Motivated Mummy 1s t
Bir t h da y Ed it io n
Featuring - Ali Fox
November 2015
Let me introduce myself...
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Hi, I'mClaire I am a mum to two beautiful little children! One boy and one girl. Both are 19 months apart and still finding their way in the world. Both are so different and yet so similar. Every now and again I catch a glimmer of myself in my daughter as she dancers around the house and gets completely overexcited about the smallest thing. My little boy is definitely more relaxed and calm, he balances my sometimes crazy personality. The final and most important piece of our family puzzle is my gorgeous husband. He is the light of my soul and the love of my life. He is such a great father and shares the load when it comes to the house maintenance and the kid's routine. When life gets too hectic, he is the one to ground me. My life is very busy juggling home, family and working life. I have my up?s and downs and it?s not always rosy, but I believe with the right frame of mind and right support you can get through most things.
Our children learn so much from us, but I have found they have taught me the most valuable lessons in life ....... loving laughing, living and believing is my key to happiness. Life is full of hurdles and us mums will experience it all, but ensure you look after your mind, body and soul! Health and Happiness go hand in hand. I would love to know a little about you, so feel free to pop me an email!
Mo t iva t e d Mu mmy Ma ga zin e is here to
Inspire, Motivate& Support Mums Page | 3
In t his issue
on t h e c ov er p .7
NOV 2015
What it's like to be a Entrepreneur BY: Ali Fox
t op t ip s Mummy Tips
p. 7
Health Tips
p. 9
BY: Ben Doolan Must Have's
p .12
p. 11
f eat ur es Everyday Well-Being Ideas BY: Rhiannon Colarossi
Calming Yoga Techniques for Mums BY: Susan Bonaci
Truth about PND p .9
p .2 0
BY: Neha Dave
p.26 Page | 4
Top 5 Tips for Healthy Babies Sleep BY: Shannon Andrews
Travelling Thailand with Kids BY: Claire Mansell
p .3 7
Dancing in the Dark p .5 2
BY: Claire Mansell
Zen Interiors BY: Tracey Clayton
t r av el Borneo for families BY: Caitlin Ramsey
b ook c lub BY: Claire Mansell
Rhiannon Colarossi p .16
nour ish m e Delicious Healthy Recipes BY: Jackie Isles
p.47 Page | 5
Pu blicat ion Inf or m at ion Editor - Claire Mansell Cover- Ali Fox Contributors Ali Fox - Ali Fox Activewear Ben Doolan - 5.4 Susan Smith - Wild Places Yoga Neha Dave - Psychologist Rhiannon Colarossi - The Wellbeing Web Shannon Andrews - Baby Sleep Consultant Australia Caitlin Ramsey - Escape Travel Tracey Clayton - Zen Interiors Jackie Isles - Life Style & Health Consultant
If you would like to contribute to the MM Magazine or if you have an advertising enquiry please contact Claire.
Please note: Links in this magazine maybe connected to affiliate programs.
All rights are Reserved. Copyright 2015 Motivated Mummy Pty Ltd
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Mummy Tips 1. Face Scrub Fresh clean skin always makes you feel revitalized, especially when the after scent is gorgeous! Washing away all that dead skin , it?s like starting new. I tend to do my scrub on a Sunday night and then go straight to bed.
M e Tim e is P am p er Tim e What do you do when you have 10minutes to yourself? No, you really cant have a nap, 10minutes is really not going to help sleep deprivation. So I suggest spending those 10 minutes to pamper yourself. Believe me, you will feel great afterwards. Here are a few little things you can do in 10mins to make you feel amazing!
A u st r alian Pink C lay by f if t een.f ive.t en This beautiful scrub will help to draw out toxins from your skin leaving it soft and glowing.
E co T an Wint er Sk in I love this product and it?s part of my routine especially in winter.
2. Tanning Moisturizer Who has time for self-tan? Well when you have something that you can apply and then put your clothes on straightaway and go to work or shops ........why not? Since I have become super sun conscious this is my go to tan moisturizer. It smells beautiful and there are no nasties in the bottle. Having a little Glow really does make me feel good. It also does not make you look orange. Page | 7
3. Moisturize I know some mums moisturize, but I mean really rub the cream in, its almost like giving yourself a mini massage. The attention to your skin relaxes you. Take your time, your body needs it. It is really super relaxing.
This was smell at first sight for me.
C oconu t & C of f ee B od y Scr u b by B ond i Scr u bber s Retailer online Footprints By Nature
4. Body Scrub When I have a full 10 minutes then a Coffee & Coconut Body Scrub is the way to go. Your skin feels smooth and the scent is just so amazing you will want to eat it. Definitely makes a woman feel sexy!
5. Foot Scrub Who doesn?t love a foot scrub? Even better if you can get your partner to do it for you! A perfect scrub to help keep your feet smelling fresh with a burst of lemon, while leaving them smooth, supple and hydrated.
PROMO CODE : MM 15% of f
L em on Foot Scr u b by f if t een.f ive.t en Natural Australian products, no nasties.
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Ben?s Top5tips ToGet your GlowOn Ben?s 5 Top Tips to ?get your glow on?, feel energised, satisfied and loose any excess weight by eating healthy balanced meals. Good eating shouldn?t be hard! Simple food is the best food. 1) Lean protein Women need between 40-75 grams of protein per day, but it can vary depending on weight and activity levels. You can only fully absorb about 20-30 grams per sitting, so to ensure you?re meeting your daily target, every meal should include some type of lean protein. Protein takes longer to digest than carbohydrates, which means calories from protein keep you full longer than calories from carbohydrates.
