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A Newsletter for Radio Maria USA—National Volume 9 Number 3

March, 2016

The Cross is the Way to the Resurrection of Our Lord Dear Friends: During Lent, in this Jubilee Year of Mercy, the Church asks us to surrender to Prayer, Fasting, Almsgiving and the reading of the Word of God. In prayer it is very appropriate to meditate on the Passion of Our Lord. Of course this practice is not just restricted to Lent but to every day of the year. St. Alphonsus de Liguori, wrote in his work Meditations on the Passion of Jesus Christ: "He who desires", says St. Bonaventure, "to go on advancing from virtue to virtue, from grace to grace, should meditate continually on the Passion of Jesus." And he adds "there is no practice more profitable for the entire sanctification of the soul than the frequent meditation of the sufferings of Jesus Christ." Lent reminds us what Our Lord had suffered for our sake in His great mercy for us. The 40 days of Lent recall the 40 days that Jesus spent in the desert as he was tempted by the devil. “Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil. He fasted for forty days and forty nights, and afterwards he was hungry.” (Mt. 4:1-2) Just with this passage the Lord teaches to reject temptation. “The tempter approached and said to him, “If you are the Son of God, command that these stones become loaves of bread. He said in reply, it is written: ‘One does not live by

bread alone, but by every word that comes forth from the mouth of God.’” (Mt. 4:3-4) Our life is far more dependent on the will of God than on material food. We are to have confidence in God with filial trust, and not to be easily enticed by the vanity of the devil, the world or the flesh. Only God can give real happiness and blessings. Jesus teaches the way of humiliation rather than of triumphs. The ultimate sacrifice that Jesus made was that of the Cross in obedience to the Father to save us from our sins. He took our place on the cross. Meditating on the great love made by Jesus in his passion and death, we recognize how much He has loved us to save us from eternal damnation. We are to deny ourselves by dying to sin and repent. We are invited to make acts of penances and mortification in expiation of our sins and those of others. We can experience God’s Mercy in Confession that prepares us to receive worthily the Body and Blood of Christ in the Eucharist. As we are in our Heartwarming Campaign, I am asking those of you who have not committed your-

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selves yet, for your generous and sacrificial donation. Because of the costs of keeping our Radio, I ask for your support, our devoted listeners, to help raise at least $80,000. As you know, Radio Maria lives only thanks to the support and generosity of its listeners, like you. Call us now at 888408-0201 to pledge your donation. You may pledge by phone, or visit our web site: and donate online. Thank you in advance for helping Our Lady to help us. With great hope and joy, in union with Our Lady, we know that the Passion and Death of Our Lord on the Cross led to His Resurrection. With the staff and volunteers of Radio Maria, I wish you a Joyful and Blessed Easter to you and your loved ones. Blessings,

Fr. John Tino

Examination of Conscience During the season of Lent, the Church invites us to make use of the Sacrament of Penance. Below is a guide taken from the Rite of Penance, Appendix III to help make a worthy confession. In an examination of conscience, before the Sacrament of Penance, each individual should ask him or herself these questions in particular:

avoid dangers to faith? Have I been always strong and fearless in professing my faith in God and the Church? Have I been willing to be known as a Christian in private and public life? 3. Have I prayed morning and evening? When I pray, do I really raise my mind and heart to God or is it a matter of words only? Do I offer God my difficulties, my joys, and my sorrows? Do I turn to God in time of temptation? 4. Have I love and reverence for God's name? Have I offended Him in blasphemy, swearing falsely, or taking His name in vain? Have I shown disrespect for the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Saints? 5. Do I keep Sundays and feast days holy by taking a full part, with attention and devotion, in the liturgy, and especially in the Mass? Have I fulfilled the precept of annual confession and of communion during the Easter season?

