When We Believed in Everything

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Copyright Š 2015 by Claire Tan Cheng Lean All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. Printed in Malaysia. ISBN 0-9000000-0-0 195 Broadway, New York, NY 10007, United States. Tel. +1 212-207-7000




Preface 9 Introduction 10


Illogically: They don’t make sense at all

Hold hands and you will get pregnant 14 You will become old when you stay in the water too long 16 Why is the Moon following me? 18 Coloured milk from similar coloured cows 19 Swallowed gum will stay in your stomach for 7 years 20


What the Grown-Ups told us: Sometimes, you can’t trust everything they say Finish your rice or your future partner will have pockmarks 24 Watching TV up-close can harm eyesight 25 Grown-ups are always correct 26 Policemen catch naughty children 27 You will grow a plant on your head if you swallowed a seed 28 To activate night vision, eat thy carrot 29 Eating fish roe makes you suck at math 30 You will turn into a pig if you sleep after eating a full meal 31 Parents “pick” up their children from the rubbish bin 33 Pointing at the moon will cause a cut on your ear 34


35 Exposed: It’s time, busted for truth Every school has a haunted toiled 37 The mystery of the Tooth Fairy 39 What about Easter Bunny and its basket of eggs? 41 Santa Claus is coming to town 43 Are fairies real? 45 Alien invasion only in America 46 47 Seeing is Believing: I see, therefore I believe It used to be a black and white world 49 Geniuses wear specs 51 Cartoon characters are real 52 Spinach makes you stronger 53 All dogs are male, all cats are female 55 Where is my Prince Charming? 56 Bad-looking guys are bad people 57 My toys are alive 58 So what if toys DO come alive? 59


60 Counter Fear: To feel safe and accepted Crying means you are weak 62 We had at least one imaginary friend 64 If you are bad in your studies, you are stupid 65 My blanket protects me from monsters under my bed 65 New clothes transforms me into a Superhero 67

S68 Beliefs, Lies and the Reason Why Young children are especially trusting of things they are told 68 Out of the mouths of the babes (by Justin L. Barrette) 69 Lies we tell kids (by Paul Graham) 70 Sources 80


To God, who gave me guidance and strength to finish this book . I could not have finish this without Him. To my Mother and Father. Thank you for supporting me financially for this book. To my friends and family. Your encouragement and compliments motivate me. To YOU, the reader who is willing to read this book. Seriously, you are the bomb. Thank you.


There is always something in telling kids’ stories... They are nostalgic, heartwarming and sometimes downright hilarious. I personally find this topic interesting because it shows how gullible we were as children-- we believed in nearly everything! When I started writing this book, I jotted down things I actually believed as a kid and asked around for other stories from friends, family and Google. It made me realise how gullible I was as a kid. Thank goodness I am not as gullible as before! I tried to cover as many stories possible, but I might have missed out many stories as well. For some, I could hardly find answers! It is amazing how these stories stayed around for a long time, passed on from generation to generation. Sit back, relax and enjoy this book! Thank you, Claire


As a kid, do you find yourself blindly believe in things which are a little illogical? Do you know why these stories still come about in today’s society? What are the truth behind these tales?

Discover the reasons behind the existence of each story and have your questions answered. This is the book where you can sit back, relax and laugh about the things people believed as young children. Onto CHAPTER ONE!





Whenever we played around, like how friends usually do, there would be other kids who would warn us that if we ever held hands, then I will get pregnant. It is said to be possible to get pregnant too by staying close to him.

Many kids grow up with a strong identification of being a male or a female, depending on how they are raised up by their parents. For many asian families, kids are raised under strict gender guidelines, therefore they become tracked into the characteristics of their biological gender. When there is an obvious gender difference, kids try to put it similar in a way how adults put it instead of thinking in a more gender-neutral way. Hence, the belief that you will get pregnant by just holding hands.




The realisation of having wrinkled fingers and toes after a long bath/ swim. And people who teased about becoming old due to this situaion.

Turns out that the wrinkly fingers is harmless and will not cause aging of skin. Researchers believe wrinkly fingers could be an autonomic nervous system reaction, allowing you to grip onto wet objects easily.

Although you cannot see them, your skin is covered with

The thicker layer of skin on your hands and feet contains more

special oils. These oils lubricate and protect your skin. They

dead skin cells than other parts of your body. These dead skin

also act like a raincoat, your skin a bit waterproof. This is why

cells soak up water like an efficient sponge, while thinner skin

water rolls off your hands when you wash them before dinner.

on the rest of your body is less affected.

So what’s really happening when your fingers and toes shrivel

When you have wrinkly bath fingers, your fingertips are

up? When you take a quick shower, you’re not in the water

actually waterlogged, which means they are completely

long enough to wash all the oils off your body. On the other

saturated with water. As the epidermis begins to swell, it pulls

hand, if you settle into a nice long bubble bath, eventually the

on live skin layers beneath. Unlike the dead surface layer,

water temporarily washes away the oils. Once it is gone, the

deeper layers are firmly attached to fibers in your skin and do

water begins to absorb into the outer layer of your skin.

not swell. The swelling of outer layers and pulling in of deeper layers is what causes the appearance of wrinkles after you’ve

You may notice that different parts of your body act differently

spent some time in the tub.

in the water. While your toes and fingertips wrinkle quite easily, you’ve probably never experienced waterlogged arms or a wrinkly tummy. This is because the outer layer of skin on your hands and feet — called the epidermis — is different than the skin on the rest of your body.


How could something far away seem to follow

a mountain from a moving car, notice how long it

along? To understand, start with objects that are

takes for that object to pass by. Out West, you can

much closer.

sometimes ride toward mountains that never seem to get any closer.

When you are riding in a car, close things seem to move by rapidly as you pass them. A tree or

The Moon is more than 200,000 miles away. It is so

house by the road starts out ahead of you. It

far away that the motion of your car doesn’t change

comes up fast and, in a few moments, it’s far

its position enough for you to notice. So the Moon

behind you.

just seems to follow you wherever you go.

Objects that are far away do not seem to move very fast. If you can see a faraway building or


Kids trying to identify where the flavoured milk comes from according to the colour of milk

Any kinds of dairy cow produce white milk. Flavoured milk is actually white milk from the dairy cows with added sweeteners, flavourings and colourings. The type of dairy cows does not affect the taste and/or the colour of milk.

Kids are often exposed to seeing black and white Holstein cows producing white milk. With lack of information, kids who do not understand about the use of flavourings and colourings would associate the colour of the mialk to the colour of cows such as the Swedish Red cows and Brown Swiss cows.



Our digestive system is built to dissolve and excrete what we put in our mouths in a matter of hours, days at most, but certainly ­not years. Pediatric gastroenterologist David Milov tells the magazine Scientific American that he can say “with complete certainty” that gum does not stay in you for

The body is very good at digesting material that it can use

seven years.

and passing the rest out in the stool. It is true that your body is unable to digest the synthetic portion of chewing gum, but it doesn’t stay in the stomach for an extended period of time because the stomach periodically empties into the small intestine. The gum then moves through the small intestine into the colon and is eventually passed in the stool. There are many substances that the body cannot digest that pass harmlessly through our system – for instance, this is why you will often see the outside fiber shell of corn in your bowel movements. Tougher things than gum will often pass through harmlessly in a couple of days, as any parent of a toddler who swallowed a penny can tell you. Of course, if you swallow something that is too large to fit through the various valves and tubes in your guts, it can cause an intestinal obstruction. So if you swallow a large amount of gum in a relatively small amount of time it can theoretically clump up into a large mass of indigestible substance (called a bezoar) that can get trapped in your GI system. This medical emergency is very rare, but believe me – it if does happen, it’ll take a lot less than 7 years for you to figure out something ain’t right. So the next time you’re at a fancy restaurant with a cloth napkin and nowhere to put your gum, you can swallow it with confidence. Despite what the “old wive’s tale” says, it’ll be out of your system in a day or two.




To make sure that their young ones do not leave any leftovers, parents would tell the kids that the kid’s future wife/husband will have lots of acne marks/pockmarks. Another version of the story is that they will grow acne in the future and nobody would want to marry them. Imagine how many kids actually fear about the impossibility of future marriage/ possibility of having an ugly partner (for life, gasp!).


This myth prevails because back in the 1960s General Electric sold some new-fangled color TV sets that emitted excessive amounts of radiation—as much as 100,000 times more than federal health officials considered safe. GE quickly recalled and repaired the faulty TVs, but the stigma lingers to this day.

Although parents have been saying this

even though electronic emissions aren’t an

getting some rest. With a good night’s sleep,

ever since TVs first found their way into our

issue with TVs made any time after 1968

tired eyes should quickly return to normal.

homes, there’s no evidence that plunking

(including today’s LCD and plasma flat

down right in front of the TV set damages

screens), what about causing harm to one’s

Debra Ronca, a contributor to the How Stuff

someone’s eyes. The American Academy

vision? Dr. Lee Duffner of the American

Works website, argues that some parents

of Ophthalmology (AAO) says that kids can

Academy of Ophthalmology isn’t concerned,

might be putting the cart before the horse in

actually focus up close without eyestrain

maintaining that watching television screens—

blaming close-up TV watching for their child’s

better than adults, so they often develop the

close-up or otherwise—“won’t cause any

vision issues. “Sitting close to the television

habit of sitting right in front of the television or

physical damage to your eyes.” He adds,

may not make a child nearsighted, but a child

holding reading material close to their eyes.

however, that a lot of TV watching can surely

may sit close to the television because he or

However, sitting close to a TV may be a sign of

cause eye strain and fatigue, particularly for

she is nearsighted and undiagnosed,” she


those sitting very close and/or watching from

reports. “If your child habitually sits too close

odd angles. But there is an easy cure for

to the television for comfort, get his or her eyes

eye strain and fatigue: turning off the TV and



Adults know what they do and what they say. Adults are never wrong, always correct. So dear children, listen to the adults.

Adults are (usually) more correct than children.

If done in a way which is argumentative, such as saying “Because I say so!�, the adult is trying to say that he/she is

It’s foolish to believe that this is ALWAYS the

the more powerful one here.

case, however, as their experience often differs from their child.

This is known as argument from authority. Adults sometimes use authority in context of logical reasoning to

Always right?? No one is. But adults are more

enforce a command and even to dismiss evidence.

experienced than children and teens, and they also remember their own earlier years and the

However, it also means is that he/she has more foresight

troubles then encountered.

than you, has made mistakes that he/she hopes you as a kid will avoid, knowing what pain can result from impulsive or immature judgment.


