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CKW2 x x Clara EspaĂąa Ramon BA Fashion Marketing and Communication Level 5, 2016-2017 Digital Fashion Comm. & Mark. Cristina Lastra, Mariana Rumayor, Casilda Diaz x x xx Bustamante, J.A Guerrero, Silvia xxCambra.

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Intro 1.- COPY STRATEGY Audience Benefit Promise 2.- COMMUNICATION MIX Advertising Campaign Strategy Brief - Storytelling - Video Storyboard - Paid Media Planning Social Network Strategy Brief - Content Strategy - Planning PR & Events – PRTools Strategy Brief - Press Release - Videos - Events - Planning 3.- BUDGET

Introduction For the second part of the project, the aim is to develop a communication plan for the campaign created in CWK1 which was Auria x H&M. The goal for this part is to communicate and transmit the message of sustainability as a transparent and truthful statement for H&M, in order to catch the part of their audience they were not attracting before because of their lack of liability in sustainability and ethic’s matters.

1.- COPY STRATEGY Audience The collection is focused to reach the audience that H&M wasn’t catching before. This audience cares and believes in things that the brand wasn’t doing before, and once done didn’t communicate well enough to reach it. The profile of the target for the collection is the main profile of H&M, but focusing on the women who take care for clothes that are sustainable in their process, and therefore are not consumers of the brand. Benefit Fast Fashion caring and investing in supporting a young designer and sustainability. Purchasing items that fit with their beliefs, ethic and morals. Being able to create swimwear pieces without causing such a bad impact on the world as other brands do. Supporting sustainability at a more affordable price. Transparency in the process of production. The “irony” of creating pieces of swimwear from something thathis affecting the place where the product will be used, the ocean. Promise The importance of taking care of the ocean and its marine fauna. This collection will save the lives of ocean creatures being tied on fishing nets, it will bring awareness to this issue. Making a change to help the world become a better world and to have a better future.

2.- COMMUNICATION MIX Advertising Campaign Strategy Brief The brief for the advertising campaign for Auria x H&M will be launched as a Spring Summer campaign, specifically in May 2nd. Therefore, the campaign will go on from April 20th till May 5th. The campaign is based in Spain in the two key cities of Barcelona and Madrid, and the target profile for this campaign is to reach the usual audience for a normal awareness of a collaboration collection and secure the sales from their already customers, and the part of the target that was not purchasing from the multiband before because of conscious reasons. Storytelling The key words to describe the storytelling of the campaign and specially the video are the following:

Nature, Water, Beach, Giving Back to the Earth, Sustainability, Trendy and Fashionable, Accessible, Ethic, Conscious

Video Storyboard The idea for this second video, since in CWK1 we developed one already, is to give an image of a trendier side of the sustainable world, to prove that you can be fashionable and considerably updated on the trends at a lower cost for the environment. The video consists of different images passing through with a vivid song with lots of energy. These images would be like the ones below, showing nature in the ocean with sand, palm trees, seashells and the animal life, mixed with images of girls in bikini at beaches, and close-ups of body parts in or near water. At the end of these changing sceneries, there will be a picture of water moving by the waves and the words from the lemma of the campaign “From the sea, for the sea” (referencing to the swimwear being made from recycled fishing nets form the sea” The video will be posted on April 22nd on the Youtube Channel of H&M, where it will be shared on that week until the launch of the collection the 2nd of May on their social networks free of cost.

April 22nd Video Posted on H&M YT Channel

April 24th Video shared on H&M Socials: FB, IG, and website.

From the Sea, For the Sea.

Paid Media Planning

When it comes to Paid Media we went for a little section of the traditional media, only choosing two instead of going with everything possible. These are the two advertising strategies we went for: MAGAZINE Coverage A full page for each of these three fashion magazines in the version in Spain, with articles similar to the ones on the following page form the Alexander Wan collaboration with H&M three years ago. The magazines will post only one time about this collaboration each, in the month of April because releases the magazine two weeks before the launch of the collection and the event around April 20th. BILLBOARD The second media for the paid media will be the usage of buildings walls in construction in the city. The two places to display these advertisements will be in Plaza CataluĂąa in BARCELONA and Gran Via for MADRID. The billboards will stay up for 2 weeks, from the April 23rd until after the launch of the collection the 7th of May. April 20nd Publications of the Spanish Magazines