1. What is my attitude to the Sacrament of Penance? Do I sincerely want to be set free from sin, to turn again to God, to begin a new life, and to enter into a deeper friendship with God? Or do I look on it as a burden to be undertaken as seldom as possible? 2. Did I forget to mention, or deliberately conceal, any grave sins in past confessions? 3. Did I perform the penance I was given? Did I make reparation for any injury to others? Have I tried to put into practice my resolution to lead a better life in keeping with the Gospel? Each individual should examine his or her life in the light of God’s word. THE LORD SAYS: “You Shall Love the Lord Your God with Your Whole Heart.” 1. Is my heart set on God, so that I really love Him above all things and am faithful to His commandments, as a child loves its father? Or am I more concerned about the things of this world? Have I a right intention in what I do? 2. God spoke to us in Jesus. Is my faith in God firm and secure? Am I wholehearted in accepting the Church's teaching? Have I been careful to grow in my understanding of the faith, to hear God's word, to listen to instructions on the faith, to

6. Are there false gods that I worship by giving them greater attention and deeper trust than I give to God: money, superstition spiritism, or other occult practices? THE LORD SAYS: "Love One Another as I have Loved You.” 1. Have I a genuine love for my neighbors? Or do I use them for my own ends, or do to them what I would not want done to myself? Have I given grave scandal by my words or actions? 2. In my family life, have I contributed to the well-being and happiness of the rest of the family by patience and genuine love? Have I been obedient to parents, showing them proper respect and giving them help in their spiritual and material needs? Have I been careful to give a Christian upbringing to my children, and to help them by good example and by exercising authority as a parent? Have I been faithful to my wife (husband) in my heart and in my relations with others? 3. Do I share my possessions with the less fortunate? Do I do my best to help the victims of oppression, misfortune, and poverty? Or do I look down on my neighbor, especially the poor, the sick, the elderly, strangers, and people of other races?

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Examination of Conscience 4. Does my life reflect the mission I received in Confirmation? Do I share in the apostolic and charitable works of the Church and in the life of my Parish? Have I helped to meet the needs of the Church and of the world and prayed for them: for unity in the Church, for the spread of the Gospel among the nations, for peace and justice, etc.? 5. Am I concerned for the good and prosperity of the human community in which I live, or do I spend my life caring only for myself? Do I share to the best of my ability in the work of promoting justice, morality, harmony and love in human relations? Have I done my duty as a citizen? Have I paid my taxes? 6. In my work or profession am I just, hardworking, honest, serving society out of love for others? Have I paid a fair wage to my employees? Have I been faithful to my promises and contracts?

CHRIST OUR LORD SAYS: “Be Perfect as Your Father is Perfect.” 1. Where is my life really leading me? Is the hope of eternal life my inspiration? Have I tried to grow in the life of the Spirit through prayer, reading the word of God and meditating on it, receiving the sacraments, self-denial? Have I been anxious to control my vices, my bad inclinations and passions, e.g. envy, love of food and drink? Have I been proud and boastful, thinking myself better in the sight of God and despising others as less important than myself? Have I imposed my own will on others, without respecting their freedom and rights? 2. What use have I made of time, of health and strength, of the gifts God has given me to be used like the talents in the Gospel? Do I use them to become more perfect every day? Or have I been lazy and too much given to leisure?

7. Have I obeyed legitimate authority and given it due respect?

February 2, 2016 Message to Mirjana

8. If I am in a position of responsibility or authority, do I use this for my own advantage or for the good of others, in a spirit of service?

"Dear children, I have called you and am calling you anew to come to know my Son, to come to know the truth. I am with you and am praying for you to succeed.

9. Have I been truthful and fair, or have I injured others by deceit, calumny, detraction, rash judgment, or violation of a secret? 10. Have I done violence to others by damage to life or limb, reputation, honor, or material possessions? Have l involved them in loss? Have I been responsible for advising an abortion or procuring one? Have I kept up hatred for others? Am I estranged from others through quarrels, enmity, insults, anger? Have I been guilty of refusing to testify to the innocence of another because of selfishness? 11. Have I stolen the property of others? Have I desired it unjustly and inordinately? Have I damaged it? Have I made restitution of other people's property and made good their loss? 12. If I have been injured, have I been ready to make peace for the love of Christ and to forgive, or do I harbor hatred and the desire for revenge?

My children, you must pray much in order to have all the more love and patience; to know how to endure sacrifice and to be poor in spirit. Through the Holy Spirit, my Son is always with you. His Church is born in every heart that comes to know Him. Pray that you can come to know my Son; pray that your soul may be one with Him. That is the prayer and the love which draws others and makes you my apostles. I am looking at you with love, with a motherly love. I know you; I know your pain and sorrows, because I also suffered in silence. My faith gave me love and hope. I repeat, the Resurrection of my Son and my Assumption into Heaven is hope and love for you. Therefore, my children, pray to come to know the truth; to have firm faith which will lead your heart and which will transform your pain and sufferings into love and hope. Thank you.”