A police force has asked parents to stop telling naughty Disciplining young children can be challenging for parents,

children that they will be taken off to jail as part of a drive

especially when their child’s behavior is especially

to make the force appear more approachable.

inappropriate or obnoxious. There are few experiences more stressful—or more embarrassing—than having

Durham Constabulary released a poster asking parents:

your child throw himself to the ground in the middle of a

“Please don’t tell your children that we will take them off

crowded store.

to jail if they are bad. We want them to run to us if they are scared — NOT be scared of us.”

For many parents, threatening children by saying they will be sent to jail are one of the last-resort discipline

A Durham police spokesman said: “Children should be

measures to ensure kids sat still in church or were “good”

taught from an early age that if they feel like they are in

in front of company.

danger and they need help, they can approach an officer who will reassure them.”



It is perfectly fine if you accidentally swallowed one or two seeds. Seeds will not be able to germinate in your stomach because your stomach does not have the right conditions for plant growth.

As young kids, we are taught to chew slowly when we eat to prevent swallowing inedible objects. In this case, our parents certainly do not want us to choke on seeds or suffer from cases of indigestion. Also, while some seeds are proven to be nutritious to the human body, a few types of seeds such as apple seeds may contain poisonous substances that may cause cyanide poisoning. Kids and pets are more prone to suffer from such poisoning compared to adults, therefore this myth is created as a safety measure.


In the dead of night, just how did the British Air Force manage to gun down German aircraft during World War II? Eating carrots was the key to the pilots’ success, according to the U.K. Ministry of Food. The now-defunct agency rolled out a propaganda campaign detailing the pilots’ superb carrot-enriched night vision and encouraging civilians to devour more of the locally grown vegetable to help them function during blackouts. Decades later rumors swirled that the British Royal Air Force pushed that message as a coverup for the recently adopted radar technology

Research has shown that beta-carotene does not

infusion of beta-carotene

they were secretly relying on for their nighttime

convert into vitamin A very efficiently—estimates


skirmishes. Information from the de Havilland

suggest it requires anywhere from 12 to 21

The issue of night blindness is far from new.

Aircraft Museum suggests that subterfuge was

molecules of beta-carotene in the diet to make

It was detailed in ancient Egyptian texts. The

indeed the British Ministry of Information’s plan.

just one molecule of vitamin A. Beta-carotene,

treatment at the time was simple: The juices of a

unlike straight vitamin A, would need to be

grilled lamb’s liver were squeezed into the eyes

converted in the intestinal wall into vitamin A,

of afflicted patients to provide a topical treatment

meaning most individuals would be better off

(although the famed ophthalmologist and vitamin

taking vitamin A supplements, if possible, instead

A expert Alfred Sommer later wondered if the

of downing carrots.

restoration actually came from perhaps feeding the patients the remaining liver—rich in vitamin

Binging on carrots would also not improve

A—following such treatments).

eyesight. Once you have enough beta-carotene Are carrots truly able to improve eyesight or is that

in your body it often will no longer convert to

When it comes to eating nutrient-rich foods to

the stuff of fiction? The answer is yes, under certain

vitamin A according to Emily Chew, the deputy

improve eyesight, more generally, Chew suggests

conditions, eating carrots will help improve eyesight.

clinical director at the National Eye Institute.

stocking up on green, leafy vegetables. Spinach,

The body naturally regulates against excess

kale or collard greens—all chock-full of lutein

The root vegetable is rich in beta-carotene, a

amounts of vitamin A to prevent accumulation

and zeaxanthin (which are other food-derived

naturally occurring pigment that nourishes the eye.

of toxic levels of the substance. So how many

nutrients)—could help protect your eyes by

carrots are ideal? “I don’t have any numbers to

filtering high-energy wavelengths of visible light

But exactly how many carrots would be needed to

give you about how many carrots you should eat

that can damage the retina. Such foods may

optimize night vision remains less clear. Most studies

per day, but everything should be balanced in

also help to protect against age-related macular

have so far looked at the benefits of beta-carotene

moderation,” she says. Indeed, if a person eats

degeneration, the major cause of blindness in the

or vitamin A supplements, not carrots specifically.

too many carrots his or her skin may turn a bit


orange—a harmless symptom that is not a health concern. Most eye problems stem from visionimpairment caused by issues such as genetics, aging or diabetes that cannot be aided with an


Fish roe or fish eggs have been a sacred food across the globe since ancient times. In his writings, Dr. Weston A. Price detailed the great lengths the natives of the Andes went to Children are not allowed to eat fish eggs

carry dried fish roe from sea level back to their

because it is said that once consumed they

villages high in the mountains—sometimes

will be unable to count anymore.

hundreds of miles—to supply those of childbearing age with the nutrients needed

This is because the large number of roe

to make the healthiest of babies. These

makes it hard to count, therefore kids are

nutrient- dense eggs are rich in vitamins A, D,

encouraged not to eat fish roe completely to

and K2 (Activator X) along with zinc, iodine,

eliminate the counting process as well as the

and the brainbuilding fatty acid DHA, making

fear and confusion of not knowing where to

them a powerful superfood for babies and

start counting the fish roe.

adults alike. According to a recent Weston A. Price Foundation-funded analysis by UBE Laboratories, fish eggs contain 17,000 IU vitamin D per tablespoon!



In Chinese zodiac culture, the Pig is the most docile of livestock in people’s minds, having

Body weight depends on a multitude of

a round and fat face, and doing nothing other

factors, and, as you might imagine, both

than eating and sleeping all day long.

lifestyle and genetics play critical roles. The key to weight control is balancing energy

It is famous for its laziness, and it grows

intake with energy expenditure, a relationship

fastest among all the livestock due to its lack

that is often referred to as the energy balance

of activity. The Pig barely takes any exercise


despite continually eating, let alone worrying Energy input comes from the food and drink

Since one pound of body fat is equivalent to

we consume and is usually measured in

about 3,500 kcal of energy, the energy balance

Many believed that sleeping after eating can

kilocalories (kcal). When energy intake is

equation suggests that an increase in food

lead to weight gain quickly, and took reference

greater than energy expenditure the body

intake or a decrease in energy expenditure

from the Chinese zodiac culture as the Pig too

will store excess energy as fat, regardless of

equal to 3,500 kcal will result in a weight gain

did nothing but eat and sleep.

whether those excess kcals came from fat,

of one pound. Conversely, a weight loss of

carbohydrate, protein or even alcohol.

one pound will result for every 3,500 kcal

or being overworked.

worth of food not eaten or an equal amount

It basically meant, eating after sleeping will cause weight gain.

Energy expenditure consists of three

of increased expenditure. Although this is a

components: resting metabolic rate (BMR),

good rule of thumb for predicting either weight

which is the energy your body uses to

gain or loss, there are considerable individual

maintain normal function throughout the

differences that the energy balance equation

day; diet induced thermogenesis (DIT), the

does not account for. Weight change is a

energy needed to digest, absorb, transport,

relatively slow process—taking place over

metabolize and store food and drink; and

longer periods than just mere minutes, hours

physical activity. In the sedentary individual

or days. Weight gain, for instance, involves a

BMR typically accounts for 60 to 75 percent

long-term state where caloric intake exceeds

of energy expenditure, DIT is responsible


for about 10 percent and physical activity between 10 and 25 percent. (As you might expect, active individuals will have a greater

Sleeping itself, however, is not the cause of

proportion of energy expenditure accounted

weight gain. As we have seen above, the key

for by physical activity.) Our bodies are

is really energy balance over extended periods

expending energy all the time. Even while

of time. Unfortunately, many people are

asleep the body requires energy to fuel the

consuming more energy than their bodies can

multitude of complex functions required to

use (or than they are using), which has led to a

keep us alive.

situation of epidemic proportions where over one third of all adults are now obese. Interestingly, there have been a few recent studies indicating that individuals who either suffer from sleep deprivation or get only limited amounts of sleep may be more susceptible to weight gain than those who get adequate sleep. It appears that lack of sleep leads to decreased release of the hormone leptin—higher levels of which confer a feeling of fullness, whereas low levels can result in feelings of hunger. In addition, sleep loss increases levels of the hormone grehlin, which also makes people feel more hungry.


“Where do I come from?� Almost every kid have asked their parents this question, about how they are born. The Netizens had a discussion about how they asked their parents the similar questions as a kid, and it turned out that their parents had at least told about them being adopted from the rubbish dump. No idea where does this idea came from, but it is usually seen in an Asian family, especially the Chinese, where parents would try to avoid discussions about the birds and the bees.

The topic about birds and the bees has always a tabboo in the society. When children asked about how they came around, parents would think that they are too young for sex education and also thought that it is a good idea to prank their children about them being picked up from the trash. However, experts do not encourage such actions as this will ruin the trust between parent and child.


Many people recalled being told by parents and/or grandparents not to point at the moon, because it would cut your ears. It seemed to be either a myth or superstition circulated amongst Han-Chinese. Although many do not believed such belief, there are people whcvo claimed that they suffered cuts on their ear after pointing at the moon. There is barely any scientific base to such incidences and the origin of this tale is unclear. Therefore, it is counted as a cultural superstition.




Japan is famous for its stories for haunted toilets in schools. One of Japan’s most popular legends, this story typically takes place in the bathroom of a school, so teachers beware. OR DARE. Much like Bloody Mary, Hanako-san is something of a summoning game. If you are brave enough to bring forth Hanako-san, go into the women’s restroom and stand outside the door of the third stall in a row of stalls. Supposedly in life, Hanako-san was a young school girl killed in the bathroom of her

Reports of Hauntings and supernatural

school during a WWII bombing. Some say

experiences have several characteristics that

that you’ll know if she is occupying the third

seem to always be present. For one, the location

stall because the bathroom lights will flicker,

has to be old! Second, sightings and experiences

the stall will always have a mysterious “out of

are usually concentrated in a particular area that

order” sign on it, and you’ll often hear a small

has the most amount of activity.

voice coming from the stall even when no feet are visible under the door.

These areas tend to be highly trafficked areas (by the living). Conveniently enough, the bathroom is small, has mirrors that elucidate the imagination, and requires an individual to be contained (or trapped depending on the situation).