April 23rd - May 7th Billboards are up

Social Network Strategy Brief The use of social networks will be the more worked on for this campaign. Focusing on 2 main influencer profiles, Dulceida for Barcelona and Maria Pombo for Madrid, who will be the only ones posting about the event as a call-to-action in previous days alongside the profiles of the H&M and Auria. The other influencers used the posts online will be only posting regarding the event, on that same day. The Newtworks that will be used are the following, but the most potential will be Instagram and Youtube. And as for focused on Sustainability will play the part the Blogs.


INSTAGRAM and Planning Instagram will be the most used network, in a total of 24 influencers. 12 from Madrid and 12 from Barcelona, and the profile for H&M and Auria. The dates for the planning on the post are displayed in the timeline at the bottom of the page.

April 20th H&M Auria

April 24th H&M Auria

April 28th H&M Auria Dulceida

April 29th H&M Auria Maria Pombo

April 30th H&M Auria

May 1st H&M Auria

May 2nd H&M Auria Dulceida Maria Pombo And the rest of the 22 influencers with the post at the event

1- @ninauc with 649.000 followers. Fee of 900€ ( Attandance + 1 Post ) 2- @marcforne with 318.000 followers. Fee of 700€ ( Attandance + 1 Post ) 3- @martalozanop with 450.000 followers. Fee of 700€ ( Attandance + 1 Post ) 4- @belenhostalet with 467.000 followers. Fee of 800€ ( Attandance + 1 Post ) 5- @coconstans with 156.000 followers. Fee of 500€ ( Attandance + 1 Post ) 6- @ines_arroyo with 335.000 followers. Fee of 900€ ( Attandance + 1 Post ) 7- @gigi_vives with 249.000 followers. Fee of 600€ ( Attandance + 1 Post ) 8- @dulceida with 1.500.000 followers. Fee of 25.500€ ( Attandance + 1 Post ) 9- @ariviere with 77.100 followers. Fee of 250€ ( 1 Post ) 10- @carla_dipinto with 142.00 followers. Fee of 300€ ( 1 Post ) 11- @aresaixala with 75.600 followers. Fee of 250€ ( 1 Post ) INSTAGRAM POST ON THE EVENTS

12- @ariadnatb with 84.400 followers. Fee of 250€ ( 1 Post )

Post and attendance are payed for only the following:

13- @albamiro1 with 64.500 followers. Fee of 200€ ( 1 Post ) 14- @mariapombo with 361.000 followers. Fee of 5.500€ ( Attandance + 1 Post ) 15- @teresaandresgonzalvo with 264.000 followers. Fee of 600€ ( Attandance + 1 Post ) 16- @_anitamatamoros with 101.000 followers. Fee of 300€ ( Attandance + 1 Post ) 17- @marinaromerom with 161.000 followers. Fee of 500€ ( Attandance + 1 Post ) 18- @itziaraguilera with 126.000 followers. Fee of 450€ ( Attandance + 1 Post ) 19- @mariafrubies with 116.000 followers. Fee of 400€ ( Attandance + 1 Post ) 20- @allisguijarro with 111.000 followers. Fee of 400€ (Attandance + 1 Post ) 21- @paula.loves with 72.200 followers. Fee of 200€ (1 Post ) 22- @teresa_bass with 66.300 followers. Fee of 200€ (1 Post ) 23- @trendactually with 88.900 followers. Fee of 200€ (1 Post ) 24- @rocioccamacho with 38.400 followers. Fee of 190€ (1 Post )

FACEBOOK and Planning Facebook will be the least used social network for the campaign. Since Facebook is not as strong tool when it comes to influencers and promotion. The only profile used will be the main profile from H&M and Auria.

BLOGS and Planning


Inviting 2 Bloggers in the Sustainable market to the event in different Madrid and in Barcelona. For Coverage on the collection in the areas of the market that H&M was lacking trust. The bloggers post about sustainable fashion in Spanish. The writers are invited to the event to hopefully post about the collection with Auria, and give us credibility in the community of sustainable fashion H&M was not reaching.