601 Washington Street ● Alexandria, LA 71301

The Chaplet of the Divine Mercy 1. Opening Prayers: First, make the Sign of the Cross. Touch the forehead, then the chest, then the left shoulder, then the right shoulder, while saying:

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Recite this opening prayer once:

You expired, O Jesus, but the Source of Life gushed forth for souls and the Ocean of Mercy opened up for the whole world. O Fount of Life, unfathomable Divine Mercy, envelop the whole world and empty Yourself out upon us.

On the single large bead (before each set of ten smaller beads) recite:

O Blood and Water, which gushed forth from the Heart of Jesus as a fount of mercy for us, I trust in You.

Eternal Father, I offer You the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearly beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world. Then, on each of the ten smaller beads, recite:

Then recite one Our Father, one Hail Mary, and the Apostles’ Creed:

For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world.

Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

(Alternate version of this prayer: For the sake of Jesus Christ’s sorrowful Passion and death on the Cross, have mercy on us and on the whole world.)

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

O Blood and Water, which gushed forth from the Heart of Jesus as a fount of mercy for us, I trust in You.

Recite the following prayer three times:

Apostles Creed: I believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended to the dead. On the third day, he rose again. He ascended into Heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.

2. The Decades of the Chaplet: After the Opening Prayers, the next prayers are said in sets of ten, called ‘decades.’ A set of five decades is called a ‘chaplet.’ The prayers are said using ordinary Rosary beads.

After each set of ten prayers, many persons add:

Repeat the above set of prayers, called a decade, five times to complete one Divine Mercy Chaplet.

3. Closing Prayers: Recite the following prayer three times: Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One, have mercy on us and on the whole world. Then recite this closing prayer: Eternal God, Your Mercy is endless, and Your treasury of compassion is inexhaustible. Look with kindness upon us and increase Your Mercy within us, so that, in difficult moments, we may not despair, nor become despondent, but may, with great confidence, submit ourselves to Your Holy Will, which is Love and Mercy itself. Amen. Finally, make the Sign of the Cross again: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. (please copy and distribute this sheet everywhere)

601 Washington Street ● Alexandria, LA 71301

Radio Maria USA Fundraising Gala Honorary Members Most. Rev. Timothy Cardinal Dolan Archbishop of New York Most Rev. Francis Chullikat Apostolic Nunzio at the UN Most Rev. Nicholas Di Marzio Bishop of Brooklyn/Queens NY Hon. Thomas Di Napoli NY State Comptroller

Radio Maria USA 21 Oliver Street, New York, NY 10038 Tel: (212) 233-8040—Fax: (212) 233-8046 Email: Website:

Board of Trustees Mr. Carlo Di Maggio, Nat. President Rev. John Tino, Director Mr. Vittorio Viccardi, WF President Dr. Florinda Iannace, Nat. Secretary Mrs. Mary Pyper, Treasurer Ms. Alicia Del Cid, Board Member

2016 Fundraising Gala

SUNDAY, April 10, 2016, 12:30 p.m. Floral Terrace, 250 Jericho Turnpike, Floral Park, NY (516) 488-2626

Past Honorees Most Rev. Renato Cardinal Martino Most Rev. Francis Chullikatt Most Rev. Celestino Migliore Hon. Thomas P. DiNapoli Rev. Peter Pilsner Dr. Madeline Mignone Mr. Lou DiCerbo Mr. Luigi Vittadini Mr. Giovanni Vairo Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Calvi Hon. Robert P. Astorino Sr. Carol Wagner, R.D.C. Mr. Robert Antonucci, P.E. Mr. & Mrs. Rocco Maiorano Mr. Charlie Vaccaro


Msgr. David L. Cassato

Pastor of St. Athanasius Church / Administrator of St. Dominic RC Church

Mr. Frank Caruso Real Estate Developer

Dr. Pasquale Perretta

President of Belmont Realty, LLC

Prof. Joseph A. Tursi

Author, Professor Emeritus — Stony Brook University


Gala Dinner Committee Mr. Carlo Di Maggio Rev. John Tino Ms. Maria Biancavilla, Chairperson Dr. Florinda M. Iannace Rev. Walter Tonelotto Mr. Giorgio Castoldi Mr. Michael Vento Mr. John Lofrumento Mrs. Anna Maria Tenaglia Mr. Egidio Capobianco Hon. John Barone Prof. Georgine Hoar Mr. Charlie Dumas Ms. Angela Spinelli Mr. Renzo Mazzotti Mr. Hugo Crespo