Why did she show up in the first place? Many have argued that the tooth fairy serves as a much-needed source of comfort during an experience that can otherwise be scary, even traumatic. While there are many rites of passage in a person’s life, the loss of a baby tooth is arguably the first — and, thus, the most frightening. The three stages in a rite of passage, as described in Arnold van Gennep’s book of the same name, are nicely mirrored Despite the seeming timelessness of

a tree or on a wall; and (9) swallowed by the

in both the loss of a tooth and the tooth-fairy

the character, the tooth fairy is in fact an

mother, child or animal.

ritual in general: separation (tooth falls out; child leaves tooth under pillow), transition (gap

extremely recent arrival on the mythological scene. Her first print appearance is an

It’s no coincidence that at the same time

in teeth; child goes to sleep) and incorporation

eight-page playlet for children by Esther

the tooth fairy was starting to gain traction

(new tooth grows in; child wakes up to a

Watkins Arnold from 1927, and the oldest oral

in the United States, Disney was also

gift of money). In “Flights of Fancy, Leaps of

references date her to approximately the turn

releasing animated films like “Pinocchio”

Faith,” Cindy Dell Clark has further argued that

of the 20th century.

and “Cinderella” — each of which features a

the use of monetary rewards — and leaving

benevolent, maternal fairy with the power to

money for each tooth, not just the first one, is

Rituals surrounding tooth loss date back

make wishes come true. Pop culture helped

another distinctly American invention — helps

much further than that. Every recorded human

solidify the tooth fairy in the mainstream, and

children transition into the world of adulthood,

culture has some kind of tradition surrounding

she’s been a fixture there ever since.

where cash is a symbol of increased agency

the disposal of a child’s lost baby teeth, and in

and responsibility.

the 1960s, a researcher named B. R. Townend distilled these rituals down to nine basic forms. (1) the tooth was thrown into the sun; (2) thrown into the fire; (3) thrown between the legs; (4) thrown onto or over the roof of the house, often with an invocation to some animal or individual; (5) placed in a mouse hole near the stove or hearth or offered to some other animal; (6) buried; (7) hidden where animals could not get it; (8) placed in


The legend of the Easter Bunny bringing eggs appears to have been brought to the United States by settlers from southwestern Germany. The German tradition of the Easter Bunny or “Oschter Haws” migrated to America in the 1800s, likely accompanying German immigrants, many of whom settled in Pennsylvania. Over the past 200 years, the Easter Bunny has become the most commercially recognized symbol of Easter. In legend, the Easter Bunny, also called the

The Bible makes no mention of a long-eared,

Easter Hare and the Spring Bunny, brings

short-tailed creature who delivers decorated

baskets filled with colored eggs, candy, and

eggs to well-behaved children on Easter Sunday;

sometimes toys to the homes of children on

nevertheless, the Easter bunny has become a

the night before Easter, in much the same way

prominent symbol of Christianity’s most important

as Santa Claus is said to deliver presents on

holiday. The exact origins of this mythical

Christmas Eve. The Easter Bunny will either

mammal are unclear, but rabbits, known to be

put the baskets in a designated place or hide

prolific procreators, are an ancient symbol of

them somewhere in the house or garden for

fertility and new life. According to some sources,

the children to find when they wake up in the

the Easter bunny first arrived in America in the

morning, giving rise to the tradition of the

1700s with German immigrants who settled in

Easter egg hunt.

Pennsylvania and transported their tradition of an egg-laying hare called “Osterhase” or “Oschter Haws.” Their children made nests in which this creature could lay its colored eggs. Eventually, the custom spread across the U.S. and the fabled rabbit’s Easter morning deliveries expanded to include chocolate and other types of candy and gifts, while decorated baskets replaced nests.


It is thought that the word Easter comes

understandable that the rabbit is the symbol

from a pagan figure called Eastre (or Eostre)

of fertility.

who was celebrated as the goddess of spring by the Saxons of Northern Europe.

From a Christian perspective, Easter eggs are

A festival called Eastre was held during the

said to represent Jesus’ emergence from the

spring equinox by these people to honor

tomb and resurrection. Decorating eggs for

her. Of interest is the word’s relation to east

Easter is a tradition that dates back to at least

(ost in German). The name for a celebration

the 13th century, according to some sources.

of the sunrise and a change of season was

One explanation for this custom is that eggs

eventually applied to the Christian celebration

were formerly a forbidden food during the

of the resurrection of Christ and the new era

Lenten season, so people would paint and

He heralded.

decorate them to mark the end of the period of penance and fasting, then eat them on

The goddess Eastre’s earthly symbol was the

Easter as a celebration.

rabbit, which was also known as a symbol of fertility. Since rabbits and hares give birth to large litters in the early spring, it’s



Santa Claus... Kris Kringle...Old Saint Nick... who is this guy and why does he have so many aliases? Well, the original St. Nicholas lived in southwestern Turkey in the 4th century. As the bishop of Myra he was credited with doing a number of miracles involving sailors and children. After his death this led him to become the patron saint of both groups as well as for unmarried girls. As a saint he was given his own “feast day” that was celebrated on December 6th. At about the same time Nicholas lived, Pope Julius I decided to establish a date for the celebration of the birth of Jesus. As the actual time of year for this event was unknown, the Pope decided to assign the holiday to December 25th. There had long been a pagan

It’s been said that Dutch settlers brought

Theological Seminary, drew upon Pintard’s

midwinter festival at this time of year and the

the tradition of Saint Nicholas to the North

thinking about the early New Amsterdam

Pope hoped to use the holiday to christianize

American city of New Amsterdam (which

traditions and added some elements from

the celebrations.

the British would later rename “New York”).

German and Norse legends. These stories

However, research shows there’s little

held that a happy little elf-like man presided

Eventually, Saint Nicholas’s feast day also

evidence that Nicholas played much of a part

over midwinter pagan festivals. In the poem,

became associated with December 25th

in these early settlers’ celebrations. It seems

Moore depicts the Saint as a tiny man with

and his connection with Christmas was

more likely that Saint Nicholas became an

a sleigh drawn by eight miniature reindeer.

established. A tradition developed that he

American tradition during a wave of interest

They fly him from house to house and at each

would supposedly visit homes on Christmas

in Dutch customs following the Revolutionary

residence he comes down the chimney to fill

Eve and children would place nuts, apples,

War. Washington Irving (of Sleepy Hollow

stockings hung by the fireplace with gifts.

sweets and other items around the house to

fame) included him a comic History of New

welcome him. As the reformation took a hold

York City written in 1809. John Pintard,

Moore had written the poem for the enjoyment

of much of Europe, however, the popularity

founder of the New York Historical Society,

of his own family, but in 1823 it was published

of St. Nicholas dropped in most Protestant

took an especially keen interest in the legend

anonymously in the Troy Sentinel. It became

countries, with the exception of Holland where

and the Society hosted its first St. Nicholas

very popular and has been reprinted countless

he was referred to as “Sinter Klaas.” After this

anniversary dinner in 1810. Artist Alexander

times under the more familiar title, The Night

tradition came to the United States, “Sinter

Anderson was commissioned to draw an

Before Christmas.

Klass” would eventually be corrupted to

image of the Saint for the dinner. He was

“Sancte Claus.”

still shown as a religious figure, but now he

Where did Moore get the reindeer? The Saami

was also clearly depositing gifts in children’s

people of northern Scandinavia and Finland

stockings which were hung by the fireplace

often used reindeer to pull their sledges

to dry.

around and this found its way into the poem. Reindeer, which are much sturdier animals

Perhaps nothing has fixed the image of Santa

than North American deer,are well adapted to

Claus so firmly in the American mind as a

cold climates with their heavy fur coats and

poem entitled A Visit from St. Nicholas written

broad, flat hooves for walking on snow.

by Clement Moore in 1822. Moore, a professor of biblical languages at New York’s Episcopal


Fairies come in many races and tribes, and are also said to vary in size and shape; though most are small, some change size and become man-size or larger if they choose.

Fairy affairs reappeared two decades later when two teenage cousins, Frances Griffiths

Fairies are tiny, often beautiful human-like creatures (sometimes with wings) that appear

n centuries past, people were much less

and Elsie Wright, played with fairies in

in legends and folklore around the world.

sophisticated about what was real and what

the English countryside near Cottingley.

Fairies likely began as versions of pagan

wasn’t; much of the world was still unexplored

Interacting with imaginary fairy friends would

nature gods and goddesses, and thus they are

and shrouded in mystery. Traveling shows

probably be considered normal behavior for

often associated with the outdoors (especially

brought amazing creatures from around the

10- and 16-year-old girls, but the pair insisted

forests), as well as magic and journeys.

world to people who had never seen such

that the fairies were real. They even provided

wonders. Animals such as giraffes, bears and

proof in the form of five photographs showing

Depending on the region, fairies are said to

tigers, for example, appeared as attractions in

little fairy folk playing with the girls.

live in woodland communities, underground

carnivals and circuses during the 1800s. For

kingdoms, or inhabit lakes, hills, or stone or

many having seen these animals for the first

While some dismissed the photos as obvious

grass circles — often along with centaurs,

time, dragons, mermaids and fairies did not

fakes, many others were not so sure. Sir

elves, ogres, gnomes and other such animals.

seem far-fetched.

Arthur Conan Doyle, creator of Sherlock Holmes, believed that the fairies were real, and wrote a book titled “The Coming of the Fairies,” in which he discussed the fairies and his conviction that their existence had been proven beyond any doubt. Many were taken in, and the reality of fairies was the subject of debate among some adults for decades. Finally, in 1983, Frances Griffiths, then 75 years old, confessed that the “fairies” were cut-out drawings from a book, Though belief in fairies exists to the present day in some places — especially in Ireland, Iceland, Norway, and Scotland — modern fairies have been sanitized for today’s children and (luckily) lost their murderous ways.


It is convenient as the filmmakers are more familiar about their own country compared to the rest of the world. Not to mention that America is a well-known and well-off country. The United States is probably the most successful country in the world in terms of economic and political power. Alien races in movies are often depicted as intelligent on Earthling affairs, so it wouldn’t be surprising if the aliens knew in advance of the prosperity and political clout of the United States and chose it intentionally: if the United States were destroyed, it would have a major effect on the world economy, and the President of the United States is probably the most well-known political leader, so it’s not surprising they’d choose him as the “leader” they want to be “taken to.”





Whenever there is a flashback in a movie or TV

imagining ways that electronic television

series, the past is often being reflected in the

could work. One day while working in the

form of an old black and white hptotgraph or

fields among rows of vegetables, he was

a footage of the old electronic television. This

inspired. He realized that a picture could be

method of presenting to past is widely used

dissected by a simple television camera into

in pop culture and many kids who had no idea

a series of lines of electricity. The lines would

why it is presented in black and white thought

be transmitted so quickly that the eyes would

the world used to be without colour.

merge the lines. Then, a cathode ray tube television receiver would change those lines

Such reference is often made to reflect on

back into a picture. Initially, television was

past technology of the era. Back then, there

available only in black and white, even though

were no colour television and photographs

experiments with color began in the 1920s;

until they were invented.

however, you could not buy a color television until 1953.