YOUTUBE and Planning

April 22nd “From the sea, for the Sea”Video Posted on H&M YT Channel

May 2nd Video from the event made by H&M on H&M’s Channel

May 3rd Video from the event made by Dulceida on Dulceida’s Channel

May 3rd Video from the event made by Maria Pombo on Maria Pombo’s Channel

PR & Events – PRTools Find below a press release example for the event in Barcelona in Paseo de Gracia.

- Press Release

H&M x Auria Campaig launch Event

H&M will host an event to launch the new collaboration collection for Spring Summer 2017. The brand chosen for the famous collaboration is a young designer from London, Auria, who stands out from other because of its sustainable and ethics apportation to the fashion market. Swimwears made from fishing nets left in the ocean that are killing the animal life underwater and the environment. The event will take place in Barcelona, at the Portal de Gracia Shop. Date and time of the event, will be on May 2nd, when the collection launches in Spain. Influencers attending the event will be the following: Dulceida, Ninauc, Marc Forne, Coco Constans, Ines Arroyo, Belen Hostalet, Gigi Vives, Carla Di Pinto, Ariadna Tapia, Alba Miro, Alex Riviere and Ares Aixala.

Contact: H&M Paseo de Gracia, Barcelona

- Events

Gift Box: As a gift for the guest for supporting the collaboration with Auria, it will be offered a rigid paper bag with the logo and a key chain with the logo aswell like the one on the right, which will be a exclusive item from the collaboration only give to the 30 guest on the event. The keychain and box cost goes up to 90â‚Ź per unit. Pictures: In the event there will be a photocall with a backround designed with the logo for the collection where the 30 guests will be able to take pictures and keep the origial physical copy. The company chosen for the photocall is SmileYou, that works in fashion events on a regular bases, for example the company has done events with brands like Guess and Cortefiel. The example of the photocall background and the camera from Simile You is on the last page of this section.



(Paid Attendance) (Paid Attendance)


The special events will be held in Madrid in the Gran Via store, and in Barcelona in the Paseo de Gracia store. It will be held on May 2nd for both events, since it is the day the brand launches the collection with the designer. Catering and Drinks will be offered, as well as a photographer and the video makers who will give the video for the brand to publish on the same day.

Marc FornĂŠ

Coco Constans

Ines Arroyo

Belen Hostalets

(Paid Attendance)

(Paid Attendance)

(Paid Attendance)

(Paid Attendance)

Gigi Vives

Carla Di Pinto

Ariadna Tapia

Alba Miró

Alex Riviere

Ares Aixala

(Paid Attendance) (Paid Attendance)

(Paid Attendance)

(Paid Attendance)

(Paid Attendance)

(Paid Attendance)

YOLANDA SACRISTÁN Director of Vogue Spain

Inmaculada Jiménez Creative Director of Elle Spain

Benedetta Poletti Director of Elle Spain

ALICIA PARRO Director of Glamour Spain

Carmen Garijo Subdirector of Glamour Spain

BELÉN ANTOLÍN Creative Director of Vogue Spain

Guestlist for the Event in Madrid

Maria Pombo (Paid Attendance)

Teresa Andres Gonzalvo (Paid Attendance)

Maria Fdez-Rubies Alicia Alameda (Paid Attendance)

Marta Lozano

Anita Matamoros

Marina Romero

(Paid Attendance)

Paula Loves

Itziar Aguilera (Paid Attendance)

Teresa Bass

Maria Tavera

Rocio Camacho

Yolanda Sacristan Director of Vogue Spain

Belén Antolín Creative Director of Vogue Spain

Inmaculada Jiménez Creative Director of Elle Spain

Benedetta Poletti Director of Elle Spain

Alicia Parro Director of Glamour Spain

Carmen Garijo Subdirector of Glamour Spain



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Referencies (2017). H&M group | About. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Jan. 2017]. AURIA. (2017). AURIA. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 Jan. 2017]. (2017). Contacto. [online] Available at: [Accessed 19 Jan. 2017]. Glamour. (2017). Quiénes somos. [online] Available at: [Accessed 19 Jan. 2017]. Vogue. (2017). Quiénes Somos. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Jan. 2017]. (2017). Sample Press Release - wikiHow. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Jan. 2017].

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