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6:00AM 6:30AM





Angelus, Holy Rosary with Various Bishops, Litany Full Rosary

Reflection on the Sunday Gospel

Food for the Journey, Sr. Ann Shields

Pope John Paul II


Fr. John Tino

Morning Prayer & Holy Rosary




Morning Prayers

Morning Office of the Liturgy of the Hours (Lauds) and Preparation for Holy Mass


Reflection on the Sunday Gospel

Sacrifice of the Holy Mass


God's Word Alive: Sunday's Readings

Fr. John Tino Living the Lectionary (Sun. Mass Readings)

The Healing Mercy of God

Healing Through the Mass

The Catechism of the Catholic Church

Fr. Rick Nieberding

Fr. Duane Stenzel

Fr. John Fletcher

God's Word Alive: Sunday's Readings

Kethleen Keefe

Tom Webb









Fr. John Tino

Fr. John Tino

Fr. John Tino

Fr. John Tino

Fr. John Tino

Fr. John Tino

Fr. John Tino


Sacrifice of the Holy Mass

Living Out The Sacrament of Marriage

Engaging Men for the New Evangelization

Marian Apparitions

Moral Issues in Healthcare & Science

Greg Schutte

Joshua Danis

Renewing Our Faith

Religion and Architecture

Dcn. Bill Brennan

Michael Molinelli

Quest for a Culture of Life in America

Living the Spirituality of the Most Precious Blood

Steve Koob

Francesca Franchina


time varies by week


Morning Prayers & Holy Rosary


Tom Webb


Mary Pyper

Fr. Joseph Howard

The Flame of Love (1st, 3rd, 5th) Chuck Webster

The Good News Hour: Personal Testimonies (2nd, 4th)

Aim High Fr. Jason Kulczynski

Becoming a Joyful Mystic Dr. Mary Amore

Crossing the Threshold of Hope By St. John Paul II

9:00AM 9:30AM



Fr. Howard

Pro-Life Activism from Creation to Death

Will of God: Writings of Luisa Piccarreta

Jim Sedlak

Fr. Robert Young


Mary Bond

Noon 12:30PM

Litany / Vatican News


Christian Witnesses in the Church

Food for the Journey - Sr. Ann Shields / Vatican News

Alyssa Bormes


Scripture in Family Life Allan Wright

Faith and Fitness

Spirit and Truth Live


Dr. John Acquaviva

Joe Patch

Kelly Pease Lombardi

Marian Studies & Spirituality

Sacred Treasures In The Church

Be Your Best As A Catholic Christian

Spirituality of Fatherhood

Meet the Author

St. Augustine's Confessions

Kathie Duggan

John Wright

Chris Padgett

Ken Huck

Fr. Joseph Koterski








Forming Faithful Families James Littleton

Marian Library at UD

Message of Our Lady of Fatima for Today Dcn. Bob Ellis


Divine Mercy: Diary of St. Faustina Kowalska


Fr. John O'Brien

Jesus: the Promised Messiah 3:00PM of Judaism Roy Schoeman


Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Holy Rosary, Music & Inspiration