Philo Farnsworth successfully demonstrated electronic television in San Francisco, in 1927. Farnsworth, at the age of fifteen, began


Developed Asian countries have reported increasing myopia rates of up to 80 per cent, and the rapid growth rate, scientists say, suggests that environmental factors play a significant role. To try and find a link between intelligence and visions, researchers at the University Medical Center in Mainz, Germany examined nearsightedness in 4,658 Germans ages 35 to 74. Results of their work, known as the Gutenberg Health Study, show that myopia became more prevalent as a person’s education improved. For instance, 24 per cent of participants with no secondary school education or other training were nearsighted. Around 35 per cent of secondary school graduates and vocational school graduates were nearsighted, while the figure for university graduates was over half at 53 per cent. The researchers also looked at the effect of 45 genetic markers, but found it a much weaker factor in the degree of nearsightedness compared to education level. Eye experts claim you are myopic if your vision is blurred beyond 6.6ft (2 metres). It is usually caused by an elongation of the eyeball when people are young. The antidote to the rise in myopia could be as simple as going outside more often. Pop culture that constantly shows smart

For years, people with glasses have been

In the last several years, studies of

people wearing glasses to look the part.

stereotyped as being a ‘nerd’ or a ‘geek’.

children and young adults in Denmark and

It is often shown on TV series, cartoons, films

But scientists have always believed that

exposure to daylight is associated with less

and even anime, thus the stereotype that

genes, rather than education, were more


geniuses wear specs.

important in determining poor vision.

Asia show that more time outdoors and

‘Since students appear to be at a higher


Now a study provides scientific backing to

risk of nearsightedness, it makes sense to

suggest that the smarter you are, the more

encourage them to spend more time outdoors

likely you are to suffer from myopia, also

as a precaution,’ said Alireza Mirshahi, lead

known as nearsightedness.

author of the study.

• Cartoon heroes have been created or drawn by a person. They have been drawn and brought to life. Their voices are the sounds Cartoons are the most frequent and easily

The process of realizing that cartoon

of human beings. This is called productive

accessible source of entertainment which

characters are not real but a figment of the

direction. According to this, cartoon heroes

is provided to children. Time which was

imagination takes place in at least three

have been created by humans.

previously spent by children in outdoor

different ways. By having a mascot, it is as though confirming

activities is now replaced, as now they can be found glued to the TV sets for long hours,

• Firstly, cartoon characters do not really

the first point as false because kids do get to

peering at all sorts of cartoons.

exist. You do not really meet them, you are

meet the mascots at places lke Disneyland.

not harmed by them and you cannot speak

It is up to the children to believe whether

with them. According to this existence view,

they buy the idea of their favourite cartoon

children understand that cartoon characters

character being “real”.

are not real. Nevertheless, cartoons heroes remained • Cartoon heroes do not have feelings and


thoughts like we do and they cannot do what we do either. They belong to another social class that is different from humans. This is called social direction. According to this view, children understand cartoon characters are quite different from humans in terms of psychological and behavioral patterns. Children are at a stage when their minds are developing and forms impressions easily, at such an early stage children consider the things they watch in cartoons to be real. Meeting the mascot from a cartoon character makes it more believable as they are unable to differentiate between fantasy and reality.


Popeye’s taste for a can of spinach before a fight has a genuine scientific basis, researchers have found: the leafy green vegetable really can boost your muscle power. It was thought the iron content of spinach accounted for its status as a superfood. But researchers at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden have found that the inorganic nitrate it contains is the secret of its strengthgiving property. They gave a small dose of nitrate, equivalent to that found in a plate of spinach, to exercising volunteers and found it reduced their need for oxygen. Their improved muscle performance was due to increased efficiency of the mitochondria that power cells, the researchers wrote in Cell Metabolism. They suggest their finding could offer one explanation for the health benefit of eating fruit and vegetables, the mechanism of which still remains unclear. Great efforts have been made to isolate the key ingredients of a healthy diet, with limited success. Nitrates could be one of those key ingredients. They interact with bacteria in the mouth to produce nitric oxide, a physiologically important molecule with a key role in lowering blood pressure.



It seems whenever cats and dogs are paired together, the dog will almost always be male while the cat will almost always be female. The cat will be sassy, intelligent, but occasionally cruel. The dog will be crude but kind. Often their owners will be the same sex as the animals. Ergo, women will be cat people and men will be dog people. Even if they’re not contrasted with another species of animal, strangers will tend to assume by default that dogs are male — especially large or intimidating breeds — and cats are female. So widespread is this trope that a common misconception among children is that all dogs are male, and that all cats are female.

This trope could be due to the way dog’s bodies are shaped and the way cat’s bodies are shaped. Dog’s bodies have big chests and small bellies and they tend to look more muscular. Cats bodies have small chests and they look rounder and curvier. Dog faces also tend to be narrower and more angular (giving them a sharper, “rugged” look), while cats usually have more delicate features (making them look “prettier”). Speaking of inversions with the owners; if a male character owns a cat, it’s often a sign of shared personality, say eccentricity, or intelligence level (thus masculine/catlike) as in Garfield. If a woman owns a dog, it’s often a sign of shared emotional bonds (thus feminine/doglike).


These happily ever after endings instill in young minds the idea that your prince is out there and that one day, you will bump into

We all know the common fairy tale. There’s

them — probably while frolicking through a

a man and a woman—rarely, if ever, do we

meadow and singing a good morning song to

see stories about a woman and a woman or a man and a man—who must overcome some obstacle to reach happily ever after. There is always a happily ever after.

woodland creatures — and then, POOF! You The very idea of seeking a prince to solve your

will be in love, married, all your problems will

problems, or the source of your happiness,

be solved, and you will spend the rest of your

creates an imbalance at the onset of a

life walking into a sunset horizon with hearts

relationship that hasn’t even begun. It also has

in your eyes.

strong implications and creates dependency. We are taught at a young age to rely on a man to help us out of a problem and in return we fall in love. We know women are capable of fighting off evil and achieving success. But why has Disney never portrayed women as independent instead of hopeless romantics? Furthermore, why do they give little girls who admire these princesses, hope that true love exists for everyone? False hope and an altered reality is what these movies are doing to young minds.


Naci and Erdal obtained data on 20,745

The problem is that many of these prejudices

people, who were interviewed and rated at

start to act as self-fulfilling prophecies.

various points during their lives (in the period

Ugly children start to do less well at school

1994 – 2002). A small army of independent

because of the low expectations placed on

interviewers rated the person’s level of

them: they have less belief in themselves,

attractiveness (ranging from very unattractive

less confidence, they receive less personal

to very attractive). Subsequently, Naci and

attention from their tutors, and so on. And,

Erdal statistically compared this indicator of

as a consequence, the prophecy comes true;

physical attractiveness with the incidence

they do achieve less.

of the respondent having been involved in a crime, such as property damage, burglary,

Once on the job market, they are then once

robbery, theft, assault, or drug-related crimes.

again confronted with the same prejudice,

And even when they corrected these models

making things even more challenging. For

for all sorts of background characteristics,

example, research has shown that, given

such as ethnic background, religion, family

the same qualifications, physically attractive

situation, income, and so on, the answer was

applicants are considered more suitable for a

pretty clear: criminals are ugly.

particular job. They are also recommended to receive higher starting salaries.* Indeed, the

Although this involves a healthy dose of

handsome subjects in Naci and Erdal’s study

speculation, we do know quite a lot from

also made substantially more money than their

prior research about the influence of physical

esthetically more challenged counterparts.

attractiveness on such things as income and

To conclude, handsome children are helped

schooling, which might shed some light on

to achieve more, once they reach adulthood

the issue. For example, we know from prior

they are more likely to be successful in a job

studies that good-looking children receive

interview, and once they are in the job they get

more attention at school, are considered more

paid more.

trustworthy, and are judged to have higher academic potential.

As a consequence of these effects, on the margin, ugly people are more often tempted – or perhaps pushed – into a life of crime than people who are physically attractive. The ugly ducklings amongst us are often devout of the opportunities that befall the beautiful and, therefore, comparatively are more prone to end up in crime.

Although in general not every ugly person is bad and not every beautiful person is good, it now appears that these film makers are rather


Has it ever struck you that in movies the villain

more realistic in their portrayal of the bad

is pretty much always ugly? Whether you

guys than you might have guessed. Criminals

take a James Bond film, a horror movie, or a

– as research by professors Naci Mocan from

Disney character, the bad guy is usually rather

Louisiana State and Erdal Tekin from Georgia

‘esthetically challenged’, dotted with rather

State University showed – are often indeed

unsightly, coarse features.

pretty ugly.

Probably from Toy Story movies.

If toys are alive, they wouldn’t be toys anymore. They’d only frighten the children

It is said that whenever humans are not

by coming alive. The toys in Toys Story

around or are sleeping, toys will come alive

are aware that if they were to demonstrate

and move around. They might even have their

their sentience, this could turn into a huge

little adventures!

worldwide crisis, with toys everywhere in danger of being experimented on, imprisoned

Toys have a life of their own, and they operate

or destroyed.

similarly to humans. Also, if toys ARE alive, they would have some idea that if a human child, or any human entered to find what they assumed to be nonliving, inanimate objects moving and talking, it would freak them out.

NEXT PAGE: There’s a reason possessed toys are a staple of the horror genre.



Imagine that your toys are alive. Not just alive, but very alive, they have romance, attitudes, and no batteries. Who needs batteries, when your supposed to not be alive? Yes. No. This is a very scary concept, if you think about it. Every time you sleep, they are there. Every time you need personal space, they are there plotting, planning, you know evil stuff. Every time you think you are alone, they are there. They just wait for you to sleep, or leave. They are like statues with the ability to stay still. Not for minutes, for hours, days, weeks. Think about this, every time as a kid when you got angry or annoyed at something, you threw something... didn’t you. When you got mad you threw your toys, what you think they do not remember. Oh yeah, they remember. Sleep tight.