Ben Doolan the founder of 5.4 Meals, a qualified Nutritionist helping mums live a healthy and high energy lifestyle. Protein is an essential nutrient because you can?t get amino acids from fats or carbohydrates. Egg whites, legumes, chicken breast, fish, quality protein powders and tofu are healthy choices that are low in fat and calories. 2) Portion control Portion control. Portion control. Portion control. Too much of a good thing is too much of a good thing. We prescribe 1,200 calories per day for those with their eye on weight loss. For maintenance, we recommend an intake of 1,500 calories per day. Lucky the smart peeps at FivePointFour know how to add up so you don?t have to get the calculator out Page | 9
at each meal. You?d be surprised how 5) Hydration satisfied you feel on a low-calorie intake when your meals are nutrient-dense. It?s easy to mistake thirst for hunger, so make sure you keep up your hydration levels. It also helps to keep all that good 3) Healthy fats fibre moving through your system. Aim for three litres of water per day. Start the Don?t believe the hype! Unlike day with half a lemon squeezed into nutrient-low, refined carbohydrates, warm water to give your liver a boost and healthy fats are highly satisfying, get your digestive juices flowing. Sip on nutritious and energy-sustaining. They herbal teas throughout the day in also give your metabolism a good boost. between meals. Treat yourself, mineral Stick to unsaturated fats that are high in water with fresh lime. Whatever it takes heart-healthy omega three and six fatty to keep your hydration levels up! acids and packed full of antioxidants. Add nuts, seeds, olive oil, and avocado to your meals. As a busy mum running
4) Soluble + insoluble fibre Women need 25-30 grams of fibre per day. Include fibre in every meal to help keep you regular, lower cholesterol and feel fuller for longer. Waste out equals weight out! A good balance of soluble and insoluble fibre supports gut health, which is also great for your metabolism, your brain and your mood. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, chia seeds, psyllium husks and whole grains like quinoa are great choices. Get creative with your smoothies and salads!
around after your children its is so important that you look after yourself. A happy mum has a happy healthy family.
?i t ?s e a s y t o mi st a k e t h i r st f o r h u n g e r ? Page | 10
Mummy Must Haves
Hand m ad e silver p lat ed Per u vian w eave ear r ings by L y n's D esigns. Since retiring to the Philippines Lyn has combined her passion for crafting and helping women in poor communities. She is currently volunteering for a Not for Profit organistion called Little Children Of The Philippines, teaching women in the community to make crafts to earn a living. Lyn?s goal is to sell enough earrings to be able to employ women from the poor community. Custom designs available. Please contact Claire for Lyn?s details
C h ar lot t e R obe in C h enille by L y ns L abel A luxurious robe. It is beautifully hand made and makes the perfect gift for Christmas. Spoil yourself mums!
mmemag gives you a 20% discount
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What its liketobean entrepreneur Page | 12
Ali Fox is a mum of two beautiful and energetic daughters, a lawyer and entrepreneur who specialises in empowering women to move out of their comfort zones and create a fitter and healthier life for themselves and their families. Born in London Ontario Canada, Ali moved to Australia in 2003 to complete her Juris Doctor Law where she met her husband Garth and over the next 10 years carved out a successful career in corporate law. Following her return to full time law after her second daughter in 2012, a medical scare forced Ali to take three months off work to recover, leaving her with a lot of time to consider her life and her purpose. Having always been passionate about fitness and helping others Ali decided to finish her personal training certification and launch her business Ali Fox Transformations in addition to maintaining a high pressure role in corporate law. Over the course of the following two years, Ali Fox Transformations has motivated and supported hundreds of women, men and particularly mums to gain confidence, loose hundreds of kilograms and take control of their lives. For many of Ali?s clients they had spent years hiding from the camera and life before joining the team affectionately known as ??The Foxes?? to now tackling bigger personal goals than they ever thought possible including half marathons, obstacle races and triathlons. As a certified Turbulence
Trainer Ali has even entered a number of clients into the internationally renowned Turbulence Training contest placing 1st, 2nd or 3rd and winning her clients thousands of dollars as well as worldwide recognition for their transformations. Ali?s vision of empowering women to step out of their comfort zone also led to the creation of Ali Fox Activewear ? an activewear company designed to encourage women of all sizes to step out of black and unleash their inner fox in bright, bold compression wear. Ali?s activewear can now be regularly seen being worn by women at running events around Australia, New Zealand, North America and the UK. As Ali approaches her third anniversary of running a highly successful business, while balancing her legal career and family, she is set to launch her next venture ? opening her first indoor bootcamp Fox Studio 01. Fox Studio will increase her offering to her clients and is purposely designed to help men, women, mums and dads with busy lives achieve maxi-mum results with the mini-mum time investment. The ?Foxes? have access to over 24 sessions a week and 6 trainers where they can complete their fitness goals within highly effective 30-45 minutes sessions. Ali can be found at the Studio every morning at 5am training her clients before they all set off for their busy work days. Ali has managed to successfully grow her business to now employ 5 trainers to assist her in ensuring her clients reach their goals. Page | 13
The juggle of competing priorities over the past three years has not been without its challenges but with the support of her husband Garth, family and friends, Ali is clear that her success is her families? future. Ali?s girls live their mum?s passion for fitness already and enjoy nothing more than Family Fun Days with their mum and fox friends to climb mountains such as Mount Coolum on the Sunshine Coast. Ali?s biggest tip to her mums is to get the family involved as support is the key to success and consistency.