Randy Albright

Prayer Time: Call-in to Request Prayers

Marian Apparitions

Holiness in Sexuality

Mary Pyper

Bonnie Kron

Catholic Country

The Healing Mercy of God

Family Caregiving

Kethleen Keefe

Warren Hebert

Mary Bond

The Catholic "Take" on Truth & Culture

Carmelite Spirituality Conversations

Fr. Peter Pilsner

Mark Danis & Frances Harry

Gospel of Life: Pro-Life Issues

Prayer Time: Call-in to Request Prayers

Gospel of St. John Reflections

Fr. John O'Brien

Fr. John Fletcher

The Lives of Extraordinary Apologetics Saints Understanding Catholicism

Priests for Life

Fr. Thomas Morrow

Jimmy Seghers

Eucharist, Mercy and Saints

The Joy of Discovery in Sacred Scripture

Putting Faith and Hope in Your Job Search

Hal Fletcher

Robin Brun

Kathlene Beckman

Liturgy of the Hours (Vespers) Holy Rosary, Litany

Christians in a Hostile World: Morality of Contemporary Issues

The News That Doesn't Make the News

Spirituality & Writings of Pope St. John Paul II

Pope Francis' Encyclical: Laudato Si

Fr. Walter Tonelotto

Dcn. Philip Franco

Fr. Vincent Euk

Catechism of the Catholic Church

Pro-Life Activism from Creation to Death

Scripture in Family Life

Fr. Joseph Koterski

Jim Sedlak

Allan Wright

Faith and Finances

Your Health

Thomas Zordani

Dr. Domenico Mignone

Jesus: the Promised Messiah The Healing Mercy of God of Judaism Kethleen Keefe

Sacrifice of the Holy Mass


Forming Faithful Families


James Littleton

Marilyn Heller

Occult And The New Age Fr. James Reynolds

Liturgy of the Hours (Vespers), Holy Rosary, Vatican News




Angelus, Midday Office of the Liturgy of the Hours & Holy Rosary

Catechism of the Catholic Church Fr. Joseph Koterski

Carmelite Spirituality Conversations

Liturgy of the Hours (Vespers), Holy Rosary, Litany


Occult And The New Age


Fr. James Reynolds

Will of God: Writings of Luisa Piccarreta

Pro-Life Activism from Creation to Death

Fr. Robert Young

Jim Sedlak

Roy Schoeman


Mark Danis & Frances Harry



Night Prayer (Compline)








Fr. John Tino

Fr. John Tino

Fr. John Tino

Fr. John Tino

Fr. John Tino

Fr. John Tino

Fr. John Tino


Holy Rosary and Litany




Message of Our Lady of Fatima for Today Dcn. Bob Ellis

Healing Through the Mass

Reflection on the Gospel

The Catechism of the Catholic Church

God's Word Alive & Active

Reflection on the Gospel

Fr. Duane Stenzel

Fr. John Tino

Fr. John Fletcher

Tom Webb

Fr. John Tino









The Healing Mercy of God

Christian Witnesses in the Church

Meet the Author

Sacred Treasures

Kethleen Keefe

Living Out The Sacrament of Marriage

Marian Apparitions

Kelly Pease Lombardi

Greg Schutte

Alyssa Bormes

Mary Pyper

Ken Huck

Kathy Duggan

Carmelite Spirituality Conversations

Gospel of Life: Pro-Life Issues

Divine Mercy: Diary of St. Faustina Kowalska

Putting Faith and Hope in Your Job Search

Eucharist, Mercy and Saints

Mark Danis & Frances Harry

Priests for Life

Fr. John O'Brien

Robin Brun


Marian Apparitions

Scripture in Family Life

Spirit and Truth Live

Mary Pyper

Be Your Best As A Catholic Christian

Religion and Architecture

Fr. John Tino

Michael Molinelli

Allan Wright

Joe Patch

The Flame of Love

Quest for a Culture of Life in America

Chuck Webster

The Good News Hour: Personal Testimonies

Steve Koob

Kathlene Beckman




Mary Bond


Living the Spirituality of the Most Precious Blood Francesca Franchina





John Wright


Chaplet of Divine Mercy (3am) / Holy Rosary (3:20am)

Chris Padgett

Moral Issues in Healthcare & Science

St. Augustine's Confessions

Meet the Author

Fr. Joseph Koterski

Ken Huck

Spirituality of Fatherhood

Fr. Joseph Howard

White = Live Programing

Renewing Our Faith Dcn. Bill Brennan

Engaging Men for the New Eucharist, Mercy and Saints Evangelization Kathlene Beckman

Catholic Country

Faith and Fitness

Randy Albright

Dr. John Acquaviva

Joshua Danis

Putting Faith and Hope in Your Job Search

Will of God: Writings of Luisa Piccarreta

Crossing the Threshold of Hope By St. John Paul II

Robin Brun

Fr. Robert Young

Fr. Howard



Apologetics Jesus: the Promised Messiah 6:00AM Understanding Catholicism of Judaism

Blue = Prerecorded Programing

Jimmy Seghers

Roy Schoeman

March 1, 2016


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