Now imagine if you will, you are asleep, and

That is right, they are intelligent. They

Yup, they are immortal, as far as I can tell

all of a sudden, little voices. It’s not your

made plans and elaborately complicated

anyway, and probably know telekinesis.

mom, not your dad, brothers or sisters. What


you do not have brothers and sisters, well

Honestly, would you? No you wouldn’t. You heard a sound at night, like all other kids

Can you imagine the possibilities? Imagine

do, you pull over the covers or you brush it

this is awkward. NO, no it’s not, it’s your toys

This is a no-nonsense situation. Want to

revenge against your entire bloodline one kid

that’s right, and they think you are asleep.

off. They can talk, you won’t even believe

get rid of them? They will find a way back

at time...they scare you once, then wait until

Tiny whispers ring in your ears at three in the

yourself. In the morning, when it is light out,

home. Want to make a plan to get them?

20 years later and scare you again. Surely by

morning, in pitch, black, darkness.

you will check on the toys. You won’t be able

They can hear everything you say, and they

this time you’re in a mental hospital, and they

to find anything. You can poke them all day

can even work the TV. They might even turn

will find you, or they could scare your child, an

Nightlight? It won’t save you from sound, will

tear, tear them with a sharp object, any torture

on TV shows you hate. They are tricky, they

endless line of waiting and scaring.

it. How about the woody doll you are cuddling

you want. They will not flinch or move.

have a whole army of toys at their command.

up with, yea that one that supposed to keep

An entire army of toys that can talk to each

Remember that they remember, everything.

you safe at night. Good luck. Do you think

So what do you do? Help everyone learn the

other and you.

Do you rememeber ripping off the eyeball of

someone would believe you if you told, nope.

truth. Look around there is probably a toy

your doll? Since they are inanimated objects,

You would wind up in a stray jacket for that

next to you, right now. Do you feel little eyes

they have no feelings, no pain. That is right,


on you?

no pain. So when you tore out your doll’s eye, was she in pain? No. Was she mad? Yes.

The look of a dolls dark empty eyes. You think


it’s over, no. Did you hear what they said?




Crying is confrontational, says Dr. Robert

or even just trying to get someone’s attention,

R. Provine, a neuroscientist, professor of

which DeLuca and other researchers call a

psychology at the University of Maryland,

‘’secondary gain’’ cry.

Baltimore County and the author of Curious Behavior: Yawning, Laughing, Hiccupping, and

On top of that, crying may have a biochemical

Beyond. He says that someone else’s crying

purpose. It’s believed to release stress

“is appealing to you to provide caregiving, and

hormones or toxins from the body, says

at least sympathy,” which can be emotionally

Lauren Bylsma, a PhD student at the

tiring, if not exhausting.

University of South Florida in Tampa, who has focused on crying in her research.

Crying does serve an emotional purpose, says Sideroff, an assistant clinical professor of

Lastly, crying has a purely social function,

psychiatry at the UCLA David Geffen School

Bylsma says. It often wins support from those

of Medicine. “It’s a release. There is a buildup

who watch you cry. Sometimes, crying may be

of energy with feelings.”

manipulative -- a way to get what you want, whether you’re asking a friend to go shopping

It can also be a survival mechanism, notes

with you, your spouse to agree to a luxurious

Jodi DeLuca, PhD, a neuropsychologist at

vacation, or your child to get their math

Tampa General Hospital in Florida. ‘’When

homework done.

you cry,” she says, “it’s a signal you need to address something.” Among other things, it may mean you are frustrated, overwhelmed



Most young children play pretend games

Invisible friends are an especially compelling and involved form of pretend

and interact with their stuffed animals,

play. Perhaps invisible friends represent “bemagination” – something partway

dolls, or other special toys as if they were

between belief and imagination.

alive. According to Marjorie Taylor and her colleagues at the University of Oregon,

Invisible friends can be human, animal, or fantasy creatures. They may appear

by age seven, about 37% of children take

alone or in groups. Boys tend to invent only male imaginary friends, whereas

imaginative play a step farther and create an

girls have either male or female ones.

invisible friend.

Children with invisible friends can readily describe what these friends look like and how they behave. Many children even offer details about hearing or touching their invisible friends. Invisible friends can sometimes be a part of the life of a child— and a family—for years.

It seems logical that children who invent invisible friends might be lonely or have social problems, but research doesn’t support those assumptions. In fact, compared to those who don’t create them, children with imaginary companions (either invisible friends or personified objects) tend to be less shy, engage in more laughing and smiling with peers, and do better at tasks involving imagining how someone else might think. Oldest children, only children, and children who don’t watch much television are more likely to create an imaginary friend. This probably reflects opportunity. Children need unstructured time alone to be able to invent imaginary friends. Having an imaginary friend is not evidence that a child is troubled. However, imaginary friends can be a source of comfort when a child is experiencing difficulties. There are many case studies of children inventing imaginary friends to help them cope with traumatic experiences. A study based on interviews of middle school students at high risk for developing behavior problems found that having an imaginary companion was associated with better coping strategies but lower social preference with peers. However, by the end of high school, those high-risk children who had had an imaginary companion in middle school showed better adjustment on multiple measures. At a more mundane level, children with imaginary friends sometimes blame them for misbehavior in an attempt to avoid parental displeasure. Imaginary friends can also help children to cope with fears, explore ideas, or gain a sense of competence through learning from or taking care of the imaginary friend.


For years, society has placed a disgustingly

Well, it’s time to let the children learn that

large stigma on bad grades and an

it’s okay not to be an A student, it’s okay to

overwhelming importance on good grades.

fail. Because here’s a little secret the older

There’s a predisposed instinct to strive for

generations are unwilling to divulge to you: it

A’s and cast anything lower to the side, to

doesn’t matter.

deem as unworthy. To all those tight-ass intellectuals out there, it’s time to get the facts straight. For all those years that you spent cooped up in the library, poring over facts and stats, soliloquies and Greek mythology, the average scoring kids — the ones partying and getting C’s in college — are the ones obtaining the skills that do matter: life experiences.

Failing is a life experience. Not getting that A on the exam you spent all night studying for, is an experience. Life experiences are a composite of all the skills necessary to get along in the real world. It’s comprised of all those skills that are only learned through failure and the obstacles of life, like how to hold a conversation, get away with a lie or entertain someone you really don’t like. It’s all those skills that high-paying Fortune 500 companies value above all else. In college, it’s all about grades. In the real world, it’s about experience, balls and drive. Because once you get past the first job, no one is ever going to ask you about your GPA or how you did on that Psych 215 final. What matters in the real world is your ability to adapt, innovate and get along. There are no scantron sheets or essay exams. There are no TA’s to hold review sessions or to help you practice your presentation. Real life is about how well you can bullsh*t your way through it, and that’s not something taught in a classroom. It’s about yourself and the gut feelings you have towards what is right and what is wrong. Succeeding in life means following your gut and understanding what a bad decision is. Just because you passed History with flying colors doesn’t mean you’ll know what to do when your coworker is talking behind your back to your boss. It doesn’t mean you’ll know how to handle an insubordinate or get together a presentation the night before a deadline. So for all of you preparing for finals, or finishing them with a bitter taste in your mouth, this should be reason enough not to worry. If you are ending the semester with C’s and maybe a few D’s, don’t sweat. There’s plenty of opportunity out there, and it’s the people with the audacity not to care about their grades — the ones who don’t spend their lives in the library and bubbling in correct answer sheets — who will rule the world. Because at the end of it all, it’s really about those people with the most passion.


In the 1940s, attachment to a special object

Because security objects may serve as a

was regarded as a childhood fetish reflecting

substitute for the mother in her absence, they

pathology in the relationship between the

can be employed practicably by parents,

mother and her child (Wulff, 1946). D. W.

teachers, doctors, babysitters, and other

Winnicott (1953), however, regarded the object as necessary for normal development: it was a “transitional” experience, intermediate between the infant’s ability to distinguish the inner subjective world from

Although the blanket does not have any magical powers which can protect you from monsters under your bed, the blanket provided comfort to you , like a mother.

professionals. At bedtime, it can soothe and facilitate sleep. A study by G. J. Ybarra, R. H. Passman, and C. Eisenberg found that during a

outside reality. John Bowlby considered

routine third-year pediatric examination,

transitional objects to be a “substitute”

the security object enhanced rapport with

for the absent mother, and he deemed the

the examining nurse. Children attached to a

child’s attachment to them normal and even

blanket who were allowed access to it were


rated as less distressed and experienced less physiological stress—as evidenced by

Nevertheless, throughout the 1970s, but

heart rate and systolic blood pressure— than

progressively less in the 1980s and 1990s, a

children undergoing the medical evaluation

stigma remained attached to children who

without their security object. The comfort

hugged a blanket in times of stress.

provided by a blanket in novel situations has even been shown to enhance children’s learning (Passman, 1977).


So scientists report after studying a

It is said that whenever you wear new clothes, they provide a certain superpower which enhances either of your features. For example, if you wear new shows, you feel as though you can become Flash and run like the wind!

phenomenon they call enclothed cognition:

“One of the biggest reasons kids love

the effects of clothing on cognitive

superheroes is the sense of control


and power they can exert on the world vicariously,” says Naeema Jiwani, a child

We think not just with our brains but with our

development psychologist at the Human

bodies, Dr. Galinsky said, and our thought

Relations Institute, Dubai (www.hricdubai.

processes are based on physical experiences

com). “By channelling their energies into

that set off associated abstract concepts.

these fictional figures, they can conquer bad

Now it appears that those experiences

guys, rule the world and be kings or queens

include the clothes we wear.

of their own universes.” A superhero who saves the planet might seem like a good thing, but science is divided over whether Superman and his pals are helpful for kids.




Little kids believe the darnedest things. For example, that a fat man in a red suit flies through the air on a sleigh pulled by reindeer. A new study on three-year-olds, published in Psychological Science, a journal of the

In one experiment, an adult showed children a

Association for Psychological Science, finds

red and a yellow cup, then hid a sticker under

that they aren’t just generally trusting. They’re

the red one. With some children, she claimed

particularly trusting of things people tell them.

(incorrectly) that the sticker was under the yellow cup; with other children, she placed

“Children have developed a specific bias to

Previous research has found that three-year-

an arrow on the yellow cup without saying

believe what they’re told,” says Jaswal. “It’s

olds are a credulous bunch; they believe most

anything. The children were given the chance

sort of a short cut to keep them from having to

things they’re told, and skepticism doesn’t

to search under one of the cups and allowed

evaluate what people say. It’s useful because

kick in until later. Vikram K. Jaswal, of the

to keep the sticker if they found it. This

most of the time parents and caregivers tell

University of Virginia, wanted to look more

game was repeated eight times (with pairs of

children things that they believe to be true.”

closely at trust in three-year-olds. Through his

differently colored cups).