Co n n e c t w it h A l i Fox Ali Fox Act ive W ear
Ali Fox T r ansf or mat ions
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Ali?s Topfivetips for mums 1 Maxi-mum results in mini-mum time. Focus on high intensity over a short period to make the most of your time and accelerate your results.
2 Set realistic goals & make them public so you have the accountability and support.
3 Be consistent and focus on small changes each day to a healthier, fitter life
5 Nutrition is key, even on days when you can?t find 15 minutes of mum time, keep your nutrition clean and
4 Boost your incidental exercise and get your kids involved. You will be surprised how much your five year old will love that run around the block with you or riding their bike with you as you run.
you will still see results! Page | 15
Everyday Well-being Ideas
Written by : Rhiannon Colarossi
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Everyday well-being is essential for mums. Everyday well-being is about the small daily choices that we make which contribute to how we feel on a daily basis. The better we feel, the better all those around us tend to feel? thus creating a well-being ripple effect. As mums, we are the energetic head of the household. The energy we emanate each day matters. Being conscious of our energy (how we feel) is so important and knowing how to emanate a positive energy consistently, is a key well-being skill. The daily actions that we incorporate into our routine, help us to nurture our energy and keep our well-being on track. Seven years ago, I had a major wake-up call, which is the time I began to take responsibility for how my life was flowing. I knew I wanted to feel better so I decided to do something I had never done before? I delved deep into every aspect of my life. In essence, it was a well-being declutter. I chose five areas of well-being ? social, emotional, physical, spiritual and mental ? and spent time exploring them. It was the first time I became conscious of the role I played in my well-being and, although it was a little scary to shine the light of awareness on my life, it was also an exciting time ? I was taking the well-being reins back. Taking a detailed look at my well-being helped me gain amazing clarity that enabled me to change the things that I wasn?t happy with and further cultivate and celebrate the good that was already present in my life. My days now tend to flow with much more ease, joy, gratitude and balance than ever before. Of course, challenges still arise however the way in which I manage them
has changed. As a mum, prioritising and scheduling in daily well-being actions is a brilliant way to ensure your well-being stays on track. Consistency is key and one small action a day can make a difference to how you feel? and this is well-being in action!
B elow I sh ar e som e of m y f avou r it e w ell-being id eas.
Daily Well-being Ideas Prioritise your first thought: Be aware of what you think upon waking. What are you thinking or saying to yourself as you wake? Are you feeling energised or are you feeling a sense of dread that you have to get up and start the day? Being mindful of your initial thought is a key way to ensure you start your day ?the well-being way?. Each morning, once you realise you are awake, say something positive to yourself, such as, ?today is going to be a wonderful day?? then stay with this feeling for a minute or so. The idea is to get in first with a ?good-feeling?thought before you start reeling off all the things you ?have?to do that you don?t feel like doing.
Take a meditation shower: Spend three minutes in your morning shower setting the tone for your day. Set your intention by choosing a feeling that you would like to guide your day. Then follow up by reflecting on three things that you are grateful for. (When your mind drifts to your ?to-do? list, gently guide it back to your meditation).
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Talk to yourself with kindness:
Schedule a date night:
When brushing your teeth, look into the mirror and say ?I love you and you are a great mum?. It may feel strange at first but this is such a powerful practice. Be conscious of your inner chat throughout the day and talk and talk to yourself as you would to a good friend.
Make time for your partner by scheduling in time to hang out with them ? child-free! This doesn?t mean you have to go out to an expensive restaurant (although this is nice every now and again). A date night can be as simple as lighting a candle at home, popping on some soft music and chatting over one of your favourite meals. This is a brilliant way to connect and ensure you nurture the relationship with your partner and
Adopt a forgiveness mindset: Decide to forgive freely everyone you encounter. When faced with a challenging person, instead of thinking something negative about them, silently repeat the mantra ??I forgive you, I see the good in you and I will not hold on to this negativity?. By letting go of things that upset us, we free up more time and energy to focus on things
Weekly Well-being Ideas Turn off the technology: Have a quiet night ? no social media, TV or radio? .and turn off your mobile. Invite your family to join you. Experience life before the technology boom. Read, bake, play a board game, write or enjoy a long conversation with those in your household.
stay connected on a deeper level.
As a mum, pr ior it ising your well-b eing is a must ! N ur t ur ing your well-b eing not only b enef it s you b ut it can posit ively impact your ent ir e f amily. I hope you decide t o t ake a lit t le t ime each day t o value, nur t ur e and celeb r at e your well-b eing!
Catch up with a friend: Take time to connect with someone you love being around. Catch up in person for a meal or call them and let them know how much they mean to you. Maintaining good friendships is essential for nurturing your social well-being.
R hiannon C olar ossi
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Rhiannon Colarossi is a mum of two beautiful children and a certified life & well-being coach for mums. Page | 19
Calming yoga for Mums
Written by: Susan Bonaci Page | 20
?Yoga is t he pr act ice of b eing close belief that taking time for yourself is t o your self , no mat t er what
happening wit hin or ar ound you.? - Elena B r ower As a parent it can sometimes be challenging to balance the needs of your family with your own. It can feel like you are juggling responsibilities and much busier than you were in pre-parenting days. So how do you find balance? How can you bring some calmness into your life, that will help you ride through the waves of parenting more easily. There are various practices within yoga that can help to calm your nervous system, create space between your thoughts, and enhance your physical, mental and emotional well-being.
