4 minute read
YUN-YUN | \u860A\u97FB
A tea ware that drew analogy between tea and the journey of life.
蘊韻是將傳統禮俗中四個重要的生命階段 - 出生、成年、結婚、老年 , 融合傳統茶道的四項茶具 - 茶壺、茶海、聞香杯、茶杯 ; 帶您透過泡茶儀式 , 以不同感官品嘗人生的茶具組。
01. Teapot | BORN
Teapots are the place to put tea leaves and boiling water in. Water turns into amber-colored tea while steeping in the teapot.
An individual being born into a family, graduately grow up with the loving care of parents. Just as the process of making tea. Tea leaves represent the of affection and care in the family. Clean and hot boiling water is the metaphor for the newborn life. When clean water is poured into the teapot, a journey of one's life has began. steeping in the teapot, surrounding by tea leaves, as time went by, water graduately turn into ambercolored tea.
The tea-color diffusing from the bottom to the top in the inner part of the Yun Yun teapot is the metaphor for the love and devotion graduately influenceing a person in one's childhood, which is the crucial phase of shaping ones personality.

02. Tea Serving Pot | MATURE
After 40 seconds, tea will be filtered down to the tea serving pot. While tea leaves remain in the teapot. In the tea serving pot, flavor of the tea become evenly distributed and is ready to be served.
As the tea is ready, it will leave the teapot and be poured into the filter then the tea serving pot. The changing process represent a teen get mature and leave home to llive on ones own. The little hills on the Yun Yun filter is the metaphor for ups and downs one might face in lives when a person learns to get mature. The brown color that spread from up to down in the inner part of the Yun Yun tea serving pot is the symbol of a person graduately mature and become seady.

03. Aroma Cup | MARRY
Tea will be poured into aroma teacup and covered with teacup. The combination of two will then be flipped over. Meanwhile, tea will be transported into teacup. Then, people take up the aroma teacup to smell the left fragrance of the tea.
As the tea is ready to be served, it will be seperated into aroma cup, then covered by teacup. The action of flipping over the combination of two is the metaphor for two people find each other as the significant other and decide to settle down. They overcome difficulties together and have a family. The four line drawn around the Yun Yun aroma cup become two ropes with a knot in the bottom of the cup. The knot represent two people supporting each other and facing obstacles together.

04. Teacup for drinking | ELDER
After smelling the aroma of the tea, it is time to appreciate the color and flavor of the tea.
There are there three senses to enjoy the cup of tea. First one, smell. One can smell the tea fragrance left in the aroma cup. Secondly, vision. One can take a look at the color of the tea, admire the amber-colored beverage. Thirdly, the taste. One can finally drink the tea and enjoy the bitterness, astringency and sweet aftertaste. This is like a person lived half of ones life and look back at all the ups and downs, wax and wane. Some felt delighting and some felt depressing. The Yun Yun teacup left blank space in design. We want people who drink it to focus on the tea itself, admire the beauty of the three sensations the tea provide.