Of course, there are times when people do lie

work on how young children learn language,

to children—about Santa Claus, for example,

he became interested in what they do with

The children who saw the adult put the arrow

but also in less innocuous situations. Jaswal

what they hear. “Why are they so willing to

on the incorrect cup quickly figured out that

says it is useful to understand the specifics

accept somebody else’s word, for example,

they shouldn’t believe her. But the kids who

of children’s trusting natures—in this case,

that an eel is a fish, when it looks so much like

heard the adult say the sticker was under a

to understand that they believe what people

a snake?” he asks. For this study, he and his

particular cup continued to take her word for

tell them, but can be more skeptical about

students, A. Carrington Croft, Alison R. Setia,

where it was. Of those 16 children, nine never

information delivered in other ways.

and Caitlin A. Cole, asked whether three-year-

once found the sticker. Even when the adult

olds are more trusting of information they are

had already misled them seven times in a row,

told than the same information conveyed to

on the eighth chance, they still looked under

them without words.

the cup where she said the sticker was. (At the end of the study, the children were given all the stickers whether or not they’d found any of them.)


Children will believe a lot of what their

makes sense to them. Children just need

parents teach them, but not everything. Try to

adults to specify which one.

convince a child that a tarantula is harmless, that broccoli is a better food for them than

Experimental evidence, including cross-

crisps, or that Paul McCartney is a better

cultural studies, suggests that three-year-olds

musician than Miley Cyrus and you’ll likely get

attribute super, god-like qualities to lots

nowhere. Likewise, teachers have difficulty

of different beings. Super-power, super-

teaching many scientific insights such as

knowledge and super-perception seem to be

evolution by natural selection or that solid

default assumptions. Children then have to

objects such as tables are composed almost

learn that mother is fallible, and dad is not all

entirely of space. Children learn things that

powerful, and that people will die. So children

their minds are tuned to learn more readily

may be particularly receptive to the idea of a

than things that go against that natural tuning.

super creator-god. It fits their predilections.

Developmental psychologists have provided

Recent research by Paul Bloom, Jesse

evidence that children are naturally tuned to

Bering, and Emma Cohen suggests that

believe in gods of one sort or another.

children may also be predisposed to believe in a soul that persists beyond death.

Children tend to see natural objects as designed or purposeful in ways that go

That belief comes so naturally to children

beyond what their parents teach, as Deborah

may sound like an attack on religious belief

Kelemen has demonstrated. Rivers exist so

(belief in gods is just leftover childishness)

that we can go fishing on them, and birds are

or a promotion of religious belief (God has

here to look pretty.

implanted a seed for belief in children). What both sides should agree upon is the scientific

Children doubt that impersonal processes

evidence: certainly cultural inputs help fill in

can create order or purpose. Studies with

the details but children’s minds are not a level

children show that they expect that someone

playing field. They are tilted in the direction

not something is behind natural order. No

of belief.

wonder that Margaret Evans found that children younger than 10 favoured creationist accounts of the origins of animals over evolutionary accounts even when their parents and teachers endorsed evolution. Authorities’ testimony didn’t carry enough weight to override a natural tendency. Children know humans are not behind the order so the idea of a creating god (or gods)


Since we all agree, kids see few cracks in There may also be a benefit to us. We were all

the view of the world presented to them.

lied to as kids, and some of the lies we were

The biggest disagreements are between

told still affect us. So by studying the ways

parents and schools, but even those are

adults lie to kids, we may be able to clear our

small. Schools are careful what they say

heads of lies we were told.

about controversial topics, and if they do contradict what parents want their kids to

I’m using the word “lie” in a very general

believe, parents either pressure the school

sense: not just overt falsehoods, but also all

into keeping quiet or move their kids to a new

the more subtle ways we mislead kids. Though


“lie” has negative connotations, I don’t mean to suggest we should never do this—just that

The conspiracy is so thorough that most kids

we should pay attention when we do.

who discover it do so only by discovering internal contradictions in what they’re told. It

One of the most remarkable things about the

can be traumatic for the ones who wake up

way we lie to kids is how broad the conspiracy

during the operation.

is. All adults know what their culture lies to kids about: they’re the questions you answer

I remember that feeling. By 15 I was

“Ask your parents.” If a kid asked who won

convinced the world was corrupt from end to

the World Series in 1982 or what the atomic

end. That’s why movies like The Matrix have

weight of carbon was, you could just tell him.

such resonance. Every kid grows up in a fake

But if a kid asks you “Is there a God?” or

world. In a way it would be easier if the forces

“What’s a prostitute?” you’ll probably say “Ask

behind it were as clearly differentiated as a

your parents.”

bunch of evil machines, and one could make a clean break just by taking a pill.


If you ask adults why they lie to kids, the most

Life can be pretty good at 10 or 20, but

cocoon they grew up in. Combine this with

common reason they give is to protect them.

it’s often frustrating at 15. This is too big

the confidence parents try to instill in their

And kids do need protecting. The environment

a problem to solve here, but certainly one

kids, and every year you get a new crop of 18

you want to create for a newborn child will be

reason life sucks at 15 is that kids are trapped

year olds who think they know how to run the

quite unlike the streets of a big city.

in a world designed for 10 year olds.


That seems so obvious it seems wrong to call

What do parents hope to protect their children

Don’t all 18 year olds think they know how

it a lie. It’s certainly not a bad lie to tell, to give

from by raising them in suburbia? A friend

to run the world? Actually this seems to be

a baby the impression the world is quiet and

who moved out of Manhattan said merely that

a recent innovation, no more than about 100

warm and safe. But this harmless type of lie

her 3 year old daughter “saw too much.” Off

years old. In preindustrial times teenage

can turn sour if left unexamined.

the top of my head, that might include: people

kids were junior members of the adult

who are high or drunk, poverty, madness,

world and comparatively well aware of their

Imagine if you tried to keep someone in as

gruesome medical conditions, sexual behavior

shortcomings. They could see they weren’t as

protected an environment as a newborn till

of various degrees of oddness, and violent

strong or skillful as the village smith. In past

age 18. To mislead someone so grossly about


times people lied to kids about some things

the world would seem not protection but

more than we do now, but the lies implicit

abuse. That’s an extreme example, of course;

I think it’s the anger that would worry me most

in an artificial, protected environment are a

when parents do that sort of thing it becomes

if I had a 3 year old. I was 29 when I moved

recent invention. Like a lot of new inventions,

national news. But you see the same problem

to New York and I was surprised even then. I

the rich got this first. Children of kings and

on a smaller scale in the malaise teenagers

wouldn’t want a 3 year old to see some of the

great magnates were the first to grow up

feel in suburbia.

disputes I saw. It would be too frightening. A

out of touch with the world. Suburbia means

lot of the things adults conceal from smaller

half the population can live like kings in that

The main purpose of suburbia is to provide

children, they conceal because they’d be


a protected environment for children to grow

frightening, not because they want to conceal

up in. And it seems great for 10 year olds. I

the existence of such things. Misleading the

liked living in suburbia when I was 10. I didn’t

child is just a byproduct.

notice how sterile it was. My whole world was no bigger than a few friends’ houses I bicycled

This seems one of the most justifiable types

to and some woods I ran around in. On a log

of lying adults do to kids. But because the

scale I was midway between crib and globe.

lies are indirect we don’t keep a very strict

A suburban street was just the right size.

accounting of them. Parents know they’ve

But as I grew older, suburbia started to feel

concealed the facts about sex, and many at

suffocatingly fake.

some point sit their kids down and explain more. But few tell their kids about the differences between the real world and the


I’d have different worries about raising teenage kids in New York. I’d worry less about what they’d see, and more about what they’d do. I went to college with a lot of kids who grew up in Manhattan, and as a rule they seemed pretty jaded. They seemed to have lost their virginity at an average of about 14 and by college had tried more drugs than I’d even heard of.

One thing adults conceal about sex they also conceal about drugs: that it can cause

The reasons parents don’t want their teenage

great pleasure. That’s what makes sex and

kids having sex are complex. There are some

drugs so dangerous. The desire for them can

obvious dangers: pregnancy and sexually

cloud one’s judgement—which is especially

transmitted diseases. But those aren’t the only

frightening when the judgement being clouded

reasons parents don’t want their kids having

is the already wretched judgement of a

sex. The average parents of a 14 year old girl

teenage kid.

would hate the idea of her having sex even if there were zero risk of pregnancy or sexually

Here parents’ desires conflict. Older societies

transmitted diseases.

told kids they had bad judgement, but modern parents want their children to be confident.

Kids can probably sense they aren’t being

This may well be a better plan than the old

told the whole story. After all, pregnancy and

one of putting them in their place, but it has

sexually transmitted diseases are just as much

the side effect that after having implicitly lied

a problem for adults, and they have sex.

to kids about how good their judgement is, we then have to lie again about all the things they

What really bothers parents about their

might get into trouble with if they believed us.

teenage kids having sex? Their dislike of the idea is so visceral it’s probably inborn. But if

If parents told their kids the truth about

it’s inborn it should be universal, and there

sex and drugs, it would be: the reason you

are plenty of societies where parents don’t

should avoid these things is that you have

mind if their teenage kids have sex—indeed,

lousy judgement. People with twice your

where it’s normal for 14 year olds to become

experience still get burned by them. But this

mothers. So what’s going on? There does

may be one of those cases where the truth

seem to be a universal taboo against sex

wouldn’t be convincing, because one of the

with prepubescent children. One can imagine

symptoms of bad judgement is believing you

evolutionary reasons for that. And I think this

have good judgement. When you’re too weak

is the main reason parents in industrialized

to lift something, you can tell, but when you’re

societies dislike teenage kids having sex. They

making a decision impetuously, you’re all the

still think of them as children, even though

more sure of it.

biologically they’re not, so the taboo against child sex still has force.


Another reason parents don’t want their kids

why should one be ok for kids to say and

But there’s more to it than that. The reason

having sex is that they want to keep them

one forbidden? The only explanation is: by

our hypothetical jaded 10 year old bothers me

innocent. Adults have a certain model of how


so much is not just that he’d be annoying, but that he’d have cut off his prospects for growth

kids are supposed to behave, and it’s different Why does it bother adults so much when

so early. To be jaded you have to think you

kids do things reserved for adults? The

know how the world works, and any theory a

One of the most obvious differences is the

idea of a foul-mouthed, cynical 10 year old

10 year old had about that would probably be

words kids are allowed to use. Most parents

leaning against a lamppost with a cigarette

a pretty narrow one.

use words when talking to other adults that

hanging out of the corner of his mouth is very

they wouldn’t want their kids using. They try

disconcerting. But why?

from what they expect of other adults.