Fill y ou r cu p
selfish, can keep you on the cycle of giving, sometimes to the point of exhaustion. When you are running on empty your nervous system and immune system is under stress, putting you at risk of illness. Yoga teaches ?Ahimsa? - kindness to all beings, including yourself. Taking time to replenish your energy is not selfish, it is necessary.
B r eat h e When your stress levels are high and you feel as if there is no reprieve - close your eyes and breathe. If you can step outside in the fresh air for five minutes and breathe, even better. If you can?t, for whatever reason, stay exactly where you are and simply bring awareness to your breath.
?You cannot pour f r om an empt y cup.?
Focus on the inhale of breath through your nostrils and the exhale of breath out of your nostrils, a technique in yoga known as ?Anapana?. Initially you may find that your breathing is rapid. That?s ok. Observe and acknowledge without judgement, and stay focused on your breath. This non-reactivity to what is going on in your body can help to calm Lack of sleep, a busy schedule, your nervous system. You can also calm managing multiple responsibilities or a your breath by slowly lengthening your exhalation, so it is longer than your inhalation. What you give and receive in life is an exchange of energy. To give fully in each moment you need to have a reserve of energy. Taking time to replenish your energy builds these reserves, balancing the giving nature of parenting with receiving.
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responsibilities you feel on your shoulders is not who you are. You are the peaceful, content ?be?ing you discover Meditation is also a great tool for calming in the silence and stillness. Repeat that the nervous system and has added last sentence and let it really sink in. Let benefits in daily life. It provides a yourself explore this space. sanctuary to reconnect with yourself, it creates space between your reaction to 3. Always come back to your breath. If external stimulus, and is deeply you find that your mind wanders off, nourishing physically, mentally, gently bring awareness back to your emotionally and spiritually. Sometimes breath. Focus onthe inhale of breath the thought of establishing a regular through your nostrils and the exhale of meditation practice, or meditating for the breath out of your nostrils. first time, can be daunting. Notice all the subtle sensations of breath
M ed it at e
in your body; the rise and fall of your chest and belly, the expansiveness of H er e ar e a 6 t ips t o help get your rib cage, the feeling of breath in the you st ar t ed: back of your body, and how your breath can feel still like a lake, or ebbing and 1. Accept that the first 5-10 minutes can flowing like the ocean. be hard. When you first sit down to meditate, it is common for your brain to continue thinking. That?s what your brain 4. Sometimes your entire meditation loves to do. This can make you feel practice will be hard. Some days you will distracted and fidgety. Let your brain do have stuff going on off the mat that what it loves to do. All you need to do is lingers in your practice. Some days the focus your awareness on your breath. physical stillness will feel uncomfortable. Bringing your attention to your breath will Some days your brain will be busy the help to soften your thoughts. With entire meditation practice and you?ll feel practice your mind will be conditioned to like you?re failing. You are not. drop into meditation more easily. Remember ? you are not your thoughts. You are the space. Simply sit with the discomfort and breath through it. Every 2. Know that you are not your thoughts. single thought you have is a layer peeling The stressed out Mum with a mind full of away from your body - whether a belief, thoughts and the weight of an expectation, an emotion, resistance or Page | 22
something else. Your ?job? during these practices is to let it fall away. Imagine you are a vessel for whatever energy is coming up and let it pass through you.
S usan is a mot her of t wo and 5. Explore. There is no one size fits all owner of W ild P laces Yoga; a way to meditate. Try different meditation nat ur e-inspir ed yoga st udio on techniques and see what works for you. Mix it up occasionally. Losing yourself in B r isb ane?s B ayside. something you love like painting or H at ha, vinyasa and yin yoga writing is also a form of meditation. Sitting on the beach watching the waves roll in classes ar e held daily. Yoga, qigong, and out of shore is meditation. Anything nat ur e connect and wellness you do with a single point of focus is meditation. Identify moments in your wor kshops ar e of f er ed r egular ly day when you can practice mindful wit h var ious pr act it ioner s. meditation.
6. Practice. Practice. Practice. Find a time to meditate that works for you and fits into your life, then commit to practicing. Even 15 minutes a day is enough. Before everyone wakes in the morning or at the end of your day. Meditation in the morning can set the tone for your day and meditation before bed can help you sleep. It is these yoga practices that you can take off your mat and into your life. Create space to replenish your energy, breathe and be still. What occurs in these moments, the being you connect with here, is your natural state. The more you practice, the more it will permeate your daily life, and the calmer and less reactive you will be in your parenting. Page | 23
6MeditationTips for Beginners 1.
Accept that the first 5-10 minutes can be hard.
Know that you are not your thoughts.
Always come back to your breath.
Accept that sometimes your entire meditation practice will be hard.
Practice. Practice. Practice. Page | 24
A l i Fox A c t iv e w ea r
25%off for MM Readers PROMO CODE: MM
What is Postnatal Depression?
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Almost 80% experience baby blues between the 3rd and 10th day of giving birth. Baby blues can be caused by changes in hormonal level and usually pass in a few days with some support and understanding but without any need for specific treatment. PND comes within 12 months of having a baby and usually during the first few weeks or months. The experiences of symptoms and their intensity are stronger than baby blues
Neha Dave is a qualified Psychologist counselling Adolescents, Adults, Couples and Families . Neha?s article based on PND is in Women. Raising awareness helps those mums in need who are suffering alone. If you know someone who needs help please contact Neha.
