODY IS ABLE TO WALK, JUMP AND EVEN SWIM, BUT FLYING IS ANATOMICALLY IMPOSSIBLE. Since forever, men seek to replicate the dream of Icarus. With the advance of technology, some men have already managed to fly for a few minutes, as jarno smeets Dutch in 2012. Imagine for a moment to create a machine that allows the man to move like a bird. Your company could market it for tourism, offering travellers to follow bird migration the time of a trip. What is extraordinary is that there are, according to all types of birds, different migrations. The traveller has the possibility to choose a migration by type of bird he loves, travel time, and the countries he wants to fly. For example, the traveller can follow the swallows. British swallows spend their winter in South Africa: they travel through western France, across the Pyrenees, down eastern Spain into Morocco, and across the Sahara. Some birds follow the west coast of Africa avoiding the Sahara, and other European swallows travel further east and down the Nile Valley. This unique trip will allow the traveller to see the world as never before, from the sky. He will cross on the road many birds. It is possible to imagine checkpoint on the way, allowing him to eat and sleep. Man will fly with the strength of his arms, but when he is tired, he can switch to automatic mode. A machine will automatically move the wings. It will work with solar energy, wind power or other renewable energy. Of course, a camera will film this entire experience. A camera will also allow the traveller to photograph memories when they want. Everything will be connected to their social network accounts. When he wants to, he can share his location and says before everyone 'I was there'.





IDEA / Travelling like a whale

! !

THE SECOND IDEA IS SIMILAR EXCEPT THAT THE TRIP IS NOT IN THE AIR BUT IN THE SEA. THIS TIME, THE IDEA IS TO FOLLOW A WHALE MIGRATION. THERE ARE ALSO DOZENS OF DIFFERENT. Knowing that whales can measure up to 30 meters, we can imagine creating a false whale that looks like a real outside. The interior could be converted into housing for the traveller. He would therefore not have to go at checkpoints, but would live inside. The wall would be made so that from the inside, we can see what is happening outside. But from the outside, it would look like the skin of a whale. All sea creatures would think seeing a whale, be acting normally, without fleeing humans. It would be an incredible opportunity to explore marine life for travellers. Again, a camera system would film the entire experience. Everything would be shared on social networks. Here is a possible example among many others: Gre y W hale s. 1. Western North Pacific This tiny, remnant population migrates north from winter calving grounds off the Korean Peninsula and Japan, to summer feeding grounds in the northern Okhotsk Sea. 2. Eastern North Pacific grey whales make a mammoth 20,000 km (12,400 mile) round trip between their southern breeding grounds off Baja California, Mexico and their northern feeding grounds off Alaska and the Beaufort Sea.



Travelling like a whale / IDEA





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