Innocence is also open-mindedness. We want kids to be innocent so they can continue to

to hide even the existence of these words for as long as they can. And this is another of

One reason we want kids to be innocent is

learn. Paradoxical as it sounds, there are

those conspiracies everyone participates in:

that we’re programmed to like certain kinds of

some kinds of knowledge that get in the way

everyone knows you’re not supposed to swear

helplessness. I’ve several times heard mothers

of other kinds of knowledge. If you’re going

in front of kids.

say they deliberately refrained from correcting

to learn that the world is a brutal place full

their young children’s mispronunciations

of people trying to take advantage of one

I’ve never heard more different explanations

because they were so cute. And if you think

another, you’re better off learning it last.

for anything parents tell kids than why they

about it, cuteness is helplessness. Toys and

Otherwise you won’t bother learning much

shouldn’t swear. Every parent I know forbids

cartoon characters meant to be cute always


their children to swear, and yet no two of them

have clueless expressions and stubby,

have the same justification. It’s clear most

ineffectual limbs.

make up the reason afterward.

Very smart adults often seem unusually innocent, and I don’t think this is a

start with not wanting kids to swear, then It’s not surprising we’d have an inborn desire

coincidence. I think they’ve deliberately

to love and protect helpless creatures,

avoided learning about certain things.

So my theory about what’s going on is that

considering human offspring are so helpless

Certainly I do. I used to think I wanted to know

the function of swearwords is to mark the

for so long. Without the helplessness that

everything. Now I know I don’t.

speaker as an adult. There’s no difference

makes kids cute, they’d be very annoying.

in the meaning of “shit” and “poopoo.” So

They’d merely seem like incompetent adults.


After sex, death is the topic adults lie most

Along with such outright lies, there must

conspicuously about to kids. Sex I believe

have been a lot of changing the subject when

they conceal because of deep taboos. But

death came up. I can’t remember that, of

why do we conceal death from kids? Probably

course, but I can infer it from the fact that I

because small children are particularly

didn’t really grasp I was going to die till I was

horrified by it. They want to feel safe, and

about 19. How could I have missed something

death is the ultimate threat.

so obvious for so long? Now that I’ve seen parents managing the subject, I can see how:

One of the most spectacular lies our parents

questions about death are gently but firmly

told us was about the death of our first cat.

turned aside.

Over the years, as we asked for more details, they were compelled to invent more, so the

On this topic, especially, they’re met half-way

story grew quite elaborate. The cat had died

by kids. Kids often want to be lied to. They

at the vet’s office. Of what? Of the anaesthesia

want to believe they’re living in a comfortable,

itself. Why was the cat at the vet’s office?

safe world as much as their parents want

To be fixed. And why had such a routine

them to believe it.

operation killed it? It wasn’t the vet’s fault; the cat had a congenitally weak heart; the anaesthesia was too much for it; but there was no way anyone could have known this in advance. It was not till we were in our twenties that the truth came out: my sister, then about three, had accidentally stepped on the cat and broken its back. They didn’t feel the need to tell us the cat was now happily in cat heaven. My parents never claimed that people or animals who died had “gone to a better place,” or that we’d meet them again. It didn’t seem to harm us. My grandmother told us an edited version of the death of my grandfather. She said they’d been sitting reading one day, and when she said something to him, he didn’t answer. He seemed to be asleep, but when she tried to rouse him, she couldn’t. “He was gone.” Having a heart attack sounded like falling asleep. Later I learned it hadn’t been so neat, and the heart attack had taken most of a day to kill him.


One reason this works so well is the second kind of lie involved. The truth is common property. You can’t distinguish your group by doing things that are rational, and believing things that are true. If you want to set yourself apart from other people, you have to do things that are arbitrary, and believe things that are false. And after having spent their whole lives doing things that are arbitrary and believing things that are false, and being regarded Some parents feel a strong adherence to an

as odd by “outsiders” on that account, the

ethnic or religious group and want their kids to

cognitive dissonance pushing children to

feel it too. This usually requires two different

regard themselves as Xes must be enormous.

kinds of lying: the first is to tell the child that

If they aren’t an X, why are they attached to

he or she is an X, and the second is whatever

all these arbitrary beliefs and customs? If they

specific lies Xes differentiate themselves by

aren’t an X, why do all the non-Xes call them



Telling a child they have a particular ethnic or

This form of lie is not without its uses. You can

religious identity is one of the stickiest things

use it to carry a payload of beneficial beliefs,

you can tell them. Almost anything else you

and they will also become part of the child’s

tell a kid, they can change their mind about

identity. You can tell the child that in addition

later when they start to think for themselves.

to never wearing the color yellow, believing

But if you tell a kid they’re a member of a

the world was created by a giant rabbit, and

certain group, that seems nearly impossible

always snapping their fingers before eating

to shake.

fish, Xes are also particularly honest and industrious. Then X children will grow up

This despite the fact that it can be one of the

feeling it’s part of their identity to be honest

most premeditated lies parents tell. When

and industrious.

parents are of different religions, they’ll often agree between themselves that their children

This probably accounts for a lot of the spread

will be “raised as Xes.” And it works. The kids

of modern religions, and explains why their

obligingly grow up considering themselves as

doctrines are a combination of the useful and

Xes, despite the fact that if their parents had

the bizarre. The bizarre half is what makes

chosen the other way, they’d have grown up

the religion stick, and the useful half is the

considering themselves as Ys.



One of the least excusable reasons adults

but I must have been told a lot of lies of this type

lie to kids is to maintain power over them.

by teachers, because I rarely heard a teacher say

Sometimes these lies are truly sinister, like a

“I don’t know” till I got to college. I remember

child molester telling his victims they’ll get in

because it was so surprising to hear someone say

trouble if they tell anyone what happened to

that in front of a class.

them. Others seem more innocent; it depends how badly adults lie to maintain their power,

The first hint I had that teachers weren’t

and what they use it for.

omniscient came in sixth grade, after my father contradicted something I’d learned in school.

Most adults make some effort to conceal their

When I protested that the teacher had said the

flaws from children. Usually their motives

opposite, my father replied that the guy had no

are mixed. For example, a father who has an

idea what he was talking about—that he was just

affair generally conceals it from his children.

an elementary school teacher, after all.

His motive is partly that it would worry them, partly that this would introduce the topic of

Just a teacher? The phrase seemed almost

sex, and partly (a larger part than he would

grammatically ill-formed. Didn’t teachers know

admit) that he doesn’t want to tarnish himself

everything about the subjects they taught? And if

in their eyes.

not, why were they the ones teaching us?

But because adults conceal their flaws, and

The sad fact is, US public school teachers don’t

at the same time insist on high standards

generally understand the stuff they’re teaching

of behavior for kids, a lot of kids grow up

very well. There are some sterling exceptions,

feeling they fall hopelessly short. They walk

but as a rule people planning to go into teaching

around feeling horribly evil for having used a

rank academically near the bottom of the college

swearword, while in fact most of the adults

population. So the fact that I still thought at age

around them are doing much worse things.

11 that teachers were infallible shows what a job the system must have done on my brain.

This happens in intellectual as well as moral questions. The more confident people are, the more willing they seem to be to answer a question “I don’t know.” Less confident people feel they have to have an answer or they’ll look bad. My parents were pretty good about admitting when they didn’t know things,


years about him. I wonder if it wouldn’t have been better just to tell us the truth: that there weren’t any famous black scientists. Ranking George Washington Carver with Einstein misled us not only about science, but about the obstacles blacks faced in his time. As subjects got softer, the lies got more frequent. By the time you got to politics and recent history, what we were taught was pretty much pure propaganda. For example, we were taught to regard political leaders as saints— especially the recently martyred Kennedy and King. It was astonishing to learn later that they’d both been serial womanizers, and What kids get taught in school is a complex

that Kennedy was a speed freak to boot. (By

mix of lies. The most excusable are those

the time King’s plagiarism emerged, I’d lost

told to simplify ideas to make them easy to

the ability to be surprised by the misdeeds of

learn. The problem is, a lot of propaganda

famous people.)

gets slipped into the curriculum in the name of simplification.

I doubt you could teach kids recent history without teaching them lies, because

Public school textbooks represent a

practically everyone who has anything to

compromise between what various powerful

say about it has some kind of spin to put on

groups want kids to be told. The lies are rarely

it. Much recent history consists of spin. It

overt. Usually they consist either of omissions

would probably be better just to teach them

or of over-emphasizing certain topics at

metafacts like that.

the expense of others. The view of history we got in elementary school was a crude

Probably the biggest lie told in schools,

hagiography, with at least one representative

though, is that the way to succeed is through

of each powerful group.

following “the rules.” In fact most such rules are just hacks to manage large groups

The famous scientists I remember were


Einstein, Marie Curie, and George Washington Carver. Einstein was a big deal because his work led to the atom bomb. Marie Curie was involved with X-rays. But I was mystified about Carver. He seemed to have done stuff with peanuts. It’s obvious now that he was on the list because he was black (and for that matter that Marie Curie was on it because she was a woman), but as a kid I was confused for


Of all the reasons we lie to kids, the most powerful is probably the same mundane reason they lie to us. Often when we lie to people it’s not part of any conscious strategy, but because they’d react violently to the truth. Kids, almost by definition, lack self-control. They react violently to things— and so they get lied to a lot. A few Thanksgivings ago, a friend of mine found himself in a situation that perfectly illustrates the complex motives we have when we lie to kids. As the roast turkey appeared on the table, his alarmingly perceptive 5 year old son suddenly asked if the turkey had wanted to die. Foreseeing disaster, my friend and his wife rapidly improvised: yes, the turkey had wanted to die, and in fact had lived its whole life with the aim of being their Thanksgiving dinner. And that (phew) was the end of that.

Whenever we lie to kids to protect them, we’re usually also lying to keep the peace. One consequence of this sort of calming lie is that we grow up thinking horrible things are normal. It’s hard for us to feel a sense of urgency as adults over something we’ve literally been trained not to worry about. When I was about 10 I saw a documentary on pollution that put me into a panic. It seemed the planet was being irretrievably ruined. I went to my mother afterward to ask if this was so. I don’t remember what she said, but she made me feel better, so I stopped worrying about it. That was probably the best way to handle a frightened 10 year old. But we should understand the price. This sort of lie is one of the main reasons bad things persist: we’re all trained to ignore them.