POSTNATAL DEPRESSION Postnatal Depression (PND), also known as Postpartum Depression affects almost 16% of women giving birth in Australia. PND can affect women (and men) from any age range, cultural backgrounds, socioeconomic backgrounds and at any number of pregnancies. PND can also occur in women after a miscarriage or a stillbirth.
PND is diagnosed by GP or a Maternal and Child Health Nurse on post delivery follow up. Symptoms: Some of the symptoms of PND include difficulty sleeping or changes in sleeping pattern, negative thought patterns, loss of appetite, low energy levels and motivation, lack of self esteem and confidence, feelings of difficulty coping, low or lack of sex drive and difficulty with concentration or memory. Causal Factors: The exact causes of PND are unknown but some of the contributing factors maybe: Physiological changes: Drop in pregnancy hormones affects the brain chemicals, broken sleep and lack of energy can also impact depressive symptoms. Page | 27
Emotional and Psychological changes: Taking care of a new born child can be overwhelming and challenging in many ways. The parent, though excited about the new addition to their family, can often have difficulty adjusting to the demands of a new born child. The individual often reports missing their own space/me time as well as quality time with their partner, family or friends. It can be hard coping with low levels of motivation and difficulty concentrating on task. A person often describes this experience as ?loosing themselves?as all the symptoms can be unknown to them. Social changes and some cultural implications: The society puts a lot of demands and expectations on a new mother. The new parent may also find it challenging to maintain contact with their work colleagues or friends thus socially isolating themselves. In some cultures, PND is not recognised and the mother is encouraged to ?move on and get on with life? which in turn may make the mother feel unsupported and question her own symptoms. PND and significant relationships: Due to the variety and intensity of the symptoms experienced by the new parent, it may be likely that their relationship with those that matter get impacted as well. The mother may find it hard to bond with the child or may end up
being too protective and overly concerned about the child?s well-being which may cause some attachment issues and add to the parenting stress for the whole family. The parent may also find it hard to bond with their partner which may cause resentment on either ends. Treatment and Support: After being diagnosed, the parent would be encouraged by their GP or Maternal Nurse to seek professional help. Speaking to a Psychologist would provide the parent with the understanding and validation that they need as well as equip them with skills to better manage some of these symptoms. New mothers are also encouraged to attend Mother?s Group run by most local councils, this would allow them to meet other mother?s experiencing some of the same challenges as they are and also learn skills, share ideas to manage these challenges. The partners can also support the parenting experiencing PND in various ways. Some of these include encouraging them to share their feelings, share the responsibility related to the child or the household whenever possible, show empathy and understanding in various ways and also encourage her to speak to a professional.
?P o s t n a t a l d e pr e ssi o n c a n a f f e c t wo me n a n d me n ?
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Top5 tips for healthy babies sleep Tips by Shannon Andrews from Baby Sleep Consultant Australia Contact Shannon via email
T WO Have a sleep ritual before all naps and Anyone who has a baby knows how hard bedtime. Having some kind of sleep ritual sleep deprivation can be, for some it may before their sleep helps babies prepare not last too long, but for others it can last them for the fact it is time for sleep. A much longer. ritual before naps doesn?t have to be long, (cuddle, story or song) but H er e ar e my T op 5 t ips of something that you do each time so that your baby knows what to expect. Taking get t ing b et t er sleep f or you a walk out in the sun just before a nap can also help calm your baby before and your lit t le one: taking them to their darkened room.
Ensure their room is conducive to sleep ? keeping their room dark when asleep will help their body become sleepy and settle For newborns, swaddling and white noise easier. Some people think they need to are good positive associations that can teach their little ones the difference help your little one settle easier for sleep. between day and night as they get older by sleeping them in a light room during the day, however, after 3 weeks of age it is good to sleep them in a dark room, Page | 29 even during the day.
F OU R CONSISTENCY. Being consistent is the key to getting your baby sleeping better. If you are trying any form of sleep training it is important to try it for a few days before giving up.
FIVE Do what works for you and your family. If what you are doing is working for your family, GREAT, keep doing it. If what you are doing isn?t working or is no longer working for your family you can decide to change it.
H er e at B ab y S leep C onsult ant Aust r alia, we t ake a holist ic view of S leep t r aining as t her e ar e many ot her f act or s t hat may b e cont r ib ut ing t o why your lit t le one isn?t sleeping so well.
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"Hold ont o t h ese m om ent s, as t h ey ar e f or su ch a sh or t -t im e"
Isabelle Newborn Photography specialises in lifestyle and fine-Art newborn and pregnancy photography in Brisbane.
Promo Code for Motivated Mummy Readers is : MM Quote the Code and get 10% off your beautiful newborn or pregnancy photo's.
Travelling Thailand with a baby
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The thought of going on a family holiday to an exotic destination like Thailand, sends a visual to your brain of you relaxing on a beautiful beach while having a massage and sipping on a Mojito? ? ? ? ? ? ? This is not the reality mums. First you need to get past the journey to Thailand. This is the part I was most fearful of, knowing that my 10 month old is going to scream the airplane down and everyone is going give me that ?oh no your baby is going to cry all the way, why do you even bother travelling? look! True?s bob this is exactly what happened. He found it hard to sleep moving from a taxi to a pram for check-in and then to the plane. Once on the plane it was 10:00pm and the loud announcements started and the lights stayed on until 12:00pm when everyone went to sleep? .except us. So between 10:00pm and 2:00am we had to console a very overtired and upset little boy, while trying to apologise to everyone on the plane. This was quite stressful, so taking turns with my husband is a definite must. Finally we got him to sleep and after an hour we hit turbulence and when this happened we had to take him out of the bassinet, which woke him up again. This time we couldn?t walk around and rock him we had to strap him in using the baby seat belt. Finally he went to sleep on my husband, who remained in this position
for the remainder of the flight. On the other hand my 2.5 year old watched a kids movie and fell asleep until we landed (what a dream). By this stage we are really questioning is this worth it? Book a transfer in advance: Exhausted we arrived in Thailand. We sheepishly leave the plane (we can feel the stares) and collect our luggage. We could not wait to get the pram so we did not have to carry around our 12kg 10 month old, especially as we have not had much sleep. I pop him in the pram and walk about 10 meters before I realise there is something wrong with it. The pram has obviously fallen off the baggage car and they have driven over it and the wheel is about to fall off. Just the last thing we needed, so we then have to go to lodge a claim and are stuck with a broken pram. At least when we eventually got out the airport our transfer was there. One thing to note is that when you book a transfer in advance you can ask for a baby seat. In Thailand most cars don?t have them, so ask and they will get one for you.
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Check hotel bedding for kids in advance or be creative: We walk into our room which was great. We managed to get a room with a kitchen which I loved, so I could make the bottles and kids food (if I need to ). The cot came rolling in and I am positive my son is not going to like it. It is one of those metal hospital cots on wheels. Every time you move in it, it rattles. My 10 month old would stand in it and shake it, it would then roll across the room. So my husband created a great little baby den. He asked for 2 extra mattresses, and this was the baby den equation: Mattress against wall+ single bed normal height + mattress in between the beds+ another single bed. My daughter slept on the mattress on the floor against the wall and my son slept on the mattress in-between the two beds. This worked as we put 2 bed side tables at the end of the mattress to block him from crawling out and the 2 beds either side of him were too high from him to climb up. Baby den done! He loved it. Eating at the restaurant: It was quite difficult to find a high chair that we were are able to clip our baby into. All the ones we came across were just taller version of a normal chair. This was never going to work for us as my son does not sit still. So we decided to use a bag strap, we put the strap around him
and the chair and it worked so well, we took the strap everywhere with us. What to feed your babies and toddlers: I took with me 14 pouches of Rafferty?s puree for my son. This was not nearly enough. I did find it quite hard to find puree in Thailand but if you go to a Tesco?s Lotus or a larger supermarket you can get the puree jars. Breakfast meals in Thailand consisted of: - Fruit (ones you peel that did not need washing) - Yoghurts - Eggs (boiled or hard poached) - Bacon (they deep fry this so I don?t think any bacteria can still survive) - Toast - Sausages Snacks -
Dried mango Fruit Biscuits and cheese Plain pretzel sticks Mango or pineapple shakes
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Lunch/Dinner -
Chicken/tuna egg fried rice Plain spaghetti with cheese Sausages Satay chicken without the peanut sauce Sandwiches Plain rice with strips of beef Mixing puree with rice Spring rolls
The Thai?s are very accommodating and they will make most things that you want for your kids.
What to do if you or the family get sick? Always make sure you have travel insurance. After 3 days in Thailand our whole group including the kids got sick. The kids did not get it as bad as we did, but given the over paranoid mother I am, I was worried about the little munchkins getting dehydrated and was not sure what type of bug this was and if it was going to last longer than a day. So we trotted off to the Hospital. We went to the private international hospital and it was amazing. It was like a hotel, you don?t have to wait long at all to see the specialist, the doctors were efficient and extremely helpful. Within a few hours we were on our way back to the hotel. After going through that experience I have full faith in the private healthcare in Thailand. Where would I go again in Thailand with the family? I would say the place I will definitely travel with the family again in Koh Lak. Page | 35
It?s on the main land but it feels as though it?s an island in itself. We stayed at a quaint and clean resort on the beach called Nang Thong 2 Beach Resort. We managed to get interlinking rooms so the kids had one room and we had the other.The staff were amazing and loved the kids. The food was great and they were so accommodating. Going in the month of September, it is low season so the rooms were around $50/night. The pool area was great and they have a golf buggy that shuttles you to the small little town. There are markets on a Wednesday and Saturday about 3 Km away. We spent 10 days there and wish we had spent the whole holiday there. You still have access to a hospital if need be around 60 - 90 mins or so and the airport is around and 1 hour drive.
kids loved it, being outdoors all the time and meeting different people. We were truly lucky to be able to go on this wonderful trip. As a working mum I realise now why I work so hard? . I want to continue to make these beautiful memories with my family, show my kids the world and introduce them to different cultures. My Advice: Whatever you did not bring with you, you can buy in Thailand. I would recommend Fruit and Veg pouches for the babies and bag strap for the makeshift high chair.