A sprinter in a race almost immediately enters a state called “oxygen debt.” His body switches to an emergency source of energy that’s faster than regular aerobic respiration. But this process builds up waste products that ultimately require extra oxygen to break down, so at the end of the race he has to stop and pant for a while to recover. We arrive at adulthood with a kind of truth debt. We were told a lot of lies to get us (and our parents) through our childhood. Some may have been necessary. Some probably weren’t. But we all arrive at adulthood with heads full of lies. There’s never a point where the adults sit you down and explain all the lies they told you. They’ve forgotten most of them. So if you’re going to clear these lies out of your head, you’re going to have to do it yourself. Few do. Most people go through life with bits of packing material adhering to their minds and never know it. You probably never can completely undo the effects of lies you were told as a kid, but it’s worth trying. I’ve found that whenever I’ve been able to undo a lie I was told, a lot of other things fell into place. Fortunately, once you arrive at adulthood you get a valuable new resource you can use to figure out what lies you were told. You’re now one of the liars. You get to watch behind the scenes as adults spin the world for the next generation of kids. The first step in clearing your head is to realize how far you are from a neutral observer. When I left high school I was, I thought, a complete skeptic. I’d realized high school was crap. I thought I was ready to question everything I knew. But among the many other things I was ignorant of was how much debris there already was in my head. It’s not enough to consider your mind a blank slate. You have to consciously erase it.



CHAPTER ONE: Hold hands and you will get pregnant -http://www.parents.com/parenting/gender-neutral-parenting/ You will become old when you stay in the water too long -http://wonderopolis.org/wonder/why-does-your-skin-get-wrinkly-in-water-2 Why is the Moon following me? -https://www.highlightskids.com/science-questions/why-does-moon-follow-me -http://www.wired.com/2010/09/why-does-the-moon-follow-me/ Coloured milk from similar coloured cows -http://www.iusedtobelieve.com/food/milk/chocolate_milk_brown_cows/ -http://bcdairy.ca/dairyfarmers/dairyclassroom/post/do-brown-cows-make-chocolate-milk/ -https://www.nextnature.net/2012/11/does-chocolate-milk-come-from-brown-cows-2/ -http://animalsmart.org/kids-zone/jr-animal-scientist-e-news/does-chocolate-milk-come-from-brown-cowsSwallowed gum will stay in your stomach for 7 years -http://kidshealth.org/kid/talk/yucky/swallowed_gum.html -http://science.howstuffworks.com/science-vs-myth/everyday-myths/gum-seven-years.htm -http://u.osu.edu/buckmdblog/2009/12/02/medical-mythbusters-does-gum-really-stay-in-your-stomach-for-7-years/ -http://www.yalescientific.org/2010/05/everyday-qa-can-gum-really-stay-in-your-stomach-for-7-years/

CHAPTER TWO: Finish your rice or your future partner will have pockmarks -https://www.reddit.com/r/singapore/comments/2tko44/alright_rsingapore_whats_the_weirdest_funniest_or/ Watching TV up-close can harm eyesight -http://kidshealth.org/parent/general/eyes/vision_facts_myths.html -http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/earth-talk-tv-eyesight/ Grown-ups are always correct -http://www.wordmonster.org/2012/09/20/because-i-said-so-the-argument-from-authority/ -https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argument_from_authority -http://www.sahaayta.org.nz/mg/201501/a_WHY_DO_ADULTS_THINK_THEY_ARE_ALWAYS_RIGHT_.html -http://ericabarker.com/guest-postwhy-parents-should-not-say-because-i-said-so/ Policemen catch naughty children -http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/durham-police-asking-parents-not-to-tell-misbehaving-childrenthey-will-be-sent-to-jail-divides-opinion-10274512.html -http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/11629334/Dont-warn-naughty-children-theyll-go-to-jail-policetell-parents.html http://www.todaysparent.com/kids/preschool/6-discipline-fallbacks-and-how-to-fix-them/ -http://www.empoweringparents.com/how-to-discipline-young-kids-effectively-4-tips-every-parent-can-take.php -http://www.loveourchildrenusa.org/parent_controlanger.php


You will grow a plant on your head if you swallowed a seed -http://www.whyzz.com/will-a-watermelon-grow-in-my-stomach-if-i-swallow-its-seeds -http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/04/14/watermelon-seeds-benefits_n_7054996.html -http://blog.homemade-baby-food-recipes.com/the-dangers-of-swallowing-fruit-seeds/ To activate night vision, eat thy carrot -http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/fact-or-fiction-carrots-improve-your-vision/ Eating fish roe makes you suck at math -http://newhouse.xm.fang.com/2012-03-02/7172345.htm -http://paleoleap.com/all-about-fish-eggs/ -https://nourishingourchildren.wordpress.com/2011/12/19/nutrient-dense-fish-roe/ You will turn into a pig if you sleep after eating a full meal -http://wenwen.sogou.com/z/q382741659.htm -http://www.zhihu.com/question/22619848 -http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/experts-sleep-after-meal-weight/ -http://www.livestrong.com/article/410000-do-you-get-fat-if-you-sleep-after-eating/ -http://www.chinahighlights.com/travelguide/chinese-zodiac/pig-chinese-zodiac-sign-symbolism.htm -http://www.livestrong.com/article/410000-do-you-get-fat-if-you-sleep-after-eating/ Parents “pick� up their children from the rubbish bin -http://www.kaixin001.com/repaste/9795808_7364836679.html -http://www.zhihu.com/question/26505430 -http://www.douban.com/group/topic/1408082/?start=200 Pointing at the moon will cause a cut on your ear -http://afspot.net/forum/topic/675460-pointing-at-the-moon/ -http://www.chinahistoryforum.com/blogs/

CHAPTER THREE: Every school has a haunted toiled -https://www.tradewindsimports.com/blog/entertainment/haunted-bathrooms-debunking-worlds-haunted-toilets/ -http://www.xojane.com/fun/japanese-bathroom-ghosts The mystery of the Tooth Fairy -http://www.salon.com/2014/02/09/dont_tell_the_kids_the_real_history_of_the_tooth_fairy/ What about Easter Bunny and its basket of eggs? -http://www.history.com/topics/holidays/easter-symbols -http://www.gotquestions.org/easter-bunny-eggs.html Santa Claus is coming to town -http://www.unmuseum.org/santa.html Are fairies real? -http://www.livescience.com/25413-fairies.html


Alien invasion only in America -http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?t=511949 -http://www.iusedtobelieve.com/the_past/history/world_was_black_and_white/

CHAPTER FOUR: It used to be a black and white world -http://www.knowitall.org/kidswork/etv/history/television_inv/ -http://www.ask.com/history/first-black-white-television-invented-1f23b05c4a2fc1a Geniuses wear specs -http://www.science20.com/news_articles/people_who_wear_glasses_really_are_smarter-139427 -http://elitedaily.com/news/world/people-wear-glasses-smarter-study/964248/ -http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2676252/Wear-glasses-Then-youre-probably-SMART-Educatedpeople-likely-suffer-sight-problems-claims-study.html Cartoon characters are real -http://www.thenews.com.pk/Todays-News-6-128111-Effects-of-cartoons-on-children%E2%80%99s-psychology-&behaviour-patterns -http://www.disboards.com/threads/what-to-say-to-child-if-they-ask-if-mickey-is-wearing-a-costume-and-issomeone-inside.3379926/ -http://eric.ed.gov/?id=ED437207 -http://www.sahajayogaportal.org/en/family-school/children-cartoon-characters.html Spinach makes you stronger -http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/health-news/popeye-had-it-right-spinach-really-doesmake-you-stronger-2201458.html All dogs are male, all cats are female -http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FemaleFelineMaleMutt Where is my Prince Charming? -http://thoughtcatalog.com/taylor-geslak/2014/10/is-disneys-version-of-true-love-just-a-lie/ -http://therumpus.net/2012/05/the-trouble-with-prince-charming-or-he-who-trespassed-against-us/ -http://thoughtcatalog.com/corinda-katz/2014/06/its-time-we-redefined-happily-ever-after/ -http://knockeddownstillstanding.com/2015/02/13/the-problem-with-looking-for-prince-charming/ Bad-looking guys are bad people -http://www.forbes.com/sites/freekvermeulen/2011/04/22/criminals-are-ugly-yes-really/ -http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/books/3625972/Beautiful-people-good-ugly-people-bad.html My toys are alive, So what if toys DO come alive? -http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Headscratchers/ToyStory -http://jravity1.hubpages.com/hub/5-Reasons-the-toys-from-Toy-Story-are-terrifying


CHAPTER FIVE: Crying means you are weak -http://www.webmd.com/balance/features/why-we-cry-the-truth-about-tearing-up?page=2 -http://www.theglobeandmail.com/life/relationships/why-my-ability-to-cry-daily-is-my-favourite-thing-about-myself/ article23536934/ We had at least one imaginary friend -http://www.babble.com/toddler/imaginary-friends-early-child-development-imagination/ -https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/growing-friendships/201301/imaginary-friends If you are bad in your studies, you are stupid -http://elitedaily.com/life/motivation/why-the-ones-who-have-bad-grades-are-often-the-ones-who-are-mostsuccessful/ My blanket protects me from monsters under my bed -http://health.heraldtribune.com/2013/04/01/separation-anxiety-independence-and-security-blankets/ -http://www.selfgrowth.com/articles/the-psychology-of-security-blankets -http://psychology.jrank.org/pages/561/Security-Objects.html -http://www.theguardian.com/science/2007/mar/09/psychology.uknews New clothes transforms me into a Superhero -http://www.thenational.ae/lifestyle/family/is-playing-superhero-good-for-kids -http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2015/04/wearing-a-suit-makes-people-think-differently/391802/ -http://www.nytimes.com/2012/04/03/science/clothes-and-self-perception.html?_r=0

CHAPTER SIX: Young children are especially trusting of things they are told -http://www.psychologicalscience.org/index.php/news/releases/young-children-are-especially-trusting-of-thingstheyre-told.html Out of the mouths of the babes (by Justin L. Barrette) -http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/belief/2008/nov/25/religion-children-god-belief Lies we tell kids (by Paul Graham) -http://www.paulgraham.com/lies.html


What did you believe as a young kid? That if you swallowed a gum, it will stay in your stomach for seven years? That if you did not finish your rice, your future lover will have pockmarks? No matter how silly these stories are, many of us cannot deny that we have at least heard of some them, if not all of them...

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