Would I do it all over again, knowing we had to do the flight back? Absolutely , the quality family time without distractions was amazing. Our
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BORNEO , would not have been the first place on the holiday destination list to take your family too and I am sure its come as a surprise as our destination pick of the month. There is a heap of entertainment for kids in this tropical paradise. Written by Caitlin Ramsey Escape Travel Borneo is a place most famous for its amazing array of wildlife and natural beauty, it is a place that appeals to both young and old. Most families travelling to Borneo head for the northern half of the island; Sarawak and Sabah, two provinces that form part of Malaysia. Borneo has many unique wildlife
experiences, many which can be reached from the town of Sandakan in the Sarawak region. Whilst visiting Sandakan you can take a boat traveling 40kms north to Selingan Island. Here you can witness young turtles hatch and make their firs run for the ocean. Or make the 45 minute drive to the Sepilok rehabilitation centre where rescued and injured Orangutans can recover in the jungles of the centre. If you visit at feeding times you can get up close to these beautiful animals. Also not to be missed is a day cruise down the nearby Kinabatangan River where you will spot many different species of birds and monkeys including the Proboscis Monkey, famous and unique to Borneo. If you are lucky you may also catch a rare sighting of the pigmy elephant! Page | 38
If you want a relaxing beach stay from where you can take day tours then Kota Kinabulu in Sabah is a great place to stay. Here you will find all the great resorts within a seaside town and day tours can be taken from the harbour to go; fishing, diving, snorkelling or perhaps to participate in one of many of water sports on offer. Recommended Hotels : -
Four Points by Sheraton, Sandakan is central, clean and a great base for all the animal adventures. Shangri La Tanjung Aru, Kota Kinabalu is the ultimate family resort hotel with an amazing kids club for children aged 4-12 with daily activities sure to keep them entertained. It has Borneo?s largest dedicated water zone for all ages, a spa to die for and a range of restaurants and bars. It also hosts an island bar that has the best sunset in town! From the resort you can also head to its sister resort (Shangri La Rasa Ria) and visit the resorts own orangutan sanctuary or play a round of golf.
Flights leave daily from most capital cities and fly via Kuala Lumpur or Singapore, a stopover in either of these cities would be a great choice as well and both are suited to families wanting to enjoy culture and entertainment with theme parks in both cities. For more information contact Caitlin.
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Dancing intheDark Most nights there is a little swaying to relax my baby boy before bed, some nights there is a lot of rocking to stop the crying to get him to bed. It does not matter what night it is, bedtime is still special. Even when you are so tired and your body hurts from carrying your baby or rocking your baby, us mums will be determined to get them to bed. The other night I found myself rocking my boy and I felt exhausted. He had his head snuggled under my chin (eyes opening and closing). I was so tired I closed my eyes and rested my head next to his and carried on swaying. He relaxed quickly and fell asleep on me. I continued to sway and look at him while he slept. Why did I not put him down being so exhausted?? The thought of ?this moment? never being repeated exactly the same and my boy getting big so quickly made me push past the exhaustion and stay with him a little longer. These moments are so special, even if we don?t realize it at the time. My boy will never be the same today as he will be tomorrow, he will be that much older and wiser. Keep swaying mums and cherish each moment? ..
T h is w as w r it t en as a h ear t f elt m essage f or t h e m u m s ou t t h er e w h o f eel as t h ou gh t h ey w ant t o give u p , j u st r em em ber ou r
m u nch k ins ar e only
t h is lit t le f or a sh or t t im e.
I call it d ancing in t h e d ar k .
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Tips for creating beautiful and relaxing Zeninterior Coming home after a long day?s work and seeing mess everywhere will certainly not help you relax. The best thing would be to pack your bags and run away for a Zen spa weekend away and come back calmer and happier. Sadly, we cannot do that as often as we would like to, but we can turn our home into our own personal Zen refuge. It?s not about expensive home remodelling and pools in your garden ? it?s about the atmosphere and being able to relax and have a few minutes for yourself when you?re stressed out. Turn to Nature Zen is all about being connected with your inner self and connected with Nature too, so when faced with a choice, always opt for natural one. Natural fabrics such as wool, cotton, linen, and silk, earthly tones of decorations and walls, and choosing wood over plastic will bring your home closer to nature. Picking the right curtains can not only help your home look more inviting an create relaxing atmosphere, but they can also block some of the noise coming in from the outside, and make even a foggy and cloudy day look better when looked through soft and warm colours.
Simplicity above all Not having a lot of furniture is a good thing, it will certainly reduce the amount of time needed for you to clean your home, and it will make your calmer to be able to look around the room without having a lot of things blocking your view. If you have problems sleeping, change the position of your bed; when your bed is directly facing the door it can cause restless sleep. In the living room, place couch, armchairs, and sitting cushions close enough for people to hear each other when they speak, and make sure tables are big enough for everyone to place their drinks and food on without disruption. Details matter Believe it or not, when it comes to minimalist Zen style, little things and details matter as much as pieces of furniture. Choose colours that make you feel good and help you relax: clean white mixed with warm and cool tones of blues, greens, and reds will transform any room into a little piece of heaven. Combine soft blue rugs with turquoise curtains, and purple cushions with orange tablecloths, but try not to make it too colourful since it can tire your eyes. Also, have succulents instead of store-bought flowers that die after a while, and hang photographs of friends and family on the walls for Page | 42 everyone to see.
Store things so you don?t trip over them Tripping over your children?s toys, cups and books next to your bed, and constantly having to move pots and pans from one place to another in the kitchen will not make you calmer but quite the opposite. However, having to look at the mess and things piled up in corners of rooms will give you a headache, so choosing to store things in less visible places will make the entire place look spotless and very Zen. Buy or make your own stylish storage boxes which will not only declutter your home, but also make it look more stylish and elegant. The most important thing is to be happy in your home, regardless of the way it is decorated. Be creative and find inspiration in the most unusual places, bring Nature to your home, and create atmosphere which will always cheer you up when you?re sad, and calm you down when you?re edgy. After all, this is the main purpose of a person?s home, isn?t it?
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A bou t au t h or : T r acey C lay t on is a f u ll t im e m u m of t h r ee gir ls. Sh e loves cook ing, bak ing, sew ing, sp end ing q u alit y t im e w it h h er d au gh t er s and sh e?s p assionat e f or w r it ing. Sh e is cont r ibu t or on High St y le L if e and h er m ot t o is: ?L ive t h e lif e y ou love, love t h e lif e y ou live.? Find T r acey on Facebook
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H old your lit t le ones close t o your hear t wit h a st r uct ur ed car r ier , wr ap, sling or mei t ai.
C hoose f r om a lar ge r ange of qualit y pr oduct s accompanied wit h exper ienced
"closeenough tokiss"
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Mummy BookClub Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg Facebook's COO Sheryl tells a story of her life as a student in a Male dominated environment and divulges how she as the COO of Facebook juggled work and her children. She believes that women should be entitled to more opportunity if they believe in themselves and release their fear. This is a great read for working mums who are juggling the mum world and the working world. There are a lot of Dear Lover by David Deide takeaways from this book and I know it Dear Lover is a women?s guide to Love?s resonated with me as a working mum. deepest bliss. It is a raw and telling tale of emotions between the feminine and masculine bodies and minds. David reveals the journey of love through Love Letters written for his beloved. David has taught many women and men around the world how to open to love?s bliss and your heart desires. The book looks at Love for yourself and for the masculine body. David highlights the difference in spiritual and sexual desires between a women and man. You will either love this book and get engorged in the love letters or you will dismiss the book. If you are on a journey to find a deeper love and passion this is a book for you. Page | 46
Nourish Me
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Eating well and living well is not hard to do nor is it time consuming. Its just a conscious choice to nourish your body, mind and spirit well. Why? Because YOU DESERVE IT. You are worthy of rocking health. Not being crippled by food cravings, unstable blood sugars, thyroid disease and hormonal dysregulation, mood swings and chronic dieting. Just pause, breathe and ask yourself what foods best serve you? Which nourish you the best? The recipes in this magazine will help to point you on your way and direct you on your journey into wellness
Jackie Page | 48
RawHot Cocoa INGREDIENTS 1 tablespoon raw cocoa 1-3 teaspoons maca powder dash of pure stevia hot water and your favourite milk (Jackie likes coconut milk or homemade almond milk)
METHOD Simply mix the ingredients together and heat in a sauce pan on a low temperature until warm enough to drink. Drink. Relax.
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Quinoa Frittata Muffins INGREDIENTS 100g smoked salmon pieces 2 shallots or spring onions (white and greens) 100g Goats yoghurt (or Philadelphia cheese) 200g cooked quinoa 1/2 teaspoon organic wholegrain mustard 2 eggs Salt and pepper
METHOD Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Chop shallots into small pieces and mix with the salmon pieces. Add the Goats yoghurt and 200g of cooked quinoa. Add the mustard and eggs and stir to get a smooth consistency. Season to taste Lightly oil a muffin tin (we used coconut oil) and spoon the mixture into the tin. Sprinkle your favourite cheese on top or use Savoury Yeast Flakes. Bake for 20 minutes.
Options Swap the smoked salmon for 100g bacon and add a slice of tomato on top before baking. This can also be made as a slice by using a rectangular shaped tin.
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RawZucchini PestoPasta This meal is a perfect way to get kids eating more raw foods. Use a vegetable twister to make noodle- like strings of zucchini. The strings can also be lightly blanched for a softer texture. Top with the following pesto recipe
INGREDIENTS 5 cloves garlic 20g shallot greens 20g basil 20g kale 160g roasted pine nuts or raw cashews
METHOD Wizz the ingredients in a high speed blender or Thermomix Add salt and pepper to taste Add 15g nutritional yeast or parmesan and stir Add olive oil and mix until it makes a pesto paste Serve with curly zucchini and goats cheese yoghurt
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Flour-less Brownies INGREDIENTS 4 large eggs 1cup unsweetened cacao powder 1cup of coconut palm sugar* or 3/4 cup pure maple syrup 1/4 cup extra virgin coconut oil 2 tsp vanilla extract 1/8 tsp salt METHOD Preheat oven to 180路c. Mix all the ingredients until smooth. Pour into a lined square pan Bake for 25-30 minutes. The brownies will be soft in the middle and have a slight jiggle. Leave to cool.
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ABOUT JACKIE ISLES Jackie is a mum and a Lifestyle and Health Consultant with over 25 years of experience in the Health and Wellness Industry. She currently consults to Gwinganna Lifestyle Retreat and runs a busy private practice where she specialises in Thyroid Health. Busy Family Wellness and Executive Work Life Balance. She understands the power of eating well and practising wellness for yourself and your family. ?Diet rocks and it changes people?s worlds. It changed ours!!!! "My clients say I make change easy. Dietary/lifestyle change needs to viewed as fun and simple with minimal stress.. and that's what I do... I make living well and eating well easy?
Contact Jackie
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